Special Collections and Archives



MsC 711

Collection Dates: (1923 -- 1970)
1 ft.

Collection Guide

This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Warren Lovel Van Dine

Guide Contents

Administrative Information

Biographical and Historical Information

Scope and Contents of the Collection

Related Materials

Acquisition and Processing Information

Box Contents List

Administrative Information

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Warren Lovel Van Dine was born on November 25, 1902 in Fountain Green Township, Illinois. He was born on his grandfather's farm in the same bedroom that his mother, Flora Ellen Salisbury, was born. Warren Van Dine grew up in Burnside, Illinois in the house built by his father, Herbert R. Van Dine. After graduating from the State University of Iowa (the University of Iowa) in 1924 with a B.A. from the Liberal Arts College, Van Dine devoted himself to the Mormon church and to the Sons of the American Revolution. He also worked as an editor for two poetry journals; Much Ado in the early 1930's and Upward in the late 1930's. Unchanging Gold, a book of poems by Van Dine, was published in 1938. Van DIne authored several short stories and newspaper articles. He also wrote extensively about unusual weather in Hancock County, Illinois and about Hancock County history. For a large part of his life Van Dine was a member of the Revolutionary Graves Registry Committee and compiled lists of grave markers in county cemeteries for use by historians and genealogists. Van Dine remained a proud alumnus of the University of Iowa and appeared to be enamored with the state. He attended Alumni Weekend in Iowa City every year from 1959 and considered Iowa his home. He took great pride in representing Iowa in the 1925 publication of Poets of the Future with his sonnet, "Pioneers." Van Dine lived and wrote in Burnside, Illinois and Hamilton, Illinois until his death on September 25, 1983.

A. Neville, September 2005

Scope and Contents

Photographs: Box 1

Audio Material: Box 1

The papers of Warren L. Van Dine consist of audio recordings, bigraphical information, correspondence, and materials relating to Mr. Van Dine's editorial positions with Much Ado and Upward. Also included in this collection are several manuscripts and typescripts of poems, essays, and short stories as well as Mr. Van Dine's memories of his time spent as a student at the State University of Iowa in the 1920s. The files of correspondence are arranged chronologically except for the Much Ado submission manuscripts, which are arranged alphabetically.


Acquisition and Processing Information

These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Warren L. Van Dine in 1963.

Guide posted to Internet: September 2005

Box Contents List

Box 1

Audio recordings

"Unchanging Gold"

Interview with Jerry Nutt, Jr. about the University of Iowa, 5 June 1970

Warren Van Dine on Pilot Grove history

Karen Nelson recites Van Dine

Correspondence, 1919 -- 1962


To Warren Van Dine from

Josephine Simmons, 27 January 1919

Bickel, 7 November 1923

John T. Frederick, 10 November 1923

Mrs. C. B. Chandler, 28 January 1924

Edward J. H. O'Brien

27 August 1924

8 November 1924 (with newspaper clipping dated 1941)

26 November 1924 (telegram)

J. T. F. (John T. Frederick) (The Midland), 25 September 1924

Henry T. Schmittkind (The Stratford Company), 14 September 1925

Thomas Dunn, Jr., May 1926

C. B. Nelson (The Midland), 7 January 1927

Charlton G. Laird, 19 May 1929

Henry T. Schmittkind (The Stratford Company), 31 August 1931

Leonard Lea (Vision), 6 November 1931

Loren W. Van Dorn, 20 December 1931

Henry T. Schmittkind (The Stratford Company), 19 January 1932

Henry Harrison (Poetry World and Contemporary Vision) 28 July 1932

Mary Hull Martin, 7 August 1932

Joe Maynard Reynolds (Much Ado), 10 September 1932

Jack Conroy (The Rebel Poet), 20 September 1932

Clarence L Haynie (Southern Literary Review), 12 October 1932

Edgar A Guest (Detroit Free Press), 17 October 1932

Paul Frederick Corey, 23 October 1932

George F. Milton (The Chatanooga News), 27 October 1932

Lucia Trent

29 October 1932

26 November 1932

16 December 1932

Kenneth W. Porter, 21 December 1932

Edwin Ford Piper, 22 December 1932

Walter Coates, 26 December 1932

Ralph Cheyney (George Henry Kay)

14 January 1933

28 March 1933

Loren Eiseley (The Prairie Schooner), 18 February 1933

Richard Merton Petty (Southern Literary Review), 5 April 1933

Ada ?, 25 April 1933

Frances Davidson (Nebraska Writers' Guild), 9 May 1933

Hap Perrill (Much Ado), 17 May 1933

Inez Sheldon Tyler, 27 June 1933

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Long, 29 August 1933 (birth announcement)

Marie Tello Phillips (Bookfellows Library Guild), 24 October 1933

Olive Scott Stainsby (The Melting Pot), 31 October 1933

George F. Milton (The Chattanooga News), 7 December 1933


Leonard Lea (Herald Publishing House)

22 January 1935

28 January 1935

Roberta Lewis, 23 June 1938

R. W. McLellan, 9 July 1938

Eva L. Swain, 12 July 1938

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Cox, 15 July 1938

Ernest Noble Brown (Kansas City Quill Club), 20 July 1938

Susan M. Davidson, 29 July 1938

Margery Graham, 2 September 1938 (originally sent to James A. Decker)

Josephine Simmons, 25 September 1938

F. M. Smith

21 October 1938

4 November 1938

Elbert A. Smith, 3 July 1939

M.A.S., 3 August 1939

Irby Mundy, 1 April 1940

I. A. Smith, 23 May 1940

Agnes A. Fisher, 15 March 1943

Albert Salisbury, 12 November 1945

G. D. Jones, 9 January 1948

The Hagmeier's, 14 December 1950

Paul Findley, 17 April 1960

Anne Einselen, 7 March 1962

Fred Lape, undated

Virginia Marzolf, Monday

Virginia Marzolf, undated

Mabelle Nagel, undated


From Warren Van Dine to

Mrs. Ralph Cheyney (Lucia Trent), 1 November 1932

Editor, The Saints' Herald

21 January 1962 (4 pages)

20 March 1962 (2 pages)

Editor, Hancock County Journal, 1 March 1962 (9 pages)

Editor, Nauvoo Independent, 23 April 1962 (4 pages)

Mary Kelly Mullane, 14 June 1962 (3 pages)

State University of Iowa Special Collections, 18 June 1962 (with rough drafts)

Kinnikinnick, Much Ado, and Upward materials

Kinnikinnick, collection of poems including works by Warren Van Dine, Charlton Grant Laird, Paul Frederick Corey, and Edwin Ford Piper; undated though circa 1922--1924

Much Ado - biographical notes

Josephine Craven Chandler, 24 October 1932

Elizabeth Greene Streator, 28 October 1932

Maud E. Uschold, 29 October 1932

Eloise Cooper Mackey

9 November 1932

14 December 1932

Virginia Semler, 17 December 1932

Lucia Trent, 21 December 1932

Ralph Cheyney, 27 December 1932

Margaret Lathrop Law, 5 January 1933

Helen Rosemary Cole, 19 January 1933

Adelaide Love, 21 January 1933

Thomas Vaughan, 4 February 1933

Catharine E. Berry, 21 April (no year)

J. Graydon Jeffries, undated

Mary Owen Lewis, undated

Much Ado - copyright permissions

George Jarrboe, 21 October 1932 (?)

Fred Lape, 24 October 1932

Ted Olson, 24 October 1932

Margaret Forst, 27 October 1932

H. Raynesford Mulder, 14 November 1932

John Edward Calhoun, 15 December 1932

Harold Vinal, 31 December 1932

Richard Zeydel, 31 December 1932 (?)

Stanton A. Coblentz, 4 January 1933

Caroline Giltinan, 3 February 1933

Daniel Whitehead Hicky, 7 February 1933

Stanton A. Coblentz, 7 April 1933

S.D. Mayer, 7 April 1933

Inez Taylor, 7 April 1933

Cardinal LeGros, 8 April 1933

George Steele Seymour, 10 April 1933 (?)

Marie Tello Phillips, 10 April 1933 (?)

J. Corson Miller, 14 April 1933

Benjamin Musser, 25 April 1933

Harold Vinal, 26 April 1933

William A. Martin, 27 April 1933

Carl John Bostelman, 28 April 1933

Irl Morse, 28 April 1933

Constance Deming Lewis, 30 April 1933

Frances Davis Adams, 2 May 1933

Mary Carolyn Davies, 3 May 1933

Fitzgerald Flournoy, 7 May 1933

James Neill Northe, 5 September 1933

M.L. Marshall, 6 September 1933

Much Ado - general correspondence (2 items)

Much Ado - essay describing W. Van Dine's work with Much Ado

Much Ado - submission manuscripts

Baker, Anna R.; "Fire On The Hearth"

Chandler, Josephine Craven; "Eagle at Galena"

Cheyney, Ralph; "The Shoal Planted By The Gods"

Cole, Helen Rosemary; "Dark Road House"

Finney, Harry A.; "Passing"

Fletcher, W. H. and G. E. McMinimy; "Synapothanumenes (Inseparable In Death)"

Law, Margaret Lathrop; "Venetian Glass"

Le Gros, Cardinal; "This Hunger"

Lewis, Constance Deming; "Nirvana"

Lewis, Mary Owen; "Ruins of Chateau de Beaufort"

Semler, Virginia; "The Vacant Chair"

Simmons, Josephine; "Old Johann Seelinger"

Trent, Lucia; " When West Meets East"

Uschold, Maude E.; "Hills"

Much Ado and Upward miscellany

Upward - copyright permissions

Publisher, The Atlantic Monthly, 2 May 1938

Louise Brockway, 4 May 1938

The Editors, Ladies' Home Journal, 4 May 1938

Brick Johns, 10 May 1938

The Editors, Harper's Magazine, 10 May 1938

? Stuart, 12 May 1938 (written to James A. Decker)

Edward Weismiller, 12 May 1938

Myrtle Vorst Sheppard, 14 May 1938

Robert Nathan, 21 July 1938

Louise Brockway, 27 July 1938

Harlan Logan, 27 July 1938

Ted Malone, 27 July 1938

Marion Hoyle, 30 July 1938

Strickland Gillilan, 7 August 1938

Marjorie Allen Seiffert, 12 August 1938

Archibald Rutledge, 16 August 1938

Josephine Jacobsen, 17 August 1938

The Editors, The Saturday Evening Post, 19 August 1938

Edward F. Healy, 19 August 1938

Ted Malone , 21 October 1938

Publisher, The Atlantic Monthly, 24 October 1938

The Editors, Ladies' Home Journal, 27 October 1938

Paula S. Vogelsang, 28 October 1938

Sara Henderson Hay, 29 October 1938

David McCord, 10 January 1939

Grace Noll Crowell, 12 January 1938

The Editors, Ladies' Home Journal, 12 January 1939

Publisher, The Atlantic Monthly, 12 January 1939

Ted Malone, 9 February, 1939

Carmen Judson, 13 February 1939 (misdated as 1938)

Upward: A Quarterly Magazine of Worth-While Verse

Autumn, 1938

Summer, 1938

Winter, 1938-39

Upward - general correspondence (5 items)

Photographs with essay by Warren Van Dine

Flora Ellen Salisbury, mother of Warren Lovel Van Dine, ca. 1900

Warren L. Van Dine, 1903

Warren L. Van Dine, Carthage, IL High School, class of 1920

Warren L. Van Dine, 1922 (2 copies)

Warren L. Van Dine, Nauvoo, IL, 1938

Warren L. Van Dine, 1953 (3 copies)

Warren L. Van Dine, 1959 (3 copies)

Warren L. Van Dine, Nauvoo, IL, 1961

Subject files

Biographical and genealogical information by W. Van Dine, includes obituary from Hancock Co. Journal-Pilot

Map of Nauvoo, IL with written explanation by Warren Van Dine


Newspaper clippings, 1937 -- 1984

Reunion, Carthage High School Class of 1920, press releases, letters, and class member information

Box 2


"About Joseph Smith, Candidate for President in 1844" by Warren Van Dine; typescript, additional information

"The Gift of God." The Literary Digest 112. 2 (1932): 26.

"The Organ." The Saints' Herald 82. 5 (1935).

"At the Grave of Joseph Smith." Illinois Quest 1. 5 (1938): 20.

"Pioneers." Illinois Quest 1. 5 (1938): 40.

"A Woman," by Warren Van Dine; manuscript with corrections

"My Memories of Some of the Literati at Iowa in the 1920's (The Great and the Near Great)" by Warren Van Dine; typescripts, rough drafts, and additional information

News release issued by Warren Van Dine

Title pages

Branch, Douglas E.

Carver, George

Childs, Marquis

Corey, Paul Frederick

Frederick, John T. and Esther Paulus

Laird, Charlton Grant

Mott, Frank Luther

Muilenburg, Walter J.

Piper, Edwin Ford

Van den Bark, Melvin




"The First Day in the White House"

"Soldiers of Fortune"

"The House"


"Clouds of Evening"

"The Poet"



"The Sea"

"The Tabernacle"

"The Four Carpenters"

"Some Corner of a Foreign Field"

"Vinitius Dreams of Lygia (Quo Vadis)"

"Napoleon at Lodi"

"Wolfe at Quebec"

"The Perfect Picture"

"New Orleans"

"The Old Capitol Building (The State University of Iowa)"

"Night in Illnois"


"At the Grave of Joseph Smith"

Reviews, essays, and letters authored by Warren Van Dine with written explanation by Van Dine

Handwritten explanations by Warren Van Dine

Review of Hugh Walpole's "The Fortress" by Warren Van Dine, ca. 1930

"Review of Novel" by Warren Van Dine, ca. 1930

"Paragraphs" by Warren Van Dine for for freshman English class, 1921

Letter to Plain Talk concerning the death of G. D. Eaton, July 14, 1930

"Obituary of the Class of 1919," by Warren Van Dine, 1919

"Life," essay by Warren Van Dine, 1917 -- 1918

Biographical data compiled by Warren Van Dine, 1952

Letters to (2) The Quincy Herald-Whig, December 2 and 7, 1931

Essay concerning the life and career of Archibald MacLeish by Warren Van Dine, 1944

Essay concerning narrative poetry by Warren Van Dine, 1945

Review of Louis Bromfield's "A Good Woman," 1933

"A Great Religious Masterpiece," by Warren Van Dine concerning John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress," 1944

Essay, "The Marriage of Joseph Smith," by Warren Van Dine, 1956

Miscellaneous reviews and editorials

Box 3

Self- authored obituary, 1973

Short stories

"The Artist" (with manuscript and corrections)

"The Poet"

"The Prophet"

"Short and Simple Annals"


WCAZ Carthage, IL broadcast transcript; January 27, 1968

Memorial Day ceremony, Moss Ridge Cemetery; May 30, 1970

Prayer, Smith Family Reunion, Nauvoo, IL; August 1972

Address to the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, Nauvoo, IL; undated

Translation of Virgil's "The Story of the Aenaeid" by Warren Van Dine, 1919 -- 1920. Includes additional information from Van Dine dated September 1, 1929 and January 1, 1949.