The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Mariellen (Ming) Wathne Fanzine Archives Collection Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was acquired from Ming Wathne and her associates, in cooperation with the Organization for Transformative Works, in April 2009. It was processed by Jeremy Brett and Denise Anderson in June-July 2009. Thanks are due to fan Pepper Ckua for providing necessary corrections to the boxlist. Photographs: None |
Scope and Contents
This collection contains the holdings of Wathne's Fanzine Archives, a self-proclaimed "Library for the Preservation & Circulation of Fan-created Material". Nearly all of the collection consists of fanzines and fan fiction relating to a number of different science fiction and fantasy media fandoms. The largest of these fandoms are Star Trek and Star Wars, traditional loci of fannish interest; however, the range of media properties extends from popular favorites such as Doctor Who, Blake's 7 and The X-Files, through smaller cult shows like Beauty and the Beast and Stargate: SG-1, to more obscure titles like The Sentinel, Robin of Sherwood, and Highlander: The Series. Most of the fandoms represented concern movies or television shows, although there are a few in the collection devoted to literary properties (such as the Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey or the Darkover universe of Marion Zimmer Bradley).
More general categories include Multimedia, which includes zines or anthologies of stories encompassing multiple fandoms; and Crossover, which describes stories in which characters and universes from different fandoms encounter each other (for example, a cosmic wormhole might suck the U.S.S. Enterprise out of its own universe into that of Star Wars, or Sam Beckett of Quantum Leap might leap into the body of The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'s Napoleon Solo). Another general category is termed Genzines: the materials in this category are mostly general interest science fiction and fantasy-oriented zines, with a few perzines (personal zines) thrown in.
An additional Assorted category includes stories or zines for various fandoms whose relatively insignificant presences in the Fanzine Archives do not justify giving them their own section here in the collection. (Note that this does not mean that a media property which is underrepresented in the FA does not have a strong following in its own right. For example, there exist vocal fan audiences for the television shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Xena: Warrior Princess, even though very few publications relating to those shows are present in the FA Collection.)
Most of the collection is composed of fan fiction - short stories, novellas and entire novels. A not-insignificant percentage of this fan fiction is "slash", that is, fiction that concentrates on sexual relationships between two or more characters of the same sex. A particular category, Fan Fiction, is given over to fan fiction that is not concerned with an existing fandom but rather with original stories and characters.
Among the Star Wars materials, there is a large collection of comic books devoted to that film saga. Most of the comics were published by Dark Horse Comics during the release of the Prequel Trilogy of films, but there is a complete run of the Marvel Comics series produced during and after the release of the Original Trilogy.
A smaller section of the collection [Series II] consists of miscellaneous materials that accrued as part of Wathne's collection. Some of the materials relate to the administration of the Fanzine Archives itself. A large sub-section of the Miscellaneous section consists of scripts for various media properties, including episodes of Star Trek, Miami Vice, and Starsky and Hutch. There are also some scattered items relating to various science fiction conventions.
Media Properties In The Wathne Collection
Assorted Media Properties
Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979)
Beauty and the Beast
Blake’s 7
Marion Zimmer Bradley (Darkover)
Doctor Who (1963-1984, 1986-1989)
Fan Fiction (Original)
Harrison Ford
Forever Knight
Highlander: The Series
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Anne McCaffrey (Pern)
The Professionals
Quantum Leap
The Real Ghostbusters
Robin of Sherwood
The Sentinel
Simon & Simon
Stargate SG-1
Starsky and Hutch
Star Trek
Star Wars
War Of The Worlds (TV)
The X-Files
Note on Star Trek
Researchers will note that, in the box list, many of the entries under the Star Trek category have three-letter designations. These refer to the particular incarnation of the Star Trek series of television shows to which the zine or piece of fan fiction refers.
TOS: Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969), plus the first 6 Star Trek films (1979-1991)
TNG: Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994), plus the next 4 Star Trek films (1994-2002)
DS9: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)
VGR: Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)
All materials predating 1987, obviously, refer only to the Original Series. After 1987, any publication without a three-letter code has material relating to more than one incarnation of the show. The Wathne Collection does not contain any material concerning the latest Star Trek series, Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005).
Historical Note
The Fanzine Archives, a non-profit organization, was founded by Ming Wathne in May 1988. Wathne operated the FA out of her home in Santa Barbara, California, until her retirement for health reasons in the fall of 2008. The Fanzine Archives was designed to preserve and circulate fanzines and other fannish material through the maintenance of a extensive permanent archive. The archive served as a source of research by interested parties, and complemented the FA's active circulating library of titles. The library collection consisted of copies of original zines (housed in the permanent archive), and were available for borrowing by members, who laid down money deposits to secure borrowing privileges.
Wathne would distribute lists of available titles for borrowing. Once a month, she would mail the zines via UPS or insured priority mail to borrowers. Materials had a 40-day loan period; afterwards a late fee was levied each day until the item was returned. The FA grew through donations of materials from friends and other fans, either to the collection itself or for sale to increase the organization's endowment or otherwise support the FA's activities. Interested parties could "sponsor" as well; that is, they could pay the fees necessary to copy an item from the permanent archive and move it to the circulating list.
The Star Wars series of films are largely responsible for the existence of the Fanzine Archives. Lucasfilm had made a concerted effort since 1981 to collect copies of every fanzine with Star Wars content, but after a few years it abandoned the attempt and offered the zines it had collected to interested parties. A group of fans in Seattle, WA, first learned of the impending fanzine discard from Maureen Garrett, who ran the Star Wars Fan Club at the time. These fans agreed to receive the fanzines and to catalog, establish, and run a lending library from the collection for a year. When other obligations interfered with maintaining the library, Wathne accepted the collection and stored it in her garage; she named the collection the Corellian Archives and established it as a permanent repository for Star Wars-related zines. By the 1990s Wathne had begun accepting zines and fannish materials from other fandoms as well, and her ever-expanding collection was renamed the Fanzine Archives.
Wathne was herself an active fan writer and editor, producing, among others, the Star Wars zine Bright Center of the Universe.
Ming Wathne passed away on December 17, 2010.
Related Materials
For other fannish collections, many of which contain materials relating to the same media fandoms chronicled in this collection, please consult the Fandom-Related Collections subject page, at
Box Contents List
Series I: Fanzines and Fan Fiction
Box 1
The A-Team
Nightmare (May 1990)
Plans, Scams, and Vans #2 (March 1996); #4 (May 1997)
Miscellaneous Affairs #1 (January 1988)
Mach-1 Plus (1986)
Moon, Mist and Madness (1987)
Alien Nation
Deep Hum (1993)
Fresh Beaver Tails (1992)
Rokah/ (March 1997)
Sardonac (1991)
A Tenctonese Guide to the Universe: An Alien Nation Episode Guide (March 1990)
Tenctonese Tales #1 (November 1990)
Once More, With Feeling (May 1990)
Slipstream #1 (May 2002); #4 (May 2004)
Shutting Doors (n.d.)
Black Adder
Cunning Plots (1993)
Blade Runner
Cityspeak: The Special Edition (January 1988)
Buckaroo Banzai
The Penny Paradox #2-3? (1986-1987)
A Wrinkle in Time (1992)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Bite Me (1999)
A Snack Before Dinner (1998?)
The All Expense Paid Tour #1 (February 1995)
Addington International: Restricted Files #2 (1993)
Dark Shadows
Tryst of Dark Shadows (1981)
The World of Dark Shadows #29 (1981)
Wyndcliffe Watch #4 (February 1990)
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (January 1976)
Due South
City Light (n.d.)
Out of the Depths (1996) [CZ]
Partial Recall (May 1995)
Pure Maple Syrup #3 (July 1996)
Shelter From the Storm (n.d.)
The Star of Palermo (1997)
The Equalizer
The Equalizer Report #1 (May 1989)
The Equalizer Report #3 (December 1990)
Field Studies (November 1995)
A Guide to the Equalizer Episodes (n.d.)
Invictus #1-2 (November 1991-May 1992)
Box 2
The Equalizer
Invictus #3 (October 1992)
Invictus #4-5 (May 1993-May 1994)
Unforgotten Sins (1997)
Eroica Yori Ai O Komete
Guns and Red Roses (1989)
Escape From New York
Dark Paradise…Tails of the Snake (n.d.)
How Do You Like Your Blue-Eyed Boy ] (1994?)
Snakebit #1-2 (June 1984-November 1988)
Friday the 13th: The Series
Curses Foiled Again (November 1992)
The Fugitive
On the Run, vol. 3, #2 (October 1993)
Garrison’s Gorillas
Castle Ruideg (n.d.)
Hardcastle & McCormick
Casefiles #1-2 (March/April-May/June 1986); #4-5 (September/October-November/December 1986)
The Hard Side of Yesterday (November 1987)
Harry Potter
Angels and Devils (2005)
Assorted Brief Stories (n.d.)
Bound to an Enemy (2003)
Fixing Broken Glass (2004)
Harry Potter and the Judgement of Fools (2004)
Harry Potter and Salazar’s Talisman, chapters 1-8 (n.d.)
Harry Potter and Salazar’s Talisman, chapters 9-15 (n.d.)
Harry Potter and Salazar’s Talisman, chapters 16-22 (n.d.)
Lest the Darkness Take You (2003)
While You Sleep (2003)
Hawaii Five-O
Pau Hana #1-3 (1992-1993)
Was the Trip Worth It? (1969-1993)
Horatio Hornblower
Horatio Hornblower and the Prix d’ Amor (December 2002)
Hornblower and the Spanish Doctor (2000)
Box 3
Houston Knights
Lone Star Knights #1 (April 1989)
In the Heat of the Night
Heat Source #1 (July 1995); #5-17 (March 1996-March 1998); #22-24 (January-May 1999)
Knight Rider
Knightales #2-3 (1986-1987)
Katherine Kurtz (Deryni)
The Deryni Archives #1-12 (December 1978-Fall 1986)
Land of the Giants
Deanna Gram #3-4 (Fall 1993-Winter 1994)
Lethal Weapon
Doin’ the Job #1-2 (May 1988-May 1991)
The Lost Boys
I Still Believe (October 1995)
Lost in the Shadows (May 1989)
Have Swiss Army Knife…Will Travel (May 1994)
Rules Are Meant to Be… #3 (2001)
The Magnificent Seven (TV)
Ace in the Hole (1998)
Magnum, P. I.
Robin’s Nest #1-3 (1984-1986)
Max Headroom
Maxzine #1-2 (May 1990-May 1993)
Miami Vice
Company Policy (1990)
Crockett-Dial #3-4 (n.d., January 1990)
Crockett-Dial #5-6 (December 1991-1996)
Friday’s Child (2001)
Gold Coast #3-5 (September 1989-September 1996)
Long Time Gone (1992)
The Miami Vice Episode Guide and Index (September 1986)
My Vice (1987)
Out Where the Buses Don’t Run (1994)
Sanity Maintenance #2 (1987)
Box 4
Miami Vice
Sanity Maintenance #3 (1988)
Sins and Vices (2002)
Various stories [various authors] (n.d.)
Wicked Game, Wicked Dreams (n.d.)
Nightmare on Elm Street
Shattered Dreams (March 1989)
The Phantom of the Opera
Monsieur Gargoyle (n.d.)
Poltergeist:The Legacy
Archives: Journals of the Legacy #1-2 (May 1997-May 1999)
The Prisoner
The Green Dome, vol. 1, #1-6 (January 1980); vol. 2, #1 (April 1981); #6/7/8 (August 1982?)
Box 5
The Questor Tapes
The Vaslovik Archives #4-5 (May 1981-April 1985)
The Rat Patrol
Just Deserts #1 (November 1985)
Red Dwarf
Stasis Leak #2 (1993)
Black Sheep, Gray Sheep (May 1989)
The Pilot’s Prayer #1 (June 1986)
Sacrifices (February 1998)
The Road Warrior
Outrider (May 1993)
Road Warrior Revisited #1 (March 1984)
The Sandbaggers
First Principles (1991)
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Friend or Foe (1993)
A Need to Know (1996)
The Scarecrow Files (November 1988)
Seaquest DSV
Bridger’s Folly #1 (November 1994)
Box 6
Seaquest DSV
Darwin’s Log #1-2 (November 1995-January 1997)
Depth Charge #1; #3-4 (n.d.)
Fish Tales #1-3 (November 1994-January 1996)
Mindshadows (March 1994)
Shadow Chasers
Always a Price to Pay (April 1987)
Blue Shadows (February 1988)
Soldier of Fortune, Inc.
Good to Go #1 (January 1999)
Space: Above and Beyond
Chains of Being (1996)
Ivory and Horn (1996?)
Space 1999
Eagle: 1 #5-6 (January/February-July/August 1978)
Box 7
Stargate Atlantis
Assorted stories [Net published] A-F (2004-2005, n.d.)
Assorted stories [Net published] G-W (2004-2005, n.d.)
Amazing Variety: A Window to the Starman Universe (September 1993)
Blue Lights #20/21-23 (February/March-Summer 1989); #25/26 (Fall 1989); #49/50 (Spring/Summer 1994); #59/60-61/62 (Fall 1996/Winter 1997-Spring/Fall 1997); #69/70 (2001)
Captured! (1987)
Credits Where Credits Are Due (October 1994)
Good Things from the Starman Universe: A Buyer’s Guide (Fall 1988)
Box 8
He’s a Man, George! (1988)
Silver Spheres (1988)
The Sands of Silence (March 1988)
Songs of the Sphere #1-3 (May 1988-July 1989)
The Spirit of Starman (1991)
Visit from Home (October 1987)
Why Do They Hate Me? (1988)
Another Small Favor (1990)
More Small Favors (May 1989)
….Small Favors (1988)
Tales of the Gold Monkey
Cutters Goose #1 - 2 (May 1985-May 1987)
Box 9
21 Jump Street
The Choir Boys #1 (May 1991)
Twin Peaks
The Power Star Yearbook (1993)
Flightplan #2-3 (May 1992-February 1993)
Dial “S” (1990)
Lizards of Oz #1-2 (1988-1990)
Pretanama: Keepers of the Light #4 (January 1989)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Anchors Away #2 (1994)
Below the Surface #2 (1990)
Box 10
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
False Faces (1994)
Sir, More Than Kisses (June 1994)
A Consortium of Light (July 1992)
Box 11
McPikus Interruptus #1 (February 1992)
McPikus Interruptus #2-3 (March 1993-February 1994)
McPikus Interruptus #4 (February 1995)
A River That Runs Both Ways (1991)
Wizards and Warriors
The Monocle (1985)
Xena: Warrior Princess
History Cast in Amber (n.d.)
The Young Riders
Cody’s Instincts (1991)
Pony Express #6 (May 1997)
Box 12
Roger Zelazny
Shadow Shiftin’ #2 (1983); #4 (1985)
Zorro: Blade of Justice (1992)
Boxes 13 - 14: Battlestar Galactica (1978-1979)
Box 13
The Adama Journal #5/6 - 9/10 (1980); #13 (1981)
Alternate Conspiracy (1987)
Anomaly #10-12 (1986-1987)
Anomaly #13-18 (September 1987-August 1991)
Anomaly: Battlestar Galactica Concordance (1987)
Apollo’s Odyssey (1980)
Battlestar Review #2 (March 1981)
Blue Squadron Journal #1, n.d.
The Colonials #1 (March 1984)
Galactica 1988: Ten Years Later (December 1988)
Galactica Stuff: A Colonial’s Guide to the Galaxy (1988)
Mind in the Shadows (1983)
Murmurs (1984)
The Pegasus Chronicles: The Battle of Molukai (1983)
The Pegasus Chronicles: Cain’s Command (1988)
The Pegasus Chronicles: Joint Maneuvers (1990)
Box 14
The Pegasus Chronicles: Second Coming (1985)
Purple and Orange? #5? (1980); #14-15 (1982-1983), no issue # (1979?)
The Race for Earth (1990)
Saga of a Star World #2-3 (June 1984-April 1985)
Song of Caprica #1-2 (1981)
Song of Caprica #3-4 (June/July 1982-May 1983)
Tales of the Galactica #1-2 (1982-December 1983)
Thicker than Blood (February 1985)
Viper Visions #1 (1979)
Warrior’s Luck (1985)
Boxes 15 - 20: Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990)
Box 15
Above and Below (1988)
Acquainted with the Night #2 (1991)
Beauty and the Beast Concordance (December 1991)
The Beauty and the Beast Newsletter, vol. 4 #8-10 (December 1993-February 1994)
Beyond the Threshold #1 (1989)
The Book of Secrets #1-2 (1988)
The Book of Secrets #3-4 (1989)
Box 16
The Book of Secrets #5 (December 1989)
Cascade of Dreams #1 (September 1988)
Chamber Cameos #6-7 (1990?)
Crystal Visions (1992)
Definitions of Love #1-2 (1989)
Destiny #1-2 (November 1988-May 1989)
Destiny #3 (1989?)
Box 17
Happily Ever After (1990)
Heartsounds #1-2 (1988-1990)
The Helpers Network Gazette, no issue #s (December 1993-February 1994)
In A Moonless Sky (1990)
Light and Cloudshadows #1 (1988)
A Love for all Seasons (February 1991)
Mask: Tales From the Underground #8 (July 1995)
The Memory Flame #1-2 (1990)
Box 18
Mirrors #1 (July 1988); #3-4 (April 1989-July 1990)
One Day, A Rapture (November 1989)
Pipeline #2? (1988?), #4/5-6/7, n.d.
Possibilities #1: Only Angels Have Wings (1990)
A Promise of Eternity (September 1990)
A Ray of Hope (1989)
The Reunion (July 1994)
Rightfully Mine (May 1991)
Box 19
Safe Places (March 1988)
A Secret Place #1 (1988); #4 (1989)
The Shadow Knight (December 1989)
Box 20
Song of Destiny (March 1992)
Tales From the Litterbox (1988)
Tunnels #1-2 (October 1988-July 1990)
Tunnels of Love #2 (1990), #6 (October 1991)
Vina, Vina #1 (1989)
Vincent’s Voice #16-17 (November-December 1993)
Within the Silver Mirror (June 1990)
Yesterday, A Child (1990)
Boxes 21 - 34: Blake’s 7 (1978-1981)
Box 21
The Alternative Seven #3; #6 (n.d.)
Angelfood (2002)
Avon #1: Aftermath], n.d.
Avon the Terrible (1990)
Between Black and White (n.d.)
Blake, Rabble and Roll #1 (October 1989)
Blake’s Doubles #1 (1988)
Blake’s Doubles #2-3 (1989-1990)
Blake’s Doubles #4/From the Log of the Hellhound #7 (1990)
Blake’s 7 A-Z: An Index to B7 Fiction #1 (n.d.)
Box 22
Blake’s Seven: The Other Side #1-3 (March 1986-March 1987)
Blakesindex (1996)
Brother of Shadows…And Son of the Light (January 1989)
B7 Complex #2 (March 1982); #4-5 (1982-1983)
B7 Complex #6-7 (May 1984); #10 (Winter 1987)
But Love Has Never Known a Law (1985)
Checkers (1992)
Chimaera (n.d.)
The Chronicles #11-13 (October 1983-January 1984); #16 (September 1984); #31 (October 1987)
Box 23
Chronicles Annual (1986-1987)
Dark Between the Stars #1 (1989)
Dark Between the Stars #2 (1990)
Deadlier Than the Male (1997)
A Delicate Balance (May 1995)
Desperado (June 1989)
Different Destinies #1 (1989)
Down and Unsafe #5 (1986?)
The Drake’s Seven Comic Book (1980)
Dreams Inc. #3/4 (January/April 1982)
Box 24
Dreamscape (1983)
The Epic (1979)
Evasive Maneuvers (1994)
Fantasia II: The One That Got Away (August 1988)
Fear (1989)
Fifth Season #1-2 (July 1982-May 1983)
Fifth Season #3-4 (1984?-January 1986)
Fifth Season #5-6 (August 1988-May 1990)
Figurehead (n.d.)
Flakes Seven 1983 Annual (1982)
Forbidden Zone #1 (n.d.)
Forever Live and Die (1989)
The Freedom City Gazette #1-3 (January-July 1987); #5-8 (1989-1990)
From the Log of the Hellhound #1-2 (February 1988; n.d.); #8 (1990?)
Figurehead ] (March 1983)
Gambit #4 (May 1989)
Gambit #13 (1995)
Gambit #14 (November 1996)
Game, Set and Match (n.d.)
Horizon #7 (n.d.); #9-10 (n.d.-April 1987); #13 (June 1989)
Horizon: The Blake’s Seven Appreciation Society #1-2 (1984?); #16 (n.d.)
The Horizon Interviews (March 1988)
Input #1-3 (February 1988-December 1989)
Islands (1989)
Jabberwocky #1-3 (n.d.-March 1987)
The Last, Best Hope (1988)
Last Stand at the Edge of the World (n.d.)
Box 25
Liberation #2-3 (1990-1991)
Liberator #8: The Estradian Recruitment (n.d.)
Live to Tell: 5th Season, Episode Two (1990)
Lone Star (1986)
The Long Way Back (1989)
Lunatic Heroes (June 1989)
The Machiavelli Factor (March 1996)
Magnificent Seven #1-3 (n.d.; July 1984-July 1986)
Magnificent Seven #4-5 (August 1987-February 1988)
Box 26
Magnificent Seven #6-7 (February-November 1988)
Magnificent Seven #8-9 (December 1989-March 1991)
Magnificent Tails #2 (February 1989)
Man of Iron (n.d.)
Box 27
Mascarada (1988?)
Memory Play (October 1990)
The Mind of a Man is a Double-Edged Sword (September 1983)
Mindfire (September 1979)
Mirage (1988)
Morgan (December 1998)
Necessities (October 1989)
New Horizons #4-6 (July 1986)
New Horizons #10-11 (March 1988)
Notes From the Underground vol. 1, #4; no issue number (December 1986, n.d.); vol. 2, #5 (February 1987; no issue number (April, June, August 1987, n.d. 1987)
Oracle (n.d.)
Outer Worlds (1987)
Box 28
Powerplay #2-3 (January-July 1988)
Powerplay #5-6 (April 1989-1989?)
The Quibell Abduction (1980)
Raising Hell #1 (October 1987)
Rebel Desires #2 (January 1995)
Rebel Destinies #1 (January 1994)
Reflections in a Shattered Glass (1989)
Box 29
Resistance #1-3 (September 1987-January 1989)
Resistance #5 (January 1991); #7 (February 1993)
Revelations (March 1983)
Roads Not Taken (1992)
Sanction (n.d.)
Serrated Seven #1 (1993)
The Seven Live On #4 (July 1990)
Shadow #1-2 (1985-1986)
Box 30
Shadow at the Edge (1995)
Shadow Imaginings #1-2 (January 1988-1989)
Shadowplay (n.d.)
Shaman (1990)
Southern Lights Special #2.5 (March 1986)
Southern Seven #1-2 (November 1986-October 1987)
Southern Seven #3-4 (August 1988-1988)
Box 31
Southern Seven #5 (1989)
Southern Seven #6-7 (October 1991-April 1992)
Southern Seven #8-9 (May 1994)
Southern Seven #10 (May 1995)
Spacefall #3: Port in the Storm (n.d.)
Spacefall #5 (n.d.)
Box 32
Spacefall Bumper Issue (n.d.)
Spacefall, Best of #1 (n.d.)
Spirits in the Material World (1991)
Standard By Several #2 (1988)
Star Two (October 1994)
Strategies (1986)
Straight Blake’s (1988)
Survivor (n.d.)
Tales from New Wales (1986)
Tarial Cell #1-2 (1980)
The Tartarus Incident], n.d.
Ten-Credit Touch: The Lighter Side of B7 Kink (1993)
Threads Through Infinity (1991)
Box 33
Trust, Like the Soul (1988)
Velvet and Thorns (n.d.)
Visions in Blue (1992)
The Void Aflame, Like a Bonfire (1989)
The Way Back (March 1995)
The World Turned Upside-Down #1 (July 1987)
Box 34
The Zylanorr #1-2 (March 1990)
Boxes 35 - 36: Marion Zimmer Bradley (Darkover)
Box 35
Bitter Honeymoon and Other Stories: The Amorous Adventures of Dyan Ardais (1982)
Contes Di Cottman IV #1-3 (November 1981-November 1982); #5 (November 1983)
Darkover Newsletter #4-6 (April-August 1977); #8 (November 1977); #11-15/16 (?-December 1978)
Jumeaux, Original Issue #7 (August 1979); Definitive Issue #1-2 (October 1981-May 1982); Definitive Issue #4 (May 1981)
Jumeaux, Definitive Issue #5 (March 1983); Definitive Issue #7-10 (October 1984-June 1985)
Moon Phases #4-8 (July 1981-1986)
Moon Phases #9 (1987); #11 (1989); #14 (1992)
Box 36
Starstone #1-5 (January 1978-March 1982)
Tales of the Free Amazons (February 1980)
Box 37
The A-Files (October 1996)
The X-Files/The A-Team/Nowhere Man
Aloha Hoahanau (February 1998)
Riptide/Jake and the Fatman
Arkady (May 1995)
Miami Vice/Equalizer/The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
City on the Edge of Nowhere (1988)
Star Trek [TOS]/Doctor Who
Crossfiles #1 (1995)
The X-Files/Twin Peaks/Beauty and the Beast/Real Ghostbusters
Cross Signals #1-2 (n.d.; January 1990)
Various Fandoms
Cross Signals #3-4 (July 1990-January 1991)
Various Fandoms
Cross Signals #5-6 (July 1991-May 1992)
Various Fandoms
The Doctor and the Enterprise (n.d.)
Star Trek [TOS]/Doctor Who
Doctor Who and the Hodge-Podge (December 1985)
Doctor Who/Various Fandoms
The Escape from New York Affair #1-2 (1992-1993)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E./Escape from New York
The Escape from New York Affair #3: Reunion (1996)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E./Escape from New York
Faces of Clay (March 1991)
Quantum Leap/Crime Story/Twin Peaks
Falling from Grace #1 (1995)
Hard Target/Various Fandoms
Firebomb (1985)
Witness/T. J. Hooker
Flameheart (2001)
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace/Poltergeist: The Legacy
Going Under #1-2 (n.d.)
Hard Core Legal/Homicide: Life on the Street
The Janus Factor (1995?)
Quantum Leap/The Real Ghostbusters
A Jedi in King Arthur’s Court (1981)
Star Wars/King Arthur
Jedi Riddle (January 1983)
Star Trek/Star Wars/Battlestar Galactica
Marginal Error (1987)
Star Wars/The Real Ghostbusters
Matte Shot (n.d.)
Blake’s 7/Star Wars
The Methos Chronicles #1 (n.d.)
Highlander: The Series/Various Fandoms
No Center Line (May 1999)
The Sentinel/Nash Bridges
Night Beast (January 1993)
Beauty and the Beast/Night Court
Off With His Head (1994)
Highlander: The Series/Various Fandoms
The Paladin Affair (1986)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E./Various Fandoms
QL+… #1 (February 1991)
Quantum Leap/Various Fandoms
Quantum Beast: Lover Leap (1991)
Quantum Leap/Beauty and the Beast
Reap the Whirlwind (May 2001)
Blake’s 7/Stargate SG-1
Relationships (1992)
Scarecrow & Mrs. King/Remington Steele
Box 38
Simon Says – Avenge Bond! (June 1981)
The Saint/James Bond/The Avengers/Star Trek
The String Theory Affair (May 1988)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E./Quantum Leap
V for Victory (n.d.)
V/Various Fandoms
The Vulcan Too Affair (April 1987)
Star Trek/The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Well Met in Time and Space (November 1985)
Battlestar Galactica/Doctor Who
The Wolf Pack Affair (1988)
Airwolf/The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Boxes 39 - 41: Doctor Who (1963-1984, 1986-1989)
Box 39
Adara #1 (April 1986)
Bakers’ Dozen #1 (Spring 1986)
Castrovalva #1 (August 1985)
Cloister Bell #12 (June 1985)
Cosmic Masque #2-3 (1978-1979)
Dimension Four #1 (February 1982)
Doctor Who: The Masters Daughter (1987)
Dynatrope #11-5 (n.d.; January 1983 [#5])
The Faces of Time #2-3 (July 1982-March 1983)
Friends of Doctor Who, vol. 5 #3 (Summer 1993)
The Gallifreyan Gazette #102 (July 1993)
I’m Not Supposed to Get Involved (1994)
In the Vortex #1 (n.d.)
Knight Progenitor (1991)
Mandria #2 (May 1990)
Never Steal a Tardis You Can’t Live With (1984)
Past Tense/Future Perfect (1982)
Police Boxes (Summer 1985)
The Prydonian Renegade, vol. 10, #9-12 (December 1993-March 1994)
Box 40
Rassilon’s Star #2 (1984)
Tardis: The Arizona Regional Doctor Who Interest Society, vol. 9, #9-10 (November-December 1993); vol. 10, #1 (January/February 1994)
Tardis Exchange #0 (1994)
Time Log #6-7(Winter 1982-Spring 1983); #11 (1985)
Time Lord Tales #1-2 (October 1982-April 1984)
The Timelord Times #73 (October/November 1993);#75 (March/April 1975)
Time Winds #1-7 (January-July 1983)
Time Winds #8-14 (October 1983-1985?)
Time Winds #15-18 (March 1986-September 1987)
Box 41
Time Winds #19-20 (January-May 1988)
Travelling Companion #1-3 (1983; n.d.)
Zeta Minor #1-3 (November 1981-May 1984) Special Edition: The Doctor and the Enterprise (April 1982)
Box 42: Fan Fiction (Original)
Box 42
All Your Dreams Fulfilled #2 (1993)
Ambrov Zeor #1-3 [Reprint] (1984); #5 (August 1977)
Book of Shadows (1990)
Catching Cat A. Y. Chilton, author] (1993)
The Cinru Station Chronicles: Destiny’s Game (May 1986)
The Compleat Kershu Fighter (May 1988)
A Companion in Zeor #1-6 (1978-1980)
A Companion in Zeor #7 (1981); #11-13 (1994-2002)
Entrapment of Passion and Pride (n.d.)
Entrapment of Passion and Pride (n.d.) [Rough Copy]
Furball Express (1981)
His Excellency Regrets (May 1994)
How Cold is a Heart ] (1988)
Just the Good Parts (1990)
The Last Dragon (1982)
Mate, and More Stories from the Erotic Edge of SF/Fantasy ] (1992)
Shadows in the Mist (1994?)
Snow on the Moon: An Anthology of the Klysadel Universe (1978)
The Space Corps Scandals, Featuring Hartford Brash, Special Edition #1-2 (1981-1982)
Telepaths Don’t Need Safewords, and Other Stories from the Erotic Edge of SF/Fantasy (1992)
Theseus and the Isle of Minos (1996)
Untitled Wraethru Fan Novel [incomplete] (n.d.)
The Vastarnyi and Dexter Chronicles: A Different Drummer (n.d.)
The Vastarnyi and Dexter Chronicles, various stories (1971-1974)
The Vastarnyi and Dexter Chronicles, various stories (1975-1976)
The Vastarnyi and Dexter Chronicles, various stories (1983, 1987, n.d.)
Zeor Forum: Transfer for Ancients #1 (January 1980)
Box 43
Absorbing Ford #1-2 (1983-1984)
Absorbing Ford #3-4 (1984-1985)
Archaeology 101 #1-3 (October 1981-1985)
BetterIdeaZine #1-4 May 1987-March 1988)
BetterIdeaZine #5-8 (June 1988-March 1989)
BetterIdeaZine #9-12 (June 1989-March 1990)
BetterIdeaZine #13-16 (May 1990-March 1991)
BetterIdeaZine #17-19 (June-December 1991)
Burnt Offerings: An Indiana Jones Adventure (1990)
Choice Parts #1-2 (January 1987-November 1989)
Facets #1-6 (1979-May 1981)
Facets #7/8-11 (1981-1983)
Field Studies #1-3 (November 1983-1994)
Flip of a Coin #1-2 (February-July 1983)
Flip of a Coin #3-4/5 (January-July 1984)
Flip of a Coin #6-7 (February-August 1985)
Flip of a Coin #8-9 (February-August 1986)
Box 44
Flip of a Coin #10-11 (February-November 1987)
Flip of a Coin #12-13 (August 1988-August 1989)
Flip of a Coin #14 (October 1990)
Fortune and Glory #1-2 (1985-1986)
Box 45
Fortune and Glory #3-4 (1987-1989)
Hi-Gain (July/August 1979)
Illumination (n.d.)
Indiana Jones and the Pillars of Destruction (May 1985)
Little Treasures (1989)
Not Exactly a Knight (1991)
Paths of Meaning (n.d.)
Raiders of the Doomed Crusade (n.d.)
Raiders of the Lost Carbonite (1981?)
The Rogue #20-22 (September 1985-March 1986)
The Rogue #23-25 (June-December 1986)
Rogue’s Gallery #2-8 (1981-November 1982)
Box 46
Rogue’s Gallery #9-14 (January 1983-February 1984)
Rogue’s Gallery #15-16 (May-September 1984)
Tinseltown [Roberta Rogow, author], n.d.
Well of the Souls #1-6 (January 1982-October 1991)
[Comic Books] Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom #1-3 [Marvel] (September-November 1984)
[Comic Books] Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: Marvel Super Special #30 [Marvel] (1984)
[Comic Books] Raiders of the Lost Ark #1-3 [Marvel] (September-November 1981)
Boxes 47-49: Forever Knight (1992-1996)
Box 47
Amantes de la Noche (Loves of the Night) #2 (1997)
Le Coeur A Ses Raisons (The Heart has Its Reasons) (May 1995)
The Company of Night (1998)
The Dawn of My Knight (October 2001)
Dreaming of the Knight (March 1994)
False Heart (May 1994)
For the Good of the Knight (1997)
Forever (June 1994)
Forever Net: Tales from FORKNI-L and FKFIC-L #2-3 (1994)
Box 48
Forever Net: Tales from FORKNI-L and FKFIC-L #4-5 (August 1995-January 1997)
Kind Soul (February 1995)
Knightbeat #2 (1993)
The Knightly News #2 [incomplete] (February 1993)
Knights Past (1995)
Knight Shift #1-2 (1996)
Knight Time (January 1994)
A Little Knight Music (February 1995)
Lizards in the Grass (January 1995)|
The Serpent’s Kiss (1996)
Box 49
Sins of the Fathers (1996)
A Touch of Forever (February 1996)
Toujours LaCroix (April 1999)
Training Mission (1995)
Box 50
The Alpha Centauri Communicator #53 (1980); #61 (March 1981)
Antithesis #14-20 (April 1981-October 1982)
Aphelion, no issue numbers (January-February 1994)
Artforum #2 (September 1989)
Artificial Volkswagen Flavoring (1995)
The Ashbury Times, no issue number (1995)
Baystar, vol. 1, #3 (June 1979); vol. 2, #1 (Spring 1980)
Bellerophon, vol. 2, #8 (1977?)
Betelgeuse, no issue number (Fall 1981)
Beyond… #1 (1985); #3 (1986)
The Biggs and Felecia’s Friends Newsletter, no issue number (1994?)
Bizarre Brain #7 (1992); #10 (1993)
Brinke Stevens Newsletter #7 (Winter 1993)
Brit TV Magazine, vol. 6, #1 (December 1993/January 1994)
Cantina Workshop #2-5 (April/July 1981-Spring 1983)
Casefiles #3 (July/August 1986)
Castle #3 (1985)
The Cinemophile #4 (August 1976)
The Clipper Trade Ship #10-29 (April 1976-July 1980)
The Clipper Trade Ship #29-41/42 (July 1980-April 1983); #44/45-47 (April 1985)
The Clipper Trade Ship #49 (October 1985); #51 (April 1986); #53 (October 1986); #58-64 (January 1988-July 1989)
The Clipper Trade Ship #65 (October 1989); #67 (April 1990); #69-71 (October 1990-April 1991); #75 (January 1994); #77 (January 1995)
Clavius, vol. 2, #1/2 (1975)
Comlink #1-25 (1981-March 1985)
Comlink #26-40 (July 1986-July 1989)
Comlink #41-47 (October 1989-June 1991); #51-53 (June-December 1992); #55-57 (June 1993-February 1994)
Communications Console: A Fanzine Directory, vol. 1, #1-4 (1987); vol. 2, #1-4 (1988)
Communications Console: A Fanzine Directory, vol. 3, #1-2 (January-April 1989); no issue number (January 1990)
ConTRACT, vol. 6, #1 (January/February 1994); vol. 7, #4 (July/August 1995)
The Convergence, vol. 2 #2 (February 1994)
Cosmic Landscapes #10 (July/August 1994)
Coup and Con (n.d.)
Da Ghodfuzzy, vol. 9 #7 (January 1994?); vol. 10, #1 (July 1994)
Datazine #23-26 (December/January 1983-June/July 1983); #28 (October/November 1983)
Datazine #30-34 (March/April 1984-January/February 1985); #36 (May/June 1985)
Datazine #47 (May/June 1987); #50-52 (November/December 1987-May/July 1988); #54-55 (1989)
De Profundis #261 (January 1994)
The Desert Peach #16 (April 1992)
Dinosaur Times #1 (Summer 1993)
Disney Newsreel, vol. 22, # 13 (April 2, 1993)
The Dragon’s Hoard #2-3 (January-March 1983); #5-6 (July-September 1983); #9 (March 1984); #11-19 (June 1984-August/September 1985)
The Dragon’s Hoard #25-29 (August/September 1986-April/May 1987); #31 (August/September 1987)
Elf #2 (May 1992)
Empire for the SF Writer #24 (Summer 1981)
Empties #17 (1996?)
Box 51
The Fantastically Fundamental Functional Guide to Fandom, vol. 2 [booklets A-C] [Susan M. Garrett, author] (May 1990)
Federated Speakeasy #1-3 (1978)
File 770 #102 (April 1994)
For Your Information Ad Zine #7 (June 1991); #9-10 (December 1991-March 1992)
Forum #4 (May/July 1980); #7-14 (October/November 1980-August/October 1981)’ #22 (October/December 1982)
Free Spacers’ Press #1 (Winter 1982)
The Galacto-Celtic Newsflash #7 (October 1993)
Gaz [Generic Ad Zine], vol. 3, #4 (January-March 1991); vol. 4, #1-4 (April-September 1991); vol. 5, #1-2 (April-September 1992); vol. 6, #1-2 (July-September 1993)
Giddy vol. 2, #4 (April 1998); no issue number (1998)
Hydrazine #1 (Summer 1977)
I Finally Found It (n.d.)
I know Everything, and You Know Nothing (1995)
The Intergalactic Gazette #5 (February 1987); #9/10 (June/July 1987)
Intergalactic Trading Company 1993 Holiday Specials (1993)
Just Sampling (n.d.)
Lofgeornost #42 (February 1996)
Low Orbit vol. 2, #47 (Summer 1992)
Marzipan and Kisses #1 (January 1984); #8 (March 1985)
Media Monitor #1-4 (February-November 1992)
Media Monitor #5-8 (February-November 1993)
Megamart #4 (Summer 1980)
Mimosa #7 (December 1989); #9 (December 1990)
The Monthly #1/1-1/11 (January-November 1990); #2/1-2/12 (January-December 1991)
The Monthly #3/1-3/12 (January-December 1992); #6/5 (May 1995)
Murder Can Be Fun #13 (1991)
Mythril #6 (Spring 1973)
The National Fan Club Directory (1983, 1995)
The National Fantasy Fan vol. 53, #5 (October 1993)
New Dimensions #11 (July 1986)
The New Time Watchers #1 (1994)
The Nick Boxtop Mystery Magazine #2 (1980?)
The Orion Chronicles #1 (1980)
Orion’s Child #1 (May-June 1984)
Out of This World #1-3 (July-October 1978)
Outworlds #37 (January 1984)
Owlflight #2 (1981)
The Pegasus, no issue number (June 1981); #8-10 (July/August-October 1981); no issue number (August 1982)
The People’s Comic Book Newsletter #13A-13B (June 1998)
Phenomenon, no issue number (n.d.)
Phlegethon #1 (1978)
Poetry and Art, no issue number (n.d.)
A Portfolio of Poetry and Portraits (n.d.)
Pop Stand Express #23 (May 1990); #25-27 (November 1990-March 1991)
Pop Stand Express #28-29 (June-August 1991)
Potpourri #5 (December 1990)
PRC Solar System #1 (1979?)
Promethea #1 (1987)
Radio Free Thulcandra #26 (August 1991)
The Reasonable Freethinker #1 (February 1994)
Red Wave Comix #1 (1986)
Review Zine #20-22 (September-November 1993)
Rime Royal: Poems in Praise of Monarchy (Spring 1975)
Ringo Rays Guide to Cinematic Lunacy (n.d.)
Box 52
Scientific Caidan #1 (May 1982)
Secondary Growth #1 (September 1976)
Sketches From Life (1997)
So What? #9-10 (1995?)
Space Time Continuum, vol. 2, #4-5 (July/August-September/October 1993)
The Spang Blah #16/17 (Winter 1978)
Spectrum #29 (December 1976); #34 (September 1977)
Spielberg News #2 (May 1985)
Spirit #1 (January 1978)
Stalking the Light Fantastic (1984)
Strange New Worlds #4 (October/November 1992)
Survival Magazine #17 (May/June 1985)
The Texas SF Inquirer #48B (February 1993)
Thyme #93 (September 1993)
To the Stars #0-2 (August 1983-1984)
The TV Collector, vol. 2, #1-2 (June-August 1982); #4-5 (December 1982-February 1983)
TV Search #2 (March 1982)
Undulating Bedsheets Productions 1995 Catalog
World Space Federation, Inc. #5 (1981?)
Yandro #181 (May-June 1968)
Zap, Inc. #5 2/3 (Winter 1996)
The Zen of Henry #2 (October 1995)
Zine #2-3 (December 1983-May 1984)
Zine Scene #2 (September 1991); vol. 2, #1 (march/April/May 1992); vol. 3, #1 (May 1993)
Zottly’s Zine #1 (May 1983)
Boxes 53 - 54A: Highlander: The Series (1992-1998)
Box 53
Blue Boxer Chronicles #2 (2001?)
Consequences-Accusations-Retaliation-Defcon 1 (1996)
Dark Side of the Soul (1993)
The Descent into Madness (2002)
Highland Blades #1-3 (November 1996-January 1998)
Highland Fling #2, n.d.
Immortal Tales #2 (1994)
The Portrait Gallery (1994?)
Box 54
Rules of the Game (1995)
Running on Empty (November 1998)
Stroke of the Sword (May 1994)
Box 54A
Thistle and Sabre #1-2A (1994-1996)
Walking Distance (October 1997)
Who Wants to Live Forever? #1-2 (February 1994-May 1995)
Boxes 55 - 57: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (1993-1997)
Box 55
Bitter Blood (May 1996)
Child of the Moving Tide, n.d.
Double, Double (1995?)
Exit Wounds (May 1998)
From the Heart (June 1998)
Journey of the Mind (1997)
Patterns #2 (May 1994)
Patterns #3 (May 1995)
Box 56
Patterns #4 (November 1995)
Patterns #5 (1996?)
Patterns #6 (1998)
Purification (1994)
Red Thread (May 1997)
Release Tiger, Return to Mountain (1996)
A Shared Memory, n.d.
Box 57
Splinters of Light #1-2 (May 1993-May 1994)
Splinters of Light #3-4 (May 1995-May 1996)
The Third Eye (1995)
Boxes 58 - 62: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (1964-1968)
Box 58
Anatomy of a Romance (March 1993)
Blood Agent: The Philosopher’s Stone Affair (1995)
Dark Encounters (n.d.)
Del Floria’s Press #2 (December 1986)
The Dream Within a Dream Affair (May 1988)
11 & 2 #1-3 (September 1986-December 1987)
11 & 2 #4 (May 1989); Holiday Special (February 1990)
The Evergreen Affair (1992)
Exposures #1 (January 1988)
The Father’s Day Affair (May 1999)
Box 59
A Fine Line (n.d.)
Karmic Concurrence (May 1988)
Kolya’s Son (May 1994)
The Kuryakin File #9-10 (May 1990-January 1991)
The Kuryakin File #11 (January 1992)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (n.d.)
A Matter of Trust (n.d.)
The Monster on the Mountain Affair (February 1987)
My Kingdom for an U.N.C.L.E. #2 (December 1985)
Box 60
My Kingdom for an U.N.C.L.E. #4-5 (October 1986-May 1987)
The Northern Lights Affair #7 (May 1997)
The Nowhere Man (1986)
Old World Affair (1994)
One Night Stand (May 1989)
Open Channel D (November 1992)
Perestroika (1991)
Relative Encounters (1986)
Rose Tint My World (May 1989)
Box 61
The St. Crispin’s Day Society #1-2 (May 1990-May 1991)
Sex, Lies, and U.N.C.L.E. (1995)
The Sleeping Beauty Affair (May 1994)
Box 62
Southern Lights Special #1.5 (August 1985)
Tales of Two U.N.C.L.E.’s #1-2 (n.d.; 1986?)
The Traitor with the Gates Affair (October 1987)
Trilogy (1992)
U is for U.N.C.L.E. #3 (1984); #8 (1988)
U.N.C.L.E. Affairs (June 1989)
The U.N.C.L.E. Special #1-4 (April 1983-May 1986)
The Zine from U.N.C.L.E. (September 1985)
Z.I.N.E.S. #9 (October 1995)
Boxes 63 - 64: Anne McCaffrey (Pern)
Box 63
Flights of Fancy (Sable Weyr Newsletter) #2 (October 1985)
Fort Drums #2-5 (January 1990-January 1991)
Fortfolio #1-4 (1984?-1989)
Harper Beat #37 (February 1989); #39-44 (June 1989-April 1990)
Harper Beat #45 (June 1990); #47 (October 1990); #49-50 (February/March – March/April 1991)
Box 64
Legends of the Lost Weyr #1-3 (April 1980-January 1981)
Out of the Blue #3 (December 1989); #5/6 (September 1990)
Pern Portfolio #1 (June 1978)
Box 65
Agents, Avengers, and Adventurers (June 1992)
The Agony Column #1 (January 1994)
Animazine #2 (1989)
Anime House Presents #4 (1990)
Antithesis #15 (July 1981); #17-20 (January-October 1982)
April Fool Special 1983 (1983)
Back to Back #2 (December 1985)
Bad Guys Finish First (1994)
Banzine #1-2 (1989-1991)
Baselines #1-2 (May 1981-March 1982)
Box 66
Baselines #3-4 (March 1983-March 1984)
Battlefields of Slash #1 (2002/2003)
Bite the Bullet #1-2 (May 1992-May 1993)
Bring Me the Head of Frisky Business (September 1991)
By My Side #3 (May 2005)
The Celestial Toybox #1 (July 1987; #3 (June 1988)
The Celestial Toybox #4 (November 1988)
Box 67
The Celestial Toybox #5 (1989)
The Celestial Toybox #6-7 (1990-1991)
The Celestial Toybox #13 (1997)
Box 68
The Celestial Toybox #16 (2000)
The Celestial Toybox #17 (2001)
Box 69
Central Time Zine #1 (June 1986)
La Chair: Passion and Romance Consummated in a Chair (November 2003)
Changing Channels #5 (1995)
Chronicle #3 (October 1988)
Chaotic Ramblings (n.d.)
Compadres #9-10 (1994-1995)
Compadres #11 (1996)
Compadres #14-15 (July 1988-March 1991)
Compadres #16 (September 1999)
Box 70
Compounded Interest #4 (1995)
Concupiscence #1-2 (May 1991-May 1992)
Concupiscence #3 (October 1993)
Concupiscence #4-5 (May 1995-April 1997)
Constricted by Plot (2001)
The Cookie Jar (n.d.)
Crazy Quilt #2 (May 1994; #4 (May 1996)
Box 71
Dark Fantasies #2-3 (August 1994-August 1995)
Dark Fantasies #5 (March 1997)
Dark Fantasies #8 (2001)
The Day the Friskys Stood Still (September 1991)
Dealer’s Choice #1 (May 1994)
Dial ‘S’ 3 #1 (1990)
Dip Him in Chocolate #0 (October 1999)
Distasis (n.d.)
Box 72
Diverse Dimensions #2 (January 1983); #5 (July 1984)
Doors (March 1994)
Dracula #1 (February 1980)
Dream Ship (1980)
Dyad #4-5 (1990)
Dyad #6-7 (1991)
Dyad #8 (1991); #17 (September 1995)
Echo #1 (n.d.)
Enigma #2 (1981); #5-6 (May 1982-May 1983)
Enterprising Falcon (August 1983)
The Ermine Violin #1 (February 1978)
Errantry #1-2 (May 1983-May 1984)
Espresso for Two #2 (October 1997)
The Essay One Holiday Special 1982 (1982)
Everything But the Kitchen Sink #2 (April 1986); #4 (May 1989)
The Eyes Have it! #1 (n.d.); #3 (n.d.); #5 -6 (May 1992-May 1993)
Fanfare #1-3 (December 1977-1982)
Fantasy Flight #1 (November 1981)
Felgercarb #1-3 (1978-July 1979); #6-8/9 (March/April 1980-1981)
The Fire Zone Companion (1993) (See The Karenina Continuity Chronicles)
For Those Who Wait (October 2001)
Four Aces Beat a Full House, vol. 1, #1-5 (November 1987)
Four Aces Beat a Full House, vol. 2, #1-7 (1988)
Frak #2 (1982?)
Friends and Lovers #1-2 (n.d.; 1998?)
Fruit Cocktail (May 1991)
Box 73
The G-2 Files #1 (1990?)
The G-2 Files #7 (September 1992)
Gallimaufry (1998)
Genesis (1983?)
Ghost Riders #1 (1984); #4 (1987)
Grip #1 (February 1978); #15-16 (June-November 1982)
Guardian #7-8 (January 1986-December 1988)
Happy Tails (April 1984)
Heroes’ Plight #2 (February 1995)
Heroes’ Plight Goes to War (May 1996)
Homosapien (July 1991)
Hot August Friskys (August 1992)
Imaginary Time #3 (1997?)
Imagine That (1992)
In a Plain Brown Wrapper #1 (1979)
Indigo Boys #1-2 (May 1994-May 1995)
Irish Fool Special 1983 (1983)
Jerry’s Boys (March 2005)
Jihad! #1 (July 1978)
Just My Type #1-2 (March 1993-October 1994)
The Karenina Continuity Chronicles #1 (Desperate Tymes) (June 1984)
The Karenina Continuity Chronicles #2 (Dance Into the Fyre) (May 1986)
The Karenina Continuity Chronicles #3 (The Ecstasy of Flight) (May 1988)
The Karenina Continuity Chronicles #4 (A Stranger to the Sun) (May 1989)
The Karenina Continuity Chronicles #5 (The Power of Gold) (May 1992)
Late Night #1 (1985)
Layup (May 1995)
The Light Is Just Now Reachin’ Earth #1 (July 1987)
Loose Ends (1992)
LooseNotes #1-2 (1987?)
Media Rare (April 1993)
MI-Anime #1.5 (December 1988)
Box 74
Millennium #3 (2006)
Mobile Ghettos #1-2 (May 1985-February 1987)
Monkey Business (n.d.)
Moonbeam #1/2 (1977); #4 (June 1978)
Multiverse #1-2 (December 1979; n.d.)
Multiverse #14-16 (January 1986-April 1987)
Multiverse #19-21 (September 1988-December 1989); #25 (March 1993)
My Name Ain’t Mary Sue! #1-2 (January 1993-January 1994)
n! (1981)
The Naughty Bits! (February 1989)
Night Beat #2 (1992)
Nightmare on Frisky Street (October 1993)
No Holds Barred #22 (October 2000)
Not What You Expect (January 1998)
Odyssey #3 (January 1979)
Of Dream Schemes #9-10 (May 1994-May 1995)
Of Other and Such #1 (July 1984)
On the Edge #2 (n.d.)
On Wings of Light #5 (1991/1992)
Organia #1 (July 1982)
The Orion Warrior #9 (Fall 1977)
The Osiris Files #2 (1988)
Ouch! #1 (1997)
Our Favorite Things #4 (1988)
Outlands: A Cosmic Anthology #7 (1985)
Paladin (1980)
PI³ #8 (May 1992)
Box 75
Potpourri #1 (1989)
Power Star #42 (July 1991); #81 (December 1994)
Prime Time #5 (December 1988)
The Quicksilver and the Black (October 1994)
Random Encounters #1-2 (1990-1991)
Red Files/Hard Choices (1992)
Relativity #1-2 (1992-1993)
Relativity #3 (1994)
Remote Control #1 (1991)
Rerun #1 (1983)
Rerun #2-4 (1984-1986)
Rerun #5-6 (1987-1988)
Rerun #7-9 (1989-1991)
Rerun #10-12 (1992-1994)
ReVisions #2 (1979); #4 (1980)
Ride ‘Em, Cowboy! #1-3 (May 1994-May 1997)
Robots, Rebels, and Renegades #4-5 (December 1989-December 1990)
Safehouse #1 (October 1991)
Sappho #1 (May 1993)
Satyrnalia #2 (1994)
Box 76
Scotch Doubles #1 (October 1993)
Scoundrel Sheets #3 (Winter 1985)
The Sentimental Fool Special 1983 (1983)
Shadow Dance #2 (February 1986)
Shadowstar #1-5 (Winter 1980-Winter 1982)
Shadowstar #6 (Spring 1982); #8-10 (Autumn 1982-Spring 1983)
Shadowstar #11-13 (Summer 1983-Winter 1984)
Shadowstar #14-16 (Spring 1984-Fall 1984)
Shadowstar #17-19 (Winter 1985-Summer 1985)
Shadowstar #20-21/22 (Winter 1986-Spring/Summer 1986)
Shadowstar #23-25 (Fall 1986-Summer 1987)
Shadowstar #26-27 (Winter-Spring 1988)
Shadowstar #28-29 (Summer-Autumn 1988)
Shadowstar #30-32 (Spring 1989-Spring 1990)
Slaysu (So Like You And Yet So Unlike) #1-3 (November 1980-May 1981)
Slaysu (So Like You And Yet So Unlike) #4-5 (March-August 1982)
A Small Circle of Friends #3 (March 1998); #10 (April 2004)
The Sonic Screwdriver #1 (1986); #3 (1987)
Box 77
Southern Lights #1 (August 1985)
Southern Lights #4 (1988)
Space Happy #1 (1980)
SPICA #2-4/5 (Spring 1980-1982)
Starbird #1 (June 1980)
Starlines #1: A Midsummer Night’s Zine (1987)
Starlines #2-4 (December 1982-February 1984)
Starlines #5-6 (June 1985-August 1986)
Starwings #1-2 (1982-1984)
Storms #1-3 (Summer 1981-1982)
Suffering Heroes (June 1994)
Sweet Justice #1-2 (May 1985-May 1986)
Sword #1 (1993)
Sword #2 (1994?)
Syndicated Images #1-4 (January-July 1985)
Syndicated Images #5-8 (September 1985-August 1986)
Syndizine #2-3 (May 1981-Fall 1982)
Syzygy #6 (July 1993)
Texas Revelations #1 (March 1994)
Time Chariots #1-3 (December 1982-May 1985)
Timeframe #1-4 (March 1979-May 1982)
Timeframe #5-10 (May 1984-1990)
Time Warp #1-2 (April 1977-1979)
Time Warp #3-4 (1979-1980)
Box 78
Time Warp #5 (1981)
Time Warp #6/7 [2 volumes] (1984)
Tri*Way #1-2 (March 1982-April 1984)
The Ultimate Mary Sue (1987)
Undercover #1 (1986)
Visions #1-2 (May 1982-May 1983)
Walk on the Wild Side (n.d.)
Warped Space #4-12 (March-December 1975)
Box 79
Warped Space #13-20 (December 1975-October 1976)
Warped Space #21-26/27 (November 1976-July 1977)
Warped Space #28-35/36 (August 1977-March 1978)
Warped Space #37-41 (June 1978-May 1979)
Box 80
Warped Space #42-45 (September 1979-March 1981)
Warped Space #46-49 (September 1981-October 1983)
Box 81
Warped Space #50-52 (January 1984-May 1985)
What You Fancy #1 (February 1988); #3 (1989)
Box 82
Whatever Happened to Harry and Johnny? (October 1991)
Who Rides for Justice? #1 (1986)
Box 83
Who’s?/Blake #3 (1989)
Wide Open Spaces #3-4 (Fall 1979-February 1980)
Wide Open Spaces #6-7 (1981-1982)
Wide Open Spaces #8-10 (Summer 1983-May 1986)
The Wrath of Frisky Business (May 1992)
Wynter Tydes #1 (January 1983)
XENOfon #1 (November 1991)
Xenozine #1-2 (1984?, n.d.)
The Yule Tide #3 (February 1988)
Boxes 84 - 88: The Professionals (1977-1983)
Box 84
Across the Table (n.d.)
After the Battle (May 1997)
Arabian Nights (1992)
As Games Are Played (March 1993)
Assorted Brief Stories, authors various (n.d.), A-D
Assorted Brief Stories, authors various (n.d.), E-M
Assorted Brief Stories, authors various (n.d.), N-W
Backtrack #2 (March 1990); #8 (February 1993)
Bear Necessity (n.d.)
Blind Run #3 (1995)
Book of Strife (1989) [Incomplete]
British Takeaway #1 (September 1985)
British Takeaway #2 (n.d.)
British Takeaway #3 (n.d.)
British Takeaway #5-6 (n.d.)
Cat Tales (May 1986)
Chalk and Cheese #8 (May 1991)
Christmas Lites (n.d.)
Close Dables (July 1990)
Diving in Too Deep (n.d.)
The Eternal Return (May 1998)
Griffin (n.d.)
Holiday Shrieks! (September 1993)
House of Cards (1988)
Box 85
In the Lift (n.d.)
In the Public Interest #1-2 (June 1985-March 1988)
Injured Innocents (n.d.)
Jigsaw Puzzle (n.d.)
A Little B & D #2 (March 2004)
Box 86
Loving Can be a Heavy Cross (n.d.)
Murder on the Moor (n.d.)
Never Let Me Down (October 1992)
Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink #1-2 (February 1992-February 1993)
Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink #3-4 (September 1993-October 1995)
Operation Assegai (February 1995)
Box 87
Other Times and Places #1-2 (1990-1991)
Other Times and Places #3 (1992)
Prelude…and Answer (n.d.)
Professional Junkies (1986)
Right Down to the Belt! (n.d.)
Strange Days Indeed (n.d.)
Up Against the Wall (n.d.)
Variations On the Theme of B and D (October 1997)
Veils of Morning (n.d.)
Box 88
Walking Through the Broken Glass (1992)
What If…. (May 1992)
Whisper of a Kill (May 1992)
Boxes 89 - 100: Quantum Leap (1989-1993)
Box 89
Accelerator Accidents #1 (n.d.)
The Alpha Chronicles (May 1995)
As Time Goes Bye #1-2 (1992-1993)
As Time Goes Bye #3 (March 1994)
Beyond the Mirror (1995)
Chain Reactions (1993)
Cleo’s Odyssey (1993)
Dare to Dance the Tide (April 1993)
Box 90
A Dozen Points in Time #1 (Spring 1993)
A Dozen Points in Time #2 (Summer 1993)
Dreamchaser (May 1993)
Even Heroes Are Human (February 1995)
Fate’s Wide Wheel #1 (n.d.)
Fear No Evil (January 1994)
Green Eggs and Ham #1-2 (March 1991-March 1992)
Box 91
Green Eggs and Ham #3-4 (May 1993-May 1994)
Green Eggs and Ham #5 (May 1994)
Having a Wonderful Leap…Wish You Were Here! #1 (March 1996)
The Imaging Chamber #2 (January 1990); #6-10 (February 1991-October 1992)
I’ve Leaped and I Can’t Get Up Again! (May 1994)
Leapin’ Friskys #1-2 (May 1992-May 1993)
Box 92
Leapin’ Friskys #3-4 (May 1994-May 1995)
Leapin’ Friskys #5 (May1995)
Box 93
Leaping in with a Net #1-2 (December 1993-October 1994)
Leaping to Conclusions (1992)
Leaps From Hell (May 1994)
Let it Be Me #1-2 (October 1993-February 1995)
Living Year to Year #2 (1993)
Living Year to Year #4 (1995?)
Box 94
Living Year to Year #5 (n.d.)
Living Year to Year (1992)
Look Before You Leap #1-3 (1991-1993)
Look Before You Leap #4-5 (1994-1995)
A Matter of Time #1-3 (1991-1992)
Box 95
A Matter of Time #4-5 (1993-1994)
More Misadventures/More Misadventures Lite (May 1993/July 1995)
Box 96
Oh, Boy #1-2 (May-October 1991)
Box 97
Oh, Boy #4: Love and Glory (May 1993)
Oh, Boy #5 (n.d.)
Oh, Boy #6 (May 1997)
Box 98
Out of the Blue (1990)
Out of the Frying Pan (May 1991)
Play it Again #1-2 1990-1991?)
Play it Again #3-4 (1993-1994?)
Play it Again #5 (1995)
Box 99
Quantum Fire #1-2 (July 1992-January 1993)
Quantum Fire #3 (May 1993); #5 (November 1994)
Quantum Instability #1: Watching in the Darkness (May 1993)
Quantum Instability #4: Show and Tell (May 1995)
Quantum Jones: The Search for the Golden Doors (November 1990)
Quantum Leap Continuum #1-2 (1992?)
Quantum Mechanics (1990)
Quantum Mechanics #1-2 (January-November 1992)
Sam’s Run (September 1991)
Shattered (February 1991)
Box 100
Snap! Crackle! Leap! (1997)
Standing on the Edge of Time #2 (1994)
Star Leap (March 1992)
Time and Space Can Be Such a Bitch! (1995)
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1-2 (May 1993-May 1994)
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3-4 (May-October 1995)
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5 (May 1996)
Boxes 101 - 105: The Real Ghostbusters (1986-1991)
Box 101
Adventures in Slime and Time #5 (May 1996)
Breathless Anticipation (May 1990)
Buster and the Beast (1997)
Bustin’ #1 (n.d.)
Bustin’ #2 (n.d.)
Can We Go Home Now? (October 1995)
Chimera (November 1997)
Crimea River (May 1992)
Demon Blues (May 1994)
Box 102
Ecto #1-2 (May 1992-May 1993)
Ecto #3-4 (May 1994-May 1995)
The Ecto-Containment Grid: ARG Fanzine Index (August 1994)
Exile (May 1992)
Ghostwriters (2000)
Going Native (May 1994)
Inheritance (Fall 1995)
Box 103
Just the Four of Us #3 (2000)
Lost Davy (January 1997)
Nearly Fatal Attraction (September 1988)
Obsession (Spring 1996)
P.K.E. Readings #1-2 (1990-1991)
Revenants and Roses (May 1995)
Shadows (Spring 1995)
Slime Trails #1? (May 1991); #6 (1997)
Box 104
Slime Trails #7 (1998)
The Tasks of the Chosen (Spring 1995)
The Vampire Janine (1991)
We Got Another One! (May 1996)
Box 105
Who’s Who and What’s That: An A-Z Guide to the Real Ghostbusters (2000)
Xanadu (1998)
Box 106
Albion #1-2 (n.d.; 1988)
Albion #3 (1989)
Albion #4 (1990)
Arrowflight #1 (May 1988)
Brotherly Love (n.d.)
Forbidden Forest #2 (1992)
Forbidden Forest #3 (1994)
Herne’s Son #1-2 (1988-1989)
Herne’s Son #3 (1989)
The Hooded Man (November 1987)
The Hooded Man (August 1988)
In the Shadow of the Wheel #1 (1989)
Journal of Friends of Robin of Sherwood #1 (Winter 1991)
Lady of Sherwood (1991)
Legend #2-4 (1990-1991; n.d.)
Longbow #1-2 (1987-1988)
Loxley #1-2 (May 1990-May 1991)
Quarterstaff #1-6 (December 1986-May 1988)
Shadows and Travellers (April 1987)
Sherwood Legacy #1-2 (1991-1992)
Box 107
Sherwood Legacy #3 (May 1993)
The Siege of Huntingdon (1988)
Sunset Over Sherwood (1988)
Box 108
Sword-Brothers (April 1989)
Tales from Sherwood (August 1988)
Wolfshead (1986)
Boxes 109 - 110: The Sentinel (1996-1999)
Box 109
Ace in the Hole (October 1999)
Cascade Beyond the Veil: SP Collections Volume 2 (October 2001)
Catalyst (May 2000)
Dragons and Kings (1997)
Families (July 1997)
Hijacked! (May 2001)
Masks (May 2000)
A Million Pieces (November 2000)
Box 110
Pictures of the Past (September 1997)
Reflections of Rafe (n.d.)
Scared Senseless #1 (March 1998)
Sensory Overload #1 (December 1997)
The Sentry Post #1-2 (October 1997- March 1998)
Silver Cloud, Dark Lining: Novel Concepts #3 (August 2000)
Sirocco: Novel Concepts #1 (June 2000)
Unsleeping: Novel Concepts #4 (October 2000)
The Web After Dark #1 (March 2000)
Boxes 111 - 113: Simon & Simon (1981-1989)
Box 111
Blondie and the Hat #1-2 (February 1992-January 1993)
Brothers, Partners, and Friends #1 (May 1991), #5 (May 1992); #9-10 (June-September 1993)
Brothers, Partners, and Friends #12-18 (March 1994-December 1995)
Brothers in Arms #3 (May 1989)
Confidential Investigations #1-5 (November 1987-February 1989)
Confidential Investigations #6-11 (May 1989-March 1991)
Details At 11 #11 (1985), #13-16 (1986-1987)
Echoes of Terror #1-2 (n.d., April 1987)
Box 112
Echoes of Terror #3 (August 1989)
A Family Affair (January 1988)
The Freedom Trail (February 1991)
Gettin’ Frisky with Simon/Simon (January 1987)
If This Be Love… (n.d.)
More than Brothers #1 (August 1984); #4-6 (November 1985-July 1986)
Past Sins, Future Sorrows (December 1988)
Roses and Bonbons #1 (January 1994)
Simon & Simon Investigations #1-8 (July 1986-October 1987)
Box 113
Simon & Simon Investigations #9-18 (December 1987-February 1990)
Simon & Simon Investigations #19-21 (August 1990-February 1991)
Simon Squared #1, vol. 2 (May 1989)
Till Death (1988)
Treasure Cruise (1986)
Boxes 114 - 116: Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007)
Box 114
Another Way (2004?)
Fate’s Reflection ] (November 2000)
Gate Crashers: A Stargate SG-1 Slash Anthology (May 2001)
Gateways #1 (1999)
Gateways #2 (2000)
Gateways #3 (2000)
Box 115
Gateways #4 (2001)
Heart of Darkness (May 2001)
Live in Love’s Flame (2002?)
Love Changes Everything (2000?)
Off World Activation (May 2001)
Perchance to Dream (May 2003)
The Return of Robert Makepeace (May 2002)
Stargate SG-1: Foundations (January 2002)
Box 116
Through Love’s Door…One More Time (2002?)
Unrequited (May 2000)
Ya Think? #1 (May 2001)
Boxes 117 - 119: Starsky and Hutch (1975-1979)
Box 117
Celebration: An Anthology Zine Remembering a Decade of S&H (1985)
The Chronicles of a Chelonian (n.d.)
Coda (September 1985)
Code 7 #1-2 (1981-September 1982)
Code 7
#3-4 (May 1984-May 1987)
Convicted (May/June 1995)
Decorated for Death (February 1982)
Distant Shores (May 1991)
Box 118
Down to Earth (n.d.)
Epithalamion (n.d.)
The Fix #1-3 (October 1987-August 1988); #7-8 (October 1989-July 1990)
The Fix #12 (May 1993); #16 (November 1996); #18 (May 1998)
Graven Images (1981)
Gunther’s Revenge (August 1982)
Hanky Panky #1-7 (1982?-?)
Lifeline: A Decade of Sweet Revenge (May 1989)
Long Road Home (November 1984)
One More Mountain (1981)
The Pits #2 (1980)
Promises to Keep (1979)
Box 119
Shadowplay (September 1989)
Starsky and Hutch Concordance (1980)
Starsky and Hutch: Together Again-Opened Minds (1995)
Strange Justice (1982)
Strokes (October 1982)
Vermont Avenue and Related Stories (February 1981-September 1982)
Wanna Share? #1-3 (March 1990-1992)
Whaddaya Mean I’m Not a Good Kisser? (1987)
Boxes 120 - 175: Star Trek (1966-1969, 1987-1994, 1993-1999, 1995-2001)
Box 120
Abode of Strife #1-2 (1983-July 1985)
[TOS] Abode of Strife #10-11 (January-May 1988)
[TOS] Abode of Strife #17 (July 1990); #24 (1994); #25 (1996)
[TOS] Academy, vol. 2, #1 (January 1973)
[TOS] Acceptance (August 1982)
[TOS] Accumulated Leave #1 (1980)
[TOS] Act Five Scene One (December 1985)
[TOS] The Adult Kirk (September 1984)
Agonizer, vol. II, #2-3 (Spring-Summer 1990)
Agonizer, vol. III, #1-4 (Spring 1991)
Agonizer, vol. IV, #1-2 (Spring 1993, Summer 1994)
Alkarin Warlord (September 1978)
[TOS] All Loss Restored (June 1983)
Alnitah #12 (December 1980); #14-15 (November 1982-August 1983); Omnibus 2 (March 1982)
Alpha Continuum #2 (…in Wonderland) (March 1977); #4 (1980)
Alpha Touch #2 (1980)
Alternaties #1 (n.d.)
Alternate Universe 4, vol. 1-3 (1974-1975, 1986)
The Alternative Warp #13-14 (June-July 1987)
Amazing Grace (February 1984)
[VGR] And Not Fade Away (1997)
And Starry Skies (June 1981)
Another K/S Zine (December 1982)
[TOS] Antares #1 (1997) Master and Copy
[TOS] Antares #2 (1998) Master and Copy
[TOS] Antares #3 (1999) Master and Copy
[TOS] Antares #4-5 (January-July 2000) Master and Copy
[TOS] Antares #8 (2002)
Antithesis #1 (Visions of the Empire) (January 1978)
Box 121
Antithesis #2 (Survival) (January 1978)
Antithesis #3, (January 1978)
Antithesis #4 (The True Aliens) (January 1978)
Antithesis #5-6 (January 1978-1979?)
Antithesis #7-8 (January 1978-1979?)
Antithesis #9 (1980?); no issue number (1980?)
Antithesis #10-12 (1980-1981?)
Arakenyo (1979)
Box 122
Archives #1-3 (1978-1979)
Archives #4-7 (1980-1983)
Archives Log, vol. 3, #3-4 (March/April 1976)
[VGR] The Array #1 (April 2000) Master and Copy
[VGR] The Array #2 (October 2000) Master and Copy
As I Do Thee #1-2 (1984)
Box 123
As I Do Thee #7 (1987); #17 (1991)
As New Wine ] (January 1981)
[TNG] Asbestos Envelope #3-4 (1990; n.d.)
[VGR] Assimilation (March 2000) Master and Copy
[VGR] At the Edge of the Universe (February 1999)
[TNG] AURORA (Appreciation and Unity for the Robert O’Reilly Alliance) #3 (November/December 1993)
[TOS] Azimuth to Zenith (1988)
Babel #1 (2nd printing, April 1973)
Box 124
Babel #2-3 (January-October 1972)
Babel #4-5 (February 1973-February 1974)
[TNG] Back to Square One (November 1991)
Box 125
[TNG] Bedside Manners #1 (April 1994)
Bellerophon #4 (December 31, 1975)
[TNG] Beneath an Angry Star (1990)
Berengaria #1-4 (September 1973-March 1975)
Berengaria #5-6 (August-December 1975)
Berengaria #7 (April 1976); #9-10 (June 1977-June 1978)
The Berengaria Dragon (October 1981)
The Best of Berengaria #1 (May 1978)
Best of Warp (1990)
[TOS] Betrayed (1998)
[TNG] Better Late than Never (September 1989)
[TOS] Between the Sheets #1 (1988)
Beyond Antares #1 (December 1980)
Beyond the Farthest Star #1-2 (1985-1987)
Beyond the Farthest Star #3-4 (July 1988-December 1989)
Beyond Farpoint #2 (1993)
[DS9] Beyond Gloomy Chaos (2000)
The Bexar Fax #17?-18 (1993-January 1994); #35 (September/October 1995)
Black Star (1983)
Blacktower I: Simple Gifts (May 1988)
[TOS] Blood of Others (October 1988)
The Bloodstone (1983)
[TNG] The Body Electric #1 (Fall 1992)
[TNG] Bonds of the Matriarch (n.d.)
[TOS] bortaS choQ (2001)
The Boston Star Trek Association Newsletter (January-February 1994)
[TOS] Boy Scout (1997)
BSTA Newsletter, no issue number (September/October 1993)
The Calvus Files, Mission One: Secret Agent: Enterprise (1977)
The Captain’s Log: Voyage One (n.d.)
The Captain’s Log #2 (n.d.)
The Captain’s Log (AUSTREK) #186 (January 1993); #189 (April 1993); #193-194 (August-September 1993)
The Captain’s Log (AUSTREK) #196 (November 1993); 198 (January 1994); #203-204 (June-July 1994); #209 (December 1994)
The Captain’s Log: Supplemental #1 (1982?)
Carolina Communicator, vol. 9, #5-6 (September-November 1993); vol. 10, #1-2 (February-March 1994)
The Castaways (January 1977)
The Captain’s Woman #3 (September 1981)
CCSTSG Enterprise #34 (May 26, 1993); #39 (December 4, 1993)
Cheap Thrills (January 1981)
Chekhov’s Enterprise (1998, 2000)
[TOS] Children of Haole (1996)
“City on the Edge of Whatever” Coloring Book (1978)
[TOS] A City Without Walls (March 1991)
Box 126
The Climb (1976)
Close Enough to Smell Them #2 (n.d.); #4 (May 1992)
[VGR] Code of Honor (1997)
The Colors of Love (1977)
The Comm Panel, vol. 1, #2 (October 1993); vol. 2, #1 (January 1994)
The Communicator #12-13 (August/September-October/November1995); #15-16 (February/March-April/May 1996); #19-20 (October/November 1996-December 1996/January 1997)
Companion: The Rest of the Story (September 1980)
Computer Playback #3-4 (1979?-1980)
Consort #1-2 (January 1985-December 1986)
Contact #1-2 (December 1975-May 1976)
Box 127
Contact #3-4 (March-September 1977)
Contact #5-6 (September 1979)
Contact #7 (September 1981)
Contact #8 (July 1982)
Continuum (1983)
[TNG] Continuum (May 1989)
[TOS] The Crack in the Mirror (August 1994)
Crisis at Kahlel-Den (May 1985)
[TNG] Cygnet: Data’s Zine (March 1988)
Box 128
[TNG] Dancing Til Dawn (1994)
Daring Attempt #2 (1985)
[TOS] Darkness and Shadow (1996)
[TNG] Darkness Falls (n.d.)
[TNG] Data Entries #1-9 (October/November 1987-May 1990); #11 (January 1991)
[TNG] Data Entries #13/14 (October 1991); #22-30 (January 1994-June 1996); #32 (January 1997)
The Daystrom Project (June 1987)
Deck Five Digest #3 (March 1983)
Deep Grope, no issue number (May 1977)
[DS9] Deep Spaces (1994) Master and Copy
Defiance Below Decks #1 (1983)
[VGR] Defining Parameters #1 (August 2000)
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #1 (July 1995) Master and Copy
Box 129
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #2 (January 1996) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #3 (July 1996) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #4 (January 1997) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #5 (July 1997) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #6 (January 1998) Master and Copy
Box 130
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #7 (June 1998) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #8 (January 1999) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #9 (June 1999) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #10 (June 1999) Master and Copy
[VGR] Delta Quadrant #11 (October 1999) Master and Copy
Box 131
Delta Triad #1 (1975) Three Copies
Delta Triad #2-3 (April-August 1976)
Delta Triad #4-5 (November 1977-June 1979)
Delta Triad, Supplement I (February 1977)
The Despatch (Mark Lenard International Fan Club) #14-16 (March-Summer 1973); #18-19 (Winter-Spring 1974)
The Despatch (Mark Lenard International Fan Club) #20-27 (Fall 1973-Spring 1976)
Box 132
Destiny’s Children #1 (April 1985)
Destiny’s Children #2 (1986)
The Dianasian Gift (1992)
Box 133
The Digital Times #1 (1994)
Dilithium Crystals #1-2 (Spring 1979-Winter 1982)
[TNG] Dinner at Ten Forward (1994)
[TOS] Diplomacy and Empire, vol. 1 (February 1993)
[DS9] Diplomatic Reception (1996)
The Displaced (1978)
The Disruptor! vol. 5, #16 (January 1995)
[TNG] Doctor’s Dilemma/ The Doctor and the Counselor (March 1992)
[DS9] The Doctor’s Journal #1 (January 1994)
[TOS] The Dorian Solution (1998)
Dragon’s Lair, no issue # (October 1993)
The Dreadnought Explorations #4 (November 1976)
The Dreadnought Explorations (1992)
The Dreadnought Explorations (D E Collected), vol. 1-2 (May 1981-February 1982)
Dreams of the Sleepers (February 1985)
[TOS] Drink Deeply (1997)
Echerni: The Lightfleet Letters (May 1980)
Echoes of the Empire #1-3 (June 1978-1979)
Echoes of the Empire #4-6 (1980-1983)
Eclipse (1983)
[TOS] Edge of Forever #1 (August 1989)
E’Ed Pebnista (May 1980)
Eel-bird Banders’ Bulletin #1-2 (July 1977-December 1978)
Ee-Miniar #2-4 (April 1979-April 1981)
Elegy for Amanda (May 1988)
Elysia (1986)
Enchantress of the Stars #2 (November 1977)
[TOS] Encounters and Countermoves (1999)
Engage! #6-19 (September 1991-September/October 1992)
[TNG] Engage! (Fans of Patrick Stewart) #21 (April/May/June 1993); #24 (January/February/March 1994)
Engage: Ship’s Journal, U.S.S. Star League, vol. 2, #1 (January/February/March 1993)
Enter-Comm #2 (1980)
Enter-Comm #5 -6 (January 1982-May 1983)
Box 134
Enterprise Incidents #2-4 (November 1977-December 1981)
Enterprise Log Entries (formerly Log Entries) #44-46 (August-December 1981); #49 (April 1982)
Enterprise Log Entries (formerly Log Entries) #52-55 (December 1982-June 1983)
Enterprise Log Entries (formerly Log Entries) #67 (May 1985; #93-94 (April 1995-March 1996)
Enterprise Mission Review #1-2 (February 1982)
Enterprise Personal Log #2-3 (April 1982-May 1983)
Enterprise Reprise (1985?)
Entreprehendere (1984)
Epilogue (parts I and II) (1977-1978)
Box 135
[TNG] Eridani #1 (May 1988) Master and Copy
[TNG] Eridani #2 (December 1988) Master and Copy
[TNG] Eridani #3-5 (December 1988-September 1989)
[TNG] Eridani #6-8 (December 1989-June 1990)
[TNG] Eridani #9-12 (September 1990-March 1990)
[TNG] Eridani #13 (June 1991); #16-17 (March-July 1992)
Box 136
[TNG] Eridani #18-20 (October 1992-April 1993)
[TNG] Eridani #21-22 (October 1993-March 1994)
[TNG] Eridani #25-27 (October 1995-October 1996)
Eridani Triad #1 (August 1976)
Eternal Triangle #1 (May 1981)
Excalibur #9 (April 1982)
Box 137
[TOS] Fallen Angel (March 1990)
Fallen Star (May 1985)
Fantasy #1, (January 1983); #3 (October 1983); #11 (May 1988)
Fanzine of the Captain’s Log (1990)
[TNG] The Farthest Frontier #3 (May 1996)
Farthest Star #2 (August 1981)
Fear No Evil (March 1984)
The Fearless Informer #5 (July 1994)
The Federation Report #3 (Spring 1980)
[TNG] Federation Standard #1-2 (November 1991-August 1992)
Fesarius #3 (1977); #6 (1984)
[TNG] Fields of the Heart (1993)
The Fifth Question (1987)
Box 138
Final Frontier #1 (June 1982)
Final Frontier #2 (n.d.)
[TNG] A Fine Line (1993)
First Time #1 (n.d.)
Box 139
[TOS] First Time #18 (June 1988)
Five Year Mission and Beyond (September 1982)
Fleet Channels, vol.3, #1-2 (January/February-March/June 1994)
[VGR] Flight of Illusion (2000) “PG-13” version
[VGR] Flight of Illusion (2000) “NC-17” version, Master and Copy
[TOS] Forever (1994)
Formazine: A Light Stimulant #1 (1986); #3 (1987); #5 (1989)
[TOS] Freefall #1-2 (1991-1992)
[TNG] Frighted Peace (1991)
From Hell’s Heart (1983)
[TNG] From One Generation to the Next (1989)
[DS9] From Witch Boy to Shapeshifter (1993)
Full Circle (February 1981)
Full Moon Rising (1976)
Galactic Discourse #1 (reprint, August 1985); #2 (April 1981)
Galactic Discourse #3-4 (July 1980-August 1983)
Galactic Discourse #5 (April 1987)
Galactic 911 #3 (October 1993); #6 January 1994)
[TNG] Galaxy Class #1-10 (November 1987-September 1991)
The Galileo Vision #2 (November/December 1993); #2[2] (December 1993)
The Gallian (June 1982)
[TOS] Gambit (April 1991)
Games of Love and Duty (May 1980)
[TNG] The Games of Magellan (April 1991)
Gateway (February 1981)
Gateway: Newsletter of the U.S.S. Guardian #65 (December 1993); #68 (March 1994)
Gemini Lynx (1982)
[TNG] Generation D (July 1994)
Generation Gap #1-3 (1988-1990)
Generation Gap #5 (1992); #8 (1995)
Box 140
The Genesis Aftermath (1985)
GHT: George Takei’s Official Worldwide Fan Club #33-34 (1993-1994)
GHT: George Takei Friendship vol. 4? #6 (1993); vol. 5, #1 (1994)
A Gift of Scotch (1979)
[TNG] Gigawatts #1-7 (September 1990-April 1992)
The Goddess Uhura (February 1976)
The Graveside Grope (May 1983)
Grip #3-5 (November 1978-September 1979); #10 (1981); #18 (1984)
Grip #25-26 (November 1986-February 1987); #29-30 (February-July 1988)
Grip #31-35 (November 1988-February 1990)25-26 (November 1986-February 1987); #29-30 (February-July 1988)
Grip #36-39 (July 1990-July 1991); #42 (July 1992)
Grip #47-48 (February-October 1994); #51 (March 1996)
Grope: Flashback (May 1980)
The Gropes of Roth (May 1978)
Grup #1-3 (September 1972-September 1974)
Grup #4-6 (September 1975-August 1978)
Guardian #1-3 (August 1978-May 1981)
Guardian #4 (May 1982); #6 (May 1984)
[TNG] Hailing Frequencies #1-2 (1990-1991)
[TNG] Hailing Frequencies #4 (Spring 1993)
The Halkan Council #6-14 (May 1975-January 1976); #17-19 (April-June 1976)
The Halkan Council #20-27 (August 1976-September 1977)
Box 141
A Handful of Snowflakes and Other Trek Tales (1979)
Happy Holidays, no issue number (n.d.)
Haven #3 (May 1995)
He Who Is Close To Nature (1977?)
Heart of Glory #1-2 (1994-1995)
[TOS] Heart Treks: A Romantic Star Trek Story Collection (1993)
[TOS] Hellguard Social Register, vol. 1, #1-2 (March 1987-January 1988)
[TOS] Hellguard Social Register, vol.2, #1 (Spring 1989)
Heritage, Book I (April 1984)
[TNG] The Hive (1987)
The Holmesian Federation #1 (1978)
[VGR] Home Sweet Home (2000)
The Honorable Sacrifice (1981)
Human Factor #1-2 (1976-1977)
Icefire (November 1986)
IDIC, vol. 1, #4 (June 1976)
IDIC #1-2 (1991-1992)
IDIC #11-12 (August-October 1990); #23-25 (August-December 1992)
IDIC #27 (April 1993); #31-35 (December 1993-August 1994); #37 (December 1994)
IDIC [Leslye Lilker, editor] #3-4 (July-November 1976)
[TOS] IDIC Log #2 (March 1990); #5 (February 1991); #17 (February 1995)
IDIC Log #18-19 (August 1995-April 1996)
Idylls #3 (1989) Master and Copy
Idylls #4-5 (1990-1991)
[TNG] Idylls #7 (April 1992); #14 (1996)
[TOS] Images and Dreams #4 (August 1989)
Immortal Are the Dangers (April 1982)
Immortal Lines, vol.9, #1/2-3/4 (January/February-March/April 1994)
Implosion #4 (March 1977)
Impulse #2-3 (November 1970-February 1971)
[TNG] Imzadi, vol. 2, #7 (February 1992)
In a Different Reality #1-3 (August 1976-August 1977)
In a Different Reality #4-8 (January 1978-June 1980)
In a Different Reality #9-11 (October 1980-July 1981); #15-16 (September-December 1982)
Box 142
In a Different Reality #22 (May 1985); #28 (November 1988); #31 (n.d.)
[TOS] In the Hands of Others (July 1996)
[TOS] In the Line of Duty (2000)
In Relation to Saavik (May 1984)
In Triplicate (1985)
The Incredible Star Trek Book (1974)
Infinite Diversity #1-2 (1978)
Infinite Diversity #3-6 (1970-1985)
Infotrek: Newsletter des The Final Frontier #6 (November 1993)
Initiative (1973)
Innomina #6-7 (October 1990-October 1991); #9 (October 1993)
[TNG] Inside Star Trek #31-36 (1987-1989)
Inside Star Trek (Star Trek Italian Club) #51 (November1993)
The Intergalactic Etcetera #4-5 (1975); #8 (1980)
Interlude (September 1985)
Interphase #1-2 (July-November 1975); #4 (May 1977)
Intersect #1 (January 1979)
Interstat #1-17 (November 1977-March 1979)
Interstat #18-32 (April 1979-June 1980)
Interstat #33-48 (July 1980-September 1981)
Interstat #49-50 (November-December 1981); #53-62 (March-December 1982)
Interstat #81 (July 1984); #117/118-12b (July/August 1987-April 1988)
Interstat #127/128-151/152 (May/June 1988-March 1991)
Invasion of the Klingon Empire (1978)
[TNG] Involution #1-2 (December 1991-June 1992)
James Doohan International Fan Club (October 1985)
Jean Lorrah’s Sarek Collection (1979)
Jetcom: Jornada Nas Estrelas: Terminal de Comunicações #13-15 (May/June-September/October 1993)
[TNG] A Joy Proposed (1988)
Kaiidth #23 (n.d.)
[TOS] Kalin Collected, vol. 1 (Winter 1993)
Box 143
Katra #1-4 (1985-May 1986)
Katra: The Erotic Spirit #1-2 (December 1986 – December 1987)
Kin of the Same Womb Born (Spin Dizzle #7) (August 1984)
King Grope (Grope #6) (September 1978)
Kista (March 1986)
Kiku (July 1986)
[TOS] Klin-Fire (1992)
Klingon Propaedia (n.d.)
KomereXXX (September 1991)
Box 144
Kraith Collected, vol. 1 (1974) Master and Copy
Kraith Collected, vol.1 (1993 edition)
Kraith Collected, vol. 2 (1974)
Kraith Collected, vol. 3 (1975, 1993)
Kraith Collected, vol. 4 (June 1974)
Kraith Collected, vol. 5 and vol. 5 alternates (1993, 1976)
Kraith Collected, vol. 6 and vol. 6 alternates (1980, 1993)
Kraith Creator’s Manual, vol. 1 (October 1973)
K/S Relay (1980)
Laff Trek: The Humor Adventure Begins #1 (1987)
Laff Trek II: The Wrath of Dijon (1987?)
Laff Trek III: The Search for Crock (December 1988)
Box 145
Laff Trek 4/5: The Final Vegetable Frontier (May 1990) Master and Copy
The Legacy of Kirk (April 1991)
Legend’s End #1 (1984)
The Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans 1971 Yearbook (1972)
The Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans 1976 Yearbook (1977)
Level II Diagnostic, vol. 4, #2 (August 1995)
[TOS] Liberation From Hell (1996)
Likely Impossibilities #2 (June 1986)
Box 146
[TOS] Living in Spite of Logic (December 1990)
The Log (Starbase Houston), no issue number (May 1990; June 1991; October 1991; December 1991)
The Log (Starbase Houston), no issue number (January-September 1992)
The Log (Starbase Houston), no issue number (December 1993; January-February 1994; April 1994; June 1994)
Log Entries #8 (March 1977); #10-13 (August-November 1977)
Log Entries # 14 (January 1978); #20 (October 1978); #24-25 (June-August 1979)
Log Entries # 26-29 (October 1979-February 1980); #31 (April 1980)
Log Entries # 35 (July 1980); #37-39 (August 1980-February 1981)
Log Entries # 42-43 (June-August 1981)
Box 147
Log of the Starship Enterprise #5 (September 1972); #7 (March 1973)
The Logical Thing to Do (December 1977)
Lone Star Trek #1 (September 1989)
[TNG] A Long Way Home (1993)
Lore #1 (1989)
[DS9] Love and Justice #1-2 (1996-1997)
[DS9] Love and Justice #3 (1998)
Luktau (n.d.)
The MacShannon Chronicles (August 1983)
McCoy’s Illegible Log #3-4 (1978-?)
Mahko Root, vol. 2 (September 1978)
Main Phaser, vol. 7, #1-3 (January/February-May/June 1990)
[TNG] Make It So #1-4 (February 1989-September 1990)
[TNG] Make It So #5-8 (April 1991-April 1992)
[TNG] Make It So #9-10 (April-June 1992)
[TNG] Make It So #23-26 (January 1995-April 1996)
[VGR] Maquis (January 1998)
The Mark of Cain (May 1984)
Masiform D #1-4 (January 1971-April 1975)
Masiform D #5-8 (December 1976-February 1979)
Masiform D #9-12 (August 1979-February 1982)
Box 148
Masiform D #13-15 (September 1983-May 1986)
Masiform D #16-17 (September 1988-September 1990)
[DS9] Mastery (1997)
Matter/Antimatter #2 [Genzine](1979); Reprints (1978)
Matter/Antimatter #9 [Slash zine](June 1990)
Matter of Honor #1-2 (1992-October 1993)
Box 149
Matter of Honor #3 (1996)
Memory Recall, vol. 2 (1981)
Menagerie #1-4 (n.d. for number 1; December 1973 for number 2; n.d. on numbers 3-4)
Menagerie #9-13 (March 1976-July 1977)
Menagerie #14-17 (March 1978-1981)
#5 [S.T.A.R. San Diego] (n.d.)
Meridian #2 (1986)
Millennium #1 (March 1977)
[TNG] A Million Suns at Midnight (1991)
Minara Nova (March 1982)
Mind Meld #3 (June 1986)
Mind Meld Eridani 40 #1 (October 1993)
[TNG] Mindset (1989)
[TOS] The Mindsweeper (1993)
Box 150
Miranda (n.d.)
Mission to Mrinn (July 1979)
[TNG] Moments in Time (1992)
[TOS] More Missions, More Myths #18 (June 1991)
More Trek Tales (1977)
The Morning of the Sixth Day (1982)
Murasaki (n.d.)
Naked Singularity #1 (January 1984)
Naked Times #2-3 (1979)
Naked Times #4/5-6 (December 1984-April 1985)
Box 151
Naked Times #9 (March 1986)
Naked Times #13 (1987); #26 (1991)
Box 152
Never and Always: A Story of Vulcan Encounter (February 1977)
New Enterprise Log #1 (March 1981)
The Newsletter at the End of the Universe, no issue #s (March/April 1991; March/April-September/October 1992; May/August 1993)
Nexus #2 (June 1978)
Nexus #4 (1979)
Ni Var (November 1986)
The Night of the Twin Moons (1976)
Nightvisions (1979)
Nimbus: The Fanzine of Galactic Peace #1 (1991)
[DS9] Nine #1 (January 1994)
The Ninth Quadrant #1-2 (August 1977-June 1978); #5 (1983)
[TOS] No Cold Wind (1990)
[TOS] No Greater Love #1 (January 1994)
[TNG] No High Ground (1991)
No Peaceful Roads Lead Home (May 1987)
[TNG] Noises in the Attic (April 1990)
Nokomis News, vol. 12, #3 (July 1995)
Nome #8 (May 1985)
Nome #11 (June 1988)
Norman #3 (1993); #6 (1996)
Nu Ormenel Collected #1-2 (1979)
Nu Ormenel Collected #3-5 (1979-1981)
NTM Collected, vol. 1-2 (1978-1979)
Nuages #3-4 (September 1984-May 1985)
[TNG] Number One #1 (1993)
Obsc’ Zine #1-2 (1977)
Obsc’ Zine #3-4 (May 1978-November 1980)
Box 153
Obsession #1-2 (July 1981-April 1982)
Obsession #3 (April 1984)
Odyssey #1-2 (May 1977-February 1978); #4 (May 1980); #6.5 (January 1983)
Odyssey #7 (July 1983)
Of Crystal Persuasion (April 1983)
Of Darkness and Light (April 1980)
Off the Beaten Trek #1-3 (July 1976-1977)
One Thousand One Trek Tales #1-2 (March 1977?, n.d.)
One Way Mirror (May 1980)
Only Trek #1 (December 1982)
Only Trek #2 (July 1985)
The Oracle Speaks #1 (July 1978)
Orbit #301 (September 1979); #304 (1981); #305 (December 1981)
Organian Questor #3 (Winter 1978); #5 -7 (Summer 1978-Spring 1979)
Organian Questor #8 (Summer 1979); #10 (Spring 1980)
Orion #26 (March 1988)
Orion #35-36 (June 1995-July 1996)
[TOS] Orion Archives #8 (April 1997)
Orion Press Catalog (1998)
Orion Press Quarterly Report (October 1993); 2001 Catalog (2001)
Orion Quadrant #2 (July 1980)
The Orion Warrior #8 (Spring 1977)
The Other Side (The Other Side of Paradise #3, pt. 2) (1978)
The Other Side of Paradise #4-5 (1979-1981)
Out of Bounds, Overflow (1983)
[TNG] Out of Touch (April 1992)
[DS9] Outpost #1-2 (October 1993-July 1994)
[DS9] Outpost #4 (Fall 1995); #7 (Fall 1996)
Overload #1 (1971)
Box 154
The PADD (U.S.S. Vindicator), vol. 3, #4-5 (December 1993-Christmas 1993)
Paradise (The Other Side of Paradise #3, pt. 1) (1978)
Parted from Me and Other Stories (October 1977)
Passages (1978)
[VGR] Passions of Command (October 1999)
Pastak #3-5 (1976-December 1978)
Pegasus #1-2 (July 1976-August 1977)
Penumbra (July 1980)
[TNG] Perchance to Dream (1990)
The Perfect Object (Summer 1979)
Personal Log (Starbase Chicago) #1 (1980)
Personal Voyages #1 (1994)
Phaser Fire! (1977-1978)
Box 155
[TNG] The Picard Maneuver #1-2 (September 1992)
[TNG] Pit of Acheron (1988)
[TNG] The Pirates of Avalon (November 1991)
Plak Tow #1-3 (October 1978-November 1979)
Precessional (November 1980)
Priority One, vol. 2, #6/7 (June/July 1993); #9 (September 1993?); #10-11 (December 1993?)
Priority One, vol.3, #1 (January 1994?); #8/9 (August/September 1994)
Probe #4 (May 1975); #8-9 (May-August 1976)
Probe #10 (February 1977); #12 (February 1978)
Probe (Special Issue #1) (February 1976)
Box 156
Progressions (1985)
Prophecy of the Universe (1981)
[DS9] Prophet Margin #1 (1996)
[TNG] Pulse of the Machine (1991)
Quadrant #1-2 (1971)
Quartet (January 1975)
A Question of Balance (1980)
R & R #1-4 (Fall 1976-Summer 1977)
Box 157
R & R #5 (May 1978); #8-9 (Summer 1978-Spring 1979)
R & R #16-17 (Summer 1981-Spring 1982); #19 (January 1984)
R & R #20-22 (Summer 1984-Summer 1985)
[TNG] Ready and Willing #3 (Spring 1991); #11 (Fall 1993)
The Reality Barrier (June 1983)
Region Two Update, no issue # (November/December 1993)
The Rekindling (1978)
Rendezvous (1990)
Renegades (1987)
Box 158
[TNG] Resurrection (1992)
Revenge of the Wind Rider (1989)
Riders to the Stars #2 (September 1983)
Rigel #4, 5, 6… (1979)
Rim of Starlight #3 (1979)
[TOS] Ring of Deceit (1988)
[TNG] Rorrim Image (1992)
Romulan Wine #5 (n.d.)
The Rudder, vol. 2, #3 (March 1994)
Rx McCoy (June 1981)
Sahndara #1 (1983)
Sahsheer (1979)
[DS9] Salutatorian #1 (1996)
Sand Treks (Summer 1968)
Saurian Brandy/Dandelion Wine, no issue number (n.d.)
Box 159
Saurian Brandy Digest #2-5 (May-September 1977)
Saurian Brandy Digest #6-9 (October/November 1977-February/March 1978)
Saurian Brandy Digest #10-14 (April-September 1978)
Saurian Brandy Digest #16 (December 1978); #20-21 (June-November/December 1979); #33 (January 1983)
Box 160
[TNG] Science Friction: The ST-TNG Slash Magazine #2 (May 1993)
Scuttlebutt #2-4 (July-December? 1977); #8-16 (July/August 1978-November/December 1979)
[TNG] Second Generation #1 (March 1993)
[TOS] Second to None (May 1996)
Box 161
The Secret Mission (When Kirk Met His Match) (n.d.)
Security Check #1 (December 1980)
Sehlat’s Roar #1-2 (n.d.; June 1976)
Sehlat’s Roar #5 (December 1977)
The Sensuous Vulcan, no issue number (September 1977)
[VGR] A Separate Peace (June 1999)
[TOS] Serenidad (1992)
[TNG] 1701-D #1 (January 1988)
Shades of Grey #1 (1986)
Shadows (1987)
[TOS] The Shadows Between Us (1991)
Ship’s Log, no issue number (1983)
[TNG] Ship’s Log: Supplemental #5-6 (Spring-Summer 1992); #9 (Spring 1994)
ShOCwave #1 (January/February 1994)
Simonov Says, vol. 4, #2 (November 1993)
[TOS] Simple Gifts (1991)
Slave City & Noel (n.d.)
[TNG] Snake in the Grass, pts. 1-2 (April 1993)
Sol Plus #1-3 (n.d. for #1-2; August 1976)
Sol Plus #4-5 (1977-July 1978)
Sol Plus #6/7 (October 1979); #8 (March 1981)
Something Hidden (December 1975)
Something Lost (July 1983)
Son of Grope (February 1977)
The Song of the Nargase Witch, vol. 1-2 (1977)
[TOS] Song of the Stars (November 1988)
Songs of Fire, Songs of Life (1979)
[TNG] Sounds of a Distant World (1992)
The Sourdani Journal (1983) Master and Copy
Southern Star #2-3 (February 1976-May 1977)
Box 162
Sovta’ Hom tlhlngan/ The Klingon Micropaedia (n.d.)
Space-Time Continuum #6 (August 1974); #8 (February 1975)
Space-Time Continuum [Bjo Trimble, editor] no issue number (October/November 1992)
Spectrum #26 (July 1976); #28 (November 1976); #30-33 (February-July 1977); #35-36 (January 1978)
Spin Dizzie #1-5 (n.d. for #1; June 1979-February 1980; n.d. for #4; February 1981)
Spock #18-19 (October 1979-January 1980); #21 (1980)
Spock #55-56 (1989); #58 (1990)
Spock #59 (1990); #64-66 (1993-June 1994); #69 (December 1994)
Spock Enslaved (August 1974)
Spock’s Ever Logical Equation (July 1984)
Spockanalia [Originals] #1-3 (September 1967-September 1968)
Spockanalia [Originals] #4-5 (April 1969-June 1970)
Spockanalia [Originals] #3 (September 1968) [Autographed by Majel Barrett]
Spockanalia [Third printing, May 1976] #4-5
Spockanalia [Fourth printing, March 1976] #2-3
Spockanalia [Fifth printing, 1977, 1982] #2-3
Spockanalia [Sixth printing, 1976, 1982, 1989] #1; #3-4
Spockanalia [Seventh printing, 1984, 1987] #2-3
Spockanalia [Eighth printing, November 1982] #1
Spockanalia [Ninth printing, April 1989] #1
Spockanalia [Unknown printing, February 1989] #5
[TOS] Squired Again (1990)
S.T.A.R., vol. 3, #6 (June 1993); vol. 4, #1 (January 1994)
Starbase M.T.L. (The Montreal Trekker’s Log), no issue number (1978)
Starborne #1 (August 1979)
Star Canticle #1-2 (September 1978-1980)
Star-Crossed #1 (1995-1996)
Star Date #1 (June 1968)
Stardate: Unknown #1-3 (1976-1977)
Stardate: Unknown #4-5 (1978-1979)
Star Daze #2 (n.d.)
Box 163
Starfleet Annals Avatar, vol. 1, #3 (1975)
Starfleet Communique #47 (October/November 1991); #49-61 (February/March 1992-May 1994)
Stargazer: A Supplement to BSFRs Voyager #13 (August 1993)
STARLink #0-11 (April 1991-March 1992)
STARLink #12-22/23 (April 1992-February/March 1993)
STARLink #24-32 (April 1993-February 1994)
STAR Prime Directive, vol. 2, #12 (December 1993); vol. 3, #1 (January 1994)
[TOS] Star Sailors #3 (1987)
Star Traks, vol. 4, #2-3 (February-March 1994); vol. 5, #10 (October 1995)
Star Trek 74 (1974)
Star Trek Action Group Newsletter #107 (August/September 1992); #110 (July 1993); #113 (March 1994)
Star Trek Goes to the Movies: A Seven-Month Calendar (May-November 1977)
Star Trek Mail Association #15-20/21 (1979-1980)
Star Trek Mail Association (Yearbook I) (1979?)
Star Trek The Motion Picture (Marvel Super Special #15) (1979)
Star Trek Nuts and Bolts #14/15 (March/April 1977)
The Star Trek Scene #4 (1973?); Annual #1 (1974?)
Box 164
Star Trek Showcase #1-2 (February 1974; Sixth printing, December 1976)
Star Trek Showcase #2 (3rd printing, August 1975)
Star Trek Showcase #3-4 (1976-October 1977)
Star Trek Songs and Ballads (1976?)
[TNG] Star Trek: The Next Generation Encyclopedia (1993)
[TNG] Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide (KTXA-TV) (1992)
Starry Seas, Earthly Planes (1984)
[TNG] Steady As She Goes. A Star Trek: The Next Generation Anthology (1992)
Box 165
[TNG] Steady As She Goes (1992) Master
Still Another K/S Zine (July 1984)
Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend! (Paradises, Found and Lost) (1982)
[TNG] STNG: Explorer, Holidays (June 1989)
Straight Trek (1982)
Sublight Reading #1-2 (May 1978-January 1981)
Subspace Chatter #3-4 (1988-1989)
Sub-space Communications #30A-33A (September-December 1992)
Box 166
Sun and Shadow (1980)
Supernova #6-8 (September 1991-November 1992)
Box 167
[TNG] Survival (1991)
Swap (1995)
Swords and Sulu (1977-1978)
T-Negative #1-10 (June 1969-April 1971)
T-Negative #11-17 (July 1971-August 1972)
T-Negative #18-23 (October 1972-July 1974)
T-Negative #24-34/35 (September 1974-March 1979)
Tal Shaya #4 (April 1977)
Tales from Ten-Forward (October 1991)
[TNG] Tantalus #1 (September 1990)
[TOS] Tantalus #2 (March 1991)
[TNG] Tantalus #3 (September 1991); #5 (January 1993)
[TOS] Tantalus Revisited (1999)
[DS9] Tarkalean Tea: A Garak/Bashir Zine (1996)
[DS9] Terok Nor #2 (March 1995)
Terra Vulcan (1972-1975)
Tetrumbriant #3 (August 1974), vol. 2, #4 (September 1975)
Tetrumbriant vol. 3, #1-2 [also labelled as issues #9-10] (November 1975-February 1976)
Tetrumbriant #15/16 (1980)
There Are Three (July 1985)
These Are the Voyages…of the Testship Evaluator (1992)
The Third Verdict (1982)
Tholian Web #7 (March 1973)
Tholian Web Proudly Presents: The Crossing Lords (Special Edition No. 6) (January 1973)
Tholian Web Proudly Presents: The Daneswoman (Special Edition #3) (n.d.)
Those Who Remain: A Comprehensive Listing of the Remaining Star Trek Fanzines (June 2000) Master and Copy
[VGR] A Thousand and Three Hundred Days (July 2003)
[DS9] Through the Wormhole #1 (1995)
Threshold (January 1978)
[TNG] Thunder’s Wrath (1992)
T’hy’la #1 (October 1981)
T’hy’la #5-6 (1985)
T’hy’la #13 (March 1994)
Box 168
Time After Time and Time Again (1993)
Time and Time Again (1990)
Time Is: Time Was: Time Yet to Be (October 1982)
A Time of Death, a Time of Life (1979)
The Time of Surak (1979)
Time Out of Mind (1985?)
[TNG] Time's Passage (n.d.)
[TOS] Time Warrior (2003)
[TNG] To Boldly Go… #1-3 (November 1989-February 1991)
To Invite the Night (1984)
To Share the Dawn (February 1978; May 1979)
Tomorrow Is Another Day (April 1979)
Tomorrow’s Treks #1 (1976)
Box 169
Transition (1982)
Transwarp #1-2 (n.d.; 1989)
Transwarp: The Official Newsletter of the U.S.S. Hornet #5-6 (November-December 1993-both incomplete); #8 (February 1994)
[DS9] Travelers of Deep Space #1 (January 1994)
Trek, the Magazine for Star Trek Fans #4 (March 1976)
Trek Collector #5 (March/April 1994)
Trek Continuum (August 1980)
Trekism at Length #1-2 (1979-1981)
TrekLink #1-20 (1985-1989)
Treknews: Newsbrief from the Final Frontier, no issue numbers (March-September 1992)
Trek News Net #1-2 (May-July 1991); #4 (March 1992); #6-7/8 (March-September 1992)
Trek Talk #36-41 (January 1993-January 1994)
Trekkin #1-3 (September 1991-June 1992)
Trexindex #1-4/5 (1977-1978)
Box 170
Trexindex Supplement, vol. 1-2 (1979-1980)
Trexindex Second Supplement, vol. 1-2 (1981-1982)
Trexindex Third Supplement, vol. 1-2 (1984-1985)
Trexindex Fourth Supplement, vol. 1-2 (1986-1987)
Box 171
Trexindex Fifth Supplement, vol. 1-2 (1988)
Trexindex Sixth Supplement, vol. 1 (1990?)
Trexindex Seventh Supplement (1993)
Trex-Press: The Interplanetary Edition; #12 (December 1993); #4 (April/May 1994)
Triskelion #5 (1976)
The Triumph Tribune #9401 (June 1994)
The Turbolift Review #1 (January 1978)
Twisted Labyrinth (n.d.)
United Federation of Planets Journal #1 (1977)
Box 172
United Federation of Planets and Starfleet Command (Glenview, Illinois) (1977)
[TOS] United Trekkers of Planet Earth #10 (June 1991); #14-15 (October-November 1991)
Universal Translator #1 (January/February 1980); #7-12 (January/February-November/December 1981)
Universal Translator #24-32 (October/December 1984-October/December 1986)
[TOS] Until the End of Time (2000)
[TNG] U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-170D #3 (November 1988)
U.S.S. Rhyanna, vol. 2, #5 (July 1995)
Valley of Shadow (March 1985)
[TOS] Valley of the Shadow (1997)
Variations on a Theme #1-4 (September 1977-May 1980)
Variations on a Theme #5-8 (October 1981-August 1984)
Box 173
Vault of Tomorrow #6 (April 1984)
Vault of Tomorrow #8 (May 1985); #13 (March 1988)
Vice Versa: An Alternate Universe Story #1-2 (April 1978-October 1979)
Victim of the Nova (August 1982)
[VGR] Visions (October 1999)
[TNG] Vonegran’s Veil #1 (1991)
Voyager (Bristol Starfleet Registry) #23 (Summer 1989)
Voyages (June 1986)
The Vulcan Way (1976)
Box 174
Warp: Newsletter der United Federation of Star Trek Fans #37 (October 1993)
Warp Factor #2 (August 1976)
Warp Factors (Starship Ingram Newsletter) #13 (January/February 1994)
The Way of the Warrior (April 1987)
[VGR] Wayfarers #1-2 (January-October 1999)
[VGR] Wayfarers #3-4 (April-October 2000)
[TOS] The Weight Collected & Other Stories (1988)
[TOS] Whalesong (July 1987)
What is Lost is Sometimes Found (August 1982)
When Heroes Die: A Starchild’s Quest (August 1983)
[TNG] When the Hurting Stops (1994)
Box 175
[TOS] When Le’matyas Sleep #2 (1988)
Where No Man Has Gone Before #1 (1979)
[TNG] Where None Have Gone Before #30-32 (Winter 1990/1991-Summer 1991)
With Hoops of Steel (April 1981)
[TOS] Within the Mirror #1 (November 1988)
Woman, Warrior, Wife #1 (?) (July 1981)
The Women’s List #1 Summer 1986)
[TOS] The Worlds of Bonnie Reitz (October 1992)
WXYZine #1 (March 1978)
[TNG] X-Gen #1 (1991)
The Yeti’s Footprint (n.d.)
The Yomin #7 (1993?); #9 (1993?)
Boxes 176 - 216: Star Wars (Including SW Comic Books) (1977, 1980, 1983, 1999, 2002, 2005)
Box 176
Against the Sith #1-5 (April 1978-July 1979)
Against the Sith #6-9 (November 1979-Autumn 1980)
Alderaan #1-15 (1978-August 1981)
Alderaani Imperative (May 1983)
Alliance #1 (1994)
Alliance #12 [Star Wars Fan Association of Italy] (October 1990)
Alliances (n.d.)
Allied Armed Forces of the New Republic - Alliance Technical Manual Version 3.0 (n.d.)
Anakin (n.d.)
Another Sky #2-3 (1992)
Anthology (1986)
The Arcadia Files (August 1994)
Attack of the Masters (2003)
An Author List of Star Wars Fan Fiction (May 1984)
Bene Dictum V: Nanshoku and Other Tales of the Master and His Apprentice (February 2000)
Best-Laid Plans ] (1978)
Bloodstripe #1 (May 2000)
Bloodstripe #2 (May 2001)
Bloodstripe #4 (May 2003)
Blue Harvest #2 (Winter 1994); #4-5 (Fall 1994-Winter 1995)
Blue Milk #1-5 (Spring 1983-Spring 1984)
Blue Morning…Blue Day [no author provided] (n.d.)
Bound By the Force #83-95 (4th quarter 1996-March 2000)
Bound By the Force #64 (Winter 1991); #71-73 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994)
Bounty Hunter #4-5 (Spring/Summer 1994-Spring/Summer 1995)
Bright Center of the Universe #2-3 (March 1992-April 1993)
Bright Center of the Universe #5-6 (1995?-April 1996)
Bright Center of the Universe #8-9 (April 1998-April 1999)
Bright Center of the Universe #10 (May 2000)
Business As Usual (n.d.)
Calheeraan (1981)
Carbonite Maneuver (1981)
The Chains of Chance (n.d.)
Box 177
Child of Darkness: Child of Light #3 (1999)
Circle of Light #1 (1984?)
Circle of Light #2 (May 1985)
Circle of Light #3-4 (May 1986-May 1987)
A Close Circle of Friends #1-2 (1985-1986)
Cloud City: The Force on Air (1996?)
Box 178
Collected Circle of Fire #1 (1985)
Combining Forces #1 (January 1981) Master and Copy
Combining Forces #2 (August 1981) Master and Copy
Combining Forces #3 (May 1982) Master and Copy
The Commander's Bed is Never Cold (1983?)
Contraband #1 (May 1983) Master and Copy
Contraband #2 (March 1984) Master and Copy
Contraband #3 (November 1984) Master and Copy
Corellion Chronicle (Best of) #1-5 (1981)
Corellian Jedi #1 (1982)
Corvette Press #3-5 (1983-1984)
Cosmic Landscapes #4 (July 1983)
Counterpoint: The Battle for Rynan (1983)
Box 179
Crossed Sabers #2 (August 1981) Master and Copy
Crossed Sabers #3 (1983)
Crossfire Zone, volume 1, #1-5 (March-November 1993)
Crossfire Zone, volume 2, #1-5 (March-November 1994)
Crossfire Zone, volume 3, #`-5 (March-November 1995)
Danna’s Song (1995)
Dark Interlude (1978)
Dark Jedi (November 1997)
Dark Jedi Master [incomplete] (n.d.)
Darklord #1 (July 1982)
The Dark Lord #1-5 (1979-1981)
Box 180
Dark Master, Dark Servant #1-2 (1997-1998)
Day of the Hunter (n.d.)
Deceptive Journey (April 1984)
Delta Source Fiction Special #4 (Winter 2003)
Docking Bay #1-3 (October 1981-1982)
Docking Bay #4-5 (1983-1984)
Dragon’s Teeth (April 1986)
Double Vision (February 1984) Master and Copy
Delusions of Grandeur #1 (May 2000)
Echo Seven #1 (1984)
Elan Vital , vol. 2, #1-2 (1978-1979); vol. 3, #1 (March 1980)
Empire Review [Pre-issue]-#4 (July 1980-February 1982)
Empire Star, vol. 1, #1-3 (December 1978-May 1979)
Empire Star, vol. 2, #1-2 (April 1981-February 1982)
The End of the Tail (n.d.)
The Enemies (1985)
Enemy Territory (1987)
Equal Opportunities (n.d.)
Equal Space #1 (1980)
Esper! (n.d.) Master and Copy
Evolution of a Rebel (August 1981)
Face to Face (May 1998)
Falcon’s Flight #1-3 (October 1978-July 1979)
Falcon’s Flight #4-6 (October 1979-1980)
Far Horizons #1 (1981)
Far Realms #1-2 (1981)
Far Realms #3-4/5 (1982-May 1983)
Far Realms #6 (May 1984)
Far Realms #7 (May 1985)
Box 181
Far Realms #8 (May 1986)
Far Realms #9 (1987)
Farfaring Connection (n.d.)
Final Act of Love (n.d.)
First Batch (n.d.)
Flight to the Falcon’s Lair (n.d.)
The Force #1-2 (July-September 1977)
The Force #44 (July 2002)
The Force of Fate (A Pre-Jedi Trilogy) (1996)
Force Sensitive #24-26 (October/November 1993-February/March 1994); #30 (October/November 1994); #32 (1995)
Box 182
Foursome (July 2000)
From a Certain Point of View #1-2 (1985; n.d.)
From a Certain Point of View #4-5 (1989-1990)
Galactic Flight #1-2 (1978?-October 1979)
Galactic Flight #3-4 (May-September 1980)
A Galaxy in Flames (n.d.)
Box 183
Galaxy Travellers #7-13 (1997-December 1998)
Galaxy Travellers #14-17 (March? 1999-December 1999); #21 (December 2000)
The Glitter and the Glory (n.d.)
Guardian (Stormbrother) #5 (February 1983)
Guardians of Peace #1 – Here and Now (2000?)
Guardians of Peace #2 – Prelude (2000)
Han Solo: A Compilation of Her Young Han Stories (May 1999)
Han Solo’s Taste of Fatherhood (n.d.)
The Healer’s Revenge (1993)
Hibernation Sickness #1-18 (April 1987-1991)
Box 184
L’Histoire d’Obi (The Story of Obi) (2000)
Hoth or Bust #1 (February 1985)
Hydrospanner Zero (Spring 1981)
Hyper Space #1-5/6 (1977-1978)
Box 185
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #1 (May 1995) Master and Copy
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #2 (May 1996)
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #3 (May 1997)
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #4 (May 1998)
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #5 (May 1999)
Box 186
I Don’t Care What You Smell! #7-8 (May 2001-May 2002)
Illuminations (1984)
Imperial Entanglements #1 (1982)
Imperium #1-3 (May 1983; April 1986; May 1993)
Imperium #7 (May 1998)
Imperium #8-9 (May 1999-May 2000)
Box 187
Imperium #10-11 (May 2001-May 2002)
Imperium #12 (May 2003)
Intergalactic Colloquy (December 1979)
Interspace #2 (November 1981)
Jandra (May 1993)
A Jedi and a Guy Like Me (1981?)
Jedi Dawning (1986)
The Jedi Journal #1-3 (May 1979-April 1981)
Jedi Journeys #3 (2004)
Box 188
A Jedi Knight in King Arthur’s Court [incomplete] (1981)
Jedi Quarterly #1-2 (Spring 1981-Spring 1982)
Journal of the Whills #35-36 (July-October 1992)
Box 189
Jundland, Too #1-2 (February-May 1984)
Jundland Wastes #1-15/16 (March 1981?-September 1983)
The Ka-Mnemon of Obi-Wan Kenobi (n.d.)
Keeping Up Appearances (n.d.)
Kessel Run #1-2 (1981-1982)
Kessel Run #3 (1983)
Kessel Run #4 (1984)
Kessel Slave (1984?)
Box 190
The Key (1988)
Knight of Shadows (May 1982)
The Kurse on Kyaz (n.d.)
Lair of the Blue Falcon (February 1995)
Lasergram #9/10/11 (May/June/July 1978)
The Last Laugh? (n.d.)
Landspeeder #1-18/19 (May 1979-April 1983)
Landspeeder [Bound Version] #1-20/21 (May 1979-August 1983)
Left Hand Jedi (n.d.)
Legends of Light #1 (August 1982)
Box 191
Legends of Light #2 (August 1984)
A Light From the Dark (1984)
The Light Sabre (1977-1980)
The Light Sabre (1981-1983)
The Light Sabre (1984-February 1986)
Box 192
The Light Sabre (September 1995-July 1997)
Lightspeed: The Prologue (May 1984)
The Lighter Side of the Force (1980)
The Lighter Side Strikes Back (1983)
Box 193
Like Father Like Son (1981)
Little Falcon [no issue number] (1981); vol. 20 (1982; vol. 35 (1984); vol. 41 (n.d.)
A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away (December 1977)
The Lost Jedis #1-2 (August 1981-March 1982)
Loved By the Enemy (August 1997)
Lucasfans #1-2 (1980-1982)
Luke & Mara (1995)
Luminous Beings #1-2 (July/August-September/October 1981)
Marks of Honor (n.d.)
Master and Apprentice #1 (n.d.)
Matrix #1 (1984)
Metamorphosis (1988)
Millennium #1 (2001)
Millennium #1 (August 1980)
The Millennium Deal (2001)
Box 194
Moonbeam #3 (February 1978)
Mos Eisley Chronicle #1-3 (Fall 1978-Summer 1984)
Mos Eisley Shopping Mall [no issue number] (n.d.)
Mos Eisley Tribune #1-3 (October 1978-May 1979)
Myrkr Tales (1997)
The Nar Shaddaa Connection (August 1996)
Need (n.d.)
The Nerfherder’s Companion #1-2 (April 1981-May 1982)
Never Say Die #4 (May 2003)
Never Say Die #5 (September 2003)
Never Say Die #6 (May 2005)
Box 195
A New Beginning (1989)
A New Challenge (1985)
A New Hope #1 (April 1986)
T.H.E. News #1-2 (March- August 1988)
News of the Rebellion #10-11 (December 1981; n.d.)
The Newspaper of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Star Wars Special Collector’s Edition #1 (1977)
A Night in the Life of Han Solo (n.d.)
No Mystical Energy Field Controls My Destiny (n.d.) [Hand-edited version]
Noids ‘n Droids #1 (December 1981)
Nowhere to Run #1-3 (March-November 1986)
Occult Matter (n.d.)
The Old Republic Reader #6-9 (March-December 1984)
The Old Republic Reader [Band version] #1-10 (December 1982-March 1985)
On a Clear Day You Can See Dagobah #1-2 (1985-1986)
Box 196
On a Clear Day You Can See Dagobah #3-4 (1987; n.d.)
Box 197
On a Clear Day You Can See Dagobah #5 (1991); #8 (n.d.)
On a Clear Day You Can See Dagobah #9 (1998)
On the Mark: The Newsletter for Mark Hamill Fans #1-24 (Winter 1982- Winter 1987)
Once Upon a Galaxy #2-3 (n.d.)
The Only Way To Travel (n.d.)
One Plus One Equals One (n.d.)
Only a Wookie (1988)
Outlands Chronicles #1-2 (June 1983-March 1984)
Outlands Chronicles #3-4 (1986-May 1987)
Partisans #1 (May 1987)
Passage to Arms #1 (1982)
Pegasus #3-4 (1978-August 1979)
Pegasus #5 (July 1981)
Pegasus #6 (April 1983)
Pen & Pencil (n.d., March 1984)
Phoenix #1 (1979)
Phoenix #2 (July 1980)
The Princess Tapes (1981-1982)
Prisoners of Palentar (1982)
Probe Droid (1980)
Pursuit of the Nashtah (1994)
Quest (n.d.)
Reap the Whirlwind (2001?)
The Rebel and the Rogue (n.d.)
The Rebel Standard #1 (July/August 1984)
Rebirth (1981?)
Reluctant Heroes #1-2 (October 1984-March 1985)
The Reluctant Jedi (May 1988)
The Reluctant Rebel (1982)
The Reluctant Renegade (1992)
Renaissance (1997)
Box 198
The Renegade and the Rogue (February 1994)
Resolutions (1999)
Resolutions: Solo (n.d.) [Complete Manuscript]
Resolutions: Solo #2-3 (n.d.)
The Rest of the Garbage (n.d.) Master and Copy
Return (1981?)
The Return of Star Wars (January 1978)
Revenge of the Garbage (n.d.)
Revenge of the Jedi (May 1986)
Revenge of the Sith (1986) Master
Revenge of the Sith (1986) Copy
Sanctuary (1988)
Saren Wallwalker: The Observations and Adventures of a Junior Jedi (March 1983)
Sarlacc #3 (1998)
Savage Trade #1-2 (March 1988-November 1989)
Scoundrel, vol. 1, #1-2 (1983-1984?); #6 (1984?)
Scoundrel, vol. 2, #1 (1985?); #8-10 (1985-1986?)
...Scum and Villainy (1979?)
The Secret Sharer (1997)
Showcase Presents: The Alternate Universes of Star Wars (May 1979)
Shooting Star #1-2 (1982-1985?)
Shooting Star [Newsletter of the Mark Hamill Society, U.K.] #4 (Autumn 1984)
Shooting Star (1981)
Signs of Wisdom (1985)
Silent Victory (1982)
Sith Yearbook/ Imperial Entanglements #2 (3) (1985?; n.d.)
Size Matters Not #3 (2004)
Box 199
Skywalker #1-2 (1978)
Skywalker #3-4 (1979-1980)
Skywalker #5-6 (1982-1983)
The Skywalker Letters (Autumn 1981)
Snowfire #3-4 (1997-1998)
Snowfire #5-6 (1999-2000)
Snow Wars (n.d.)
Sons and Daughters of the Force #28 (February 1987); #32-33 (February-May 1988); #36-41 (March 1989-November 1990); #43 (July 1991); #45-47 (March-November 1992)
Southern Enclave #1-7 (September 1983-March 1985)
Southern Enclave #8-14 (June 1985-December 1986)
Southern Enclave #15-22 (March 1987-June 1989)
Southern Enclave #23-30 (September 1989-Autumn 1991)
Southern Enclave #31-37 (Spring 1992-Autumn 1993)
Southern Enclave #38-42 (Winter 1994-Summer 1995)
Southern Enclave #46 (Autumn 1996); #54-55 (Autumn 1999-Spring 2000)
Southern Knights #1-2 (May 1985-May 1986)
Stage Wars, or Who’d Biggs? (1979)
Star Journeys (1979)
StarQuest (1988)
Star Wars [Star Wars Fan Club de Lausanne] #2 (March 1984)
Star Wars Authors Bibliography (n.d.)
Star Wars Bibliography of Stories (May 1994)
A Star Wars Bibliography (February 1980; April 1987)
Box 200
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace – Noumena (2001)
Star Wars III: Fall of the Republic (September 1983)
Star Wars Episode 21: The Darkest Light (n.d.)
Star Wars Episode 22: The Deepest Shadow (n.d.)
Star Wars Episode 69: With One Hand Free (1998)
Star Wars Fan Connection #1-8 (Autumn 1987-Summer 1990)
Star Wars Filksong Book (September/October 1977)
Still Life With Ghost (n.d.)
Storm (August 1979)
A Storm in Every Port (1990)
Tales of the Empire #1-2 (1998?-April 1998)
Tales of a New Republic: Veterans (April 1995)
Tatooine Sands vol. 3, #1 (March 1987); vol. 4, #1 (May 1988)
The Tatooine Tribune #1-2 (March 1981-February 1982)
Tauntaun Express #1 (1982)
Technological Terror #1 (March 1994)
Telesponder #2? (September 1991)
Thousandworlds Collected #1 (September 1986)
Box 201
Thousandworlds Collected #2 (December 1986)
Thunderbolt!: The Adventures of Young Han Solo (n.d.)
A Time Recalled (n.d.)
To Be a Jedi (n.d.)
To Raise the Jedi (1983)
The Toll of Power (1993)
Trackless Voids #1 (1981)
A Tremor in the Force #1-2 (1984-1985)
A Tremor in the Force #3-4 (May 1986-September 1988)
Box 202
A Tremor in the Force #5-6 (August 1990-March 1992)
A Tremor in the Force #7-8 (1993-October 1994)
Trust (n.d.)
Turnabout #1-2 (1986)
Box 203
Twin Suns #1 (May 1980)
Twin Suns #2-3 (March 1981-May 1982)
Twins By Birth (n.d.)
An Uncommon Fear of Shifting (n.d.)
Box 204
Unidentified Star Wars novel [Incomplete] (n.d.)
Unidentified Star Wars novel [Incomplete] (n.d.)
Unidentified Star Wars novel [Incomplete] (n.d.)
Vow of- Sweet Victory (n.d.)
What Child is This? [Original Manuscript] (n.d.)
The Whills #1 (December 1981)
The Whills Fanzine [no issue number provided] (May 1984)
Box 205
The Wookiee Commode #1-2 (1984-1985)
The Wookiee Commode #3-4 (1986-1987)
The Wookiee Commode #5-6 (1987?-1988?)
The Wookiee Commode #7 (1990?)
Box 206
The Wookiee Rendezvous (May 1999)
You Could Use a Good Kiss #1 (May 1999)
You Could Use Another Good Kiss (May 2000)
Box 207
Your Friend is Quite a Mercenary (n.d.)
Various unnamed zines [Incomplete] (n.d.)
[Comic Books] Assorted [Dark Horse] (August 1998; May 2005)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett #1 (Bounty on Bar-Kooda) [Dark Horse] (December 1995)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett #2 (When the Fat Lady Swings) [Dark Horse] (September 1996)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett #3 (Murder Most Foul) [Dark Horse] (August 1997)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett #1/2 [Dark Horse] (December 1997)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett (Agent of Doom) Dark Horse] (November 2000)
[Comic Books] Boba Fett (Twin Engines of Destruction) [Dark Horse] (January 1997)
[Comic Books] The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing [Dark Horse] (July 1999)
[Comic Books] The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil [Dark Horse] (October 1999)
[Comic Books] The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages [Dark Horse] (August 1999)
[Comic Books] Classic Star Wars #1-10 [Dark Horse] (August 1992-July 1993)
[Comic Books] Classic Star Wars #11-20 [Dark Horse] (August 1993-June 1994)
[Comic Books] Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds #1-2 [Dark Horse] (August-September 1996)
[Comic Books] Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars End #3 [Dark Horse] (May 1997)
[Comic Books] Crimson Empire #1-6 [Dark Horse] (December 1997-May 1998)
[Comic Books] Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood #1-6 [Dark Horse] (November 1998-April 1999)
Box 208
[Comic Books] Dark Empire (Collected) [Dark Horse] (1992)
[Comic Books] Dark Force Rising #1-6 [Dark Horse] (May-October 1997)
[Comic Books] Dark Horse Comics #7-9 (February-April 1993)
[Comic Books] Dark Horse Extra #21 (March 2000); #23-24 (May-June 2000)
[Comic Books] Dark Horse Insider #15-20 (March-August 1993)
[Comic Books] Darkness #3 [Dark Horse] (September 2001)
[Comic Books] A Decade of Dark Horse #2 (August 1996)
[Comic Books] The Devaronian Version #1 [Dark Horse] (March 2002)
[Comic Books] Droids #1-6 (April-September 1994)
[Comic Books] Droids vol. 2, #1-8 [Dark Horse] (April-December 1995)
[Comic Books] Droids: Special #1 [Dark Horse] (January 1995)
[Comic Books] Emissaries to Malastare #1-6 [Dark Horse] (December 1999-May 2000)
[Comic Books] Empire #1-2 [Dark Horse] (September-October 2002)
[Comic Books] Empire #5-10 [Dark Horse] (January-July 2003)
[Comic Books] Empire #11-17 [Dark Horse] (August 2003-January 2004)
Box 209
[Comic Books] Empire #24 [Dark Horse] (September 2004); #27-34 (November 2004-July 2005)
[Comic Books] Empire’s End #1-2 [Dark Horse] (October-November 1995)
[Comic Books] Episode I: The Phantom Menace #1-4 [Dark Horse] (May 1999
[Comic Books] Episode I: Anakin Skywalker [Dark Horse] (May 1999)
[Comic Books] Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi [Dark Horse] (May 1999)
[Comic Books] Episode I: Queen Amidala [Dark Horse] (May 1999)
[Comic Books] Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn [Dark Horse] (May 1999)
[Comic Books] Episode III: Revenge of the Sith #1-4 [Dark Horse] (May 2005)
[Comic Books] General Grievous #1-4 [Dark Horse] (March-June 2005)
[Comic Books] Handbook #2: Crimson Empire [Dark Horse] (July 1999)
[Comic Books] Heir to the Empire #1-6 [Dark Horse] (October 1995-April 1996)
[Comic Books] The Hunt for Aurra Sing #1-3 [Dark Horse] (March-May 2001)
[Comic Books] Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back #2-4 [Dark Horse] (August-October 2002)
[Comic Books] Infinities: A New Hope #1 [Dark Horse] (May 2001); #3-4 (September-October 2001)
[Comic Books] Infinities: Return of the Jedi #1-3 [Dark Horse] (November 2003-February 2004)
[Comic Books] Infinity’s End #1-3 [Dark Horse] (October-December 2000)
[Comic Books] Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal [Dark Horse] (February 1996)
[Comic Books] Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap [Dark Horse] (August 1995)
[Comic Books] Jabba the Hutt: The Gaar Suppoon Hit [Dark Horse] (April 1995)
[Comic Books] Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi [Dark Horse] (June 1995)
Box 210
[Comic Books] The Jabba Tape [Dark Horse] (December 1998)
[Comic Books] Jango Fett [Dark Horse] (2002)
[Comic Books] Jango Fett: Open Seasons #2 [Dark Horse] (May 2002); #4 (July 2002)
[Comic Books] Jedi: Aayla Secura [Dark Horse] (August 2003)
[Comic Books] Jedi: Count Dooku [Dark Horse] (2003)
[Comic Books] Jedi: Mace Windu [Dark Horse] (February 2003)
[Comic Books] Jedi: Shaak Ti [Dark Horse] (May 2003)
[Comic Books] Jedi: Yoda [Dark Horse] (June 2004)
[Comic Books] Jedi Academy: Lēviathan #1-4 [Dark Horse] (October 1998-January 1999)
[Comic Books] Jedi Council: Acts of War #1-4 [Dark Horse] (June-September 2000)
[Comic Books] Jedi Quest #1 [Dark Horse] (September 2001); #3-4 (November-December 2001)
[Comic Books] Jedi vs Sith #1-2 [Dark Horse] (April-May 2000); #6 (September 2001)
[Comic Books] The Last Command #1-6 [Dark Horse] (November 1997-July 1998)
[Comic Books] Mara Jade: By the Emperors Hand #1-6 [Dark Horse] (August 1998-January 1999)
[Comic Books] Obsession #2-5 [Dark Horse] (December 2004-April 2005)
[Comic Books] Outlander: The Exile of Sharad Hett #1-4 [Dark Horse] (June-September 1999; #6 (November 1999)
[Comic Books] Prelude to Rebellian #1-5 [Dark Horse] (December 1998-April 1999)
[Comic Books] The Protocol Offensive [Dark Horse] (September 1997)
[Comic Books] Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express #1-2 [Dark Horse] (February-May 2002)
[Comic Books] Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell #1 [Dark Horse] (December 2000)
[Comic Books] Republic #46-50 [Dark Horse] (September 2002-February 2003)
Box 211
[Comic Books] Republic #51-57 [Dark Horse] (March-August 2003)
[Comic Books] Republic #58-61 [Dark Horse] (November 2003-January 2004)
[Comic Books] Republic #72-77 [Dark Horse] (December 2004-June 2005)
[Comic Books] Return of the Jedi #1-4 [Marvel] (October 1983-January 1984)
[Comic Books] Rite of Passage #3-4 [Dark Horse] (July-August 2002)
[Comic Books] Sergio Aragones Stomps Star Wars [Dark Horse] (January 2000)
[Comic Books] Shadows of the Empire #1-6 [Dark Horse] (May-October 1996)
[Comic Books] Shadow of the Empire: Evolution #2-5 [Dark Horse] (March-June 1998)
[Comic Books] Shadow Stalker [Dark Horse] (September 1997)
[Comic Books] Splinter of the Mind’s Eye #1-4 [Dark Horse] (December 1995-June 1996)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #1-6 [Marvel] (July-December 1977)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #7-12 [Marvel] (January-June 1978)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #13-18 [Marvel] (July-December 1978)
Box 212
[Comic Books] Star Wars #19-24 [Marvel] (January-June 1979)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #49-54 [Marvel] (July-December 1981)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #55-60 [Marvel] (January-June 1982)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #60-66 [Marvel] (July-December 1982)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #67-72 [Marvel] (January-June 1983)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #99-103 [Marvel] (September 1985-January 1986)
[Comic Books] Star Wars #104-107 [Marvel] (March-September 1986)
[Comic Books] Star Wars Annual #1-3 [Marvel] (1979-1983)
[Comic Books] Star Wars Tales #1-2 [Dark Horse] (September-December 1999); #4-6 (June-December 2000)
Box 213
[Comic Books] Star Wars Tales #10 [Dark Horse] (December 2001); #12 (June 2002); #14-16 (December 2002-June 2003)
[Comic Books] Star Wars Tales #17-18 [Dark Horse] (September-December 2003); #22-24 (January-June 2005)
[Comic Books] Star Wars 3-D #1-3 [Dark Horse] (Winter 1987-Fall 1988)
[Comic Books] Takes From Mos Eisley [Dark Horse] (March 1996)
[Comic Books] Starfighter: Crossbones #1-3 [Dark Horse] (January-March 2002)
[Comic Books] The Stark Hyperspace War #1-4 [Dark Horse] (November 2001-February 2002)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi #1-5 [Dark Horse] (October 1993-February 1994)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith #1-6 [Dark Horse] (October 1994-March 1995)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire #1-5 [Dark Horse] (June-October 1997)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: The Freedom Nadd Uprising #1-2 [Dark Horse] (August-September 1994)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith #1-5 [Dark Horse] (July 1996-February 1997)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: Redemption #1-5 [Dark Horse] (July-December 1998)
[Comic Books] Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War #1-4 [Dark Horse] (August-November 1995); #6 (January 1996)
Box 214
[Comic Books] Twilight #1-4 [Dark Horse] (June-September 2000)
[Comic Books] Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika #1 [Dark Horse] (December 2000); #4 (April 2001)
[Comic Books] Union #1-4 [Dark Horse] (November 1999-February 2000)
[Comic Books] Vader’s Quest #1-4 [Dark Horse] (February-May 1999)
[Comic Books] A Valentine Story [Dark Horse] (February 2003)
[Comic Books] X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire’s Service #1-4 [Dark Horse] (August-November 1997)
[Comic Books] X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade #1-4 [Dark Horse] (March-June 1998)
[Comic Books] X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement [Dark Horse] (1998, 2000)
[Comic Books] X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue #1-4 [Dark Horse] (March-June 1997)
[Comic Books] X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader #1 [Dark Horse] (September 2005)
[Comic Books] Zam Wesell [Dark Horse] (2002)
[Comic Books] Cards Illustrated #6 (June 1994)
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #34 (Spring 1997); #40 (October/November 1998); #45-46 (August/September-October/November 1999)
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #48 (February/March 2000); #51-53 (October/November 2000-May/June 2001)
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #54-58 (July/August 2001-January/February 2002)
Box 215
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #59-62 (May/June-October 2002)
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #64 (December 2002-January 2003); #67-68 (March/April-May 2003)
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #69-72 (August-December 2003)
Box 216
[Prozines] Star Wars Insider #73-76 (February-June/July 2004)
[Prozines] Starlog #35 (June 1980)
[Prozines] Lucasfilm Fan Club Official Magazine #19 (Summer 1993)
Publicity Material for Star Wars (1977)
Boxes 217 - 219: War Of The Worlds (TV) (1988-1990)
Box 217
The Advocate’s Deli #1(1992)
Alien Sushi #1-3 (1989)
And Hell Followed with Him (July 1994)
Ashes To Ashes (March 1991)
The Blackwood Project #1 (April 1989)
Cell-Phase Matching #1 (1989)
Code 47—Level 3—Authorization 10 #1 (1990)
Code 47—Level 3—Authorization 10 #2 (1991)
Code 47—Level 3—Authorization 10: Whispers of Armageddon (1990)
Box 218
Dee-Pice #1-2 (1989-1990)
The Forrester Papers: A ‘War of the Worlds’ Concordance (1989)
Green Floating Weirdness #2-3 (January-February 1992)
Green Floating Weirdness #5 (1993); #10 (1994)
Green Floating Weirdness #11 (1994); #19 (February 2001)
Box 219
Green Floating Weirdness #22-23 (October 2002-September 2003)
Heretic Flotsam #1-2 (1990)
Let The Children Come (1990)
Need To Know (July 1989)
Scent of an Alien (1995)
To Life Immortal #1 (July 1989); #3 (1990)
WOW! (October 1993)
Yea Though I Walk (1996)
Boxes 220 - 221: The X-Files (1993-2002)
Box 220
eXotica #1 (1996)
eXotica #2: The Bright White Place (1997)
Incident UXP #1-2 (May-December 1994)
The 9th Invocation (May 1996)
Property of the F.B.I. #1-3 (January-March 1995)
Red Speedo Diaries #2-4 (1997-1999)
The Skeptic and the Believer #1-2 (1995-1996)
Box 221
Taming the Unicorn (1996)
To the Fullest X-Tent #1-3 (May 1995-May 1997)
Travels with Mulder #1 (April 1995)
The X-Files: Call of the Sea (n.d.)
The X-Files #2: The Enclave (n.d.)
X-Plicit Fantasies #4-5 (2001-May 2003)
X-Posed (1995)
X-Rated X-Files #1-3, n.d.
Series II: Miscellaneous Materials
Boxes 222 - 224
Box 222
Convention Materials
CONDuit 4 (Salt Lake City, 1994): Brochure
ConFrancisco (51st Worldcon; San Francisco, 1993): Progress Reports, Zine
Costume Con 12 (San Francisco, 1994): Progress Reports
Denvention Two (Denver, 1981): Progress Report
Dragon Con and Atlanta Comics Expo (Atlanta, 1994): Program
Eccentricon (Hawkesbury, NSW, Australia, 1987): Program Book (Signed by Guests of Honor Bjo Trimble and Brian Croucher)
Escapade 12 (Oxnard, California, 2002): Program Book
L. A. Con 3 (54th Worldcon: Anaheim, California, 1996): Progress Report
LosCon 18 (Los Angeles, 1991): Program Book
Media West Con 6(Lansing, Michigan, 1986): Program
Media West Con 19 (Lansing, Michigan, 1999): Progress Reports
Media West Con 23 (Lansing, Michigan, 2003): Program Book; Schedules
REVELcon 5 (Houston, 1994): Program Guide
Summit ’96 (Springdale, Arkansas, 1996): Newsletter
TREKFEST 6 (Houston, Texas, 1992): Program Guide
Assorted art for Star Wars fanzines, 1981-1988, two folders
Box 223
Blueprints for Starfleet starship engines (1990)
Fanzine Archives informational material, 1995, 1999, 2001, n.d.
Fanzine Archives listings, 1993, 2001, 2003
Incredible Intergalactic Star Trek Crossword Puzzle, 1976
Patterns for Star Trek uniforms, n.d.
The ‘Phile File – Compiled (Fan Directory), n.d.
Production Guide, Caravan of Courage (An Ewok Adventure) (1984)
Production Guide, The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Production Guide, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Production Guide, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Production Guide, Return of the Jedi (1983)
Production Guide, V: The Series (1984)
Sarah’s Labyrinth [Original inspiration for the film Labyrinth?] no author provided, n.d.
Selected Fanzine Archives Correspondence, 1987-2003, n.d.
Story Outline, Star Wars (May 1973)
Writer’s Guides, Star Trek (1967); Star Trek, The Next Generation (1987)
Scripts, The Court Martial of Lt. William Calley (1974)
Scripts, Miami Vice: “Alter Ego” (1988); “Asian Cut” (1988); “A Bullet for Crockett” (1988)
Scripts, Miami Vice: “Evan” (1985); “Prodigal Son” (1985)
Scripts, Miami Vice: “Redemption in Blood” (1988); “Rising Sun of Death” (1987); “Tale of the Goat” (1985)
Scripts, Predator [Film, early draft, then called Hunter] (1985)
Scripts, The Sentinel: “Dead End on Blank Street” (1998); “Far Point Shot” (1998); “The Real Deal” (1998)
Scripts, The Sentinel: “The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg” (1998); “Warriors” (1997)
Scripts, Shadow Chasers: “The Middle of Somewhere” (1985); “The Spirit of St. Louis” (1985)
Scripts, Space: Above and Beyond: “Pearly” (1996); “Sugar Dirt” (1996)
Box 224
Scripts, Simon and Simon: “Simon Says Goodbye” (1989); “Snowball” (1983)
Scripts, Star Trek: “All Our Yesterdays” (1968); “Amok Time” (1967); “The Apple” (1967)
Scripts, Star Trek: “The City on the Edge of Forever” (1967); “Court Martial” (1966); “The Enterprise Incident” (1968)
Scripts, Star Trek: “The Galileo Seven” (1966); “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” (1968); Journey to Babel” (1967)
Scripts, Star Trek: “Mirror, Mirror” (1967); “The Naked Time” (1966); “Operation-Annihilate!” (1967)
Scripts, Star Trek: “Plato’s Stepchildren” (1968); “Return to Tomorrow” (1967); “This Side of Paradise” (1966)
Scripts, Star Trek – The Animated Series: “More Tribbles, More Troubles” (1973); “Yesteryear” (1973)
Scripts, Star Trek – The Motion Picture (1978?)
Scripts, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan [Star Trek: The Motion Picture II] (1981)
Scripts, Star Trek: The Next Generation: “Pit of Acheron” (not used), n.d.
Scripts, Star Wars [Fourth draft, then part of “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller”] (1976)
Scripts, Starsky and Hutch: “A Coffin for Starsky” (1975); “The Committee” (1977); “Kill Captain Dobey” (1975)
Scripts, Starsky and Hutch: “Murder on Stage 17” (1977); “The Psychic” (1976)
Scripts, Starsky and Hutch: “Satan’s Witches” (1976); “The Specialist” (1976)
Scripts, Starsky and Hutch: "Starsky and Hutch Are Guilty" (1977); “Texas Longhorn” (1975); “The Trap” (1977)
Scripts, T. J. Hooker: “Grand Theft Auto” (1984); “The Hostages” (1983)