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Shambaugh Family Papers:
Subject Files

RG 99.0152
Collection Dates: 1880s-1952
1.25 ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

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Acquisition and Processing Information: These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries upon the death of Mrs. Shambaugh. Guide posted to Internet: May 1998; revised 2006 and 2008.

Photographs: Noted below









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Box Contents List



Box 34 Amana, Creed of the Community of True Inspiration, 42 photographs

Box 36 European trip, 1910, 56 photographs

Box 37 European trip, 1910, 46 photographs

Box 39 Photograph place cards

Box 40 Philadelphia sesquicentennial, 1926, Iowa Corn Folk, 29 photographs

Box 34 [return to top of page]

Addams, Jane

Agassiz Association


articles of incorporation and by-laws

Grace E. Chaffee, correspondence and articles, 1920 -- 1930

clippings re books and Torch Press Catalog

correspondence about, 1900 -- 1950, includes Johnson Brigham T.L.S. and William J. Petersen T.L.S.

(ADD) correspondence with, 1901 -- 1908

creed of the Community of True Inspiration

economic and some of the industrial phases of Amana Society or Community of True Inspiration, 1901, includes correspondence

Christian Metz testimonies about the Civil War

minutes of the Reorganization Committee, 1931


Palimpsest, July 1921, May 1936, June 1950 includes letter from Dr. Henry G. Moershel

photographs, 42 black and white and 1 negative (2 folders)

publications of the Society, 1930 -- 1952

reviews, second book, 1933

Box 35

Amana, creed of the Community of True Inspiration, cont.

Millard Milburn Rice. “Eighty-nine years of collective living,” Harpers Magazine (October 1938), pages 523 -- 527

Mr. Roberts (Confidential), names of people and questions

school program with letter from teacher and school rhymes in German

Iola Thomas. “A Utopia that Prospered.” Travel, vol 72: no 3 (January 1939), pages 19 -- 21+

The World War

Bibliography of Benjamin F. Shambaugh, compiled May 1913

Bertha Shambaugh 1927 revised 1933

Biographical sketches of Benjamin F. Shambaugh

Bertha M.H. Shambaugh

Biography of Benjamin F. Shambaugh, Centennial Memoirs by Nellie Slayton Aurner, 1947

in Iowa Alumnus, vol  IV: no 2 (November 1906), pages 33 -- 39 by John Springer

in the Iowa Journal of History and Politics, vol XXXVIII: no 3 (July 1940), pages 227-233 by Dr. Ruth A. Gallaher

notes for (some duplicates) (2 folders)

Biography of Bertha M. H. Shambaugh, in The Arrow of Pi Beta Phi, vol  50: no 2 (November 1933), pages 188 -- 190

Dr. Sudhindra Bose: Pioneer Indian Educator in America, by Frank R. Miller

Bronze bust of Benjamin F. Shambaugh, draft of legend

Calling cards, invitations, and notes. (2 folders: 1st folder includes 2 from Frederick Jackson Turner)

Box 36 [return to top of page]

Calling cards, invitations and notes

Campus Course and library including comments concerning


Class song

The Commentator (January 1886 -- June 1889)

Commonwealth Conference, June 29, 1930

Correspondence mainly between Benjamin and George Shambaugh, 1912 -- 1935

Cousins, Dr. James H.

Death and Funeral Arrangements for Bertha M.H. Shambaugh

Early Iowa City

European Trip 1910, Bertha M.H. Shambaugh's diary

Miscellaneous items

The Passion Play at Oberammergau

Photographs, 56 items

Box 37 [return to top of page]

European Trip 1910, Bertha M.H. Shambaugh's diary, cont.

Photographs, 46 items

Postcards, some written and some not written

Faculty Protests

Four-Minute Men Committee on Public Information during the war of 1917 -- 1918

Benjamin Franklin Society

Freshman Banquet S.U.I. Class of 1893

Hamlin Garland Literary Society, ca. 1925 -- 1929

Greeting booklets, ca. 1880’s (2 folders)

Greeting cards, ca. 1880’s

Greeting cards (primarily Christmas), some from dignitaries, mostly undated, A -- G

Box 38

Greeting cards (primarily Christmas), some from dignitaries, mostly undated, H -- W

Greeting cards sent by the Shambaughs

High school graduation of Bertha M. Horak, June 7, 1889

The House

Illustrations and one loose page manuscript, Bertha M. H. Shambaugh (includes wildflowers)

Iowa Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1915, 1935 -- 1940

Iowa Statehood Centennial Commemorative Stamp Souvenir Program and First Day Cover, August 3, 1946

Journal of Benjamin F. Shambaugh, February 23, 1905 -- February 24, 1906

King Corn in color from Richman’s Ioway to Iowa. (2 copies, autographed)

League of American Pen Women, 1918 -- 1919, including Ruth Hoxie A.L.S.

Memorial for Benjamin F. Shambaugh

Service and memorial

tributes, including memorial service and correspondence, some duplicates, 1940

Memorial volume

Box 39 [return to top of page]

Memorial for Benjamin F. Shambaugh, cont.

first notes collected for

mailing list, April 17, 1941


Miscellaneous, Benjamin F. Shambaugh

Benjamin and Bertha Shambaugh

Bertha M. H. Shambaugh

Mississippi Valley Historical Association

New York’s World Fair 1939 - Advertising

Correspondence, 1938 -- 1940, including 2 Dorothy Houghton postcards

information bulletins, postmarked August 12, 1938

printed items

“Teaching the New York World’s Fair” No. 1 -- 4

Newspaper clippings of Benjamin F. Shambaugh

Bertha M. H. Shambaugh's notes about Benjamin F. Shambaugh

made at hospital during Benjamin F. Shambaugh’s final illness, 1940

about the collection

Old Capitol, by Fred Pownall, with notes by Bertha M. H. Shambaugh. (2 copies)

Photograph place cards, some autographed and dated

Postcards, miscellaneous

Purchases in Mexico

Receipts, 1896 -- 1898, 1903

The Old Stone Capitol

Richman, Irving manuscript, Ioway to Iowa, notes by Bertha M. H. Shambaugh

Box 40 [return to top of page]

S.U.I. Class of 1892

S.U.I. Quill, vol 1: no 1 (September 19, 1891), cover with photographs of Benjamin F. Shambaugh

Salary of Benjamin F. Shambaugh, 1909 -- 1910 including correspondence, Luther A. Brewer T.L.S.

Sanxay, Theodore, correspondence concerning Iowa State University, Ames, 1914 -- 1917 including George E. MacLean A.L.S. and John P. Irish T.L.S.

Scrapbook of Bertha M. Horak, ca. early 1880’s including Valentines

Scrapbook ca. 1885

Sesquicentennial, Philadelphia, 1926 - Iowa Corn Folk, mainly correspondence including 3 letters from Governor John Hammill, 1926 -- 1927

Iowa Corn Folk, 29 black and white Photographs

Pamphlets and brochures concerning

Shambaugh Family History

Shambaugh reunion and picnic invitations, 1924 -- 1930

St. Louis World’s Fair, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904

State Historical Society of Iowa

Swan, Chauncey, including some on Father Mazzuchelli

Teacher’s Certificates of Bertha M. Horak, 1892 -- 1896

Territorial seal, used by Historical Society and the University of Iowa

Box 41

Tributes to Benjamin F. Shambaugh, collected after printing of memorial volume

for memorial volume (2 folders)

Unitarian and Universalist church

University of Iowa Library, 1948

WSUI Music Selection for opening of Campus Course Hour, February 13, 1935

Ward, Duren J.H. The Far-Reaching Foundation toward Safer Civilization, correspondence, 1934 -- 1940

programs, mausoleum information and more, ca. 1929 -- 1938

Whitby Literary Society, 1918 -- 1923

World War I

Zetagathian Society, Benjamin F. Shambaugh, ca. 1890