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Finding Aid

Papers of Gustav Bergmann
RG 99.0134
Collection Dates: 1920-1991; bulk, 1930-1985
29.25 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: The collection was processed by William Heald, 1992; edited for the Internet by Matthew Friedman and David McCartney, 2003. Guide updated January 2008.

Photographs: Boxes 48, 49

Gustav Bergmann, 1958
Gustav Bergmann, attending the 13th International
Congress of Philosophy in Venice, Italy
September 1958

Scope and Contents

The papers almost entirely chronicle Gustav Bergmann’s academic career at the University of Iowa but also encompass his educational and professional career in Austria and Germany prior to his arrival in the United States in 1938. The collection spans 1920 to 1991, the bulk of which is concentrated on the period of 1930 to 1985. Included are lecture notes, chapter drafts and revisions for publications, correspondence, article reprints, photographs, and personal memoirs, notably of the Vienna Circle.

The papers consist of 14 series:

Series I: 1960’s Material, including notes on Wittgenstein, mathematics, and ontology; “Diversity,” “Pre-Zermelo,” “Post-Zermelo.”

Series II: 1960’s Material: “Realism”

Series III: 1970’s Material

Series IV: 1970’s Material: “New Foundations of Ontology”

Series V: 1980’s Material

Series VI: Post-“Realism” Published Papers and Associated Notes

Series VII: Class and Seminar Notes

Series VIII: Public Lectures, Delivered Papers, Pre-“Realism” Published Papers

Series IX: Correspondence

Series X: Miscellaneous

Series XI: Books, Journals and Journal Reprints

Series XII: Manuscript Drafts

Series XIII: Photographs

Series XIV: Correspondence with William H. Hay, 1947-1987. Hay was a member of the Department of Philosophy faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Biographical Note

Gustav Bergmann, Ph.D., was born on May 4, 1906, in Vienna, Austria, a son of Fritz and Therese Bergmann.  He received a doctorate degree in mathematics in 1928 and a law degree in 1935, both from the University of Vienna.

The rise of Nazism in Austria forced Bergmann to emigrate to the United States in 1938, joining the University of Iowa one year later as a guest lecturer in the Department of Psychology. He married Leola Nelson in 1943 in Iowa City. He was named an assistant professor in 1944, and from 1950 until his retirement in 1974 he was a professor of philosophy and psychology. In 1962, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Gothenberg in Sweden. He was president of the American Philosophical Association in 1967, and in 1972 was appointed a Carver Professor of Philosophy. He died on April 21, 1987, at age 80 following a lengthy illness.

A detailed discussion of Gustav Bergmann’s life and his contributions, written by William S. Heald, appears in the journal Books at Iowa 56 (April 1992).

Related Materials

Addis, Laird. "The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann." Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 63 (April 1971): 78-98, notes, bibliog. Main.

Bergmann, Gustav. “Collected Works of Gustav Bergmann.” Frankfurt-am-Main : Deutsche Hochschulschriften, 2002-2003. Main.

Ibid. “Filosofía del la ciencia.” Madrid: Editorial Tecnos, [1961]  Main.

Ibid. “Logic and Reality.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964. Main.

Ibid. “Meaning and Existence.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1960. Main.

Ibid. "Memories of the Vienna Circle: Letter to Otto Neurath (1938)." Edited and translated by William Heald and Gunter Zoeller. In Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 193-208, notes. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, 1. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Main.

Ibid. “The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism.” New York: Longmans, Green, 1954. Main.

Ibid. “The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism (Papers).” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Main.

Ibid. “New Foundations of Ontology.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. Main.

Ibid. "Oral History Interview." University of Iowa Oral History Project, 4. 21 pp. 1976. University Archives.

Ibid. “Philosophy of Science.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1957. Main.

Ibid. “Realism; a critique of Brentano and Meinong.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Main.

Papers of Edward W. Chittenden (RG 99.0126)

Farber, I.E. "Bergmann's 'History and Systems of Psychology' with Penultimate Reflections on Behaviorism." In Psychology at Iowa: Centennial Essays, edited by Joan H. Cantor, pp. 19-36, notes. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1991. At Psychology Library; University Archives. 

Heald, William. "From Positivism to Realism: The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann." Books at Iowa 56 (April 1992): 25-46, illus. Main.

Box Contents List

Box 1

Series I.  1960’s Material

  • A.     Notes on Wittgenstein, Mathematics, and Ontology 

(1) Bergmann's N.E.H, Grant proposal; topic:
Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of
; 1965.

           (2) Handwritten Notes; Ontology, Mathematics; 1966.

           (3) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Tractatus; 1966.

           (4) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Notebooks; date unclear.

           (5) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations; 1966.

           (6) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown Books; date unclear.

           (7) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics; 1966.

           (8) Handwritten Notes; Gödel; 1966.

           (9) Handwritten Notes; Properties, Classes, "The Nonextensionality of the Trunk"; date unclear.

           (10) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Philosophical Remarks; 1968.

           (11) Handwritten Notes; Wittgenstein's Philosophical Remarks; 1966.

           (12) Handwritten Notes; "Introduction to Part Two", "Homomorphism, Isomorphism, Meaning and Thought"; 1966.

           (13) Handwritten Notes; Classes, Relations, Sameness and Identity, Criticism of Russell; 1966.

           B. "Diversity"; "Pre-Zermelo"; "Post-Zermelo".

           (14) Table of Contents, Preface, part of an Introduction to a post-Realism multivolume book on ontology and Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics; undated; typed.

           (15) Roughly typed notes; the "Old Introduction" to the "Post-Zermelo Manuscript"; no date.

Box 2

           (1) Typed notes; for chapter one of "Post-Zermelo M.S."; no date.

           (2) Roughly typed notes; chapters three through ten of "Post-Zermelo M.S.; 1967.

           (3) Handwritten notes; "Post-Zermelo Fragments"; 1967.

           (4) Typed notes; "Post-Zermelo Sketches and Memoranda for Diversity"; 1967.

           (5) Typed notes; "Typed Fragments for Diversity; Pre-Zermelo"; 1967.

           (6) Typed notes; Diversity, Pre-Zermelo, 1967.

           (7) Typed and Handwritten notes; Diversity, Pre-Zermelo; 1967.

           (8) Handwritten notes filed by G.B with Diversity/Pre-Zermelo material; axiomatics and ontology, whether arithmetic is analytic or categorial; 1968.

           (9) Handwritten notes; "Immediately before the Fourth Way, Pre-Zermelo" ;collections and complexes; no date.

           (10) Some typed, mostly handwritten notes; "Assorted Notes from before Lake '67, Pre-Zermelo"; senses of "constituent"; 1967.

           (11) Table of Contents for "Diversity, the Ontology of Arithmetic", and a typed fragment on thought and language; 1967.

           (12) Handwritten notes; "The Fourth Way, July 18,1967 until April 10, 1967"

           (13) "Handwritten Notes, March 1, 1968".

           (14) Typed notes; form, classes; date not clear but filed with '67/'68 material.

           (15) Handwritten notes; "used 12/19/66".

C. Typed and Handwritten Notes; 1967 - 1968

           (16) Handwritten notes; facts, complexes and functions; 1967.

           (17) Handwritten notes; revision of the sameness criterion, internal relations, formal complexes; 1968.

           (18) Handwritten notes; "Well-order and Activity"; date not clear, but topic places it with 66-68 material.

           (19) Typed and Handwritten notes; ties, facts, the uniqueness of forms; 1967.

Box 3

           (1) Typed and Handwritten notes; ontology of mind, ontology of arithmetic; Table of Contents for
           prospective 3-volume work the first volume of which was to be called "Diversity"; 1967.

           (2) Handwritten notes; order, typed fragment about intuitionism and Wittgenstein; 1968.

           (3) Handwritten and typed notes, "Definitions, Ontological Hypotheses in the case of connections
           and derived characters, with a digression on circumstances, facts and mixed complexes", 1968.

           (4) Handwritten and typed notes; categories, internal syntactical properties, derived properties; 1968.

           (5) Handwritten notes; internal relations, inseparability; 1968.

           (6) Typed and Handwritten notes; "1968A", "complex actions, trellises, lattices and ordinals", Russell and Peano axioms; 1968.

           (7) Typed notes; "1968H", "Relations, Pairs and Order"; 1968.

           (8) Typed and Handwritten notes; "Collections and Diversity", "The Ground of Simplicity", "Existence, Sameness and Identity"; 1968.

           (9) Typed fragments and some Handwritten notes; "Sketches for Diversity as an Internal Relation"; 1968.

           (10) Typed fragments; collections, existents, simplicity, constituency; 1968.

           (11) Typed fragments; collections and internal relations, the Burali-Forti Paradox, Relations, Pairs, and Order; 1968.

           (12) Handwritten notes; "Last Tries I", "4-valued logic of Modes"; suspected 1968.

           (13) Handwritten notes; "Last Tries II"; suspected 1968.

           (14) Handwritten notes; "Last Tries III" [much of this document is in German]; suspected 1968.

           (15) Handwritten notes; "Last Tries IV", definition of syntactical kinds; suspected 1968.

           (16) Typed and Handwritten fragments; "Last Tries V", basic categories, functions, derived entities,
           sameness and impredicativity; suspected 1968.

           D. Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments; 1967 -1968.

           (17) Handwritten notes; "The Second Try"; 1967.

           (18) Handwritten notes; "The Third Try; the Combined Approach"; 1967.

           (19) Handwritten fragments; "Third Try drafts"; 1967.

Box 4

           (1) Typed and Handwritten fragments; "Compound Actions", classes, selections, infinity, transparency of form; suspected 1968.

           (2) Typed fragments; showing, saying and the ideal language; date unclear.

           (3) Handwritten fragments; functions, ultimate sorts, things vs. subsistents; suspected 1967.

           (4) Handwritten notes; "Three Valued Modes"; date unclear.

           E. Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments 1968 - 1969; notes suspected to be from late 60's or early 70's but not more precisely dateable.

           (5) Handwritten notes; things, complexes,logical forms, functions, internal relations; 1968.

           (6) Handwritten notes; ties, M-functions,classes; 1968.

           (7) Handwritten notes; functions; 1968.

           (8) Handwritten notes; formal characters and categories, recursion; 1968.

           (9) Handwritten fragments and notes; "formation rules and functions", "circumstances and ties"; 1968.

           (10) Handwritten and typed fragments; classes, sameness, derived characters, the axiomatic
           method, "the limits of the thought and the minimal metalanguage"; 1969.

           (11) Handwritten notes; ultimate sorts and modes; 1969.

           (12) Handwritten notes; on the range of the argument of a function, logical form; 1969.

           (13) Handwritten notes; M-functions, simples and complexes; 1969.

           (14) Handwritten fragments and notes; internal properties and relations, 1969.

           (15) Handwritten notes; categories, definition of syntactical kinds; no date apparent, but seems to belong to late 60's or early 70's.

           (16) Handwritten notes; classes, sameness, diversity are the apparent topics; no date, but appears to be late 60', early 70's.

           (17) Handwritten fragment and a short Typed fragment; the constituency connection; no date, but appears
           to belong to late 60's or early 70's.

Box 5

Series II.  1960’s Material:  Realism

           A. Clean Typed Chapters and Sections; photocopies of Brentano Material used as Research Source for Realism.

           (1) Preface, Fontnotes, Bibliography, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three.

           (2) Chapters Four, Five and Six.

           (3) Chapters Seven, Eight and Nine.

           (4) Photocopy of Introduction to Brentano's Kategorienlehre.

           (5) Part One of Brentano's Kategorienlehre

           (6) Part Two of Brentano's Kategorienlehre

           (7) Part Three of Brentano's Kategorienlehre

           (8) Footnotes for Brentano's Kategorienlehre

           B. Roughly Typed Early Drafts of Realism.

           (9) Chapters One, Two, and Three.

           (10) Chapters Four, Five and Six.

           (11) Chapters Seven, Eight and Nine.

Box 6

           (1) Chapters Ten and Eleven.

           (2) Chapters Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen.

           (3) Chapters Fifteen, Sixteen and Seventeen.

           (4) Chapters Eighteen and Nineteen.

           (5) Chapters Twenty and Twenty-One.

Series III.  1970’s Material

 A. Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments - 1970.

           (6) Typed fragments; ontology of set theory and related topics; 1970.

           (7) Handwritten fragments; classes, functions, recursion for molecular complexes; 3/8/70 up to 4/1/70.

           (8) Handwritten fragment; exemplification and class membership, internal properties and relations; 1970.

           (9) Handwritten fragment; diads, coasses, facts, constituency; 1970.

           (10) Handwritten fragment; "Criticism of Peano"; 1970.

           (11) Annotated folder without contents; 1970.

           (12) Handwritten fragments; defintion of generality, forms, functions, pervaders; 1970.

           (13) Handwritten fragments; diads, quantification, modes; 1970.

Box 7

           (1) Handwritten fragments; forms and modes as pervaders, classes; 1970.

           (2) Handwritten fragments; "Agenda for the Operator Story"; 1970.

           (3) Handwritten notes and a fragment; quantification; 1970.

           (4) Handwritten notes; defining the form: being-a-diad; 1970.

           (5) Handwritten notes and fragments; quantification, syntactic form, classes; 1970.

           (6) Three groups of handwritten notes; properties and classes; 1970.

           (7) Handwritten notes; propositional calculus, quantification [in German and logicese]; 1970.

            B. Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments: 1971-1974.

           (8) Handwritten fragments; [in German]; 1971.

           (9) Handwritten fragments; diads, functions; 1971.

           (10) Handwritten fragments; [mostly in German]; 1971.

           (11) Handwritten fragments; diads, formation rules, constituency, 1971.

           (12) Handwritten fragment; analyticity and functions; 1972.

           (13) Handwritten and Typed fragments; classes, analyticity, the difference between determinates and non-determinates; 1972.

           (14) Handwritten fragments; classes; 1972 - 1974.

           (15) Handwritten fragments; classes, canons, intentionality as an internal relation,
           stratification of classes; one 1972 but most 1974.

           (16) Handwritten fragments; canons, classes, forms; 1973.

           (17) Handwritten fragments; definition of syntactical forms: the form of being-a-clas, the form of being-a-circumstance; 1973.

Box 8

           (1) Handwritten fragments; syntactical forms quantification; 1974.

  • C.     Handwritten Notes and Fragments: 1975 - 1979.

           (2) Handwritten notes and fragments; "The Wound and the Arrow", form, transparency, the thinkability and sayability of logical form; 1975.

           (3) Handwritten fragments; "The Wound and the Arrow, auxiliary", syntactical form and transparency; 1975.

           (4) Handwritten fragments; "The Wound Healed?"; generality, transparency and the axioms for the L.F.C.; 1975.

           (5) Handwritten fragments; "The Summary of State of Affairs, Oct.29, 1975", sameness, analyticity; 1975.

           (6) Handwritten fragments; transparency, axioms, analyticity; 1975.

           (7) Handwritten fragments; comments and notes on Chapter VII of New Foundations of Ontology [the book]; 1975.

           (8) Handwritten fragments and notes; analyticity, Gödel, Skolem; 1975.

           (9) Handwritten fragment and notes; "The New Sameness, Constituents and Well-formed Parts"; 1975.

           (10) Handwritten fragments and notes [contains journal offprints on set theory]; 1975, 1976.

           (11) Handwritten fragments; definitions of syntactical forms; 1977.

           (12) Handwritten fragments; quantification over complexes; 1978.

           (13) Handwritten notes; thought and language; 1978.

           (14) Handwritten fragments; thought and language; 1979.

           (15) Handwritten fragments; 1979.

           D. Undated Notes and Fragments. Suspected to be from Seventies.

           (16) Handwritten notes and a short Typed fragment containing a statement of G.B. conception of
           ontology [with some footnotes for this latter fragment]; early 70's.

           (17) Handwritten fragments, limits of atomism, accessibility of mode of generalities; early to mid seventies.

Box 9

           (1) Handwritten fragments and notes, classes; early seventies.

           (2) Handwritten notes and fragments [much in German]; classes; early seventies.

           (3) Handwritten fragments; quantification, classes, mid to late seventies.

           (4) Handwritten fragments; logical form, ultimate sorts, limitation of representing logical form in the ideal language; mid seventies.

           (5) Handwritten notes [some in German]; intentional nexus; early to mid seventies.

           (6) Handwritten fragments; classes; mid to late seventies, perhaps even early eighties.

           (7) Handwritten fragments; quantification, order, early or mid seventies.

           (8) Handwritten fragments; "Modes, Acts and Conscious States - Preorganized Notes"; mid to late seventies.

           (9) Handwritten fragments; constituency; early seventies.

           (10) Handwritten fragments; sameness, classes; early  to mid seventies.

           (11) Handwritten notes and a short Typed piece; functions, Meinong, Frege and Wittgenstein on functions; early to mid seventies.

           (12) Handwritten notes; topic unclear; early seventies.

           (13) Handwritten notes; topic unclear; seventies.

 Series IV.  1970’s Material:  New Foundations of Ontology

           A. Chapter One ["Simples and Canons"] and Chapter Two["Facts and Modes"].

           (14) Handwritten fragments of, and notes for, Chapter One.

           (15) Typed "First Draft" of Chapter One [Two version, with corrections].

           (16) Typed "Second Draft" of Chapter One.

           (17) Typed version of Chapter One [different from  above versions, at least slightly].

           (18) Final prepublication version of Chapter One [edited by Heald and with ed. footnotes by Heald]

           (19) Slips and cut sections of Chapter Two [apparently the remains of G.B.'s editing process].

           (20) Typed "First Draft" of Chapter Two [with marginal corrections, additions and deletions].

           (21) Cleaned up version of First Draft of Chapter Two.

           (22) Initial roughly typed "Second Draft" of Chapter Two.

           (23) Photocopies of Chapter Two.

Box 10

           (1) Photocopies of Chapter Two [appears slightly different than version mentioned in (10) above]

           (2) Final prepublication version of Chapter Two [edited and with ed. footnotes by Heald].

           B. Chapter Three ["Diversity and Order"] and Chapter Four ["Functions and Analyticity"].

           (3) Typed First Draft of Chapter Three [two versions, only slight differences]; also, small sheaf of slips and cut out strips that are the remains of G.B's editing process.

           (4) Roughly Typed "Second Draft" of Chapter Three.

           (5) Photocopy of Chapter Three [note title: "Diversity and Functions", which marks it as a somewhat earlier version than the final one.]

           (6) Photocopy of Chapter Three [the title has been changed here to "Diversity and Order", that of the final version]

           (7) Final prepublication version of Chapter Three [edited by Heald]

           (8) Photocopy of Bergmann's "final" typed draft of Chapters One, Two and Three [dated "2/11/75"]

           (9) Short Typed fragment of Chapter Four [fragment concern recursion and syntactical form]

           (10) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Four.

           (11) Handwritten fragments of Chapter Four [dated 1972]

           (12) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Four [dated 1972]

           C. Chapter Four ["Functions and Analyticity"]

           (13) Typed and Handwritten draft of Chapter Four; ["used for preparing the corrections, additions and deletions for later drafts, 1974"]

Box 11

           (1) "Corrections, Additions and Deletions" for Chapter Four; specified by G.B. as his "final copy, 12/14/74".

           (2) "Corrections, Additions and Deletions" for Chapter Four; also designated by G.B. as his "final copy, 12/14/74" [note, however, that
           there are several differences between the material filed here and the similarly designated material in the previous folder]

           (3) Typed draft of Chapter Four; characterized by a "First Draft" by G.B.

           (4) Typed draft of Chapter Four.

           (5) Last prepublication version of Chapter Four [edited by Heald]

            D. Chapter Five: "Thought and Language". Chapter Six:

           (6) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Five [1975]

           (7) Handwritten fragment and notes for Chapter Five.

           (8) "Corrections, Additions and Deletions" for Chapter Five [1975]

Box 12

           (1) "Final Copy" of "Corrections, Additions and Deletions" for Chapter Five [1975]

           (2) "First Draft" of Chapter Five

           (3) Photocopy of Chapter Five

           (4) Last prepublication version of Chapter Five [edited by Heald]

           (5) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Six.

           (6) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Six.

           (7) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Six.

           E. Chapter Six ["Classes"] and Chapter Seven ["The Linguistic Turn Contained"]

           (8) Early draft of Chapter Six [some Handwritten, mostly Typed]; "started, 1974".

           (9) "Corrections, Additions and Deletions" for pp. 56 to (approx.) 80 of Chapter Six.

           (10) Bergmann's "final copy" of Chapter Six; "completed 2/26/75".

Box 13

           (1) Photocopy of Chapter Six.

           (2) Photocopy of Chapter Six [there are only very slight differences between this version and that contained in previous folder - see p. 80,
           for example]

           (3) Last prepublication version of Chapter Six [edited by Heald; ed. footnotes by Heald]

           (4) Typed fragment of Chapter Seven; some Handwritten notes.

           (5) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Seven; a short typed fragment concerning the
            "new and expanded" concept of analyticity; this could have been the core of the "missing" subsection four of Chapter Seven.

           (6) Handwritten notes for subsection five of Chapter Seven.

           F. Chapter Seven ["The Linguistic Turn Contained"]; Other material associated with New Foundations of Ontology.

           (7) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Seven.

           (8) Mostly typed, some handwritten, fragments and notes for Chapter Seven [notes on the "missing subsection" of Chapter Seven]

           (9) Handwritten fragments and notes for Chapter Seven.

           (10) Handwritten sketch of "2nd level hierarchy" for first subsection of Chapter Seven [1975]

           (11) Photocopy of G.B.'s final version of Chapter Seven; "zerox of first part, subsection I, II, III, finished 7/1/75".

           (12) Last prepublication version of Chapter Seven [edited by Heald; ed. footnotes by Heald].

           (13) Handwritten fragments and notes on the missing "Appendices" of N.F.O.; two typed copies of a
           draft of "First Appendix" [versions have different cross-outs, corrections, etc.]

           (14) Handwritten fragments and notes; "Everything for Appendices", "Everything for Preface", 1975.

Box 14

           (1) Handwritten notes and a short typed piece that appears to be the beginning of the missing subsection four of Chapter Seven [topic: analyticity]; 1973.

Series V.  1980’s Material

           A. Handwritten and Typed Notes: 1980

           (2) Handwritten notes; "New Material I"; 1979-1980.

           (3) Handwritten notes; "New Material II"; 1980.

           (4) Handwritten notes; "Old Notes or Section III", ultimate sorts, quantification; 1980/81.

           (5) Handwritten notes and fragments; sameness, classes, quantification; 1980.

           (6) Handwritten notes; quantification; 1980.

           (7) Handwritten notes; foundations of set theory, Peano Axioms, canons; 1980.

           (8) Handwritten draft of an "Introduction" to a longer work, obviously about the ontology of arithmetic; 1980.

           (9) Handwritten fragments and notes; quantification; 1980.

           (10) Handwritten notes; "Improved Sketches, etc, from 6/5/80", quantification; 1980.

           (11) Handwritten fragments; set theory, classes; 1980.

           (12) Handwritten fragments; classes, recursion; 1980.

           (13) Handwritten notes and fragments; classes; 1980.

           (14) Handwritten notes; classes; 1980;

           (15) Handwritten note cards; classes, canons; 1980.

           (16) Handwritten note card; classes canons, items [originally filed with contents of previous folder]; 1980.

           B. Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments: 1980 -1981.

           (17) Handwritten notes; recursion, axioms and canons;1980.

           (18) Handwritten notes "Varia, beginning 12/15/80", materials, constituents, element; 1980.

           (19) Handwritten fragment; extensionality; 1981.

Box 15

           (1) Handwritten fragments; "Selected Pieces Starting 1/1/81", the null set, other issues in set theory; 1981.

           (2) Handwritten notes; quantification; 1981.

           (3) Handwritten fragments; "Sameness axioms for W2";1981.

           (4) Handwritten fragment; quantification; 1981.

           (5) Handwritten draft of "Primary and Secondary Ontological Status and also a typed piece on classes; 1981.

           (6) Handwritten notes; "The Phenomenological Predicament, further material, 10/6/81"; 1981.

           (7) Handwritten notes and fragments, a draft of "Introduction to Section Three" (concerning ontology of arithmetic); 1981.

           (8) Handwritten notes; "Next to last section"; 1981.

           (9) Handwritten notes; "Section Three, Construction of W2"; 1981.

           (10) Handwritten notes; ultimate sorts, syntactical form, classes; 1981.

           (11) Handwritten and typed fragments; "Chapter Five; Set: the Phenomenological Predicament"; 1980/81 or 82.

           (12) Handwritten fragments; "1st Draft of Section Three: the Phenomenological Predicament"; 1981, 1982.

           (13) Handwritten notes and fragments; sameness, syntactical form; 1981.

           C. Handwritten Notes and Fragments: 1981 - 1982.

           (14) Handwritten Fragments; notes for "Essay Five" (concerning analyticity); 1981-1982.

           (15) Handwritten Notes; "Material on Extensionality in W1 Skeleton, mostly for Fifth Essay"; 1981.

           (16) Handwritten notes; sets; 1981.

           (17) Handwritten notes; "Third Version of Section III Material", set theory; 1981.

           (18) Handwritten notes; apparent sketch of a Table of Contents for a work to be called "New Foundations for the Ontology of Sets"; 1982.

           (19) Handwritten fragments; "Notes for Section II, the Phenomenological Predicament"; 1982.

           (20) Handwritten fragments; "Preliminaries to III"; 1982.

           (21) Handwritten fragments;" Skolem-Gödel I etc. for Last Essay, 1981", "Notes for Essay V, up to Feb. 82"; 1981,1982.

Box 16

           (1) Handwritten notes; set theory, classes; 1982.

           (2) Handwritten notes; "Section Three Notes: the Construction of W2"; 1982.

           (3) Handwritten notes; "Section IV, Final Material"; 1982.

           (4) Handwritten notes; quantification; 1982.

           (5) Handwritten notes "Chapter Three: the Construction of W2"; 1982.

           (6) Handwritten notes; "New Notes for Section III, started 9/3/82", set theory, classes; 1982.

           (7) Handwritten fragments; "The L-schema and 6.12, final draft"; 1982.

           (8) Notes

           (9) Handwritten notes; "Urgent Material for Section 3, Introduction and Part I, II", sets and classes; 1982.

           (10) Handwritten notes; "Still to be Sorted, 9/7/82"; 1982.

  • D.    Handwritten and Typed Notes and Fragments: 1983 -1984.

            (11) Handwritten fragment; "Notes on Last Essay", analyticity; 1983.

            (12) Handwritten notes; "The New Connection between W1 and W2 with classes not graspable"; 1983.

            (13) Handwritten notes; "Sameness and Order for Chapter III", order [included in the folder is a
            reprint of G.B. 's "Notes on Ontology" article responding to Hochberg's criticisms; 1983.

            (14) Handwritten fragments on a variety of topics; "The Last Hurrah!" [one fragment on the"circular" I.L. is from 1981, the rest are from
            1983; 1981-1983.

            (15) Handwritten notes; classes, quantification, 1983.

            (16) Handwritten notes and typed fragment; "Material for Chapter Six", classes the null set, the ontology of the Zermelo system; 1983.

            (17) Collection of loose Handwritten notes; "To be checked before discarding"; up to 1984.

            (18) Collection of loose Handwritten notes; 1983 [one from 1978].

            (19) Handwritten fragments; modifications of set theory required by ontology; 1983, 1984.

            (20) Handwritten notes; quantification, 1983.

            (21) Handwritten notes; quantification; 1983.

            (22) Handwritten fragments; "L-hierarchy and axiom of modification", class axioms, the axiom of choice; 1983.

            (23) Handwritten fragments and notes; "Notes for Section Three"; 1983, 1984.

Box 17

           (1) Handwritten fragments; "The L-schema", basic axioms for the L-schema; 1983.

           (2) Handwritten notes and a fragment; "lambda transformation"; 1983.

           (3) Handwritten fragments; zero, the null set, quantification; 1983.

           E. Handwritten Notes and Fragments: 1984 - 1985.

           (4) Handwritten notes; quantification; 1984.

           (5) Handwritten notes; "for Varia, to be taken home for weekends"; 1984.

           (6) Handwritten fragments; "The Yield of the February ('83) Crisis", strict sameness, order, extensionality, 1983-1984.

           (7) Handwritten notes; notes for "Chapter Six"; 1984.

           (8) Handwritten notes; class axioms, quantification; 1984.

           (9) Handwritten fragments; order; 1984.

           (10) Handwritten fragments; "L-hierarchy and analyticity"; 1984.

           (11) Handwritten fragments; "Material for the two Appendices, The Global Hierarchy, Nuclei and related matters"; 1984.

           (12) Short Handwritten fragment; purports to show how all determinates can be produced out of simples
           in a finite number of canonical steps; 1984(?).

           (13) Handwritten notes, two typed fragments on modes items, etc.; 1984.

           (14) Handwritten notes; diversity; 1984.

           (15) Handwritten fragment; quantification; 1984.

           (16) Handwritten fragments; quantification, classes; 1984.

           (17) Handwritten draft; "First Draft Sketch of Chapter Seven", sets; 1984.

           (18) Handwritten notes; "Collection for Chapter VII"; 1985.

           (19) Two handwritten one page notes; ideal language notation, classes and descriptions; 1985.

           (20) Handwritten notes; "the logic of grasping"; 1985.

           (21) Handwritten fragments and notes; "The Notion of Shape and Range"; 1985.

           (22) Handwritten notes; "for Chapter Seven"; 1985.

           (23) Several folders containing typed fragments of a longer work on the ontology of sets; late seventies to mid eighties.

           (24) Handwritten notes and fragments; transparency, evidence, Cartesian chains; eighties [notice note from '84]

           (25) Handwritten notes; classes, ultimate sorts; early eighties.

           (26) Handwritten notes; sameness and order; early eighties.

           (27) Handwritten notes; 1984.

Series VI. Post-Realism Published Papers and Associated Notes, Correspondence, etc.

           A. 1966 "Diversity" paper through 1978 Valencia Lecture, "Sketch of an Ontological Inventory".

           (28) Two Typed copies of "Diversity", the 1966 A.P.A. Presidential Address [some handwritten material included].

           (29) Correspondence with John Peterson, 1969-1971; includes the "July 1, 1969" note [typed].

Box 18

           (1) Original Typed copy of "Part One" of 1970 letter to Reinhardt Grossmann; "Section One:p.1-
           60", "Section Two: p.60-97" [two copies of 2nd section, one of them containing corrections, additions and deletions].

            (2) "Second Copy" of the Grossmann letter contained in the previous folder [p.1-97].

            (3) Typed (partially handwritten) copy of "Part Two" of the Grossmann letter [p.98-?].

            (4) Correspondence concerning submission and eventual withdrawal of the "New Foundations of
            Ontology" paper written for the 1972 Russell Centenary at Indiana University.

            (5) Typed text of, and "supplement" to, the "New Foundations of Ontology" paper.

            (6) Clean Typed copy of the "New Foundations of Ontology" paper; 1972.

            (7) Two copies of the 1978 Valencia (Spain) Lecture:"Sketch of an Ontological Inventory"  [one typed, in Italian, the other handwritten, in English; also, correspondence pertaining to the lecture.

           B. 1978 paper "Notes on the Ontology of Minds" through 1981 Grossmann letter containing copy of Grossmann's
           review of G.B.'s 1980 paper "Notes on Ontology"

          (8) Correspondence with University of Minnesota at Morris concerning publication of "Notes
          on the Ontology of Minds" [N.O.M.];1978-1980.

          (9) Handwritten notes for N.O.M.; first typed version of N.O.M.; letter from John Peterson concerning Peterson's review of Hochberg's Thought, Fact and Reference; 1978-1981.

          (10) Second and Third Typed versions of N.O.M.[date unspecified]

          (11) Roughly typed version [which version is unclear] of sections I, II, IV, and V of N.O.M. [date unspecified].

Box 19

           (1) Two reprints of N.O.M., with marginal notes and corrections; reprint of "Sketch of an Ontological Inventory" with marginal notes and corrections; reprint of "Notes on Ontology" [see below].

           (2) Correspondence with Nous about "Notes on Ontology", in which G.B. attempts to respond to
           criticisms made by Herbert Hochberg in Truth, Fact and Reference; 1978-1980.

           (3) Handwritten notes that appear to be notes for N.O.O.[date unspecified]

           (4) Handwritten notes for N.O.O. [date unspecified].

           (5) G.B. letter to Review of Metaphysics concerning N.O.O.; attached abstract of N.O.O.; 1981.

           (6) Two Typed copies of N.O.O. with corrections, additions and deletions [date unspecified].

           (7) Clean Typed copy of N.O.O.

           (8) Letter from Grossmann; copy of Grossmann's  review of N.O.O.; 1981.

Series VII. Class and Seminar Notes, Associated Material

           A. 1951-1965.

           (9) Math Logic notes; 1951/52 [some "Advanced Logic" question sheets from 1956].

           (10) Logic notes; 1953/54.

           (11) Philosophy of Science notes; 1955/56.

           (12) Course Reading List, Class Lists, for Philosophy of Social Science; Summer, 1958.

           (13) Math Logic notes and exam questions sheets; Spring, 1959.

           (14) Math Logic notes; Spring, 1961.

           (15) Math Logic notes; Spring, 1961.

           (16) Class notes and Class lists for Seminar on Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics; Spring, 1964.

           (17) Class notes, Exam question sheets; from 1962 to 1963/64.

Box 20

           (1) Notes for Seminar in Philosophy of Science; Fall 1965.

           (2) Math Logic notes; Spring, 1965.

           (3) Class notes on "Gödel II and Related Matters"; 1957-1965.

           (4) Class notes, Class lists and Reading lists for Philosophical Problems of the Social Sciences; 1961-1965.

           B. 1966-1970.

           (5) Logic and Metaphysics Seminar; Spring 1966.

           (6) Class notes and Class lists for Introduction to the Philosophy of Science; Spring, 1966/67.

           (7) Class Lists, Exam Question sheets and some Class notes for History and Systems of Psychology; 1961-1967.

           (8) Class lists, Reading lists; Exam Question sheets and some Class notes for Seminar in Philosophy
           of Science ("Space, Time and Relativity"); Fall, 1967/68.

           (9) Math Logic notes; Fall 1968/69.

Box 21

           (1) Class notes for History and Systems of Psychology; Spring 1968/69.

           (2) Class lists, Reading lists and Exam Question sheets for History and Systems of Psychology; Spring 1969/70.

           (3) Notes for Seminar on C.D. Broad's Mind and Its Place in Nature; Spring 1969/70.

C. 1966-1971.

           (4) Notes and Class lists for Seminar on G.E. Moore; Fall, 1966/67.

           (5) Notes and Class lists for Seminar on G.E. Moore; Spring, 1966/67.

           (6) Math Logic notes; Spring 1967/68.

           (7) Class lists, Reading list. and Exam Question sheet for History and Systems of Psychology; Fall 1968/69.

Box 22

           (1) Notes for Seminar on C.D. Broad's Mind and Its Place in Nature; Spring 1968/67.

           (2) Notes for Philosophy of Science [both undergraduate and graduate]; 1967-1970.

           (3) Math Logic notes; Spring 1970/71.

D. 1971-1974.

           (4) Class notes and Class lists for Seminar on Moore's Some Main Problems of Philosophy; Fall 1971/71.

           (5) Class notes for Seminar on Moore's Some Main Problems of Philosophy; Spring 1971/71.

           (6) Class notes and Exam Question sheets for Introduction to Philosophy of Science; 1971/72.

           (7) Math Logic notes; Fall 1970/71.

Box 23

           (1) Math Logic notes and Class lists; Fall 1972/73.

           (2) Math Logic notes; Spring 1972/73.

           (3) Notes, Class lists, Exam Question sheets for Seminar on Broad's Mind and its Place in Nature; 1973/74.

           (4) Notes for Introduction to Philosophy of Science; 1971-1974.

Series VIII. Public Lectures, Delivered Papers, Pre-Realism Published Papers

           A. 1950-1962

           (5) Bergmann's comments on Virgil Hinshaw's paper, "Levels of Analysis". Midwest A.P.A. Meetings,
           Minneapolis, May 1950 [Copy of Hinshaw's paper included].

           (6) Correspondence concerning lecture of logical positivism delivered at the University of Omaha
           (Town and Gown Club), Oct.18, 1951 [Handwritten copy of speech included].

           (7) Handwritten notes for lecture on "The Nature of Logic" delivered to the Drake Philosophical
           Club, April 4, 1952.

           (8) Handwritten notes for seminars at the University of Toronto on "The Nature and Problems of Theory in Psychology" and "Psychology and the Behavior Sciences"; November, 1953.

           (9) Handwritten notes for lecture on the "The Logic of Psychology", delivered at: (1) Psychology
           Colloquium, University of Michigan, Aug.15,1953, and (2) University of Toronto, Nov.19, 1953.

           (10) Typed copy of lecture on "Reduction", delivered at University of Pittsburgh, March 12, 1954.

           (11) Notes for, and correspondence concerning, seminar at Dartmouth on Public Opinion, Research, Process Analysis, etc.; July 1954.

           (12) Handwritten notes for lecture on "The Place of Psychology Among the Sciences", delivered at Vassar College, Nov.11, 1954.

           (13) Handwritten notes for, correspondence concerning, lecture on "The Origins of Modern
           Empiricism", University of Pennsylvania, March 24, 1954.

           (14) Handwritten notes for Philosophy of Science lecture at a Pharmacology Seminar, Nov.7, 1955.

           (15) Handwritten notes for a lecture on Psychology and the Social Sciences, Jan.10, 1956.

           (16) Machette Lectures (typed): I. Measurement, II. The Notion of Process, III. Stimulus and Response; April 8, 9, 10, 1957.

           (17) Typed lecture notes on "Stimulus and Response", delivered at the University of Missouri, Nov. 18, 1957.

           (18) Original typed copy of "Physics and Ontology", lecture delivered at Stanford Congress for Logic, Methodology and the Philosophy of Science, August, 1960.

           (19) Handwritten notes for lectures on Kant, Moore and Truth, "Phenomenalism Revisited", 1961 [probably delivered at Lund, Sweden].

Box 24

           (1) Handwritten notes for lectures on Philosophy of Science and the Analysis of Mind; Göteborg, Sweden, 1961.

           (2) Variety of notes and papers for Stockholm lecture on the Philosophy of Mind; Handwritten
           notes for Uppsala seminar on G.E. Moore; 1961.

           (3) Two typed papers, "Meaning" and "Inclusion, Exemplification and Inherence in G.E. Moore"; First paper originally delivered at University of Oslo, Nov. 1961; the second originally delivered at Lund, 1961.

           (4) Typed copy of "Stenius on the Tractatus"; handwritten notes on Stenius, both for paper and lecture at Uppsala, 1961.

           (5) Handwritten notes on Edmund Husserl; two typed copies of G.B.'s paper, "The Ontology of Edmund Husserl", 1961.

           (6) Typed copy [in Italian] of "The Glory and Misery of Ludwig Wittgenstein", 1961.

           (7) Handwritten notes for lecture on "Human Freedom and the Science of Man", delivered at Wake Forest College, Dec. 1962.

B. 1961-1977

           (8) Handwritten notes for the Lund Lectures, 1961.

           (9) Typed notes on the Emotive Theory of Ethics [probably for Lund Lectures, 1961].

           (10) Notebook of handwritten notes - the "Sweden Book" - for lectures in Sweden, 1961.

           (11) Three Typed copies of "Diversity", G.B.'s presidential address to the A.P.A. in 1966.

           (12) Typed notes for lecture at the University of Texas, 1977.

           (13) Handwritten notes for lectures at the University of Texas, 1977; included is a copy of paper by
           Ed Allaire, "Relations: Recreation and Remarks".

Box 25

Series IX. Correspondence

           A. 1931-1950  

            (1) 1931-1944; including correspondence with Carl Hempel, Clark Hull, Ernest Nagel, Felix Kaufmann, Rudolf Carnap, Walter Mayer.

           (2) 1945-1946; Max Black, Marvin Farber, Herbert Feigl, Brand Blanshard, Rudolf Carnap, C.J. Ducasse.

           (3) Early Forties (1940-1945), but not more precisely dateable; Felix Kaufmann, Walter Mayer, May Brodbeck.

           (4) 1947-1948; Helene Reshovsky, Max Black, Herbert Feigl, Wilfrid Sellars, Tom Storer, Virgil
           Hancher, John Von Neumann, Gilbert Ryle.

           (5) 1949; May Brodbeck, Rudolf Carnap, Wilfrid Sellars, Alonzo Church, James Conant.

           (6) 1950; Howard Bowen, Rudolf Carnap, May Brodbeck, Everett Hall, Max Black.

           (7) Late Forties (1946-1950), but not more precisely dateable; Phillipp Frank, May Brodbeck.

           (8) Forties (1940-1950), but not more precisely dateable; Julius Weinberg, Herbert Feigl.

           (9) Late Forties (1947-1950) correspondence concerning philosophy of science; Phillipp
           Frank, W.H. Werkmeister, Wilfrid Sellars, West Churchman.

Box 26

           B. 1951-1955.

           (1) Jan.1, 1951 - Aug.15, 1951; Phillipp Frank, Wilfrid Sellars, W.H. Werkmeister, Victor Kraft, Henry Margenau, Paul Weiss.

           (2) Aug.15, 1951 - Dec.31, 1951; Herbert Feigl, Bill Hay, W.H. Werkmeister, Adolf Grünbaum.

           (3) Undated, early 1950's; Herbert Feigl, Bill Hay.

           (4) 1952; Bill Hay, Eliseo Vivas, Victor Kraft, Gilbert Ryle, Alan Gewirth, Marshall Claggett, Fred Will.

           (5) 1953; Edwin Boring, Bill Hay, F. Rossi-Landi, William Frankena, Edward Madden.

           (6) Correspondence concerning, and copies of, two G.B. mathematics papers: (1) "Two Theorems of
           Lattices" (1952), and (2) "Multiplicative Closures" (1953).

           (7) 1954; Mrs. Richard von Mises, Rudolf Carnap, J.O. Wisdom, Roderick Chisholm.

           (8) Correspondence concerning the publication of  "The Russell Paradox in the Calculus of Individuals" (G.B.,1954, Journal of Symbolic Logic); copies of paper included.

           (9) Early Fifties (1950-1955), but not more precisely dateable; F. Rossi-Landi, Bill Hay, Max Black.

           C. 1955-1960.

           (10) 1955; Norman Malcolm, Irving Copi, Marvin Farber, Eurico Castelli, Reinhardt Grossmann, W.V. Quine.

Box 27

           (1) Business correspondence concerning The Metaphysics of Logical Postivism; 1953-1955.

           (2) 1956; Henry Mehlberg, W.H. Werkmeister, Eurico Castelli, Tom Storer, Manley Thomson, Paul Weiss,
           W.V. Quine.

           (3) 1954-1956, but not more precisely dateable; Herbert Hochberg.

           (4) 1957; Paul Henle, Max Fisch, Alberto Giaquinto, Manley Thomson, Philip Rieff.

           (5) 1953-1957, but not more precisely dateable; Herbert Hochberg, Alan Pasch.

           (6) 1958-1959; John Rawls, Robert Sternfeld, Richard  Solomon, Everett Nelson, Max Black, Eliseo Vivas.

           (7) Correspondence concerning papers published through 1958; 1950-1958; Phillipp Frank, T.M.
           Knox, Gilbert Ryle, S.C. Kleene, Paul Weiss.

           (8) Reprint requests for Meaning and Existence, 1959

           (9) Correspondence concerning Italy and Italian philosophers, 1958-1959; Eurico Castelli, John Marshall.

           (10) Correspondence concerning (and copies of) "The Philosophical Significance of Modal Logic" (by
           G.B.), 1957-1960; Gilbert Ryle.

           D. 1960-1968

           (11) 1960; Stuart Brown, Howard Zieqler, Richard Millard, Chadbourne Gilpatrick, Adolf Grünbaum.

           (12) 1958-1960, but not more precisely dateable; Edwin Boring, Max Black.

           (13) Correspondence with University of Wisconsin Press concerning Meaning and Existence; Italian
           correspondence concerning same; 1958-1960.

Box 28

           (1) 1961; Nicola Abbagnano, Eurico Castelli, Manfred Moritz, Fabio Metelli, Reinhardt Grossmann.

           (2) 1962; Reinhardt Grossmann, Torben Agersnap, Eivind Storheim, G.H. von Wright, Torsten Dahlberg.

           (3) 1963; Ho Tso-jen, Eivind Storheim, Paul Edwards, Reinhardt Grossmann, Jaako Hintikka, Rosaria Egidi-Bianco, Richard Rorty.

           (4) 1964-1965; W.U. Quine, Edwin Lewis, Hans Weisz, Ernst Topitsch, Keith Donnellan, Adolf Grünbaum.

           (5) Early Sixties (1960-1965), but not more precisely dateable; Milton Hobbes, Torsten Dahlberg.

           (6) 1966-1967; Max Fisch, Roderick Chisholm, Gerald Kreyche, A.L. Hunsicker, F. Cioffi, Herbert Fiegl, E.D. Klemke.

           (7) Correspondence concerning the business and proceedings of the A.P.A. for 1966/67 [the year of Bergmann's presidency of A.P.A.]

           (8) 1968; Moltke Gram, Robert Beard, Everett Nelson, Howard Brown, Guido Küng.

           E. 1966-1991

           (9) Correspondence with University of Wisconsin Press concerning 2nd printing of Meaning and Existence, 1966-1968.

           (10) 1969; Maurice Kaufmann, Armand Maurer, E.F. Kaelin, May Brodbeck, Leola Bergmann.

Box 29

           (1) 1970-1971; Leola Bergmann, G.A. Brutian, Howard Hines, E.D. Klemke, Rosaria Egidi-Bianco,
           Michael Loux, Sidney Hook, Manfred Moritz.

           (2) 1972-1973; Bertil Belfrage, May Brodbeck, Moltke Gram, Rosaria Egidi-Bianco, H.N. Castañeda.

           (3) 1974-1979; Lewis Lipsitt, Howard R. Bowen, Fred Wilson, John J. Sullivan, May Brodbeck, Nathan Oaklander.

           (4) 1980-1981; Paul Lützeler, Reinhardt Grossmann, David Leary, Laurence Smith, Jay Rosenberg.

           (5) 1982-1986; Paul Lützeler, Erwin Tegtmeier, Reinhard Schuh.

           (6) 1987-1991; Virgil Hinshaw, Robert Turnbull, Kurt Baier, Bill Hay, Reinhardt Grossmann.

Box 30

           (1) Correspondence concerning October, 1987, Symposium in Vienna, "Vertriebene Vernunft"; 1987.

           F. Correspondence Filed by Correspondent

           (2) Ed Allaire #1; 1960-1985 [bulk 1977-1985]

           (3) Ed Allaire #2; 1961-1962 correspondence to Sweden

(3A) Hermann Broch; copies of correspondence with G.B. (original letters at Deutches Literaturarkiv, Marbach am Neckar, Germany); 1940, 1945

           (4) May Brodbeck #1; 1962-1964

           (5) May Brodbeck #2; [these letters are not dated by year and so are not arrangeable chronologically;
           nevertheless, they were filed by G.B. together with the letters in Brodbeck #1 and so would appear to also be from 1962-1964.

           (6) Rosaria Egidi-Bianco, 1969-1990 [but most from 73-86]

           (7) Reinhardt Grossmann, 1971-1986.

           (8) Alan Hausman, 1976-1990.

           (9) Herbert Hochberg [undateable]

           (10) Thomas Storer #1, 1948-1952; includes an outline of psychoanalysis (by Storer, apparently as part
           of a class syllabus; also includes two papers by Storer: (1) Science, Its Concepts and Laws", and
           (2) "Subjectivity and Objectivity in Science"; also includes a photograph of Storer.

           (11) Thomas Storer #2, 1949-1952, but not more precisely dateable.

           (12) Marguerite Young; 1957-1987.

Box 31

           G. Correspondence Including Articles, Reprints, Reviews, etc.

            (1) Postcards from Kedrov, reprints of articles by Kedrov, 1960.

           (2) Cocchiarella letter and article by same on "The Theory of Homogeneous Simple Types as a Second Order Logic", 1979.

           (3) Letter from Oaklander and a copy of a paper by same on "Russell, Negative Facts, and Ontology", 1979.

           (4) Letters concerning appointment of Dennis Bradford at Geneseo (1983); copy of paper by Bradford on "Hume on Existence", 1982.

           (5) Letter from Armstrong (1984); also enclosed are Armstrong's Review of Grossmann's Categorial
           Structure of the World, and Armstrong's "Intellectual Biography".

           (6) Letter from C. Spiker (1984); copy of Spiker's paper on "Principles in the Philosophy of Science: Applications to Psychology".

           (7) Letter from Frank Lucash (1985); Lucash's sabbatical leave application; reprints of Lucash
           papers: "On Recognizing Universals" and "The Mind's Body: The Body's Self-Awareness".

           (8) Grossmann paper (1985) on "Reid, Meinong and the Argument from Physics"; also, the Table of
           Contents from (apparently) a prospective book called Perception, Introspection and Mathematical Knowledge.

           (9) Letter from Grossmann (1985); copy of Grossmann's Review of Hochberg's Logic, Ontology
           and Language: Essays on Truth and Reality.

           (10) Letters and article reprints from D. Flage (1985-1986); reprinted Flage articles are: "Hume on the Cartesian Theory of Substance", "Descartes' Cogito", Hume on Memory and Causation", Hume's Ethics", "Perchance to Dream; A Reply to Trager".

           (11) Letter from Oaklander (1985); copy of Oaklander's Review of Grossmann's Phenomenology
           and Existentialism: an Introduction; some handwritten notes by G.B.

           (12) Letter to Christian Thiel (undated, but reference to G.B. discovery of Gödel's death while at Valencia puts it in late seventies or early eighties; reprint (in German) of Thiel article (again, no date on article).

           (13) Letter from Bill Hay to Leola Bergmann (1991); including photocopy of Manly Thompson piece on G.B.

Series X. Miscellaneous

           A. Biographically Significant Documents [1-29], Photographs, Postcards and Greeting Cards, etc.

           (14) Chart of G.B.'s family tree

           (15) G.B.'s birth certificate

           (16) Reprint of article in mathematics journal that contains the first reference to G.B. in print (footnote reference).

           (17) G.B.'s high school diploma

           (18) G.B.'s Ph.D. (Mathematics) diploma from University of Vienna, 1928

           (19) Marriage certificate and documents pertaining to G.B.'s marriage to Anna Golwig, 1927

           (20) Academic transcripts, 1920, 1930

           (21) Letters regarding appointment/stipend for period G.B. was in Berlin with Walter Mayer and Albert Einstein, 1931

           (22) College teaching certificate, 1934

           (23) G.B.'s Law degree diploma from University of Vienna, 1935

           (24) Certificate of acceptance to Vienna Attorney's Association, 1935

           (25) Exam and teaching certificates, 1929-1935

           (26) Recommendations, permission certificates, etc. pertaining to G.B.'s career as an attorney, 1935

           (27) G.B.'s Austrian identity card (1935), Austrian passport (1938)

           (28) Affidavits and certificates from Emil Winter (partner in law firm for which G.B. worked for
           three years) testifying about G.B.'s association with the firm; letter from an Austrian ministry concerning these documents (1938)

           (29) Certification that affidavits for G.B. and family have been taken care of by A. Kheel of  the American Embassy, 1938

           (30) German military certificate testifying that G.B. is "pure Jewish", 1938

           (31) Walter Mayer's affidavit in support of G.B. immigration visa application, 1938

           (32) Austrian Finance Dept. and Austrian Tax Administration certificates testifying that G.B. owes no taxes in Austria, 1938

           (33) Letter of recommendation from actual firm that employed G.B. in 1938, 1939 when he first arrived in U.S.

           (34) Correspondence with University of the State of New York concerning G.B.'s academic qualification to be an accountant, 1938/39

           (35) Assorted documents for Immigration and Selective Service, 1938-1944

           (36) Certificate of Naturalization for G.B.'s American Citizenship, 1944

           (37) Certificate of G.B.'s election to Sigma Chi, 1944

           (38) Confirmation of G.B.'s appointment as instructor for Army Specialized Training Program (A.S.T.P.), 1944; notice of appointment as U.I. assistant professor, 1944; notice of promotion to associate professor with tenure at U.I., 1949; notice of promotion to full professor, 1950.

            (39) Honorary Degree diploma (original and duplicate) from University of Göteborg (Sweden), 1962

            (40) Application concerning Austrian employee pension, 1968

            (41) Letter of appointment to Carver Professorship (from Willard Boyd), 1972; letters of congratulation of same from various colleagues

Box 32

           (1) Assorted material relevant to 1974 Faculty Recognition Dinner

           (2) Postcards from May Brodbeck

           (3) Assorted postcards, greeting cards, invitations, thank you notes, etc.

           (4) Letters and telegrams of congratulations on G.B.'s 60th birthday, 1966

           (5) Assortment of documents filed together by G.B. (for what appears to be entirely sentimentalreasons of his own): (1) "Report" to Otto Neurath on G.B.'s memories of the Vienna Circle [two copies], 1939 (2) Symposium paper on the "Advantages of the Scientific Theoretical Approach for the Development of the Behavior Sciences" [this was G.B.'s first public lecture or speech in the U.S.], 1939, (3) Kulturbund lecture on the world-view of Einsteinian relativity, delivered by Walter Mayer, Nov.18, 1970.

           (6) Press clippings (most concerning G.B.'s appointment as Carver Professor)

           (7) Announcement of listing of G.B. in Who's Who in the World.

           (8) Report to the Departmental Review Committee (Philosophy Department), March 1985.

           (9) U.of I. Graduate College Brochure.

           (10) Table of Contents of proposed May Brodbeck anthology of G.B. articles on philosophy of science.

           (11) Correspondence concerning donation of papers and books to library; G.B.'s literary estate papers;
           tax information on donation of papers; & etc.

           B. Assorted [1-11]; Colloquium Papers, Reprinted Journal Articles, Grant Proposal, etc, by persons
           other than Bergmann

           (12) G.B.'s Handwritten record of references to and discussions of his work by others (original)

           (13) Photocopy of record contained in previous folder

           (14) Walter Mayer Obituary (N.Y. Times, 1948)

           (15) G.B.'s book review of Leopold Goetz' Die Enstehung den Ordnung (in Philos. and Phenom. Research, 1954)

           (16) Vienna Newspaper article by G.B. that resulted in some sort of change in Austria's financial regulations

           (17) Times Literary Supplement Review of G.B.'s Metaphysics of Logical Positivism. March 11, 1955

           (18) Photocopy of Letter from G.B.'s mother, Therese, July 28, 1924

           (19) Handwritten list of G.B. reprints (probably incomplete; date of compilation is not specified)

           (20) Reviews of G. B. 's Philosophy of Science and Meaning and Existence; photocopies of two
           philosophical notes on "Gestalt" by Grelling and Oppenheim

           (21) Two notebooks kept by G.B. while studying for his Bar Exam in Vienna (approx. 1935)

           (22) Assorted conference and book notices

           (23) Table of Contents for an unspecified book [which would appear to be by R. Grossmann]

           (24) Colloquium paper by P. Butchvarov, "Realism in Ethics"

Box 33

           (1) Colloquium paper by Hector-Neri Castañeda, "Identity and Sameness"

           (2) Colloquium paper by Laird Addis, "Mind,  Structure and Time"

           (3) Colloquium paper by Richard Fumerton, "Nozick's Epistemology"

           (4) Paper by Fred Wilson, "Effability, Ontology and Method"

           (5) Reprint of article by Reinhardt Grossmann, "Nonexistent Objects Versus Definite Descriptions" [from the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vo1. 62, No. 4, Dec, 1984]

           (6) Reprint of article by W.V.O. Quine, "Variables Explained Away" [from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 104, No.3, June 1960

           (7) Photocopy of article by M. Schoenfinkel, "Uber die Bausteine der Mathematische Logik" [source
           journal is unspecified; date of article may be 1927]

           (8) Photocopy of article by Leon Henkin, "Completeness in the Theory of Types" [from The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 15, No.2, June 1950]

           (9) Photocopies of two-part article by Paul Bernays: "The System of Axiomatic Set Theory" [Part I
           from the Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 2, No.2, June 1937; Part II from The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1941]

            (10) Photocopy of article by K.J. Hintikka; "Identity, Variables and Impredicative Definitions" [from The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 21, No.3, Sept. 1956]

            (11) National Science Foundation Grant Proposal by Rudolph W. Schultz (Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Iowa); Topic: "Mediation in Verbal Processes; April 1964

           C. Press Clippings, Obituaries, Postcards, Memorabilia, Posthumous letters from G.B.

           (12) Sketches of G.B. and Leola B. in a restaurant in Milan, Italy.

           (13) Herbert Feigl Obituary.

           (14) A.J. Ayer Obituary.

           (15) Posthumous letters from G.B. to Leola B., Reinhardt Grossmann and Panayot Butchvarov.

           (16) Extracts from, and abstracts of, letters from Leola B. to Arla Savage concerning G.B.(compiled by Leola B.).

           (17) Newspaper article in praise of Wilfrid Sellars.

           (18) Press Clippings on Marguerite Young.

           (19) Thank You note from Harry Truman.

           (20) Thank You notes from Lady Bird Johnson.

           (21) Press Clippings from G.B.'s year in Sweden (1961/62).

           (22) Memorabilia from wedding of G.B. and Leola B.

           (23) Passports, Passport Photos and Immunization Certificates for G.B. and L.B.

           (24) Memorabilia from G.B.'s year in Sweden (1961/62).

           (25) G.B.s Name Tag Medallion and program card for his reading of "The Glory and Misery of Ludwig
           Wittgenstein" at International Philosophy Congress in Venice.

           (26) Booklet containing remembrances of Phillipp Frank, read at memorial service for Frank on Oct. 25, 1966.

Box 34

           (1) Postcards from May Brodbeck to the Savage Family (L.B.'s sister Arla and niece Anna); written during M.B.'s Fullbright year in Italy.

           (2) Postcards from Ed Allaire.

           (3) Postcards from L.B. to her family during her year with G.B. in Sweden (1961/62).

           (4) Postcards from G.B. and L.B.'s year in Sweden (also from trip to Italy during same period - 1961/62)

           (5) Postcards from Erwin Tegtmeier.

           (6) Postcards from Marguerite Young.

           (7) Drawings of Marguerite Young (artist unknown).

           (8) Interviews, articles in praise of, etc,Marguerite Young.

           (9) Article about, article by, and excerpt from a book by, Marguerite Young; all from Mademoiselle, Sept. 1965.

Box 35

Series XI. Books, Journals, and Journal Reprints

           A. Bound Journals

            American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 21,1910.

           Psychological Review, Vol. 43, 1936.

           Psychological Review, Vol. 44, 1937.

           Psychological Review, Vol. 45, 1938.

           Psychological Review, Vol. 48, 1941.

Box 36

           B. Periodicals and Journals

           (1) Actes du Congres international de Philosophie Scientifique, 1936.

           (2) Acta Philosophica Fennica, fasc. 10; 1956.

           (3) Archivo di Filosofia; No. 1, 1966.

           (4) Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 1967-1968.

           (5) American Psychological Association Convention Program, 1976.

           (6) Erkenntnis, Band 9, Heft #1, 1929.

           (7) Horizon, Vol. 19, No. 109, 1949.

          (8) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1964.

          (9) Psychological Review, Vol. 52, No.5, 1945.

          (10) Revue International de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 11,`1950.

          (11) Science, Vol. 98, No. 2542, 1943.

          (12) Science, Vol. 98, No. 2543, 1943.

Box 37

           C. Article Reprints

           (1) Bergmann, Gustav. "The Logic of Quanta." American Journal of Physics, Vol. 15, No.5, 1947.

           (2) Benjamin, A.C. "Some Realistic Implications of Operationalism." Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), Vol. 9;` 1939.

           (3) Carnap, Rudolf. "Die alte und die neue Logik." Erkenntnis, Band 1, Heft 1, 1930.

           (4) Carnap, Rudolf. "Die logizistische Grundlegung der Mathematik." Band 2, Heft 2, 1931.

           (5) Carnap Rudolf. "Die Antinomien and die Unvollstandigkeit der Mathematik." Monatsheften fur Mathematik und Physik, Band 41, Heft 2, 1934.

           (6) Carnap, Rudolf. "Ein Gultigkeitskriterium fur die Satze der klassischen Mathematik." Monatsheften fur Mathematik und Physik, Band 42, Heft 1, 1935.

           (7) Copeland, Arthur. "The Role of Observations in a Formal Theory of Probability." Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), Vol. 9, 1939.

           (8) Curry, H.B. "Remarks on the Definition and  Nature of Mathematics." Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), Vol. 9, 1931.

           (9) Egidi, Rosaria. "Mathematica, logica e filosofia nell'opera di Gottlob Frege." Physis, Vol. 4, fasc. 1; 1962.

           (10) Feigl, Herbert. "Logical Empiricism." Twentieth Century Philosophy, edited by Dagobert D. Runes, New York, 1943.

           (11) Gödel, Kurt. "Uber formal unentscheidbare Satze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme
           I." Monatsheften fur Mathematik und Physik, Band 38, Heft 1, 1931.

           (12) Gödel, Kurt. "Die Vollstandigkeit der Axiome des Logischen Funktionenkalkuls." Monatsheften und Physik, Band 37, Heft 2, 1930.

           (13) Margenau, Henry. "Probability and Physics." Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), Vol.9, 1939.

           (14) Menger, Karl. "The New Logic." Philosophy of Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1937.

           (15) Mises, Ludwig. "Soziologie and Geschichte." Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, Band 61, Heft 3, 1929.

           (16) Neurath, Otto. "Pseudorationalismus der Falsifikation." Erkenntnis, Band 5, Heft 5, 1935.

           (17) Quine, W.V. "A Logistical Approach to the Ontological Problem." Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), Vol. 9, 1939.

           (18) Rosser, Barkley. "An Informal Exposition of Gödel's Theorems and Church's Theorem."
           The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 4, No.2, 1939.

           (19) Stevens, S.S. "Psychology and the Science of Science." Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1939.

           (20) Waismann, Friedrich, "Uber den Begriff der Identitat." Erkenntnis, Band 6, Heft 1, 1936.

Box 38

           D. Viennese Legal Monographs, 1929-1932.

            (1) Deutsches Recht, Band 1, Rechtsgeschichte, Hept 2, Vienna, 1929.

           (2) Deutsches Recht, Band 2, Privatrecht, Hept 1, Vienna, 1929.

           (3) Deutsches Recht, Band 2, Privatrecht, Hept 2, Vienna, 1929.

           (4) Deutsches Recht, Band 3, Straf- und Prozessrecht, Vienna, 1929.

           (5) Kanonisches Recht, Vienna, 1930.

           (6) Kanonisches Recht, Vienna, 1930.

           (7) Römisches Recht, Hept 1, Vienna, 1931.

           (8) Römisches Recht, Hept 2, Vienna, 1931.

           (9) Deutsches Recht, Band 1, Rechtsgeschichte, Hept 1, Vienna, 1932.

Box 39

           E. Books

           (i) Addis - Carr

           Addis, L. and Lewis, D.; Moore and Ryle: Two Ontologists; 1965.

           Ayer, A.J.; Language, Truth and Logic; 1946.

           Ayer, A.J.; Philosophical Essays; 1954.

           Ayer, A.J.; Philosophical Essays; 1963.

           Ayer, A.J.; The Problem of Knowledge; 1956.

           Ayer, A.J., et.al.; The Revolution in Philosophy; 1956.

           Ayer, A.J.; Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage; 1971.

           Ayer, A.J.; Thinking and Meaning; 1947.

           Benacerraf, P., et.al.; Philosophy of Mathematics; 1964.

           Bergmann, G.; Logic and Reality; 1964.

           Bergmann, G.; Meaning and Existence; 1959.

           Bergmann, G.; The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism; 1954.

           Bergmann, G.; Philosophy of Science; 1957.

           Bergmann, G.; Realism; 1967.

           Blaha, O.; Logische Wirklichkeitsstruktur; 1955.

           Born, M.; Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance; 1948.

           Brentano, F.; Frundlegung and Aufbau der Ethik; 1952.

           Broad, C.D.; The Mind and Its Place in Nature; 1951.

           Broad, C.D.; The Mind and Its Place in Nature; 1963.

Broch, Hermann; Philosophische Schriften 1: Kritik; 1977.

Broch, Hermann; Philosophische Schriften 1: Theorie ; 1977.

Broch, Hermann. Der Tod des Vergil; 1976.

Broch, Hermann. Der Tod des Vergill; 1945.

Brunswik, E.; The Conceptual Framework of Psychology, 1952.

           Carnap, R.; Philosophical Foundations of Physics; 1966.

           Carnap, R.; Testability and Meaning; 1937.

           Carnap. R.; Testability and Meaning; 1950.

           Carnap, R.; Scheinprobleme in Der Philosophie;  1928.

           Carnap, R.; Der Raum; 1922.

           Carr, H.; Psychology; 1926.

Box 40

           (ii) Ceccato to Hempel

           Ceccato, S.; Il Linguaggio La Tabell di Ceccatief; 1951.

           Cooley, J.; A Primer of Formal Logic; 1942.

           Copi, I. and Gould, J. (ed.); Contemporary Reading in Logical Theory; 1967.

           Dewey, J.; Logic; 1938.

           Ebenstein, W.; The Pure Theory of Law; 1945.

           Egidi, R.; Studi di Logica e Filosofia Della Scienza; 1971.

           Farber, M.; The Foundations of Phenomenology; 1943.

           Feigl, H. and Sellars, W.; Readings in Philosophical Analysis; 1949.

           Fleming, D. and Bailyn, B. (ed.); Perspectives in American History; 1968.

           Flew, A.(ed.); Essays on Logic and Language; 1951.

           Fraenkel, A. and Bar-Hillell, Y.; Foundations of Set Theory; 1958.

           Fraenkel-Brunswick, E.; Psycholanalysis and The Unity of Science; 1954.

           Frege, G.; Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege; 1952.

           French, P. et.al.(ed.); Midwest Studies in Philosophy; 1981.

          Gödel, K.; On Formally Undecidable  Propositions; 1962.

          Gödel, K.; The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis; 1940.

          Goodman, N.; The Structure of Appearance; 1951.

          Grossmann, Reinhardt; Phenomenology and Existentialism; 1984.

          Hausman, A. and Wilson, F.; Carnap and Goodman: Two Formalists; 1967.

          Hempel, C; Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science; 1952.

Box 41

           (iii) van Heijenoort to Moore

           van Heijenoort, J; From Frege to Goedel; 1967.

           Hilbert, D. and Ackermann, W.; Principle of Mathematical Logic; 1950.

           Huntington, E.; Postulates for Assertion, Conjunction and Equality; 1937.

           Kelsen, H.; General Theory of Law and the State; 1945.

           Klaua, D.; Allgemeine Mengenlehre; 1968.

           Kleene, S.; Introduction to Metamathematics; 1957.

           Körner, S.(ed.); Observation and Interpretation; 1957.

           Kraft, V.; Der Wiener Kreis; 1950.

           Kraft, V.; Die Grundlagen einer  wissenschaftlichen Wertlehre; 1951.

           Lasswell, H. and Kaplan, A.; Power and Society; 1950.

           Lemmon, E.J.; Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory; 1968.

           Lenzen, V.; Causality in Natural Science; 1954.

           Lenzen, V.; Procedures of Empirical Science; 1938.

           Lewin, K; The Conceptual Representation and Measurement of Psychological Forces; 1938.

           Lewis, H.D. (ed.); Contemporary British Philosophy; 1956.

           Lewis, C.I.; Mind and the World Order; 1929.

           Locke, J.; An Essay Concerning Human Understanding; 1959.

Lutzeler, Paul Michael. Hermann Broch: Eine Biographie; 1985.

           Mehlberg, H; The Reach of Science; 1958.

           Mendelson, E.; Introduction to Mathematical Logic; 1964.

           Messer, A.; Geschichte der Philosophie; 1923.

           Michalor, A.; Philosophical Problems of Science and Technology; 1974.

           Moore, G.E.; Philosophical Papers; 1959.

Box 42

           (iv) Moore to Quine

           Moore, G.E.; Philosophical Studies; 1951.

           Moore, G.E.; Some Main Problems of Philosophy; 1953.

           Moore, G.E.; Some Main Problems of Philosophy; 1966.

           Moore, G.E.; Some Main Problems of Philosophy; 1966.

           Nagel, E.; Sovereign Reason; 1954.

           Oaklander, N.; Temporal Relations and Temporal Becoming; 1984.

           Pap, A.; Semantics and Necessary Truth; 1958.

           Ramsay, F.; The Foundations of Mathematics; 1931.

           Ramsperger, A.; Philosophies of Science; 1942.

           Russell, B.; Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits; 1956.

           Russell, B.; An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth; 1940.

           Russell, B.; Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy; 1930.

           Russell, B.; Einfuhrung in die Mathematische Philosophie; 1923.

           Russell, B. and Whitehead, A.; Principia Mathematica; 1964.

           Russell, B.; The Principles of Mathematics; 1964.

           Ryle, G.; The Concept of Mind; 1949.

          Quine, W.V.O.; From a Logical Point of View, 1953.

          Quine, W.V.O.; Methods of Logic; 1950.

Box 43

           (v) Quine to Wittgenstein

           Quine, W.V.O.; Ontological Relativity; 1969.

           Quine, W.V.O.; Set Theory and Its Logic; 1963.

           Quine, W.V.O.; Word and Object; 1960.

           Reichenbach, H.; Elements of Symbolic Logic; 1947.

           Schlick, M.; Problems of Ethics; 1939.

           Seashore, C.; Elementary Experiments in Psychology; 1908.

           Stegmuller, W.; Metaphysik Wissenschaft Skepsis;1954.

           Stenius, E.; Wittgenstein's Tractatus; 1960.

           Strawson, P.F.; Individuals; 1959.

           Suppes, P.; Axiomatic Set Theory; 1967.

           Tegtmeier, Von Erwin; Komparative Begriffe; 1981.

           Troland, L; The Principles of Psychophysiology; 1929.

           Urmson, KO.; Philosophical Analysis; 1956.

           Wisdom, J.; Other Minds; 1952.

           Wittgenstein, L.; The Blue and Brown Books;1965.

           Wittgenstein, L.; Notebooks, 1914-1916; 1961.

           Wittgenstein, L.; Philosophische Bemerkungen; 1964.

           Wittgenstein, L.; Philosophical Investigations; 1953.

           Wittgenstein, L.; Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics; 1956.

           Wittgenstein, L.; Tractatus Logico Philosophicus; 1947.

Box 44

Series XII. Manuscript Drafts

           A. Typed Drafts New Foundations of Ontology in the original Manuscript boxes

           I.  “Simples and Canons”/ II.  ”Facts and Modes”

           III.  “Diversity and Order”

           IV.  “Functions and Analyticity”

           V.  “Thought and Language”

           II.  “Facts and Modes”, III.  “Diversity and Order”, V.  “Thought and Language” (Two Drafts), IV.   “Functions and Analyticity”,

           VI.  “Classes”

           VII.  “The Linguistic Turn Contained” (Two Drafts)

           VI.  “Classes”

  • VII.  “The Linguistic Turn Contained”

Box 45

           (1) “Classes”/Footnotes

           (2) The Trunk Revisited, “Exemplification and Forms”/Footnotes

           (3) Sameness and Order, Section I, Section II

           (4) “Sets:  Introduction”; 5/21/83

           (5) “The Phenomenological Predicament”/Footnotes; September, 1983

           (6) “Two Problems and a Restatement”; 3/3/85

           (7) New Foundations of Ontology, Preface and Appendices

           (8) “The Scope of the Reconstruction”

           (9) Logical Quantification, Notes, Sketches, Outlines; Summer, 1978

           (10) Notes and Reminders; April, 1978

           (11) Sketches, Outlines; April, 1978

           (12) “Transparency vs. Analyticity”, Sketches; October-November, 1977

           (13) “Sameness and Quantification”, “The Fiction”, “Alternates”, Miscellaneous, January, 1976

           (14) “The Linguistic Turn Contained”, Notes

           (15) “New Foundations of Ontology”; 1972

Box 46

           (1) “Simples and Canons”

           (2) “Facts and Modes”

           (3) “Diversity and Order”

           (4) “Functions and Analyticity”

           (5) “Thought and Language”

           (6) “Classes”

           (7) “The Linguistic Turn Contained”

Box 47

  • B.    History/Biographical Material

(1) “Memories of the Vienna Circle”/Letter to Otto Neurath

(2) “Memories of the Vienna Circle”/Letter to Otto Neurath, Notes, Correspondence

(3) “Memories of the Vienna Circle”, Final Version; January, 1993

(4) “Memories of the Vienna Circle”, Final Version; 1/15/93

(5) Historical and Biographical Sketches of Gustav Bergmann and the Vienna Circle

(6) Gustav Bergmann/Otto Neurath Correspondence; 1938-1943

(7) Miscellaneous/Stray Notes

Box 48

Series XIII. Photograph Collection

  • A.     Photographs in Chronological Order

Early Photographs of Gustav Bergmann; 1916-early 1930’s

Gustav Bergmann; late 1930’s

Mayer, Walter; Gustav Bergmann's professor at University of Vienna; 1930's

Bone Lake, Wisconsin; 1960’s

Lund, Sweden; September-October, 1961

Göteborg, Sweden; November-December, 1961

Italy; December-January, 1961

Stockholm, Sweden; February-March, 1962

Uppsala, Sweden; March-May, 1962

Oslo, Norway; April, 1962

Party at the Begmann’s; mid-to-early 1960’s

Bergmann’s home; 1970

Felix Kraus; December, 1977

Party at Butch Varov’s (?) Residence; October 28, 1980

Election Night at the Hochberg Residence; November 4, 1980

Marguerite Young; 1983 and 1989


Box 49

  • B.    Memory Test Photographs (Used by doctor to determine extent of Bergmann’s Alzheimer’s Disease)

Photographs from 1930’s

Photographs from 1940’s

Photographs from 1950’s

Photographs from 1960’s

Photographs from 1970’s

Photographs from 1980’s

  • C.    Safety Negatives (Mainly from Göteborg, Sweden and Born Lake, Wisconsin)

D. Large Format Photographs

           Photographs of young Gustav Bergmann

           Gustav Bergmann and his Daughter

           Pamphlet, Second Annual College Union Symposium

           Gustav Bergmann with A.S.T.P. Instructors

           Gustav Bergmann in Seminar with Students

           History of Science Institute

           Gustav Bergmann in Seminar with Students

           Leola Bergmann

           Photograph of Gustav Bergmann Portrait by James Lechay

           Press Clippings of Lechay Portrait

           Photocopy of Press Clippings of Lechay Portrait

Box 50

Series XIV: Correspondence with William H. Hay, 1947-1987




