MsC 791

Collection Dates: 1925 - 2002
(Bulk Dates: 1960s-1980s)

Collection Guide

This document describes a collection held by the

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
e-mail: lib-spec@uiowa.edu

Guide Contents

Administrative Information

Biographical and Historical Information

Scope and Contents of the Collection

Related Materials

Acquisition and Processing Information

Box Contents List

Administrative Information

Access and Restrictions:

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Biographical Note

Martin M. (Mike) Horvat is a printer, collector and science fiction fan from Stayton, Oregon. For many years, his collecting focused on general circulation science fiction magazines and fanzines. Horvat founded the American Private Press Association and, during the 1980s, was an editor of South of the Moon, a catalog of publications of amateur press associations.

Scope and Contents

This collection contains many thousands of individual fanzines and pieces of fanzines, amassed by Horvat over the decades. The fanzines in the collection deal mostly with science fiction and related subjects, although there are zines on other genre topics, such as mysteries.

The collection chronicles the evolution, growth and development of science fiction fandom from its early organization in the 1920s through the various iterations of fandom that occurred over the subsequent decades. Together the materials in the Horvat collection document the history of SF fandom over the course of its first century of life.

In physical terms, the number of individual items represented here is on the order of 15,000-20000 pieces. 

Bibliographies, lists, booksellers catalogs, and similar materials have been separated and are on described on the linked page.

Related Materials

HERELD, S. The S. Hereld Collection of Blake's 7 Fanzines and Fan Fiction, 1979-2001. 5.2 ft.

A collection of fan publications, including examples of fan fiction, by various authors relating to the British science fiction television series Blake's 7. Also included are some publications for several other genre shows. MsC877. (Finding Aid)

HILL, SUSAN. The Susan Hill Fanzine Collection, 1986-2009. 4.0 ft.
Science fiction fan and fanzine collector. Collection of fanzines - mostly works of fan fiction, with particular emphasis on multimedia anthologies and on the British science fiction TV show Blake's 7. MsC401. (Finding Aid)

HOOVER, DEBBIE. Debbie Hoover Fanzine Collection. 42.8 ft.
Oregon-based fan and collector of fanzines. Collection of fanzines - mostly fan fiction -, mainly from Star Trek but also for other SF and genre media properties. MsC430. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Genre Apazines, 1943, 1945, 1958-2002.
A collection of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and other genre "apazines" (informal publications similar to newsletters or fanzines, and published by fan groups called Amateur Press Associations, or "apas"). MsC825. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat National Fantasy Fan Federation Collection, 1942-2008. 1.5 ft.
Collection of materials from the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), a major and venerable SF fannish organization. Materials include administrative documents, publications, and records from N3F subsidiary bodies. MsC886. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Convention Materials, 1943-2000.

Materials produced for or relating to numerous science fiction conventions, including progress reports, advertisements, newsletters, and assorted ephemera. MsC884. (Finding Aid)\

HOTALING-LYONS, CELESTE. The Celeste Hotaling-Lyons Fanzine Collection, 1976-2005.
Fan writer and editor. A collection of science fiction fanzines, primarily consisting of pieces of fan fiction, and a few related items, including some science fiction convention materials. MsC400. (Finding Aid)

KNAPP, BRIAN. The Brian Knapp Fanzine Collection, 1972-2003. 1 ft.
Collection of fanzines and science fiction convention materials from Connecticut-based fan Knapp, mostly dealing with Star Trek but including other media properties as well. MsC294. (Finding Aid)

ORGANIZATION FOR TRANSFORMATIVE WORKS. Organization for Transformative Works Fanzine and Fan Fiction Collection, 1979-2007. 4.4 ft.
Collection of science fiction and other genre fanzines, pieces of fan fiction, and related fannish artifacts donated by various fans through the cooperation of the Organization for Transformative Works, established to preserve the history of fanworks and fan culture. MsC 320. (Finding Aid)

WATHNE, MARIELLEN (MING). Mariellen (Ming) Wathne Fanzine Archives Collection, 1966-2005. 93.6 ft.
Large assemblage of fanzines and works of fan fiction relating to multiple media fandoms, including Star Trek, Star Wars, and other movies and television shows. MsC 313. (Finding Aid)

Acquisition and Processing Information

The Horvat collection was acquired by the University of Iowa Libraries in December 2004.

Guide posted to Internet: February 2005

Box Contents List 

Information  is generally entered: Title (Place of Publication) editor(s). Issue number (date of publication).

ALS = autograph letter signed; TLS = typed letter signed.

Box 1

4D (Linden, NJ) Alfred Attanesio & Victor Boruta. "First and last issue."

5-Way Corflu. Progress reports from Corflu 5 (convention).1 (Aug. 1987); 2 (Jan. 1988); 3 (April 1988).

A & A’s Info (Cavignac, France) Francis Valery.1 (July 1979).

A for E* [*= Effort] (Cherry Point, NC) D. Francis Connolly. 1 (January 1973); 2 (February 1973).

A Letter/Letter A (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) Susan Glickson. 1 (September 1973).

A.D. (Adelaide University, Australia) John Hewitt. 1 (October 1971).

AAGH (New York, NY) Felix Willsey. 3 (nd).

Abattoir (Bloomington, IN) Indiana University Science Fiction Club. 1 (nd); 2 (nd).

Abbatoir (Hayward, CA) Bryan Barrett & Lucy Huntzinger. 1:2 (March 1987).

ABBA-ZABA (CA) Simon Agree. 1 (nd, Newhall, CA); 3 (nd, Reseda, CA); 4 (nd, Reseda, CA); 5a (nd, Reseda, CA); 5z (8/75?, np); 666 (March 1976, Petaluma, CA); 777 (1976, Petaluma, CA, ALS laid in); 8 (October 1976, Cotati, CA).

Abbey Habit 1 (Salisbury, England) Jim Goddard, Mike Moir, Ben Staveley-Taylor, & Aidan Collard. 1? (1986?, ALS "Jim" inlaid).

Aberration (Ocean Park, WA) Greg N. Burton. 1 (June 1972); 2 (nd).

Abode of Strife (np) Bill Hupe. 15 (December 1988). Adult stories based on Strar Trek characters. Gift of Lorna Minor.

Abortions (Buffalo, NY) Ken Krueger & Eugene Smith. 3 (September 1951).

Abraxas (Baltimore, MD) Rickey L. Shanklin. 1 (1972).

Abraxas (Minneapolis, MN) Chris Sherman. 6 (also = Omphalos 1, nd); 8 (nd); 8 [sic] (nd); 9 (March 1976); 10 (April 1976); 11 (April 1976); 16 (December 1976).

Ab-Satthaqua (San Francisco, CA) Sutton Breiding. 1 (August 1974).

Ackerman, Forrest J: Staplecon (16 May 1943); Prospectus for the Alden Press, 1945; "Amazing Forries" (Hollywood, CA, November 1976).

Acolyte, The (Clarkston, WA) Francs T. Laney. I:4 (Summer 1943); II:1 (Fall 1943); II:2 (Spring 1944; Los Angeles, CA); II:3 (Summer 1944; Los Angeles); II:4 (Fall 1944; Los Angeles); "Howard Phillips Lovecraft, 1890-1937, A Tentative Bibliography" (Winter 1943).

Actifan (Lafayette, IN) John Thiel. 2 ([1977?]); 3 (nd; incomplete?).

Acusfoos (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada) Richard Labonte & Earl Schultz. 1 (1968); 2 (January 1969).

Ad Astra (Chicago, IL) Mark Reinsberg. 1:2 (July 1939).

Ad Astra (Visalin, CA) Paul C. Crawford. 3 (August 1967).

Ad Infinitum (New York, NY) Al Weinstein. [1:1?] (July 1944); I:3 (January 1945); I:4 (April 1945); II:1 [5] (July 1945).

Ad Infinitum (Barcelona, Spain). 12 (Decembre 1969, English Edition).

Ad Infinitum (University of Washington Science Fiction and Fantasy Club, Seattle, WA). John Locke. (1980).

Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum (Chicago, IL). Bibliography #2 for Secondary Education... (nd).

Admittedly. 315, 340

Adrenalin (Butte, MT) John Carl. 1 (nd); 4 (nd).

Adult Crudzine Illustrated (Oakland, MD) Philip Pritts & Richard Adams. 1 (September 1969).

Advent: Publishers (Chicago, IL). Flyer advertising new publications, including Tuck Encyclopedia (1975?).

Adventures of an Unemployed Entomologist (Worcester, MA). 6 (April 1996); 10 (December 1999, "final issue"); 9 (July 1998)

Adventures of Hemlock Soames (and Flotsam) (Halesowen, England) Ken Cheslin. 1 (1999?); 2 (nd).

Advocates of the Infinite (np). (nd).

Aelfland Chronicles (Hackensack, NJ) James D. Denney. 1 (Spring 1975).

Aeon (San Juan, Puerto Rico) Cesar Ignacio Ramos. 1 (September 1984).

Aeroplane Spotter (London, England). VI:138 (June 1945).

AFAE BSAAMETO (Redondo Beach, CA) David Lewison.  2 (March 1978) to 6 (1979).

AFAN (Harrisonburg, VA) Dave Hulvey. 1 (July 1971, ANS on verso of a cover sheet, incomplete TL laid in) to 4 (nd).

aFricAN (Johannesburg, South Africa) Nick Shears. 1 (May 1972).

AFTA (New Brunswick, NJ) Bill Dale Marcinko. 1 (February 1978); 1 part 1 (1978); 1 part 2 (1978); IN-BETWEENA #2 (October 1978); IN-BETWEENA #4 (December 1979); 3 (1979).

"After the Android Wars." House of Moonlight Poetry Leaflet 12 (Warrington, England) John Francis Haines. (July 1992). With TLS laid in.

After the Flood (Bristol, England) David Griffin. 11 (1975); 110 (1976).

After Gardening. 41.

Afterwords, the Art & Story Newsletter (Tollhouse, CA). 4 (September 1976); 6 (January-February 1977); 9 (September-December 1977).

Again, Derelict Defenestration. March 1976

Again, the Last Dangerous Dork-Pizzle. February 1977.


Against the Wall (Westfield, NJ) Libertarian Party. 2:10 ([1974]).

Agape (Dayton, OH) Sam & Brenda Combs. 1:2 (December 1972). Publication of the Lamb's Flock.

Agar, The Films of John (Memphis, TN) J. David Killough & Dennis McHaney. (October 1971).

Agenbite of Inwit (New York, NY) Robert W. Lowndes. 2 (Summer 1943); 3 (Fall 1943); (Winter 1944); 7 (Winter 1944);

Aggravation, the Official Newszine of Domecom 1 (Seattle, WA) Steven Bryan Beiler. 2 issues (1981).

AI (Pomona, CA) Jim Keith & Jim Schumacher. 1 ([1965]); 2 (February 1966).

Ain’t No Use (St. Paul, MN) Ken Fletcher. 5 (January 1970).

Airfoiled Yarmulka, The (New Rochelle, NY) Arthur D. Hlavaty. 1 (nd); Airfoilded Biretta 2 (nd); Airfoil Warden 3 (nd); Airfoil 4 (after 1982); Airfoil 6 (nd); Airfoil 7 (nd); 8 (nd).

Airman, official magazine of the U.S. Air Force (Bolling AFB). 19:7 (July 1975).

Airwaves (Homeland, CA) Alan White. 1 (January 1981); 2 (July 1981); 3 (January 1983).

AITOI ["As I Think Of It"] (St. Louis, MO) Donn Brazier. 38 (May 1975); 49 (April 1976); 55 (October 1976); 56 (November 1976); 64 (July 1977).

AKOS, Fantasy and Science Fiction Society of Columbia University (New York, NY) Eli Cohen & Janet Megson. 1 (May 1969); 3 (April 1970).

Aladab Kalle Anka, The (Stockholm, Sweden) Anders Bellis. ? (nd); 3? (nd; after 1978).

Albaddon' Bolero. No. 5 (August 1977)

Albuquerque (NM) Science Fantasy Society Bulletin #1 (16 March 1966).

Aldebaran (Newton South High School Science Fiction Club, Newton Centre, MA) Karen Blank. 3 (May 1972).

Aleph (Saint-Fons, France) Jacques Soulier. 1 (Septembre 1972).

Aleph Null (Chicago, IL) Mark Barclay & Mark Gawron. 1 (January 1969); 2 (May 1969).

Alex’s Restaurant (Colchester, England) Alex Stewart. 2 (May 1984); 3 (November 1984).

ALF (San Diego, CA) Richard Alf. 1:1 (July-August 1975).

Algol (New York, NY). Editor: Andrew Porter. Contributing Authors: Harlon Ellison, R. Silverberg, Samuel Delany, Piers Anthony, Ray Bradbury, Ursula Le Buin, J.G. Ballard, Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Fred Saberhagen, Joe Haldeman, James Tiptree Jr., Anne McCaffrey, Frederik Pohl, Alfred Bester, Marion Z. Bradley, Brian Aldiss, John Brunner, Paul Anderson, James Gunn, Robert Heinlein, Philip Jose Farmer, and James Gunn. 12 (1967); 13 (1868); 14 (Fall 1968); 16 (December 1970); 17 (1971); 18 (1972); 19 (1972); 2 (May 1973); 21 (Novmeber 1973); 22 (May 1974); 23 (November 1974); 24 (Summer 1975); 25 (Winter 1976); 26 (Summer 1976); 27 (Fall 1976-Winter 1977); 28 (Spring 1977); 29 (Summer-Fall 1977); 30 (Winter 1977-1978); 31 (Spring 1978); 32 (Summer-Fall 1978); 33 (Winter 1978-1979). Changes to Starship. 34 (Spring 1979); 35 (Spring 1979); 36 (Fall 1979); 39 (Summer 1980).

Alien. 1:3 (Sept. 1972).

Box 2

Alien Apathetic. 4:10; 4:11; 5:1 (1975-1976), 5:4 ( Sept. 1975)

Alienation. (1981).

Alien Critic, The (Portland, OR). Richard E. Geis, ed. SEE: Science Fiction Review. SEE ALSO: Psychotic.

Alien Parchments. 1:2 (1980).

Alien Quack. (1976).

Aliens. (1979). In Italian.


Alkarin Warlord. Mpingo Press Special Issue (1 September 1978). Gift of Lorna Minor.

All Dynamic. 4 (1970); 5-6 (1970); 7 (n.d.).

Allerlei. 12 (1964); 15 (1965).

Alliance Amateur, The. No. 43 (Dec. 1969)

All of Willis?. (1977).

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Elecro-Stenciling. (nd).

Almack’s Society for Heyer Critics. (nd).

Alpajuri. (nd).

Alpha. Fred Baker. (1944).

Alpha. Jan Jansen. 14 (June 1956).

Alpha. Folkert Mohrhof. (1971). In German.

Alpha & Omega. 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 8 (1971-1972).

Alphabet Soup. 1-8 (1986-1988).

Alpha Centauri Communicator. (1978-1988). Letter from Frederik Pohl.

Altaego. (nd).

Altair. (1975-1978). SEE ALSO: Fan Art Review.

Altered Brands.   No. 1 (1998)

Alter Ego. 5; 7 (1962-1964).

Alternate Realities. (1983).

Alternative. Dave Shockley. 1-3 (1975).

Alternatives. (1972).

Alvega. Alyson Abramowitz. 1; 2; 3; 4 (1975-1977).

Alyson Wonderland. 1; 2 (1989-1990).

Amanita. 1; 2; 3 (1979-1980).

Amanita Brandy. 4 (1999).

Amateur Astronomer, The. (1974-1975).

Amazing Amzines. 52 (1983).

Amazing Forries

Amber Herald


Amelor. x-1.

American Comic Book Co. List 6.

American Dreamer. 2 (1972).

American Science Fantasy Society. (early 1940s).

American Wargamer. (1983).

Amizine Stories. 6 (1974-1976). SEE ALSO: Checkpoint.

Amoeboid Scunge. 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8, 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14 (1972-1973). Changed to Bweek; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20. Libel also in folder. SEE ALSO: Bweek.

Amon Din.   vol. 2 no. 2 (1973), vol. 2 no. 5 (1973)

Amon Hen.  no. 6, 7, 8 (1973), 10 (1974); 5 (June 1973).

Among the Looming Monoliths.  No. 1 (1983)

Among the Yankees.   No. 1 (1973)

Amor.   no. 1 (1973), 2 (1974), 2.5, 3, 4, 5 (1975), 6, 7, 8, 9 (1976), 10, 11, 12, 13 (1977), 14, 15, 16, 17 (1979), 18

Ampersand.   vol. 3 no. 1 (1974), vol. 3 no. 2 (1974), vol. 3 no. 3 (1974)

Amphipoxi.   no. 8 (1968)

Amplified Illusion.   no. 3 (1973), 4, 5,  two issues with no number or dates

Amra.   All are volume  2: no. 43, 44, & 45 (1967), 46, 47, 48, 49 (1968), 50, 51 (1969), 52, 53 (1970), 54, 55 (1971), 56, 57 (1972), 58, 59, 60 (1973), 61, 62 (1974), 63 (1975), vol. 2 no. 64 (1975), 65, 66 (1976), 67 (1977), 68 (1978), 69, 70 (1981)

Amrita.   vol. 1 no. 1 (1971)   

An.   no. 1 (1972)

Analog.   NOTE: Perhaps filed incorrectly

Anant.   nos. 1, 2, 3

Anaheim Views.   no. 11

And in his Dream.   nos. 1, 2, 4

...And Me Without a Spoon. (Feb. 1976)

And Suddenly.   November 1980

Andrea Doric Column, The.   No. 6 (1975)

Andro.   no. 217 NOTE: IS it Yandro?

Andromeda.   nos. 6 (1966), 80 (1971)

Andromeda Book Co.    catalogues 13, 19 (1972)

Anduril.   nos. 2, 3 (1972), 4 (1974), 6 (1976)

Box 3

Andvari.   nos. 2, 3 (1972), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (1973), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (1974), 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 (1975), 52 (1977)

And We Sit in Judgement.

Anger and Sadness.

Angmar. No. 37 (Dec. 1970)

Aniara – Bud Webster.   nos. 4, 5

Ankh Ptui! No. 286


Anomaly – New Haven SF.   no. 1; no. 2

Anomaly – Jan Strnad.    no. 1 (1969)

Another Lousy Page. No. 2, 3

Another Natter.

Anonymous Breazes and other Ramblings.

Ansibabble.   no. 666 (2001)

Ansible.   nos. 11, 12 (1980), 16 (1981), 31, 32, (1983), 63 (1992), 96, 97, 97.5, 98, 99, 100, 101, 101.5 (1995), 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 (1996), 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123 (October 1997), 124, 125 (1997), 126, 127, 128, 129 (April 1998),130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 136.5, 137 (1998), 139, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 (1999), 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 160.5, 161 (2000)162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 (2001), 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 (2002)

Answer is Written on this Banana, The.


Antares.     nos. 1, 2, 5 (1974)

Antelope Freeway.  

Anti-Backuous Vaclash, The.

Anti-Matter.   vol. 1 no. 4 (1974)

Anti-Misoneist Gazette, The.   no. 1; Special 1983

Antipodean Announcer. nos. 1, 2, 3 (1982), 4, 5 (1983)

Antithesis – Chris Sherman.   nos. 1, 2 , 3, 4 (2 copies)

Anubis.   vol. 1 no. 3, vol 1. no. 4

Anvil.   nos. 9, 10, 11, 12

Any Old Newsletter.   no. 4 (1976)

Anything Thing, The.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

ANZAPA. no. 53 (Dec. 1976).


Apa-Jeff.   no. 1 (1980)

Apanage. No. 7 (August 1971)

APA-tight. no. 1

Apamansion.   (1996)

A-PAthos.   No. 13 (1983)

A Propos de Rien. 6 (nd).

Apfelmus. 2; 3 (1984).

Aphelion (University of Georgia SF Apppreciation Club). 1; 2; 3 (1976).

Apocalyptic Optimist. 1 (1977); 3 (1979).

Apocrypha. 2 (1960); Another text with same title (1984).

Apollo. Joe Hensley. 4 (nd).

Apologetica. (June 1974).

Apollo. Tom Collins. 7 (nd).

Appalling Stories. 19 (August 1966).

Apple of Discord. 1 (Feb. 1985).

Apple. Jessica Amanda Salmonson. (Jan 1977), (1974).

Apple. Sheila D'Ammassa. 1 (June 1976) "Lovers of Food, Garden, and Handcrafts"; 2 (1978).

Apple-Ock Update. 18 (1984).

Apples Woofer. 2 (March 1972).

An Appreciation of John Burnner.

Ansible. No. 119 (June 1997), 122 (Sept. 1997)

Aprikos. 7 (1977); 8 (1978); 9 (1978).

Arazia. 1 (Jan. 1975).

Arcana. 1 (nd).


Arcturian. (1943-44).

Ardees. 1; 2.

Are You Talking to Me?. 1 (1986); 2 (1987); 3 (1988).

Arecibo. (June 1979-1980).

Arena. 5 (Feb. 1977) - 13 (1982). 8 has interview with Vonnegut.

Arfur. No. 14:2 (June 1973)

Argentine SF Review. 1 (Dec. 1964); 5 (June 1967); 6 (June 1968); 7 (April 1969).

Argh! (March 1968).

Argo Navis. 1 (Aug. 1977) Profile Samuel Delany; 2 (Nov. 1977).


Argosy. no. 1 (Oct. 1984).

Ariel. (Feb 1979).

Arioch! 2 (Feb 1968); 3 (June 1968).

Arizona Repulsor. (July 1982).

Ark. Ron and Sue Clarke. (1974).

Arkanfandom. (April 1978).

Arkham Advertiser. (April 1983).

Arkham Gazette. no.1 (November 1971)

Arkham House.

Armageddon. Larry Carmody. 1:1 (Dec. 1972).

Armageddon. Mike Maxim. 1 (Spring 1966). Issue 2 of Crypt on flip side.

Armchair Detective, The. vol. 8 no. 4 (August 1975); vol. 9 no. 1 (Nov. 1975), 2 ( Feb. 1976); vol. 11 no. 3 (July 1978), 4 (Oct. 1978).

Box 4

Armed & Dangerous. No. 1-3 (Nov. 1976-May 1977)

Arnekatz. (1964).

Arrakis. 1 (nd).

Art and Domesticity. October 1972.

Art & Story. Fiction by C.S. Lewis). (1976).

Art Exhibits. Brochures.

Art. 3:3 (Spring 1978).

Arthur. 1:4 (Nov. 1972).

Artificial Intelligence. (1986).

Artist Catalogue. (1962).

Arts and Infinity. (1969); (Oct. 1972).

Arundel. 1 (1965).

Aryrun. FR 321; 333; 346; 359.

Ascella. (1974).

ASFA. (Jan. 1980) early Greg Bear; (1983).

Asficon. Convention material. (Aug. 1980).

ASFOAWN. Interview with Ray Bradbury (Aug. 1983).

Ashwing. 1 (June 1968); 2 (Sept. 1968); 3 (March 1969); 4 (Sept. 1969); 5 (nd); 6 (Oct. 1970); 7 (March 1971); 8 (July 1971); 9 (Dec. 1971); 10 (June 1972); 11 (Jan. 1973); 12 (June 1973); 13 (Feb. 1974); 14 (June 1974); 15 (Nov. 1974); Story by PK Dick; 16 (May 1975); 17 (July 1975); 18 (nd); 19 (July 1976); 20 (Nov. 1976); 21 (March 1977); 22 (July 1977); 23 (March 1978); 24 (Oct. 1978).

As the Crow Flies (Frank Denton). #3, 4.

As the Spirit Moves Me. No. 2


As I See It

As Long As It's Downhill, I'm Happy.

Asmimov. October 1981

Asmodeus. 3 (June 1969).

Aspidistra. 1; 4 (1972).

Assymet Schizophrenic Procrastinator. No. 1

Astounding Stories of Super Science.   (1963).

Astra. 1943.

Astra’s Tower (Marion Zimmer (Bradley)). 1:1, 1:2 (December 1947).

Astromancer Quarterly.

Astrophile. 1974: May, July, September, November; 1975: January, March, May, July, September, November; 1976: January, March, May, July, September, November; 1977: January, March, May, July, September, November; plus supplements.

Astral Dimensions. Winter 1975; Winter 1977.

Astral Fan Tales [filed Oversize Box].

At A Loss For Words.

At the Sleepy Sailor: A Tribute to R.A. Lafferty. (February 8, 1981).

Atarantes-Asfic. 19 (1979); 20 (February 1979); 26 (August 1979); 48 (1981); 50 (August 1981); 51 (September 1981); 52 (October 1981); 53 (October 1981); 54 (December 1981); 55 (June 1982); 56 (February 1982); 57-59; 61.

Atheism and Free Love. 22 (September 1970); 23 (May/June 1971?); 24 (September/October 1971; 25 (December 1971?).

Atlan (a German zine).

Atlanta Fan, The. March 1975.


Atropos. 2-4 (1976).

Attack of the Giant Gaffe!

Attack of the Thirty Foot Fans (aka Karval Kon #2).

At the Bijou. No.2

Atypical Migraine. 3 (1977).

Auck Auck. (The Edward Wood family record. 1968).

Aurora. (May 1976).

Aurora. Winter 1981-1982; Summer 1982; Winter 1982-1`983; Winter 1983-1984; Summer 1984; Summer 1990 (final issue).

Aussiecon Preliminary Report.

Aussiecon. August 1980; 2 (Janurary 1981).

Australia in Seventy-Five. (1975).

Australian SF Monthly. 1 (1970); 2 (January-March 1971).

Australian SF News. June 1978 to July 1984; some monthly (?) issues may be missing.

Box 5

Australian Science Fiction Review (St. Kilda, Victoria). John Bangsund. #16 (June 1968) to #20 (June 1969). Brian Aldiss was a frequent contributor.

Auto Delirium. nd.

Autoduel Quarterly. 2:3 (nd).

Avalonian. Bob Silverberg. (1952).

Avatar of Coprolite. (1977).

Avenging Aardvark’s Aerie. 1 (April 1976); 8 (June 1976); 9 (Sept. 1976); 10 (Sept. 1978); 11 (Winter 1979).

Avernus. 1; 2 (Sept. 1970).

Avesta. 1 (July 1969); 2 (Nov. 1969).

Awnings of Light.

Awry. Dave Locke. 1 (1972); 2 (June 1972); 23 (Oct. 1972); 4 (March 1973); 5 (July 1973); 6 (Dec. 1973); 7 (May 1974); 8 (Dec. 1974); 9 (Aug. 1975); 10 (Jan. 1976).

Awry. Pat Mueller. (nd).

Axe. 4 (May 1961); 6 (June 1961); 9 (Aug. 1961); 10 (Aug. 1961); 17 (Nov. 1961); 21 (Feb. 1962); 22 (Feb. 1962). 25A (April 1962).

Axolotl Exward. 1 (April 1971); 2 (April 1972).

!Ay Chingar! 3 (May 1975) loc from Harlan Ellison; 4 (Dec. 1975); 5 (1976).

Ayewonder. 2 (1987).

Bab. 3 (Dec. 1971).

Back Fire. ( June 1976).

Back Porch

Backside. 1 (Jan. 1976); 2 (nd); 3 (nd) loc from Pat Cadigan.

Back to Fanac.

Back to the Real World. 36.

Backyard Rocket. 1 (Dec. 1971); 2; 3 (nd).

Bactrianus Enterprises

Badger. 1, 2, 3, 4

Bad Vibes

Badinage. Bristol and District SF Group. 4 (March 1968).

Badmouth. 1 (1970); 3 (Summer 1971); 2 issues (nd)..

Bagarthach (Spectator Amateur Press Society). 8; 16 (July 1975); 17 (Oct. 1975).

Bagel Lancers. No. 1 (Jan. 1976)

Bah! Humbug!

Bah! Humbug! Issue, The.

Bailey, Mike. 6 BCSFA Newsletter (Dec. 1973); 7 BCSFA Newsletter (Jan 1974); 9 BCSFA Newsletter (March 1974); 10 Transition (April 1974); 11 Getting There - letters/argument with Harlan Ellison (May 1974); 12 Apologetica (June 1974); 13 Son of Machiavelli - letter from Philip K. Dick (July 1974); 14 Ghosts of Summers Past (Aug. 1974); 15 Ghosts of Summers Past Pt. 2 (Sept. 1974); 16 Ghosts of Summers Past Pt. 3 (Oct. 1974); 17 Who is that Idiot on the West Coast - discussion between Joanna Russ and Philip K. Dick (Nov. 1974); 18 Gonzo - further argument between Russ and Dick (Dec. 1974); 19 The Long Hello - letter from Philip K. Dick (April 1975); 20 The Long Goodbye - article by Philip K. Dick (May 1975); 21 The Long Goodbye - article by Philip K. Dick (June 1975); 22 New Directions - article by William Gibson ( Aug. 1975); 23 New Directions - article by William Gibson (nd); 24 New Directions (1975); 25 New Directions - article by William Gibson (1975); 26 Reflections (1976); 27 Vanegation (1976).

Baker Street Bunny

Bakka. (March 1975); 3 (Fall 1975); 7 Black Box - Mystery Issue.

Balazs, Frank. (May 1974).

Balik. 2 (Feb. 1977).

Balitmore in 80 Bid.

Ballantine Books. Advertisements for Ballantine Books


Ballpark Incident, The. No. 3

Baloney. (April 2000).

Bandana. 1. for FLAP.

Bandlestiff. 8 (1976).

Bandwagon. 7 (Fall 1960); 8 (Jan. 1961)

Bangweulu. 1 (April 1985); 2.25 (May 1986); 3 (Jan. 1987); 4 (June 1987).

Banshee. Mike Gorra. 6 (Jan. 1974); 7 (March 1974); 8 (May 1974); 9 (Aug. 1974).

Banshee. LA Dean Grinnell. 2 (Aug. 1954).

Bantha Tracks. Newsletter of Official Star Wars Fan Club. 13 (Aug. 1981).

Barad-Dur . N3F Diplomacy Game Magazine.

Barbecue Pit . 16 (July 1973).

Barddoni. 1 (March 1977); 2 (Nov. 1978); 3 (July 1979).

Box 6

Bardic Runes . 4 (1991); 7 (1993); 8 (1994); 9 (1994); 10 (nd); 11 (1995); 12  (1995); 15 (1996); 16 (1997); 13 (1996)


Barf. 2:27:7 (Spring 1980).

The Bargain, a Star Trek Story by Patricia James (May 1984). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Baron, Mike. "Curse of Cthulhu: Stranger than (Science) Fiction" in Isthmus v.5 #20 (May 1980).

Baronial Shaft. 1:2 (Feb. 1976).

Barsoomian. (Spring 1953) Burroughs Fanzine.

Barsoomian Bazaar. (July 1968).

Barsoomian Times. 1:1 (Aug. 1964); 1:2 (Sept. 1964); 1:3 (Nov. 1964); 1:4 (Feb. 1965); 1:5 (March 1965); 1:6 (June 1965). Tarzan Piracy Issues.

Barstool. 2. for N'APA.

Bartrek.3 (nd).

Baryon. Barry R. Hunter. 6 (March 1977); 7 (nd); 8 (nd); 9 (nd); 10 (Feb. 1978); 11 (nd); 16 (July 1979); 18 (May 1980); 19 (Fall 1980); 20 ( Summer 1998). Book Reviews.

Baryon Magazine, The. Barry R. Hunter. 51 (Spring 1992); 52 (Summer 1992); 59 (Summer 1995); 66 (Sept. 1997); 67 (Dec. 1997): 72 (March 1999); 73 (June 1999); 74 (Sept. 1999); 75 (Dec. 1999); 76 (March 2000); 77 (June 2000); 78 (Sept. 2000); 79 (Dec. 2000); 81 (March 20001); 82 (June 2001).

Basfan (Bay Area SF & F Society). 2 (June 1983); 3 (Aug. 1983).

BASFL News (Baton Rouge SF League). 22 (Dec. 1982).

Bast. 1 (Feb. 1978).

Bathtubs of the Moon. (Aug. 1971).

Battlestar One. Ad for Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.

Battling Laboratory Stories. (1976).

Bay Area Fan News. 1 (Aug. 1984).

Bay Area Le Fout. (May 1941).

Bay Area Pullova. (nd).

Bay Area Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. 1 (April 1983).

Baycon. Bob Vardeman. (1968).

Bay-Con. Program for World SF Convention (1982 and 1983).

BB. (July 1972); 2 (Sept. 1972).

BBB. 1 (Nov. 1991).

BC. 1 (March 1972); 2 (May 1972); 3 (June 1972); 4 (nd); 5 (nd).

BCSFAzine/BCSFA Newsletter (British Columbia SF Association). ? (1973); 4 (Oct. 1973); 5 (Nov. 1973); 6 (Dec. 1973); 7 (Jan. 1974) some duplicated with "Mike Bailey"; 8 (Feb. 1974); 9 (March 1974); 2:1 (March 1974); 14 (July 1974); 18 (Nov. 1974); 26 (July 1975); 27 (Aug. 1975); 28 (Sept. 1975); 29 (Oct. 1975) Cover Art by William Gibson; 30 (Dec. 1975); 31 (Jan. 1976); 32 (Feb. 1976); 33 (March 1976); 34 (April 1976); 35 (May 1976); 36 (June 1976); 37 (July 1976); 38 (Aug. 1976); 39 (Sept. 1976); 44 (Feb. 1977); 77 (Nov. 1979); 90 (Oct. 1976); 91 (Nov. 1976); 92 (Dec. 1976); 93 (Jan. 1977); 100 (May 1982); 112 (Sept. 1982); 136 (Sept. 1984); 156 (May 1986); 166 (March 1987); 167 (April 1987); 168 (May 1987); 169 (June 1987); 170 (July 1987); 171 (Aug. 1987); 172 (Sept. 1987); 178/154 (March 1988/March 1985); 180 (May 1988); 181 (June 1988) obituary of Heinlein by Spider Robinson; 182 (July 1988); 183 (Aug. 1988); 184 (Sept. 1988); 185 (Oct. 1988); 186 (Nov. 1988); 187 (Dec. 1988); 188 (Jan. 1989); 189 (Feb. 1989); 190 (March 1989); 191 (April 1989); 192 (May 1989); 193 (June 1989); 194 (July 1989); 195 (Aug. 1989); 196 (Sept. 1989); 197 (nd); 198 (Nov. 1989); 199 (Dec. 1989); 200 (Jan. 1990); 201 (Feb. 1990); 202 (March 1990); 203 (April 1990); 204 (May 1990); 205 (June 1990); 206 (July 1990); 208 (Sept. 1990); 209 (Oct. 1990); 210 (Nov. 1990); 211 (Dec. 1990); 212 (Jan. 1991); 213 (Feb. 1991); 214 (March 1991); 215 (April 1991); 216 (May 1991); 217 (June 1991); 218 (July 1991); 219 (Aug. 1991); 220 (Sept. 1991); 221 (Oct. 1991); 222 (Nov. 1991); 223 (Dec. 1991); 224 (Jan. 1992); Directory (1991).

Beabohemia. 1 (nd); 2 (Dec. 1968); 3 (1969) articles by Piers Anthony; 4 (June 1969); 5 (Aug. 1969); 6 (Oct. 1969); 7 (Dec. 1969); 8 (nd) art by Dean Koontz and Piers Anthony; 9 (May 1970); 10 (Aug. 1970); 11 (Sept. 1970); 12 (1970); 13 (nd); 14 (Jan. 1971); 15 (April 1971); 16 (June 1971); 17 (Sept. 1971); 18 (Oct. 1971); 19 (Dec. 1971).

Box 7

beardmutterings. 1 (Oct. 1971); 2 (June 1972); 2:1 (1982); 2:2 (March 1983).

Beaten Beyond Recognition. 1 (nd). AZAPA.

Beaver. (Oct. 1980). One-shot per zine.

Beaver, Le. 20 (March 1973).

Because It’s There. SFPA.

Bedside Fassbeinder. (1944).

Beers, Jinx

Beer Mutterings. Paul Anderson. (1972).

Bettlebaum. 27 (Sept. 1977). Apaloosa.

Behind the Rabbit. 3 (May 1976),4 (June/July 1976).

Bellatrix. NAPA.

Bell, The Final. (nd).

Bellerophon’s Rage. 7 (1978); 8 (1978); 9 (1978); 11 (Sept. 1978); 13 (nd); 14 (1979); 20 (1981).

Belvedere County Chanticleer, The.

Bem & I. 2 (July 1970); 3 (Oct. 1970); 4 (1971).

Ben's Beat. FAPA. 5 (Sept. 1986); 6 (nd); 7 (June 1987); 9 (nd); 10a (1988); 8 (Aug. 1987); 52-A Special Edition (nd)

Bento. 7 (Aug. 1996); 8 (Aug. 1997); 10 (Aug. 1999); 11 (March 2000).

Benton Blunderbuss!, The. (Nov-Dec. 1936).

Ben’zine. 1 (Mar 1977); 2 (nd) interview w/ Gay Haldeman; 4 (1994); 5 (March 1995).

Berengaria VI. (December 1975). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Berkley News. Booklist.

Berry, John D.

Berserker. APA 45.

Best Lines Are Forver On The Floor.

Best Lines Are off the Wall, The. No. 5 (April 1976)

Best Lines Are Still on the Floor, The.

Best Loins Are on the Floor, The.

Best of the Bushel, The. (1979).

Best of Susan Wood, The. (Oct. 1982) Collection of Susan Wood's work.

Best of the Yule Season. Letter from Moudrys. (1974).

Beta. 1 (Feb. 1974). In German.

Beta Eta Zeta. 4 (Aug. 1964).

Bete Noire

Betelguese. Kevin Erwin. (1969).

Betelguese. U. of Mass. 9 (Spring 1972); 10 (Jan. 1973).

Between Jesus & Jack the Ripper. (Jan. 1977)

Between Worlds. 1 (Feb. 1970); 2 (nd); 3 (Dec. 1970).

Beulah’s Scrapbook. 2 (April 1944).

Beyond FAPA

Beyond Newsletter. 1:1 (Winter 1984); 3:1 (nd); 3:3 (nd).

Beyond the Barrier. 1 (Dec. 1975).

Beyond the Fields We Know. 1 (Autumn 1978); Marion Zimmer Bradley Interview with Terry Brooks.

Beyond the Furthest Star. 1 (May 1985) & 2 (July 1987). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Bhowling. (March 1979).

Bias. 3 (March 1968); 4 (June 1968); 9 (Aug. 1969).

Biblio Fantasiac. 7 (March 1983).

Bibliographica Futurica Fantastica. 1:3 (Aug. 1967) Booklist.

Bibliomania Melancolia. (June 1971).

Big Mac. Apa 45.

Big O

Bile Beans. 1 (nd).

Bill Bored. 1 (nd).

Bill Bridget is Alive and Well and Living in Argentina

Bimonthly Monthly. 13 (Oct. 1980).

Bionic Rabbit. 1 (Oct. 1974); 1 Repub. (May 1981); 4 (Feb. 1980); 8 (April 1982).

Bioya. 1 (Jan. 1976); 2 (June 1976); 3 (1977).

Bit of the Other One. (July 1976).

A Bit of Rebutal. (Jan. 1976).

Bite It. No. 52

Bite the Wax Tadpole.   (nd)

Bits 'N' Pieces.   No. 1 (1974)

Bixel Bunk. (April 1944).

Bizarre Accidents in the Home Are A Major Health Hazard. no. 1

Bizarro Street Sheet. (1972).


Blabbering Bill, The.

Black Bike. No. 29

Black Dog's Kiss.

Black Lite. 3 (March 1977).

Black Onto White. Frank Denton. 1 (Novemeber 13, 1971); 2 (December 15, 1971); 3 (Januardy 15, 1972); 4 (February 28, 1972); 5 (April 1972); 6 (May 1972); 7 (August 1972)/

Black Star. Society for Improvement of Science Fiction in America. 6 (Aug. 1944); 7 (Sept. 1944); 10 (Feb. 1945).

Black Whole 5. (Jan. 1979).

Black Wolf. 1 (nd); 2 (nd); 3 (nd); 4 (1974); 5 (nd); 6 (nd); 7 (nd); 8 (nd); 9 (1974); 10 (nd); 11 (nd); 12 (Sept. 1974); 13 (Nov. 1974); 14 (nd); 15 (nd); 16 (nd); 17 (nd); 18 (nd); 20 (nd).

Blame it on the Water. (1986).

Bland and Deadly Courtesy. 56 (1982); 58 (nd); 59 (1982).

Blat. 2 (Fall 1993); 3 (Spring 1994); 4 (Winter 1994).

Blatant. 11 (1982); 12 (1982); 18 (1989).

Bleak December. 2 (nd); 6 (July 1975); 7 (1975); 8 (Spring 1976).

Bleary Eyes, The. 1 (1992) Reprinting of illustrations and stories from '50s and '60s fanzines; 2 (nd); 3 (nd); 4 (nd); 5 (nd). John Berry.

Bleeding Rose. 4 (nd); 5 (1969).

Blitherings. 3.


Bloch, Robert, A Bio-Bibliography. (July 1979).

Box 8

Bloomington Newsletter. 1 (Dec. 1945); 2 (Feb. 1946); 3 (March 1946); 5 (Feb. 1947); 6 (Sept. 1947); (Sept. 1948); 7 (Nov. 1948); 8 (Feb. 1949); (April 1949); (June 1949); 11 (Aug. 1949); 14 (Dec. 1949).

Blue-Eyed Solstice Train. 1 (nd); 3 (December 22, 1983).

Blue Jack of Diamonds. No. 5 (Jan. 1982)

Blue Jaunte

Blue Moon-Cline. (1983).

Blue Moon-Steffan. 2 (1984).

Blue Petal

Blue Star Mystery. 1:3.

Blue Zelot. 4 (Feb. 1981).

Blundering Blades. 1 (Feb. 1973).

Blunt. 2 (Nov. 1973).

Boardman, John. Leftovers 1 (Oct. 1967); 2 (Jan. 1968); 3 (Dec. 1967); 4 (April 1968). Pillycock 25 (July 1966). Dagon 70 (July 1968).


Bode Bulletin. 2 (nd); 3 (Dec. 1971); (Nov. 1971); 8 (nd); 4 (1972); 5 (April 1972); 6 (July 1972).

Bode, Vaughn. Various publications.

Body Count. Political zine.

Boff. no.5.

Bok, Sketchbook Folio. Various sketches.

Bomp. (April 1976); 5 (Feb. 1976).

Bombed Budgie Journal. 20 (Feb. 1983) APA; 21 (March 1983); 17 (July 1982)

Bong. 31 (nd).

Bonnie Blue Flag, The. FR.

Booke of Bransles. (1969).

Booklist Trip Report

Book Report. 7 (Winter 1978).

Boomerang. 22 (Aug. 1971).

Boonfark. (Oct. 1974); 3 (1979); 4 (Jan. 1981); 5 (Aug. 1981); 6 (Spring 1982); 7 (Fall 1982); 8 (Spring 1983).

Boowatt. 1 (nd); 2 (Nov. 1975); 3 (Dec. 1975); 4 (Jan. 1976); 5 (Feb. 1976); 6 (March 1976); 7 (April 1976); 8 (May 1976); 9 (June 1976); 10 (Summer 1976 ); 11 (Sept. 1976); 12 (Oct. 1976); 13 (Oct. 1976); 14 (Nov. 1976); 15 (Dec. 1976); 16 (Jan. 1977); 17 (Feb. 1977); 18 (March 1977); 19 (April 1977) 20 (May 1977); 23 (Sept. 1977); 24 (Nov. 1977); 25 (nd); 26 (March 1978); 28 (Dec. 1978).

Boowatt Weekly

Bosco, Alan. Con Report.

Bosh. Roger Sjölander. 1 (March 1969); 2 (March 1969).

Bottled Lightening . 1 (nd).

18 Bottles of Invidious on the Wall!

Bouchercon. No.80 (Oct. 1980), 152 (Oct. 1986).

Boutillier, Lester. 6 (April 1973); 2 (March 1973).

Boy Newsman, The.

Boy’s Book Collector. Book ad.

Boys' Own Fantasy Annual.   (1982)

Boy’s Own Fanzine. 1 (March 1971); 5 (nd).

Bpp June 18, '69. No. 67

Brach. 1 (Oct. 1974).

Brainstorm. 2 (nd).

Branch Office.   Nos. 0, 1 (1978)

Brass Cannon. 1 (1976); 2 (1976).

Brassor. 1 (1978); 2 (Sept. 1978); 4 (May 1979); 5 (Sept. 1979); 6 (Jan. 1980); 8 (May 1981).

Braynwod. 1 (Aug. 1972).

Breakfast at Bino’s. (March 1985).

Breakthrough. 1 (Aug. 1973); 2 (Dec. 1973); 3 (April 1974); 4 (Aug. 1974); 5 (Dec. 1974); 6 (Aug. 1975).

Breen, Walter, Appreciation. (June 1962).

Breet. 1 (Dec. 1971); 2 (Feb. 1972); 3 (March 1972); 4 (March 1972); 5 (April 1972); 6 (July 1972).

Breiding, G. Sutton and Bill. various poetry. (1975-1976).

Brendon Common . 4 (nd); 5 (January 1977); 6 (October 1977); 7 (October 1978)

Brian Earl Brown.

Brian's Zine.

Brick ‘N Board Journal. 1 (March 1976); 2 (June 1976).

Bridey Murphy's Revenge. (Dec. 1981)

Bridges, David E. (nd).

Bright Particular Star . 2002.

Bring Back the Sun. (Dec. 1972).

British American Bulletin . 1 (Feb. 1944).

British Columbia Science Fiction Association Newsletter. 26 (July 1975).

British Fantasy Society. 5:5 (Dec. 1977).

British Fantasy Society Bulletin. Chariman - John Brunner. Balance Sheet (Dec. 1972); Minutes (April 1973).

British Fanzine Society [filed Oversize Box]

Brooklyn. (Jan. 1976).

Brooks, Ned. Make Room! Make Room! Duplicate list (Aug. 1971); (July 1973).

Browbeat. 0 (nd).

Brown Study. 7 (nd).

Brownian Motion, Brian Earl Brown. 4 (nd); 5 (1975).

Brownian Motions Hilde Brown. (nd).

Brown, Robert L., Bookmonger. 6; 8; 9. Book catalog lists.

Browsing. 10 (Summer 1945); New Series 2 (nd); 5 (nd); 6 (nd)

Bruce E. Happer.1 (December 1978).

BRSFL News. 28 (Dec. 1983); 29 (Feb./March 1984).

BSAW Bulletin. 1 (1952).

BSFAN-Baltimore SF Society. 1 (March 1975); 2 (May 1975); 3 (Oct. 1975); 4 (April 1976); 5 (Sept. 1976); 6 (Feb. 1977); 7 (June 1977); 8 (Nov. 1977); 9 (June 1978); 10 (Dec. 1979); 11 (Aug. 1980); 15 (Summer 1986); 16 (Summer 1987); 17 (1988).

British SF Association Newsletter.    Nos. 2, 3 (1960)

Bubonicon. Ad for August 1975 convention.

Bucky Starr. 4; 5. Slan-Apa. (1981); Spaced Cadet v 1.9

Buffalo Station . 5 (March 1974). Republican APA.

Bug Eye, The.   No. 12 (1963)

Bugs. (April 1984).

Bug' s Black Blood. 5 (July 1975).

Building the AHMF $3.75 Mimeo. (nd).

Bull of the Battles

Bulldog. 2 (Feb. 1974); 5 (April/May 1974); 6 (Sept. 1974); 7 (Dec. 1974).

Box 9

Bulletin. 2 (Jan. 1980).

Bulletin of New York C.S. Lewis. 17 (March 1971); 18 (April 1971); 19 (May 1971); 20 (June 1970); 21 (July 1971).

Bulletin of the Cleveland Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. 9 (July 1951).

Bulletin of the Pittsburgh Science Fiction Association. Vol. 3 No. 5 (June 1956); Vol. 4 No. 2 (Oct. 1956); Vol. 5 No. 1 (Jan. 1957).

Bullfrog. 1 (June 1971); 2 (July 1971); 3 (Aug. 1971); 5 (Nov. 1971); 8 (Feb. 1972).

Bull Moose

Bull of Seven Battles. NAPA. (1979).

Bullsheet, The. Newsletter for MidAmerica Con. 1-4 (nd).; 5 (Sept.).

Bullzine. (Feb. 1966). N3F; May 1970

Bundalohn Quarterlt

Bunnies, Zucchinis, & Sweet Basil. Allyn Cadogan. 3 (March 1978); 4 (July 1978); 9 (May 1982); 10 (July 1981); 11 (Aug. 12, 1981); 12 (Oct. 1982); 13 (Jan. 1983); 14 (May 1984).


Burger, Joanne. (Nov. 1979).

Burger! 1 (Oct. 1971).

Buried Mountains. 1 (Aug. 1972).

Burnt Shrubbery. 2 (Oct. 1981).

Burrough’s Bulletin. 2 (Sept. 1962). Dum-Dum 2 (Sept. 1962); 3 (1963); 4 (Aug. 1965); 15 (1964); 19 (Winter 1970); 22 (1971) with Arms of Tarzan by Philip Jose Farmer movie stills.

Busby, FM&E.

Busted Flush!

Busy Days. 31.

Butler’s Pet Mole, The. 1 (Sept. 1971); 2 (Oct. 1971); 3 (Nov. 1971); 4 (Dec. 1971); 5 (Jan./Feb. 1972); 6 (Feb./March 1972); 7 (March/April 1972); 8 (April 1972); 9 (nd); 10 ( May 1972); 11 (May 1972); 12 (nd); 13 (nd); 14 (nd); 17 (nd); 18 (July 1972); 19 (nd); 20 ( nd); 21 (nd); 22 (nd); 23 (Aug. 1972); 25 (nd); 30 (nd); 31 (July 1972). APA-L.

But Not. (1969)

Butterfly Demonstration. 1 (nd); 4 (nd); 5 (nd).

Buyer’s Guide for Comic Fandom. 11 (Feb. 1972); 99 (Oct.). 15 total issues; 74 (January 15, 1975).

Bwana. 3 (nd).

Bweek. 15 (nd); 16 (nd); 17 (nd); 18 (June 1973); 19 (nd); 20 (nd). SEE ALSO: Amoeboid Scunge.

By British. Interview with Thomas Disch, Fanthology of the Seventies

By Owl Light. Frank Denton. 1 (May 1973); 2 (June 1973); 3 (July 1973); 4 (Sept. 1973); 5 (Oct. 1973); 6 (Nov. 1973); 7 (May 1974); 8 (Aug. 1974).

By Stranger Unseen Gods. 1.

Cabellian. 1 (1968). In Memory of James Cabell.

Cactus Tree. 1 (Nov. 1973).


Caer Pedryvan. 4 (nd); 6 Canadapa (nd); 7 Canadapa; 8 Canadapa (nd); 9 (nd); 10 (nd); 11 (Feb. 1974).

Café of the One Bridge, The. Frank Denton. 1 (nd); 2 (June 1984); 3 (June 1984); 4 (nd); 5 (Oct. 1986); 6 (nd); 7 (nd); 8 (nd).

Caid Newsletter. 1 (Aug. 1974); 2 (nd).

Cairnlea Farms. 3 (nd).

Calcium Light Nights. 2 (1975); 3 (1976).

Calidor. 1 (March 1974); 2 (April 1974); 3 (nd); 4 (nd).

California Mercury. 2:4 (Dec. 1941).

Callastheon. 1 (Dec. 1964).

Caloo, Calay..I' m back in Town, Hip Hip Hooray.

CAL Reporter. 2:1 (Sept. 1958).

Campbell, John W., An Australian Tribute. (1974).

Cambion. 1 (Summer 1975).

Cambridge Scene, The.

Canadian Fandom. 4 (nd); 5 (Nov. 1943); 6 (1944); 7 (Aug. 1944); 8 (Feb. 1945); 11 (July 1946); 12 (July 1947); 25 (June 1955).

Canadian Journal of Detournement. 1-7 (nd); 9-17 (nd); 20 (nd); 21 (nd); 23, 24-28 (nd).

Canadians in Outer Space.

Canary That Ate the Cat, The. No. 5

Canberra Capers. Aug. 1982.

Candles. Robert E. Howard. (1931).

Canford Book Corral. Booklist. (Dec. 1974).

Canticle.   (1969).

Canticles From Labowitz. 5 (Nov. 1964); NAPA 5 (April 1970); 6 (nd); 7 (1971); 8 (1972).

Canto. 1 (Dec. 1964).

Can You Feel Anything When I do This???

Capacity. 29 (May 1985); APA 33 (Sept. 1985).

Capericus-Mushroom. 1 (Winter 1970); 2 (Summer 1971).

Capra. 33 (Nov. 1981). APA.

Caprice. (April 1947).

Caprician. 1 (Jan. 1988).

Capricorn, The. (1974). Autographed H.L. Prossev II.

Captain George’s Penny Dreadful. 294 (Oct. 1974); 451 (Oct. 1977); 455 (Nov. 1977); 461 (Dec. 1977); 464 (Jan. 1968).

Captain George’s Whizz Bang. 2 (Jan. 1969); 7 (nd); 12 (1971); 13 (1971).

Captain Psychic Phenomena

Captain Ro’s Whiz-Bang. 4:1 (1974); 1:5 (nd).

Captain Video.

Box 10

Captain's Woman, The. 1 (February 1980), 2 (August 1980), 3 (September 1981). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Carandaith-Paul Novitski. Australian Tolkien Society. 1 (July 1968); 2:1 (Jan. 1970); 1:3 (July 1969); 1:4 (Oct. 1969); 6 (Spring 1971); 7 (Oct. 1972).

Carbo. 8 (Feb. 1965); 9 (March 1965).

Cardamon. 3; 4.

Cardinal Flower

Carefully Sedated. 2 (Sept. 1983), 3 (July 1984)

The Care of the One Bridge. 4. 6.

Carrion. 1 (May 1980); 2 (July 1980). Hip'APA.

Carrzine 3:1. FAPA 66

Cartoon Carnival

Cartoon Fantasy Org. 24 (July 1983).

Cartoonist. 1 (Spring 1966).

Cartouche. 6 (May 1989).

Cascade Comix Monthly. 19 (March 1980).

Cashew Nuts. (July 1977).

Catalyst. 2 (nd); 3 (nd); 6 (May 1980); 7 (June 1980); 8 (July 1980); 20 (Aug. 1981); 21 (Sept. 1981).

Cat Call

Cat vs. Not Cat. (1981).

Catch Trap

Catenary Tales. St. Louis SF Society. 1 (Spring 1980).

Caterwaulings. No. 3 (March 1977)

Catophany. No. 1.

Cauldron Bubble. APA-L. 9 (1964); 10 (nd).

Cause Celebre. (nd).

Cautionary Tale, A.

Cavorting Beastie. 1 (April 1968); 2 (April 1968); 3 (June 1968); 4 (nd).

Cazbah. 2 (Aug. 1994).

Ccll Stcr. No. 3 (Jan. 1976)

CD’s Zine. 1 (nd); 2 (1980).


Celestial Almanac. (1975).

Celestial Shadows. 9 (July 1972); 10 (Nov. 1972).

Celko’s Home Companion. (nd).

Centauri. 1 (1943); 2 (Winter 1944).

Central Ganglion. 5 (Feb. 1983); 6 (April 1983); 7 (May 1983).

Centaurian, The. July 1951.

Cepheid. 2 (nd); 3(nd); 4 (1970).

Cepheid Variable. 1 (Jan. 1968); 2 (April 1968) Interview with Hal Clement; 3 (Jan. 1971); 4 (May 1971); 5 (1971); 6 (Dec. 1971); 7 (1972).

Cerberus. 1 (Fall 1977).

Cerulean Sky, The. Frank Denton.

CFS Review-Colorado Fantasy Society. 2 (March 1941); 3 (nd); 4 (July 1941).

Challenger. 2 (Winter 1995); 3 (Autumn 1995); 4 (Spring/Summer 1996); 5 (Winter 1996/97); 6 (Summer 199); 7 (Winter/Spring 1998); 8 (Fall 1998); 9 (Spring 1999); 10 (Fall 1999); 11 (Spring 2000); 12 (Summer 2000); 13 (Fall 2000); 14 (Spring 2001); 15 (Fall 2001); 16 (Spring 2002) 1979 speech by R.A. Lafferty.

Champ Meets Es Frierson and Resigns

Changeling. 3 (1976).

Chanticleer. 3 issues (nd, 1940s?).

Chants of Madness. 3:5 (Sept. 1974); 9 (nd); 10 (nd); 11 (Aug. 1970).

Chao. 3 (April 1971); 4 (June 1971); 5 (Aug. 1972); 6 (Oct. 1971); 7 (Dec. 1971); 8 (Feb. 1972); 9 (April 1972); 10 (Aug. 1972); 11 (Oct. 1972); 12 (Feb. 1973); 13 (Juen 1973); 14 (Nov. 1973); 15 (Aug. 1974); 16 (Aug. 1975); 17 (Sept. 1975); 19 (Dec. 1975); 20 (April 1976).

Box 11

Chaos. Le Focters. 1 (1944); 2 (Feb. 1944?); 3 (Feb. 1945); 4 (April 1945); 5? (Dec. 1946).

Chaos. Hartman. 1 (March 1957).

Chaps.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1974)

Charles Fort: A Radical Coruscle. (Aug. 1976).

Charm. 1 (1978).

Charnel Glyphs. 9 (1982); 11 (nd); 12 (nd).


Chasm. Church Harn's Appreciation Society Magazine (1989).

Chaszzzzzzzzzzzzzapa. 2.

Chat. 31 (April 1980); 3:8 (May 1980); 33 (June 1980); 35 (August 1980); 36 (Sept. 1980); 37 (Oct. 1980).

Chatsfic News. 1 (Sept. 1981).

Chaumas. 5 (June 1976).

Chauvin, Cy, Memorial Fanzine. (April 1976).

Cheap Present. (1980).

Cheap Thrills. 2 (APA 45).

Cheap Truth. (No number, 1986, Last Cheap Truth).

Check Is in the Mail, The.

Check Point. 0 (April 1971); 1 (April 1971); 2 (May 1971); 3 (May 1971); 4 (June 1971); 5 (June 1971); 6 (July 1971); 7 (Aug. 1971); 8 (Sept. 1971); 9 (Sept. 1971); 10 (Oct. 1971); 11 (Nov. 1971); 12 (Nov. 1971); 13 (Dec. 1971); 15 (March 1972); 16 (March 1972); 17 (June 1972); 18 (June 1972); 19 (July 1972); 21 (Aug. 1972); 22 (Sept. 1972); 23 (Sept. 1972); 24 (Oct. 1972); 25 (Oct. 1972); 28 (Dec. 1972); 31 (Feb. 1973); 33 (March 1973); 35 (April 1973); 36 (April 1973); 37 (May 1973); 38 (May 1973); 39 (June 1973).; 40 (June 1973); 42 (Oct. 1973); 43 (Nov. 1973); 44 (Dec. 1973); 46 (March 1974); 47 (April 1974); 48 (May 1974); 49 (May 1974); 50 (June 1974); 51 (Aug. 1974); 52 (Sept. 1974); 53 (Sept. 1974); 54 (Oct. 1974); 55 (Oct. 1974); 56 (Nov. 1974); 57 (Nov. 1974); 58 (Jan. 1975); 59 (Feb. 1975); 60 (March 1975); 61 (nd); 62 (nd); 63 (Dec. 1975); 64 (Feb. 1976); 66 (nd); 68 (May 1976); 69 (May 1976); 70 (July 1976); 71 (April 1976); 73 (Sept. 1976); 74 (Sept. 1976); 75 (Oct. 1976); 76 (Nov. 1976); 77 (Dec. 1976); 78 (Jan. 1977); 79 (Feb. 1977); 80 (March 1977); 81 (April 1977); 82 (June 1977); 83 (July 1977); 84 (Aug. 1977); 85 (Winter 1977); 86 (Feb. 1978); 87 (March 1978); 88 (April 1978); 97 (June/July 1979).

Checkup on Charlie. (1972).

Cheekpoint. No. 6

Cheery Idiots of the Gods. 1 (nd).

Chez Ondique. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 15

Chicago Fantasy Newsletter. 1:5 (JuneJuly 1979); 7 (Oct. 1979); 2:2  (Dec./Jan. 1980); 9 (Feb.?March 1980); 10 (Feb./March 1980).

Chicago Offender, The. 2 (1981).

Chicken on My Back, A. 1 (Aug. 1977).

Chicon IV. Program book. (Sept. 1982).

Chieri Council Newsletter. 8 (Nov. 1989).

Children of Ahasuerus. (nd).

Children of the Atom. Book ads.

Child's Garden of Olaf, A . 1 (1964); 2 (Aug. 1989); 4 (March 1990); 5 (June/July 1990); 6 (June/July 1990); 7 (Nov. 1990); 8 (Nov. 1990); 10 (Nov. 1991); 12 (Spring 1992).

Chimera-Neopre-Raphaelites. 1 (Feb. 1972); 2 (April 1972); 3 (June 1972); 4 (Aug. 1972); 5 (Oct. 1972); (Dec. 1972).

Chimera-Williams. 2 (nd).

Chimaeran Review. 1 (Summer 1974).

Chimerical Review. 2:1 (April 1951).

Chimneyville Almanac. 3 (1995); 4 (1995); 5 (1995).

Chin Music. 1 (nd).

Christmas Special, The. (Aug. 1976).

Christopher Columbus Award.

Chronicle. 1 (July 1973); 2 (July 1973); 3 (Aug. 1973).

Chronicles of Khorlia. 1 (1975).

Chronion, The. 1 (July 1970).

Chronoscope. (Autumn 1948).


Chunder! 1 (Oct. 1972); 2 (Nov. 1972); 3 (Nov. 1972); 3 (Nov. 1972); 5 (Dec. 1972); v3:3 (Feb. 1979); 3:6 (June 1979); 3:7 (July 1979); 3:8 (Aug. 1979); 3:9 (Sept. 1979); 3:10 (Oct. 1979); 3:11 (Nov. 1979); 3:12 (Dec. 1979); 4:1 (Jan. 1980); 4:2 (Feb.-May 1980); 4:4 (June/July 1980); 4:5 (Dec. 1980); 5:1 (March 1981); New Series: (March 1987); (April 1987); (May 1987); (June 1987).

Church of All Worlds. (June 1975).

Church of Starry Wisdom. 1 (April 1975); another issue (nd).

Cinder. Larry Williams. 10 (April 1962).

Cine Current. Ad for the magazine.

Cine Fan. 1 (July 1974); 2 (Summer 1980).

Cinefantastique. Book List.

Cinemagic. 5 (Winter 1976).

Cinnamon Girl. (nd).

Cipher. 2 (June 1971); 3 (Aug. 1971); 4 (Oct. 1971); 5 (Dec. 1971); 6 (Feb. 1972); 7 (1972).

Cinquefoil. 1 (1968). Discussion between Ellison, BIOch, Spinrad, and McNeeley from TV. An entire APAnage mailing.

Circulation Update

Circumluna Free Press

Ciso Magazine. 2 (Sept./Oct./Nov. 1972). In Dutch.

Citadel. 2 (Spring 1971); 3 (summer 1971); 4 (Fall 1971); 6 (Spring 1972); ? (1976) Contributors: Aldiss, Paul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Harlan Ellison, Philip Jose Farmer, R.A. Lafferty, Ursula LeGuirn, Joanna Russ, Bruce Sterling, and James Tiptree Jr.; 7 (Winter 1974).

Clams & Moodiness: Chambanacon. (Dec. 1975).

Claustrophobia. Collection of Several Newsletters: Earth Space News, L-5 News, The Immortalist, Individual Liberty, New Libertarian Weekly. (1976).

Clavius. 4 (March 1975); 5 (March 1975); 6 (April 1975); 7 (May 1975); 8 (June 1975); 9 (July 1975); 10 (Sept. 1975); 11 (Oct. 1975); 12 (Nov. 1975); 2:1-2 (March 1976).

Clearether! No. 20

Clem Strikes Twice in the Same Place. 5 (June 1977)

Clever Title. No. 1, 2

Climbing on Air. (May 1984).

Clines Terton Beetemung, The. (July 1974)

Clipper Trade Ship, The. 12 (Oct. 1976); 13 (Jan. 1977); 14 (April 1977); 15 (May 1977); 16 (July 1977); 17 (Oct. 1977).

Close to the Edge. 6 (nd).

Box 12

Closet Humanoid. Spectator Amateur Press Society. 2 (nd); 3 (April).

Closing the Circle. APA.

Cloud Chamber. 3 (nd).

Cluster. (Dec. 1943).

Clutter. (Oct. 1977).


Coastal Inversions. 3 (Jan. 1981); 4 (Jan. 1982); 6 (Dec. 1983); 7 (Jan. 1984); 8 (June 1984); 9 (Oct. 1984); 10 (Feb. 1985); 11 (December 1985).

Co-Ax. 2 (March 1977).


Coeurl. NAPA. (June 1965).

Cogito Ergo Sum



Cold Beer. (Nov. 1982). Interview with Joe Haldeman.

Cold Legs. 2 (nd).

Collecting Paperbacks? 1 (March 1979); 3 (nd); 4 (nd); 5 (nd); 6 (nd); 2:1 (March 1980); 2:2 (nd); 2:4 (nd); 2:5 (Dec. 1980); 2:6 (nd); 3:1 (nd); 3:2 (nd); 3:3 (nd); 3:4 (nd); 3:5 (nd); 3:6 (Jan .1982); 4:2 (nd); 4:3 (nd); 4:4 (nd).

Collection of Fan Cartoonists, A


Collector’s Advocate. 1 (Aug. 1965).

Collector’s Bulletin. 3 (nd); 5 (June 1966); 6 (Nov. 1966); 7 (April 1967); 8 (Nov. 1967); 9 (June 1968); 10 (April 1969); 11 (Oct. 1971).

Collector’s Corner. (Aug. 1968).

Collector’s Den. (March 1971); (April 1971).

Collector’s Dream. 2 (nd).

Collector’s Markplace. 2 (May 1983).

Collector’s Portfolio of Bambioids. 25 (Aug. 1979).

Collinsport Courier. 1 (Spring 1973).

Colog. APA-45. 5 (Feb. 1970); 6 (Summer 1970); 7 (Oct. 1970); 8 (Jan. 1971); 9 (April 1971); 10 (July 1971); 11 (Oct. 1971); 12 (Jan. 1972); 13 (April 1972); 14 (July 1972); 15 (Oct. 1972); 16 (Jan. 1973); 17 (April 1973); 19 (Oct. 1973); 20 (Jan. 1974); 21 (April 1974); 22 (July 1974); 30 (Dec. 1976); 32 (Sept. 1977).

Colonists. 1 (Dec. 1980).

Colony. (nd).


Comet. (May/June 1940); another issue (nd).

Come What Idiot. 1 (nd). FR.

Comic Art. 0 (nd); 7 (1968) story by Harlan Ellison.

Comic Art Studies. 49 (Dec. 1992).

Comic Collector’s Handbook. 3 (1968).

Comic Fan Venture. 1 (Dec. 1973).

Comicollector. 7 (Sept. 1962); 8 (Nov. 1962).

Comicology. 5 (Feb. 1971); 6 (nd); Best of Comicology 1968-1972.

Comic Media News. 13 (April/May 1974); 15 (Sept. 1974); 16 (Oct. 1974).

Comic News. 3 (oct. 1985); 4 (Jan. 1986).

Comic Reader12 (Aug. 1962); 16 (Feb. 1963); 90 (Oct. 1972); 91 (Nov. 1972); 92 (Dec. 1972); 93 (Jan. 1973); 94 (Feb. 1973); 102 (Dec. 1973); 103 (Jan./Feb. 1974); 105 (April 1974); 107 (June 1974); 108 (July 1974); 110 (Sept. 1974); 111 (Oct. 1974); 112 (Nov. 1974); 113 (Dec. 1974); 116 (March 1975); 120 (July 1975); 1222 (Sept. 1975); 123 (Oct. 1975); 124 (Nov. 1975); 140 (Feb. 1977); 144 (June 1977); 145 (July 1977); 148 (Sept. 1977); 164 (Jan. 1979); 166 (March 1979); 168 (May 1979); 170 (July 1979); 172 (Sept. 1979); 180 (June 1980).

Comics Buyers' Guide. 579 (Dec. 1984); 580 (Dec. 1984); 581 (Jan. 4, 1985); 582 (Jan. 11, 1985); 583 (Jan. 18, 1985); 584 (Jan. 25, 1985); 585 (Feb. 1, 1985); 586 (Feb. 8, 1985); 587 (Feb. 15, 1985); 588 (Feb. 22, 1985); 589 (March 1, 1985).

Box 13

Comics Journal. 32 (1977); 36 (Aug. 1977); 37 (Dec. 1977) article by Greg Bear; 38 (Feb. 978); 39 (April 1977); 40 (June 1978); 95 (Feb. 1985); 96 (March 1985).

Comic Scope. 2 (nd).

Comics Views. (Summer 1986).

Comic Writer, The. 1 (March 1974); 2 (April 1974); 3 (June 1974).

Comix Views. 5 (Winter 1985).

Comm’l. 3 (April 1974); 5 (October 1964).

Communicator. (Fall 1975).

Compound Fracture. 1 (1979); 2 (1980).

Concentration Moon. 7 (April 1972).

Concentric Cosmic Circle.



Confessions of a Failed Yuppie. (Aug. 1985).

Confrontation. 19 (March 1972); 20 (April 1972); 21 (May 1972).


Confusion’s Conception. (nd).

Con Game. (1974).

Conglomeration. 2 (Aug. 1969); 3 (Nov. 1969); 4 (June 1970); 5 (Sept. 1971).

Connexion. 2 (July 1981) personal ads.

Conspiracies Unlimited. 3:1 (nd); 3:2 (nd).

Conspiracy Newsletter. 1 (April 1981); 2 (May 1981).

Consuming Paper. 43 (1976) part of Maybe fanzine; 47 (nd).

Contact. 1 (Oct. 1956) from Belgium; 3 (Nov. 1956); 27 (Dec. 1972).

Contact Is Not a Verb. No. 5 (Nov. 1980)

Contact: Newsletter of the Philadelphia Bidding Committee. 1 (Jan. 1973); 2 (Feb. 1973); 3 (March 1973); 4 (April 1973); 5 (May 1973); 6 (June 1973); 7 (July 1973); 9 (Nov. 1978).

Context. (July 1978).

Continuing Conversation.   No. 2

Continuous Brian Earl Brown, The. 4 (Nov. 1977); 5 (may 1979).

Continuum. 1 (April 1975); 2 (Aug. 1975); 3 (Aug. 1976) interview with Alexei Panshin.

Control Guns: Stop Saltpeter Sales! F/R Cult.

Control Zap. 20 (Nov.1975); 21 (Dec. 1975).

Conventional Fanzine. 0 (March 1979).

Convention Girls Digest. 1 (1984); 2 (1986).

Convention Log. 18 (April 1979),20 (June 1979), 21 (Sept. 1979), 22 (Nov. 1979); 26 (Jan. 1981); 30 (Nov. 1981).

Convergence. 26 (Jan.1982); 29 (Apr. 1982); 37 (June 1983).

Conversation. ad.

Conversations with a Pregnant Donut Lady.

Converse. 3 (Jan. 1998).


Copper Toadstool. 1 (Dec. 1976).

Coprofile. 1 (Jan. 1968). N'APA.

Corflu. 3 (Feb. 1986).

Corflu Gazette. (Nov. 1984).

Corflu Stuff. Corflu 5 Program Book (April 1988); Corflu 5 Restaurant Guide; Corflu 5 call for fanzines; flyer for Corflu 6 in Minneapolis; Corflu 6 Progress Report.

Corr. 1 (nd); 2 (nd); 2.5 (nd); 3 (nd); 4 (nd); 5 (nd).

Correlation. 1 (nd).

Corridor. (1974) interview with J.G. Ballard.

Corriganville Corral. No. 2 (June 1974)

Corroboree.   no. 2 (1992)

Corruption of the Innocent.   no. 1

Cor Serpentis.   nos. 2, 3 (1972)

Cosign.   nos. 4, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17

Cosmica.   vol. 1 no. 3, vol. 3 no. 2, vol. 3 no. 3, vol. 3 no. 4

Cosmic Circle (and Fandom).

Cosmic Circle Commentator.  no. 7

Cosmic Digest.   no. 2

Cosmic Dribble.   no. 1

Cosmic Dust.   no. 7

Cosmic Raise.   no. 4

Cosmic Tales.   vol. 2 no. 1, vol. 2 no. 2 (1939)

Cosmic Trashcanner.

Cosmica International.   vol. 2 no. 1, vol. 2 no. 2

Cosmos.   vol. 1 no. 3

Cosmostilletto.   no. 12


Count Carfax's Memoirs.   vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 1 no. 2, vol. 1 no. 3

Countdown: Dreams.  

Country Roads

Cover.   nos. 1, 2, 9, 10, x-1 , x-2, x-3, x-4, x-5

Cover-Up Lowdown.

Cowardian Interlude.  no. 1

Cowboy Angel.  nos. 1, 2

Cozine 1 and 2, 1972

CPAP.   nos. 3, 4

Crabapple.   nos. 15, 16, 17 (1980), 18 (1981)

Crabapple Gazette.   vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 1 no. 2 (1968)

Crabbings. No. 1

Crab Droppings.   no. 4 (1983)

Crawling from a Wreckage.

Crawlings from the Cavern.   vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 1 no. 2, special edition

Crazed Wizard's Gift, The.

Cream of the Jest, The. No. 4

Creative Orgasm and Its Perils, The. (1971)

Creative Reading Undescribably Delicious. No. 33

Creative World Bulletin and Catalogue.   vol. 3, no. 1

Creature of Habit.   nos. 1, 2, 3

Creepy.    no. 34

Creosote.   no. 1

Cri de Loon.   nos. 6, 9


Crifanac.   nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1998), 11, 12 (1999)

Crinkum-Crankum.   no. 1

Critical Mass.   nos. 1, 6

Croggled.   no. 1 (1970)

Cross Plains.   vol. 1 no. 5 (1974)

Box 14

Crossroads, edited by Al Snider, vol. 1, no. 1 --12

Crossroads Quarterly.   vol. 1 no. 4 (1977)

Crucified Toad.   no. 4

Crudzine Quarterly.

Cruise of the Foo-Foo Special.

Crumbling Relicks.

Crux.    vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 1 no. 3, vol. 3

A Supplement to Crux.

Cry.   nos. 175 (fake), 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185

Cry of the Cricket, The.   nos. 18, 26, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48

Crypt. SEE: Armageddon

Cryptor.   no. 2

Crystalloid Critter. 7,8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15

Crystal Ship.    nos. 3, 7,14, 15

Crystal Singer.   no. 14

Cthulhu Calls.   vol. 1 no. 1, vol. 1 no. 2 (1973), vol. 1 no. 3 (1974), vol. 2 no. 3, vol. 3 no. 1, vol. 3 no. 2 (1975), vol. 3 no. 3 (1976), vol. 4 no. 2, vol. 4 no. 4, vol. 5 no. 1 (1977)

Cthulhu of Cult, The.   nos. 3, 5 (1974)

Cube.   nos. 7 (1983), 47, 48, 49 (1992), 52, 53 (1994)


Cullowhee Comments.   nos. 1 (1974), 3, 4 (1978), 5 (1979), 6, 7 (1981), 8 (1983)

Cum Bloatus.

Cunctator Secondus.

Cunctator Tertius.

Curmudgeon, The.    nos. 3 (1979), unnumbered (1980), 6 (1981).  NOTE: Published by original owner of collection Mike Horvat

Currently Recommended.   1980 issue, 1981 issue

Curse You Red Baron!.   vol. 2 no. 4, vol. 2. no. 5, vol. 2 no. 6, vol. 3 no. 2, vol. 3 no. 3, vol. 3 no. 7, vol. 3 no. 8, vol. 3 no. 9, vol. 3 no. 10, vol 2 no 5., vol 2 no 5.1, vol 2 no 7

Curved Space.

Cusfussing.   nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18/19, 20, 21 (2 copies), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50


Cute Cat Stories. 2 (June 1989).

Cuteto. vol. 4 no. 4, 5.

C.V. Sword & Sceptre. vol. 1. no. 1

Cy Chauvin Memorial Fanzine.   no. 1

Cyborg.    no. 5/6

Cycloid.   nos. 1, 2, 3

Cyclops. vol. 1 no. 1.

Cyclop’s Eye.   nos. 55, 57, 58

Cyclotron.  July (1976), November (1977)

CYGNI.   Vol. 1 No. 1, Vol. 1 No. 3, Vol. 1 No. 4

Cygnus Chronicler.   Vol. 2 No. 2, Vol. 2 No. 3 (1980), Vol. 3 No. 3 (1981), Vol. 5 No. 2, Vol. 5 No. 3 (1983)

Cynic.   Nos. 3, 7, 9

Cynic, The.   No. 42

Cynical.   Nos. 9 (1975), 10 (1977)

Cypher.   Nos. 5, 6 (1971), 7, 8 (1972), 9, 10 (1973)

Daily Communicator.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (2001)

Daily Fan, The.   Vol. 1, Vol. 2 (1984)

Daily News, The.

Daily Planet, The.   (Jan. 1970)


Daley Planet.  Nos. 3, 4, 6

Dallas SF Soc. Journal – DJ, DASFS Journal

Dallascon Bulletin.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17

Box 15

Dalmatian Press publications: A Gift Beyond Price, a novel by Marie Woisard. Dalmatian Press (undated); T'Merea, a novel by Marie Woisard (undated). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Dal's Journal. 7.


Damfino.   No. 44 (1983)

Damn Thing, The.   Vol. 1 No. 3 (1941)

Dance in Your Joy, a novel by Sharon Emily (undated). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Dandelion Seeds.   Eighteen Stories by H.L. Prosser (undated)

Dangerous Crudzines.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Dark Fantasy.   No. 14

Dark Messenger.   No. 22, 24, and a different #24?

Darkling & Ravage Traveling Pandemonium.   nos. 1, 2

Darkover. No. 1 (1974)

Darkover Newsletter.

Dasfax.    VOLUME 2: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 (1970),  VOLUME 3: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1971) VOLUME 4 (If there are 2 listed, they are different versions of what claim to be the same fanzine): 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12 (1972).  VOLUME 5 (these are the alternate version of hte fanzine) 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1973). VOLUME 6: 1-12 (1974) VOLUME 7:1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (1975) VOLUME 8: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 (1976) VOLUME 11: 2 (1979) VOLUME 16: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (1984)

Dasfolk Filk-Rock.   

Dashiell Hammett Tour.

Dash It All. No. 2

Das Rad.    April (1986)

Dast.   September (1978), June (1979)

Dateline: Comicdom.   No. 31

Dave Bridges.

Dave Hulvey.

David ! Stop Playing in the Toilet. 1.


Day by Day.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5

Day-Glo Teyglah.  

Day * Star.

Dead Flowers.   Nos. 1, 3

Deadloss.   No. 4

Deadly Prose. No. 1-5 (Jan. 1978-August 1978), 7-9 (Dec. 1978-May 1979), 11 (Sept. 1979), 13 (Jan. 1980), 14 (March 1980), 16 (July 1980), 17 (Sept. 1980)

Deadly Zine, The. No. 4 (Jan. 1981), 5, 6

Dead Moose Stew.

Deadspawn.   No. 2 (1976)

Dead Trees.   No. 2 (1980)

Deadwood APA.   No. 214 (1987)

Death in the Family, A. NOTE: Speical Edition of Gegen Schein

Debris.  Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

Decal.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5

December 27, 1968.

Dedicated Fool, The.   Catalogue #4

Deeds In Detail.    (1974)

Deep Woods. 1 (Feb. 1977), 2 (June 1977).

Defenestration.   Nos. 1, 2, 5, 8

Defrosted Architecture

Defunct. No. 1 (Sept. 1980), 18 (1984).

Degenerate.   Nos. 1, 2

Degler!.   Nos. 29, 30, 33, 233, 240

Deja Vu.   Nos. 1, 5

De Jueves. No. 423-2

Delap’s F & SF Review.   Nos. 1, 7, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

De La Ree.  

Delerium Tremens.   No. 1

Delineator.   Nos. 3, 4

Del Rey.  

Delta Psi.   No. 1

Delve.   Nos. 3, 4

Demeter, a novel by Jane Land (January 1987). Gift of Lorna Minor. See also: Kista.

Dendrocygna Bicolor. 22 (Jan. 1976); 23 (Feb. 1976); 27 (June 1976); 28 (July 1976); 54 (Jan. 1979) 78 (Jan. 1982).

Denfen Droppings.   Nos. 1, 3

Denotations.   No. 1

Dental Hygene Comix.

Denton, Frank.  

Denver Fanzine Monitor.   Nos. 1, 2 (1980)

Denvention's Nameless Newsletter.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8

Den Visions.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1978)

De Profundis.   Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 35, 44, 46, 48, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79, 89, 90, 91, 92, 113, 114, 115, 116, 125, 151, 153, 158   (Issues range from 1968-1985)

Derleth Society Newsletter.    Vol. 1 No. 1

De Revolutionibus. 2 (July 1972).

Derogatory Reference.   Nos. 63 (1989), 64, 65, 66, 68 (1990), 69, 70, 71 (1991), 76 (1993), 77, 78, 79 (1994), 80, 81 (1995), 82, 83, 84 (1996), 85, 86 (1997), 87, 88, 90 (1998), 91, 92, 93, 94 (1999), 95, 96 (2000), 97, 98 (2001), 99 (2002)


Desert Island. 

Box 16 

Desert Pack Rat.   No. 2 (1958)

Desk Set Gazette.   Nos. 1, 2 (1985), 3 (1986)

Despatch. 30 (Winter 1977).

Desperate in the Dadabase.  

Desperate Dfsolation. 3 ( March 1975).

Desperate Nuh.  

Destiny – Sourk.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975), Vol. 1 No. 1 (1976)

Destiny – Willits.   Nos. 6 (1952), 10, 11 (1954)

Destiny of Science Fiction.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Detective Science Fiction Illustrated.   No. 4

Det Lutande Lärkträdet.

Detours. 12 (1981).

Detroit News & Views.  

Devilette, The.

Devil Take the Hindmost.   No. 1

Devil’s Advocate.   Nos. 2, 3 (1978), 4, 5 (1979)

Devil's Work

De Viol. 3.

Devlin’s Review.   Nos. 1, 2

Devoid.    No. 1

Devore, Howard.

De Wold'o De Lawd. No. 3

Diablerie.   Jan. (1944), Feb. (1944), May (1944), Jan. (1945)

Diagnostic Clinic.

Diagonal Relationship.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Dialogue.   May (1974)

Diamonds and Rust (1977). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Diary of a Mad Boll Weevil, The.   No. 1 (1976)


Diddy-Wah-Diddy.   No. 1

Diehard – Tony Cvetko.   2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Die Schmetterling. (1967)

Die Tydskrif Vir Fantasie en Wetenskapfiksic.    No. 3


Different Viewpoint, A.  

Differential.    Nos. 1 (1962), 9 (1963), 23, 24, 25, 26 (1964), 32,32, 33, 34, 37 (1965)

Digressions.   Nos. 1, 2, 4

Dilemma – Jackie Pranke.   1, 2, 3, 4 (1973), 5, 6 (1974), 7, 8, 9, 10 (1975), 11, 12, 13, 14 (1976)

Dillinger Relic. 50 (1987).

Dime Novel Roundup.  Range From 1936-1951   Nos. 44, 45, 46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 231

Dimensional Doorway.   No. 1 (1979)

Dimension: Praecox.

Dimethylnitrosamine. No. 1, 2 

Dingo Vomit.    No. 2

Dinosaur Spit! 1 (Jan. 2000).

Dio.   Vol. 1 No. 1, Vol. 1 No. 2, Vol. 1 No. 3, Vol. 1 No. 4 (1979), Vol. 1. No. 5 (1980)

Dionysos.   Nos. 4, 6 (1969)

Dipple Chronicle.   Vol. 1 No. 1, Vol. 1 No. 2, Vol. 1 No. 3, Vol. 1 No. 4 (1971), Vol. 2 No. 2 (1972)

Directory of 1960 S.F. Fandom, The.

Directory of Star Trek Organizations.   Nos. 6, 7 (1974)

Directory to Los Angeles Fandom.


Disasociation. 1.

Disclave.   (1983)

Discon 2.   Nos. 2, 3, 4

Discordia Revisited.   No. 1

Box 17

Discover Alouette. No. 3

Discovered Beneath a Truck.

Discs of Large Duration.   No. 17

Dishabillé.   No. 1


Disorganized Ameoba, The.   Unnumbered, No. 3, 8

Disparity of the Linerity.

Distaff.   Aug (1974)


Ditto Masters of the Universe.   (1984)

Diversifier.   Volume 1: No. 2 (July 1974), No. 6 (Dec 1974), No. 7 (Feb 1975), No. 8 (April 1975), No. 9 (June 1975), Volume 2: No. 1 (Aug 1975, 2 copies), No. 2 (Oct. 1975), No. 3 (Jan. 1976), No. 4 (March 1976), No. 5 (May 1976), No. 6 (July 1976), Volume 3: No. 2 (Nov. 1976), No. 4 (May 1977), No. 5 (July 1977), Volume 4: No. 1 (Sept. 1977), No. 3 (Jan. 1978), No. 4 (March 1978), No. 5 (May 1978)

Diversity.   Nos. 2 (Sept. 1971); 3 Pardon Us; 3 (Aug. 1972).

DJ.   Nos. 1 (April 1969), 2 (June 1969), 3 (Aug. 1969), 4 (June 1972), 5 (Dec. 1972)

Djinn. 9 (1st June 1970), 10 (8th June 1970).

DMSFF, no. 1 -- 3

D.N.K. Jola.   No. 1 (1979)

DNQ.   Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1978), 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 (1979), 29, 31 (1980), 32 (one version), 32 (A different version) (1980), 34

DOEJOFFLE.   No. 1 (1982)

Doerr, Paul

Do Not Laugh.  No. 1 (Aug 1979)


Doc Savage Club Reader.   Nos. 6, 7 (1978), 8 (1979), 11 (nd)

Doc Savage Quarterly. No. 1

Doc Vollmer's Neighbor. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 14

Documents for the Defense.

Don Herron.

Don - O - Saur Coprolites.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (1971), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (1973), 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 (1974), 40, 41, 42, 43 (1975), 44, 45, 46, 47 (1976), 48, 49, 50 (1977), 51 (1978), 59 (Aug. 1990), 60 (Nov. 1990).

Donkey Dance.    Nos. 3, 4, 5

Don’t Go Columbus.


Doodle.   No. 1 (April 1945)

Doodlebug.   No. 3 (March 1994)

Doom Eager.   No. 6

Doorway.   No. 8 (Jan. 1974)

Doppler.   No. 7

Dorie. 22 ( April 1972), 23, 24 (Sep. 1972).

Doris Hess, Dennis Lien.

Dork-Pizzle.   No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1975), 6, 7 (1976)

Dorn Island Books.

Dot.   No. 2 (1977), 9 (1980)



Double: Bill (Akron, OH). Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers, ed. #12 (3:2, April-May); #17 (5:2); #19; #21 (Fall 1969); Double:bill Symposium (September 1969).

Double Eclipse.   (June 1976)

Doubt.   Nos. 20, 21

Down the Back Road.   No. 2

Down to the Wire - Frank Denton.   (1979)

DR.   13 (April 1980); No. 65 (1990)

Dr. Cheese and the Cake Lady.   (Feb. 1987)


Dragonard.   No. 1 (May 1979)

Dragon Fly.  

Dragon Path – Frank Denton.   No. 5 (Dec. 1977)

Dragon Runners’ Chronicle.   Nos. 2, 3 (1973), 5 (1974)

Dragon's Claw. A novel by Roberta Debono (1987) Gift of Lorna Minor.

Dragon's Lair.   No. 1

Drake's Potpourri.

Dramatizing Lovecraft – Ben Indick.   Parts 2, 4

Box 18

Dreadnought.   Nos. 2 (1972), 3, 4 (1973)

Dreamquest.   Nos. 5, 6 (1948)

Dreamtree.   No. 8 (1975)

Dreams and False Alarms.   No. 1 (1984)

Dreamberry Wine.

Dreams of the Sloth Poth.

Dreams of Yith.   (July 1943)

Dream Vendor.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2 (1977), 3 (1978)

Dreegh.   No. 1 (1968)

D.R.E.G.S. Papers, The.   No. 4 (1988)

Drift – Gary Farber.   Nos. 1 (1975), 2, 2.1, 2.2 (1976), 3 (1977), 4 (1979)

Driftglass.  No. 24

Driftglide in Time, A.  

Drifting Soul.   No. 1


Drilkjis.   Nos. 3 (1978), 4 (1979), 5 (1980)

Drivel, Twaddle, and Pop.   No. 1 (1973)

Drooping Egume. vol. 1 no. 1.

Dropbear Digest.   Nos. 1 (1987), 2 (1988)

Drum, The.

Drunkboat.   No. 1 (1976)

Duck’s Breath.

Dudley.   No. 1 (1973)

Duende.   No. 2 (1977)


Duff Newsletter. 4.

Dunk’s Scarp Book.     (Dec. 1946)

Dunnock Press. No. 25, 26

Dunwich Dreams.   Nos. 1, 2 (1982), 3, 4, 5 (1983)

Duprass.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Dwarf.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1974), 7 (1975)

DWODL.   Nos. 7, 8, 35

Dwyke.   No. 1 (1977)

Dylanoid Relic.    Nos. 1, 2

Dynacence.   Nos. 1, 2, 2.5

Dynamite. 26.

Dynaship – James McCawley.

Dynatron.   (Issues dated from  1960-1990)   Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 82, 86, 93, 94

Dzarmungzund.   No. 8 (1972)

Early Bird.   No. 5

Early English.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Earth Gazette.   Nos. 1, 2

Earth, It Did Not Move for Me, The.

East Aryan Exporter, The.  No. 3

East Lansing Is Last Year's Mecca.

East Point Opposite.   No. 1 (1979)

Ebon Lute.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2 (1977)

ECCE.   Vol. 2 No. 1, Vol. 2 No. 2 (1973)

ECCE FANNO.    No. 1 (1976)

Echerni. The Lightfleet Letters, by Anna Mary Hall, Daphne Hamilton, Virginia Tilley (May 1980). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Echo Beach Quarterly.   No. 4 (1980)

Echoes. No. 43 (June 1989)

Echoes from Ozmn. No. 97 (August 1977).

Echoes From the Vaults of Yoh-Vombis.   (1976)

Ec’h-Pi-El-Speaks – H.P. Lovecraft.   (1972)

Eclipse.   Nos. 1, 4, 7,  8, 9

Box 19

Eddore. No. 3 (Sep. 1970)

Editor’s Efforts.   (1949)

Edge.   (1973)

Edge of Forever.     Nos. 1 (1989), 2 (1990)

Edmonton Extra.   No. 1 (1977)

Eerie Country.    No. 3 (1980)

Effen Essef.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975)

Efforts From Churning Fingers.   Nos. 6, 10, 18, 20

Egeo Sextarius.  

Egg.   Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11

Egladil.   Nos. 3 (1975), 4 (1976), 5 (1977)

Ego.   No. 8 (1964)

Egoboo.   Nos. 8, 13, 14, 15, 16

Egoboo and Other Communications.

Egoboodle.   Nos. 5, 6 (1983)

Egoscan.   No. 1 (1983)

Eichmil.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Eildon Tree.   Nos. 1 (1974), 2 (1976)


Eisenstein, Alex.   (1972)

Eldritch Leanings.   No. 18 (1981)

Eldritch Science.   No. 1 (1987)

Eldritch Tales.   No. 10 (1984)

Electrolytic Connection.   Nos. 2, 3 (1971), 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1972)

Eleventh Hour, The. 

El Fantome Perverto 

Elf Lord.   Nos. 1, 4

Elinor's Trip to Italy with Monica and Diann.

Ellison, Harlan.


Elt among the Ice Floes.

Eltdown Shards.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7

Embelyon.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1970)

Emblems of a Season of Fury.   No. 21 (1980)

Emerald City Gazette, The.   No. 8

Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour Interviews, The.   (1985)

Empire.   Nos. 2 (1975), 3, 4 (1975), 5/6, 7, 8 (1976), 9, 10, 11, 12 (1977), 13, 14 (1978), 15 (1979), 19, 20, 21 (1980), 26 (1981)31 (1983), 32, 33 (1984)

Empties.   Nos. 4, 5

Empty Words. 1-4 ( Dec. 1980-July 1981).

Enceladus.   Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7

Enchanted Duplicator, The.   No. 3 (1981)

Encounters.   (1990)

Endeavor.   Nos. 6 (1973), 8, 9 (1975), 10 (1976), 11, 12 (1977), 13 (1978)

Energumen. 1 (Feb. 1970) poem from Joe Haldeman; 2 (May 1970) letter from Anne McCaffrey; 3 (Aug. 1970) poem from Joe Haldeman; 5 (Feb. 1971); 6 (April 1971); 7 (April 1971); 8 (June 1971); 9 (Sept. 1971); 10 (Dec. 1971), 11 (March 1972), 12 (June 1972), 13 (Sept. 1972), 14 (Dec. 1972), 15 (May 1973), 16 (Sept. 1981)

Box 20

En Garde.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 (1968), 5 1/2, 6 (1969)

En Garde.   Nos. 7, 8 (1943), 10 (1944), 13, 14, 15 (1945), 17 (1946)

Engholm File.   (Nov. 1987)

ENNUI – John Purcell.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1982)

ENNUI – Creath Thorne.   No. 1 (1968)

Enter The Lists.   No. 2 (1983)

Entropion.  Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1971), 8 (1987), 9 (April 1973)

Entropy. No. 68 (Feb. 1977) 

Entropy Negative.   Nos. 4, 5, 6

Envoy. 16 (Jan. 1975).

Eoforing.   No. 5

Ephebe, The.   No. 1 (1982)

Epic.   Nos. 11, 12

Epilogue.   Nos. 3, 4 (1971)


Epingles De Fantasie. No. 1 (Jan. 1984).

Epiphany – Gary Farber.   No. 1 (Dec. 1982)

Epiphany- Tim Marion.   No. 24 (1976)

Epistles & Egoboo.

Epoch.    (1975)

Epoxy in the Middle of the Night. (August 1977).

Eppur Si Muove!

Epsilon Eridani Express.   Nos. 2 (1977), 3 (1978), 4 (1979), 5 (1980)


Equilox.    Nos. 1, 2 (1974)

Equinox.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975), 4 (1977)

Erb-dom.    Nos. 2 (1960), 9, 11 (1964), 12, 14 (1965), 15, 17, 18, 19 (1966), 20, 21 (1967), 23, 24 (1968), 30 (Jan. 1970), 31 (Feb. 1970), 32 (March 1970), 39 (1970), 43, 47, 49, 53 (1971), 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 (1972), 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 (1973), 75, 79 (1974), 80 (1975)

Erebus.   No. 3 (Oct. 1943)

Ered Nimrais.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1976), 5, 6 (1977), 7, 8, 12 (1978), 14, 15 (1979)

Erelas.   No. 2 (1977)

Erehwon.   No. 42 (1971)

Erg.   Nos. 35, 36 (1971), 37, 38, 40 (1972), 41, 42, 43, 44 (1972), 45, 47 (1974), 49 (Jan. 1975), 50, 51, 52 (1975), 53, 54, 55, 56 (1976), 57, 58, 59, 60 (1977), 61, 62 (1978), 69, 71 (1980), 74 (1981), 87 (1984), 89, 90, 91 (1985), 93 (1986), 97, 98, 100 (1987), 102 (1988), 106, 107 (1989), 110 (1990), 112 (Oct. 1990), 114 (1991), 118 (1992), 123 (1993), 126 (1994), 130 (1995), 135 (1996), 138 (1997), 141 (1998), 148 (2000)

Box 21

Eric B Lindsay. No. 1.

Eridani. No. 18

Eridani Triad.   Nos. 1, 2

Ersatz Foobang. No. 57 (July 1975), 58 (August 1975), 63 (Feb. 1976), 64 (March 1976), 65 (April 1976), 87 (August 1978), 125 (Feb. 1983).


Eryn Galadh.    No. 1 (May 1974)

Esc!.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1993), Vol. 2 No. 4 (1994)

Esdacyos. No. 34 (Aug. 1982).

Esgaroth Express.   No. 15 (July 1974)

ESIT.   No3. 3, 5 (1983)

Esoteric Fanart Tales.  

Esoteric Order of Dagon.   (1981-1982)

Essence.   Nos. 2, 3 (1970), 4 (1971)

Estarian Explorer.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Eternity.   No. 1 (1979)

Eternity Road.   No. 1 (1974), 2, 3 (1975), 4 (1977), 5, 6 (1982), 8 (1985)

Ethel the Frog.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (1979), 3, 4 (1981), 5

Etherline II.   Nos. 3.75, 4, 5

Ethos.   Nos. 1, 2 (1971), 3, 4 (1972)

Etiquette for Maniacs.   (1982)

Étrange Faeces.   No. 16 (1974)

Ettle.   Nos. 1 (1984), 2, 3 (March 1985), 4, 5 (1985)

Eurekacon.   Nos. 1, 2 (1983)

European Link.    Nos. 4, 5 (1968)

Eusifanso.   Vol. 2 No. 3, Vol. 2 No. 4 (1951), Vol. 2 No. 5 (1952)

Evolution.   Vol. 1 No. 4

Evolution of Modern Science Fiction.  

Ewigkeit.   No. 6 (1977)

Exacerbating Jabberwocky. No. 5 (Jan. 1977)

Excerpts from the Chronicles of Dragons Unlimited. (June 1976)

Exile.   Nos. 3, 4 (1968), 5, 6 (1969), 7 (1970)

Exilian Crossection, The.   (1972)

Existentialisms a Cruel Business.   (Feb. 1997)

Exit.   No. 13 (1971)

Exoteric Monthly.   (1974)

Exotica Erotica.    Nos. 1, 2 (1977)

Expressway to Nowhere.   (1989)

Extrapolation.   Index to v. 1-14, Vol. 11 Nos. 1 (1969), 2 (1970), Vol. 13 No. 2 (1972), Vol. 14 Nos. 1 (1972), 2 (1973), Vol 15 Nos. 1 (1973), 2 (1974), Vol. 16 No. 1 (1974), Vol. 17 No. 1 (1975), Vol. 18 No. 2 (1977), Vol. 19 No. 1 (1977), Vol. 22 No. 4 (1981)

FAAN Award Discussion – Gary Farber.   No. 2

Fables of Irish Fandom.   Nos. 1, 4 (1998), 5 (1999)

Fabulous Faust Fan Zine, The.  No. 1 (1948)

Faceless Ex-Bureaucrat.   Nos. 1, 2 (1987), 3 (1988)

Box 22

Factsheet Five.   Nos. 10, 12 (1984), 13, 14, 15 (1985), 21, 22, 23, 24 (1987), 26, 27, 28, 30 (1988), 31, 32, 33 (1989), 35, 37, 39, 40 (1990), 44 (1991)


Fairfield Street Examiner.   (May 1974)

Falchion.   Vol. 1 (1966)

Fallen Angels. No. 3 (April 1976)

False Karass.   No. 1

Famous Monsters.   No. 191 (1983)

Famzine-[filed Oversize Box]

Famzine Fanatique.

Fan.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1945), 6, 7 (1946)

Fanac.  (In a foreign language) Nos. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 (1973), 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 (1974), 76 (1975), 77 (1976)

Fanac. (A zine in English, appears unrelated to the above) Nos. 93, 96 (1963), 101

Fanactik.    No. 2

Fan Art Folio, The.   (1957)

Fanatic.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973)

Fanarchist – Dave Grigg.   Nos. 1 (1970), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Fan Birthday Calendar, The. No. 2

Fan Book Fan.

Fancom.   Nos. 1, 4

Fancycyclopedigest.   No. 1 (1968)

Fan Dancer.   Vol. 2 No. 2

Fan-Dango.   Nos. 3, 3A (1943), 8 (1945),

Fandhome.   No. 1

Fandom Annual.   No. 1 (1967)

Fandom Computer Services.

Fandom Is a Proud and Lonely Thing.

Fandom Makes Strange Bedfellows. No. 3

Fandom Market Newsletter.   (1975)

Fandom’s Burden.   (1958)

Fandom’s Burden Last Ride.

Fandom Speaks!-[filed Oversize Box]

Fandom’s Yellow Pages.   No. 2 (1974)

Fandom Unlimited – Randall D. Larson.   Nos. 2, 3 (1977)

Fandom Writer, The.   No. 1 (1973)

Fan-Ettes.   No. 1 (1947)

Fanewsletter.   Nos. 1-17 (1974), 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 (1975), 49 (1976), 77/78, 90 (1977), 94, 99 (1978)

Fanews, The & Fanewscard Weekly.

Fanfare. No. 3 (1940)

Fanfare – Bill Spicer.   No. 10 (1943)


Fangle.   Nos. 1 (1971), 2 (1974)

Fan Historica.   Nos. 1 (1976), 3 (1980), 4 (1982), 5 (1996), 8 (1976?)

Box 23

Fan History.   No. 1 (1969)

Fanity Fare.   Nos. 1, 2 (1974)

Fanneoeil.   Nos. 2, 4 (1971)

Fannews. July, 1946, Dec. 1947.


Fannish Four Go to the Seaside, The. 

Fannish Inquisition, The. No. 13 (December 1975) 

Fanny Hill.   Nos. 1, 3 (1977), 4, 5 (1978)

Fanoclast Weakly.   No. 20 (1968)

Fanomena.   Issues A (1947), B (1948)

Fan Publishing Record.   Nos. 1, 3, 4 (1975)

Fan's Zine (art by Frank Miller).   Nos. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Fan Slants.   Nos. 1 (1943), 2 (1944)

Fan Slants – Paul E. Hemmes.   No. 1

Fans that Ate Miami Beach, The.

Fanstrips.   No. 1 (1974)

Fantabulous Crud.

Fantarama.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1977), 5, 6 (1978), Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2 (1978), 3, 4/5 (1979)

Fan Tarot Deck.   No. 3 (1977)

Fantasia.   Nos. 2, 3 (1941)

Fantasiae.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (1973), Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 (1974), Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-12 (1975), Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11-12 (1976), Vol. 7 No. 7 (1979), Vol. 9 Nos. 4-5, 6-7, 8 (1981)


Fantasias.   Nos. 3 (1951), 5 (nd), 8 (1953)

Fantasied.   No. 4 (1976)

Fantasite, The.   Vol. 1 Nos. 4, 5 (1941),  Vol. 2 Nos. 5 (1943), 6 (1944)

Fantast.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (1939), 8, 9 (1940), 10 (1941)

Fantast (Medway) Ltd.-[filed Oversize Box]

Fantastic Exploits.   No. 18

Fantastic Story Mag.   No. 1 (1953)

Fantastic Worlds.

Fantast's Folly. Vol. 1 No. 1 (Dec. 1944)

Fantasy.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1979), 5, 8 (1980), 66 (1984)

Fantasy Advertiser.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 4 (1946), 6Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 3 (1947)

Fantasy Ambler, The.

Fantasy Archives.   No. 22 (1979)

Fantasy Armature. No. 2

Fantasy Artist.   No. 9 (1981)

Fantasy Artists Network.

Fantasy Book - Garret Ford.   No. 2  (1947)

Fantasy Book - Dennis Mallonee.   (Oct. 1981), (Dec. 1981), (May 1982), (Aug. 1982), (Dec. 1984), (March 1985), (June 1985), (Dec. 1985), (March 1986), (June 1986)

Fantasy Classification System.   (1952)

Box 24

Fantasy Collector, The.   Vol. 3 Nos. 6, 9 (1961), Vol. 5 Nos. 3 (1962), 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1963), Vol. 6 Nos. 1, 2 (1963), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1964), Vol. 7 Nos. 1, 2 (1964), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1965), Vol. 8 Nos. 1, 2 (1965), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1966),  Vol. 9 Nos. 1, 2 (1966), 3, 4, 6, 7, 12 (1967), Switch over to Whole Numbers: 109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 (1968), 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 (1969), 132 (Dec. 1969), 154, 155, 156 (1971), 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 (1972), 170, 171 (1973), 206 (1989), 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223 (Oct. 1990), 224 (Nov. 1990), 225 (1990)

Fantasy Commentator - A. Searles.    Vol. Nos. 1 (1943), 4 (1944), 5, 6 (1945),  Vol. 5 No. 4 (1986), Vol. 6 No. 1 (1987)

Fantasy Comics.   Nos. 18, 19 (1964), 20 (1965)

Fantasy Critic.   No. 1 (1946)

Fantasy Crossroads.   Nos. 2, 3, 4/5, 6 (1975), 7, 8, 9 (1976), 10/11, 12 (1977), 13, 14 (1978), 15 (1979)

Fantasy Crosswinds – Jonathan Bacon.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1977)

Fantasy Digest – T. Dikty.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 (1939), 8 (1940)

Fantasy Directory.   No. 2

Fantasy Fictioneer.   Nos. 1 (1939), 2, 3, 4 (1940)

Fantasy Fiction Field.   Nos. 16, 21, 22, 23,31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63 (1941), 71, 72, 73, 91, 93 (1942), 119, , 120, 121, 122, 125, 142-143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152 (1943), 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161-162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167-168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199-200, 201, 202, 203, 204 (1944), 205, 206, 207, 208 (1945)

Box 25

Fantasy Forum.   Nos. 1, 2

Fantasy Gamer.   No. 1 (1983)

Fantasy House.  

Fantasy Jackpot.   No. 2 (1945)

Fantasy Magazines and Books.   No. 5

Fantasy Media.   Vol. 1 No. 5, Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1980)

Fantasy Mongers.   Nos. 1 (1979), 3 (1982), 12 (1984), 15 (1985), 17 (1986)

Fantasy Mongers Quarterly.   No. 25 (1988)

Fantasy News.  Nos. 32, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, a70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80 (1939), 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 85a, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 121 (1940), 169, 172, 173 (1944), 175, 178 (1945), 182, 187 (1949)

Fantasy News – Harry Wasserman.   Nos. 7, 8, 10

Fantasy Newsletter.   Nos. 6 (1978), 25, 27 (1980), 46, 54 (1982), 55, 58, 63 (1983), 65, 66, 67, 68 (1984)

Fantasy Pictorial.   No. 1

Fantasy Publishing Co.  

Fantasy Reminder.  No. 6 (1954)

Fantasy Review - Joe Kennedy. (1945-46)

Fantasy Review.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1947), 8, 9, 11, 12 (1948), 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (1949)

Fantasy Revolution.   No. 1 (1972)

Fantasy Times.   Nos. 4 (1941), 9 (1944), 10 (1945), 220 (1955)

Fantasy Trader.   Nos. 11 (1972), 12? (1973)

Fantasy Worlds.   Nos. 1 (1974), 2 (1975)

Fanthology.  (1975), (1976), (1981)

Fantipodean, The.   Nos. 4, 6, 7

Fan-Tods.   Nos. 5 (1943), 9, 10 (1945), 13 (1946)

Fantome Press. 

Fantom Makes Strange Bedfellows. No. 1 

Fantom Phantasies.   (1969)

Fan Typology.  

Fan Variety.   Nos. 3, 4, 13

Fanxiety.   No. 2 (1965)

Fanytt Scff.

Fanzine.   Vol. 2 Nos. 2, 3 (1976),   Vol. 3 No. 1 (1977)

Fanzine Activity Achievement Awards.  

Fanzine Advisor.

Fanzine Directory.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2 (1978), 3 (1981)

Fanzine Fanatique.

Fanzine Frantique.   No. 1, 26

Fanzine Index - Bloomington, IL.   (1945), (1946)

Fanzine Index - Pavlat & Evans. Nos. 1 (1952), 3 (1958)

Fanzine Material Pool.    No. 1 (1960)

Fanzine Publishing Record.   Nos. 2, 3 (1975)

Fanzine With No Name. 10 (nd)

FAPA Correspondent, The.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1943)

Fapamentary. No. 3 (August 1982)

Faraway Times.   No. 1

Farley File of Fandom.

Farmerage.   Nos. 1, 2 (1978)

Farrago – Donn Brazier.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1976), 4, 6 (1976), 7,

Faster Than a Tall Building. No. 1 (Jan. 1976)

Fast & Loose.   Nos. 1, 2 (1979), 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 (1980)

Fatal Glass of Beer, The. No. 1

Fat Cat Gazette.   Nos. 8, 9, 10, 14

Faux Pas.   No. 16

FAX Collector’s Edition – Ted Ditky.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975)

Fear and Loathing in the Nighttime.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2, 3 (1977), 4 (1979)

Federation Paper.   No. 1 (1983)

Feemwlort.   No. 1 (1965)

Feet of Clay.  

Feetnotes.   No. 5 (1980)

Felix.   No. 6 (1944)

Felonious Farrago. No. 1

Box 26

Fem-Lib SF.    Dilemma #10 (1975)

Fenachrone.   (1975)

Fesselmeyer Is an Ass!

Fewmels.   (1976)

Ffoee. No. 0

Fiawol.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972), 4, 5, 6 (1973), 7, 8 (1974), vol 2 no 3


Fiction's Free-For-All.   Nos. 1 (1988), 2 (1989)

Fictum Miraculum.   No. 1 (1975)

Fifteen Invidious Street.

Figment.   Nos. 1, 2 (1970), 3 (1971), 4 (1974), 5 (1975), 6 (1976), 7 (1978)

File 770.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1978), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (1979), 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 (1980), 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 (1981), 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (1982), 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 (1983), 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 (1984), 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 (1985), 57, 58, 59, 62 (1986), 63, 66, 67 (1987), 78, 82, 83 (1989), 84 (1990)

Film Collector’s Review.   No. 1 (1976)

Film Journal, The.   No. 7 (1975)

Film Fan Monthly.   No. 106 (1970)

Films in Review.   Vol. 24, Nos. 7, 9 (1973), Vol. 30 No. 1 (1980)

Filthy Habitual Maniacal Habits Department.

Filthy Lucre.

Filthy Pierre Songbook.  (1974)

Final Analysis.  


Finder’s Guide to Australterrestrials.  

Finder’s Keepers.   Nos. 1 (1972), 2 (1973), 3 (1974)

Fire and Gold. 1 (1981), 2 (1988). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Fireglass Prism.

First Class.   Nos. 2, 3, 5

First Deadly Zine.    Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1980), 4, 5, 6 (1981), 52

First Degree.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1976), Vol. 2 No. 3 (1977)

First Derivatives.

First Draft – Dave Van Arnam.   Nos. 42 (1964), 44 (1965), 182, 197, 198 (1967), 199, 200, 201, 202 (1968)

First Draft – John Bangsund.  No. 1 (1975)

First Fandom – Lynn Hickman.   No. 18 (1980)

First Fandom Magazine.   No. 10 (1963)

First Mercenary, see Mercenary

First Time for Everything, A.

Fission Chips.   No. 4 (1983)


Fith.   No. 5 (1982)

Five.   No. 5 (1965)

Fizbak.   No. 7 (1977)

Fladnag.   No. 1 (1975)

Flamenco.   March (1975), April (1975)

Flames.   No. 1 (1971)

Flannel Shirt Review, The.   (1991)

Flash Point.   No. 8 (1986)

Flatten the Toads.   No. 9 (1990)


Flip.   Nos. 1, 2 (1968)

Florida Fandom.   No. 1 (1976)

Flowers of Night – Bob Vardeman.   No. 50

Flying Buffalo Inc.   Sept. (1977)

Flying Buttress.

Flying down to Rio.

Flying On the Ground is Hard. No. 8

Flying Pig.   Nos. 1, 2 (1988), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1989), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (1990), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (1991), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26(1992), 28, 29 (1993), 30, 31, 32 (1994)

Flying What?, A.   Nos. 1, 2

FMM. No. 5

FMZ – Alan Shaw & rich brown.   Nos. 1 (1968), 2 (1974)

FMZ Digest – Arthur Louis Joquiel.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1941)

Focal Point.   Vol. 1 Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17.5 (1965), 18, 19, 20, 22 (1966), Vol. 2 Nos. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (1970), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (1971),  Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1971), 5 (1972)

Focus.   Nos. 1 (1979), 2, 3 (1980)

Folly.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 (1991), 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (1992)

Box 27

Folly of the Ghods.

Foma.   Nos. 2, 3

Fooka.   No. 1

Fool on the Hill, The. No. 2

Foolscap.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1967), 4, 5, 6 (1968), 11, 12 (1976-1977)

Fools Mate.   No. 28 (1979)

Foom!.   Nos. 3 (1973), 4 (1974)

FooView.   No. 3 (1952)

For APA L. No. 186

For the Clerisy: Good Words for Readers. vol. 4 no. 23 (Sep. 1997), vol. 4 no. 25 (Dec. 1997), vol. 5 no. 27 (April 1998).

For Your Eyes Only. No. 79-1–79-6, 80-1–80-7, 81-5

Force, The.   No. 3 (1977), 4 (1978)

Forecast 1955.   (1954)

Foreign Fanzine.  


Forgotten Sea of Mars.   (1965)

Forthcoming SF Books – Joanne Burger.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18

Forth Porpoise.   (1971)

Forty-Two.   No. 1 (1982)

Forum – Ray Palmer.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1966)

Forum International.   Nos. 1 (1969), 2 (1970)

Fosfax.   Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (1975), 26, 27, 28, 29 (1976), 58, 59, 60 (1982), 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73 (1983), (Aug. 1984)

Fothpatlaw.   No. 1

Fotostef.   No. 12

Foudroyant.   (1975), (1977)

Foundation.    Nos. 1, 2 (1972), 3, 4 (1973), 9 (1975), 10 (1976), 11/12 (1977), 13, 14 (1978), 15-17 (1979), 18-20 (1980)

Fountain Quarterly.   (1981)

Four Colour Farrago. No. 1.5 (April 1977)

Four Musketeers in Search of Fan Fund.   (1982)

Four Star Extra.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 (1978)

FR.    Nos. 155.109, 226.026 (1969), 268, 269, 270, 272ii, 272iii, 272iv, 274, 275, 277 (1971), 278, 279, 280, 281, 289, 290.13, 290.390 (1972), 652.711

Fractional Report on the State of the Revolution and Matters Pertaining Therewith, A.    No. 1 (1969)

Fractious Fractional.   (1975)

Fractured Mongoose.    Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1974)

Fragmentary Droop-Toons. 

Fragments. No. 11 

Framished.    No. 3 (1964)

Frankport Amateur Mag. Review – Alan Barrie Stewart.   No. 1

Frank Denton.

Frantic.   No. 3

Fraud.   No. 1 (1975)

Freas, Kelly.  

Freedom Blues.   (1972)

Freefan Journal.   Nos. 1 (1981), 3 (1982)

Free Radical

Free Spacer’s Press.   No. 1 (1982)

Free Thinker.   Nos. 5 (1996), 6 (1997), 7 (1998)

Frefanzine. No. 1 (1975)

Fried Hat Review.   No. 3 (1969)

Friends of Darkover Newsletter.  (June 1975), (March 1976), (Aug. 1976)

Friend of the Devil, A.  

Friends of Mine.   No. 1 (1972)

Frierson, Meade.  

From Linotype to Internet. (November 1995)

From Sunday to Saturday

From the Castle of Hogue. No. 15

From the Rim.   No. 1 (1982), 9 (1986), 10 (1986)

Frontier – Paul H. Klingbiel.   No. 6 (1941)

Frost in August.   No. 1 (1975)

Frritt Flacc. No. 1 (1947)

Fry of the Spamless, The. (March 1990)

Box 28

F & SF Book Co.   Nos. 29, 31 (1954), 32, 33, 34, 37 (1955), 62 (1961), 65 (1962), 78 (1965), 82, 85 (1966), 93, 94 (1968), 95, 97 (1969), 99, 100 (1970), 110, 111 (1974), 121 (1977)

FTT.   Nos. 10 (1990), 15 (1993), 16 (1994), 17, 19 (1995), 20, 21 (1996)

Fubsy Marsupial Fan Magazine.   No. 1 (1979)

Fuck the Tories.   Nos. 5 (1988), 6, 7 (1989), 8, 12 (1991), 13 (1992)

Fullerton Rebble, The. No. 3,4

Full Head of Steam, A.

Full Length Articles.   Nos. 2 (1939), 4 (1945), 6

Fulvous Funnies.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1975), 6 (Jan. 1976), 7 (Feb. 1976), 12 (July 1976), 19 (Feb. 1977), 32 (1978), 34 (1979)

Funky Frog's Friendly Fanzine. No. 3

Funky Frog’s Friendly Pauline.   Nos. 4, 5

Funky Frog Takes a Vacation.  

Funniest Song in the World.   (1981)

Funny Animal.    (Jan. 1984)

Funtasy.   No. 1 (1939)


Fur Chance to Dream.   Nos. 1 (1988), 2 (1989)

Further Adventures of Yada di' Shi' Ite, The.

Further Secret Adventures of Secret Agent Bob Continue, The.

Furversion.   No. 12 (1988)

Future.   Vol. 3 No. 2 (1977)

Future Fandom Stories.  

Future Focus.   No. 11 (1980), 14 (1981)

Future Retrospective – Cliff Biggers.   Nos. 3, 5 (1975), 8, 9-10 (1976), 11, 12, 13 (1977), 14 (1978), 15-16, 17 (1979)

Futures Past.   (1991)

Futurian Advance.   Vol. 1 (1944)

Futurian Commentator.   No. 1 (1965)

Futurian Review.   No. 1

Futurian War Digest.   Vol. 1 Nos. 6, 10Vol. 2 No. 2 (1941), Vol. 3 Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 (1943), Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6 (1944), Vol. 5 No. 2 (1945)

Futuristic.   No. 3 (1981)


F-Words.   No. 1 (1987), 2 (1988)

G2.   (June 1962), (Aug. 1964)

Gadget-Man’s Grab Bag.   No. 1 (1973)

Gafia Gazette. Vol. 1 No. 1 (December 1975)

Gafia Poetry Leaflet.

Gafiation Blues.   Nos. 6, 8, 9, 12

Gafiation of Miranda Thomson.   No. 1 (1980)


Galactic Dispatch.   Nos. 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 (1983), 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 (1984), 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 (1985), 70, 72, 73, 73 (b), 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 (1986), 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91 (1987), 93 (1988).

Galactic Jive Tales.   21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 86

Galactic League.  

Galactic Lens.   Jan. (1973)

Galactic Outpost.   Nos. 1 (1964), 3 (1965)

Galactic Review.   Nos. 2, 4


Galileo.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 13, 16

Gallifreyan Gazette.   Nos. 6, 8, 10, 11, 13 (1985), 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (1986)

Gallimaufry.   Nos. 1, 3, 20

Galloping Aardvark News.   No. 2 (1980)

Galumphant Outgribings. No. 1, 4 (June 1976)

Gambit.   Nos. 44, 52, 55, 56

Games Man.   No. 6

Gamesletter.   No. 4 (1965)

Gandahar.   (1973)

Gannet Scrapbook.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7

Garage Floor.   No. 3

Garbage Can.  No. 5 (1967)

Garbage In Garbage Out.   Nos. 1, 3

Garbled Communications. No. 1 (Dec. 1980), (Sep. 1982)

Garbled Transmissions.

Garden Library – Ray Nelson.   Nos. 4, 5, 6 (1973), 9, 10 (1974)

Garden Path, The.

Gargoyle -- U.K.   No. 1

Gargoyle -- U.S. No. 11

Garoth Express. No. 15 (1974)

Garth Edmond Danielson's the Cardboard Wheels of a Great Rush. Vol. 1 No. 1 (Oct. 1976)

Garuda.   Nos. 1, 2

Garlic Milkshake.   No. 9

Garth Danielson Christmas Booke.   (1976)

Gasp!.   No. 20

Gasworks.   No. 1

Gates of Eden.   No. 1

Gator Gas & Crawfish Tales.   No. 37

Gaunt Bugs.   Nos. 1 (1981), 2, 4 (1982), 5, 6, 7, 8 (1983)

Gavelkind.   No. 2 (1980)

Gavno.   Nos. 2, 3, 4/5 (1980)

Gee Zee. No. 5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/5, 5:6, 5/7, 5/8

Box 29

Gegen Schein.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (parts 1 & 2), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,58,59,60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83

Geis Letter, The. No. 41 (Nov. 1997), 47 (April 1998), 48 (May 1998).

Geis, Richard E.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46

Gemel. No. 9 (April 1981), 11

Gemini.   No. 1 (1975)

Gemini Problem-Walter Breen.   No. 1 (1973)

Gem Tones. Vol. 1.

Gem Tones. Vol. 4. No. 1,2.

Gemzine.   No. 2 (1960), vol 4 no 1, vol 4 no 2, vol 4 no 3, vol 4 no 4, vol 4 no 5, vol 4 no 6, vol 4 no 7, vol 4 no 8, vol 4 no 9, vol 4 no 10, vol 4 no 11, vol 4 no 13, vol 4 no 14, vol 4 no 16, vol 4 no 17, vol 4 no 18, vol 4 no 19, vol 4 no 20, vol 4 no 22, vol 4 no 23, vol 4 no 24, vol 4 no 25, vol 4 no 26, vol 4 no 26 part 2, vol 4 no 27, vol 4 no 28 (Summer 1960), vol 4 no 29, vol 4 no 30, vol 4 no 31, vol 4 no 32, vol 4 no 34, vol 4 no 35, vol 4 no 36, vol 4 no 37, vol 4 no 38, vol 4 no 40.

General Chunterings. No. 8

Generic Fanzine. (1986)

Genteral Technics.   (1977)

Genre Plat.   Nos. 1, 2 (1977), 3 (1978), 4 (1980), 5 (1983), 6 (1985)

Genuine Victorian Wicker Duncle. No. 9


Gestalt. No. 11 

Get Animated.   Dec. (1984)


Getting Sex into the Future, Future, Future.


Ghosts of Summers Past.   Nos. 14, 15, 16 (1974)

Ghutenbergs Fanzine.   No. 1 (1988)

Giallar.   No. 7 (1966)

Giant Wombo.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Gigo.  No. 2

Gilded Cage-Patricia Rear.   No. 1 (1973)

Gilgamesh.   No. 44 (1972), 46, 47 (1975)

Box 30

Gillespie, Bruce R. (1970)


Girl’s Own Fanzine.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

“GJDRKZLXCBWQ” Comics-Gallery of Gooney Gags.   (1973)

G. J. Robbins – Smashing Survey.

Glamdring.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 (1968)

Glass Keys.   (1978)

Glicksohnania. No. 1 (Sep. 1975)

Glodi.   No. 4

Glom. No. 5 (Oct. 1946)

Glop.  Same as glodi?

Glum Sku Badfu Yu.   Nos. 14, 15

GMS Informant.   No. 1 (1979)

Gnomenclature.   (1977)

Gnome King.  

Gnu’s Letter.   No. 12 (1982)

Goble, Dale.

Goblin’s Grotto.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Gobrin Gazette.   Nos. 1, 2, (1976)

God Comics. No. 4

Godfrey Daniel.   No. 1

Godless-Bruce D. Arthurs.   Nos. 1, 2 (1971), 3,4, 5 (1973), 6, 7, 8 (1974), 9, 10, 11 (1975), 12, 13, 14 (1976)


Golana.   Nos. 7 (1966), 8, 9 (1967), 11 (1969)

Golden Rivers Current.   No. 7 (1974)

Goldstein’s Vanity Press.   Nos. 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 (1974)


Gonzo.   No. 18 (1974)

Gonzoed Wizard.   (1985-1986)

Goodbye, Blue Monday.   No. 7 (1976) , 8

Goodbye I must Be Coming.

Good Clean Fun.   Nos. 1, 11, 13, 14

Good Rumor Man, The.   No. 1 (1978)

Good Time Freak.

Gorbett.    Nos. 3, 4 (1973), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1974)

Gordon Garb.   No. 2 (1976)

Gore Creatures.   Nos. 16 (1969), 17 (1970), 19, 20 (1971), 21 (1972), 22 (1973), 23, 24 (1975), 25 (1976)

Gorgon Fantasy Features. Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1947), 6, 7 (1948), Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2 (1948), 3, 4 (1949)

Gory Stories. No. 2 1/2 (1972)

Go With What You Got.   No. 13 (1977)

Gradiation.    No. 1 (1968)

Gradient.    Nos. 1, 2 (1969), 3 (1970)

Gradus Ad Parnassum.   No. 1 (1962)

Grand Canyon Memories.

Grandfather Stories


Graphic Visions.   No. 4 (1976)

Grand Balloon.   No. 18 (1973)

Grand Connector, The.   Nos. 1 (1978), 5 (1979), 17 (1982)

Grand Delusions.   No. 1 (1969)

Gran Falloon.   Bound volume containing Nos. 1-11 dated (1968-1971),  Bound volume containign Nos. 12-20 dated (1971-1976)

Box 31

Gran' Slam.   (1976)

Grand Connector.   No. 20 (1983)

Grandfather Stories.   Nos. 1 (1964), 2 (1965)

Graphic Art Review.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973)

Graphic Fantasy.   Nos. 1 (1970), 2 (1971)

Graphic Illusions.   (1971)

Graphic Story Bookshop.   Nos. 3, 4(1973)

Graphic Story Magazine.   Nos. 8, 9 (1967), 13 (1971), 15 (1973), 16 (1974)

Graphic Story World.   Nos. 3 (1971), 7 (1972)

Graphic Visions.   No. 3 (1975)

Grapo.   No. 31 (1977)

Graustark.   Nos. 53 (1965), 170 (1968)

Gray Malkin.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 3, Vol. 2 No. 1

Grayswandir.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975)

Greasy Kid STF.   No. 1 (1978)

Great American Novel, The. No. 56

Great 1873 Leech Lake Bozo Massacre.   No. 1 (1991)

Great Diggs of 77.   (1977)

Greatest Sensation of the Century-Frank Denton.   No. 1 (1972)

Great Horned Toad.   No. 1 (1972)

Great Nor’Western News.   No. 4 (1971)

Great Trucking Songs of the Revolution.   No. 1 (1997)

Gree Goddess of Ganymede. No. 5, 6.

Green Book.  

Green Dragon.   Nos. 4, 5 (1968), 10 (1970), 12 (1971), 13 (1972)

Green Egg.   Nos. 45, 46, 49, 50, 51 (1972), 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59 (1973), 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 (1974), 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 (1975), 76, 77, 78, 79 (1976)

Green Fandom.   Nos. 2, 3

Green Gomrath, The. No. 3 (Sep.-Oct. 1972), 8 (July-August 1973)

Green Phoenix.   No. 7

Green Stuff.   No. 1 (1996), 8 (1999), 9, 10 (2000)

Greentown Review.   No. 1 (1969)

Greetings from Little Mikie Horvat! (Feb. 1972)

Gremlin.   No. 2 (1970)

Grey Falcon.   Nos. 1, 2 (1976), 3, 4 (1977)

Gridley Wave.   Nos. 2, 3 (1961), 7 (1962), 12 (1963), 13, 14, 15, 16 (1964), 17, 18 (1965), 20, 21 (1966), 23, 24 (1967)

Grils.   No. 1

Grimling Bosch.   No. 5

Grimoire.   No. 6 (1983)

Gripes of Rapp, The.  

Groggy-Eric Mayer & Katherine Malone.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1978), 5, 6, 7, 8 (1979), 9, 10, 11 (1980), 12, 13, 14 (1981), 15, 16, 17, 18 (1982), 19, 20, 21 (1983), 22, 23, 24 (1984), 25 (1985), 26, 27, 28 (1986), 29 (1986), 30, 31, 32 (1991), 33, 34 (1992), 35, 36 (1993), 37, 38 (1994)

Grok.   Nos. 1, 2, 42 (1968)


Groom Stripped Bare, The.   No. 9 (1978)

Grotty.   No. 1.1 (1984)

Ground Zero.   No. 1

Grove City Free Press. (May 1974)

Grude.   Nos. 13 (1971), 14 (1972), 15, 16 (1972), 17 (1972), 18 (1973)

Grue.   Nos. 18 (1953), 20 (1954), 23, 24, 25 (1955), 27 (1956), 28 (1957), 29 (1958), 31 (1969)

Gryffyn.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Gryphon.    No. 2

Grundoon-Andrew Brown.   No. 1 (1979)

Guacamole.   No. 4 (1981), 66-69 (1993), 70, 71 (1994)

Guano.   Nos. 18, 19 (1965), (1967), 40 (1968), (1968), 39/40 (1968), 44, 45, 47 (1970), 50

Box 32

Guff.   No. 1 (1979)

Guffaw.   No. 4 (2000)

Guide, The Walter J. Hagen.   (1973)

Guilded Shaft.   Nos. 1, 2

Gumboot Chiton.

Gunputty.   No. 1 (1975)

Guts.   No. 4 (1968)

Guying Gyre.   Nos. 1, 2 (1974), 3, 4 (1975), 5/6 (1976), 7/8 (1977), 9, 10 (1978), 11, 12 (1979)

GVP. (missing?)

Gypsy.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (1979), 75 (1991)

Gyre.   No. 3 (1964)


Habakkuk.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1960), Vol. 2 No. 3 (1967), Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2 (1993), 3, 4 (1994)


Hag and the Hungry Goblin.   Nos. 2, 3 (1978), 4 (1979), 5 (nd)

Hagglings-Eric Lindsay.  

Hagman. No. 1

Half Life.   (1964)

Halkan Council, The.   Nos. 6 (1975), 7, 8, 9,10, 11 (1975), 12 (1975), 13 (1975), 14 (1976), 15 (1976), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-21, 22 (1976), 23, 24, 25 (1977), 26-27 (1977),

Halcyon Days.   Nos. 88, 89 (2001)

Half a Decade of Demented Turkish Dwarf Press Publications.   (1973)

Hallways.   Nos. 1, 2 (1981)

Halrloprillalar. No. 76

Hammer News.  

Handful of Snowflakes, A, and other trek tales by M.L. "Steve" Barnes (1979). Gift of Lorna Minor.  

Handshake.    Nos. 21, 22 (1996), 23, 24 (1997), 30, 31, 31a, 32, 33 (1998), 34, 35, 36, 38 (1999), 00 (2000), 44, 45, 47 (2001), 48, 49 (2002)

Hannes Bok Illustration Index.   (1970)

Happy Guy Fawkes Day.    No. 1 (1974)

Happy Hours.   Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 (1925), 7, 9, 10 (1926), 15, 16, 17, 18 (1927), 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 (1928), 27, 29, 30 (1929), 31, 32, 33, 34 (1930), 37, 38 (1931), 54, 58 (1934)

Harbinger.   Nos. 1 (1975), 2, 3, 4 (1976), 5, 6 (1977)

Hard Times.  


Harlot.   Nos. 1 (1980), 2 (1981), 3 (1982)

Harmonic Dissonance.   Nos. 1, 2

Harness.   No. 1

Harpies.   Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 (1969)

Haskell, Fred (2 folders).  

Hat Goes Home, The.   (1976)

Haunted Sun.   No. 3 (1991)

Have a Seat in the John Wilkes Booth.

Have At See, Knaves.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1943)

Haverings.   Nos. 23 (1966), 35 (1968), 39 (1969), 44, 50 (1971), 51, 52, 53 (1972), 54 (1973)

Hawai'i.   Nos. 1, 2 (1980), 3, 4 (1981), 5, 6 (1982), 7 (1983)

Head Will Roll.   No. 1 (1975)

Heart of Glass.   No. 111

Heart Worm.   Nos. 7, 8, 9

Heavy.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 13

Heavyside Layer.   (1993)

Hebus Corbus. No. 2 (Oct. 1968).

Heck Meck.   No. 20 (1968), 26 (nd)

Hedgehog!.   Nos. 1 (1977), 2 (1978)

Heiskell Holler-Janie Lamb.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Held, Claude.   No. 98 (1968)

Helen's Fantasia.  (Dec. 1960), No. 11, 15

Helgesen, Marty.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Helios.   (June 1937), (July 1937)

Helium-Filled Ego.

Box 33

Hell.   Nos. 4, 5, 9, 10

Hello from Holywood. ( August 1979).

Hello Rangoon!? (1980).

Hell Ride.   Nos. 1 (1977), 4 (1977)

Helmuth.   Nos. 1, 2

Help! I'm Being Eranked.

Help! I' m Being Held for Ransom by a Cyber 730...

Hemeralopia.   No. 1 (1977)

Henreddestyr. No. 1

Heon.   (1978)

Here We Go ‘Round the Duffberry Bush.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Hermes.   No. 1 (1971)

Hermitage. No. 2

Hermitary.   No. 6, 7, 8

Hermit City Sun.   Nos. 2, 3 (1972)

Hetarae. No. 3 (June 1968)

Het Bpemr. No. 190 (Nov. 1968), 517 (Feb. 1977), 537 (Aug. 1977)

H E Who Lasfs les, Lasfs Best.

Hex.   Nos. 7, 8, 9, 33

Hi-Fi Sci-Fi.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1988)

Hi Folks!

High Aesthetic Line.   Nos. 9, 10, 11, 13

High Ball.    No. 2 (1966)

High Tide.   No. 2 (1990)

High Time.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1972)

Highway 101 Revisited Because the Night. No. 102

Hildivism.   Nos. 1 (1993), 2, 3 (1994)

Hillesian Fields.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975), 5, 6, 7 (1976)


Hippocampelephantocamelos.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 (1966), 6 (1967)

History of the Origins and Causes of the Spanish and Central European Inquisition in 1200 Words.

Hita Pfushana.   No. 1 (1987)

Hitch Hike-John Berry.   Nos. 20, 21, 22 (1974), 23, 24, 25 (1975), 26, 27 (1976), 28 (1977)

Hitching Rail, The. Vol. 2 No. 1 (1975).

HJMR Newslist.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1973), Vol. 2 Nos. 2-3 (1974), Vol. 3 No. 3 (1975)

Hlavaty, Arthur D.

Hoagie.   (1975)


Hog On Ice.   Nos. 1 (1971), 2, 3 (1972), Special ish, 4 (1973), 6 (1976), 8 (1978)

Hogu Nominations Ballots.

Hogu's Blackhole.

Holier Than Thou.   Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 (1980), 9, 10, 11 (1981), 12, 13, 14 (1982), 15, 16, 17 (1983), 18, 19, 20 (1984), 21, 22 (1985), 23, 24 (1986), 25, 26 (1987), 27 (1988)

Holland SF.   Vol. 5 Nos. 1, 2 (1971), Vol. 15 No. 2 (1981), Vol. 16 No. 4 (1982)

Hollywood Post.   (1983)

Holmesian Federation.    Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Holwe Lond.

Box 34


Homewood.   Nos. 1, 2 (1970)

Honor to Finuka.   Nos. 0, 1 (1979), 2, 3 (1980)

Honque.   Nos. 1 (1964), 2, 3 (1965), 5 (1967)

Hoom.   Nos. 3 (1968), 4, 5 (1969)

Hoop.   Nos. 2 (1967), 3, 4 (1968)

Hopkins, Harry.  

Hopsfanatic.   No. 1 (1974)

Horizons-Ian L. Stanwood.   Nos. 5, 6 (1980)

Horizons - Harry Warner.   Nos. 15 (1945), 85 (1960), 86 (1961), 90 (1962), 124 (1970), 148 (1976), 180 (1986), 188, 189, 191 (1987),192, 193, 194 (1988)

Horrible Stoelting Poems.  

Horripilation.   No. 1

Horvat, Mike.

Hot Jets! No. 2, 5 (May 1973)

Hot Shots-Susan Ryan, Reed Waller.   Nos. 1, 2

House of the Games, The. No. 28, 30.

House of the Hidden Poet.   No. 3 (1983)

House Staph Journal.   (1981)

Houston Science Fiction Society Newsletter.   No. 159 (1976)

How About a BooK Review?

How About This? Roger Zelazny.  

Howard Collector.   No. 10 (1968)

Howard Phillips Lovecraft.   (1943)

Howard Review.   No. 5 (1976)

How Do I Bug Thee? No. 98 -100, 112 - 115, 117.5, 118, 119.

How Exciting! Vol. 2 (Dec. 1998).

How I Had My Throat Cut.

How the Minutes and Seconds Fly.

How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies.  

Hoylman, Doug.

HPIC.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3, Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (1970), 2 (1971), Vol. 4 No. 1 (1972)

HPL.   (1972)

HPL Supplement.   Nos. 2 (1973), 3 (1974)

Huge Hairy Bats. No. 1 (May 1976), 3

Hugin and Munin.   Nos. 4, 7 (1968)

Hugo(e)s There?   (1972)

Hugo Report.   Nos. 1, 2 (1967)

Huitloxopetl.   Nos. 7 (1972), 8, 8.2, 8.4 (1973), 9 (1974), 10 (1975), 11 (1976)

Hula Snake.   Vol. 2 No. 3

Humongous Horseradish.  

Hunting of the Snark.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1975), 10 (1976), 12 (1977)

Hunting the Wild Fan. 


Hyborian Age, The. Robert E Howard.

Hyborian Times.   No. 1 (1967)

Hydra-Pete Campbell.   Nos. 3 (1964), 6 (1965)

Hydra-Mike McInerney.   No. 25

Hydraulic Peanut Butter Sandwich.   No. 1 (1971)

Hydrazine.   No. 1 (1977)


Hype.   (1975)

Hyperion.   Vol. 4 Nos. 2, 3 (1972)

Hyperion Press.  

Hyphen.   No. 21 (1958)

I-94.   Nos. 1, 2 (1988), 3 (1992)

I Am Not a Number! I Am a Free Man!.   No. 1

“I Bequeath”.  

Ibid.   Nos. 10, 12 (1975), 15 (1976), 17, 20 (1977), 22, 24 (1978), 32 (1980), 38, 39, 40 (1982), 92 (1995), 105 (1998), 110 (2000)

"I Can't Believe It's An APA".   

Icarus Landing.  

Ice Age.   Nos. 3, 4, 5,

Ice & Fire, story by Carol Hart (undated). Photocopy. Gift of Lorna Minor.

Iceberg.   Vol. 1 Nos. 3, 4, 5 (1997)

Iceni.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1968), 4, 5, 6 (1969)

Ichneumon Flyer, The.   No. 1 (1976)

Ichthyoelectroanalgesia.   No. 4

Iconoclastic Quarterly.   No. 1 (1962)

Box 35

ID, edited by James Ruess, no. 2 -- 5

Idea.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (1988), 2, 3 (1989), 9 (1995), 10, 11 (1997), 12 (2000)

Idel-U-Nier.   No. 9

IDIC 5 (The Forging, 1977); IDIC 6 ("What if.?" Issue, December 1978); "He who is close to nature" (a supplementary short story from IDIC; photocopy); and other Sasashar Press publications by Leslye Lilker: Shaj Collected (December 1977); The Bronze Cord, a story by Leslye Lilker (Photocopy); Dedication, a story by Leslye Lilker and (dos-a-dos) And the South Shall Fall Again, a story by Leslye Lilker and Juanita Salicrup (1978). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Idiot Fandom.   No. 1 (1977)

Idle Chatter. No. 18 (Sept. 1980), 19 (Nov. 1980)

Idomo.   Nos. 18 (1985), 19 (1986)

Idria Columnarts. No. 1 (March 1972)

I Drank the Water and Lived.  

If!.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1948)

If Files, The.   No. 2 (1999)

If It Moves.   No. 1 (1982), 2 (1982), 3, 4 (1978)

I fought the Lawn and the Lawn Won.

Ignatz. No. 761.

I Got Demole Cosmic Gafiation Blue. No. 2 ( July 1976).

Igots.   No. 5 (1988)

Iguanacon Program Book.   (1978)

Iguanacon Progress Report.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Il Fumetto [filed Oversize Box]

Il Vombato.   Nos. 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37

Illuminating Ruminations.   No. 7

Illusions [1] (Checkmate Press, July 1987); 2 (April 1989). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Image of Women in Science Fiction.   No. 7 (1970)

Imagine.   No. 2 (1975)

Imaginapa.    No. 54 (1986)

Imagination [1930s].   Nos. 3 (1937), 7, 10 (1938)

Imagination- The Assassin by Harlan Ellison. (1958) 

Imagination Bookshelf.  

Imaginative Fiction.   No. 4 (1937)

Imagine-That's the Ultimate Sound His Brain Can Make! 3.

IMK.   Nos. 4 (1964), 7 (1965)

IMKpub. No. 104

I'm Next ! No. 25 (April 1972).

I'm Not Boring You, Am I? No. 1

Impeach Seth Mcevoy. No.1

Imperial Bulletin.

Imperious Wrecks.   No. 2 (1978)

Impostor Emporor, The. No. 4

Impressionen.   Vol. 3 Nos. 4, 5 (1968), Vol. 4 No. 1 (1969)

Impressions.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Impressions From The Ditto Masters.   No. 3 (1988)

Impromptu.   No. 12 (1979)

IMRYRR.   No. 1 (1969)

I Must Be Talking To My Friends - Good Night, Sweet Prince.

In Medias Res.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1986)

Inanity.   No. 4 (1971)


INCA.   No. 1 (1977)

In City Dreams.   (1978)

Incompleat Burbee.   No. 3 (1974)

Incompleat Filksinger.

Incompleat Terry Carr.   Nos. 1, 2 (1972)

In Contention.  

Incredible Tales of Adventure.   No. 7 (1983)

Incunabulum Mimeum.   (1977)

Indellable Spot. No. 1, 2

Index to British SF Magazines.   No. 2 (1968)

Index to Science Fiction Magazines.   Nos. 2 (1961), 3 (1962)

Index to the Verse in Weird Tales.   (1960)

Indolent Fever.   No. 3 (1980)

Infamous Funnies.   No. 1 (1973)

Inferno.   Nos. 5, 6, 7 (1974), 8, 9, 10, 11 (1975), 12, 13 (1976)

Infin.   Nos. 1, 2

Infinite.   Nos. 1, 2 (1941)

Box 36

Infinite Fanac.   No. 7 (1966)

Infinitum.   No. 1 (Jan. 1970), 4

Infinity.   No. 1 (1979), 3

Infinity Cubed.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Ing The. No. 6

Inhabitant of the Lake, The.   Nos. 10 (1981), 12, 14 (1982)

Inkling.   No. 3 (1969)

In Memory of Gregor Samsa.   No. 1 (1976), 18 (Jan. 1976), 21 (Summer 1976)

Inn-Spectre.   No. 1, 2 (1969)

Input/Output.   Nos. 6, 7 (1978)

Insanity. No. 9 (Oct. 1976)

Inscape.   Nos. 1 (1982), 2, 2.5 (1983)

Inside.   No. 11 (1955)

Inside from the Inside.  

Insider, The.   No. 32 (1977)

Insider.   No. 2 (1972)

Insomniac.   Nos. 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 101, 102

Inspiration.   Vol. 2 No. 4 (1943), Vol. 3 No. 4 (1946)

Instant Gratification.   Nos. 1 (1984), 2, 3 (1985)

Instant Message.   Nos. 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 (1968), 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 (1969), 60 (1970), 80, 85, 86, 87, 88, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 (1971), 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 (1972), 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 (1973), 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161 (1974), 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185 (1975), 186, 187, 189, 192 (1976), 209 (1977), 256 (1979), 261(1979), 278, 279, 280, 281, 282 (1980), 283, 284, 285, 286, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 (1981), 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327 (1982), 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350 (1983), 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370 (1984)

Instead of. No. 2

Inte Klok.   (1991)

Intelligence Quotient.

Interaction.   No. 2

Interim.   No. 1 (1964)

Interjection.   (1987)

Interphase 4 (May 1977). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Interplanetary Corn Chip.   Nos. 1, 2 (1969), 3, 4 (1970), 5, 6 (1971), 7 (1972)

Interregnum.   No. 3/4

Intergalactic Reporter.   Vol. 5 Nos. 7, 10 (1981), Vol. 6 Nos. 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 (1982), Vol. 7 Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1983), Vol. 8 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Intermediate Vector Bosons.   Nos. 1, 2 (1980), 3 (1981), 4 (1984), 5 (1988), 6 (1992), 37, 38 (1993)

International Enquirer.   Nos. 1 (1967), 13 (1969)

International Revolutionary Gardener.   Nos. 1 (1998), 2 (1999), 3 (2000), 4 (2001)

Box 37

International Science Fantasy Art Exhibition Bulletin.   No. 3 (1968)

International Shortage Reporter.   No. 2 (1976)

Interplanetary New Paper Witness.   (1974-1975)

Interplanetary News Service.   Vol. 3 Nos. 2, 3, 4, Vol. 11 No. 12

Interzone.   (1991)

Interview in Fandom.   (1991)

Interview with Costumes.   (1991)

In the Ditch.

In the Shadow of the Monolith.   Nos. 38 (1974), 42 (1975), 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 (1975), 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 (1976), 65, 66 (1977)

In the Shadow of the Moon.   No. 1

Into the Elephant's Graveyard.   No. 1

Intraview with Arthur D. Hlavaty, An.    (1981)

Introduction to Science Fiction - by Clifton Fadiman.  

Introducer - b y Richard Jasinski.   (1981)

Intron.   No. 1 (1986)

Introspection.   No. 9 (1964)

Intro to AFTA.   No. 4

Intuition.   No. 47

Inverse Reciprocal. 1.

Inverted Grapefruit.   Nos. 1, 2

Invictus.   No. 1

Invid.   No. 11 (1975)

Invidious.   No. 14 (1975)

Invisible Fan.   Nos. 3, 4 (1977), 6 (1978)

Invisible Whistling Bunnies.   No. 1 (1972)

Inworlds.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 (1973)

Ionisphere.   Nos. 1 (1978), 3, 4, 5 (1979)

Irrational.   Nos. 3 (1971), 4 (1972)

Irregular Comet.  

Is-Tom Collins.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1971), 5, 6 (1972), 7 (1976)

Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine.  

Iscariot.   No. 13 (1964)

Iseult.    No. 2

ISFA.   Nos. 10, 11 (1955), 12 (1957)

ISFA News.   No. 8 (1970)

ISHUE.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (1978)

Isotope.   Nos. 3, 4 (1973)

I Spent a Vacant Hour.  

ITA. No. 1 ( October 1990).

It Ain’t Me, Babe.   Nos. 1, 2

It Comes in the Mail-Ned Brooks.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (1972), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (1973), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (1974), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 (1975), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (1976), 26, 27, 28 (1977)

It Doesn’t Matter Which Direction Though.   (1979)

It Goes on the Shelf.   Nos. 2 (1986), 3 (1987), 4 (1987), 6 (1989), 9 (1992), 10 (1993), 11, 12, 13 (1994), 14 (1995), 15, 16 (1996), 18 (1997), 20 (1999), 21, 22 (2000), 23 (2001)

It’s a Girl!.   No. 1 (1977)

It’s Another Febrile Sunday.   (1976)

It's Eney's Fault.

It's Hard to Type With a Baby in Your Lap.   (1988)

It’s Tutti All the Way.   Nos. 2, 3 (1978), 5 (1979)

I Watched Wild Hog Gobble Up My Little Baby.

Izzard-Patrick & Teresa Nielsen-Hayden.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1982), 5, 6, 7 (1983), 8 (1984), 9 (1987)

Box 38

Jabberwocky-Paul Spencer.   Nos. 1 (1946), 3 (1948)

Jabberwocky-James A. Hall.   Nos. 1, 2 (1977)

Jack Spear and Fandom.  

Jackpot.   Nos. 4 (2000), 5, 6 (2001)

Jag ar en Gurkbit.   No. 1

Jam Today.   (1982)

Janus.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (1975), Vol. 2 Nos. 3, 4 (1976), Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1977), Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2/3, 4 (1978), Vol. 5 Nos. 1, 2 (1979), Vol. 6 Nos. 1, 2 (1980)

Japanese Giants.   No. 4 (1977)

Jasoomian.   Nos. 8 (1972), 9, 11 (1973), 13, 14 (1974)

Jawbone.   Nos. 6, 7, 8 (1974), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (1975)

Jayland Unlimited.   Nos. 3 (1975), 4 (1976)

JDM Bibliophile.   Nos. 1 (1964), 9, 10 (1968), 11 (1969), JDM Master Checklist (1969), 11, 12 (1969), 13 (1970), 21 (1976), JDM Bibliophile Bulletin No. 3 (1976)

Jeanzine.   Nos. 16, 17 (1983)

Jeet.   No. 2 (1977)

Jeff Schalles.

Jellybean Journal.   No. 6

Jerry William Lapidus. 3-5-0-0 12.

Jesting Pilate.   No. 1 (1987)

Jesus Bug. No. 13 (1965)

Jesus Did!.  

Jezail.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1997), 4 (1998)

Jibara.   No. 1 (1974)

Jinnia Clan Journal.   (Spring 1976), (Spring 1977), (Summer 1977), (Fall 1977), (Winter 1977), (Spring 1978), (Summer 1978), (Fall 1978), Spring (1980)

Jinx.   No. 1 (1941)

Jody’s Comic Courier.   No. 1

Joe Wesson Magazine.  

John Bluey Science Friction Club Newsletter. Vol. 1 1/2 No. 13 (Sep. 1972).

John Dewey Science Fiction Club.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1- 6,8, 9, 10, 11,12 (1972), 14,15, 16, 17, 18,19 (1973); Vol. 3 No. 1, 2 Vol. 4 No. 1 (1973), 2 (1973)

“Joint” Conference.   No. 10 (1980)

Jonny Iriquois Adventurezine.   No. 4 (1978)

Journal, The.   Nos. 3 (1973), (Jan. 74),Summer Special, 12, 13 (1974), 17, 24/25

Journal for the Study of Heterosexual Narcissism.   No. 2 (1972)

Journal of Albert S. Green – Field Memorial Press.   (1972)

Journal of Eclectic Knowledge.   Nos. 2 (1971), 4 (1972)

Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology.   No. 6 (1972)

Journal of the Royal Thaumaturgical Society, The. No. 1 (August 1978).

Journal of Science Fiction.   No. 1 (1951).

Journal of the Dr. Dodd Clegler Institute for Transtemporal Fannish Studies. No. 8

Journal of the Society of the Goden Jug.   No. 2 (1964)

Journal of the Society for the Preservation of Goatherds, Swinebreeders, and Crocus-Eaters.    (1976)

Journal of the V. F. B. M. (Sep. 1968)

Journey Into Fantasy.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1977)

Journeys.   No. 1 (1977)

Jumeaux.   Nos. 1 (1977), 5 (1978)

Jupiter Jump.   Nos. 3, 4 (1990), 5, 6 (1991), 7 (1991),9 (1992)

Just Another Boring Day In Paradise.

Just Another Dream Going By. (August 1982).

Just B.S.

Just Me.

Just Pop It in the Oven and Watch It Brown

Just Walking My Lizard, Officer.

K.   Nos. 1 (1975), 2, 3 (1976)

K-4 Pacific – Frank Denton.   No. 2 (1972)

Ka Holokai.   No. 3 (1991)

Kaaba.   No. 5 (1980)

Kaballah the Fantasy Reviewer.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1974), 6, 7 (1975)

Kaddie–Cars of the Ghods?

Kadimah. No. 1 (April 1977)

Kalki.   Nos. 4 (1967), 6, 7, 8a, 8b (1968), 9 (1969)

Kallikanzaros.   Nos. 4, 5 (1968), 6 (1969), 6.5, 7 (1973), 8 (1974), 9 (1975)

Kama.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1974), 4 (1974), 10, 12 (1975), 20, 21 (1976), 26 (March 1977), 27 (1977), 35, 36 (1978), 37, 37.5, 38 (1979), 46, 47, 48, 50 (1981)


Kandor: Notes from a Bottle. 

Kangaroo Feathers.   No. 1 (1973)

Kanga Ruse.   No. 1 (1982)

Kappa maki. No. 2

Box 39

Karass.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1974), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (1975), 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25/26 (1976), 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 (1977), 36, 37, 38 (1978)

Kasaba.   (1972)

Karelia.   No. 1

Karval Kon.   No. 3 (1980)

Katana.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (1974)

Katra ( Wanganui , New Zealand ), 1-8 (1985-1988); Katra, The Novella (November 1986); Katra, The Erotic Spirit [1] (December 1986), 2 (December 1987). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Kaymar. No. 22 (Sep. 1970), 26 (Sep. 1972).

Kaymar Trader.   Nos. 65, 66, 67 (1952), 69, 70, 71, 76 (1953), 81, 82, 83, 84 (1954), 93 (1955)

KB. No. 3.

K.C. in ‘76. 

Keeping In Touch. 39. 

Keep on Trekkin’.   No. 1

Keith’s Krudzine.   No. 1 (1982)

Kerles.   No. 2 (1998)

Keys to Paradise.

Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom, A.    (1962)   

Keyword Here is Avenue, The.   (1979)

Khalespheare.   Nos. 3, 4 (1978)

Khatru.   Nos. 1, 2, 3/4 (1975), 5 (1976), 6 (1977), 7 (1978)

Kickshaw.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (1979)

Kiddie–Cars of the Ghods.

Killer Queen.   No. 9, 14, 17

Killing Queen. No. 4 (Sep. 1975)

Kim Chi.   No. 7

King Things and Other Things.   (1981)

Kinky Norepinephrine Stories.   No. 1

Kinney, Jay.  

Kipple - Ted Pauls.   Nos. 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156 (1968), 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174 (1969), 175, 176, 177 (1970)

Kipple – David Wingrove.   No. 1 (1977)

Box 40

Kiarians' Luncheon, The. No. 4 (April 1977)

Kinky Mummie Storys. No. 1

Kista, a novel by Jane Land (March 1986). Gift of Lorna Minor. See also: Demeter, a novel by Jane Land (January 1987).

Kith.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1984)

Kittle Pitchering Hubble De Shuff.   No. 11

Klein Bottle.   No. 6 (1960)

Knanve.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1944)

Knights – Mike Bracken.   Nos. 13, 14 (1975), 15, 16 (1976), 17/18, 19 (1977), 20, 21 (1979)

Knights of Paper Space Ships.   Nos. 1 (1973), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (1974), 12 (1975)

Knockers From Neptune.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975), 4, 5 (1976), 6 (1978)

Knowable.   Nos. 9 (1965), 10 (1966)

Kolvir.   Nos. 1, 4 (1975), 5 (1976), unnumbered (1977)

Kosmic City Kapers – Jeff May.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4 (1974), 5, 6 (1975)

Kraith Collected 1 (December 1976); 2 (February 1974); 3 (June 1983); 4 (June 1974); 5 Alternates (Septemer 1976); 6 (December 1980); Kraith Creator's Manual 1 (April 1975). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Kratophany.   Nos. 1 (1971), 2 (1972), 3 (1973), 4, 5, 6 (1974), 7 (1975), 8, 9, 10 (1976), 11 (1978), 12 (1979), 13 (1981)

Kronos.   No. 8 (1976)

KRSS.   Not in box???

Krueger, Fran, and Ken.

Ktadn.   No. 1 (1975)

Kteic - William Rotsler.  

Kumquat.   Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6

Kwalhioqua – Ed Cagle.   Nos. 1 (1972), 2, 3, 4 (1973)

Box 41

Kwalhioqua - Ed Cagle.  Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1973)

Kwayedza.   (1981)

Kyben.   Nos. 2, 3 (1972), 4, 5 (1973), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1974), 11, 12 (1975), 13 (1976)

LA Banshee; see Banshee, LA

L.A. Con.   Progress Reports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Auction Catalog, Film Program Guide

Lagduf. No. 204 (April 1971)

Lady of Ice and Souls – Vernon Clark.

Lagniappe.   No. 1 (1975)

Laid.   Nos. 6 (1978), 12 (1984)

L’Altro Regno.   Nos. 5/6, 7 (1981), 8, 9, 10 (1982)

Landspeeder. Vol. 2 No. 3-5 (August 1980-December 1980); Vol. 3 No. 1 (March 1981)

Lan from the House of Isher. No. 7, 8

L’Ange Jacque. Nos. 1, 2 (1968), 3, 4 (1969)

Lan’s Lantern.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2, 3 (1976), 4 (1977), 7 (1978), 8 (1979), 10 (1980), 14, 15 (1984), 28 (1988), 29, 31 (1989), 32 (1990)

Lara.   Not in box???

Larean.   No. 9 (1962)

Lark.   (1960)

Larry Smile is Dead - Sam Wagar.   (1982)

LASFS ( Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society). 

LASFS Meets at the Same Place Every Week. 

Last Amplified Illusion.   (1974)

Last Night in Port.

Last of the Red Hot Lungfish. No. 1 (March 1971).

Last of the Spirit–Duplicators.

Last Round-Up for an Old Ranger.   (1976)

Last Shot ( Columbia Fandom).   (1972)

Late Again.   No. 1

Late, as Usual.

Lately I Have Been Thinking of My Time-Continuity.   No. 1

Late Nite Benedictions. No. 3, 4, 5, 6 (April 1981).

L’Aube Enclavée.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1971), 4, 5 (1972)

Laundry Mark.   Nos. 6, 7 (1961)

Laughing Osiris.   Series 1 Nos. 1, 2 (1974), 3, 4(1975), Series 2 Nos. 1 (1977), 2, 3 (1978)

Leading Edge.   No. 4

League Bulletin, The.   No. 2

Learning By Doing.

Least I Goof Again.

Least Leech. No. 10  

Le Beaver; See: Beaver, Le.   No. 14 (1972)

Le Cran. No. 11

Leer.   No. 1 (1949)

Leftovers.   No. 5 (1968)

Legal Constitution II, The.   No. 187 (1969)

Legal Rules.   No. 4

Legends of Light. 

Le Spinge. See: Spinge, Le.  

Les Springe.  Nos. 31, 32 (1974)

Lester’s Adventures at MidAmericon, or Through the Fannish Looking Glass and What He Found There.  

Lethe.   Nos. 1, 6, 8, 9

Let's Drink to That.   (1970)

Let's Gho to the Poole!.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1970)

Let's Go Subterranean! No. 17, 41 (August 1977)

Let’s Swap.   No. 10

Letta.   No. 2 (1975)


Letter/Letter A, A.


Letters from A. Coyote.  

Letters From a Floating World.   Nos. 2, 5, 6 (1979), 13, 14, 15 (1980), 19, 21 (1981), ~20 (1984), 22, (May & June 1986)

Letters From Leng. 

Letters from Outside. No. 105 (July or August 1977) 

Letters of Rik Mann, The. Part 1.

Box 42

Letters to the Pulp House.   Nos. 2, 3 (1989)

Le Viol.  

Levy and Angstreich Executive News.  

Lexicon.   Nos. 1, 2

Le Zombie; see Zombie, Le.

Libe bulletin.   No. 1 (1972)

Libel.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, ~15

Liberated Quark.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 (1978)

Libertarian Connection.   Nos. 40 (1973), 43 (1974)

Library Review.   No. 30 (1980)


L.I. Fan.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (1983)

Life of the Fan.

Life House.   No. 10

Life is a Hideous Thing.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (1983), 3, 4 (1983)

Life, Love and Art.

Life on Planet Earth.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1988)

Life Sentence.   (1984)

Life Sucks.

Lifestar (September 1984). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Life Without TV.

Lift to Come.   No. 2 (1977)

Light.   Christmas (1941), No. 135 (1945)

Light Fantastic, The. No. 24 (August 1972)

Light in the Bushel.   No. 1 (1985), 2 (1986), 3 (1986), 4, 5 (1987), 6 (1988)

Lighthouse - Terry Carr.   Nos. 2 (1961), 12 (1965), 14 (1966), 15 (1967)

Light–Sabre. No. 4

Lights Out.  Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (July 1989), 2 (October 1989), 3 (January 1990)

Like a Rainbow.   No. 5 (May 1979)

Likely Impossibilities.   Nos. 2 (June 1986), 3 (August 1987). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Lilith's Child.   No. 62 (June 1988)

Limbo.   Nos. 4 (November 1960), 5 (February 1961), 6 (May 1961)

Limbrough Gazette.   (August 1976)

Limerick, The Best of the.   No. 1

Limited Edition, Special Collector’s Item.   (March 1982)

L’Inconnu.   No. 7

Lindsay, Eric B.   Nos. 1 (1978), 11 (1979), 13 (January 1980), 14 (February 1980), Trip '78 (August 1982)

Line Jello Gazette. No. 180

Lines of Occurrence.   Nos. 1 (1980), 2 (1980), 3 (1980), 4 (1981), 5 (1982), 6 (1982), 7 (1983), 8 (1984), 9 (1985),10 (1986), 12(1986)

Lion's Gate Press Publication.   No. 8 (1976)

Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1973), 2 (1973), 3 (1973), 4 (1973), 5 (1974), 6 (1974), 7 (1975)

Littlebrook.   (August 2002)

Little House on the Borderland.   Nos. 2 (1990), 3 (1991), 4 (1991)

Little Magazine.   Vol. 5 Nos. 3 & 4 (Fall-Winter 1971-72)

Little Shoppe of Horrors.   No. 4

Living Free.   Nos. 6 (February 1980), 10 (Decemeber 1980)

Living the Alexandria Quartet.   Nos. 7 (April 1980), 8 (December 1981)

Lizard Inn.  Nos. 1 (1971), 2 (1971)

Lizzine.   Nos. 6 (June 1978), 10 (March 1979)

Lobster Tales.  Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

Local Zot.   (August 1978)

L.O.C.C.S.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1979)

Lock Box.   No. 1 (September 1974)

Locked in the Park.   No. 2

Loco.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (Oct. 1958); Vol. 2 No. 3 (March 1977)

Locomotive.   Vol 1. Nos. 1 (1973), 2 (1973), 3 (1974)

Box 43

Locus.   Nos. 1 (1968), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 (1969), 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 (1970), 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 (1971), 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,101, 102, 103, 104 (1972), 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121 (1972), 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 (1973), 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 (1974), 171 (1975)

Lofgeornost.   Nos. 6 (August 1984), 36 (August 1994), 37 (November 1994), 38 (February 1995), 39 (May 1995), 40 (August 1995), 41 (November 1995), 42 (February 1996), 43 (May 1996), 44 (August 1996), 45 (November 1996), 46 (February 1997),47 (May 1997), 48 (August 1997), 49 (November 1997), 50 (February 1998), 51 (May 1998), 52 (August 1998), 53 (November 1998), 54 (February 1999), 55 (May 1999), 56 (August 1999), 57 (November 1999), 58 (February 2000), 59 (May 2000), 60 (August 2000), 61 (November 2000), 63 (May 2001), 64 (August 2001), 65 (November 2001), 66 (February 2002), 67 (May 2002), 68 (August 2002)

Logical Quandary.   Nos. 1 (April 1975), 2 (May 1975)

Log of the Starship Aniara.   Nos. 3 (1974), 4 (1976)

Loki – Dave Hulan.   No. 13 (September 1976).

Loki – Gerry De La Ree.  Vol. 1 No. 2 (1948)

Loki – Michael V. MacKay.   Vol. Nos. 1 (September 1978), 2 (December 1978), 3(1979)

Loki’s Daisy Chain. No. 1 (July 1976)

Long and Winding Road.   No. 180

Long Goodbye.   Nos. 20 (May 1975), 21 (June 1975)

Long Hello, The. No. 19 (April 1975).

Long Live Hugh Beaumont.

Long Stone, The. No. 1 (Sep. 1978) 

Look at the Bones.

Looking Ahead.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3, 4.  Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Looking For Trouble, Jack?

Looking Forward.   (November 1976)

Looking Glass.   Nos. 2 (January 1979), 13 (May 1979), 14 (July 1979), 15 (November 1979), 16 (February 1980), 17 (May 1980), 18 (August 1980), 20 (Winter/Spring 1981), 22 (Summer 1981), 23 (Fall 1981), 77

Loompanics Unlimited.

Lord of the Prolog.   Section 43, No. 1

Lord of the Rings, The.  (1978)

Lore.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (October 1965), 2 (October 1965), 3 (November 1965), 4 (February 1966), 5 (April 1966), 6 (August 1966), 7 (September 1966), 8 (April 1967),9 (Autumn 1967)

Lost Chord, The.   No. 26 (1984)

Lostwithiel Check Point.   No. 6 (December 1968)

Lost Worlds.   Vol. 3 No. 12 (July 1991)

Lou’s Apa.   No. 1 (November 1969)

Lovecraft.   (Spring 1970)

Lovecraftian Ramblings.   Nos. 16 (October 1981), 18 (February 1983)

Lovecraft's Daughter. No. 3.

Love Her Madly – Bob Vardeman.  

Love Makes The World Go Awry.   Nos. 1 (December 1979), 2 (March 1980), 3 (June 1980), 4 (September 1980), 5 (June 1981), 6 (August 1983)

Love’s Prurient Interest.   (January 1983)

Low-Down.  Nos. 1 (1968), 2 (1969), 3 (1971)

Lower Back Pain.   Vol.1 Nos. 1 (March 1983), 2 (April 1983), 3 (May 1983), 4 (May 1983).   Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (April 1985), 3 (June 1985)

Low Orbit.   Vol. 2 No. 47 (1992)

Lucifer.   Nos. 1 (1965), 3 (1966)

Lucifero.   (1980), (1981)

Luck of Teela Brown, The. No. 1,3, 4

Lulu Review.   Nos. 3 (December 1978), 4 (February 1979)

Luna.   Vol. 1 No. 3 (February 1940)

Luna and Beyond.  (November 1982), (December 1982/January 1983), (February 1983), (July 1983), (January/February 1984), (March /June 1984)

Luna Comix.   No. 1

Lunacon.   No. 2 (1971)

Lunacy.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Box 44

Luna Monthly.   Nos. 1 (June 1969), 2 (July 1969), 3 (August 1969), 4 (September 1969), 5 (October 1969), 6 (November 1969), 7 (December 1969), 8 (January 1970), 9 (February 1970), 10 (March 1970), 11 (April 1970), 12 (May 1970), 13 (June 1970), 19 (December 1970), 21 (February 1971), 22 (March 1971), 26/27 (July/August 1971), 31 (December 1971), 32 (January 1972), 62 (February 1976), 66 (Winter 1976-77), 67 (Spring 1977)

Luna Pono.    Vol. 1 No. 7 (October 1944)

Luna Times.   (December 1971)

Lunatic Quarterly.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Lunazine.   No. 2 (December 1964)


Lurk.  Nos. 2 (July 1972), 7 (April 1975)


Lyddite.   No. 5 (1972)

Lymurworm.   No. 22 ( May 1975)

Lynx.   Nos. 1, 2

Lyriphilia.   (August 1980)

Macabre.   Nos. 1 (March 1948), 23 (1976)

Madam DeFarge’s Rain of Terra.   No. 30 (March 1968)

Madcap.   Nos. 1, 2, 4

Mad Dan Review.   Nos. 4 (June 1976), 5 August 1976), 6 (October 1976)

Made By Hand.  

Madle, Bob.   No. 5

Mad 3 Party.  Nos. 1 (1984), 2 (1984)

Mad Scientist Digest.   Nos. 1 (March 1976), 2 ( March 1977), 3 (July 1977), 4 (December 1977), 5 (December 1978), 6 (July 1979), 7 (March 1980)

Mae Strelkov Trip Report, The. See: Strelkov Trip Report

Maelstrom Newsletter.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (March 1968), 3 (June 1968)

Magazine Collector’s Marketplace.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (January 1984), 2 (February 1984), 3 (March 1984), 5 (May 1984), 6 (June 1984), 9 (October 1984), 10 (November 1984)

Magical Blend.  No. 1 (1980)

Magic Lantern. No. 1- 5, 6 (March 1978)

Magic Pudding.   No. 12 (November 1973)

Magnus.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9

Mag without A Name. (Jan. 1946).

Mailing Comments…I Suppose.   No. 14

Maine(ly) Trek 4 (1985). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Mainstream.   Nos. 1 (April 1978), 2, (July 1978), 3 (March 1979), 4 (October 1979), 5 (May 1980), 6 (May 1981), 7 (May 1982), 8 (March 1983), 9 (October 1983), 10 (October 1984), 11 (January 1986), 12 (December 1987), 13 (September 1990), 16 (May 1994), 17 (December 1998)

Maita, Paul, Books.  List No. 116

Major Arcana.   (January 1974)

Making It With Hemingway Girls.  

Malaise.   No. 10 (January 1965)

Malamrun.   Nos. 11, 14, 16, 17

Malfunction.   Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Malignancy of Violence.   Vol. 50 No. 4 (April 1974)

Mallorn.   Nos. 7, 10, 11

Maltese Falcon Society.  

Mandelburg, John. 

Maneki-Neko.   No. 1

Man from the Norlands, The. No. 5-12 ((Sep. 1975-March 1977), 14-17 (July 1977-), 18, 22, 23, 26 (May 1980), 58 (Nov. 1985), 60 (March 1986), 61 (May. 1986), 63 (Sep. 1986), 64 (Nov. 1986), 68 (July 1987), 75 (Sept. 1988), 84 (March 1990

Manic Ruminations. No. 2 1/2

Man, the Boy, and the Donkey, The. No. 2


Mantra.   Nos. 3 (January 1977), 4 (March 1979)

Mapas Crapazine.

Maple Leaf Rag.   Nos. 2 (December 1983), 3 (January 1984), 10 (December 1984), 11 (January 1985), 12 (February 1985), 13 (March 1985), 14 (May 1985), 16 (July 1985), 24/25 (July-October 1986)

Marc.   No. 1 (November 1976)

March to the Beat of a Red Shift Drum.   Nos. 4 (June 1978), 6 (January 1979), 7 (March 1980)

Marcon.   No. 12 (March 1977)

Margaret’s Markings.   (August 1977)

Marking Time. No. 2,4

Markstein, Don.  

Mars.   Nos. 1, 2

Marquette University Libraries Handbook.  (1968-1969)

Martian Corflu.

Box 45

Masiform D.   Nos. 2 (March 1972), 3 (September 1973)

Masks.   No. 1 (November 1987)

Masque.   Nos. 6, 13, 16

Masquerade.   No. 1 (1980)

Matchlock.   No. 6

Mathom.    Nos. 1 (February 1969), 2 (June 1969), 3 (October 1969), 4 (March 1970), 5 (October 1970)

Matrix.   No. 28 (February - March 1980)

Maule’s Well.   (December 1972)

Maw.   Nos. 1 (January 1981), 6 (July 1982)

Maya – Ian Maule.   Nos. 3 (1972), 4 (1972), 5, 6 (1974), 7 (1975), 8 (1975), 9 (1975), 10 (1976), 11 (1976), 12/13 (1977), 14 (1977), 15 (1978)

Maybe.   Nos. 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66

May Was a Slow Month.


Mclandress Coefficient. No. 5 (June 1978)  

Me.   (1977)

Meadows of Fantasy.   (1965)

.032 Mean Specific Heat.

Mean Streets. No. 1 (Oct. 1990)

Meanwhile.   No. 1

Mechta.  No. 1 (1972)


Mediascene.   Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Box 46

Medicine Scout, The.  

Meet on the Ledge.   Nos. 4 (1977), 5 (1977), 6 (1977), 7 (1977), 8 (1977), 9 (1977), 10 (1977), 11 (1978), 12 (1978), 13 (1978), 14 (1978), 15 (1978), 16 (1978), 17 (1978), 18 (1978), 19 (1978), 20 (1978), 24 (1978), 25 (1978), 26 (1978), 28 (1981), 29 (1981), 30 (1981), 31 (1982), 33 (1982), 34 (1982)

Meet the Dealers.   No. 11 (June 1979)

Megamart.  No. 2 (1979)


Mein Omp-F.   No. 4 (March 1965), 5  (June 1965)

Melange.   (1962)

Melbourne.   No. 6 (1983)

Melting Pot.   Nos. 4 (July 1972), 5 (Winter 1972-73)

Melvin. No. 7 (Oct. 1971)

Memories of the Starship Aniara.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Memory Dump.   No. 1, 2

Memory of Gregor Samsa, In.   No. 22

Memory Lane.  

Memphen.   Nos. 46 (1981), 58 (1983), 59 (1983), 60 (1983), 61 (1983), 62 (1983), 63 (1983)

Menagerie.   Nos. 6 (1975), 7/8 (1975), 9 (1976), 10 (1976)

Menelvagor. No. 3 (April 1977)

Menolly’s SeaSongs.   (1983)

Menomonee Falls Gazette.   Nos. 72 (1973), 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 (1974)

Menomonee Falls Guardian.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 14

Mensa Science Fiction.

Mentat.   Nos. 9 - 10 (December 1968- February 1969)

Mentor, The.   Nos. 16 (August 1969), 17 (February 1971),18 (April 1971), 19 (Winter 1971), 20 (Spring 1971), 21 (Summer 1972), 22 (Autumn 1972), 23 (September 1973), (June 1980)

Mercatorial Annual.   Vol. 2 No. 9 (1974), 10 (1975)

Mercenary.   Nos. 1 (Spring 1965), 2 (Summer 1965)

Merchant of Menace, The.

Mercury.  Vol. 1 No. 5

Merlin's Closet.   No. 3 (Fall/ Winter 1983)

Mermaid, The.  

Merrit, A.: A Bibliography of Fantastic Writings.  No. 1 (September 1965)

Merry BAH! and a Happy Humbug!

Meschasm.   Nos. 1 (June 1979), 2 (October 1979)

Message From Ken Johnson and Joe Ross, A.  

Meta Ego.  No. 5 (November 1978)

Metal Maiden.   No. 6

Metanoia.  Nos. 4 (June 1970), 5 (July 1970), 6 (August 1970), 8, 9

Box 47

Metaphysical Review, The.   Nos. 1 (July 1984), 2 (November 1984), 3 (May 1985), 4 (July 1985), 5/6 (October 1985), 7/8 (May 1986), 10 (March 1987), 11/12/13 (November 1987), 14 (November 1989), 15/16/17 (August 1991), 18 (March 1993), 19/20/21 (July 1994), 22/23 (November 1995), 24/25 (December 1995), 26/27 (July 1998), 28/29 (August 1998)

Metaphysical Review, The.  Nos. 2 (February 1970), 5 (February 1971), 6 (1975), 7 (1975)

Metcalf, Norm.   Nos. 19, 31, 32, 33

Metrofan.  No 9 (March -April 1958)

MFS Bulletin.   Vol. 1 No. 6, Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7

MI.   Vol. 3 Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vol. 4 No. 3, Vol. 6 No. 1

Miami Minuet.   (October 1977)

Michael.   Nos. 2 (June 1978), 3 (April 1979), 4 (November 1979)

Mickey.  Nos. 5, 6, 8

Microcosm.   Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Microcosmos.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (March 1944), 2 (May-June 1944)

Micron.   (October 1946)

Microscopium.   Nos. 1 (May-June 1973), 4 (April-May 1974)

Micro Twitch.   Nos. 2 (July 1968), 3 (August 1968)

Midamericon Progress Report.  Nos. 2, 3, 4

Middle Earth Catalog.   Vol. 1 No. 7 (Summer 1975)

Middle EarthWorm.   (October 1975) No. 28 (Feb. 1976)

MidgardNo. 2

Midnight!.   No. 17

Midnight Marquee.   Nos. 26 (September 1977), 27 (September 1978), 28 (September 1979), 29 (October 1980), 30 (Fall 1981), 31 (Fall 1982), 32 (Fall 1983)

Midnight Musings.   No. 10

Midnight Ramblings.   No. 8

Midnight Rambler.   (September 1972)

Midnight Sun.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (Summer-Fall 1975), Vol. 2 No. 2 (August 1976)

MidSouth Fantasy Association.   Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2

Mid-West Fantasy Fan.  Vol. 1 No.1

Mid-West News & Views.   Vol. 1 Nos. 5, 6, 7

Midwest Side Story.   (April 1977)

Miesel, Sandra.  (September 1980)

Mi-Fyrst.   (August 1967)

Mighty Crazy.  Nos. 1 (January 1970), 2 (April 1970)

Migration, The.

Mijok.   Nos. 1, 2

Mile Hicon. No. 8

Mile High Futures.  Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (December 1983), 5 (June 1983), 8 (September 1983), 9 (October 1983), 10 (November 1983), Vol. 2 No. 4 (April 1984), Vol. 3 No. 11 (November 1985)

Military-Industrial Complex.   Nos. 1, 4

Milcross Book Service.   (1995)

Miller, P. Schyler.   (1975)

Millesian Fields.   No 7

Mills of the Gods.   No. 11 (1975)

Mimemeow.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6

Mimeo Man.   (1974-1975)

Mimosa.   Nos. 1 (January 1982), 6 (April 1989), 7 (December 1989), 8 (August 1990), 9 (December 1990), 11 (December 1991), 12 (July 1992), 14 (August 1993), 15 (April 1994), 16 (December 1994), 17 (October 1995), 18 (May 1996), 19 (November 1996), 20 (May 1997), 21 (December 1997), 22 (June 1998), 23 (January 1999), 24 (August 1999), 25 (April 2000), 26 (December 2000), 27 (December 2001), 28 (June 2002)

Box 48

Minador.   Nos. 1 (February 1977), 2 (April 1977), 3 (August 1977), 4 (December 1977),

Minas Tirith Evening Star.   Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6

Mind Mold. No. 3

Mind Wallaby.   Nos. 1 (October 1997), 2 (Feb. 1998), 3 (May 1998)

Minie Ball.   Nos. 8, 10, 11

Minicon.   Nos. 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17

Mini–Yun. No. 1

Minneapa!! 113.

Minneapolis in ’73 Filk Song Book.   (August 1969)

Minnesota LOON, The. (Spring 1965)

Minnesota SF Society (MINNSTF).  

Minutes of the LASFS, Inc. Board of Directors.   (August 1976), (September 1976), (February 1977), (May 1977), (June 1977)

Mirage.   No. 10 (1971)

Mirage Press. 

Mirkwood Slow Coach, The.  

Mirkwood Times.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Miscellania Unlimited.  No. 3 (Spring 1983)

Miskatonic.   Nos. 1, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Misled Ptah Too.   No. 2

Missing SEA  – SERPENT or Why Science Fiction Fans Are Gray before Their Time, The.

Mithras.   Nos. 8, 9, 10

Mithril.   Nos. 1 (May 1972), 2 (October 1972)

Mity’s Mag.   No. 5

Modern Collector’s Review.   No. 3

Moebius Trip.   Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28

Moffatt House Abroad.   (1973)

Moindre, Le.   Nos. 21 (November 1960), 23 (May 1961)

Mollocca.  Nos. 2, 4

Mom's Homemade Apple Fanzine.   No. 1000

Mondegreen.   No. 35


Mongoose – Goldberg.   Nos. 1 (Winter 1978), 2/3 (Summer 1978), 4 (Summer 1979)

Mongoose – Kring.   No. 2 (July 1974)

Monistic Tirade, The.   No. 1

Monkey Mind.  Nos. 1, 2

Monochrome.   Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29


Monster Times – Brill.   Nos. 6, 30, 31, 32

Monster Times – Taurasi.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (June-August 1964)

Monstrosities.   No. 2 (September 1968)

Monthly Bucky News.   Nos. 325 (February 1997), 327 (April 1997)

Monthly Mesmer.   No. 1 (November 1972)

Box 49

Monthly Monthly.  Nos. 1 (October 1980), 2 (November 1980), 3 (December 1980), 4 (January 1980), 5 (February 1980), 6 (March 1980), 7 (April 1980), 8 (May 1980), 9 (June 1980), 10 (July 1980), 11 (August 1980), 12 (September 1980), 13 (October 1980), 14 (December 1980)

Moonbane. No. 19

Moonbroth.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29

Moondust.   No. 1 (February 1976)

Moonish Pursuit, A. No. 2.

Moonriver.  (1975)

Moonscape.   No. 1 (1983)

Moonshade.   No. 4 (May 1962)

Moonshine.   No. 9 (1948)   

Moon Still Tulip Wine.   (March 1978)

Mopery.   No. 1

More Hearty Grumbling. 38.

More Mauling Comments.  

More Missions, More Myths.   Nos. 1-7 (1985-August 1987), 16 (May 1990). Gift of Lorna Minor.

More Verses by Rusty.

Mor-Farch.   Nos. 2 (November 1968), 3 (March 1969)

Morgan Smith.  Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5

Morp Dance.  

Mortimer Frankenbaum: Private Guy.   No. 1

Moscon.   Nos. 2 (September 1980), 4 (September 1982), 7, 8 (September 1986)

Moshassuk Review.   Nos. 21 (September 1981), 22 (December 1981), 24 (December 1982), (August 1983), (February 1998)

Moss on the North Side.   (1977)

Mota.    Nos. 1 (July 1971), 2 (October 1971), 3 (November 1971), 4 (March 1972), 5 (May 1972), 6 (August 1972), 7 (July 1974), 8 (October 1974), 9 (January 1975), 11 (July 1975), 12 (February 1976), 15 (March 1976), 16 (May 1976), 17 (June 1976), 18 (July 1976), 19 (August-September 1976), 21 (May 1977), 22 (July-August 1977), 23 (November 1977), 24 (March 1978), 27 (January 1979), 29 (August 1979)

Mote.   No. 6 (May 1953)

Mote in the Harlequin's Eye on the Edge of Forever, The.

Mother Hittori's New Kittens.   (July 1990)

Motley.   Nos. 1, 2, 8

Motor Boating & Sailing. Feb. 1975

Moudry Joe’s Phyrlis.   Nos. 1, 4, 7


Mountain Wizard, The. (April 1969)

Moving Paper Fantasy.  No. 7 (January 1984)

MSA Bulletin.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (October 1939), Vol. 2 No. 4 (May 1940)

Ms Found In a Klein Bottle. No. 13

Ms Terry Bits. Vol. 1 No. 2.

Mu Meson.   No. 2

Multum Est.   No. 4

Mumble Gutter.    No. 6 (February 1980)

Munchin’ Mountain Oysters, Sippin’ Boston Tea.   No. 16

Mundac.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Munich Round Up.   Nos. 100, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121

Murgheal.  Nos. 1 (December 1972), 2 (March 1973), 3 (August 1973)

Murgatroyd.   No. 15 (November 1980)

Mushroom Stew.   Nos. 3, 4

Mushroom Stew Supplement.

Musings, Mutterings & Analysis.

Mustang Review.   No. 11 (June 1972)

Mustard Seed.   No. 2 (August 1971)

Mutant-Merkel.   Nos. 1 (October 1975), 1 (November 1975), 3 (February 1976), 4 (April 1976), 5 (November 1976)

Mutant - Winter.

Mutations on a Theme.    No. 1   

Mutant Renegade Zine.   No. 1

Mutants of the Metropolis.  (1972)

Mutha Lode.   No. 6

Muthalode Evening Einblatt.  

Muthalode Morning Mishap.   Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

Mutterings.    (1981)

Mutterings from the Teapot. No. 2 (Nov. 1982)

Muzgash.   Nos. 2 (August 1968), 3 (September 1969)

Muzzy.   No. 8 (November 1955)

Mwynhad Five.  (1977)

Box 50

My Croft.   No. 1

My Last Trip to Reno.

My Own Positions. No. 5 1/2.  

My Personal Testimony.  

Myrddin.   Nos. 2, 3, 4

My Secret Life in the Mail.   Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Mysterious Captain Tin, The. No. 5

Mystery & Detective Monthly.   Nos. 1 (June 1984), 2 (July 1984), 3 (September 1984), 4 (October 1984), 5 (November 1984), 6 (December 1984), 7 (January-February 1985), 8 (March 1985), 9 (April 1985), 10 (May 1985), 11 (June 1985), 12 (July 1985), 13 (August 1985), 14 (September 1985), 15 (October 1985), 16 (November 1985), 17 (Dec. 1985), 18 (January-February 1986), 19 (March 1986), 20 (March 1986), 21 (May 1986), 22 (July 1986), 23 (July 1986), 24 (July 1986), 25 (September 1986), 26 (October 1986), 27 (November 1986), 28 (December 1986), 29 (Jan -Feb 1987), 30 (March 1987), 31 (April 1987), 32 (May 1987), 33 (June 1987), 34 (July 1987), 35 (August 1987), 36 (Sept. 1987), 37 (Oct.-Nov. 1987), 38-54 (December 1987-July 1989), 55 (August 1989), 56 (Oct. 1989), 60-150 (March 1990-November 1998), 151-181 (Dec. 1998--Dec. 2001)

Box 51

Mystery * File. No. 26 (December 1990), 30 (April 1991), 33 (September 1991), 34 ( November 1991); Vol. 2 No. 1

Mystery Monitor.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Feb. 1976), 5 (June 1976), Vol. 2 No. 4 (July 1977)

Mystery News. vol. 8 no. 2 (Jan.-Feb. 1989); vol. 9 no. 5 (July- August 1990); vol. 11. no. 4 (June - July 1992), 5 ( August - Sep. 1992); vol. 13 no. 3-5 (April-May 1994-Aug.-Sep. 1994); vol. 14 no. 1-5 (Dec.-Jan. 1994-95-Sep.-Oct. 1995); vol. 15 no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1996), 3 (July-Aug. 1996); vol. 16 no. 1 (Jan. - Feb. 1998); vol. 17 no. 3-6 (June-July 1999-Dec.-Jan. 2000); vol. 18 no. 2-5 (April-May 2000-Oct.-Nov. 2000); vol. 19 no.1 (June-July 2001), 3 (Feb.-March 2001), 5 (Oct.-Nov. 2001), 6 (Dec.-Jan. 2001); vol. 20 no. 1-5 (Feb.-March 2001-Oct.-Nov. 2001).

Mystery Nook, The. Vol. No. 1 - 6 (July 1975 - Oct. 1975); Vol. 2 No. 1 - 2 (Oct. 1975 - Dec. 1975).

Mystery of Waldo Surrounds His Own Left Ventricle.   (1982)

Mystery Scene.   Vol. 1 No. 1, 2, (Nov. 1986)

Mystification.   No. 11

Mythellany.   Vol. 1 No. 3 (1983)

Mything Link, The. No. 17

Mythlore.   Nos. 5 (Winter 1970), 6 (Autumn 1970), 7 (Winter 1971), 8 (Winter 1972), 9 (1973), 10 (1975), 11 (1976), 12 (June 1976), 13 (September 1976), 14 (December 1976), 15 (March 1977), 16 (June 1977), 17 (May 1978)

Mythologies-Don D’Ammassa.   Nos. 2 (November 1974), 3 (December 1974-January 1975), 4 (March-April 1975), 5 (May-June 1975), 6 (July-August 1975), 7 (November-December 1975), 8 (February 1976), 9 (June 1976), 10 (January 1977), 11 (February 1977), 12 (June 1977), 13 (November 1977), 14 (June 1978), 16 (July 1984), 17, 18 (June 1985), 19 (March 1986)

Mythopoeic Society.  Various conference bulletins and proceedings (Mythcon I & II, Narnia)

Box 52

Mythprint.  Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (July 1971), 2 (August 1971), 3 (September 1971), 4 (October 1971), 5 (November 1971), 6 (December 1971); Vol. 5 Nos. 1 (January 1972), 2 (February 1972), 3 (March 1972), 4 (April 1972), 6 (June 1972); Vol. 6 Nos. 1 (July 1972), 2 (August 1972), 3 (September 1972), 4 (October 1972), 5 (November 1972), 6 (December 1972); Vol. 7 Nos. 1 (January 1973), 2 (February 1973), 3 (March 1973), 4 (April 1973), 6 (June 1973); Vol. 8 Nos. 1 (July 1973), 2 (August 1973), 3 (September 1973), 4 (October 1973), 5 (November 1973); Vol. 11 No. 5 (May 1975); Vol. 12 Nos. 1 (July 1975), 2 (August 1975), 3 (September 1975), 4 (October 1975), 5 (November 1975), 6 (December 1975); Vol. 13 Nos. 1 (January 1976), 2 (February 1976), 3 (March 1976), 4 (April 1976), 5 (May 1976) 6 (June 1976); Vol. 14 Nos. 2 (August 1976), 3 (September 1976), 6 (December 1976); Vol. 15 Nos. 4 (April 1977), 5 (May 1977), 6 (August 1977); Vol. 16 Nos. 2 (December 1977), 4 (July 1978); Vol. 20 Nos. 10 (October 1983), 11 (November 1983), 12 (December 1983); Vol. 21 Nos. 1 (January 1984), 2 (February 1984), 3 (March 1984), 4 (April 1984), 5 (May 1984), 6 (June 1984), 7 (July 1984), 8 (August 1984), 9 (September 1984), 10 (October 1984), 11 (November 1984); Vol. 24 No. 1 (January 1987)

Mythril.  Nos. 1 (Fall 1971), 2 (Winter 1972), 3 (Spring 1972), 4 (Summer 1972), 5 (Autumn 1972), 6 (Spring 1973)

My Time Is Not My Own. No. 229 (Feb. 1989)

Myzine. No. 1

My Zine Title/ Smith. No. 10

Nabu.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Naginata.   Nos. 1 (August 1980), 2 (September 1980), 3 (October 1980), 4 (November 1980), 5 (1981), 6 (1981), 7 (1981), 8 (1981), 9 (1982), 10 (1982)

Nameless Newsletter.   No. 1 (September 1976)

Napa Express, The.

Napalm in the Morning.   No. 1

Nargothrond.   Nos. 1, 2, 3/4

Nathan Beastie.  

National Amateur.   Vol. 106 No. 4 (June 1984)

National Fantasy Fan.   Vol. 34 No. 4 ( August 1974), 6 (Dec. 1974); Vol. 35 No. 2 (April 1975); Vol. 39 No. 4, 6 (Dec. 1979) Vol. 40 Nos. 1 (Feb. 1980), 2 (April 1980), 3 (May 1980), 4 (August 1980), 5 (October 1980); Vol. 41 Nos. 1 (February 1981), 2 (April 1981), 3 (June 1981), 4 (August 1981), 5 (October 1981); Vol. 42 No. 4 (August 1982); Vol. 43 No. 1 (February 1983), (April 1983), (February 1984); Vol. 44 Nos. 3 (June 1984), 4 (August 1984), 5 (October 1984), 6 (December 1984); Vol. 45 No. 2 (April 1985), 5 (Oct. 1985); Vol. 46 No. 1 (Feb. 1986), 2 (April 1986); Vol. 48 No. 1 (August 1988), 2 (December 1988); Vol. 49 Nos. 4 (August 1989), 5 (October 1989), 6 (December 1989); Vol. 50 Nos. 1 (February 1990), 3 (June 1990), 4 (August 1990), 5 (Oct. 1990), 6 (Dec. 1990); Vol. 51 No. 1 (Feb. 1991)

National Lampoon.  Vol. 1 No. 27 (June 1972)

National Noid-Kip Williams.   Vol. 2 No. 2


Nazgul.   Nos. 3 (1973), 5 (1975), 6 (1976), 7 (1976)

Nebula- Barron.   Nos. 5, 6, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Nebula-Taylor.  Nos. 5 (March 1975), 6 (June 1975), 9 (June 1976)

Nebulous Fan.   No. 8 (February 1979)


Necromancer.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (July 1947), 2 (March 1948)

Necrophantasy.   No. 5 (1981)

Neither Blind Nor Idiot.

Nekromancy.   No. 2

Nekronomicon-Neil Kaden.   No. 7 (September 1982)

Nekromantikon.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Spring 1950)

Nemesis.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (November 1972), 3 (January 1973)

Nemesis Incorporated.   No. 13 (Fall 1982)

Nemo Repente Fuit Turpissimus. 

Neo-fan’s Guidebook.   Nos. 1, 2, 4

Neogenesis.   Vol. 1 No. 5

Neolithic.   Nos. 18 (September 1961), 20 (December 1961)

Neology.   Vol. 5 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (Summer 1980), 4/5 (Fall 1980), 6 (January 1981); Vol. 6 Nos. 1 (April 1981), 2 (June 1981), 3/4 (October 1981), 5 (December 1981), 6 (February 1982); Vol. 9 Nos. 1 (March/April 1984), 2 (May/June 1984), 3 (July/August 1984), 4 (September/October 1984), 5 (November/December 1984), 6 (January/February 1985); Vol. 10 Nos. 1 (March/April 1985), 2 (May/June 1985), 3 (July/August 1985), 4/5 (September-December 1985), 6 (January/February 1986); Vol. 11 Nos. 1 (March 1986), 2 (April/May 1986), 6 (January/February 1987); Vol. 12 No. 3 (May/June 1987)

Neophyte.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1948)

NeoPre-Raphaelite Guild, The.  

NEOSFScene.   Nos. 4 (December 1968), 5 (February 1969)

Neo Trys to Run an APA, A. No. 1, 9

Nepenthe.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2

Ne Plus Ultra. No. 83

NESFA. No. 191 (April 1986)

NESFIG Newsletter.   Nos. 3 (April 1975), 4 (June 1975)

Network. No. 87

Net Works. No. 8 ( August 1982), 9 (Nov. 1982), 10 (Feb. 1983).

Neurolog.   No. 3 (Summer 1977)

Neutron.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Never Comes the Day. No. 2 (March 1974)

New Acolyte, The.   No. 1

New Art of Thought Transmission.  No. 6 (Winter 1985)

New Broom.  Vol. 1 No. 2 (1973)

Box 53

New Canadian Fandom.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (April/May 1981), 2/3 (June-September 1981), 4 (January 1982), 5 (August 1982), 6 (January 1983), 7 (April 1985), 8 (October 1985)

New Directions.  No. 23, 24

New Elliptic.   Nos. 8, 9 (July 1971)

New Fandom.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (September 1938), 2 (November 1938), 4 (March/April 1939 - mislabelled on cover as Issue No. 5), 5 (July 1939), 6 (1939); Vol. 2 No. 1 (April 1940), 2 (May 1940)

New Fangles.   Nos. 5 (November 1967), 13 (August 1968), 42 (December 1970), 43 (January 1971), 44 (February 1971), 48 (June 1971), 49 (July 1971), 50 (August 1971), 51 (September 1971), 52 (October 1971), 53 (November 1971), 54 (December 1971)

New Fangoled Epicritic, The.   No. 9

New Forerunner.   Nos. 5 (July 1969), 7 (1969), 9 (April 1970), 11 (Jan. 1970), 12 (February 1970), 13 (March 1970), 14 (September 1973), 16 (April 1977), 18 (June 1977), 19 (April 1978)

New Frontiers.  No. 1 (December 1959)

New Hieroglyph.   No. 1 (March 1944)

New Libertarian.   Vol. 4 Nos. 7, 10, 11; Vol. 5 Nos. 6, 9

New Libertarian Notes.   Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34/35, 36, 37

New Libertarian Weekly.   Vol. 3 No. 2 (December 1975); No. 94 (October 1977), 101 (December 1977)

New Millennial Harbinger, The.   Nos. 5 (April 1969), 14 (December 1974)

New Newport News News.   Nos. 4, 5, 7

New Pages.  Vol. 1 No. 4 (Summer 1981)

New Pals Club Magazine.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 3; Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (July 1990)

New Port News, The.   Nos. 86 (December 1983), 118 (March 1988), 125 (May 1989), 133 (September 1990), 154 (March 1994), 161 (May 1995), 204 (July 2002)

New Radio Theatre.   (January 1972)

News From All Over.

News From Bree.   No. 11 (October-November 1973)

New-Toy.  No. 2 (March 1987)

New Venture (Pullman, WA).   Nos. 1 (June 1975), 2 September 1975), 3 (Winter 1975), 4 (Summer 1976), 5 (Fall 1976)

New Wave Video Snacks.   No. 1 (April 1984)

New Worldcon Bid, A.

New Worlds.   Nos. 1 (March 1939), 2 (April 1939), 3 (May 1939), 4 (August 1939)

New York Feud, The.   No. 1 (Jan. 1985)

New York Review of Science Fiction.   Nos. 1 (September 19880, 142 (June 2000)

Next Best Thing to Perfect Legs.   (1976)

Nexus.   Nos. 4 (July 1971), 5 (October 1971), 6 (January 1972), 7 (August 1972)

Nexus Accessory.   (October 1980)

NFFF Trader. No. 1

Nickelodeon.   Nos. 1, 2

Niekas.   Nos. 8 (15 March 1964), 9 (September 1964), 13, 15 (1966), 17 (November 1966), 18 (Spring 1967), 19 (1968), 20 (Fall 1968), 22 (February 1980), 23 (August 1980), 24 (November 1980), (May 1982)

Nightguant.   No. 1 (Winter 1976-1977)

Nightmare.   No. 1 (Spring 1945)

Nightdreams and Daymares.   (August 1987)

Night Fever. No. 99

Night Land, The.

Night Music.   No. 1

Nightshade.   Nos. 1, 3 (October 1976), 4 (October 1977), 5 (April 1979)

Nightspawn.   No. 2 (Winter 1973)

Nihil Obstat.   No. 17 (June 1971)

Nimrod.   Nos. 10 (March 1968), 11 (June 1968), 12 (April 1969), 13 (July 1969)

Nine Innings.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6

Ningauble's Cave. No. 1, 2

Niño, Alex, The Art of.  

Nit Wit.   Nos. 1 (October 1975), 2 (November-December 1975)

No. No. 16 (Jan. 1975).

Box 54

No-Ruth Berman.   Nos. 8 (July 1971), 9 (December 1971), 10 (June 1972), 11 (August 1972), 12 (January 1973), 13 (March 1973), 14 (October 1973), 15 (May 1974), 16 (January 1975), 17 (September 1975)

No Award.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Nobody Asked Me, But.. No. 48 (March 1977)

Noctiluca Micropolitana.   No. 1 (August 1982)

Noctuary, The.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Nocturnal Eterne-Paul Novitski.   (January 1971)

Nocturne.   No. 20 (April 1982)

No Different Flesh.   Nos. 1, 2

No-Eyed Monster.   Nos. 15, 17, 18

No Holier Than Thou.   No. 25

Nolazine.   Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12

Nomo the Zine.   (June 1991), (August 1991), (October 1991), (November 1991), (January 1992), (April 1992), (October 1992), (October 1993), (February 1994), (May 1994), (August 1994), (May 1995)

Non-Sequitur.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 16

Nope!.   Nos. 9 (November 1969), 11, 12

No Peaceful Roads Lead Home.   (May 1987)

Nor.   (February 1974), (May 1974), (June 1974)

Noreascon.   No. 2

Noreascon Progress Report.   Nos. 1 (March 1970), 2 (June 1970), 3 (January 1971), 4

Norm, the Student.   (1974)

Normal Bean.   Nos. 1 (1980), 3 (1980)

Norstrilian News- Foyster.   Vol. 1 No. 4 (May 1970); Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (January 1972), 2 (January 1972), 3 (February 1972), 4 (February 1972), 5 (March 1972), 9 (May 1972)

Norstrilian News- Gillespie.   Nos. 25 (March 1971), 26, 27 (May 1971), 28, 29 (June 1971), 30 (July 1971), 31 (August 1971), 32 (September 1971)

Norstrilian News- Johnson.   (June 1972), (July 1972), (August 1972), (November 1972), (December 1972), (January 1973), (February 1973), (March/April 1973), (May 1973), (June/July 1973), (August 1973), (September-November 1973)

North American Radio Archives.   (1976)

Northern Guffblower, The.   No. 5 (August 1979)

Northern Lights.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7

North of the Wasteland.

Northwest SF Society Newsletter.  Nos. 15 (April 1978), (1982)

Norwescon.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9

Nosfan.   Nos. 14 (July 1971), 15 (August 1971), 16 (November 1971), 20 (April 1972), 21 (July 1972), 23 (January 1973), 26 (April 1974), 29 (June 1975), 31 (October 1975)

Nostalgia Collector.   No. 2 (1971)

Nostalgia Jornal, The.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Nostalgia News.   Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Nostalgia Newsletter.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (March/April 1973)  

Notational.   No. 10 (January 1986)

Notebook.   No. 2

Notes from Arinam.   No. 6 (Spring 1976)

Notes from Bob Peterson. No. 7 (June 1982)

Notes from the Chemistry Dept.-Denis Quane.   Nos. 1, 2 (January 1974), 3 (February 1974), 4 (March 1974), 5 (May 1974), 6 (June 1974), 7 (August 1974), 8 (October 1974), 9 (November 1974), 10 (March 1975), 11 (May 1975), 12 (July 1975), 13 (September 1975), 14 (December 1975)

Notes from the Darkside.   (Autumn 2000)

Notes from the Lanshack.   No. 2, 7

Notes from Oblivion.   Nos. 16 (December 1986), 23 (October 1989), 28 (February 1996)

Notes from the OE.   No. 13 (June 1972)

Notes from the Tube.

Notes from the Underground.   Nos. 2 (1975), 3, 4

Notes & Garbage. No. 8

Notes on Narcissism.   No. 3

Nothing.   Nos. 1 (June 1964), 5 (April 1975)

Nothing Exciting. No. 42.

Nothing to Say.   Nos. 4, 5

Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Somethin' in the Oven.  (June 1987)

Nothung. No. 3 - 6

Box 55

Nothus.   (September 1968)

Notional, The.   No. 2 (May 1985)

Notiziario CCSF.   Nos. 18, 19, 23

Not Mellow.   No. 1, 2, 3

Not–Mishap. (Dec. 1976)

Not So Private Eye, The. No. 9 (Jan. 1982), 10 (1982)

Noumenon.   Nos. 2 (April 1976), 4 (June 1976), 5/6 (August 1976), 7 (September 1976), 8/9 (November 1976), 10 (December 1976), 11 (January 1977), 12 (March 1977), 13/14 (June 1977), 12 & 13/14, 15 (August 1977), 16/17 (September 1977), 18 (November 1977), 19 (January 1978), 34 (January 1980), 35/36 (March 1980), 37 (May 1980), 38 (July 1980), 44/45 (December 1981), 46/47 (May 1982)

Nous.   No. 4

Nova-Al Ashley.   Nos. 1 (November/December 1941), 2, 3 (Winter 1943-44)

Nova-Jim Rehak.   (June 1972)

Nova-Tucker.   No. 1 (May 1939)

Novacious.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

Nova Enterprises.   (1980)

Novel Hunter’s Yearbook, The.  Vol. 3 No. 1 (March 1928)

Novoid.   Nos. 2, 3 (July 1986), 4, 5 (February 1987), 6 (April 1989), 7 (December 1989), 8 (April 1991)

Nov Shmoz Ka Pop. No. 1

Now that I've Got Your Attention. (Jan. 1983)

Now to Deal With You.  Nos. 1 (Summer 1969), 4 (1970), 5

NSFS Newsletter. No. 12 (Jan. 1978)

Ntigpa. No. 9 (Oct. 1980)

NTM Collected.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (1979).   Related works by Jean Lorrah: The Night of the Twin Moons (1976); Full Moon Rising (November 1976); Sol Plus Presents Epilogue Part 1 (1977); Part 2 (April 1978); Jean Lorrah's Sarek Collection (1979). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Nuages.   Nos. 1 (April 1983), 2 (May 1984), 3 (September 1984), 4 (May 1985), 5 (May 1986), 6 (July 1988)

Null-F.   Nos. 19 (February 1961), 20, 36, 40

Number.   No. 1, 2

Number 13.   Vol. 2 (October 1980), 3, 4 (October 1982)

Nu Ormenal Collected.   Nos. 1 (1979), 2, 3, 4, 5 (1981) Gift of Lorna Minor.

Nuthin' Fancy.   No. 1 (January 1976)

Nu Yu.   No. 1 (Summer 1997)

NUZ Frum STFandom. No. 25.

Nyarlathotep.   No. 6 (September 1968)

NyCon Comics.   No. 5 (September 1967)

Box 56

Nyctalops.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (October 1970), 5 (October 1971), 6 (February 1972); Vol. 2 Nos. 2 (July 1974), 3 (January/ February 1975), 4/5 (April 1976), 6 (May 1977)

Nymphs in the Woods.   Nos. 1 (March 1976), 2 (May 1976), 3 (July 1976)

Oafs².   Nos. 1 (October 1972), 2 (1973)

Oak Leaves. Nos. 1 (Fall 1970), 2 (Winter 1970-71), 4 (Summer 1970), 5 (Fall 1971), 6 (Winter 1971-72), 8 (Summer 1972)

Oald Bore’s Tales of the Expected.   (1981)

Oasis.  No. 7 (December 1978)

Oberon.   No. 3 (March 1982)

Obit.   (1983)

Oblique.   No. 2 (1977)

Oblong.   Nos. 1 (October 1995), 2 (January 1996), 3 (April 1996), 4 (November 1996), 5 (February 1997), 6 (June 1997), 7 (February 1998),

Occasional Paper-Frank Denton.   Nos. 2 (December 1972), 4, 5 (December 1977)

Occasional Review.   No. 11

Ocelot.   No. 2 (July/ August 1979)

Octocon.   No. 3, 4

Odd-Fisher.   No. 17 (September 1967), 18 (Spring 1968), 19 (Summer 1968), 20 (Summer 1969)

Odd-Haugh.   Nos. 1 (June 1989), 2 (September 1989), 3 (May 1990), 4 (October 1990), 7 (September 1993), 9 (October 1993)

Odds and Ends.   No. 21

Odds, Sods, and Hogwash.   No. 1 (Spring 1998)

Odyssey.   (Spring 1976)

Oed' und leer das meer.   (1983)

Of Cabbages and Kings.   (November 1976)

Ofermod.   No. 2

Office of the Collator.   (March 1972)

Official Bicentennial Anonycon One Shot.   No. 2

Official Postmailing to SLANapa. No. 87

Official Publication of the Society for the Preservation of Lee Hoffman as a Member of Fapa.   No. 1 (November 1960)

Off the Beaten Path.   (1985)

Off the Beaten Trek.   No. 1 (July 1976) Gift of Lorna Minor.

Off Trails. No. 77 (April 1975).

Of Members and Zines.   (February 1987)

Of Such Are Legends Made.   No. 1 (August 1978)

Ogotrya.   No. 3 (January 1986)

Oh, Bloody Hell! No. 28, 38

Oh! Canada–What's Wrong with You?

Oh My Fur and Whiskers. No. 9

Oh No, Not Again. No. 33.

Oh Yeah!   No. 2 (April 1975)


Olaf.  Nos. 1, 2, 3

Olaf Alternative/Outhouse, The.   Olaf Alternative: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10; Outhouse: Nos. 2 (July 1991), 9, 10, 11, 12

Old and Rare.  No. 2 (Summer 1962)

Old Enough to Ride the Mare...    (October 1981)

Olde Yellowe Sheete.  Nos. 3 (Spring 1985), 4 (Winter 1986), 5

Old Zing.  No. 1 (1978)

Olio.  No. 2 (March 1980)

Oliver King Smith Agency, The.  

Oljeto.   No. 2 (Summer 1971)

Omekronicle.   Vol. 2 No. 4 (June 1974)

Omelas.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (July 1976); Vol. 2 No. 1 (Spring 1977)

Omen.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1973); Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (1974), 2, 3/4

Omen K's Directorate  Dupletter. No. 9 (Sep. 1981)

Omen III.

Omni.  Vol. 7 Nos. 7 (April 1985), 8 (May 1985)

Omnifan.  Nos. 5 (Fall 1970), 6 (Spring 1974)

Omniwave.  Vol. 2 No. 5 (July 1974)

Omphalos: see Abraxas.

Omphaloskepsis.  No. 6 (1979)

On Arrival. No. 35.

On Company Time.  Nos. 1 (Summer 1982), 2 (Fall 1982), 3 (June 1983), 4 (December 1983), 5 (July 1985)

Once and Future Nimrod.  No. 12

Once and Future Worm, The.  Nos. 1 (October 1976), 2 (February 1977), 3 (June 1977), 4 (October 1977), 5 (February 1978), 6 (June 1978), 7 (October 1978), 8 (February 1979), 9 (June 1979), 10 (October 1979), 11 (February 1980), 12 (June 1980), 13 (October 1980), 14 (February 1981), 15 (June 1981)

One Blue Sky Revisited.

One Hundred and Twenty-Five Mexican Mummies.   No. 3

One God.... One Bible.... One Fandom. No. 1 

One-Off.  Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14

One Rubber Chicken.  (November 1977)

One-Shots.  "AIDDOS,"  "April Fools,"  "Fanfare III,"  "A Hitchie is a Flange Only Smaller,"  "The Last of the Red Hot Lungfish Maybe,"  "Mistakes are Mistakes,"  "Sincon,"  "Zootibar"

Box 57

One Way Mirror.   (May 1980)

1001 Nights.  No. 1

On-Looker, The.   No. 3

Only Trek.   No. 2 (July 1985) Gift of Lorna Minor.

Onoma.  Nos. 2 (September 1984), 3 (May 1985), 4 (September 1987), 5 (July 1988)

On the Norders of Khitai. No. 1

On the Healing Road.

On the Mark-Lisa Cowen.  

Onyx.  No. 19 (September 1983)

Oof.  No. 10 (September 1968)

Oofta.  Nos. 4 (October 1974), 5, 11-13

Oomphaloskepsis.  No. 1 (June 1980), 2 (August 1980)

Oops!  No. 4 (1971)

Opal.  No. 3

Open Letter to Walter A. Willis.   (1956)

Operand.  No. 2 (Nov. 1968), 3 (June 1969)

Operation: Chaos. No. 3

Operation Fantast.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (July 1949), 3 (December 1949), 7 (December 1950), 8 (March 1951), 9 (Summer 1951), 10 (Fall 1951), 11 (Winter 1952); Vol. 2 No. 6 (September 1950)

Ophemera.  (1977)

Opo.  No. 27 (January 1965)

Opuntia.  Nos. 11.5 (February 1993),12 (February 1993), 18.5 (April 1994), 19 (May 1994), 19.1 (June 1994), 19.5 (July 1994), 20 (August 1994), 20.2, 21 (September 1994), 21.1 (October 1994), 22 (November 1994), 22.1 (December 1994), 22.5 (January 1995), 23 (February 1995), 23.1A (March 1995), 23.1B (April 1995), 23.5 (May 1995), 24 (June 1995), 24.1 (July 1995), 25 (September 1995), 26 (October 1995), 26.1 (November 1995), 26.2 (December 1995), 26.5 (December 1995), 27 (January 1996), 27.1 (February 1996), 28 (March 1996), 28.1A (May 1996), 28.1B (July 1996), 28.5 (August 1996), 29 (October 1996), 29.1 (November 1996), 29.2 (December 1996), 29.5 (January 1997), 30 (February 1997), 31 (March 1997), 31.1 (March 1997), 32 (March 1997), 33 (May 1997), 33.1 (June 1997), 34 (August 1997), 34.1 (Sept. 1997), 34.5 (Oct. 1997), 35 (November 1997), 35.1 (December 1997), 35.5 (January 1998), 37 (March 1998), 37.1 (April 1998), 40 (September 1998), 40.5 (November 1998), 41 (December 1998), 41.1A (January 1999), 42 (June 1999), 46 (August 2000), 46.1 (August 2000), 46.5A (September 2000), 46.5B (October 2000), 46.5C (November 2000), 46.5D (December 2000), 47 (January 2001), 49 (November 2001), 50 (December 2001), 51.1A (April 2002), 51.1B (June 2002)

Opus.  Nos. 1, 4, 18, 19

Opus-Paul J. Stevens.   No. 1

Orac.   Nos. 3 (April 1986), 4 (June 1986)

Oracle.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1982), 2, 3 (October 1982), 17

Orange Calendulas.   No. 4

Orange Catholic Bible.   No. 1 (June 1967)

Orbit. Jan. / Feb./ March 1979.

Orca.   Nos. 1, 2 (March 1978)

Orcrist.   No. 5

Oregon Trails, The. No. 20 (Nov./Dec. 1992)

Organ Bank.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Organlegger.   Nos. 6, 7, 9

Orient Breeze.  No. 13

Oriflamme.  No. 2

Ork.   No. 3

Orly.   No. 1 (May 1975)

Ornithopter.   Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (October 1982), 11 (December 1982)

Orodruin.   No. 1

Orstinian Tales.  (April 1978)

OS.   No. 2

OSFAn.   Nos. 11, 16, 30 (November 1967), 35 (April 1968), 36 (May 1968), 37 (June 1968), 38 (July 1968), 39 (August 1968), 40 (September 1968), 41 (October 1968), 42 (November 1968), 43 (December 1968), 44 (January 1969), 45 (February 1969), 46 (March 1969), 47 (March 1969), 48 (May 1969), 49 (June 1969), 50 (July 1969); Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (November 1969), 2 (December 1969), 3 (January 1970), 4 (February 1970), 5 (March 1970), 6 (April 1970), 7 (May 1970), 8 (June 1970), 9 (July 1970); Vol. 3 No. 1

OSFFA News.  Vol. 1 Nos. 3 (September 1972), 4 (October 1972), 5 (December 1972); Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (October 1974), 2 (November 1974); Vol. 4 No. 3

OSFiC.   Nos. 17, 20, 23, 24, 25

OSFiC Eventually.   No. 1 (1974)

OSFiCOMM.   Vol. 2 Nos. 2 (July 1971), 10 (March 1972), 13 (June 1972), 14 (July 1972), 17 (October 1973)

Osfic Quarterly.  Nos. 1 (1972), 2, 3 (1973)

Osiris.  No. 9

O. S. of Dapa – Hacker, The. (July 1984).

Osteen University Review. No. 10.

Othergates.  No. 2 (Summer 1981)

Other Realms.  No. 14 (April 1987)

The Other Side of Paradise.   Nos. 4 (The Elder Brother, a novel by Clare Bell, 1979), 6 (A Plague in Time, a novel by Clare Bell, 1983). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Other Times.   Vol. 1 No. 1

Otherwords.   No. 3 (January 1970)

Other Worlds.   Vol. 1 No. 3

O’Toole.   Nos. 1,12, 13, 14, 22, 26

Ouija.   Nos. 1 (July 1972), 2 (August 1972)

Our Fair City.   Nos. 3, 4

Box 58

Our Home. No. 36.


Out of the Blue.  Nos. 4, 5

Out of the Ded Forest. No. 2

Out of the Depths.   No. 27

Outbreak.   No. 5 (November 1982)

Outer Limits.   Nos. 2 (November 1975), 3, 4 (March/April 1976), 5

Outland.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2   

Outlooks.   No. 2 (Fall 1975)

Outre.   Vol. 1 No. 3

Outrecroft.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (December 1967)

Outsider [filed Oversize Box]

Outworlds.   Nos. 1 (January 1970), 3 (May 1970), 4, 5 (September/October 1970), 6, 7, 8 (June 1971), 10 (January 1972), 11, 12, 13 (August 1972), 14 (November 1972), 15 (January 1973), 16 (June 1973), 17 (August 1973), 18 (October 1973), 19 (1974), 20 (1974)

Outworlds.   Nos. 21/22 (1974), 23 (1975), 24, 25, 26, 27 (1976), 28/29, 30 (1980), 33 (1983), 42 (1984), 67 (1997), 68 (1997), 69 (1998), 70

OV.  No. 3 (July 1976)

Overground.   No. 1 (April 1980)

Overland Express.   Nos. 2 (June 1971), 3 (December 1971)

Overload.   Nos. 2 (1980), 3 (1980)

Over the Sea to Skye.   (1964)

Owlet Hoots, The.  (1988)

Owlflight.   Nos. 1 (1981), 4 (1983)

Owlhoot Trail, The. No. 1

Owlswick Press.  

Oxymoron.   No. 1 (June 1980)

Oxytocic.   Nos. 4 (Summer 1971), 5 (Winter 1971), 6 (Spring 1972), 7 (July-August 1973), 8 (November-December 1973), 9 (February-March 1974), 10 (May-June 1974), 11 (November 1974), 12 (June 1975), 13 (July 1976)

Ozarkon.   No. 3 (1968)

Ozone.   No. 1

Pablo Lennis.   Nos. 1, 2, 5, 11, 18

Pacific Northwest Review of Books.  Nos. 0 (Winter 1977), 1 (April 1978), 2 (May 1978), 3 (June 1978), 4 (July/August 1978)

Pacificon.   (1964)

Pacific Potpourri.   (1983)

Paisley Pussycat. No. 14 (March 1977)

Paladin.   (1980)

Palatine Manner.   No. 35 (January 1976)

Palantiri.   No. 12 (Fall 1968)

Palentinian.   No. 1

Pan.   Nos. 21 (July 1975), 22 (September 1975)

Panazine.   Nos. 1 (June 1978), 2 (September 1978), 3 (February 1979), 4 (June 1979), 5 (March 1980), 6 (June 1980), 7 (Jan. 1981),8 (1981)

Pandora.   Nos. 1 (1978), 8 (1981), 9 (1982), 11 (1983)

Pandora's Socks.  

Pantekhnikon.   Nos. 0, 1, 2

Panelologist.   Vol. 1 Nos. 7 (1968), 8; Vol. 2 Nos. 1-3 (1969)

Pantoum of the Pilfered Pups.   (1978)

Papaya.   Nos. 2 (October 1971), 3 (January 1972), 4 (April 1972), 6 (October 1972)

Paperback Collector's Newsletter, The.   Nos. 2 (April 1977),  4 (June 1977)

Paperback Inferno.   Vol. 6 No. 4 (1983)

Paperback Parlour.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (April 1977), 4 (August 1977), 5 (October 1977); Vol. 2 No. 6 (December 1978); Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (February 1979), 4; Vol. 4 No. 1

Paperchips.   Nos. 10 (1975), 11, 12

Paper Fantasy.   Nos. 15 (October 1974), 20 (April 1975)

Papernet.   (1995)

Paper Soul.   No. 1 (May 1972)

Paper Trapeze.   No. 1 (November 1960)

Paradigms.   No. 4 (June 1982)

Paradox--Jones.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (January 1976), 3 (Summer 1976)

Paradox--Robbins.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2 (July 1965), 4 (December 1965), 6 (September 1967); Vol. 3 No. 1 (Summer 1973)

Paradox--Wilimczyk.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer 1943); Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Winter 1943), 2 (Spring 1944)

Parallax. (August 1970)

Box 59

Paranoid.   Nos. 2 , 4, 5

Parenthesis.  Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

Parerga.   No. 1 (October 1970)

Parergon Papers.   Nos. 1 (July 1977), 5

Pariah.  Nos. 1, 2 (August 1982), 3 (November 1982), 4 (May 1983)

Parker Phile, The. Vol. 1 No. 1 (Dec. 1982-Jan. 1983)

Parker’s Patch.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Parma Eldalamberon.   Nos. 1 (Fall 1971), 2 (1972), 3 (June 1973)

Parsec.   Nos. 5, 6, 7

Part Shot.   Nos. 1, 2

Partial Exegesis.  (1968)

Parting Shot Books.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Passing Parade.   Nos. 1 (July 1972), 2 (November 1972), 3 (February 1973), 5 (December 1973), 6 (November 1976)

Pas-Tell.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (October 1962); Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (November 1963), 2 (April 1964); Vol. 5 No. 2 (April 1965); Vol. 5 No. 4 (July 1966)

Past, Present, & Future.   Nos. 9 (July 1982), 12 (August 1987)

Pasttimes.   No. 1 (1982)

Pathless Trails, The. No. 5

Patient Child.   (1983)

Patterson, Bill.   (October 1973)


PCAN (Popular Culture Association Newsletter).   Vol. 3 No. 2 (June 1974)

Peace Witness.   Vol. 7 No. 2 (October-November 1943)

Peculiar.   Nos. 2 (March 1972), 3 (June 1972), 4 (August 1972), 8 (December 1973)

Pedia.   (Spring 1969)

Pegasus.   Nos. 4 (March 1969), 6 (December 1969), 7 (February 1971)

Pelf.   Nos. 5 (October 1968), 6 (February 1969), 7 (April 1969), 8, 10 (May 1973), 13 (May 1977)

Pendulum.   No. 1 (January 1952)

Penguin Means Never Having to Make Sense or Sob Story.

Pennoncel.  Vol. 1 Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6; Vol. 3 Nos.2, 4, 5, 6, 7; Vol. 4 No. 1

Penultimate Blimp.   Nos. 1 (February 1972), 2, 3 (June 1973)

People's Comic Book Newsletter, The.   No. 17 (March 1999)

People Stories.   No. 1 (Winter 1943)

Perceptions.   Nos. 1 (June 1973), 2, 3 (November 1973)

Per-fec Stencils.   (September 1973)

Perihelion.   No. 4 (February-March 1968)

Periodical Lungfish.   Nos. 1 (January 1981), 2 (Spring 1981), 3 (Summer 1981)

Peripheral Visions.   Nos. 1 (1977), 2, 3, 4 (May 1978)

Periphrasis.   Nos. 1 (Sept. 1968), 2

Personal Notes.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

Pesfazine.   Nos. 1 (January 1981), 2 (March 1981), 3 (May 1981), 4 (July 1981), 5 (September 1981), 6 (November 1981), 7 (January 1982), 8 (March 1982), 9 (May 1982), 10 (July 1982), 11 (September 1982), 12 (January 1983)

Peter Principle.   Nos. 1 (December 1981), 2 (August 1982)

Petit Degenerate, The.   No. 5

Pet-Rich.   Nos. 2 (February 1965), 3 (March 1965), 4 (April 1965)

Petroglyph. No. 3

Petulant Butterflies.   Nos. 125, 126

Pfaug. No. 2

PFUI. No. 1 (July 1979), 2 (Sept. 1979), 3 (Nov. 1979), 4, (Jan. 1980), 5, 6, 7 (July 1980), 8 (Sept. 1980), 10 (Jan. 1981), 11 (March 1981)

Pghlange.  Nos. 6, 8

Pghlange Portfolio.   (March 1970)

Pghoenix.   No. 1 (1971)

Phanny.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Fall 1941), 2 (Winter 1941); Vol. 2 No. 3 (Fall 1943); Vol. 3 Nos. 3 (December 1944), 4 (Spring 1945)

Phantagraph.   Vol. 8 Nos. 4 (February 1941), 5 (March 1941); Vol. 9 Nos. 2 (August 1941), 3 (October 1941), 4 (December 1941), 5 (January 1942), 6 (March 1942); Vol. 10 Nos. 1 (May 1942), 2 (October 1942), 3 (December 1942); Vol. 11 Nos. 2 (October 1943), 3 (January 1944); Vol. 12 Nos. 1 (May 1944), 2 (October 1944), 4 ( December 1944); Vol. 13 Nos. 1 (January 1945), 2 (February 1945), 3 (March 1945); Vol. 14 Nos. 1 (May 1945), 2 (July 1945), 4 (July-August 1945); Vol. 15 Nos. 1 (September 1945), 2 (October 1945), 3 (January 1946)

Phantasmicom.  Nos. 1 (Summer 1969), 2 (Winter 1970), 3 (Summer 1970), 4 (February 1971), 5 (April 1971), 7 (September 1971), 8 (December 1971), 9 (February 1972), 10 (November 1972), 11 (May 1974)


Phantasy Digest.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2 (1977), 3 (1977)

Phantasy Press.   Nos. 30 (November 1960), 32 (April 1961)

Phantom.   No. 1 (1973)

Box 60

Phase.   No. 1 (1971)

Phenomenal.  Nos. 5, 6/7, 8

Phenomenon.   No. 2 (July 1970)


Philistine Quarterly.   No. 5 (1975)

Philk Fee-Nom-Ee-Non.  No. 31 (May 1984)


Philosophical Gas.   Nos. 12 (June 1972), 13 (June 1972), 18 (February 1973), 27 (Autumn 1974), 28 (Winter 1974), 29 (February 1975), 30 (March 1975), 71 (August 1987)   

Philisophical Speculations.   Nos. 1 (March 1981), 2 (Summer 1981)

Phiz.   Nos. 1 (April 1954), 2, 3 (July 1977), 4 (August 1977), 5 (May 1978), 7 (January 1979), 8

Phlogiston.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (March 1972)

Phlotsam.   No. 16 (Oct. 1942), 17

Phlugg.   No. 31 (Sept. 1971)

Phoenix.   No. 4

Phone Fandom Lives!

Phosphene – Gil Gaier.    Nos. 1, 2 (Summer 1975), 3 (Jan. 1976), 4 (July 1976), 5 (Nov. 1976), 6 (May 1977), 7 (May 1978), 8 (June 1980)

Phosphorescent Rat, The. No. 86

Photochromic Glass.

Photon.   Nos. 16 (1968), 24 (1974)

Photron.   Nos. 7 (Nov. 1973), 8 (Jan. 1974), 10 (May. 1974), 12 (Oct. 1974), 13 (Mar. 1975), 14 (June 1975), 15 (Feb. 1976), 16 (Sept. 1979), 17 (Sept. 1982)

Phucet.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1971), 2 (April 1971)

Piano Player, The.  

Pickmania.   No. 2 (Nov. 1968)

Pictures From a Floating World.

Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve. by Jerry W. Lapidus. No. 24 (1975)

Piece of the Action, A. No. 24-47 (March 1975-February 1977)  

Pieces.   Nos. 1 (July 1979), 24

Pig on the Wall.   Nos. 1 (May 1982), 2 (May 1982), 3 (June 1982), 4 (June 1982), 5 (July 1982), 6 (Aug. 1982), 7 (Sept. 1982), 8 (Sept. 1982), 9 (Oct. 1982), 10 (Nov. 1982), 11 (Dec. 1982), 12 (Jan. 1983), 13 (Jan. 1983), 14 (Feb. 1983), 16 (March 1983), 17 (April 1983), 18 (April 1983), 19 (April 1983), 20 (May 1983), 21 (June 1983), 22 (June 1983), 23 (June 1983), 24 (June 1983), 25 (July 1983), 26 (Aug. 1983), 27 (Aug. 1983), 28 (Sept. 1983), 29 (Sept. 1983), 30 (Oct. 1983), 31, 32 (Dec. 1983), 33 (Dec. 1983), 34 (Jan. 1984), 35 (Feb. 1984), 36 (Feb. 1984), 37 (Mar. 1984), 38 (Mar. 1984), 39 (April 1984), 40 (May 1984), 41 (May 1984), 42 (June 1984), 43 (July 1984), 44 (Aug. 1984), 45 (Aug. 1984), 46 (Sept. 1984), 47 (Oct. 1984), 48 (Nov. 1984), 49 (Jan. 1985)

Piglet.   Nos. 5 (June 1985), 6 (July 1985), 9 (Oct. 1985), 11 (Nov. 1985), 12 (Dec. 1985), 13 (Jan. 1986), 14 (Jan. 1986), 15 (Feb. 1986), 16 (Mar. 1986), 17 (April 1986), 18 (May 1986), 20 (July 1986), 21 (Aug. 1986), 22 (Oct. 1986), 23 (Nov. 1986), 24 (Jan. 1987), 25, 26 (April 1987), 27 (May 1987), 29, 30 (Nov. 1987), 31, 32 (Jan. 1988), 33, 34 (April 1988), 35 (June 1988), 36 (Aug. 1988)

Pigs Can Fly / The Flying Pig.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1997), 2 (Nov. 1997), 3 (May 1998), 4 (July 1998), 5 (Aug. 1998)

Pig's Eye Landing Daily Rune.  

Pilgrim.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1979)

Pillar of Fire. No. 11 (Jan. 1965)

Pillycock.   No. 26 (July 1966)

Pinball Lizard.   No. 4 (Dec. 1976)

Pi News. No. 2

Pink.   No. 16 (Feb. 1997)

Pinkette.   Nos. 15f (Dec. 1996), 16a (April 1997), 16b (Aug. 1997), 16c (Nov. 1997), 16d (Mar. 1998)

Pink Mind Wallabees (or: Mind Wallaby & Pinkette).  

Pink Press Comics.  

Pink the Press. Vol. 2 

Pioneer.   Nos. 1, 14

Pioneers and Scouts of the Old West.   No. 1 (July 1936)


Pirate Jenny.   No. 3 (Summer 1989)

Pirates of Joom, The.

Pit Rot.   No. 1 (1978)

Pittsburgh S.F. Association.   Vol. 3 Nos. 2 (Mar. 1956), 3 (April 1956)

Piva the Penguin. (June 1982).

Placebo – Moshe Feder and Barry Smotroff.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1971), 2 (Jan. 1972), 3 (April 1972), 3.5, 4 (July 1972)

Plak-Tow.   Nos. 11 (Dec. 1968), 12 (Jan. 1969)

Plain Tales. (Oct. 1999).

Planeteer.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (Mar. 1939)

Plastizine.   No. 1

Plateau. Vol. 2 No. 1

Platinum Toad.  

Platypus Rex.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Sept. 1969)

Pleasant Mundane Story.

Please Don’t Take My Tendrils…gasp.   No. 2

Pleasing Creatures.   (1978)

Plop.   No. 7 (1990)

Plot.   No. 3

Pluto.   Nos. 2 (May 1940), 3 (July 1940), 6 (Jan. 1941)

Plutonian Evening Moon.  


Poet’s Glass Eye.   No. 1 (Nov. 1976)

Poger's 49th Revenge.   (Feb. 1983)

Pogo – Paul Novitski.   No. 1 (Oct. 1972)


Point Up.   (1975) 

Pointed Stake.   Nos. 1 (June 1970), 2 (1970),5, 6 (Sept. 1972)

Pointing Vector.   Nos. 17 (Aug. 1963), 19 (Feb. 1964), 22 (Sept. 1964)

Poisoned Pen, The. Vol. 1 No.4 (July 1978); Vol. 6 No. 3 (Fall 1985), 4 (Fall 1986)

Poisioned Pen, The. No. 1-5 (Feb. 1977-Nov. 1977)

Poison Pen Press (#56: One Way Mirror, a novel by Barbara Wenk (May 1980). Gift of Lorna Minor.)

Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick, A.   (March 1988)

Poke Salad Days Chronicle – Meade Frierson.  

Polaris.   Vol. 1 Nos. 3 (June 1940), 4 (Sept. 1940), Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1940), 2 (June 1941)

Box 61

Pomp and Silliness.   Nos. 5, 6

Pong – Ted White and Dan Steffan.


Poor Man's Jamdat Nasr, The.  

Poor Richard's Almanac. No. 13 (August 1961), 17 (1964)

Popocateptl y Ixtaccihuatl.

Popular Culture Methods.  

Popular Topography.  

Por Que.   Nos. 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78

Portable Carl Brandon, The.  

Portable Dr. Zarg.

Portal.   No. 1

Port-O-San Times.   No. 1 (Jan. 1971)

Poshlast. No. 7

Post Archon.   (July 1977)

Postern.     Nos. 5 (Winter 1995), 6 (Fall 1996), 7 (Fall 1997)


Post Warp.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1949), (July 1952), (Sept. 1952)

Potato Peelings.   No. 3

Potlatch.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Potpourri.   No. 15 (Oct. 1960)

Pot Sherd.   No. 1 (1985)

Power Mad.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Pozitron.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

PR.   No. 2 (1972)

Prairie Journal, The. Vol.3 No.4 (Jan. 1974)

Pratfall.  No. 1

Prattle.   No. 2 (1974)

Preferred Lies.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Prehensile.   Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13.5, 14, 15

Prelude to Pulp.   (1983)

Presenting Moonshine.   (April 1972), Vol. 2 Nos. 2 (Dec. 1972), 3 (Jan. 1973), 4 (Mar. 1973), 5 (Apirl 1973), 6 (May 1973), 7 (July 1973), 8 (Aug. 1973), 9 (Sept. 1973), 10 (Oct. 1973), 12 (Mar. 1984), 14 (Aug. 1974), 15 (Dec. 1974), 16 (May 1975), 17 (Aug. 1975), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 May (1976), 2 (July 1976)

Presenting Ronald Clyne.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1943)

Press Release.

Pretentious S.F. Quarterly.   Nos. 1 (Spring 1978), 2 (Summer 1978), 3/4 (Fall 1979), 5 (Spring 1981), 6 (Fall 1981)

Pretty Good S.F. Stories.  

Pretty Scary.   Nos. 1 (1982), 2 (1983)

Primordial Slime.   Nos. 21, 22, 23 (April 1975), 24 (Aug. 1975), 25, 26

Princess. No. 3 (1979)

Princessions.   No. 13 (Fall 1982)

Principia Discordia.  

Prinked Matter.   Nos. 1 (Sept. 1980), 2 (Sept. 1981)

Prints of Evil.


Prisoner.   No. 12

Private Heat.   Nos. 2/3

Private Worlds.   (1983)

Probability Factor.   No. 1 (Aug. 1980)

Probably Something. (June,1973), (1976), (1977), (May 1982), (July 1982),

Probe.   No. 41 (Aug. 1979)

Proclamations From the Pulpit.   No. 1

Procrastination – Darrell Schweitzer.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15

Profanity.   Nos. 8 (Feb. 1975), 9 (April 1975), 10 (June 1975), 11 (Jan. 1976), 12 (June 1976), 13 (Aug. 1977)

Prognosticative Cogitations.  

Progressive Degeneration.   No. 2

Progress Report.   No. 1 (July 1968)


Prolix: Growth on a Poet's Mind, The. Group 5

Prometheus.  No. 1 (Dec. 1982)

Box 62

Proper Boskonian, The.   Nos. 0 (Oct. 1967), 3 (Nov. 1968), 4, 5 (Aug. 1969), 6 (1970), 7, 8 (July 1971), 9 (April 1972), 10 (1973), 11 (May 1974), 12 (May 1975), 13 (1976), 16  (Feb. 1977), 18 (1979), 23

Proper Gander.   (1981)

Prospectus.   No. 26 (Oct. 1971)

Proteus.   Nos. 1 (1975), 3 (1975), 4 (Mar. 1976), 5 (June 1976), 6 (Aug. 1976), 7 (Jan. 1977)

Proteus Prime.   (Feb. 1976)

Protoplasm ‘97.   No. 2 (1979)

Proxima.   (June 1975), (June 1981)

Pseudo-Futurian, The.  

PSFA ( Pittsburgh SF Association).   (May 1956)

PSFQ.   Nos. 6 (Fall 1981)

Psquid Psillies. No. 12 (Feb. 1982)

Psychotic (Venice, CA). Richard E. Geis, ed. SEE: Science Fiction Review

Psychopath, The.  

Psychozort.   No. 1 (1973)

Pterodactyl’s Egg. 

Publicity Newsletter. 

Puh-Puh.   No. 1 (Nov. 1980)

Pulp.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1970), 2 (Summer 1971), 4 (Spring 1972)

Pulp Adventures.   (1981)

Pulp Era.   72 (Sept. 1969), 74 (Spring 1970), 75 (Spring 1971)

Pulphouse.   No. 10 (July 1992)

Pulpehouse Fiction Review.   No. 1 (April 1992)

Pulp Review.   (Dec. 1999)

Pulse.   No. 3 (May 1970)

Punctuated Penguin.   Nos. 54, 58,72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 96 (Sept. 1972), 97 (Oct. 1972), 99 (Oct. 1972), 100 (Oct. 1972)

Punk Surrealist Café.   Nos. 1 (1980), 2 (1980)

Purloined Letter.   Vol. 3 No. 4 (April 1982)

Purple Mouth.   (Oct. 1966)

Purple Procrastinator.   (Mar. 1976)

Pussycat. No. 5 (April 1977)

Pvenus Pflytrap.   No. 1

Pyrotechnics.   Nos. 36 (June 1985), 37 (Mar. 1986), 38 (Aug. 1986)

Q.   No. 23 (Nov. 1989)

Q 36.   Nos. A (Sept. 1979), B (Feb. 1980), C (July 1980), D (Sept. 1980), F (June 1981), G (Jan. 1982), H (April 1982), I (July 1982), J (Dec. 1982), K (Aug. 1983)

Q, CYE.   No. 2

QRM.   Nos. 1 (Feb. 1967)

Quackbot. No. 24

Quack-Quack – David Emerson.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1971), 2 (Dec. 1971)

Quandry.   Nos. 11 (June 1951), 12 (July 1951)

Quantifier.   No. 1 (Mar. 1962)

Quantum.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1975), 2 (1976), 3 (1976), 4 (1976), Vol. 2 No. 2 (1977), Vol. 4 No. 4 (1978)

Quantum Science Fiction and Fantasy Review.   Nos. 36 (Spring 1990), 37 (Summer 1990), 38 (Winter 1991), 39 (Summer 1991), 40 (Fall 1991), 41 (Spring 1992), 42 (Fall 1992), 43/44 (Spring/Summer 1993)

Quark.   Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14

Quartet (undated). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Quartet for the Muse.  


Quatt Wunkery.  

Quay-Berth.   (Jan. 1967)


Querimonius.   No. 6 (1976)

Quest.   Nos. 11 (June 1971), 12, 38 (1975)

Questar.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (Summer 1978), 6 (Feb. 1980), 7 (June 1980), 8 (Aug. 1980), 9 (Oct. 1980), 10 (Dec. 1980)

Box 63

Quest for the Green Hills of Earth. 1955

Quest UFO Report.   Nos. 13 (Aug. 1971), 14 (Oct. 1971)

Questing Beast.  

Questyng Party.   No. 1 (Aug. 1988)

Quinapalus.   Nos. 1 (July 1978), 2 (Dec. 1978), 3 (April 1979), 4 (Dec. 1979), 5 (Jan. 1981), 6 (Dec. 1982)

Quincunx.   (Feb. 1986)

Quintessential Space Cadets

Quintessential Space Debris.   No. 2 (1986)

Quip.   Nos. 2 (Winter 1966),4 (Summer 1966), 5 (Fall 1966), 6 (Spring 1967), 9 (Aug. 1968), 10 (Nov. 1968), 11 (Feb. 1969)

Quipu.   Nos. 4 (Mar. 1994), 5 (July 1995), 6 (Aug. 1996), 7 (June 1997), 8 (Nov. 1997), 9 (Sept. 1998), 10 (Mar. 1999), 11 (Mar. 2000)

Quire of Israel.

Quire in & Around, The.

Quire in Haste (Pepent at Leisure). No. 26 (Oct. 1981)

Quodlibet.   Nos. 16, 18 (Jan. 1983), 19 (Feb. 1983), 20 (Mar. 1983), 23 (June 1985), 24 (July 1987), 25, 26 (July 1988), 27 (Aug. 1988), 28 (Oct. 1988), 27* (Nov. 1993), 28* (Jan. 1994), 29 (Mar. 1994), 30 (Mar. 1995), 31 (Sept. 1995), 32 (Dec. 1995), 33 (Jan. 1996), 34 (Feb. 1996), 35 (Mar. 1996), 36 (July 1996)

Quota.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1974), 2 (Feb. 1975), 3, 4 (Oct. 1975), 5, 6 (Aug. 1976)

Quoth the Walrus.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

QVC. No. 10 (April-May 1983)

Qwertyuiop.   Nos. 6, 7, 8

QX.   Nos. 1, 2

QX-The Cardzine.  

R&R (#1-10) Gift of Lorna Minor.

R&R.   (#11-23)

Raasveld’s, Julien C., Fanmag.   No. 0 (Dec. 1972)

Rabanos Radiactivos.   Nos. 185 (Nov. 1968), 547 (Nov. 1975), 548 (Nov. 1975), 549 (Nov. 1975), 550 (Nov. 1975), 551 (Dec. 1975), 552 (Dec. 1975), 553 (Dec. 1975), 554 (Dec. 1975), 555 (Jan. 1976), 556 (Jan. 1976), 557 (Jan. 1976), 558 (Jan. 1976), 559 (Jan. 1976), 560 (Feb. 1976), 561 (Feb. 1976)

Box 64

Rache.   Nos. 14 (June 1964), 15 (

Radiant Vectors.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 (1972), 52 (June 1975).

Radiophone.   Nos. 9 (Sept. 1970), 12, 16 (July 1972), 17 (January 1973)

Radix.   Nos. 2 (Jan. 1976)

Raffles.   Nos. 1 (1977), 3 (1980), 4 (Aug. 1980), 5 (1981), 6.5, 7 (1982), 7.5

Ragabash Papers, The.   No. 1 (Aug. 1987)

Ragged Trousered Pedalcyclist.   (1978)

Ragnarok.   Nos. 1, 2


Rainy Day Threeshot.  

Raki – A Journal of Poetry.

Rambling Fap.   (Nov. 1976), No. 90 (August 1982)

Rambling On. (Dec. 1975)

Rambling Roads.  

Ramblings of Starship Aniara.   Nos. 1, 2

Rampant Guinea Piglet.   No. 10 (1983)

Ramparts.   Vol. 10 No. 8 (Feb. 1972)

Ramsbottom.   No. 1 (1977)

Random – Mike Gorra.   Nos. 1 (Sept. 1974), 2, 3 (Nov. 1974), 4 (Dec. 1974), 5 (Jan. 1975), 6 (Feb. 1975), 7 (Mar. 1975), 8, 9 (May 1975), 10 (June 1975)

Random Jottings.   No. 1



Rasterman. No. 2 (April/May 1984)

Rataplan – Leigh Edmonds.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17/18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Ratatosk – Bruce Pelz.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1964), 2 (Dec. 1964), 3 (Dec. 1964), 4 (Jan. 1965), 5 (Jan. 1965), 6 (Feb. 1965), 7 (Feb. 1965), 8 (Mar. 1965), 9 (Mar. 1965), 10 (April 1965), 11 (April 1965), 13 (May 1965), 14 (May 1965), 15 (June 1965), 16 (July 1965), 17 (April 1965), 18 (Aug. 1965), 19 (Sept. 1965), 20 (Sept. 1965), 21 (Oct. 1965)

Rats – Bill Kunkel.  Nos. 6 (Aug. 1968), 7 (Sept. 1968), 8 (June 1971), 9 (July 1971), 10 (Aug. 1971), 11 (Sept. 1971), 12, 13, 14 (Jan. 1972), 15 (June 1972), 16 (Aug. 1972)

Rats – Australia’s Monthly Satire Mag.   Vol. 1 No. 8 (June 1973)

Rattail File.   No. 1 (Jan. 1984)

Rats on Fire.   Nos. 25 (Nov. 1983), 26 (Dec. 1983), 27 (Jan. 1984), 35 (Sept. 1984)

Rave Review. (Feb. 1968)

Ravenhill.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1979), Vol. 3 Nos. 4/5 (Sept. 1981)

Raven of Osskill, The. No. 5 (Jan. 1972), 7, 9 (Feb. 1973), 12 (Oct. 1973), 21 (Oct. 1975)22, 23 (March 1976), 24 (August 1976)

Raven's Crag. No. 12

Raving Timmie GGazzette – Meade Frierson.   (Aug. 1973)

Ravishen Stencil, The. No. 10 (May 1973)

Raw Bits.   No. 3 (August 1986), 8 (April 1988)

Raw Goof.   Nos. 1 (1997), 2

Reader & Accumulator, The.   No. 1 (Aug. 1987)

Reader And Collector, The.   Vol. 1 No. 3-6 (Sept. 1939-Dec. 1940); Vol. 2 No. 1-6 (March 1941-June 1942); Vol. 3 No. 1 (Dec. 1942), 3-6 (June 1944-Jan. 1946); Vol. 4 No. 1 (April 1946), 2 (Oct. 1946)

Reader’s Guide to Barsoon and Amtor.   (June 1964)

Real Time.   (Feb. 1984)

Really Incompleat Bob Tucker, The.   (Oct. 1974)

Realm.   No. 5 (1972)

Reap.   (1968)

Reason and Knowledge.   No. 2 (June 1969)

Reasonable Freethinker, The.   Nos. 3 (Nov. 1994), 4 (June 1995)

Redback.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1989), 2 (Feb. 1990), 5 (Aug. 1990), 6 (Dec. 1990), 7 (Jan. 1991), 8 (Feb. 1991)

Red Dragon.   Vol. 2 No. 4

Red Dust.   (1979)

Red Herring. No. 2-4 (Jan. 1974-Sept. 1974), 6, 9 (Jan. 1977), 14 (Jan. 1978), 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 (July, 1980),26 (Sept. 1980), 27, 32, 33, 34 (March 1982), 38 (Dec. 1982)

Red Mike's Saloon. No. 75

Red Necks, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer.

Red Planet Earth.   Nos. 1 (1974), 2 (1974), 4, 6

Red Ryder Reader. No. 2 (May-June 1974)

Re-Entry.   No. 2 (Nov. 1976)

Reference to Darkness.  

Reflections.   No. 26 (1976)

Refractions.   No. 1 (Oct. 1992)

Regurgitation Six.   Nos. 1 (1977), 2, 3, 4


Re Kong.   Nos. 3, 4 (1981), 5 (1981), 7 (1982)

Relational Space.   Nos. 2 (Feb. 1977), 8 (Sept. 1978), 24 (Feb. 1982), 26 (June 1982), 29 (Feb. 1983)

Box 65

Reluctant Famulus, The.   Nos. 4 (May 1989), 6 (Sept. 1989), 7 (Nov. 1989), 8 (Jan. 1990), 9 (March 1990), 10 (May 1990), 11 (July 1990), 12 (Sept. 1990), 13 (Nov. 1990), 14 (Jan. 1991), 15 (March 1991), 16 (May 1991), 17 (July 1991), 18 (Sept. 1991), 19 (Nov. 1991), 20 (Jan. 1992), 21 (Mar. 1992), 22 (May 1992), 23 (July 1992), 24 (Sept. 1992), 27 (Mar. 1993),  28 (May 1993), 29 (July 1993), 30 (Oct. 1993), 31 (Dec. 1993), 34 (June 1994), 35 (Feb. 1994), 36 (Oct. 1994), 37 (Dec. 1994), 38 (Feb. 1995), 39 (April 1995), 40 (June 1995), 41 (Aug. 1995), 42 (Oct. 1995), 43 (Dec. 1995), 44 (Mar. 1996), 57 (Fall 2001)

Reminences.   No. 8

Renaissance.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Winter 1969), 2 (Spring 1969), 3 (Summer 1969), Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Winter 1970), 3 (Summer 1970), 4 (Fall 1970), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Winter 1971), 2 (Spring 1971), 3 (Summer 1971), 4 (Fall 1971), Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (Winter 1971), 2 (Spring 1971), 3 (Summer 1971), 4 (Fall 1971), Vol. 5 Nos. 1 (Winter 1973), 2 (Spring 1973), 4 (Fall 1973)

Rendezvous. No. 29 ( August 1986)

Renegade.   (Mar. 1980)

Replay.  Nos. 11 (Sept. 1969), 12 (Oct. 1969), 13 (Nov. 1969), 14 (Jan. 1970), 15 (Feb. 1970), 16 (April 1970), 18 (June 1970), 19  (July 1970), 20 (Aug. 1970), 21 (Sept. 1970), 22 (Oct. 1970), 23 (Nov. 1970), 24 (Jan. 1971), 25 (Mar. 1971), 26 (Mar. 1971), 27 (May 1971), 28 (July 1971), 29 (Aug. 1971), 30 (Oct. 1971), 31 (Dec. 1971), 32 (Jan. 1972), 33 (Mar. 1972), 34 (May 1972), 35 (Aug. 1972), 36 (Jan. 1973), 38, 39 (Mar. 1974), 42 (Dec. 1975), 48 (Dec. 1978),

Report, The.   No. 7 (June 1992)

Report From a Quiet Sector. Nos. 3 (n.d.), 5 (n.d.)

Report From Hoople.   No. 5 (Sept. 1977)

Requiem-See Also: Solaris.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Sept. 1974), 2 (1974), 5 (July 1975), 7 (Dec. 1975), 8 (Feb. 1976), 9 (April 1976), 10 (June 1976), 11 (1976), 12 (Oct. 1976), 13 (Jan. 1977), 14 (Mar. 1977), 15 (May 1977), 16 (July 1977), 17 (Oct. 1977), 18 (Dec. 1977), 19 (Jan. 1978), 20 (Mar. 1978), 21 (May 1978), 22 (Aug. 1978)

Resolution.   Nos. 1 (1977), 2 (1977), 3 (1978), 4 (1980)

Resounding Haldeman Stories.   (1975)

Reston, Rodney.   (Feb. 1970), (Mar. 1970)

Reticulum.   Nos. 1 (1973), 2 (1975)

Retro. No. 56 (April 1970)

Return of APA – Q. No. 29 , 30, 50 – 53.

Return of the Hour of the Green and Creaking Retribution. (Oct. 1980)

Return of the SFCon, The.  

Return to Wonder.   No. 8 (Mar. 1970)

Reunion , a novel by Beth Carlson (1984). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Revelations from the Secret Mythos.

Revenant. No. 17 

Reverb.   No. 3 (Mar. 1973)


Review Journal of Fantasy and Science Fiction.   (June 1976)



Revoltin' Development.  

Revolting Tales.   No. 4 (Aug. 1973)

Revolutionary Class Union.  

Revolving Fan.   Vol. 1 Nos. 6, 7, 9

Rhetorical Device.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Rhocomzine – Henry Davis.   No. 1 (April 1975)

Rhodomagnetic Digest.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1950), 2 (Sept. 1950), 3 (1950), 4 (Feb. 1951), 5 (Mar. 1951), 6 (May 1951), Vol. 3 No. 3 (Nov. 1951)

Rhubarb.   Nos. 8, 9

Rhysling Anthology, The.   (1981)

Riders of the Clouds. No. 1 (March 1966)

RIFFRAFF. No. 4 (October 1972)

Rigel.   No. 57 (July 1977)

Rigger-Digger.   No. 1 (Oct. 1967)

Right of Statement.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1978); Vol. 3 No. 4

Right Up There.   No. 1

Right When You Get Work.   No. 1

Rim Runner.   Nos. 4 (April 1982), 33 (Jan. 1985), 34 (Feb. 1985), 35 (Mar. 1985), 36 (April 1985), 39 (July 1985), 41 (Jan. 1986)

Ring.   No. 1

Rings of Rare Design. No. 1 (August 1976)

Ripped.   (1970)

Rise and Fall of the Cultac Empire, The. No. 1 (Sep. 1973).

Rising Star.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1982), 2, 3 (May 1983)

Risteria.   No. 4 (Mar. 1977)

Box 66

Riverside Quarterly.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1964), 2 (Nov. 1964), 3 (Feb. 1965), 4 (June 1965), Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1966), 2 (June 1966), 3 (Nov. 1966), 4 (Mar. 1967), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1967), 2 (Mar. 1968), 3 (Aug. 1968), 4 (Mar. 1969), Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1969), 2 (Jan. 1970), 3 (June 1970), 4 (Mar. 1971), Vol. 5 Nos. 1 (July 1971), 2 (Feb. 1972), 3 (Aug. 1972), 4 (April 1973), Vol. 6 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1973), 2 (April 1974), 3 (Aug. 1975), Vol. 7 Nos. 1 (Mar. 1980), 4 (Dec. 1985), Vol. 8 No. 2 (Mar. 1988)

RLC Circuits.   (Mar. 1969)


Roast Me…If You Can.   (1975)

Robot Blues.   No. 1

Robots and Mechanical Men.   No. 3 (Spring 1965)

Rockets Blast – Comic Collector.   Nos. 4, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 98, 100, 102, 108

Rocky Mountain Fan.   No. 2 (1980)

Roddenberry, Gene Appreciation Society.  

Roger's Revenge.   (Feb. 1982),  (Mar. 1982)

Rogofsky, Howard.

Rogues Gallimaufry.   Nos. 2 (Jan. 1975), 3, 4 (June 1976)

Rogue Raven.   Nos. 1 (Feb. 1975), 2 (Feb. 1975), 3 (Mar. 1975), 4 (Mar. 1975), 5 (April 1975), 6 (April 1975), 7 (May 1975), 8 (May 1975), 9 (June 1975), 10 (June 1975), 11 (July 1975), 12 (July 1975), 13 (Aug. 1975), 14 (Sept. 1975), 15 (Oct. 1975), 16 (Oct. 1975), 17 (Nov. 1975), 18 (Nov. 1975), 19 (Dec. 1975), 20 (Dec. 1975), 21 (Jan. 1976), 22 (April 1976), 23 (Oct. 1976), 24 (Jan. 1977), 25 (Mar. 1977), 26, 28 (Feb. 1979), 29, 30 (Sept. 1980), 31 (Aug. 1981), 32 (Oct. 1983), 33 (Nov. 1984), 34 (Oct. 1985), 35, 36 (Oct. 1986), 37 (Mar. 1988), 38, 39 (Mar. 1989), 40, 41 (Aug. 1990), 42 (June 1991), 43 (Dec. 1991), 44, 45 (July 1993), 46 (Sept. 1970), 47, 48, 49, 50

Rohmer Review, The. No.13

Roll Your Own.  

Romeo Is Bleeding. No. 6 (September 1982)

Rompazine.   No. 2 (July 1974)

Romp Through Britain.   (Sept. 1982)

Ron’s Roost.  

Roodmas Night in Dunwich.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2

Room of One’s Own.


Rothnium.   Nos. 1 (April 1977), 2 (July 1977), 3 (December 1977), 4 (March 1978), 5 (July 1978), 6

Rotsler for Duff.  

Rotsler's Rocks.   (1972)

Rovaconi.   (Oct. 1976)

Royal Swiss Navy Gazette.   Nos. 2 (Dec. 1997), 3 (Sept. 1998)

RUB-A-FAN or Science Friction.

Rubber Fanzine, The.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1985), 4 (Aug. 1986), Vol. 3 No. 3 (May 1988), Vol. 4 Nos. 2 (Feb. 1989), 3 (May 1989), 4 (Aug. 1989)

Rubber Meatball, A. 

Rubber Stamp Owners' Bulletin. (January 1978) 

Rude Bitch.   (Oct. 1983)

Ruin.   Vol. 9 No. 7 (Feb. 1980)

Rumor of My Rerfidy, The.

Rumrunner.   No. 6

Rune.   Nos. 11 (Sept. 1968), 12 (Nov. 1968), 14 (Jan. 1969), 16 (June 1969), 17 (Nov. 1969), 18 (Nov. 1970), 19 (Dec. 1970), 20 (Feb. 1971), 21 (March 1971), 22 (April 1971), 23 (May 1971), 24 (June 1971), 25 (Sept. 1971), 26 (March 1972), 28 (March 1973), 29 (May 1973), 33 (Nov. 1973), 34 (Jan. 1974), 35 (Feb. 1974), 36 (April 1974), 37 (May 1974), 38, 39 (Sept. 1974), 40 (Dec. 1974), 41 (1975), 42 (1975), 43 (1975), 44 (1975), 44+ (1975), 45 (1975), 46 (1976), 47 (1976), 48 (1976), 49 (1976), 50 (1977), 51 (1978), 52 (1978), 53 (1978), 54 (1978), 55 (1979), 56 (May 1979), 57 (Sept. 1979), 58 (Nov. 1979), 59 (Winter 1980), 60 (Summer 1980)

Box 67

Rune.  Nos.  61 (Fall 1980), 62 (Winter 1981), 63 (Spring 1981), 64 (Summer 1981), 65 (Fall 1981), 66 (Winter 1982), 67 (Spring 1982), 68 (Summer 1982), 69 (Fall 1982), 70 (1982), 71 (1982), 72 (Dec. 1983), 73 (April 1985), 74 (Feb. 1986), 76 (1987), 77 (1988), 78 (1988), 79 (Jan. 1989), 80 (Dec. 1989), 81 (1992), 82  (April 1992), 83 (July 1992), 84 (Jan. 1993), 85 (Mar. 1995), 86 (Mar. 2002).

Runes from a Lonely Elf. No. 7

Running from the Unicorn. No. 1

Runway 37 – Margaret Middleton.   Nos. 1 (Summer 1979), 3 (Winter 1980), 5 (Summer 1980), 6 (Fall 1980), 7 (Spring 1981)

Ruptured ‘Roo.   Nos. 1 (July 1979), 2 (1979), 3 (1979)

Rustlings.   (1967)

Rustycon.   (1985)

Sacramento Fandom.   No. 4 (Aug. 1981)

Sacred Trust.   No. 2 (Sept. 1995)

Sadie's Sanctified House of Pleasure.   No. 4 (Feb. 1983)


Salamander.   No. 1 (Jan. 1962)

Salmonson, Jessica Amanda.  

Salomon, Ronald M.   (Sept. 1980)

Sam.   11 (Sept. 1964), 13 (April 1965), 14, 15

Sambo.  No. 32 (August 1982)

Samisdat.   Nos. 4 (April 1977), (Fall 1977)

Samizdat.   No. 1 (July 1977)


Sanctum.   Nos. 9 (Feb. 1968), 10

Sand Castles.   No. 7 (1991)

Sanders.   Nos. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18/19, 20, 21

Sand Scripts.

Sandman Sentinel.   No. 1 (Sept. 1977)

Sandworm – Bob Vardeman, no. 4 -- 20

San Francisco Bay Area Fan Directory, The.   No. 5 (June 1988)

Sanskrit.   Nos. 5, (1971), 6 (1972),   7 (1972), 8

Sans Moss.   No. 1 (Oct. 1974)


Sardonyx.   No. 2 (Fall 1943)

Sasparilla Gazzette.   No. 3 (Aug. 1980)

Sasquatch Saskatchewanian.  


Satellite.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1939), 2 (Feb. 1939), 3 (Mar. 1939), 4 (April 1939), 5 (May 1939), 6 (June 1939), 7 (July 1939), 8 (Aug. 1939), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1939, 2 (Jan. 1940), 3 (Feb. 1940)

Saturday Review.  

Saturn Transit – Dan Goodman.   Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5

Satyr.   No. 1 (1974)

Satyric.   No. 1 (Mar. 1942)

Saurbraten of Shoom Sauce. (Feb. 1977)

Say the Name.  


Scabby Tales.   No. 1

Scantle.   No. 1

Scarr, The.   Nos. 8 (June 1965), 9 (Sept. 1965), 10 (Dec. 1965), 121 (June 1968), 122 (June 1969), 200 (Sept. 1969)

Scattershot.   No. 3

Scavenger.   No. 12 (Feb. 1985)

Schamoob – Frank Johnson.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1969), 3 (Oct. 1969), 4 (Nov. 1969), 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Schmagg.   Nos. 1 (1977), 2 (1978)

Schmagg Monthly. Nos. 1 (May 1984), 2 (June 1984)

Scholastic Scope. Vol. 37 No. 12 (March 1989)

Scicon.   Nos. 1 (May 1972), 2 (Jan. 1974)

Science · Five Fiction · Yearly. No. 8 (November 1986)

Scintillas from World's End. No. 1 (August 1982)

Die Schmetterling.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1962), 2 (Aug. 1964)

Science and Fantasy Fiction Review.   (1967)

Science Fandom.   No. 1 (Winter 1940)

Science Fiction.  No. 1 (Jan. 1946)

Box 68

Science Fiction – A Bibliography.  (1975)

Science Fiction Advertiser.   Vol. 11 No. 3 (Nov. 1952)

Science Fiction Adventures.  

Science Fiction Age. Vol. 1 No. 1 (Dec. 1960)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review.    Nos. 1 (Jan. 1982),  3 (Mar. 1982), 4 (May 1982), 5 (June 1982), 6 (Aug. 1982), 7 (Sept. 1982), 8 (Oct. 1982), 9 (Nov. 1982), 10 (Dec. 1982), 11 (Feb. 1983)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Journal, The.   91 (1981)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Publications.

Science Fiction and General Advertiser.  

Science Fiction and Radio.   (1972)

Science Fiction Book Review Index (SFBRI).   (1970)

Science Fiction Booklog

Science Fiction Chronicle.   Vol. 1 Nos. 7 (April 1980), 8 (May 1980), 9 (June 1980), 10 (July 1980), 11 (Aug. 1980), 12 (Sept. 1980),

Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1980), 2 (Nov. 1980), 3 (Dec. 1980), 4 (Jan. 1981), 5 (Feb. 1981), 6 (Mar. 1981), 7 (April 1981), 8 (May 1981), 9 (June 1981), 10 (July 1981), 11 (Aug. 1981), 12 (Sept. 1981),

Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1981), 2 (Nov. 1981), 3 (Dec. 1981), 4 (Jan. 1982), 5 (Feb. 1982), 6 (March 1982), 7 (April 1982), 8 (May 1982), 9 (June 1982), 10 (July 1982), 11 (Aug. 1982), 12 (Sept. 1982),

Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1982), 2 (Nov. 1982), 3 (Dec. 1982), 4 (Jan. 1983), 5 (Feb. 1983), 6 (March 1983), 7 (April 1983), 8 (May 1983), 9 (June 1983), 10 (July 1983), 11 (Aug. 1983), 12 (Sept. 1983),

Vol. 5 Nos. 2 (Nov. 1983), 3 (Dec. 1983), 4 (Jan. 1984), 5 (Feb. 1984), 6 (March 1984), 7 (April 1984), 8 (May 1984), 9 (June 1984), 10 (July 1984), 11 (Aug. 1984), 12 (Sept. 1984),

Vol. 6 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1984), 2 (Nov. 1984), 3 (Dec. 1984), 4 (Jan. 1985), 5 (Feb. 1985), 6 (March 1985), 7 (April 1985), 8 (May 1985), 9 (June 1985), 10 (July 1985), 11 (Aug. 1985), 12 (Sept. 1985),

Vol. 7 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1985), 2 (Nov. 1985), 3 (Dec. 1985), 4 (Jan. 1986), 5 (Feb. 1986), 6 (March 1986), 7 (April 1986), 8 (May 1986), 9 (June 1986), 10 (July 1986), 11 (Aug. 1986), 12 (Sept. 1986),

Vol. 8 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1986), 2 (Nov. 1986), 3 (Dec. 1986), 4 (Jan. 1987), 6 (March 1987), 7 (April 1987), 8 (May 1987), 9 (June 1987), 10 (July 1987), 11 (Aug. 1987), 12 (Sept. 1987),

Vol. 9 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1987), 2 (Nov. 1987), 3 (Dec. 1987), 4 (Jan. 1988), 5 (Feb. 1988), 6 (March 1988), 7 (April 1988), 8 (May 1988), 9 (June 1988), 10 (July 1988), 11 (Aug. 1988), 12 (Sept. 1988),

Vol. 10 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1988), 2 (Nov. 1988), 3 (Dec. 1988), 4 (Jan. 1989), 5 (Feb. 1989), 6 (March 1989), 7 (April 1989), 8 (May 1989), 9 (June 1989), 10 (July 1989), 11 (Aug. 1989), 12 (Sept. 1989),

Vol. 11 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1989), 2 (Nov. 1989), 3 (Dec. 1989), 4 (Jan. 1990), 5 (Feb. 1990), 6 (March 1990), 7 (April 1990), 8 (May 1990), 9 (June 1990), 10 (July 1990), 11 (Aug. 1990), 12 (Sept. 1990),

Vol. 12 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1990), 2 (Nov. 1990), 3 (Dec. 1990),

Vol. 13 Nos. 9 (June 1992), 10 (July/Aug. 1992), 11/12 (Aug. 1992),

Vol. 14 Nos. 5 (Feb. 1993), 9 (June 1993), 11 (Aug. 1993), 12 (Sept. 1993),

Vol. 15 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1993), 2 (Nov./Dec. 1993), 3 (Jan. 1994), 4 (Feb. 1994), 5 (March 1994), 6 (May 1994), 7 (June 1994), 8 (July 1994), 9 (Aug. 1994), 10 (Sept. 1994),

Vol. 16 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1994), 2 (Dec. 1994), Vol. 16 Nos. 4 (Feb./March 1995), 5 (March/April 1995), 7 (June/July 1995), 8 (July/Aug. 1995), 9 (Aug./Sept. 1995),

Vol. 17 Nos. 1 (Oct./Nov. 1995), 2 (Dec. 1995/Jan. 1996), 3 (Feb. 1996), 4 (May 1996),

Vol. 18 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1996), 2 (April/May 1997), 3 (June 1997),

Vol. 19 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1997), 2 (Nov. 1997), 3/4 (Feb. 1998), 5/6 (April 1998), 7/8 (June 1998), 9/10 (Aug. 1998),

Vol. 20. Nos. 1/2 (Nov. 1998), 3 (Jan. 1999), 4 (Feb./March 1999), 5 (May 1999), 6 (Aug./Sept. 1999),

Vol. 21 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1999), 2 (Feb./March 2000), 3 (June/July 2000),

Whole Nos. 207 (Sept. 2000), 208 (Nov. 2000), 210 (March 2001), 211 (April 2001), 212 (May 2001), 213 (June 2001), 215 (Aug. 2001), 216 (Sept. 2001), 217 (Oct. 2001), 218 (Nov. 2001), 219 (Dect. 2001), 220 (Jan. 2002), 221 (Feb. 2002), 222 (March 2002), 223 (April 2002), 224 (May 2002)

Box 69

Science Fiction Collections (in The George Arents Research Library).  

Science Fiction Collector.   Nos. 2 (1976), 3 (1977), 4 (July 1977), 5 (Sept. 1977), 6 (May 1978), 8 (Dec. 1979), 9 (June 1980), 15, 15.5

Science Fiction Comes To College.   (1971)

Science Fiction Digest.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Sept. 1932)

Science Fiction Echo.   (May 1973)

Science Fiction Fair.   (Feb. 1979)

Science Fiction Fan.   Nos. 1 (July 1936), 39 (Nov. 1939), 41 (Dec. 1939), 48 (July 1940)

Science Fiction Five-Yearly.   Nos. 4 (Nov. 1966), 6 (Nov. 1976), 8 (Nov. 1986), 10 (Nov. 1996), 11 (Nov. 2001)

Science Fiction Forum.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (March 1977), 3 (Summer 1977)

Science Fiction International News.   No. 1 (May 1975)

Science Fiction Monitor.   No. 4 (1981)

Science Fiction Monthly.

Science Fiction Mythology Folklore Fantasy.   Catalogue 2

Science Fiction News. Nos. 96 (March 1986), 97 (April 1986), 98 (May 1986), 99 (June 1986), 100 (Nov. 1986), 101 (Feb. 1987), 102 (March 1987), 103 (April 1987), 105 (Oct. 1987)

Science Fiction News – Australian SFA.  

Science Fiction Newsletter – Don Blyly.   Vol. 2 Nos. 6 (Nov. 1967), 10 (Jan. 1968), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Sept. 1968), 2 (Oct. 1968), 3 (Oct. 1968), 4 (Nov. 1968), 5 (Nov. 1968), 6 (Dec. 1968), 7 (Dec. 1968), 8 (Dec. 1968), 9 (Jan. 1969), 10 (Jan. 1969), 11 (Feb. 1969), 12 (Feb. 1969), 13 (March 1969), 14, 15 (March 1969), 16 (April 1969), 17, 18 (May 1969), 19 (May 1969), 20 (May 1969), 21 (May 1969)

Science Fiction Parade.   No. 10 (June 1962)

Science Fiction Published in 1968.   (Jan. 1969)

Science Fiction Radio Drama.   (June 1989)

Science Fiction Review (San Diego). Robert W. Franson & Dean M. Sandin, publishers. #1 (September 2, 1963) to #44 (June 22, 1966).

Science Fiction Review, The (New York City). Martin Last, editor. #1 (March 1975) to #4 (June 1975). Continued by The Science Fiction Review Monthly (September, October 1976).

Science Fiction Review. Richard E. Geis, editor. Preceded by "The Alien Critic" (Portland, OR) [Present: #6 (August 1973) to #11 (November 1974) with title change to "Science Fiction Review" with #12 (February 1975) to #33 (November 1979), #35 (May 1980); #37 (November 1980); #38 ( February 1981); #41 (Winter 1981); #44 ( Fall 1982).

Science Fiction Review. Richard E. Geis, editor. Preceded by "Psychotic" (Venice, CA) [Present: #22 (December 1967); #23 (January 1968); #25 (May 1968) to #27 (September 1968) and continued as "Science Fiction Review" #28 (November 1968) to #43 (March 1971); and Science Fiction Review Memorial Art Portfolio.

Box 70

Science Fiction Savant.  

Science Fiction Times.   Nos. 330-331 (Jan. 1960), 332 (Feb. 1960), 334-5 (March 1960), 335-6/a (April 1960), 337-8 (May 1960), 339-40 (June 1960), 341-2 (July 1960), 343-4 (Aug. 1960), 345-6 (Sept. 1960), 347-8 (Oct. 1960), 349-50 (Nov. 1960), 351-2 (Dec. 1960), 353-4/a (Jan. 1961), 356 (Feb. 1961), 357-8 (Mar. 1961), 359-60 (April 1961), 363 (June 1961), 374 (Nov. 1961), 378 (Jan. 1962), 379 (Feb. 1962), 405 (Aug. 1963), 406 (Sept. 1963), 407 (Oct. 1963), 408 (Nov. 1963), 409-10 (Dec. 1963), 411 (Jan. 1964), 412 (Feb. 1964), 413 (March 1964), 414 (April 1964), 415 (May 1964), 416 (June 1964), 438 (Jan. 1967), 439 (Feb. 1967), 440 (March 1967), 441 (April 1967), 442 (May 1967), 443 (June 1967), 445 (Aug. 1967), 450 (Jan. 1968), 451 (Feb. 1968), 452 (March 1968), 453 (April 1968), 454 (May 1968), 455 (June 1968), 456 (July 1968), 457 (Aug. 1968), 458 (Sept. 1968), 459 (Oct. 1968), 460 (Nov. 1968), 461 (Dec. 1968), 462 (Jan. 1969), 463 (Feb. 1969), 464 (March 1969)

Science Fiction Times

Science Fiction Votary.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1978), 2 (Sept. 1978), 3 (Oct. 1978), 4 (Nov. 1978), 5 (Dec. 1978), 6 (Feb. 1979), 7 (April 1979), 8 (July 1979), 9 (Aug. 1979)

Science Fiction Weekly.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Feb. 1940), 2 (Feb. 1940), 4 (March 1940), 5 (March 1940), 7 (Marhc. 1940), 8 (April 1940), 9 (April 1940), 10 (April 1940), 11 (Apirl 1940), 12 (May 1940), 13 (May 1940), Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (May 1940), 2 (May 1940)

Science Fiction World.   Vol. 1 No. 5 (Spring 1957)


Scienficionado. No. 7 (August 1977) 

Scientifantasy Specialist: Books-Magazines for Sale

Scientifiction.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1937), 4 (Aug. 1937), 5 (Oct. 1937), 7 (March 1938)

Science Fiction Fandom.

Scientifriction.   Nos. 1 (Dec. 1974), 2  (July 1975), 3 (Oct. 1975), 4 (Jan 1976), 5 (May 1976), 6 (Aug. 1976), 7 (Dec. 1976), 8 (July 1977), 9 (Nov. 1977), 10 (Oct. 1978), 11 (July 1979), 12

Scientitales.   No. 2

Sci-Fi News and Reviews.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (March 1980)

Sci-Fi People Weekly.   Vol. 10 No. 10

Sci-Fi Showcase.   Nos. 2 (Feb. 1965), 3  (March 1965), 4 (April 1965), 5 9May 1965)

Sci-Fi Universe. Vol. 4 No. 4 (June 1998)

Sci-Fi Variety.   Nos. 4 (Dec. 1941), 6 (June 1942)

Scintillation.   Nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13

Scoffaw.   No. 1 (Nov. 1970)

Scorpia.   Vol. 2 Nos. 6 (Summer 1972), 7 (Oct. 1972)

Scorpion.   (June 1973)

ScoTpress publications: Something Hidden, a story by Sheila Clark (December 1975); Something Lost, a story by Sheila Clark (July 1983); Something Missing, a story by Shelia Clark (August 1986). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Box 71

Scottishe.   Nos. 44, 49 (Sept. 1968), 50, 53 (Sept. 1969), 54 (Dec. 1969), 55 (March 1970), 59, 60 (Sept. 1971), 61, 62, 63 (Oct. 1972), 64, 72, 73 (Summer 1977), 77, 78 (Winter 1979), 82

SCP Journal.  

Scrambled Eggs Benedict.   Nos. 1 (Dec. 1976)

Scrapbook.   No. 13

Scratchez.   No. 3 (1984)

Screaming Yellow Excusezine.

Screen Process.   Vol. 23 No. 3 (July 1960)

Scrumpy Tales.   No. 1 (Feb. 1978)

Scurrilous Tales.   No. 27

Scuttlebutt.   Nos. 3 (Sept. 1983), 5 (Sept. 1983), 7 (Sept. 1983), 8 (Sept. 1983)

Scuzmothre.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1975), 2 (March 1975),3 (Sept. 1975)

Scythrop.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1969), 21 (Dec. 1969), 22 (April 1971), 23 (June 1971), 24 (August 1971), 26 (Autumn 1972), 28 (Summer 1974)

SDNY.   No. 4 (June 1976)


Seacon’s Bane.   Nos. 5 (Feb. 1961)

Sea–Dragon Conqueror. (Oct. 1976)

Sea of Joy.   No. 65

Seargent Chough.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6

Sea Science Fiction.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Aug. 1976)

Season’s Greetings – Don & Maggie Thompson

Seattle in 1981.  

Seattle Review of Bostick, The

Seattleite, The.

Seattlites Abroad: Elinor and Jan in London and Paris.

Sebastian.   No. 1

Sec.   Nos. 7, 9

Secant.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1987), 2 (Oct. 1987), 3 (Dec. 1987), 4 (April 1988)

Secluded Site, A. No. 34.

Second Banana.   Nos. 7 (May 1975), 10 (Aug. 1975)

Second Degenerate.   Nos. 3 (Sept. 1974)

Second Fountain.   No. 1 (Spring 1972)

Second Genesis.   (1980)

Secondhand Goods.  

Second Mercenary, see Mercenary

Second Twelth.   No. 1

Secret Masters of Handom.  

Secret Mythos.   No. 2

Section G Report.   Nos. 1 (March 1977), 2 (May 1977), 3 (July 1977)

Seculator.   (Aug. 1979)

Seeze Pyder. No. 36, 36 1/2, 41

Segment.   No. 1 (Aug. 1970)

Seldon’s Plan.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1971), 2, Vol. 3 Nos. 4, 5, Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 3, 5, Vol. 6 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, Vol. 7 Nos. 1, 2, Vol. 8 Nos. 1, 2, 3, Vol. 10 Nos. 1, Vol. 11 Nos. 1, 2, 3

Selected Scribblings.   Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Self-Abuse.   Vol. 1 No. 1

Sell Out.   No. 3

Semi-Burnt Gafiation Zine Popcorn Bluez. No. 10/11

Semi-Canuck – Bob Doyle.   Nos. 1, 3

Semi-Gafiation Zine Bluez.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13

Semi–Precious Frogs a Chinese Dish.

Semi-Prose.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (Spring 1984)

Semiprozine APA. No. 3 (August 1982), 4 (September 1982)

Sennet.   No. 11

Sentinel – Randy Emberlin.   No. 1

Sentinel – Chris E. Mulrain, Jr..   No. 1 (Oct. 1941)

Sepulchral Spawnings.   Nos. 13, 14, 16, 17

Serbian Orthodox Church, Publication of.   Vol. 11 No. 1 (Feb. 1981)

Serconsville and Voldes Village. No. 1

Serenade.   No. 6 (Feb. 1968)

Serial World.

Seriatim.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (Winter 1978)

Seuling, Phil.   (Summer 1970)

Seven Stars.   No. 37 (1978)

Sex in Fandom.

Sexual Fannies, Whining Silver Bergianly. No. 1

7:38.   No. 1   (Jan. 1970)

SF 3 Newsletter.   (March 1974), (June 1974), (Dec. 1974), (Oct. 1976), (May 1977)

SF:38.   Nos. 3 (March 1975)

Sfafg. Vol. 4 No. 2 Issue 10 (Nov. 1975)

SFang.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1975), 2

SF Arena.   Nos. 5 (Feb. 1977)

SF Bibliodd.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Sept. 1974)

SF Booklog.   Nos. 7 (Feb. 1976), 10 (Aug. 1976), 11 (Oct. 1976), 13 (Spring 1977)

SF Bulletin – Erwin S.Strauss.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Nov. 1966), 2 (Jan. 1967),

SF Check – List. No. 3  (June 1939), 4 (Sep. 1939).

SF Commentary (Victoria, Australia). Bruce Gillespie, editor, 1969-2001. #s 1-3, 5-10, 12-15.

Box 72

SF Commentary (Victoria, Austraila). Bruce Gillespie, editor, 1969-2001. #s 15-37, 39-55/56, 55 1/2, 57-59, 62/66, 69/70, 67-77.

SF Con '71 Film Notes.  

SF Critic – Andy Porter.   Nos. 3 (May 1967), 7

SFD.   No. 19 (Aug. 1980)

SF Digest.  No. 18 (Mar. 1980)

SF echo (See: Moebius Trip)

S-F Dividend.   Nos. 2, 6 (Jan. 1939)

SFear.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1984), 2 (Dec. 1985)

SF & F.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (May 1977), 3 (Aug. 1977), 4 (Fall 1977), 6 (Summer 1978), 8 (Winter 1978/79)

SF Fan.  

SF/Fantasy Calendar.   (Spring 1980), (Summer 1980), (Fall 1980), (Winter 1980), (Summer 1981)

SF & F Newsletter.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1976), 2 (Feb 1976), 3 (March 1976), 4 (March 1976), 5 (April 1976), 6 (May 1976), 7 (June 1976), 9 (Aug. 1976), 10 (Sept. 1976), 11/12 (Sept. 1976), 13 (Oct. 1976), 14 (Nov. 1976)

SFFCC Bulletin (Science Fiction Fan’s Correspondence Club).  

SF & F/TV.   Nos. 4 (Jan. 1974), 6 (Mar. 1974), 8 (Sept. 1974)

SF Horizon’s.   Nos. 2 (Feb. 1980), 3

S: Film Fantastica.   No. 1

SFinctor.   Nos. 1, 2 (Dec.1974); 3 (Jan. 1975); 4 (Feb. 1975); 5 (March 1975); 7 (Nov. 1975); 8 (Dec. 1975); 9 (May 1976).

SF Newsletter

SF’n F Journal.   No. 89 (March 1977)

SF Opinion – Dean R. Koontz.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

SF Quest.   No. 1

Box 73

Sfmpa Quarterly. (January 1944)

SFPA.   (Sept. 1961)

SFRA Newsletter (Science Fiction Research Association).   Nos. 6 (Dec. 1971), 7 (Jan. 1972), 8 (Feb. 1972), 9 (March 1972), 10 (April 1972), 32 (Sept. 1974), 33 (Oct. 1974), 34 (Nov. 1974), 39 (April 1975), 40 (May 1975), 41 (June 1975), 42 (Aug. 1975), 43 (Sept. 1975), 44 (Oct. 1975), 45 (Nov. 1975), 48 (April 1976), 59 (Dec. 1977), 67 (Dec. 1978), 77 (Jan. 1980), 78 (Feb. 1980), 79 (March 1980), 80 (April 1980), 94 (Sept. 1981), 95 (Oct. 1981), 96 (Nov. 1981), 97 (Dec. 1981), 98 (Feb. 1982), 99 (March 1982), 100 (April 1983), 101 (May 1982), 102 (July 1982), 103 (Aug. 1982), 104 (Sept. 1982), 108 (Feb. 1983), 109 (March 1983), 110 (April 1983), 111 (May 1983), 112 (June 1983), 113 (Aug. 1983), 114 (Sept. 1983), 115 (Oct. 1983), 116 (Nov. 1983), 117 (Dec. 1983), 123 (Aug. 1984)

SF Times Daily

SF Weekly – Andy Porter

SF & F 36

SF & F Newsletters

SF Syntes.   No. 2 (1972)

SFT-Sonderreihe Band.   No. 1 (Nov. 1971)

SFWA Bulletin.   Nos. 36, 41/42 (July 1972), 53A (Fall 1974)

SFWA & Forum.   Nos. 7 (Oct. 1968), 17 (Feb. 1971), 18 (July 1971), 19 (Aug. 1971), 20 (Nov. 1971), 21, 22 (Feb. 1972), 23, 26 (Nov. 1972), 27 (Dec. 1972), 31 (Sept. 1973), 36 (Nov. 1974), 40 (May. 1975), 41 (July 1975), 43 (Dec. 1975), 46 (June 1976), 47 (Aug. 1976), 48 (Nov. 1976), 51 (June 1977), 52 (July 1977), 53 (Sept. 1977), 54, 55 (Jan. 1978), 56 (March 1978), 57 (May 1978), 58 (July 1978), 59 (Sept. 1978), 60 (Dec. 1978), 61 (Jan. 1979), 62 (Feb. 1979), 64 (May 1979), 65 (July 1979), 66 (Aug. 1979), 67 (Sept. 1979), 68 (Oct. 1979), 69 (Feb. 1980), 71 (May 1980), 72 (July 1980), 73 (Aug. 1980), 74 (Oct. 1980), 75 (Jan. 1981), 76 (March 1981), 77 (July 1981), 81 (Nov. 1982), 82 (Feb. 1983), 83 (March 1983), 84 (July 1983), 85 (Sept. 1983), 86 (Feb. 1984), 87 (May 1984), 88 (July 1984), 89 (Oct. 1984)

Box 74

SFWA Spacechips.   Vol. 1 No. 4 (Aug. 1983), Vol. 2 No. 1 (April 1984)

SF World Newsletter

SF Waves.   No. 1 (Aug. 1970)

SF Weekly.   Nos. 187 (June 1967), 196 (Aug. 1967), 204 (Nov. 1967), 206 (Nov. 1967), 214 (Jan. 1968), 215 (Jan. 1968), 216 (Feb. 1968), 217 (Feb. 1968), 218 (Feb. 1968), 219 (Feb. 1968), 220 (March 1968), 221 (March 1968), 222 (March 1968), 223 (March 1968), 224 (April 1968), 225 (April 1968), 226 (April 1968), 227 (April 1968), 228 (May 1968), 229 (May 1968), 230 (June 1968)

Sgt. Chough.   Nos. 1, 5, 6, 8

SH-SF Fanthology

Shades of Grey.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (May 1987)

Shadow.   No. 44 (May 1975)

Shadow, The-Doc Savage Quest.   No. 16 (Feb. 1985)

Shadowland.   Nos. 5 (Winter 1954), 6

Shadow-Line – Mike Schoemaker.   Nos. 1 (March 1975), 2 (July 1975), 3 (Jan. 1976), 4 (Aug. 1976), 5 (May 1977), 6 (Nov. 1977), 7 (March 1978), 8 (Jan. 1979), 10 (May 1981), 11 (May 1982), 12 (May 1983), 13 (Nov. 1983), 14 (Jan. 1985), 15 (Setp. 1985), 16 (Sept. 1986), 17 (July 1987)

Shadows of a Fan.   No. 1 (Feb. 1981)

Shadow of the Monolith, In The.   Nos. 42 (April 1975), 44 (May 1975), 45 (June 1975), 46 (July 1975), 47 (Aug. 1975), 48 (Sept. 1975), 49 (Oct. 1975), 50 (Nov. 1975), 51 (Dec. 1975), 60 (Aug. 1976), 61 (Sept. 1976), 62 (Oct. 1976), 65 (Feb. 1977)

Shadow over Oldenburg.

Shadows of…   Vol. 4 (Feb. 1981), 5 (Fall 1981), 6 (Spring 1982)

Shagrat.   Nos. 10 (Aug. 1968), 11 (Jan. 1971)

Shai-Bu.   Nos. 1, 2

Shake!.   No. 1 (July 1987)

Shamana Lioness.   No. 14 (Jan. 1982)

Shambles.   Nos. 1 (June 1975), 2 (Feb. 1976)

Shangri-L'Affaires.   Nos. 8 (Jan. 1943), 9 (Feb. 1943), 11 (Aug. 1943), 13 (April 1944), 15 (June 1944), 16 (July 1944), 17 (Aug. 1944), 18 (Sept. 1944), 19 (Oct. 1944), 20 (Nov. 1944), 21 (Dec. 1944), 22 (Jan. 1945), 23 (Feb. 1945), 24 (March 1945), 25 (April 1945), 26, 27, 28 (Feb. 1946), 29 (April 1946), 30 (May 1946), 31 (July 1946), 32 (Sept. 1946), 33 (Oct. 1946), 34 (Dec. 1946), 36 (June 1947), 37 (Aug. 1947), 38 (Nov. 1947), 47 (Dec. 1959), 65 (May 1963), 67 (Dec. 1963), 70 (Jan. 1965), 72 (April 1968), 73 (June 1968), 74 (Sept. 1968), 75 (Dec. 1968), 76 (June 1980), 77 (Oct. 1980)

Shangri-La.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (April 1940), 2 (Oct. 1940)

Shangri-La (LASFS).   Nos. 4 (Feb. 1948), 5 (April 1948), 6 (June 1948), 7 (Aug. 1948), 8 (Oct. 1948), 10 (Jan. 1949),17 (January 1950)

Shattered Like a Clockwork Orange. 

Shattered Ring, The. 

Shaver Mystery Mag.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1947), Vol. 2 No. 1 (1948), Vol. 3 No. 1 (1949)

Shaw News.  

Shayol.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1977), 2 (Feb. 1978)

Shelta Thari.  

Sherwood Homes.   Vol. 1 No. 1

Shetan. No. 35, 58 (July 1977), 60

She Walked Through the Market and the Children Died.   No. 24

Shortschrift.   (1977)

Short Takes.

Box 75

Shot Down in Flames. No. 1

Shotgun.   No. 5

Shot Scott's Rap Sheet. No. 5 (1975), 6 (1976), 7 (1976), 8 (Nov. 1976), 11-17(March 1977-March 1979), 19 (Jan. 1980), 21 (May 1980), 22 (Sept. 1980), 23 (Nov. 1980), 28 (March 1982)

SH-SF Fanthology – Ruth Berman.   No. 2 (Sept. 1971)

Shudder Fanzine.   No. 1 (July 1964)

Siamese Standpipe.   No. 62 (Jan. 1987)

Sibelius.   Nos. 4 (Mar. 1967), 6

Sick, Sick, Sick Et Non.

Siddhartha.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8

Sidelines.   No. 3

Sigh.   No. 1

Sign of the Hammer.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1975), 2 (Mar. 1976)

Sikander.   Nos. 1, 2 (May 1980), 3 (Dec. 1980), 4 (Mar. 1981), 5 (June 1981), 8, 9 (Feb. 1984), 9.5, 10 (Aug. 1985), 11 (Dec. 1985), 12 (April 1986), 15 (Mar. 1989)


Silme.   No. 2 (Aug. 1962)

Silver Dagger.   No. 116 (1984)

Silver Eel.   (1978)

Silver Scarab Press.   (1979)

Silver Streak Comics.  

Simeon's Screed.  

Simon – Ron & Sue Clarke.   No. 1 (July 1974)

Simula Crum – Victoria Vayne.   Nos. 1 (June 1975), 2 (Oct. 1975), 2A (Mar. 1976), 2B (Aug. 1976), 3 (Oct. 1976), 7 (Sept. 1977), 8 (Dec. 1978)

Sinclair Community College Creative Writing Contest 1974.

Sing Me a Song.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

Singing in the Rain.   No. 4

Singing Sitar Rago, The. No. 1 (Dec. 1967)

Singing the Marseillaise.   

Sinisterra.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (April 1950), 3 (Autumn 1950), 6 (Autumn 1954),7 (Winter 1954), 8 (Winter 1956)

Sinkrec.   No. 1, 2 (1962)

Sirat.   Nos. 5 (Sept. 1974), 7 (Feb. 1975)

Sirius XIV.   No. 1 (Aug. 1974), 24/25 (June 1975), 29 (Sept. 1975), 30 (Jan. 1976)

Sirruish – Ozark SFASSA.   Nos. 4, 5, 6 (Winter 1968), 7 (July 1968), 8 (Aug. 1969), 9, 10, (Feb. 1973), 11 (June 1973)

Sisters.   (May 1991)

Six Point Five.   (Dec. 1983)

Six Sec


Six Six Six “666”.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1975), 2 (Dec. 1975)

Sixth Dimension Times Revisited. No. 6

Sixty Million Dollar Man. (Sep. 1976)

Skeptical Snail.   Nos. 5, 6

Skiffy Bag.   (1979)

Skiffy Time.   (Spring 1980)

Skimming the Clouds of Venus. No. 8 (July or August 1977)

Skosh.   No. 1 (Fall 1995)

Skraczes.   (1979)

Skug.   Nos. 1 (June 1977), 2 (Sept. 1977), 3 (Dec. 1978), 4 (May 1981), 5, 6a, 7, 8 (Nov. 1988), 9 (Feb. 1989), 10 (April 1989), 11 (Oct. 1995), 12 (Mar. 1996), 13 (Mar. 1997), 14 (Oct. 1998), 15 (OCt. 2000)

Skull.   (Sept. 1971)

Sky Hook.   No. 16 (Winter 1953)

Skylee Sun.   No. 1 (Aug. 1971)

Skyrack.   Nos. 22 (Aug. 1960), 48 (Dec. 1962), 51 (April 1963), 65 (April 1964), 68 (June 1964), 70 (Sept. 1964), 71 (Oct. 1964), 95 (May 1968), 96 (July 1971)

Slanapa. No. 127 (July 1980).

Slanshack Bookshop.  

Slant.   No. 5 (Spring 1951)

Slantasy.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1946)

Slats in Mountainburg. 

Sleasy Freak. No. 13 (October 1972) 

Sleepy Dusk.   No. 7

Slightly Slanted News.   No. 1 (Dec. 1970)

Slithy Toves.

Slothfulthin. No. 13

Slothful Thing and Something else.

Slow Boat.   No. 2, 3

Slower than Infinity.   Nos. 2 (1978), 3, 4 (Dec. 1978), 5 (Jan. 1979), 6 (April 1980)

Small Elephants and Miscellaneous.   No. 1

Small Friendly Dog.   Nos. 14 (Mar. 1977), 15 May 1978), 16 (Mar. 1979), 17 (Dec. 1979), 19 (Aug. 1980), 20 (Aug. 1981), 21 (Jan. 1982), 22 (April 1983), 23 (Dec. 1983), 24 (Nov. 1984)

Small Friendly Snail

Small Press Review.   Nos. 16 (May 1973), 36 (Jan. 1976), 107 (Dec. 1981), 141 (Oct. 1984), 142 (Nov. 1984)

Small World of Murder. No. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sept. 1980)

Smiles and Grins.   Nos. 11 (Mar. 1974), 17 (Jan. 1976)

Box 76

SMOFF’s Newsletter.   Nos. 5 (Feb. 1983), 6 (April 1983), 7 (July 1983)

Smokin' Rockets.   No. 2 (Dec. 2000)

SMRGOL.   Nos. 45, 46 (1979)

Smsxinh’d.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Spring 1976)

Smud.   Vol. 2 No. 1, 6 (Sept. 1981)

Smurf Bashers' Gazette, The.

Snap.   No. 1 (Spring 1973)

Snark! No. 2 (May 1969)

Sneetche.   No. 1 (Mar. 1983)


S.N.O.F.   No. 1, (1975), 3 (1976)

Snorkel.   No. 2

Snow Flake. No. 1

Society of Editors Newsletter.   Vol. 11 No. 9 (May 1982)

Sog.   No. 17 (Aug. 1972)

So It Goes – Tim C. Marion.  Nos. 1 (June 1973), 2 (July 1973), 6 (Mar. 1974), 7 (April 1974), 8 (May 1974), 9 (Sept. 1974), 14 (July 1977), 15 (Dec. 1977)

Sol – Mario Kwiat.   No. 43 (Autumn 1967)

Sol III.   Nos. 1 (April 1974), 2 (Oct. 1974)

Solaris – See Requeim.   Nos. 31, 32, 33, 34

Solar Wind.  

Solat.   No. 2

Solitary Man.   No. 33 (Oct. 1972)

Solo.   No. 2

Solor.    Vol. 2 No. 5 (Sept. 1938)

Some Luck/It Figures(SL/IF).   Nos. 1 (Feb. 1983), 2 (Mar. 1983), 3 (April 1983), 4 (May 1983)

Some Notes about  Malaria.

Somerset Gazette.   Nos. 2 (May 1970), 3 (Sept. 1970), 5 (Jan. 1971), 6 (Nov. 1971)

Something else.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5/

Something Else Again.   Nos. 1 , 2

Something of Significance. No. 5

Something to Remember, a collection of works by Gamin Davis (1990). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Somewhatly.   Nos. 4, 9, 10

Somewhere over the Rabbit. No. 2, 3

Son of a Beach.   No. 3 (1972)

Son of Crudzine.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (March 1969), 3 (June 1969)

Son of Dasfolk Pilk Rock.

Son of Fandom’s Burden.   No. 1

Son of Fat Albert (SOFA).   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Son of Glop!.   (July 1972)

Son of Grafan.   Nos. 3 (Sept. 1971), 19 (Oct. 1972), 20 (Oct. 1972), 23, 24 (April 1973), 25

Son of Glyptodont.  

Son of Paine.   Nos. 6 (Aug. 1964), 7 (Aug. 1965)

Son of Sinister Force.   Vol. 1 No. 4 (Jan. 1976)

Son of Swap Gas. No. 1 (March 1981).

Son of the WFSA Journal.   Nos. 1 (Sept. 1969), 2 (Oct. 1969), 3 (Nov. 1969), 4 (Jan. 1970), 8 (June 1970), 12 (Oct. 1970), 14 (Dec. 1970), 15 (Jan. 1971), 23 (June 1971), 25 (June 1971), 26 (July 1971), 27 (July 1971), 28 (July 1971), 29 (july 1971), 30 (Aug. 1971), 31 (Aug. 1971), 32 (Sept. 1971), 33 (Sept. 1971), 34 (Sept. 1971), 35 (Oct. 1971), 36 (Nov. 1971), 37 (Dec. 1971), 40 (Dec. 1971), 41 (Jan. 1972), 42 (Jan. 1972), 43 (Jan. 1972), 44 (Jan. 1972), 45 (Jan. 1972), 46 (Feb. 1972), 47 (Feb. 1972), 48 (Feb. 1972), 49 (Feb. 1972), 50 (Mar. 1972), 51 (Mar. 1972), 52 (Mar. 1972), 53 (April 1972), 54 (May 1972), 55 (June 1972), 56 (June 1972), 57 (June 1972), 58 (July 1972), 59 (July 1972), 60 (Aug. 1972), 61 (Aug. 1972), 62 (Aug. 1972), 63 (Sept. 1972), 64 (Sept. 1972), 65 (Sept. 1972), 66 (Sept. 1972), 67 (Sept. 1972), 68 (Sept. 1972), 69 (Oct. 1972), 70 (Oct. 1972), 71 (Nov. 1972), 72 (Nov. 1972), 73 (Nov. 1972), 74 (Dec. 1972), 75 (Dec. 1972), 76 (Dec. 1972), 77 (Jan. 1973), 78 (Jan. 1973), 79 (Jan. 1973), 80 (Jan. 1973), 81 (Jan. 1973), 82 (Feb. 1973), 83 (Feb. 1973), 84 (March 1973), 85 (March 1973), 86 (March 1973), 87 (April 1973), 88 (April 1973), 89 (April 1973), 90 (May 1973), 91 (June 1973), 92 (June 1973), 93 (June 1973), 94 (June 1973), 95 (July 1973), 96 (July 1973), 97 (July 1973), 98 (July 1973), 99 (July 1973), 100 (July 1973), 101 (July 1973), 102 (Aug. 1973), 104 (Sept. 1973), 105 (Sep. 1973), 106 (Oct. 1973), 107 (Oct. 1973), 108 (Oct. 1973), 109 (Oct. 1973), 110 (Oct. 1973), 112 (Oct. 1973), 113 (Nov. 1973), 114 (Nov. 1973), 115 (Nov. 1973), 116 (Nov. 1973), 117 (Nov. 1973), 118 (Dec. 1973), 119 (Jan. 1974), 120 (Jan. 1974), 121 (Jan. 1974), 122 (Jan. 1974), 123 (Jan. 1974), 124 (Feb. 1974), 125 (Feb. 1974), 126 (Feb. 1974), 127/128 (Feb. 1974), 129 (Feb. 1974), 130 (Mar. 1974), 131 (Mar. 1974), 132 (Mar. 1974), 133 (Mar. 1974), 134/135 (Mar. 1974), 136 (April 1974), 137 (April 1974), 138 (April 1974), 139/140 (April 1974), 141 (April 1974), 142 (May 1974), 143/144 (May 1974), 145 (May 1974), 146/147 (June 1974), 148 (June 1974), 149 (June 1974), 150 (June 1974), 151/152 (June 1974), 153/154 (July 1974), 155/156 (Aug. 1974), 157/158 (Sep. 1974), 159/160 (Sep. 1974), 161/162 (Oct. 1974), 163/164 (Oct. 1974), 175/176 (Jan. 1975), 181/182 (April 1975), 183/184 (May 1975), 185/186 (May 1975), 187 (May 1975), 188 (May 1975), 189 (June 1975), 190 (June 1975), 191 (Aug. 1975), 195/196 (Nov. 1975), 197/198 (Jan. 1976)

Songbuch der filken.  

Songs.   Nos. 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18

Songs Quarterly.   No. 13

Songs Sheet.  

Sons of Bacchus.   No. 1 (May 1969)

Sootli.   No. 1

Sorcerer's Apprentice.   Nos. 1 (Winter 1978), 2 (Sumer 1979)

SOS. No. 6 (1968)

Soulsnap.   No. 1  

South American Review.   (April 1981)

Southern Agitator in Memory.   Vol. 4 No. 1 (June 1982)

Southern Arizona Fandom News.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (Jan. 1979)

Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin.   Nos. 2 (June 1971), 3 (Sept. 1971), 5 (Aug. 1972), 6 (Aug. 1973), 10 (Mar. 1974), 12, 13.5, 14 (Sept. 1975), 15.5 (June 1976), 16 (Oct. 1976), 17 (Feb. 1977), 21.5, 22 (Fall 1979), 23 (Apring 1980), 23.5 (Summer 1980), 24 (Fall 1980), 25 (Spring 1981), 27 (July 1982), Vol. 6 Nos. 5 (July 1996), 6 (Oct. 1996), 7 (Jan. 1997), 8 (April 1997), 9 (Aug. 1997), 10 (Oct. 1997), 11 (Jan. 1998), 12 (May 1998), Vol. 7 No. 6 (Mar. 2000)

Box 77

Southern Gothic.    No. 1 (Dec. 1993)

Southern Libertarian Messenger.   Vol. 9 Nos. 4 (Aug. 1980), 5 (Sept. 1980)

Southern Michigan Organization of Fans.   (Feb. 1983)

Southern Star.   Nos. 3 (Aug. 1941), 4 (Dec. 1941)

South of Haras, East of Rhun.   No. 10

South of the Moon.   Vol. 1 No. 7 (July 1972), 8 , 8 1/2; Vol. 2 No. 1 (Aug. 1974), Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (July 1975), 2 (Oct. 1975), 3 (Mar. 1976), Vol. 4 No. 1 (Aug. 1976), Vol. 5 Nos. 1 (Sept. 1978), 2 (Mar. 1979), Vol. 6 Nos. 3, 4 (June 1983)

South on Peachtree.   Nos. 2 (Aug. 1983), 3 (1984)

South Pacific Penguin.   No. 1 (Feb. 1988)

Southstar.   No. 3 (Feb. 1981)

Southstar & Coastal Inversions – John Thompson & Becky.   (Nov. 1980)

South Wind. SCAI. (Jan. 1976)

Soybean Jello.   Vol. 1 No. 3

So You Want to Be a Fan?.   (July 1966)

Space and the Future.   (Dec. 1974)

Space and Time.   Nos. 7 (Aug. 1969), 9 (July 1970), 11 (April 1971), 12 (June 1971), 13 (Sept. 1971), 14 (Feb. 1972), 15 (May 1972), 16 (Aug. 1972), 17 (Nov. 1972), 18 (May 1973), 19 (July 1973), 20 (Sept. 1973), 21 (Nov. 1973), 22 (Jan. 1974), 23 (Mar. 1974), 25 (July 1974), 26 (Sept. 1974), 27 (Nov. 1974), 28 (Jan. 1975), 29 (Mar. 1975), 30 (May 1975), 35 (Mar. 1976), 49 (Oct. 1978), 53 (Oct. 1979), 56 (July 1980), 59 (April 1981), 61 (Winter 1981-82), 62 (Summer 1982), 63 (Winter 1982-83), 64 (Summer 1983), 65 (Winter 1983-84), 66 (Summer 1984)

Space Cadet.   (Jan. 1978), 9Feb. 1978), (Feb. 1988), (May 1988), (Nov. 1990), (Dec. 1990), ( Jan. 1991), (Jan. 1992), (April 1993), (Jan. 2000)

Space Cadet Gazette.   Nos. 1 (Dec. 1994), 3 (June 1995), 5 (Mar. 1996), 6 (Sept. 1996), 7 (Feb. 1997), 8 (Aug. 1997), 9 (Feb. 1998), 10 (Oct. 1998)

Space Case – Committee to Abolish Space Exploration.  

Space Gamer.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975), 4, 5 (May 1976), 6 (July 1976), 10 (Mar. 1977), 12 (Aug. 1977), 13 (Oct. 1977), 14 (Dec. 1977), 25 (Dec. 1979), 26 (Feb. 1980), 27 (April 1980), 29 (July 1980), 33 (Nov. 1980)

Space Grits.   No. 1 (Spring 1983)

Space Junk.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8

Space Legion.   No. 1 (Winter 1954)

SpaceLines, Inc.   No. 1 (Sept. 1938)

Spaces (Cheltenham S.F. Group).   No. 1 (1976)

Space Opera.   No. 2 (Mar. 1980)

Space Ship.   Vol. 2, Nos. 4 (April 1950), 5 (July 1950)

Spaceteer.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1947)

Space…The Final Frontier.  


Space Varmits Comix.   Nos. 2 (Nov. 1981), 3 (Feb. 1982)

Space War. No. 6 (Feb. 1977), 7 (Feb. 1977),19 (May 1977),

Space Warp.   Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (April 1948), 2 (May 1948), 3 (June 1948), 4 (July 1948), 5 (Aug. 1948), 6 (Sept. 1948), Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1948), 5 (Feb. 1949), Vol. 5 Nos. 5 (Aug. 1949), 6 (Sept. 1949), Vol. 6 Nos. 1 (Oct. 1949), 2 (Nov. 1949), 4 (Jan. 1950), 5 (Feb. 1950), 6 (Mar. 1950)

Space Wastrel.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3 (1980), Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1985), 2 (Mar. 1986), 3 (June 1986), 4 (Sept. 1986), 6 (Feb. 1987), 8 (July 1987), 9 (Mar. 1988)

Spaceways.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Nov. 1938), 7 (Aug. 1939), 8 (Oct. 1939), Vol. 2 Nos. 2 (Jan. 1940), 3 (Feb. 1940), 4 (April 1940), 5 (June 1940), 6 (July 1940), 7 (Sept. 1940), 8 (Oct. 1940), Vol. 3 Nos. 2 (Jan. 1941), 4 (April 1941), 5 (June 1941), 6 (Aug. 1941), Vol. 4 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1941), 2 (Jan. 1942), 3 (Mar. 1942), 4 (April 1942), 5 (June 1942), 7 (Sept. 1942)

Spacing Dutchman.   (1978)

Spafon.   No. 5 (1969)

Box 78

Spang Blah.   Vol. 2 Nos. 2, 3, Vol. 3 Nos. 3, 4, Vol. 4 No. 3, Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16/17, 18, 19, 20

Spangled Hobo.   Vol. 2 No. 1

Spangler.   No. 1, (May 1991), 2 (1991)

Spanish Aramdillo.   No. 2

Spanish Inquisition – Jerry Kaufman & Suzie Tompkins.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10

Sparx.   No. 1 (April 1946)

Spawn of Prophecy.   No. 1 (Feb. 1984)

Spay Rat Tails

Speakeasy.   (April 1979)

Special Ersatz Jewel, A.

Special Message.

Spectator. Vol. 21 No. 1 (July 1968), 2 ( Oct. 1968), 8 (April 1970),111 (April 1975)

Spectre.   Nos. 1 (Sept. 1978), 2 (March 1979)

Spectrum.   No. 1 (1983)

Specula.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1941), 2 (March 1941)

Speculation (Birmingham, UK). Peter R. Weston, editor. 1:11 (January 1966) ["Zenith Speculation"]; 2:2 (#14) October 1966 [with TLS laid in explaining name change from "Zenith" with this issue]; 2:2 (#15) January 1967; 2:4 (#16) Autumn 1967; 2:5 (#17) February 1968; Easter '68 ["A Selection..."]; "Speculation: Data, May 1968, with TLS from Weston; 2:6 (#18) May 1968; 2:7 (#19) September 1968); 2:8 (#20) January 1969; 2:9 (#21) February 1969; 2:10 (#22) April 1969; 2:11 (#23) July 1969; 2:12 (#24) September 1969; 3:1 (#25) January 1970; 3:2 (#26) May 1970; 3:3 (#27) September 1970; 3:4 (#28) January 1971; 3:5 (#29) October 1971; 3:6 (#30) Spring 1972; 3:7 (#31) Autumn 1972; 3:8 (#32) Spring 1973; #33 (nd).

Speculative Bulletin – John Boston.   Nos. 15, 16

Speculative Fiction Newsletter – Kathleen Taylor.   Nos. 0 (June 1980), 1 (Oct. 1980), 2 (Jan. 1981), 3 (April 1981)

Speculative Literature Bibliography.   No. 2

Speculative Poetry Review.   Nos. 1, 2

Speculator – W. Kentucky University Speculative Fiction.   No. 5 (1979)

Speculum.   No. 16 (Oct. 1972)

Speed of Dark – Mike Glyer.   Nos. 6 (Nov. 1976), 7, 25, 30

SpeleoBem.   No. 10.2 (1961) , 50 (Jan. 1976)

Spellbound.   Vol. 6 No. 3 (Fall 1981), Vol. 7 No. 1 (Spring 1982)

Spent Brass.  No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 31

Sphere.   Vol. 13 No. 1, Vol. 25. No. 1, Vol. 36 No. 1, Vol. 52 No. 1

Spi.   Nos. 4 (Sept. 1975), 5 (1976), 6 (Nov. 1976)

Spicy.   Nos. 2, 3

Spicy Rat Tails.   Nos. 1, 4

Spider Without a Fly.   No. 16

Spin Dizzie Seven. Kin of the Same Womb Born, a novel by Rosalie Blazej (August 1984). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Spin Dizzy.   Nos. 1 (Oct. 1992), 2 (Oct. 1992), 3 (May 1994)

Spinge, Les.   Nos. 20 (April 1968), 21 (March 1969), 30 (Nov. 1973), 31 (Jan. 1974), 33 (May 1979), 34 (June 1979), 35 (Sept. 1979), 36 (Dec. 1979)

Spinnaker Reach.   Vol. 2 No. 1 (1961)

Spiritus Mundi – Guy Lillian III.   Nos. 28 (June 1975), 37 (Dec. 1976), 66 (Oct. 1981), 67 (Jan. 1982),

Spirochete. Nos. 20 (Aug. 1972), 21 (Dec. 1974), 38 (Nov. 1986), 39 (Feb. 1987), 40 (May 1987), 41 (Aug. 1987), 42 (Nov. 1987), 43 (Feb. 1988), 44 (May 1988), 45 (Aug. 1988)

Splattre.   (March 1975)

Splish Splash.   Nos. 2, 3

Spock.   Nos. 20 (1980), 50, 51, 52, 53 (1988), 55, 56 (1989), 57 (1990)

Box 79

Spockanalia.   Nos. 2 (reprint June 1984), 4 (reprint Aug. 1982), 5 (reprint Jan. 1983),

Spoor – Fred C. Adams.   Nos. 1 (1963), 2 (May 1963),

Sprung Rhythm.

Spud.   Nos. 1, 2

Spudnut.   Nos. 1, 2

SPWAO Stuff.   Vol. 3 No. 2 (March 1981)


Squeezed In.

Squib.   Nos. 1 (Aug. 1997), 2 (Dec. 1997)

Squires, Roy.

Stalking the Wild Cockroach.   No. 2 (June 1976)

Stand By…On The Air.   No. 4 (June 1969)

Stanley.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Stan’s Weekly Express.   Nos. 27 (March 1970), 65 (Dec. 1970), 68/69 (Jan. 1971), 72 (Mar. 1971)

S.T.A.R.   No. 3

Star and Satellite.  

Star Blazer’s Fandom Report.   No. 10

Star Borne.  Vol. 1 No. 1 (May 1972), Vol. 2 No. 11, Vol. 3 No. 13

Star Date.  

Star Dregs - Dee Beetem and Judith Brownlee.  

Star Dust – Seth McEvoy.   No. 1 (Aug. 1971)

Star Dust (Scientifiction).   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1975)

Star Dust, the magazine unique.  

Star Dock.  

Star Fire.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Star Jaws

Starfleet Bulletin!.   (Dec. 1977)

Starfleet Communications.   Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11

Starfleet Communique.   Vol. 3 No. 1 (1983)

Starfleet Membership Packet.

Starfleet Personal Roster.

Stargram.   No. 1 (1976)

Star Jaws

Star Lanes.   Nos. 10 (Summer 1953), 11 (Autumn 1953), 19 (July 1955)

Starlight.   (Spring 1941)

Starline.   Vol. 1 Nos. 4 (April 1978), 5 (May 1978), Vol. 2 Nos. 3 (Mar. 1979), 4/5 (May 1979), 8 (Aug. 1979), Vol. 3 No. 2 (Mar. 1980), 3 (May 1980)

Starlines. No. 2

Starling – Hank & Lesleigh Lattrell (#1-20)

Starling.   (21-37).

Starlite Pubs. Vol. 12 (Nov. 1981)

Starlog.   Nos. 8 (Sept. 1977), 10(Dec. 1977), 11 (Jan. 1978)

Star Probe – Mark Finlay.   No. 1 (Jan. 1976)

Star Quest.  

Star Reach.   No. 2 (Jan. 1975)

Star Rover.   Vol. 1 Nos. 3 (Jan. 1946), 4 (Summer 1946), 5 (Summer 1946)

Starry Wisdom.   Nos. 8, 10

Box 80

Star-Sea Songs.   No. 1 (Oct. 1975)

Star Shambler.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Nov. 1971), 2 (April 1972), 3 (June 1972)

Starship – Formerly “Whipping Post”.  

Starship (formerly Algol).   Nos. 34 (Spring 1979), 35 (Summer 1979), 36 (Fall 1979), 37 (Winter 1979-80), 38 (Spring 1980), 40 (Fall 1980), 43 (Fall 1982)

Starship Tripe.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Starslammers.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Starslammers (continued)

Starspeak.   No. 1 (1974)

Starspinkle.   Nos. 37 (May 1964), 43 (July 1964), 44, 45 (August 1964), 46 (Sept. 1964)

Start Breaking Up.   Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

Star Treader Books

Star Trek.

Star Trektennial News.   Nos. 14, 16, 18, 19

Star Trek Catalog.  

Star Trek Concordance.  

Star Trek Scene.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Star Trekkin'.   No. 3 (1975)

StarView.   Vol. 1, No. 1 (Sept. 1981)

Starward Ho!.  

Star Wars’ Roots – Alexis Gillilard.  

Star Wash.  

Star Wave.   Vol. 1 No. 2

Starweaver [1] (June 1980), 2 (June 1982). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Star Weres.  

Star Wind.   (Spring 1976)

Start Breaking Up

Star Worlds.   No. 1 (Nov. 1971)

Starry Wisdom

Static. Vol. 1 No. 3 (Feb. 1977)

Static, Flutter, and Pop.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1970)

Stations.   (1981)

Stay-Tuned.   Vol. 1 Nos. 6 (June 1971), 9 (Sept. 1971)

Steam Engine Time.   Nos. 1 (April 2000), 2 (Nov. 2001), 3 (Dec. 2001)

Steeger Stories.   No. 33 (July 1977)

Stefantasy.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (Sept. 1945), 3 (Nov. 1945), Vol. 2 Nos. 2 (March 1946), 5 (Sept. 1946), Vol. 19 No. 1 (Feb. 1963), Vol. 21 No. 5 (Dec. 1963)


Stellar.   Nos. 4, 53

Stellarian.   No. 1

Stellerite.   No. 2 (March 1946)

Stephen’s Book Service.   (March 1970)

Stet.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1990), 2 (Sept. 1991), 3 (Nov. 1991), 4 (Dec. 1991), 5 (April 1992), 6 (August 1992), 8 (Dec. 1993), 9 (Dec. 1999)

STF and Nonsense.   No. 1, 2, 3

STF Trader – Jack Irwin.   Vol. 1 No. 6, Vol. 3 Nos. 1 (Sept. 1951), 2 (Oct. 1951), 3 (Nov. 1951), 4 (Dec. 1951), Vol. 4 Nos. 5 (July 1952), 6 (Aug. 1952), Vol. 5 No. 4 (June 1953), Vol. 6 No. 9 (Nov. 1954)

Sthondat.   No. 2 (June 1979)

Sticky Quarters.   Nos. 1 (July 1982), 3 (Jan. 1983), 4 (May 1983), 5 (June 1983), 6 (July 1983), 7 (Nov. 1983), 8 (Dec. 1983), 8.5, 9, 10, 11 (Feb. 1985), 12 (Aug. 1985), 13 (Nov. 1985), 14, 15 (Sept. 1986), 16 (Dec. 1986), 17 (Nov. 1987), 18 (Aug. 1988), 19 (Dec. 1989), 20 (Dec. 1990), 23 (May 1994), 24 (Feb. 1995)

Still More Dangerous Crudzines.   No. 4 (Feb. 1978)

Still Point, The. No. 14

Stockes, Dennis.  

Stolen Fire.  

Stone and the Stars.   Nos. 1 (Winter 1978), 4 (April 1979)

Stoned Immaculate.   Nos. 2 (Feb. 1986)

Stone, Graham.  

Stone Report.   (1954)

Stone Wagon.   No. 9 (March 1971)

Stonehenge. No. 1 (1975)

Stop-Gap.   (Spring 1997)

Stop Think.   No. 2  


Storm.   Vol. 10 No. 3 (Oct. 1952)

Story Paper Collector.   Vol. 2 No. 34 (April 1949)

St-Phile.   No. 1 (Jan. 1968)

Straight from the Fish's Mouth. No. 30 (Feb, 1977)

Box 81


Strange Brew.  

Strange Dystopias – Bill Brummer.   Nos. 1, 2 (1976), 3 (1977)

Strange Fantasy.  

Strange New Worlds.   No. 11

Strange Punch.   Vol. 1 Nos. 5 (July 1981), 6 (Aug. 1981)

Stranger.   Nos. 1, 9, 25

Stranger in the Night.   No. 1 (Winter 1985)

Stranger Elephant’s Gazette.   No. 1 (Dec. 1977)

Strategy of the New Libertarian Alliance.   No. 2

Strawberry Funnies.   No. 1 (1972)

Strelkov Trip Report, The Mae.

Stripper.   Nos. 3 (Jan. 1974), 4 (March 1974), 5 (May 1974), 6 (July 1974), (Oct. 1974), 8 (Dec. 1974)

Stroon.   Nos. 0 (Nov. 1986), 5, 8

Stuck in the Elevator. No. 12

Study in Scarlet, A.   No. 31 (1977)

Study of 'Suspect' Space Covers. (Jan. 1975)

Stulticiae Laus.   Nos. 1 (1975), 2 (1975), 3 (1975), 4, 5 (1976), 6, 7

Stumble.   No. 9

Stumping.   Nos. 48, 52, 56, 61

Stupefying Stories -- Eney.   Nos. 71, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 94, 95, 100, 101, 104

STYX Newsletter. (February 1975)

Sub.   No. 1

Subterranean Homesick Blues.

Succubus. No. 1 (March-April 1969), 2 (April 1969)

Sufan.   Nos. 6, 8 (1979), 9, 10, 11 (1980), 12, 13 (1981)

Sugar Tooth Eighteen.

Suicide Aircraft and Their Operational Use in World War II.

Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.   No. 45

Sunbeam, The.  

SunCon.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Sunday Gummies Bubbler.   No. 2 (1974)

Sunday Paper.

Sunday Siberian.   (April 1975)

Sunshine Spreader.    No. 1 (1972)

Sunspot.    No. 5 (Aug. 1970)

Sunspots (Newsletter of Boulder’s Civilian SF Club).   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1940), Vol. 4 No. 3 (Feb. 1941), Vol. 5 Nos. 2 (May 1941), 3 (Sept. 1944), Vol. 6 Nos. 5 (Spring 1945), 6 (Fall 1945), Vol. 7 No. 1 (Spring 1946)

Sunspots – Gerry de la Ree.   (April 1978)

Sun Trails.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2

Super Fan.  

Superamalgamation.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Dec. 1973), 5 (May 1974), 6 (June 1974), 7 (July 1974), 8 (Sept. 1974)Vol. 2 No. 1 (Dec. 1974), 2 (March 1975)  

Superamalgamation Presents

Superfluous.   No. 10


Supernova.   Nos. 23, 24, 29

Supplement.   No. 1

Support the Bicentennial.   No. 20 (1981)

Sure Kill Unlimited Method, The.   (May 1981)

Surfin’ Safari.   No. 4 (Nov. 1972), 9 (Feb. 1974)

Surreptition.   No. 1

Sustaining Program.   (Summer/ Fall 1939), (Fall 1943), (Winter 1943), (Winter 1945)

Swamp Gas. No. 13,19 (Jan. 1973), 20 (June 1973), 21 (July 1973), (Nov. 1992), 23 (Feb. 1974)

Swede Ishes.   (1987)

Sweetmeats.   (1980)

Swefenac.   No. 4 (Sept. 1964)

Swoon.   Nos. 1 (March 1974), 2 (April 1976), 3 (May 1976), 4 (June 1976), 5 (July 1976)

Sword.   No. 1

Sword That Bites.   Nos. 1, 2

Swordplay and Sorcery.  


Sylmarillion.   (June 1974)

Synapse (Speer).  

Synapse (Taral).   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Aug. 1974), 2 (Sept. 1974), 3 (Oct. 1974), 5 (Dec. 1974), Vol. 2 Nos. (Jan. 1975), 2 (Feb. 1975), 3 (April 1975), 4 (May 1975), 5 (June 1975), 8 (Aug,. 1975), 9 (Sept. 1975), 10 (Oct. 1975)

Synchronicity.   Nos. 1 (Spring 1980), (Winter 1980)

Syncom.   No. 3

Syncronomichron.   No. 1 (Nov. 1973)

Syndrome.   Nos. 1, 3, 4

Synthesis.   No. 5  (Sept. 1974)

Systems.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1980), 2 (Feb. 1980), 4 (April 1980), 5 (May 1980), 6 (July 1980)

Syzygy.   Vol. 1 No. 2

Tabard.   No. 1

Tabebuian.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Feb. 1973), 3 (May 1973), 4 (June 1973), 5 (Aug. 1973), 6 (Sep. 1973), 7 (Nov. 1973), 8 (Dec. 1973), 9 (Jan. 1974), 10 (Feb. 1974), 11 (March 1974), 12 (April 1974), 13 (June 1974), 14 (July 1974), 15 (Sep. 1974), 16 (Nov. 1974), 17 (Jan. 1975), 18 (March 1975), 19 (May 1975), 20 (June 1975), 22 (Summer 1975), 23 (Fall 1975), 24/25 (Winter 1976), 26 (March 1976), 27 (May 1976), 28 (July 1976), 29 (Sept. 1976), 30 (Nov. 1976), 31 (Jan. 1977), 32 (April 1977), 33 (July 1977)

Box 82

Table Tennis.   No. 2 (July 1984)

Tacitum.   No. 4 (Sept. 1955)


Taff Ballot. 1985-86, 1986-87.

Taff Door.   No. 1 (June 1990)

Taffluvia.   Nos. 2, 3 (1985), 4, 5 (April 1986), 6 (1986), 7 (August 1986), 8, 10 (1987)

Taffiles. No. 1 (October 1987), 3-6 (May 1988-January 1989)

Taff Progress Report. No. 8

Take Your Fanac Everywhere. No. 1 (Jan. 1988)

Talent to Amuse, Rev G, A.

Tales From Texas.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1974), 6 (April 1975), 7 (May 1975), 8 (June 1975), 10 (Aug. 1975), 11 (Sept. 1975), 12 (Oct. 1975), 13 (Nov. 1975), 14 (Dec. 1975), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Tales of Brun.  

Tales of Fur and Leather.   (June 1979)

Tales of Oblique House.   Vol. 3 (1999)

Tales of the Duplicator.   No. 2

Tale of the 'Evans.   Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2 (1945), Vol. 4 No. 1 (1946)

Talking Stock.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Talisman.   No. 1 (Fall 1949)

Tamlacht.   Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 15.5, 16, 17

Tand.   Nos. 2 (Aug. 1989), 3 (Jan. 1990), 4 (Sept. 1990), 5 (Dec. 1990), 6 (Dec. 1991)

Tandem.   No. 1

Tandstikkerzeitung.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13

Tangent.   Nos. 3 (Sept. 1975), 5 (July 1976), 6 (Jan. 1977), 7/8 (July 1978)

Tanjent.   Nos. 3 (April 1978), 4 (July 1978), 5 (Sept. 1978), 6 (Dec. 1978), 7 (Feb. 1979), 8 (April 1979), 9 (July 1979), 10 (Oct. 1979), 13 (Feb. 1983),

Tanstaafl.   Nos. 1 (Feb. 1968), 2 (March 1968), 2.5 (April 1968), 3 (May 1968), 4 (June 1968), 5 (Aug. 1968), 6 (Dec. 1968), 7 (Feb. 1969),

Tantalus Field.   No. 4 (Jan. 1976)

Tantrum.   No. 1 (Nov. 1978)

Tape Bureau.   No. 38 (March 1971)

Tapeworm.   No. 7 (Sep. 1968)

Tappen – Malcom Edwards


TAPS.   Nos. 75, 76, 77, 79, 80 (1971), 127 (1975)



Taste of Flesh, A.  

Tatooed Dragon.   (1962), (1973), (1974), (1976)

Tau Ceti.  

TBBJ.   No. 23 (May 1983)

TCF.   No. 3 (April 1975)

Tchoupttoulas Choo-choo.


Teaching of Don Fitch: A Fannish Way of Knowledge, The.

Technology and Human Affairs.   Vol. 6 No. 2 (1974)

Teddybear.   No. 114 (1976)

Tedscan.   No. 1

Tekasuphre. No. 2

Tekeli-Li.   Nos. 1 (Nov. 1976), (Feb. 1988)

Tellus.   Nos. 1, 2 (1941), 3 (1942), 4 (1943), 5 (1944), 6 (1945)

Tellus International.   Nos. 1 (1971), 2, Special 1, 3 (1972), 4

Telos.   Nos. 1 (Feb. 1980), 2 (June 1980), 3 (Nov. 1980), 4 (July 1981), 5 (July 1982)

Tempest.  Nos. 1, 2 (July 1970), 3, 4

Box 83

Ten Million Invisible Gerbils. No. 13 (March 1977), 69

Ten Percent Chance of Occasional Flowers.   (April 1984)

Ten (10) Res Ipsa Loquitur.   (Sept. 1971)

Tension, Apprehension, and Dissention (TAD).   No. 1 (1976), 2 (1977)

Tenth Twelfth.   (March 1983)

Teratoid Guide.   Nos. 3, 4 (1973)

Terminal Dreamland.

Terminal Eyes.   Nos. 2 (May 2001), 3 (Aug. 2001), 4 (Nov. 2001), 5 (Feb. 2002), 6 (May 2002), 7 (Aug. 2002)


Terra.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1974)


Terran Times.   Nos. 2, 4

Terrifying Test Tube Tales.   No. 1 (1944)

Terror.   No. 3


Tesseract-Northern California Science Fiction Fantasy Association (NCSFFA).   Vol. 1 No. 1

Tesseract-Zinserling and MacAnn.   Nos. 25, 26 (1976), 29 (1977), 33 (1979), 34, 35 (1980), 36 (1981), 37 (1982), 38 (1983), 40 (1984), 41, 42 (1985)  

Testing in Mathematics – Mike Glicksohn.   (1971)

Texas SF Inquirer.   Nos. 2 (May 1983), 6 (Dec. 1983), 7 (March 1984), 16 (April/May 1986), 17 (June 1986)

Texas Star.   No. 1 (June 1979)

Thangorodrim.   Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

The Child Within Us.    (1981)

There Is No Sunset.   No. 8

These Eyes.   No. 161.5

These Haunted Catacombs Contain Cosmic Locusts.  

Thieftaker Journals, The. Vol. 2 No. 4 (May 1983)

Thin Air Wonder Stories.   (1980)

Thing.   No. 2 (1946)

Thingumybob.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Third Degree, The. (Dec. 1986), (Feb. 1996).

Third Foundation.   Nos. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86-87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95

Thirsty Boots.   No. 4 (1976)

This House.   Nos. 3, 4 (1978), 5, 6, 7 (1979), 8, 9, 10 (1980), 11, 12, 13 (1981), 14 (1982)

This is a?.   No. 1

This Is Not Your Oe Speaking. (April 1978

This Is the Plan. No. 7 (Feb. 1982), 14 (Oct. 1972), 18 (April 1973), 21 ( Nov. 1973), 22 (Dec. 1973), 24 , 77-1 (March 1977), 119, 120, 121,126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 140, 167-171 (Nov. 1983-March 1984), 173-180 (May 1984-Sept. 1984), 182, 183, 187, 190, 191,192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 204, 205, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 235, 261-268 (Oct. 1991-May 1992),270-272 (July 1992-Sept. 1992), 274 (Nov. 1992), 276 (Jan. 1993),281-285 (June 1993-Oct. 1993), 288 (Jan. 1994), 293-300 (June 1994-Jan. 1995), 302 (March 1995), 305 (June 1995), 306 (July 1995), 310 (Nov. 1995), 313-316 (   -May 1996)

This is What You Deserve, You Turkeys! 

This Neffer and His Opinions.

Thistal and Thorn. No. 2

This World…and Others.   No. 1

This Zine Is for You, Sam. (May 1982)

Tholian Registry.   Vol. 2 No. 12/13 (June-July 1975)

Thomas Burnett Swann Bibliography, A.

Thompson Christmas Letter.   (1984)

Thona-Fooka.   Nos. 4, 5 (1970)

Thoth.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (Jan. 1944), 2 (June 1944), 3

Thoughts of a Horny Chipmunk.

Thoughts of Chairman Maule.  

Thought Police Gazette.   Nos. 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 (1984)

Three Beers.   No. 1

Three Chambered Heart.   No. 3 (Feb. 1961)

Three Fingers.  

Three-Five-Zero-Zero.   Nos. 48, 89, 96, 101

Three Green Pancakes, Two Blue Eggs, and a Penguin in a Fishbowl.

Thrills.   No. 4 (Aug. 1927)

Through Adversity, Joy.  

Through Space and Time – with Bob Vardeman.  

Box 84

Thru Black Holes.   Nos. 5, 6, 7 (1979), 9 (1980)

Thrusting Member. No. 2 (January 1971)

Thru the Haze.  

Thru the Worm Hole.   No. 2 (Dec. 1978)

Thrust.  Nos. 1 (Feb. 1973), 2 (Oct. 1973), 3 (Jan. 1974), 4 (April 1974), 7 (Spring 1976), 8 (Spring 1977), 9 (Fall 1977), 10 (Spring 1978), 11 (Fall 1978), 12 (Summer 1979), 13 (Fall 1979), 14 (Winter 1980), 15 (Summer 1980), 16 (Fall 1980), 17 Summer (1981), 18 (Winter/Spring 1982), 19 (Winter/Spring 1983), 20 (Summer 1984), 21 (Fall 1984/Winter 1985), 22 (Summer 1985), 23 (Winter 1985), 24 (Summer 1986), 25 (Winter 1986), 26 (Spring 1987), 27 (Summer 1987), 28 (Fall 1987), 30 (Summer 1988), 31 (Fall 1988), 32 (Winter 1989), 33 (Spring 1989), 34 (Summer 1989), 35 (Winter 1990)

Thule.   Nos. 1, 2

Thunderhead.   Nos. 2 (December 1971), 3


T.H.U.M.B. Bulletin.   No. 7 (Feb. 1972)

Thyme.   Nos. 20, 25, 28, 30, 33, 34


Tiger.   No. 3

Tiger Rag, The.   Vol. 40 Nos. 3 (Aug. 1984), 4 (Nov. 1984)

Tiger's Tales.   Nos. 2 (March 1980), 5 (1980), 7, 8 (1981), 11, 12 (1982), 13, 14 (1983), 15 (1984)

Tiger's Tales Supplement. No. 1 ((Feb. 1980)

Tiger's Tales Update.  Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1985), Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1986), Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2 (1987), 3, 4 (1988)

Tigger.   Nos. 16 (Oct. 1985), 17 (Dec. 1985), 18 (Feb. 1986), 19 (April 1986), 20 (June 1986), 21 (Aug. 1986), 22 (Oct. 1986), 23 (Dec. 1986), 24 (Feb. 1987), 25 (April 1987), 26 (June 1987)

Tight Beam.   Older Series: Nos. 21 (Sept. 1963), 27 (Sept. 1964), 28 (Nov. 1964), 32 (July 1965), 33 (Sept. 1965), 35 (Jan. 1966), 36 (March 1966), 38 (July 1966), 40 (Nov. 1966), 41 (Jan. 1967), 54 (Feb. 1969), 55 (March 1969), 56 (May 1969), 57 (Sept. 1969), 58 (Nov. 1969), 59 (March 1970), 60 (May 1970), 61 (June 1970), 62 (Aug. 1970), 63 (Oct. 1970), 64 (Dec. 1970), 65 (Jan. 1971), 66 (March 1971), 67 (June 1971), 68 (Aug. 1971), 69 (Sept. 1971), 70 (Nov. 1971), 71 (Jan. 1972), 73 (May 1972), 74 (July 1972), 75 (Nov. 1972), 76 (Jan. 1973), (Oct. 1973), (Jan. 1974), (May 1974), (July 1974), (Sept. 1974), (Nov. 1974), (March 1975), (May 1975), (July 1975), (Nov. 1975), (July 1976), (Sept. 1976), (Nov. 1977), Nos. 10 (Jan. 1978), 11 (March 1978), 12 (May 1978), 13 (July 1978), 14 (Sept. 1978), 15 (Nov. 1978), 16 (Jan. 1979), 17 (March 1979), 18 (May 1979), (July 1979), 20 (Sept. 1979), 21 (Nov. 1979), 22 (Jan. 1980), 23 (March 1980), 24 (May 1980), 25 (July 1980), (Sept. 1980), (Nov. 1980), (Jan. 1981), 30 (March 1981), (May 1981), (Sept. 1981), (Dec. 1981), (March 1982), (June 1982), (Sept. 1982), (Dec. 1982), (March 1983), (July 1983), (Sept. 1983), (Dec. 1983), (April 1984), (June 1984), (Aug. 1984), (Oct. 1984)

Box 85

Tight Beam. 135 (Dec. 1984), 136 (Feb. 1985), 137 (April 1985), 138 (June 1985), 139 (Aug. 1985), 140 (Oct. 1985), 141 (Jan. 1986), 142 (March 1986), 143 (May 1986), 144 (July 1986), 145 (Sept. 1986), 146 (Nov. 1986), 147 (Oct. 1986), 148 (March 1987), 149 (May 1987), 150-151 (July-Sept. 1987), 152 (Nov. 1987), 153 (Jan. 1988), 154 (March 1988), 155 (May 1988), 156 (Sept. 1988), 157 (Jan. 1989), 158 (March 1989), 159 (May 1989), 160 (Sept. 1989), 161 (Dec. 1989), 162 (Feb. 1990), 163 (April 1990), 164 (July 1990), 165 (Sept. 1990), 166 (Nov. 1990), 167 (Jan. 1991), 168 (March 1991)

Till The Cows Come Home.   No. 1 (March 1974)

Timbre.   No. 1

Time.   (1971)

Time and Again.   No. 1 (May 1985)

Timebinder.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1944), 2, 4 (1945), Vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2 (1946)

Timeframe.   No. 3

Time Limit.   No. 23

Time Lord's. Vol.1 No. 2

Time Ruined In Very Inoperative Activity.   No. 10

Times of Caran.

Time Storm.   (1977)

Time Stream.   No. 3 (1951)

Time Tea (the Fanzine).   (Autumn 1991), (Winter 1991)

Time to Do a Roster. (Feb. 1973)

Tinta.   No. 1 (1977)

Tin Up.   No. 1

Tiny Donkey Looks Rather Lost, This – Jim Sheddon.   Trial Issue, Nos. 1, 2, 4

Tis the Voice of a Sluggard.   No. 1

Titan (Boyer, Andre Philippe).   No. 3 (March 1970)

Titan (Rippington, G.D.).   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Title.   Nos. 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 (1972), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (1973), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 (1974), 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 (1975), 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 (1976), 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 7, 68, 69 (1977), 70, 71, 72, 73 (1978)



TKYRACK Newsletter.

T-Negative.   Nos. 1 (June 1969), 7 (June 1970), 20 (May 1973), 21 (August 1973), 34/35 (March 1979)

Box 86

TNFF.   Vol. 23 No. 6 (1964), Vol. 24 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1965), Vol. 25 Nos. 1, 2/3, 4, 6 (1966), Vol. 31 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6 (1971), Vol. 32 Nos. 3, 4 (1972), Vol. 33 Nos. 3, 4 (1973), Vol. 35 No. 6 (1975), Vol. 36 Nos. 2, 4, 6 (1976), Vol. 38 Nos. 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 6 (1978), Vol. 39 Nos. 4, 5, 6 (1979), Vol. 41 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/6 (1981), Vol. 42 Nos. 3, 4 (1982), Vol. 43 Nos. 4, 6 (1983), Vol. 45 Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6 (1985), Vol. 46 Nos. 4, 5, 6 (1986), Vol. 47 Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (1987), Vol. 49 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1989), Vol. 50 No. 2 (1990)

Toadstool Wine.   (1975)

Tocsin.   (1977)

To Eat a Peach. (August 1982)

To Hell with Osffa!

Tokyo Shanghai Wichita Express, The. (Oct. 1974)

Tolkien Journal.   Nos. 9 (1968), 10 (1969), 11 (1970), 15 (1972)

Tolkien Society.  

Tomorrow.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 3 (1937), 4 (1938)

Tomorrow and...   Nos. 1, 2 (1968), 4 (1969), 5, 6, 7 (1971), 8 (1972), 9 (1973)

Tomorrow on the March.   (1946)

Tompkins, Suzanne V.  

Tom's House of Info.   No. 28 (1971)

Tom Swift.   No. 2


Tonkwhistle. No. 143 (Dec. 1981)

Toonerville Trolley.

Toothof the Vicious Rabbit, The.

To Paradise by Way of Kensal Green.

Torcon.   No. 1



Toronto the Ghood.   (Sept. 1988)

Total Effect.   No. 2

Totally Hot - Bob Vardeman.   No. 115

Totally Wired - Victor Gonzalez.   No. 1 (June 1984)

To the Bucket Brigade.   No. 1 (1947)

To the Stars.   Nos. 0, 1 (1983)

To Those Who Wait.   No. 8 (1943)

Touch and Go.   No. 197.5 (July 1986)

Touchstone (Bob Sourk).   No. 2 (June 1970)

Tournaments Illuminated.   Nos. 14, 15 (1970), 26 (1973)

To Whom It May Concern.

To Whom It May Consoyn. (December 1986)

Tow-Line, The.

Toward Tomorrow - James Kepner.   Nos. 1 (1944), 3 (n.d.), 4 (n.d.)

Toward Yesterday - James Kepner.   No. 1 (Dec. 1945)

Tower of Evil, The. (Feb. 1982)

Tower Trivia. 

TPZ. No. 36 

Tracks of the Revenant. No. 14(August 1981), 26 (Jan. 1983)


Trail of Four Cities.   (1980)

Tranquilium.   No. 1 (1975)

Transatlantic Owl Hurrah! Hurrah! No. 11

Transgalaxis.   (1975)


Transmission.   No. 1

Transponder.   (1975)

Transylvanian Boogie.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Transylvanian Brain Surgery.   No. 3 (1974)

Trap Door.   Nos. 1 (1983), 3 (1984), 4, 5 (1985), 6 (1986), 7 (1987), 8 (1988), 9 (1990), 10 (1991), 11 (1992), 13 (1993), 14 (1994), 15 (1995), 16 (1996), 17 (1997), 18 (1998), 19 (1999), 20 (2000), 21 (2002)

Box 87

Trash Barrel. (May, 1988), (June, 1990), (Sep. 1990), (Dec. 1990), (August, 1998) 

Travelling Midget. No. 1

Traveling Time Step.   Nos. 1 (1977), 3 (1978), 4 (1979)

TRC.   No. 19

Treading in the Dust.  

Tree Rings for the Elven Kings.  

Tree Toads.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Trending.   Nos. 1, 2 (1987)

Treponema Pallidum.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2

Tribes.   No. 1

Trifle. No.1

Trill.   (1973)

Trillium. No. 3 (Jan. 1982), 4 (March 1982)

Trinary.   (1981)

Tripe Picker's Journal.   Vol. 1 No. 1

Triode.   Nos. 19, 20 (1974), 21, 22 (1975), 23, 24 (1976), 25, 26 (1977)

Triplanetary.   Vol. 3 No. 1

Tripping Tangles.  

Triton.   Nos. 1, 2

Trivializing Pigeons. 

Trivia. No. 4 (Feb. 1976) 

Trivia Anyone?.

Trivia Quarterly.   No. 2 (1982)

Troll.   Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9


Truck. No. 7, 8, 9, 10

True Lust Romances.   No. 14 (Sept. 1972)


Trugid Yeomep! Quodur Detinarogiparstsh.

Trumpet.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1965), 4 (1966), 5, 6 (1967), 7, 8 (1968), 9, 10 (1969), 11, (1974)

Truth.   No. 1 (!972)

Trying to Reason With Hurricane Season.

Trypod.   Nos. 1 (1967), 2 (1968)

Tsar.   Nos. 2, 3, 4 (1979)

Tschaï.   No. 3 (1976)

TSW.   Vol. 2 No. 7 (1987)

Tubular Bells.   No. 51

Tucker Bag.   Nos. 0.5, 3, 4, 6 (1974), 7 (1975)

Turkish Delights.   No. 1 (1972)

Turning Worm.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972)

Turpitude.   Nos. 1 (Jan. 1982), 2 (March 1982), 3 (May 1982), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1972), 10, x-1, 16 (1973), 23 (1984),  (Jan.1985), (March 1985), (Sept. 1985)

T.V. Chariot.   No. 9/10 (1979)

Twa Corbies.   No. 3 (1973)

Twas Ever Thus.   Nos. 2 (1971), 3 (1972)

Tweek.   Nos. 27, 28

Twentieth Century Unlimited.   No. 12 (1976)

Twenty Tough Titanic Teutonic Teetotalers.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1973)

Twibbit/Twibbet.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (n.d.), 3 (Oct. 1971), 4 (n.d.), 5 (Jan. 1973), 6 (Oct. 1974), 7 (1975), 13 (n.d.), 14 (n.d.)

Twilight Echoes.   No. 5 (1945)

Twilight Zine, The.   Nos. 18 (1966), 21, 22 (1967), 24, 25 (1971), 26 (1972), 27 (1973), 28 (1974), 34, 35

Twilit Grotto, The.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (n.d.), 4 (1983)

Twiltone Zone.   Nos. 1, 2, 3

Twilltone Zone, The.   Nos. 2, 9

TWLL-DDU.   Nos. 3, 4, 5 (1976), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1977), 13 (1978), 16, (1979)

Two Fingers.   No. 1

Two Magicians.  

2000 A.D..  

Twylight.   Nos. 1 (1967), 2 (1968)


Tylwyth Teg. No. 30, 53, 58, 62,79, 83, 86 (March 1977), 87, 90, 91, 100, 111, 119, 157

Tympany.   Vol. 1 Nos. 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18 (1947)

Tyndallite.   Vol. 1 No. 7 (1987)

Typo.   Nos. 1, 2 (1978), 4, 5, 6, 7 (1979), 8, 9 (1980)

Tyrann.   No. 7

U & U.

U.A.P.A.A.   No. 29 (1985)   

UBC Science Fiction Society Newsletter.   No. 2 (1971), 3 (1972)

Uchujin.   Nos. 172, 173, 174, 175, 176

UFOIC Newsletter.   No. 34 (1972)

Ugly Duckling.   Nos. 4, 5 (1976), Supplements 5, 6

Uh.   (1945)

Ukulele.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1986)

Ultharian, The.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 4 (1982), Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2 (1983)

Ultra.    Vol. 1 No. 4

Ultra Dumb.   (1980)

Umbra.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Umbral.   Nos. 2, 3 (1978)

Unabashed Plug.   No. 1

Unasked Opinion.   Nos. 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

Box 88

Unca John's Mailing Comments.   No. 6

Uncanny Cameloid Proclivities.  

Uncle Dick's Little Thing.   Nos. 3, 4, 5 (1982), 7, 8, 9 (1984), 10 (1985)

Uncle Gordon's Comics and Stories.   No. 1 (1972)

Uncle Hugo's SF Bookstore.   (June 1981), (Sept. 1981)

Undinal Songs.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2 (1982), 6 (1983)

Undry.   No. 1

Undulant Fever.   Nos. 2 (1975), 3, 4 (1979), 5 (1980), 6 (1981), 7 (1982), 8 (1983), 9 (1984), 10 (1986), 11 (1987)


Unfold.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972)

Unger, Len - Rare Books.  

Unicorn.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1 (1970), 2 (1972), 3, 4, 5 (1973)

Unifan.   Nos. 1 (1978), 2 (1979)

Unillustrated Bi-Monthly Funnies, The. No. 3 (Sep. 1972)

Union.   Vol. 2 No. 3 (1973)

Unique Tales.   No. 1 (1974)

Univax and Unicorns.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975)

Universal Hound.  

Universe.   No. 3 (1974)

Universes in Science Fiction.   Vol. 1 (1976), 2 (1976)

Universe SF Review.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1975)

Unknown.   No. 2

Unknown Index.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1939)

Unlikely Situations.   No. 187

Unmitigated Barf.

Unmutual.   No. 1

Unnamable.   Nos. 1 (1973), 8 (1975)

Un–Named. No. 3, 35

Unofficial.   (1980)

Unquiet.   No. 40 (1982)

Unreal.   No. 4 (1975)

Unteleology Illustrated

Unteleported Fan.   No. 7 (1988)

Unter Helios.   Nos. 2 (n.d.), 2.5 (n.d.), 3 (1974)

Unworldly.   (June 1974)

Uranian.   Nos. 3 (1970), 4 (1971), 5 (1972)

Useless Diatribe.   No. 2 (1976)

Utopia.   No. 1 (1945)

Utopia Unlimited.   Nos. 1, 2 (1976)

Utopian.   Nos. 5 (1951), 7 (1952)

Vagabond.   Nos. 1, 2 (1955)

Vagary.   No. 30 (1975), 31, 32 (1976)



Valapa.   No. 62 (1968)

Vampire - Joe Kennedy.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1945), 5, 6 (1946), 9 (1947)

VANAPA.   No. 8

Vanations.   Nos. 3 (1952), 5 (1953)

Vance, Jack: The Many Worlds of.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1977), 2 (1978)

Van Gogh Never Had an Airbrush.

Van Houten Says.   Vol. 3 No. 5 (1939)

Vanishing Point.   Nos. 1, 2 (1977)

Vapa: Vanguard Amateur Press Association. Vol. 1 No. 1 (1945)

Vardeman, Bob.  

Varona.   No. 18 (1981)

Vaslovik Archives.   No. 2 (1977)

Vault of Tomorrow 7-12 (January 1985 - June 1987). Gift of Lorna Minor.

Box 89

Vault of Tomorrow 10-12. Gift of Lorna Minor.

VCF.   No. 4 (1977), 6 (1978)

V-Con.   Nos. 7, 8

Vector.   Nos. 5, 6 (1959), 8 (1960), 59, 60, 61, 62 (1972), 63, 64, 65, 66 (1973), 67/68 (1974), 80, 81, 82 (1977), 87, 88, 89, 90 (1978), 91, 92, 95, 96 (1979), 97, 98 (1980)

Venenation. No. 3

Venom.   No. 1

Venus.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1944)

Venus in Conjuction. (March 1981)

Vermillon Flycatcher.   No. 2 (1964)

Vert.   Nos. 1 (1975), 2 (1976), 3, 4 (1977)

Vertere.   (1936)


Vertigo.   Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29

Very Ordinary Month, A. No. 40.

Vew Nenture.  

Vibrator.   Nos. 3, 4

Video Fantastique.  

Viewpoint [filed Oversize Box]

Views, Reviews, and Miscellany. No. 1 (Feb. 1976), No. 2 (May 1976)

Viking Wants You.

Village Idiot.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1966), 4 (1967)

Vimania.   No. 2 (1968)

Vinegar Worm.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 7, 11


Vintage Collectibles.   Nos. 7 (1984), 10, 11, 12, 13 (1985), 25 (1986)

Virgins of Outer Space.  

Vision.   Nos. 1 (1943), 2 (1944)

Visions of Paradise.   Nos. 9 (1974), 88, 89 (2001), 90, 91, 92 (2002)

Vision of Tomorrow.  

Visions.   No. 3 (1977)

Voarchadumia.   No. 3

Voice.   Vol. 4 No. 3.75 (1970)

Voice of the Generations.   Vol. 1 No. 4 (1975)

Voice of the Imagi-nation [filed Oversize Box]

Voice of the Lobster, The.   Nos. 1, 2, 5/6

Voices in the Dark.  

Voice of Mercury, The.

Voidstaff Bulletin. Vol. 2 No. 30 (August 1976)  

Vojo de Vivo.   No. 1

Victor P. Koman.

Viol, Le.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, Pi, 4, 17

Volta.   No. 5 (1979)

Vom (see Voice of the Imagi-nation)

Vombiteur, Le.   Nos. 21 (1939), 28, 30, 31 (1940)

Vorpal.   Nos. 2, 3, 5

Vorpal Sword.   Nos. 2 (1969), 3 (1970)

Vortex.   No. 1 (1947)

Vor-Zap [filed Oversize Box]

Voting Packet.   (1984)

Vox.   No. 1 (1988)

Voyage.   Nos. 1 (1969), 2 (nd), 3 (1974)

Voyager Bulletin.   No. 80 (1986)

Voyeur, The.   Vol. 3 No. 4 (1977)

Vulcan.   Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8

Wabbit Twacks.   No. 3

Wabe.   Nos. 2, 3 (2001)

Waddlers in the Sky.

Box 90

Wahf-Full - Jack R. Herman, Australia.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1979), 4, 5 (1980), 6, 7 (1981), 8, 9, 10 (1982), 11, 12 (1983), 13, 14 (1984), 15.5 (1985), 16, 17 (1986), 19 (1987)

Wahrschinlichkeitsrechnung.   No. 2 (1987)

Wait for the Ricochet.   No. 7

Waiting for Gomot.

Waiting for the Mad Scientist.   No. 7

Waldo.   Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Walker Watchword.   (Fall 1969), (Fall 1971)

Walk Over our Foundry.  

Walls Have Eyes, the Bass Have Shoes.   (July 1982)

Walpurgis.   (1966)

Walsh Watusi, The.   (1976)

Walt Disney's Donald Duck.  

Walt Disney's Epcot Center.  (1982)

Waltine Summer of 1970.   No. 5

Walt's Wramblings.  

Wandering About from Place to Place.   No. 1 (1976)

Wanderwood. No. 24

Wapa Mlg. No. 20 (Jan. 1982)

Warehouse-D. Gary Grady.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972), 4 (1975), 5 (1977)

Warhoon-Richard Bergeron.   Nos. 2 (1952), 20 (1964), 22 (1965), 23, 24, 25 (1968), 26 (1969), 27 (1970), 29 (1981)

Wark.   Nos. 1 (nd), 5 (1975), 14 (1979)

Warm Heart Pastry.   Nos. 1, 1.5, 2, 3

Warped Mind.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1973)

Wart.   No. 1

WASFFAN.   No. 21 (1982)

Washed to Sea.   (1982)

Washington Area Filmmaker's League.   No. 18 (1978)

Washington SF Newsletter.   Nos. 1, 2, 9 (1975)

Waste Paper.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (1972), 8 (1977)

Watership Down.  

Way Out Worlds.   No. 2

Way Station.   No. 3 (1973)

W'Basket.   No. 2 (1962)

Weaker Moments.   Nos. 259, 285, 288, 289

We are the Dark Horde.  

Webberts.   (1968)

Weber Woman's Wrevenge.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1981), 5, 6 (1982) Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1983), 4, 5, 6 (1984), Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2 (1984), 4 (1985), Vol. 8 No. 6 (1997), Vol. 9 Nos. 1 (1998), 3, 5 (2000)

We Came in Through the Taffroom Window.  

Wedding, The.  

Weekend in LA.

Weeks Folded Up Their Tired Frames and Went to Sleep in the Cemetary of Time.     

Weft of the Sun.

Weinstein, Elst.  

Weirdbook.   Nos. 1 (1968), 2 (1969), 3 (1970), 4 (1971), 5 (1972), 6, 7 (1973), 8 (1974), 9 (1975), 10 (1976), 11, 12 (1977), 14 (1979)

Weird Fantasy.   Nos. 2 (1958), 21 (nd)

Weird Menace.   (1972)

Weird Tails.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1971), 2, 3 (1975)

Weird Tales.  

Weltanschauung.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975), 3 (1976)

We Made it!

Wendigo.   No. 1 (1965)

Wersgor's Anathema.   No. 2 (1980)

West Coast Writers Conspiracy.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1977)

Westercon.   Nos. 23 (1970), 26 (1973), 27 (1974), 28 (1975), 30 (1977), 31 (1978), 33 (1980), 34 (1981), 36 (1983), 37 (1984), 38 (1985), 39 (1986), 40 (1987)

Western Pennsylvania Phoenix.   Vol. 8 No. 10 (1978)

Westmarch Chronicle, The.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1977), Vol. 2 No. 2 (1978)

West of Minster's Library.   No. 5 (1980)

Box 91

Westwind.   Nos. 17, 18, 20, 22, 23 (1978), 24 (1979), 25, 26, 30 (1979), 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 (1980), 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55 (1981), 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 (1982), 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 (1983), 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 (1984), 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 (1985), 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112(1986), 113, 114 (1987), 125, 127, (1988)

We've Had a Number of Changes Around Here Lately.   (1976)


What Can A Thetan Think? No. 268 (Feb. 1977), 269 (Feb. 1977), 292  

What Do You Do with a Drunken Wookiee? No. 5 (August 1977), 7 (August 1977)

What Do You Say to a Hairy Ombudsman?.  

Whatever.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4

Whatever's Faire

What the Postman Brought.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5(1976)

What's All This Then?.   (1978)

What's Going Down?.   (1980)

Whatsit.   No. 28 (1975)

What's New at the Wombat Works. No. 386 (August 1977), 388 (August 1977)

What the Hell Am I Going to Call this Mess? No. 4

Wheelwrightings.   No. 18 (1984)

When Le 'Matyas Sleep (October 1985). Gift of Lorna Minor.

When the Gods would Sup.   No. 4 (1962)

When Yngui Was a Louse.   (1982)

Where Does the Real Go When it's Gone?.   (1975)

Where Have All the Martians Gone?.   No. 1

Where to Eat in Boston.   (1971)

Where Were We. No. 34.

Whichness of the Why.   No. 1

Whimsey.   Nos. 1, 2 (1983), 3, 4 (1985), 5 (1986), 7 (1992)

Whispers.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4 (1974), 6-7, 8 (1975), 9 (1976), 10 (1977)

Whispers from Yoggoth.   Nos. 2 (1982), 3 (1983)

White Buffalo Reviews.   No. 12 (1982)

White Cliffs of Los Angeles , The.  

White Hole, The.   No. 2 (1981)

White Noise.   Nos. 5, 6, 10, 11, 12

White Paper, The.   No. 12 (1974)

White Pelican.   (Autumn 1974)

White Space.   No. 1 (1978)

White Trash.   Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2 (1995)

Whiz Funnies-Garth Danielson.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (1977), 3 (1978)

Whizzard.   Nos. 10 (1977), 12 (1979), 13 (1980)

Who?.   No. 1

Who is that Idiot on the West Coast?.   No. 17 (1974)

Whole Fanzine Catalog, The.   Nos. 3, 4, 5 (1978), 6/7, 8, 10, 11/12, 13 (1979), 14/15, 16, 17 (1980), 18/19, 20, 21 (1981), 22/23/24/25 (1982), 26 (1985), 29 (1989)

Wholly Berry.   (2000)

Whoopsey.   (1985)

Why Go to Alaska?.   (1981)

Widdershinns.   No. 1 (1981), 2 (Dec. 1981)

Widening Gyre.   (June 1997)

Wide Turn on a Narrow Street.

Widgett.   No. 23, 33

Wigtonian.   No. 1 (1970)

Wild Colonial Boy, The.   No. 17 (1987)

Wild Fennel [filed Oversize Box]

Wildfire.   No. 6

Box 92

Wild Heirs.   Nos. 2, 3

Wild Moose Over the Little Dipstick.  

Wild 'N Wooly.   No. 1 (1964)

William Rotsler.

Willis Plays Vegas.

Willow Winding Path. No. 2

Wimpy Zone Warrior.   (Jan. 1985)

Wind Love

Windfall Prophet.   Nos. 15, 18 (1976), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (1977), 30 (1978)

Winding Numbers - Randall Reichardt, Canada.   Nos. 1, 2 (1975), 3, 4, 4.5 (1976), 5 (1977), 5.5, 6 (1978), 7 (1984)

Windhaven.   Nos. 1, 2 (1977), 3, 4 (1978), 5 (1979)

Windus Science Fiction.

Windyapa.   No. 12   

Windycon.   Nos. 3, 4, 5

Wine and Brownies.  

Wing Window.   Nos. 1 (1981), 2, 3, 4 (1982), 7 (1984), 9 (1986), 10 (1987), 11 (1988)

Wing Your Way with. No. 32.

Winners & Sinners.

Winnie.   Vol. 2 No. 8,  Vol. 4 Nos. 3 (1969), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (1970) Vol. 5 No. 1 (1970)

Winnie the P.O.O.   Vol. 2 Nos. 4, 6, 7 (1968), 11(1969)

Windlore.   Vol. 1 Nos. 2, 4


Winter. No. 35.

Winter Solstice Greeting.  

Wiscon.   Nos. 6 (1982), 8 (1984)

Witch and the Chameleon.   Nos. 1, 2 (1974), 3 (1975)

Witchcraft & Sorcery.   Nos. 6 (1971), 7, 8, 9 (1972), 10 (1974)

Witdip Special.   Nos. 5, 10 (1964)

With Elinor and Bubbles in Coldest England and Ireland.   (1981)

Without Glee.  

With the Red Queen Before Us.

Wiz.   Nos. 4 (1983), 12 (1984)

Wizard-Hill.  Nos. 2, 3 (1966), 4 (1967)

Wizard-Steffan.   Nos. 1, 3 (1972)

Wizard and Us-William Rotsler.   (1966)

Wizard and Warrior.   No. 1 (1965)

Wm Breiding's Highly Eccentric Guide. (1990)

Wofan.   No. 27 (1986)

Wokl.   Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Wollongong Pig-Breeder's Gazette.   No. 5 (1995)

Woman in White, The. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Woman's Realm.   No. 9 (1993)

Wombat.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Women and Men (WAM).   Nos. 5, 6 (1975), 7 (1980)

Wonder Gab.   Nos. 1, 13, 14, 15, 20 (1973)

Wonder Point.   No. 1

Wonder Stories.   No. 7

Wonder World aka: Graphic Story Magazine.   Vol. 3 No. 1 (Aug. 1973)

Wondering and Wandering.   Nos. 1 (1989), 5 (1994)

Wondering Wanderers.   (1974)

Wonderous Stories.   No. 12 (Sept. 1979)

Wood, Susan-The Best of.   (Oct. 1982)

Wooden Indian.   Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7

Wooden Nickel-Arnie Katz.   Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (1973)

Wooden Ships.   No. 1

Woodfield Station.   No. 4 (1972)

Woof.   Nos. 1 (1976), 2 (1977), 3 (1978), 4 (1979), 6 (1981), 7 (1982)


Word for the World Is Twiltone.   No. 1

Word of Mouth.   Vol. 1 No. 5 (1983)

Words in the Trees. (August 1982)

Wordworks.   Nos. 6, 7

Works.   No. 2 (1979)

World According to Garth.   Nos. 2, 5, 6 (1983), 9, 10, 11 (1984), 12 (1985), 13, 14, 15 (1986)

World Animation Society.  

World Tales.

Worlds of Corflu.   No. 4 (1987)

World SF Newsletter.   Nos. 4 (1981), 5 (1982)

World Space Federation, Inc.   No. 4

Worlds Beyond.   No. 11 (1980)

World-Tribune Insider, The.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1988)

Wraith.   No. 17 (1962)

Wretch Takes to Writing.   Nos. 1 (1978), 5 (1980), 7 (1982)

Wrinkled Shrew.   Nos. 6 (1976), 7 (1977)

Write Now.  

Writers Digest, September 1973, January 1975

Writers' Exchange.   No. 2 (1965)

Writers News.   No. 2 (1978)

Written in Blood.   No. 2 (1981), 4 (Dec. 1990)

WRR.   Vol. 4 Nos. 1, 2

WSA/WRB.   (April 1978)

Box 93

WSFA Journal.   Nos. 38, 50 (1967), 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 (1968), 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 (1969), 71, 72, 73, 74 (1970), 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 (1971), 81 (1973), 86, 87 (1976), 88 (1977)

Wurlitzer.   Nos. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 (1978)

Wurmstichig.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 Vol. 2 No. 1

WWW-Weird Winston Tales.   No. 30

Wylde Star.  Vol. 1 No. 1

Wyknot.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1975), 4, 5

Wyrd.   Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4 (1974), 5 (1975), 6 (1976), 8 (1980)

Xaltotun's Toe.    No. 4

Xenium.   Vol. 1 No. 2 (1973), Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2 (1973), 3, 4 (1974), 5 (1975), 6 (1976), 7, 11 (1978), 12 (1979), 65 (1986)


Xenolith.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 (1977), 3, 4, 5 (1978), 6 (1978); Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1979), 4 (1980); Vol. 3 Nos. 1, 2 (1980), 3, 5, 6 (1981)

Xenon.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1944)

Xenophile.   Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1974), 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (1975), 21, 24 (1976), 30, 31, 32, 33, 35

Box 94

Xenophile.  Nos.  36 (1977), 38, 40 (1978), 42 (1979), 44 (1980)



X-Phile, The.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1994), Vol. 2 No. 6 (1996)

X-Ray Delta One.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (special edition), 1, 2, 3, 4 (1971), 5, 6 (1972)

Xrymph.   No. 2  (1971)

Yaazz-Dave Hulvey.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972)

Yandro (#114-216): (Wabash, IN). Robert & Juanita Coulson, eds. #92 (September 1960); #114 (July 1962); #136 (May 1964); #140; #141; #143 to #152; #154 to #173; #174 (September 1967; 2 copies with differing covers); #175 to #179; #181 May-June 1968) to #195 (January-February 1970); #199 (August 1970); #201 (October 1970); #204 (February 1971); #207 (June 1971) to #210 (October 1971); #212 January 1972) to #223 (October 1973); #226 April 1974) to #228 (September 1974); #230; #236; #238 (December 176) to #258 (December 1984).

Box 95

Yandro (#217-259)

Yankee's Revenge.   No. 1 (June 1979)

YCZ.   Nos. 1 (1978), 3 (1979)

Ydmos.   Nos. 1 (nd), 5 (Oct. 1976), 7 (April 1977)

Ydric.   No. 1 (Fall 1955?)

Yearnings.   (1982)

Yellow Balloon.   Nos. 4, 5, 6 (1972)

Yellow Dog.   Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1968)

Yellow Out of Space, The.   No. 1

Yellow Pages, The.  

Yellow Pages of Star Trek.   No. 12 (July 1975)

Yellow Sheete.   No. 1

Ye Olde Mailing Comments.

Yerba Mate.  

Yesterday.   Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1970)

Yesterday and Today.

Yesterdays and Tomorrow.  

Yew Tree Inn.   No. 1 (Fall 1976)

Ye Yowlings of Yog-Sothoth.    Vol. 1 Nos. 1 (1981), 3 (1982), portfolio (nd)

Yezidee.   3 issues (nd), (Spring 1976), (April 1978)

Yhos-Widner, Art.   Nos. 2 (1941), 12 (1944), 25, 26 (1983), 27, 28 (1984), 34, 37 (1986), 40 (1987), 44 (1988), 46, 47 (1989), 48, 49 (1990), 50, 51 (1991), 52 (1992), 53 (1993)

Yngui's Revenge.   No. 1

Yokneam Yapping. 

You Are Now Leaving the Emergency Airlock. Thank you for Observing Leftover Comments.  

You Can Lift My Wings Softly to Fly-Fred Haskell.

Your Choice.

Your Humble Obedient Servant. No. 22

Your Mind Was So Far Gone That I Felt if I Should Succeed With You, My Control of the Clones Would Be Successful!.   No. 1

YSFRG Newsletter.    No. 1 (1960)

YT.   Nos. 1 (1980), three issues (1981), one issue (1982)

Yugoslavian Folkdance, The.   (1969)


Zap Comix.  

Zappit.   Nos. 1 (nd), 3 (1981)

Zarfhaana.   Nos. 22 (1982), 24, 25 (1983)

Zealook.   Nos. 1, 3 (1978), 4, 5 (1979)

Zealoc.   Nos. 2, 2.8

Zealot.   Nos. 1, 2

Zed.   Nos. 1, 2 (1981), 3 (1982)

Zeen.   Vol. 1 Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(1970), 12, 13 (1971)  Vol. 2 Nos. 1, 2, 3 (1972)

Zeer Ox Zine.   Vol. 1 No. 1 (1973)


Zeitgeist Gap.   (1992)

Box 96

Zeke the Geek's Theater of Weirdness.   (1984)

Zen and the Art of Mailing Comments.   No. 28 (1982)

Zero of Ten.   (1968)

Ziggurat.   No. 2 (1976)

Zine Fan, The

Zine From the Waiting List

Zimbabwe SF Association.   Nos. 4, 5 (1981)

Zimri-Lisa Conesa.   Nos. 1 (1971), 2, 3 (1972), 4, 4.5 (1973), 5, 6 (1974), 7 (1975), 8 (1976)

Zine, The.   (February 1995)

Zine Fan, The.   No. 1 (Dec. 1974)

Zine From The Waiting List.   No. 1 (May 1980)

Zine of the Crime.   No. 1 (Nov. 1974)

Zine Review.   Nos. 1, 2

Zinerevzine.   No. 1

Zinergy.   (May 1981)

Zine That Has No Name.   Nos. 2, 3

Zine That Would Be Nameless, The.

Zine With no Name, The.  

Zingaro.   Nos. 2, 3, 4


Zlewwy.   No. 3 (Aug. 1963)

Zippy Stories.   (1977)

Zombie, Le. Bloomington, IL. 1939- . #1, 2 (2 copies);3; 8; 10 (3 copies); 11; 12; 13; 14 (2 copies); 15; 16 (2 copies); 17; 18; 1939 Convention Issue; 19; 25; 26; 27; 27 1/2; 29; 35; 36; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 50; 51 (4th Anniversary Issue, January 1943); 52; 53; 54; 55 (2 copies); 56; 57 (2 copies); 1944 Fanzine Yearbook (pamphlet); 58; 59; 60 (2 copies); 61; 63; 67 (Koala & Kangeroo Edition, November 1975).

Zootibar.   (1974)

Zooworld.   (Nov. 1974)

Zosma.   Vol. 1 Nos. 5, 11, 12 (1978), 14 (1979), Vol 2. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1981)

Zot!.   Nos. 1, 2 (1971), 3, 4 (1972)

Zounds.   No. 3

Zugzwang.   Nos. 1 (1993), another from (1995)

Zylphing.   Nos. 4, 5, 6 (1975)

Zymurgy.   Vol. a, e, f, j, k,

Zymur-Worm.   Nos. 20g, 21h, 22i



Astral Fan Tales

British Fanzine Society

Il Fumetto


Pablo Lennis


Voice of the Imagi-nation


Wild Fennel

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