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Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Brian Knapp Fanzine Collection
MsC 294
Collection Dates: 1972-2003

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was donated by Brian Knapp, in cooperation with the Organization for Transformative Works, in September 2009. It was processed in September 2009.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

The Knapp Fanzine Collection consists of numerous fanzines collected by Connecticut-based fan Brian Knapp. Most of the zines deal with the television show Star Trek (many dating from the earlier years of Trek fandom), but other media properties chronicled in the zines include, among others, Doctor Who and Star Wars.

In addition to the zines, the collection also has a few program books from various science fiction conventions.



Related Materials

For other fannish collections, many of which contain materials relating to the same media fandoms chronicled in this collection, please consult the Fandom-Related Collections subject page, at

Box Contents List


Box 1


Doctor Who

                  The Eye of Harmony #1 – 4 (1979-October 1980)


                  Time Log #5 (Fall 1982)

                  Who’s Doodlebug (1980)



                  Antares, vol. 5 #1, n.d.

                  Creative Computing, no issue # (May/June 1975)

                  Doesn’t This Office Just Scream For Accessories…. #1 (1980)

                  Hailing Frequency, vol. 4, no. 2 #8 (March 1979)

                  1985 #2 (February 1979)


Katherine Kurtz (Deryni)

                  The Deryni Archives #2 (July 1979)


The Lord of the Rings

                  The Plantir #1 (1978?)



                  Diverse Dimensions (May 1982)


The Prisoner

                  The Green Dome #2 – 3 (March-July 1980)


Sime/Gen Universe

                  Of Simes, Gens, Adepts, Kren… (1980)


Star Trek

                  Alpha Touch #1 (1979)

                  Alternate Universe #4, vols. 1-2 (1974-1975)

                  Archives #1 – 2 (Winter-Summer 1978)

                  Contact #2 – 3 (May 1976-March 1977)

                  Echoes of the Empire (1978)

                  Fanzine by Shuttlecraft [Audio Fanzine-Mpingo Press] (1978)

                  Future Wings (1978)

                  Future Wings Flypast (1979)

                  The Goddess Uhura (February 1976)

                  IDIC #6 (1978)

                  J.D.I.F.C (James Doohan International  Fan Club) 1978 Annual, issues for January, August and October 1979 [Anna Hreha, ed.]

                  Kraith Collected #1 – 3 (Originally Printed 1972-1973)

                  Kraith Collected #4 – 6 (Originally Printed 1974-1980)

                  Kraith Creator’s Manual #1 (Originally Printed 1972, 2nd edition April 1975)

                  Masiform-D #6 – 7 (July 1977-July 1978)

                  Menagerie #12, #14 – 15 [boojums Press, pub.] (1977-May 1979)

                  NTM Collected #1 (1978)

                  The Prime Directive #1 (1975)

                  Quartet (January 1975)

                  R & R #6/7 (Spring 1978)

                  Rim of Starlight #2 (1978)

                  Sahaj Collected (Originally Printed December 1977, reprinted 1979)

                  Satire Trek Comicordance (February 1975)

                  Sing a Song of Trekkin’: A Fun-Filled Folio of 20 Trekker Filk Songs (1979)

                  Sol Plus #5 (July 1978)

                  Spockanalia #3 (3rd printing, October 1975), #5 (3rd printing, August 1976)

                  Star Base 10, vol. 2 #1 (1975?)

                  Star Trek Magazine #4 (1977?)

                  Stars, Dreams, and Fantasy (February 1979)


Box 2


Star Trek

                  Threshold (January 1978)

                  Understanding Kraith , n.d.


Star Wars

                  The Jedi Journal #1 (May 1979)

                  Lasergram (National Star Wars Association) #1 – 9/10/11 (September 1977-May/June/July 1978)


Convention Materials

                  Arisia ’03 [Boston: 2003]: Program Book

                  Boskone 24 [Boston: 1987]: Program Book

                  Creation ’79 [New York, NY: 1979): Pamphlet

                  I-CON 18 [Stony Brook, NY: 1999]: Program Book

                  Mini Trek Con 3 [New York, NY: 1977]: Program Book

                  Star Trek New York 1976 [New York, NY: 1976): Program Book