Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Records of International Programs
RG 23.06.01
Collection Dates: 1949-2003
24 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: The Records of International Programs have been transferred to the University Archives at various times. Collection processed and guide posted to the Internet January 2008.

Photographs: Boxes 27, 47, 48









Scope and Contents

The Records of International Programs are arranged into four series: Subject Files, Printed Material, Latin American Studies Program (LASP), and Clippings and Scrapbooks. Of particular interest with information about student body demography are the folders "Foreign Students Statistics, 1977-1998" in Box 9, "Office of Study Abroad, 1981-1998" in Box 16, and "Foreign Student Population Statistics, 1949-1972," in Box 24.

Historical Note

Since the late 1800's the UI has hosted students from other countries and has also arranged opportunities for its resident students to study abroad. In 1908, the UI chapter of the Cosmopolitan Club was founded to promote greater understanding among different cultures. It was one of five such clubs on U.S. campuses, operating until the 1940's.

The post-World War II enrollment boom brought with it an influx of international students. In response, the University appointed an adviser for foreign students in the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) in 1948. In 1952, the University established the International Center to meet the needs of its foreign students. By 1956, the Center moved to 219 N. Clinton St., the former home of Benjamin and Bertha Shambaugh, longtime associates of the University. (In 2002, Shambaugh House, as it was known, was moved to the corner of Clinton and Fairchild streets, becoming the home of the International Writing Program. The house move was prompted by construction of the new Belin-Blank Honors Center nearby.)

Continued growth in international student enrollment led to the establishment in 1971 of the Office of International Education and Services (OIES), which also managed study abroad-related services. Additionally, the Center for International and Comparative Studies (CICS), founded in 1981 as a faculty committee, was established to coordinate and support interdisciplinary education related to foreign studies, becoming one of nine national resource centers funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education in 1985.

In 1997, the OIES was reorganized as International Programs, an entity combining the services of OIES, CICS, and other programs. From its inception in 1971 until 2007, International Programs was located in the former Law Commons, west of the Iowa River. It moved to the University Capitol Centre, in the Old Capitol Town Center near the Pentacrest, in 2007.

Related Materials

Rempel, Averno Milton. "Studies of the Role of the State University of Iowa in World Affairs: I. Foreign Student Relationships: II. Certain Variables Involved in the Development of International Understanding." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1954.

Records of the Center for International and Comparative Studies (RG 23.06.02)

Records of the International Women's Club (RG 23.06.03)

Records of the International Association (RG 23.06.04)

Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files (RG 01.15.04), which include international student-related groups, such as the African Students Association, the Cosmopolitan Club, the Indonesian Student Association, and many others.

Box Contents List

Box 1

Subject Files Series

Admissions (8 folders), 1971-1993

Advisory Committee on International Education (5 folders), 1965-1981

Box 2

----. (13 folders), 1981-1984

Box 3

----. 1982-1983

Box 4

African trip, 1973

African Studies Committee, 1979-1985

AID Nairobi, 1965

LASPAU workshop, 1979

Intensive English Proficiency Program possibilities, 1975-1986

Linguistics/English as Second Language Program (9 folders), 1974-1994

Box 5

Program in International Development (PID), 1992-1993

UI College of Education International Committee Directions (2 folders), 1982-1990

East Asian Studies (2 folders), 1972-1974

Center for Development Studies (2 folders), 1976-1984

Multinational Corporation and World Order, 1972

Comparative Literature, 1972

NDEA Program

Asian Colloquium, 1972

Box 6

Center activities (2 folders), 1965-1968

Center for International Studies report trip, 1965

International Studies, 1972

Olson Committee report, 1959-1960

Center for International and Comparative Studies (CICS) meetings, 1983

CICS Barkan proposed agenda and responses, 1981-1982

CICS planning retreat, 1991

CICS "Representing Nomadic Cultures" symposium, 1993

China (4 folders), 1984-1988

Box 7

Center membership (2 folders), 1965-1966

Council for International Visitors to Iowa City, 1985-1990

UI College of Business International Resources Directory, 1984

Iowa City Foreign Relations Council (10 folders), 1982-1998

Box 8

Foreign Student Committee (7 folders), 1977-1989

Box 9

Foreign students statistics (9 folders), 1977-1998

FSA, 1995

Box 10

Office of Study Abroad, including AESOP program, African universities (10 folders), 1976-1977, 1991-1997

Box 11

Office of Study Abroad, 1976-1978

Box 12

----. 1974-1976

Brazilian projects (7 folders), 1977-1979

Box 13

Kuwait (2 folders), 1996

East Asian Studies (3 folders), 1971-1974

Box 14

Correspondence, 1973-1978

Hill Foundation (7 folders), 1965-1972

President James Freedman re: China (2 folders), 1982-1984

Box 15

Global Studies (4 folders), 1977-1991

Cross-cultural communication, 1978

OSEAS (2 folders), 1995

Box 16

Office of Study Abroad, including statistics about international students at UI (11 folders), 1981-1998

Wales program

Far East plan, 1962

Ford Foundation application, 1965

Box 17

College of Education international interest (4 folders), 1977-1992

Internal review (3 folders), 1993-1995

Box 18

Foreign student recruiting (4 folders), 1995-1996

Office of International Education and Services (OIES), including organization charts (5 folders), 1992-1996

Box 19

CICS-OIES internal review, 1996

Iowa-Dongguk (2 folders), 1968-1972

IR at other schools, 1964

Box 20

Korean project (10 folders), 1986-1991

Box 21

----. (7 folders) 1990-1991

North Korea: Policy, Modernity, Fantasy International Conference, 2007

Budget (12 folders), 1972-1984

Box 22

----. (9 folders) 1984-1991

Box 23

Foreign student rosters and summaries (10 folders), 1989-1994

Box 24

Foreign student population statistics (22 folders), 1949-1972

Foreign student trends survey, 1971-1987

Foreign student survey, 1971-1974

Faculty foreign travel survey, 1985-1987

Box 25

Foreign Student Committee (6 folders), 1971-1991

Establishment of OIES, 1969-1972

Development of Training and Research in International Studies, 1964

----. Ford Foundation proposal, 1965

Establishment of CICS, 1981-1982

Immigration Aspects of Hiring Foreign Faculty, 1977

Box 26

Foreign students study, 1959-1960

----. 1962

International Center financial sheets, 1957-1958

International Club: Membership, 1957-1958

----. Programs and songsheets, [1950s]

----. Statement of accounts, 1954-1955

International Center Association members, by-laws, 1961

----. Charter history, 1952, 1959-1960

----. Annual, 1959-1960

International House guest book (from time IH opened), 1952-1954

National holidays inquiry correspondence, 1956-1957

International House Association newsletters, 1959-1960

Box 27

International Club: Statement of account, 1954-1955

----. Invoice and voucher, 1954-1955

----. Center board meeting minutes, 1955-1956

----. Minutes, photographs, ephemera, members (binder), 1949-1953

Box 28

China exchange programs coordinated by Jan Felsing (10 folders), 1980-1987

Box 29

----. (16 folders) 1980-1987

Box 30

International Coordinating Council for International Studies: Advisors' newsletter, 1976-1980

----. Guidelines and history, 1969-1973

----. Faculty Steering Committee, 1980-1981

----. General correspondence, 1981-1986

Guidelines for Iowa Regents Study Abroad Programs, 1981

Jordan Project: correspondence, training (16 folders), 1981-1983

Box 31

Center for International and Comparative Studies (CICS): Events, 1984-1995

----. Event posters, 1982-1994

African Studies event posters, 1982-1995

Global Studies event posters, 1982-1991

Latin American Studies event posters, 1982-1995

Program in International Development event posters, 1982-1993

South Asian Studies event posters, 1982-1994

Center for Asian and Pacific Studies event posters, 1987-1990

Box 32

Global Health event posters, 1992-1993

Gender, Culture and Politics, 1995

Russian, Eastern European and Asian Studies event posters, 1993-1995

Women in International Development event posters, 1982-1993

Textile Artisans event posters, 1991

Recommendations for Strenghtening International Education at the University of Iowa: A Report of the Advisory Committee on International Education, 1983

Proposal for a Comprehensive Program of International and Comparative Studies, 1982

Rockefeller Grant application: Advanced Study of Art and Life in Africa, 1987

Grant application: National Resource Center, 1987-1988

Box 33

OIES monthly report, September 1972-February 1983

International Center annual report, 1952-1962 (incomplete)

International Highlights Newsletter, April 1978

CICS annual report, 1982-1985

Box 34

OIES annual report, 1971-1975, 1983-1990

Box 35

Director's files: Correspondence received, 1982-1986

----. Hong Kong, 1995-1997

----. International Volunteer Alumni Counselor (IVAC) program, 1985

----. International Classroom program, 1979-1995

----. Midwest University Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA) internship budget, 1990-1992

Key Internationals: Correspondence, 1994-1996

----. Garnett, Dr. W. Leslie (including biography), 1979-1989

----. Objectives, 1962, 1979-1982

----. Foreign alumni, 1985-1986

----. Questionnaires returned, 1985

Box 36

Key Internationals Review Questionnaires: Argentina, 1986-1989

----. Australia, 1987-1989

----. Barbados, 1987

----. Belgium, 1987-1989

----. Brazil, 1987-1989

----. Bulgaria, 1988

----. Burkina Faso, 1989

----. Burundi, 1989

----. Canada, 1987-1989

----. Cameroon, 1988

----. Colombia, 1987-1989

----. Costa Rica, 1989

----. Czechoslovakia, 1988-1989

----. Dominican Republic, 1987-1988

----. East Germany, 1988

----. Ecuador, 1989

----. El Salvador, 1988-1989

----. England, 1987-1989

----. France, 1988-1989

----. Gambia, 1987

----. Ghana, 1988

----. Honduras, 1987

----. Hong Kong, 1987-1989

----. Hungary, 1988-1989

----. Iceland, 1987

----. India, 1987-1989

----. Indonesia, 1987-1989

----. Ireland, 1988

----. Israel, 1987-1988

----. Italy, 1987-1989

----. Jamaica, 1987

----. Japan, 1987-1989

----. Jordan (West Bank), 1986

----. Kenya, 1988

----. Liberia, 1988

----. Malawi, 1989

----. Malaysia, 1987-1989

----. Mexico, 1987-1989

----. Nigeria, 1988-1989

----. Northern Ireland, 1988-1989

----. Norway, 1987-1989

----. Panama, 1987-1989

----. People's Republic of China, 1987-1989

----. Peru, 1989

----. Philippines, 1987-1989

----. Poland, 1987-1989

----. Portugal, 1987-1989

----. Puerto Rico, 1989

----. Saudi Arabia, 1988

----. Scotland, 1987

----. Sierra Leone, 1989

----. Singapore, 1987-1988

----. South Africa, 1988-1989

----. South Korea, 1987-1989

----. Sri Lanka, 1987

----. Sweden, 1988

----. Syria, 1987

----. Thailand, 1987, 1988, 1997, 1999

----. Taiwan, 1987-1989

----. Tanzania, 1988

----. Turkey, 1988

----. United States, 1987-1989

----. Venezuela, 1987

----. West Germany, 1987-1989

----. Yugoslavia, 1988-1989

----. Zambia, 1989

----. Campus, 1987-1989

Key International Review newsletter, 1979-2000 (incomplete)

Box 37

Printed Material Series

Directory of Foreign Students and Professionals, 1961-1975

Handbooks: Foreign Students are Friendly, The Dating "System," The "Organized" United States, How to Make Friends in the U.S., Entertaining a Foreign Guest, [n.d., 1950s]

Getting Along With Your Foreign Roommate, 1977

Learning With Your Foreign Roommate, 1982

Handbook for International Students and Professionals, [1973]

----. 1972-1973

Handbook for Foreign Students and Professionals, 1974

----. 1977

----. 1981-1982

----. 1982-1983

----. 1983-1984

----. 2000-2001

Box 38

Newsletter: IHFP Newsletter (International Host Family Program), November 1977-February 1982 (incomplete)

----. International Center News/Iowa International, 1952-1956

----. CREES (Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies) News, 2000-2001

----. CICS, 1988-1995

----. International Newsletter/Foreign Student Newsletter/Foreign Student Bulletin/International Bulletin, 1971-1990

----. UCOPIA World (OIES), 1987-1988

----. Dromomania, 1986, 1994-1997

----. Calendar, 1997-2000

Box 39

The Development of Training and Research in International Studies, May 28, 1965

OIES Overseas Opportunities for Students, 1974-1975

----. 1975-1976

OIES Overseas Opportunities for Faculty, 1974-1975

International Resources Directory, 1978-1979

International Studies miscellaneous (information sheets for students, brochures), 1972-1998

Box 40

Latin American Studies Program (LASP) Series

Business file, 1985-1986

----. August-December 1986

----. Carlos Merced-Tesorero, 1984-1985

----. 1983-1984

----. 1982-1983

Cartas enviadas a ADELA, 1986

Cartas que ADELA Envia, 1983-1986

11th Pena Folklorica, 1986

9th Pena Folklorica, 1985

Isabel Aldunate concert, November 13, 1985

Teatro, 1982

Exposiciones de Arte, 1982

Simon Bolivar bicentennial, July 1983

Brazilian Carnival, February 25, 1983

Noche de Ritmos Latino Americanos, March 8, 1986

Grupo Aymara, Spring 1983

Festival de Cine (2 folders), 1986

Film Festival, Spring 1984

Pena Folklorica, 1-6, 1981-1983

Box 41

10th Pena Folklorica, 1986

ADELE Cine Club, 1986

Salsa Night, 1983

Publicity (2 folders), 1983-1995

Bulk mailing, 1982-1985

Resources (student government), 1987

Consul directory, n.d.

Minutes, 1986

----. 1983

Office of Study Abroad, 1992

CICS, 1981-1982

Box 42

CICS: Case Study of Older Persons and the Health Care System in Costa Rica, June 3, 1993

Articles: Manufacturing Consent, by Edward S. Herman, 1988

----. Guatemala, 1995

----. Mexico, peso currency, 1995

----. Latin American journalism, 1995

----. Confronting La Frontera, by Joe Holley, 1994

----. Peru-Ecuador border dispute, 1994-1995

----. Politics and elections, 1994-1995

----. Mexico, Chiapas, 1995

Questionnaires (blank), n.d.

LASP annual report, 1990

LASP chair, 1990-1991

LASP-CICS, 1989-1990

Box 43

Financial records (6 folders), 1978-1984

Box 44

MUCIA (Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities), 1988-1991

Scholarships/fellowships, 1989-1993

Course proposals and descriptions, 1989-1993

Univ. de Los Andes, 1988-1989

Box 45

LASP orientation information, 1982-1992

Letterhead, [1990]

Graduate assistants, 1988-1989

Events and speakers, 1989-1991

Study Abroad, 1992

LASP/CICS library, 1990-1991

Summer in Chile program, 1989-1990

LASP faculty, 1988-1989

Box 46

Clippings and Scrapbooks Series

CICS clippings, 1983-1993

Box 47

Clippings folder, 1977-1978

Scrapbook, including photographs: 1971-1972

----. 1972-1973

----. 1973-1974

----. Indonesia trip, [ca. 1982-1985?]

----. International Women's Panel, 1973, 1981-1982

Box 48

Photographs: CICS, 1980, 1991

----. Visiting scholars, n.d.

----. International Center, [1960?]

----. International Center/Law School building, interior and exterior, 16 images, 1941-1965

----. Opening of Iowa International Center (includes President James Freedman), April 7, 1982

----. International Center interior and exterior, [1980's]

Scrapbook: clippings about opening of Shambaugh House as International Center, 1956-1957