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Records of the Iowa Writers' Workshop Access and Restrictions: Requests to access records in Series I-IX must be submitted to the University of Iowa Office of Transparency for consideration. Series X- XIII are open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials have been transferred to the University Archives from the Iowa Writers' Workshop administrative office at various times. Additions to the collection continue to accrue. Preliminary inventory prepared by David McCartney 2004; guide posted to the Internet 2004, revised January 2007 and October 2009. Photographs: None |
Scope and Contents
The Records of the Iowa Writers' Workshop consist of thirteen series.
Series I, Student Coursework, consists of photocopies of students' works arranged by semester and class section within each semester. It is the largest series in the collection, dating from Fall 1965 to the present. Note that a few of the semesters are filed out of chronological sequence.
Series II, Award Competitions, consists of writing entries from individuals vying for scholarships and other awards.
Series III, Students and Alumni, consists of files containing correspondence, applications, and other material, arranged alphabetically by name of individual within each accrual. Note that accrual dates cover academic years; e.g., "1986-91" covers the 1986-87 to 1991-92 academic years. Restricted access.
Series IV, Faculty, is arranged alphabetically by name of individual. Restricted access.
Series V, Director's Files, consists of correspondence and other material created and received by the Office of the Director. Restricted access.
Series VI, Administrative Files. Restricted access.
Series VII, Accepted; Not Coming. Restricted access.
Series VIII, Rejected Applicants' Evaluation Sheets. Restricted access.
Series IX, Applicants' Letters of Recommendation. Restricted access.
Series X, Ephemera, includes posters and other printed matter, dating from 1982 to present.
Series XI, Stephen Wilbers Project, consists of correspondence and interview notes prepared by an alumnus of the Workshop who prepared a history of the program in 1980.
Series XII, Jean Wylder Project, consists of survey responses obtained from numerous alumni during the early 1970's as part of a history project. The responses are arranged by era of attendance/graduation.
Series XIII, Newsletters, consists of newsletters released once or twice yearly since 1970 chronicling the publishing activity of Workshop alumni and students, as well as Workshop programs and events.
Organizational History
The Iowa Writers' Workshop, long distinguished as America's premier program in creative writing, was founded in 1936. It was the nation's first creative writing degree program, a result of the University of Iowa's pioneering decision in 1922 to accept creative work as a means to fulfill graduate degree requirements. The following is excerpted from the Workshop's Web site (
Verse-Making, the first creative writing class at Iowa, was offered in the spring semester of 1897. In 1922, Carl Seashore, dean of the Graduate College, introduced a new model for the academic study of the arts when he announced that the University of Iowa would accept creative work as theses for advanced degrees. The School of Letters began to offer regular courses in writing in which selected students were tutored by resident and visiting writers. The Workshop as an entity began in 1936, with the gathering together of poets and fiction writers under the direction of Wilbur Schramm. From the outset the program enjoyed a series of distinguished visitors, among them Robert Frost and Robert Penn Warren, who would lecture and stay for several weeks to discuss students' work. John Berryman, Robert Lowell, and others came to teach for a full year.
One of the first students to receive an M.A. in creative writing was Paul Engle. He offered as his dissertation a collection of poems, Worn Earth, which won him the Yale Younger Poets prize. Paul Engle assumed the directorship of the Workshop in 1941 and held it for 25 years, a period which saw it flourish and become a significant force in American letters. During World War II enrollment was no more than a dozen students, but after the war it grew, attaining in a few years a strength of over a hundred students, and dividing into the fiction and poetry sections which exist today.
Related Materials
Papers of Paul Engle (MsC 514)
Papers of John Towner Frederick (MsC 513)
Papers of Jack Leggett (MsC 503)
Papers of Wilbur Schramm (RG 99.0118)
Conroy, Frank, editor. The Eleventh Draft: Craft and the Writing Life From the Iowa Writers' Workshop, 1999, 235 pp.
Dana, Robert, ed. A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. University of Iowa Press, 1999. 294 pp.
Wilbers, Stephen McCoy. "Emergence of the Iowa Writers' Workshop." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1978. 210 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 39: 3587-A.
Wilbers, Steve. "Inside the Iowa Writers' Workshop: Interviews with Three of Its Teachers." North American Review 262, no. 2 (summer 1977): 7-15, illus. Marvin Bell, Vance Bourjaily, and Donald Justice.
Wilbers, Stephen. The Iowa Writers' Workshop: Origins, Emergence, & Growth. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1980. 153 pp., illus., notes, bibliog.
In addition, numerous biographies of noted graduates of the Workshop have been published, many of which include references to the Workshop and the Iowa City community. See the Archives' online bibliography, Writing Programs category.
Box Contents List
Series I: Student Coursework [return to top]
Box number:
1 - Fall 1965
2 - Spring 1966
3 - Spring 1969
4 - Spring 1966
5 - Fall 1966
6 - Fall 1966
7 - Spring 1967
8 - Spring 1967, Summer 1967, Fall 1967
9 - Spring 1967, Spring 1968, Fall 1968
10 - Spring 1968
11 - Spring 1968, Summer 1968, Fall 1968
12 - Spring 1967, Fall 1967, Spring 1968, Fall 1968
13 - Spring 1968, Summer 1968, Fall 1968
14 - Fall 1968, Spring 1969, Summer 1969, Fall 1969
15 - Spring 1969 (see also: series I, box 3)
16 - Spring 1969, Fall 1969
17 - Fall 1969
18 - Fall 1968, Fall 1969
19 - Spring 1969, Fall 1969, Spring 1970
20 - Spring 1970
21 - Spring 1970, Summer 1970, Fall 1970
22 - Spring 1970
23 - Spring 1970, Summer 1970
24 - Fall 1970
25 - Fall 1970
26 - Fall 1970, Spring 1971
27 - Spring 1971
28 - Spring 1971, Summer 1971
29 - Summer 1971, Fall 1971
30 - Fall 1971, Spring 1972, Summer 1972, Fall 1972
31 - Fall 1972
32 - Fall 1972, Spring 1973
33 - Spring 1973, Summer 1973, Fall 1973
34 - Fall 1973
35 - Spring 1974
36 - Spring 1974, Fall 1974
37 - Fall 1974
38 - Fall 1974
39 - Fall 1974, Spring 1975
40 - Spring 1975
41 - Spring 1975, Summer 1975, Fall 1975
42 - Fall 1975
43 - Fall 1975
44 - Fall 1975, Spring 1976
45 - Spring 1976
46 - Spring 1976
47 - Spring 1976, Summer 1976
48 - Summer 1976, Fall 1976
49 - Fall 1976
50 - Fall 1976
51 - Fall 1976, Spring 1977
52 - Spring 1977
53 - Spring 1977
54 - Spring 1977
55 - Spring 1977, Fall 1977
56 - Fall 1977
57 - Fall 1977
58 - Fall 1977
59 - Fall 1977, Spring 1978
60 - Spring 1978
61 - Spring 1978
62 - Spring 1978, Summer 1978, Fall 1978
63 - Fall 1978
64 - Fall 1978
65 - Fall 1978
66 - Fall 1978, Spring 1979
67 - Spring 1979
68 - Spring 1979
69 - Spring 1979
70 - Spring 1979, Fall 1979
71 - Fall 1979
72 - Fall 1979
73 - Fall 1979
74 - Fall 1979, Spring 1980
75 - Spring 1980
76 - Spring 1980
77 - Spring 1980, Summer 1980, Fall 1980
78 - Fall 1980
79 - Fall 1980
80 - Fall 1980
81 - Fall 1980, Spring 1981
82 - Spring 1981
83 - Spring 1981
84 - Spring 1981
85 - Spring 1981, Summer 1981
86 - Summer 1981
87 - Summer 1981, Fall 1981
88 - Fall 1981
89 - Fall 1981
90 - Fall 1981
91 - Fall 1981, Spring 1982
92 - Spring 1982
93 - Spring 1982
94 - Spring 1982
95 - Spring 1982, Summer 1982
96 - Summer 1982, Fall 1982
97 - Fall 1982
98 - Fall 1982
99 - Fall 1982
100 - Fall 1982, Spring 1983
101 - Spring 1983
102 - Spring 1983, Summer 1983
103 - Summer 1983, Fall 1983
104 - Fall 1983
105 - Fall 1983
106 - Fall 1983, Spring 1984
107 - Spring 1984
108 - Spring 1984
109 - Spring 1984, Summer 1984
110 - Summer 1984, Fall 1984
111 - Fall 1984
112 - Fall 1984
113 - Fall 1984, Spring 1985
114 - Spring 1985
115 - Spring 1985
116 - Spring 1985, Summer 1985, Fall 1985
117 - Fall 1985
118 - Fall 1985
119 - Fall 1985, Spring 1986
120 - Spring 1986
121 - Spring 1986
122 - Spring 1986, Summer 1986
123 - Summer 1986, Fall 1986
124 - Fall 1986
125 - Fall 1986
126 - Fall 1986, Spring 1987
127 - Spring 1987
128 - Spring 1987
129 - Spring 1987, Summer 1987
130 - Summer 1987, Fall 1987
131 - Fall 1987
132 - Fall 1987
133 - Fall 1987, Spring 1988
134 - Spring 1988
135 - Spring 1988
136 - Spring 1988, Summer 1988
137 - Summer 1988, Fall 1988
138 - Fall 1988
139 - Fall 1988
140 - Fall 1988
141 - Spring 1989
142 - Spring 1989
143 - Spring 1989
144 - Summer 1989
145 - Fall 1989
146 - Fall 1989
147 - Fall 1989
148 - Fall 1989
149 - Fall 1989, Spring 1990
150 - Spring 1990
151 - Spring 1990
152 - Spring 1990, Summer 1990
153 - Summer 1990
154 - 1980's, including Leggett
155 - 1991-1998
156 - Fall 1986
157 - Spring 1988, Summer 1988
158 - Spring 1988, Fall 1988
159 - Fall 1988, Spring 1989
160 - Spring 1989
161 - Spring 1989, Summer 1989, Fall 1989
162 - Fall 1989
163 - Fall 1989
164 - Spring 1990
165 - Spring 1990
166 - Summer 1990, Fall 1990
167 - Summer 1990, Fall 1990
168 - Fall 1990
169 - Fall 1990
170 - Fall 1990, Spring 1991
171 - Spring 1991
172 - Spring 1991
173 - Spring 1991, Summer 1991
174 - Spring 1991, Summer 1991, Fall 1991
175 - Fall 1991
176 - Fall 1991
177 - Fall 1991
178 - Fall 1991, Spring 1992
179 - Spring 1992
180 - Spring 1992
181 - Spring 1992
182 - Spring 1992, Summer 1992, Fall 1992
183 - Fall 1992
184 - Fall 1992
185 - Fall 1992
186 - Fall 1992, Spring 1993
187 - Spring 1993
188 - Spring 1993
189 - Spring 1993, Summer 1993
190 - Spring 1993, Summer 1993
191 - Summer 1993, Fall 1993
192 - Fall 1993
193 - Fall 1993
194 - Fall 1993
195 - Fall 1993
196 - Fall 1993
197 - Fall 1993, Spring 1994
198 - Spring 1994
199 - Spring 1994
200 - Spring 1994
201 - Spring 1994
202 - Spring 1994, Summer 1994
203 - Spring 1994, Summer 1994
204 - Summer 1994, Fall 1994
205 - Fall 1994
206 - Fall 1994
207 - Fall 1994
208 - Fall 1994
209 - Fall 1994
210 - Spring 1995
211 - Spring 1995
212 - Spring 1995
213 - Spring 1995
214 - Spring 1995, Summer 1995
215 - Spring 1995, Fall 1995
216 - Spring 1995, Fall 1995
217 - Summer 1995
218 - Fall 1995
219 - Fall 1995
220 - Fall 1995
221 - Spring 1995, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall, 1996
222 - Spring 1996
223 - Spring 1996
224 - Spring 1996
225 - Spring 1996
226 - Spring 1996, Summer 1996
227 - Spring 1996, Summer 1996
228 - Fall 1996
229 - Fall 1996
230 - Fall 1996
231 - Fall 1996
232 - Fall 1996
233 - Spring 1997
234 - Spring 1997
235 - Spring 1997
236 - Spring 1997
237 - Spring 1997
238 - Spring 1997, Fall 1997
239 - Summer 1997, Fall 1997
240 - Fall 1997
241 - Fall 1997
242 - Fall 1997
243 - Fall 1997
244 - Fall 1997, Spring 1999
245 - Spring 1998
246 - Spring 1998
247 - Spring 1998
248 - Spring 1998
249 - Spring 1998
250 - Spring 1998
251 - Spring 1998
252 - Spring 1998, Summer 1998
253 - Spring 1998, Summer 1998
254 - Spring 1998, Fall 1998
255 - Fall 1998
256 - Fall 1998
257 - Fall 1998
258 - Fall 1998
259 - Spring 1999
260 - Spring 1999
261 - Spring 1999
262 - Spring 1999, Fall 1999
263 - Fall 1999
264 - Fall 1999
265 - Fall 1999
266 - Fall 1999
267 - Fall 1999
268 - Fall 1999
269 - Spring 2000
270 - Spring 2000
271 - Spring 2000
272 - Spring 2000
273 - Spring 2000
274 - Summer 2000, Fall 2000
275 - Summer 2000, Summer 2001
276 - Fall 2000
277 - Fall 2000
278 - Fall 2000
279 - Fall 2000
280 - Fall 2000
281 - Spring 2001
282 - Spring 2001
283 - Spring 2001
284 - Spring 2001
285 - Spring 2001
286 - Summer 2001, Fall 2001
287 - Fall 2001
288 - Fall 2001
289 - Fall 2001
290 - Spring 2002
291 - Spring 2002
292 - Spring 2002, Summer 2002
293 - Summer 2002, Fall 2002
294 - Summer 2002, Fall 2002
295 - Fall 2002
296 - Fall 2002
297 - Fall 2002
298 - Spring 2003
299 - Spring 2003
300 - Spring 2003
301 - Summer 2003, Fall 2003
302 - Fall 2003
303 - Fall 2003
304 - Fall 2003
305 - Fall 2003
306 - Spring 2003: Conroy's theses manuscripts
307 - Spring 2004
308 - Spring 2004
309 - Spring 2004
310 - Spring 2004
311 - Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2004
312 - Summer 2004
313 - Summer 2004
314 - Summer 2004, Fall 2004
315 - Fall 2004
316 - Fall 2004
317 - Fall 2004
318 - Fall 2004
319 - Fall 2004, Spring 2005
320 - Spring 2005
321 - Spring 2005
322 - Spring 2005
323 - Spring 2005
324 - Spring 2005, Summer 2005
325 - Fall 2005
326 - Fall 2005
327 - Fall 2005
328 - Fall 2005
329 - Spring 2006
330 - Spring 2006
331 - Spring 2006
332 - Spring 2006, Summer 2006
333 - Summer 2006
334 - Fall 2006
335 - Fall 2006
336 - Fall 2006
337 - Spring 2007
338 - Spring 2007
339 - Spring 2007
340 - Summer 2007, Fall 2007
341 - Summer 2007
342 - Fall 2007
343 - Fall 2007
344 - Fall 2007
345 - Fall 2007
346 - Fall 2007
347 - Fall 2007
348 - Fall 2007
349 - Fall 2007
350 - Spring 2008
351 - Spring 2008
352 - Spring 2008
353 - Spring 2008
354 - Spring 2008
355 - Spring 2008
356 - Spring 2008
357 - Spring 2008
358 - Summer 2008, Fall 2008
359 - Fall 2008
360 - Fall 2008
361 - Spring 2009
362 - Spring 2009
363 - Spring 2009
364 - Summer 2009, Fall 2009
365 - Fall 2009
366 - Fall 2009
367 - Fall 2009
368 - Fall 2009, Spring 2010
369 - Spring 2010
370 - Spring 2010
371 - Spring 2010
372 - Spring 2010, Fall 2010
373 - Fall 2010
374 - Fall 2010
375 - Fall 2010
376 - Spring 2011
377 - Spring 2011
378 - Spring 2011
379 - Spring 2011
380 - Summer 2011
Series II: Award Competitions [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1984-88, Al-Ay
2 - 1984-88, Ba-Be
3 - 1984-88, Bi-Br
4 - 1984-88, Bu-Ci
5 - 1984-88, De-En
6 - 1984-88, Es-Fi
7 - 1984-88, Fl-Hae
8 - 1984-88, Har
9 - 1984-88, He-Ho
10 - 1984-88, Ho-Hu
11 - 1984-88, Ja-Ke
12 - 1984-88, Ki-Le
13 - 1984-88, Lou
14 - 1984-88, M-N
15 - 1984-88, O'D-O'R
16 - 1984-88, Pa-Pe
17 - 1984-88, Pi-Re
18 - 1984-88, Ri-Ru
19 - 1984-88, Sa-So
20 - 1984-88, Sp-St
21 - 1984-88, Su-Wh
22 - 1984-88, Wh-Y
23 - 1989 applicants
24 - 1989 applicants
25 - 1990 applicants
26 - 1990 applicants
27 - 1991 applicants
28 - 1991 applicants
29 - 1991-92 applicants
30 - 1992-94 applicants
31 - 1994 applicants
32 - 1994 applicants and winners
33 - 1998 other award applicants, theses
34 - 1997 applicants
35 - 1997 applicants
36 - 1997 applicants
37 - 1999 applicants
38 - 1998 applicants
39 - 1998 applicants
40 - 1998 applicants
41 - 1998 applicants
42 - 1998 applicants
43 - 1999 winners
44 - 1999 applicants
45 - 1999 applicants
46 - 1999 applicants
47 - 2000 applicants
48 - 2000 applicants
49 - 2000 applicants
50 - 2001 applicants
51 - 2001 applicants
52 - 2001 applicants
53 - 2001 applicants
54 - 2001 applicants
55 - 2003 rejected
56 - 2003 rejected
57 - 2003 rejected
58 - 2002 rejected
59 - 2002 rejected
60 - 2002 rejected
61 - Past Michener and Schaefer award winners
62 - 2004 rejected
63 - 2004 rejected
64 - 2004 rejected
65 - 2004 rejected
66 - 2000-03 award winners
67 - 2005 rejected
68 - 2005 rejected
69 - 2005 rejected
70 - 2006 rejected
71 - 2006 rejected
72 - 2006 rejected
73 - 2007 rejected
74 - 2007 rejected
75 - 2008 third year fellowship rejects
76 - 2008 third year fellowship rejects
77 - 2008 third year fellowship rejects
Series III: Students and Alumni [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1968-78, Aa-Bat
2 - 1968-78, Bau-Cah
3 - 1968-78, Cai-Cos
4 - 1968-78, Cot-Dow
5 - 1968-78, Dox-Fer
6 - 1968-78, Fes-Gow
7 - 1968-78, Gra-Har
8 - 1968-78, Har-Hol
9 - 1968-78, Hom-Joh
10 - 1968-78, Joh-Kro
11 - 1968-78, Kru-Lin
12 - 1968-78, Lip-Met
13 - 1968-78, May-O'Do
14 - 1968-78, O'Gr-Pro
15 - 1968-78, Pru-San
16 - 1968-78, Sar-Sim
17 - 1968-78, Sim-Sym
18 - 1968-78, Tag-Wan
19 - 1968-78, War-Zyk
20 - 1980-82 (with some earlier), A-Gar
21 - 1980-82 (with some earlier), Gay-Lon
22 - 1980-82 (with some earlier), Mag-Ses
23 - 1980-82 (with some earlier), Sha-Wol
24 - 1982-85, Alt-Che
25 - 1982-85, Chi-Fon
26 - 1982-85, Foo-Hav
27 - 1982-85, Hav-Mad
28 - 1982-85, Mag-Reg
29 - 1982-85, Ren-Str
30 - 1982-85, Stu-Yra
31 - 1986-91, Alb-Ber
32 - 1986-91, Ber-Cas
33 - 1986-91, Cha-Dra
34 - 1986-91, Dra-Gee
35 - 1986-91, Ger-Her
36 - 1986-91, Hil-Jon
37 - 1986-91, Jud-Lov
38 - 1986-91, Lun-Moo
39 - 1986-91, Mor-Pot
40 - 1986-91, Pre-Roe
41 - 1986-91, Roh-Ste
42 - 1986-91, Ste-Whi
43 - 1986-91, Whi-Zuc
44 - Summer 1993, A-Z
45 - Summer 1992 and 1999, A-Z
Series IV: Faculty [return to top]
Box number:
1 - Benedict, Dianne
Bock, Sue
Gilchrist, Ellen
Helprin, Mark
Henry, Dewitt
Hollo, Anselm
Howard, Jane
Ignatow, David
McPherson, Sandra
Miller, Susan and Bauer, Doug
Pesetsky, Bette
Pickering, Nancy
Sacks, Peter
Sadoff, Ira
Schwartz, Lynne Sharon
Settle, Mary Lee
Singer, Brett
Southwick, Marcia
Vivante, Arturo
Vogelsang, Arthur
Wilner, Eleanor
Wilson, Angus
Wilson, Robley
Series V: Director's Files [return to top]
Box number:
1 - A-Z
Series VI: Administrative Files [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1968-86
2 - 1968-86
3 - To 1986
4 - Bloc allocations, 1972-89
5 - Foundation correspondence, 1991-
6 - 1981-91
7 - Administrative subject files, 1980s
8 - Administrative subject files, 1980s
9 - Administrative correspondence, 1984-89
10 - Payroll listings, account statements, 1978-85
11 - Payroll listings, account statements, 1980s
12 - 1989-95
13 - 1987-95
14 - 1990-95
15 - Expense records, 1990-96
16 - Subject files, 1989-98
17 - Subject files, 1984-97
18 - Subject files, 1987-97, including student directories, 1975-86
19 - Subject files, 1982-93
20 - Correspondence
Series VII: Accepted; not coming [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1980-84, A-Har
2 - 1980-84, Har-Per
3 - 1980-84, Phi-Yat
4 - 1985-93, A-Cra
5 - 1985-93, Cre-Le
6 - 1985-93, Ma-Sch
7 - 1985-93, Sh-Y
Series VIII: Rejected Applicants' Evaluation Sheets [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1980-82
2 - 1983-84
3 - 1985
4 - 1986-88
5 - 1989-90
Series IX: Applicants' Letters of Recommendation [return to top]
Box number:
1 - 1983-89
2 - 1988-89
3 - 1988-89
4 - 1990-91, A-J
5 - 1990-91, K-T
6 - 1990-91, T-V
7 - 1992-96, A-E
8 - 1992-96, E-Ki
9 - 1992-96, Ki-Peri
10 - 1992-96, Perr-U
11 - 1992-96, Ue-Z
12 - Summer 1999, Summer 1992
Box Number:
1 - Posters and other printed matter; 1982 - ; also undated
Series XI: Stephen Wilbers project [return to top]
Box Number:
1 - Survey administrative files
2 - Correspondence, A - D.
----. E - H.
----. I - O.
----. P - S.
----. T - Z.
Series XII: Jean Wylder project [return to top]
Box Number:
1 - Workshop history notes: administrative files, general Workshop history
Reminiscences. Prior to 1950: John Hospers, Barbara Spargo, Norman Foerster, Wilbur Schramm, Jean Wylder on Flannery O'Connor (from North American Review, Spring 1970 issue), William De Witt Snodgrass and Donald T. Torchiana (from Northwestern University Tri-Quarterly, Spring 1960 issue), Clarke Fisher Ansley, Margaret Walker Alexander, George Abbe
----. Early 1950's: James Sunwall, Ray West on Dylan Thomas's 1951 visit, William Stafford, Morgan Gibson, Richard Stern, Oakley Hall, Ogden Plumb, James B. Hall, Joseph Langland, Gene Brzenk
----. Late 1950's: John Gilgun, Morgan Gibson, Ogden Plumb, Jerry Bumpus
----. Early 1960's: Harry Barba, Lewis Turco ("Portrait of Donald Justice"), Philip O'Connor ("Max Yocum's Horse"), Jack Welch ("A Parable"), Warren Slesinger, John Clellon Holmes, Edmund Keeley, B.C. Hall
----. Late 1960's: Bruce Dobler ("All About Algren"), William Richard Keough, Brian Salchert ("A Traveler from the Dunes"), Max Collins, Rochelle Holt
Series XIII: Newsletters [return to top]
Box Number:
1 - 1970-