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Finding Aid

Howard R. Jones Papers
RG 99.0224
Collection Dates: 1932-1985
0.75 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were donated to the University Archives by Shirley S. Jones in July 1988. Records were also transferred from the College of Education in July 1980. Guide created in May 2009.

Photographs: Box 2

Howard R. Jones, 1961

Howard R. Jones, 1961

Scope and Contents

The Howard R. Jones papers include correspondence, memberships, writings, speeches, clippings, awards, and photographs.  These papers are arranged in chronological order within each series, with the correspondence series separated by his employing institution.

Biographical Note

Howard Robert Jones was born March 17, 1911.  He received his B.S. and M.A. degrees in educational administration from the University of Minnesota in 1933 and 1936, respectively.  Jones was a teacher and guidance counselor at Sheridan Elementary and Junior High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from 1934 to 1938.  He took his Ph.D. at Yale University in 1940.

From 1940 to 1943, Dr. Jones was associate professor of education and assistant to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of New Hampshire.  He was superintendent of schools in New Canaan, Connecticut, from 1943 to 1946; president of Plymouth Teachers College (later Plymouth State College) from 1946 to 1951; and professor of school administration at the University of Michigan from 1951 to 1962.  In September 1962 he was named dean of the College of Education at the State University of Iowa, a position he held until his retirement in 1979.  A highlight of his career as dean was in 1977 when state officials approved plans for the Lindquist Center, the College of Education's new home.  During his term as dean, the number of faculty increased from 61 to 125.

Jones was a U.S. representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seminar at Lake Success, New York, in July 1946.  His research and published articles concerned educational administration and teacher education.  His honors included being listed in Who's Who in the Midwest and receiving the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of New Hampshire in 1971.  The student/faculty lounge within the Lindquist Center was named for Dr. Jones in September 1980, at the Lindquist dedication ceremony.  In addition, the University of Iowa Foundation established the Howard Jones Achievement Award in his honor, which was first presented at the dedication ceremony.  Jones retired in 1979.

Howard Jones married Helen Cook in December 1934 and they had a son and two daughters.  When the couple moved to Iowa City in 1962, Helen became a librarian at Horace Mann Elementary School.  She retired in 1977 and died in 1981.  Jones married Shirley Hambrick in 1982.  Howard R. Jones died May 20, 1986.

[D. Anderson; 05/2009]

Related Materials

Folder, "Jones, Howard R.," Faculty and Staff Vertical Files collection (RG 01.15.03)

Records of the Office of the Dean, College of Education (RG 09.01)

Jones, Howard R. Financial Public Elementary and  Secondary Education.  New York: Center for Applied Research in Education, 1966.

Box Contents List

Box 1


---. University of Michigan position salary. 1951-1962.

---. "A Bill of Rights for School Board Members." 1951-1955.

---. Plymouth State College


------. Centennial celebration. 1971.

------. President Kasper C. Marking. 1978.

------. President William J. Farrell. 1984.

------. Catalog, President's reports, 75th anniversary program, Plymouth Passages.  1946-1985.


---. Job searches and offers. 1932-1969.

---. References provided for Samiha Youssef.  1969-1983.


---. UNESCO correspondence. 1948-1962.

---. Walt Whitman Club membership, 1970.  Record of members 1895-1974.

---. Other memberships. 1949-1967.

Box 2


---. "Report of Studies Relating to the Post-High School Educational needs of Connecticut Youth."  April 17, 1939.

---. A Program of Teacher Preparation for Connecticut.   Jones on research staff for governor of Connecticut.  April 1939.

---. "A Bill of Rights for School Board Members." The University of Michigan School of Education Bulletin. November 1952.

---. Allen Park School Survey
.  Authored by Jones and others at the University of Michigan.  May 10, 1958.

---. A Study of Administrative Organization and Structure of the Wayne Community School District.  Authored by Jones and others at the University of Michigan.  January 9, 1961.


---. "Problems in New Hampshire Education." Class Day, Colby Junior College in New Hampshire. Two folders. April 17, 1950.

---. Address to freshmen.  Fall 1950.

---. Assembly remarks. Plymouth Teachers College. January 11, 1951.

---. "A Bill of Rights for School Board Members." Michigan State College. September 12, 1952.

---. Address at Upper Peninsula Association of School Board Members and Superintendents. Marquette, Michigan. January 31, 1959.

---. "The Place of the Sixth-year Program in Graduate Education." Presented at National Conference on the Intermediate Graduate Degree.  June 29, 1967.

---. Address at Plymouth State College Centennial Convocation. March 1971.

---. “Diversity and Consensus.” Jones Commencement address at University of Minnesota.  June 9, 1978

---. "Stone Soup." FYI. Speech material. January 13, 1984.

Miscellaneous reference material. 1952-1953.

Clippings.  1946-1984.


---. Jones at American Association of School Administrators convention. Atlantic City, New Jersey. February 1965.

---. Jones and Ms. Kelly Hoxmeier and Mr. Jan Mayekawa, recipients of the Howard Jones Achievement Award.  Presented at Howard R. Jones Commons, Lindquist Center.  May 1984.

Honored as representative of the University of Minnesota at inauguration of the University of Dubuque president. May 11, 1968.


---. Who's Who entry. 1963.

---. 1970-1971.

---. Establishment of Howard Jones Achievement Award. 1979-1983.