Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Records Pertaining to Students Enrolled in the Graduate College
RG 12.06.01
Collection Dates:
77.5 linear ft.

Access and Restrictions: Confidential files; access to this collection is restricted to authorized staff of the Graduate College and the Office of the Registrar.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were transferred to the University Archives from the Graduate College at various times. Guide posted to the Internet January 2007.










Box Contents List

Candidates for Advanced Degrees; 0.5 ft.

Final Exam; 1.5 ft.

Mathematics Working Papers; 0.5 ft.

Graduate College Student Case Files Dec 76- Aug 86; 45.0 ft.

Masters & Doctoral Candidates; 30 ft.

Records include:

Box 1:

Master's students graduation/reports only

February, 1967

June, 1967

Box 2:

Master's students graduation/reports only

August, 1967

February, 1968

Box 3:

Master's students graduation/reports only

June, 1968

August, 1968

Box 4:

Master's students graduation/reports only

February, 1969

June, 1969

Box 5:

Master's students graduation/reports only

August, 1969

January, 1970

Box 6:

Master's students graduation/reports only

May, 1970

August, 1970

Box 7:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

January, 1971 (A-S)

Box 8:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

January, 1971 (T-Y)

May, 1971 (A-M)

Box 9:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

May, 1971 (N-W)

August, 1971 (A-H)

Box 10:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

August, 1971 ( J-Z)

Box 11:

MA, MS (May, 1971)

Box 12:

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA (May, 1971)

MA (August, 1971)

Box 13:

MA (H-Z)

MAT, EdS ( August, 1971)

Box 14:

MS (August, 1971)

MA (January, 1972)

Box 15:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

January, 1972 (A-Z)

Box 16:

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA, MSW (January,1972)

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA (May, 1972)

Box 17:

MA (May, 1972)

Box 18:

MS, MSW (May, 1972)

EdS, MAT, MBA, MS (July, 1972)

Box 19:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

May, 1972 (A-R)

Box 20:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

May, 1972 (S-X)

July, 1972 (A-K)

Box 21:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

July, 1972 (L-W)

December, 1972 (A-F)

Box 22:

Doctoral records of all graduate students

December, 1972 (G-W)

Box 23:

MA (A-S) (July, 1972)

Box 24:

MA (T-Z) (July, 1972)

MFA, MSW (July, 1972)

Box 25:


Box 26:

MA (K-Z) (December, 1972)

EdS, MS (May, 1973)

Box 27:

MA (A-L), MAT, MBA, MFA, MSW (May, 1973)

Box 28:

MA (M-Z) (May, 1973)

Box 29:

Doctoral records of all graduate students, PhD and DMA

(Master's degree from this graduation filed out of sequence)

May, 1973 (A-P)

Box 30:

Doctoral records of all students, PhD and DMA

May, 1973 (S-Z)

PhD, DMA (July, 1973)

Box 31:

Plans and reports


July, 1973 (A-D)

Box 32:

MA (E-Z) (July, 1973)

Box 33:

Plans and reports

MS, MFA, MAT, MSW, MBA, EdS (July, 1973)

PhD, DMA (A-G) (December, 1973)

Box 34:

PhD, DMA (K-Z) (December, 1973)

Box 35:

Plans and reports

MA (H-Z) (December, 1973)

MAT, MBA, EdS, MFA (December, 1973)

Box 36:

Plans and reports

MS, MSW (December, 1973)

Box 37:

Plans and reports

MA (A-R) (May, 1974)

Box 38:

Plans and reports

MA (T-Z) (May, 1974)

Box 39:

Plans and reports

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA, MS, MSW (May, 1974)

Box 40:

Plans and reports

PhD, DMA (May, 1974)

Box 41:

Plans and reports

MA (A-R) (July, 1974)

Box 42:

Plans and reports

MA (S-Z) (July, 1974)

Box 43:

Plans and reports

PhD, DMA (July, 1974)

Box 44:

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA, MS, MSW (July, 1974)

PhD, DMA (A-G) (December 1974)

Box 45:

PhD, DMA graduates (H-Z) (December, 1974)

Box 46:

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA, MSW (December, 1974)

Box 47:

MA, MS graduates (December, 1974)

Box 48:

MA graduates (May, 1975)

Box 49:

EdS, MAT, MBA, MFA, MS, MSW (May, 1975)

Box 50:

PhD, DMA, graduates (May, 1975)

Box 51:

MA (S-Z) (July, 1975)

Box 52:

PhD, DMA graduates (July, 1975)

Box 53:

MA (A-R) (July, 1975)

Box 54:

MA (December, 1975)

Box 55:

EdS, MBA, MFA, MS, MSW (December, 1975)

Box 56:

PhD (December, 1975)

Box 57:

PhD (May, 1976)

Box 58:

MA (May, 1976)