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Alternative Traditions in the Contemporary Arts:

Periodicals and Zines

Index Q -- Z

MsC 779

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University of Iowa Libraries
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Box Contents List

Box 84

QT. Montréal, Canada. 1 (1991)

Quarternion Journal. Vancouver, Canada. 3 (1985)

Queer. E. Lansing, MI and San Francisco, CA. 4-6, 17, 26-30, 34, 1 issue (no date)

Queer Anarchist Network. Toronto, Canada. 1 issue (Fall 1988)

Queer City. San Francisco, CA. 1:1 (no date)

Queer Feminist Insert. no place. 1 issue (no date)

Queer Magnolia. Lansing, MI. 39-40 (1991); 42-44, 47 (no date)

Queer Me. no place 45 (1991) 

Queer Nasty. Eugene, OR. 7 (1995)

Queer Zine Explosions. San Francisco, CA. 7-9 (1993); 14-15 (1996-98)

Quimby Quarterly. Boston, MA. 1:14 (1993); 2:4 (1987); 20 (1990)

Quimby's Queer Store. Chicago, IL. 2 (1995)

Quiver. Philadelphia, PA. 2:5 (1984)

Quoz? San Francisco, CA. 3:9 (1979)

Box 85

Rabbit Pellets. no place. 1 issue (April 1974)

Racial Loyalty. Otto, NC. Church of the Creator. 76 (1991) Oversize Box 15

Rake, The. Iowa City, IA. 1-4, 6 (no date)

R.A.N. ( Rotterdam Art News). Rotterdam, Netherlands. 5,7 (1972/73); 9-10 (1974)

Random Lengths. San Pedro, CA. 2:1 (1981) Oversize Box 15

Rapid Fire Magazine. Bristol, VT. 7-8 (1992)

Raunch-O-Rama. Champaign, IL. 1-5 (1985); 7, 9 (1986); 11-18 (1986-88)

Raw Vulva. San Francisco, CA. 2 (1993)

Rawdog. San Francisco, CA. 2 issues (no date); 1 91989); 5 (1993)

Re:Action. ( England ) UK. 1 (no date)

Re:Action. London, UK. 1 (winter 1994); 2 (summer 1995); 3 (winter 1995); 4 (summer 1996); 5 (winter 1996); 6 (summer 1997); 7 (autumn 1997); 8 (spring 1997); 9 (autumn 1997?)

React. Dublin, UK. 17 (1992); 22-25 (1993-94)

Read It!. Bristol, UK. 6 (no date)

Reader. San Diego, CA. 11:3 (1982) Oversize Box 15

Ready Mail. Andeville, France. 1 issue (no date); 1 issue (Dec. 1985)

Real Art Ways. Hartford, CT. 4 issues (1980-82, 1985)

Real Fun! Philadelphia, PA. 1-3 (1984)

Real Life. 21/22 (1991)

Reality Sandwich. Baltimore, MD. 1, 13-17 (1991); 20-22 (1991-92)

Red Lines. Seattle, WA. 5-6 (1986) 

Reel World. Hunstville, AL. 1 issue (Feb. 1983)

Release Print. San Francisco, CA. 13:4 (1990)

Relevant Material. London, UK. 1:7 (1979) Oversize Box 15

Religion of the Month Club, The. Santa Clara, CA. annual edition of first year (1:1-14) (1983-84); vol.?:16 (1992); vol.?:21 (1994?)

Box 86

Reparation de Poesie. Quebec, Canada. 2-3 (1991-92); 6-2 editions, slightly different (1994)

Box 87

Reparation de Poesie. Quebec, Canada. 7-9 (1995-98)

Box 88

Reparation de Poesie. Quebec, Canada. 10-12 (1999-2001)

Box 89

Reparation de Poesie. Quebec, Canada. 13 (2002); 15 (2004)

Box 90

Report on Detective in Russia [in Red]. no place. 1 issue (no date)

Re-Public. Munich, Germany. 1 issue (no date)

Resist. East Palo Alto, CA. 1 issue (Dec. 1967)

Resume 7. Stockholm, Sweden. 37? (1986) Oversize Box 15

Return Address: Moscow. New York, NY. 2 (1984?)

Re-view. New York, NY. 2/3:1 (1979)

Review for Everything. Stuttgart, Germany. 4 (1978)

Revolt in Style. La Jolla, CA. 3:2 (1985); 5:3-4 (1987) Oversize Box 15

Revolutionary Wanker. no place. 1 (1981)

Revue Corrigée. Grenoble, France. 17 (1993)

RFD. Liberty, TN. 69 (1992); 76 (1993) 

Rhubarb. Hoboken, NJ. 1:1 (1982); 1:3 (1983)

Richard Demarco Gallery Magazine, The. Edinburgh, UK. 1 issue (Oct. 1973) Oversize Box 15

Riot Gear. San Francisco, CA. 3 (1992)

Riot Grrl! New York, NY. 2 (no date); 5-7 (1993-?)

Riverside Art Scene. no place. 14 (1993)

Rock Against Sexism. Boston, MA. 2:1 (no date); 3:1 (no date)

Box 91

Rollerderby. San Francisco, CA. 1 (1990); 4 (1991); 6 (1992); 10-13 (no date); 16-18 (1994-95); 21 (no date)

Rollmag. Mill Valley, CA. 7 (1984)

Rotortiller Hausjunge. La Mesa, CA. 1 (1984)

RRRecords. Lowell, MA. (catalog) (1989)

Rub Rub. Elblag, Poland. 20 (no date); 23 (1979) 

Rubber. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1:4, 6, 10 (1978); 2:3-5 (1979); [2:6 (1979) Oversize Box 15]; 2:9-12 (1979); 3:10-12 (1980)

Rubber Fanzine, The. Bellingham, WA. 1:3 (1986); 2:4 (1987); 4:4 (1989)

Rubber Stamper, The. Englishtown, NJ. 1:1 (1991); 3:4 (1999)

Rubberstampmadness. New Canaan, CT. 1:1-3 (1980-81); 2:8 (1982); 3:15 (1984); 4:18 (1984); 5:22-23 (1985); 6:27 (1986); 14:68-69 (1993); 15: 76-77 (1994); 16:81, 83-84 (1995); 18: 91 (1997); n.d. January/February (in part: pp. 9-32) Oversize Box 15

Running Dog Press Magazine. Chicago, IL. 1 (1976)

Saboteur. Berkeley, CA. 1:1 (1984); 2:1 (1985) Oversize Box 16

Box 92

Salmon Hut. Toronto ; Canada. 2 (no date)

Salon: A journal of Aesthetics. Fort Collins, CO. 10-16 (1990-92)

Saman. Genova, Italy. 5 (1976); 8, 11 (1977); 12, 14 (1978) Oversize Box 16

San Francisco Camerawork Newsletter. San Francisco, CA. 8:1 (1980)

San Francisco Cream. San Francisco, CA. 1:2 (1967) Oversize Box 16

San Francisco Odalisque. San Francisco, CA. 1:5 (1976) Oversize Box 16

Sanstitre. Pavillons-sous-Bois, France. 4 (1989)

SAVICOM Newsletter. Washington, D.C. 5:2, 7:2 (1979); 8:2 (1980)

Saw News. Ottawa, Canada. 3:5 (1990)

SBC. Los Angeles, CA. 1:4 (1992) Oversize Box 16

Scab. Toronto, Canada. 2 (1991)

Scavenger Newsletter. Osage City, KS. 29 (1986); 40 (1987): 48 (1988); 59 (1989)

Scene 'Zine. Minneapolis, MN. 1:2 (1993)

Schism. Edmonton, Canada. 8 (1986)

Schmuck. Veracruz, Mexico and Cullompton-Devon and Cranleigh-Surrey, UK. 1 issue (1972); 5-8 (1974-76)

Box 93

Schooling and Culture. London, UK.11 (1982)

Science Fiction Eye. Washington, D.C. 2:2:7 (1990); 8-9 (1991)

Science Holiday. Northridge, CA. 3-4 (1978)

Score. Berkeley and Oakland, CA. 1 issue (no date); 3-12 (1984?-92); plus related ephemera

Score Broadsides. Oakland, CA. A, D-I, K-N, P-Z (no date)

Score Review. Oakland, CA. 1-3, 6-7, 9, 11-23, 27 (1988-90?); plus Score Music Review 1 (1989?)

Score Sheet. Oakland, CA. 1, 6-8, 11-22, 24-25, 30, 35, 38-40, 55, 1 issue (1988-90?)

Box 94

Scrap. Scottsdale, AZ and New York, NY. 1-5.73 (1986-88)

Scrap Magazine. Baltimore, MD. 3 (1994)

Scrapetool. Seattle, WA. 1 (1993)

Screw. Old Chelsea Station, NY. 1413 (1996) Oversize Box 16

Seamonkeys From Guatemala. Canton, GA. 5 (1993)

Searchlight. London, UK. 241 (1995) 

Seconds. New York, NY. 15 (1991) Oversize Box 16

Secrets of Life and Death. no place. 7 (no date)  

Selected Ooze. New York, NY. 1 (1986)

Self-Serve. Madison, WI. 1 (1993)

Selon Mouvement. Roissy en Brie, France. 17 (1987); 19 (1989)

Semaphore. Winnipeg, Canada. 5 (no date)

Semi-Automatic. Chattanooga, TN. 1 (1994)

Send Your Pledges Now to GJMX. Lyndhurst, NJ. 1 issue (1993?)

Sense-Net. no place. 1 issue (no date)

Sensoria from Censorium. Toronto, Canada. 1-2? (1989-90)

786. New York, NY. (1963)

Seven Stars. San Diego, CA. 3:31 (1977)

Sešity. Yugoslavia ? 25 (1968)

Shadow. New York, NY. 1-3 (1989); 8, 10-12 (1990) Oversize Box 16

Shaman. Columbus, GA. 47-48 (1987) 

Shattered Wig Review. Baltimore, MD. 2-3 (1988); 5-6 (1990-91); 11 (1994) Catalog 1:1 (1994)

Box 95

Shigeru Magazine. Kyoto, Japan. 1 issue (June 1986) 

Shock Box. Nashua, NH. 1:3-4 (plus 1 st anniversary supplement to 4) (1992)

Shocking Pink. London, UK. 1-2 (1981); 4, 7, 11, 13, 12503, 1 issue (no date)

Shoe Polish Week. Brooklyn, NY. 1 issue (1986)

Short Fuse. Santa Barbara, CA. 70 (1997) Oversize Box 16

Short-Timer's Journal, The. Berkeley, CA. 3 (1983)

Shots. Danville, Ky. 14 (1989) Oversize Box 16

Shred Factor (y). OH. 2 issues (no date)  

sh'WIPE'! Toronto, Canada. 9 issues (Nov. 1987-April 1988)

Sick Teen. Green Bay, WI. 1 issue (no date)

Sicko. Houston, TX. 1 (1987); 3 (1988)

Sign of the Times. Seattle, WA. 4:4 (1990)

Signal. Beograd, Yugoslavia. 8/9 (1973)

Signpost. (collation project) Perugia, Italy. 2 (1982) Oversize Box 16

Siksi: the Nordic Art Review. Helsinki, Finland. 1-2 (1986-88)

Simon's Fanzine of Weird and Unusual Typography. London, UK. 1 (no date)

Sinking Bear, The. New York, NY. 4-5 (1963-64); 8 (1964)

Sister Nobody. San Francisco, CA.  2 (no date)

Sitting, Getting Up, Sitting Again. Iowa City, IA. (Spring 2005).

6x6 (Six by Six). Brooklyn, NY. Vol. 8-9 (2004), 10 (2005).

Skeleton Quarterly. Santa Cruz, CA. 4 (1984); 6, 8-11 (1987-90)

Box 96

Skyviews. Seattle, WA. 1 issue (no date); 1 issue (1988); 3:1-3 (1988)

Slab-o-Concrete. Dallas, TX. catalog (no date)

Slap. San Francisco, CA. 3:1 (1994)

Sleeping Dogs. San Francisco, CA. 1-3 (no date)

SLF (Semiotic Liberation Front). Cleveland, OH. 1-2 (1989-90)

Slide Review, The. Washington, D.C. 6 issues (June 1982-August 1983)

Slingshot. Berkeley, CA. 1:12 (1988); 1:26, 28-29 (1989); [1:31-34 (1989-90); 48-51 (1993-94); 55 (1996) Oversize Box 16]

Slowfish. Davenport, IA. 1:10-15 (1992) Oversize Box 17

Slug and Lettuce. New York, NY. 1 issue (1992); 23-25 (1992) Oversize Box 17

Sluzk & Fuzk. Sarpsborg, Norway. 1 (1991)

Small Magazine Review. Paradise, CA. 1:2 (1993)

Small Press Distribution. Berkeley, CA. catalog (1996)

Small Press Review. Barton, VT. 6:1 (1974); 7:10-11 (1975)

SMEGMA. New York, NY. A Supple Mint (1978); 1-4 (1978-80) 2?:2 (1986)

Smile. 4 (1986); 6 (1987); 7 (1988); 8 ( no date); 9 (Jan 1990); 11 (April 1991)

Smile For Me. New York, NY. 1 (1993)

Smoke Signals. Brooklyn, NY. 1 issue (Aug. 1984) Oversize Box 17

Smörgås Brain. Cleveland, OH. 1 issue (1967)

Smurfs In Hell. Boise, ID. 4 (1988)

Smut Monkey. Iowa City, IA. 2 (1984); 6 (no date)

S.N.A.F.F. Manchester, UK. 11 (1992); 12 (no date) 

Snake Pit Magazine. Eugene, OR. 6 (no date)

Sniper Magazine. New York, NY. 1 (1980)

Social Program/Social Programming. Berkeley, CA. 1 issue (no date)

Box 97

Soft Art Press. Lausanne, Switzerland. 6 (1976); 9-10 (1977); 12-15 (1978); 17-18 (1979)

Soho News. New York, NY. (December 17-23, 1980); (December 10-16, 1980); (December 3-9, 1980); 3:33 (May 20-26, 1976); 3:25 (March 25-31, 1976); 3:35 (June 3-9, 1976); 3:37 (June 17-23, 1976); 3:23 (March 11-17, 1976)  Oversize Box 17

Soil of Liberty. Minneapolis, MN. 8:2 (1982)

Solidarity: A Journal of Libertarian Socialism. London, UK. 10 (1985/86)

Something Else Newsletter, The. New York, NY. 1:1-4 (1966) ;1:5-6 (1967); 1:8 (1968); 1:10-11 (1969); 1-12 (1970); 2:1-2 (1971)

Sortez La Chienne. Lille, France. 1 (1987) Oversize Box 17

Sound Choice. Ojai, CA. 1-17 (1984-92)

Soup. 2 (1980)

South China Morning Post. (also titled Canada Megazine and Daily Mail ?) no place. 1 issue (April 8, 1984) Oversize Box 17; 1 issue (April 1984) Oversize Folio

Box 98

Spank. Des Moines, IA. 2:18 (1996)

Spanner. London, UK. 3 (1975)

Spanner People. London, UK. 4 (1993)

Spastic Culture. Berkeley, CA. 1:2 (no date)

Spats. Wayne, NJ. 26 (no date)

Spec Magazine. San Francisco, CA. promo for first issue (1995)

Spectacle. Los Angeles, CA. 2 (1984); 4 (1985) Oversize Box 17

Spectaclist, The. San Leandro, CA. 1:1 (1994); 2:1-3 (1995)

Spectra. Stony Brook, NY. 10:1 (1983)

Speed Kills. Chicago, IL. 3:5 (1993)

Sperimentazione Video: Percorsi Critici. Catania, Italy. 1 (1989)

Sphinx, Le. Beaugency, France. 6 (1979?)

Sphinx: Women's International Literary Review. Paris, France. 2 (1985)

Spieglelman's Mailart Rag. Los Angeles, CA. 1:3-4 (1985-1986)

Spill. Toronto, Canada. 11 (1978) Oversize Box 17

Spinne. Germany. 34 (1993)

Box 99

SplitCity. Cleveland, OH. 1 issue (summer 1992) Oversize Box 17

Spoilt Children. GIFU Cental, Japan. 1 issue (1989) Oversize Folio

Spontaneous Combustion. Iowa City, IA ? 1 issue (1988)

Spook. Iowa City, IA. 1 issue (no date)

Spot. Houston, TX. 4:4 (1986); 5:2 (1987) Oversize Box 17

Spotlight. Washington, DC. 17:38, 43 (1991) Oversize Box 17

Spun Magazine. Worcester, MA. 66-70 (1991); 73-74 (1991-93); 76-78 (1992)

Square Peg. London, UK. 10 (1985) Oversize Box 17

Sraf Bulletin. San Francisco, CA. 95 (1986); 104-105 (1988)

St. Petersburg Dice Ballet. New York, NY. 1 issue (April 1991)

Stab Your Back Magazine. Chicago, IL. 1:1-2 (1977)

Stake. Baltimore, MD. 1:1 (no date)

Stamp Art. San Francisco, CA. 1 issue (no date); 5 (a non-review) (1985); 6 (postcard)

Stamp Axe. Montreal, Canada. 3:1, 4:1 (1987); 5:1, 1 issue (no date)

Stampede of Worms. Iowa City, IA. 1 issue 9 (no date)

Stampzine. San Francisco, CA. 4 (1998)

Box 100

Star. Anaheim, CA. 2 (1991)

Star-Web Paper. Berkeley, CA. 9 (1987)

Stare. Chicago, IL. 4 (1979); 10 (1991)

Stark Fist of Removal, The. Dallas, TX. 1 issue (1981); 17:37 (1981?); [17:38 (1981?) Oversize Box 17]; 17: 41/42-43 (1989-91)

State Adversary, The. Auckland, New Zealand. 1 issue (Sept. 1987)

State of the Arts. Sacramento, CA. 2:1 (1978) Oversize Folio

Stereo Headphones. Suffolk, UK. 5 (1972)

Stichting V2 Archief. Netherlands. 1 issue (no date) Oversize Folio

Still. Sebastopol, CA. 4 (1976) Oversize Box 17

Stories From the Window. Santa Cruz, CA. 2 (1989?)

Storm Warning ! San Francisco, CA. 8 (1988); 14 (1990); 17-18 (1991); 20 (1991)

Storms of Youth (S.O.Y.). San Francisco, CA. 3-4 (1982) Oversize Box 17

Story Head. Chicago, IL. 2-3 (1993-94)

Straight to the Morgue. Iowa City, IA. 1 (1992)

Strange Daze. Mont se Marsan, France. 3 (1986)

Stranger, The. Seattle, WA. 1:1-2 (1991)

Stranger, The. Naples, Italy. [6:11-13 (1991); 7:13 (1992) Oversize Folio]; [7:14 (1992); 8:15-16 (1993) Oversize Box 17]

Street Sheet. San Francisco, CA. Coalition on Homelessness, San Francisco. 1 issue (July 1991) Oversize Box 17

Stride. Exeter, Devon. 29 (1987); catalog (1987/88)

Stroker. Shavertown, PA. No. 49 (1991).

Strong Meat. Iowa City, IA. 1 (1992)

Stump. Minneapolis, MN. 1 (1993)

Studio Inquadrature 33. Firenze, Italy. 3 (1973); 11, 13, 18 (1974)

Studio News. Warsaw, Poland. 2 issues (Feb. and March 1981)

Sty Zine. See Nose Dive.

Subbild. Heidelburg, Germany. 5 (1992)

Subconscious Soup. Kissimmee, FL. 1 issue (1992?)

Subspace. Iowa city, IA. (catalog of virtual show) (1993)

Subtle Journal of Raw Coinage, The. Schenectady, NY. 4 (no date); 8, 12-13, 16 (1988); 24 (1989); 31 (no date); 33 (1990); 42-46 (1991); 51-67 (1991-93)

Box 101

Summer of Love 20th Anniversary. San Francisco, CA. 1 (1987) Oversize Box 17

Sun. Detroit, MI. 4 (196?)

SunDance. San Francisco, CA. 1:2 (August/September 1972); 1:3 (November/December 1972) Oversize Box 17

Sun and Moon: A Journal of Literature and Art. College Park, MD. 6/7 (1978-79)

SunStorm. Middle Island, NY. 1 issue (Oct. 1982) Oversize Box 17

Super Kick-Ass Magazine. Iowa City, IA. 1:1 (1988) Oversize Box 17

Survey. Hollywood, CA. 7 (1971)

Swampbook. Madison, WI. 3 (1988)

Sweet Ride, The. Cleveland, OH and Memphis, TN. 1-10 (1986-88); 13-14 (1989-90)

Swerve. Minneapolis, MN. 2 (1992)

Swill Handout. San Francisco, CA. 8 (1984)

Swimming Pool Full of Dead People. Paducah, KY. 3 (1985)

Swing: Writings and Drawings by Children. New York, NY. 2-4 (1961)

Symbol. Dusseldorf, Germany. 28 (September 1977)

Sympathetic Ink: Literature and Culture Magazine. Iowa City, IA. 1 issue (no date).

Synergy. Ann Arbor, MI. 3-4 (1993-95)

Syzygy. Chicago, IL. 1 (1990)

Tab to block bicuspid. Vancouver, Canada. 1:3 (1990); 2:2 (1991); 3:1-2 (1992)

Taboo Science Fiction. Portland, OR. 2 (1996)

Tacit. New York, NY. 1:0-4 (1980); 2:1-6 (1981); 3:1-4 (1982)

Tales from the Rat House. San Francisco, CA. 1 (no date)

Tam Tam. Parma, Italy. 1 (1972)

Tamotsu Watanabe. Tokyo, Japan. 1 (1988)

Tapeater, The. Paris, France. 6/7/8 (1993)  

Box 102

Tapko. Søborg, Denmark. 1 (1993) Oversize Box 18

Taproot Magazine. Cleveland Heights and Lakewood, OH. 3 (1986); 9/10 (1988); 17/18 (1990); 26 (1991)

Taproot Reviews. Lakewood, OH. 1-9/10 (1992-96) Oversize Box 18

Tattoo Journal, The. Houston, TX. 3 (1986) Oversize Box 18

T.B.S. Publications. Portland, OR. catalog (fall 1997)

Tea Time. (collaborative) 1 (1986)

Technology Works. Valencia, CA. 7, 9 (1991); 11 (1992); 13 (1993)

Teen Fag. Seattle, WA. 1 (1993) 

Teen Mom. Los Angeles, CA. 2:1 (1993)

Tellus. New York, NY. catalog (1990)

Tel Quel. Montreal, Canada. 1:2 (1988)

Tenestendoned: We Absorb. Preston, Park, PA. 14, 17-18 (1994); 21, 24-25 (1995)

Box 103

Tenestendoned: We Absorb. Preston, Park, PA. 26-28 (1995); 29-31 (1996); 33-35 (1997); 36-37 (1998)

Box 104

Tenura. San Angel, Mexico. 9:445 (1983)

Texto Poetico. no place. 3 (no date)

That Long Newspaper Spoon. DeKalb, IL. 6-11 (1991-93)

Theo. New York, NY. 1:1(1964?)

Theory and Criticism. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1-2 (1979)

Theory Flesh. San Francisco, CA ? 1 issue (1986) Oversize Box 18

Theory Slut. San Francisco, CA. 1 (no date)

Thermos. Norfolk, VA. 1:3 (1982)

These Exit Times. Portland, OR. 1 (1991) 

Thing. Chicago, IL. 1-2 (1989-90); sex issue 2 (1991); Chicago Guide (1991); 4-10 (1991-93)

Box 105

Think For Yourself. Stirling, Scotland. 13 (1990)

Third Circular Letter Trieste. Las Vegas, NV. (Jan. 1990)

Thistle. Chicago, IL. 1 (no date)

Thought Crime. Tempe, AZ. 4 (1995) [catalog (no date) Oversize Box 18]

3+3+3 (Three plus Three plus Three). East Windsor, NJ. (2000).

Thrillhammer. Witchita, KS. 1:1, 3-4 (1988); 7 (no date)

Throat Culture. Union, NJ. 3 (includes audio recording) (1992)

Timbré, Le. Levallois-Perret, France. 2 (1983); 6-7 (1984); 1 issue (1985); last issue (1985)

Time Worm. Dayton, OH. 7-8 (1986)

TLALOC 7. Leeds, England (1965)

Toad And Rice Weekly. Chapel Hill, NC. 1 issue (Jan. 1991); 1:8, 5, 16, 11, 11, 13 (1991-92); 2:10 (1992); 2:36 (1993) note: numbers published out of order. 

Tofu Hut. Iowa City, IA. 4 (1992)

Tongue. US and UK. 11, 20-22, 25 (1980)

Too Many Zombies. San Francisco, CA. 2, 4-6, 9, 33, 35, 41, 107, 2 issues- 1 issues (no date)

Too Much, Too Late. Iowa City, IA. 1 (no date)

Topozine. Brooklyn, NY. 1 (1994)

Total Gore. Albaquerque, NM. 2 (1986) 

Tout. Nice, France. 1 (1968)

Toxic Grafity. London, UK. 2 (audio recording included) (no date)

Tracce. Pescara, Italy. 1:1, supplement to 1:6 (1982); 2:1 (1983);

Transient. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 6 (1977)

Transmit. Basking Ridge, NJ. 1 (1991)

Transmog. Charleston, WV. 1-2 (1991); 5-7 (1992)

Travelers Digest. New York, NY. 1:3 (1978) Oversize Box 18

Treason/Out Magazine. San Francisco, CA. 1 issue (1985)

Box 106

Trigger Cut. Olmsted, OH. 2 (1993)

Trip. San Francisco, CA. 1 (1988)

Trouser Press. New York, NY. 15 (1976)

Trepidacion. Barcelona, Spain. 1 issue (1985); 7 (1985)

Tsujigiri. Springfield, VA. 1 (no date)

Turbo Queer. West Hollywood, CA. 3 (1992)

Tumult. Krakow, Poland. 8 (no date)

Tuyau. Iowa City, IA. 49 (1987)

Twenty-three Hexx… no place. 1 issue (no date)

Twisted Image. Berkeley, CA. [8 (1986) Oversize Box 18]; 27 (1991)

Twisted Imbalance. Raleigh, NC. [1 issure (1985?) Oversize Box 18]; 1 issue (1987)

2000. Hungary. Unknown edition (1989)

TXT. Paris, France. 12 (no date)

UCI Journal. Irvine, CA. 3:1 (1983) Oversize Box 18

U-Direct. Chicago, IL. 4 (1995)

UFO Celebration. Surrey, Canada. 1 (1992)

UK Resist. Surbiton, UK. 3 (1990); 5 (1991)

Ulster County Artist. Kingston, NY. 1 issue (Oct./Nov. 1977)

Umezowea. Los Angeles, CA. 1 issue (no date)

UMVA Newsletter. Portland, ME. 2 issues (no date)

Ungawa! London, UK. 3 (no date)

Box 107

Undercut. London, UK. 13 (1984/85)

Under-know-ledge. Syracuse, NY. 1 issue (no date) Oversize Box 18

Underground. Arlington, VA. 1:9 (1967) Oversize Box 18

Underground. London, UK. 2-3 (no date) Oversize Folio

Underground Beat. Washington, DC. 2 (1991)

Underground Digest. New York, NY. 1:1 (1967)

Underground Forest / La Selva Subterranea. Portland ME and Buenos Aires, Argentina. 4:4/5:1 (1988?); 5, 9-11 (no date) Oversize Box 18

Unimpressed. Sheffield, UK. 1 issue (1992)

University Times. Dayton, OH. 7:8 (1978) Oversize Box 18

Unsound. San Francisco, CA. 1:1, 5 (1983-84); 2:1-3/4 (1985); 3:1 (1986)

Untitled. 30 (2003)

Unwound. Laramie, WY. Vol. 3, No. 9 (Fall 2000).

Uso Externo. no place. 3 issues (no date) Oversize Box 18

Usual Suspects, The. (catalog) Santa Fe, NM. 7-8 (no date)

U-Turn. Los Angeles, CA. 1-3 (1982-83); [Supplement 1 (1984) Oversize Box 18]; [Poster from issue 2 Oversize Folio]

Vague. Greenfield, MA. 2-3 (1982-83); 5 (no date)

Vague/Rant. Whittier, CA and Greenfield, MA. 6 (no date)

Vampire Alert. San Francisco, CA. 2 (no date)

Var Tufa. Cotati and Claremont, CA. 1 issue (no date); 1 issue (1989); 1 issue (1992) Oversize Box 19

VDRSVP. no place. 1 issue (1969) Oversize Folio

Velocity. See Estudio.

Version. Dayton, OH. 3 (1985)

Version 90. Allston, MA. 3 (1990)

Box 108

Versus. San Francisco, CA. 1:1 (1988) Oversize Box 19

Verbal Abuse. New York, NY. 2-4 (1993-95) 

Verboslammed. Boulder, CO and Portland, OR. 1-2 (1992); 6-7 (1993/94-95)

Vice Versa. Chicago, IL. 3:2/3 (1988)

VID Magazine. Berkeley, CA. 2:2 (1987) Oversize Box 19

Video Guide. Vancouver, Canada. 3:2 (1980); 3:4 (1981) Oversize Box 19

Video Networks. San Francisco, CA. 1 issue (Feb. 1982)

Video Newsletter. New York, NY. 1 issue (no date)

View From Dayton, A. Dayton, OH. 1:5 (1992)

Views. Sunderland, UK. 1 issue (1980) 

Vile Propaganda. Poughkeepsie, NY. 1 issue (no date)

Village Idiot. Harrison, ID. 16-17 (1992)

Violent Milk. San Francisco, CA. 1-3 (1982-83)

Virgin Fumes. Greenfield, MA. 1 (1982)

Virus. Montreal, Canada. 1/2 (1977)

Vision. 2 (1976)

Visual Noise. Norman, OK. 1 issue (1993)

Box 109

Vital. Nijinegen and Amsterdam, Netherlands. 13-21 (1990?-1991); 24-32 (1992-93)

Vital US. St. Lowell, MA and Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2-3 (1991?-93)

Viva Boheme. Iowa City, IA. 4 issues (no date)

Vivesect. Victoria, UK ? 1:3 (1992)

Vivlalib. Paris, France. 0 (1970?) Oversize Box 19

Voice. New York, NY. Arts (January 14-20, 1981) Oversize Box 19

Vorsicht Schreie (Zeitschrift fur Undergroundliteratur). no place. No. 5 (no date).

VTRE. (periodical devoted to Fluxus) CC (1964); 5 (1965); 7 (1966); 2 issues (no date) Oversize Folio

Výtvarný Bulletin. Poland ? 1 issue (1971)

Wacky Tales. Ossining, NY. 1:1 (no date) 

Warning. Anchorage, AL. 11-12 (1984)

Washington Review. Washington D.C. 7:1, 3-4 (1981-82) Oversize Box 19

Wasteside Development. Seattle, WA. 1 issue (1987); 1 issue (1988)

Watch Magazine. San Francisco, CA. 4:2-3 (1985-86) 

We Are the Weird. Dallas, TX. 8:14, 19, 26, 32 (1992)

We Never Sleep. Denver, CO. 11 (1993)

We Will Storm the Palace- Meet You at the Gates. London, UK. 1 issue (no date)

Weast. Berlin, Germany. 1-2 (1989-90)

Week in Germany, The. New York, NY. 16 Issues (1986-1987)

Weekly Breeder. San Francisco, CA. 2 (1980) Oversize Box 19

Weird Correspondence Magazine. Portland, OR. 1 (no date)

Werkstatt.  Wien, Austria. 1 (no date)

West Art. Auburn, CA. 16:2 (1977) Oversize Box 19

West Bay Dadaist, The. San Francisco, CA. 1:1-4 (1973-74); 2:5-6 (1974)

Box 110

West Coast Poetry Review. Reno, Nevada. 5:2 (1972); 3:4 (1974)

Western Front, The. Vancouver, Canada. 1 issue (1975) Oversize Box 19

Wet. Santa Monica and Venice, CA. 3:5 (1979); [1 issue (Jan./Feb. 1980) Oversize Box 19]; 27-29 (1980-81)

Wha-a-am! Magazine. Lafayette, CA. 1:4 (no date); 2:1 (no date); 10 (1988)

What. Toronto, Canada. 7 (1986); 9 (1987); 11/12 (1987) Oversize Box 19

White Wall of Sound. Portland, IR. 21 (1999)

White Walls. Chicago, IL. 1:1 (1978); 16 (1987); 22 (1989)

Whole Earth. Sausalito, CA. 57 (1987); 62 (1989)

Wiens, Linda. "Still Life in the Inner Circle." Annihland, P.O. Box 40256, San Francisco, CA 94140. Oversize folio.

Wild Rag! Montebello, CA. 28 ½, 31, 34-35 (no date)

Box 111

Wind Chill Factor. Chicago, IL. 5-7 (1992)

Wiring Dept. San Francisco, CA. 2 issues (no date) Oversize Box 19

Witte Krant. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 9 (no date) Oversize Box 19

Womanart. Brooklyn, NY. 2:3 (1978)

Word. New York, NY. 1-2 (1992?) 

Word Wrights! Washington, D.C. No. 28 (Fall/Winter 2002).

Wordworks. San Jose. CA. 1:2 (1977); 2:2-3 (1979); 3:1 (1980) Oversize Box 19

Word of Mouth. Brooklyn, NY. 2 issues (1990)

Workers Playtime. London, UK. 1 issue (June 1984)  

World Imitation. Northridge, CA. 1 issue (1978)

World War 3 Illustrated. New York, NY. 8-9 (1987); 13-15 (1990-91); 17 (1992); 21 (1994)

Worm. Brooklyn, NY. 18-23 (1991); 25-30 (1991-92); 32 (1992)

Wow. no place. 5 (1975) Oversize Box 19

Wretch Takes on Wrestling, The. Concord, CA. 5 (1980)

Box 112

Writers on Writing. Catonsville, MD 1:7 (1984)

Writing on the Wall, The. Orono, ME. 1:1 (1992)

Xero Post. Philadelphia, PA. 3 (1981); 1 issue (no date)

X-idle Post Modern. Inverness, CA.  2-3 (1986-87)

Xposeur. New York, NY. 2:2 (1989)

XTreem. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 13-14 (1991); 19 (1992)

Xuxemie. Wroclaw, Poland. 2 (1992) Oversize Box 19

XYY. Yonkers, NY. 1-2 (1990-91); 4 (1993)

Ye. Sistig/Eifel, Germany. 3 (1995); 6 (1998)

Yeah. New York, NY. 10 (1965)

Yearbook. Columbia Station, OH. 2 (1990)

Box 113

Yello Submarine. Elmira, NY. 4, X-II (1993)

Yesterday Ain't Phorever. Des Moines, IA. 6-7 (no date) Oversize Box 19

You Are What You Art. Mt. Angel, OR. 1-2 (1972-73)

Your Head on a Platter. San Francisco, CA. 1 (1994)

Your Flesh. Minneapolis, MN. 24-25 (1992); 33-34 (1996)

Yous Magazine. Baltimore, MD. 32 (1994?)

Zamizdat Trade Journal. (catalog)  Boulder, CO. 9-10 (1992-93); [11/12 (1995) Oversize Box 19]

Zeitung. Berlin, Germany. 10 (July 1982) Oversize Box 19

‘Zine. Baton Rouge, LA. 2 (1993)

Zineater, The. (catalog) Paris, France. 2 (1993)

Zine Guide. (catalog) Evanston, IL.1 (1998); 6 (2002)

Zines! (catalog) Richmond, VA. 2:1 (1992); 3:1 (1993)

Zingmagazine. 17 (2002); 18 (2003)

Zinvande Onzen. Dilbeek, Belgium 3 (no date)

Zitty. Berlin, Germany. 8:18 (1984)

Zwirn. Portland, OR. 4 (1999)

ZYX. Bayside, NY. (July 2005).