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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Committee Records
RG 06.02.04
Collection Dates: 1911 - 2000

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were transferred to the University Archives at various times. Guide posted to the Internet January 2007. The materials were reprocessed, with additional accessions, in May-June 2011.

Photographs: None









Box Contents List


Box 1:

Administrative Structure Committee

Report, 1966

Admissions Committee

Materials, May 1985 - September 1996

Adjustment Committee

Materials, 1935, 1952, 1954

Minutes, June 1942 - November 1948 [Bound]

Minutes. January 1949 - May 1962 [Bound]

Area of Concentration Committee

Report, n.d.

Classroom and Office Space Committee

Materials, 1929 - 1930

Computer-Based Education Committee

Materials, 1979 - 1980

Computer Operations Committee

Materials, 1979 - 1980

Coordination of Student Personnel Services Committee

Materials, 1952 - 1959

Courses of Study Committee

Materials, 1915 - 1916

Materials, 1917 - 1921

Materials, 1925 - 1947

Minutes, September 1915 -  March 1941 [Bound]

Minutes, September 1917 - February 1942

Curriculum and Duplication Committee

Materials, 1936

Curriculum and Instruction Committee

Materials, 1919 - 1943

Materials, 1944 - 1950, n.d.

Minutes, January 1948 - JUne 1949 [Bound]

Minutes, November 1942, March 1944 - May 1950

Reference Materials, 1929, 1944 - 1949, 1954, n.d.


Basic Skills: Materials, 1945, 1949 - 1950, n.d.

Core Courses: Materials, 1943 - 1944 (January-June)

Core Courses: Materials, 1944 (July-December)

Box 2:

Curriculum and Instruction Committee

Core Courses Subcommittee:

Materials, 1945 - 1946

Materials, 1947 - 1948

Materials, 1949

Materials, 1950 - 1953

Materials, n.d.

Reports, 1949

Report from Chairman W.F. Loehwing, 1949

Advisory Program, 1944, n.d.

Areas of Concentration, n.d.

Budget Requests and Estimates for General Studies, 1947, n.d.

Budget Needs, 1947, n.d.

General Studies Committee, 1948

Tabulated Enrollment for Core and Skill Courses, 1945 - 1948

Non-Degree Curricula Subcommittee

Report, 1945

Curriculum Revision Committee

Materials, 1938 - 1941

Materials, 1942 - 1943

Materials, 1944 - 1945, n.d.


Fine Arts, 1942 - 1943

Foreign Languages, 1944

History, 1942 - 1943, n.d.

Literature, 1942 - 1943

Science,  1942 - 1943, n.d.

Social Studies, 1942, n.d.

Dean Search Committee to Replace Dean Stuit

Materials, 1975

Dean Search Committee to Replace Dean Tait

Materials, 1983 - 1984

Department Executive Officers, Meetings of

Minutes, October 1946 - June 1964 [Bound]

Minutes, February 1942, July 1950, October 1950, March 1951

Minutes, July 1951 - December 1957

Minutes, January 1958 - November 1964

Box 3:

Department Executive Officers, Meetings of

Minutes, January 1965 - December 1969

Minutes, January 1970 - April 1976

Miscellaneous Materials, 1976 - 1979

Informal Guide to Administrative Procedures, 1950 - 1951, 1959, 1962, 1966, 1972, 1975

Department Heads, Chairmen and Directors, Meetings of

Minutes and Materials, 1942 - 1943, 1949 - 1950 [Incomplete]

Educational Policy Committee

Materials: Core Course Requirements, 1952 - 1954

Materials: General Education Requirements, 1978 - November 1979

Materials: General Education Requirements, December 1979 - 1980, n.d.

Minutes, 1959 - 1959 [Bound]

Minutes, 1959 - 1964 [Bound]

Minutes, 1950 - 1964

Minutes, 1965 - 1971

Minutes, 1972 - 1979

Minutes, 1980 - 1981

Minutes, 1982 - 1986

Minutes, 1987 - 1990

Minutes, 1991 - 1994

Minutes, 1995 - 2000

Box 4:

Educational Policy Committee

Correspondence, 1951, 1953, 1965, 1967, 1973 - August 1980

Correspondence, September 1980 - September 1985

Memoranda, 1952 - 1953, 1977 - April 1979

Memoranda, May 1979 - March 1980

Memoranda, April 1980 - 1985

Various Documents, 1967, 1979 - 1981, n.d.

Various Reports, 1965, 1970, 1978 - 1981, n.d.

Examination Procedures Committee

Report, 1942

Executive Committee

Minutes, 1911 - 1927 [Bound]

Minutes, 1927 - 1942 [Bound: Also includes minutes for Committee on Admission and Classification, 1939 - 1942]

Minutes, 1944 - 1949 [Bound]

Minutes, 1956 - 1964 [Bound: Also includes minutes of Joint Meetings of Executive and Educational Policy Committees]

Box 5:

Executive Committee

Minutes, 1911 - 1913

Minutes, 1913 - 1915

Minutes, 1915 - 1916

Minutes, 1916 - 1918

Minutes, 1918 - 1920

Minutes, 1920 - 1921

Minutes, 1922 - 1924

Minutes, 1925 - 1926

Minutes, 1927 - 1928

Minutes, 1928 - 1930

Minutes, 1930 - 1932

Minutes, 1934 - 1937

Minutes, 1937 - 1940

Minutes, 1941 - 1942

Minutes, 1942 - 1949

Minutes, 1949 - 1951

Minutes, 1951 - 1954

Minutes, 1954 - 1957

Minutes, 1957 - 1962

Minutes, 1962 - 1968

Minutes, 1968 - 1978

Minutes, 1979 - 1984

Minutes, 1985 - 1988

Minutes, 1989 - 1990

Minutes, 1991 - 1993

Box 6:

Executive Committee

Minutes, 1994 - 1997

Minutes, 2000 -

Meeting Materials: Correspondence, 1917 - 1982

Meeting Materials: Memoranda, 1978 - 1980

Meeting Materials: Memoranda, 1981 - 1989

Meeting Materials: Miscellaneous, 1917 - 1988, n.d.

Report on Student Army Training Corps, 1918


Faculty Meetings

Materials, 1919 - 1924

Minutes and Materials, October 1929 - October 1945

Minutes and Materials, May 1946 - December 1949

Minutes and Materials, January 1950 - December 1956

Minutes and Materials, March 1957 - December 1963

Minutes and Materials, April 1964 - December 1969

Minutes and Materials, February 1970 - December 1975

Minutes and Materials, January 1976 - December 1980

Minutes and Materials, February 1981 - November 1988

Minutes and Materials, February 1989 - December 1996

Faculty Meetings, Graduate

Minutes, April - May 1950, January 1958, June 1958, January 1959, May 1959

Freshman Studies Committee

Materials, 1935 - 1938

General Committee Information, 1985

General Education Requirements Committee

Assorted Materials: General, Physical Education, Rhetoric, 1978

Assorted Materials: Historical Cultural Core, Natural Science Core, 1978

Box 7:

General Education Requirements Committee

Assorted Materials: Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Social Science Core, Litetature Core, 1977 - 1978

Assorted Materials from Within UI, 1977 - 1980, n.d.

Correspondence and Memoranda, 1977 - 1979

Minutes, 1978

Proposals, 1978, n.d.

Reference Documents (non-UI), 1977 - 1978, n.d.

Box 8:

General Education Requirements Committee

Reports and Responses, 1967, 1978

Reports and Responses, 1979

Military Affairs Committee

Materials, 1946

National Defense and Military Service Committee

Materials, 1941 - 1942, 1944, n.d.

Nominating Committee

Materials, 1916 - 1924, 1931 - 1943

Occupational Therapy Committee

Materials, 1946 - 1947

Presidential Search and Screen Advisory Committee

Roster, 1995

Program Committee

Materials, 1917 - 1924, 1937

School of Letters Committee

Materials, 1930 - 1932

Social Studies Education Committee

Materials, 1949

Social Science Seminar [Core Classes]

Materials, 1951 - 1952

Standing Committees

Materials, 1916, 1925 - 1936,  1950 -1952, 1980

Stewart (G.W.) Committee (Educational Discussion Group)

Materials, 1948 - 1953, n.d.

Structure of the College of Liberal Arts Committee

Materials, 1965 - 1966

University Council

MInutes, 1949 - 1950, 1959 [Incomplete]

Various Committees

Materials, 1918 - 1974, n.d.