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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Records of the College of Law
RG 14.02
Collection Dates: 1877-2001
12.5 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

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Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries at various times. Collection processed by David McCartney, February 2006. Guide posted to the Internet 2006; updated February 2008.

Photographs: Box 12









Scope and Contents

The records of the University of Iowa College of Law consist of eight series: Agricultural Law Center, Continuing Legal Education Program, Library, Conferences and Symposiums, Publications and Journals, Historical, Student Activity, and Faculty.

Related Materials

Related materials in the University Archives include records of the Office of the Dean (RG14.01) and the papers of faculty members (rg99 series). One folder pertaining to the Agricultural Law Center is in the Archives' subject files, filed under "Law." Annual reports, bulletins and announcements are in the Archives' cataloged serials section.

Papers of Clarence Updegraff (MsC 484)

College of Law Photographs Collection (RG 30.01.26)


Closing Address to the Senior Law Class, by Hon. James M. Love, LL. D. U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Iowa. [n.d.] 17-U582CL 2:C62

Law Oration Delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, June 22, 1886, by Albert B. Cummins, esq. 1886. 17-U582CL 2:L41

Synopsis of the Law of Carriers including Common Carriers of Goods, and Public Carriers of Passengers, by Emlin McClain. 1885. 17-U582CL 2:C23 1886

Ibid., 1887. 17-U582CL 2:C23 1887

Synopsis of Lectures on Remedial Law, by Emlin McClain. 1889. 17-U582CL 2:R28

Synopsis of the Law of Bailments and Pledges, by Emlin McClain. 1890. 17-U582CL 2:B15

Bulletin of the State University of Iowa. Number 372. October 9, 1926. Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration of the College of Law, 1865-1925. 17-U582 53:372

Guernsey, Nathaniel T. The Regulation of Public Utilities: Outline of Addresses at the College of Law. October 24-28, 1927. 17-U582CL 20:1927

Chicano-Hispanic Association for Legal Education. The University of Iowa College of Law. 17-U582CL 2:C43 1990

University of Iowa College of Law and American Indians. 17-U582CL 2:C68

Asian Americans at the University of Iowa College of Law. 17-U582CL 2:As4

African American Students and the University of Iowa Law School. 17-U582CL 2:Af8

The Eighth Annual Van Oosterhout Memorial Moot Court Competition [1989]. 17-U582CL 7:V26 1989

Box Contents List


Box 1

Series I: Agricultural Law Center

Legal Economic Symposium; September 1958

Nonfarm Inputs in Agricultural Production; by Marshall Harris. August 10-13, 1960.

Legal Institute: Fundamentals of Farm Leases; Water Rights in Iowa; Farmers' Social Security. September 23-24, 1955.

Vertical Integration and Contract Farming. First Phase Report. October 1960.

----. Second Phase Report (v. 1 of 2). October 1961.

Box 2

----. Second Phase Report (v. 2 of 2). October 1961.

----. Third Phase Report. November 1962.

Box 3

No. 1: Legal - Economic Research. Marshall Harris and John C. O'Byrne, ed. May 1959.

No. 2: Family Farm Corporations. May 1963.

No. 3: Farm Partnership: Drafting the Agreement. Charles Vanderbur. December 1963.

No. 4: Iowa Farm Fence Law. N. William Hines and Marshall Harris. May 1964.

No. 5: Installment Land Contracts in Iowa. Marshall Harris. January 1965.

No. 6: Legal Aspects of the Small Watershed Program in Iowa. Charles Campbell, N. William Hines, and Marshall Harris. September 1965.

No. 7: Estate Planning Iowa Joint Tenancies. N. William Hines. September 1965.

No. 8: Methods for Legal - Economic Research into Rural Problems. N. William Hines and Marshall Harris, ed. September 1966.

No. 9: A Decade of Experience under the Iowa Water Permit System. N. William Hines. September 1966.

No. 10: Opportunities for Regional Research on Water Resources Problems. Dean T. Massey and Gordon D. Rose, ed. September 1968.

No. 11: Emerging and Projected Trends Likely to Influence the Structure of Midwest Agriculture, 1970-1985. John R. Brake, ed. June 1970.

No. 12: Entrepreneurship in Agriculture. Marshall Harris. [n.d.]

No. 13: Legal - Economic Aspects of Waste Law as It Relates to Farming. Marshall Harris. December 1974.


No. 1: Forfeiture and the Iowa Installment Land Contract. September 1961.

No. 2: Corporate Practice of Veterinary Medicine. September 1961.

No. 3: Farm Partnership: Ownership and Use of Real Property. May 1962.

No. 4: Iowa's New Water Statue - The Constitutionality of Regulating Existing Uses of Water. May 1962.

No. 5: Product Liability for Animal Food and Drugs. May 1963.

No. 6: Liability Resulting from Artificial Bodies of Water. August 1963.

No. 7: Partnership Bankruptcy: Proposed Amendments to the National Bankruptcy Act. August 1963.

No. 8: Regulation and Liability in the Application of Pesticides. November 1963.

No. 9: Taxation Affecting Agricultural Land Use. January 1965.

No. 10: Agrarian Reform as a Means to Economic and Social Development in Peru. January 1965.

No. 11: Surface Water Drainage in Iowa. March 1965.

No. 13: Nor Any Drop to Drink: Public Regulation of Water Quality. N. William Hines. September 1967.

Box 4

Series II: Continuing Legal Education

Educational Law Program [concerning student records and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974], November 12-13, 1976

Summer Program of Instruction for Lawyers at the Iowa Law School, July 12-17, 1976

----. July 11-16, 1977

----. July 17-22, 1978

Fall Program of Instruction for Lawyers. Fall 1976

Iowa Tort Guide, second edition. A Handbook of Basic Iowa Tort Law. Promotional brochure. 1982.

The Iowa Guide to Search and Seizure. Promotional brochure. 1986.

Kurtz on Iowa Estates. Promotional brochure. 1981.

Contract Remedies, Equity and Restitution in Iowa. Promotional brochure. 1980.

Series III: Library

Catalogue of the Hammond Historical Law Collection in the Law Library of the State University of Iowa. Noble, Frank H., comp. 1895.

User's Guide. 1973.

----. 1974 - 1976.

----. 1976 - 1977.

----. 1977 - 1978.

----. 1978 - 1980.

----. 1980 - 1982.

----. 1982 - 1984.

The Rare Book Room of the Law Library, The University of Iowa College of Law. October 17-18, 1986.

User's Guide. 1987 - 1989.

----. 1991 - 1993.

----. 2000 - 2001.

Series IV: Conferences and Symposiums

The Role of the Large Corporation. Remarks by Paul S. Gerot, president of The Pillsbury Company. October 2, 1959.

Public Employee Bargaining II. November 15, 1974.

In Celebration of the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. October-November 1986.

Global Focus: Human Rights '98. 1998.

Home Rule Symposium. April 25, 1972.

Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems. Symposium: The United States Commitment to International Law. Volume 1, Number 1. Spring 1991.

Box 5

Series V: Publications and Journals

College of Law informational booklets. 1965, 1967, 1980 -

Law Bulletin. No. 1 - 14 (1891 - 1894)

Box 6

----. No. 15 - 42 (1895 - 1901)

Box 7

The Iowa Advocate. 1962 - 1986

Box 8

----. 1987 - 2000

Box 9

----. 2001 -

Box 10


Hines, N. William. Property II: Cases and Readings in Limitations on the Use of Property. Volume I. January 1986.

Ibid. Resource Planning: Cases and Readings in Limitations of the Use of Property. Volume II. February 1978.

Ladd, Mason. Iowa Probate Practice Problems. Third edition. 1939.

Perkins, Rollin M. Iowa Peace Officers Code. 1937.

Ibid. Handbook for Iowa Peace Officers. 1938.

Ibid. Manual for Iowa Peace Officers. 1939.

Box 11

Ibid. Iowa Criminal Code - Annotated for Peace Officers. 1940.

Ibid. Iowa Code of Criminal Procedure - Annotated for Peace Officers. Part 1. 1941.

Ibid. Part 3. 1944.

Weston, Burns H. Global Interdependence and Human Survival: An Introduction to World Order Studies. Course materials. 1975.

Box 12

International Studies in Economics: No. 5. Brady, Eugene A. Production Functions for the Industrial Sector of Peru. November 1967.

----. No. 6. Ibid. The Distribution of Total Personal Income in Peru. January 1968.

----. No. 9. Brady, Eugene A. A Methodological Procedure for Analyzing the Policy Instruments of an Underdeveloped Economy - Using the Economy of Peru as a Demonstrative Case. November 1968.

----. No. 10. Arnold, Barry C. and Leonor Laguna. On Generalized Pareto Distributions with Applications to Income Data. May 1977.


Alumni directory, 1877

----. 1907

----. 1914

----. 1926

----. 1931

----. 1984

----. 1989

Photo Directory, First Year Class. 1973-74

----. 1974-75

----. 1975-76

----. 1977-78

----. 1978-79

----. 1979-80

----. 1980-81

----. 1981-82

----. 1982-83

----. 1983-84

----. 1984-85

----. 1985-86

----. 1988-89

----. 1989-90

----. 1990-91

Box 13

Series VI: Historical

The Law Department of the Iowa State University: Its History, Organization and Plan of Study. 1869.


      Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration, College of Law, 1865-1925. November 6, 1925.

      Class Day Exercises. June 28, 1875.

Bulletin of the State University of Iowa. New Series No. 552. March 29, 1930. The Story of the Iowa Law School, by Rollin M. Perkins.

Series VII: Student Activity

Iowa Law Rebuke, 1956-1959

ISBA (Iowa Student Bar Association) Newsletter, 1975-1987

Box 14

Freshman Oral Arguments, sample, 1949-1968

Oversize Box 1

Series VIII: Faculty

Binder 1: 19 November 1906 - 6 March 1911

Binder 2: 20 February 1905 - 5 November 1906; 7 June 1909 - 19 September 1910

Binder 3: 16 June 1910 - 16 December 1921

Oversize Box 2

Series VII: Student Activity

Iowa Student Bar Association scrapbook, 1978-1979