Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

University Serials and Journals Collection
RG 01.09.02
Collection Dates: 1880- ; bulk, 1900-
160 linear ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials have been transferred to the University Archives at various times. Guide posted to the Internet March 2008.

Photographs: None, excepting published photographs in numerous titles.

University of Iowa Service Bulletin, 1934
University of Iowa Service Bulletin, 1934

Scope and Contents

The University Serials and Journals Collection consists of over 200 University-produced publications, past and current, reflecting a wide range of academic and campus-related activity. Each entry below represents one title and includes, where appropriate and available, date span, alternate titles, and annotations about its content.

Each entry represents a full or partial set of the publication. Not all editions of each publication have been consistently transferred to the Archives over time, as practices have varied among creating offices. Where available, the name of the University-based creating office, unit, department or college is included in brackets following the title.

These publications are arranged alphabetically by title in the Archives' serials and journals section. Titles followed by a Library of Congress classification number in bold are in the adjacent Archives' cataloged section.

Related Materials

University Directories collections (RG 01.07)

General Catalogues Collection (RG 01.08)

State University of Iowa Bulletin and Publications Collection (RG 01.09.01)

Student-Produced Publications and Newsletters Collection (RG 02.05)

Yearbooks and Student Newspapers collections (RG 02.10 and RG 02.11)

Student Guides and Handbooks Collection (RG 02.12)

Box Contents List

Academic Opportunities at Iowa - LD2562 .U55

Accessions [Museum of Art]
    (1970- )

Adding Life to Years [Institute of Gerontology]

Aims and Progress of Research [Graduate College and other sources; title is a sub-series of University of Iowa Studies] - AS36 .I6

American Prefaces : A Journal of Critical and Imaginative Writing [School of Journalism and School of Letters]

Announcement: College of Engineering

----. College of Pharmacy

----. Graduate College

----. College of Liberal Arts

----. College of Homeopathic Medicine

----. Dental Department

----. College of Law

Annual Report [Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research; CGRER] - HC79.E5 U57

Annual Report [Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health, University of Iowa] - S565 .I68

Annual Report [State Hygienic Laboratory, University of Iowa] - RA428.3 .I8

Annual Report [University of Iowa Libraries] - Z733.U858 U55

Annual Report: Department of Special Support Services

----. Committee on Institutional Cooperation

----. Coordinator of Automated Library Services

----. Institute of Urban and Regional Research

----. Division of Physical Education

----. Department of Orthopedic Surgery

Annual SUI Geology Club Field Trip

Applied History (Iowa Applied History Series)

Archives of Speech [Department of Speech]

ASA/Census Working Paper [Institute of Urban and Regional Research]

At Your Service [Facilities Services Group]

Athelney Book [Athelney Club]
     (1914-1919; undergraduate poetry and prose)

Basketball, the University of Iowa [University of Iowa Sports Information Office] - GV886 .B37

Big Ten

Big Ten Records Book
    (1948- ; alternate titles: Big Ten Men's Records Book, Big Ten Conference Records Book)

Bindings [Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries]    
    (1997- )

Books at Iowa [Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries]

Bulletin: College of Homeopathic Medicine

----. Laboratories of Natural History

----. Studies in Natural History

----. Institute of Agricultural Medicine

----. School of Political and Social Science

----. Museum of Art

Campus Review
     (1985-1994; alternate title: National Conservative Student Review; see also: Hawkeye Review, 1983-1984, in Student-produced Publications and Newsletters Collection, RG 02.05)

Cancer in Iowa [Iowa Cancer Epidemiology Research Center]

Catalog of Art Exhibitions [Festival of the Arts]

Chemistry Newsletter [Department of Chemistry]

Civil War History [Department of History]

College of Education Series

Continuing Medical Education: Annual Report

Course-Instructor Evaluation [Student Evaluation Service]

Crisis and the Arts, A History of Dada : The Newsletter [School of Art and Art History]
    (1993- )

December [December Arts Society]
     (1958-1959; creative writing magazine)

Dental FYI [College of Dentistry]

Dental Link [College of Dentistry]
    (1982- ; alumni news)

Directory of Living Graduates [Alumni Association]

Discussion Paper Series [Department of Geography]
    (1966?- )

Drug Letter [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]

EMS Update [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Emergency Medical Services Learning Resources Center]

Earthwords [Associated Residence Halls]
     (1981- ; prose, poetry and artwork by undergraduate students)

Eclectic [School of Library and Information Science]

Exchanges [Translation Workshop]

Exhibition [Center for New Performing Arts]

Experimental Research in the Psychology of Music
     (1970-1975; alternate title: Studies in the Psychology of Music)

Extension Division Bulletin
    (1916- ; alternate title: SUI Extension Bulletin)

Faculty Exhibition [Museum of Art]
    (1982- )

Field Hockey [University of Iowa Sports Information Office] - GV1017.H7 H39

Financial Report [University of Iowa] - LD2553 .A3
     (1921- ; alternate titles: Financial Report, Report of the Secretary for the Year Ending June 30 ...)

     (1950-1951; student humor and literary magazine)

Formulary and Handbook [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]

Forum International [Department of Russian]

Free Environment [Activities Center, Iowa Memorial Union]
     (alternate titles: Free Environment / Chinook Winds, Free Environment Magazine, Free Environment Monthly,     Free Environment Newsletter)

     (1919-1953; student humor and literary magazine)

Fusion [Department of Physics]
     (alternate title: Physics News)

Gray Hawk [Faculty and Staff Retirees Association]

Guides for Clerks [Institute of Public Affairs]
    (1966- )

Handbook of Dental Health Education for the Elementary Teacher [Dental Hygiene Program]
    (1947- )

     (1950-1951; poetry and prose by students enrolled in creative writing programs)

     (1910; student humor magazine)

HawkScripts [College of Pharmacy]


Hawk Wings
     (1924-1930; alternate title: Iowa Literary Magazine)

Hawkeye Regimental Review [ROTC]
    (1934; military service)

Headlining America  SEE: News Stories

Health at Iowa [University of Iowa Health Care.  Replaces Pacemaker and Well and Good.]

   (2010- )

Health Care Research Series [Graduate Program in Hospital and Health Administration]

Honorable Mention [University of Iowa Honors Program]
    (2001- )

In Service [School of Social Work]


Independent Higher Education

Information Series [Bureau of Labor and Management]

International Accents [International Programs]
    (2000- )

Iowa Alumni Magazine [Alumni Association]
    (2000- )

Iowa Alumni Quarterly [Alumni Association]

Iowa Alumni Review [Alumni Association]

Iowa Alumnus [Alumni Association]

Iowa Business Digest [Bureau of Business Research]

Iowa Business Calculator
     (alternate title: Iowa Business Educator)

Iowa City [Activities Center, Iowa Memorial Union]
     (Author is the Free Environment Magazine)

Iowa City Catalyst
     (1968-1969; literary magazine)

Iowa Climber [Iowa Mountaineers]
     (alternate titles: Iowa Mountaineer, Iowa Mountaineers Journal)

Iowa Counselor's Guide [Office of the Registrar]

Iowa Dental Bulletin

Iowa Economic Forecast [Institute for Economic Research]
    (1983- )

Iowa English Bulletin

Iowa English Yearbook - PE1065.I6
     (alternate title: ICTE Yearbook)

Iowa Executive MBA: Participant Roster [College of Business] - LD2579.5.B47 U55

Iowa Foreign Language Bulletin [Extension Division]

Iowa Guide : Scholarly Journals in Mass Communication and Related Fields [Iowa Center for Communication Study, School of Journalism and Mass Communication]
    (1987- )

Iowa High School Music Festival
    (1926- )

Iowa International Papers [Center for International and Comparative Studies]
    (1989- )

Iowa Journal of Literary Studies [Department of English] - LH1.I6 I57
    (1977- ; alternate title: Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies)

Iowa Journal of Social Work [School of Social Work]

Iowa Ledger [Department of Accounting, College of Business] - LH1.I6 I58
    (1982- )

Iowa Newspaper Desk Book [School of Journalism]

Iowa Nurse [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]
    (1981- )

Iowa Orthopaedic Journal [Department of Orthopaedics, College of Medicine] - RD701 .I68

Iowa Perinatal Letter [College of Medicine]
    (1980- )

Iowa Rag
     (1985- ; undergraduate creative arts)

Iowa Review [School of Letters]

Iowa State Liquor Store
     (1969-1971; student artwork and poetry)

Iowa Studies in African Art [School of Art and Art History]
    (1984- )

Iowa Studies in Business [Bureau of Business and Economic Research]

Iowa Tapes for Teaching [Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction]
    (1952- )

Iowa Testing Programs Occasional Papers [College of Education]
    (1973- )

Iowa Transit [College of Engineering]

It's About Time [Iowa City Center for Men]

Journal of Communication Inquiry [Center for Communication Study]
    (1974- )

Journal of General Education

Journal of Research for School Executives [College of Education]
    (1991- )

     (1925-1928; student poetry and prose under direction of Prof. Edwin Piper, Department of English)

Lab Hotline [State Hygienic Laboratory]

Lake Okoboji Audiovisual Leadership Conference: Summary Report of the Lake Okoboji Audiovisual Leadership Conference [Extension Division]

Legislative Studies Quarterly [Comparative Legislative Research Center]

Liberal Arts Review [College of Liberal Arts]

Literature and the Art of Writing [School of Letters] - PR53 .I8 .L5

Little Tin God on Wheels
     (1881; student literary publication)

Media Message [Center for Research in Educational Media Design]

Medigram [College of Medicine]

Micromegas [Department of English] - PN1010 .M53
     (1965-1966; undergraduate prose and poetry)

Mystics Quarterly [Department of English]
    (1984- )

Muses [Iowa Humanities Board for Public Programs]

El Nahuatzen [Chicano Indian American Cultural Center]
    (poetry and prose)

Nahuatzen, a Chicano Literary Magazine

News and Views for Iowa Latin Teachers [Department of Classics]

News Stories [School of Journalism]
    (1933-1934; alternate title: Headlining America)

Newsletter. Art and Art History, School of

----. Community College Affairs, Office of

----. Emergency Medical Services Learning Resources Center

----. History, Department of

----. Library and Information Science, School of

----. Naturally, Museum of Natural History (March 2001-December 2004)

----. New University Conference -HX1 .N5286

----. Pharmacy, College of
     (alternate title: College of Pharmacy News)

Newspaper in the Classroom [School of Journalism]

Noggin - xf PS571 .I8N6
     (1990-1992; student magazine)

Occasional Paper [Iowa Writing Project]

On Iowa
     (alternate title: University of Iowa News Bulletin)

On the Level [Facilities Services Group]

Oracle [Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils of the University of Iowa]
    (1967-1968; Greek life) - LJ41 .I83O7

Pacemaker [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]
    (1974- )

Pamoja [Black Student Union]
    (alternate titles: Challenger, New Challenger)

Papers of the Midwest Modern Language Association

Pavement [Threepenny Poetry]
    (1981-1986; contributors include Iowa Writers' Workshop participants)

     (alternate title: College of Education Newsletter)

Philological Quarterly [Department of English]

Pipeline [Department of Computer Science]
     (1974-1983; alternate title: Conduit)

Private Higher Education

Probe [College of Dentistry]
    (1969- )

Proceedings. Iowa Conference on Gerontology [Institute of Gerontology]

----. Pharmaceutical Alumni Association

----. Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula

----. Urban Policy Conference

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Iowa Housing and Redevelopment Association

Proceedings of the Institute on Preventive Psychiatry

Proceedings of the Iowa Power and Industrial Conference

Profile of Students Enrolled at the University of Iowa [Office of the Registrar]
    (1965- )


Quill and Scroll [School of Journalism]

Religious News Bulletin [School of Religion]

Report from the Laboratory for Political Research [Department of Political Science]
    (1965- )

Report. Student Health Department
    (1930- ; alternate name: Student Health Service)

----. Internal Medicine Annual Report [College of Medicine]

----. Iowa Child Welfare Research Station
    (1926-1950; alternate names: Annual Reports of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, Report of the Work of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, Report of Research in the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station)

----. Iowa Conference on Gerontology [Institute of Gerontology]

----. State Hygienic Laboratory - RA428.3.I8

Report of the Graduate College

Reports on Computational Mathematics [Department of Mathematics]
    (1989- )

Reprint. Center for Labor and Management

----. Iowa Urban Community Research Center
    (1961- )

Reprint Series. Laboratory for Political Research [Department of Political Science]

Research in Progress [Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College]
    (1985- ; alternate name: Research)

Research Report [Iowa Testing Programs; College of Education]

Research Report [Department of Physics and Astronomy]

Research Series [Bureau of Labor and Management]

SAMA News [Student American Medical Association chapter, College of Medicine]

SUI Quill [School of Journalism; Quill and Scroll Society]

SUI Staff Magazine [University Personnel Service] - LD2564.5 .S7
     (1950-1966; alternate titles: U of I Staff Magazine, Iowa Staff Magazine)

Science in Progress - Q171 .S36

Script - PS508.C6 S3
     (1941-1942; undergraduate poetry and prose)

Serials Currently Received [University Libraries] - Z6945 .U56

Social Development Issues [School of Social Work]

Softball, the University of Iowa [University of Iowa Sports Information Office] - GV881.3 .S64

Special Recreation Digest [Department of Physical Education]
    (1984- )

Spectator [University Relations]
     (1967- )

Staff Magazine
     (SEE: SUI Staff Magazine)

Staff Development
     (alternate title: Learning and Development)

Studies in Child Welfare [Iowa Child Welfare Research Station]

Studies in Engineering [College of Engineering] - TA7 .I85

Studies in the Social Sciences [College of Liberal Arts]

Swimming, the University of Iowa [University of Iowa Sports Information Office] - GV837.5 .S95

Technical Bulletin [Evaluation and Examination Service]
    (1948- )

Technical Report [Department of Computer Science]

Technology and the Spirit of Man [College of Engineering]
    (1968- )

L'Atelier [Department of Romance Languages]

Thunderhead [Army Air Forces Technical Training Command, Training Detachment, S.U.I.]

Torre de Papel [University of Iowa Student Associations, Sociedad Hispanica and Graduate College]
     (1991- ; Spanish-language literature)

UCC User's Guide [University Computer Center]
    (1965- )

UIHC Compass [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]
    (1998- )

University Convocation - LD2576 .U55

University Libraries: Where, What, How - Z733 .U83 A8
    (1908- ; alternate titles: Libraries Handbook)

University of Iowa Alumni Association Membership Directory
     (1986- ; alumni directory)

University of Iowa Humanistic Studies [College of Liberal Arts]

University of Iowa News Bulletin
    (SEE: On Iowa)

University of Iowa Service Bulletin

University of Iowa Studies in Education
    (1921- )

University of Iowa Studies in Medicine

University of Iowa Studies in Physics

University of Iowa Studies in Psychology - BF21 .I8

Variaciones Borges [The Borges Center]

Villager [Department of Residence Services]
    (alternate title: Quarterly)

A Visitors Guide [University of Iowa] - LD2569 .U56

Voice of the Hawkeyes [Department of Athletics]
    (1984- )

Voices from the Prairie [Humanities Iowa]

Well and Good [University of Iowa Health Care]

Whitby Year Book [Whitby Society]

Working Paper. Committee for Mathematical Analysis in Social Sciences
    (1983- )

Working Paper Series. Institute of Urban and Regional Research

Working Papers in Art Education [School of Art and Art History]
    (1981- )

World of Drug Information [Iowa Drug Information Service]
    (1992- ; alternate title: World of Drugs)