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Papers of Sudhindra Bose Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Processed and guide posted to the Internet by Denise Anderson in August 2004. Guide updated January 2008. Photographs: None |
Dr. Sudhindra Bose, 1920s |
Scope and Contents
The Papers of Sudhindra Bose consist of three series: Correspondence, Lectures and Articles, and Books.
Biographical Note
Sudhindra Bose was born in Keotkhali (near Dacca, now the capital of Bangladesh, in the then province of Bengal), in 1883, the son of Hindu parents. He attended Victoria College of Calcutta University, 1901-1903. He came to the United States in 1904 and was a student at Park College, Missouri, 1904-1906. He then transferred to the University of Illinois, where he earned his B.A. in 1907 and M.A. in English in 1909. Dr. Bose received the Ph.D. degree in political science at the University of Iowa in 1913.
From 1913 or 1914 until his death, Dr. Bose was an instructor in the Department of Political Science at Iowa, first as Assistant in Political Science and then as Lecturer in Oriental Politics. He wrote four books between 1916 and 1934, as well as many articles for American and Indian periodicals. Dr. Bose was a correspondent for the Des Moines Register while on a world tour. He spoke on the lecture circuit in this country and traveled widely in Asia and Europe.
In 1927 Bose married Anne Zimmerman of St. Gall, Switzerland. The Daily Iowan (November 2, 1944) reported that the two met as students at Iowa. Mrs. Bose taught French at Iowa from1944-1946.
Dr. Bose was a pioneer in teaching Asian politics and civilization in the United States. He died May 26, 1946, in Iowa City, Iowa.
[D. Anderson; 08/2004]
Related Materials
Folder, "Bose, Sundhindra," in the Faculty and Staff Vertical Files Collection (RG 01.15.03)
Bose, Sudhindra. Some Aspects of English Administration in India. University of Iowa Ph.D. dissertation. T1913. B743.
Box Contents List
Box 1
Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence between Bose and Dewan Bahadur Har Bilas Sarda, dated 1933, 1934, 1936, and 1946. 13 pages.
Series II: Lectures and Articles
1. “Books on India.” A list of author, title, and place of publication, grouped in the following topics: History, Economics, Politics, Religion and Philosophy, Literature, Art, Music, Science, periodicals in English, Japan, Japanese periodical, China, Chinese periodicals. Not dated, 11 pages.
2. “Behind the Munitions Industry.” Discusses a solution to the arms traffic and laments that men should not kill one another. Not dated, 20 pages.
3. “Choices in the World Today: Fascism, Communism and Democracy.” Not dated, 20 pages.
4. “ Egypt on the March.” Provides the history leading up to Egypt becoming a British Colony in 1882. Not dated, 26 pages.
5. “Gandhi’s India.” From the last paragraph: “The Indian nation is greatly moved by president Roosevelt’s Gospel of Four Freedoms. It wants these freedoms and means to have them on some not distant tomorrow.” Not dated, 24 pages. Another copy: not dated, 22 pages.
6. “Musings on Race Prejudice.” This lecture series acquaints the people of the United States with the cultural heritage of India. Not dated, 37 pages. With the essay is a newsletter, Indiagram (April 22, 1955; 3p.), issued by the embassy of India in Washington, D.C. The newsletter notes an April 20th lecture by Ambassador G.L. Mehta to inaugurate the Vivekananda Memorial Lecture Series at the University of Chicago.
7. “A Plea For Broader Outlook.” Sermon presented at morning chapel on radio station WSUI, July 26, 1940, 3 pages.
8. “Buddhism: The Religion of a Third of Human Race.” Foundations and doctrines of Buddhism. Not dated, 25 pages.
9. “The Monroe Doctrine: the Four Phases of its Interpretation.” True meaning of the Monroe Doctrine to the Japanese is to rule the Chinese. Includes the cover page of a newsletter, The Inter-Allied Review (February 15, 1942) with article titled“The Rio De Janeiro Conference” in which portions under the heading THE BREAKING OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS which concern the American Republics are underlined. Not dated, 13 pages.
10. “Missionaries and Power Politics.” Outlines belief that there is, and will always be, tolerance for all religions in the Orient. Not dated, 31 pages.
11. “ East Asia in Focus.” Addresses the conflict between China and Japan. Bose proposes that the solution for Japan, as for every other power, is not aggressive imperialism, which leads to war, but international cooperation and communication. Not dated, 22 pages.
12. “An Interview.” Transcript of an interview with Bose, by an unnamed person, regarding India’s desire for direct trade with America. Not dated, 4 pages.
13. Sudhindra Bose, “A New Situation in the Orient,” The Scientific Monthly (April, 1918), 12p. 3 copies. With “Remarks on President Goodnow’s Paper,” The American Political Science Review (May, 1915), 3p. Goodnow’s paper was titled, “Reform in China.” Bose’s reaction is that the Occidental people do not understand the Oriental customs and laws, and should “leave us to solve our own problems…while you spend your time looking after yours.”
Series III: Books by Sudhindra Bose
Some Aspects of British Rule in India. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1916. 149 pages.
Fifteen Years in America. Calcutta: Kar, Majumder & Co. Publishers, 1920. 479 pages.
Glimpses of America. Calcutta: M.C. Sarkar & Sons, 1925. 249 pages.