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Teresa E. Christy Papers
RG 99.0292
Collection Dates: 1961-1981
8 linear ft.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: Theses papers were donated to University Archives by Mary Patricia Donahue in August 1994.  Guide posted to the Internet May 2009.

Photographs: Box 6

Dr. Teresa E. Christy

Dr. Teresa E. Christy

Scope and Contents

The Teresa E. Christy papers document her professional career as professor of nursing history.  These papers include correspondence, off-prints, book reviews, speeches, and drafts of her papers from college courses as well as for journal publication.  They are divided into the following series: Biographical; Writings; Committees; Speeches; Correspondence; and Ephemera.  The material includes her positions at Molloy College (1960-1964), Teachers College at Columbia University (1968-1970), Adelphi University (1970-1974), and the University of Iowa (1974-1982).

Among the drafts of her papers are the biographical series she authored on the history of women in nursing for publication in Nursing Outlook.  Among the oral history interviews she conducted is Pearl McIver, who in 1933 was appointed the first nursing administration consultant for the U.S. Public Health Service at the state level.

Speeches and articles by Christy are arranged in chronological order.  Correspondence, dated 1966-1982, is arranged roughly in chronological order.  Additional correspondence may be found in other series, such as Committees and Writings series.

Biographical Note

Teresa Elisabeth Christy was born March 31,1927, in Brooklyn, New York.  When she was a child her family moved to Cambria Heights, New York, where she graduated from Andrew Jackson High School.  At age 13, Christy received the American Legion medal for accomplishments in history studies.  She received her B.S. degree in nursing in 1949 from the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart in Purchase, New York.  From 1947 to 1950, Christy worked as a staff nurse in an operating room and in a delivery room at two New York hospitals.  She was a nursing instructor at St. Joseph School of Nursing in Joliet, Illinois, from 1950 to 1960.  She received her M.S. degree in 1957 from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Christy returned to New York in 1960 and served as assistant professor in the Department of Nursing at Molloy College.  She was named head of that department in 1963.  In 1965 she was the recipient of the Clara Hardin Fellowship for doctoral study in nursing, a national competition.  She received her Ed. D. degree in 1968 from Teachers College, Columbia University.  Her dissertation was "A History of the Division of Nursing Education of Teachers College, Columbia University, 1899-1947," which was published in 1969 as Cornerstone for Nursing Education.  She served on the faculty at Teachers College from 1968 to 1970.  During that time Christy was under contract  with the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) to write a history of nursing.  This was accomplished through interviews of nursing leaders and through review of Bureau of Health files and other research.  The result was her Nursing Leaders series, published in Nursing Outlook.  

In 1970, Christy was named associate professor of nursing and director of the graduate program in Medical-Surgical Nursing at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York.  In her May 1974 letter of resignation to Adelphi University administrators, she explained that by joining the faculty of the University of Iowa College of Nursing, "I can work solely in my area of major interest -- research, writing and teaching in the History of Nursing."  At the University of Iowa, Christy was promoted from associate professor to full professor in 1975. 

Christy was chair of the Committee on the Status of Women Faculty at Adelphi University in the early 1970s.  During this period she also wrote about the Equal Rights Amendment and presented on the Women's Liberation Movement.  At Teachers College, Columbia University, Christy served on a committee to preserve the nursing archives. 

Christy was considered an expert on the history of nursing.  She was the founder of the International History of Nursing Society, later named the American Association for the History of Nursing.  She delivered 139 lectures nationwide and published more than twenty papers in nursing journals.  She was a member of Pi Lambda Theta, Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Theta Tau, the American Public Health Association, American Nurses Association, and National League for Nursing.  In 1976 she received the Centennial Scholar Award from Johns Hopkins University.  In 1979 she was named a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.  

Teresa E. Christy died April 3, 1982.  The American Association for the History of Nursing established an annual fellowship in her honor.  The University of Iowa Foundation established the Teresa E. Christy Nursing History Research Fund, used to maintain The History of Nursing Microfiche Edition at Teachers College, Columbia University, and to support doctoral students conducting historical research in nursing.

[D. Anderson; 05/2009]

Related Materials

Folder, "Christy, Teresa E.," Faculty and Staff Vertical Files collection (RG 01.15.03) 

Records of the College of Nursing (RG 16)

Nursing resources in A Bibliography of the History of the University of Iowa.

Iowa Women's Archives Collections Related to Nurses and Nursing Education

Papers of Mary Patricia Donahue, Iowa Women's Archives

Box Contents List

Box 1

Series I: Biographical

Education and degrees

----. 1971-1972.

----. Honorary degree from McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois. May 1978.

----. "Professional Seminar: Issues in Nursing." University of Iowa seminar.  August 1978.


----. Columbia University. 1969.

----. Adelphi University. 1974.

----. University of Iowa. 1974-1981.

----. Seminar for University of Illinois. November 1976.

----. Research conducted for the University of Minnesota. 1977-1978.

----. Application for Director of Programs in Nursing History at Boston University School of Nursing.  July 1979.


----. American Legion medal for accomplishments in history. 1940.

----. Fellowship from American Journal of Nursing Company for Christy's doctoral studies. 1965.

----. Nursing Education Alumni Association of Teachers College Distinguished Achievement Award in Nursing Research. 1976.

----. Sigma Theta Tau Elizabeth Williams Miller Award for Research. 1977.

----. DePaul University Distinguished Alumni Award. 1978.

----. Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.  Two folders.  1978.

----. ANA nomination for Distinguished Contribution to Nursing Science. 1980.

----. Teresa E. Christy Nursing History Research Fund.  December 1981.

Series II: Writings

Class papers by Christy

----. "Fundamentals of Nursing" lecture notes. 1959.

----. "Maleness and Femaleness Exemplified in the Division of Labor." 1965.

----. "A History of Nursing in the United States Public Health Service, 1932-1964." Written while Christy was director of Adelphi University graduate program, between 1970 and 1974.

----. Dissertation, Columbia University. Two bound notebooks and five folders. 1966-1968.

Box 2

Nursing leaders series in Nursing Outlook

----. "Portrait of a Leader: M. Adelaide Nutting." Five folders. January 1969.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Isabel Hampton Robb." Four folders. March 1969.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Lavinia Lloyd Dock." Four folders. June 1969.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Isabel Maitland Stewart." Three folders. October 1969.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Lillian D. Wald." Draft. Two folders. January 1970.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Lillian D. Wald." March 1970.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Annie Warburton Goodrich." Three folders. August 1970.

----. "Portrait of a Leader: Sophia F. Palmer." Two folders. December 1975.

Transcripts of oral history interviews, conducted under contract with U.S. Public Health Service, Division of Nursing

----. Isabel M. Steward.

----. Pearl McIver.  Two folders.  1968.

----. Lucile Petri Leone.  1969.

----. Margaret Arnstein.  1969.

----. R. Louise Metcalfe McManus. 1967.

----. Interviews

Christy's contract with U.S. Public Health Service, Division of Nursing.  Five folders.


----. "Nursing Education and the Johns Hopkins: the Ideas of M. Adelaide Nutting." Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing, Alumnae Association Anniversary. November 4, 1967.

----. "A Process of Instruction." Nursing Forum. December 1967.

----. "Nursing Education and the Johns Hopkins: The Ideas of M. Adelaide Nutting." Alumnae Magazine. December 1967.

----. "The Equal Rights Amendment and Nurses: An Historical Review." The American Journal of Nursing. Two folders. Submitted October 27, 1970.

----. "A History of Nursing in the United States Public Health Service, 1932-1964." Chapter one.  Written between 1970 and 1974, while Christy was teaching at Adelphi University.

----. "Fifty Years of ANA: an Historical Essay." Submitted to American Journal of Nursing. June 1971.

----. "An Appraisal of the Report of the National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education." Submitted to The American Journal of Nursing. June 1971.

----. Edited copy of American Journal of Nursing article.  August 1971

----. "A Brief Introduction to the Methodology of Historical Research." Submitted to Nursing Research. July 1974.

----. "A Brief Introduction to the Methodology of Historical Research." Submitted to Nursing Research. October 1974.

----. "Historical Perspectives on Accountability." Submitted to professor Janet A. Williamson, Pennsylvania State University. January 1975.

----. "The Fateful Decade, 1890-1900." Submitted to The American Journal of Nursing. April 7, 1975.

----. "The Methodology of Historical Research: A Brief Introduction." American Journal of Nursing (May-June 1975).

----. "The Importance of Teaching Nursing History." Submitted to The American Nurse, American Nurses Association. June 9, 1975.

----. "Nurses in American History: The Fateful Decade, 1890-1900." American Journal of Nursing 75 (July 1975): 1163-1165.

----. "To Honor Our Past...to Herald Our Future." Virginia Nurse. November 3, 1975.

----. "Historical Aspects of Concepts of Entry Into Practice: A Recurring Theme." Submitted to American Journal of Nursing. July 1979.

----. "The Case for Historical Research in Nursing." Editorial in Research in Nursing and Health.  January 1973.

----. "Professionalism - So Abstract?." submitted to Nursing Outlook. July 1979.

Box 3

Articles (cont.)

----. "The First 50 Years." History of ANA.

----. "Historical Aspects of Concepts of Entry Into Practice: A Recurring Theme." Submitted to American Journal of Nursing. July 31, 1979.

----. "Entry Into Practice: A Recurring Issue in Nursing History." American Journal of Nursing. March 1980.

----. "What Can We Learn From History?." Submitted to Current Issues in Nursing. Three folders. Spring 1980.

----. "The Need for Historical Research." Editorial in Research in Nursing and Health. June 1981.

----. "Can We Learn From History?" Current Issues in Nursing. 1981.

----. "The First 50 Years." A history of the American Nurses Association, n.d.


----. Nursing Outlook. 1969.

----. Nursing Outlook. 1970.

----. Editorial in Nursing Outlook. January 1970.

----. "An Appraisal of an Abstract for Action." American Journal of Nursing. August 1971.

----. "The First Fifty Years." The American Journal of Nursing. September 1971.

----. "Liberation Movement: Impact on Nursing." AORN Journal. April 1972.

----. "New Privileges, New Challenges, New Responsibilities." Nursing. November 1973.

----. Nursing Research. May-June 1975.

----. "The Methodology of Historical Research," Nursing Journal. May-June 1975.

----. "The Methodology of Historical Research." The American Journal of Nursing. May-June 1975.

----. "Entry Into Practice: A Recurring Issue in Nursing History." American Journal of Nursing. March 1980.

----. "Clinical Practice as a Function of Nursing Education: An Historical Analysis." Nursing Outlook. August 1980.


Research Notes

----. "Jane Arminda Delano." Written by Mary E. Wright, a student of Christy's, in December 1974.

----. Information on PH courses.

----. American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses, annual reports.  Three folders.

----. Loeb Center established by Lydia Hall. Three folders.

----. School of Nursing, Teachers College

----. Research material

----. Boston University Nursing Archive. 1970.

----. Florence Nightingale exhibit. Teachers College.  1962.

----. Bill introduced by Representative Cellar in 1944 to draft single, unemployed young women into military service


----. African American nurses

----. Birth control

----. Chapters 1-8

----. Collective Bargaining


----. Public Health Service grants for training projects.  Adelphi University. 1970-1972.

----. Adelphi University. Two folders. 1972-1973.

----. A Study of Leaders in Nursing. Adelphi University. 1973.

----. Proposed Nursing Classics.  Myrtle K. Aydelotte, Executive Director.  University of Iowa. 1980.

Reviews by Christy

----. Memoirs: Half a Century in Nursing.  Stella Goostray.  1970.

----. Christy's review of a student paper.  1977.

----. Book reviews.  1969-1979.

----. Davis book; Strauss and Glaser articles.  n.d.

----. Reference provided by Christy. 1972.

----. Award citation for Ada Jacox written by Christy. 1975.

Reviews of Christy's writings

----. Portrait of a Leader series.  1970-1971.

----. Cornerstone of Nursing. Two folders.  1970-1971.

----. The Case for Historical Research.  1972.

Series III: Committees

Nursing Education Alumni Association, Teachers College.

----. Minutes. Fall 1967-fall 1969

----. Correspondence. 1969.

----. Project suggestions. October 1969.

Nursing Education Club, Teachers College.  Report on nursing curriculum developments, 1945-1962.

American Nurses Association (ANA)

----. ANA Committee on Education.  1965.

----. Committee on Historical Source Materials. 1968.

----. Nursing Research Conference. Christy presented "A Critique of the Study by Dr. Dora Mae Blackmon on the Care of the Mentally Ill in America, 1604-1812. Two folders.  1968.

----. Nursing Research Conference regarding paper "Congress Copes With the Nurse Shortage, 1941-1971."  1973.

----. Christy's complaint to chairperson of ANA Committee. December 1974.

----. Bicentennial Celebration Committee.  Two folders.  1976.

----. Hall of Fame Committee. 1977-1978.

----. ANA nomination for Distinguished Contribution to Nursing Science.  1980.

----. Commission on Nursing Research. Christy testimony presented in Chicago.  1981.

Archives Preservation Program, Teachers College.  Twelve folders. 1968-1970.

Faculty Advisory Committee, Teachers College.  Three folders. 1970.

Committee on Status of Women Faculty, Adelphi University.  1971-1972.

Personnel Committee, Adelphi University.  1973.

Undergraduate Council, University of Iowa.  1974-1975.

Faculty Welfare Council chair, University of Iowa.  1981.

Box 4

Series IV: Speeches

----. "Report of an Outstanding Personality: Mildred L. Montag, Nursing Educator." November 18, 1965.

----. "Nursing Education and the Johns Hopkins: The Ideas of M. Adelaide Nutting." Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing, Alumnae Association Anniversary. November 4, 1967.

----. "A History of the Division of Nursing Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1899-1947." Presented to Nursing Education Alumni Association at the Annual Isabel Stewart Research Conference. February 2, 1968.

----. "Today's Issues - Are They Really New?" May 22, 1969.

----. No title, presented at Teachers College on occasion of 70th anniversary of Department of Nursing Education. April 15, 1970.

----. "Historical Aspects of Nursing Practice." May 1, 1970.

----. "Historical Aspects of Nursing Practice." Founder's Day Reception, Sigma Theta Tau. November 17, 1970.

----. "Historical Aspects of Nursing Practice." Sigma Theta Tau induction ceremony. December 10, 1970.

----. No title, at Summit Park Hospital. March 26, 1971.

----. "Women's Liberation, its Impact on Nursing." February 2, 1972.

----. "Emerging Trends in the Practice of Nursing - From the Viewpoint of an Historian." April 15, 1972.

----. "The Scope of Nursing Practice." May 2, 1972.

----. "Reflections of the Past: A Mirror to the Future." November 13, 1972.

----. "The Report of the Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education: Implications for Consumers of Nursing." May 1973.

----. "The Privileges, Challenges and Responsibilities of Nurses in the '70s." June 28, 1973.

----. "Nursing by Choice, not by Default." October 5, 1973.

----. "Professionalism - So Abstract." May 9, 1975.


----. "To Honor Our Past... to Herald Our Future." November 3, 1975.

----. "The Privileges, Challenges and Responsibilities of Nurses in the '70s." November 15, 1975.

----. "Hopkins Pioneers in Nursing: Isabel Hampton Robb and M. Adelaide Nutting." January 15, 1976.

----. "Health Care and You: Past, Present and Future." March 12, 1976.

----. "Historical Research on the Practical Level." April 2, 1976.

----. "Historical Aspects of Honor Societies." April 26, 1976.

----. "Nursing: Historical Perspectives of a Proud Profession, or How We Got Here From There." October 4, 1976.

----. "Expanded Role: The View of an Historian." March 15, 1977.

----. "The Hope of History." March 25, 1977.

----. "Nursing Leaders: Voices of the Past." November 6, 1978.

----. "Nursing Leaders: Voices of the Past." March 3, 1979.

----. "Concepts of Entry Into Practice: A Recurring Theme." May 10, 1979.

----. "Professionalism in Nursing." Chautauqua '79 in Vail, Colorado. August 7, 1979.

----. "Nursing Autonomy: Issues and Strategies." October 11, 1979.

----. "Nursing Autonomy: Issues and Strategies." October 22, 1979.

----. "Nursing Revisited: An Historical Analysis of Clinical Practice as a Function of Nursing Education."  Two folders.  December 3, 1979.

----. "Traditions in Nursing - To Keep or Not to Keep - That is the Question." Morningside College capping ceremony. October 12, 1980.

----. "The Role of Early Nurse Leaders as Social Activists." November 10, 1980.

----. "Testimony Presented to the National Commission on Nursing of the American Hospital Association." February 20, 1981.

----. "To Honor Our Past, to Herald Our Future." Keynote address, Missouri State Nurses' Association. April 27, 1981.

----. American Nurses Association tribute to ANA retirement of Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte. 1981.

----. "Barriers to Change in Nursing Education." n.d.

----. "Historical Aspects of the Expanded Role of the Nurse." n.d.

Box 5

Series V: Correspondence


Box 6

Correspondence, cont.


Series VI: Ephemera


----. Florence Nightingale statue

----. Teresa Christy

Newspaper clippings.  Two folders.

Massachusetts Nurses Association calendar with historical nursing photographs. 1977.

National League for Nursing newsletter. October 1978.