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  Manuscript Register


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This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
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Posted to Internet: October 2002
Addenda: 1986, 1993, 2003
, 2009, 2010 , 2012

Acquisition Note: The Seymour M. Krim papers were purchased from Mr. Krim.

Access and Restrictions:This collection is open for research.

Video Material: Box 8

Ephemera: Box 7, Box 8

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Seymour M. Krim (1922 -- 1989) was born in New York City. He spent one year attending the University of North Carolina and then had a wartime job with the Office of War Information. He moved to Greenwich Village and began working as a writer. He edited Nugget magazine, was a reporter for the New York Herald Tribune and contributed essays and reviews to many publications, including the Village Voice. Krim was closely associated with the literary "Beats". He is regarded as one of the fathers of "new journalism" or "creative non-fiction." He taught at a number of institutions including the Iowa Writers' Workshop and Columbia University. In 1986, while teaching in Haifa, he suffered a major heart attack. On August 30, 1989, after becoming almost completely disabled, he ended his own life.

Scope and Content

The Seymour Krim papers are arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence. Included are drafts of his articles, essays, and reviews. There are also typescripts and reviews from his published collections, among which are: The Beats; Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer; You and Me; Shake It for the World; Smartass; and others. His unfinished book, Chaos, is also represented. The collection contains over three boxes of correspondence arranged chronologically, including letters from Jim Burns, Malcolm Crowley, Charlotte Curtis, Fielding Dawson, James Dickey, Robert Duncan, Elinore Eisinger, Charlotte Gafford, Ralph Gleason, Irving Grossber, Pete Hamill, Daryl Hendersen, Milton Hindus, Richard Hugo, J.R. Humphreys, Alan Kapelner, William Kennedy, Milton Klonsky, Arthur Krim, Norman Mailer, W.H. Manville, David Markson, Harvey Matusow, John Nichols, Gerald Nicosia, Anthony Powell, Dan Propper, Dotson Rader, Dachine Rainier, Morris Renek, Alan Ross, Francis Schwartz, Michael Seide, Mark Schechner, C.P. Snow, Irving Stettner, Gay Talese, H.L. Van Brunt, Dan Wakefield, Richard Walton, Tom Wolfe, and Richard Yates. An index to the correspondence is available in the repository.

Box List

Box 1

Index to correspondence


1953 -- 1959











Box 2

Correspondence, cont.



January -- April

May -- September

October -- December


January -- June

July -- December


January -- May

June -- December


Box 3

Correspondence, cont.


January -- June

July -- December


January -- May

June -- December
1977 -- 1978


January -- June

July -- December
1981 -- March 1982

April 1982 -- 1984


Lists of Krim's correspondents and descriptions of drafts by Krim

Books by Krim

The Beats


Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer

Making It," two typescripts with corrections and revisions

"Anti-Jazz: Unless the Implications Are Faced," two typescripts with corrections and revisions

"Ask for a White Cadillac," two typescripts with corrections and revisions

"The Insanity Bit," two typescripts with corrections and revisions

Promotional material

Box 4

Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer, cont.

Miscellaneous related material

You and Me

"A Moment of Your Time..." two early typescripts of the introduction with corrections and revisions

"Kerouac Dies for Me in Spain, with Wreath by Aronowitz," typescript with corrections and revisions

"Son of Laughing Boy," three typescripts with corrections and revisions

"Straight Talk to Kenneth H. Brown," typescript with corrections and revisions

"What the Fabulous Dickie Boy has Really Wrought Late at Night," typescript draft with corrections and revisions

"Two Hermit Gamblers: One who Scored (Puzo), One Who is Still Playing and Sort of Losing (Krim)," typescript with corrections and revisions

"Notes Towards My Death," typescript with corrections and revisions

"What is that Smell of Formaldehyde Coming From Yaddo and MacDowell?" typescript with corrections and revisions

"Kiss the Blood Off My Commercial Realism," typescript with corrections and revisions

"The One and Only Million-Dollar Jewboy Caper," typescript with corrections and revisions

"For My Brothers and Sisters in the Failure Business," typescript with corrections and revisions


Shake It For the World, Smartass

Early typescripts, incomplete with corrections. Includes letter to the editors, William Targ and Joyce [?]

Two incomplete typescripts

Typescript with corrections and revisions (2 folders)

Xerox typescript with corrections and revisions

Box 5

Shake It For the World, Smartass, cont.

Xerox typescript with corrections and revisions

Printer's copy with corrections and revisions



Typescript of 61 pp. of work-in-progress

Material concerning early readings of Chaos

Guggenheim Fellowship material, including a copy of a statement by Norman Mailer about Krim's work

Shroud for a Journey

Incomplete typescript with corrections and revisions

Articles and Stories by Krim

"After the Orange Sherbet," Family Weekly. April 13, 1958

"All that Cellar -- Deep Jazz," Commentary. October 1961

"Author Michael Seide Snubs Time as He Readies 28-Year Novel for Pub," New York Smith. Summer 1974

"A Backward Glance Oe'r Beatnik Roads," The Little Magazine in America. Fall 1978. Typescript of article

"The Begin Image," New York Times. July 15, 1977. Typescript of article with corrections and revisions

"Big Drug Stud Krim from Malaga," New York Element. February -- March 1970

"Black English," typescript draft of an unfinished article with corrections and revisions

"Brother Dave at 38," New York Element. June 26, 1968

"Can Literature be Oral?," New York Times. July -- August 1972

"City of Children: Christmas on the Avenue Juárez," The Record. December 26, 1980

"Diary," Evergreen Review. January 1970. Typescript with revisions

"Diversity! Ain't it Grand?," The Record. March 10, 1980

"Dreiser and His Critics," The Commonweal. June 1, 1956

"Enchantment and Disenchantment in Dublin"

"An Enemy of the Novel," The Iowa Review. Winter 1972

"Ernest Hemingway: Valor and Defeat," The Commonweal. September 19, 1952

"Exit Mr. Cool," New York Times. November 18, 1974

"The Eyes Have It," typescript draft with corrections

"Facing Up to Mr. Fulford," Exchange. February -- March 1962

"Final Tribute, the Eternal American Soldier," New Times. June 10, 1977

"Fonda, My Buddy," Evergreen Review. February 1971

"Frank Harris: The First Hipster," The Best. Fall 1964 -- entire issue

"Getting Wired," Soho Weekly News. September 10, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"The Glory that was Rome," typescript draft of story

"The Great Village Typewriter Man," Soho Weekly News. January 31, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"Greenwich Village by Night," typescript with corrections and revisions

"The Hand of God," typescript with corrections

Box 6

Articles and Stories by Krim, cont.

"Harlem ist ein Anachronismus," Merian. September 9, 1970

"Harlem ist ein Anachronismus," Der Weite Raum. August 1972

"Have you Heard About the Death of the World?" Vogue. October 1, 1971

"He Writes Like a Girl," Changes. September 1974. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"Hipster Digs Dylan Thomas in Semi-Hip Downtown Bar," Village Voice. November 7, 1956

"Homecoming Week End ," Family Weekly. November 10, 1957

"How Try to Finish Book Crazy N. Y. Eight Years Too Fucking Impossible But: 10 Tracks from a Record," Evergreen Review. March 1970

"I Carry the Istanbul Fire-Easter with me to the Iowa Plains," typescript with corrections and revisions

"I Saw a Great Man Once," typescript with corrections and revisions

"In the New Fatherland," two typescripts with revisions

"James T. Farrell Remembered," Soho Weekly News. August 30, 1979

"Jesse Frank," typescript, with revisions

"Judge, I'm a New Man," typescript draft

"Kicks," typescript draft

"King of Beasts," The Commonweal. January 2, 1959

"Literary Shootout at 3,500 Miles: New York to Malaga," The Unspeakable Visions of the Individual. April 1972. Entire issue

"Maugham the Artist," The Commonweal. December 10, 1954

"Mauled in the Lyons Den," Soho Weekly News. May 14, 1980. Two typescripts with revisions

"Media," Changes. 1975

"My Flag is Up," Gent. August 1959

"My Sister, Joyce Brothers," Soho Weekly News. April 9, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"The Netherworld of Henry Miller," The Commonweal. October 24, 1952

"New York 22," Galley proof with corrections

"The Old Party Watches America," The Record. June 2, 1980

"On Being an Anglo," Stroker. January 1978. Including related correspondence

"Originality and Insanity," typescript with corrections and revisions

"Remembering Harold Rosenberg." Commentary. November 1978

"Roman Stairs Have Story on Each Step," The Bergen Record. June 15, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"Say Bye-Bye to the Nice Intellectual-Sounding Man, Virginia, and Hello to the Rough Tough Free-Lance Writer," typescript with corrections and revisions

"Say Something." Magpie, vol. 23, no. 1

"Shaw: the Man Behind the Mask," The Commonweal. November 6, 1953

"Short Stories by Six," Hudson Review. Winter 1951

"Sid, Get Your Ass Out to the Sacred Mountain and Live Like an Existential Eagle," News Act. August 1978. Typescript with revisions and related correspondence

"Sitting Shiva for Henry," Village Voice. June 23, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"Somerset Maugham," The Commonweal. December 3, 1954

"Springtime for Vinnie Is Not What It Is for You and Me," Soho Weekly News. May 23, 1974. Typescript with corrections and revisions

"Ted Solotaraff -- They Call Him the Ox," Soho Weekly News. July 9, 1980. Typescript with revisions

"There Is No American Jewish Community," The Record. January 31, 1980

"Through a Kid's Fearful Eyes," Provincetown Review. Winter 1963. Entire issue.

"Walt Whitman at Home," The Commonweal. January 7, 1955

"What It Means to Be Mex," Village Voice. May 27 -- June 2, 1981

"What's This Cat's Story?" The Noble Savage. 1961. Entire issue

"Whitman and His Critics," The Hudson Review. Spring 1956

"Wolfe, the Critics, and the People," The Commonweal. September 4, 1953

Reviews by Krim

About the New Yorker and Me, E. J. Kah. Village Voice. July 22, 1981. Typescript with revisions

An American Procession
, Alfred Kazin. Newsday. May 6, 1984

Billy Graham -- A Parable of American Righteousness
, Marshall Frady. Chicago Tribune. June 3, 1979

Blood and Money, Thomas Thompson. Bookletter. December 20, 1976

The Boys of Summer
, Roger Kahn. Sun Times. March 5, 1972. Typescript draft

Breakfast of Champions
, Kurt Vonnegut. Newsday. May 20, 1973

Breaking Ranks, Norman Podhoretz. Washington Post. November 4, 1979

Breaktime: Living Without Work in a Nine to Five World
, Bernard Lefkowitz. Newsday. July 15, 1979

The Breast, Philip Roth. Chicago Sun-Times. September 17, 1972

By Reason of Insanity, Shane Stevens. Chicago Tribune. March 11, 1979

"Celebrity Booklist," Soho Weekly News. March 19, 1980

Chez Joey: The World of Joe Flaherty
, Joe Flaherty. Chicago Sun-Times. May 12, 1974

Cities of the Red Night, William S. Burroughs. Washington Post. March 1, 1981. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Classics and Commercialism
, Edmund Wilson. Hudson Review. Spring 1951

The Common Thread, Michael Seide. New York Smith. Summer 1974. Typescript with corrections and revisions

The Dream of the Golden Mountains, Malcolm Cowley. Detroit New. April 6, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Dreaming of Babylon, Richard Brautigan. Chicago Tribune. September 25, 1977

1876, Gore Vidal. Newsday. March 14, 1976

Box 7

Reviews by Krim, cont.

Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters 1917 -- 1961, Carlos Baker. Village Voice. November 19, 1979. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Eskimos, Chicanos, Indians and Privileged Ones
, Robert Coles. Newsday. January 15, 1978

Essays of E. B. White, E. B. White. Newsday. September 18, 1977

The Executioner's Song
, Norman Mailer. Newsday. October 7, 1979. Typescript with revisions

Faggots, Larry Kramer. Chicago Tribune. November 26, 1978

Familiar Poems, Annotated, Isaac Asimov. Bookletter. February 14, 1977. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
, Hunter S. Thompson. Chicago Sun-Times. June 25, 1972

The Fight, Norman Mailer. Galley proof

For a New Novel, Alain Robbe-Grillet. News Art. August 1979

Fortunes Child, Lewis H. Lapham. Chicago Tribune. March 16, 1980

Franny and Zooey, J. D. Salinger. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Genius and Lust: A Journey Through the Major Writings of Henry Miller
, Norman Mailer. Chicago Sun-Times. November 7, 1976

The Glory and the Dream
, William Manchester. Newsday. November 10, 1974

Good as Gold, Joseph Heller. Newsday. March 11, 1979. Including related correspondence

Great Photographic Essays from Life, Maitland Edey. Newsday. December 10, 1979

Hermann Hesse: Pilgrim of Crisis
, Ralph Freedman. Village Voice. February 19, 1979. Incomplete typescript with revisions

The Holy Barbarians, Lawrence Lipton. Evergreen Review. 1959

Homosexuality and American Psychiatry
, Ronald Bayer and On the Line, Ian Young. The Nation. May 16, 1981

If Mountains Die: A New Mexico Memoir, John Nichols. Village Voice. July 30, 1979

In Hiding: the Life of Manuel Cortes, Ronald Fraser. Los Angeles Times Calendar. July 30, 1972

In the Belly of the Beast: Letters from Prison, Jack Henry Abbott. Newsday. August 16, 1981. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Jack's Book -- An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac, Barry Gifford and Lawrence Lee. Chicago Tribune. August 20, 1978

Jailbird, Kurt Vonnegut. Village Voice. August 20, 1979

James Jones: A Friendship, Willie Morris. The Nation. October 28, 1978

Joey, Donald Goddard. Chicago Sun-Times. June 2, 1974

Journals: Early Fifties Early Sixties, Allen Ginsberg. Village Voice. September 26, 1977

The Letters of Thomas Wolfe
, Elizabeth Nowell. Typescript with corrections and revisions

The Life of John O'Hara
, Frank MacShane. Harpers. February 1981. Typescript with revisions

A Little Original Sin: the Life and Work of Jane Bowles, Millicent Dillon. Washington Post. August 2, 1981. Typescript with revisions

The Literary Politicians, Mitchell S. Ross. Chicago Tribune. January 8, 1978

Live at the Village Vanguard, Max Gordon. Village Voice. February 28, 1981

Love and Napalm: Export U.S.A
. J.G. Ballard. Chicago Sun-Times. December 24, 1972

Maugham, Ted Morgan. Village Voice. March 24, 1980

Memoirs, Pablo Neruda. Newsday. January 23, 1977

Memoirs of a Not Altogether Shy Pornographer, Bernard Wolfe. Chicago Sun-Times. October 29, 1972. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaning and Its Future, Reginald Bretnor. Perspectives. Summer 1954. Entire issue

Music for Chameleons
, Truman Capote. Village Voice. August 12, 1980. Typescript with revisions

My Green Age, Edward Weeks. Chicago Sun-Times. February 17, 1974

My Life as a Man, Philip Roth. Newsday. June 2, 1974. Typescript with corrections and revisions

The New Emily Post's Etiquette, Elizabeth L. Post. Newsday. April 13, 1975

Of Outlaws, Con Men, Whores, Politicians and Other Artists, Larry L. King and Off Center, Barbara Grizzuti Harrison. Chicago Tribune. June 1, 1980

The Old Man and Lesser Mortals, Larry L. King. Village Voice. April 18, 1974

Requiem for a Dream, Hubert Selby, Jr. Chicago Tribune. October 15, 1978

The Right Stuff, Thomas Wolfe. Chicago Tribune. September 9, 1979

Rowing Toward Eden, Ted Morgan. Chicago Tribune. February 15, 1981

"Saloon Society," record by Bill Manville. Village Voice. June 15, 1961

The 60's Report, Toby Thompson and Fire in the Streets, Milton Viorst. Newsday. January 27, 1980

Still Life with Woodpecker, Tom Robbins and The Tokyo -- Montana Express, Richard Brautigan. Newsday. September 1, 1980 Typescript with corrections and revisions

The Strength of Fields, James Dickey. Village Voice. February 4, 1980. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Talking to myself: A Memoir of My Times, Studs Terkel. Newsday. April 17, 1977

Thy Neighbor's Wife, Gay Talese. Detroit New. April 27, 1980

To Be Preserved Forever, Lev Kopelev. Newsday. July 31, 1977. Typescript with revisions

Topology of a Phantom City, Alain Robbe-Grillet. Typescript with revisions.

A Transit to Narcissus, Norman Mailer. Chicago Tribune. March 26, 1978. Typescript with revisions

Under the Sign of Saturn, Susan Sontag. Chicago Tribune. October 19, 1980

Vegas. A Memoir of a Dark Season, John Gregory. Changes. June 1974. Typescript with corrections and revisions

Walt Whitman: A Life, Justin Kaplan. Village Voice. October 22 -- 28, 1980. Typescript draft

Whistle, James Jones. Village Voice. March 6, 1978

With William Burroughs: A Report from the Bunker
, Victor Bockris and With Brendan Behan: A Personal Memoir, Peter Arthurs. Chicago Tribune. August 9, 1981. Typescript with revisions

The World of Lawrence, Henry Miller. Detroit News. June 15, 1980

Miscellaneous Krim material

Advertisements placed by Krim

Articles about or mentioning Krim

Introduction by Krim in This Way to the Apocalypse by Sidney Bernard

Letters to the editor by Krim

Parody of Jimmy Cannon -- Nobody Asked Me, But Who Cares? Three typescripts with corrections and revisions

Play program. "The Green Room," Kenneth H. Brown

Playlet. Too Much! Typescript with revisions

1986 Addendum

Correspondence, 1984 -- 1986. Letters from Garald Nicosia, Richard Yates, Raymond Abbott, Elizabeth Hardwick, Chuck Wachtel, Ted Morgan, Chandler Brossard, Kenneth H. Brown, Phyllis Raphael, Catherine Carver, V.J. Eaton, Peter Rand, George Stade, John Nichols, James Dickey, Joyce Elbert, Michael Seide, John Leggett, Milton Hindus, John Tytell, Richard Kostelanetz, Peter Manso, Gay Talese, John Blades, Phil Mushnick, Robert Cowley, Michael Burke, Millicent Dillon, James Wolcott, Alfred Kazin, Fred W. McDarrah, Paul Pines, Calder Willingham, Morris Renek, Patricia Bosworth, Robert Cowley, and Charles Simmons.

1989 Addendum

Correspondence, 1962, 1980, 1986 -- 1988. Letters from Gregory Corso, Lionel H. Mitchell, Alan Ross, Robert Friend, Allen Ginsberg, V.J. Eaton, Joel Conarroe, Waiter Abish, Gerald Nicosia, Barbara Stacy, Leslie Garrett, James Wolcott, Dan Cordtz, Larry Rivers, Michael C.D. MacDonald, John Nichols, Eric Bentley, Myna Sklarew, John Simon, Avery Corman, Kurt Vonnegut, Michael Grieg, Catharine Carver, James Dickey, Anne Kostick, Gerald Nicosia, Jim Wolcott, John Nichols, and Aram Saroyan.

1993 Addendum

Box 8

"Seymour Krim: Making Every Word Count" by Gerald Nicosia. Washington Post. Sunday, October 29, 1989

Seymour Krim Memorial Service, January 14, 1990. Videotapes and program

2003 Addendum


From [Adam?], July 20, 1988

From [Fielding Dawson]. Consists only of a photocopy of a review of Dawson's Tiger Lilies: An American Childhood. Accompanied by an envelope with Dawson's return address. Postmarked September 26, 1984.

From [Gil?] March 4, 1987, March 16, 1987

SK to Gregg, December 13, 1977

From [John Hutchens], October 19, 1966

From [John?], April 30, 1987

SK to Adam Schoenbrun, August 1 [n.y.] (Returned to SK)

Correspondence between Margaret Harrell, Mark Shechner, and Frederick Morgan about the introduction Shechner wrote for A Discourse on Hip. Photocopies

List of books donated to the libraries by Donald Krim from his father's library

Materials on the friendship between Seymour Krim and Milton Klonsky



[from Chaos]. Stroker, 16, pp. 40 -- 43

[from Book of Fame]. Stroker, 18, pp. 27 -- 34

[from Book of Fame]. Stroker, 25, pp. 23 -- 26

[from Book of Fame]. Stroker, 26 -- 27, pp. 54 -- 59

"Krim on Miller on Lawrence." Stroker,17, pp. 23 -- 25

"On Being an Anglo." Stroker, 7, pp. 8 -- 11

"This Hot Sauce Sermonette." Swank, Vol. 26: No.1 (January 1976), pp. 32 -- 36, 80 -- 81, 106


"It Hurts." Stroker, 1. p. 3

"Start of a Big Book." Stroker, 2, p. 22


2009 Addendum

Box 9

Note: This addendum was donated by Krim's brother Norman and Norman's children, Arthur and Don. Therefore, most of the correspondence is directed to Norman. Most of the correspondence is from Seymour, but not all of it is; however, Seymour is the topic of most of the correspondence not from him. This addendum consists mostly of appearances in the press of items by or about Seymour Krim

Biographical material, including an audiocassette of an NPR program "Fresh Air," and The American Audio Prose Library interview with Seymour Krim


Correspondence regarding the collection at the University of Iowa

Box 10

Death of Seymour Krim

Guggenheim Fellowship




----. Book reviews

----. Essays

----. Letters to the Editor

----. Poetry. Includes an audiocassette of Krim reading from his prose poem "Siege"

----. Quotes from Krim

----. Short stories

----. Publicity

----. Reviews of Krim's work

----. Items about or mentioning Krim

2010 Addendum

Essay on Krim by Raymond Abbott. Letters to Abbott from Krim. Gift of Raymond Abbott

2012 Addendum

Harrell, Margaret A. Keep This Quiet! A Memoir. My Relationship with Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, and Jan Mensaert. Raleigh, North Carolina: Saeculum University Press USA Romania, 2011. Gift of the author.

Two letters to Raymond Abbott, one dated October 6, 1978 in which he discussed his (Krim's) novel Chaos; and one dated May 4, 1979 in which he discusses an unnamed novel by Abbott. Gift of Raymond Abbott



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