Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Records Pertaining to Military and Wartime Service
RG 28.01
Collection Dates: 1917-1947
12.0 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries from the College of Education, the Department of Military Science, and other offices. Additional materials were transferred by the following: Robert Rutenbeck (Accession 2002-27), Iona Christy (Accession 2002-65), and Barron Bremmer (Accession 2003-39). Two caps commemorating the U.S. Navy Pre-flight School reunion, gift of Robert Rutenbeck, were added to the Realia and Artifacts Collection (RG 30.01.01). Collection processed by Wayne Rawley. Guide posted to the Internet 2000; updated September 2008.

Photographs: Boxes 1, 11









Scope and Content Note

The collection is divided into two series: World War I era and World War II era. It consists primarily of records pertaining to three wartime campus programs: Students' Army Training Corps, the Army Specialized Training Program, and the U.S. Navy Pre-flight School. There are also references to the 1918 influenza epidemic in Series I.

Historical Note

In the spring of 1918 - at the height of U.S. involvement in World War I - the U.S. War Department established the National Army Training Detachments program. By that fall, over 500 institutions joined the effort, including the State University of Iowa, whose unit consisted of over 1,700 enlistees in October 1918. The NATD's student training program became known as the Students' Army Training Corps.

During World War II, the U. S. Army established Army Specialized Training Programs at colleges and universities to train soldiers in needed skills such as engineering, languages, and medicine, and to prevent campus enrollment declines. In addition, flight training was provided by the U.S. Navy; records from the U.S. Navy Pre-flight School form part of Series II.

Related Materials

Refer to the online Resource Guide to Military and Wartime Service for information about related holdings in the University of Iowa Archives.

A file pertaining to the influenza epidemic of 1918-19 is in the Subject Vertical Files Collection, Medicine category.

Box Contents List

Box 1

Series I: World War I era

S.A.T.C. (Students' Army Training Corps): U.S. Army, State University of Iowa, 1918, commemorative brochure containing photographs and rosters for the UI unit.
Five copies. Photographed, published and compiled by Dick Dreyer, Iowa City, Iowa. 1918.

Postcard collection of 20 images of military training in Iowa City area, including postcard meal menus for two West Liberty, Iowa encampments. 1900's, specifically 1909, 1910, 1914 noted on five images.

U.S. War Department certificate regarding UI S.A.T.C. service, noting "spirit of patriotism and devotion to country" and the rendering of "efficient and loyal service in connection with the World War...". November 22, 1921.

Report of the Vocational Section of S.A.T.C., consisting of class outlines and schedules for four of the seven vocational courses: auto mechanics; radio operators; pipe fitters; telephone electricians. Includes 16 photographs of teaching areas, students, and staff. January 29, 1918.

Lists and biographical sketches of Gold Star (deceased) UI students and staff, written by relatives in response to a call from the UI for information to include in a UI war service record. Includes numerous newspaper clippings and obituaries. Four folders. 1917-1919.

Box 2

Biographical sketches of surviving UI students, staff, and alumni, written by relatives in response to a call from the UI for information to include in a UI war service record. A-K, Folders 1-5. 1917-1919.

Box 3

----. L-Z, Folders 6-11. 1917-1919.

Biographical sketches of UI faculty in service. 1917-1919.

College of Liberal Arts, Class of 1916, student war records. 1916.

Box 4

American University Union in Europe/UI participation. Correspondence pertaining to the establishment of the Union and the solicitation of funds from UI students, staff, and alumni. 1917-1919.

Influenza and the UI. Newspaper obituaries for UI students and staff and newspaper clippings regarding the UI and influenza. 1918.

Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau Ambulance Unit/UI participation. Records pertaining to the establishment of an ambulance unit staffed by UI students. 1917-1919.

War Service Application Forms. Various position listings for government service and application forms. 1917-1919.

Army Air Service (AAS): List of UI students, staff, alumni in AAS. 1917-1919.

Anti-Vermin garment work at UI. Includes brief history pamphlet, photographs. 1917-1919.

Wartime addresses of UI service personnel. 1917-1919.

Lists of UI service personnel in various categories for UI war record book. 1917-1919.

Miscellaneous UI wartime service bulletins and newsletters. 1917-1919.

Wartime press clippings related to UI personnel and programs. 1917-1921.

Box 5

War record publications of: University of California; Columbia University; University of Kentucky; Miami University. 1918-1919.

War record publications of: Stanford University; Vanderbilt University; University of Wyoming; and Western Reserve University. 1918-1919.

Fort Snelling Training Camp, Fort Snelling, Minnesota. Camp directories. 1917.

UI war related correspondence and reports, 1918-1919, 1929.

Box 6

UI alumni military service records. 3" x 5" card file. A-Q. 1917-1919.

Box 7

----. R-S. 1917-1919.

Box 8

----. T-Z and miscellaneous cards. 1917-1919.

Box 9

Series II: World War II era

UI faculty military service records, World War II. "Compiled by Thornton". 3"x 5" card file, by department. A-H. 1941-1945.

Box 10

----. L-Z. 1941-1945.

Box 11

U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School (at the UI): papers of Robert Rutenbeck, member of the Pre-Flight School band and UI graduate. Contains materials relating to the School reunions held in Iowa City for 1972, 1986, and 1992; photographs of School activities; Mr. Rutenbeck's correspondence in which he records School life. 1942-2002.

----. 95 photographs documenting activities of the School at the UI and at the air station at Ottumwa, Iowa. Gift of Barron Bremmer. 1941-1945.

----. Papers of Chris Christy, gunnery instructor for the Pre-Flight School. Contains materials relating to the School reunions held in Iowa City for 1972, 1986, and 1992; photographs of School activities. 1942-1992.

Box 12

----. Spindrift (School newsletter) unbound issues. Volume 1, Number 1, April 29, 1942 through the final issue, Volume 4, Number 32, November 30, 1945. Incomplete. Quoted from the first issue: "Spindrift greets you! It will appear spasmodically with news and views of interest to Ship's company of the Naval Aviation Pre-Flight Training School of Iowa City. These will include announcements of an official and unoffical nature and a calendar of events, cultural, athletic and social. Spindrift will also present various topics of general interest--'tintypes' of station personnel, humor and gossip, much of which will be illustrated by our staff artist (Ted Drake) who already has acquired some local fame. It may dip into an occasional subject for discussion, but as a rule will not indulge in editorials."

Boxes 13 and 14

----. Spindrift bound issues. Volume 1, Number 1, April 29, 1942 through the final issue, Volume 4, Number 32, November 30, 1945. Complete. Portion from the papers of Robert Rutenbeck.

Box 15

Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) Records: Program materials; organizational charts. 1943.

----. General correspondence and reports. Two folders. 1941-1945.

----. Bulletins (Federal and UI). 1941-1944.

----. Basic courses curriculum guides and corespondence. Two folders. 1941-1944.

Box 16

----. Term 9A general correspondence, memoranda. Two folders. 1941-1945.

----. Term 9A budget materials. 1941-1945.

----. Term 9A instructors; curricula; class rolls. 1941-1945.

----. Student ransfer requests. 1941-1945.

Box 17

----. Change of student status reports. 1941-1945.

----. Advanced ROTC (Reserved Officers' Training Corps)/ASTP coordination. 1941-1945.

----. Payroll records. 1941-1945.

----. Comments of ASTP from various colleges. 1941-1945.

----. Proposed courses of study. 1941-1945.

----. Army-Navy college qualifying tests. 1941-1945.

Society for the Promotion of Engineering Eductation: ASTP course evaluation and post-war engineering education. Two folders. 1943-1944.

Box 18

ASTP Academic Visitation Committee reports for: Carleton College; Grinnell College; Missouri School of Mines; University of Nebraska; North Dakota Agricultural College; Northern State Teachers' College; St. Louis University; University of South Dakota; Washington University; University of Wyoming. 1943-1944.

Box 19

Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) Records: Service record extracts for UI ASTP students (approximately 2,200 extracts). 1941-1945.

Box 20

----. 1943, 1944 Special Orders for UI ASTP students. 1943-1944.