Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Elliott M. Ruben Amateur Press Association Collection
MsC 336
Collection Dates: 1926-2009

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: The Ruben Collection was received in October 2009 from Elliott Ruben's widow Loretta Ruben of Rockville Centre, New York. The transfer was faciliated by Heath Row, now of Los Angeles, CA. The collection was processed in October-November 2009.

Photographs: None

Elliott Ruben's 1928 zine "The Path for Boys"

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of a number of different materials relating to Elliott Ruben's interests in amateur journalism ("ajay") and his membership in a number of amateur press associations ("apas").

The materials in Series I consist of 'bundles' of publications sent to apa members at regular intervals. In most apas, members submit copies of their publications to an Official Mailer (or Editor, who then collates the materials into 'bundles' and sends them to the membership so that each member has a copy of whatever publication the other members choose to print and distribute. The Ruben Collection organizes its bundles alphabetically by the name of the apa, and thereunder chronologically by the date sent. Oversize materials from each bundle have been unfolded and placed behind the smaller materials in the bundle - in folders that have bundles with oversize materials, these large and unfolded materials serve as the boundary between individual bundles. The Ruben Collection contains bundles for several apas - the Amalgamated Printers Association (APA), the American Amateur Press Association (AAPA), the National Amateur Press Association (NAPA), and the United Amateur Press Association of America (UAPA)- that cover the decades from the 1930s through the early 2000s.

Series II consists almost entirely of the official organizational publications issued by the apas listed above. Series III contains various ajay publications (zines, flyers, advertisements, handbills, and other examples of amateur printing) that arrived at the University of Iowa unattached to any particular bundle. Many of these items probably come from members of the UAPA, for which the original envelopes long since disintegrated. These items are arranged alphabetically by the title of the publication. Also contained in this series are several cooperative publications (annual anthologies of ajay items) produced by various apas.

Series IV consists of correspondence sent to Ruben from many of his friends in the ajay world, as well as official materials produced by the apas of which he was a member.

Series V contains Ruben's childhood publications, created by Ruben from the ages of 10-16.

Biographical Note

Elliott M. Ruben was born in New York on September 10, 1916. From an early age he was interested in the world of amateur printing - his earliest publication in this collection is Elliott M. Ruben's Puzzle Book, dating from 1926. Ruben was an early member of the American Amateur Printing Association, which he first joined in September 1937. He was also a member of several other nationwide amateur journalism organizations, including the National Amateur Press Association, the United Amateur Press Association of America, and the Amalgamated Printers Association.

Ruben received the 1937 AAPA Laureate Award Honorable Mention for his short story "Christmas Gift". Among his other ajay publications is the small zine Random Thoughts, which he produced for AAPA starting in 1963.

Elliott Ruben died in New York City on July 7, 2009. He was survived by his wife Loretta.

Historical Note

The term "apa" refers to an Amateur Press Association. An amateur press association is a group of like-minded people, distributed across a wide geographical area, who join together to discuss common interests using the forum of a collated series ("bundles") of individually printed publications. Apas originally came into existence in the late 19th century through the efforts of amateur journalists. However, starting in the early 20th century, apas came to be primarily associated with science fiction, fantasy, and other genre fans.

Publications in apas vary widely, and may include zines, flyers, handbills, advertisements, signs, broadsides, and virtually any other sort of printed publication one could imagine. Apa members submit copies of their publications to the apa's Official Mailer (sometimes known as a Central Mailer or an Official Editor), a rotating, often elective position. The OM collates a copy of each publication - submitted at regular intervals - and sends the resulting bundles to every apa member.

Several different apas, all structured in similar fashion, are represented in the Ruben Collection:

Amalgamated Printers Association: Originally organized in 1958 as, to quote the APA, "a hobby printers group so that members could improve their skills, expand their knowledge, and exchange samples of their letterpress work", the Amalgamated Printers Association continues today to cater to the interests of amateur printers, although professional printers are also members.

American Amateur Press Association: AAPA was founded in 1936 by a group of young printers who had become increasingly disenchanted with the leadership of the United Amateur Press Association of which they were members. They broke away in order to prevent the UAPA from becoming increasingly divided into factions, and their apa continues today. The AAPA's official organ is the American Amateur Journalist.

National Amateur Press Association: NAPA is the world's oldest apa, having been founded in Philadelphia in February 1876. Like its younger sister organizations, NAPA, which still thrives today, is dedicated to furthering and promoting the art of amateur journalism. Its official organ is the National Amateur.

United Amateur Press Association of America : The United was the second American apa to be founded, coming into existence in 1895. It was originally founded by 14-year old William H. Greenfield of Philadelphia -initially not aware of the existence of NAPA - who wanted to bring together the scattered amateur journalist clubs of which he was aware and in communication. UAPA's membership tended to be younger than NAPA's, and it served as a training ground for many writers and editors (including H.P. Lovecraft) who later joined NAPA. UAPA's official organ is the United Amateur.


Related Materials

GERINGER, LAUREN, 1908-1992. Lauren Geringer Papers, 1919-1992. 1.75 ft.
Iowa City printer and author. The bulk of the collection is comprised of monthly bundles from amateur press associations during 1990 and 1991, including the Amalgamated Printers Association, the National Amateur Press Association, and Peat's press. Items from Geringer's Press, clippings about Geringer, a miscellaneous collection of samples of printing, and several editions of his small journal, People Watcher make up the remainderof the collection. MsC 847. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Genre Apazines, 1943, 1945, 1958-2002.
A collection of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and other genre "apazines" (informal publications similar to newsletters or fanzines, and published by fan groups called Amateur Press Associations, or "apas"). MsC825. (Finding Aid)

MILLER, GUY. Guy Miller Amateur Printing Collection, 1934 - 1989. 0.8 ft.

Collection of amateur print publications, most dating from the early and mid 20th century. MsC 881. (Finding Aid)

ROW, HEATH. Heath Row Amateur Press Association Collection, 1934-2010. 2.0 ft.

Zine writer and editor, and member of multiple amateur press associations. Includes apa publications, apa official organs, and assorted loose ajay publications. MsC 364. (Finding Aid)

TURNEPSEED, WILLAMETTA, 1909-1989. Papers of Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed, 1941-1944. 0.8 ft.

Correspondence, chiefly love letters, between amateur printers Smith and Turnepseed, together with a few additional materials, including copies of their co-edited Literary Newsette. Many of Smith's letters document his activities training as a navigator in the United States Army Air Force, 1943-1944. MsC868. (Finding Aid)


Box Contents List

Series I: Apa Bundles

Amalgamated Printers Association


Box 1

May 1972 Bundle

September-November 1975 Bundles

December 1975 Bundle

January-April 1976 Bundles

May-August 1976 Bundles

September-December 1976 Bundles

January-March 1977 Bundles

April-July 1977 Bundles

August-December 1977 Bundles

January-March 1978 Bundles

April-June 1978 Bundles

July-September 1978 Bundles

October-December 1978 Bundles

July-September 1979 Bundles

October-December 1979 Bundles

January-March 1980 Bundles


Box 2

April-June 1980 Bundles

July-September 1980 Bundles

October-December 1980 Bundles

January-March 1981 Bundles

April-June 1981 Bundles

July-September 1981 Bundles

October-December 1981 Bundles

January-March 1982 Bundles

April-June 1982 Bundles

July-September 1982 Bundles

October-December 1982 Bundles

January-March 1983 Bundles

April-June 1983 Bundles

July-August 1983 Bundles

September-November 1983 Bundles


Box 3

December 1983-February 1984 Bundles

March-May 1984 Bundles

June-August 1984 Bundles

September-November 1984 Bundles

December 1984-February 1985 Bundles

March-May 1985 Bundles

June-August 1985 Bundles

September-November 1985 Bundles

December 1985-March 1986 Bundles

April-June 1986 Bundles

June (2)- September 1986 Bundles

October-December 1986 Bundles

December (2) 1986-March 1987 Bundles

April-May 1987 Bundles

July-August 1987 Bundles


Box 4

October-December 1987 Bundles

January-March 1988 Bundles

April-June 1988 Bundles

July-September 1988 Bundles

October-December 1988 Bundles

January-March 1989 Bundles

April-June 1989 Bundles

July-September 1989 Bundles

October-December 1989 Bundles

January-March 1990 Bundles

April-June 1990 Bundles

July-September 1990 Bundles

October-December 1990 Bundles


Box 5

January-March 1991 Bundles

April-June 1991 Bundles

July-September 1991 Bundles

October-December 1991 Bundles

January-March 1992 Bundles

April-June 1992 Bundles

August-September 1992 Bundles

October-December 1992 Bundles

January-March 1993 Bundles

April-June 1993 Bundles

July-September 1993 Bundles

October-December 1993 Bundles


Box 6

January-February 1994 Bundles

March-May 1994 Bundles

June-August 1994 Bundles

September-November 1994 Bundles

December 1994-March 1995 Bundles

April-June 1995 Bundles

July-September 1995 Bundles

October-December 1995 Bundles

January-March 1996 Bundles

April-June 1996 Bundles

July-September 1996 Bundles

October-December 1996 Bundles


Box 7

January-March 1997 Bundles – September-October 1999 Bundles


Box 8

November-December 1999 Bundles

American Amateur Press Association

Box 9

January-March 1939 Bundles

May 1939 Bundle

Early 1945 Bundle [Exact Month Unknown]

Early 1946 Bundle [Exact Month Unknown]

Early or Mid-1946 Bundle [Exact Month Unknown]

May 1946 - August 1946 Bundles

July 1947 – December 1948 Bundles

February 1949 Bundle

April 1949 Bundle

June 1949 Bundle

July 1949 Bundle

December 1949 Bundle

April 1961 Mailing – June 1963 Bundles


Box 10

July 1963 - January-March 1964 Bundles

April-June 1964 Bundles – January 1969 Bundle

January-March 1974 Bundles


Box 11

April-June 1974 Bundles – January-February 1978 Bundles

January-March 1979 Bundles


Box 12

April-June 1979 Bundles – April-June 1983 Bundles


Box 13

July-September 1983 Bundles – July-September 1984 Bundles


Box 14

October-December 1986 Bundles – July-September 1990 Bundles


Box 15

October-December 1990 Bundles – January-March 1994 Bundles


Box 16

April-June 1994 Bundles -  July-September 1997 Bundles


Box 17

October-December 1997 – October-December 1999 Bundles

January-February 2001 Bundles

February 2009 Bundle


National Amateur Press Association

June-September 1965 – July-September 1966 Bundles


Box 18

October-December 1966 – October-November 1967 Bundles

February-March/April 1968 – October 1968 Bundles

December 1968 Bundle

January-April 1969 – November-December 1969 Bundles

January-March 1974 – January-March 1975 Bundles


Box 19

April-June 1975 – January-March 1979 Bundles


Box 20

April-June 1979 – October-December 1982 Bundles


Box 21

January-March 1983 – October-December 1986 Bundles


Box 22

January-March 1987 – October-December 1990 Bundles


Box 23

January-March 1991 – July-August 1994 Bundles

May –August 1997 Bundles

United Amateur Press Association of America


Box 24

Various Publications, 1932-1933

Various Publications, 1934 (2 folders)

May 1935 Bundle

June 1935 Bundle

November 1935 Bundle

December 1935 Bundle

Various Publications, 1935 (2 folders)

January – April 1936 Bundles

June 1936 Bundle

September 1936 Bundle

December 1936 Bundle

Various Publications, 1936

March 1937 Bundle


Box 25

June 1937 Bundle

Fall or Winter 1937 Bundle

Various Publications, 1937

March 1938 Bundle

May 1938 Bundle

August 1938 Bundle

Various Publications, 1938

January 1939 Bundle

May 1939 Bundle

January or February 1965 Bundle

Series II: Apa Official Organs

Box 26 (Issues listed by folder)

The Amateur Journalist (United Amateur Press Association of America)

October 1904

American Amateur Journalist (American Amateur Press Association)

1937-1939 (Except Sept/Oct - Nov/Dec 1938)

1940 (Except October-December), 1941-1942 (Except August-September)

1943-1944 (Except vol. 8 #2), 1945 (Except vol. 9 #6)

1946-1947, 1948 (Except vol. 12 #3)

1949 (vol. 13 #4-5), 1950 (vol. 15 #1), 1951 (vol. 16 #1)

1952 (vol. 16 #6 and vol. 17 #1), 1953 (vol. 17 #2 and #6, and vol. 18 #1), 1954 (vol. 19 #1)

1956 (September and October), 1957 (September), 1958 (September), 1959 (November/December), 1960 (#5/6 and November/December)

1961 (Except Jan/Feb and Mar/Apr), 1962-1963



1972-1973 (Except July 1973), 1974-1975

1976 (Except July), 1977 (Except January-March and November), 1978 (Except March-May and September), 1979 (Except September)



1988 (Except July), 1989-1991 (Except July-September 1991)

1992-1993, 1994 (Except March), 1995

1996-1997 (Except September 1997), 1998 (Except January and May), 1999 (Except July)

January-March 2000, January-September 2004

APA Journal (Amalgamated Printers Association)

February-April 1963, March 1964

The Fossil [Official Organ of the Alumni of Amateur Journalism]

#154 (July 1957), #158 (July 1958)

The Fossil [The Fossils, Inc., Historians of Amateur Journalism]

January 1990, July 1997, October 1997

January 1998, January-October 1999, July 2000


#12 (November 1998)

National Amateur (National Amateur Press Association)

July 1914, March 1927

December 1945, December 1946, June-December 1947

September 1953, March 1954

September-December 1987, March 1988-June 1990

September 1990-September 1992

December 1992-June 1994

United Amateur (United Amateur Press Association of America)

November 1905, September 1909

June 1932-June 1936

September 1936-December 1938

August 1945, December 1945, May 1946, December 1946-September 1947

January-February, 1965, July/August-September 1967, January/February 1968

Series III: Assorted Ajay Publications

Box 27

A, c. 1937-1997

Apa Wayzgoose, 1978, 1997

B, c. 1965-1998

C - D, c. 1933-1993

E - F, c. 1963-1995

The Gator Growl [Lee Hawes, auth.] 1946-1947, 1955, 1962, 1968

The Griddle [Sheldon Wesson, ed.] 1941-1947, 1993

G - I, c. 1933-1996

Ink Cahoots [AAPA Cooperative Annual] #1 - 8 (1973-1980)

Ink Cahoots [AAPA Cooperative Annual] #9 - 16 (1981-1988)

Ink Cahoots [AAPA Cooperative Annual] #18 - 25 (1990-1997)

Ink Cahoots [AAPA Cooperative Annual] #26 - 29 (1998-2001), #33 - 34 (2005-2006)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #3 - 7 (1957-1961)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #9 - 14 (1963-1968)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #15 - 20 (1969-1974)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #21 - 26 (1975-1980)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #27 - 32 (1981-1986)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #33 - 37 (1987-1991)

It's A Small World [Cooperative Annual] #38 - 41 (1992-1995)

J - L, c. 1942-2000

M, c. 1937-1999

N - O, c. 1933-1993

P - R, c. 1933-1999

Siamese Standpipe [Sheldon and Helen Wesson, auth.] #1 - 5 (April-October 1942), #7 - 10 (April-September 1943)

Siamese Standpipe [Sheldon and Helen Wesson, auth.] #11 - 19 (Fall 1943-August 1947)

Siamese Standpipe [Sheldon and Helen Wesson, auth.] #24 - 25 (Autumn-Christmas 1953), #27 - 28 (Spring-May 1954)

Box 28

Siamese Standpipe [Sheldon and Helen Wesson, auth.] #30 - 31 (September-Christmas 1954), #35 - 37 (Christmas 1955-July 1957)

Siamese Standpipe [Sheldon and Helen Wesson, auth.] #38 - 39 (Christmas 1957-February 1958), #41 (September 1961)

S, c.1945-1987

Treasure Gems [Amalgamated Printers Association Cooperative Annual] #5 - 9 (1975-1979)

Treasure Gems [Amalgamated Printers Association Cooperative Annual] #10 - 14 (1980-1984)

Treasure Gems [Amalgamated Printers Association Cooperative Annual] #15 - 16 (1985-1986), #18 - 19 (1988-1989)

Treasure Gems [Amalgamated Printers Association Cooperative Annual] #20 (1990), #24 (1994), #27 - 28 (1997-1998)

Box 29

T - V, c. 1946-1981

W - Y, c. 1950-1959

Assorted Printed Products, various dates (3 folders)

Series IV: Correspondence and Official Apa Material

Box 30

Ballots - AAPA, 1962, 180-1995

Conference Tag - AAPA, 1964

Correspondence, 1933-1957

Correspondence, 1958-1964

Correspondence, 1965-1998

Correspondence, no date

Correspondence, Official - AAPA, 1949-1981

Correspondence, Official - Other Apas, 1937, 1967-1968, n.d.

Documents, Official - AAPA, 1962-1973

Series V: Elliott M. Ruben's Childhood Publications

Box 1

The Amateur Journalist: Volume 1:1 – 4 (April, October-December 1932), 1:5-6 (January, March 1933), Volume 2:1-2 (July-August 1933)
The Vigorous Boy #1 (August 1932)

Box 2
Baseball Score Book (April 1928)
Current Inventions Volume 1:1 (August 1927)
Current Science Volume 1:2 (September 1927)
Elliot M. Ruben’s Puzzle Book Volumes 2, 4 (n.d.), 5-8 (1926), 9 (n.d.)
Flight Bulletins Volume 1 (1927)
The Journalistic News Volumes 1-2 (September 1932), 3-4 (November-December 1932)
Laugh A Bit: A New Joke Magazine Volume 1:1 (July 1927)
The Path for Boys Volume 1:1-12 (February 1927-January 1928), Semi-Annual #1(June 1928), Volume 2:1-5 (July 1928-November 1928), Path for Boys Quarterly Volume 1:1 (Winter 1928)
Radio Broadcast Volume 1:1 (August 1930), 1:3-4 (January 1931-February 1931), Volume 2:1-2 (September 1931), 2:3 (October 1931)
Radio Program Weekly Volume 1:1-12(April 1930-July 1930), Volume 2:1 (July 1930), 2:3 (July 1930), “Volume 1:2” (September 1930)
“Skippy”, by Percy L. Crosby Volume 1:1 (December, no year given)
Talkies Volume 1:2-3 (September 16-23, 1928)
Television Quarterly Volume 1:1 (Summer 1928)