The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Papers of George Edwin Starbuck Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries by the University of Iowa Writers Workshop in the early 1970s. Processed by Earl M. Rogers in 1975. Guide posted to the Internet 2000; updated January 2008. Photographs: None |
Scope and Contents
This collection contains the correspondence of George Starbuck during his tenure as Director of the Iowa Writers Workshop, 1967-1971, and some earlier and later official workshop correspondence. The folder labels tend to be very specific and many contain only a few items. The folders are in a single alphabetical arrangement.
Biographical Note
George Edwin Starbuck was born June 15, 1931 in Columbus, Ohio, and grew up in Illinois and California. He was twice married and had five children. He served in the Army Military Police Corps in California and Germany, 1952-1954.
Starbuck's education includes: California Institute of Technology, 1947-1949, University of California at Berkeley, 1950-1951, and he earned a B.A. at the University of Chicago in 1957, after which he attended Harvard University for one semester. He held a Guggenheim Fellowship from 1961 to 1962, and was a fellow in residence at the American Academy in Rome (Prix de Rome of the American Academy of Arts and Letters), 1961-1963. Starbuck began publishing his poetry in 1955 in such noteable magazines as Harper's, New Yorker, Yale Review, Paris Review, and North American Review. He authored four books of poetry: Bone Thoughts (1960), White Paper (1966), Elegy in a Country Church (1975), and The Argot Merchant Disaster (1982).
Starbuck was a lecturer in Boston and New York before working in that same capacity at the University of Iowa in 1964. Starbuck's grandfather, Edwin Diller Starbuck, was a faculty member of the University of Iowa's Department of Philosophy from 1906-1930. At Iowa, George Starbuck became Assistant Professor of English in 1966, and Associate professor in 1967. He served as Director of the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop from September 1, 1967 until May 26, 1971, succeeding Paul Engle, who resigned in 1966 in order to direct the International Writing Program at Iowa. Starbuck left Iowa to head the graduate writing program at Boston University, a position he held for twenty years.
George Starbuck developed Parkinson's Disease in 1974, and died at his home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama on August 15, 1996.
D. Anderson, June 2006
Related Materials
Records of the Iowa Writers' Workshop (RG 06.12.08)
The Papers of Lewis Turco contains references to George Starbuck. John Leggett succeeded Starbuck as Workshop director, and the Papers of John Leggett contain correspondence from George Starbuck.
The Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files collection of the University Archives contains two folders relating to Students for a Democratic Society, for which correspondence is found below under 'S'. Other clubs listed below, such as Asian Society, are also found in the Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files.
Faculty members for whom correspondence is listed below may also have a file in the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files. This applies to George E. Starbuck, Willard Boyd, Kurt Vonnegut, Seymour Krim, Paul Engle, John C. Gerber, and Clay Harshbarger, among others.
The Special Collections Department holds individual collections for the following correspondence entries listed below: Jose Donoso papers, Papers of Paul Engle, Papers of John C. Gerber (RG99.0062), and International Writing Program (RG06.12.09).
Further material regarding Black Sparrow Press may be found in our Private Press Ephemera Collection. Additional information about Windhover Press, also listed in correspondence below, may be found in the University of Iowa collection, Records of the Yellow Barn Press, as well as in Books at Iowa, November 1976, and the University of Iowa Center for the Book Web page.
Box Contents List
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Box 1 A -- B
A [return to A-Z directory]
American Association of University Professors (A.A.U.P.)
ABC Television
Academy of American Poets
Addresses: publishers, magazines
Administration and Workshop
Financial aid, 1970 -- 1971
Amabile, George
American Friends
Andy Warhol Films, Inc.
Antioch College
Arizona, University of
Asian Society
Action Studies Program (ASP): Kleinberger, Fishman course
Aspen School
B [return to A-Z directory]
Bail Fund
Bard College
Barnes, Helen (placement)
Barnstone, Willis
Barry, John
Beaver College
Bell, Marvin
Beloit Poetry Journal
Benedict, Kennette M.
Bennington College
Berg, Stephen
Berriault, Gina
Berrigan, Ted
Berryman, John
Billings, Robert
Biographies of staff
Black Culture Symposium
Black Sparrow Press
Blackburn, Paul
Boles, Robert
Bowen, Howard
Boyd, Willard (Sandy)
Braddock, Richard
Brown, Bush
Brownstein, Oscar
Bryan, C.D.B.
Burford, William
Burnett, William
Burns, Alan
Box 2 C -- GAL
C [return to A-Z directory]
Carter, Mary
Case Western University
Cassill, Verlin
CEA Critic
Clark, Tom
Cloud, Marauder
Coe College
College Association
Columbia University: Writing
Connecticut College
Contemporary Authors
Coover, Robert
Core literature
Cornell College
Correspondence Course
Correspondence Schools of Britannica
Creeley, Robert
Crome, Nick
Cronin, Tony
Cunningham, J.V.
D [return to A-Z directory]
Departmental memos
Dana, Robert
Davis, Robert B. (Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa)
De Pauw University
de Roche, Joseph
Daily Iowan reviews and interviews, 1969 -- 1970
Dickey, James
Directory of American Scholars
Donoso, Jose
Dorne, Albert: Memorial Foundation (Mr. Reiss)
Drake University
Duncan, Robert
E [return to A-Z directory]
East Stroudsburg State College
Elliott, G.P.
Engel, Monroe
Engle, Paul
Evaluation Service: University of Iowa
F [return to A-Z directory]
Faculty: possible future staff
Feldman, Irving
Fitzgerald, Robert
Fixler, M.
Flaherty, Douglas (Oshkosh)
Fox, William Price
Franklin and Marshall College
Fraser, Kathleen
Friedman, B.J.
Fulbright lecture information
G [return to A-Z directory]
Gaines, Charles
Gallant, Mavis
Box 3 GAR -- IN
Garber, Eugene
Garrett, George
Gehman, Richard
Gerber, John
Gibson, Morgan
Giovanni, Norman di
Glanville, Brian
Goldensohn, Barry
Gould, Thomas (University of Texas)
Graduate College position paper, November 1966
Graduate College staff
Gross, Suzanne
H [return to A-Z directory]
Hall, James B. (and others)
Hamburger, Michael
Hanson, K.O.
Hanzlicek, Charles
Harcourt, Brace and World
Harding, K.G.
Harian Press
Harper, Michael
Harper and Row
Harrison, Keith
Harrison, Margaret
Harshbarger, H. Clay
Hawkes, John
Haydn, Hiram (Harcourt, Brace)
Hays, J . Bob
Hazel, Robert
Helz, Marion
Hemley, Elaine
Hoegberg, Norm
Hollo, Anselm
Honig, Edwin
Houghton Mifflin
Housing for faculty
Howren, Robert
Hufstader, Bob
Hughes, Ted
Hugo, Richard
Hunter College in the Bronx
Hutchinson, Pearse
I [return to A-Z directory]
Illinois University
Indiana University
Intermedia: William Hibbard
International Writing Program
Box 4 IO -- MERR
Iowa Arts Council
Iowa Poetry Circuit
Iowa State University
J [return to A-Z directory]
Johnson, Curt
Jones, LeRoi
Jumper, Will C.
Justice, Donald
K [return to A-Z directory]
KCRG Television
Kansas, University of
Karchmer, S. (see NW Review, University of Oregon)
Katz, Steve
Kelly, Robert
Kessler, Ed
Kiely, Benedict
King, George
Kinnell, Galway
Knoepfle, John
Knott, William
Ko Won
Koch, Kenneth
Kozol, Jonathan
Kraus, Wolfgang: A.S.L.
Kray, Elizabeth (circuits)
Krim, Seymour
Kunitz, Stanley
L [return to A-Z directory]
Lattimore, Richmond
Lavin, Mary
Lawrence University
Lazard, Naomi
Leggett, John
Levertov, Denise
Levine, Philip
Libraries in U.S.A.
Library: University of Iowa
Library of Congress
Liddy, James
Liebermann, Larry
Lies, Michael
Local readings (1969 -- 1970)
Lockhaven State College
Logan, John
Lowell, Robert
Lowenfels, Walter
Lucier, Jeff
M [return to A-Z directory]
McDowell, Frederick P.W. (CSML)
McDowell Colony
McGeorge, Pauline
McGill University, Montreal
MacMahon, Bryan
Mailer, Norman
Malanga, Gerard
Marshall, Jack
Massachusetts, University of
Massachusetts Review
Mayo, E.L. (Drake University)
Memos about fiction staff
Memos about poetry staff
Meredith, William
Merriam, Eve
Merrill, James
Box 5 MERW -- P
Merwin, W.S.
Metz, Kathryn
Mezey, Robert
M.F.A. degree
M.F.A. exam reading lists: 1969 -- 1970
Midwest Artists for Peace
Mirabelli, Eugene, Jr.
Missouri, University of
Monmouth College
Moratorium: October 15,1969
Mt. Allison College
N [return to A-Z directory]
Nabokov, Vladimir
New American Review
National Council on the Arts
National Educational TV (N.E.T.)
National Foundation on Arts and Humanities
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (N.E.C.L.C.)
Nemerov, Howard
New Hampshire, University of
New York University
New York State University (State University of New York) Buffalo
Newman, Charles: Tri-Quarterly
Noll, Bink
Northern Arizona University
Northwest Review
0 [return to A-Z directory]
O'Connor, Philip
Offers and candidates: jobs for holders of Master of Fine Arts degrees
Ogen, Mart
Ohio University
Olson, Charles
Olson, Elder
Oneonta State University College, Oneonta, New York
Oregon State University
P [return to A-Z directory]
Palmer, David
Paz, Octavio
Pecile, Jordan
Personnel: prospective faculty
Personnel: possible future job openings
Personnel: jobs, 1970 -- 1971 (applicants and openings)
Petersen, Don (see Oneonta)
Phillips Exeter Academy
Pinsker, Sanford
Pittsburgh, University of, Press
Poetry Center
Powers, J.F., Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Publicity: staff and visitors
Publicity on Workshop
Box 6 R -- S
R [return to A-Z directory]
R.A. utilization
Random House
Ray, David
Readings of fiction: future possibilities
Readings of poetry: 1970 -- 1971
Staff poetry readings: Fall 1970
Reading possibilities: 1969 -- 1970
Reed College
Registration materials: September 1969
Henry Regnery Company (Dominick Abel)
Reich, Helen
Resistance reading: April 25, 1969
Rexroth, Kenneth
Rickey, Larry
Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller proposal
Rogers, Tom
Rogin, G.
Rosenblum, Arthur
Rosenthal, William: Southwest Writers Conference
Roth, Stephen
S [return to A-Z directory]
San Francisco State
Sanes, Irvetz
Sange, Gary
Santos, Ben
Sarah Lawrence College
Sauter, V.G.
Sayre, Bob
School of Letters
Scott, H.
Shapiro, Steve
Silkin, Jon
Simon Frazer University
Skelton, Robin
small magazines
Snyder, Gary
Southern Illinois University
Sou'wester, publication of Southern Illinois University
Space Assignment
Spectrum Books
Spitzer, Alan
Stafford, Jean
Stafford, William
Starbuck, George
Starbuck, George: Executive Committee (1970)
Stewart, Sam
St. James Press
Stony Brook (State University of New York)
Stone, Robert
Stryk, Lucien
Student Activities Office
Students for a Democratic Society
Summers, Hollis
Swallow Press
Sward, Robert
Sweeney, John (Jack)
Symposium (Writers) Fall 1971
Box 7 T -- Y
T [return to A-Z directory]
Tape Lab
Tarn, Nathaniel
Tate, James
Teacher placement agencies
Teaching creative writing
Teaching placement
Tevis, Walter
Texas Union speakers program
Thompson, Mrs. Nancy Price
Toledo, University of
Trinity College: Connecticut
Tuition increase: 1969 -- 1970
U [return to A-Z directory]
University of Iowa News Service
University: general
Updike, John
United States Information Agency (U.S.I.A.)
V [return to A-Z directory]
Valparaiso University
Van Duyn, Mona
Vermont, University of
Vietnam:committees, etc.
Virginia, University of
Visiting readers: tentative
Vonnegut, Kurt
W [return to A-Z directory]
Wabash College
Wagner, Esther
Wagner, Linda
Wallace, Robert
Weiss, Ted
Wesleyan University Press
West, Ray
West Virginia State College
Western Reserve University
Western Washington State College
Weston, John
Wilbur, Richard
Will, Fred
Willcox, Donald
Williams, Jonathan
Williamsport Area Community College
Wilson, Robley C.
Windhover Press
Wisconsin, University of (Milwaukee)
Wisconsin State University, Superior
Woodburn Sound Service
Woodrow Wilson fellowships
Workshop publications: 1969 -- 1970
Workshops, other
Wright, Charles
Wright, James
Writers' Symposium: Fall 1971
WSUI: Dr. Hugh Cordier
Y [return to A-Z directory]
Yates, Richard
Young Men's Hebrew Association (Y.M.H.A.)