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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Public Space ONE Zine Collection
MsC 370
Collection Dates:1977 - 2008

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was acquired from Eric Asboe and John Engelbrecht of Public Space ONE in March 2010. It was processed in March-April 2010.

Photographs: None









Scope and Contents

This collection consists of zines obtained from the directors of Iowa City-based nonprofit volunteer-run art, culture and performance venue Public Space ONE, located in the Jefferson Building on East Washington St. The zines had apparently been assembled as part of an abandoned or lost attempt at a zine library in the space Public Space ONE once occupied.

The zines in this collection constitute a wide variety of subjects and concerns, Many are perzines, that is,"personal" zines that describe the author's own experiences, thoughts and feelings. Others are anthologies of stories or poetry, or consist of comic or other types of art. Still other zines are designed as outlets for political or social expression. Many zines encompass more than one type or style, reflecting the fluidity of the zine as a product of creative endeavor.

A substantial number of the zines in the Public Space ONE Collection concern anarchist or other radical politics, including a number of publications produced for or by prisoners. In addition, the collection is notable for a large number of zines produced by residents of the Iowa City area and the Midwest.

Historical Note

The term "zine" (derived from the word "fanzine") refers generally to an small, informal, non-professionally produced publication. By their very nature zines are hard to define exactly, but distinguishing common characteristics of zines include a small circulation (sometimes via subscription but often distributed informally among interested parties) and a raison d'etre that stresses free expression over profit.

Zines are graphic expressions of their authors' social, cultural, and political interests and concerns. They are creative outlets devoted to individual and idiosyncratic self-expression. A zine can be about pretty much anything: politics, music, sex, gender relations, sports, pop culture - the list is virtually endless.

Zines have a long and storied tradition as instruments of social and political change, as cultural relics, and as outlets for expression by underground or marginalized populations. The first zines in America arguably were the many political broadsides produced prior to and during the American Revolution, the most famous of these being Common Sense (1776) by Thomas Paine. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries authors, essayists and political activists rejecting or rejected by the mainstream media as it then existed self-published their own opinions and creative works (a famous literary example from Britain would be that of the Bronte siblings - Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne - who as children wrote and "published" numerous stories of their imaginary literary worlds). Zines began to flower with the late 19th-century development of the "amateur press association" movement, in which groups of amateur printers obtained their own personal printing presses and created small magazines as products of their hobby.

Zines first really entered the cultural milieu as a specific and noticeable phenomenon in the 1930s, when the emerging science fiction fan community started creating "fanzines" as forums for their own stories and opinions on published and broadcast SF works. Fanzines became popular tools used by geographically disparate fans to communicate with one another before the emergence of the Internet in the 1990s. Zines are still primarily associated with science fiction fandom today because of their immense and ongoing popularity among fans. Special Collections has a number of collections consisting of fanzines and works of fan fiction from a number of different media properties.

The zine was taken up in the 1970s by the burgeoning punk music movement as a method of expressing its disdain for the mainstream music and social scenes. The punk movement favored a strong anti-establishment, anti-corporate music way of life, and members created zines devoted to bands and artists who shared their worldview and were overlooked by standard publications and media outlets. Zines became an additional way for punk music fans and artists to circumvent "the system". The popularity of zines was helped along during this decade by the advent of  the increasing availability of cheap photocopying (and, starting in the 1980s, the personal computer).

Following in the footsteps of punk, members of the emerging 1990s "riot grrrl" underground feminist movement - an amorphous melding of female-driven music, concern with the complexities of female identity, and a new consciousness of institutional, social and cultural sexism - adopted zines as forums for their own forms of self-expression. Riot grrrl zines often moved beyond the music itself and concerned themselves with feminist political and social issues such as discrimination, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and concerns over body image.

Many zines are marked by stories of intensely personal experiences relating to these issues, which reinforce the traditional concept of the zine as a uniquely individual creation, a truly DIY (Do-It-Yourself) product born directly out of the author's personal vision and unmarked by editors, publishers, reviewers or any outside parties.

Zines, although to some degree superceded by the arrival of blogs, continue to thrive today as methods of personal expression in print, and as places for exploration of new social issues, including environmentalism, consumerism, and globalization. Many, however, continue to devote themselves to more "traditional" subject matter - i.e. underground music, radical politics, or science fiction and fantasy fandom.

Related Materials

ATCA Periodicals and Zines Collection. Bulk dates: 1960 - 1980. 75+ ft.
This ATCA collection brings together journals, newspapers, zines, and similar formal and informal periodicals that are art-related or have artistic merit. The range of subjects is broad and include political and cultural issues, gender and sexuality questions, as well as music, film, poetry, and religion. MsC779. (Finding Aid)

BERGUS, NICK AND LAURA. Bergus Zine Collection, 1978-2002. 13.5 ft.
Zines collected by Nick and Laura Bergus documenting avant garde and popular music in the 1980s and 1990s. MsC834. (Finding Aid)

JOHNSON, BRENT. The Brent Johnson Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop Collection, 1990-2005. 5.5 ft.
Collection of zines and other small press publications assembled by Johnson, an Iowa City native who operated the Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop in Iowa City. MsC 319. (Finding Aid)

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. Special Collections Floating Zine Collection, 1998-2010. 1.0 ft
Collection of assorted zines not tied to any particular donor or other collection. MsC331. (Finding Aid)

STEWART, SEAN. Sean Stewart Zine Collection, 1986-2009. 1.0 ft.
Collection of zines dealing with a wide variety of subjects, themes, and creative styles, collected by a Baltimore-based zine writer, editor and reviewer. MsC 353. (Finding Aid)

WOLFE, SARAH AND JEN. Sarah and Jen Wolfe Collection of Riot Grrrl and Underground Music Zines, 1991-1998, 2003. 6 ft. Collection of amateur publications arising primarily from the feminist riot grrrl movement of the 1990s, together with numerous zines documenting various independent/underground music scenes. MsC 878. (Finding Aid)

ZINE MACHINE. Zine Machine Collection, 2001-2009. 0.8 ft.
Collection of zines taken from the Zine Machine, a repurposed vending machine in the University of Iowa Main Library that distributes zines to interested parties. Many of the zines are local to Iowa City in origin. MsC885. (Finding Aid)

Box Contents List

Box 1

American Porn #1 - 6 (July 1998-September 2001)
                             [Kerstin Kalbe and Adam Angstead, ed. for #1-4; Angstead for #5-6]

American Porn #7 - 8 (December 2001-May 2002)
                             [Adam Angstead, ed.]

Anarchism: What It Really Stands For (Reprint, 1996?)
                             [Emma Goldman, auth.]

Anarchism and American Traditions (Reprint, 2000)
                             [Voltairine de Cleyne, auth/]

Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle (March 1990)
                             [Alfredo M. Bonanno, auth.]

Anarchist Black Cross: Information and Resources (January 2002)

The Anarchist Brain: An Interview and Collection of Writings from Prison (1998)
                            [Shaka N'Zinga, auth.]

Anarchist Panther: The Good Reading Zine #3 (Spring-Summer 2001)

The Animal Liberation Primer (n.d.)

Another Bored Kid #3 (n.d.)
                            [Nick Bergus, ed.]

Anti-History: An Indigenous Anti-Capitalist Analysis (n.d.)
                            [Zig-Zag, auth.]

A.P.B. (Anti-Police Brigade): 19 Songs Against the Daily Brutality of the Police (2002?) - Compact Disc

Aporia #1 (n.d.)

Armed Joy (Reprint 2003, orig. published 1977)
                            [Alfredo M. Bonanno, auth.]

Away with All Cars (n.d.)
                            [Mr. Social Control, auth.]

Bad Head (n.d.)
                            [Klon Waldrip, auth.]

Beer Frame; The Journal of Inconspicuous Consumption #6 (1996)
                            [Paul Lukas, auth.]

Beginner's Guide to Responsible Sexuality (For Men) (n.d.)

Behind Door #2 (Spring 2003)

The Black Peoples' Prison Survival Guide (March 1998)
                            [Abdullah, auth.]

The Blind Man's Rainbow: Poetry and Art vol. 8 #3 - 4 (Spring-Summer 2003)
                            [Melody Sherosky and Nathan Condron, ed.]

Body #3 (November 1995)
                            [Elijah Beaver, auth.]

Bodyhammer: Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern Protester, Version 1.1 (n.d.)
                            [Sarin, auth.]

Brutal Honesty #2 (n.d.)
                            [Rebecca North, auth.]

Building a Solar-Powered Composting Toilet: A D.I.Y. Guide (n.d.)
                            [Seedhead, auth.]

Bunches of Punches #1 (n.d.)
                            [Allison Calamari, auth.]

Bundt Cake #~1453b/2d-1.3, #0B13PO (n.d.)

Candlelight Presents #1 (October 1997)
                            [John Thomas, Jeremy Smith, Michael Ayers and Will Grant, auth.]

Care for the Walking Wounded (n.d.)
                            [Mandalynn, auth.]

Chainbreaker: Your Favorite Bicycle Zine (n.d.)
                            [Shelley, auth.]

Chickenhed Zine and Roll #1/Hopewell #4 (February 2002)
                            [Josher/Francis Hopewell, auth.]

The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #1 (n.d.)

Clarmor #19 (March/April 2003)
                            [Jen Angel and Jason Kurcsma, ed.]

Climax (2001)
                            [Jake Johnson, auth.]

Collecting Ourselves: Thoughts and Words (2003)

Content #1 - 4 (November/December 2002-Fall 2003) - UI Student Production

Copy Machine Tragedy #1 (n.d.)

Cornfed Hussy #1, #4 - 6 (n.d.)
                            [Somahelen, ed.]

Counterpoise, vol. 6 #4 (October 2002)
                            [Civic Media Center, pub.]

The Crazed Sparrow Free Rant Collective #2, no issue # (n.d.)
                            [Brent Johnson, ed.]

Crinkle/Hiss (n.d.)
                            [Nono Girl and Squeaky, ed.]

The Cunt Zine (n.d.)
                            [Amanda *, auth.]

A Day In the Air #12 (n.d.), #14 (March 2002)

Death By Robot (n.d.)
                           [Addie, auth.]

The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Exchange (July 1992, orig. pub. December 1965)
                           [Ken Knabb, auth.]

The Die, vol. 2 #2 (Spring 2003)
                          [Red Ranch Press, pub.]

Dimestore #6 (n.d.)
                          [Pranay, auth.]

The Dirty South Cookbook #1 (n.d.)

Distress Signals #1 - 3 (n.d.)
                          [Billy Keniston, ed.]

Donkey Donkey (n.d.)

Don't Be Fooled, Don't Be Ruled (n.d.)
                          [Anarchist Federation, auth.]

Doris #14 (n.d.), #20 (Winter 2002)
                          [Cindy, auth.]

the dream i had (2000)
                          [Hilary Thomas, auth.]

Driver's Side Airbag #40, #42 (n.d.)
                         [Michael Halchin, ed.]

Dunk and Piss #7 (March 2002)

Duhhh #9 (n.d.)
                         [Anthony P., ed.]

Earthwords: The Undergraduate Literary Review #24 (2004), #28 (2008)
                         [University of Iowa, pub.]

The East Village Inky #19 (April 2003)
                         [Ayun Halliday, ed.]

Ed #1 (March 1997)
                         [Brian McNeil and John Thomas, ed.]

Emergency #4: Monsters (n.d.)
                         [Ammi, auth.]

Enemy of the State: An Interview with John Zerzan (September 1998)
                         [Derreck Jansen, auth.]

End Modern Slavery: Common Perspectives on Ourselves, Our World and Social Change (Reprint, July 2001)
                         [Columbia Anarchist League, auth.]

Fables (1996)
                         [Brian Potrafka, auth.]

Factory Direct #3 -4 (n.d.)
                         [New Mouth from the Dirty South, pub.]

Fail-Safe: Audio Comix in Space (n.d.) - Compact Disc
                         [Daniel Murphy, auth.]

Fascism: Its Most Advanced Form Is In America (n.d.)
                         [George Jackson, auth.]

FAWDA: On the Situation in Palestine and When and How It Started (n.d.)

First Class #21 (May 2003)
                         [Four Sep Publications, pub.]

Five Poems (n.d.)
                        [Michael Lambert, auth.]

Force Fed (n.d.)
                        [Miss Kristie, auth.]

Foul: An Independent Publication #11, #13 (n.d.)
                        [Brandon Wetterbee, ed.]

Free Flowing (Iowa City, IA), vol. 4 #2 (February 1977), vol. 4 #6 (Summer 1977), vol. 5 #2 (April 1978)

Freedom of Expression #3, #7 - 10, #15, "Winter 1843 Catalog" (n.d.)
                        [Kennebrew MacLeod, auth.]

Freethought Datasheet #22: Christianity versus Women (n.d.)
                        [Julia Hernandez and Al Seckel, auth.]

Frequently Asked Questions About the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) (2001)
                        [North American ELF Press Office, pub.]

Future 500: Youth Organizing and Activism in the United States (2002)
                        [Active Element Foundation, auth.]

The Glass Eye: Northwest Ohio's Naughtiest Entertainment Magazine, vol. 10 #3 (April 2003), vol. 10 #5 (June 2003)
                        [Edward Shimborshe III, ed.]

Go Metric! #15 (Spring 2002)
                        [Terry Sheldrake, ed.]

God Is Happy! (n.d.)

Going to the Trouble: Poems (2002)
                       [Hilary Thomas, auth.]

The Groundings With My Brothers (Reprint, 1996, orig. pub. 1968)
                       [Walter Rodney, auth.]

Gullible #13 (n.d.)
                       [Christ Terry, auth.]

The Hammering of Late Hours (2004)
                       [Rustin Larson, auth.]

Handjive #3 (n.d.)
                      [Emily Heipl, auth.]

Health and Safety at Militant Actions, Version 1.4 (January 2001)
                      [On The Ground, auth.]

Hearts Don't Break (2002-2003)
                      [Jessica Disobedience, auth.]

Here Be Dragons: A Political Fanzine #2 - 3 (1998), #5 (1999), #8 (2001)
                      [Mike G. Roth, ed.]

Hooshla! #1 (2001)
                      [Hooshla Fox, auth.]

The Hungarian Revolution 1956 (Reprint, orig. pub. 1984)

Hungry Ghost and Other Amazing Tales: A Handbook of Knowledge by Riles P. Sedgewick (n.d.)
                      [Wilem Oojak, auth.]

i cut these lines (Reprint, June 2002, orig. pub. 1999)

I Hate This Part of Texas #4 (n.d.)

i saw it on the bathroom wall (n.d.)

Impact Press #44 - 45 (April/May-June/July 2003)
                       [Craig Mazer, ed.]

The Inner Swine, vol. 9 #3 (September 2003)
                      [Jeffrey Somers, ed.]

International Intifada: An Urgent Call to Participate in the Colonizer's Execution (Reprint, April 2003, orig. pub. June 2002)

Introduction to the United States: An Autonomist Political History (June 1991)
                      [Noel Ignatiev, auth.]

John Doe - Yeah I Fucked You (n.d.)
                      [Jeri Cain Rossi, auth.]

The Justice XPress, vol. 11 #2 (Spring 2003)
                      [Doret Kollerer, ed.]

Kiss Machine #6 (2003)
                      [Emily Pohl-Weary and Paola Poletto, ed.]

The Kurdish Uprising and Kurdistan's Nationalist Shop Front and Its Negotiations with the Baathist/Fascist Regime (Reprint, May 2003, orig. pub. 1991)

Box 2

Leeking Ink #24 (July 2001)
                      [Davida Gypsy Breier, ed.]

Long Live Mutiny! Pirate Tactics (n.d.)

Lord of the Apes: Poems (2001)
                     [Rustin Larson, auth.]

Lumpen Magazine #90 (n.d.)
                     [Ed Marszewksi, ed.]

Made In the USA (n.d.)

Marriage and Love (1996)
                     [Emma Godman, auth.]

Mary Veut un'Picturebook: Les Poissons (2001)

Marzapan's Transmogrify #9, no issue # (n.d.)
                     [Marzapan, auth.]

Memories of Freedom (n.d.)
                     [Western Wildlife Unit of the Animal Liberation Front, auth.]

Men in the Feminist Struggle (n.d.)
                     [bell hooks, Andrea Dworkin, John Stoltenberg, and Kooky, auth.]

Meniscus #9 (March 2002)
                     [Matt Fagan, auth.]

Minotaur #17 (1989)
                     [Jim Gove, ed.]

The Misery of Islam (Reprint, May 2003, orig. pub. February 1989)
                    [Al-Djouhill, auth.]

Monadnoc (n.d.) - Compact Disc
                    [Dog Mason, auth.]

Monsters Beware! #1 (Summer 1999)
                    [John Ira Thomas and Carter Allen, auth.]

Mouth Magazine: Voice of the Dis-labeled Nation #77 - 78 (May/June-July/August 2003)
                    [Lucy Gwin, ed.]

Mr. Peebody's Soiled Trousers and Other Delights #17 (March 2003)
                    [Joy, auth.]

Musea #121 - 123 (May-July/August 2003)
                    [Tom Hendricks, auth.]

My Alphabet #4 (n.d.)
                    [Migraine Education Syndicate, pub.]

The Mystery of She #1 (October 2002)
                    [Lucia Page, Jennifer Hughes and Kareem, auth.]

Natural Disasters (n.d.)
                    [Al Burian, auth.]

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #3 (n.d.)
                    [Jacob David, auth.]

Nervy Girl , vol. 4 #4 - 5 (April-May 2003)
                    [Kristin Schuchman, pub.]

A New Renaissance (1996)
                    [Pat Dunn, Jr., auth.]

Newland #2 (n.d.)

No Iraqi Called Me A Nigger! (n.d.)
                    [Lorenzo Kamboa Ervin, auth.]

Non-Plastique #9 (November 2002)
                    [Willie Jones, auth.]

Non-Western Anarchism: Rethinking the Global Context (n.d.)
                    [Jason Adams, auth.]

None Shall Escape: Radical Perspectives in the Caribbean (Reprint, 2003, orig. pub. 1988)
                    [Fundi, auth.]

Nonviolence and Its Violent Consequences (2000)
                    [William Meyers, auth.]

Notes on the Situation in Liberia (August 2003)
                    [Chekov, auth.]

Nous Sommes Tous Des Casseurs (We Are All Hooligans): Youth Revolt in France, March 1994 (Reprint, 2003)

Nth Degree: The Fiction and Fandom Zine #6 (June 2003)
                    [Michael D. Pederson, ed.]

Obscurity Unlimited #22 (May 2003)
                    [Kathy Shires, ed.]

Off My Jammy #15 (2003?)
                    [Lisa KW, ed.]

On the Poverty of Student Life (2000)
                    [Situationist International, auth.]

Orange Dirt (n.d.)
                    [Grant Reynolds, auth.]

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict, 3rd edition (n.d.)
                    [Jews for Justice in the Middle East, pub.]

The Origins of Compulsory Education (April 1994)
                   [John Gatto, auth.]

Passionate and Dangerous: Conversations with Midwestern Anti-Authoritarians and Anarchists (n.d.)
                   [Mark Bohnert, ed.]

Peepshow (1998)
                   [Mr. C., auth.]

Philosophers on Holiday, vol. 5 #3 (Winter 2002)

Pieces of Shadows (2001)
                   [Kevin Coval, auth.]

Pigeonhold (n.d.)
                   [Fat Nick, Mike Montgomery and Tyler Barich, auth.]

Planet Named Desire #8 (2005)
                   [Josephine Thomason, auth.]

The Pleiades #4 (July 2002)
                   [Miranda Celeste, auth.]

Poems of the Body and Its Sinusoidal Ways (2003)
                   [Melody Dworak, auth.]

Poll Tax Riot: 10 Hours That Shook Trafalgar Square (1990)
                   [Arab Press, pub.]

Prairie Sun: The Midwest Magazine of Music and Current Views, no issue # (October 1986)
                   [Jim Anderson, ed.]

Proof I Exist #2 - 4 (June 2002-October 2003)
                   [Billy, auth.]

Protect Yourself! (n.d.)
                   [Wild Citizens for a Primitive Future, auth.]

Quagga #2 (2001)
                   [Trevor Alixopulos, auth.]

Queer Ramblings #32 (July 2003)
                   [Sandra R. Garcia, ed.]

RACE (Revolutionary Anti-authoritarians Of Color) #1 (n.d.)
                   [RACE Collective, auth.]

Race Treason Behind Prison Walls (n.d.)
                   [Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and Staughton Lynd, auth.]

Razorcake #14 (June/July 2003)
                  [Gorsky Press, pub.]

READ: A Collective Effort, no issue # (n.d.)

Recluse Zine #9 (Summer 2003)
                  [Jill Herbst, ed.]

red: songs of protest and struggle (February 2002)
                  [Big Poppa E, auth.]

Reparations: Two Views (n.d.)
                  [Ali Khalid Abdullah and Jahaun McKinley, auth.]

Reviewer Magazine #14 (2003)
                  [R. Shamlin, ed.]

Revolution Is All of Us (2001?)

Richmond Journal: Thirty Years in Black and White (1994?)
                  [Edward H. Peeples, auth.]

Sacred Obligations: A Chapbook of Poetry (n.d.)
                  [Mike Faris, auth.]

The Second Coming #2 (2002)
                  [Adam Angstead, auth.]

The 2nd Hand #10 (Winter 2003)

Shades of Angels: Numbers, Book One: The Shade Pool (1997)
                  [John Ira Thomas and Jeremy Smith, auth.]

Shoeboy Gets Revenge on the World #1 (n.d.)
                  [Carolyn and Jessica, auth.]

Shutdown #5: Nosotros Regimos La Noche (June 2000)

Slug Magazine #174 (June 2003)
                  [A. Brown, ed.]

Slug and Lettuce #75 - 76 (Spring-Summer 2003)

Small Love (2002)
                  [Evlyn Pavlov, auth.]

The Soft Sandwich Chronicles #1 (n.d.)
                  [Chris Mullins, ed.]

Standing Behind Me #1, #3 (n.d.)

Static #2 (n.d.)
                  [Nono Girl, ed.]

Strong Hearts #1 - 2, #4 (n.d.)

The Struggler #3 (n.d.)
                  [Sarah Danforth, ed.]

Sympathetic Ink #1 - 4 (March-September/October 2003), #6 (January/February 2004)
                  [Rachel Bromann, ed. for #1-2, Katie Remer for #3-4, #6]

Take Back Your Life: A Wimmin's Guide to Alternative Health Care (n.d.)
                  [Alicia Non Grata, auth.]

Take Me To The Moon (n.d.)
                  [Miriam, auth.]

The Tale of John WTO #199055676 and My Week in Seattle (March 2000)
                  [John WTO, auth.]

Tales of French Love and Passion: A Collection of Complete Short Stories Chosen From the Works of Guy de Maupassant (1989)

Tape Op #35 (May/June 2003)
                  [Larry Crane, ed.]

Televisionaries: The Red Army Faction Story, 1963-1993 (1994)
                   [Tom Vague, ed.]

Ten Days That Shook Iraq: Inside Information From an Uprising (Reprint, May 2003, orig. pub. 1991)

10 Words On Water, vol. 3 #1 (1995)
                  [International Writing Program, University of Iowa, pub.]

Texas On My Mind (n.d.)
                  [Pat Green, auth.]

Theory on the Mystery and Brilliance of Paghat the Ratgirl (n.d.)
                  [Dr. Pedlar, auth.]

There Are No Bears in New Mexico (2001)
                  [Josh Redd, auth.]

This Way Out: How to Get Out of School and On With Your Life - A Resource Guide (1999)
                  [Sara Zia Ebrahimi and Emily Nepon, auth.]

The Thought #134 (March/April 2003)
                  [Philosophers Guild, pub.]

Tiresias Strung Out on a Half Can of Pepsi (n.d.)
                  [Rustin Larson, auth.]

To Gaza and Back: Encounters and Wanderings in A World Full of Love and Hate, Revised Version (April 2003)

Too Much Too Late... #1 (n.d.)

Trainwreck (I'm One, You're One) (n.d.)

Transmogrify #7 (March 2002), 2 unnumbered issues (Winter 2002, n.d.)
                   [Jamie Smith, ed.]

Trial Statement of New Afrikan Revolutionary Kuwasi Balagoon at the Opening of the Brinks Trial (n.d.)
                   [Austin Anarchist Black Cross, pub.]

Trust #100/03 (Juni/Juli 2003)

TV Times: A Seven Day Guide to Killing Your TV (n.d.)

Twenty-Eight Pages Lovingly Bound With Twine #2 - 3 (2001-2002)
                   [Christoph Meyer, auth.]

Uncarved (2003)
                   [Melody Dworak, auth.]

An Unofficial Guide to D.I.Y. Global Health: A Benefit Zine for Chicago Action Medical (n.d.)

Useless (2003)
                   [Michael Tabor, auth.]

Veins, vol. 1 #3 (October 1995)
                   [Michael Dean Christoffersen, ed.]

The Walls Are Alive! (n.d.)
                   [Crimethinc., pub.]

Wasps and Milk and Other Stories (2003)
                   [Denise Dooley, auth.]

Watch The Closing Doors #23 (n.d.)
                   [Fred Argoff, ed.]

Weather Eye: Greet the Wind to Wipe Away the Dust (2003)
                   [Kirkwood Community College Adjunct Faculty, auth.]

The Weight of a Thousand Souls (2003)
                   [Ian McClintock, auth.]

The Weird News: The Word About Absurd Worlds #57 (Spring 2003)
                   [Donald F. Busley, ed.]

Wet But (n.d.)

Whatever Works: Adventures in Human Communication #11 (2001)
                   [Susan Boren, ed.]

Who Can Resist A Photocopied Hand? (n.d.)
                   [Courtney, auth.]

Why Anti-Authoritarian? (n.d.)
                   [Larry W. Geddings, auth.]

Willful Disobedience, vol. 3 #5 (November/December 2002)
                   [Venomous Butterfly Publications, pub.]

Women's Self-Defense: Stories and Struggles of Survival #1 (n.d.)
                  [Chimera Self-Defense for Women, pub.]

Box 3

Xerography Debt #7 - 8 (February-June 2002), #11 (June 2003)
                   [Davida Gypsy Breier, auth.]

XRay Cincinnati, vol. 3 #3 (March 2003), #5 (May 2003)
                   [Stephen J. Novotni, ed.]

Y'erdme? Tour Zine (Fall 2002)

You Could See The Sea (August 2002)
                   [Melissa Klein, auth.]

Youth Liberation: News, Politics and Survival Information Put Together By Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor (n.d.)

Zinc Comics #2 (2003)
                   [Brian Payne, auth.]

Zine Guide and Index #6 (Fall 2002/Winter 2003)
                   [Brent Retzel, ed.]

Zine_Stuff #4 (November/December/January 2002-2003)

The Zine Yearbook, vol. 6 (2002)
                   [Become The Media, pub.]

Various Untitled Zines, various dates

Various Catalogs and Ads (2003, n.d.)