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Records of the Graduate Student Senate Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: The University Archives received the records of the Graduate Student Senate from Christopher Rosebrook, the treasurer of the organization at the time, on June 3, 1993. Collection processed by Melissa Gomis. Guide posted to the Internet in 2003 and updated January 2008. Photographs: None |
Scope and Contents
The records of the Graduate Student Senate include minutes of meetings, meeting agendas, resolutions, correspondence, newsletters and news clippings, and other documents related to their activities, the University of Iowa, and graduate students.
Subjects addressed in the records include tuition increases, protest of apartheid in South Africa during the 1980s, financial aid, guidelines for teaching assistants, grading practices, and CIA recruitment on campus.
The collection consists of 11 series:
Series I, History, contains personal accounts of the founding of the GSS in 1968.
Series II, Agenda and Minutes, includes, in chronological order, information about Senate meetings and budget information.
Series III, Publications, consists of GSS newsletters, newsletter production notes, pamphlets, handbooks, news clippings, and newsletters from other organizations.
IV, Constitutions and Policies, includes copies of the Senate’s initial and subsequent constitutions, as well as copies of various University policies.
Series V, Legislation and Resolutions, is a partial (1979-1989) record of the Senate’s legislative activity.
Series VI, Correspondence, includes letters to and from Senate officers, primarily the president and treasurer.
Series VII, Committees, includes reports, membership rosters, and other documents concerning the various committees of the G.S.S., including Elections, Affirmative Action, and Study Abroad.
Series VIII, External Organizations, includes brochures, announcements, and other printed matter from organizations that were in regular or occasional contact with the GSS.
Series IX, Reports, includes reports produced by GSS on such topics as student fee allocations, salaries and collective bargaining for graduate assistants.
Series X, Subject, arranged alphabetically, covers a wide range of topics, including bulletin board postings, employment opportunities, the graduate reading room at Main Library, insurance for students, and thesis preparation.
Series XI, Audio Recordings, consists of audio tape cassettes and includes recordings of meetings, budget hearings, and seminars, mainly from 1988-1991.
Historical Note
The Graduate Student Senate was officially organized on May 24, 1968. Prior attempts to establish a group representing the interests of University of Iowa graduate students had been made in 1966 but were unsuccessful due to uncertainty over the expected roles of the administration and students. Alvin H. Scaff, Associate Dean of the Graduate College, was a significant organizer of the G.S.S. because he believed graduate students needed to have a forum in which to express their concerns about issues of importance to them. At the time of its founding, the G.S.S. obtained financial support and recognition from the Graduate College and University Administration.
Senators are elected by fellow students to represent their respective programs or departments. During the initial meeting in 1968 a constitution was proposed and adopted. Also at the meeting there was discussion of creating a graduate student center, but attendees decided instead to develop a newsletter as a way to facilitate communication among graduate students and their representatives.
As of 2003, the Graduate Student Senate office was located in 415 Gilmore Hall with the website at The site contains its constitution, adopted or draft resolutions, senators’ names, minutes of meetings, calendar, and committees.
Related Materials
Records of the Graduate College (RG 12)
Records of the University of Iowa Student Government (RG 02.07.01)
Records of the University of Iowa Faculty Senate and Council (RG 03.01)
Box Contents List
Box 1:
Graduate Student Senate History, 1968-1970
Series II: Agenda and Minutes
Agenda and Minutes, 1968
----, 1969
----, 1970
----, 1971
----, 1972
----, 1973
----, 1974
Box 2:
Series II: Agenda and Minutes (continued)
Agenda and Minutes, 1975
----, 1976
----, 1977
----, 1978
----, 1979
----, 1980
----, 1981
----, 1982
----, 1983-1984
----, 1984-1985
----, 1985
----, 1986
----, 1987
----, 1988-1989
Box 3:
Series III: Publications
Graduate Student Newsletter, 1968-1971
----, 1972
----, 1973-1981 [incomplete]
----, 1983-1985 [incomplete]
----, 1988-1992 [incomplete]
Graduate Student Newsletter, production notes, 1981
----, 1982
----, 1983
----, Fall 1986
Graduate Student Senate pamphlet, 1985
Graduate Student Senate handbook, 1988-1989
Teaching Assistants’ Association newsletters, 1983-1984
Graduate Bulletin, Commerce Crier, Liberal Arts Review; 1975, 1985
Daily Iowan articles, 1972, 1986
Area newspaper articles, 1989
Daily Iowan ad campaign, 1975
Series IV: Constitutions and Policies
Student Bill of Rights/General Conduct, 1969
Proposal for Graduate Student Board of Governors, 1968
Constitutions, 1969-1973
----, 1973-1980
----, 1990
Constitutions from other colleges, n.d.
Code of Student Life, 1969
Dismissal Policy, 1969
University Policy on Consensual Relationships, 1986
Box 4:
Series V: Legislation and Resolutions
Legislation/Resolutions, 1979-1980
Including: Teaching Assistant Guidelines, divestiture South Africa, new arena proposal
----, 1981-1982
Including: Tuition increase, freedom of information
----, 1984
Including: South African divestiture
----, 1984-1985
Including: South African divestiture
----, 1984-1985
Including: GSS-856-13 (tax policy)
----, 1985
Including: GSS-856-14 (Old Music Building)
----, 1985-1986
Including: financial aid, Old Music Building
Teaching Assistant name change proposal, 1985
Legislation/Resolutions, 1986
Including: South Africa, tuition, grading
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-17 (asylum for apartheid resisters)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-18 (CIA recruitment on campus)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-19 (cultural pluralism)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-20 (Civil Rights Restoration Act)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-21 (Establishing a travel funds committee)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-586-22 (political violence in Libya)
----, 1986
Including: GSS-856-24 (denouncing anti-Arab sentiment)
----, 1986
Including: tuition, cuts in funding
----, 1987
Including: GSS-867-30 (income-contingent loan program)
----, 1988-1989
Including: tuition payment schedule
Series VI: Correspondence
Business correspondence: Dean D.C. Spriestersbach, 1968-1973
President, 1980-1981
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Althen, Gary; Boyd, Willard;
Bycroft, Barton G.; Carroll, Gregory D.; Cox, W.A.; Davidson, Steven; Van Halsema, Mark;
Hatmaker, John; Homan, Ken; Hoppin, Margery E.; Laster, Howard; Muston, Ray; Nagel, Alan
----. 1983
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Blum-Reid, Sylvia;
Condorelli, Richard; Hoover, H.D.; Hornsy, Jessie; Larsen, Cynthia; Liberal Arts DEOs;
Lillios, Ahna; Palmer, Tom; Schulz, Rudolph; Seal, Julie; Taylor, Kerin
----. 1985-1986
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Canby, Craig; Carraminara, Rodrigo;
Devitt, Jeff; DuMond, Charles; Gross, Carolyn; Spriestersbach, D.C.; Taylor, Kevin G.
----. 1986
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Aubrey, Elizabeth; Beardsley, Robert;
Bennett, William; Branstad, Terry; Canby, Craig; Reagan, Ronald;
----. 1987
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Canby, Craig; Greenfield, Peter L.;
Huntzinger, Ann; Montgomery, Rex; Pajunan, Steve; Sweeney, Sharon; Taylor, Larry
Box 5:
Series VI (continued):
Treasurer, 1969
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Bowen, Howard R.; Brady, David;
Gibson, Richard E.; Hubbard, Philip; Jakobsen, James; Spriestersbach, D.C.
----. 1974-1975
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Mottel, Edward A.; Flynn, Brian;
Liaw, Ruth Y.; Van Sell, Mary P.
----. 1979-1980
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Woodworth, Craig R.; Ashman, Janet
----. 1984-1985
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Martin, Andrew
Secretary, 1985-1987
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Martin, Andrew; Brill, Kenneth A.;
Canby, Craig
Business, 1980-1981
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Vasconcelos-Sousa, J.M.; Renk,
Stephen; Stevenson, Jeff; Trapp, Joe; Hoppin, Margery E.; Harris, Carolyn; Sanden, Tom;
Van Halsema, Mark; Mueller, Carol J.; Nagel, Dennis J.; Petersen, Mary Louise; Boyd, Willard L.;
Spriestersbach, D.C.; Zecher, Richard; Laster, Howard; Tomasini, Wallace J.; Osborne, J.W.;
Starck, Kenneth; Sandrock, James P.; Muston, Ray A.; Hornsby, Roger A.; Becker, Samuel L.;
Asprey, Gene M.
----. 1985-1986
Including correspondence addressed to or received from: Martin, Andrew; Lloyd-Jones, Jean;
Lassiter, Larry; Ellis, Dorsey D., Jr.; Bartkevicius, Jocelyn; Tiegs, Richard
Student consultants, observers, sub-committees, 1969
Election committee information, 1975-1980
Elections / nominating petitions, 1980-1989
Appointments to University Graduate College committees, 1970, 1985
Affirmative Action committee, 1975-1987
Lecture committee, 1983-1986
Study Abroad committee, 1985-1986
Parenting committee, Council on the Status of Women, 1987
Members / Committees, n.d., 1974-1975
Members / Committees, 1980-1981, 1986-1987
Series VIII: External Organizations
National Association of Graduate-Professional Students, 1988
National Council of Graduate Student Associations, 1969
Collegiate Associations Council, 1975
----. 1986-1987
----. Resolutions, 1986-1987
Box 6:
Reports of Graduate Student Senate, 1969-1974
Including: aftermath of Old Armory Temporary (Big Pink) / Rhetoric Program fire, 1970;
daycare centers committee, 1971; student fee allocation, 1971; ISPIRG organizing, 1971;
dismissal procedures, n.d.; State Board of Regents member selection, n.d.;
Daily Iowan, Recreational Facilities, 1969; Pets in married student housing, 1969;
salaries and collective bargaining for graduate assistants, 1974; contraceptives on campus, n.d.
Report on Salaries and Collective Bargaining, 1974-1975
Series X: Subject Files
Academic symposium – transcript, 1985
Bulletin board postings, 1989
Employment opportunities, 1976, 1987
Foreign students, 1978-1979
Manual for Foreign Teaching Assistants, 1981
Graduate Forum 2000, 2000
Graduate Reading Room surveys, 1986
Issues of concern to graduate students, 1988-1989
Student insurance program, 1969
Sweatshirt information, 1989
Teaching assistants and tax stipends, n.d.
Teaching assistant employment – department information, 1986-1987
Thesis preparation seminar, 1975, 1985
Touchtone registration, 1986
Travel / speakers, 1988-1989
Unionization, 1969
----. 1986
Wise, P.J. – lawsuit concerning AFDC benefits, 1986
April 21, 1988
April 20, 1988
April 23, 1991; April 24, 1991 nominations
October 1990 GPSS Class III, [n.d.] (5 tapes)
Budgeting and Auditing Night II, [n.d.] (2 tapes)
Souter, [n.d.]
TLA / Yearbook / RCHS, [n.d.]
MSF Meeting, February 26, 1991
Student Senate retreat, [n.d.] (3 tapes)
P. Arnell, V. Carmichael, C. Thomas, H. Meyers, S. Markuson, B. Duhn, N. Eckert, J. Johns, 4/24
UCS-3B Delta Sigma Pi, [n.d.]
Student Senate BAC budget hearings, [n.d.]
----. FY 1988-1989, recorded April 18, 1988
BAC hearings, April 19, 1988
----. April 21, 1988
----. April 24, 1988, including: B. Beilfuss, S. Davis, Faber, Flanders, Smith
Iowa Coalition Against Apartheid, April 19, 1988; April 20, 1988
Scottish Highlanders, April 20-21, 1988
UISS-BAC, April 20, 1987
Griffin, Whitmore, Hirl, Getz, Hock, Peterson, Boetel, Miller, Habte-Gabr, Gillies [n.d.]
Class II, April 1991 (3 tapes)
Informal appeals, April 1991 (2 tapes)
UAS Sunday afternoon hearing [n.d.]
Class III, April 1991
Budget appeals, April 1991
Smith, Koester, Kumar, House, Frey, Griffith, 4/25
GPSS Class III, April 1991 (3 tapes)
Province et. al., April 24 [?]
Gillres, et. al., April 26 [?]
MSF hearings, February 26, 1991
UAS hearings, [n.d.]
Judicial boards interviews, August 5, 1991
“Day #2”
Night III, April 22, 1987
Unidentified – (4 tapes)