The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Records of the Hamlin Garland Literary Society Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were transferred to the University Archives prior to 1970. Finding aid created February 2011. Photographs: None |
Letter from former member Hamlin Garland Literary Society, 1929 |
Scope and Contents
The records of the Hamlin Garland Literary Society span 1920 to 1932, all but the final year of the organization. The records include two ledgers, with meeting minutes, attendance records, expenditures, and presentations transcribed onto the pages. The constitution and bylaws, as well as a bank account book, are also included. One piece of correspondence dated November 26, 1926, from a former society member related the song lyrics to the Hamlin Garland song. Another former member described in a letter her attempts to tune in the Hamlin Garland radio presentation on the campus station, WSUI, from her home in Chicago on March 19, 1929.
Historical Note
Hamlin Garland (1860-1940) was a prolific writer about the hardships of life on the prairie in Midwestern states. Garland was born in Wisconsin and grew up in Winneshiek and Mitchell counties in Iowa. He graduated from Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage, Iowa, in 1881. That year he moved to North Dakota. He taught English and American Literature at the Boston School of Oratory.
The Hamlin Garland Literary Society was founded at the State University of Iowa on May 14, 1920. It was named for Garland, as one member stated, "because he stands for all that is finest in the literature of the state." Founding members of the society described Garland's literature as providing rich details about the early years in Iowa. Society members wore an arrowhead pin, because it was made by America's first citizens. The purpose of the society was to provide women of the University the opportunity to present orations, readings, speeches, or pose questions for debate in the areas of literature and the fine arts. Membership was limited to 35.
Literary meetings were held twice each month and business meetings were held monthly. In addition, meetings were held each May and January for the election of officers and for the reading of annual reports. Meetings were held on the sun porch of the Iowa Memorial Union or in the drawing room of the Liberal Arts building (now Schaeffer Hall). The organization functioned until the 1933-34 school year, perhaps affected by the Great Depression.
Other SUI literary societies included Athenian, Ciceronian, Erodelphian, Hesperian, Irving Institute, Rhoterian, Whitby, and Zetagathian.
[D. Anderson; 02/2011]
Related Materials
Folder, "Hamlin Garland Literary Society," Organizations and Clubs Vertical File collection (RG 01.15.04)
S.U.I. Hawkeye yearbooks (RG 02.10)
Box Contents List
Box 1
Minutes, May 2, 1920-April 29, 1930
Constitution and bylaws
Member's signatures listed by year, 1920-March 30, 1932
Member's attendance records, September 1920-April 1931
Initiation Ceremony
Discovery of Iowa and the Indians
Early Iowa
Pioneer Days in Iowa
Hamlin Garland (the establishment of the society)
Installation Ceremony
Pledging Ceremony
Correspondence from two former members, 1926, 1929
Journal of income and expenditures, 1920-1925
Receipts, 1923-1924
Bank deposit book and statement, 1920-1924
Hamlin Garland Literary Society Constitution and By-Laws, May 14, 1920