Special Collections and Archives

MsC 385

  Manuscript Register


Link To: Senatorial Papers
Collection Dates: 1962 -- 1975
200 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Posted to Internet: December 1997

Acquisition Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1975 by Governor Hughes.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Photographs: Box 38, Oversized Box S250

Ephemera: Campaign posters Oversized Box S250

Film/Video: Box 46, Oversized Box S250

Audio Material: Audiocasette tape box 16; Boxes 39 -- 46

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Table of Contents

Biographical note

Scope and contents


I. Series One -- Alphabetical Subject Files

Boxes 1 -- 16

II. Series Two -- Governor’s Advisory Committee

Boxes 17 -- 18

III. Series Three -- Appointments

Boxes 18 -- 20

IV. Series Four -- General Assembly 60 -- 62

Boxes 20 -- 22

V. Series Five -- Clemency and Penal

Boxes 22 -- 24

VI. Series Six -- Press Releases, Radio Broadcasts Fact Sheets, etc.

Boxes 25 -- 27

VII. Series Seven -- Speeches

Boxes 27 -- 29

VIII. Series Eight -- Newspaper Clippings

Boxes 29 -- 34

IX. Series Nine -- Campaign and Miscellaneous

Boxes 34 -- 37

X. Series Ten -- Photographs

Box 38

XI. Series Eleven -- Tapes (Audio, Video, and Film)

Boxes 39 -- 46

Oversized Material (Gubernatorial)

Box S250

Subject Index

 Biographical Notes

Harold Everett Hughes was born near Ida Grove, Iowa on February 10, 1922. Struggling against rural poverty, he attended public schools and was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Iowa. He quit school after his freshman year and was married. In 1942, Hughes enlisted in the army and saw combat in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. He was sent home after contracting both jaundice and malaria, serving out the remainder of his enlistment stateside.

Hughes took a job driving trucks after the war. It was through trucking that he first became involved in politics. He founded the Iowa Better Trucking Bureau to represent small truckers. In 1958, after switching political parties from Republican to Democrat, Hughes ran for a seat on the Iowa State Commerce Commission. He was elected and served from 1959 to 1962. In 1963, Hughes was elected governor of Iowa, defeating the incumbent Republican , Governor Erbe. He went on the serve for three terms. Elected to the US Senate (1968 -- 1975), he briefly sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1971, and chose not to seek re-election to the Senate in 1974.

Harold Everett Hughes was very much a man shaped by his past. The poverty he experienced during his youth, his battle with alcoholism, his blue-collar background, and his strong religious faith all worked to mold the man and his politics. He opposed the death penalty and the Vietnam War, worked tirelessly for alcohol and drug abuse legislation, was involved in conservation issues, and was regarded as a liberal Democrat and a charismatic candidate.

Harold Hughes died October 23, 1996 in Glendale, Arizona.

 Scope and Contents

The papers of Harold E. Hughes consist of 200 linear feet of manuscripts dating from 1962 to 1975. Primarily office files, these papers are divide into two series: 1) Gubernatorial Papers and 2) Senatorial Papers. Each series is then divided into ten or eleven sections. The senatorial papers are listed on a separate record. The gubernatorial papers are arranged in the following order: 1)Alphabetical subject files; 2) Governor’s advisory committee; 3) Appointments; 4) General assembly 60 -- 62; 5) Clemency and penal; 6) Press releases, radio broadcasts fact sheets, etc.; 7) Speeches; 8) Newspaper clippings; 9) Campaign and miscellaneous; 10) Photographs; 11) Tapes; and Oversized materials. The index for both the combined gubernatorial and senatorial papers are combined at the end of each respective record.

The major topics include: agriculture, alcoholism, banks, commerce, courts, crime, Democratic Party, drug abuse, education, manpower, draft, Richard Nixon, practical politics, postal service, poverty, public welfare, public works, roads, soil conservation, taxation, transportation, United Nations, veterans, Vietnamese conflict, and water pollution. The Iowa cities of Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, and Waterloo are well represented. There is correspondence from: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edward M. Kennedy, and Walter F. Mondale.

Given to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1975 by Harold E. Hughes, these papers are open for research by students and scholars.

Gubernatorial Papers

 Series I. Alphabetical Subject Files

Box 1

Adjutant General, November 7, 1962

Administrative Accomplishments, May 1964

Aeronautics Commission, September 1967

Aging Commission, July -- October 1968

Agriculture Department -- U.S., 1964 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Agriculture -- Iowa, 1963 -- 1969

Agricultural Product Utilization Program, 1962 -- 1964

Air Pollution, 1968

Airplane -- Hughes,1966 -- 1968

Alabama Race Riots, 1965


Iowa Comprehensive Alcoholism Project (ICAP), 1967 -- 1968 (5 folders)

ICAP, 1968

ICAP, Legal Problems 1966 -- 1967 (2 folders)

ICAP, 1967

ICAP, 1966 -- 1971

State wide Program 1965 -- 1967, incl. letters from Neal Smith (3 folders)

Studies, 1959

American Political Science Association, 1966

 Box 2


1966, incl. a letter from John C. Culver in 4th folder (4 folders)

1966 -- 1967 (2 folders)

1967 -- 1968

Background information, 1965 -- 1966


1962 -- 1963

1963 -- 1964

School Information, 1961 -- 1967

Appointments, 1966 -- 1967

Area Re: Development, 1967

Arts Council, 1966 -- 1967

Atomic Energy Commission, 1966 -- 1967, incl. letters from H.R. Gross, John

C. Culver, Jack Miller, John R. Schmidhauser

Attorney General, 1967 -- 1968

Auditor, 1967 -- 1968

Audits, 1964 -- 1969

Beef Imports, 1963 -- 1964

Belmond, Iowa -- Tornado, 1966 -- 1967

Big Sioux, 1961 -- 1968, incl. letters from Jack Miller and Neal Smith

Blind Commission, 1964 -- 1968

Board of Control, 1963 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Box 3

Bridge Problems, 1964 -- 1967, incl. letters from: Jack Miller, H.R. Gross,
William J. Scherle, Fred Schwengel, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, and John C.

Building Code Study Committee, 1967 -- 1968

Buildings and Grounds, 1966 -- 1968

Businessmen's Luncheons

Burlington, September 2, 1964

Cedar Rapids, July 29, 1964

Davenport, August 19,1964

Des Moines, June 18, 1964

Sioux City, August 13, 1964

Waterloo, Auggust 3, 1964

Cabinet Meetings - 1964 -- 1968

Campaign Files

1963 - Including speeches, background materials, state platform and candidates of the Iowa

Democratic Party and a photo.


1964 Chester Litho Inc.

1964 Debates

1964 - Kieffer Associates Advertising

1964 - Political Advertisements - State and National

1964 - Rex Weitzell

1964 - Schedule


1966 - Clippings File

1966 - Clippings

1966 - Releases

1968 - Mail Re-Convention (2 folders)

Capitol Planning Commission, 1964 -- 1965

Car Dispatcher, 1964 -- 1965

Civil Defense, 1966 -- 1967

Civil Disobedience, 1967

Civil Disturbance, 1967 -- 1968

Civil Rights, 1966 -- 1968

Civil Rights Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Coal Mining, 1966

Commerce, Secretary of Federal

Communications System Committee Report, 1966 -- 1967, No. 1

 Box 4

Communications System Committee Report, 1966 -- 1967, No. 2

Community and Junior Colleges:

1967 -- 1968

Charles City College, 1968

Community Development District Act, 1966

Community Improvement Incorportated

1967 -- 1968

Cedar Rapids, 1967

Davenport, 1967

Des Moines, 1967

Comptroller, 1966 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Conflict of Interest, 1966

Congratulatory Letters

Mainly from Hughes, 1963 -- 1965

Mainly VIP, 1964 -- 1966, incl. a letter from Herschel C. Loveless

Congratulatory Telegrams, 1962

Conservation Commission

State, 1966

State, 1963 -- 1968 (3 folders)

State Planning Work, 1967 -- 1968

Conservation - Federal, 1963 -- 1967

Correspondence - Miscellaneous,1962 -- 1968

Courts, 1965 -- 1966 (2 folders)

Crime Alert, 1968

Crime Commission

Iowa (Law Enforcement Assistance), 1966 -- 1967

Iowa (LEA Program), 1967

Iowa, 1967

Box 5

Crime Commission (cont.)

Iowa (LEA), 1967 -- 1968

Criminal Code Revision, 1965 -- 1967

Crisis Meetings

1968 (3 folders)

Composite Transcript, 1968

Estes Group, 1968

Letters on, 1968

News Clippings, 1968

YMCA with mayors of 16 largest cities in Iowa, May 15, 1968


Follow-Up, 1968

Midwest Democratic Conference, 1964 -- 1965

Democratic Information - State, 1963

Dennler's Report, 1965

Development Commission

Iowa, 1964 -- 1967 (3 folders)

Iowa,1964 -- 1967

Iowa, 1965 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Reports - Iowa, 1967Iowa

Letters on New York trip, 1964

Doanne Report, 1965 [?]

Editorials, 1967

Emergency Planning - O. E. P. (Office of Emergency Planning), 1964 -- 1967,
incl. a letter from Edward A. McDermott

Endorsing Primary Candidates, 1965

Employment of Handicapped, 1965 -- 1967

Executive Council

1962 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Subcommittee, 1965 -- 1967

 Box 6

Executive Council (cont.)

1965 -- 1968, incl. a letter from Lex Hawkins, folder 2 (2 folders)


Executive Orders, 1963 -- 1970

Farmland Industries (i.e. Labor disputes), 1963 --1970

Federal Power Commission, 1964 --1965

Federal Programs, 1965

Federal-State Relations, Washington Trip

October 4 -- 7, 1967

1967, incl. letters from B.B. Hickenlooper, John Kyl, Jack Miller, and H.R. Gross.

Reports on, 1967

Firearms Legislation, 1968

Floods, 1965

Food for Peace, 1964

Foreign Visitors, 1966

Geological Survey, 1965

Government Reorganization, 1965 -- 1967 (3 folders)

Governors' Conference


1965 -- 1968

1966 -- 1967

1967 file

Cleveland, Ohio, 1964

Los Angeles, California, 1966

Midwest, 1966 -- 1967

Midwest - Chicago, Illinois, 1962

Midwest - Mackinac Island, Michigan, 1965 incl. photo

Midwest - Minneapolis, 1964

Midwest - Omaha, Nebraska, 1963

Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 25 -- 29, 1965

 Box 7

Governors' Conference (cont.):

Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1965

(National) Cincinnati, Ohio, 1965

Tokyo, Japan, 1965

Virgin Islands, October 1967

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 1966

Governors' Prayer Breakfast, 1966 -- 1968

Greetings, 1967 -- 1968

Grimes Building, 1967 -- 1968, incl. a letter from Charles E. Grassley

Guns and Conservation, 1968 -- 1969

Harlan, Iowa -- Strike, 1966

Hawkeye Naturama, 1965 -- 1967

Health Department, 1965 -- 1968

Health, Education and Welfare

1964 -- 1967

1965 -- 1967

Health Planning Council, 1967 -- 1968

Hiawatha Pioneer Trail, 1963 -- 1965

Higher Education

1967 -- 1968

Facilities Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Study, 1968

Highway Commission, 1967 -- 1968, incl. letters from Bourke B. Hickenlooper and Fred

Highway Safety Act of 1966, 1966 -- 1967 (2 folders)

Historical Building, 1963

Hoover (Herbert) Library, 1967, incl. letters from Frred Schwengel

Housing and Urban Development, 1967

Hughes - Hultman Debates, 1964

Hughes - Recipes, 1963 -- 1966

Humorous Letters, 1964 -- 1968, incl. letters from Robert D. Ray

Inaugural -- Hughes, Harold, 1963 -- 1965, incl. a letter from Jack Miller

Industrial Development Bonds,1968, incl. letters from John Kyl, Fred Schwengel, Jack Miller, John C. Culver, H.R. Gross, and William J. Scherle

 Box 8

Interim Appointments - Barry J. Crawford,1963 -- 1964

Interior Department,1968

Iowa Natural Resources Council

1963 -- 1968, incl. letters from Fred Schwengel, Charles B. Hoeven, H.R. Gross, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Jack Miller, Neal Smith, and Nicholas Johnson (2 folders)

Davis Creek Project (near Exira), 1966

Duck Creek (Iowa), 1966

East Fork - One Hundred and Two River at Bedford, Iowa, 1965

Flood Control on the Mississippi River from Cassville, Wisconsin to Mile 300, 1968, incl. a letter from John C. Culver

Grand River Basin, 1964 -- 1965

Maple River and Odebolt Creek, 1967

Mercer Reservoir, 1965 -- 1966

Mississippi River Report "Fort Madison Channel Report", 1966

Nishnabotha River (near Exira), 1966

Snyder Bend - Missouri River, 1966

West Bench Unit, Three Forks Division, Montana, Missouri River Basin Project, 1966

Wyaconda River, Missouri and Iowa, 1965

Iowa -- Nebraska Boundary, 1963 -- 1965

Iowa State University, 1965 -- 1968

Japan - Governors' Trip, 1965

Japanese Bell, 1966

Japanese Governors, 1965 -- 1966

Japanese Governors Visit:

Executive Committee Meeting - U..S. Governors, 1967

Labor Commissioner, 1966 -- 1968

Land and Water Conservation Act, 1963 -- 1966

Law Enforcement Academy, 1967 -- 1968

Legislative Research, 1968

Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, 1965 -- 1968, incl. a letter from John Kyl

Box 9

Lieutenant Governor, 1966 -- 1967

Liquor Control Commission 1963 -- 1964, 1967

Look Magazine Story - Hughes, 1964 -- 1965

Mail Opening, November 1962

Manpower Advisory Committee, 1963

Manpower Development


1966 (3 folders)

1967 (3 folders)


Commission #2 - Job Corps Placement Committee, 1967

Council #2, 1968 (3 folders)

Dropout Program, 1967

 Box 10

Manpower Development (cont.)

Iowa -- Yucatan Summer Youth Exchange Program, 1967

Progress Reports, 1965

Maximum Security Hospital, 1963 -- 1966

Medical Assistance for Aged, November 1965


1963 -- 1968


Mentally Disordered Offender, 1964 -- 1966

Merit Employment Commission and Funds, 1968

Merit Employment Department

1967 -- 1968 (2 folders)

(Iowa) 1967

Merit System



Council, 1968

Mine Inspector, 1965

Mississippi River Parkway, 1956 -- 1966

Missouri Basin Inter-Agency Committee, 1968

Missouri River Basin Committee (Proposed), 1966 -- 1968

Missouri River States Committee, 1963 -- 1966

NFO Hog Slaughter, 1968

New York World's Fair, 1963 -- 1965

Nurses and hospitals, 1966 -- 1967

Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 1967-1968, incl. a letter from John R.

Hansen in 4th folder (4 folders)

 Box 11

Office of Planning and Programming - Funds, 1967 -- 1968.

Office Remodeling, 1966 -- 1968.

On the Job Training(O.J.T.) Special Audit

1966 -- 1968 (2 folders)

1967 -- 1968 (3 folders)

Open Space, 1966 -- 1967

Progressive Action for the Retarded (PAR), 1968

Parole Board, 1963 -- 1965

Partners of the Alliance

1964 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Iowa Yucatan Exchange Program, 1967

Personal - Hughes

1959 -- 1968, incl. letters from Edward M. Kennedy, John C. Culver, Robert F. Kennedy, Donald J. Mitchell, Ray Murphy, Sr., Richard J. Daley, Hubert H. Humphrey (2 folders)

1967 -- 1968, incl. a letter from George C. Wallace

Personnel - Governor, 1963 -- 1969

Pharmacy (Illegal Drug Use), 1968

Planning and Programming Office

Advisory Committee of the Department of Social Services, 1967

Department of Social Services Director, 1967

Director of Revenue, 1967

Social Services and Revenue Department Expense Claims, 1967 -- 1968

Preserves Advisory Board 1968

 Box 12

Presidential and Vice Presidential Correspondence 1964 -- 1968, incl. a letter
from Hubert H. Humphrey

Presidential Pig, 1964

President's Commission on Equal Housing, 1965

President's Council on Food and Fiber, 1965 -- 1966

Printing Board, 1964 -- 1967

Proclamations, 1962 -- 1966

Progress Reports - Executive Council Members, 1965 -- 1967

Public Instruction:

1964 -- 1967

1966 -- 1968

Public Land Law Review Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Public Safety

1964 -- 1968

RE: Merlin J. Hogan

Rathbun Dam, 1965

Reapportionment, 1963 -- 1964

Red Rock Dam, 1958 -- 1960

Board of Regents

1963 -- 1965

1967 -- 1968

Revenue Department

1965 -- 1968 (2 folders)

1967 -- 1968

R.E.A. (Rural Electric Association), 1966

School Aid, 1968

Secretary of Commerce, 1963 -- 1964

Sell Iowa Trip -- Chicago, Illinois, 1963 -- 1967

Sell - See Iowa -- Texas, 1968

Servicemen's Greetings, 1967

 Box 13

Shaff Plan

1963, incl. a letter from Frank T. Nye (4 folders)

Materials, 1963

Reapportionment, 1963

Releases, 1963

Social Services

1964 -- 1968, (2 folders)


Space -- Valley Bank Building, 1965 -- 1967, incl. a letter from Jack Miller

State College of Iowa, 1966 -- 1967

State Department, U.S., 1967 -- 1968, incl. a letter from Dean Rusk

State Fair, 1967 -- 1968

State Planning:

1966 -- 1967 (2 folders)

1967 (2 folders)

1967 -- 1968, incl. letters from: Charles E. Grassley, Vince Steffen, and James V. Gallagher

(3 folders)

Box 14

1967 -- 1968, incl. letters from William Scherle and Charles E. Grassley (2 folders)

Crime Control Act, 1968

Executive Order Responses, 1968

Housing, 1967

Reorganization, 1967

Tom Riley's Proposal, 1968

State Representatives, 1965 -- 1968 (2 folders)

State University of Iowa, 1963 -- 1965

Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Affairs, 1966 -- 1967

Sugar Beets in Northeast Iowa, 1964 -- 1966

Tama Indian Settlement Road, 1965 -- 1967

Tax Bill

1967 (2 folders)

Correspondence, 1967

Property Tax - Expressing Concern, 1967

Property Tax Opposition, 1967

Secrecy, 1967

Tax (Federal) - Interstate Commerce H.R. 11798, 1966 -- 1967, incl. letters from: H.R. Gross, Wiley Mayne, John C. Culver.

Tax Study

1965 -- 1967 (2 folders)

Box 15

Tax Study (cont.)

1965 -- 1967 (2 folders)

1966 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Reorganization, 1965

Committee, 1965 -- 1966

Work Papers ISU and SUI, 1965 -- 1967 (2 folders)

Papers from SUI and ISU, 1964 -- 1967 (2 folders)


Advertising, 1968

Municipal Parking Lots, 1967 -- 1968

New Construction, 1967 -- 1968 (2 folders)

62nd General Assembly, 1967 -- 1968

Tokyo Food Fair, 1967 -- 1968

Tourism, 1965 -- 1967

 Box 16

Trade Mission to Europe


List of Those Invited, 1965

Right-to-Work and labor letters, 1965, incl. a letter from Berkley W. Bedell

Trade Mission to Mexico, 1967 -- 1968

Trade Mission to Latin America, 1966

Trade Mission to South America, 1966 -- 1967

Trade Mission to the Far East

1965 -- 1966 (2 folders)


Letters, 1966

Thank-you letters, 1966

Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, 1966

Transcript: Governor's Oelivien Press Conference Re: Amish, January 10,1966


Introduction of President LBJ by Governor Hughes. Midwest Democratic Dinner, June 30, 1966

NBC Today Show - Interview Governor Hughes and Sander Vanocur, July 6. 1966

Press Conference Concerning Governor's Trip to Japan and Vietnam, November 11, 1965

Remarks by Governor - Hughes Recognition Dinner - Waterloo, February 1, 1966

Press Conference Concerning Dennler Committee Report, May 26, 1965

Press Conference Concerning Trade Mission to Europe, June 30, 1965

Press Conference, Governor Harold E. Hughes, April 14, 1965

Remarks by Governor - Waterloo Kiwanis Club - Noon, February 1, 1966

Press Conference, July 21, 1966

Press Conference Governor Harold E. Hughes, April 12, 1965

Press Conference National Governors' Conference - Los Angeles, July 5, 1966

Audio cassette. Press Conference National Governors' Conference - Los Angeles, July 5, 1966.

Press Conference "Reverse Bias", August 19, 1967

Tax Briefing, July 24, 1967


County Fund Raising Dinners - Kossuth, Pocahontas, Marshall, August, 1966

Press Conference, 1967 -- 1968

Press Conference - Cedar Rapids, May 26, 1966, also press conference, May 27, 1966,

RE: Amish

Transportation Department, 1967-1968, incl. letters from: H.R. Gross, Jack
Miller, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Wiley Mayne, and Fred Schwengel.

Treasurer, 1965 -- 1967

Twelve -- State Transportation Committee, 1965 -- 1968

Upper Mississippi River Interstate Compact, 1965 -- 1967

Uses of Governor's Name, 1968

Visitors Day, 1963 -- 1964

Water and Air Pollution, 1966 -- 1967 incl. photos

Water Pollution, 1963 -- 1964

Water Pollution Control Commission, 1968

Yamanashi Prefecture, 1961 -- 1968

Yamanashi - Sister State of Iowa, 1961 -- 1963

Yucatan - Govorner's Trip to, 1965 -- 1966

Miscellaneous Correspondence

Series II. Governor's Advisory Committees

 Box 17


1963 -- 1966, incl. a letter from Robert D. Blue

Minutes, 1961 -- 1966

Alcoholism - Minutes, 1961 -- 1962

Arts - Council

1966 -- 1968

Minutes, 1966

Children and Youth - Appointments, Acceptances, Governor's Message,
Membership Lists, 1963 -- 1966 (2 folders)


1964 -- 1965

Minutes, 196 -- 1965

Dutch Elm Disease, 1966

Economic Advisory Council, 1964 -- 1966

Farm Vacation Council

1964 -- 1965

Minutes, 1964 -- 1965

Governmental Reorganization


Minutes, 1966

Handicapped Employment:

1963 -- 1965

Minutes, August 22, 1961

Human Rights Commission

1963 -- 1964

Minutes, 1961 -- 1965

Intergovernmental Relations, 1966 (3 folders)

Iowa -- Nebraska Boundary - Minutes, 1963 -- 1964

Manpower Advisory Committee:

1963 -- 1964

Minutes, December 5, 1963

Mental Health

1963 -- 1965

Minutes, 1962 -- 1965

Natural Beauty, 1966

Outdoor Resources - Conservation of, 1964 -- 1968

Physical Fitness Council, 1963 -- 1966

 Box 18

Public Health Advisory Committee:

1963 -- 1966

Minutes, 1963 -- 1966

Rabies Control, 1963 -- 1964

Science Advisory Committee, 1967 -- 1968

Social Welfare

1964 -- 1965

Minutes, 1964 -- 1965

State and Local Government:

1963 -- 1964

1964 -- 1966

Minutes and Membership List, 1964

Status of Women (President's Commission)

1961 -- 1968

1963 -- 1965

1963 -- 1966

Tourism, Minutes 1961 -- 1962

Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee

1964 -- 1966

Minutes, 1964 -- 1966

United Nations Day Committee

1963, incl. a letter from Guy M. Gillette

1964, incl. a letter from Guy M. Gillette

Water Pollution


Minutes, 1963 -- 1964

 Series III. Appointments

Alphabetical By Committe, Board, Etc.

Accountancy, Board of, 1963 -- 1968

Adjutant General, 1963 -- 1967

Administrative Assistant of Governor's Staff, 1962 -- 1963

Aeronautics Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Aging, Commission on the, 1965 -- 1967, incl. letters from Robert D. Blue and
Guy M. Gillette

Air Pollution Control Commission, 1967

Alcoholism, Commission on, 1963 -- 1967

Appeal Board for State Institutional Construction Contracts, 1963 -- 1967

Architectural Examiners, Board of, 1966 -- 1967

Area Vocational, Technical Schools and Community Colleges, State

Advisory Committee for, 1965 -- 1967

Armory Board, 1963

Arts Council, 1967 -- 1968

Banking Board, 1965

Banking, Superintendent of, 1964 -- 1965

Barber Examiners, 1965 -- 1968

Basic Sciences, 1963 -- 1967

Blind Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1968

Capitol Planning Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Chiropractic Examiners, 1963 -- 1965

Civil Defense Advisory Council, 1963 -- 1968, incl. a letter from Richard C.

Civil Rights Commission, 1964 -- 1967

Commerce Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Conservative Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Control, Board of, 1963 -- 1967

Cosmotology Examiners Appointments, 1963 -- 1968

Curators, Board of, 1963 -- 1968

Democratic State Platform Committee, 1966

Dentistry, State Board of, 1963 -- 1968

Development Commission, 1963 -- 1968

Economic Opportunity, Office of State Director, 1965 -- 1968

Educational Radio - TV, 1967 -- 1968

Employment of the Handicapped, 1965 -- 1968 (2 folders)

Employment Safety Commission, 1965 -- 1968

Engineering Examiners, 1963 -- 1967

Fire Defense Advisory Committee, 1962 -- 1968

Fullbright - Hays Scholarships, 1967

Funeral Director and Embalmer Examiners, 1964 -- 1968

Governmental Reorganization, 1966

Health, Board of, 1963 -- 1968

Health Appointment - Commissioner of Public, 1965 -- 1968

Higher Education Facilities Commission, 1964 -- 1965

Highway Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Hospital and Other Health Facilities, 1964 -- 1968

Industrial Commissioner, 1967

Insurance Commissioner, 1963 -- 1967

Interstate Cooperation, 1963 -- 1968

IPERS Advisory Board of, 1963 -- 1967

First Judicial District Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Second Judicial District

Judge Appointtments, 1963 -- 1965

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Third Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1964 -- 1965

Nominating Committee, 1963 -- 1967

Fourth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1965 -- 1966

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Fifth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Sixth Judicial District Nominating Commission

Seventh Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Eight Judicial District - Judge Appointments, 1965 -- 1968

Ninth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1964 -- 1968

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Tenth Judicial District

Judge Appointment and Judicial Nominating Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Nominating Commission, 1968

Eleventh Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1963 -- 1968

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1968

Twelfth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1963 -- 1965

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

 Box 20

Thirteenth Judicial District

Judge Appointment, June 1965

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1968

Fourteenth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, June -- August 1966

Nominating Commission, 1967

Fifteenth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, February 1966

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Sixteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Seventeeenth Judicial District Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Eighteenth Judicial District (Cedar Rapids)

Judge Appointments, 1963 -- 1965

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967


Nineteenth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, 1964 -- 1965

Distric Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1965

Twentieth Judicial District

Judge Appointments, May 1966

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1965

Twenty-first Judicial Districts (Cherokee, Orange City)

Judge Appointment, August 1963

Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1965

Keokuk - Superior Court, September 1966

Municipal Judges

Burlington, March 1968

Cedar Rapids, 1967

Dubuque, July 1967

Miscellaneous, 1964 -- 1968

Ottumwa, 1965

Sioux City, 1963

State Judicial Nominating Commission, 1963 -- 1967

Supreme Court Justices, 1965 -- 1967

Iowa Bureau of Labor Appointments, 1963

Labor Commissioner, 1965 -- 1967

Land Rehabilitation Advisory Board, 1967 -- 1968

Iowa Law Enforcement Council, 1967

Liquor Commissioon Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Governor's State Manpower Advisory Committee, 1965 -- 1968

Manpower Development Council, 1963 -- 1968

Medical Assistance Advisory Council, 1963 -- 1968

Medical Examiners, 1963 -- 1968

Mental Hygiene Committee, 1965 -- 1968

Merit Employment Commission, 1967

Merit System Council Appointments, 1963 -- 1968

Mine Inspector Appointments, 1967

Mining Board, 1963 -- 1968

Mississippi River Parkway Commission, 1963 -- 1968

Natural Resources Council, 1963 -- 1967

Board of Nursing, 1963 -- 1968

Optometry Examiners, 1963 -- 1968

Ottumwa Riverfront Commission, 1968

Board of Parole Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Pharmacy Examiners, 1963 -- 1968

Physical Therapy Examiners, 1965 -- 1968

Podiatry Examiners, 1963 -- 1968

State Advisory Board of Preserves, 1965 -- 1968

Printing Board,1963 -- 1968

Public Instruction Appointments, 1965 -- 1968

Public Safety Commissioner, 1963 -- 1967

Real Estate Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1967

Board of Regents, 1963 -- 1967

School Budget Review Committee, 1967 -- 1968

Senate Confirmations, 1963

Serviceman's Ballott Commission, 1964 -- 1968

Director of Social Services and Council on Social Services, 1967

Social Welfare Appointments,1963 -- 1967

Soil Conservation Committee, 1963 -- 1967

Spencer Riverfront Commission, 1965 -- 1967

Tax Commission Appointments, 1963 -- 1965

State Board of Tax Review, 1968

Tax Study Advisory Committee, 1966

State Travelling Library Board of Trustees, 1963 -- 1968

Commission on Uniform Laws, 1964 -- 1968, incl. a letter from Edward A.

State Advisory Committee on Vocational Education, 1967

Voting Machine commission, 1964 -- 1968

Watchmaker's Board, 1963 -- 1968

Water Pollution Control, 1964 -- 1967

 Series IV. General Assembly 60 -- 62

[Arranged by General Assembly]

General Assembly 60

Access Control Bill, 1963

Blind Commission Bill, 1963

Daylight Savings Time, 1964

HF53 Income Tax, 1963

Legislation #1, 1963

Liquor Letters - Pro and Con., 1963

Mechanicsville Bill, 1963 incl. photos

Poll Tax Amendment, 1963

Proposed Legislation Governor to Governorr-Elect Transition, 1963

 Box 21

General Assembly 61



Bill Index, 1963 -- 1965

Daylight Savings Time, 1964 -- 1966

Death Penalty, 1964 -- 1965

Departments - Legislation - New, 1965 (2 folders)

Firearms Legislation, 1965

Guest Statute Letters Pro and Con and Information and Reports, 1965

Humane Slaughter Legislation, 1965

Legislation, 1965 (3 folders)

Pari-Mutuel Betting 1965

Property Tax Relief, 1965

Proportionate Sharing, 1965

Proposed Legislation for 1965 (2 folders)

Right to Work Law, 1964 -- 1965

Truck Letters SF335, 1965

General Assembly 62

1966 -- 1967

1967 (8 folders)

 Box 22

General Assembly 62 (cont.)

Aeronautics Commission, 1966

Agriculture, 1967

Aging Commission, 1966

Banking Department, 1966

Blind Commission, 1966

Capitol Planning Commission, 1966

Car Dispatcher, 1966

Commerce Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Communications Sysytem - Radio and TV, 1966

Conflict of Interest, 1964 -- 1967



1966 -- 1967

Control, Board of, 1966 -- 1967

Courts, 1967

Dutch Elm Disease Committee

Employment Security Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Health 1966 -- 1967

Highway Commission

1966 -- 1967

Toll Bridge Authority, 1966 -- 1967

Industrial Commission, 1966

Insurance, 1965 -- 1966

Iowa Citizens Council on Crime and Delinquency, 1966

Iowa Development Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Law Enforcement, 1966 -- 1967

Legislation, 1966 -- 1967

Legislative Research Committee, 1966

Traveling Library, 1966

Liquor Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Mine Inspector, 1966

National Disaster Funds,1967

National Guard,1966

Natural Beauty, 1966 -- 1967

Natural Resources Council, 1966

Property Tax Relief, 1967

Public Instruction, 1966

Public Safety and Crime, 1966 -- 1967

Regents, Boards of, 1966 -- 1967


Social Welfare, 1966

Soil Conservation, 1966

Status of Women, 1966

Tax Commission, 1966 -- 1967

Treasurer, 1966

Victims of Crimes, 1967

Voting Residence Requirements, 1967

Messages to 61st and 62nd General Assembly 1965 -- 1967

 Series V. Clemency & Penal


Commutations by Governor Hughes, 1966 -- 1968

Bonker Erwin #12242, 1966 -- 1967

Cooper, Harold #21515, 1963 -- 1965

Cumby, Earnest E., February 21, 1966

Frisbie, Orriss J. #22001, 1963 -- 1965

Hall, Tommie #25771, 1966 -- 1968

Ladehoff, Albert, October 15, 1965

McNelly, Robert L. #18193, 1963 -- 1964

Ritchie, Sterling - Greene County, July 1965

Samuelson, Raymond L., 1965 -- 1966

Tracy, Raymond E. #19846, September 1963

Williams, Felix #23211, 1965 -- 1967


Extradition Summaries

1965 -- 1968

1966 -- 1968

1967 -- 1968

Extradition Warrants Returned, 1963

Choate, Harold Wayne - Extradition - Oklahoma, May -- October 1966

Cummings, Clyde - Extradition, April -- June 1964

De Clerge, Charles - Extradition - Woodbury County, April 1965

Franks, Alton Carroll #4661 - Extradition - Florida issued, October 26, 1966 (4661)

Grant, Joseph William - Extradition - Virginia Pending, July -- August 1965

 Box 23

Grimstad, Reita #2509 - Extradition Jasper County / California issued, July 20, 1965 denied, December 3, 1965. Pending, 1965 -- 1966

Harper, Nathaniel L. - Extradition Kansas, August 1967

Leonard, John F. - Extradition Wisconsin, April -- May 1965

Linder, James - Extradition South Dakota, May -- June 1966

Melichar, George - Extradition Kansas Pending, April -- October 1965

Purviance, Keith - Extradition Colorado, June -- September 1966

Spears, Donald - Extradition Wisconsin, July 1966

Inmate Requests - numerical by Inmates #

#9170, 1966 -- 1968
#13592 - (ISMF #30-01)

#15841, 1963 -- 1966

#16644 - ISP, 1963 -- 1968

#17226, 1965

#17527 - ISP, 1963 -- 196

#17962 - ISP, 1963 -- 1968


#18947 - ISP, 1963 -- 1968

#19925 - ISP, 1960 -- 1967

#19996, 1963 -- 1967

#20345, 1966 -- 1968

#20655, 1965 -- 1968 incl. Dictaphone Belts

#21821, 1964 -- 1968

#22880 - ANA, 1963

#22997, 1963 -- 1968

#23228, 1963 -- 1968

#23433, #23241, #14111, 1968

#23676, 1968

#24440, 1966 -- 1968

#24509, 1966

#24664, 1964

#24698, 1964

#25404, 1967 -- 1968

#25326, #28313

#25474 - FM, 1961 -- 1963

#25875, 1960-1968

#28029 - ISP, 1963 -- 1964

#28373 - Leon Tice, 1963 -- 1965

#28373 - ISP, 1963 -- 1967

Tice, Leon, Jr. - Letters for death sentence, 1965

Tice, Leon, Jr. - Letters for life sentence, 1965

Tice, Leon, Jr., 1965

#28947 - Parole, 1964 -- 1966

#29078, 1965 -- 1966


Bailey, David Livingston (Black Hawk County) Pardon, December 16, 1965

Bleakmore, Robert W.-Pardon issued, December 27, 1968

Brock, Roger Dean - Pardon entered, December 2, 1968

Chaplin, Larry - #25829 ANA - Pardon denied - August 14, 1967, 1967, 1968

Chase, Parker M. - Application for Pardon, 1965

Chesher, Robert Thomas (Kossuth County) - Pardon issued, August 9, 1966

incl. a letter from Stanley L. Greigg

Clayborne, Raymond L. - Pardon issued, December 20, 1968

Cownie, William H. - Application for Pardon denied, December 16, 1963

Davis, Gerald Lee - Pardon issued, December 27, 1968

Debuhr, Larry David (Black Hawk County) - Pardon issued, August 19, 1965

Dell, John Stewert - Pardon issued, December 2, 1968

DiMaio, James Anthony - Pardon and restoration of Citizenship issued, September 21, 1967

Dingman, LeRoy Wayne - Pardon issued, April 16, 1966

Ebel, Arthur - Parden denied, December 31, 1968, 1967 -- 1968

Ewoldt, Jay Edward - Pardon issued, December 2, 1968

Faine, James - Pardon issued, September 13, 1968

Flack, Jesse - Pardon denied, December 5, 1966

Flake, Donald Richard - (Washington County) Pardon granted, December 20, 1965

Gifford, Robert D. - (Floyd County) Pardon granted, December 16, 1965

Ginkens, Marion W. - RC August 18, 1964 Pardon, June 3, 1966

Goodman, Charles I. Pardon, June 10, 1963

Hollingsworth, Claude S. - Pardon issued, May 27, 1968

Holschlag, Richard C. - Pardon issued, June 27, 1968

Hutchinson, Charles Robert - Pardon, May 1, 1963

Kolbe, Wayne (Woodbury County) - Pardon issued, December 20, 1966

Lamphere, Paul V. - Pardon, October 2, 1963

Lewis, Michael J. - Pardon issued, July 3, 1968

McAdams, Cliff - #17994 - Pardon, 1963

McAdams, Clifford - Pardon issued, January 22, 1968

Marr, Gye Spencer, Jr. - Pardon, October 10, 1963

Martin, Donald Ralph - Pardon issued, June 3, 1966

Martinez, Mauricio - Pardon granted, December 20, 1968

Matier, Dale G. - Pardon issued, May 28, 1967

Box 24

Pardons (cont.)

Mulgrew, Richard John - Pardon denied, December 31, 1968

Orman, Everett - Pardon issued, December 27, 1968

Osthoff, Clarence Otto - Pardon issued, September 13, 1968

Prochelo, Anthony J. - (Pardon) - Wodbury County, 1963 -- 1967

Quinn, Cleo - Pardon issued, October 3, 1966 - Final discharge from suspended sentence and restoration of citizenship

Radosevich, Philip Paul - Pardon issued, June3, 1966

Reasoner, Ralph (Polk County) - Pardon, May 13, 1964

Reiman, Arvid - Pardon issued, June 3, 1966

Schade, Glen E. - Pardon issued, November 4, 1968

Schedler, Paul E. - Pardon issued, September 12, 1966

Shelley, Harold - Pardon denied, October 10, 1967; issued - December 27, 1968

Sonksen, Craig Jon - Pardon issued, April 24, 1968

Tasler, John J. - Pardon granted, January 20, 1966

Toby, Charles Ronsom - Pardon approved, January 29, 1965

Torgerson, Julian L. (Woodbury County) - Pardon issued, January 27, 1967

Walsh, Robert Joseph - Pardon issued, May 27, 1968

Weisensee, Lawrence A. - Pardon granted, August 31, 1964

Whiteley, Ronald Dean - Pardon issued, April 24, 1968

Remission of Fines

Beardsley, George, April 6, 1966

James, Dale Clarence - (Black Hawk County), November 15, 1965

Kaser, John Sylvester, April 8, 1966

Skuda, John (Deceased) - (Woodbury County), April 27, 1965

Warner, Robert B. - (Jefferson County), May 21, 1965

Restoration of Citizenships

Bohlke, David Russell - issued, May 3, 1966

Chaplin, Melvin Dilworth - issued, August 25, 1967

Farrey, Charles - issued, February 14, 1966

Francis, Howard Kenner - Linn County, November 17, 1965

Goldsmith, James Wendell - Polk County, 1964

Hergert, Magdalene Emma - Johnson County, November 23, 1965

Laufersweiler, Welch, April 16, 1968

Lee, Dale A., April 6, 1966

Little, Clark Robert, June 1, 1966

Locke, Earl Franklin - Henry Count, November 15, 1965

McCarl, Floyd, January 4, 1965

Martin, Chris E. - Clinton County, December 15, 1965

Olson, Oscar, December 3, 1965

Petty, Ann - Dubuque County, February 14, 1966

Riley, Richard W., December 3, 1965 - incl. a letter from Cleve L. Carnahan

Roberts, Walter, July 1, 1966

Salkeld, Elmer M., April 6, 1966

Suspended Sentences

Hansen, Nathan Luther - Final discharge from suspended sentence

Hermann, Robert Leslie - Polk County, January 16, 1967

Hesseltine, Charles Lee, May 13, 1963

Ladely, Clifford LaVaughn, June 5, 1963

Licata, Jerome P. - Woodbury County, September 4, 1964

Loeffelholz, Aloysius H. - Calhoun County, July 24, 1967

Meyers, William E., November 7, 1967

Olson, Dana Christy, December 30, 1968

Reynolds, Dixie Lee, June 5, 1963

Sharp, Terry Lynn, October 15, 1965

Smith, Glenn David - June 3, 1965

Vanderhoof, Dennis LeRoy, March 19, 1968


Anamosa - Prison Riot Letters, May 1964

Clark Cummings - Executive Clemency, 1967 -- 1968

Eldora, 1963 -- 1968

Escape - Fort Madison, 1959

Fequer, Harry Victor - executed, March 1963

Fatino, Matthew Thomas, 1968

Interviews Granted, 1963

Life Sentences, 1963 -- 1964


1963 -- 1965


Penal Information


1963 -- 1964

1963 -- 1967

1965 -- 1968

#25749 - 1962 -- 1967, Threatened Governor.

#24341 - 1967 -- 1968, Threatened Governor

Threatening Letters, 1967 -- 1968 - incl. photographs.

 Box 25

 Series VI. Press Released; Radio Broadcasts fact sheets etc.

Press Releases


January -- June 1963

July -- December 1963

January -- June 1964

July -- Septemeber 1964

October -- December 1964

January -- June 1965

July -- December 1965

January -- July 1966

August -- December 1966

January -- May 1967

June -- December 1967

January -- April 1968

May --- August 1968

September -- December 1968

 Box 26

Radio Broadcasts




1967 -- 1968

Tall Corn Broadcasts

#1 thru #25, January -- July 1963

#26 thru #40, July -- October 1963

#41 thru #53, November 1963 -- January 1964

Fact Sheets, Statement, etc.

Democratic Fact Book, 1968 (photocopy)

Goals - Report on, 1963 -- 1964

Governor's Campaign Statements for Des Moines Sunday Register, 1964, 1966, 1968

Governor's Guest Book, January 1966 -- September 1967

Governor's Office Manual, July 1968

Governor's Speaking Engagements - Fact Sheets:

March -- December 1964

January -- August 1966

September -- December 1966

January -- December 1967

January -- October 1968

Governor's stationery, samples

Holiday Messages, 1963 -- 1968

Survey of Political Attitudes

Iowa, December, 1967

Iowa, July, 1968 (2 folders)

Tabular Results -- Iowa, August 1968

Iowa, October, 1968 (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Statements, 1963 -- 1968 (2 of 3 folders)

 Box 27

Fact Sheets, Statement, etc.(cont.)

Miscellaneous Statements, 1963 -- 1968 (3 folders)

 Series VII. Speeches

July -- September 1962

October 1962 -- January 1963

January -- February 1963

March 1963

April 1963

May 1963

June 1963

July 1963

August 1963

September 1963 (2 folders)

October 1963 (2 folders)

November 1963

December 1963

January 1964

February 1964

March -- April - 1964

May 1964

 Box 28

June 1964

July 3 -- August 12, 1964

August 25 --- October 16, 1964

October 17 -- November 20, 1964

November 23 -- December 18, 1964

January 12 -- Februuary 6, 1965

February 13 -- May 14, 1965

May 18 - September 16, 1965

September 17 -- October 18, 1965

November 12 1965 -- February 1, 1966

February 1- - April 16, 1966

May 2 -- June 14, 1966

June 20 -- September 9, 1966

September 10 -- October 18, 1966

October 18 1966 -- January 1967

January 26 -- April 25, 1967

June -- September 15, 1967

September 19 -- November 16, 1967

 Box 29

December 1, 1967-- January 31, 1968

February -- April 24, 1968

April 25 -- May 15, 1968

May 20 -- June, 1968

July -- August, 1968

September -- October 17, 1968

October 20 -- December 1968

Series VIII. Newspaper Clippings

Bev - Personal, 1962

Democrats - Miscellaneous, 1962


1960 -- 1961


G.O.P., 1962

Harold E. Hughes, 1962 (2 folders)

Politics - General, 1962

Polk County Politics, 1962

Primary Election, 1962

Tourism, Iowa, 1961 -- 1962

Young Democrats, 1962

Far East Tour, October 19, 1965 -- November 10, 1965

(Adjutant General) Iowa National Guards, April -- August 1968

Agriculture, July 1967 -- December 1968

Alcoholism, August 1967 -- December 1968

Appointments, October 1967 -- January 1969

Appropriations (State), July 1967 -- August 1968

Area Schools

September 1967 -- December 1968

Community Colleges, September 1967 -- December 1968

Vocational - Technical Education, July 1967 -- October 1968

Attorney General, August 1967 -- December 1968

 Box 30

Attorney General - Asphalt Case, August 1967 - May 1968

Budget, August 1967 -- January 1969

Campaign, September -- October 1968


January 1968 -- January 1969

Spiro T. Agnew, August -- September 1968

Attorney General, February -- November 1968

Beck, Robert, January -- October 1968

Bromwell, James, December 1967 -- October 1968

Congressmen, September 1967 -- November 1968

Countryman's Clippings, June -- August 1968

Congressman John Culver, January -- Novemeber 1968

Endorsements for Stanley, October 1968

Endorsements of Other Candidates, October 1968

Franzenburg, Paul, August 1967 -- November 1968

Fulton, Robert, December 1967 -- December 1968

Gubernatiorial - Statements on Issues, August -- November 1968

Hickenlooper, August 1967 -- December 1968

Vice-President Hubert Humphrey, January -- November 1968

Johnson, Donald, August 1967 -- November 1968

Sen. Rober F. Kennedy, March -- July 1968

Sen. Ted Kennedy, August -- September 1968

Sen. Eugene McCarthy, January -- November 1968

George McGovern, August -- September 1968

Sen. Jack Miller, January -- October 1968

Mills, Max Milo, December 1967 -- July 1968

Senator Edmund Muskie, August -- September 1968

Nereim's Clippings, June -- August 1968

Richard Nixon, March -- October 1968

William Plymat, January -- August 1968

Polls - August, October 1968

Robert Ray, August 1967 -- December 1968

Governor Ronald Reagan, September 1968

Tom Riley, January -- December 1968

Riley-Culver Clippinngs, July -- November 1968

Nelson Rockefeller, January -- October 1968

George Romney, August 1967 -- July 1968

John R. Schmidhauser, August 1967 -- October 1968

Congressman Fred Schwengel, August 1967 -- November 1968

David Stanley

Agriculture, January -- October 1968

Big Trucks, August -- October 1968

Draft System, April -- October 1968

Education, November 1967 -- August 1968

Federal Funds Allocated to Iowa Use and Misuse, Feb 1968

Federal Government, January -- October 1968

G.O.P. Leaders Stumping for Stanley, October 1968

Governor Hughes, December 1967 -- October 1968

Gun Control, July 1968

Inflation, January -- October 1968

Labor, November 1967 -- August 1968

Law and Order, August -- October 1968

Miscellaneous, April -- December 1968

1968 Primary Elections, September 1968

Political Support, August -- November 1968

Possible Position as Senate Majority Leader, November 1968

President Johnson, January -- September 1968

Riot Control, January -- September 1968

Seizure of North Korean Vessels in Ransom for Pueblo Ship, October -- November 1968

Speeches and Public Appearances, September 1967 -- October 1968

Taxation, October 1967 -- September 1968

United Nations, July -- September 1968

Vietnam, January -- November 1968

War-On-Poverty, October 1967 -- September 1968

Turner, Richard, May -- November 1968

Wallace, George, February -- October 1968

Civil Defense

July 1967 -- October 1968

Floods in Northeast Iowa, July 1968 -- August 1968

Tornadoes, May -- December 1968

 Box 31

Civil Rights

July 1967 -- December 1968

Demonstrations Cornell College, October 1968

Demonstrations -- Iowa City, November 1967 -- May 1968

Employment, July 1967 -- December 1968

Edward Hoffmans, October 1967 -- June 1968

Housing, July 1967 -- September 1968

Miscellaneous Demonstrations, November 1968

Waterloo Racial Disorders, September -- October 1968

Committee for a Democratic Convention, August 1968


Mineral Resources, December 1968

Parks, Lakes, Rivers, January -- December 1968

Soil & Water, Jaunuary -- September 1968

Wildlife, January -- November 1968

Counties, July 1967 -- July 1968


District, July 1967 -- May 1968

Iowa Supreme, October 1967 -- July 1968

Juvenile, September 1968(?) (or 1967?)

Municipal Court, August -- November 1967

U.S. Supreme, July 1967 -- May 1968


July 1967 -- December 1968

Marijuana, September 1967 -- August 1968

Peace Officers Associations, December 1967 -- June 1968

Riots (incl. Death of Dr. Martin Luther King), July 1967 -- December 1968

State Firearms Control, January -- July 1968

Task Force, March -- June 1968

Commission, August 1967 -- June 1968

1968 Democratic National Convention

Economic Development, July 1967 -- October 1968

Elections, May -- October 1968

Employment Security Commission, September 1967 -- October 1968

Employment Statistics, - September 1967 -- January 1968

Executive Council

Art Committee, April -- October 1968

Auditor, July 1967 -- December 1968

Executive Airplane, October 1967 -- April 1968

Governor, January -- December 1968

Miscellaneous, October 1967 -- January 1969

Secretary of State, August 1967 -- August 1968

Treasurer, July 1967 -- October 1968

General Election 1968 (3 folders)

Governor - 1967

Governor Hughes

Agriculture, March -- July 1968

Agriculture, August -- October 1968

Aid to Jobless, March -- June 1968

Alcoholism, September -- October 1968

Announces for Senate, February -- April 1968

Awards, January -- July 1968

Big Truck Bill, September -- October 1968

Campaign Solicitation, July -- August 1968

Candidate Endorsement:

August -- December 1968

November 1967 -- August 1968

Cities, September 1968

Civil Rights, March 1968

Crime, February -- December 1968

Crisis Conference, January -- June 1968

Democratic Campaign Caravan, September 1968

Endorsements of the Governor, October 1968

Favorite Son, August 1968

 Box 32

Governor Hughes (cont.)

Federal, October 1968

Floods, July 1968

Governors' Conferences, April -- July 1968

Gun Control

January -- August 1968

July -- December 1968

Highway Safety, May 1968

Hughes' Illness, October 1968

Kennedy & King Assassinations, March -- June 1968

LBJ February, August 1968

Law and Order, September -- November 1968

Legislative, January -- June 1968

Mexico Trade Mission, February 1968


January -- December 1968

August -- December 1968

National, March -- September 1968

National Guard, June 1968

1968 Democratic National Convention

Politics, March -- December 1968

Primary Elections, 1968

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, September -- October 1968

Political Supporters, September -- November 1968

Press Comments on Senator Hughes, December 1986 -- January 1989

Press Comments - Senate Race, January -- December 1968

Racial Issues, March -- November 1968

Resignation as Governor, December 1968

Right-to-Work, September 1968

Riot Control, July -- September 1968

Schools, April -- June 1968

Speculation About Senate Race of Hughes, July -- December 1967

Speaking Engagements, February -- December 1968

Speeches and Public Appearances, July -- December 1968

Sports, January-December 1968

Stanley, September -- October 1968


January -- October 1968

Commissions, January -- May 1968

Summer Program for the Disadvantaged, January -- March 1968

Taxation, December 1968

Taxes, January -- August 1968

Tornadoes, May -- October 1968

Universities, December 1968

Vietnam, February -- December 1968

War on Poverty, March -- April 1968


July 1967 -- December 1968

Air Pollution, October 1967 -- July 1968

Handicapped, April -- August 1968

Insurance, August -- October 1968

Water Pollution, August 1967 -- July 1968.

Higher Education

Board of Regents, August -- December 1968

Colleges and Universities, July 1967 -- December 1968

Private, July 1967 -- May 1968

Public, October 1967 -- November 1968

Scholarships, July 1967 -- November 1968

Highway Commission, July 1967 -- January 1969


Interstate, July 1967 -- October 1968

Primary, July 1967 -- August 1968

Road Use Tax, July 1965 -- June 1968

Secondary, July 1967


July 1967 -- December 1968

Industrial Safety, September 1967 -- January 1968


December 1966 -- January 1969

Interim Commission, August 1967 -- June 1968

Regional Offices, State Government - August 1967 -- March 1968

Research Commission, July 1967 -- June 1968

Manpower Development, September 1967 -- June 1968

Mental Health

Institutions, July 1967 -- October 1968

Programs, October 1967

Retarded, October 1967 -- December 1968

Merit System

July 1967 -- August 1968

---I.P.E.R.S., November 1967 -- August 1968

Municipalities, July 1967 -- July 1968

Planning & Programming, July 1967 -- June 1968


1967 -- 1968

Box 33

Politics (cont.)


Hughes-Stanley Debates, March -- October 1968

Miscellaneous Hughes--Stanley, September -- October 1968

Newspaper Opinion Polls, 1967 -- 1968

Opinions, 1967 -- 1968

Personal Columns

March -- December 1968

October 1967 -- December 1968

1968 Primary Elections, July -- September 1968

Senate Candidates Statements on Issues, August - September 1968

Poverty Program, 1967 -- 1968


Editorial Pages, 1967 -- 1968

Tax Package Press Comments

Con, July 1967 -- March 1968

Pro, September - December 1967


Adult, October 1967 -- January 1969

Juvenile, July 1967 -- June 1968

Prohibition Party, September 1968


August 1967 -- October 1968

Counties -- October 1967

Reorganization (School), June 1967 -- June 1968

Republican National Convention, 1968

Safety, July 1967 -- January 1969


Elementary & Secondary, July 1967 -- December 1968

State Aid, October 1967 -- December 1969

State Departments

July 1967 -- December 1968

 Box 34

State Departments (cont.):

Department of Revenue, August 1967 -- September 1968

Iowa Development Commission, December 1967 -- January 1969

Liquor Commission, September 1967 -- August 1968.

Miscellaneous State Activites, May -- October 1968.

State Department of Social Services, January -- November 1968.

Statutory Convention, 1968


Income Tax, July 1967 -- November 1968
Tax Package
July 1967 -- November 1968
July 1967 -- April 1968
Property Tax, July 1967 -- December 1968
Sales Tax
July 1967 -- July 1968
September -- December 1967
Service Tax
Advertising, November 1967 -- November 1968
Construction (New), September 1967 -- June 1968
Lawsuit, September 1967 -- June 1968
Loophole, October 1967 -- May 1968
Rules, April -- August 1968
Tax Bill - Personal Attacks on Governor, July -- December 1967
Tax Package -- Special Session, July 1967 -- March 1968


Mass, February -- August 1968

Railroads, January 1967 -- August 1968

Trucking, July 1967 -- November 1968

Utilities, August 1967 -- May 1968

Vietnam, September 1967 -- December 1968

Voting, August -- September 1968


A.D.C., July 1967 -- December 1968

Guaranteed Income Plan, June -- July 1968

Medicade August, 1967 -- June 1968

Miscellaneous, July 1967 -- November 1968

Old Age Assistance, September 1968

 Series IX. Campaign Materials and Miscellaneous

1968 Campaign Headquarters

Press Clippings (2 folders)

 Box 35

1968 Campaign Headquarters (cont.):

Press Clippings (9 folders)

Campaign and Election Day Instructions

Citizens for Hughes


Internal Forms 1968

Democratic County Central Committee 1968[?]

Democratic Governor's

Conference Bank Statements, August -- September 1968

1968 National Democratic Convention, July -- August 1968

Democratic Party of Iowa Convention, May 24 -- 25, 1968

Franzenburg Campaign Organization, June 28, 1968

Hughes Campaign

Billboards, 1968
Canvass Kit, 1968
Greece Issue, July 1968


Leaflets, 1968
Lists of Interested People, 1968
Material, 1968
Radio Spots, July 29 -- November 1, 1968
Televised Debates, 1968
Thank You's and Other Follow-Up Material, 1968
T.V. Spots, October 4 - November 4, 1968

Hughes Draft Statement at the 1968 Democratic National Convention Urging the Establishment of Democratic Standards for Selection of Delegates, August 27, 1968.

Hughes for Governor

Hughes for Senate

Bumper Stickers

Box 36

Hughes for Senate (cont.)

Pledge Cards

Drake University, 1968

Miscellaneous and by district and county:

District I Cedar-Johnson, 1968

District I Lee - District II Dubuque, 1968

District II Fayette - District III Wright, 1968

District IV Appanoose - Wayne, 1968

District V Boone - Webster, 1968

District VI Buena Vista - District VII Taylor and more.

Hughes Statement Announcing Support of Eugene McCarthy forDemocratic Nomination for President, August 21, 1968

Independents for Hughes - How to Use Voting Machine

Iowa State Party Platforms - Comparisons of the Democratic and Republican State Platform Including Copies of Both, 1968

Kieffer Associates, Inc., 1968

Lists of Delegates to the 1968 Democratic State (Iowa) Presidential Convention Used for Bus Caravan Stops, 1968

Miscellaneous and Notes, 1968

Mobile Home Campaign Fact Sheets, July 30 -- August 3, 1968

1964 Campaign Kickoff Democratic Dinner in Linn County, February 20,


1964 Democratic Presidential Convention Iowa Delegates

1964 -- 1966 Vote Statistics for Governor's Race for Iowa's 20 Largest

Counties by Congressional District

1968 Democratic National Convention:

Eugene McCarthy

Miscellaneous correspondence

Miscellaneous items

Miscellaneous mail - mainly printed

Pro-Humphrey letters, incl. letters from Hubert Humphrey and Walter F.


Pro-McCarthy letters

Pro-McGovern letters


1968 Democratic Presidential Contenders - Issues and Survey

1968 Democratic State Ticket Bus Caravan Fact Sheets, September 30 -- October 5, 1968

1968 Presidential Election and Polls

Northwest Iowa Salute to United States Senator-Elect Harold E. Hughes, December 2, 1968

Otten, Allen L. "Iowa's Outspoken Governor" Wall Street Journal Editorial, July 19, 1968 reprints

Out of State Contributions

Public Opinion Poll, 1968

Republicans for Hughes, 1968 -- 1969 incl. pledge cards

Salute to Iowa's Future

Dinner Honoring Governor and Mrs. Harold E. Hughes, March 9, 1968

Ticket Reservations by County

Adair-Cedar Hawk, March 9, 1968

Cerro Gordo-Dickinson, March 9, 1968

 Box 37

Salute to Iowa's Future (cont.):

Ticket Reservations by County (cont.)

Dubuque-Jefferson, March 9, 1968

Johnson-Pocahontas, March 9, 1968

Pottawattamie-Scott, March 9, 1968

Shelby-Wright, March 9, 1968

Alcoholism, 1968

Appointment Calenders, 1963 -- 1969

Advertising Club of Des Moines, Inc., June 11, 1963

Certificates of Appreciation, 1963 -- 1967

Certificate of Immigration to the Great State of Ohio, March 12, 1964

Commerce Commission, Name Plate

Friend of Switzerland, 1964 -- 1966

Harold E. Hughes Day - Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 21, 1964

Honorary Citizenships, 1963 -- 1967

Honorary Memberships, 1963 -- 1967

Northwestern Hotel-Motel Association - Honorary Membership, July 28, 1965

Order of the Mustard Cutter

Pamphlet about Hughes in which many photos were used

Documents on Vietnam from President Lyndon B. Johnson - Looseleaf

 Series X. Photographs

Box 38

Avoca Bean Feed

Bowers, Emmett, Jr., March 2, 1964

Cameron, Gary L.

Chase Manhattan Bank

Commander Madison, C.B. and Harold E. Hughes, November 11, 1965

Conservation Commissioners Swearing In

DeMoley Week in Iowa, March 13, 1964

Diers, Lou R., October 19, 1964

Farmers Grain Dealers Association Youth Delegation, January 28, 1964

Freeman Luncheon - Chariton, Iowa, May 18, 1964

Gilmore, Thomas J. Locomotive Fireman of March 1964

Governor Hughes and Others with Fishing Catch

Governors' Conference - Miami, Flordia, October 31, 1963

Grinnell College, March 9, 1964.

Harlan, Iowa - incl. Harold E. Hughes and Paul Franzenburg

Heying, H.L., October 13, 1964

Hughes, Harold E.

Hughes, Harold E.

Action photos

Hughes and family

At Fort Carson, June 20, 1968

Grilling steaks in front of the capitol

In Japan

Ink drawing

Shots for billboard use plus negatives, July 1968

Signing unidentified woman's cast

With group of nuns, July 1964

With Amishman at Amish Paraochial School

With dog, April 15, 1965

With group of Campfire girls

With group of Campfire girls, [ca. 1968]

With Kenneth E. Owen, Gary L. Cameron, Paul Franzenburg, Lorne R. Worthington and Lawrence F. Scalise, 1965 -- 1966

With 1965 Mustang

With Paul Franzenburg, Lawrence F. Scalise, Robert Fulton, Gary L. Cameron, Lorne R. Worthington and Kenneth E. Owen, 1965 -- 1966

With unidentified group, possibly for Cooperation of the Americas

With unidentified groups

With unidentified men

With unidentified woman

With unidentified woman and baby

Visiting Vietnam with other governors in a helicopter

Humphrey, Hubert H. and Harold E. Hughes

Iowa Business Trends for 1964, December 11, 1963

Iowa Egg Week Proclamation, March 1964

Iowa Turkey Day Proclamation, June 27, 1964

Kennedy, Edward and Harold Hughes

Kennedy, John F. and Harold Hughes

Kennedy, Robert, [ca.March 9, 1968]

McCarthy, Eugene and Harold Hughes

Marshall County Teen Democrats, August 12, 1964

National Fire Prevention Week, 1964

Pella Tulip Festival queen, Beverly DeCook, March 23, 1964

Proof Sheet with the Negatives

"Protection Week" Proclamation Signing, October 17, 1963

Rathbun Dam, Ground-Breaking Ceremonies, July 24, 1965

Rotary Club

Saylorville Dam, Ground-Breaking Ceremonies, July 17, 1965

Scherling, Richard E., July 2, 1963

Schleswig Conservation Calf Show, September 14, 1964

Small Business Administration Proclamation, May 29, 1964

Teamsters "Big John Movement", November 1964

Thomas A. Edison Portrait Presentation by Representitives of Electrical

Industries, February 7, 1964

Trade Mission to Europe [?]

Trade Mission to Japan, March 24, 1966

Unidentified Man with Watermelon

Vacation Planning Week, May 24 -- 30, 1964

Verle Black, October 13, 1964

Waukon, Iowa, October 23, 1964

Weston, Atlantic

Yucatan Exchange Students


 Series XI. Tapes (Audio, Video, and Film)

 Box 39

Unopened Tapes
Small reel-to-reel

1962 (1)

1963 (41)

1964 (4)

1965 (10)

 Box 40

Unopened Tapes (cont.)

1965 (41)

1966 (14)

Box 41

Unopened Tapes (cont.)

1967 (20)

Undated (14)

 Box 42



7" People's Press Conference, KRNT, May 28, 1963

7" People's Press Conference, KRNT, November 5, 1963


5" Governor Hughes, March 16, 1965

5" Governor Hughes -- Atlantic City, August 26,1964

5" Campaign Spots, October 26, 1964

7" People's Press Conference - Gov. Hughes audio dub of KRNT program, October 28, 1964

7" People's Press Conference, October 1964

7" Hughes - Murray, 2 reels [1964?]


7" Governor Hughes, January 22, 1965

7" Pump Room Program - Chicago, January 28, 1965

7" Dub of Gov. Hughes remarks from a recording of "Panel Discussion on Business" recorded, January 29, 1965, Hotel Ft. Des Moines -- Dubbed, February 2, 1965 MRF

7" Open mike with Governor Hughes, 2 reels, April 7, 1965

5" Meet Your Legislators with Jack Shelly, Otto Weber, John Lively and Gov. Hughes,

June 3, 1965

5" Iowa Trade Mission interviews, June 19, 1965

5" Kiwanis Luncheon, July 21, 1965

7" Radio speech, September 10, 1965

5" Loveless, October 5, 1965

5" People's Press Conference, November 16, 1965



5" Waterloo Kiwanis speech - February 1, 1966/Amish Press Conference February 14, 1966/Hughes Recognition Dinner - Waterloo, February 1, 1966

5" Bank Auditors & Comp - speech, February 17, 1966/Rural letter carriers - greetings, February 21, 1966/American Legion Com ??? February 21, 1966

5" Side I: Governor's speech at Burlington to Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, April 11, 1966/Side II: Governor's speech - Sheriffs' Seminar - Fort Des Moines Hotel, April 5, 1966

5" Governor's speech TENCO Area Progress - Ottumwa, April 14, 1966 -- (Noon luncheon)

5" Side I: #1-522 Commencement speech - State Center, Iowa, Marshall High, May 24, 1966/Side II: #0-1100 Speech - Marshalltown Optimist Club, May 20, 1966

5" Governor's speech - Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis Clubs, May 26, 1966

5" Commencement - Middle Amana, May 27, 1966/Economic Development Conference, June 3, 1966

7" Cut #1 - Gov. Hughes on Today Show, NBC, July 6, 1966/Cut #2 - Gov. Hughes introduces L.B.J., June 30, 1966

5" Gov. Hughes' Iowa - LBJ Popularity Slip on Iowa Poll/Farm Picture Changing/Gov. Hughes' press conference at National Governors' Conference, Los Angeles, July 5, 1966

7" Extradition Hearing, July 15, 1966

5" Governor's speech before the 48th Annual American Legion Department Convention,

Ft. Des Moines Hotel, August 1, 1966

7" People's Press Conference, KRNT, August 4, 1966

7" People's Press Conference, KRNT, August 11, 1966

5" Governor Hughes' speech before the Iowa Intergovernmental Relations Committee

Meeting at Ft. Des Moines Hotel, August 11, 1966/"Mobilizing the State for Dutch Elm

Disease Control"/"State-local Cooperation for Traffic Safety"

5" Algona Fundraising Dinner, August 31, 1966

5" Gov. speech - South Central Peace Officer - Winterset, September 7, 1966 & others

5" Waterloo A.F. of L., September 14, 1966

5" Sioux City, September 15, 1966.

5" Charles City Service Clubs, September 16, 1966/YMCA Industrial Management,

September 19, 1966

5" Governor's Speech - Denison, October 3, 1966/Charles City, October 4, 1966

5" Governor's Speech - Wappelo, October 5, 1966

 Box 43

Tapes (cont.)

1966 (cont.)

5" Hughes & Murray, October 7, 1966

5" Governor's Speech and Griegs - Storm Lake, October 8, 1966/Ottumwa, October 10, 1966

5" Hughes TV-Audio, October 12, 1966

5" Burlington Democratic Dinner, October 12, 1966

3" Hughes' Radio Spots, 1966

3" Hughes' Radio Spots, 1966

5" Robert Ray, Iowa GOP Chairman - Campaign, 1966


7" Audio Tape "Dub" of the 1967 Inauguration of Iowa Governor, Harold Hughes

7" KWWL, February 13, 1967

7" Conference Table Program - Governor Hughes and Ed Breen, KVFD-TV, Fort Dodge,

March 13, 1967

5" Governor's Press Conference, May 23, 1967

Audio cassette. Governor's Press Conference, May 23, 1967

5" Press Conferences, June 1967 (2 tapes)

5" Telephone Conversation with Paphe? June 28, 1967

5" Democratic Governor's Conference, July 1, 1967 (2 reels)

5" Press Briefing - Tax Package, July 21, 1967

5" Press Conferences, July-August 1967

7" "Profile" soundtrack Gov. Hughes, WHO-TV, July 14, 1967

5" Governor's Press Conferences, August 10, 1967 -- August 31, 1967

5" Press Conferences (?) September 1967

5" Press Conferences (?) September -- October 1967

5" News Conferences, October 31, 1967 -- November 15, 1967

5" Gov. Speech & News Conference - Sioux City, November 2, 1967

Audio cassette. Speech & News Conference - Sioux City, November 2, 1967.

5" Gov. Speech - Canada Day - Des Moines, November 3, 1967

5" NFU Speech - Preston, November 14, 1967/Tax Speech - Ass'n. of School Boards -

Des Moines, November 16, 1967.

5" ??, November-December 1967

5" Governor's Day Speech - University of Iowa, 1967


5" Crisis Meeting - Des Moines-Council Bluffs, January 22, 1968

5" Crisis Speeches - Waterloo-Sioux City, January 25, 1968

Audio cassette. Crisis Speeches - Waterloo-Sioux City, January 25, 1968

5" Crisis Speech, 1968

5" Crisis Speech - Davenport, 1968

5" Crisis Speech - Cedar Rapids, 1968

7" "Victory '68" Regional Conference (2 reels), January 27, 1968

5" Press Conferences (?), January -- March 1968

5" Interview - Gov. Harold E. Hughes of Iowa, interviewed by Arnold Bilgore, XEVIP - Mexico City, February 12, 1968

7" Press Conference/English - Gov. Harold E. Hughes - American Embassy, Mexico City, February 12, 1968

5" Governor's Resource Panel Meeting with Mayors - Meeting of Communities' Task Forces, March 6, 1968

5" Robert F. Kennedy Speech - Salute to Iowa's future honoring Governor Hughes, March 9, 1968

5" Press Conferences, March 19, 1968-April 16, 1968.

5" Father-Son Banquet - Centerville - April 3, 1968/Community Improvement Inc., April 23, 1968

5" Jackson County Adult Evening School - Maquoketa, April 23,1968/Crime Alert Meeting, Des Moines, April 24, 1968/Special Press Conference with (?) Douglas & John Estes, Jr. -
Governor's Office, April 25, 1968

5" Press Conferences (?), March 1968

5" Robert F. Kennedy reaction to LBJ withdrawal - Governor Hughes' Press Conference, April 1, 1968

5" Press Conferences (?), April-May 1968

 Box 44

Tapes (cont.)

1968 (cont.)

5" Press Conferences (?), April-May 1968

5" Clearfield Lions Club, April 1968/Governor's Day Press Conference - University of Iowa, May 1, 1968/Governor's Day Speech - University of Iowa, May 1, 1968/National Workmen'sComp. Symposium, Des Moines, May 1968/New Frontier Club Dinner, May 1968

5" Governor Hughes Speeches, May 4-7, 1968

5" Hughes Interview, May 10, 1968

5" Hi-Twelve Club, Des Moines, May 9, 1968/Consumer Education Conference,Des Moines, May 10, 1968/Muscatine Home Builders Ass'n., Muscatine, Iowa, May 19, 1968/News Conference, May 10, 1968/First District Democratic dinner, Washington, Iowa, May 14, 1968

3" Gov. Hughes on Robert F. Kennedy's Assassination, June 5, 1968

5" Press Conference and Speech - Souix City - Stockyards, Sioux City,Iowa, June 18, 1968

5" Press Conferences, May 20 -- June 28, 1968

5" Various speeches, May 28 -- June 5, 1968

5" Governor Hughes - Ministers Meeting, July 9, 1968 (2 reels)

5" Subject Unknown, July 12, 1968

5" Governor Hughes - 5 minutes, July 29, 1968

5" Campaign Caravan - Family, July 31, 1968 -- August 1, 1968

5" Press Conferences [?] July -- August 1968

5" Governor in Dubuque, August 9, 1968

5" Governor Tape, August 11, 1968

5" Hughes, August 18, 1968

5" Governor, Week of August 25, 1968

5" Governor Nomination McCarthy, August 27, 1968

5" [?] August 30, 1968

7" Governor Hughes Nomination Speech - Chicago convention, August 1968 (2 reels)

5" Gov. Hughes 5 minute radio tape, Week of September 1, 1968

5" Hughes-Stanley Debate - Waterloo, September 8, 1968

5" Gov. Hughes 5 minute radio tape, Week of September 15, 1968

5" Campaign - Souix City, Sheldon, George, Sibley & Spencer, September 18-20, 1968

5" Campaign - Fort Dodge, UAW Meeting in Cedar Rapids, Wartburg College, Davenport

Press Conference, September 20-25, 1968

5" Gov. Hughes - 5 minute radio tape, Week of September 22, 1968

5" David Stanley, KRNT, October 1, 1968/WHO, October 3, 1968

5" Gov. Hughes - 5 minute radio tape, Week of October13, 1968

7" TV coffee with Governor Hughes, October 17, 1968

5" KWWL Radio - Waterloo, Iowa, October 17, 1968

5" KGLA Radio - Algona, Iowa, October 1968

5" KIOA - Des Moines, Iowa, October 1968

5" Gov. Hughes - 5 minute radio tape, Week of October 20, 1968

5" Sigma Delta Chi in Des Moines, October 20 [?] 1968/Governor on People's Press Conference, KRNT-TV, October 23, 1968

5" Hughes for Senate Tape Received, October 25, 1968

5" Hughes for Senate with Ted Kennedy (4 reels)

5" Hughes for Senator (3 reels)

5" Hughes-Stanley Debate - Des Moines Chamber Meeting as aired on WHO-TV, October 25, 1968

5" Hughes for Senator, October 30, 1968

5" LBJ - Bombing halt announcement - CBS, October 31, 1968

5" Music for Hughes Comm., November 1968

5" "Equal time" presentation - WOI-TV, Ames, November 2, 1968

5" Hughes-Stanley-Higens on KDPS-TV, November 3, 1968

5" Victory Rally, Savory Hotel, November 6, 1968/Victory Statement - News Conference, November 6, 1968 (Gov. Office)/Hughes-Stanley Debate - KRNT-TV, WMT-TV, KGLO-TV, November 3, 1968

5" Governor's Interview with Frank Nye, December 18, 1968/Governor's Interview with Drake Mabry and George Anthan, December, 1968

5" Governor's News Conferences, September 3, 1968 - December 11, 1968/Mark Brown - AP - Special Interview - Skip Weber Special, December 18, 1968

5" Hughes-Stanley, 1968

5" Hughes for Senator, 1968

5" Hughes family on Campaign, 1968

5" Ted Kennedy for Governor Hughes, 1968

5" Hughes for Senate, 1968 (2 reels)

 Box 45


Dates unknown

5" Extradition Hearing for Mrs. Floyd McKinney

5" Briefing at airport for orient tour

5" Speech - Dubuque, October 14/Grinnell, October 15

5" Unknown

5" Unknown

5" Unknown

5" Governor's Speech - Danbury, September 20/Clinton, September 21

5" Governor's Speech at Cedar Rapids Democratic dinner, July 27

5" Hughes re: Young People (?) and Press Conference (?)

5" Political - Boone

5" Iowa City ROTC Inspection - Governor's Day at Iowa City, Noon speech/People's Press Conference with Hawkins and Hedberg, KRNT - 1/2-hour program

Algona Speech

Governor's Speech - Waterloo - Mason City

Lakeview (Campaign), July 10

Sweet Victory - Ames Breakfast

Governor Hughes and troops

Charter Oak . . .

Hughes - Subject unknown

Special Export presentation

Davenport, May 5

Governor's Speech - Marshalltown, Monday, August 15

Swea City Lunch/Draft (Education ?)/Forest City Courthouse/Ice Cream Speech

2 Sync takes - no audible slates. . .gun control?


Ames talk with people

Fort Dodge Dinner - "Crime" - Swea City Hangar - Negroes

Exit in Swea City - Swea Lunch (Hangar)

Governor's Speech - Farm Equipment Club - Hotel Kirkwood, May 2

2nd Governor's Radio Taping, August 4

Telephone Interview - Persons unknown

Hughes speaking

Hughes Radio Talk

Hughes speaking in Council Bluffs (?)

Hughes re: Natural disasters.

"Packy Hughes - Right to Left" and Judge Dubuque

Hughes Coffee #2

Gov. Hughes - State of State Address

Talk of Chaplain Lester Peters of Fort Madison Penitentiary

Fort Madison (?)

People's Press Conference, May 19

Press Conference


Gubernatorial Campaign Shots


Box 46


WHO Profile Program, August 14, 1967

Iowa Task Force, 1968

Iowa Task Force, 1968

Hughes - Europe and Seat Belts

Hughes - Japan

Ted Kennedy on Governor Hughes for Senate - 2 spots

Hughes Demonstration

Governor Hughes


Hughes, October 11, 1968

Early Film of HEH in Governor's years

Hughes campaign stop - Ottumwa Heights College, October 28, 1968
TV Film from London, June 28, 1965


Box S250

Large Black & White Photographs

Senatorial Campaign Posters

Film of 1967 Gubernatorial Inauguration

Meet the Press with Governor Hughes and Senator Edmund S. Muskie, August 25, 1968

(Record - Disc?)

The Democratic Choice: A Report of the Commission on the Democratic Selection of Presidential Nominees. Harold Hughes, Chairman, August 1968.

"Strengthening the States: Essays on Legislative Reform" Hughes contributed to this book.

From the Governor's Chair, pp. 111-116


The number designates the box where the material is located

Abortion, S72, S85, S173

Abrams, Creighton C., S172

Access Control Bill, 20

Accountancy Board, 18

Acreage Set-Aside, S244

Adair, Iowa, S174

Adjutant General, 1,18,29

Advertising Club of Des Moines, Inc., 37

Aeronautics, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S81, S209

Aeronautics and Space, S1, S15, S31, S49, S63

Aeronautics Commission, 1, 18, 22

Africa, S6, S21, S37, S54, S69, S83, S169, S211

Aging, 17, S9, S25, S43, S58, S74, S86, S167, S172

Aging, Commission, 1, 18, 22

Agnew, Spiro T., 30, S174

Agriculture, 1, 22, 29, 30, 31, 38, S1, S15, S16, S31, S32, S50, S63, S64,
S80, S161, S167, S168, S169, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S205, S206,
S243, S244, S246, S248

Aid to Dependent Children, 34

Ainsworth, Iowa, S154

Air Force, S174, S175

Air Pollution, 1, 16, 18, 32, S13, S29, S30, S47, S61, S76, S87

Air Traffic Control, S19

Air War Disclosure Act, S171, S172, S174, S206

Alaska Pipeline, S170, S174

Alcoholism, 1, 17, 18, 29, 31, 37, S135, S136, S137, S138, S139, S140,
S141, S142, S143, S144, S145, S146, S147, S148, S149, S150, S165, S166,
S167, S168, S169, S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S227, S237, S240

Algona, Iowa, 42, 44, 45, S173, S174

Allen, James E., Jr., S168

Alioto, Joseph, S170

Alta, Iowa, S154

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization, 42,
S167, S169, S173

American Political Science Association, 1

American Public Power Association, S165

Americans for Democratic Action, S166

Ames, Iowa, 44, 45, S154, S167, S170, S171, S173, S174

Amish, 2, 16, 38, 42

Amnesty, S72, S85, S175

Anamosa, Iowa, 24, S154

Animals, Treatment of, S25, S43, S58

Ankeny, Iowa, S154

Anthan, George, 44, S170, S171, S175

Antimissile Missiles, S165, S168, S171, S206, S240

Appeal Board for State Institutional Construction Contracts, 18

Apportionment, 12, 13, 33

Appropriations, S1, S2, S16, S17, S32, S33, S50, S51, S64, S65, S80, S206

Aquinas Institute of Theology, S161

Architectural Examiners, 18

Area Schools, 4, 18, 29

Arlington, Iowa, S154

Armaments, S6

Armed Services, S2, S3, S17, S33, S34, S51, S52, S65, S66, S80, S81, S151,
S152, S172, S 173, S174, S175, S206, S207, S208, S209, S244, S245, S247

Armory Board, 19

Art, S12, S28, S60, S75

Arts Council, 2, 17, 19, 31

Asia, S38, S54, S70, S83, S170, S211

Assassination, 32

Aurelia, Iowa, S154

Avoca, Iowa, 38, S154

Atomic Energy Commission, 2, S32, S154, S174, S221

Attorney General, Iowa, 2, 29, 30

Attorney General, U.S., S173

Auditor, 2, 31

Audubon, Iowa, S154


Bancroft, Iowa, S154

Bank Examination, 42

Banking and Currency, S3, S17, S18, S52, S54, S66, S67, S81, S173, S209,

Banks and Banking, 19, 22, S3, S17, S18, S34, S52, S66, S81, S209

Barber Examiners, 19

Beck, Robert, 30

Bedell, Berkley W., 16, S171

Beef, 2, S170, S171, S175, S246

Belle Plaine, Iowa, S154

Belmond, Iowa, 2

Bettendorf, Iowa, S154

Biafra, S166

Bilgore, Arnold, 43

Black Hawk County, Iowa, 23, 24

Blair, Ann, S241

Blind, Commission, 2, 19, 20, 22

Blue, Robert D., 17, 18

Board of Control of State Institutions, 19, 22

Board of Nursing, 20

Board of Regents, 12, 20, 22, 32

Bode, Iowa, S154

Bond, Julian, 44

Boone, Iowa, 45, S154, S172

Borodoin, Herbert, S246

Bourjaily, Vance, S178, S202

Bowers, Emmett, Jr., 38

Breen, Edward, 43

Bridges, 3, S77

Bromwell, James E., 30

Brooke, Edward, S171

Brown, Mark, 44

Buck, Pearl S., S40

Budget, 30, S1, S16, S32, S51, S65, S80

Buffalo, Iowa, S154

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, S150

Bureau of Reclamation, S24

Burlington, Iowa, 3, 20, 42, 43, S154, S174, S221

Burns, James MacGregor, S243

Busing of School Children, S170, S172, S175

Butz, Earl, S170, S172, S175

Bye, Joseph, S239


CCC Storage Facilities, S172

Calhoun County, Iowa, 24

Cambodia, S151, S173, S174, S175, S212, S241, S244, S245

Cameron, Gary L., 38

Campbell, Edward, S175, S225

Capital Punishment, 21, 23, S72

Capitol Planning Commission, 3, 19, 22

Carnahan, Cleve L., 24

Carroll, Iowa, S154

Carson, Johnny, S249

Carswell, Harrold, S167

Casey, Iowa, S154

Cavanaugh, Jerome, S247

Cedar Falls, Iowa, S154

Cedar Rapids, 3, 4, 16, 20, 43, 44, 45, S154, S172, S174, S175

Census, S12, S29, S47, S61, S76, S87

Centerville, Iowa, 43, S154

Central Intelligence Agency, S70, S175

Chapin, Iowa, S154

Chariton, Iowa, 38, S154

Charles City, Iowa, 4, 42, S154

Charter Oak, Iowa, 45, S154

Chase Manhattan Bank, 38

Cherokee, Iowa, S154, S173

Cherokee County, Iowa, S154

Child Study, S43

Children, 17, S74, S86

Chile, S175

China, S169, S170, S220, S251, S252

Chiropractic Examiners, 19

Cities, 31, 32, S169

Citizenship, 23, 24

Civil Aeronautics Board, S221

Civil Defense, 3, 19, 30

Civil Rights, 3, 31, S8, S24, S42, S57, S72, S85

Civil Rights Commission, 3, 19

Civil Service Commission, S12, S13, S29, S47, S61, S62, S87, S221, S236

Clark, Bob, S241

Clark, Dick, 19, S172, S173, S174, S175, S244

Clarke College, S161

Clearfield, Iowa, 44, S154

Clemency, 22, 23, 24

Clemons, Iowa, S154

Clinton, Iowa, 45, S154, S174, S222

Clinton County, Iowa, 24

Coal Mining, 3

Collins, Iowa, S155

Colson, Charles, S247

Commerce, 3, 12, S2, S4, S19, S33, S34, S35, S51, S52, S53, S65, S67, S68,
S81, S82, S209, S210

Commerce Commission, 19, 22, 37

Commission on Uniform State Laws, 20

Communication, 3, 4, 22, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S81

Community Action Programs, S173

Community Centers, S169

Commutations, 22

Comptroller, 4

Conservation, 7, 17, 22, 31

Conservation Commission, 4, 19, 38

Constitutional Amendments, S8, S24, S42, S57, S72, S85

Constitutional Law, S172, S174, S243, S246

Consumer Protection, 44, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S82, S175

Consumer Protection Agency, S71, S175

Cook, Sutherland, S175

Coralville Dam, S174

Corn Acreage Set-Aside, S244

Corn Storage Policy, S174

Cornell College, 31

Corning, Iowa, S155

Corps of Engineers, S206, S207

Corrections, 17

Correctionville, Iowa, S155

Corydon, Iowa, S155

Cosmetology Examiners, 19

Council Bluffs, Iowa, 37, 43, 45, S155

Counties of Iowa, 31

Courts, 4, 22, 31, S8, S9, S24, S25, S42, S43, S57, S58, S72, S73, S74, S85,
S86, S246

Cranston, Alan, S170

Crawford, Barry, 8

Cresco, Iowa, S155

Creston, Iowa, S155

Crime, 4, 5, 31, 43, 45, S9, S24, S42, S57, S85, S168, S173, S243, S247,

Cuba, S171

Culver, John C., 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 14, 30, S174, S247


DDT (Insecticide), S15, S31, S50, S63, S80

Daley, Richard T., 11

Dallas County, Iowa, S155

Danbury, Iowa, 45

Danville, Iowa, S155

Davenport, Iowa, 3, 4, 43, 44, 45, S155, S168, S170, S173, S174, S175

Davenport Education Association, S173

Davenport Job Corps Center, S173

Davis, Lanny, S175

Day Nurseries, S172

Daylight Saving, 20, 21

Decatur County, Iowa, S155

Decorah, Iowa, S155

Dedham, Iowa, S155

Defense Department, S1, S16, S32, S51, S64, S242

Deluhery, Pat, S175, S228

Democratic Party, 5, 16, 19, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, S28, S165, S166,
S167, S168, S170, S171, S173, S174, S175, S225, S239, S241, S243, S246,

Denison, Iowa, 42, S168

Des Moines, Iowa, 3, 4, 42, 43, 44, S156, S161, S165, S166, S167, S170,
S172, S173, S174, S175, S239, S246, S247

Development Commission, 5, 19, 22, 34

DeWitt, Iowa, S174

Diers, Lou R., 38

Disarmament, S6, S21, S37, S54, S70, S83, S211

Disaster Loans, S173, S225

Discrimination, S173

District Court, 31

District of Columbia, S20, S35, S53

Drake University, 36, S161, S170, S173

Drew, Elizabeth, S169

Drug abuse, 11, S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S86, S150, S165, S166, S167,
S168, S169, S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S237, S240, S241, S242,
S243, S247, S248

Dubuque, Iowa, 20, 44, 45, S157, S161, S174, S227

Dubuque County, Iowa, 24, S171

Dupont, Robert L., S150

Dyersville, Iowa, S157


Eagleton, Thomas, S167, S169, S171, S175

East (Far East), 29, S6, S21, S37, S54, S69, S83, S211

Eastern Iowa Communtiy College, S161

Economic Advisory Committee, 17

Economic Conversion, S43, S58

Economic Development, 31

Economic Development Administration, S66

Economic Development Conference, 42

Economics, S5, S20, S35, S36, S53, S68, S82, S169, S170, S174, S209,
S210, S220, S226, S252

Edison, Thomas A., 38

Education, 12, 30, 33, S10, S11, S25, S26, S43, S44, S48, S58, S59, S69,
S74, S77, S86, S88, S214

Education, Higher, 7, 32, S10, S25, S43, S74, S86

Educational Radio and Television, 19

El Camino College, S166

Eldora, Iowa, 24

Eldridge, Iowa, S157

Elk Run Heights, Iowa, S157

Emerson, Iowa, S157

Emmetsburg, Iowa, S157

Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, S173

Employment, 19, 31, S59, S75, S86, S173, S226

Employment and Manpower Act, S169

Employment Safety Commission, 19

Employment Security Commission, 22, 31

Energy, S42, S57, S71, S72, S84, S175

Engineering Examiners, 19

Engle, Paul, S246

Environment, S219, S251

Environment Protection Agency, S172

Equal Rights Amendment, S24, S42, S57, S73

Equality Before the Law, S73, S85

Erbe, Norman, 29

Ervin, Sam, S243

Estes, Douglas, 43

Estes, John, Jr., 43

Europe, 46, S6, S21, S37, S54, S69, S221

Evansdale, Iowa, S157

Executive Branch Reorganization, S8, S23, S41, S213

Executive Council, 5, 6, 12, 31

Extradition, 22, 23


Falk, Dick, S225

Farm Income, S1, S31, S50, S63, S80, S205

Farm Security Administration, S81

Farm Vacation Council, 17

Farmers, S175

Farmington, Iowa, S157

Farmland Industries, Inc., 6

Farnhamville, Iowa, S157

Federal Bureau of Investigation, S173

Federal Communications Commission, S171, S232

Federal Drug Administration, S150

Federal Power Commission, 6, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S225

Federal Price Support Program, S167

Federal Trade Commission, S4, S19, S34, S67, S175

Feed Grain Program, S15, S31, S50, S63, S173

Finance, S4, S5, S6, S20, S21, S35, S36, S37, S53, S54, S68, S69, S82, S83,

Financial Institutions, S18, S34, S52, S66, S81

Fire Defense Advisory Committee, 19

Firearms, 6, 7, 21, 31

Fish and Wildlife, S24, S41, S56, S72, S84

Flood Control, 6, 8, 30, 32, S57, S76, S155, S171, S174

Floyd County, Iowa, 23

Food, 12

Food and Drug Administration, S44, S59, S74

Food for Peace, 6, S173, S175

Food Prices, S173

Food Stamps, S15, S31, S63, S80, S171

Forbes, Fred, S246

Ford, Gerald R., S175, S247

Foreign Aid, S1, S7, S16, S21, S32, S38, S54, S64, S70, S83, S171, S174,

Foreign Relations Committee, S6, S7, S8, S21, S22, S23, S37, S38, S39,
S40, S41, S54, S55, S56, S69, S70, S71, S83, S166, S170, S171, S211,
S212, S213

Foreign Trade, S5, S20, S35, S53, S68, S82

Fort Dodge, Iowa, 42, 44, 45, S157, S167

Fort Madison, Iowa, 24, 45

Fort Madison Penitentiary, 45

Franklin and Marshall College, S165

Franzenburg, Paul, 30, 35, 38

Friedheim, Jerry, S244

Fulbright-Hays Scholarships, 19

Fulton, Robert D., 30, 38, S168, S240

Funeral Director Examiners, 19

Future Farmers of America, S173


Gabriel, Charles A., S175

Gallagher, James V., 13

Garwin, Iowa, S173

General Assembly of Iowa, 20, 21

General Services Administration, S225

George, Iowa, 44

Gilbert, Iowa, S157

Gillette, Guy M., 18, S172

Glenwood Hospital-School, S162

Goldman, Kate, S166

Goodell, Charles, S167, S240

Goodwill Industries of America, S165, S249

Goralski, Bob, S244

Government Operations, S8, S23, S41, S56, S71, S84, S213

Government Reorganization, 6, 17, 19

Governor, 6, 7, 17, 20, 26, 31, 32, 38, 43

Grain Elevators, S170

Grandview College, S162

Grant, Bob, S241

Grassley, Charles E., 7, 13, 14

Gray, Patrick, S173

Greene County, Iowa, 22

Greigg, Stanley L., 23

Grinnell, Iowa, 45, S157, S165

Grinnell College, 38, S162, S165

Gross, H.R., 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, S175

Gruening, Ernest, S165

Guaranteed annual income, 34

Gun Control, 30, 32, S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85


Haig, Alexander, S175

Haldeman, H.R., S217

Handicapped, 5, 17, 32, S74, S86

Hansen, John R., 10

Harbors, S77

Harlan, Iowa, 7, 38, S157

Harris, Fred, S248

Hartford, Iowa, S157

Hatfield, Mark, S167

Haugland, Jean, S172

Hawkins, Lex, 6, 45

Health, 7, 18, 22, 32, S11, S26, S27, S44, S45, S48, S59, S62, S75, S77, S86,
S150, S171, S174, S214

Health Department, 7

Health, Education, and Welfare, 7, S1, S2, S16, S32, S51, S65, S150, S163,S164, S169, S174

Henry County, Iowa, 24

Heying, H.L., 38

Hickel, Walter, S8

Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 3, 6, 7, 8, 16, 30

Higher Education Facilities Commission, 19

Highway Commission, 7, 19, 22, 32

Hoeven, Charles B., 8

Hoffmans, Edward, 31

Hoover, J. Edgar, S171

Hoover Library, 7, S162

Hospitals, 19, S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S214

Housing, 12, 31, S3, S18, S34, S52, S62, S66, S77, S81, S209, S215

Housing and Urban Development, 7, S1, S16, S32, S155

Hughes, Richard, S167

Hultman, Evan, 7

Human Rights Commission, 17

Humboldt, Iowa, S157, S173

Humphrey, Hubert H., 11, 12, 30, 36, 38, S32, S41, S173, S178, S185, S186,
S208, S224


IPERS, 19, 32

Ida Grove, Iowa, S168

Immigration, S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85

Impeachment, S73, S85, S243

Income Tax, 20, 34, S4, S5, S20, S35, S36, S53, S246

Independence, Iowa, S157

Indian Education, S11, S26, S44, S58, S214

Indianola, Iowa, S157

Indians, S8, S24, S41, S56, S72, S84

Indochina, S168, S169, S171, S175, S246

Industrial Commissioner, 19, 22

Inflation, 30

Insurance, 22, 32, S44, S59, S75, S77, S215

Insurance, Health, S82

Insurance Commissioner, 19

Intergovernmental Relations, 17, S23, S41, S56, S71, S165, S173, S213

Interior Department, 8, S1, S8, S16, S24, S32, S41, S42, S51, S56, S57, S71,
S72, S84

Internal Security, S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85

International Finance, S3, S34, S67

Interstate Commerce Commission, 14, S174, S227

Iowa City, Iowa, 31, 45, S157, S170, S174, S175

Iowa County, Iowa, S173

Iowa Manufacturers Association, S168

Iowa Natural Resources Council, 8

Iowa State University, 8, 15, S162, S167, S173

Iowa Supreme Court, 31

Iowa Wesleyan College, S162

Iowa Western Community College, S162

Israel, S83, S170


Jackson, Henry, S171, S239

Jackson County, Iowa, 43, S157

Japan, 7, 8, 16, 38, 46

Jasper County, Iowa, 23

Javits, Jacob, S170, S171, S249

Jefferson, Iowa, S157

Jefferson County, Iowa, 24

Jensen, Martin, S175

Job Corps, 9, S165

Johnson, Donald E., 30

Johnson, Lyndon B., 16, 30, 32, 37, 42, 43, 44, S172

Johnson, Nicholas, 8

Johnson County, Iowa, 24, S157

Jones, Nadae, S248

Judges, 20

Judicial Appointments, 19, 20

Judiciary Committee, S239

Justice Department, S2, S33, S51, S65, S150, S213, S251

Juvenile Courts, 31

Juvenile Detention Homes, 33


Kamrar, Iowa, S157

Kanawha, Iowa, S157

Kennedy, Edward M., 11, 30, 38, 44, 46, S29, S33, S43, S149, S178, S214,
S217, S224, S228

Kennedy, John F., 38

Kennedy, Robert F., 11, 30, 32, 38, 43, 44

Keokuk, Iowa, 20, S157

Kholos, Bob, S248

Kieffer Associates, Inc., 36

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 31, 32

Kirschbaum, Kathy, S170, S175

Kissinger, Henry, S172, S174, S246

Knight, Hal, S244

Knoxville, Iowa, S157

Korea, S239

Kossuth County, Iowa, 16, 23

Kyl, John, 6, 7, 8


Labor Commissioner, 8, 20

Labor Department, S1, S2, S9, S10, S11, S12, S16, S25, S27, S28, S32, S43,
S44, S45, S46, S51, S58, S59, S60, S65, S74, S75, S76, S86, S87, S161,
S170, S214, S215

Labor Relations, S12, S27, S45, S59, S75, S86

Laird, Melvin, S172

Lake View, Iowa, 45, S157

Lakeside Foundation, S174

Land Rehabilitation Advisory Board, 20

Landers, Ann, S40, S235

Lansing, Iowa, S157

Laos, S170, S171

Lavelle, John D., S171, S172, S173, S244

Law Enforcement, 22

Law Enforcement Academy, 8

Law Enforcement Assistance program, 4, 5

LeGrand, Iowa, S157

Lehigh University, S165

LeMars, Iowa, S246

Leon, Iowa, S157

Lewis, John L., S172

Libraries, S12, S28, S60, S75

Lieutenant Governor, 9

Linn County, Iowa, 24, S157

Liquor Control Commission, 9, 20, 22, 34

Lively, John, 42

Lockheed Corp., S34

Loveless, Herschel C., 4

Lucey, Pat, S168

Luther College, S162


Mabry, Drake, 44

McCaffrey, Joe, S241

McCarthy, Eugene, 30, 36, 38, 44, S228

McDermott, Edward A., 5, 20, S169

McGovern, George, 30, 36, S167, S169, S171, S243, S250

Madison, C.B., 38

Manning, Iowa, S157

Manpower, 9, 10, 32, S11, S27, S44, S45, S60, S75, S86, S173, S174, S215

Manpower Advisory Committee, 9, 17

Manpower Development Council, 20

Mansfield, Mike, S171, S173, S244

Mapleton, Iowa, S157

Maquoketa, Iowa, 43, S157

Marble Rock, Iowa, S157

Marijuana, 31, S150, S168, S170, S173, S175

Marine and Fisheries, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S82

Marion, Iowa, S157

Marshall County, Iowa, 16, 38

Marshalltown, Iowa, 42, S157, S175

Marycrest College, S162

Mason City, Iowa, 45, S157, S174

Maynard, Iowa, S157

Mayne, Wiley, 14, 16

Meat Imports, S171

Meat Inspection, S15, S31, S50, S64, S80

Mechanicsville, Iowa, 20

Mediapolis, Iowa, S157

Medicaid, 34

Medical Assisstance Advisory Council, 20

Medical Examiners, 20

Medicare, S5, S20, S35, S53, S68, S82, S210

Melcher, Iowa, S157

Melvin, Iowa, S157

Mental Health, 17, 20, 32, S11, S26, S44, S59

Mentally Handicapped, 11, 32

Merit Employment Commission, 10, 20, 32

Methadone, S171, S242, S243

Mexico, 32

Mezvinsky, Edward, S174

Middle Amana, Iowa, 42

Middle East, S21, S38, S54, S70, S83, S174, S175, S211, S246

Migrant Labor, S11, S45, S60, S75

Military Academies, S14, S30, S48, S62, S78, S169, S171, S173

Military Assistance, S175

Military Budget, S165

Military Construction, S2, S33, S51, S65, S80

Military Procurement, S168, S171, S174, S207

Military Promotions, S172

Military Service, Compulsory, 30, S2, S3, S17, S33, S51, S65, S81, S207,

Military Spending, S175

Miller, Jack, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 30

Millersburg, Iowa, S157

Mills, Max Milo, 30

Milo, Iowa, S157

Mine Inspector, 20, 22

Minerals, 31, S57, S72

Mining, 20, S57, S72

Minimum Wage, S215

Mississippi River, S173

Mississippi River Parkway Commission, 10, 20

Missouri Basin Inter-Agency Committee, 10

Missouri Basin Systems Group, S250

Missouri River, 10, S157

Mitchell, Donald J., 11

Mitchell, John, S170

Model Cities, S3, S34, S67, S81

Mollenhoff, Clark, S170, S172

Mondale, Walter F., 36, S12, S175, S177, S179, S180, S182, S202, S217,

Monona, Iowa, S157

Monroe County, Iowa, S157

Monticello, Iowa, S157

Morning Sun, Iowa, S157

Morton, Bruce, S244

Motor Trucks, 30, 31, 34

Moulton, Iowa, S157

Mount Mercy College, S162

Mount Pleasant, Iowa, S157

Mount Saint Clare College, S162

Murphy, Ray, Sr., 11

Muscatine, Iowa, 44, S157, S173

Muscular Dystrophy, S174

Muskie, Edmund, 30, S170, S171, S244, S250

My Lai, S22


Narcotics, S167

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, S2, S17, S32, S51, S65,
National Farm Institute, S173

National Farmers Organization, S169, S241, S244, S247

National Guard, 22, 29, 32, S241

National Institute of Mental Health, S150

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, S150

National Institute on Crime and Delinquency, S168

National Highway Safety Commission, S150

National Science Foundation, S12, S17, S28, S45, S60, S75

National Security, S167, S219, S251

Natural Disasters, 45

Natural Resources Council, 20, 22

Nevada, Iowa, S157

New Democratic Coalition, S28, S240

New Hartford, Iowa, S157

Nixon, Richard M., 30, S168, S169, S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175,
S217, S239, S243, S248

Norland, Dean, S171

Northwestern College, S174, S246

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 32, S7

Nuclear Weapons, S171, S172

Nursing Homes, S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S214

Nutrition, S12, S28, S46, S60

Nye, Frank T., 13, 44


Oakland, Iowa, S157

Oakville, Iowa, S157

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, S87, S171

Occupational Training, S173

Office of Economic Opportunity, 10, 19, S58, S150, S231

Office of Emergency Planning, 5

Office of Technology Assessment, S78

Offutt Air Force Base, S162

Oil Depletion Allowance, S36, S53

Oil Import Quotas, S172

Oil Shortage, S172

Okoboji, S171

Old Age Assistance, 34

Old Age Homes, S173

Optometry Examiners, 20

Orange City, Iowa, S174, S246

Orchard, Iowa, S157

Osceola County, Iowa, S158

Oskaloosa, Iowa, S158

Otho, Iowa, S158

Ottumwa, Iowa, 20, 42, 43, 46, S158, S174, S226

Ottumwa Heights College, 46, S162

Owen, Kenneth E., 38


Pardon, 23, 24

Pari-Mutuel Betting, 21

Parks, 31, S57, S72, S84

Parnell, Iowa, S158

Parole Board, 20

Parsons College, S162

Partners of the Alliance, 11

Peace Officers Association, 31

Pella, Iowa, 38

Pensions, S62, S68, S77, S82, S88, S210, S215

Percival, Iowa, S158

Petroleum, S172, S173, S174

Pharmacy Examiners, 20

Physical Fitness Council, 17

Physical Therapy Examiners, 20

Pittenger, John, S165

Planning and Programming, 11, 13, 14, 32

Pleasant Hill, Iowa, S158

Pleasant Plain, Iowa, S158

Pleasant Valley, Iowa, S158

Plymat, William, 30, S149, S240

Pocahontas County, Iowa, 16

Podiatry Examiners, 20

Political Prisoners, S83

Politics, Practical, 3 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 44, 45, S28, S29, S30,
S46, S78, S79, S89, S170, S172, S174, S245, S246, S247, S248, S250

Polk County, Iowa, 24, 29, S158, S170, S174

Poll-Tax, 20

Pollution, S37, S47, S57, S61, S76

Pomerantz, Harry, S175

Population, S28, S46, S60, S76, S87

Pornography, S24, S42, S73, S85

Postal Service, S12, S13, S17, S29, S33, S47, S61, S76, S87, S174, S235

Pottawattamie County, Iowa, S158

Poverty, 30, 32, 33, S9, S10, S25, S43, S58, S74, S75, S86, S173

Prayer, S9, S24, S42, S57, S85, S225, S235, S246

Preserves Advisory Board, 11, 20

Presidents---United States-- Election, 36, S9, S24, S42, S57, S225

Press, 32, 33

Press Conferences, 42, 43, 44, 45

Press Releases, 25, S164, S165, S166, S167, S168, S169, S170, S171,
S172, S173, S174, S175

Preston, Iowa, 43

Price Regulation, S173

Price Supports, S1, S15, S31, S50, S64, S206

Princeton, Iowa, S158


Printing Board, 20

Prisoners of War, S22, S38, S54, S70, S83

Prisons, 24, 33, S42, S57, S73, S85, S170, S174

Prohibition Party, 33

Property Tax, 14, 21, 22, 34, S170

Proxmire, William, S175, S240

Public Instruction, Department of, 12, 20, 22

Public Land Law Review Commission, 12

Public Lands, S8, S24, S42, S47, S57, S72, S84

Public Opinion Polls, 36

Public Safety Department, 12, 20, 22

Public Schools, S161

Public Utilities, 34

Public Welfare, 18, 20, 22, S5, S9, S10, S11, S12, S20, S25, S27, S28, S36,
S43, S44, S45, S46, S58, S59, S60, S74, S75, S76, S86, S87, S214, S215

Public Works, S13, S29, S30, S32, S47, S61, S65, S76, S77, S87, S88, S170

Pueblo Incident, 30


Rabies, 18

Race Problems, 32

Radford, Charles, S246

Radio Broadcasting, 26

Railroads, 34, S12, S27, S45, S60, S75, S86, S173, S174, S210

Rapp, Steve, S247

Rasmussen, Clark, S175

Rathbun Dam, 12, 38, S158

Ray, Robert D., 7, 30, 43, S67

Reagan, Ronald, 30

Real Estate Commissionn, 20

Recreation, S57

Red Oak, Iowa, S158

Red Rock Dam, 12

Refugees, S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85

Rehabilitation, S172

Rehnquist, William, S170

Religion, S234, S235, S236

Remsen, Iowa, S158

Republican Party, 29, 30, 33, 36, 43, S171

Reserve Officers Training Corps, 45

Retirement, S61, S76, S87

Revenue, Department of, 12, 34

Revenue Sharing, S36, S53, S68, S172, S173

Reynolds, Frank, S247

Richardson, Elliot, S172, S173

Ridgeway, Iowa, S158

Right to Work laws, 21, 32

Riley, Tom, 14, 30

Ringgold County, Iowa, S158

Riots, 30, 31, 32

Rivers, S77

Roads, 7, 32, S5, S13, S20, S30, S47, S53, S57, S61, S76, S166, S173,
S174, S175, S209, S227

Rock Island Arsenal, S172, S236

Rock Rapids, Iowa, S158

Rock Valley, Iowa, S158

Rockefeller, Nelson, 30, S175

Rolfe, Iowa, S158

Romney, George, 30

Rural Electrification, 12, S1, S15, S31, S50, S64, S206

Rural Environmental Assistance Program, S236


Sales Tax, 34

Saylorville Dam, 38

Scalise, Lawrence F., 38

Scherle, William J., 3, 7, 14

Scherling, Richard E., 38

Schieffer, Bob, S244

Schleswig, Iowa, 38

Schmidhauser, John R., 2, 30

Schmitz, Larry, S246

Scholarships, 32

School Boards, 43

Schools, 20, 32, 33, S172

Schwengel, Fred, 3, 7, 8, 16, 30

Science Advisory Committee, 18

Scott County, Iowa, 24

Secretary of State, Iowa, 31

Securities, S18, S34, S209

Security Medical Facility, 10

Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, S158

Serviceman's Ballot Commission, 20

Shaff Plan, 13

Shaw, Bernard, S244

Sheldon, Iowa, 44

Shellsburg, Iowa, S158

Shelly, Jack, 42

Shenandoah, Iowa, S158

Sibley, Iowa, 44

Sidney, Iowa, S158

Simpson College, S162

Sioux Center, Iowa, S174, S175

Sioux City, Iowa, 3, 20, 42, 43, 44, S158, S173, S227

Sioux County, Iowa, S246

Sioux Empire College, S162

Sirica, John, S175

Sloan, Iowa, S158

Small Business Administration, 38, S3, S18, S34, S52, S67, S81

Smith, Neal, 2, 8

Social Security Administration, S6, S21, S36, S37, S53, S68, S69, S82, S174

Social Services Department, 13, 20, 34, S173

Soil Conservation, 20, 22, 31, S1, S16, S32, S50, S64, S80, S206

Soth, Lauren, S173

South America, S7, S21, S22, S38, S54, S70, S83, S211

South Central Iowa Community Action Program, S158, S237

Southern Iowa Economic Development Association, S237

Soviet Union, S7, S22, S38, S55, S70, S83, S211

Soybean, S174

Spencer, Iowa, 20, 44, S158

Spirit Lake, Iowa, S168, S174

Stanhope, Iowa, S158

Stanley, C. Maxwell, S56

Stanley, David M., 30, 32, 33, 44

Stanton, Iowa, S158

State Center, Iowa, 42

State Department, S7, S22, S38, S55, S70

State Fair, 13

State Library, 20, 22

Steffen, Vince, 13

Stennis, John, S247

Stevenson, Adlai, III, S166, S245

Storm Lake, Iowa, 43, S158

Storms, S170

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, S70, S83, S169

Stratford, Iowa, S158

Strawberry Point, Iowa, S158

Supersonic Transport Planes, S168

Supreme Court, Iowa, 20

Supreme Court, U.S., 31, S9, S25, S42, S57

Surplus Agricultural Commodities, S16, S32, S64

Swea City, Iowa, 45

Symington, Stuart, S244, S247


Taft-Hartley Act, S12, S27, S45, S60

Tama, Iowa, S158, S175

Tama Indian Settlement, 14, S175

Tariff, S5, S20, S35, S53, S68, S82, S211

Taxation, 14, 15, 16, 30, 32, 33, 34, 43, S5, S20, S35, S53, S54,S69, S82,
S83, S169, S170, S171, S173, S174

Tax Commission, 20, 22

Teamsters, 38

TePaske, Maurice, S173, S174

Terril, Iowa, S158

Thomas, Richard S., S205

Thompson, Iowa, S159

Tipton, Iowa, S159

Tjernagel Family, S170, S237

Tokyo, Japan, 7

Toledo, Iowa, S159

Tornadoes, 30, 32, S158

Trade Missions, 16

Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, 16, 18, 42

Transportation, 34, S4, S17, S19, S33, S35, S52, S65, S67, S82, S169, S210

Transportation Department, 16

Treasurer of State, 16, 22, 31

Treasury Department, S17, S33

Truesdale, Iowa, S159

Truman, Harry S, S172

Trusts, Industrial, S8, S24, S42, S57, S85

Turner, Richard, 30

Tydings, Joseph, S240


Unemployed, 31, S54, S169, S171

United Auto Workers, 44, S166

United Jewish Appeal, S173, S175

United Nations 18, 30, S7, S22, S39, S55, S70, S83, S168, S170, S211, S246

United Way, S175

Universities and Colleges, 32

University of Iowa, 14, 15, 43, 44, S162

University of Northern Iowa, 13, S162

Upper Iowa College, S162

Upper Iowa River Association, S159

Upper Mississippi River Interstate Compact, 16

Upper Mississippi River NATIONAL Recreation Center, S159

Urban Renewal, S3, S67, S81

Urban Transportation, S18, S170

Urbandale, Iowa, S159


Van Meter, Iowa, S159

Vanocur, Sander, 16

Venereal Diseases, S247

Veterans, S6, S10, S21, S26, S37, S44, S48, S54, S62, S77, S88, S170,
S172, S173, S174, S175, S215, S216, S236

Vice-Presidents, S175

Victims of Crimes, 22

Vietnam, 16, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 44, S7, S22, S23, S38, S39, S40, S55, S56,
S70, S71, S83, S151, S165, S166, S167, S168, S169, S170, S171, S173,
S174, S175, S212, S220, S225, S240, S241, S244, S246, S248, S251

Vocational Education, 20, 29, S10, S26, S44, S58, S74, S86

Vocational Rehabilitation, S12, S45, S60, S173

Volunteers in Service to America, S49

Voting, 22, 34, S25, S42, S57, S73

Voting Machine Commissioners, 20


Wages, S12, S27, S45, S60, S75, S87

Walcott, Iowa, S159

Wallace, George C., 11, 30, S171

Wallace, Mike, S246, S247

Walnut, Iowa, S159

Wapello, Iowa, 42, S159

War Powers Bill, S174

Wartburg College, 44, S162

Washington, Iowa, 44

Washington County, Iowa, 23

Washta, Iowa, S159

Watchmakers' Board, 20

Water, S57

Water Conservation, 31, S1, S16, S32, S50, S64, S80, S206

Water Pollution, 16, 18, 20, 32, S13, S30, S47, S61, S77, S88

Water-Power, S84

Water Projects, S13, S24, S30, S47, S61, S77

Waterfowl, S172

Watergate, S73, S85, S173, S174, S244

Waterloo, Iowa, 3, 16, 31, 42, 43, 44, 45, S159, S166, S170, S247

Waukon, Iowa, 38

Waverly, Iowa, S159

Weber, Harrison, 44

Weber, Otto, 42

Webster City, Iowa, S159

Weinberger, Casper, S172

Weitzell, Rex, 3

Welfare, 34, S54, S69, S83, S172

West Branch, Iowa, S159

Westmar College, S162

Wheat, S170, S174

Wheeler, Earl, S152

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 7

Wildlife Conservation, 31

Wilton, Iowa, S174

Winfield, Iowa, S159

Winterset, Iowa, 42, S159

Women, Iowa Commission on the Status of, 18, 22

Women Soldiers, S172, S173, S208

Woodbury County, Iowa, 22, 23, 24, S173

Workmen's Compensation, S86

World Bank, S8

World Peace Broadcasting Foundation, S240

Worth County, Iowa, S159

Worthington, Lorne R., 38


Yamanashi, Japan, 16

Yarborough, Ralph, S167, S239

Young Men's Christian Association Industrial Management, 42

Youth Corps, S174

Yucatan, 16, 38


Zimmerman, Jake, S168


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