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Records of the Office of Student Life
RG 24.12
Collection Dates: 1951-2000
10.0 lin. ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: The records of the Office of Student Life were transferred to the University of Iowa Archives as Accession 2006-32.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

The Records of the Office of Student Life consist of four series: Student Organizations (arranged by name of the organization), Homecoming, Office of Campus Programs and Activities, and Newspaper Articles (all arranged chronologically).

Historical Note

The Office of Student Life provides diverse social, cultural, recreational and educational programs and
activities for the University of Iowa community. Supporting more than 400 recognized student organizations,
the OSL sponsors major annual events, diversity initiatives, leadership opportunities, and arts and entertainment
programs. As of 2007, OSL was part of the administration of the Iowa Memorial Union, which in turn reports to the
Dean of Students.

Although student clubs and organizations have thrived at the University of Iowa since classes began in 1855,
there was no central office to coordinate these activities until about 1977 with the establishment of the Office
of Student Activities. By 1984, OSA was re-named the Office of Campus Programs and Student Activities (OCPSA), and, in 1998, the Office of Student Life.

Related Materials

Student Life Collections (RG 02)

Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files (RG 01.15.04)

Records of the Office of Student Services (RG 24.03)

Records of the Iowa Memorial Union (RG 24.04)

Records of the Committee on Student Life (RG 05.03.19)

Box Contents List

Box 1

Series I: Organizations

100 Words, 1994-1998

21st Century Forum, 1998

319 Positive Youth Coalition, 1997-1998

A. Craig Baird Debate Forum, 1981-2000

Academy of Students of Pharmacy, 1990

Actuarial Science Club, 1990

Advertising Club, University of Iowa, 1990

African Association, 1990

Africana Graduate Association, 1996-1997

Afro-American Graduate Student Association, 1990

Alliance for Indigenous Rights, 1998-1999

ALPHA, 1998-1999

Alpha Eta Mu Beta, 1990

Alpha Kappa Psi, 1990

Alpha Phi Omega-Omicron Chapter, 1990

Alpha Sigma Chi, 1997-1998

American College of Healthcare Executives, 1990

American Bar Association - Law Student Division, 1990

American Guild of Organists, 1990

American Indian Law Students Association, 1991

American Indian Student Association, 1990

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000

American Medical Student Association, 1990-1998

American Society for Information Science, 1995-1998

American Student Investment Club, 1990

American Studies Graduate Student Association, 1991-1999

Applied Planning Workshop, 1992-1994

Animal Coalition, University of Iowa, 1992-1999

Anthropology Student Organization, 1996-2000

Arabian Knights, 1998-2000

Arab Law Student Assocation, 1998-1999

Arab Student Association, 1990-1999

Art History Society, 1991

Box 2

Art of Living Club, 1995-1998

Asian American Law Students Association, 1990-1991

Asian American Women's Group, 1997-1998

Asian Film Society, 1990

Asociacion De Estudiantes Latino Americanos (ADELA), 1990

Association of Graduate Nursing Students, 1981-2000

Association of Graduate Students in English, 1990-1991

Associated Honors Housing, 1983-1999

Association of Nursing Students, 1990

Association of Pre-Physician Assistant Students, 1990

Associated Students of Business, 1990

Associated Students of Engineering, 1990

Atheist Monastery, 1999

The Babylon 5 Interstellar Alliance, 1998-2000

BACCHUS, 1983-1997

Beta Alpha Psi, Alpha Pi Chapter, 1984-1997

Bijou/UPS Films, 1990

Biochemistry Undergraduate Majors Society, 1985-1998

Biostatistics Student Association, 1990

Black Entreprenurial Society, 1998-1999

Black Law Students Association, 1991

Black Student Union, 1990

Book Arts Club, 1990-1998

Box 3

Botanical Society, University of Iowa, 1990

Business Page, 1990

Business Student Ambassadors Organization, 1995-1999

Business Students Care, 1999

Business Student Senate, 1990

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Mixed Martial Arts Society, 2001

CADUCEUS, 1990-1991

Campaign to End the Death Penalty, University of Iowa, 1997-1998

Campaign to Organize Graduate Students, 1995

Campus Photo, University of Iowa, 1999-2000

Career Services Ambassadors, 1993-2000

Celtic Society, University of Iowa, 2000

Central American Solidarity Committee, 1994-1999

Chicano Hispanic Association for Legal Education, 1990-1991

Chicano/Latino Association for Student Education, 1990

Chicanos Y Amigos Student Association, 1990

Chinese Student Association, 1990

Christian Fellowship, University of Iowa, 1981-1998

Cigar Society, University of Iowa, 1996

Cinema and Disability Group, 1998-2000

Circle K International, 1990

Club Apple, 1997

Coalition of African Heritage, 1990

College Greens, 2000-2001

Collegiate Alternative Dispute Resolution Organization, 2000-2001

Colonia, 1999-2001

Computer Science Graduate Student Association, 1990

Council for Exceptional Children, University of Iowa Student Chapter, 1997-1998

Crisis Center, 1990

Culture Club, 2001

Crosspoint (Parkview Church College Ministry), 1989-1998

Cultural Survival, 1994-1999

Cycling Club, 1998-2001

Delta Gamma Fraternity, 1997

Delta Sigma Pi, 1990

Disability Action, Resource Center, 1996-1997

Doctors Ought to Care (D.O.C), 1991

Economics Forum, 1990

Environmental Coalition, University of Iowa, 1990

Box 4

Environmental Law Society, 1990-2000

Environmental Science Society, 1998-1999

Episcopal Campus Ministry, 1999

Equal Justice Foundation, 1990-1991

Eta Kappa Nu, 1986-2000

Exchanges, 1996-1998

Family Practice Club, 1990-1998

Financial Management Association, 1988-2000

The Fine Arts Council, 1991

Fitness and Self Defense Club, 1998-2000

Foreign Language House, 1990-2000

Forum for Cultural Research, 1991

Freshmen Council, 1996-1997

Friendship Association of Chinese Students and Scholars, 1990

Gay People's Union, 1990

General Union of Palestine Students, 1990

Gerontology Student Organization, 1981-1999

Global Outreach United, 1993-1996

Graduate Design Association, 1998

Graduate History Assocation, 1990

Graduate Student Development Association, 1991

Graduate Students in Management & Organizations, 1990

Graduate Student Nurses Association, 1990

Graduate Students in Science Education, 1998-2000

Graduate Student Senate, 1990

GSSE, 1990

Graduate Students Social Workers Association, 1997-1998

Graduate Students In Statistics & Actuarial Science, 1990

Box 5

Graduate Women's Studies Association, 1996-1998

Hawaii Club, University of Iowa, 1999-2000

Hawkeye Engineer, 1990

Hawkeye News, 2000-2001

Hawkeye Pride/Birds of Prey, 1999-1998

Hawkeye Woods and Rivers Club, 1999

Hawkeye Yearbook, 1990

Hawk - iMug

HawkPac, 1992-1997

Health Sciences Ambassador Network, 1994-2000

Horn Choir, University of Iowa, 1999

Hong Kong Students Association, 1982-1999

The Human Condition, 1990

Human Rights Coalition, The University of Iowa, 2000

India Association, 1990-1999

Individual Speaking Events Squad, 1990

Indonesian Student Association, 1990

Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 1990

International Alliance for People's Movement, 1990-2000

International Association of Business Communicators/University of Iowa, 1990

International Meditation Society, 1995-1998

Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship, 1998-1999

Insight Student Organization, 1997-1999

Iowa City B-Boy Movement, 2001

Iowa City Coalition on Hunger, 1990

Iowa International Socialist Organization, 1990

Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 1991

Iowa Journal of Literary Studies, 1990

Iowa Leopold Society, 1998-2001

Iowa Lesbian and Gay Law Association, 1991

Iowa Network for Social Justice, 2000

Iowa's Pride, 1997-1999

The Iowa Rag, 1990

Iowa Recreation Education Council, 1990

Iowa Society of International Laws and Affairs, 1991

Box 6

Iowa Student Bar Association, 1990

Iowa Student Computer Association, 1990

Iowa Student Dental Association, 1990

Iowa Student Libertarian Organization, 1997

Iowa Student Psychology Association, 1990

Iowa Surgical Interest Society, 1998

Iowa Undergraduate History Society, 1999

Irish Literary Society, 1998

The Islamic Society of Iowa, 1990

Islamic Studies Group, 1997

Japanese Cultural Association, 1993-2001

Jun Fan/Lamenco Eskrima Club, University of Iowa, 1993-1998

Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, 1990

Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1997

Korean Student Organization, 1990

Kum Do Club, University of Iowa, 2000-2001

Laos and Taidam Student Association, 1991-1992

Latin American Dance Club, 1995-2001

Latin American Media Association, 1990

Latinos Unified for Graduate & Professional Advancement and Relations, 1995-1996

Latter-Day Saint Student Association, 1985-2001

Lesbian Alliance, 1990

Box 7

Liberal Arts Student Organization, 1990

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO), 1990

Life Affirming Medical Professional Students, 1998

Living Word Campus Fellowship, 1999

Loose Association of Very Silly People, University of Iowa, 2000

Los Curanderos, 1990

The Major Grooves/Medical Student Chorus, 1997-1999

Master of Accountancy Student Association, 1997

Malaysian Student Society, 1990

Mathematical Biology Group, 1990

MBA Association, 1990

Medical Students for Choice, 1996-1998

Medical Student Council, 1990

Microbiology Student Association, 1990-1998

Minority Business Students Association, 1990-1997

Minority MBA Association, 1997-2000

Mortar Board Society, 1990

Mountain Bike Club, University of Iowa, 1998

MPH-MHA Student Association, 2001

Music Educators National Conference, 1990

Music Therapy Student Association, 1990

National Lawyer's Guild, 1990

National Lesbian and Gay Law Association, 1990

The National Soceity of Collegiate Scholars, 2000-2001

National Society of Professional Engineers, 1993-1998

Natural Law Party, University of Iowa, 1996

Network of Black Law Students, 1997

New Wave, 1990

Non-Traditional Student Forum, 1994

Non-Traditional Student Association, 1996-1999

Old Capitol Track Club, 2000

Omega Chi Epsilon, 1985-1998

Box 8

Omicron Delta Kappa, 1986-2001

Operation Smile - University of Iowa Medical and Dental Association, 1998-1999

Organization for Iranian Students, 1990-1995

Organization for Women Law Students and Staff, 1990-1991

The Original University of Iowa Undergraduate Creative Arts Magazine, 1996-1997

Pablo Neruda Cultural Center, 1990

Paintball Enthusiast's Club, 1991-1994

Pakistan Student Association, 1990

People for African Unity, 1990

Pharmacy Class of 1992, 1990

Pharmacy Class of 2002, 1997-1999

Pharmacy Class of 2003, 1998-2000

Phi Alpha Theta, 1991

Phi Beta Delta, 1990

Phi Beta Kappa, 1986-1999

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, 1999-2000

Physical Therapy Student Organization University of Iowa, 1990

Physiology Graduate Student Association, 1990

Pi Sigma Alpha/Beta Chi, 1997-2000

Pi Sigma Epsilon, 1986-2000

Pi Tau Sigma, 1978-1989

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Group, 1998

Political Science Club, 1997-1998

Pre-Law Association, University of Iowa, 2000-2001

Pre-Law Society, 1990-1994

Pre-Physical Therapy, 1990

Productive Students Organization, 1990

Psi Mu Delta (Pre-Medical Fraternity), 1998-2000

Public Relations Student Society, 1990

Box 9

Racquetball Club, 1989-1996

Rainforest Action Group, 1994-1999

Rape Victim Advocacy Program, 1990

Rehabilitation Conseling, University of Iowa, 1991

Rinse Cycle, 1999

River City Housing Collective, Inc., 1990

River City Pagan Community, 1994-2000

Riverfest Commission, 1990

Running Club, University of Iowa, 1997

Salmagundi, 1999-2000

Salvation Army Student Fellowship, 1996

School Psychology Student Association, 1990-1999

Science Society, 1990

Scottish Highlanders, University of Iowa, 1990

Seishin Ryu University of Iowa Branch Dojo, 1998

Seventh-day Adventist Campus Community Fellowship, 1997-1998

Shades of Medecin, 1998-2000

Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 1995-1997

Sigma Nu International Fraternity, 1996

Singapore Students Association, 1986-2000

Social Work Student Assocation, 1990

Sociedad Hispanica/Hispanic Society, 1990

Society of African Expressive Culture, 1998

Society of Automotive Engineers, 1983-1999

Society of Composers, Inc., 1997-1999

Society for Diversity in History, 2000-2001

Society of Elementary Education Majors in Science, 1998

Society for Resource Management, 1989-1998

Society of Professional Journalists, 1990

Box 10

Society of Women Engineers, 1976-1990

South African/Azanian Association, 1981-1995

Sociology Graduate Student Association, 1991

Special Librarians Association, 1987-1997

Speech Communication Association Student Club, 1997

Starfleet Simulation Command, 1984-1998

Strategic Action Committee (SAC), 1997

Student Advisory Committee/College of Education, 1990

Student Activities Board, 1990

Student Assembly, 1990

Students in Design, 1990-1998

Students for Bill Bradley, University of Iowa, 1999

Students for Bob Simpson, 2000

Student Broadcasters, Inc. (KRUI), 1990

Students for Camp Heartland and the Prevention of HIV/AIDS, 1995-2000

Students of Color, 1996-1999

Students for Elizabeth Dole, 1999

Students for Elected Office, 1998

Students for Gore, 1999-2000

Students for John Kasich, 1999

Students for Jim Leach, 2000

Students for McCain, 1999

Students for Nader, 2000

Students for Social Change, 1999

Students for Social Etiquette, 2000

Students for Steve Forbes, 1999

Students for Wellstone, 1998

Student Iowa State Education Association, 1990

Student Labor Action Coaltion, 1996

Students for Liberty, 1997

Student National Medical Association, 1981-2001

Student Rugby Association, 1996-1999

Box 11

Student Senate, University of Iowa, 1990

Students for Sensible Priorities, University of Iowa, 1999

Student Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 1990

Students Undertaking Mathematical Sciences, 1995-2001

Students United in Business and Engineering, 2000

Tau Beta Pi, 1990

Tenant Landlord Association, 1990

Theta Tau, 1990

Theological Society, University of Iowa, 1994

Transfer Student Network, 1990

The Undergraduate Classics Club, 1999-2000

Undergraduate Geography Association, 1993-1999

Unidos En Neustro Mundo, 1996

United Slater Association, 1994-2001

University Travel, 1990

Urban and Regional Planning Association, 1995-1999

Venezualan Student Association, 1997-1999

Vietnamese Student Association, University of Iowa, 1990

Vital Signs, 1990

Voices of Soul, 1990

We Be Wimmin Colorful, 1990

West Side Players, 1990-1999

Women of A Stolen Legacy, 1990

Women's Resource Group, 1999

Zen Studies Assoc., University of Iowa, 1996

Box 12

Series II: Homecoming

Homecoming, 1970

----. 1976

----. 1977

----. 1978

----. 1979

----. 1980

----. 1981

----. 1982

----. Agenda and Minutes, 1982

----. Assistant Director, 1982

----. Constitution, Protocol, 1982

----. Dance, King & Queen, 1982

----. Director, 1982

Box 13

----. Evaluation, 1982

----. Parade, 1982

----. Public Relations, 1982

----. PreExecutive P.R. & Duties, 1982

----. Sales, 1982

----. Special Events Commmittee, 1982

----. Student Activities Board of Governing, 1982

----. Treasurer, 1982

----. Year-end Report, 1982

----. General, 1983

----. Carnival, 1983

----. Community Relations, 1983

----. Contests, 1983

----. Entertainment, 1983

----. Events, 1983

----. Executive Minutes, 1983

----. Kick Off, 1983

----. King & Queen, 1983

----. Marketing, 1983

Box 14

----. Meetings, 1983

----. Parade, 1983

----. Progress Reports, 1983

----. Sales and Distribution, 1983

----. Special Events, 1983

----. Sports Night, 1983

----. Treasurer, 1983

----. Asst. Director, 1984

----. Card Club, 1984

----. Carnival Director, 1984

----. Director, 1984

----. Executive Secretary, 1984

----. Financial Report/Budget, 1984

----. Kick Off, 1984

----. King and Queen, 1984

----. Marketing, 1984

----. Marketing Director, 1984

----. Meetings, 1984

----. Miscellaneous, 1984

Box 15

----. Parade, 1984

----. Parade Director, 1984

----. Public Relations, 1984

----. Sales, 1984

----. Sales Director, 1984

----. Secretary, 1984

----. Special Events Director, 1984

----. Treasurer, 1984

----. Mall/Union Entertainment, 1985

----. Miscellaneous, 1985

----. Pep Rally, 1985

----. Progress Reports, 1985

----. Sports Night, 1985

----. Union, 1985

----. General, 1986

----. General, 1987

----. '86-'87 Overview, 1987

----. Badges, 1987

----. Evaluation, 1987

----. Event Registration Forms, 1987

----. King & Queen, 1987

----. Media Relations, 1987

----. Meetings, 1987

----. Publicity, 1987

----. Rep. Relations, 1987

----. General, 1988

----. Evaluations, [?]

Box 16

Series III: Office of Campus Programs & Student Activities

Student Council Leadership Guide, 1967

Men's Interfraternity Council, 1950-1951

----. 1953-1965

----. 1965-1970

Interfraternity Council: Housing, 1965-1976

----. An Evaluation of the Effect of Parietal Rule, 1971

Co-Curricular Experience Program: Miscellaneous, 1990-1991

----. Goals & Objectives, 1990-1991

OCPSA: Working Papers, 1987

----. Committee systems, 1984

----. Calendar, 1989

----. Two-Week Reports, 1989

----. End of Year Report, 1990-1991

Box 17

OCPSA: Vol. 1, 1989

----. Vol. 1 - Workshops, 1989

----. Vol. 1 - Goals & Objectives, 1989

----. Vol. 1 - Order of Omega, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Final Report/Review of Goals & Objectives, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Fraternities, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Alpha Sigma Phi, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Phi Kappa Theta, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Chi Phi, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Sigma, 1989

----. Vol. 2 - Mentor Co-Curricular, 1989

----. Greek System - Jim Valentine, Teaching Assistant Transition Manual, 1989-1990

----. Miscellaneous, 1990-1991

----. Goals & Objectives, 1990-1991

----. Miscellaneous Projects, 1990-1991

OCPSA: Summer Internship (Bruce Peterson) General, 1990

----. Audit, 1990

----. Educational Programs, 1990

----. Emergency Program, 1990

----. Graduate Program, 1990

----. Greek Life 2001, 1990

----. Inteview Questions, 1990

----. Peer Helping Training, 1990

----. Resume Selling Yourself/Example, 1990

OCPSA: Greek System. Year End Reports, 1986-1987

----. Review of Goals & Objectives, 1987-1988

----. Year End Reports (Alpha Phi Omega/Alpha Sigma Phi), 1988

----. Year End Reports (Phi Kappa Theta), 1988

----. Goals & Objectives, 1988-1989

Box 18

OCPSA: Greek System. Goals & Objectives, 1990-1991

----. Monthly Reports, 1990-1991

----. BACCHUS/House Director's Residence Advisors, 1990-1991

----. Greek Life 2001, 1990-1991

----. Educational Programs, 1990-1991

----. Sigma Tau Gamma/Sigma Pi Assistance, 1990-1991

----. Order of Omega, 1990-1991

----. Greek Week 1991, 1990-1991

----. Meeting Minutes, 1990-1991

----. Director/Assistant Director, 1990-1991

----. Treasurer & Financial, 1990-1991

----. Blood Drive Philanthropy, 1990-1991

----. Promotions/Recreation, 1990-1991

Bijou Theater: Letters/Applications/Calendars, 1990-1991

----. Budget/Spendings, 1990-1991

UISA "Fair Book Exchange": Manual/Reports/Letters, 1990

----. Accounts/Spendings/Sales, 1990

KRUI: Invoices, Expenses, Vouchers, 1990-1991

----. Budget/Spending, 1991

----. Requisitions, 1991

Newsletters for Recognized Student Organizations, August 1994-November 1995

----. January 1996-April 1997

Box 19

Series IV: Newspaper Articles

January 1996-March 1996

April 1996-June 1996

July 1996-September 1996

October 1996-December 1996

January 1997-March 1997

April 1997

May 1997-September 1997

October 1997-December 1997

January 1998-February 1998

Box 20

March 1998-April 1998

May 1998-September 1998

October 1998-December 1998

January 1999-February 1999

March 1999-April 1999

May 1999-August 1999

September 1999-October 1999

November 1999-December 1999