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Papers of I. Gormezano
RG 99.0161
Collection Dates: 1909-1996; bulk, 1958-1996
0.75 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Prof. Gormezano transferred the collection to the University Libraries in 2003. Collection processed by Ashley DeGross and David McCartney in 2003; guide posted to the Internet in 2003 and updated January 2008. During processing, a published photograph and accompanying obituary of Lee Edward Travis was removed and placed in the Lee Edward Travis faculty vertical file, University of Iowa Archives.

Photographs: Box 2









Scope and Contents

The I. Gormezano Papers are arranged in two series: Publications and Photographs. They document his career as a professor and researcher in experimental psychology. The Publications series is arranged chronologically in three bound volumes: Volume 1 (1958-1975), Volume 2 (1975-1983), and Volume 3 (1984-1995). These volumes consist entirely of articles authored or co-authored by Mr. Gormezano. The Photographs series includes portraits of professional colleagues and students as well as photos of conference gatherings.

Biographical Note

Isidore Gormezano was born on July 20, 1930, and graduated in 1948 from Stuyvesant High School, Manhattan, New York. He received the B.A. from New York University, University Heights College, in 1952. After serving in the Army Medical Corps in the U.S. Army from 1953 to 1955, he studied experimental psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he received the M.A. in 1957. The following year he received the Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at the same institution, with a minor in Mathematical Statistics.

From 1958 to 1966, he was a member of the faculty, starting as an instructor, at Indiana University at Bloomington. He attained the rank of professor by the time he completed his tenure at Indiana. On September 1, 1966, he was appointed professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Iowa, where he remained for the rest of his academic career. In 1997, he was named The Kenneth W. Spence Professor of Psychology at Iowa.

His other teaching engagements included the University of California, Berkeley (visiting assistant professor, fall 1963 and winter-spring 1970), the University of Western Australia, Perth (distinguished visiting professor, fall 1975), University of California, Irvine (visiting professor, spring 1977), University of Miami, Coral Gables (visiting professor, spring 1990), and the University of New South Wales, Sydney (visiting professor, fall 1990).

Among I. Gormezano’s many honors were the Pavlovian Investigator Award, The Pavlovian Society, for Distinguished Research Achievements (1992); The Howard Crosby Warren Medal, Society of Experimental Psychologists, for Distinguished Contributions to Experimental Psychology (1994); and a Founding Council Member of the I.P. Pavlov International Science Center, St. Petersburg, Russia (1993).

Related Materials

Records of the Dept. of Psychology (RG 06.30)

Kendler, Howard H. " Psychology, 1887-1989,” University Archives Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03) 

Box Contents List

Box 1

Series I: Publications

Volume I 


“Progressive ambiguity in the attainment of concepts on the Wisconsin card sorting test.”  Gormezano & Grant

“Temporal conditioning and the effect of the interpolated UCS presentations of eyelid conditioning.”  Grant, McFarling, & Gormezano

“Intermittent reinforcement of a formerly relevant dimension in concept formation.”  Gormezano & Abraham

“Intermittent reinforcement, nonreversal shifts, and neutralizing in concept formation.”  Gormezano & Abraham

“Yoked comparisons of instrumental and classical eyelid conditioning.”  Moore & Gormezano

Effects of instructional set and UCS intensity on the latency, percentage, and form of the eyelid response.  “Gormezano & Moore

“Nictitating membrane:  Classical conditioning and extinction in the albino rabbit.”  Gormezano, Schneiderman, Deaux & Fuentes

“Yoked comparisons of classical and avoidance conditioning in differential conditioning of the eyelid response.”  Runquist, Sidowski & Gormezano

“Acquisition and extinction of the classically conditioned eyelid response in the albino rabbit.”  Schneiderman, Fuentes & Gormezano

“Eyeball retraction:  Classical conditioning and extinction in the albino rabbit.”  Deaux & Gormezano

“Effects of omitted versus delayed UCS on classical eyelid conditioning under partial reinforcement.”  Moore & Gormezano

“Discrimination learning as a function of prior relevance of a partially reinforced dimension.”  Abraham, Gormezano & Wiehe

“Yoked comparisons of contingent and noncontingent US presentations in human eyelid conditioning.”  Goremzano & Moore

“A comparison of an intermittent versus continuous CS in classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the rabbit.”  Papsdorf, Fishbein &Gormezano

“Spreading depression: Effects of applying potassium chloride to the dura of the rabbit on the conditioned nictitating membrane response.”  Pasdorf, Longman & Gormezano

“Conditioning of the nictitating membrane of the rabbit as a function of CS-UCS interval.”  Schneiderman & Gormezano

“Effects of unpaired pre-acquisition exposure of CS and UCS on classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the albino rabbit.”  Suboski, DiLollo & Gormezano

“Yoked comparisons of classical and instrumental conditioning of the eyelid response; and an addendum on ‘voluntary responders’.”  Gormezano

“Effects of alternating classical conditioning and extinction sessions on the conditioned nictitating membrane of the rabbit.”  Smith & Gormezano

“Conditioned jaw movement in the rabbit: Deprivation procedure and saccharin concentration.”  Colman, Patterson & Gormezano

“Effects of differential instructions, differential payoffs, and the presence or absence of feedback on the percentage, latency, and amplitude of the conditioned eyelid response.”  Fishbein & Gormezano

“Classical Conditioning.”  Gormezano

“Cross-modal generalization to tone and light in human eyelid conditioning.”  Marlatt, Lilie, Selvidge, Sipes & Gormezano

“Heart rate classical conditioning in rabbits.”  Schneiderman, Smith, Smith, & Gormezano

“Conditioned jaw movement in the rabbit.”  Smith, DiLollo & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning: History and method.”  Ch. 6 Gormezano & Moore

“Classical Conditioning: Empirical Relationships.”  Ch. 7 Gormezano & Moore

“Classical Conditioning: Beyond the basic parameters.”  Ch. 8 Gormezano & Moore

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response at backward, simultaneous, and forward CS-US intervals.”  Smith, Coleman & Gormezano

“Classical appetitive conditioning of the rabbit’s jaw movement response under partial and continuous reinforcement schedules.”  Holmes & Gormezano

“Effects of water deprivation on classical appetitive conditioning of the rabbit’s jaw movement response.”  Mitchell & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit’s (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane response under symmetrical CS-US interval shifts.”  Coleman & Gormezano

“Human eyelid conditioning with paraorbital shock as the US.”  Gormezano & Fernald

“Classical appetitive conditioning of the rabbit’s (Oryctolagus cuniculus) jaw movement response with a single-alternation schedule.”  Poulos, Sheafor & Gormezano

“Investigations of defense and reward conditioning in the rabbit.”  Gormezano

“Omission training of the jaw-movement response of the rabbit to a water US.”  Gormezano & Hiller

“Conditioning of the rabbit’s (Oryctolagus cuniculus) jaw-movement response: US magnitude effects on URs, CRs and pseudo-CRs.”  Sheafor & Gormezano

“The law of effect and CR contingent modification of the UCS.”  Gormezano & Coleman

“A minicomputer program for control and data acquisition in classical conditioning.”  Millenson, Kehoe, Tait & Gormezano

“Effects of neodecortication on differential classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response in rabbits.”  Enser & Gormezano

“The interstimulus interval and mechanisms for CS-CR functions in classical conditioning.”  Gormezano

“Effects of trials per session on conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response.”  Kehoe & Gormezano

“Effects of partial and continuous reinforcement on acquisition and extinction in classical appetitive conditioning.”  Poulous & Gormezano

“CS intensity effects upon rabbit nictitating membrane conditioning, extinction, and generalization.”  Scavio & Gormezano

“A minicomputer program for stimulus control and analog data for discrete trial paradigms in biological preparations: Classical conditioning.”  Tait & Gormezano

Volume II 


“Behavioral and biological issues in the learning paradigm.”  Gormezano

“Effects of partial reinforcement on conditioning, conditional probabilities, asymptotic performance, and extinction of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response.”  Gormezano & Coleman

“On microprocessor-based computer.”  Kehoe, Frei, tait & Gormezano

“Mechanisms of efferent neuronal control of the reflex nictitating membrane response in the rabbit.”  Cegavske, Thompson, Patterson & Gormezano

“The Pavlovian analysis of instrumental conditioning.”  Gormezano & Tait

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response under fixed and mixed CS-US intervals.”  Millenson, Kehoe & Gormezano

“Classical Conditioning.”  Moore & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response: Effects of reinforcement shedual on response maintenance and resistance to extinction.”  Gibbs, Latham & Gormezano

“Analysis of hallucinogens by means of Pavlovian conditioning.”  Gormezano & Harvey

“A mask for rabbit stereotaxic gas anesthesia.”  Patterson & Gormezano

“Effect of haloperidol (HAL) and pimozide (PIM) on Pavlovian conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Gimpl, Gormezano & Harvey

“Effects of LSD on learning as measured by classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Gimpl, Gormezano & Harvey

“Associative transfer and stimulus selection in classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to serial compound CSs.”  Kehoe, Gibbs, Garcia, & Gormezano

“Stimulation of abducens nucleus supports classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response.”  Mis, Gormezano & Harvey

“The effect of US omission in classical aversive and appetitive conditioning of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).”  Prokasy  & Gormezano

“Performance of the nictitating membrane CR following CS-US interval shifts.”  Ross, Scavio, Erikson & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning and the ‘law of effect’: Historical and empirical assessment.”  Coleman & Gormezano

“Pavlovian mechanisms of goal-directed behavior.”  Gormezano

“Sensory and associative effects of LSD in classical conditioning of the rabbit.  (Oryctolagus cuniculus)”  Gormezano & Harvey

“Sensory and associative effects of LSD on classical appetitive conditioning of the rabbit jaw movement response.”  Gormezano, Harvey & Aycock

“Configuration and combination laws in conditioning with compound stimuli.”  Kehoe & Gormezano

“Microprocessor control and A/D data acquisition in classical conditioning.”  Scandrett & Gormezano

“Classical-classical transfer: Effects of prior appetitive conditioning upon aversive conditioning in rabbits.”  Scavio & Gormezano

“Classical Conditioning and the law of contiguity.”  Gormezano & Kehoe

“Localization of retractor bulbi motoneurons in the rabbit.”  Gray, McMaster, Harvey & Gormezano

“Effects of Haloperidol and pimozide on classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Harvey & Gormezano

“The microcomputer in social-psychophysiological research: An Apple II/FIRST laboratory.”  Marshall-Goodell, Gormezano, Scandrett & Cacioppo

“Effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide d-2-bromolysergic acid diethylamide, d, 1-2, 5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine and d-amphetamine on classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Harvey, Gormezano & cool

“Ruler versus the Apple II/FIRST system analysis of analog signals in classical conditioning.”  Marshall-Goodell, Schreurs & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to CS compounds: Effects of prior single-stimulus conditioning.”  Schreurs & Gormezano

“Nictitating membrane reflex of the frog: Effects of paraorbital shock and body temperature.”  Schreurs & Gormezano

“Social psychophysiology: Bioelectric measurement, experimental control, and analog/digital acquisition.”  Cacioppo, Marshall-Goodell & Gormezano

“Twenty years of classical conditioning research with the rabbit.”  Gormezano, Kehoe & Marshall

“Effects of scopolamine and methylscopolomine on classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Harvey, Gormezano & Cool-Hauser

“Effects of morphine on acquisition of the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response in the rabbit.”  Schindler, Gormezano & Harvey

“Apple II/FIRST system control of electrical brain stimulation in the rabbit.”  Shcruers, Gormezano & Harvey

“Effects of US duration on classical conditioning of the rabbits nictitating membrane response.”  Tait, Kehoe & Gormezano

Volume III


“The study of associative learning with CS-CR paradigms.”  Gormezano

“Associative transfer in classical conditioning to serial compounds.”  Gormezano & Kehoe

“Sensory and associative effects of morphine and naloxone in classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response in control and scopolamine-injected rabbits.”  Schindler, Gormezano & Harvey

“An essay review of A. Amsel & M.E. Rashotte (eds.), mechanisms of adaptive behavior: Clark L. Hulls theoretical papers, with commentary.”  Gormezano & Coleman

“Relationship between heterosynaptic reflex facilitation and acquisition of the nictiating membrane response.  Harvey, Gormezano & Cool-Hauser

“Appetitive differential conditioning of the rabbit’s jaw movement response: Effects of cue similarity and US magnitude.”  Kehoe, Poulos & Gormezano

“Apple II/FIRST-Corvus networks.”  Marshall-Goodell & Gormezano

“Effects of drugs on classical conditioning.”  Schindler, Gormezano & Harvey

“Effects of morphine and LSD on the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response.”  Schindler, Gormezano & Harvey

“The assessment of drug effects on learning and stimulus processing by means of classical conditioning.”  Harvey & Gormezano

“Classical conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a pneumatically driven vibrotactile CS.”  Nowak, Van Dercar & Gormezano

“Differential conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to serial compound stimuli.”  Kehoe, Marshall-Goodell & Gormezano

“Effects of morphine, ethylketocyclazocine, U-50, 488H and naloxone on the acquisition of a classically conditioned response in the rabbit.”  Schindler, Gormezano & Harvey

“Transduction of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response.”  Gormezano & Gibbs

“Effects of LSD on classical conditioning as a function of CS-US interval: Relationship to reflex facilitation.”  Harvey, Gormezano, Cool-Hauser & Schindler

“Classical conditioning with serial compound stimuli.”  Gormezano & Kehoe

“An Apple II/FIRST programmable sine wave generator: Conditioning and psychophysics research.”  Marshall-Goodell, Frei & Gormezano

“A mask for rabbit stereotaxic gas anesthesia.”  Patterson & Gormezano

“Electrical stimulation of brainstem nuclei: Elicitation, modification, and conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response.”  Nowak  & Gormezano

“Conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a CSA-CSB-US serial compound: Manipulations of CSB’s associative character.”  Gibbs, Kehoe & Gormezano

“Trace conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response as a function of CS-US interval and trails per session.”  Kehoe, Cool  & Gormezano

“Interactive effects of MDA, CS and US intensity on the rabbit’s conditioned nictitating membrane response.”  Kirkpatrick-Steger, Vander Linden & Gormezano

“Effects of MDA on classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Kirkpatrick-Steger, Vander Linden & Gormezano

“Effects of cocaine on conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Marshall-Goodell & Gormezano

“Morphine’s effects upon differential serial compound conditioning and reflex modification of the rabbit’s (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane response.”  McEchron & Gormezano

“Second-order conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response: Interstimulus interval and frequency of CS-CS parings.”  Gibbs, Cool, Land, Kehoe & Gormezano

“The effects of MDA upon differential serial compound conditioning and reflex modification of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Kirkpatrick-Steger, Vander Linden & Gormezano

“Sodium peutobarbital: Sensory and associative effects in classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Chen, Ghoneim & Gormezano

“Introduction.  In I.  Gormezano & E.A. Wasserman (eds.).  Learning and memory: The behavioral and biological substrates.”  Gormezano

“I. Gormezano & E.A. Wasserman (Eds.).  Learning and memory: The behavioral and biological substrates.”  Gormezano & Wasserman

“Conditioning, classical and instrumental: Behavioral definitions and metholdological issues.”  Gormezano

“Effects of subanesthetic concentrations of isoflurane and their interactions with epinephrine on acquisition and retention on the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  El-Zahaby, Ghoneim, Johnson & Gormezano

“MDA effects on classical appetitive conditioning of the rabbit jaw movement response.”  Gormezano

“Nitrous oxide: Sensory, motor, associative and behavioral tolerance effects in classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Moon, Ghoneim & Gormezano

“Effects of modulating tone frequency, intensity, and duration on the classically conditioned rabbit nictitating membrane response.”  Kehoe, Schreurs, Macrae & Gormezano

Box 2

Series II: Photographs

              Folder 1: Portraits

                            Robert Woodworth – 1936

                            Carl E. Seashore – n.d.



                            Donald B. Lindsley – n.d.

                            Carl E. Seashore – July 23, 1925 (photograph was transmitted by telephone; early example of fax transmission)

                            Christian A. Richmier – n.d.

                            R. Schulz

                            Kenneth W. Spence – n.d.

Isidore Gormezano with David A. Grant of University of Wisconsin

Ivan M. Pavlov – August 1929, at Boston, Mass.

Dewey Stuit – n.d., probably 1960s

Isidore Gormezano presenting a lecture in a class of Michael Scavio – 1977

Judson S. Brown – n.d. (chair, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, 1965-1974)

              Folder 2: Students – n.d., mostly 1970s

                            D.S. Mitchell

                            M.M. Patterson

                            C.X. Poulos

                            R.W. Tait

                            S.R. Coleman

                            Michael J. Scavio

                            Y.H. Moon

                            C.M. Gibbs

                            A.J. Nowak

                            B.G. Schreuers

                            E.J. Kehoe

              Folder 3: Conference gatherings

                            Psychology conference group, Clark University – September 1909. Includes Sigmund Freud, Carl G. Jung, Carl E. Seashore

                            Society of Experimental Psychologists, Stanford University – 1972

                            University of New Mexico, Albuquerque – n.d., 1970s?

                            Society of Experimental Psychologists, University of Virginia – 1982

                            ----, Princeton, New Jersey – 1947

                            ----, Arizona State University – March 4-5, 1995

                            ----, Los Angeles, California – March 15-16, 1991

                            ----, [no location] – 1976

                            ----, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina – 1979

                            ----, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon – 1981

                            ----, University of California, Los Angeles – 1978

                            ----, La Jolla, California – March 25-26, 1983

                            ----, Harvard University – 1957

                            ----, University of California, Berkeley – 1954[?]

                            Northwestern University scientists and engineers awarded Presidential Certificate of Merit by President Harry S. Truman – October 16, 1948 [includes Donald B. Lindsley, Ph.D., Iowa, 1932]

                            Hixon Symposium on Cerebral Mechanism in Behavior, California Institute of Technology – September 20-25, 1948

                            Professional Advisory Committee, Human Resources Division, U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. – 1948

                            National Academy of Sciences – April 27-29, 1925 [1987 reprint]