MsC 118

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1960s -- 1980s
245 posters

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
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Posted to Internet: October 2000

Acquistions Note: These posters were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Dr. and Mrs. Pelenski in April 2000.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

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Biographical Note

Jaroslaw Pelenski is Professor Emeritus of History, The University of Iowa. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Pelenski's frequently traveled to Eastern Europe and brought back to Iowa City theater, ballet, concert, film, circus, and other posters from Poland.

Scope and Contents

The Christina and Jaroslaw Pelenski collection contains over 200 posters from Poland. These include circus posters from the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, as well as theatre, opera, operetta, and film posters from the 1960s to 1980. It was donated to the Special Collections Department in April 2000.  In October 2006, 31 duplicate posters from the collection were exchanged for 31 circus posters from Contemporary Posters in New York City.

Four 1976 envelopes from Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie for artists Jan J. Aleksium, Jerzy Czerniakwski, Jan Sawka, and Eugeniusz Stankiewicz. Each envelope contains a portrait and brief biography of the artist and several sheets reproducing designs by the artist.

Folders 1-3 contain circus posters and folders 4-6 contain other posters (film, theater, opera, etc.), arranged alphabetically by poster artist.


 Circus Posters Collection

(Polish Posters~Late 1960s to Early 1980s)

Baczewiska, Liliana. Clown on unicycle, [1967]

Bocianowski, Bohdan:

Bear on balloon, 1967

Cowboy trapeze and horse, 1971

Clown head with clover, [1974]

Four clowns spelling Cyrk, 1975

Cieslewicz, Roman. Three dogs, 1966

Czerniawski, Jerzy:

Girl's back, [1975 or 1978]

Horse head with flower, 1973

Tiger with flames, 1977

Freudenreich, Marek: Cyclist on tightrope 1883-1983, 1983

Gorka, Wiktor:

Monkey on bike, 1968

Three dogs, 1969

Trainer with four horses, 1966

Two tigers, [1970, 1973 or 1979]

Woman roller skating, 1970

Grabiawski, Janusz. Monkey on hands, [1972]

Hilscher, Hubert:

Bicyclist with derby hat, 1970

Crowned lion, [1975 or 1979]

Elephant, [1964]

Growling cat , 1970

Leopard with parrot, 1974

Lion with legs in the air, 1970

Lion standing on Cyrk, [1967 or 1978], 2 cop.

Sitting tiger, 1975

Talking monkey, 1973

Tiger on ball, [1966]

Zebra with legs in air, 1979

Holdanowicz, Leszek. Hoopla girl, 1968

Janowski, Witold:

Clown rollerskating with five legs, [1967]

Girl on trapeze, [1973, 1977 or 1978], 2 different printings

Swinging woman, [1975]

Two headed woman, [1974]

Jodlowski, Tadeusz:

Ballerina on horse, [1975]

Lion dreaming, [1965 or 1979]

Nine lion faces, [1971 or 1976]

Three lions, [1970 or 1979]

Tiger in fire ring, [1970 or 1972]

Folder 2

Klimowski, Andrzej. Shirley Temple clowns, 1979

Kotarbinski, Jan. Trapeze jumpers, [1975]

Krzysztoforski, Andrzej. Two bears on a ball, [1968, 1973, or 1979]

Lenica, Jan. Surrealistic Cyrk, [1976]

Lustyk, Boguslaw. Faces in the crowd, [1979]

Majewski, Gustaw:

Aerialists on swings, [1970]

Dog bicycling, 1965

Majewski, Lech:

Two trapeze jumpers, 1973

Two horses heads, 1975

Miedza-Tomaszewski, Stanislaw:

Clown and lion, [1974]

Clown, cane, and lion, [1975]

Magician, boy, and skull, [1974]

Magician, boy, and woman floating, [1975], 2 cop.

Magician cutting boy and girl, [1967 or 1973]

Mlodozeniec, Jan:

Clown blowing horn, [1969 or 1978]

Clown with slingshot, [1974, 1978, or 1979]

Horse with plume, [1972, 1976, or 1979]

Trapeze jumpers, [1975]

Mosinski, Marek. Horse rings, [1968]

Mysyrowicz, Witold. E. Dworakowski, [1974]

Neugebauer, Jacek:

Animal pyramid, [1965 or 1972]

Two dog heads and ball, [1975]

Pagowski, Andrzej:

Handprint with clown face, [1978]

Handprint with Napolean hat, [1978]

Piwonski, Andrzej. Parrot with lions, [1968]

Puchalski, Juliusz. Aerialist in slow motion, [1975]

Rogowska, Bozena. Two boxing dogs, [1974]

Rozycki, Juliusz. Circus scene, 1975

Ruminski, Tomasz:

Clown blowing tuba, [1975, 1978, or 1979]

Two headed horse, [1973]

Sawka, Jan:

Motorcyclist, 1974

Solid pyramid, 1975

Trapeze walker, 1973


Folder 3

Socha, Romuald. Hire wire act, 1973

Stachurski, Marian:

Clown one man band, [1976], 2 cop.

Five tumbling men, [1974 or 1979]

Three bicyclists, [1975 or 1978]

Two clown orchestra, [1971 or 1979]

Swierzy, Waldemar:

Clown face with blue derby hat, [1970]

Clown with ruffled collar, [1972]

Clown with bow tie and derby hat, [1977]

Elephant, [1972 or 1978]

Horses, [1967, 1970, or 1972]

Lion trainer in cage, [1965 or 1968]

Pink lion in hoop, [1963 or 1972]

Ringmaster with horse head, [1970 or 1972]

Seal, [1965, 1969, 1973, or 1979]

Spy clown with newspaper, [1985, first printed 1975]

Ten circus horses, [1970 or 1974]

Two lions, [1975], 2 cop.

Szulecki, Tomasz. Man on horse, 1883-1983, 1983.

Urbaniec, Maciej:

Circus girl bicycling, [1976], 2 cop.

Circus girl on horse, [1973], 2 cop.

Clown on pole, [1966, 1968, or 1973]

Mona Lisa, [1970, 1972, 1975, or 1978]

Two seated chimps, [1976]

Wasilewsk, Mieczyslaw. Elephant with long trunk, [1974]

Zalecki, Adam. Circus girl on horses, 1966

Zukowska, Danuta.:

Lion with crayon, [1974], 2 cop.

Dog with soccer ball, [1973]

Walrus playing accordian, [1975]


Folder 4

 Theatre, Opera, Operetta, and Film Posters

(Polish Posters~1960-1980)

Aleksium, Jaromir:

Anna Livia Teatr wspl. Wroclaw, n.d.

Snieg Teatr J. Kochan, Opolu, 1978

Bocianowski, Bohdan. Samodzialy lowickie (wystawa), 1977

Cesarska, D. Ogolnopolski Festiwal Folklorystycz, 1975

Cieslewicz, Roman:

Cudowny Mandaryn Teatr Wielki, n.d.

Klub Miedzynarodowej, Prasy I Ksiazki Galeria Wspolcz, n.d.

Chwedczuk, N.:

Mickiewicz Teatr Maly, 1976

Mickiewicz Teatr Narodowy, 1976

Czerniawski, Majkowski J.:

Dziady, Teatr Kochanowski Opole, 1978

Kordian, Teatr Wspolczesny, 1976

Pan Jowialski Teatr Wspolczesny, 1977

Pluskwa Teatr Narodowy, n.d.

Flisak, Jerzy:

Koniec Agenta W4C Czech Film, n.d.

W. Borowczyk L'Histoire d'un Peche, Dzieje Grzechu Film, n.d.

Gogulska. Dostojewski Sen Teatr Studio, 1973

Gorka, Wiktor: (see also Szajna and Gorka)

A. Pietrow My chcemy tanczyc Operetka Warszawska, 1972

Dumasa Trzej Muszkieterowie (Musical) Operetka Warszawska, 1975

Lehar Kraina Usmiechu Operetka Warszawska, n.d.

J. Strauss, Krol Walca Operetka Warszawska, 1976

R. Friml, Rose Marie Operetka Warszawska, 1976

Hibner, Maciej. Banovich, Ach, Ci Mlodzi Wegierski Musical, n.d.

Hilscher, Hubert:

Artes Gdansk, 1972

Jazz Jamboree, 1972, 2 cop.

(Mozart Britten Kilar), Wieczor Baletowy, Teatr Wielki, 1978

Ihnatowicz, M. Dziewczyna o Zielonych Oczach, Filmowym Dramacie Milosnym (Rita Tushingham Peter Finch), n.d.

Jankowska, B. Babel Zmierzch Panstwowy Teatr Zydowski, n.d.

Jodlowski. Poland, Zelazowa Wola, The House in which Frederic Chopin was born

Kalczynska, A. Mazowsze, n.d.

Klimowski, Andrzej.:

L. Godignola Brel Ami 2, Teatr Powszechny, 1975

Shakespeare, Krol Lear, 1977

Szekspir, Zycie i Smierc Krola Jana, Teatr Studio, n.d.

Konopelski, L. Shakespeare, Otello, Teatr Lublinie, n.d.

Krinth. Reanimacja, Opera Baltycka, 1976

Krajewski. Kopciuszek w Potrzasku, Filmie kryminalnym, n.d.

Krauze, A. and Mroszczak, M.:

A. Fredro, Maz I Zona, Teatr Maly, n.d.

Kochankowie Piekla, Teatr Narodowy, n.d.

Kruczkowska, A. Pieczykolou, Mikolaj Kopernik 1473-1973


Poploch wsrod dziewczat, Operetka Warszawska, n.d.

Szwejk, Teatr Muzyczny w Gdyni, 1976

Folder 5

Lenica, Jan:

10-lecie Teatru Wielkiego, 1975

Alban Berg, Wozzeck, Teatr Wielki, 1964

Alex Fredro, Maz i Zona, Teatr Narodowy, n.d.

Britten, Wariacje na temat Purcella, Teatr Wielki, n.d.

J. Majewskiego, Sprawa Gorgonowej, Film, n.d.

Racine Fedra, Teatr Maly, n.d.

Richard Strauss, Elektra Teatr Wielki, 1969

S. Witkiewicz, Panna Tutli-Putli, Teatr Ateneum Warszawa, n.d.

Szaniawski, Dwa Teatry, Teatr Maly, n.d., 2 cop.

Verdi, Bal Maskowy, Teatr Wielki Warszawie, n.d., 2 cop.

Ziemia, Film, n.d.


Gawlik Egzamin, Teatr w Olsztynie, 1977

Sindbada Zeglarza, Teatr Opolu, 1976


Mikolaj Kopernik, 1972

Shakespeare Othello, n.d.

Majewski, A. Czajkowski, Eugeniusz Oniegin, Teatr Wielki, 1967

Majewski, Lech. Kajakowe Mistrzostwa Europy Juniorow, 1972

Malecki, S. Pergolesi, Livietta I Tracollo, Teatr Wielki, Warszawie, n.d.

Mlodozeniec, Jan:

Baird, III Symfonia, Teatr Wielki, n.d.

Baird, Jutro, Teatr Wielki, n.d.

Cimarosa [?], Il Maestro di Cappella, Teatr Wielki, Warszawa, n.d.

Hitchcock A., Szal, Film, n.d.

Moravii, Konformista, Film, n.d.

Ostatni z Fleksnesow, Norweska komedia, n.d.

S. Ignacy Witkiewicz, Teatr Ateneum, n.d.

Szukszyn, Ludzie energiczni, Teatr Ateneum, n.d.

Verdi Rigoletto, Teatr Wielki, n.d.

W Cyrku, Film, n.d.

Z. Bargielski, Maly Ksiaze, Teatr Wielki, n.d.

Mozejko, A. Zapraszamy na Rewie, Operetka Warszawska, 1975

Mroszczak, Jozef.:

A. Kopkow, Slon, teatr dramatyczny Warszawy, 1976

Borys Godunow, [1969 or 1972], 2 cop.

D. Wasserman, Lot nad kukulczym gniazdem, Teatr Powszechny, 1977

Kurpinski, Zamek na Czorsztynie, operetka Warszawska, 1974

Offenbach, Rozbojnicy, Operetka Warszawska, 1968

Nowinski, M. Studenckie Propozycje Estradowe, Warszawa, Stodola

Oaxer, Czlowiek z Lamanczy, 1971

Palka, Kronhold, Janussi, Gry Kobiece, Teatr Katowicach, 1977

Pagowski, Andrzej:

Fredro Maz i Zona, n.d.


Swierzy, 1977

Pankiewicz, K. Szekspira, Sen Nocy Letniej, (Rock Musical), Operetka Warszawska, 1973

Raniewski, B.:

Diderot, Kubus Fatalista I jego Pan, Teatr dramatyczny, n.d.

Rostworowski, U Mety, Teatr dramatyczny , n.d.

Rutkowska, M. Platonow, Teatr Narodowy, 1976


Folder 6

Sawka, Jan:

Adalen 31, Grand Prix w Cannes, Widerberg

Chaucer, Opowiesci Kanterberyjskie, T.Opolu, 1976

Exodus, Stu Theatre, 1974

Teatr im Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu, 1975

Witkiewicz, Szalona lokomotywa, Stu teatr, Krakow, n.d.

Stajewski, M. Fredro, Dozywocie, Teatr wspolczesny. Szczecin, n.d.

Starowieyski, Franciszek:

Becker, Zloty Kask, film (French), n.d.

Bialy ren, film (Finnish), n.d.

Buchner, Leonce i Lena, teatr na Woli, n.d.

Moliere, Don Giovanni, Teatr Opolu, n.d.

Nasfetera, Kolorowe ponczochy, Film, n.d.

Schulza, Sanatorium pod Klepsydra, Film, 1973

Shakespeare, Jak wam sie podoba, Teatr Narodowy, n.d.

Tolstoja, Kozacy, Film, n.d.

Waida, wszystko na sprzedaz, Film, n.d.

Zanussiego, Iluminacja, Film, 1973

Swierzy, Waldemar:

Hemingway, Komu Bije Dzwon, Teatr Studio

Jozef Mroszczak, Wystawa Plakaty, 1975

Kafka, Ameryka, Teatr Ateneum

Kruczkowski, Pierwszy Dzien Wolnosci, Teatr na Woli


Niedziela w Rzymie, Operetka Warszawska, n.d.

Neruda, Slawa I Smierc Joachima Muziety, T.K.

Rostworowski, Kajus Cezar Kaligula, Teatr Klasyczny

Slowacki, Horsztynski, Teatr klasyczny

Sztejn, Hotel Astoria, Teatr Klasyczny

Terbecki, Odpocznij po Biegu, Teatr Powszechny

Zwiedzajcie Zoo


Cervantes, Teatr Studio, 1976

Gogola, Nos, Teatr Studio, 1972

Gulcutiera, Teatr Studio, 1973

Wedekind, Puszka Pandory, Teatr Studio, 1976

Szajna and Gorka. Dante, Teatr Studio, 1974

F.S. Secesja. Exhibition, Muzeum Mazowieckie, 1973

Terechowicz. Teatr Pantomimy, Tomaszewski, Wroclaw, 1972

Tomaszewski, Henryk:

Gorki, Barbarzyncy, Teatr Powszechny, 1976

Peiper, Skoro go niema, Teatr Ateneum, 1973

Strauss, Zemsta Nietoperza, Operetka Warszawska, 1970

Urbaniec, Maciej:

5th International Poster Biennale, 1974

Felinski, Barbara Radziwilowna, Teatr Lublinie

Iredynski, Teatr Maly

Janacek, Jenufa, Opera Munster, 1976

Miedzynarodowy Dzien Dziecka

Miesiac Dobroci Dla Zwierzat, 1976

Poland Invites You For Camping

Wesele, Teatr Narodowy, [1974]

Wasilewski, M. Mikolaj Kopernik 1473-1973

Wisniak, K. Offenbach, Zycie Paryskie, Operetka Warszawska

Wolynski. Chaucer, Opowiesci Kanterberyjskie, Teatr Opolu, 1976

Zbikowski, M. Przepustka dla Marynarza, Film Amerykanski

Zmidzinski, B. Operetka Warszawska, Music Man, 1972


Sedziowie, Stanislaw Wyspianski, Teatr Studio

Folder 7 Addendum of miscellaneous posters

Teatro Nacional, 1897-1987. Detalle de telon de fondo "La Escalinata", por Antonio Rovescalli, 1897

Tysiac lat Panstwa Polskiego. Kongres Kultury-1966. Stanislaw Lentz. Strajk, 1910.

University of Oklahoma, Czech Film Festival, March 26-28, 1982

Wiinblad, Bjorn. Musik Skal der til Spilselv. Andreasen and Lachmanor, KoBenhavn. 1946.











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