Course reserves is a service provided by the University of Iowa Libraries, where the Libraries sets aside high-demand physical materials for short-term loan. Materials can be put on course reserve for university courses, study groups, communities of practice and other organized groups affiliated with the university. Course reserves services are also used to request purchase of materials in any format needed for courses (licenses to stream a movie or access an article, for example).

Course Materials+

The UI Libraries recently adopted a new course reserves software, Course Materials+ (CM+). Course Materials+ is embedded in ICON and integrated with the Libraries catalog, InfoHawk+, allowing instructors to create content-diverse reading lists helping make course materials more accessible to students.

With Course Materials+ instructors can search and add Libraries resources to their list, request digitization, and request purchases directly on ICON. CM+ also supports file uploads and the addition of web resources, making it possible for all the list materials to be compiled in a single place.

To learn more about Course Materials+, including how to add it to your ICON site, create a list, and add items, please visit the Course Materials+ guide.


Most textbooks present unique challenges for electronic access and affordability. For information on OER or the UI Libraries’ Open Educational Resources grants program please visit:

For more information about copyright, please visit the Copyright Guide and our Scholarly Publishing Guide


Information about the process, timeframe, and exceptions for placing items on course reserve:

For library-specific course reserve information visit