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Shambaugh Family Papers:
Benjamin Shambaugh Speeches

RG 99.0152
Collection Dates: 1894-1940
1.5 ft.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries upon the death of Mrs. Shambaugh. Guide posted to Internet: May 1998; revised 2006 and 2008.

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Box Contents List

Box 8

"Approaches in liberal and cultural education," 19th annual Conference on Administration and Supervision, Iowa City, Iowa, October 6, 1932

"The awakening of the student," 1912

"The direction of political thought," Baconian lecture, December 3, 1927 (1926)

"The basis of the justification for interference in the war between Spain and Cuba," read at Baconian, April 15, 1898

"The basis of nationalism in education: liberal and cultural education", pages 18 -- 19. "Dangers of nationalism in politics: when the dictator comes," pages 20 -- 21. Given at Conference on Nationalism and Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, July 8 -- 19, 1935

"Beginnings," read before the Mississippi Valley Historical Association at Lincoln, Nebraska, April 29, 1932. (2 copies)

"Brain trusts," delivered at Men’s Dinner, Summer Session 1933

Notes for extemporaneous admonition prompted by some campus happening

Cedar Rapids (Iowa) High School Commencement, "An address" delivered January 22, 1904

Church service, Unitarian Church: memoranda, February 21, 1932

"Some reflections on citizenship," a paper read at a meeting of the Political Science Club at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Shambaugh on Monday evening, January 8, 1923

"Mid-year Convocation address," February 3, 1926

"Convocation address," August 21, 1930

Culture of the future, an address delivered to the young people at the Presbyterian Church on the evening of Sunday, June 12, 1932

Des Moines (Iowa) Federation of Women’s Clubs, memoranda of address, fall 1928

"Early Iowa and the pioneers," an address delivered before the Pilgrim Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Iowa City, Iowa, at the home of Miss Cora Morrison, November 7, 1903

"Endings," a toast, April 11, 1927 (3 copies)

Finkbine Dinner address, May 7, 1929

Founders Day Dinner, University of Iowa

"Benjamin Franklin," address delivered at the Union League Club, Chicago, Illinois, January 17, 1929

Box 9

"Benjamin Franklin: the first civilized American," address April 1935 (recopied)

"Benjamin Franklin," address delivered at the Executives Club, Chicago, Illinois, January 12, 1940. (3 copies)

Good will dinner for women of the University of Iowa - Finkbine Endowment, After dinner address, April 26, 1932

"The handcart expedition camp," an address delivered at the dedication of a roadside marker, December 17, 1936

Historical Congress, notes used in an address before the. Portland, Ore., August 22, 1905

"The west," (3 copies)

"The west and the pioneers." (2 copies)

Herbert Hoover birthplace

"An address" at Herbert Hoover birthplace, dedication of the marking of. West Branch, Iowa, August 10, 1929

An institutional proposition on interpretation

Introductions to University lecturers: Louis Adamic, J.E. Williamson (2 folders)

"Some of our political problems," memoranda for speech to Iowa City Woman’s Club, November 19, 1926

"Iowa’s early political history," or early Iowa and the pioneers

Jefferson Hotel, after dinner speech at the unveiling of the mural in the, Iowa City, Iowa, September 15, 1934

League of Women Voters, memoranda about address at meeting of this group. Des Moines, Iowa, April 13, 1925

"Liberal and cultural education," Iowa City Federation of Teachers, April 30, 1934

"The basis of nationalism in education: Liberal and cultural education." Boulder, Colorado, July 15, 1935

"The philosopher of Democracy," an address about Abraham Lincoln

"Which Abraham Lincoln" (first draft)

first draft carbon corrected and revised

abbreviated copy. (2 copies)

Abraham Lincoln: which Abraham Lincoln: the statesman of Democracy, cut-down copy. (2 copies)

Abraham Lincoln (pre-final carbon)

manuscript for final copy

Men’s Dinner address, Summer Session Dinner, July 6, 1932

Mid-year convocation address, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, February 3, 1926, including program

Minnesota Historical Society Building, remarks at dedication of

"The meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association in Oklahoma"

"The more than," several revisions of the address in preparation for the Cleveland (Ohio) meeting of the American Political Science Association, December 30, 1930. (3 copies)

Box 10

"The more than," carbon copy of Cleveland (Ohio) address, December 1930

"The more than in university education"

"The more than in education," delivered at commencement Amana High School, May 26, 1936. (2 copies)

"A new approach in education -- for all." An address delivered at the commencement exercise of the Davenport (Iowa) High School on the evening of Friday, June 10, 1932

The Old Stone Capitol remembers, University anniversary address, Memorial Union, Iowa City, Iowa, February 24, 1937, include (4 drafts)

Our constitution, notes prepared for Ottumwa address in September 1923, not delivered

P.E.O., an address delivered before the, at the home of Mrs. A.E. Swisher in Iowa City, 1903

The papers of Governor John Chambers, read before the Political Science Club, (Iowa City, Iowa), January 13, 1908

"The pioneer settlers of Iowa," a paper or lecture given before the Johnson County Normal Institute, 1899

"The pioneers," address delivered on Old Settlers’ Day, Johnson County, Iowa, August 17, 1899

"Political science and practical politics," a fragment of a paper on

"Political science in the service of the state," remarks in a discussion at the Philadelphia meeting of the American Political Science Association, December 1933

delivered at School of Citizenship, Des Moines, Iowa, October 19, 1934?

"Politics and philosophy," read before the Political Science Club, Iowa City, Iowa, August 30, 1899

Pre-conference report

Press releases in re addresses at meeting of State Historical Society of Minnesota, January 1930

"The farm," radio address broadcast from Chicago, Illinois, March 14, 1933, over a nation-hook-up

"The constitutions of Iowa," radio broadcast for Iowa History Week, April 17, 1934

Inauguration radio broadcast, interview by Mr. Eric C. Wilson, October 2, 1934

"Modern trends in education," radio broadcast of Shambaugh and Dr. Allen at Memorial Union Studio, July 3, 1934, 7:45 pm

Radio broadcasts, WSUI, June 1925

Radio remarks about the Campus course, Shambaugh and McCloy, January 25, 1934

Radio talk, "The commonwealth conferences," WSUI, May 31, 1926

Radio talk of 20 minutes, memoranda on the Department of Political Science and the State Historical Society of Iowa, November 26, 1929

Radio talks broadcast from WHAA and WSUI, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, June 1924, May -- June 1925

"Religion as a basis of social ideals," notes prepared for Unitarian Conference held in Davenport, Iowa, October 1901

"The Relation of religion to politics," delivered at Unitarian Church, Iowa City, Iowa 1897

"Socialism: a theory of social life," delivered at the Unitarian Church, Iowa City, Iowa, December 11, 1898

"Some important facts and dates in the history of Iowa," made out for the Secretary of the Iowa Commission on the St. Louis Exposition

"Some of the psychological and ethical aspects of political science," read before the Political Science Club, (Iowa City, Iowa), December 1897

"Some reflections on the present status of political science," read before the Political Science Club, (Iowa City, Iowa), November 29, 1897

"Herbert Spencer," read in Dr. James’ seminary at Philadelphia, Penn., 1894

"The spirit and method of research in Iowa history," a miscellaneous University address

"The spirit of discussion," introducing the program of the Iowa Political Science Association, Des Moines, Iowa, April 22, 1932

"The spirit of research," (2 copies)

"Statute law-making in Iowa," read before the Political Science Club, (Iowa City, Iowa), December 18, 1916

"The story of the Lucas papers," read before the Political Science Club, (Iowa City, Iowa), May 1906

"A summary of the conclusions and recommendations: report of the Commission on the Social Studies," used at Conference on Nationalism and Education, Boulder, Colorado, July 15, 1935

Summer session after-dinner speech, rough draft

Box 11

"Synthesis: 1912 -- 1934," a brief speech delivered at the Men’s Dinner, Summer Session, 1934, (2 copies)

Theology in its relation to law and government

"The new theology," Universalist Church, address delivered at, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1906

The Universe and the Old Stone Capitol, given to the freshman in September 1939

Mr. A.L. Weatherly, brief remarks on the occasion of his leaving Iowa City, Iowa, February 22, 1929

"The west," Illinois College, June 5, 1912

"The west and the pioneers," (2 copies)

an address delivered at Coe College on Founders Day, December 5, 1928, (2 copies)

"The west and the spirit of research," Iowa State College, June 3, 1912

West Branch (Iowa) High School Commencement Address, 1897

"When the dictator comes."

Baconian lecture. Iowa City, Iowa, December 15, 1933. Campus Course Class, Iowa City, Iowa, March 2, 1934. (2 copies)

delivered at the Union League Club, Chicago, Illinois, December 12, 1935. (4 copies)

"The dangers of nationalism: when the dictator comes," delivered at the University of Colorado Summer Session 1936, Boulder, Colorado

When the dictator comes: implications of the totalitarian state, delivered at the Prairie Club, Des Moines, Iowa, March 27, 1937, includes a press release

"The work of the State Historical Society of Iowa," an address delivered at Marshalltown, Iowa, meeting of Iowa Library Association, October 1903