Collection Dates: 1962 -- 1975
This document describes a collection of materials held
by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900
Posted to the Internet December 1997
Note: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa
Library by Harold Hughes in 1975.
and Restrictions:
Photographs: Box S238
Film Box S249
Audio Material: Reel to reel and casette tapes in Boxes S239
- S248
Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but
does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this
collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections
Copyright: Please read
The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished
Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.
I. Series One -- Legislative Correspondence
Boxes S1 - S89
II. Series Two -- Outgoing Correspondence Carbons
Boxes S90 - S134
III. Series Three -- Senate Committee and Subcommittee Materials
Boxes S135 - S153
IV. Series Four -- Civil and Institutional Cases
Boxes S154 - S163
V. Series Five -- Press Releases and Related Materials, Amenities, and Invitations
Boxes S164 - S187
VI. Series Six -- Speeches
Boxes S188 - S196
VII. Series Seven -- Robos
Boxes S197 - S199
VIII. Series Eight -- Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence and Files
Boxes S200 - S237
IX. Series Nine -- Photographs
Box S238
X. Series Ten -- Tapes (Audio, Video, and Film)
Boxes S239 - S249
Oversized Material (Senatorial)
Boxes S250 - S252
Harold Everett Hughes was born near Ida Grove, Iowa on February 10, 1922. Struggling against rural poverty, he attended public schools and was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Iowa. He quit school after his freshman year and was married. In 1942, Hughes enlisted in the army and saw combat in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. He was sent home after contracting both jaundice and malaria, serving out the remainder of his enlistment stateside.
Hughes took a job driving trucks after the war. It was through trucking that he first became involved in politics. He founded the Iowa Better Trucking Bureau to represent small truckers. In 1958, after switching political parties from Republican to Democrat, Hughes ran for a seat on the Iowa State Commerce Commission. He was elected and served from 1959 to 1962. In 1963, Hughes was elected governor of Iowa, defeating the incumbent Republican , Governor Erbe. He went on the serve for three terms. Elected to the US Senate (1968 -- 1975), he briefly sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1971, and chose not to seek re-election to the Senate in 1974.
Harold Everett Hughes was very much a man shaped by his past. The poverty he experienced during his youth, his battle with alcoholism, his blue-collar background, and his strong religious faith all worked to mold the man and his politics. He opposed the death penalty and the Vietnam War, worked tirelessly for alcohol and drug abuse legislation, was involved in conservation issues, and was regarded as a liberal Democrat and a charismatic candidate.
Harold Hughes died October 23, 1996 in Glendale, Arizona.
The papers of Harold E. Hughes consist of 200 linear feet of manuscripts dating from 1962 to 1975. Primarily office files, these papers are divide into two series: 1) Gubernatorial Papers and 2) Senatorial Papers. Each series is then divided into ten or eleven sections. The gubernatorial papers are listed on a separate record. The senatorial papers are ordered in the following manner: 1) Legislative correspondence; 2) Outgoing correspondence carbons; 3) Senate committee and subcommittee materials; 4) Civic and institutional cases; 5)Press releases and related materials, amenities, and invitations; 6) Speeches; 7) Robos; 8) Miscellaneous personal correspondence and files; 9) Photographs; 10) Tapes; and Oversized materials. The index for both the combined gubernatorial and senatorial papers are combined at the end of each respective record.
The major topics include: agriculture, alcoholism, banks, commerce, courts, crime, Democratic Party, drug abuse, education, manpower, draft, Richard Nixon, practical politics, postal service, poverty, public welfare, public works, roads, soil conservation, taxation, transportation, United Nations, veterans, Vietnamese conflict, and water pollution. The Iowa cities of Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, and Waterloo are well represented. There is correspondence from: Hubert H. Humphrey, Edward M. Kennedy, and Walter F. Mondale.
Given to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1975 by Harold E. Hughes, these papers are open for research by students and scholars.
Series I: Legislative Correspondence
Box S1
--- Aeronautics
and Space - Miscellaneous
------Farm Income
------Price Supports
------School Lunch & Milk
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Foreign Aid
------General Budget
------Housing and Urban Development
------Labor, HEW (1 folder)
Box S2
1969 (cont.)
------Labor, HEW (2 folders)
------State, Justice, Commerce
---Armed Services
------Military Construction
------Personnel Policy
------Selective Service (1st of 2 folders)
1969 (cont.)
---Armed Services (cont.)
------Selective Service (2nd of 2 folders)
---Banking &
------Banking (2 folders)
------Housing (2 folders)
------International Finance
------Small Business
------Urban Development & Model Cities
Box S4
1969 (cont.)
------Consumer Interests
------Independent Agencies - FTC, FPC, etc.
------Marine & Fisheries
------Surface Transportation
------Corporate Income
1969 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Excise Tax
---Foreign Trade & Tariffs
---Highway Taxes
---National Economy
---Personal Income Tax (2 folders)
---Public Assistance
Box S6
1969 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Social Security
------Veteran's Pensions & Comp.
---Foreign Relations
------Arms Race & Disarmament
------Department of Peace
------Far East
1969 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East
------Nuclear Treaty
------Soviet Union
------State Department
------United Nations
------Vietnam (3 folders)
Box S8
1969 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations (cont.)
------World Bank & IDA
---Government Operations
------Executive Reorganization
------Hickel Nomination
------Public Lands
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Ammendments
1969 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
------Electoral Reform
------Gun Control
------Immigration & Refugees
------Internal Security
------Supreme Court
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---Labor and Public
------Antipoverty Programs
1969 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Antipoverty Programs (2 folders)
---------Primary and Secondary
Box S11
1969 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Education - Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---------Hospitals & Nursing Homes
---------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
------Indian Education
---------Manpower Training
1969 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
---------R.R. Retirement
---------Wages and Hours
---------Miscellaneous, incl. a letter from Walter Mondale
------Labor Relations
------Laboratory Animals
------Libraries and Fine Arts
------National Science Foundation
------Nutrition and Human Needs
------Vocational Rehabilitation
---Organization of
Congress -- Miscellaneous
---Post Office and
Civil Service
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
1969 (cont.)
---Post Office and
Civil Service (cont.)
------Postal Affairs (2 folders)
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Water Pollution
------Water Projects
1969 (cont.)
---Rules & Administration
-- Miscellaneous
---Standards &
Controls -- Miscellaneous
------Military Academies
------Mutiple Subjects (2 folders)
1969 (cont.)
------Mutiple Subjects (3 folders
---Aeronautics and
Space -- Miscellaneous
------DDT (pesticides)
------Feed Grain Program
------Food Stamps
------Meat Inspection
------Price Support Program
1970 (cont.)
---Agriculture (cont.)
------School Lunch & Milk Program
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Surplus Agricultural Commodities
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
------Foreign Aid
------General Budget
------Independent Offices
------Labor and HEW (2 folders)
1970 (cont.)
------Legislative Branch
------National Science Foundation
------Treasury, Post Office, Executive Offices
---Armed Services
------Draft Reform
------Personnel Policy
------Selective Service System
---Banking &
Box S18
1970 (cont.)
---Banking &
Currency (cont.)
------Banking - No Answer File
------Financial Institutions
------One-Bank Holding Companys
------Small Business
------Urban Mass Transit
1970 (cont.)
------Air Traffic Controllers
------Cigarette Advertising
------Consumer Interests (2 folders)
------Independent Agencies - FTC, FPC, etc.
------Marine Fisheries
------Surface Transportation (2 folders)
Box S20
1970 (cont.)
---District of
------D.C. Crime Bill
------Corporate Income Tax
------Excise Tax
------Foreign Trade & Tariffs
------Highway Taxes
------Medicare (2 folders)
------National Economy
------Personal Income Tax
------Public Assistance (2 folders)
1970 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Social Security
------Veterans Pensions & Compensation
---Foreign Relations
------Far East
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East (2 folders)
Box S22
1970 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------My Lai
------Prisoners of War
------South America
------Soviet Union
------State Department
------Troop Withdrawl
------Vietnam (3 folders)
Box S23
1970 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------Vietnam (4 folders)
---Government Operations
------Executive Branch Reorganization
------Intergovernmental Relations
------Organization of Congress
------Surplus Property
Box S24
1970 (cont.)
------Bureau of Reclamation
------Fish & Wildlife
------Public Lands
------Water Projects
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Amendments
------Electoral Reform
------Equal Rights for Women
------Gun Control
------Immigration & Refugees
------Internal Security
Box S25
1970 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
------Supreme Court
------Voting Age
---Labor and Public
------Antipoverty (2 folders)
------Cruelty to Animals
---------Equal Educational Opportunities
Box S26
1970 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Education (cont.)
---------Primary and Secondary
---------Vocational Training
---------Hospitals and Nursing Homes
---------Measles - Health Research
Box S27
1970 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Health (cont.)
---------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---------Manpower Training
---------Railroad Retirement
---------Wages and Hours
Box S28
1970 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Labor (cont.)
------Libraries and Fine Arts
------National Science Foundation
------Nutrition and Human Needs
------Committee on
Party Structure and Delegate
National Committee
State Central Committee of Iowa
------House Races
------Iowa Political
------National Priorities
------New Democratic
------Party Reform
------Senate Races
Box S29
1970 (cont.)
---Political (cont.)
------Miscellaneous (2 folders, incl. a letter from Edward M. Kennedy)
---Post Office
and Civil Service
------Commemorative Stamps
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
------Postal Affairs
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
(2 folders)
Box S30
1970 (cont.)
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Water Pollution (2 folders)
------Water Projects
---Rules &
------Rule XXII
---Standards &
Conduct -- Miscellaneous
------Iowa Political Matters
------Iowa State Government Issues
------Military Academies
Box S31
1970 (cont.)
------Multiple Subjects
------Miscellaneous Issues (3 folders)
and Space -- Miscellaneous
------DDT (pesticides)
------Farm Income
------Feed Grain Program
------Food Stamps
------Meat Inspection
------Price Support Program
1971 (cont.)
---Agriculture (cont.)
------School Lunch & Milk Program
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Surplus Agricultural Commodities
------Miscellaneous, incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey (2 folders)
------Atomic Energy
------Foreign Aid
------General Budget
------Independent Offices
------Labor and HEW
------Public Works
Box S33
1971 (cont.)
------State, Justice, and Commerce
------Treasury, Post Office, & Executive Offices
---Armed Services
------Draft Reform
------Military Construction
------Personnel Policy
------Selective Service System, incl. a letter from Edward M. Kennedy (2 folders)
------Miscellaneous (incl. a letter from Edward M. Kennedy)
Box S34
1971 (cont.)
---Armed Services
---Banking &
------Financial Institutions
------International Finance
------Model Cities
------Small Business
------Consumer Interests
------Independent Agencies - FTC, FPC, etc.
------Marine & Fisheries
Box S35
1971 (cont.)
---Commerce (cont.)
------Surface Transportation (2 folders)
---District of
Columbia -- Miscellaneous
------Corporate Income Tax
------Excise Tax
------Foreign Trade & Tariffs
------National Economy
Box S36
1971 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------National Economy (2 folders)
------Oil Depletion Allowance
------Personal Income Tax
------Public Assistance
------Revenue Sharing
------Social Security
Box S37
1971 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Social Security
------Veterans Pension & Compensation
---Foreign Relations
------Conference on Civilian Population
------Far East
Box S38
1971 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East (2 folders)
------Prisoners of War
------South America
------South Asia
------Soviet Union
------State Department
------Troop Withdrawal from Vietnam
Box S39
1971 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------Vietnam (4 folders)
Box S40
1971 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------Vietnam, incl. letters from Ann Landers and Pearl S, Buck (5 folders)
Box S41
1971 (cont.)
------Foreign Relations (cont.)
------Miscellaneous, incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey (4 folders)
---Government Operations
------Executive Branch Reorganization
------Intergovernmental Personnel Act
------Intergovernmental Relations
------Fish & Wildlife
Box S42
1971 (cont.)
---Interior (cont.)
------Public Lands
---Joint Atomic
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Amendments
------Electoral Reform
------Equal Rights for Women
------Gun Control
------Immigration & Refugees
------Internal Security
------Prision Reform
------Supreme Court
------Voting Age
Box S43
1971 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
---Labor and Public
------Aging (2 folders)
------Child Development
------Cruelty to Animals
------Economic Conversation, incl. a letter from Edward M. Kennedy
---------Equal Educational Opportunities
Box S44
1971 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Education (cont.)---------Indian
---------Primary and Secondary
---------Vocational Training
------Food & Drug Administration------Health---------Drugs
---------Hospitals & Nursing Homes
---------Manpower & Education
Box S45
1971 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Health (cont.)---------Miscellaneous------Labor
---------Manpower Training
---------Railroad Retirement
---------Vocational Rehabilitation
---------Wages & Hours
---------National Science Foundation
Box S46
1971 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Nutrition and Human Needs
of Congress - Miscellaneous
------Political Contracts (2 folders)
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box S47
1971 (cont.)
---Post Office
& Civil Service
------Commemorative Stamps
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
------Number of Federal Employees
------Postal Affairs
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Enviromental Pollution
------Pollution (General)
------Public Lands
------Water Pollution
------Water Projects
---Rules &
------Rule XXII
Box S48
1971 (cont.)
---Rules &
Administration (cont.)
---Veterans Affairs
------Iowa Matters
------Iowa State Government Issues
------Military Academies
------Multiple Subjects
Box S49
1971 (cont.)
------Multiple Subjects (2 folders)
------Miscellaneous Issues (2 folders)
--- Aeronautics
and Space - Miscellaneous
Box S50
1972 (cont.)
------DDT (pesticides)
------Farm Income
------Food Grain Program
------Meat Inspection
------Price Support Program
------School Lunch & Milk Program
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box S51
1972 (cont.)
---Appropriations (cont.)
------General Budget
------Independent Offices
------Labor and HEW
------Legislative Branch
------State, Justice, Commerce
---Armed Services
------Military Construction
------Personal Policy
------Selective Service
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box S52
1972 (cont.)
---Armed Services
---Banking &
------Finacial Institutions
------Small Business
------Consumer Interests
------Independent Agencies, FTC, FPC, etc.
------Marine & Fisheries
------Surface Transportation (2 folders)
Box S53
1972 (cont.)
---Commerce (cont.)
---District of
Columbia - Miscellaneous
------Corporate Income Tax
------Excise Tax
------Foreign Trade & Tariffs
------Highway Taxes
------National Economy
------Oil Depletion Allowance
------Personal Income Tax
------Revenue Sharing
------Social Sercurity
Box S54
1972 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Taxation (2 folders)
------Unemployment Compensation
------Veterans Pension and Compensation
---Foreign Relations
------Far East
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East
------Prisoners of War
------South America
------South Asia
Box S55
1972 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations (cont.)
------Soviet Union
------State Department
------Vietnam (3 folders)
1972 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations (cont.)
---Miscellaneous, incl. a letter from C. Maxwell Stanley
---Government Operations
------Intergovernmental Relations
------Fish & Wildlife
1972 (cont.)
---Interior (cont.)
------Mining and Minerals
------Parks and Recreation
------Public Lands
------Water and Power
---Joint Atomic
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Amendments
------Electoral Reform
------Equal Rights for Women
------Gun Control
------Immigration & Refugees
------Internal Security
------Presidential Primaries
------Prison Reform
------Supreme Court
------Voting Age
1972 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---Labor and Public
------Antipoverty - OEO
------Cruelty to Animals
------Economic Conversation
---------Equal Opportunity
---------Primary and Secondary
1972 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Education (cont.)
---------Food & Drug Administration
---------Hospitals & Nursing Homes
---------Miscellaneous (3 folders)
---------Equal Employment
---------Labor Relations
1972 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
------Labor (cont.)
---------Manpower Training
---------Railroad Retirement
---------Wages and Hours
---------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
------Libraries and Fine Arts
------National Science Foundation
------Nutrition and Human Needs
------Vocational Rehabilitation
1972 (cont.)
---Organization of
Congress -- Miscellaneous
---Post Office and
Civil Service
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
------Number of Federal Employees
------Postal Affairs
------Postal Rates
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Environmental Pollution
------Water Pollution
------Water Projects
---Rules & Administration
-- Miscellaneous
---Standards &
Conduct -- Miscellaneous
1972 (cont.)
------Iowa Matters (2 folders)
------Iowa State Government Issues
------Military Academies
------Multiple Subjects
1972 (cont.)
------Multiple Subjects
------Miscellaneous Issues (2 folders)
---Aeronautics and
Space -- Miscellaneous
------DDT (pesticides)
------Farm Income
------Feed Grain Program
------Food Welfare Programs (2 folders)
1973 (cont.)
---Agriculture (cont.)
------Meat Inspection
------Price Support Program
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Surplus Agricultural Commodities
------Miscellaneous (3 folders)
------Foreign Aid
1973 (cont.)
------General Budget
------Labor and HEW (2 folders)
------Public Works
------State, Justice, Commerce
---Armed Services
------Military Construction
------Personnel Policy
------Reasearch and Development
------Secret Operations
------Selective Service System
1973 (cont.)
---Armed Services (cont.)
---Banking &
------Economic Development Administration
------Financial Institutions
1973 (cont.)
---Banking &
Currency (cont.)
------International Finance
------Small Business
------Urban Development & Model Cities
------Independent Agencies - FTC, FPC, etc.
------Consumer Interests
------Marine & Fisheries
------Surface Transportation, incl. a letter from Robert D. Ray.
1973 (cont.)
---Commerce (cont.)
------Foreign Trade & Tariffs
------National Economy
------Pension Plans
------Revenue Sharing
------Social Security
1973 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
------Social Security
------Taxation (2 folders)
------Taxation - Tuition Credit
---Foreign Relations
------East Asia
1973 (cont.)
---Foreign Relations (cont.)
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East
------SALT and Disarmament
------South Asia
------Soviet Union
------State Department & CIA
------Vietnam (2 folders)
1973 (cont.)
--- Foreign
Relations (cont.)
------Vietnamese Children
---Government Operations
------Consumer Protection Agency
------Government Research
------Intergovernmental Relations
------Energy (2 folders)
1973 (cont.)
---Interior (cont.)
------Fish and Wildlife
------Mining and Minerals
------Parks and Recreation
------Public Lands
---Joint Atomic
------Abortion Replies
------Capital Punishment
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Amendments
1973 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
------Equal Rights
------Equal Rights for Women
------Freedom of the Press
------Gun Control
------Immigration & Refugees
------Internal Security
------Prison Reform
------Voting Age
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
1973 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
---Labor and Public
------Children and Youth
---------Equal Opportunity
---------Primary and Secondary
---Food and Drug Administration
1973 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
---------Hospitals & Nursing Homes
---------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---------Equal Employment
---------Labor Relations
---------Railroad Retirement
---------Wages and Hours
------Libraries and Fine Arts
------Manpower and Poverty
------National Science Foundation
1973 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
---Organization of
Congress -- Miscellaneous
---Post Office &
Civil Service
------Commemorative Stamps
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
------Postal Affairs
------Postal Rates
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Environmental Pollution
------Flood Control
1973 (cont.)
---Public Works (cont.)
------Rivers, Harbors and Bridges
------Water Pollution
------Water Projects
---Rules & Administration
-- Miscellaneous
------Computer / Special Mailings
------Congress - President
------Iowa Matters
------Iowa State Government Issues
1973 (cont.)
------Military Academies
------Multiple Subjects (3 folders)
------Office of Technology Assessment
1973 (cont.)
---Miscellaneous (cont.)
------Miscellaneous (4 folders)
------DDT (pesticides)
------Farm Income
------Food Welfare Programs
------Livestock Crisis
------Meat Inspection
------Soil and Water Conservation
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
-- General Budget, etc.
---Armed Services
------Military Construction
------Personnel Policy
1974 (cont.)
---Armed Services
------Reasearch and Development
------Secret Operations
------Selective Service System
------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
---Banking &
------Financial Institutions
------Small Business
------Urban Development and Model Cities
1974 (cont.)
---Commerce (cont.)
------Consumer Interests
------Daylight Savings Time
------Marine and Fisheries
------Surface Transportation
------Foreign Trade and Tariffs
------Health Insurance
------National Economy
------Pension Plans
------Social Security
1974 (cont.)
---Finance (cont.)
---Foreign Relations
------East Asia
------Foreign Aid
------Latin America
------Middle East
------Political Prisoners
------Prisoners of War
------SALT and Disarmament
------South Asia
------Soviet Union
------Vietnamese Children
1974 (cont.)
---Government Operations
-- Miscellaneous
------Energy (3 folders)
------Fish and Wildlife
------Parks and Recreation
------Public Lands
------Water Power
---Joint Atomic --
1974 (cont.)
------Civil Rights
------Constitutional Amendments
------Equal Rights
------Gun Control
------Immigration and Refugees
------Impeachment (2 folders)
------Internal Security
------Prison Reform
1974 (cont.)
---Judiciary (cont.)
---Labor and Public
------Children and Youth
---------Miscellaneous (2 folders)
------Employment, Manpower and Poverty
---------Equal Employment
---------Labor Relations
---------Manpower Training
---------Railroad Retirement
---------Workmen's Compensation
1974 (cont.)
---Labor and Public
Welfare (cont.)
---------Wages and Hours
------Occuptaional Safety and Health
---Post Office &
Civil Service
------Employee Pay
------Employee Policy
------Postal Affairs
------Postal Rates
---Public Works
------Air Pollution
------Environmental Pollution
------Flood Control
1974 (cont.)
---Public Works (cont.)
------Water Pollution
---Rules and Administration
-- Miscellaneous
---Veterans Affairs
------Congress - Executive
------Iowa Matters
------Iowa State Government Issues
------Multiple Subjects
1974 (cont.)
---Miscellaneous (cont.)
------Multiple Subjects (2nd of 2 folders)
------Student Requests
------Miscellaneous issues (3 folders)
Box S90
---"A" -- "Clark"
Box S91
1969 cont.)
---"Cle" -- "G"
1969 cont.)
---"H" -- "K"
1969 cont.)
---"L" -- "O"
1969 cont.)
---"P" -- "Steinf"
1969 cont.)
---"Steing" -- "XYZ"
--- "A" -- "B"
1970 (cont.)
---"C" -- "E"
1970 (cont.)
---"F" -- "Hig"
1970 (cont.)
---"Hil" -- "Linc"
1970 (cont.)
---"Lind" -- "N"
1970 (cont.)
---"O" -- "Schm"
1970 (cont.)
---"Schmidt" -- "V"
1970 (cont.)
---"W" -- "Z"
---"A" -- "Az"
1971 (cont.)
---"B" -- "Ck"
1971 (cont.)
---"Cla" -- "Flh"
1971 (cont.)
---"Fli" -- "Hex"
1971 (cont.)
---"Hey" -- "K"
1971 (cont.)
---"L" -- "Morf"
1971 (cont.)
---"Morg" -- "Richardson"
1971 (cont.)
---"Rick" -- "Stq"
1971 (cont.)
---"Stra" -- "Williams"
1971 (cont.)
---"Willi" -- "Z"
---"A" -- "Bris"
1972 (cont.)
---"Brit" -- "Eg"
1972 (cont.)
---"Eh" -- "Henm"
1972 (cont.)
---"Henn" -- "Laq"
1972 (cont.)
--- "Lar" -- "M"
1972 (cont.)
--- "N" -- "R"
1972 (cont.)
---"S" -- "U"
1972 (cont.)
---"V" -- "Z"; carbons filed by month, January-May
1972 (cont.)
---Carbons filed by month, June-December
--- "A" -- "Bed"
1973 (cont.)
---"Bee" -- "Corz"
1973 (cont.)
---"Cos -- Glar"
1973 (cont.)
---"Glas" -- "I"
1973 (cont.)
---"J" -- "Magm"
1973 (cont.)
---"Magn" -- "Oo"
1973 (cont.)
---"Op" -- "Schz"
1973 (cont.)
---"Sci" -- "Vd"
1973 (cont.)
---"Vea" -- "Z"
--- "A" -- "Ark"
1974 (cont.)
---"Arl" -- "C"
1974 (cont.)
---"D" -- "Henm"
1974 (cont.)
---"Henn" -- "L"
1974 (cont.)
---"M" -- "Rid"
1974 (cont.)
---"Rie" -- "Vik"
1974 (cont.)
---"Vil" -- "Z"; and miscellaneous end of year correspondence
Box S135
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------March 1969 - August 15, 1969
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------August 16, 1969 - October 31, 1969
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------November 1969 - February 15, 1970
on Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------February 16, 1970 - May 1970
Box S139
on Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------June 1970 - September 1970
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------October 1970 - December 1970
Box S141
Subcommittee on
Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------December 1970 - February 1971
Box S142
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------March 1971 - April 1971
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------May 1971 - July 11, 1971
on Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------July 12, 1971 - September 1971
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------October 1971 - February 6, 1972
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------February 7, 1972 - May 20, 1972
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism &
Narcotics correspondence
------May 21, 1972 - November 1972
on Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Alcoholism & Narcotics correspondence
------December 1972 - December 1974
Box S149
Subcommittee on Alcoholism
& Narcotics (cont.)
---General Correspondence, 1972 - 1974
---Unanswered Correspondence, 1973, incl. a letter from Edward M. Kennedy (2 folders)
---Plymat Correspondence, 1971 - 1974
on Alcoholism & Narcotics (cont.)
---Bureau of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs (BNDD)
---Drug Abuse in the Military
---Drug Education Act Hearings, 1973
---Federal Drug Administration, 1973 - 1974
---General Health Legislation
---Health, Education & Welfare, 1971 - 1973
---Marijuana Commission, 1973 - 1974
---National Highway Safety Commission (Transportation), 1973
---National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, 1973 (2 folders)
---National Institute of Mental Health, 1971 - 1973
---Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)
---Special Action Office
---Dr. Robert L. Dupont (Special Action Office), 1973
Armed Services Committee
---General Chronology, Testimony & Related Information, 1971-1973
---Pending Nominations
---Armed Services Committee
------November 1972 - June 1974
------July 1974 - December 1974
---Vietnam Photographs
---Cambodia/Vietnam - Hearings Working Papers
------1972 - 1973
Armed Services
Committee (cont)
---Cannon Tac-Air Subcommittee, 1972
---Testimony and Related Information, January - March 1973.
---Testimony of Generals Wheeler, Clements, and Moorer, July 1973
---Testimony, July 1973
---Testimony and Related Information, July 1973
---Testimony, August 1 -7, 1973
---Testimony and Related Information, August 13, 1973 - November 1974
---Correspondence, October 1972 - January 1974
---Senator Hughes' Notes; Some Ccorrespondence [1973?]
Senate Subcommittee
on Employment, Poverty, & Migratory Labor (3
Box S154
---Ainsworth, 1969
---Alta, 1969
---Ames, 1969
---Anamosa, 1969
---Ankeny, 1969
---Arlington, 1969
---Audubon, 1969
---Aurelia, 1969
---Avoca, 1969
---Bancroft, 1969 - 1970
---Belle Plaine, 1969
---Bettendorf, 1969
---Bode, 1969
---Boone, 1969
---Buffalo - Governmental, 1971
------1969 - 1970
------Governmental, 1972 - 1974
------Closure of Burlington Facility of Atomic Energy Commission, 1973 -- 1974
---Carroll, 1969-1970
---Casey, 1969
---Cedar Falls, 1969
---Centerville, 1969 - 1970
---Cedar Rapids, 1969 - 1970
---Chapin, 1969
---Chariton, 1969
---Charles City, 1969 - 1970
---Charter Oak, 1969
---Cherokee, 1969
---Cherokee County, 1969
---Clearfield, 1969
---Clemons, 1969
---Clinton, 1969 - 1973
Box S155
Civic (cont.)
---Collins, 1969
---Corning, 1969
---Correctionville, 1969
---Corydon, 1969
---Council Bluffs
------1969 - 1972
------Governmental, 1972 - 1973
---Cresco, 1969
---Creston, 1969 - 1971
---Dallas County - Governmental, 1972
---Danville, 1969 - 1970
------1969 - 1970
------HUD Flood Control - Museum - Interagency Council, 1973 - 1974
---Decatur County, 1969
---Decorah, 1969 - 1970
---Dedham, 1969
Civic (cont.)
---Des Moines
------1969 - 1970
---------1971 - 1972
---------1973 - 1974
Civic (cont.)
---Dubuque, 1969 - 1972
---Dyersville, 1969 - 1974
---Eldridge, 1969
---Elk Run Heights, 1969
---Emerson, 1969
---Emmetsburg, 1969
---Evansdale, 1969 - 1970
---Farmington, 1969
---Farnhamville, 1969
---Fort Dodge, 1969 - 1970
---Fort Madison, 1969
---Gilbert - Governmental, 1971
---Grinnell, 1969 - 1970
---Harlan, 1969
---Hartford, 1969
---Humboldt, 1969
---Independence, 1969
---Indianola, 1970
---Iowa City, 1969 - 1973
---Jackson County, 1969
---Jefferson, 1969
---Johnson County, 1969
---Kamrar, 1970
---Kanawha, 1969
---Keokuk, 1969 - 1973
---Knoxville, 1969
---Lake View, 1969
---Lansing, 1969
---LeGrand, 1969
---Leon, 1969
---Linn County, 1969
---Manning, 1969
---Mapleton, 1969
---Maquoketa, 1970
---Marble Rock, 1969
---Marion, 1969
---Marshalltown, 1969
---Mason City, 1969 - 1970
---Maynard, 1969
---Mediapolis, 1969
---Melcher, 1969
---Melvin, 1969
---Millersburg, 1969 - 1970
---Milo, 1969
---Missouri River, 1969
---Monona, 1969
---Monroe County, 1969
---Monticello, 1969 - 1973
---Morning Sun, 1969
---Moulton, 1969
---Mount Pleasant, 1969
---Muscatine, 1969 - 1973
---Nevada, 1969
---New Hartford, 1969
---Oakland, 1969
---Oakville, 1969
---Orchard, 1969
Civic (cont.)
---Osceola County - 1969
---Oskaloosa - 1970
---Otho - 1969
------Governmental - 1970-1973
---Parnell -- Tornado - 1973
---Percival - 1969
---Pleasant Hill - 1969
---Pleasant Plain - 1969
---Pleasant Valley - 1969
---Polk County - 1969
---Pottawatamie County - 1969
---Princeton - 1969
---Rathbun Dam - 1969
---Red Oak - 1969
---Remsen - 1969
---Ridgeway - 1969
---Ringgold County - 1969
---Rock Rapids - 1969
---Rock Valley - 1969
---Rolfe - 1969
---Sergeant Bluff - 1969
---Shellsburg - 1969
---Shenandoah - 1969
---Sidney - 1969
---Sioux City
------Governmental - 1971-1974
---Sloan - 1969
---"South Central Iowa CAP Youth Program" - 1969
---Spencer - 1969
---Stanhope - 1969
---Stanton - 1969
---Storm Lake - 1970
---Stratford - 1969
---Strawberry Point - 1969
---Tama- 1969-1973
---Terril - 1969
Civic (cont.)
Box S160---Thompson, 1969
---Tipton, 1970
---Toledo, 1969
---Truesdale, 1969
---Upper Iowa River Association - Governmental, 1969 - 1971
---Upper Mississippi River NATIONAL Recreation Center - Governmental,
--- 1971
---Urbandale, 1969 - 1970
---Van Meter, 1969
---Waltcott, 1970
---Walnut, 1969
---Wapello, 1969 - 1974
---Washta, 1969
------Governmental, 1970 - 1973
---Waverly, 1969
---Webster City, 1969
---West Branch, 1969
---Winfield, 1969
---Winterset, 1969
---Worth County, 1969
---Zearing, 1969
---Civic Cases, September - November 1969 (2 folders)
Civic (cont.)
---Civic Cases, 1969
---Miscellaneous Civic
---Miscellaneous Governmental, 1971 (3 folders)
---Grants and Releases, 1973
Civic (cont.)
---Miscellaneous Announcements - U.S. Department of Labor and
--- Agriculture, 1973
---Miscellaneous Governmental, 1973 - 1974 (3 folders)
---Civic Cases, May - December 1974
---Aguinas Institute of Theology, 1974
---Clarke College - Dubuque
---Concerted Services in Training and Education (CSTE), 1973
---Des Moines Public Schools
---Drake University
---Eastern Iowa Community College
Institutional (cont.)
---Glenwood State Hospital School
---Grandview College
---Grinnel College
---Hoover Library, 1969
---Iowa State University
---Iowa State Law
---Iowa Wesleyan College
---Iowa Western Community College
---Luther College, 1969
---Marycrest College
---Mount Mercy College
---Mount St. Clare College
---Offutt Air Force Base, 1969
---Ottumwa Heights College
---Parsons College - Bankruptcy, 1973
---Simpson College
---Sioux Empire College, 1969
---University of Iowa
---University of Northern Iowa, 1969
---Upper Iowa College
---Wartburg College
---Westmar College, 1969
Institutions (cont.)
---HEW - Title III - Applications for Programs at Iowa Colleges
---Miscellaneous (3 folders)
---Miscellaneous, 1973
---Miscellaneous, July-December 1974
Box S164
Press Releases &
Related Materials
---Miscellaneous, 1969
---Media Reference
------Printed Press, March - October 1969
------Press Notes
---Pending Requests -- Statements & Articles
---Pending -- Mailing List - Press
---Public Relations
------Requests for general information and archives
------Response to those sending miscellaneous materials
------Requests for background information (HEW)
------Response to speech requests
---Requests for Comment/Questionnaires
---Public Relations
---Notes on Interviews
------Not done
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont.)
---Transcripts from broadcast appearances, 1969 - 1970
---Press clippings, August 1969 - June1971
------Correspondence - WHO "Congressional Profile", April 1969 - July 1970
------Publications - Des Moines Register Daily Reports
---Hughes Speech - TV - Issues and Answers, January 26, 1969
---Testimonial for John Pittenger, Lancaster, Pa., February 28, 1969
---Franklin and Marshall College Convocation, Lancaster, Pa., February 28, 1969
---Testimonial for Senator Gruening, March 7, 1969
---Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations - Senate Office Building, March 26, 1969
---Military Budget Conference, March 28, 1969
---Crossroads Democratic Conference - Des Moines, May 3, 1969
---Mid-America Telephone Convention - Kansas City, Mo., May 6, 1969
---Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner - York, Pa., May 8, 1969
---American Public Power Association Conference - Washington D.C., May 8, 1969
---Graduate Center - CUNY, New York, May 10, 1969
---Job Corps Centers - Original and Copy - U.S. Senate, May 12, 1969
---New Democratic Coalition Banquet - Washington D.C., May 24, 1969
---Grinnell College Commencement - Grinnel, Iowa, May 30, 1969
---Lehigh University - Bethlehem, Pa., June 9, 1969
---The Brookings Institution Advanced, June 10, 1969
---Planning of New Priorities, June 16, 1969
---Floor Speech on Amendment to S. 1809 - U.S. Senate - Washington, D.C., June 17, 1969
---Vietnam Speech on Senate Floor, June 20, 1969
---Colorado Municipal League - Vail, Colorado, June 27, 1969
---Goodwill Industries of Politics - Naples, Florida, July 21, 1969
---Hearings on Party Structure - Opening Statement - New Orleans, La., July 19, 1969
---Eagleton Institute of Politics - Naples, Florida, July 21, 1969
---Press Releases & Opening Statement--Alcoholism Hearings, July 23, 1969
---ABM System - U.S. Senate, August 1, 1969
---News Release on August Drug Hearings, August 6, 7, 8, 1969
---Release on Gas Shipments, August 15, 1969
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---United Planning Organization - Washington, D.C., September 3, 1969
---New Frontier Speech - Introduction of Adlai Stevenson III - Des Moines, September 13, 1969
---Press Releases for L.A. Trip, September 24, 1969
---El Camino College via Torrance, California, September 24, 1969
---Opening Statement at Drug Hearings - Los Angeles, Calif., September 26,1969
---California Democratic Council - San Francisco, September 26, 1969
---Los Angeles Democratic Council - Los Angeles, September 26, 1969
---Opening Statements at Alcohol Hearings in Los Angeles and Denver on September 27 - 29,
--- 1969
---Press Release for New York Trip, October 1, 1969
---Press Release for Fund for New Priorities Speech in New York City, October 2, 1969
---Fund for New Priorities in America - NYC, October 2, 1969
---Press Release on Hughes - Eagleton Resolution, October 7, 1969
---Press Releases for Vietnam Moratorium
------Rally at Princeton, N.J., October 14, 1969
------Westport, Conn., October 15, 1969
---United Auto Workers Meeting - Washington, D.C., October 20, 1969
---Inland Daily Press Association - Chicago, October 21, 1969
---Transcripts Sent on Environment, October 29, 1969
---Florida State University Homecoming - Tallahassee, Florida, October 31, 1969
---Press Release on National Rehabilitation Speech in N.Y., November 4, 1969
---Opening Remarks - National Seminar on Drugs Among Young, Washington, D.C., November 10, 1969
---Press Release on Letter to the President - Washington, D.C., November 11, 1969
---Adis Israel Temple - Washington, D.C., November 14, 1969
---Conference on Alcoholism and Highway Crashes - Ann Arbor, Mich., November 18, 1969
---3rd District Democratic Meeting - Waterloo, Iowa, December 6, 1969
---Press Releases - Miscellaneous, 1970
---Greater Hamilton County Democratic Party Meeting - Chattanooga, Tenn., January 24, 1970
---Press Release on Remarks of Senator Hughes on the Proposed Controlled Dangerous Substances Act (S. 3246), January 27, 1970
---Reference: White House Correspondence, January 28-29, 1970
---Press Release - RE: Biafran People, January 29, 1970
---The Brookings Institute Advance Study Program, Room 1318, N.S.O.B., February 2, 1970
---Committe on Foreign Relations - U.S.. Senate, February 3, 1970
---Democratic Rally - Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 7,1970
---The School and Drugs - NASSP - Sheraton Park Hotel, D.C., February 9, 1970
---Forum on National Priorities New School for Social Research - New York City, February 11, 1970
---New Democratic Coalition Conference - Chicago, Ill., February 13,1970
---Senate Subcommittee Hearings on Drug Abuse and Narcotics Addiction -- Iowa, February 14, 1970
---Testimonial Dinner for Mrs. Kate Goldman - Des Moines, Iowa, February 15, 1970
---Woman's National Democratic Club - Washington, D.C., February 19, 1970
---Democratic Policy Council Hearings - Washington D.C., February 25, 1970
---Remarks of Senator Hughes
------Lexington democratic Club - New York City, March 5, 1970
------Americans for Democratic Ation - Philadelphia, Pa., March 7,1970
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Remarks - Introduction of Federal Drug Abuse and Drug Dependence -- Prevention,
--- Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 - U.S. Senate, March 9, 1970
---Senators for Peace and the New Priorities Rally - Madison Square Garden, New York City, March 12, 1970
---Press Release on New Democratic Coalition - St. Louis, Missouri, March 16, 1970
---Opening Remarks of Senator Hughes Opening Hearings on S. 3562, March 16, 1970
---Press Realease on the Federal Price Support Program by the Department of Agriculture, March 16, 1970
---Press Release "Nomination of Judge Carswell", March 18, 1970
---Testimonial for Senator Yarborough - Houston, Texas, March 20, 1970
---Remarks of Hughes at Convocation "Political Forum", Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas - March 20, 1970
---Release: Witnesses for Hearings by Special Sub-Committee on Alcoholism and Narcotics S. 3562, March 20,23,25,1970
---National Council on Alcoholism - New York City, April 1, 1970
---Democratic Dinner Honoring Former Governor Richard Hughes, April 2, 1970
---Alabama League of Municipalities - Birmingham, Alabama, April 6, 1970
---Georgia Council on Alcohol Problems - Macon, Georgia, April 7, 1970.
---News Release - Witnesses for the Hearings on Alcoholism and Narcotics -- Washington D.C., April 10-13,1970
---Kensington-Wheaton Democratic Club - Silver Spring, Maryland, April 13, 1970
---Congressional Conference on National Security Affairs - Washington, D.C., April 17-18, 1970
---Law Day Banquet, University of South Dakota - Vermillion, S.D., April 18, 1970
---Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers - International Union AFL-CIO - Fort Dodge, Iowa, April 19, 1970
---Remarks at Wisconsin State Univ. - Eau Claire, Wisconsin, April 20, 1970
---Environmental Teach-in - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, April 22, 1970
---Annual Conference Banquet - Southern University Student Government Association -Memphis, Tennessee, April 25, 1970
---Press Release - Democratic Fund Raising Dinner - Omaha, Nebraska, May 1, 1970
---Honors Day Lecture - Georgia State University - Atlanta, Ga., May 6, 1970.
---Press Release - Statement of Senator Hughes Concerning NASA Bill, May 6, 1970
---Statement - Press Conference - Washington, D.C., May 7, 1970
---On Protecting Civilian War Victims - New York Times Article by Hughes/Amendment to End the War--A Network TV Broadcast - NBC, May 12, 1970
---News Release from the Offices of Senators Goodell, McGovern, Hatfield and Hughes, May 14, 1970
---Introduction of the Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 - U.S. Senate, May 14, 1970
---Release - Remarks of Senator Hughes on Alcoholism (Summary of bill attached), May 14, 1970
---Special Subcommittee on Aging to Hold Hearings in Des Moines, May 15, 1970
---Remarks - Iowa Broadcast News Association - Des Moines, Iowa, May 16, 1970
---Keynote Address - State Democratic Convention - Des Moines, Iowa and Introduction to Tom Eagleton, May 16, 1970
---Remarks of Senator Hughes - Peace Rally at Iowa Statehouse - Des Moines, Iowa, May 17, 1970
---Convocation at Creighton University - Omaha, Nebraska, May 18, 1970
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Legal Memorandum on the Amendment to End the War - News Release, May 19, 1970
---Release - Hearings on S. 3835 Agenda
---Ida Grove High School Commencement - Ida Grove, Iowa, May 19, 1970
---Opening Remarks of Senator Hughes - Hearings on S. 3835, May 21, 1970
---Release - Remarks of Senator Hughes on the War in Indochina - Washington, D.C., May 26, 1970
---"Stop for Peace Day", May 27, 1970
---Election Returns - Hughes Remarks, June 3, 1970
---Press Release - National Institute on Crime and Delinquency meeting in Chicago Telephone message, June 3, 1970
---Release - Announcement of Senator Hughes - RE: Six Iowa men appointed to attend U.S. Air Force Academy, June 9, 1970
---Remarks of Senator Hughes on the "Political Firing" of Dr. James E. Allen, Jr., June 11, 1970
---Remarks of Senator Hughes on Nashville Speech, June 26, 1970
---Democratic Banquet and Rally - Russellville, Arkansas, June 20, 1970
---Remarks - Iowa Manufacturers Association - Spirit Lake, Iowa, June 27, 1970
---Military Procurement Authorization, June 29, 1970
---Testimony before Iowa State Commerce Commission, June 30, 1970
---Remarks of Senator Hughes - H.R. 17548 - U.S. Senate, July 6, 1970
---Cleveland City Club - Cleveland, Ohio - New Clippings, July 13-15, 1970
---Releases - July 23 to December 21, 1970 - Additional Copies in Attic, July 23 - December 21, 1970
---Release - Senate Committee Approves National Attack on Alcoholism, July 23, 1970
---Release - Remarks of Senator Hughes
------Release - RE: Conference Report on the D.C. Anti-Crime Bill, July 23, 1970
------Release - RE: Safeguard Antiballistic System, August 6, 1970
------Release - Davenport, Iowa - Alcoholism Workshop, August 8, 1970
---Release - Senate Approves National Attack on Alcoholism, August 10, 1970
---Release - Safeguard Equals Two Votes, August 12, 1970
---Release - Senator Hughes Remarks on ABM, August 12, 1970
---Release - Statement by Senator Hughes to U.S. Department of Agriculture RE: Selling Government Owned Corn, August 19, 1970
---Release - Remarks of Senator Hughes RE: Establishment of Joint Inspection Teams From Policing Middle East Cease-Fire, August 21, 1970.
---Release - Statement Made by Senator Hughes Addressing a Fundraising Dinner in Denison, Iowa for Fulton, Robert D., August 21, 1970
---Release - Drug Abuse Education Hearings Scheduled, August 25, 1970.
---Release - Hughes Praises Ft. Bragg Aid for Army Drug Addicts - U.S. Senate, August 31, 1970.
---Release - Committee Approves Drug Abuse Education Bill, September 22, 1970.
---Release - Senator Hughes trip to New Hampshire and Vermont, September 24, 1970.
---Democratic Reception for Jake Zimmerman - Wilmington, Delaware, September 24, 1970.
---Release - Democratic Rally held on the campus of Dartmouth College,September 25, 1970.
---Release - Vermont trip--Political, September 25, 1970.
---Release - Colorado-Arizona Political Visit, October 1, 1970.
---Release - Democratic Rally in Denver, October 2, 1970.
---Release - Hughes plan to offer an amendment to the pending Compregensive Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Act, October 5, 1970
---Release - Cost Savings from Establishment of Alcoholism Program for
--- Federal Civilian Employees, October 6, 1970
---Release - Army to "Fully Fund" Ft. Bragg Drug Program, October 7, 1970
---Senate adopts Hughes' sweeping drug program, October 7, 1970
---Release - Statement by Senator Hughes RE: Address by President Nixon on Indochina, October 8, 1970
---Release - Sioux Falls, South Dakota Political Trip, October 9, 1970
---Release - Hughes Says High Stakes Dictated War Critics' Reaction to Nixon Peace Proposals, October 14,1970
---Release - Kenosha, Wisconsin (Honoring Pat Lucey), October 16, 1970
---Release - Aurora, Illinois--Political, October 16, 1970
---Release - Milwaukee, Wisconsin--Political, October 19, 1970
---Release - Akron, Ohio Visit--Political, October 19, 1970
---Statement for 25th Anniversary of U.N., October 21,1970
---Release - California Visit--Political, October 23, 1970
---Release - Winston-Salem, North Carolina--Political, October 23, 1970
---Release - Hearings Set on Drug Abuse and Alcholism in the Military, November 10, 1970
---Release - Senator Hughes urges Senators to approve new Federal drug program, November 18, 1970
---Senate Youth Program - Releases, November 20, 1970
---Release - Senate Adopts Hughes' Drug Program, November 24, 1970
---Release - Hearings of G.I. drug abuse in Vietnam, November 30, 1970
---Release - Appointment of Senator Hughes to Commission of Marihuana and Drug Abuse, December 4, 1970
---Remarks by Senator Harold Hughes - U.S. Senate, December 16, 1970
---Release - Senator Harold Hughes - U.S. Senate, December 16,1970
---Release - Senator Harold Hughes urges Senate to defeat $210 million Federal subsidy for develpment of the SST, December 17, 1970
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Release - Senate gives final Congressional approval to new Federal program for alcohol abuse, December 19, 1970
---Debate on House Amendment to S. 3835 - U.S. Senate, December 19, 1970
---Release - Senator Hughes urges Senate to vote to override the veto on the Employment and Manpower Act of 1970, December 21, 1970
---Remarks RE: Veto of the Employment and Manpower Act - U.S. Senate, December 21, 1970
---Release - President's signing of the Alcoholism Bill, January 2, 1971
---Release - Hughes says McGovern's Candidacy Assures Vital National Dialogue, January 18, 1971
---Release - Hughes Calls Morality Bind Americas Greatest Hangup, January 20, 1971
---Senator Hughes Statement of President's Dismantling of Agriculture Department, January 24, 1971
---Release - Hughes Joins Others In Introducing Bill to End War, January 27, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Vienna for Conference to Stem Drug Flow, January 28, 1971
---Release - Congressional Conference to Cover All Aspects of U.S. - Mainland China Policy, January 29, 1971
---Release - China Conference Opens Today with Iowa's Hughes, February 4, 1971/China
--- Conference to Close with Press Conference, February 5, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Appear With Elizabeth Drew Over ETA, February 8, 1971
---Release - Hughes Charges Nixon with Widening War, February 8, 1971
---Release - Hughes on Seven Day, Six State Speaking Tour, February 9, 1971
---Senator's Statement of Economy, February 15, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Dallas for NREC Convention Speech, February 16,1971
---Release - Hughes Puts in Bill to Give People the Power to Vote, February 24, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Southern California on Three Day Speaking Tour, February 25, 1971
---Floor Statement on Sponsorship of Peacetime Transition Act, March 11, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Chicago Speech Says U.S. Cannot Wait For Sure Fire Solutions, February 28, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Chair Subcommittee on Alcholism Hearing Next Week, March 12, 1971
---Release - Hughes: "The Real Isolation Is In the White House", March 13, 1971
---Release - Hughes Wants to Know--Will Administration Implement New Alcoholism Law? March 16, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Chair Subcommittee on Alcoholism Hearing Thursday -Richardson Asked to Appear, March 16, 1971
---Release - Hughes Says Alcoholism Law Must Be Imlemented, March 18, 1971
---Release - Hughes Calls for National Railway Road-Bed Program, March 22, 1971
---Release - Hughes Accuses Administration of Cutting Back Drug Programs, March 25, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Chicago for Brotherhood Conference Speech, Febuary 25, 1971
---Release - The Hughes Trip to Africa is Postponed, March 26, 1971
---Release - Hughes Will Meet the Press Sunday, March 30, 1971
---Release - Hughes Releases Text of Letter to the President, April 7, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Present Teatro Nuestra Lucha Cast, April 15, 1971
---Release - Hughes Charges No Relief for Cities While War Goes On, April16, 1971
---Release - Hughes Releases Report on Drug Abuse in Armed Forces, April 19, 1971
---Release - Hughes Says Armed Forces Imperiled by Drug Infiltration, April 20, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Swing West on Four State Trip, April 21, 1971
---Release - Hughes and Eagleton Wire Nixon for Vietnam Veterans, April 21, 1971
---Release - Hughes Reveals Administration Document on Alcoholism: Asks Congressional Funds, April 21, 1971
---Release - Hughes Asks U.S. to Organize World Conference on Civilian Population, April 22, 1971
---Release - Indochina - Another View, April 22, 1971
---Release - Hughes Set for Three Days in Southern California, April 26, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Address Washington Lawyers, April 26, 1971
---Release - Hughes' Law Day Address to Washington Council of Lawyers, April 27, 1971
---Release - Hughes Announces Appointments to Service Academies, April 28, 1971
---Release - Appointees to Academies, April 28, 1971
---Release - Hughes Subcommittee to Hear Five Mayors on Drugs, April 29,1971
---Release - Hughes Says Nixon Preoccupied With Statistics Not Humans, April 30, 1971
---Release - Hughes in AFL-CIO Speech Sharply Attacks Administration, April 30, 1971
---New Frontier Dinner - Des Moines, Iowa, May 1, 1971
---Release - Hughes Subcommittee to Hear Six Mayors--The Focus is on Drugs - Wednesday, May 4, 1971
---Release - Hughes Calls Senate Drug Hearings a Showdown, May 5, 1941
---Release - Hughes Subcommittee Goes into Second Day, Rangel to Testify, May 5, 1971
---Release - HEW and NIMH Officials Go Before Hughes Subcommittee, May 6, 1971
---Introduction of Amendments to H.R. 6531 - U.S. Senate, May 6, 1971
---Release - Hughes Warns Congress on Drug Increas - Introduces Bills, May 12, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Leave on Midwest Swing, May 12, 1971
---Release - Hughes Endorses Philadelphia's Green for Mayor, May 12, 1971
---Release - Huges Accuses Nixon of Sentencing to Death Alcohol Program, May 14, 1971
---Remarks of Hughes - Anoka Couty DFL 9th Annual Statesman's Dinner - Minneapolis, May 14, 1971
---Release - Edward McDermott Named Coordinator of Hughes for President, May 15, 1971
---Remarks - Hearings: Alcoholism and Narcotics, Malcolm X College, May 17, 1971
---Release - Hughes Calls Generation Gap the Most Tragic Gap of All, May 18, 1971
---Release - Hughes on SALT and the Moment We Have Been Waiting For, May 20, 1971
---Release - Hughes Proposes New Title Increasing Military Pay, May 20, 1971
---YMCA Community Meeting - Elkins, West Virginia, May 21, 1971
---Remarks - Hughes Before the Sixth National Priorities Series Luncheon, May 24, 1971
---Release - Hughes Tells Home Builders Everyone Suffers From Bad Economics, May 24, 1971
---Release - Hughes Says U.S. Obligated to Fatherless Vietnamese Children, May 26, 1971
---Release - Hughes Says Administration Politics Threaten Family Farm, May 27, 1971
---N.F.O. Five-State Meeting - Raleigh, North Carolina, May 27, 1971
---Release - Hughes Charges Administration with not Understanding Transportation Problems, May 28, 1971
---Press - Pending, June-July, 1971
---Release - Hughes Charges Administration "Slept Thru" Heroin Buildup in Armed Forces, June 3, 1971
---Release - Supplemental Hearings Set By Hughes to Hear Pentagon Witnesses, June 4, 1971
---Release - House Members Appear Before Subcommittee on Service Drug Abuse, June 8, 1971
---Release - Hughes on Party Reform before State, County & Municipal Employees, June 3, 1971
---Release - Hughes Charges Military Not Equipped to Handle Drug Problem, June 4, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Senate Speech on Growing Drug Menace in Military, June 9, 1971
---Remarks on Amendment to End the War, June 10, 1971
---Release - Three Day Swing Begins in West Virginia, Tennessee, and Michigan, June 10, 1971
---Release - Hughes and Randolph Want Action Taken to Stop Heroin Traffic, June 11, 1971
---Release - Hughes in Floor Speech on Amendment to End War, June 11, 1971
---Release - Hughes Tells Florida YD's Human Values Transcend Property Rights, June 12, 1971
---Release - Hughes and Cranston to Hear Vietnam Veterans on Drug Abuse, June 14, 1971
---Release - Hughes to Address Congrressional Pages Tonight, June 14, 1971
---Release - Hughes Puts in Bill to Rehabilitate Community Centers, June 15, 1971
---Release - Hughes Says Drug Abuse Among Veterans of Extreme National Importance, June 15, 1971
---Release - Hughes Calls For Total Tax Reform in Memphis Speech, June 17, 1971
---Release - Hughes on Unemployment - 9.1% Nationally, $24 Billion Yearly, June 19, 1971
---Release - A Review of Senate's Record in Drug Fight Offered by Hughes, June 21, 1971
---Release - Hughes Asks Pentagon Specific Details on New Drug Program, June 21, 1971
---Release - Hughes Cites Serious Omissions in Nixon's Drug Program, June 21, 1971
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Release - Hughes and Joints to Hold Field Hearings on Drugs in N.Y.C., June 22, 1971
---Release - Hughes and Cranston to Hear VA Administration, June 22, 1971
---Release - Opening Statement by Chairman Hughes at Pentagon Hearings, June 22, 1971
---Release - Hughes and Javits Announce Drug Hearings in New York City, June 23, 1971
---Release - Hughes Responds to President's Veto of Public Works Program, June 29, 1971
---Release - Hughes Accuses Nixon of Derailing Alcoholism Control Programs, June 30, 1971
---Release - Hughes Introduces Comprehensive Drug Abuse Bill, June 30, 1971
---Release - Court's Decision Hailed as Triumph for the System, June 30, 1971
---Release - By Stennis - New Subcommittee, July 13, 1971
---Press News Conference w/Washington Area Council on Alcoholism, July 14, 1971
---Memo - Press News Conference - Announcement, July 14, 1971
---Statement of Announcement, July 15, 1971
---Senator's Statement on Canniken Test, July 20, 1971
---Senator Hughes Labor Day Greeting to Labor, July 20, 1971
---Release - Hughes Hits VA for Failure to Process Home Loans for Veterans, July 26, 1971
---Release - Jaffe and Alioto to Appear at Drug Abuse Bill Hearings, July 28, 1971
---Release - Opening Statement by Iowa's Hughes on S. 2217, August 2, 1971
---Release - Jaffe and Alioto as Witnesses for Drug Hearings, July 30, 1971
---Release - Senate Hearings on S. 2217 Continue Wednesday with Dr. Jaffe, August 3, 1971
---Release - Hughes Welcomes Presidential Action on Veterans Legislation, August 6, 1971
---Release - Hughes Asks Full Report on Status of Storm Warning Protection, August 10, 1971
---CR - Insert - Vietnam Children's Care Agency, September 8, 1971
---Release - Private Bill - Tjernagel Family, September 10, 1971
---Release - U.S. Senate Speech - "An Issue of Common Ground", September 17, 1971
---Release - Subcommitte to Hold Hearings on "Drug Abuse on the Highways", September 22, 1971
---Release - Hughes Introducing Senator Muskie - State Democratic Dinner Des Moines, Iowa, September 24, 1971
---Release - Army Drug Abuse Conference, Ft. McNair, D.C. - Text of speech, September 28, 1971
---Release - Hearing on Drugs and Truck Drivers - Witness list, September 29, 1971
---Release - Senate - Supporting Hughes Amendment to Halt Safeguard, September 29, 1971
---Release - Senate - Supporting Symington Amendment to Limit Aid to Laos, October 4, 1971
---Senator Hughes' Statement on Phase II of Economic Program, October 8,1971
---Release - Statement Following Credentials Committee Vote, October 13, 1971
---Press Release - Tjernagels, October 15, 1971
---Before the Democratic Policy Committee on Prison Reform, October 19, 1971
---18th Annual Seminar on Alcoholism - Norfolk, Virginia, October 20, 1971
---Des Moines Statement of Senator Hughes for Hearings of President's Committee for 25th Annual - United Nations, October 21, 1971
---Opening Remarks on Democratic Policy Council Committee - Prison Reform, October 26, 1971
---Release - Hughes on Admission of Red China to the U.N., October 26, 1971
---In Defense of The United Nations, October 28, 1971]
---Remarks at Drake University, October 29, 1971
---1st District Democratic Dinner - Iowa City, October 30, 1971/ Polk County Democratic Workshop - Des Moines, October 30, 1971
---Release - Hughes on GAO Report on Cost of Alcoholism in Federal Government, November 1, 1971
---Transfer Ft. Worth Clinical Research Center - U.S. Senate, November 4, 1971
---Release - Hughes Signs Letter to Nixon RE: Urban Mass Transit Funds, November 5, 1971
---Conference on the Vote - Washington D.C., November 12, 1971
---Kearney State College - Nebraska, Novemebr 15, 1971
---Butz Statement--Opposition, Novemeber 16, 1971
---Before the Council of Bishops Area Dinner - Des Moines, November 17, 1971
---Press Release - Ames, Iowa RE: Political Reform, November 20, 1971
---State Democratic Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, November 20, 1971
---Statement on Drug Legislation S. 2097, November 23, 1971
---RE: In Support of Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act - U.S. Senate, - December 2, 1971/
--- RE: Earl Butz - U.S. Senate, December 1-2, 1971
---Senator Hughes Statement on Campaign Spending, December 2, 1971
---Floor Statement on Drug Legislation - S. 2097, December 2, 1971
---Butz Release - Following Confirmation, December 2, 1971
---Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, Ohio, December 8, 1971
---Testimonial Dinner for Brinkley Smithers and Remarks on John Mitchell's Comments, December 9, 1971
---Senator Hughes' Statement on Rehnquist Vote, December 10, 1971
---Swords vs. Plowshares - U.S. Senate, December 14, 1971
---Testimonial Dinner for Kathy Kirschbaum - Davenport, Iowa, December 18, 1971
---Grain Elevators - Iowa, December 27, 1971
---Press - Miscellaneous, 1972
---New York Times on Senator's Endorsement of Muskie, January 18, 1972
---Senator Hughes Endorsement of Muskie, January 18, 1972
---Statement on Budget Deficit Given to George Anthan, January 19, 1972
---State of the Union Message - Senator's Comment On It - Des Moines, January 20, 1972
---Statement on Substitute for Property Tax - to Des Moines Register, January 21, 1971
---Statement to Anthan RE: Nixon's Secrecy Speech, January 26, 1972
---Staff Report on Drug Abuse in Asia, January 27, 1972
---Statement RE: Publicity for Des Moines Symphony Performance, January 28, 1972
---Statement - Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Psychotropic Subcommittee, February 4, 1972
---Statement by Senator Hughes RE: Dock Strike to Mollenhoff and Codaphone, February 8, 1972
---Letter to Butz on Wheat and Feed Grain Acreage, February 17, 1972
---Statement on Busing to Anthan, February 23, 1972
---Release on Beef Prices, February 23, 1972
---Letter to Editor-N.Y.T. RE: Article in February 22 Issue - Vote on Aid to Israel, February 24, 1972
---Insert in Record - Muskie on War, February 24, 1972
---Release on Drug Abuse Hearings Subcommittee on Drug Abuse in Military, February 27,1972
--Senator's Statement on President's China Trip to Mollenhoff, February 28,1972
---Statement on School Busing - For Clark Mollenhoff, February 29, 1972
---Opening Statement - Drug Abuse in Military, March 1, 1972
---Conference on National Priorities and the Federal Economic Program, March 10, 1972
---Remarks Calling Up Report of Conference Committee on S. 2097, March 17, 1972
---Busing Statement on President's Plan RE: Busing - to Mullenhoff, March 17, 1972
---Senate Approval of Conference Report on Drug Bill S. 2097, March 17,1972
---Release of Hughes and Javits on Marijuana Findings, March 22, 1972
---Statement on Floor - Cosponsoring Gravel-Mondale Bill - Indochina, March 23, 1972
---Release Out of Des Moines RE: Waterloo Speech on Tax Reform, March 25, 1972
---Joint Release on Holding Hearings on Trans-Alaska Pipeline, March 26, 1972
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Statement on Beef Prices in Record, March 28, 1972---Alcoholism and Drug Recording to WKCY in Harrisburg, Va., March 30, 1972
---Release on Tax Reform Bill - Washington, D.C., March 30, 1972
---Statement - Hearings Drug Abuse in Military, April 5, 1972
---Testimony Before Foreign Relations Committee and in Senate, April 5, 1972
---Release on Agriculture Department Food Stamp Regulations, April 12, 1972
---Release on Bombing of Haiphong, April 17, 1972
---Opening Statement - Cuba Conference, April 19, 1972
---Cuba Conference, April 19-20, 1972
---Release of Hughes and Javits on Bill to Repeal Federal Penalties, April 20,1972
---Release on State Convention - Ames, Iowa, April 21, 1972
---Release on Muskie's Announcement, April 27, 1972
---Notes on Senator's Interview with Dean Norland RE: Muskie - ?
---Statement on Nixon's Speech on Vietnam, April 27, 1972
---Statement on Death of J. Edgar Hoover, May 2, 1972
---Release on Military Academy Appointees, May 2, 1972
---Statement RE: President's May 8 Statement on Mining of Haiphong, May 9, 1972
---Statement on Nixon's Speech Escalating the War, May 9, 1972
---Statement on Wallace Shooting, May 15, 1972
---Statement - Methadone Hearings, May 23-24, 1972
---Mt. St. Mary's College - Emmitsburg, Maryland, May 28, 1972
---Release on International Health Subcommittee Hearings, May 31, 1972
---Opening Statement - International Health Hearings, June 6, 1972
---Release Supporting Muskie After Muskie's Statement That He Is Staying In, June 6, 1972
---Release Containing Letter in Lavelle Case, June 13, 1972
---Release on Press Conference on FCC Complaint, June 14, 1972
---Congressional Right to TV Time Asserted, June 14, 1972
---Release on Speech Regarding Lavelle Case, June 14, 1972
---Speech Done for Senator Muskie - Unemployment, Taxes, etc., June 19, 1972
---Remarks in Senate on Air War Disclosure Act, June 19, 1972
---Statement to George Anthan on Study by 15 Ag. Exec's, June 19, 1972
---Statement to Daily Iowan on War (Telegram), June 20, 1972
---Press Release on Air Disclosure Act, June 20, 1972
---Release on Lavelle Floor Speech "Command and Control", June 21, 1972
---Statement on President's Suspension of Meat Import Quotas, June 28, 1972
---The War Still Tears Americans' Consciences - RECORD, June 30, 1972
---Remarks to Iowa Delegation at Miami Convention, July 11, 1972
---Centennial Message - Sheldon, Iowa, July 14, 1972
---Remarks in Co-sponsorship of Amendment 1285 to the Foreign Aid Bill, July 17, 1972
---Press Release on Approval of Bill for Money for Vietnamese Orphans, July 17, 1972
---Press Release on Lavelle, July 18, 1972
---Labor Day Statement, July 19, 1972
---Statement - U.S. Senate - Another Contribution to the Administration Credibility Gap, July 19, 1972
---Introduction of Air War Disclosure Amendment, July 24, 1972
---Press Release - OSHA Hearings, July 25, 1972
---Introduction of Laos Personnel Ceiling Amendment to Military Procurement Bill, July 25, 1972
---Opening Statement - Occupational Safety & Health Act Hearings, July 25,1972
---Release on TRIDENT, July 27, 1972
---Foreign Aid Bill with an End the War Amendment, July 27, 1972
---Radio Message to Iowa, July 28, 1972
---Statement on Export of Cattle Hides RE: Curtis Amendment, August 1, 1972
---Statement on McGovern Amendment to Military Procurement, August 1, 1972
---Statement: Stepdown of Eagleton, August 1, 1972
---Supporting Fund Cut Off Amendment for Indochina War - Senate, August 2, 1972
---U.S. Senate - ABM Treaty, August 3, 1972
---Administration Speaks Out on Dikes - U.S. Senate Speech, August 4, 1972
---Message to Iowa - Radio, August 4, 1972
---U.S. Senate Speech - An Unwelcome Anniversary, August 4, 1972
---Release on Dubuque County Flood, August 7, 1972
---Introduction of No-Strike Amendment - S.J. Resolution 241 - Senate, August 10, 1972
---Introduction of Amendment to Disavow U.S. Nuclear First Strike, August 10, 1972
---Morality of Republican Party, August 11, 1972
---RE: Brooke - Hughes Amendment to Mansfield Amendment 1434 to Senate Joint Resolution 241 - Senate, August 14, 1972
---Opposition to Jackson Amendment S.J.R. 241 - U.S. Senate, August 14, 1972
---The Air War - For the Record, August 14, 1972
---Statements for Record
------"Antennas of Skepticism", August 15, 1972
------"Torture in South Vietnam" , August 16, 1972
---Release - Okoboji Speech for Berkely Bedell, August 11, 1972
---Press Release: The Tip of the Iceberg - Lavelle Case, August 18, 1972
---Lavelle Release, September 7, 1972
---Conference on Military, September 13-15, 1972
---U.S. Senate - Washington, D.C. End War Amendment, September 26, 1972
---Release on Floor Statement in Behalf of End War Amendment, September 26, 1972
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Statement - Senate - The Lavelle Incident: Dr. Kissinger's Peculiar Viewpoint, September 29, 1972
---Release on Lavelle Case RE: Kissinger's Statement, September 29, 1972
---U.S. Senate
------Drug Abuse, October 9, 1972
------Busing, October 9, 1972
------Testimony to Senator Cooper, October 11, 1972
------Drug Speech, October 11, 1972
---Memo to Press - Press Conference on Lavelle, October 11, 1972
---U.S. Senate - Support of Abrams Nomination, October 11, 1972
---Release - Press Conference on Lavelle and Command and Control, October 12, 1972
---Statement on Senate Floor RE: Revenue Sharing, October 13, 1972
---Release - Confirmation of Military Promotions - U.S. Senate, October 13, 1972
---Statement - Calling Up H.R. 16675, October 14, 1972
---Release - Washington, D.C. RE: Secretary Seamans' Dismissal of Lavelle Charges, October 25, 1972
---Release - Waterloo RE: Kissinger's Announcement that Peace Is at Hand, October 26, 1972
---Release - Chicago - On President's Veto of LHEW Bills, October 27, 1972
---Release - Dallas, Texas RE: Campaign, October 30, 1972
---Release on Laird's Response to Command and Control-Washington, D.C., November 1, 1972
---Release - National Foundation of Health, Welfare and Pension Plans - San Diego, California, November 14,1972
---Regulation on Welfare Payments - Released from Des Moines Office, December 6, 1972
---Release - Fuel Shortage - Released Des Moines Office, December 7, 1972
---Radio Broadcast to Iowa on Fuel Shortage, December 8, 1972
---Joint Release on Senate Youth Program, December 8, 1972
---Release - Dropping Heating Oil Import Restrictions, December 14, 1972
---Statement for Time Magazine - Command and Control, December 20, 1972
---Release on Truman's Death, December 26, 1972
---Release on Cutting of Rural Ecologic Funds, December 26, 1972
---Release on New Offices, January 4, 1972
---Release on Midwest Causus, January 5, 1972
---Release on Telegram to President on Oil Shortage, January 5, 1972
---Statement on Emptying of CCC Storage Facilities & Auctioning of Bins, January 8, 1972
---Telegram to Hennessey - Getty Oil Co. on Fuel Crisis, January 10, 1972
---Senator's Remarks at Armed Services with regard to Richardson's Appointment, January 11, 1972
---Statement on Rock Island Arsenal, January 11, 1973
---Statement by Senator - Introduction of Legislation RE: Women in the Military Services, January 12, 1973
---Senator's Remarks with Regard to Clement's Answer to the Use of Nuclear Weapons, January 12, 1973
---Release on Bill for Women in the Military, January 12, 1973
---Release on New Offices in Iowa, January 16, 1973
---Statement on Lifting Oil Import Quotas, January 17, 1973
---Press Release - Air War Disclosure Act, January 18, 1973
---Press Release Letter to Butz, January 19, 1973
---Release on Physicians Flying, January 19, 1973
---Congressional Conference on Constitutional Powers, January 19, 1973
---Statement on Inauguration, January 20, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes and Senator Clark RE: Appeal to Send Telegrams to
--- Washington on Box Car Shortage, January 22, 1973
---Senator on Bill Moyers' Program, January 22, 1973
---Statement on President's Announcement of Peace, January 23, 1973
---Statement on Death of Lyndon Johnson, January 23, 1973
---Statement - U.S. Senate - Nomination of Clements to be Secretary of Defense, January 23, 1973
---Eulogy to President Johnson - U.S. Senate, January 24, 1973
---Statement of Senator on Peace Agreement, January 24, 1973
---Alcoholism in America - Press Release, January 26, 1973
---Testimony Before Agriculture Committee, January 29, 1973
---Statement on Richardson Nomination, January 29, 1973
---Testimony Before Agriculture Committee, February 5, 1973
---Statement on Senate Floor - Agriculture Cutbacks, February 6, 1973
---Eulogy on Senate Floor to Harry Truman, February 6, 1973
---Tribute to John L. Lewis on Senate Floor, Febuary 7, 1973
---Release on Weinberger Nomination, February 8, 1973
---Release on Cutting of School Aid to 43 Schools, February 8, 1973
---Release on Hearst Scholarship Recipients, February 8, 1973
---Floor Statement on Weinberger, February 8, 1973
---Transcript of Thirty Minutes Program, February 8, 1973
---Letter to Jean Haugland for Women's Club Manual, February 9, 1973
---Release on Veterans Bill, February 12, 1973
---Release on Nixon Cuts in Human Need Programs, February 12, 1973
---Release on Senator's Appearance in Boone, Iowa, February 13, 1973
---Release on Senator's Appointment to Research and Development Subcommittee of Armed Services, February 14, 1973
---Letter to Precinct Delegates, February 14, 1973
---Statement for Congressional Record on Waterfowl Dying from Lead Poisoning, February 15, 1973
---Release on Cutbacks for Programs for Day Care Centers, Elderly, etc., February 15, 1973
---Release on Request to EPA reguarding C.R. Sewage Plant, February 22,1973
---Release on Use of Iron Shot to Fight Waterfowl Poisoning, February 23,1973
---Joint Release with Dick Clark on Urging EPA to Reverse Ruling on Sioux City's Plans to Build Sewage Treatment Facility, February 26, 1973
---Release on Conferrence on Constitutional Powers - Congress and Executive - Washington, D.C., February 28, 1973
---Release on Coin, Iowa Chaplain Praying in Senate - Washington, D.C., March 3, 1973
---Statement on Guy Gillette's Death, March 3, 1973
---Statement to Clark Mollenhoff RE: Failure to Override Veto on Rehabilitation Bill, March 3, 1973
---Radio Statement to Iowa RE: Congressional Conference: Congress and the Executive, March 5, 1973
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Statement RE: City of Algona Airport, March 7, 1973
---Statement Regarding Public Radio's Coverage of Conference on Congress and the Executive, March 7, 1973
---Opening Statement - Congress and the Executive Congressional Conference, March 7, 1973
---Release - Alcoholism Bill, MArch 8, 1973
---Congressional Conference Materials - Congress and Executive, March 8 - 9, 1973
---Statement of Senator Hughes Before Agriculture Committee, March 9, 1973
---Press Release - Eulogy of Guy Gillette, March 12, 1973
---Release on Hughes Pleas for State-Local Alcoholism Project Grants, i.e., Hearings, March 13, 1973
---Release on Hughes Request for Approval of Humboldt Elderly Housing Project, March 13, 1973
---Release on Hughes Being Named to Respond to President's Message on Crime and Drugs, March 14, 1973
---Release on Senator's Trip to Iowa to Speak to United Jewish Appeal Group and Sioux City Press Club, March 14, 1973
---Release on Statement on Passage of the Highways Bill, March 15, 1973
---Television Excerpts of Radio Message of Senator Hughes in Answer to President Nixon's Message on Crime and Drugs - Washington, D.C., March 17, 1973
---Release on Sioux City Press Club Speech, March 19, 1973
---Press Answer to Senator's Opinion on the Final Report of the National Commission on Marijuana, March 21, 1973
---Article for Cherokee Times on "Farm Policy and Food Prices", March 21, 1973
---Article for AFL-CIO News "The Food Price Dilemma", March 21, 1973
---Draft Statement for MW Conference of Senators - Middle West Oil Problems: The Next Chapter, March 21, 1973
---Agenda - MW Caucus of Democratic Senators, March 21, 1973
---Statement With Regard to Establishment of Veterinary Biologics Facility at Ames, Iowa, March 22, 1973
---Release on Administration Order to Sell 24 Million Bushels of Government Owned Corn, March 23, 1973
---Press Release - Garwin Students Visit Senator Hughes, March 23, 1973
---Statement on Confirmation of Pat Gray to be FBI Director, March 23,1973
---Notes for Middletown, Delaware Speech, March 26, 1973
---Release - Nixon Veto of Vocational Rehabilitation Act, March 27, 1973
---Release - 1973 Feed Grain Program, March 28, 1973
---Press Release on Statement Before Armed Services Committee With Regard to Nominations and their Connection With Lavelle Case, March 29, 1973
---Statement for Record on Behalf of Humphrey Amendment to Dollar Revaluation Bill (Tax Reform), March 29, 1973
---Statement for Record with Regard to Socal Services Regulations, March 29, 1973
---Statement Before Armed Services Committee Withdrawing Objections to Nominations, March 29, 1973
---Statement on Imposition of Price Controls on Meat Products, March 30,1973
---Remarks by Senator Mansfield at Democratic Dinner in Des Moines, March 31, 1973
---Release: Hughes Asks Funds for ISU Vet Classroom Building, April 3, 1973
---Release: Cherokee, Iowa RE: Application of Price Controls to Meat Products, April 4, 1973
---Addendum to Draft Statement for Midwest Conference of Democratic Senators: Midwestern Oil Problems: Appendix, April 3, 1973
---Agenda - MW Conference of Democratic Senators, April 4, 1973
---Telegram to Woodbury County Cattleman's Association - Washington, D.C. - RE: Government Controls on Meat Products, April 4, 1973
---Proposed Lettter to President by Midwest Caucus With Regard to Fuel Oil Crisis, April 6, 1973
---Joint Release on Media Conference, April 6, 1973
---Statement to Register on Byrd Amendment RE: Aid to Vietnam, April 6, 1973
---Media Conference Materials - Dear Colleague Letter, April 6, 1973
---Release: National Farm Institute Speech [Speech Not Given] April 9, 1973
---Release on Senator's Statement With Regard to House Banking and Currenecy Bill with Regard to Rollback of Prices to January 10, April 9, 1973
---Letter to the President - Sent by MW Caucus of Democratic Senators, April 10, 1973
---Press Release and Radio Actualities on Hearings on Manpower in Iowa -- Washington, D.C., April 12, 1973
---Opening Remarks - Conference on Media, April 12, 1973
---Telegrams to President by Senator Hughes and Senator Clark on Disaster Loans, April 13, 1973
---Release on Export of Cattle Hides - Washington, D.C., April 17, 1973
---Press Release on Philadelphia Speech (Watergate Related), April 17,1973
---Release on Bring the Bases Home - Washington, D.C., April 17, 1973
---Statement on Floor - Bring the Bases Home, April 17, 1973
---Overseas Deployment Bill, April 17, 1973
---Release On: Congress Votes College and Vocational Student Aid Funds, April 18, 1973
---Release on Employment, Manpower, Poverty Hearings in Iowa, April 20, 1973
---Release - Disaster Loans to Farmers, April 24, 1973
---Speech - Davenport Education Association - Davenport, Iowa, April 27, 1973
---Summary of Hearings on Employment, Manpower and Poverty, April 29, 1973
---Statement on Watergate Developments, April 30, 1973
---Release on Butz Delcaring Portions of Iowa County a Disaster, May 1, 1973
---Statement on Watergate After President's Message on Same, May 1, 1973
---Statement on Introduction of Joint Resolution on Mississippi River Tercentennary - Senate Floor, May 2, 1973
---Release on Hughes Endorsement of Request by Northwest Iowans Request for Delay in Public Hearing related to Rail Abandonment - Washington, D.C., May 4, 1973
---Press Release on Rural-Urban America Conference, May 4, 1973
---Release on Request of Hughes and Clark for Favorable Consideration of Farm Bill Providing Feed Grain Payments on Same Percentage as Cotton and Wheat, May 5, 1973
---Statement of Senator Hughes Before Subcommittees on Intergovernmental Relations, Separation of Powers and Administrative Practice and Procedure, May 8, 1973
---Press Release on Iowans Participation in Rural-Urban Conference, May 9,1973
---Materials from Media Conference, May 9-10, 1973
---Release on Lauren Soth and Maurice TePaske Being Present at Urban - Rural Conference, May 11, 1973
---Release on Closing - Out Sales of Government Grain, May 11, 1973
---Release on Selling of 24 Million Bushels of Corn in Iowa Bad Deal, May 12, 1973
---Statement for Record on Floor of Senate - On Iowa Senate's Resolution Regarding Bombing in Cambodia, May 14, 1973
---Statement on Senate Floor on Legal Services Program at Drake University, May 14, 1973
---Release on Introduction of Iowa Senate Resolutionn on Bombing in Cambodia, May 15, 1973
---Release on Corn Re-Seal Loans, May 15, 1973
---Release on Senator's Approval of Two Bills Related to Job Training and Community Action Programs, May 15, 1973
---Release on Des Moines Oil Hearings, May 17, 1973
---Release on Railroad Abandonments, May 21, 1973
---Releases on Naming of Nine to Service Academies, May 22, 1973
---Release on $41 Million Overcharge on Veteran's Insurance, May 23, 1973
---Statement on Vote Against Richardson to be Attorney General, May 23, 1973
---Release on Iowa Farmers Union Women Being in Washington to Visit With Senator, May 24, 1973
---Release on Johnston Being Short Changed on Revenue Sharing Funds, May 24, 1973
---Release on Anti-Discrimination Ruling Compliance Regarding Women in Armed Forces, May 25, 1973
---Release on Railroad Abandonment released in Northwest Iowa, May 25, 1973
---Release on Praise of Return of Boxcars from Mexico, May 25, 1973
---Release on Establishment of Emergency Fuel Center in Des Moines, May 28, 1973
---Release on Senator's Request for Regular Military Insurance for National Guardsmen, May 30, 1973
---Statement by Senator in Support of Amendment of Abortion, May 31, 1973
---Release on Hughes Request to FAA to Ground Airplane Which Crashed With Two Muscatine Men Aboard, June 3, 1973
---Release on Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act Being Passed, June 6, 1973
---Release on Food for Peace Amendment Senator Cosponsored, June 6, 1973
---Release on Request for June 17 to be Commemoration of Discovery of Mississippi River, June 7, 1973
---Release on Establishment of National Prison Center at Iowa City, June 7, 1973
---Release on Closing of Davenport Job Corps Center, June 12, 1973
Press Releases & Related Materials (cont)
---Opening Statement - Veterans Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, June 12, 1973
---Release on Corn Storage Policy, June 20, 1973
---Release on Sale of Post Office to Polk County, June 20, 1973
---Release on May Bombing in Cambodia, June 20, 1973
---Release on Extension of Three Year Alcoholism Program, June 27, 1973
---Release on Grant to Iowa City's Prison Center, June 22, 1973
---Statement for Record on Wheat Subsidies to Russia, June 22, 1973
---Release on Burlington Speech, June 22, 1973
---Release on Social Security Hike Proposal, June 22, 1973
---Release on Cutback in Social Programs - Iowa City, Iowa, June 25, 1973
---Statement on Reaction to Being on Opponet's List of White House, June 27, 1973
---Statement on Closing of Burlington AEC Plant, June 27, 1973
---Release on Hughes Asking Release of Youth Corps Funds - $1.9 Million for Iowa, June 28, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Soybean Embargo, June 28, 1973
---Release on Midwest Senators Demand for Mandatory Fuel Allocations, June 28, 1973
---Iowa Release on Demand of Midwest Senators for Mandatory Fuel Allocations, June 29, 1973
---Statement on the Bombing in Cambodia, June 29, 1973
---Release on Help for Iowa Community Action Agencies, July 5, 1973
---Release on Algona Airport Bill, July 6, 1973
---Washington Release on Senators Holding Farm-Food Forum, July 10, 1973
---Release on Senator Applauding ICC's Decision to Postpone Railroad Abandonment Hearings, July 10, 1973
---Release on Senators Hughes and Clark Announcing Farm-Food Forum, July 11, 1973
---Release on Senator Hughes Being in Cedar Rapids and Mason City, July 11, 1973
---Release on Alaska Pipeline, July 12, 1973
---Release on Senator Hughes' Speech in Cedar Rapids, July 13, 1973
---Release on Country Elevators Possible Going Out of Business, July 13, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes Before Armed Service Committee Hearing on Nominations for Secretary and Chief of Staff of Air Force, July 13, 1973
---Release on Senator Hughes' Speech in Mason City, July 14, 1973
---Release on Impact of Farm-Food Forum, July 16, 1973
---Release on Pentagon Deceiving Congress on Cambodia Bombing, July 17, 1973
---Transcript from Today Show Relating to Bombings in Cambodia, July 17, 1973
---Statement: Reaction to Alaska Pipeline Bill Passage, July 17, 1973
---Release on Approval of Algona Airport Bill, July 18, 1973
---Release - Today Show Appearance, July 18, 1973
---Release - Senator Hughes Speaking at Ottumwa, July 20, 1973
---Release - Senator Hughes Speaking at Spirit Lake, July 20, 1973
---Release on Disclosures of Secret Cambodia Air Strikes, July 23, 1973
---Article on Manpower by Senator, July 23, 1973
---Release on Bombings in Cambodia, July 24, 1973
---Release - New Aircraft for Iowa Air National Guard Units, July 26, 1973
---Statements on General Ryan and Mr. Colby, July 26, 1973
---Release on No More Bombing, July 27, 1973
---Release on Speech at Ottumwa Democratic Dinner - Ottumwa, Iowa, July 27, 1973
---Release on Speech at Spirit Lake, Iowa Democratic Dinner, July 28, 1973
---Statement in Senate Not Used on Bombing in Cambodia - U.S. Senate, July 29, 1973
---Statement of Senator Hughes on Release of Tapes to Watergate Committee -- ?
---Statement of Senator Hughes on Salary Increases, July 30, 1973
---Statement of Senator Hughes on Labor Day Message, July 31, 1973
---Remarks of Senator Hughes on Colby Nomination - U.S. Senate, August 1, 1973
---Release on Colby Nomination, August 1, 1973
---Release on Iowa Benefiting From New Highway Bill, August 1, 1973
---Release on Letter to Schultz Regarding Phase IV to Save Independent Oil Dealers, August 2, 1973
---Release on Bombing Falsification; Drops Request for Reports on Officer Promotions, August 2, 1973
---Statement on Senate Floor on Air War a Way of Life, August 2, 1973
---Statement on Senate Floor with Regard to Paddock Book on Foreign Aid, August 3, 1973
---Telegram on Dubuque Dedication of Flood Control Project, August 4, 1973
---Press Release on Senator's Press Reception in Des Moines, August 8, 1973
---Spot for the DNC on Telethon Appeal - Recorded, August 9, 1973
---Spot for WGMS - Salute to Iowa Program - Recorded, August 9, 1973
---Release on Hughes, Clark and Mezvinsky asking Callaway for Study of Coralville Dam, August 10, 1973
---Statement on Muscular Dystrophy - Des Moines, Iowa, August 14, 1973
---Statement on Ending of the Bombing in Cambodia, August 14, 1973
---Release on Nation's Health Care Programs as Administered by HEW -Davenport, Iowa, August 16, 1973
---Statement of Reaction of the Senator to the President's Answer to Watergate, August 16, 1973
---Call-In Questions for Senator's Appearance on WOI-TV in Ames, August 16, 1973
---Statement Given to Hubbard of Newsweek regarding Nixon Blaming Congress for Cambodia, August 16, 1973
---Release on Senator's Reaction to President's VFW Speech in New Orleans, August 20, 1973
---Recording for Carrolton-Lakeside Alcoholism Facility - Cedar Rapids, August 28, 1973
---Release - Hughes Speaking in Wilton, Clinton, Dubuque, and Burlington, August 30, 1973
---Release on Hughes Hitting Pentagon Delay on Cambodia Bombing Paper, September 5, 1973
---Release on DeWitt Speech, September 6, 1973
---Release on New Farm Bill Being Example of Congress-Administration Cooperation - Wilton, Iowa, September 6, 1973
---Release - Pentagon Admissions Contract Previous Sworn Testimony on Cambodia, September 6, 1973
---Senator's Withdrawl From Running for Re-election in 1974, September 6, 1973
---Release on Speech in Dubuque RE: Record of 93rd Congress, September 7, 1973
---Release on Burlington Speech RE: Invasion of Privacy Must Stop, September 8, 1973
---Release - Cambodia White Paper Incomplete and Unacceptable, September 10, 1973
---Statement on Presidents 2nd State of the Union Message, September 10, 1973
---Statement on Manditory Allocation of Propane, September 12, 1973
---Release on Senator Speaking in Ames, Des Moines, Adair, September 13, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Possible Tax Increase, September 13, 1974
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Congressman Culver's Announcement to Seek Senate, September 14, 1973
---Release on Adair, Iowa Speech RE: Economic Policies, September 16, 1973
---Release on Hearings RE: Drug Abuse in Germany, September 17, 1973
---Statement on Amendment 492 - Overseas Troops Deployments - U.S. Senate, September 21, 1973
---Release on Kissinger Nomination - U.S. Senate, September 21, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Amendment 491 - U.S. Senate - Termination of A-10 Program, September 21, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes - U.S. Senate - On Kissinger Nomination, September 21, 1973
---Statement on Amendment 490 - B1 Alternatives Study - U.S. Senate, September 21, 1973
---Statement for Record on Fitzgerald Reinstatement, September 24, 1973
---Statement on Trident - U.S. Senate - Washington, D.C., September 26, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Amendment 493 - MASF Program - U.S. Senate, September 27, 1973
---Statement on Cambodia Ammunition Amendment - U.S. Senate, September ?, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Military Procurement Bill Wrong Bill- Wrong Time, September 28, 1973
---Statement on CVN-70 - U.S. Senate, September 28, 1973
---Release on Constitutional Questions - Part II Conference, October 1, 1973
---Release on Congressional Conference - Part II, October 4, 1973
---Op Statement Constitutional Question Part II, October 4, 1973
---Statement on Resignation of V.P. Agnew, October 10, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Declaration of Conscience on Middle- East War, October 11, 1973
---Statement for Record by Senator Hughes on Mayor TePaske of Sioux Center, October 12,1973
---Statement on Dedication of Memorial Flagpole at Northwestern College - Orange City, October 13, 1973
---Statement on War Powers Bill - Washington, D.C., October 16, 1973
Press Releases &
Related Materials (cont)
---Release on Martin Jensen Leaving Staff - Des Moines, October 17, 1973
---Release on Davenport Speech, October 19, 1973
---Remarks - Testimonial Dinner for Kathy Kirschbaum - Davenport, October 19, 1973
---Release on Iowa City Speech Democratic Fundraiser, October 20, 1973
---Statement on President Turning Tapes Over to Sirica, October 23, 1973
---Remarks of Senator Hughes - Franklin County Democratic Dinner - Mercersburg, Pa., October 27, 1973
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Special Prosecutor, October 29, 1973
---Statement for Harry Pomerantz - United Jewish Appeal - Mideast War - ?
---Statement on Clark's Resignation (Rasmussen), November 1, 1973
---Statement on President's Call for Energy Conservation, November 7, 1973
---Release on Hughes and Mondale Speaking at J.J. Dinner in Ames, November 8, 1973
---Release on Butter by Midwest Caucus, November 9, 1973
---Statement for NIAAA Newsletter, November 16, 1973
---Forward to Lanny Davis' Book - ?
---Article for Catholic Messenger, November 26, 1973
---Reaction to Nixon Energy Proposal and to Ford's Confirmation, November 27, 1973
---Remarks - Claremont College - Claremont, Calif., December 4, 1973
---Statement on Gerald Ford Confirmation for Des Moines Register, December 6, 1973
---Release With Senator Clark on Hearst Foundation Grants to Iowans, December 7, 1973
---Release on Subpoena of Cambodia Documents, December 15, 1973
---Statement to Iowa Daily Press Association, December 20, 1973
---Release on Shipping Oil to South Vietnam (Iowa Version), December 21, 1973
---Release on Shipping Oil to South Vietnam, December 21, 1973
---Release on Ed Campbell Leaving Staff, January 11, 1974
---Release on Beef Production and Prices - Sioux Center, January 16, 1974
---Statement on H.R. Gross - Senate Floor, January 22, 1974
---Statement in Record on Energy, January 22, 1974
---Remarks on Senate Floor on Amnesty, January 22, 1974
---Release on Administration Ending Program Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children, February 7, 1974
---Release on Senator Hughes Speaking in Marshalltown and Cedar Rapids, February 13, 1974
---Release on Food for Peace Being Used for War Purposes, February 15,1974
---Release on Cedar Rapids Appearance RE: Human Value Programs -- Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 16, 1974
---Note for Cedar Rapids Reception, February 16, 1974
---Release on Chile Conference, February 22, 1974
---Statement by Senator Hughes on Sale of Government Corn Reserves, March 7, 1974
---Release on U.S. Military Advisers in Cambodia - Request for Investigation, March 13, 1974
---Draft Press Release on Urging of FTC to Investigate Beef Prices, March 13, 1974
---Final Letter from Caucus to Chairman of FTC RE: Food Probe, March 15, 1974
---Release on MW Senators Urging FTC Investigation of Beef Prices, March19, 1974
---Statement on Nixon's Statement With Regard to Farm Prices, March 20, 1974
---Release Letter on U.S. Activities in Cambodia, March 26, 1974
---Remarks - Senate Floor - Final Report on Secret War, March 27, 1974
---Statement on Senate Floor RE: Sutherland Cook of Cedar Rapids - Alcoholism, March 28, 1974
---Statement - Senate - Continuing and Expanded U.S. Role in Indochina, March 28, 1974
---Release - Hughes, Clark Ask Funds for Tama School, April 10, 1974
---Release - Hughes Opposes Air Force General Promotions, April 24, 1974
---Statement - Nomination of Charles A. Gabriel - Senate, April 24, 1974
---Statement - The Danger in A System That Requires False Reporting, May 1, 1974
---Statement in Support of Amendment 1238 - Senate, May 6, 1974
---Statement on Floor RE: S.1539 on School Busing, May 15, 1974
---Individual Views of Senator Hughes to Senate Armed Services Committee, May 22, 1974
---Statement on Floor with Regard to SLCM, June 5, 1974
---Statement on Hughes and Nunn Amendment with Regard to 93-274 RE: Pay for Medical Officers in Military - Senate Floor, June 5, 1974
---Statement for Des Moines Register RE: Butz's Feeling that Farmers are Happy with Nixon Policies - Washington, D.C., June 7, 1974
---Statement on Floor on McIntyre Amendment, June 10, 1974
---Statement on Senate Floor on Army Command and General Staff College RE: Degree of Master of Military Art & Science, June 10, 1974
---Statement on Senate Floor RE: Aid to South Vietnam (Military Aid), June 11, 1974
---Statement on Senate Floor RE: Livestock Industry, June 17, 1974
---Release on President Signing Bill Extending from Eight to Ten the Years for Using G.I. Benefits, July 11, 1974
---Statement on S.707, Consumer Protection Agency Bill, July 18, 1974
---Statement - Food for Peace Loophole - U.S. Senate, July 22, 1974
---Agency for Consumer Advocacy, August 1, 1974
---Statement on Resignation of Nixon, August 8, 1974
---Statement on Immunity for President Nixon - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, August 16, 1974
---Statement on Rockefeller Nomination for V.P., August 20, 1974
---Statement for WGMS Radio Salute to Iowa - Washington, D.C., August 20, 1974
---Statement on Eagleton Amendment (Cuts in Military Spending), August 21, 1974
---Statement in Senate - Support of Proxmire Amendment Aid to South Vietnam, August 21, 1974
---Release on Pat Deluhery Leaving Staff, September 3, 1974
---Notes for United Way Taping, September 5, 1974
---Release on Senatorial Papers, September 13, 1974
---Statement for Record on Chile - U.S. Senate, September 17, 1974
---Statement for Record on Nomination of General Haig, September 18,1974
---Statement to Anthan on Stafford Amendment Relative to Highways - ?
---Release on Hughes Amendment to Cut Fertilizer Aid to Vietnam, September 26, 1974
---Release on Approval of Hughes Measure to Halt CIA Covert Actions, October 2, 1974
---Release on Marijuana Hearings, November 15, 1974
---North American Congress on Alcohol and Drug Problems, December 13,
---January & February, 1969
Amenities (cont.)
---March 1969 through December, 1969
Amenities (cont.)
---A-B, 1970 (incl. a letter from Walter Mondale)
---C-D, 1970
---E-H, 1970
---I-Mc, 1970
---M-P, 1970 (including letters from Walter Mondale)
---R-S, 1970
---T-Z, 1970
---A-B, 1971 (incl. a letter from Vance Bourjaily)
---C, 1971
---D-F, 1971 (incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey)
---G-H, 1971 (incl. letters from Edward M. Kennedy and Ann Landers)
Amenities (cont.)
---M-N, 1971 (incl. a letter from Walter Mondale)
---O-Z, 1971
---December, 1971
---A-C, 1972
Amenities (cont.)
---D-L, 1972
---M-P, 1972 (incl. a letter from Walter Mondale)
---Q-Z, 1972
---A-F, 1973
Amenities (cont.)
--G-W, 1973
Amenities (cont.)
---XYZ, 1973
---December, 1973
---A-K, 1974
---L-O, 1974 (incl. letters from Walter Mondale)
---P-Z, 1974
---December 1974-January 1975
Invitations Accepted
---January 1969 - July 1969
Invitations Accepted
---August 1969 - December 1969
---January 1970 - April 1970
Invitations Accepted
---May 1970 - August 1970
---September-October, 1970 (incl. letters from Hubert H. Humphrey)
---November 1970 - May 1971
Invitations Accepted
---June 1971 - October 1971
---November-December, 1971 (incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey
---General - 1972
---January 1972 - February 1972
Invitations Accepted
---March 1972 - August 1973
Invitations Accepted
---September 1973 - December 1974
Box S189
February 28, 1969
-- November 18, 1969
December 6, 1969
-- June 27, 1970
July 6, 1970 -- February
12, 1971
February 15, 1971
-- June 18, 1971
June 21, 1971 --
May 5, 1972
May 6, 1972 -- March
13, 1973
March 17, 1973 --
March 13, 1974
March 24, 1974 --
November 26, 1974
Box S197
October -- November 1970
Outdated Robo File - 1971
1971 - 1972
Pattern Robo Letters - 1972
1972 (2 folders)
Pattern Robo Letters - 1973
1973 (5 folders)
Cancelled (Outdated) - 1973
Pattern Robo Letters - 1974
1974 (3 folders)
Master Letters - 1974
Health Robo Letters and Sample Letters
Personal Correspondence
---1969 and 1970
---Political, 1971
---1971 (2 folders)
Personal Correspondence
---Political, 1972
---1972 (4 folders)
Personal Correspondence
---1973, incl. letters from Vance Bourjaily and Walter Mondale (5 folders)
Personal Correspondence
---1974 (5 folders)
---Religion, 1974
Personal Correspondence
---Religion, 1974 (4 folders)
---December 1974
---Year End Mail - General Correspondence, 1974
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---------1972 (3 folders)
---------Dick Thomas, 1971
---------Farm Bill, S. 1888 - Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973
---------Farm Food Forum, July 1973 (2 folders)
---------Farm Income, 1970 - 1971
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
------Grain Sales and Storage, June, 1973
------Price Supports, 1969 - 1971
------Rural Electric, 1969 - 1970
------Soil and Water Conservation
------USDA - Ames Biological Laboratory, 1969 - 1971
---Appropriations -- Agriculture, 1970 - 1972
---Armed Services
------Air War Disclosure Act, 1972
------ABM Amendment, September 29, 1971
------Army Corps of Engineers
---------1969 - 1970
---------December 1970
---------1970 - 1972
Legislative Reference Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Armed Services
------Army Corps of Engineers, 1971 - 1972
------Dependents Assistance Act, 1973
------Draft Debate, 1971 (2 folders)
------Military Procurement Authorization Bill
---------ABM Amendment
---------Use of Draftees (2 folders)
------Personnel Policy
Legislative Reference Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Armed Services
------Procurement, incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey
------Selective Service
------Special Pay Act, 1972 - 1973
------Women in Service Bill - S. 353
------Miscellaneous (3 folders)
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Armed Services
---Banking & Currency
------Banking Issues
------Economic Issues, 1970 - 1971
------Housing, 1970
------One Bank Holding Company
------Production Stabilization, 1970
------Securities and Exchange, 1970
------Aviation - Beech Aircraft
------Highways - Automobiles
Reference Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
------No Fault Insurance - S. 495
------Railroad Legislation, 1973
------Surface Transportation
------Iowa Economy
------Medicare (1971)
------Pension Reform Article, July 1973
---------Hearings, February-March 1973
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Foreign Relations
------Arms Control & Disarmament
------Conference on Civil Population
------Far East
------Foreign Aid
------International Trade Tariffs 1971
------Latin America
------Middle East
------South Asia
------Soviet Union
------United Nations
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Foreign Relations
------Vietnam and Vietnam Child Care Agency, 1973
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Foreign Relations
------Miscellaneous (4 folders)
---Government Operations
------Executive Branch Reorganization, 1969 - 1971
------Intergovernmental Relations
------Surplus Property & Stockpile, 1969 - 1970
---Justice - Title I (PL90-351), May 8, 1970
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence
---Labor & Public Welfare
------Brennan Confirmation - Secretary of Labor, 1973
------Dock Strike, 1972
------Field Hearings April, 1973 (3 folders)
------Health - Hospitals & Nearsing Homes, 1971
------Hospitals and Labor
------Indian Education, including a letter from Edward M. Kennedy
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Labor & Public Welfare
---------Article, July 1973
---------Hearings, 1973
------Minimun Wage, 1972
------Pension Study
------Ropes Manpower Interest, 1973
---Veterans Affairs
------General File
------Nomination of R.L. Roudebush as Administrator
------Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Veterans Affairs
------Veterans Affairs Committee
---Miscellaneous Correspondence
------1969 (4 folders)
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Miscellaneous Correspondence
------Memos, etc. RE: Legislation, 1969, incl. a photo of Nixon and Haldeman and letters from
--- Walter Mondale and Edward Kennedy
------1970 (2 folders)
------1972, incl. a letter from Walter Mondale
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence) (cont.)
---Miscellaneous Legislative Memos (4 folders)
---Miscellaneous Information Material (2 folders)
Legislative Reference
Files (including briefing papers and correspondence)
---Miscellaneous (3 folders)
Congressional Conferences
---Planning of New Priorities, June 20-21, 1969
---Environment, October 24-25, 1969
---National Security Affairs, April 17-18, 1970
Congressional Conferences
---Justice in America, May 15-16, 1970
---Feasible Timetable for Peace, July 9, 1970
---U.S. - Mainland China Relations, February 4-5, 1971
---Crisis in Our Economy, November 10-11, 1971
---Actualities by Bill Israel (1973 press release fragments)
---Amateur Athletic Act, 1973
---Amendment to End the War
------Press Conference, July 18, 1970
------TV Broadcast, May 12, 1970
---Appointment Calender,
1969 -1972
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Appointment Calender, 1973 - 1974
---Articles by Harold Hughes and About Him, 1971
---Atomic Energy Commission Correspondence, 1971 - 1973
---Birthday Greetings, 1971 - 1974
---Burlington AEC Closing
---Civil Aeronautics Board, 1971 - 1972
---Civil Service Commission, 1971 - 1972
Miscellaneous (cont.)
------Bridge, 1972
------Renal Dialysis
---Condolences, 1969 - 1974
---Congressional Record Excerpts
------January 1969 - June 1970 (2 folders)
------July 1970 - January 2, 1971 (2 folders)
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Congressional Record Excerpts
---Contributions to End the War, 1970 (5 folders)
---Lists of Co-Sponsored Bills, 1969 - 1974
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Co-Sponsored Bills - Yes & No, 1972, incl. letters from Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale
---Co-Sponsored Bills - O.K.'s, January 1973
---Co-Sponsored Bills - Yes, February-March 1973, incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphrey
---Co-Sponsored Bills - Yes, April-June 1973, incl. a letter from Hubert H. Humphery
---Co-Sponsored Bills - Yes, July - December 1973
---Co-Sponsored Bills - No, 1973, incl. a letter from Walter Mondale
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Co-Sponsored Bills - Yes, 1974
---Co-Sponsored Bills - No, 1974
---Democratic Policy, 1974
---Dick Falk - Vietnam Paper, April 17, 1970
---Disaster Loan Information
---Divorce Settlement, newspaper clippings, 1995 and 1996
---Edward Campbell (Admn. Assistant) - Miscellaneous, 1973
---Electoral Process Study/Interim Report, January 20, 1969
---Federal Power Commission, 1972
---Final Prayer - Final Report of the Senate Years, December 20, 1974
---Fisheries Protection - S., 1988
---Followthrough Program
---General Service Administration (GSA)
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Governmental Agencies - Economics - Employment, 1973 (3 folders)
---Grade School Student Letters, 1974
---Grants, 1970
---Greater Ottumwa Labor Development Corp. (G.O.L.D.)
---Guestbook, January-August 1969
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Guestbooks, June 1970-December 1974
---Hall of Fame, 1973
---Harold E. Hughes Center on Rural Issues at UW-Eau Claire, pamphlet
---Highways - Heavy and Highway Construction Agreement - State of Iowa,1972
---Homes of Oakridge
---International Council on Alcohol and Addictions
---Interstate Commerce Commisssion - Dubuque and Sioux City
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Interview Transcripts, 1973 - 1974
---Interviews Acccepted
---Interviews Declined
---Job Recommendations
------1971 - 1972
------1973, incl. a letter from Edward Kennedy
---McCarthy Historical Project/Oral History Interview Series, 1969
---MATURA Action Corp.-Mobilization of Resources Program-Day Care
---Media Correspondence
------Broadcast, 1969 - 1970
------Printed Press, 1969 - 1970
------Senate and Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Media Photographs, 1969 - 1970
---Memo Papers - Pat Deluhery, 1971 - 1974
---Memorials, eulogies, and obituaries, 1996
---Metro-Transit Authority
---Midwest Wax Paper (SBA and GSA)
---Municipality Replies
---News Briefs
------Janauary 1974 - August 1974
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---News Notes, September-December 1974
---Nut Files, 1969 - 1974
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---OEO - Personal
---Office Management, 1969 through 1974
---Office Memos, 1971 - 1974
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Opinion Polls 1968
---Pacem in Terris
---Park - Personal 1970
---Peace Alert
---Complaint Request Before FCC for Declaratory Ruling Concerning Network Time for Members of Congress June 12, 1972
---Correspondence, A-R
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Peace Alert
------Correspondence, S-Z
------Draft Letters
------Letters Received with Replies, General Information, May-December 1972
------Letters Sent, August-December 1972
------Telephone Formal
---Personal Memberships, 1969 - 1970
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Personal Memberships, 1971-1974
---Personal Requests, Miscellaneous 1970
---Planned Variations
------1971 - 1974
------Decision/Religion, 1973 (2 folders)
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---------1973 (including a letter from Ann Landers)
---Post Office, 1972
---Postmasters - General, 1969
---Prayer Breakfasts, 1973 - 1974
---Press Miscellaneous, 1969 - 1974
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---Press Miscellaneous, 1973 - 1974
---Program Account #84 - Mobilization of Resources
---Publications/Articles, 1969 - 1972
---Religion - Christianity and Politics: A Study of Contemporary Christian Involvement in Political Affairs - Published, 1973 - 1974. Contains material about Hughes
---Requests - Civil Service/Veteran's Administration, 1970
---Rock Island Arsenal
---Rural Environmental Assistance Program (REAP)
---Senate Housekeeping and Committee Assignments
---Senate Record Votes - 92nd Cong., 2nd Session; 93rd, 1st Session
---Senators for Peace and New Priorities - Hughes' Notes
Miscellaneous (cont.)
---South Central Iowa Community Action Program, Inc. - Program Account #62
---Southern Iowa Economic Development Association
---Staff Applications, 1969
---Staff Members - Personal, 1971
---Staff Pictures - Last Day in Office, January 2, 1975
---State Department, July-December 1971 - 1972
---Tjernagel - S. 2697, 1972
---Truck Drivers and Drugs, 1970
---University of Iowa Hospital Stay - Cards and Thank-yous, April 1974
---White House A.A. Group - Des Moines, Iowa
1969 - 1974
Negatives from the Senate Office, 1969-1974
Row 1
---7" - December 16, 1968 - Senator-Elect Hughes at Westminster Church
---5" - January 1969 - Miscellaneous Des Moines Radio Newscasts; Items Include Sen. Hughes being Named to Banking & Currency and Judiciary Committees
---7" - January 30, 1969 - Issues and Answers
---7" - February 28, 1969 - Speech - Franklin & Marshall, Pa.
---5" - March 8, 1969 - NBC Monitor Interview with Sen. Hughes
---7" - Side 1: March 28, 1969 - Speech, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C.; Side 2: May 23, 1969 - Mt. Olivet Methodist Church, Arlington, Va.
---5" - April 18, 1969 - Nixon Press Conference: U.S. Recon-Plane Shot Down by North Koreans
---5" - May 3, 1969 - Senator Hughes Press Conference - Des Moines
Row 2
---5" - May 3, 1969 - Senator Hughes' Speech to Democratic Conference -- Des Moines
---5" - May 20, 1969 - Press Conference - Sens. Hughes and Yarborough
---5" - May 28, 1969 - Interview - Jackson - Hughes
---7" - May 29, 1969 - People's Press Conference - KRNT, Des Moines
---5" - June 8, 1969 - Harrisburg Area Banquet: Penn Harris Motor Inn -- Joseph Bye, chairman - Sen. Hughes Speakers
---5" - June 16, 1969 - Congressional Conference on Planning of New Priorities; Side 1: Press Conference; Side 2: Conference Itself
---7" - June 16, 1969 - Sen. Hughes' Commencement Address - Lehigh University
---5" - June 27, 1969 - Sen. Hughes' Speech at Hotel Savery; Iowa Regional Medical Program
Row 1
---7" - July 7, 1969 - World Peace Foundation Radio Broadcast - 1) ABM Program; Goodell, Tydings and 2) More ABM, with Bill Plymat and Senator Proxmire
---7" - July 15, 1969 [?] - Dr. Chubb Lecture on Vietnam
---5" - July 20, 1969 (Broadcast) - World Peace Broadcasting Foundation: Program on ABM, ith Sens. Hughs, Goodell, Tydings
---7" - August 4, 1969 - 25 Min. Program for WNYC with Sen. Hughes, Rep. Ryan
---5" - August 11, 1969 - Congressional Profile
---5" - September 23, 1969 - Congressional Profile
---5" - September 24, 1969 - Hughes on Alcoholism, Over the Phone from Los Angeles
---7" - September 25, 1969 - Speech - University of Redlands
Row 2:
---7" - October 8, 1969 - CBS Radio - Capital Cloakroom
---5" - November 11, 1969 - Congressional Profile
---7" - November 14, 1969 - Address to Adas Israel Synagogue, Washington, D.C.
---5" - December 9, 1969 - Senator Hughes - Congressional Profile [?]
---5" - January 27, 1970 - Congressional Profile - WHO/WOC
---5" - February 10, 1970 - Congressional Profile - WHO/WOC
---5" - February 13, 1970 - New Democratic Coalition Speech [Not Read by H.E.H.] - Chicago; Fulton Campaign spots for 1970
---3" - February 25, 1970 - Hughes on Availability of Drugs in Prisons
Row 1
---7" - April 20, 1970 - Address at WSU-EC - "A Senator's View of the Drug Crisis"
---7" - April 23, 1970 - Ann Blair: Window on Washington Interview with Senator Hughes RE: Drug Abuse
---Cassette - May 5, 1970 or June 5, 1970 - News Broadcast of KCII, Washington, Iowa; and Citizen's Meeting Protesting Cambodian Involvement, Washington County Courthouse
---3" - May 8, 1970 - Senator Hughes on Need for Restraint; National Guardsmen Should Not be Put on Campuses
---3" - May 12, 1970 - Hughes Says Vietnamization Means the War Will Go On
---5" - May 15, 1970 - Hughes at Democratic State Convention
---5" - May 26, 1970 - Senator Hughes at N.Y. Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
---7" - May 26, 1970 - N.Y. Avenue Presbyterian Church
---7" - June 7, 1970 - Joe McCaffrey Hosts Sen. Hughes - Close Up (play back date; at 6:30 p.m.)
Row 2
---5" - July 31, 1970 - Cleveland City Club Speech
---7" - July 31, 1970 - ABC's Bob Clark Interviews Senator Hughes
---Cassette - October 28, 1970? - Los Angeles
---5" - December 17, 1970 - NFO Convention - Sen. Hughes on "The Survival of America"
---7" - December 17, 1970 - Speaks Over the Phone with Bob Grant of WMCA Radio, N.Y.
---Cassette - February 28, 1971 - Senator Hughes in Chicago
---5" - March 2, 1971 - S.W. Texas State University
---7" - March 5, 1971 - Sen. Hughes Speech, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner - Boise, Idaho
Row 1
---5" - April 19, 1971 - Speech to Rubberworkers (3 reels)
---5" - May 1971 [?] - Drug Tour Harlem
---5" - May 19, 1971 - Congressional Profile
---7" - May 21, 1971 - Speech at Barron Armory, Elkins, W. Virginia (2 reels)
Row 2
---5" - June 1971 - Spraggett Interview - Canadian TV
---3" - June 9, 1971 - Sen. Hughes Says Defense Dept. Hasn't Responded for Need for Drug Treatment
---Cassette - June 12, 1971 - Press Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida
---7" - June 12, 1971 - Speech in St. Petersburg, Florida - YD Convention
---Cassette - June 22, 1971 - Drug Hearings on the Military Drug Abuse Problem
---5" - June 28, 1971 - Methadone Clinic, Harlem Hospital, 115th St. Walk, Roundtable
---Discussion (3 reels)
Row 1
---5" - June 28,1 971 - Methadone Clinic, Harlem Hospital, 115th St. Walk, Roundtable Discussion (3 reels)
---5" - July 26, 1971 - Reminisces About His Life
---7" - May 12, 1971 - "Phone Forum" Aircheck
---5" - October-November 1972 - Hughes for McGovern - "Crime in the Corridors" (2 reels)
---7" - January 10, 1973 - Capital Cloakroom
Row 2
---5" - January 28, 1973 - Impeachment Furor - from Constitutional Crisis Forum
---7" - January 28, 1973 - Impeachment Furor - from Constitutional Crisis Forum
---5" - February 12, 1973 - Here's Allen - "What Congress Can Do and is Doing Re-Establish Farm Programs" - a Visit with Senator Hughes
---Cassette - March 7-8, 1973 - Congressional Conference - "The Constitutional Question" - Hughes, Sens. Ervin and Others; James MacGregor Burns
---5" - March 8, 1973 - "Hughes Soliloquy," from Congressional Conference
---5" - March 12, 1973 - CBS News: The Long War: Congress vs. the President
---Cassette - March 16, 1973 - Taped; Aired on Radio Networks March 17; Hughes Delivers Response to President Nixon's Message on Crime and Drug Abuse on Behalf of the Democratic Majority in Congress
Row 1
---Cassette - March 22, 1973 - Lavelle Case Re-Opening, Post-Armed Services Hearings; Corn Reaction - March 23; Corn Acreage Set-Aside Reaction - March 28, Ag. Hearing
---7" - March 31, 1973 - Salute to the '70s - News Conference, and Speeches - Mansfield, Muskie, Symington, Clark, Hughes (3 reels)
---5" - April 9, 1973 - NFO Here's Allen - Acreage Set-Aside Reduction, Sen. Hughes Comments
---Cassette - April 12, 1973 - Congressional Conference on First Amendment and the Media Spot for KCAU-TV Anniversary
---5" - May 8, 1973 - Congressional Profile: Watergate (WHO/WOC)
---Cassette - May 9-10, 1973 - Congressional Conference on Rural and Urban America; Conflicts and Common Ground
---Cassette - June 18, 1973 - CBS Radio Capitol Cloakroom, Hughes, Bob Schieffer, Bruce Morton, Bernard Shaw
Row 2
---5" - July 10, 1973 - Congressional Profile - WHO/WOC
---Cassette - July 16, 1973 - Hughes and Hal Knight; Opening of Bombing's Hearings and Investigation
---Cassette - July 16, 1973 - Armed Services Hearings, w/ Hal Knight; Sym/Thur
---Cassette - July 16, 1973 - CBS News Clips
---7" - July 17, 1973 - Today Show, w/Bob Goralski
---Cassette - July 17, 1973 - Notes From UPI Reporter's Notes From Jerry Friedheim's Pentagon Briefing RE: Cambodia Bombings
---Cassette - July 18, 1973 - Farm Food Forum (4 reels)
---Cassette - July 18, 1973 - Capitol Cloakroom
Row 1
---7" - July 18, 1973 - Capitol Cloakroom
---Cassette - July 23, 1973 - Post-Armed Services Committee Hearing News Conference
---Cassette - July 25, 1973 - News Conference - Armed Services
---5" - August 1, 1973 - Received from Senate Recording Studio - For Release August 5, 1973 - Sen. Hughes w/ Sen. Adlai Stevenson
---Cassette - August 8, 1973 - Cambodia Bombings Hearings (4 reels)
---3" - August 9, 1973 - DNC Telethon
---Cassette - August 14, 1973 - Des Moines Press Reception
Row 2
--- 7" - August 14, 1973 - KRNT, People's Press Conference
---Cassette - August 21, 1973 - WGMS Radio Salute to the States
---7" - September 6, 1973 - Press Conference, Des Moines; Decision Not to Seek Re-Election
---7" - September 6, 1973 - KBAB Taping of Decison Not toSeek Re-Election
---Cassette - September 11, 1973 - Cambodia White Paper "Incomplete, Inaccurate"
---5" - September 11, 1973 - WHO/WOC - Congressional Profile
---7" - September 14, 1973 - ABC - Issues and Answers
---7" - September 16, 1973 - Audio Portion of WHO/WOC Senator Hughes' Decision
Row 1
---7" - September 16, 1973 - Audio copy of Audio Portion of WHO/WOC Senator Hughes' Decision
---Cassette - September 17, 1973 - UPI Washington Window
---Cassette - October 4, 1973 - Congressional Conference on the Constitutional Question; Part II, The Role of the Courts
---5" - October 13, 1973 - Message for Northwestern College, Orange City, for Flagpole Dedication Ceremony
---5" - October 14, 1973 - Interview with Fred Forbes of Washington Inter- Group A.A. for WGAY
---7" - October 25, 1973 - Kissinger News Conference RE: Mideast Military Alert Crisis
---5 - November 13, 1973 - Congressional Profile
---Cassette - Novermber 28, 1973 - KHKE Promotional spot
---Cassette - December 11, 1973 - Sioux County Cattlemen in Agriculture
--- Hearing to Protect Beef Price Drops
Row 2
---Cassette - December 17, 1973 - More that 1,400 Bombing Sorties Flown in Indochina
---Cassette - January 16, 1974 - Interview with Larry Schmitz, KLEM Radio, LeMars RE: Ag. Field Hearings
---5" - January 22, 1974 - WHO Des Moines, Washington Interviews
---5" - January 28, 1974 - Hughes Questions Paul Engle, Official of Iowa Beef at Senate Ag. Committee Hearings Regarding Beef Price Situation
---5" - January 28, 1974 - "Methodist Hour" with Dr. Herbert Borodoin of Orlando, Florida
---7" - January 31, 1974 - Senator Hughes Excerpts From the National Prayer Breakfast - Washington, D.C.
---3" - January 31, 1974 - Promos for Iowa Democratic Party's Campaign Check-Off Income Tax Return
---5" - January 31, 1974 - United Nations Association Speech
---Cassette - February 7, 1974 - Charles Radford Interview with Mike Wallace, CBS Network
Row 1
---5" - February 20, 1974 - Senate Armed Services Committee Post-Hearing News Conference with Senators Hughes, Stennis and Symington
---5" - February 21, 1974 - Senate Armed Services Committee Post-Hearing News Conference with Senators Symington, Hughes Regarding the Testimony of Admirals Radford and Welander
---7" - March 25, 1974 - Directions with Frank Reynolds of ABC and Senator Hughes
---7" - May 26, 1974 - 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace of CBS and Senator Hughes Regarding Charles Colson
---5" - June 1, 1974 - Campaign Commercials by Senator Hughes for Congressman John Culver's Primary Election
---5" - July 1, 1974 - "Livestock Industry at at Life or Death Stage" - Senator Hughes for the National Farmers Organization
---3" - July 11, 1974 - Campaign Commercials for Jerome Cavanaugh for Mayor, Detroit
---7" - July 19, 1974 - The Last Word
---3" - August 20, 1974 - Promo for Campaign Against Venereal Disease
Row 2
---3" - August 20, 1974 - Senator Hughes' Portion of Salute to Iowa, WGMS Radio, Washington, D.C.
---7" - September 5, 1974 - Interview (Audio Portion) with KWWL-TV, Waterloo, Iowa
---5" - October 3, 1974 - "The Christian Politics" for Bluefield, West Virginia, Half-Way House
---7" - October 30, 1974 - Audio Portion of Senator Hughes' Response to President Gerald Ford's Des Moines Speech for IEBN, Equal Time, Des Moines
---5" - November 4, 1974 - Two Campaign Spots for Steve Rapp
---7" - undated, 1974 - Miscellaneous Political Pnnouncements
Dates Unknown or
---7" - October 28?, ? - Los Angeles? - Hughes Ppeaks on the Division of the Country
---7" - House Select Committee on Crime: Half-Hour Radio Program on Drug Abuse
---7" - Senator Hughes Speaking at S.W. Texas State College?
Dates Unknown or
Uncertain (cont.)
Row 1"
---5" - Senator Fred Harris. National Peace Poll
---5" - Go with Florida, '71 Campaign Film[?] (3 reels)
---1) Arrival at Airport and Press Conference
---2) Press Conference Remainder; Young People's Questions and Answer
---3) More Young People's Q & A
---5" - Speech to Cleveland City Club
---5" - S.W. Texas State (2 reels)
---3" - Campaign Spot Song - "We Will Pick a Winner" with Nadae Jones and S. Williams
---5" - [?]
---5" - Miscellaneous Actualities, Some with Bob Kholos
---7" - Actuality with Bob Kholos; Hughes Asks Aid for Vietnamese Children of U.S. Servicemen
---7" - Miscellaneous Actualities - Some with Bob Kholos Intro. and Extro; Including Nixon Farm and Drug tour of Harlem
---Cassette - Young Democrates Convention
---Cassette - Hearings on Drug Abuse in the Military
---3" - [?] (3 reels)
---NBC-TV - Meet the Press, July 6, 1969
---Possible Sound for Walk Around New York - Senators Hughes and Javits, June 28, 1971
---Possible Sound for Senators Hughes and Javits in Medical Facility, Senator Hughes Conversing with Nurse, June 1971
---American Sportsman - Senator Hughes Ice Fishing in New Mexico - Postmarked, April 28, 1969
---Meet the Press - March 29, 1971
---Goodwill Industries - Spots Enclosed - Video Tape
---Senator Hughes, Senator Jacob Javits Walking City [New York?] Strees Talking with Citizens - Silent, June 28, 1971
---Possible Sound for Walk Around New York - Senators Hughs and Javits, June 1971
---Senators Hughes and Javits - Riding in a Bus, Walking City Street [New York?] Talking with Citizens - Silent, June 28, 1971
---Senator Harold E. Hughes in Florida
---Tonight Show - Johnny Carson and Harold E. Hughes, January 5, 1970
---Senator Harold Hughes - Today Show, March 4, 1969 (2 reels)
---Woman Purchasing Carpet, Then Pound Only Boss and Others (HEH)
---Senator Hughes and Javits in Medical Facility with Group HEH Talking with Nurse and Chicano [?] male, in Office - Silent, June 1971
Box S250
Plaque Presented
to Hughes by Missouri Basin Systems Group, March 30,1973
Computer Print-Out
of Hughes Senate Voting History
Hughes' 1972 Presidential
Campaign Material
Miscellaneous Senatorial
Materials Including Resignation Report
Senator Hughes -
Video Tape from U.S. Senate Recording Studio, October 30, 1974
Meet the Press
with Senators Hughes and McGobern, July 6, 1969 - Sound Recording
Transcripts of Conference
---Fund for New Priorities - Joint Press Conference, June 16, 1969
---Congressional Conference on the Planning of New Priorities, June 20-21, 1969
---New Priorities Congressional Conference on the Environment, October 24-25, 1969
---Congressional Conference
------National Security Affairs, April 18, 1970
------Justice in America, May 15-16, 197-
------Feasible Timetable for Peace, July 9, 1970
------U.S. - Mainland China Relations, February 4, 1971
Transcripts of Conference
Prceedings (cont.)
---Congressional Conference
------U.S. - Mainland China Relations, February 5, 1971
------Crisis in Our Economy: A Study of Alternatives, Nobember 10-11, 1971
------Military in American Society, September 13-14, 1972
------Press Conference, March 8, 1973
------"Rural and Urban America - Conflicts and Common Ground", May 9-10, 1973
The number
designates the box where the material is located
Abortion, S72,
S85, S173
Abrams, Creighton
C., S172
Access Control
Bill, 20
Accountancy Board,
Acreage Set-Aside,
Adair, Iowa, S174
Adjutant General,
Advertising Club
of Des Moines, Inc., 37
Aeronautics, S4,
S19, S34, S52, S67, S81, S209
Aeronautics and
Space, S1, S15, S31, S49, S63
Aeronautics Commission,
1, 18, 22
Africa, S6, S21,
S37, S54, S69, S83, S169, S211
Aging, 17, S9,
S25, S43, S58, S74, S86, S167, S172
Aging, Commission,
1, 18, 22
Agnew, Spiro T.,
30, S174
Agriculture, 1,
22, 29, 30, 31, 38, S1, S15, S16, S31, S32, S50, S63, S64,
S80, S161, S167, S168, S169, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S205, S206,
S243, S244, S246, S248
Aid to Dependent
Children, 34
Ainsworth, Iowa,
Air Force, S174,
Air Pollution,
1, 16, 18, 32, S13, S29, S30, S47, S61, S76, S87
Air Traffic Control,
Air War Disclosure
Act, S171, S172, S174, S206
Alaska Pipeline,
S170, S174
Alcoholism, 1,
17, 18, 29, 31, 37, S135, S136, S137, S138, S139, S140,
S141, S142,
S143, S144, S145, S146, S147, S148, S149, S150, S165, S166,
S167, S168, S169, S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S227, S237, S240
Algona, Iowa, 42,
44, 45, S173, S174
Allen, James E.,
Jr., S168
Alioto, Joseph,
Alta, Iowa, S154
American Federation
of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization, 42,
S167, S169,
American Political
Science Association, 1
American Public
Power Association, S165
Americans for Democratic
Action, S166
Ames, Iowa, 44,
45, S154, S167, S170, S171, S173, S174
Amish, 2, 16, 38,
Amnesty, S72, S85,
Anamosa, Iowa,
24, S154
Animals, Treatment
of, S25, S43, S58
Ankeny, Iowa, S154
Anthan, George,
44, S170, S171, S175
Antimissile Missiles,
S165, S168, S171, S206, S240
Appeal Board for
State Institutional Construction Contracts, 18
12, 13, 33
S1, S2, S16, S17, S32, S33, S50, S51, S64, S65, S80, S206
Aquinas Institute
of Theology, S161
Architectural Examiners,
Area Schools, 4,
18, 29
Arlington, Iowa,
Armaments, S6
Armed Services,
S2, S3, S17, S33, S34, S51, S52, S65, S66, S80, S81, S151, S152, S172, S 173,
S174, S175, S206, S207, S208, S209, S244, S245, S247
Armory Board, 19
Art, S12, S28,
S60, S75
Arts Council, 2,
17, 19, 31
Asia, S38, S54,
S70, S83, S170, S211
Aurelia, Iowa,
Avoca, Iowa, 38,
Atomic Energy Commission,
2, S32, S154, S174, S221
Attorney General,
Iowa, 2, 29, 30
Attorney General,
U.S., S173
Auditor, 2, 31
Audubon, Iowa,
Bancroft, Iowa,
Bank Examination,
Banking and Currency,
S3, S17, S18, S52, S54, S66, S67, S81, S173, S209,
Banks and Banking,
19, 22, S3, S17, S18, S34, S52, S66, S81, S209
Barber Examiners,
Beck, Robert, 30
Bedell, Berkley
W., 16, S171
Beef, 2, S170,
S171, S175, S246
Belle Plaine, Iowa,
Belmond, Iowa,
Bettendorf, Iowa,
Biafra, S166
Bilgore, Arnold,
Black Hawk County,
Iowa, 23, 24
Blair, Ann, S241
Blind, Commission,
2, 19, 20, 22
Blue, Robert D.,
17, 18
Board of Control
of State Institutions, 19, 22
Board of Nursing,
Board of Regents,
12, 20, 22, 32
Bode, Iowa, S154
Bond, Julian, 44
Boone, Iowa, 45,
S154, S172
Borodoin, Herbert,
Bourjaily, Vance,
S178, S202
Bowers, Emmett,
Jr., 38
Breen, Edward,
Bridges, 3, S77
Bromwell, James
E., 30
Brooke, Edward,
Brown, Mark, 44
Buck, Pearl S.,
Budget, 30, S1,
S16, S32, S51, S65, S80
Buffalo, Iowa,
Bureau of Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs, S150
Bureau of Reclamation,
Burlington, Iowa,
3, 20, 42, 43, S154, S174, S221
Burns, James MacGregor,
Busing of School
Children, S170, S172, S175
Butz, Earl, S170,
S172, S175
Bye, Joseph, S239
CCC Storage Facilities,
Calhoun County,
Iowa, 24
Cambodia, S151,
S173, S174, S175, S212, S241, S244, S245
Cameron, Gary L.,
Campbell, Edward,
S175, S225
Capital Punishment,
21, 23, S72
Capitol Planning
Commission, 3, 19, 22
Carnahan, Cleve
L., 24
Carroll, Iowa,
Carson, Johnny,
Carswell, Harrold,
Casey, Iowa, S154
Cavanaugh, Jerome,
Cedar Falls, Iowa,
Cedar Rapids, 3,
4, 16, 20, 43, 44, 45, S154, S172, S174, S175
Census, S12, S29,
S47, S61, S76, S87
Centerville, Iowa,
43, S154
Central Intelligence
Agency, S70, S175
Chapin, Iowa, S154
Chariton, Iowa,
38, S154
Charles City, Iowa,
4, 42, S154
Charter Oak, Iowa,
45, S154
Chase Manhattan
Bank, 38
Cherokee, Iowa,
S154, S173
Cherokee County,
Iowa, S154
Child Study, S43
Children, 17, S74,
Chile, S175
China, S169, S170,
S220, S251, S252
Chiropractic Examiners,
Cities, 31, 32,
Citizenship, 23,
Civil Aeronautics
Board, S221
Civil Defense,
3, 19, 30
Civil Rights, 3,
31, S8, S24, S42, S57, S72, S85
Civil Rights Commission,
3, 19
Civil Service Commission,
S12, S13, S29, S47, S61, S62, S87, S221, S236
Clark, Bob, S241
Clark, Dick, 19,
S172, S173, S174, S175, S244
Clarke College,
Clearfield, Iowa,
44, S154
Clemency, 22, 23,
Clemons, Iowa,
Clinton, Iowa,
45, S154, S174, S222
Clinton County,
Iowa, 24
Coal Mining, 3
Collins, Iowa,
Colson, Charles,
Commerce, 3, 12,
S2, S4, S19, S33, S34, S35, S51, S52, S53, S65, S67, S68,
S81, S82,
S209, S210
Commerce Commission,
19, 22, 37
Commission on Uniform
State Laws, 20
3, 4, 22, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S81
Community Action
Programs, S173
Community Centers,
Commutations, 22
Comptroller, 4
Conservation, 7,
17, 22, 31
Conservation Commission,
4, 19, 38
Amendments, S8, S24, S42, S57, S72, S85
Law, S172, S174, S243, S246
Consumer Protection,
44, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S82, S175
Consumer Protection
Agency, S71, S175
Cook, Sutherland,
Coralville Dam,
Corn Acreage Set-Aside,
Corn Storage Policy,
Cornell College,
Corning, Iowa,
Corps of Engineers,
S206, S207
Corrections, 17
Iowa, S155
Corydon, Iowa,
Cosmetology Examiners,
Council Bluffs,
Iowa, 37, 43, 45, S155
Counties of Iowa,
Courts, 4, 22,
31, S8, S9, S24, S25, S42, S43, S57, S58, S72, S73, S74, S85,
S86, S246
Cranston, Alan,
Crawford, Barry,
Cresco, Iowa, S155
Creston, Iowa,
Crime, 4, 5, 31,
43, 45, S9, S24, S42, S57, S85, S168, S173, S243, S247,
Cuba, S171
Culver, John C.,
2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 14, 30, S174, S247
DDT (Insecticide),
S15, S31, S50, S63, S80
Daley, Richard
T., 11
Dallas County,
Iowa, S155
Danbury, Iowa,
Danville, Iowa,
Davenport, Iowa,
3, 4, 43, 44, 45, S155, S168, S170, S173, S174, S175
Davenport Education
Association, S173
Davenport Job Corps
Center, S173
Davis, Lanny, S175
Day Nurseries,
Daylight Saving,
20, 21
Decatur County,
Iowa, S155
Decorah, Iowa,
Dedham, Iowa, S155
Defense Department,
S1, S16, S32, S51, S64, S242
Deluhery, Pat,
S175, S228
Democratic Party,
5, 16, 19, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, S28, S165, S166,
S167, S168,
S170, S171, S173, S174, S175, S225, S239, S241, S243, S246,
Denison, Iowa,
42, S168
Des Moines, Iowa,
3, 4, 42, 43, 44, S156, S161, S165, S166, S167, S170,
S172, S173,
S174, S175, S239, S246, S247
Development Commission,
5, 19, 22, 34
DeWitt, Iowa, S174
Diers, Lou R.,
Disarmament, S6,
S21, S37, S54, S70, S83, S211
Disaster Loans,
S173, S225
District Court,
District of Columbia,
S20, S35, S53
Drake University,
36, S161, S170, S173
Drew, Elizabeth,
Drug abuse, 11,
S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S86, S150, S165, S166, S167,
S168, S169,
S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175, S237, S240, S241, S242,
S243, S247,
Dubuque, Iowa,
20, 44, 45, S157, S161, S174, S227
Dubuque County,
Iowa, 24, S171
Dupont, Robert
L., S150
Dyersville, Iowa,
Eagleton, Thomas,
S167, S169, S171, S175
East (Far East),
29, S6, S21, S37, S54, S69, S83, S211
Eastern Iowa Communtiy
College, S161
Economic Advisory
Committee, 17
Economic Conversion,
S43, S58
Economic Development,
Economic Development
Administration, S66
Economic Development
Conference, 42
Economics, S5,
S20, S35, S36, S53, S68, S82, S169, S170, S174, S209,
S210, S220, S226, S252
Edison, Thomas
A., 38
Education, 12,
30, 33, S10, S11, S25, S26, S43, S44, S48, S58, S59, S69,
S74, S77, S86, S88, S214
Education, Higher,
7, 32, S10, S25, S43, S74, S86
Educational Radio
and Television, 19
El Camino College,
Eldora, Iowa, 24
Eldridge, Iowa,
Elk Run Heights,
Iowa, S157
Emerson, Iowa,
Emmetsburg, Iowa,
Emergency Petroleum
Allocation Act, S173
Employment, 19,
31, S59, S75, S86, S173, S226
Employment and
Manpower Act, S169
Employment Safety
Commission, 19
Employment Security
Commission, 22, 31
Energy, S42, S57,
S71, S72, S84, S175
Engineering Examiners,
Engle, Paul, S246
Environment, S219,
Environment Protection
Agency, S172
Equal Rights Amendment,
S24, S42, S57, S73
Equality Before
the Law, S73, S85
Erbe, Norman, 29
Ervin, Sam, S243
Estes, Douglas,
Estes, John, Jr.,
Europe, 46, S6,
S21, S37, S54, S69, S221
Evansdale, Iowa,
Executive Branch
Reorganization, S8, S23, S41, S213
Executive Council,
5, 6, 12, 31
Extradition, 22,
Falk, Dick, S225
Farm Income, S1,
S31, S50, S63, S80, S205
Farm Security Administration,
Farm Vacation Council,
Farmers, S175
Farmington, Iowa,
Farmland Industries,
Inc., 6
Farnhamville, Iowa,
Federal Bureau
of Investigation, S173
Federal Communications
Commission, S171, S232
Federal Drug Administration,
Federal Power Commission,
6, S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S225
Federal Price Support
Program, S167
Federal Trade Commission,
S4, S19, S34, S67, S175
Feed Grain Program,
S15, S31, S50, S63, S173
Finance, S4, S5,
S6, S20, S21, S35, S36, S37, S53, S54, S68, S69, S82, S83,
Financial Institutions,
S18, S34, S52, S66, S81
Fire Defense Advisory
Committee, 19
Firearms, 6, 7,
21, 31
Fish and Wildlife,
S24, S41, S56, S72, S84
Flood Control,
6, 8, 30, 32, S57, S76, S155, S171, S174
Floyd County, Iowa,
Food, 12
Food and Drug Administration,
S44, S59, S74
Food for Peace,
6, S173, S175
Food Prices, S173
Food Stamps, S15,
S31, S63, S80, S171
Forbes, Fred, S246
Ford, Gerald R.,
S175, S247
Foreign Aid, S1,
S7, S16, S21, S32, S38, S54, S64, S70, S83, S171, S174,
Foreign Relations
Committee, S6, S7, S8, S21, S22, S23, S37, S38, S39,
S40, S41,
S54, S55, S56, S69, S70, S71, S83, S166, S170, S171, S211,
S212, S213
Foreign Trade,
S5, S20, S35, S53, S68, S82
Fort Dodge, Iowa,
42, 44, 45, S157, S167
Fort Madison, Iowa,
24, 45
Fort Madison Penitentiary,
Franklin and Marshall
College, S165
Franzenburg, Paul,
30, 35, 38
Friedheim, Jerry,
Scholarships, 19
Fulton, Robert
D., 30, 38, S168, S240
Funeral Director
Examiners, 19
Future Farmers
of America, S173
Gabriel, Charles
A., S175
Gallagher, James
V., 13
Garwin, Iowa, S173
General Assembly
of Iowa, 20, 21
General Services
Administration, S225
George, Iowa, 44
Gilbert, Iowa,
Gillette, Guy M.,
18, S172
Glenwood Hospital-School,
Goldman, Kate,
Goodell, Charles,
S167, S240
Goodwill Industries
of America, S165, S249
Goralski, Bob,
Government Operations,
S8, S23, S41, S56, S71, S84, S213
Government Reorganization,
6, 17, 19
Governor, 6, 7,
17, 20, 26, 31, 32, 38, 43
Grain Elevators,
Grandview College,
Grant, Bob, S241
Grassley, Charles
E., 7, 13, 14
Gray, Patrick,
Greene County,
Iowa, 22
Greigg, Stanley
L., 23
Grinnell, Iowa,
45, S157, S165
Grinnell College,
38, S162, S165
Gross, H.R., 2,
3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, S175
Gruening, Ernest,
Guaranteed annual
income, 34
Gun Control, 30,
32, S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85
Haig, Alexander,
Haldeman, H.R.,
Handicapped, 5,
17, 32, S74, S86
Hansen, John R.,
Harbors, S77
Harlan, Iowa, 7,
38, S157
Harris, Fred, S248
Hartford, Iowa,
Hatfield, Mark,
Haugland, Jean,
Hawkins, Lex, 6,
Health, 7, 18,
22, 32, S11, S26, S27, S44, S45, S48, S59, S62, S75, S77, S86,
S150, S171,
S174, S214
Health Department,
Health, Education,
and Welfare, 7, S1, S2, S16, S32, S51, S65, S150, S163,
S164, S169,
Henry County, Iowa,
Heying, H.L., 38
Hickel, Walter,
Hickenlooper, Bourke
B., 3, 6, 7, 8, 16, 30
Higher Education
Facilities Commission, 19
Highway Commission,
7, 19, 22, 32
Hoeven, Charles
B., 8
Hoffmans, Edward,
Hoover, J. Edgar,
Hoover Library,
7, S162
Hospitals, 19,
S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S214
Housing, 12, 31,
S3, S18, S34, S52, S62, S66, S77, S81, S209, S215
Housing and Urban
Development, 7, S1, S16, S32, S155
Hughes, Richard,
Hultman, Evan,
Human Rights Commission,
Humboldt, Iowa,
S157, S173
Humphrey, Hubert
H., 11, 12, 30, 36, 38, S32, S41, S173, S178, S185, S186,
S208, S224
IPERS, 19, 32
Ida Grove, Iowa,
Immigration, S9,
S24, S42, S57, S73, S85
Impeachment, S73,
S85, S243
Income Tax, 20,
34, S4, S5, S20, S35, S36, S53, S246
Independence, Iowa,
Indian Education,
S11, S26, S44, S58, S214
Indianola, Iowa,
Indians, S8, S24,
S41, S56, S72, S84
Indochina, S168,
S169, S171, S175, S246
Industrial Commissioner,
19, 22
Inflation, 30
Insurance, 22,
32, S44, S59, S75, S77, S215
Insurance, Health,
Insurance Commissioner,
Relations, 17, S23, S41, S56, S71, S165, S173, S213
Interior Department,
8, S1, S8, S16, S24, S32, S41, S42, S51, S56, S57, S71,
S72, S84
Internal Security,
S9, S24, S42, S57, S73, S85
International Finance,
S3, S34, S67
Interstate Commerce
Commission, 14, S174, S227
Iowa City, Iowa,
31, 45, S157, S170, S174, S175
Iowa County, Iowa,
Iowa Manufacturers
Association, S168
Iowa Natural Resources
Council, 8
Iowa State University,
8, 15, S162, S167, S173
Iowa Supreme Court,
Iowa Wesleyan College,
Iowa Western Community
College, S162
Israel, S83, S170
Jackson, Henry,
S171, S239
Jackson County,
Iowa, 43, S157
Japan, 7, 8, 16,
38, 46
Jasper County,
Iowa, 23
Javits, Jacob,
S170, S171, S249
Jefferson, Iowa,
Jefferson County,
Iowa, 24
Jensen, Martin,
Job Corps, 9, S165
Johnson, Donald
E., 30
Johnson, Lyndon
B., 16, 30, 32, 37, 42, 43, 44, S172
Johnson, Nicholas,
Johnson County,
Iowa, 24, S157
Jones, Nadae, S248
Judges, 20
Judicial Appointments,
19, 20
Judiciary Committee,
Justice Department,
S2, S33, S51, S65, S150, S213, S251
Juvenile Courts,
Juvenile Detention
Homes, 33
Kamrar, Iowa, S157
Kanawha, Iowa,
Kennedy, Edward
M., 11, 30, 38, 44, 46, S29, S33, S43, S149, S178, S214,
S217, S224, S228
Kennedy, John F.,
Kennedy, Robert
F., 11, 30, 32, 38, 43, 44
Keokuk, Iowa, 20,
Kholos, Bob, S248
Kieffer Associates,
Inc., 36
King, Martin Luther,
Jr., 31, 32
Kirschbaum, Kathy,
S170, S175
Kissinger, Henry,
S172, S174, S246
Knight, Hal, S244
Knoxville, Iowa,
Korea, S239
Kossuth County,
Iowa, 16, 23
Kyl, John, 6, 7,
Labor Commissioner,
8, 20
Labor Department,
S1, S2, S9, S10, S11, S12, S16, S25, S27, S28, S32, S43,
S44, S45,
S46, S51, S58, S59, S60, S65, S74, S75, S76, S86, S87, S161,
S170, S214,
Labor Relations,
S12, S27, S45, S59, S75, S86
Laird, Melvin,
Lake View, Iowa,
45, S157
Lakeside Foundation,
Land Rehabilitation
Advisory Board, 20
Landers, Ann, S40,
Lansing, Iowa,
Laos, S170, S171
Lavelle, John D.,
S171, S172, S173, S244
Law Enforcement,
Law Enforcement
Academy, 8
Law Enforcement
Assistance program, 4, 5
LeGrand, Iowa,
Lehigh University,
LeMars, Iowa, S246
Leon, Iowa, S157
Lewis, John L.,
Libraries, S12,
S28, S60, S75
Lieutenant Governor,
Linn County, Iowa,
24, S157
Liquor Control
Commission, 9, 20, 22, 34
Lively, John, 42
Lockheed Corp.,
Loveless, Herschel
C., 4
Lucey, Pat, S168
Luther College,
Mabry, Drake, 44
McCaffrey, Joe,
McCarthy, Eugene,
30, 36, 38, 44, S228
McDermott, Edward
A., 5, 20, S169
McGovern, George,
30, 36, S167, S169, S171, S243, S250
Madison, C.B.,
Manning, Iowa,
Manpower, 9, 10,
32, S11, S27, S44, S45, S60, S75, S86, S173, S174, S215
Manpower Advisory
Committee, 9, 17
Manpower Development
Council, 20
Mansfield, Mike,
S171, S173, S244
Mapleton, Iowa,
Maquoketa, Iowa,
43, S157
Marble Rock, Iowa,
Marijuana, 31,
S150, S168, S170, S173, S175
Marine and Fisheries,
S4, S19, S34, S52, S67, S82
Marion, Iowa, S157
Marshall County,
Iowa, 16, 38
Marshalltown, Iowa,
42, S157, S175
Marycrest College,
Mason City, Iowa,
45, S157, S174
Maynard, Iowa,
Mayne, Wiley, 14,
Meat Imports, S171
Meat Inspection,
S15, S31, S50, S64, S80
Iowa, 20
Mediapolis, Iowa,
Medicaid, 34
Medical Assisstance
Advisory Council, 20
Medical Examiners,
Medicare, S5, S20,
S35, S53, S68, S82, S210
Melcher, Iowa,
Melvin, Iowa, S157
Mental Health,
17, 20, 32, S11, S26, S44, S59
Mentally Handicapped,
11, 32
Merit Employment
Commission, 10, 20, 32
Methadone, S171,
S242, S243
Mexico, 32
Mezvinsky, Edward,
Middle Amana, Iowa,
Middle East, S21,
S38, S54, S70, S83, S174, S175, S211, S246
Migrant Labor,
S11, S45, S60, S75
Military Academies,
S14, S30, S48, S62, S78, S169, S171, S173
Military Assistance,
Military Budget,
Military Construction,
S2, S33, S51, S65, S80
Military Procurement,
S168, S171, S174, S207
Military Promotions,
Military Service,
Compulsory, 30, S2, S3, S17, S33, S51, S65, S81, S207,
Military Spending,
Miller, Jack, 2,
3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 30
Millersburg, Iowa,
Mills, Max Milo,
Milo, Iowa, S157
Mine Inspector,
20, 22
Minerals, 31, S57,
Mining, 20, S57,
Minimum Wage, S215
Mississippi River,
Mississippi River
Parkway Commission, 10, 20
Missouri Basin
Inter-Agency Committee, 10
Missouri Basin
Systems Group, S250
Missouri River,
10, S157
Mitchell, Donald
J., 11
Mitchell, John,
Model Cities, S3,
S34, S67, S81
Mollenhoff, Clark,
S170, S172
Mondale, Walter
F., 36, S12, S175, S177, S179, S180, S182, S202, S217,
Monona, Iowa, S157
Monroe County,
Iowa, S157
Monticello, Iowa,
Morning Sun, Iowa,
Morton, Bruce,
Motor Trucks, 30,
31, 34
Moulton, Iowa,
Moount Mercy College,
Mount Pleasant,
Iowa, S157
Mount Saint Clare
College, S162
Murphy, Ray, Sr.,
Muscatine, Iowa,
44, S157, S173
Muscular Dystrophy,
Muskie, Edmund,
30, S170, S171, S244, S250
My Lai, S22
Narcotics, S167
National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, S2, S17, S32, S51, S65,
National Farm Institute,
National Farmers
Organization, S169, S241, S244, S247
National Guard,
22, 29, 32, S241
National Institute
of Mental Health, S150
National Institute
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, S150
National Institute
on Crime and Delinquency, S168
National Highway
Safety Commission, S150
National Science
Foundation, S12, S17, S28, S45, S60, S75
National Security,
S167, S219, S251
Natural Disasters,
Natural Resources
Council, 20, 22
Nevada, Iowa, S157
New Democratic
Coalition, S28, S240
New Hartford, Iowa,
Nixon, Richard
M., 30, S168, S169, S170, S171, S172, S173, S174, S175,
S217, S239, S243, S248
Norland, Dean,
Northwestern College,
S174, S246
Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty, 32, S7
Nuclear Weapons,
S171, S172
Nursing Homes,
S11, S26, S44, S59, S75, S214
Nutrition, S12,
S28, S46, S60
Nye, Frank T.,
13, 44
Oakland, Iowa,
Oakville, Iowa,
Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, S87, S171
Occupational Training,
Office of Economic
Opportunity, 10, 19, S58, S150, S231
Office of Emergency
Planning, 5
Office of Technology
Assessment, S78
Offutt Air Force
Base, S162
Oil Depletion Allowance,
S36, S53
Oil Import Quotas,
Oil Shortage, S172
Okoboji, S171
Old Age Assistance,
Old Age Homes,
Optometry Examiners,
Orange City, Iowa,
S174, S246
Orchard, Iowa,
Osceola County,
Iowa, S158
Oskaloosa, Iowa,
Otho, Iowa, S158
Ottumwa, Iowa,
20, 42, 43, 46, S158, S174, S226
Ottumwa Heights
College, 46, S162
Owen, Kenneth E.,
Pardon, 23, 24
Pari-Mutuel Betting,
Parks, 31, S57,
S72, S84
Parnell, Iowa,
Parole Board, 20
Parsons College,
Partners of the
Alliance, 11
Peace Officers
Association, 31
Pella, Iowa, 38
Pensions, S62,
S68, S77, S82, S88, S210, S215
Percival, Iowa,
Petroleum, S172,
S173, S174
Pharmacy Examiners,
Physical Fitness
Council, 17
Physical Therapy
Examiners, 20
Pittenger, John,
Planning and Programming,
11, 13, 14, 32
Pleasant Hill,
Iowa, S158
Pleasant Plain,
Iowa, S158
Pleasant Valley,
Iowa, S158
Plymat, William,
30, S149, S240
Pocahontas County,
Iowa, 16
Podiatry Examiners,
Political Prisoners,
Politics, Practical,
3 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 44, 45, S28, S29, S30,
S46, S78, S79, S89, S170, S172, S174, S245, S246, S247, S248, S250
Polk County, Iowa, 24, 29, S158, S170, S174
Poll-Tax, 20
Pollution, S37, S47, S57, S61, S76
Pomerantz, Harry, S175
Population, S28, S46, S60, S76, S87
Pornography, S24, S42, S73, S85
Postal Service, S12, S13, S17, S29, S33, S47, S61, S76, S87, S174, S235
Pottawattamie County, Iowa, S158
Poverty, 30, 32, 33, S9, S10, S25, S43, S58, S74, S75, S86, S173
Prayer, S9, S24, S42, S57, S85, S225, S235, S246
Preserves Advisory Board, 11, 20
Presidents---United States-- Election, 36, S9, S24, S42, S57, S225
Press, 32, 33
Press Conferences, 42, 43, 44, 45
Press Releases, 25, S164, S165, S166, S167, S168, S169, S170, S171,
S172, S173, S174, S175
Preston, Iowa, 43
Price Regulation, S173
Price Supports, S1, S15, S31, S50, S64, S206
Princeton, Iowa,
Printing Board,
Prisoners of War,
S22, S38, S54, S70, S83
Prisons, 24, 33,
S42, S57, S73, S85, S170, S174
Prohibition Party,
Property Tax, 14,
21, 22, 34, S170
Proxmire, William,
S175, S240
Public Instruction,
Department of, 12, 20, 22
Public Land Law
Review Commission, 12
Public Lands, S8,
S24, S42, S47, S57, S72, S84
Public Opinion
Polls, 36
Public Safety Department,
12, 20, 22
Public Schools,
Public Utilities,
Public Welfare,
18, 20, 22, S5, S9, S10, S11, S12, S20, S25, S27, S28, S36,
S43, S44, S45, S46, S58, S59, S60, S74, S75, S76, S86, S87, S214, S215
Public Works, S13,
S29, S30, S32, S47, S61, S65, S76, S77, S87, S88, S170
Pueblo Incident,
Rabies, 18
Race Problems,
Radford, Charles,
Radio Broadcasting,
Railroads, 34,
S12, S27, S45, S60, S75, S86, S173, S174, S210
Rapp, Steve, S247
Rasmussen, Clark,
Rathbun Dam, 12,
38, S158
Ray, Robert D.,
7, 30, 43, S67
Reagan, Ronald,
Real Estate Commissionn,
Recreation, S57
Red Oak, Iowa,
Red Rock Dam, 12
Refugees, S9, S24,
S42, S57, S73, S85
Rehnquist, William,
Religion, S234,
S235, S236
Remsen, Iowa, S158
Republican Party,
29, 30, 33, 36, 43, S171
Reserve Officers
Training Corps, 45
Retirement, S61,
S76, S87
Revenue, Department
of, 12, 34
Revenue Sharing,
S36, S53, S68, S172, S173
Reynolds, Frank,
Richardson, Elliot,
S172, S173
Ridgeway, Iowa,
Right to Work laws,
21, 32
Riley, Tom, 14,
Ringgold County,
Iowa, S158
Riots, 30, 31,
Rivers, S77
Roads, 7, 32, S5,
S13, S20, S30, S47, S53, S57, S61, S76, S166, S173,
S174, S175, S209, S227
Rock Island Arsenal,
S172, S236
Rock Rapids, Iowa,
Rock Valley, Iowa,
Rockefeller, Nelson,
30, S175
Rolfe, Iowa, S158
Romney, George,
Rural Electrification,
12, S1, S15, S31, S50, S64, S206
Rural Environmental
Assistance Program, S236
Sales Tax, 34
Saylorville Dam,
Scalise, Lawrence
F., 38
Scherle, William
J., 3, 7, 14
Scherling, Richard
E., 38
Schieffer, Bob,
Schleswig, Iowa,
Schmidhauser, John
R., 2, 30
Schmitz, Larry,
Scholarships, 32
School Boards,
Schools, 20, 32,
33, S172
Schwengel, Fred,
3, 7, 8, 16, 30
Science Advisory
Committee, 18
Scott County, Iowa,
Secretary of State,
Iowa, 31
Securities, S18,
S34, S209
Security Medical
Facility, 10
Sergeant Bluff,
Iowa, S158
Serviceman's Ballot
Commission, 20
Shaff Plan, 13
Shaw, Bernard,
Sheldon, Iowa,
Shellsburg, Iowa,
Shelly, Jack, 42
Shenandoah, Iowa,
Sibley, Iowa, 44
Sidney, Iowa, S158
Simpson College,
Sioux Center, Iowa,
S174, S175
Sioux City, Iowa,
3, 20, 42, 43, 44, S158, S173, S227
Sioux County, Iowa,
Sioux Empire College,
Sirica, John, S175
Sloan, Iowa, S158
Small Business
Administration, 38, S3, S18, S34, S52, S67, S81
Smith, Neal, 2,
Social Security
Administration, S6, S21, S36, S37, S53, S68, S69, S82, S174
Social Services
Department, 13, 20, 34, S173
Soil Conservation,
20, 22, 31, S1, S16, S32, S50, S64, S80, S206
Soth, Lauren, S173
South America,
S7, S21, S22, S38, S54, S70, S83, S211
South Central Iowa
Community Action Program, S158, S237
Southern Iowa Economic
Development Association, S237
Soviet Union, S7,
S22, S38, S55, S70, S83, S211
Soybean, S174
Spencer, Iowa,
20, 44, S158
Spirit Lake, Iowa,
S168, S174
Stanhope, Iowa,
Stanley, C. Maxwell,
Stanley, David
M., 30, 32, 33, 44
Stanton, Iowa,
State Center, Iowa,
State Department,
S7, S22, S38, S55, S70
State Fair, 13
State Library,
20, 22
Steffen, Vince,
Stennis, John,
Stevenson, Adlai,
III, S166, S245
Storm Lake, Iowa,
43, S158
Storms, S170
Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks, S70, S83, S169
Stratford, Iowa,
Strawberry Point,
Iowa, S158
Supersonic Transport
Planes, S168
Supreme Court,
Iowa, 20
Supreme Court,
U.S., 31, S9, S25, S42, S57
Surplus Agricultural
Commodities, S16, S32, S64
Swea City, Iowa,
Symington, Stuart,
S244, S247
Taft-Hartley Act,
S12, S27, S45, S60
Tama, Iowa, S158,
Tama Indian Settlement,
14, S175
Tariff, S5, S20,
S35, S53, S68, S82, S211
Taxation, 14, 15,
16, 30, 32, 33, 34, 43, S5, S20, S35, S53, S54,S69, S82,
S83, S169, S170, S171, S173, S174
Tax Commission,
20, 22
Teamsters, 38
TePaske, Maurice,
S173, S174
Terril, Iowa, S158
Thomas, Richard
S., S205
Thompson, Iowa,
Tipton, Iowa, S159
Tjernagel Family,
S170, S237
Tokyo, Japan, 7
Toledo, Iowa, S159
Tornadoes, 30,
32, S158
Trade Missions,
Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee, 16, 18, 42
34, S4, S17, S19, S33, S35, S52, S65, S67, S82, S169, S210
Department, 16
Treasurer of State,
16, 22, 31
Treasury Department,
S17, S33
Truesdale, Iowa,
Truman, Harry S,
Trusts, Industrial,
S8, S24, S42, S57, S85
Turner, Richard,
Tydings, Joseph,
Unemployed, 31,
S54, S169, S171
United Auto Workers,
44, S166
United Jewish Appeal,
S173, S175
United Nations
18, 30, S7, S22, S39, S55, S70, S83, S168, S170, S211, S246
United Way, S175
Universities and
Colleges, 32
University of Iowa,
14, 15, 43, 44, S162
University of Northern
Iowa, 13, S162
Upper Iowa College,
Upper Iowa River
Association, S159
Upper Mississippi
River Interstate Compact, 16
Upper Mississippi
River NATIONAL Recreation Center, S159
Urban Renewal,
S3, S67, S81
Urban Transportation,
S18, S170
Urbandale, Iowa,
Van Meter, Iowa,
Vanocur, Sander,
Venereal Diseases,
Veterans, S6, S10,
S21, S26, S37, S44, S48, S54, S62, S77, S88, S170,
S172, S173, S174, S175, S215, S216, S236
Victims of Crimes,
Vietnam, 16, 30,
32, 34, 37, 38, 44, S7, S22, S23, S38, S39, S40, S55, S56,
S70, S71, S83, S151, S165, S166, S167, S168, S169, S170, S171, S173,
S174, S175, S212, S220, S225, S240, S241, S244, S246, S248, S251
Vocational Education,
20, 29, S10, S26, S44, S58, S74, S86
Vocational Rehabilitation,
S12, S45, S60, S173
Volunteers in Service
to America, S49
Voting, 22, 34,
S25, S42, S57, S73
Voting Machine
Commissioners, 20
Wages, S12, S27,
S45, S60, S75, S87
Walcott, Iowa,
Wallace, George
C., 11, 30, S171
Wallace, Mike,
S246, S247
Walnut, Iowa, S159
Wapello, Iowa,
42, S159
War Powers Bill,
Wartburg College,
44, S162
Washington, Iowa,
Washington County,
Iowa, 23
Washta, Iowa, S159
Watchmakers' Board,
Water, S57
Water Conservation,
31, S1, S16, S32, S50, S64, S80, S206
Water Pollution,
16, 18, 20, 32, S13, S30, S47, S61, S77, S88
Water-Power, S84
Water Projects,
S13, S24, S30, S47, S61, S77
Waterfowl, S172
Watergate, S73,
S85, S173, S174, S244
Waterloo, Iowa,
3, 16, 31, 42, 43, 44, 45, S159, S166, S170, S247
Waukon, Iowa, 38
Waverly, Iowa,
Weber, Harrison,
Weber, Otto, 42
Webster City, Iowa,
Weinberger, Casper,
Weitzell, Rex,
Welfare, 34, S54,
S69, S83, S172
West Branch, Iowa,
Westmar College,
Wheat, S170, S174
Wheeler, Earl,
White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia, 7
Wildlife Conservation,
Wilton, Iowa, S174
Winfield, Iowa,
Winterset, Iowa,
42, S159
Women, Iowa Commission
on the Status of, 18, 22
Women Soldiers,
S172, S173, S208
Woodbury County,
Iowa, 22, 23, 24, S173
Workmen's Compensation,
World Bank, S8
World Peace Broadcasting
Foundation, S240
Worth County, Iowa,
Worthington, Lorne
R., 38
Yamanashi, Japan,
Yarborough, Ralph,
S167, S239
Young Men's Christian
Association Industrial Management, 42
Youth Corps, S174
Yucatan, 16, 38
Zimmerman, Jake,

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