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Shambaugh Family Papers:
Photographs of Individuals

RG 99.0152

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries upon the death of Mrs. Shambaugh. Guide posted to Internet: May 1998; revised 2006 and 2008.

Photographs: As noted below









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Box Contents List

This index, organized alphabetically by name, includes all individuals, excluding members of the Shambaugh and Horack families, identified in the box/folder series, the two Photographic Record volumes, and in the House Books.

#/# = box #/folder #
I or II:# = Photographic Record, volume I or II:page #
#:# = House Book #:page #

Affleck, Benjamin Franklin, 35:6392

Allen, Ethan P., with note 25:3759

Alt, Joseph, built rail fence near North Liberty, 42/10

Anet, Claude, with signature 15:2158

Alexander, Grand Duke, January 14, 1929, 42/9

Bowman, BSF, Gilmore, Jessup, and Lowden, 26:3993

Browne, Lewis, photo 17:2422

Chang, Mrs. and BFS, 26:3895

Chiwiwi, Maria, with BFS, June 1933, I:106-107 (2) *38.20 -- 38.21

Chase, Stuart, 20:3020

Chong, Dr. and BFS, in graduation robes, 1934, I:145

Cousins, Elberta Jeanne, 36:6490

Dickinson, L.J, Henry A. Wallace, BFS, H.M. Havner, Ingham, Harvey, 15:2037

Diasuouou (spelling?), Victoriaus (family), 21:3047

Edib, Halide, with signature 15:2178

Frank, Glenn, X:1345

Frank, Louis, 13:1828

Franklins, Benjamin, 130 *56.16

Garland, Hamlin, autographed 28:4216; with letter 32:5511; autographed 19:2844

Garland, M/M Hamlin, 28:4299

and BFS and BMHS, 14:1955

Gilmore, BFS, Jessup, Bowman, and Lowden, photo 26:3993

Guedalla, Philip, 12:1661

Harold (?), 23:3508 (2)

Havner, H.M,, Henry A. Wallace, BFS, L.J. Dickinson, Ingham, Harvey, 15:2037

Henningsen, Artemus, 34:6162

Hoffman, Sarah Paine, Kraschel (Governor-elect), and BFS, 30:5182

Hughes, William Morris "Right Honorable", VIII:1135

Ingham, Harvey, Henry A.Wallace, BFS, L.J. Dickinson, H.M. Havner, 15:2037

Jessup, BFS, Gilmore, Bowman, and Lowden, 26:3993

Jessup and BFS, 25:3835

Jones, Laurence, and BFS, 33:5742

Kessler, Count, VIII:1127

King, Clyde L., letter 18:2702; 18:2587

Kinnick, Nile, 133

Lowden, Frank D. , and BFS, 26:3971

Kraschel (Governor-elect), Sarah Paine Hoffman, and BFS, 30:5182

Lowden, BFS, Gilmore, Jessup, Bowman, and Lowden, 26:3993

Mann, Erika, II:129

Musser, William, profile at sunset, 42/10

Partridge, Pauline Kimball, 32:5646

Patricks, the, signed 36:6473

Phleps, William Lyon, and Thornton Wilder, 16:2297

Pickard, Josiah L., and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, 42/14 (5)

Prorok (spelling?), Count, 29:4413

Rowell, Clayton and Zulema, 34:5948

Ruff, Henry J., 34:5962

Setzer, Roy and Theodore, 34:5962 (2)

Smith, T.V., and BFS, (half-tone) II:124 *56.15 (no print)

Swan, Chauncey, and Dolly Bowen Swan, 35:6344

Swan, Chauncey and Dolly II:127 -- 128 (original daguerreotypes at SHSI)

Swinnerton, Frank, 11:1539

Thomas, Harold Carlisle, 26:4026 (2)

Turpin, Jean, photo 32:5489

Wallace, Henry A., BFS, L.J. Dickinson, H.M. Havner, Ingham, Harvey, 15:2037

Wallace, Henry, BFS at Commonwealth Conference, 42/7

Walpole, Hugh, 12:1742

Wilcox, Mrs. And sister, X:1430

Wilder, Thornton, and William Lyon Phelps, 16:2297

Williamson, J.E., 17:2385