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Special Collections and Archives

MsC 352


Manuscript Register



Collection Dates: 1947 -- 1986
Bulk Dates: 1962 -- 1976
7 linear ft.


This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900


Posted to the Internet April 2002



Acquisition Note: These papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Gerald Bogan.


Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.


Photographs:Box 2 , Box 14


Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.


Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"


Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.


Biographical Note


Gerald Leroy Bogan was born on April 19, 1912, in Clarinda, Iowa. He graduated from Clarinda High School and attended junior college there. He also attended the Institute for Association Management at Michigan State University. Bogan's career started on his hometown newspaper where he worked as a reporter and editor. In 1941, he joined United Press in Des Moines and became its Iowa manager. From 1947 to 1948, he worked as the news director for the Iowa Daily Press Association. An active Republican, Bogan became the publicity director for the Iowa Republican Party in 1949.

His career as a lobbyist began with the Good Road Association. This group lobbied for road improvements in Iowa and Bogan served as the executive secretary from 1953 to 1960. He joined Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper's staff in 1960, and worked as his legislative assistant in Washington, D.C. Returning to Iowa, Bogan formed a public relations firm called Public Affairs Consultants. In 1965, he became the first manager of lowans for Right to Work. He was executive secretary of this group and remained with them until his retirement in April 1986. Four months later, Gerald L. Bogan died of cancer.


Scope and Contents

The papers of Gerald L. Bogan date from 1947 to 1986 and measure seven linear feet. Mr. Bogan gave his papers to the University of Iowa Libraries over a period of years and each year's addition is arranged alphabetically. The papers reflect Bogan's involvement in Iowa politics with folders about specific candidates, their campaigns, and Republican party platforms together with issues ranging from annual legislative sessions to reapportionment. His lobbying and consulting careers are represented with materials such as those regarding the Iowa Good Roads Association and lowans for Right to Work. Correspondence files include letters from Robert K. Beck, Terry E. Branstad, Charles Grassley, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Roger Jepsen, Robert D. Ray, Mary Louise Smith, Neal Smith, and Tom Tauke.



Box List


Box 1

Annual sessions correspondence, 1967 -- 1968, including material on "Iowans Opposed to Unlimited Annual Sessions"


1966 General Election materials


Robert K. Beck campaign for governor correspondence, 1965 --


Special reports, 1967 -- 1976

1979 Addition Box 2

Amish School Case, 1965 -- 1966. Newspaper clippings

Heartland Productions, Inc., 1965 -- 1966

Correspondence and publicity

Newspaper clippings


Iowa Association of Independent Insurance Agents, 1965 -- 1966

Iowa Roofing Contractors Assn., 1966

Iowans for Goldwater, 1962 -- 1964, including letters from Barry Goldwater (2 folders)

Iowans Opposed to Unlimited Annual Sessions, 1968

Juliana Project, 1964 -- 1965

Box 3

Kiwanis Club, 1961 -- 1966 (3 folders)

National Institute for Organization Management, 1947 -- 1960 (2 folders)

Nelson, H. H. "Red," 1964

Political Analysis, 1966

Private Business Schools, 1964 -- 1966

Reapportionment 1964 -- 1966 (2 folders)

Box 4

Republican Conventions, 1964, including letters from B. B. Hickenlooper and Charles E. Wittenmeyer

Sokol, Howard W., 1964 Congressional campaign

Special Reports, 1966 -- 1978

Wearin, Ed, 1964 Senatorial campaign

Webster City Gas Bill, 1964 -- 1965

1980 Addition Box 5

Annual Sessions correspondence, 1961 -- 1976, including material on "Iowans Opposed to Unlimited Annual Sessions" (2 folders)

Annual Sessions -- clippings, 1967 -- 1976

Beck, Robert K. -- campaign, 1964 -- 1968, including letters from Robert K. Beck

Correspondence, 1950 -- 1971, including letters from Jack Miller, Robert K. Beck, H. R.

Gross, Lucas J. DeKoster, and Robert D. Ray

Court Reporter's Pay Raise Bill:

1969 -- 1973

1974 -- 1978, including a letter from Charles E. Grassley

Undated -- miscellaneous material

Box 6

Delavan Labor Dispute, 1978

Elections, 1956 -- 1964

Gulf Central Pipeline Company, 1968 -- 1976 and undated (2 folders)

Gulf Central Pipeline Company -- clippings, 1969 -- 1970

Iowa Association of Independent Insurance Agents, 1963 -- 1965

Iowa Good Roads Association, 1971 -- 1975 (3 folders)

Box 7

Iowa Good Roads Association:


Clippings, 1971 -- 1975

Iowa Telephone Association, 1969

Jepsen, Roger -- campaign, 1978, including a letter from Roger Jepsen

Juvenile Probation Officers, 1971 -- 1974

Legislative Council, 1975 -- 1978

Legialative Processes Study Committee -- Minutes, 1967 -- 1968 (3 folders)

Lobbying Reports, 1973 -- 1974

Box 8

Lobbying Reports -- clippings, 1973 -- 1974

Mills, Max Milo -- campaign, 1966

Miscellaneous, 1962 -- 1965

Northern Natural Gas Company, undated

Page By Page (Page County Political Participation Program), 1960

Political Action Committee, 1973, 1978

Political Action Course, 1958 -- 1966

Political Action Course -- clippings, 1962 -- 1966

Political Party Platforms, 1968 -- 1972

Property Tax Study, 1975 -- 1976

Public Records Search, 1976 -- 1979

Ray, Robert D. -- campaign, 1968 -- 1969, including letters from Robert D. Ray

Box 9

Repbulican Party Material, 1962 -- 1967, including letters from Robert D. Ray

Right to Work:

1966 -- 1973, including letters from Robert D. Ray and Arthur A. Neu

1974 and undated

Clippings, 1968 -- 1974.

Sokol, Howard -- campaign, 1964

Tax Task Force, 1976

Unclaimed Property Act, 1954, 1966 -- 1967

Union Dues Check-Off Case, 1971

1982 Addition Box 10

Branstad vs. Conlin, 1981 -- 1982

Branstad vs. Conlin -- newspaper clippings, 1982 (2 folders)


1961 -- 1979, including letters from Frank T. Nye, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Barry Goldwater, Jack Miller, Terry E. Branstad, Charles E. Grassley, Roger W. Jepsen, and John Culver

1980 -- 1982, including letters from John M. Henry, Charles E. Grassley, Terry E. Branstad, Tom Tauke, Rolf V. Craft, Lew Warren, Neal Smith, Roger W. Jepsen, Howard H. Baker, Mary Louise Smith, Dave Nagle, Paul Norris, James Flansburg, Frank T. Nye, and Dave Yepsen

Delavan labor dispute, 1977 -- 1978

Election materials -- miscellaneous, 1962 -- 1982

Grassley for Senate, 1979 -- 1980

Independent Garage Owners of Iowa, 1965 -- 1966

Box 11

Legislative council, 1970

Memos, 1970

Miscellaneous, 1962 -- 1982

Pipeline bills, 1977

The Political Junkie, 1980

Quinn Wire and Iron Works, Inc., 1963 -- 1964

Resume -- Gerald Bogan, 1978, 1981

Special Reports, 1970, 1974, 1978

1986 Addition Box 12

Basic Action Course in Practical Politics, n.d.

Citizen's for Public Rights -- Collective Bargaining/Right to Work:

1947, 1972 -- 1973, 1978

Clippings, 1970 -- 1973

Conference on Legislative Efficiency, 1976


1960 -- 1968: including a letter from Robert D. Ray

1969 -- 1970

1971 -- 1979, including letters from Maurice Van Nostrand, Robert K. Beck, Charles E. Grassley, and John C. Culver.

1980 -- 1983, including letters from Charles E. Grassley, John C. Culver, Berkley Bedell, Tom Tauke, Roger Jepsen, Terry E. Branstad, Robert R. Rigler, Tom Harkin, James Gannon, Neal Smith, Mary Louise Smith, Howard H. Baker, Jr., and Jim Leach.

1984 -- 1985 and undated, including letters from Mary Louise Smith, Charles E. Grassley, Gary G. Gerlach, Roger Jepsen, Neal Smith, James S. Flansburg, Tom Tauke, Tom Harkin, Terry E. Branstad, Berkley Bedell, and Robert MacNeil


1964 -- 1983

Box 13

Elections (cont.):

1965 -- 1984. Newspaper clippings

Gas Tap Bill -- Webster City, Iowa, 1965

Governor's Day, 1962 -- 1977

Grassley, Charles E., 1979 -- 1980

Iowa Collectors Association, 1976 -- 1977

Jepsen, Roger vs. Harkin, Tom, 1983 -- 1984

Johnson, Donald E. and Etherton, Jon -- Travel Report on Central America, n.d.

Lobbyists Registered for the House of Representatives, 1980.

Northern Natural Gas Company:

Lobbying information: 1967 -- 1969


Clippings, 1969 -- 1974

Republican Legislative Leadership and Reports, 1964

Speech Materials, 1960 -- 1966


Box 14

All Iowa Days, 1966 -- 1971

"The Anatomy of an Election"

Biographical Material including Mr. Bogan's obituary


1956 -- 1969, including letters from Norman A. Erbe, Jack Miller, W. Earl Hall, Fred Schwengel, Marvin W. Smith, and Robert D. Ray

1970 -- 1979, including letters from Tom Tauke and Roger W. Jepsen

1980 -- 1983, including letters from Roger W. Jepsen, Charles E. Grassley, Terry E. Branstad, Tom Tauke, George Bush and Neal Smith

1984 -- 1986, including letters from Charles E. Grassley, Terry E. Branstad, Robert K. Beck and Tom Miller


Governor's Days, 1965 -- 1977

Iowa Legislative Make-up and Status of Bills, 1971 -- 1976

Iowa Association Executives, 1961

Iowans for Right to Work, 1972 -- 1973

Lobbyist Activities Declarations, 1973

Photographs including photos of Harold Hughes

"Political Organization, Structure and Characteristics"

Speech Materials, 1960 -- 1962




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