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Records of the Labor Center Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries from the Labor Center on numerous occasions from 1980 to 1999. Iinitial deposits processed by Leonard A. Hitchcock in August 1982. Guide posted to Internet April 2005; updated February 2006 and January 2008. Photographs: Included in nearly every box. |
Scope and Contents
These records document educational programs presented by the Labor Center during the period 1952-1993. The programs were primarily classified as conferences, seminars, institutes, and short-courses. The records consist largely of printed programs and other printed materials utilized by instructors and student participants, student rosters, and correspondence directly related to the planning and execution of those programs. Occasionally, records of other professional activities of staff members are included, primarily attendance at out-of-state conferences.
The bulk of the material covers 1962 to 1993. The focus during this period was labor rather than management, with documentation of attendees, correspondence, course materials, and booklets which were often provided by the various unions. Not all booklets are identified in the box list. Photographs of course participants are included in nearly every box, and may be included in folders but unlisted. Most of the programs conducted from 1952 to 1959 focused on courses for management, and those folders contain fewer records of how the programs were planned and conducted. Correspondence was retained beginning in October 1962.
The educational programs offered by the Center for Labor and Management addressed virtually every important aspect of labor activity, e.g. union leadership and administration, communications, wage determination, grievance procedures, bargaining techniques, labor law, and labor-management relations. Some programs were concerned with the problems of particular unions, others were directed to more general union issues.
A great many Iowa labor unions participated in Center for Labor programs. The following unions were conspicuous by their continuing sponsorship of educational events: United Rubber Workers, Communication Workers of America, National Association of Letter Carriers, American Federation of Grain Millers, International Association of Machinists, Aluminum Workers of America, United Packinghouse Workers, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Historical Note
The Labor Center was originally established as the Bureau of Labor and Management within the College of Commerce in September 1950. Its creation was, in part, a response to a speech by Iowa Governor William Beardsley in January 1949, in which he called for the establishment of an organization to train labor and management and to study human engineering. According to the 1952 University of Iowa General Catalog, the aim of the Bureau was to meet the need for instruction, research and service to Iowa labor and industrial management groups. It proposed to do so by utilizing the existing staff of the colleges of Commerce, Engineering, and Law and the Departments of Psychology and Sociology to teach, conduct research, and sponsor conferences at which state business and labor leaders might meet with prominent industrial relations authorities. Karl E. Leib, head of the Department of Labor and Industrial Management, was acting director of the Bureau until 1955, when Jack F. Culley became director.
According to the 1960 General Catalog, the program grew and developed a variety of non-credit training programs serving management and labor groups. John Flagler became program director for the Bureau in 1957 and then labor program director in 1960. He was succeeded by Anthony V. Sinicropi in 1963. The 1964 General Catalog described the Bureau's activities as including a continuing series of educational programs for management, labor and government personnel. The programs varied in duration from one day to four weeks, were conducted both on and off campus, and were designed to develop the human, technical and conceptual skills of the participants. The staff of the Bureau included 5 full-time faculty in 1964 -- two were involved with management programs, one with government services, Sinicropi with labor programs, and Cully as director.
In 1965 the name of the Bureau changed to the Center for Labor and Management. Don Sheriff became director in that year, Sinicropi became associate director with primary responsibility for the labor programs, and Robert Winn was hired as labor program director. Mr. Winn was replaced by Edgar R. Czarnecki in 1966, and Harry Graham joined the labor staff in 1967. By 1970 Jude West was director of the Center and both Sinicropi and Graham had left the program. Czarnecki continued in his position as labor program director. The directorship of the Center passed to Duane Thompson in 1974 and he retained that post until 1980. Czarnecki left in 1977 and John Sloan took over the labor program until 1980.
The Center for Labor and Management was restructured in 1980, resulting in the creation of two organizations -- the Labor Center and the Management Center -- both under the jurisdiction of the External Programs division of the College of Business. The Labor Center later became a unit of the Division of Continuing Education.
Related Materials
Schacht, John N. "American Labor and Working Class History at Iowa." Books at Iowa 53 (November 1990): 29-59; 54 (April 1991): 31-56, notes.
State Historical Society of Iowa labor collection
B.R. Dew Collection of Railroadiana, MsC 497, Box 2, labor agreements 1907 -- 1947, incomplete
Papers of Edward J. Breen, MsC 334, Box 4, Iowa senator during 1937
Papers of Leroy Jones, MsC 169, labor records 1936 -- 1954
Papers of Clarence M. Updegraff, MsC 484, labor arbitration 1940 -- 1970
Papers of Steven V. Carter, MsC 250, Box 3, congressman in 1950s
Papers of Norman A. Erbe, MsC 206, Box 3, Iowa Governor Erbe's 1962 speech regarding labor
Papers of Delbert L. Trowbridge, MsC 286, Box 7, Iowa legislator in early 1970s, regarding a labor bill
Papers of Dick Clark, MsC 414, administrative assistant to Iowa congressman John Culver 1965 -- 1972
Papers of Henry A. Wallace, MsC 177
Papers of Anthony Vincent Sinicropi, MsC 399
Box Contents List
All programs were held in Iowa City unless otherwise noted
Box 1
Labor short course. June 16 -- 20, 1952.
Arbitration conference on labor-management relations. May 15, 1953
Labor short course. June 1 -- 5, 1953
Labor short course. June 14 -- 18, 1954
Arbitration conference on labor-management relations. October 28 -- 29, 1954
Labor short course. May 23 -- 27, 1955
Gerontology conference. October 11, 1955
Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Conference, 5th annual. October 13, 1955
City managers' conference. November 4 -- 5, 1955
Iowa community conference. Annual meeting of Iowa Council for Community Improvement. Includes program; a report, Summary of the National Community Conference, Washington, D.C., June 13 -- 16, 1956. October 5, 1956
Labor short course, 5th annual. April 30 -- May 4, 1956
Iowa Federation of Labor (IFL), Labor short course, 6th annual. April 28 -- May 3, 1957
Management seminar, "Current Trends and Problems in Industrial Relations". Includes program and list of participants. May 21, 1957
United Rubber Workers (URW) conference. Includes program and list of participants. September 21 -- 22, 1957
Industrial development conference, proposed. Includes "Iowa's Industrial Revolution Hasn't Slowed in 10 Years", Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 25, 1957. Includes tentative program and a list of 139 Iowa contacts. ca. October -- November, 1957
Labor law short course. November 18 -- 20, 1957
Iowa State Employment Service Managers (ISES). Manager's Conference, "Human Relations and Public Relations Problems and Practices." December 9 -- 12, 1957
Management seminar, "Identifying and Developing Managers". Includes program. December 13 -- 14, 1957
American Society for Personnel Administration. Proposed management communications conference. ca. December, 1957
Supervisory development course. February 10 -- May 19, 1958. Cedar Rapids
Supervisory development institute, "Methods of Effective Supervision". Includes program and budget. February 28, March 1, 1958. Waterloo
Management short course, "Effective Administrative Action". Includes program and list of participants. March 12 -- May 14, 1958. Maquoketa
American Society of Training Director (ASTD) conference. Courses in how to train workers covers 17 areas. Includes program and names of participants. April 17 -- 18, 1958
Iowa Federation of Labor, labor short course, 7th annual. Includes program and names of participants. April 28 -- May 2, 1958
Arbitration conference, 6th annual. "Preparation for Arbitration and Hearing Procedure: a Summary of Advice and Information for Company and Union Representatives", by Clarence M. Updegraff. May 17, 1958
Management training institute. Includes program and list of participants. May 23 -- 24, 1958. Marshalltown
Newton research project. "Evaluating the Maytag Company's Supervisor Training Program" by Edgar M. Swartz. June 4, 1958. Newton
Muscatine supervisory development institute. Includes a list of participants. June 6 -- 7, 1958. Muscatine
Supervisory development short course. Includes a course outline, and list of participants. October 2 -- December 11, 1958. Iowa City
Supervisory development institute. Includes a list of participants and budget. October 7 -- December 9, 1958. Maquoketa
Cedar Rapids Advisory Council on Adult Education. Communications short course, "Communications in Industry". Includes course outline and list of participants. October 8 -- December 10, 1958. Cedar Rapids
Iowa Federation of Labor. Labor-Law short course. Includes program and list of participants. November 6 -- 8, 1958
Communications institute for supervisors. Includes program and list of participants. November 14 -- 15, 1958. Muscatine
Mason City junior college vocational education division. Supervisory development institute. December 5 -- 6, 1958. Mason City
Coe evening college. Supervisory Development short course. Includes list of participants. March 4 -- May 6, 1959. Cedar Rapids
Supervisory Development short course, "Human Relations in Industry", 10 sessions. Includes course outline and program. March 9 -- May 11, 1959. Muscatine
Keokuk Trades and Labor Assembly. Labor short course, "Communications in the Local Union", 6 sessions. Includes course outline and list of participants. March 10 -- April 14, 1959. Keokuk
Northeast Iowa Industrial Management Club. Supervisory development institute, "Methods of Effective Supervision". Includes program and list of participants. March 13 -- 14, 1959. Waterloo
Human relations short course. Includes a list of participants. March 16 -- May 18, 1959. Newton
"The Problem Drinker in Industry" conference. Includes a program. March 21, 1959
United Rubber Workers institute. Includes photographs of different groups of participants, one is labeled "Labor short course 1957". Includes list of participants, a newspaper clipping of the United Rubber Workers local # 164, and February 1958 newsletter of URCLPWA local union #164. April 4 -- 5, 1959
Administration short course. Includes course outline and list of participants. April 8 -- May 13, 1959. Iowa City
Labor-management 7th annual conference, "Necessary Steps in Arbitration Procedure". Includes program and John B. Hughes presentation. May 9, 1959
Central Union Council conference. Includes program, expenses, and list of participants. May 23 -- 24, 1959
Labor short course. Includes list of 45 participants, and group photograph of 33. May 25 -- 29, 1959
Merit system council institute, "Progress in Personnel Administration". Includes program and list of participants. September 1 -- 3, 1959. Lake Okoboji
Iowa Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO), and American Arbitration Association 5th annual labor-law institute, "Preparation and Presentation of Arbitration Cases". Includes program, list of 13 presenters, list of 23 participants, photograph of 31 participants. Includes reprints from 1957 and 1958 issues of AFL-CIO Education News and Views, and letter to constituents from Iowa Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO. September 10 -- 12, 1959
Iowa Council of Machinists conference. Includes material presented in program. September 18 -- 20, 1959
Cedar Rapids advisory council on adult education. "Effective Administrative Action" short course. Includes program and list of participants. October 7 -- December 9, 1959. Cedar Rapids
Management short course, "Effective Administrative Action". Includes list of participants. October 13 -- December 1, 1959. Muscatine
Vocational Education, State Department of Public Instruction, management short course, "Developing Human Resources in Industry". Includes course outline and list of participants. October 13 -- December 10, 1959
American Society of Training Directors (ASTD) conference. Includes expenses, and Monthly News, November 1959, by Communications Workers of America, Local #7101. October 30 -- 31, 1959
Mason City Junior College vocational education, "Effective Management Action" institute. Includes program, expenses, list of participants. December 4 -- 5, 1959. Mason City
Box 2
Cedar Rapids Labor communication program. January 13 -- February 17, 1960. Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids shift workers spring program. Postponement notice. April 4, 1960
Keokuk union leadership program. March 29 -- May 3, 1960. Keokuk
Railway operating brotherhood spring institute. Includes participants from Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Includes list of participants, program material, and 7 issues of The Conductor & Brakeman Magazine, June 1955 -- May 1960, incomplete. June 1956 issue dedicated to Kate Shelley. April 7 -- 9, 1960
New labor law spring institute. April 30, 1960
Iowa Council of Machinists. Health, welfare and pension institute. Includes program. May 6 -- 7, 1960
Marshalltown independent union institute. May 13 -- 14, 1960. Marshalltown
United Rubber Workers conference. May 18, 1960. Janesville, Wisconsin
Labor short course. Includes list of participants. May 23 -- 27, 1960
Oregon department of employment. Employment service management workshop. Includes program, course material, and list of participants. July 11 -- August 5, 1960. Eugene, Oregon
Automation conference, state council of machinists. August 15, 1960. Sioux City
Labor law short course. Includes program and list of participants. Includes a pamphlet, A Look at the Record, that compares the political views of Senator John F. Kennedy with those of Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, and includes a six-page record of Kennedy's personal and political life. October 6 -- 8, 1960
United Rubber Workers institute. Includes program, list of participants, and Manual for URW Shop Stewards, 1959. October 8 -- 9, 1960
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen conference. Includes program. October 12, 1960. Creston
Profit sharing conferences, sponsored by Council of Profit Sharing Industries. 1960. Chicago, Illinois, Houston, Texas
Current Economic Problems short course. Includes course outline, list of participants, and newspaper clippings. April -- May, 1961. Des Moines
Labor short course, 10th annual. Includes program and list of participants. May 22 -- 26, 1961
Central Union Council conference / institute. Includes program. June 16 -- 17, 1961
Workmen's compensation agents institute. Includes course outline. June, 1961
Industrial Engineering institute. Includes Collective Bargaining Report, June 1957, course material, and program. October 23 -- 27, 1961
Iowa State Council of Machinists fall institute. Includes program. November 17 -- 19, 1961
Current Economic Problems short course. Includes list of participants. Fall, 1961. Des Moines
United Rubber Workers (URW) fall institute. Includes program and list of participants. December 1 -- 3, 1961
Dubuque Federation of Labor, union education weekend institute. Includes program, and list of benefits gained with the new contract. January 26 -- 27, 1962. Dubuque
Dubuque Federation of Labor, "Communications in the Local Union" short course. Includes course outline and list of participants. January 26 -- 27, 1962. [Dubuque?]
Des Moines union education weekend institute. February 16 -- 17, 1962
Clinton-Maquoketa labor education institute. February 23 -- 24, 1962. Clinton
Educational institutions and international labor. March 25 -- 30, 1962. East Lansing, Michigan
Iowa Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) weekend education committee conference. April 14 -- 15, 1962
Labor short course. May 20 -- 25, 1962
International Association of Personnel in Employment Security (IAPES) national convention, 49th annual. Includes correspondence, 1961 committee report, 1959 consultants report, 1962 program and budget. Includes 1960 agenda, 1961 IAPES convention booklet, and 1961 sales kit information. Booklets included are Veterans Memorial Auditorium promotion and floor plans, Space Age Automation Show, Look magazine sales booklet, Iowa Power and Light Company promotional booklet of Iowa, June 1962 copy of The Des Moines Visitor. June 25 -- 29, 1962. Des Moines
Communications Workers of America (CWA) leadership school. Includes program and list of participants. September 9 -- 14, 1962
Labor law institute, 6th annual. Includes Congressional Record speech "Unions and the Antitrust Laws" August 10, 1962, correspondence, program, budget, list of participants, news release. October 11 -- 13, 1962
International Association of Tool Craftsmen (IATC) institute. Includes correspondence and list of participants. February 3, 1962. Davenport
Box 3
Machinists institute, 4th annual, efforts to reduce unemployment. October 19 -- 21, 1962
Community services committee leadership institute. Includes correspondence, budget, course material. November 9 -- 10, 1962
Clinton weekend institute. Includes budget and list of participants. December 7 -- 8, 1962
Supervisory training workshops conducted at other universities. Background material collected November -- December, 1962
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) short course. February 4 -- March 11, 1963. Cedar Rapids
Letter Carriers institute. Includes National Association of Letter Carriers: Training & Education, Handbook 1-63. Includes The Postal Record, December 1962 and January 1963; Postal Bulletin, September 12, 1962; correspondence, budget, and list of participants. February 16 -- 17, 1963
Davenport Builders Trade weekend institute. Includes program, list of participants, and a quiz on wages and employment in the construction industry. February 22 -- 23, 1963. Rock Island, Davenport
Industrial engineering time study institute. Includes 4 issues of Collective Bargaining Report, 1957 -- 1962. Includes "The Right and Wrong of Time Study Computations", The Iron Age, August 17, 1944; two papers on motion time systems by industrial engineer Bertram Gottlieb from the Department of Research, AFL-CIO. March 4 -- 8, 1963
Clinton labor short course. Includes correspondence and list of participants. March 11 -- April 15, 1963. Clinton
Des Moines union administration short course. Includes How to Run a Union Meeting, AFL-CIO, 1959, other publications; course outline and budget. April 8 -- May 13, 1963. Des Moines
Dubuque Federation of Labor workmen's compensation institute. Includes program and budget. April 19 -- 20, 1963. Dubuque
United Rubber Workers (URW) conference. Includes How the Rubber Workers Won, by the Committee for Industrial Organization, Washington, D.C., June 1936; The President Speaks Out on Unions, a pamphlet of quotes from John F. Kennedy; Camouflage: the Myth of "Labor Monopoly" by the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, publication No. 33; several booklets from the Industrial Union Department dated 1962 -- 1963; several publications from United Rubber Workers, including the newsletter dated February 1963, vol. 29, No. 2. Conference held April 19 -- 21, 1963
United Automobile, Aircraft & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW). UAW Foreign Affairs Conference. Includes numerous publications that address the Trade Expansion Act of 1962; The United Nations in Brief by the United Nations, July 1962; The ICFTU: How it Works, What it Does, March 1962; News From ICFTU newsletter, January 1962, which provides history of the organization; correspondence; list of participants; April 1963 press release. April 26 -- 28, 1963
Quad-City Federation of Labor, "Education in the Local Union" institute. Includes program, correspondence, list of participants. May 3 -- 4, 1963. Davenport
Labor short course, 12th annual. Includes course outline and list of participants. May 19 -- 24, 1963
Labor law institute, 7th annual. Focus on workmen's compensation, unemployment, the Shaff Plan, and industrial safety codes. Includes program, list of participants, and news releases. October 24 -- 26, 1963
International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers Union, Local #493. Grievance handling, proposed conference. Includes correspondence. November -- December, 1963. Des Moines
UAW, "Improving the Communications Process" short course. Includes course material. January 8 -- February 12, 1964. Cedar Rapids
Box 4
UAW, Local #299 steward training course. January 8 -- February 12, 1964. Cedar Rapids
Industrial engineering institute. March 9 -- 14, 1964
Packinghouse workers, Ottumwa union leadership program. March 16, 23, 30, April 13, 20, 27, 1964. Ottumwa
International Association of Machinists institute. April 3 -- 5, 1964
National Association of Letter Carriers institute. April 18 -- 19, 1964
Annual Labor short course, advanced group. May 10 -- 15, 1964
Annual Labor short course, basic group. May 17 -- 22, 1964
Central union council institute. June 6, 1964
American Federation of Grain Millers, Local #6, grievance course. October 13, 20, 27 -- November 3, 10, 1964. Clinton
----. Course syllabus. October 6 -- November 10, 1964. Clinton
Box 5
1964 related course materials
Box 6
Labor law institute, 8th annual. October 8 -- 10, 1964
United Rubber Workers (URW) institute. November 7 -- 8, 1964
Cedar Rapids labor assembly short course. November 10 -- December 15, 1964. Cedar Rapids
----. Course syllabus
UAW foreign affairs conference. November 20 -- 22, 1964
UAW union leadership and grievance handling short course. January 20, 27 -- February 3, 16, 17, 1965. Cedar Rapids
Quad Cities Federation of Labor, labor history short course. February 17 -- March 24., 1965. Rock Island, Illinois
----. syllabus
Box 7
Letter Carriers institute. February 19 -- 21, 1965
Leadership conference. February 23 -- 24, [1965?]
Clinton labor congress, union leadership. March 9 -- April 20, 1965. Clinton
Labor-management conference, 9th annual. March 18, 1965
Time study institute. March 29 -- April 12, 1965
Labor short courses,14th annual. Includes course materials. May 16 -- 21, 1965
Labor short course manual. May 16 -- 21, 1965
Box 8
Labor short course, annual. Basic course. May 16 -- 21, 1965
----. Advanced course
United Furnace Workers, Local #31, program. June 4 -- 5, 1965. Marshalltown
Machinists leadership school. June 6 -- 11, 1965
United Packinghouse Workers of America, Local #1, union leadership course. October 4 -- November 22, 1965. Ottumwa
----. Course syllabus
Labor law institute, 9th annual. October 14 -- 16, 1965
American Federation of Grain Millers. Union leadership course, Clinton labor congress. October 19, 1965. Clinton
Aluminum Workers of America, Local #105, union leadership course. October 26 -- December 4, 1965. Bettendorf
----. Course syllabus
Box 9
1965 related course materials
Box 10
Box 11
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) program. October 27 -- December 18, 1965. Cedar Rapids
Woodbury County Labor Council, union leadership institute. October 30, 1965. Sioux City
International Association of Machinists (IAM) institute, 6th annual. November 12 -- 14, 1965
----. Course syllabus
Black Hawk County labor history program. Planned for January 12, 17, 1966. Waterloo. Cancelled
Polk County Labor Council, labor history short course. January 27 -- March 17, 1966. Des Moines
Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly institute. January 29, 1966. Burlington
UAW union, Local #893, leadership short course. January 31 -- March 21, 1966. MarshalItown
----. Course syllabus
Clinton Iron Workers, Local #647, union leadership short course. February 2 -- March 9, 1966. Clinton
----. Course syllabus
Box 12
Quad Cities Federation of Labor short course. February 3 -- March 17, 1966. Rock Island, Illinois
United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA), Local #467, short course. February 8 -- March 15, 1966. Waterloo
Keokuk Trades and Labor Assembly institute. February 19, 1966. Keokuk
Tri-Cities Building and Trades Council short course. Includes Lex Hawkins correspondence regarding participation in Labor Center programs from 1964, 1965 and 1966. March 17 -- April 28, 1966. Rock Island, Illinois
Letter Carriers program. March 26, 1966. Marshalltown
Wage determination institute, 5th annual. April 17 -- 22, 1966
Labor-management conference,10th annual. April 26, 1966
Box 13
Labor short course,15th annual. May 15 -- 20, 1966
----. Course materials
Midwest Labor Press Association conference. June 2 -- 4, 1966
Box 14
Aluminum Workers program, steward training. June 20, 1966. Newburgh, Indiana. November 28 -- December 1, 1966. Chalmette., Louisiana. Also see folder 12/5
International Association of Machinists (IAM) basic leadership school. August 28 -- September 2, 1966
Institute of Public Affairs, community action workshop. Fall, 1966
United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America. Ohio State program. September 11 -- 16, 1966. Columbus, Ohio
Communications Workers of America conference. October 2 -- 7, 1966
Transparent Film Workers short course. October 4 -- November 3, 1966. Clinton
Box 15
Dubuque Federation of Labor, labor union history and administration course. October 12 -- November 16, 1966. Dubuque
Polk County Labor Council institute. October 13 -- November 17, 1966. Des Moines
United Rubber Workers (URW) institute. November 5 -- 6, 1966
International Association of Machinists (IAM) institute. November 18 -- 20, 1966
Aluminum Workers International Union program. November 28 -- December 1, 1966. Chalmette, Louisiana. See also folder 11/1
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) course. November 28, 1966 -- January 16, 1967. Cedar Rapids
Box 16
1966 related course materials
Box 17
Mason City school system conference. January 15 -- 16, 1967. Mason City
Quad Cities Federation of Labor course. February 6 -- March 13, 1967. Rock Island, Illinois
Clinton Labor Congress, union leadership course. February 7 -- March 14, 1967. Clinton
Iowa Association of Letter Carriers institute. February 10 -- 12, 1967
American Federation of Government Employees seminar. March 3 -- 5, 1967
Public Works Management seminar. March 13, 1967
Box 18
American Federation of Grain Millers institute. Workmen's Compensation, Medicare, State Safety Laws. March 17 -- 18, 1967
AFL-CIO institute on Testing. Aptitude testing for union representatives. March 19 -- 24, 1967. Iowa City. Correspondence
----. Program material
----. Registration, conference papers, photographs
Polk County Labor Council. "Workmen's Compensation & Safety Legislation" short course. March 30 -- May 4, 1967. Des Moines
Sheet Metal Workers, AFL-CIO, Local # 535, job evaluation program. April 7 -- 8, 1967. Columbus, Ohio
Du Pont Transparent Film Workers. Programs in "Iowa Labor Laws", "Unemployment Insurance", and "Workmen's Compensation". April 11, 18, 25 and October 3, 10, 17, 1967. Clinton
Labor-management conference, 11th annual, "Conflict in the Local Union". April 12, 1967
7th District Nurses Association. "Contract Negotiations in Relation to the Membership" workshop. April 14 -- 15, 1967. Des Moines
Box 19
Wage determination institute, 6th annual. Two courses, "Time Study" and "Job Evaluation". Includes photographs. April 23 -- 28, 1967
University of Minnesota, "Effective Administrative Action in the Public Service " institute. May 3 -- 5, 1967. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Iowa Federation of Labor. Labor short courses, 16th annual. May 14 -- 19, 1967
----. Includes course materials, booklets about raising minimum wage to $1.40, and group photograph of participants
Aluminum Workers International Union (UWIU), Local #420. Steward training course book. June 5 -- 9, 1967. Messina, New York
Box 20
Three skits performed for audience of Job Corps Center female students to prepare them for union jobs. June 13, 1967. Clinton
College of Education administrators eighth annual summer seminar. Papers presented. June 26 -- 30, 1967
NDEA workshop objectives. July 10 -- 14, 1967
Communications Workers of America (CWA) Second Leadership School. Includes budget, evaluation, photographs. July 30 -- August 4, 1967
----. Instructors manual
University of Wisconsin Boilermakers institute. Includes correspondence. August 6 -- 12, 1967. Madison, Wisconsin
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) world conference. Correspondence and report. August 16 -- 25, 1967. Montreal, Canada
University of Wisconsin, AFGE institute. Includes correspondence. August 20 -- 25, 1967. Madison, Wisconsin
Joint Council on Economic Education workshop. Includes government publications, articles. Summer, 1967
Machinists Leadership School. Includes course material and photographs. September 10 -- 15, 1967
Box 21
University of Illinois, job evaluation program. September 18 -- 22, 1967. Chicago, Illinois
Aluminum Workers International Union. October 1 -- 6, 1967. Cancelled
Union Leadership Academy (ULA). "Effective Union Leadership." October 3 -- November 30, 1967. Des Moines
ULA, "Institutional Conflicts in Society". October 4 -- November 30, 1967. Cedar Rapids
United Rubber Workers (URW) institute. October 7 -- 8, 1967
ULA, "Communication Skills". October 9 -- December 4, 1967. Quad Cities
Labor law institute, 10th annual. October 12 -- 14, 1967
IBEW, Local #944. Steward training program. October 16 -- November 20, 1967. Waterloo
Clinton labor congress. October 17, 24, 31; November 14 -- 28, 1967. Clinton
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME), steward training program. October 19, 26; November 2, 16, 30; December 7, 1967
University Labor Education Association (ULEA) meeting. October 24, 1967. Washington, D.C.
Box 22
1967 related course material
Box 23
Iowa State Council of Machinists institute, 8th annual arbitration conference. December 1 -- 3, 1967
Aluminum Workers institute, University of Wisconsin. Includes correspondence. December 7 -- 8, 1967. Madison, Wisconsin
Central Union Council. Includes correspondence. December 9, 1967. Cedar Rapids
Aluminum Workers International Union, Local #105. Steward training course. January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1,8, 1968
School-Municipal Relations Workshop. Includes program. January 19 -- 20, 1968
Communications Workers of America (CWA) leadership academy. Includes correspondence, photographs, news releases. January 22 -- March 23, 1968
Central District Elementary Principals Association. Includes correspondence. January 24, 1968. Newton
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local #1362. Steward training course. January 30 -- March 19, 1968. Cedar Rapids
Iowa Association of Letter Carriers institute. Includes course material, correspondence, 1968 national union agreement, photograph, and The Commission on Political Activity of Government Personnel: A Commission Report. Findings and Recommendations, volume one, 1967. February 16 -- 18, 1968
Box 24
Union Leadership Academy (ULA), "Effective Union Leadership". February 21 -- April 10, 1968. Clinton
ULA, "Social Legislation and the Labor Movement". Includes booklet, How Your Senators and Representatives Voted, 1965 -- 1966. February -- April, 1968. Cedar Rapids
ULA, "Problems of the Affluent Society". Includes magazine The American Federationist, February 1967. February -- April, 1968, Quad Cities. Davenport
ULA, "Our Economy and the Labor Movement". February -- April, 1968. Des Moines
American Federation of Grain Millers. March 8 -- 9, 1968
Young Workers program. March 10 -- 15, 1968
Employee development, "Key to Effective Management. March 27 -- 29, 1968. Duluth, Minnesota
Central Union Council. March 29 -- 30, 1968. Cancelled
International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers. Employment-management training institute. Includes booklet Proving Your Arbitration Case, by Boaz Siegel, 1961. March 31 -- April 5, 1968. Mobile, Alabama
1st annual institute on governmental employee management relations. April 3 -- 4, 1968
Box 25
Labor-management conference, 12th annual. Includes correspondence. April 17, 1968
University Labor Education Association (ULEA) conference. April 22 -- 24, 1968. St. Louis, Missouri
General Beadle State College. April 29, 1968. Madison, South Dakota. Cancelled
IRRA meeting. May 17 -- 18, 1968. Chicago, Illinois
Wage determination institute, 7th annual. May 19 -- 24, 1968
Box 26
Wage determination institute, 7th annual. Includes Apprenticeship, Past and Present: a story of apprenticeship in the skilled trades since colonial days, by the U.S. Department of Labor, 1964. Includes a catalog of National Safety Council posters, 1967 -- 1968. May 19 -- 24, 1968
Executive development program, 28th annual. June 9 -- 21, 1968
Communications Workers of America (CWA) convention. June 17 -- 21, 1968. Washington, D.C.
Labor short course. June 23 -- 28, 1968
Industrial engineering institute, job evaluation program. July 15 -- 26, 1968. Madison, Wisconsin
Communications Workers of America (CWA), Local #308, program. July 28 -- August 2, 1968
American Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE) meeting. September 5, 1968. Moline, Illinois
"Effective Union Leadership" program. September 5 -- October 24, 1968. Cedar Rapids
Box 27
Advanced Employment Security Manager's Program. "Current Trends in the World of Work." September 8 -- 13, 1968
International Association of Tool Craftsmen course. Includes correspondence and course outline. September 9, 16, 23, 30; October 28, 1968
Union Leadership Academy (ULA). "Institutional Conflicts in Society." September 9 -- October 7,14, 1968. Davenport
Iowa Federation of Labor convention, 13th annual. September 11 -- 13, 1968. Cedar Rapids
International Association of Machinists (IAM) Lodge 1686, steward training course. Includes list of participants. September 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24, 1968
American Institute of Laundry Certification Clinic. Includes correspondence and program. September 21, 1968
Testing institute, 2nd. Includes correspondence. September 22 -- 27, 1968. Iowa City
----. Testing materials. Includes two, three-inch reel tapes, and one envelope of photographs
United Packinghouse Workers of America, Local #46, shop steward training. Includes correspondence, evaluation, list of participants. September 24; October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 1968. Waterloo
American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD). Includes correspondence. September 30 -- October 2, 1968. Madison, Wisconsin. Cancelled
International Molders Union, Local #74. Includes correspondence and budget. October 1 -- November 12, 1968. Kellogg, Iowa
IUE meeting. Includes correspondence. October 25, 1968. Kansas City, Missouri
University of South Dakota labor-business school. Includes correspondence. October 26, 1968. Vermillion, South Dakota
Management seminars. Includes correspondence and November -- December, 1968 issue of News for Iowa Industry, with photograph of Dr. Sinicropi teaching to a class. October 31 -- November 7, 14, 21, 1968. Cedar Rapids and Davenport
Adult Education Association meeting. Includes correspondence and program. November 15, 1968. Des Moines
Box 28
1968 related course materials
Box 29
State Council of Machinists. November 15 -- 17, 1968
Iowa community services conference. December 4, 1968. Des Moines
Public bargaining conference. December 10, 1968
Communications Workers of America (CWA). Leadership academy teaching materials. January 27 -- March 16, [1969?]
American Federation of Government Employees. January 29 -- February 1, 1969
Box 30
South Central Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, seminar. Recruiting and admissions to college, the admission process and cost. February 8, 1969. Des Moines
Action studies course, "Labor and Radical Reform in America". Includes a 6-page bibliography of labor union history. February 17 -- ?, 1969
United Rubber Workers institute. Includes the Grievances and Arbitration Guidelines for the URW, undated. February 15 -- 16, 1969
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (AMCBW), Local P-1, Packinghouse workers of Ottumwa. Steward training course. A 35-minute film, "Packingtown, U.S.A." was shown, and a brief outline of the film is included. February 17; March 3, 17; April 7, 21; May 5, 1969. Ottumwa
Iowa State Association of Letter Carriers institute, 7th annual. Includes numerous booklets, the 1968 contract agreement, and one photograph. February 21 -- 23, 1969
United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local #893. Correspondence about attempts to schedule a steward training school. February 24 -- March 31, 1969. Marshalltown. Cancelled
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local #1362. Labor law course outline and correspondence. March 4, 11, 18, 25 -- April 8, 1969. Cedar Rapids
Union Leadership Academy (ULA), communication skills in 8 sessions. Includes three International Labor Press Association guides dated 1965 -- You Can Be Sued: A Primer On Libel, Invasion of Privacy and Copyright, and ILPA Press Relations Guide, and ILPA Local Publications Guide. March 5 -- April 23, 1969. Clinton
Box 31
Union Leadership Academy (ULA), "Our Economy and the Labor Movement". Includes course material and list of participants. May 6 -- April 24, 1969. Cedar Rapids
American Federation of Grain Millers institute, on labor law. Includes course material and list of participants. March 7 -- 8, 1969
ULA, "Unions and the Community". Includes course material and list of participants. March 10 -- April 28, 1969. Quad Cities, Davenport
----. March 11 -- April 29, 1969. Des Moines
United Federation of Postal Clerks institute, "Union Administration and Grievance Handling". Includes course material, list of participants, and news release. March 21 -- 23, 1969
Communications Workers of America (CWA), education coordinators meeting. Includes course material and correspondence. April 7 -- 10, 1969
American Arbitration Association, arbitration conference,13th annual. Includes correspondence. May 7, 1969
----. "The process and current issues" course. Includes photographs
Box 32
Wage determination institute. May 18 -- 23, 1969
Labor short course,18th annual. June 22 -- 27, 1969
International Association of Machinists (IAM), basic leadership school. September 7 -- 12, 1969
Box 33
Communications Workers of America (CWA), leadership conference. Includes CWA 1966 constitution, CWA 1969 resolutions, and photographs with names of participants. September 14 -- 19, 1969
Union Leadership academy (ULA),"Effective Union Leadership." September 29, 1969. Quad cities, Davenport
ULA, "Communications Skills". September 29 -- November 18, 1969. Burlington
ULA, "Institutional Conflict". September 30 -- November 18, 1969. Des Moines
ULA, "Social Needs in an Affluent Society". October 1 -- November 19, 1969. Clinton
ULA, "Communication Skills". October 2 -- November 20, 1969. Cedar Rapids
Teamsters, Local #238, steward training class. October 2 -- 4, 1969. Cedar Rapids
International Association of Machinists (IAM), steward training program. October 9 -- November 16, 1969. Waterloo
New York Governor's conference. Includes correspondence and a national contact list. October 14 -- 16, 1969. New York, New York
Dubuque Federation of Labor, steward training class. October 15 -- November 19, 1969. Dubuque
Labor law institute, 11th annual. Includes Job Testing and the Disadvantaged: APA Task Force on Employment Testing of Minority Groups, reprinted from American Psychologist, vol. 24, No. 7, July 1969; Adaptability Test, 1967, by Science Research Associates, Inc. November 6 -- 7, 1969. Cancelled
Aptitude Testing Institute. November 9 -- 14, 1969. Cancelled
Industrial relations conference. Includes numerous course outlines for arbitration; two articles from Monthly Labor Review, May 1969. November 17 -- 19, 1969
Box 34
Central union council. Speech by Charles Buntz. December 6, 1969. Des Moines
ULEA conference. December 15 -- 17, 1969. Ann Arbor, Michigan
Iowa Association of Letter Carriers institute. February 20 -- 22, 1970
Union Leadership Academy (ULA), "Our Economy and the Labor Movement". February 23 -- April 6, 1970.
Quad Cities. Davenport
ULA, "Man and his Environment". February 24 -- April 7, 1970. Des Moines
ULA, "Effective Union Leadership". February 25 -- April 8, 1970. Burlington
ULA, "Unions and the Community". February 26 -- April 9, 1970. Cedar Rapids
American Federation of Grain Millers institute. March 6 -- 7, 1970
Postal Clerks institute. March 13 -- 15, 1970. Cancelled
Box 35
Wage determination institute, 9th annual. Includes Area Wage Survey: The Davenport -- Rock Island -- Moline, Iowa -- Illinois, Metropolitan Area, October 1967, by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Area Wage Survey: The Des Moines, Iowa, Metropolitan Area, February 1968, by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. April 5 -- 10, 1970. Iowa City. Cancelled
Labor short course,19th annual. Includes a photograph of participants, labor short course programs for 1963 through 1970, correspondence, and three Audio-Visual Center job descriptions. May 11 -- 15, 1970
----. Includes Memo from COPE, January 9, 1969; photograph of participants; 12 pages of excerpts from American Parliamentary Procedure for Officers and Members of Assemblies and Organizations, by Hugh F. Seabury, University of Iowa
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). Includes ten photographs of AFGE participants; 2 copies of Executive Order 11491, signed October 29, 1969 by President Richard Nixon, distributed by American Federation of Government Employees; Executive Order 11491: A Primer, and Coordinated Federal Wage System, to explain the the New Coordinated Federal Wage System approved in December 1967. June 3 -- 6, 1970
International Printing Pressmen & Assistants' Union of North America (for the newspaper industry, commercial printing and specialty printing), seminar. Includes correspondence, program, and maps; News and Views, IPP & AU newsletter, vol. 1, no. 12, December 1969. June 6 -- 7, 1970. Des Moines
Communications Workers of America (CWA). Includes photographs, correspondence, program and program material; CWA budget report for 1970; question and answer booklet about the CWA; How to Win: a handbook for political education, by AFL-CIO, undated; Resolutions: 32nd annual convention, by CWA, June 1970; record of roll call votes for congressmen and senators during 1969. Program held September 13 -- 18, 1970
Box 36
Labor law institute,11th annual, "The 1970 Iowa Election". Includes The Pivotal 1970 Elections, by John M. Barry, managing editor of the AFL-CIO News, reprinted from October 1969 AFL-CIO American Federationist; AFL-CIO News, August 29, 1970. Includes Electing Congress: the financial dilemma: report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Financing Congressional Campaigns, 1970. September 25 -- 26, 1970
American Federation of Grain Millers institute. Includes correspondence, program, list of participants. October 2 -- 3, 1970. Keokuk
Central Union Council collective bargaining program. Includes a brief history of unions from the mid-1800s to 1947; material about contract negotiation, fringe benefits, and cost of living. November 21, 1970. Des Moines
Des Moines labor law program. Includes correspondence, and list of participants. December 5, 1970. Des Moines
National Association of Letter Carriers institute. Includes program, correspondence, list of participants, and two photographs; NALC Bulletin No. 5, February 24, 1971; material to explain the impact of Executive Order 11491, labor -- management relations in the federal service. February 26-28, 1971
Printing Pressmen programs on labor history and legislation, and steward training. Includes A Layman's Guide to Basic Law Under the National Labor Relations Act, May 1970. Includes The Labor Movement in the United States, by Jack Barbash, public affairs pamphlet No. 262, December 1966; The National Labor Movement: Chronology of Events in the History of Collective Bargaining in the United States, 1786 -- 1955; Important Events in American Labor History, 1778 -- 1963, by U.S. Department of Labor; A Guide to the 1959 Labor Reform Law; Are Union Members Liberal or Conservative? by Edgar R. Czarnecki; a comparative chart of the Wagner Act and Taft-Hartley. March 13 -- 14, 27, 28, 1971. Des Moines
Box 37
Iowa State Council of Machinists, 10th annual leadership institute. Includes photograph of participants; The Alcoholic American, by National Association of Blue Shield Plans, 1970; The Coming Battle for National Health Insurance, by Bert Seidman, AFL-CIO Director of Social Security, January 1969; The Case for National Health Insurance, by George Meany, reprinted from January 1970 AFL-CIO American Federationist; Health Care for All Americans, by Rep. Martha W. Griffiths, reprinted from April 1970 AFL-CIO American Federationist. Institute held March 26 -- 28, 1971
Communications Workers of America (CWA), Iowa City Local #7116, steward training course. Booklets included are Important Events in American Labor History, 1778 -- 1963, by the U.S. Department of Labor, 1964; The Future of Collective Bargaining, by Joseph A. Beirne, President of Communications Workers of America, 1967; CWA Steward's Manual, not dated; Let's Hold A Good Union Meeting, by the CWA Education Department, October 1963; This is the AFL-CIO, November 1969; A Layman's Guide to Basic Law Under the National Labor Relations Act, by the Office of the General Counsel, National Labor Relations Board, 1970. Course held March 31 -- June 8. 1971
Iowa Federation of Postal Clerks, union leadership institute. Includes the official publication of the United Federation of Postal Clerks, The Union Postal Clerk & The Postal Transport Journal, March 1971. Institute held April 17 -- 18., 1971
Grain Millers institute. Includes publications Toward National Health Security, winter 1971; Memo From COPE, Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO, February 1971. Institute held April 21 -- 22, 1971. University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO labor short course, 20th annual. Includes booklet Successful Leadership in Groups and Organizations, by Joseph A. Wagner, 1959. May 17 -- 21, 1971
----. Includes course material, correspondence, photographs; How Your Senators and Representatives Voted, 1967 -- 1968; The American Federationist, May 1971
Box 38
Amalgamated Clothing Workers conference. May 22, 1971
American Federation of Government Employees. June 2 -- 5, 1971
Collective bargaining school. June 2 -- July 7, 1971. Clinton
Central union council meeting. July 24, 1971. Amana
Equal employment opportunity program. August 1971. Rock Island, Illinois Arsenal
Box 39
Communications Workers of America (CWA) leadership conference. Includes correspondence. September 12 -- 17, 1971
Quad Cities time study. September 29 -- November 17, and October 4 -- November 29, 1981. Scott Community College, Riverdale
Labor law training institute. October 11 -- December 6, 1971. Des Moines
Kirkwood Community College. Black entrepreneurial training program, "Obstacles to Minorities Entering Business". Includes correspondence, list of participants, course evaluation, and booklet Cedar Rapids Black Community Self-help Enabler Project, 1970. Program held October 1971 -- September 1972. Cedar Rapids
AFSCME shop steward training program. November 9 -- December 14, 1971. Ankeny, Iowa
Box 40
Fort Dodge leadership training. November 20 -- 21, 1971. Fort Dodge. Cancelled
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) conference. November 20 -- 21, 1971
Iowa Federation of Labor. "The Wage-price Freeze and the Labor Movement" course. December 3 -- 4, 1971
Mason City leadership training. December 4 -- 5, 1971. Mason City. Cancelled
Cedar Rapids Labor Council financial analysis. December 8, 1971. Cedar Rapids
Quad City labor law program. February 16 -- April 12, 1972. Scott Community College Riverdale
Box 41
Youth and the labor movement. February 12, 19, 26, 1972. Waterloo, Dubuque, Des Moines
Iowa Association of Letter Carriers institute. February 25 -- 7, 1972
Fort Madison labor education program. March 29 -- May 18, 1972. Fort Madison. Cancelled
American Federation of Grain Millers institute. Includes Presidential Appointments. April 5 -- 7, 1972
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. May 20, 1972. Cancelled
Box 42
Union Leadership Academy, 1968-75
Box 43
AFL-CIO Scholarship Program, 1970-75
Box 44
Programs and conferences, 1972
Box 45
Box 46
Programs and conferences, 1973
Box 47
Box 48
Box 49
Box 50
Programs and conferences, 1974
Box 51
Box 52
Box 53
Box 54
Programs and conferences, 1975
Box 55
Box 56
Box 57
Box 58
Box 59
Administrative files, 1976-80
Box 60
Off-campus programs, 1992-93
Box 61
Box 62
Cancelled programs
Mutual Aid and Protection
New Tactics for Tough Times
Trade Union Women
Iowa Workers Compensation (7 folders)
UCLEA Regional Conference
ADA/DIS on campus (2 folders)
Box 63
Workplace Health and Safety
Creating a Hazard-free Workplace (2 folders)
Labor Law (3 folders)
Civil Rights (Affirmative Action)
Health Care Issues in the '90s
Annual Labor Press Workshop (3 folders)
NALC on Campus (3 folders)
Box 64
Employee Involvement/Map/Gainsharing (4 folders)
One-on-One Mobilizing
Bargaining for Retirement
40th Annual Labor Short Course (2 folders)
39th Annual Labor Short Course (2 folders)
Stewards' School (4 folders)
Financial Officers Education (9 folders)
Fact-finding and Interest Arbitration (2 folders)
Box 65
Advanced Level Leadership
American Federation of Government Employees (6 folders)
Advanced Arbitration
Collective Bargaining (10 folders)
Box 66
Collective Bargaining (8 folders)
Communications Workers of America (4 folders)
38th Annual Labor Short Course (2 folders)
Legislative Internship Program, 1979-82 (9 folders)
Dave Heart Research Memorial Grant
Annual Convention Programs and Reports (19 items)
Right to Work (5 publications)
Box 67
Photographs, audio tapes
Box 68
Video tapes
Box 69
Audio tapes