Manuscript Register
Collection Dates
(Bulk Dates:1933 -- 1936)
8 linear ft.
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
Acquisition Note: These papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mrs. John N. Calhoun in 1972.
Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.
Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.
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An active Republican, Calhoun served as a senator in the Iowa state legislature from 1933 to 1937. In 1936, he mounted an unsuccessful campaign for Congress. Upon leaving the legislature, Calhoun moved to Burlington where he began a new law firm while continuing his affiliation in Keosauqua.
John Calhoun was a member of the National Guard. During World War II, he was released for active service in the army. Stationed in the Middle East as part of the Judge Advocate General's Office for most of the war, he held the rank of lieutenant colonel when discharged in 1946.
Following his tour of duty, Calhoun returned to Burlington and his legal practice. In 1948, he again mounted a campaign for the Senate; however, he failed to secure his party's nomination. Active in both professional and civic affairs, Calhoun belonged to the Rotary, American Legion, and various other service organizations. John N. Calhoun died in 1972.
The next grouping
relates to his campaign for a US Senate seat in 1936. His nomination papers,
campaign expenses, schedules, advertising, and party correspondence are some
of the files in this section. Court cases and legal briefs make up the legal
materials division. His World War II service is documented with photos, family
correspondence, and military records. The final series titled Post World War
II political career consists of material from his 1948 campaign for the US
Senate and other political campaigns in which he was involved.
College, 1923 -- 1932
Correspondence between John N. Calhoun and his mother, 1927 -- 1936
Correspondence between John N. Calhoun and his brother, Claude
Campaign for state senate, 1932, correspondence
Correspondence, 1930 -- November 1932, including letters from W. F. Kopp, Hugh
W. Lundy, Dan W. Turner, and Hartzell Spence
Correspondence, December 1932, including letters from Lester Jesse Dickinson,
Nelson G. Kraschel, Hugh W. Lundy, and William S. Beardsley
Correspondence, January, 1933
Correspondence, February 1933, including letters from the Dexter Company and
Edward Breen
Correspondence, March 1933, including a letter from Hugh W. Lundy
Box 2
April -- June 1933, including letters from Edward C. Eicher, William S. Beardsley,
and Paul H. Appleby
July -- October 1933, including letters from William S. Beardsley, Clyde L.
Herring, Edward C. Eicher, Fred Biermann, and Claude Stanley.
Correspondence, November 1933
Correspondence, December 1933, including letters from Hugh W. Lundy
Correspondence, January 1934, including letters from the Dexter Company
Box 3
February 1934, including letters from Hugh W. Lundy
Correspondence, March 1934, including letters from Edward C. Eicher, Louis
Murphy, Dan W. Turner, and Addison M. Parker
April -- May 1934, including letters from Edward C. Eicher, Wm. S. Beardsley,
and Clyde L. Herring
Correspondence, June -- December 1934, including letters from Wm. S. Beardsley,
L. J. Dickinson, Addison M. Parker, and Nelson G. Kraschel
Correspondence, January 1935, including a letter from Hugh W. Lundy
Correspondence, February 1935
Box 4
March 1935, including letters from Nelson G. Kraschel, Floyd Thurston, Fred
C. Gilchrist, J. C. Lewis, Carl Weeks, and Verne Marshall
Correspondence, April 1935, including letters from J. C. Lewis, C. L. Herring,
and the Dexter Company
April -- December 1935, including letters from L. J. Dickinson, J. C. Lewis,
Wm. S. Beardsley, Edward C. Eicher, and Louis Murphy
Correspondence, January -- July 1936 and undated, 1932 -- 1936, including
letters from George A. Wilson, CL Herring, and J. C. Lewis
Box 5
1932 campaign for
state senate
Banking -- Loan
Corporations -- Mortgage moratorium -- Refinancing Bill, 1933
Drainage -- Fox River Drainage District No. One of Van Buren County, Iowa,
Miscellaneous legislative materials, 1933, 2 folders
Miscellaneous proposed
legislation, 1933
Motor vehicles, railroad and truck legislation, 1933
Net and gross income tax and sales tax, 1933
Oleomargarine tax, 1933
Prohibition repeal, 1933
Proposed consolidation of counties and senatorial districts, 1933
Proposed legislation concerning offices and salaries of public officials,
pensions, 1933
Records of letters received in the legislature, 1933 --1934
Road legislation, 1933
Senate file, Ways and Means Committee, Operation of Amusement Devices, 1933
Tax exemptions, 1933
Tuberculin test, 1933
Box 6
Public health
Taxes, esp. the Gross Income tax
Teachers minimum wage law, school legislation, and county tax budget commission.
Workmans compensation
Basic science bill, 1935
Chain store tax law (Harrington-Burington substitute law, 1935)
Legislature materials, 1935, 3 folders
Box 7
Legislative materials,
1935, 3 folders
Newspaper clippings
concerning legislature, 1935
Speeches, newspaper reports and printed material from l935
Miscellaneous legislative materials, 1932 -- 1936, 2 folders
State senate notebook, 1932 -- 1936, quotes, anecdotes, etc.
Box 8
Campaign for US
Congress, 1936
Correspondence, February -- July 1936, including letters from George A. Wilson,
Claude Stanley, John R. Irwin and Fred C. Gilchrist
Correspondence, August 1936, including letters from Fred C. Gilchrist and
Harrison E. Spangler
Correspondence, September 1936, including letters from Harrison E. Spangler.
Correspondence, October -- December 1936
Personal correspondence, 1936, including letters from Thomas E. Martin, Robert
D. Blue, and Wm. S. Beardsley
Box 9
Campaign for U.S. Congress, 1936:
Address of John N. Calhoun to the Cedar County Republican Convention, June 27, 1936
Advertisements and solicitations, political, 1936
Advertising ideas, literature, etc., political
Billboards and advertising, 1936
Campaign expenses, 1936
Campaign letters to and from professional men
Campaign schedules and speeches, 1936
Candidate letters, 1936, including letters from George A. Wilson and L. J. Dickinson.
Cedar County, 1936
Des Moines County, 1936
General newspaper file, 1936
Lee County, 1936
Box 10
Campaign for U.S. Congress, 1936, continued:
T. A. Michels, 1936
Miscellaneous campaign material (clippings, news releases, form letters, etc.), 1936
Nomination papers, 2 folders Party correspondence, 1936
Quotations from addresses, messages and statements about the New Deal by New
Dealers and Democrats
Quotations from addresses, messages and statements of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Speeches, 1936
Washington County, 1936
Box 11
1937, including letters from N. G. Kraschel, G. A. Wilson, C. R. Stanley, CL
Herring and L. Thurston
Correspondence, 1938, including letters from L. J. Dickinson, L. Thurston,
T. E. Martin, Otha D. Wearin, Don L. Berry, H. W. Lundy, and Wm. S. Beardsley.
Correspondence, 1939 -- 1941, including letters from GA Wilson, Wiley Rutledge,
T. E. Martin, and Harrison E. Spangler
County attorney campaign, 1940, including letters from GA Wilson and T. E. Martin
Miscellaneous political materials, 1937 -- 1940
Box 12
Legal materials:
Abstract of title, 1911
Sales course notebook, 1927
C. M. Keck, trustee, Appellee vs. Orval McKinstry, et al., 1928, Brief
A. R. Gibson vs. Allen L. Miller, 1932 -- 1933 -- Briefs
Dale Clark vs. Charline Ruhle Clark, 1934 -- Briefs
George Ketsham, Claimant vs. Kate E. Cummins, Executrux of the Estate of Lewis
Cummins, deceased, 1938
N. V. Hootman vs. Agnes Beatty, 1939
H. A. Van Patten, Plaintiff vs. Western Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 1941
Box 13
World War II Service:
Box 14
World War II Service, continued:
Box 15
Post World War II political career:
Campaign for the US Senate, 1948, correspondence, including letters from W. S. Beardsley, T. E. Martin, and B. B. Hickenlooper
Campaign for US Senate, 1948, miscellaneous materials (advertising, speeches, etc.)
Political correspondence and other papers, 1950 -- 1952, including letters from Thomas E. Martin, and Wm. S. Beardsley
Politics, 1953 -- 1956, including letters from Robert D. Blue, T. E. Martin, and Leo A. Hoegh
State senate campaign, 1954, correspondence
State senate campaign, 1954, miscellaneous clippings, etc.