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Shambaugh Family Papers:
Index to House Books Letters

RG 99.0152

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries upon the death of Mrs. Shambaugh. Guide posted to Internet: May 1998; revised 2006 and 2008.

Photographs: None









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Box Contents List

This inventory of the materials laid into the Shambaugh House Books, excluding photographs, is organized alphabetically by name of person creating the card, note, letter, telegram or signature. A short list of unidentified letters, etc., and of materials not linked to individuals can be found at the end of this page. Those materials include a sample ballot, postage stamp and first day cover, and a program for a National IOWA Night.

This material is arranged alphabetically by name of individual. The list of names below indicates that material pertaining to that individual is available in Series II, subseries: House Books, within the Shambaugh Family Papers. The "Other" link connects to a dozen folders of miscellaneous topics. For convenience, researchers may click on the letter of their choice to view that portion of the list.

A   |   B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M

N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  V  |  W  |  Z  |  Other

File List

A [return to A-Z directory]

Adamic, Louis, signature 29:4460

Adamic, Stella, letter 29:4473

Affleck, Benjamin Franklin, signed photo 35:6392; telegrams 16:2231; 17:2435; 23:3394

Alberts, Edith Lo., letter 23:3429

Alexander, Grand Duke, signature 16:2208

Allen, Ethan P., note and photo 25:3759; note 32:5483; signature 23:3521

Anderson, Oscar and Belle, letter 28:4351

Anderson, Richard C., note 21:3136

Andersons, the, note 31:5347

Andrews (?), Etta B., letter 33:5721

Anet, Claude, photo and signature 15:2158

Anspacher, Louis K., letters 28:4389; 29:5070; signature 28:4354

Artemi?s, letter 20:2984

Aunt Helen (?), letter 30:5198

Auruau (sp?), Francis R., letter 27:4104

Avery, Grace D., letter 34:6076

B [return to A-Z directory]

Baldrige, Charlotte, letter 35:6230a

Baldrige, Mary, letters 27:4138; 30:5212

Baldwin, W.W., letter 16:2286

Baratz, Joseph, letter 19:2777

Beebe, William, letter 30:5171

Ben (nephew), postcard. 18:2580; letter 22:3212; photo 17:2372, 2380

Bessie (?), letter 33:5868b

Bessie and Bill (?), letter 34:6161

Bethlen, Marget, Countess, signature 22:3283

Bodine, Laura, letter 33:5826

Bohart Henningsen, Ethel, letter (in part). 26:3988

Brewer, Luther A., letter 14:2028

Brigham, Johnson, letter 23:3457

Brown, John Mason, letters 29:4449; 30:5239

Bupham, Cyril, letter 30:5096

Burge, Adelaide L., letter (in part). 23:3488; letter 14:1984

C [return to A-Z directory]

Chacker (sp?), John L.E., letter 28:4327

Chaffee, Mrs. (Grace E.), letter 17:2400

Chan, Hugh, signature 24:3680

Chirvini, Maria, signature 20:3023

Clayton, Telegram 20:3019

Clifton, C.C., letter 33:5703

Coffman, L.D., letter 26:3945

Coleman, R.V., letters 32:5601; 32:5635

Cousins, Elberta and Blanche, letter 31:5394

Cousins, Elberta Jeanne, note/prayer. 32:5640; photo 36:6490

Cousins, James H. and Margaret E., signatures 17:2368

Cousins, James, signature 18:2696

Crow, Ruth E., letter 25:3750

Currier, A.M., letter 21:3046

Currier, Celia A.M., letters 21:3125; 29:4486

Currier, Mrs., letter 32:5583

D [return to A-Z directory]

Dalline, Frances P., letter 20:2966

Dengler, Paul L., signature 26:4031; letter (in part) 26:4919

Dickinson, Sidney E., letter 21:3062

Ditmars, Raymond L., signature 27:4140

Dixon, Eleanor, letter 25:3725

Dixon, J.W., telegram 20:2984

Dixon, Jack, letters 19:2874; 22:3371; telegram 34:6144

Dixon, Katharine Horack, letters 22:3326; 22:3358; 22:3372; 26:3891; 26:3954; 26:4021; 27:4091; 28:4349; 30:5103; 30:5164; 32:5616; 33:5849; 34:6068; notes 30:5218; 34:6146; 36:6483; cards (2) 26:3877

Douglas, M/M George Bunce, invitation 17:2467

Drinkwater, John, letters 22:3317; 22:3371; signature 22:3303

Durant, Mrs. Will, letter 27:4097

Durant, Will, letters 21:3044; 30:5189; 33:5826; signature 27:4076

Durant?, Will, letter 22:3349

Dykstras (sp?), Clarence, letter 32:5491

E [return to A-Z directory]

Edib, Halide, photo and signature 15:2178

Eichacker, John L., letter 22:3296

Elirle (sp?), William, letter 29:5069

F [return to A-Z directory]

Family, letters and a telegram 30:5233; letter 32:5610

Fee, Minnie Graves, letter 17:2489

Fitzgerald, R.H., letter 14:2005 -- 2006

Florence, Virgil, and (?), letters. 32:5641

Ford, Sadie H., letter 35:6399

Frank, Mrs. Glenn, letter 28:4383

Franke, August, note 22:3335

Frederick, John T., letter 18:2704

Frohman, Daniel, letter 22:3284

Funke, Erich and Lydia, card. 33:5868c; note 32:5548

G [return to A-Z directory]

Gallup, George, letter 32:5670

Garland, Hamlin, letters 17:2435; 24:3582; photo and letter 32:5511; signatures 12:1690; 25:3802; see also photos.

(and others), signature 19:2841

Geary, Thomas C., Arnold A. Allan, Charles O. Austen, Jr., John Futcher Allums, Maurice Dunlap, Leslie Miller, and James O. Howard, signatures 31:5358

Gildner, Eleanor, note 16:2306

Gilmore, Blanche B., notes 25:3813; 26:3958

Gould, Larry, letter 20:3034; signature 20:3000

Granville, V.L., signature 21:3075

Guedalla, Nellie, letter 23:3398

Guedalla, Philip, letter 23:3383; signature 23:3385; see also photos

H [return to A-Z directory]

Hayes, Mary B., letter 27:4061

Hemmingsen, Ethel May, note 34:6100; letter (in part). 34:6112

Hewitt, Reginald, letter 15:2062

Higbee, F.G., signature 34:6153

Holcombe, A.W., letter 18:2630

Hollingsworth, Horace and Jessie, signature 31:5363

Hollingsworth, Horace S., letter 21:3190

Holloway, William Rupert, letter 17:2517

Hook, Henry Bernard, note 26:3870

Hooton, Ernest A., letter 33:5826

Hoover, Herbert, telegram 18:2578

Horack, Ben and Frances, card. 36:6489

Horack, Ben, letter 18:2678; letter 34:6002

Horack, Benjamin S., letters IX:1194; (in part) 35:6242; 20:2902; 21:3087; 24:3553; 32:5539; note 27:4171; letter 27:4156; "Son", letter 28:4286; note 30:5218; photo 31:5308; telegram 32:5615

Horack, Bud, letter (in part). 27:4172; letter 30:5177; 30:5204; note 30:5106

Horack, Claude (?), letter 23:3390; card 18:2573; letters (in part) 23:3419; 23:3525; telegram 23:3391

Horack, Claude and Eleanor, and Katharine Dixon, telegram 32:5481

Horack, Claude and Eleanor, telegram 17:2443

Horack, Eleanor, Claude and Ben, telegram 32:5614

Horack, Eleanor, letters 19:2878; 20:2908; 24:3636; 25:3848; 26:3899; 30:5204; 33:5849

Horack, Elsbeth, letter 30:5262; photo 32:5472

Horack, Frank Edward Jr. "son", notes 12:1641; note 12:1730; telegram 16:2310; letters 23:3418; 29:5003; 19:2876

Horack, Katharine, letters 19:2804; 20:2962; VI:806; telegram 19:2821

Horack, Mrs. (Bertha's mother), note 15:2119; see also photos

Horacks, the, telegram 21:3067

Houghton, Dorothy W., letter 28:4242; letter 29:4483

Huggard, Mrs., Thank you (in part). 20:2959

Hurd, Dr. C.A., letter 13:1873

J [return to A-Z directory]

J.E.R., of the Press Citizen, note 13:1784; letter 21:3036

Jessup, Albert B., note 31:5287

Jessup, letter 26:3923

Jessup, Professor, note 30:5159

Jessup, Walter A., letters 19:2802; 30:5174

Johnson, Allen, letter 17:2528

Jones, Lawrence C., letters 16:2354; 18:2705; 30:5158

K [return to A-Z directory]

Kantor, MacKinlay, signature 27:4107

Katharine, letters 18:2540; 31:5346

Kelly, Edna M., letter 29:4430

Kelly, Harry Eugene, letters 14:2035; 15:2079; 16:2217; 29:4429

King, Clyde L., letter 18:2702; photo 18:2587

Koch, William, letter 32:5494

Kresensky, Raymond, letter 31:5324

L [return to A-Z directory]

Lake, Margaret, letter 11:1513

Langdon-Davies, John, signatures 24:3614; 25:3860

Leacock, Stephen, signature 28:4321

Lemon, W.P., letter 24:3602

Loos, Alice, letters 11:1552; 16:2192

Ludwig, Emil, letter and telegram 14:1938

M [return to A-Z directory]

Macbride, letter X:1433

Macbride, Mrs, note 12:1719

Macbride, Thomas H., card 24:3694; notes 14:2002; 22:3334; letter 15:2167

MacLean, George E., signatures 30:5212; 33:5742

MacLean, Y.H., Christmas card from. 19:2883

Malbin, Gladys, letters 32:5671; 33:5723; note 35:6280

Mallory (?), George Leigh, photo VII:983

Manson, note 21:3145

Martin, Ethyl Edna, card 27:4145; letters 19:2725; 27:4202; 28:4305; 28:4342; notes 17:2412; 23:3502; 24:3695; 27:4162; 31:5347; 31:5355; 33:5722; telegrams 5:3827; 26:3932

Martin, Everett Dean, signature 24:3595

Mason, Mrs. Lenore, letter 22:3351

Mawson, Sir Douglas, letters 12:1669; 16:2242

McCrarey (?), M/M Milford, letters 28:4348; 29:4442; 30:5152

McCreary, Gertrude, letters 33:5826; 35:6231

McMurphey, John William, Orville Alexander, Erma B. Plaehn, Arvil E. Harris, and V. Don Hudson, signatures. 29:5029

Miller, Christine, letter 23:3458

Miller, F.W., letter 26:3891

Miller, Louise M., note 33:5767

Miller, Professor, note 18:2673

Minami, Ryosaburo, letter 18:2623

Mo, Mary, photo 29:4432

Moershel, Henry G., letters 21:3163; 22:3240; 22:3248; 28:4287; 31:5270

Moore, Mrs., letter 35:6327

Mott, Mildred, note VII:1039

Motvani, Kaval, letters 16:2283, 2352; 21:3109

Mummas, The, Christmas card from VI:852

N [return to A-Z directory]

Noe, Dr. Charles F., letters 30:5253; X:1323

O[return to A-Z directory]

Owen, Ruth Bryan, photo 18:2579

P [return to A-Z directory]

Packer, P.C., letter 36:6485

Palzig, Edna, note 16:2276

Parish, John C., signature 18:2605; telegram 28:4224

Peler (sp?), Mildred W., signature 26:3941

Petersen, William J., letter 31:5355; signature 26:3883

Pfiffier (sp?), M/M J.M., Christmas card from V:684

Pollock, Ethel Gould, letter 13:1875

Pollock, Helen, letter 32:5597

Pollock, Priscilla Anne, note 15:2177; letter 32:5603

Porter, Fred C., Deputy Auditor, letter 13:1777

Porter, Kirk H., letters 16:2191; 19:2726

Powys, John Cowper, signature 17:2468; letter 25:3773

Priestley, Angela Barbara W.L., letter 19:2860

Priestley, J.B., signature 19:2782

Priestley, Mary and Sylvia, letters 19:2829

Q [return to A-Z directory]

Quick, Herbert, partial letter 14:2029

R [return to A-Z directory]

Roberts, Richard H., telegram 28:4250

Roelofs, Garrett E., telegram 26:3989

Roumanoff, Azkaly, Count, signature 16:2212

Rowell, Zulema K., telegram 34:5947

Ruth (?), letter 23:3530

S [return to A-Z directory]

Sabatini, Rafael, letters 20:3027; 21:3042; signature 20:3025

Savery, James, letter 28:4360

Schaeffer, Evelyn S., signature 30:5193; Christmas card from 17:2440; invitation X:1367

Schaffter, Dorothy, letter 15:2102

Sellers, Nell K., letter 17:2397

Setzer, Mrs. Theodore, note 34:5962

Shambaugh, Bennie, letter 21:3110

Shambaugh, Benjamin, letter 12:1716

Shambaugh, Benjamin, telegrams 16:2290; 15:2089; (2) 16:2322; 18:2545; 19:2746; 19:2857; 20:2927; 21:3147; (2) 24:3575; (3) 28:4230; 28:4363; 29:5067

Shambaugh, Benjamin (and others), telegrams 17:2448

Shambaugh, Benjamin to Bertha, telegrams 11:1451

Shambaugh, George E., letters 32:5682; 19:2745

Sherman, Rhea, letter 19:2727

Shimek, Bohumil, signature 21:3177; letter 21:3196

Shipley, Lucy, letter 19:2718

Shirley (?), note 18:2679; 19:2875

Siems, Alice Littig, letter 19:2762

Sly, Blanche, note 26:3871

Sly, John F., letter 25:3784

Smith, Olive Cole, letter (in part). 34:6159

Smith, Oral S., letter 23:3485

Sowers, W. Leigh, note 13:1855

Starbuck, Edwin D., note 14:1938; letter 21:3186

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, note 15:2148; note and signature 17:2476; letter 25:3807; signature 26:4011; note 27:4206

Stout, Mrs., note 31:5341

Sturgiss, Helen Marie, letter 36:6448

Sullivan, Mark, signature 29:5063

T[return to A-Z directory]

Taylor, Mrs., note VIII:1132

TePaske, Anthony and Agnes, letter 17:2533a

Tesar, Agnes, photo 28:4325

Thomas, Harold Carlisle, two photos 26:4026; note 27:4082; drawing from. 27:4126

Thornton, H.J., note 27:4071

Thornton, Norma Nadine, letter 27:4139

Topity and Kakie, telegram 16:2232

Turpin (?), Jean (?), letter 32:5488

V[return to A-Z directory]

Van Doren, Carl, letter 35:6241

Van Eaton, Mrs., letter (in part). 32:5603

Veilker (sp?), Anthony, note 23:3377

Von Nostitz Hindenburg, Helene, letter 20:3012; signature 20:3007

W[return to A-Z directory]

Wagner, Dorothy, thank you. 23:3492

Waller (sp?), M/M Henry G., Christmas card from. V:722

Walpole, Hugh, photo 12:1742; signatures 12:1601; 17:2503

Waymack, W.W., letter 29:5079

Weatherly, Arthur L., letter 18:2542

Weatherly, Clara Jones, card. 36:6479

Weld, Lauran G., letter 14:2023

Wells, Linton, card. 35:6294

Whalen, Grover, letter 32:5672

Wheeler Dear, Betsy, note 27:4126

Wilcox, Francis D., signature 23:3521

Wilcox, Mary De V., letter 23:3403

Wilder, Thornton, letters 16:2296; 30:5199; note 16:2295; signature 22:3343

Wilkins, Hubert, letter 18:2689; signature 18:2683

Will (?), letter 20:2936

Williamson, J.E., photo 17:2385; postcard 21:3105; signatures 19:2761; 21:3048

Wilson, John, cards signed by. 13:1882

Wise Smith, Ida B., letter (in part). 28:4301

Wylie, Dr. Dwight W., letter III:507

Wyman (?), Harold and Elsbeth, telegram 30:5191

Wyman, Elsbeth Roline, letter 30:5139; 30:5164

Z [return to A-Z directory]

Zung-Chung Mo, letter 15:2093

Other [return to A-Z directory]

Unidentified letters 18:2624; 19:2741

Unidentified telegrams. 19:2721; Two telegrams. 30:5218

Thank you's, miscellaneous 32:5565

Amana Society, letter 22:3369

Birthday, notes 17:2493

Christmas Cards. 28:4384 -- 4385

First Day Cover Iowa Centennial, postage stamp

Iowa Authors Club, cards, 31:5278; 29:5090

Iowa City, photos 35:6202

National IOWA Night, annotated program. 12:1649

Sample ballot. 14:1920

Valley Forge, two uncancelled postage stamps, two cents