MsC 46

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1928 -- 1932
.25 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Posted to Internet: March 2003

Acquisition Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1960 by Grant White, Jr.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Photographs: Folder 5

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Related Materials

"Times of Trouble: The Cow War." The Iowan, vol. 7, no. 4, April, 1959

Scope and Contents

Papers concerning the "Cow War," controversial testing of cattle for tuberculosis.



A legal notice issued by the District Court of Iowa, Cedar County, to defendants of Cedar County accused of interfering with compulsory tuberculin testing of cattle. Request is made that they appear November 29, 1926.

A subpoena issued by the District Court of Iowa, Jefferson County, to G. W. White on March 20, 1932, to appear as a witness for the State of Iowa, March 30, 1932.


News Releases Issued from Tipton, Iowa

March 21, 1928. Two releases: road surfacing; position of Cedar County Farmer's Defense League on compulsory testing of cattle for tuberculosis

November 16, 1929: filing of a petition to prevent compulsory testing of cattle for tuberculosis. Written for the Des Moines Register

February 10, 1931: the case of Merle Meny

February 17, 1931. Three releases (2 pages): serving of notices on opponents of compulsory testing of cattle for tuberculosis; completion of Cedar County Golf course; extension of Primary Road through Tipton

March 6, 1931: a meeting of 500 farmers to protest compulsory testing of cattle for tuberculosis

March 9, 1931. Three releases (3 pages): letters sent by Governor Turner to County Attorney William M. Dallas and Paul Moore of West Branch; objectors to compulsory testing of cattle for tuberculosis. Written for the Des Moines Register; case of Mina Fifer vs. Roy Glick

March 10, 1931. Four releases (4 pages): development of anti-T. B. Test sentiment; meeting of the Tipton Chamber of Commerce; a High School Sub-District Declamatory Contest; meeting of Cedar County Board of Supervisors

March 13, 1931: attack on Ray Handley, Rural Mail Carrier

March 20, 1931:" The Case of The State vs. E. C. Mitchell." Written for The Des Moines Register

April 30, 1931. Three releases (11 pages): The T.B. test War; a birthday dinner; School Honor Rolls

September 18, 1931: "A Gathering of T.B. Objectors." Written for the Des Moines Register

September 23, 1931 (2 pages): possible placement of Cedar County under martial law

September 25, 1931: herds of cattle being tested for tuberculosis. Written for the International News Service

September 26, 1931: Three releases (2 pages): the cow-test War. Written for the International News Service; use of State Troops in the cow-test war (one written for United Press, one written for International News Service)

September 28, 1931. Four releases (3 pages): a writ of habeas corpus for E. C. Marshall (two written for International News Service, two written for United Press); return of State Troops of their homes (one written for United Press, one written for International News Service).

September 29, 1931. Two releases: the case of E. C. Marshall (one written for United Press, one written for International News)

October 2, 1970. Two releases: the arrest of J. W. Lenker (one written for United Press, one written for International News Service)

March 15, 1932. Two releases: the case of J. W. Lenker (one written for the Des Moines Register, one written for the Associated Press)

August 11, 1932: the "Farm Holiday" in Cedar County

Undated Press Releases

From Tipton: Military arrests in the cow-test war and other military actions (written for International News Service)

From Tipton: Arrival of State Troops in Tipton (written for United Press)


Miscellaneous Pieces

An account of the cow-test war: reasons for its beginning and an indictment of Norman Baker as the instigator, incomplete, 7 pages

An account of the farmer's position in the Cow-Test War of 1931, 3 pages

An article reporting a scheduled meeting of farmers at the William C. Butterbrodt farm

An article reporting legal events leading up to the Cow-Test War, 3 pages

An article entitled "Iowa's Fight For Pure Milk", incomplete

An article concerning propagandizing of farmers in the Cow-Test War of 1931, incomplete, 2 pages

An article entitled "Iowa's Fight for Tuberculosis Free Milk", incomplete, 2 pages

An article concerning Cow-Test War history, incomplete, 2 pages

An article concerning the call up of the National Guard troops in the Cow-Test War, September 22, 1931. Includes a Proclamation by Governor Dan W. Turner, 2 pages

Two comments :the case of Mina Fifer vs. Roy Glick; the enforcement of Iowa's Bovine Eradication Law by Dan Turner

An article reporting the dismissal of petitions filed by William Butterbrodt, Grant Walton, and others

An article reporting the filing of a petition by Arthur N. Fogg and 1100 other plaintiffs against the Department of Agriculture and its compulsory tuberculosis testing of cattle

An article concerning Norman Baker of Muscatine, incomplete

A statement by Paul P. Moore expressing regret for not subscribing to full quota of Liberty Bonds, October 19, 1918



To Mr. White from David E. Archie, publisher-editor of "The Iowan" Magazine, November 6, 1958, concerning use of Mr. White's Cow-Test War material

To Mr. White from David E. Archie, February 11, 1959, concerning his Cow-Test War story

To David E. Archie, February 13, 1959, from Mr. White concerning details of the Cow War

David Archie to Grant White, April 20, 1959, concerning use of Mr. Grant's manuscript by Mr. Archie


Dr. A. H. Joehnk, veterinarian who attempted to test cattle

Farmers in Tipton, Iowa, September 22, 1931, taken by Judge B. J. Maxwell of Tipton (three)



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