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MsC 170

  Manuscript Register



This document describes a collection of materials held by the
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Box List

Box 4

American Wildlife Institute. See items 1575 -- 1597 under correspondence, subseries one

Applications for jobs in wildlife management. Includes "Suggested Plan of Operation for the North American Wildlife Federation." See items 1598 -- 1649 under correspondence, subseries one

Chautauqua Conservation Program. See items 1662 -- 1739 under correspondence, subseries one

Civilian Conservation Council

Clearinghouse for Conservation and Comprehensive Service for information on natural resources

Conservation Commission

Conservation Center of North America.

Fact sheet. Denver Public Library, May 12, 1961.

Criteria and Classifications, "In the material uses of natural resources", not dated.

Conservation Education (includes correspondence to and from David Alyward, Paul Appelby, Rudolf Bennitt, Roger Baldwin, Effie Bathurst, I.T. Bode, Nash Buckingham, Otis Caldwell, Vernon Carter, H. H. Chapman, Paul Clement, M. Hartley Dodge, William Finley, Letcher Lambuth, E.C.L. Miller, E. Lawrence Palmer, Robert Peters, Kenneth A. Reid, Paul B. Sears, Merle Strasser, Frank Thone [includes a clipping of an article by Thone, "Wildlife Defense Program" from the Everyweek Magazine (Cleveland, Ohio), Sunday, October 19, 1941], H.R. Tolley, Henry B. Ward, I.R. Watts, and L. W. Wendt)

Conservation Yearbook, 1951. American Association of School Administrators
Chapters 1 -- 7, 9, and 12. Includes Darling's editorial comments

Chapters 2 -- 10 and bibliographies

Conservation Yearbook, 1951, American Association of School Administrators, cont.

Correspondence (Includes correspondence to and from Ivan A. Booker, George Brewer, Adrian Fox, Worth McClure, Kenneth E. Oberholtzer, Fairfield Osborn, Alfred W. Philips, and M. C. Radke)

Material collected by Darling as "good material for Educational Yearbook"

Task statement, outline, and minutes, 1949

The Conservation Program in Iowa, 1941

Council of Conservationists


Darling, Jay N. "The Story of the Wildlife Refuge Program, Part 1. " National Parks Magazine, February-March 1954, pp. 6 -- 10, 43 -- 46

Darling, Jay N. "The Story of the Wildlife Refuge Program, Part 2. " National Parks Magazine, April-May 1954, pp.53 -- 56, 86 --91

The duck stamp


Nelson, Dan. "The Missing Years: The Rings On Our Family Tree Didn't Add Up", or "The Real Story Behind the Federal Duck Stamp". Delta Waterfowl, Spring 2009.

The Duck Stamp Collection. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, 1988

The Duck Stamp Entrance Pass For National Refuges

The Duck Stamp - short version. VHS.  In file cabinet 1, drawer 4

Federal Junior Duck Stamp. Pin. In flat file, drawer 152


Fish and Game Guide, vol. 1, no. 2, August 1934, cover page. Magazine of the Iowa State Fish and Game Commission. Darling cartoon on title page: “The same principles apply to all forms of wild life.” -

Florida Wildlife Federation

Formal setting of the gate at Lake Darling. September 17, 1950

Game restoration, 1935

General Wildlife Federation (includes stamps for National Wildlife Week, 1938)

General Wildlife Federation. See item 3609 under correspondence, subseries one

Institute for the Restoration of Wildlife

Iowa Natural Resources Council. See items 1739 -- 1830 under correspondence, subseries one

Izaak Walton League

J.N. "Ding" Darling license and license holder

The Jay N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife Refuge

"Ding" Darling NWR  VHS.  In file cabinet 1, drawer 4.

J.N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society

J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge.  DVD collection from the Ding Darling Education Center.  DVD.  In file cabinet 1, drawer 4.

"J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge" (biographical brochure)

J.N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife Sanctuary, one brochure and 4 resolutions.

50th Anniversary materials (for news articles, see below)

Miscellaneous Articles 1970-1989

Miscellaneous Articles 1990-1994

Miscellaneous Articles 1995 (50th Anniversary)

Miscellaneous Articles 1996-1999

Miscellaneous Articles 2000-

Untold Stories #133 Sanctuary: "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge.  WGCU Public Media, a member-supported service of Florida Gulf Coast University, 2006.  DVD.  In file cabinet 1, drawer 4.

Zoo Life with Jack Hanna "Sanibel Sanctuary" 1994.  VHS.  In file cabinet 1, drawer 4.

Leopold, Aldo. "A Survey of Conservation." TMs

Leopold, Aldo.  Management of Upland Game Birds in Iowa: A Handbook for Farmers, Sportsmen, Conservationists and Game Wardens.   Des Moines, IA: Iowa State Fish and Game Commission, 1932.

List of committee members (of conservation organizations). See items 1935 -- 1942 under correspondence, subseries one

List of national authorities in various conservation positions [in the federal government?]

Miscellaneous; see items 1649 -- 1661 under correspondence, subseries one.

National Audabon Society.  Two articles regarding the presentation of the Audabon Medal to Darling during the 56th Annual Convention of the National Audabon Society, held in New York City from Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1960.  One is entitled "Jay N. Darling Receives Audabon Medal" with a note that it is from Audabon Magazine no. 63, 1961.  Only the first page of this article is present.  The second article is entitled "An Honor for Ding Darling," but there is no indication of the source.

National Wildlife Federation. See also item 3610 under correspondence, subseries one

Shoemaker, Carl D.  The Stories Behind the Organization of the National Wildlife Federation and its Early Struggles for Survival. 

National Wildlife Federation Information Service (Proposed), 1944 -- 1945 (Includes correspondence to and from Bernary Baruch, I.T. Bode, Ovid Butler, Nash Buckingham, Clarence Cottam, Chester C. Davis, John W. Donaldson, H. B. Earhart, Richard Earhart, Frederick WS. Gehle, Wiliam Guggenheim, James P. Harlan, James Inglis, Clifford B. Langley, T. W. McMahon, Loren Miller, Ken Morrison, Harold E. Pinches, Chiles Plummer, M.S. Randall, Albert H. Schmidt, Sydney E. Stephens, Gustave Swanson, Alfred H. Williams, F. C. Walcott, Clarence M. Woolley)

National Wildlife Federation 16th Annual Banquet Honoring "Ding." McAllister Hotel, Miami, Florida, March 19, 1952 (Includes congratulatory notes from William P. Aberg, George A. Averitt, David Aylward, John H. Baker, Irston R. Barnes, Arthur M. Bartley, William Baxter, Hugh Bennett, Harold L. Blakey, I.T. Bode, Louis Bromfield, J. Hammond Brown, Major James Brown, Robert Brown, Nash Buckingham, Victor Cahalane, Arthur Carhart, Eunice Carpenter, Ferry Carpenter, Ralph Carpenter, John D. Chalk, Secretary of the Interior Chapman, Wiliam H. Cheesman, Justus H. Cline, W. Sterling Cole, Clarence Cottam, G. L. Cross, C. K. Davis, Henry P. Davis, Dean Davis, George W. Davis, Albert M. Day, Talbott Denmead, Rudolph Diffenbach, W. Roy Dillon, M. Hartley Dodge, H.D. Dodgen, Ed Dodd, T. E. Doremus, Perry B. Duryea, Phillip A. Dumont, Rosalie E., Mrs. Malcolm J. Edgerton, Herman J. Foster, [Kark T. Frederick?], Ira N. Gabrielson, D.R. Gascoyne, C. E. Gillham, Seth Gordon, Christopher M. Granger, C.R. Gutermuth, A. P. Greensfelder, Paul A. Herbert, Lee Hoffman, Chas. H. Hopkins, [Chas. L. Horn?], Mrs. Hiram Houghton, Michael Hudoba, Fae Huttenlocher, A. B. (Bud) Jackson, Chas. E. Jackson, Harlean James, M. C. James, D. H. Janzen, Stanley G. Jewett, E. Johnson, Marvin James, Claude D. Kelley, L. T. Knott, Frederick C. Lincoln, Hoyes Lloyd, Kenneth MacDonald, Budd Marter III, C. Russell Mason, Lee Miles, Bob Miller, L. C. (Buzz) Morley, Clause J. Murie, Sigurd F. Olson, John N. Olin, Earl [O'Brien?], Earl N. Ohmer, Fairfield Osborn, Ephrian Laurence Palmer, P. Victor Peterson, Elmer T. (Pete) Peterson, Chiles P. Plummer, Richard H. Pough, Clifford G. Presnall, Ethel M. Quee, Harry E. Radcliffe, Archibald B. Roosevelt, Clarence J. Rhode, A. Willis Robertson, H.D. Ruhl, John W. Scott, P.D.S., Paul B. Sears, James Silver, J. Victor Skiff, Millard Smith, W.J. "Bill" Smith, Bruce F. Stiles, Howard L. Stone, [Michael W. Straus?], Walter P. Taylor, M.E. Towner, Ries Tuttle, Jack Van Coevering, Bill Voigt, Tom Wallace, Governor Fuller Warren, Lindsay W. Warren, Lyle F. Watts, L. W. Wendt, Richard W. Westwood, Chester S. Wilson, Conrad L. Wirth, Joel D. Wolfson, Stanley P. Young. It also includes three form letter responses from Darling and a souvenir program.)

North American Wildlife Conference, 1936

Okoboji Lakeside Lab

1935 -- 1936. See items 2075 -- 2113 under correspondence, subseries one

1937 -- 1940. See items 2114 -- 2194 under correspondence, subseries one

Outdoor Writers Association. 1989 Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. Button, sticker, patch. In flat file, drawer 152

Report of the Special Committee on Conservation Education. Washington, D.C., January 17, 1944. Cover sheet

Shoemakem Carl D. The Stories Behind the Organization of the National Wildlife Federation and its Early Struggles for Survival. Washington, D.C., 1960. With marginalia by Darling

State wildlife organizations. See States under correspondence, subseries one

"Student Questions on Conservation. Addressed to Dr. Leopold."

Text and illustrations for a book on conservation education

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Award, 1943 -- 1944 (Includes correspondence to and from Donald C. Bolles, Hermann Hagedorn, David Hinshaw, Harold T. Pulsifer, Giseal Westhoff, and several drafts of the text of Darling's address)

United States Fish and Game Service. Duck Stamp Contest

Wildlife Federation

Wildlife Restoration. Dinner meeting minutes, April 24, 1935

The Wildlife Society


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