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Shambaugh Family Papers:

RG 99.0152
Collection Dates: 1886-1953
1.25 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries upon the death of Mrs. Shambaugh. Guide posted to Internet: May 1998; revised 2006 and 2008.

Photographs: None









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Box Contents List


Index to correspondence

Box 16

Correspondence, undated

Correspondence, 1886 -- 1927 (14 folders)

Box 17

Correspondence, 1928 -- 1940 (12 folders)

Box 18

Telegrams, March 31 -- April 11, 1940

Correspondence, 1941 -- 1953 (12 folders)


Index to important correspondents:

[Numbers refer to box and folder number and (when preceded by “p.”) page number]

Adamic, Louis, 17:11

Adams, James Truslow, 17:7

Akins, Zoe, 16:13

Bay, J. Christian, 18:2

Beard, Charles A., 17:7

Beebe, William, 24:3 p. 5171

Bollinger, James W., 18:4; 33:3

Bowman, John G., 16:8, 9; 17:8, 9; 18:22

Boyd, Julian P., 18:5

Boyd, W.R., 17:11; 18:3, 4, 7

Branch, E. Douglas, 17:6

Brewer, Luther A., 21:1 p.2028; 40:1

Brigham, Johnson, 16:2, 8; 23:1 p. 3457; 34:6

Brown, John Mason, 15:29; 18:2, 8; 24:2 p. 4449, 3 p. 5239

Brown, S. Joe, 17:10; 18:2

Dawson, A.F., 16:4

Deemer, Horace E., 16:5

Dolliver, J.P., 15:29

Drewelowe, Eve (Van Ek), 16:14; 17:2; 18:2, 5

Drinkwater, John, 22:4 p. 3317, 3371

Durant, Will, 15:29; 17:5, 7, 9, 12; 18:5; 22:3 p. 3044; 24:3 p. 5189; 25:2 p. 5826; 32:2

Durant, Mrs. Will, 23:5 p. 4097

Dykstra, Clarence, 25:1 p. 5491

Ely, Richard T., 16:2

Flexner, Abraham, 17:5, 7

Frederick, John T., 21:5 p. 2704

French, Alice, 16:5

Gallup, George, 25:1 p. 5670

Garland, Hamlin, 17:4 (Christmas Card), 8; 21:4 p. 2435; 23:2 p. 3582; 25:1 p. 5511; Hamlin Garland’s daughter on her father’s death, 17:10

Guedalla, Philip, 23:1 p. 3383

Hall, W. Earl, 17:8; 18:2

Hammil, John, 40:5

Hancher, Virgil M., 17:12; 32:5; 33:2

Hart, Albert Bushell, 16:7

Hebard, Grace Raymond, 17:6

Hoover, Herbert, 21:5 p. 2578

Houghton, Dorothy D., 16:1, 11; 17:8, 9, 10, 11; 18:2, 7; 24:1 p.4483; 39:9

Ingham, Harvey, 15:29; 18:2

Irish, C. W., 16:2

Irish, John P., 16:9, 11

Jessup, Walter A., 18:5; 22:1 p. 2802; 23:4 p. 3923; 24:3 p. 5159, 3, p. 5174

Jones, Laurence C., 17:8, 9, 11, 12; 18:2, 5, 7, 8; 21:3 p. 2354, 5 p. 2705; 24:3 p. 5158

Krensensky, Raymond, 17:12; 24:4 p. 5324

Laski, Harold J., 17:7

Le Compte, K. M., 18:1

Lippman, Walter, 17:7

Lowden, Frank O., 15:29

Macbride, Thomas H., 16:1, 13, 15; 17:2, 3, 5, 6; 20:3 p. 1433; 21:2 p. 2167

MacLean, George E., 16:7; 17:2

Macy, Jesse, 16:5

Martin, Thomas E., 17:11

Mawson, Sir Douglas, 20:5 p. 1669; 21:3 p. 2242

Miller, Merle, 17:11, 12

Misak, Edward F., 17:11; 18:9

Patrick, G.T.W., 17:7, 11; 18:2, 3, 4, 6, 7; 31:4

Pelzer, Louis, 16:6, 7

Peterson, William J., 24:4 p. 5355; 34:6

Pickard, Josiah L., 16:3, 4, 5

Pownall, Dorothy Ashby, 17:11

Powys, John Cooper, 17:7; 23:3 p. 3773

Quick, Herbert, 16:9, 11; 21:1 p. 2029

Reynolds, Conger, 17:10

Rutledge, Wiley, 17:9, 12

Sabatini, Rafael, 22:2 p. 3027, 3 p. 3042

Seagrove, Sadie, 17:11

Shimek, Bohumil, 22:3 p. 3196

Speidel, Merritt C., 18: 9

Springer, John, 16:10, 11, 12, 13; 17:5

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 21:2 p. 2148; 23:3 p. 3807, 5 p. 4206

Taft, Lorado, 16:15

Towner, H.M., 16:4

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 16:5; 35:18, two calling cards from

Van Doren, Carl, 26:1 p. 6241

Van Ek, Eve. See Drewelowe, Eve (Van Ek)

Waymack, W. W., 15:29; 17:11, 12; 18:2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12; 24:2 p. 5079

Wilcox, Francis O., 17:8; 18:11

Wilder, Thornton, 21:3 p. 2295, 2296; 24:3 p. 5199

Wilson, George A., 17:10, 11