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Box 1

Amazing Facts. Cover sheets for this 'assembling' periodical. Edited by Greg Sweigert, Ken Friedman, Sebastopol James, Captain Ohio, and Bertholo Punji. Fluxus West, 1969

Amirkhanian, Charles. Sheet of rubber stamp of aeroplane printed twice, 1974.

Andersen, Eric (Denmark). 3 works by Andersen: 2 photocopies and a photographic reproduction. Courtesy of Hans Sohm. "Opus," n.d.; 2 envelope instruction pieces.

Arnold, Dieter. "No Tatto," 1976. 6.25x4.5 inches. Postcard with black and white photograph and rubber stamp omprint; "No conception," 1974. Postcard.

Art Rat. Envelope addressed to KF.

Atchley, Dana (Ace Space Co.). "Space Pack" (printed matter about Atchley's activities and the Ace Space Co.)

Attalai, Gabor (Hungary). 2 photo pieces by this Hungarian artist. 'no title,' 1971; 'Louse Terrace,' 1970-72.

Banana Rag (Canada). Anna Banana. Banana Rag is Banana's periodical. [Empty folder]

Barboza, Diego (Venezuela). 5 pieces by Barboza and a piece a collaboration with Emilio Galli (Venezuela).

Bennett, John. "Paraliza," 1975.

Berkman, Bill. "If an artist falls in a forest does anyone hear him?" Blues, 1977. 2 copies.

Blitzinformation (UK). letter from Blitz, 1973. ****

Boyd, Don. "An Essay on Correspondence Art," 1977.

Brecht, George. Letter from Brecht, no date. Statement about mail art and three works of Ray Johnson. Also enclosed in this file but not accompanied by above letter, a photograph of Brecht work sent to Alison Knowles, 1962, from Sohm Archive.

Brehmer, K.P. 2 postcards, "Susi," 1964 and "Reclame fur Edmont," 1965. In envelope stamped "Archive Sohm".

Brown, Jean. Envelope from Brown with map of location of The Shaker Seed House, Tyringham, Massachusetts, printed on it, 1977.

Bruscky, Paulo (Brazil). 4 works by Bruscky, "America Latina," n.d.; "I'm pickling myself," no date ; "SOS," 1977; "Ferrogravura," 1976, and 2 envelopes.

Buchwalder, Ernst (Switzerland). 4 works: "Nothing," 1976; "Night Poem," 1970; "I-You-We," 1976, "Poetc," 1971.

Butler, Russell. Envelope 1978; "Original," 1975. Postcard.

Bzdok, Henryk (Poland). 3 envelopes, 1976, 1977, 1978; "Bzzzz," 1978.

Cab Volt. Envelope, 1978.

Camu, Carl (W. Germany). 3 works: "Eulenspiegel Sheet," 1977; "Sauber Halten...," 1976; postcard, 1978.

Canadada (Canada). Postcard announcement for show and invitation to send work to University of Manitoba, March 17 -- April 15, 1976. Requesting: graphic images and messages, collaged, altered and found etc., Stampsheet, 1974.

Caraballo, Jorge (?). Work, 1977.

Carrion, Ulises (Mexico/Netherlands). Article "Mail Art and the Big Monster," 1978.

Carter, Paul (UK). [Empty Folder]

Cavellini, Guglielmo (Italy). "Kunstkompass 1977," and 2 books: 25 Quadri della Collezione Cavellini, Brescia : Edixioni Nuovi Strumenti,1976; Nemo Propheta in Patria, Brescia : Edixioni Nuovi Strumenti, 1978.

Cazazza, Monte. 2 pieces: "Contest for the Kiddies!," 1970; letter to Ken Friedman outlining "Sox Piece," 1971.

Centro Documentazione Organizzazione (C.D.O.) (Italy). Copies of letter from Dick Higgins, October 1979 to C.D.O. and C.D.O's reply October 1979. Discussion about Ray Johnson and Italian 'archives.'

Charlier, Jacques (France). Air mail envelope, with the work ART replacing 'air,' 1977; Envelope; Untitled, 1969, 1974, 1977. Altered rubber stamp imprint on envelope.

Chicken Bank (Canada). Envelope with stencilled text on it. Top left corner "May 17 1977 fluxconcert." Post date 1974.

Cisoria Arte (Venezuela). [Empty Folder]

Cleveland, Buster. Two sided sheet with "If dada if god are all men art," and "empty frame inviting drawing if Dada is God or not God." no date.

Coach House Press (Canada). 7 postcards printed by Coach House, no date.

Coutts-Smith, Kenneth (Canada). 2 pieces, "Spatial Poem No. 9," (1975) submitted to Shiomi's project, and one other untitled text piece, 1976. ****

Crane, Mike. Envelope from Whitney Museum to Crane, postdated December 1977; text for wall labels and photographs of works from Correspondence Show at the University of Iowa Art Museum.

Craven, Richard. 6 postcards, various other printed works and letter to Crane, 1969 -- 1978. (Craven did his MA thesis on Mail Art). ****

Crowcroft, Ron. Envelope with playing card and text, 1978.

Crozier, Robin (UK). 2 pieces: "Art in the Street," 1977; "A Travelling Exhibition," 1977. (Not found March 2004) Title card for "How Many Sheep in a Pen," 1977, but work not in this folder. Also letter to Crane with checklist of works he sent to him (not all in this file) and information about his Mail Art activities. Situates his first postal activity to circa 1971. "Original Copy," 1976. Drawing with rubber stamp imprint.****

Dadson, Phillip (Australia). "String Quartet," 1970.

Darling, Lowell. Letter to Crane and "Fat City School of Finds Art, Master of Finds Art Degree" certificate. Bestowed upon Ken Friedman, Aug. 5, 1971. ****

Diesel, Hans (Germany). 2 postcard works: "Frau," 1975; untitled, 1977.

Donath, Peter (Hungary). "An Action Ecological," no date.

Dougherty, Mary Jane. "Five Words Performed for Image," 1977.

Down, John. 3 pieces from "Bugsbunnyto," no date, and small $10 Canadian card. Envelope postmarked 1971.

Dragoni, Ferruccio (Italy). "I would like to live in Novanoah," no date.

Duch, Leonard Frank (Brazil). 4 pieces, 'untitled,' no date; "Arte e Vida," no date; 'untitled,' 1977; "Arte Postal," no date.

Duchamp, Marcel. Photographic reproduction from Philadelphia Museum of Art, "Rendey-vous du Dimanche 6 Fevrier 1916."

Durland, Steve. Letter, 1977, updating progess of Correspondence Art book.

Elasser, Jurgen (Germany). 3 pieces, all titled " Mission to Moscow ," 1977. Also short statement.

Felter, James Warren. 3 sheets of stamps, two copies of "Helvedada 1976, and"Canadada 1974," also one visual poem "Song of Anad....," and a copy of catalog of "Artist's Stamps and Stamp Images," show created by Felter.****

Felts, Neil. Letter to Ken Friedman 1978(?) with photos, STP sticker and article.

Filliou, Robert. 2 pieces: one from Hans Sohm, " France ," 1961 and copy of "Envelope," 1976, published by Ecart Postcards, Geneva .

Fine, A.M. Copies from Hans Sohm of 2 pieces, "Apply Heat," 1967 and "Oinsaur Stanp,"(?), 1975(?).

Flux Post Kit. Photograph from Hans Sohm of contents of this Fluxus box.

Fischer, Herve (France). Postcard documentation of Fischer's "Utopic Identity Office," Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary, November 2, 1976. Short note on card from Fischer.

Five/Cinq Aesthetics Ltd. Letter to Crane with article by Kirk W. Varga & Anjana Wolfzeck, "The Role of the IPS in Bureaucratic Art During the Early '70's," n.d. (Cover note date is July 1977.)

Fletcher Corp. Reproductions of material from Hans Sohn, letter to Crane of brown bag (earliest mail art activity circa 1966 brown bag to R. Johnson), envelope with 2 artists' pencil packets, "Artist Hero Series," 1977.

Fluxus. Photocopy of Watt's "FluxPost," 3 copies of Paul Sharits section from a Fluxus catalogue to be published by "A," Amsterdam, 1977 -- 1978, copy of T. Albright article in Rolling Stone, #107, April 27, 1972 & photocopy of T. Ulrichs article on rubber stamps, "Stemple, zur Kunst Gestempelt," 'Magazine Kunst," #61/62, May 1975 .

Fluxus West. "An International Contact List," published by Fluxus West, 1972.

Foley, Cynthia. Copies and correspondence to Bill Dalton. Material consists of photocopies from 'Phil Weidman and Bill Dalton Archives," at University of California at Davis . Cover letter from C. Foley to M. Crane.

Fonteles, Bene (Brazil). "7-7-77," 1977

Friedman, Ken. Assorted works and articles by Ken Friedman, including NYCS Weekly Breeder, 2(1); photodocumentation; Contact List; Sock of the Month Club; Envelope from Knizak.

Gaglione, Bill. Pasted up image of Gaglione, "Russolo is one of the most underrated artists of the 20th Century," no date. **** (folder not found, April 2004)

Gerz, Jochen (W. Germany). Materials & texts for "Is There Life on Earth," project, 1969(?); exhibit announcement card for Gerz show at the Bundner Kunstmuseum Chur, 1978; card that reads "The Medium is the Ma$$age," no date; small paper with text "Caution Art Corrupts," no date.

Gibbs, Michael (UK). "Tamponstampon," article, no date.

Gilbert & George, (UK). "Cheerio, Gilbert and George, the sculptors," Summer 1973. Greeting card (not found 2/2005).****

Ginzburg, C.R. (Argentina/France). 6 postcard pieces; 2 book projects, "Les Voyages de C.R. Ginzburg," Paris, 1976 & "C.R. Ginzburg," Paris, 1976; assorted printed texts related to above works; 2 letters to M. Crane.

Gosewitz, Ludwig (Germany). Copies from Hans Sohm, postcard project (1964) & "Texte Postal," 1964.

Groh, Klaus (Germany). Letter to Crane and Groh's article, "Der Wez zur Mail-Art," 1977(?), Untitled, 1975. Visual Poem.

Halas, Miloslav (Czechoslovakia). "The Road Over End Back," 1973.

Hamilton, Richard (UK). 3 postcard work. from Hamilton: " Whitley Bay," 1965; untitled, Angela Flowers, no date; "Mother," 1968. (last two postcars not found, April 2004)****

Hannemann, Holger, (Switzerland). 2 artists' postcards: "Direction for Use," n.d.; "Under Government Control K-19," no date.

Higgins, Dick. Higgins' appreciation piece for Dieter Roth, and "Thank You," mail piece 1959. ****

Hompson, Davi Det. "Send me a letter," no date. (not found 2/2005)****

Horike, Tohei (Japan). Poster for "Five Years' Research Project '76-'80."

Horn, Stu. Page of collected newspaper headlines, no date.

Hubert, Pierre-Alain (France). "Rainbow for a Ghost," 1976; Untitled, 1977, letter with firecrackers.

Inch Art (New Zealand). Poster announcing theme for show in 1974, catalogue for show, "Daily Mail"

Indiana, Robert. Envelope mailed to Omaha Flow Systems, with LOVE postage stamp. ****

Irlan, Bascia (Canada). 2 photo works utlizing blackboards, 1977(?).

Jager, Bernhard (W. Germany). Piece by Jager, no date.

de Jong, Ko (Netherlands). Artists' postcard, "Closed Museumdoors," 1977(?).

Johnson, Ray. Various works by Johnson. ****

Kalkman, Hans-Oiseau (Germany). Various pieces: " Air Garden ," 1978; 3 cards from "Spring Ceremonies," 1977; "Nature and Geometry," 1976; & untitled text, no date.

Kaltenbach, Steve. Rubber stamp of lips on paper.

Knizak, Milan (Czechoslovakia). Photo reproduction of letter to Hans Sohm (1966) re: group Aktual; notes from Knizak on actions/pieces, also "An event for the postoffice, the police, and the occupants of No. 26 Vaclavkova Street, Prague 6, and for all their neighbours, relatives and friends" (1966), account of meeting regarding art projects that took place at this address and the occupants concerns and reactions to it (mostly negative, they were mailed unusual items). ****

Kocman, J. H. (Czechoslovakia). Brief note 1977; "Blue Envelope and Blue Letter," 1977; "Green Letter," 1977, untitled poem/homage, 1972; "HHK's Last Art Stamp," no date.; "Material for poems nr. 86, 37 and 62," 1971. ****

Koepcke, Arthur (Denmark). Copy of 1963 letter to Hans Sohm, including text pieces and collage image/Monthly Review of University for Avanguarde Hinduism, N.J. Paik; Untitled, 1963; Untitled, no date.

Le Gac, Jean (France). Untitled pamphlet, 1970.

Lebel, Jean Jacques (France). Reproduction from Hans Sohn of a postcard 'piece' from Lebel to Dick Higgins, 1966.

Lisboa, Unhandiejara (Brazil). Artists' postcard, 1977; Artists' postcard, 1978.

Matsuzawa, Yutaka (Japan). Various text pieces.

Melis, Juraj (Bratislava). Photo piece, "Help," 1975 -- 1977.

Mew, Tommy. 2 pieces, "Tommy Mew The Mad Diarist," 1977; "Secret," original art work, 1977.

Michalowska, Maria (Poland ?). Photograph of "Traces XY.x," 1973.

Mizukami, Jun (Japan). 2 publications: "108 Sections: Lesson 1," 1971-76(?); "For Examples of six steps for example," 7 cards; and "Hot to get Thru," a piece to interact with, 1967(?).

Mohammed, (Italy). Also known as Plinio Mesciulam. Statement about the Mohammed project. Also includes 12 Mohammed mailings for his project. ****

Morris, Michael (Canada). Artists' postcard by Morris, from the 1977 Image Bank Postcard show.

Musaem Hermeticum (Italy). Artists' postcard 1978.

New York Correspondence School. A listing titled "Objects received from the New York Correspondence School," July 10, 1970. Corrected list of items in the show that was probably made by Ray Johnson, the show's curator. Plus xerox of pamphlet for the New York Correspondence School show at the Whitney, Sept. 2 -- Oct. 6, 1970.

Niggel, Tomas (Germany). A list of the contributors for "Omnibus News," #1, 1969.

Nova, Gary Lee (Canada). 2 pieces: "Small Electrical Storm in Element County ," no date; "Poem," 1973.

Ogaz, Damaso (Venezuela). 4 pieces: "Anticomunicacion," postcard, no date; "Poema-Accion," no date, postcard; "Santiago de Chile," o date, postcard; "El Arte es una Prueba de Telegenia," no date *****

Ohlmann, Aloys. Postcard, "St. Wendeler," 1976.

O'Neill, John. Four envelopes only address to: UNIART, UNIART Gallery, c/o Teal House, 34 Broad St. , Penryn, Cornwall , England. Handwritten note says: "Submission for the UNIART "Circle Show" June 1977, by John O'Neill under the title of ADMCADIAM.

Ono, Yoko. Copy of "A Hole to See The Sky Through," 1971.

Pacific Rim Consciousness. Postcard of above title, printed by Great Canadian Post Card, Co., Vancouver.

Padin, Clemente (Uruguay). 2 postcards titled "Poema Anti-Fascista," n.d., card re: imprisonment of Padin & Caraballo; text, "The Artistic Vanguard Latin American," no date.

Page, Robin. 3 copies of "This was just handed to you by....," no date, from Hans Sohm.

Paik , Nam June (Korea). Postcard to Higgins/Hansen/Oldenburg, with 2 holes in insert, one with coin in it, from Hans Sohm; copy of 'Postmusic,' issue of The Monthly Review, no date; copy of postcard to Higgins/Knowles, "TV-set for your mind," 1966 and 1964 collage/issue of The Monthly Review, from Hans Sohm.

Parsons, Michael (UK). Project for a circular letter, 1977.

Perfetti, Michele (Italy). 2 visual poetry postcards; one 'Telepoetry-Mail-Art,' telegram 1968; printed statement by Perfetti titled 'Telepoesia/Mail Art, no date.

Petasz, Pawel (Poland). Print, 1977(?).

Pezold, Friederike (Italy). Exhibition announcement postcard for show at Saman gallery, April 1977.

Pinkston, Carolyn. Cover letter and questionnaire she was doing on correspondence art, 1973.

Porter, Bern . Various works and texts on mail art and his involvement with it.

Plaza, Julio (Brazil). Text titled "On Mail-Art or Art by Post," no date.

Poinsot, Jean-Marc (France). Poster announcing publication of his book, "Mail Art Communication A Distance Concept," 1971.

Puchalski, Greg. 2 copies of the Master of Dada degree, 1977.

Regilad, Carsten & Rolf Borjklind (Sweden). Text "Occupy the Brain!" n.d. Editors(?) of "Vargen" magazine.

Rehfeldt, Robert (E. Germany). Artists' postcard, "Your Ideas Help My Ideas," 1977(?); "The Contart Archives Psecial Mail, 1977, collage postcard.****

Rehfeldt, Ruth (E. Germany). Artists' postcard, visual poem, 1977(?). ****

Reid, Terry (New Zealand). 2 letters: one about "Sydney Secret Exchange," and the other a statement of correspondence art, no date.

Religous Art Guild. "Circular: Packet 2," Art Folio issue edited by Ken Friedman for the Religious Arts Guild, June 1971.

Richerche Inter/Media (Italy). Invitation to participate in "Evento 77."

Robertson, Kirk. One page publication of "Indian Poems," 1976.

Robineau, Francois. 2 page text titled "Mail Art, Communication a Distance, Concept," 1971.

da Rocha, Jose Luis (France). 2 postcards from da Rocha, 1978 and 3 page statement, 1978.

Roquet, Maurice (Belgium). Envelope from Roquet.

Rubber Exhibition. Catalogue for Rubber Stamp show at Stempelplaats, August 1978, Amsterdam, curated by Aart van Barneveld.

Rubber. Artists' postcard, no author, no date.

Ryan, Phil (Australia). Letter to Ken Friedman, Sept. 1968.

Saito, Toshinori (Japan ?). Photo titled 'The 2nd World Up-Rising,' December 1972.

Sam's Café. 'Teeny Packet' envelope which contains six postcard sized printed images. Sam's Cafe located in Berkeley, CA.

Schmidt, Angelika (Germany). Piece made up of 2 postcards, 1977; Untitled, 1976, photograph of the artist.

Mr. Sensitive. "Sausage Sutra," no date..

Shiomi, Mieko (Japan). Includes "Spatial Poem #4," brief letter, and postcard with contributors to works performed between 1965 -- 1975. ****

Sikora, Rudolf (Czechoslovakia). 2 pieces, "Sections of Civilization V" 1972 & "Time...Space X," 1974.

Silveira, Regina (Brazil). Postcard titled "Brazil Today," 1977; and "Three Proposals for a Junk Yard," 1973, 3 silkscreens in printed envelope; "Interferencia," 1976, postcard.

Sir Q. Also known as Frank Fergusson. 2 photocopy collages, 1976 -- 1977, Postcard with photo of Sir Q, 1976 and enlarged xerox of similar image & finally a Buffalo Energy Co. certificate. ****

Smith, Pauline (UK). 1943 text by Himmler.

Sock of the Month Club. 4 issues consisting of single page photocopies, founded 1971.

Souza, Al. 4 artists' postcards and a stamp sheet "Artists' Stamps," 1978.

Spill, Nicholas (New Zealand). Oversize postcard with note to Ken Friedman and musical piece on front, 1975.

Staeck, Klaus (Germany). 5 artists' postcards and exhibit announcement. ****

Staeck, Rolf (Germany). 3 artists' postcards and a work on paper. ****

Stake, Chuck (Canada). Also known as Don Mabie, announcement and documentation for "The First Annual Calgary Correspondence and Junk Mail Art Exhibition," 1975?; leaflet about formation of Parachute cultural center with Stake and W.O.R.K.S. (Clive Robertson and Paul Woodrow); "Homage to Ennui," 1973, concrete poem.

Szombathy, Balint (Yugoslavia). 2 artists' postcards, "Balint Szombathy with ...no 1," 1976, and "Postcard no. 2," 1978. ****

Todorovic, Miroljub (Yugoslavia). Artists' postcard "Signalist Project," 1972 and a work on paper, 1969?****

Tot, Endre (Hungary). Photograph of a telegram Tot sent, 1975; and a paper work titled "Some Nullified Question for Yoo," no date.

Toth, Dezider (Czechoslovakia). Photography titled "Prasidium Naturae," 1975.

Trans-Parent Teachers Ink. Announcement for performance, April 2, 1972, Berkeley's Live Oak Park. Paul Cotton one of the organizers (the organizer?) of this group.

Tress, Horst (Germany). Artists' postcard "Art Jacket," 1977.

Urban, Janos (Switzerland). Piece titled "Part," ca. 1977, and artists' postcard 1973?

Ulrichs, Tim (Germany). "Kulturzentrum," 1972?, and paper work "Typotextur/Interferenz 1," 1961.

Valock, Jiri (Czechoslovakia). 2 pieces, "Idea of a Letter," 1972 & "Something by Jiri Valoch," 1970 -- 1971.

Varney, Ed. 2 statements about Mail Art; artists' postcard, no date; sheet of stamps, 1976; "2nd International Intermedia Artists' Stamp Edition," 1978, stamp sheet.

Vautier, Ben (France). Photograph of a letter and its contents Vautier sent to M Lemaitre, 1968; a note to Ken Friedman; invitation to show titled "Ben Doute de Tout," Nice, March 1968. Card includes a statement on correspondence art.****

Vigo, Eduardo Antonio (Argentina). 13 works.****

Vigo , Graciela Marx (Argentina). Postcard, 1979.

Voicespondence. Publicity postcard for this Audiocassette magazine. This magazine is a W.O.R.K.S. publication, Canada.

Vostell, Wolf (Germany). 2 photo reproductions from Hans Sohm of Vostell postcards, 1967 and 1968.

Zabala, Horacio (Argentina). 3 designs for prisons for Latin-American artists, 1973.****

Zanini, Walter (Brazil). 1977, statement on correspondence art.

Zona (Italy). Invitation to submit details of publications, intermedia, visual art, experimental poetry and other experimental press information for show December 1975 -- January 1976.

Unidentified Material. 6 pieces to be identified

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