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Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Celeste Hotaling-Lyons Fanzine Collection
MsC 400
Collection Dates: 1974-2005

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was donated by Celeste Hotaling-Lyons, in cooperation with the Organization for Tranformative Works, in July 2009. It was processed in August 2009. An additional accession was processed in June 2010. Additional accessions were received in September and December 2010.

Photographs: None

Concom baseball cap

RCW 139: Due It Again convention baseball cap, 1997

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of fanzines from a number of different genre fandoms, assembled by fan writer and editor Celeste Hotaling-Lyons. Included are a number of zines that Hotaling-Lyons herself wrote or edited.

Also included are a number of program books and other materials from various science fiction conventions, and a few miscellaneous genre-related items, including books of 'filksongs'. (Filksongs are fan-produced songs, often relating to a specific science fiction- or media fandom-related topic.)

Most of the items are pieces of fan fiction. Fan fiction is defined as stories, novellas, novels, or poems written by fans about the characters, situations or general universe of the original work.

Several of the zines in this collection are defined as "custom zines". These are special zines consisting of stories and artwork that Hotaling-Lyons found online and assembled/edited into a print publication. She designed these zines as personal gifts for small circles of friends. In many cases, the contents of these zines may no longer exist online, making the custom zines the only remaining source of the stories and art contained therein. The custom zines in this collection are identified by the code 'CZ'.

Note on Star Trek: Unless otherwise indicated, all Star Trek zines refer to the original series, originally broadcast from 1966-1969.

A box list of the materials received in December 2010 is linked here: 2010 addendum.

Fandoms in this collection include:

Blade Runner
Blake's 7
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Doctor Who
Due South
Forever Knight
Highlander: The Series
Sherlock Holmes
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Max Headroom
The Real Ghostbusters
Remington Steele
The Road Warrior
Robin of Sherwood
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
The Sentinel
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek
Star Wars
Wizards and Warriors
The X-Files

Biographical Note

Celeste Hotaling-Lyons has been an active fan and fan author for decades. She first discovered the world of fandom when she attended the second Star Trek convention ever held (in New York City, February 1973), and where, as she puts it, her "mind was totally blown." Since that fateful occasion, Hotaling-Lyons has participated in a number of creative fannish endeavors. Her cartoons, illustrations, and humorous fanfic have appeared in fanzines for a number of different fandoms, including Star Trek, Star Wars, Blake's 7, Doctor Who, Forever Knight, and Due South. She edited and published her first fanzine, DSV #1 (Blake's 7), in 1994. After that she founded Teeny Gozer Productions and under that publishing title edited, co-edited and published a number of fanzines devoted to the television shows Due South, Forever Knight and The X-Files.

Hotaling-Lyons was an early utilizer of the Internet as a medium for fannish endeavors; she discovered online fandom in the mid-1990s, and was active in ForKni-L, the Forever Knight discussion list. She was also a member of the Due South Mailing List as well as the Bloody Awful Poet Society, a list with over 2000 members devoted to the Buffy The Vampire Slayer franchise (and the character Spike in particular). She has also been active in the planning and organizing of a number of SF conventions.


Related Materials

For other fannish collections, many of which contain materials relating to the same media fandoms chronicled in this collection, please consult the Fandom-Related Collections subject page, at

Box Contents List




Box 1


                  Splinter (n.d.) [CZ]

Blade Runner
                  Cityspeak: Special Edition (1988)

Blake’s 7

                  Alternative Seven #4, #8 (n.d.)


                  Avon, Anyone? (1987)


                  Avon The Terrible (1990)


                  Bear’s on the Roof and We Can’t Get Him Down (1987)


                  The Big Boy’s Book of 1001 Things to Do In Zero Gravity with a Federation Hand Blaster (August 1983)


                  The Bizarro Zine #1 – 2 (1988-1989)

                  The Bizarro Zine #3 - 4 (1990-1992)                 

                  Brother of Shadows and Son of the Light (January 1989)


                  B7 Complex #3 – 5 (July 1984 reprint of original from July 1982 of #3; 1982 - 1983 for #4-5)

Box 2

Blake’s 7
B7 Complex #6/7 - 8 (May 1984-May 1986)

                  B7 Complex #9 (August 1986), #13 – 15 (January-July 1988)


                  Calendar for 1987-1988


                  Chronicles #24 (April 1986)


                  The Crazed Sevener’s Guide to Traveling to a B7 Con (July 1987)


                  Down and Unsafe #1 – 3 (1984?-1985?), #5 – 6 (1986-1987)


                  The Drake’s Seven Comic Book (1980)


                  D.S.V. #1 (Print Master and Copy, 1994)

Box 3

Blake's 7
D.S.V. #3 (1998)

                  A Fan's Guide to Blake's 7, Second Edition (October 1986) 

                  Fifth Season #1 (July 1982)

                  Fifth Season #2 - 3 (May 1983-1984?)

                  Fifth Season #4 – 5 (August 1986-August 1988)


                  Forbidden Zone #1 (n.d.)


                  The Freedom City Gazette #1- 2 (January-April 1987)


                  From the Log of the Hellhound #2 (n.d.)


                  HMS D.S.V., or, the Cast of the Liberator (n.d.)

Box 4

Blake's 7

                  Horizon #6 – 7 (1984?); #10 (April 1987), #15 – 16 (August 1991-April 1992)

                  The Last, Best Hope (1988) 

                  Liberator #10 (October 1980)


                  Lone Star (March 1986)


                  The Machiavelli Factor (1996)


                  Magnificent Seven #1 (n.d.), #3 (July 1986), #8 (December 1989)


                  Mascarada (August 1985)


                  Memory-Play (October 1990)

Box 5

Blake's 7
The Mind of a Man is a Double-Edged Sword (September 1983)

                  Mindfire (March 1998)

                  New Horizons #1: Survivor (n.d.)


                  New Horizons #2: Revelations (n.d.)


                  New Horizons #3: Figurehead (n.d.)


                  Orbit #1 – 5 (October 1982-January 1985)


                  Orbit #6 – 9 (August 1985-June 1986)


                  Port in a Storm (n.d.)


                  Powerplay #1 – 3 (1987-July 1988)

Box 6

Blake's 7
Powerplay #4 – 6 (January 1989-1989)

                  Powerplay #7 (n.d.)


                  The Price of Justice (November 1998)


                  Program – Blake’s Seven: A Fifth Season #1 – 4 (1986)


                  The Quibell Abduction (July 1980)


                  Reflections in A Shattered Glass (1989)


                  Restal’s Rules of Order (1989)


                  Return of the 7 (May 1985, reprinted August 1986)


                  7th Sector #3 (1986)

                  Shadow at the Edge (1995)

Box 7

Blake's 7
Shadowplay (January 1988)

                  Signals from Scorpio #16 (December 1986)


                  Southern Lights Special #2.5 (March 1986)


                  Southern Seven #1 – 2 (November 1986-October 1987)


                  Southern Seven  #3 (August 1988)

                  Southern Seven #4 (December 1988)

                  Southern Seven #5 (1989)

Box 8

Blake's 7 
Standard By Seven #3 (n.d.)

                  Star Three (1996)


                  Straight Blake’s  (1988)
                  Strategies (1986)

                  Trust, Like the Soul (1986)


                  The Web #1 (March 1987)


Buffy The Vampire Slayer

                  An Alternate Viewpoint #1 (October 1998)


                  Give Blood (August 1998)


                  This Rough Magic  (1999)


                  Crossfiles (1995)
                  [The X-Files/Multiple Fandoms]

                  The Doctor and the Enterprise (1989) - Bootleg 'published' copy
                  [Star Trek (TOS)/Doctor Who]

Box 9

Exiles (May 1998)
                  [Due South/Forever Knight]

                  Innocent Blood (May 1999)
                 [Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Xena: Warrior Princess]

LaurieZine #8: X-Files, Highlander, and Angel Stories (Mostly) About Krycek (July 2002) [CZ]
                  [The X-Files/Multiple Fandoms]

                  LaurieZine: Highlander and Cross Universe (1997) [CZ]
                  [Highlander: The Series/Multiple Fandoms]

                  My Parental Units Invaded the Earth, and All I Got Was This Lousy Tee-Shirt (n.d.)

                  [Multiple Fandoms]

                  Paper Cut #1 (1998)
                  [Highlander: The Series/Multiple Fandoms]

                  Time and Time Again (1990)

                  [Star Trek (TOS)/Star Trek (TNG)


                  The Times They Are A-Changing (1991)

                  [The Real Ghostbusters/Back to the Future]

Box 10

                  Travelling Companion #3 (n.d.)
                  [Doctor Who/Multiple Fandoms]

                  Well Met in Time and Space (November 1985)
                  [Doctor Who/Battlestar Galactica]

                   Zeta Minor Special Edition: “The Doctor and the Enterprise” (1982)

                  [Star Trek (TOS)/Doctor Who]

Doctor Who

                  Bafflegab #2 (n.d.)


                  The Blue Guardian #13 (May 1982)


                  The Faces of Time #3 – 4 (March 1983-May 1984)


                  Jelly Baby Chronicles #2 (1983)

                  The Late, Great, Killer Coloring Book (1984)

                  Never Steal a TARDIS You Can't Live With (1984) 

                  Police Boxes (Summer 1985)


                  Sing Sweetly, Sing Strong (1989)


                  TARDIS Blue (May 1989)


                  TARDIS Key: Pillars of Time (May 1982)


                  Time-Log #6 (1982), #11 (1985)

                  Time-Log [Best of #1-4] (1983)

Box 11 

Due South
                  Best of the Due South Archives (n.d.) [CZ]

                  Detective Armani 0Intro (n.d.), #2 (October 1996)

                  Due Frisky #1 – 2 (May 1996-January 1997)

                  Tartzine [Tales of the R.C.M.P.] (1998) [CZ]

                  Welcome to Chicago (1996)

Forever Knight

                  Le Coeur A Ses Raisons [The Heart Has Its Reasons] (May 1995)


                  Daydreams and Nightmares (May 1993)


                  Dreaming of the Knight (March 1994)

                  F Is For Flashback (1996)

                  False Heart (May 1994)

                  Forever Net #2: Special Challenge Issue (1995)

                  Forever Net #5 (January 1997)

Box 12

Forever Knight
                  Geraint Wyn Davies (n.d.) [Produced by the Geraint Wyn Davies Fan Club]

                  Kind Soul: A Sequel to 'False Heart' (February 1995)

                  Lizards in the Grass (1995)

                  Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know (n.d.)                

                  Pet Peeves (1995)

                  Pray You Sit By Us, And Tell's A Tale [Deborah Duchene zine] (n.d.)

                  Settlement (December 1996)


                  Spyder’s Web (1995)


                  Toujours LaCroix (April 1999)

                  V4S: Resurrection (1996)

                  The Wisdom of LaCroix: Quotes from Forever Knight (1997)


                  The Clipper Trade Ship #10 (April 1976), #22 (October 1978), #33/34 (October 1981)

                  The Clipper Trade Ship #51 (April 1986), #54 – 55 (January-April 1987)

                  Datazine #41 (April/May 1986)

                  The New C/FO Bulletin vol. 1 #64 (January 1983), vol. 2 #2 - 5 (1983)

Box 13

                  The New C/FO Bulletin vol. 2 #7 - 9 (1984)

                  Stellar Gas #1 (n.d.) 

                  The Visitor, no issue # (July 1985)


                  Anthology of Heroes Comic Stories (n.d.)              


                  “Heroes” (Script Draft) (December 2005)

Highlander: The Series
                  Archangel "Revisited" (n.d.) [CZ]

                  Blue Boxer Chronicles #1 (1999)

                  Futures Without End #3 – 4 (2000-2001)

                  Highlander: The European Version (1999) [CZ]

Box 14

Highlander: The Series
                  Highlander: The Slash Issue (n.d.) [CZ]            
                  Highlander: The Slash Issue #2 (May 1999) [CZ]

                  Highlander: The Storybook #1 (n.d.) [CZ]

                  Highlander: The Storybook #2 (1999) [CZ]

                  McZine #1 (n.d.), #3 (n.d.) [CZ]

                  The Methos Journals (December 1999)   

Box 15

Highlander: The Series
Revelations #1 (April 1998)

                   So Speaks The Hero #1 (October 1998)

                   The Y2K Methos Calendar (2000)  

Sherlock Holmes
Friend of My Heart #2 (1994)

                  The Holmesian Federation #2 (1980), #7 (1987)


                  Untitled, Incomplete Holmes Zine (n.d.)

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
                  The Midnight Dreary Affair (n.d.)

                  Southern Lights Special #1.5 (August 1985)

Max Headroom

                  Maxzine #1 (May 1990)


                  Anime House Presents #3 – 4 (1990)

                  Banzine! #1 (1989) 

                  Dimensionally Transcendental #1 (December 1982)

Box 16

Errantry #2 (May 1984) 

                  Fantazy #3 (1986)

                  Furball Express (September 1981) 

                  Gateway To Time #4 (1988)

                  Guardian #3 - 4 (May 1981-May 1982) 

                  Highly Animated #1 – 2 (March 1984-July 1985)


                  Melange: A Mixed Media Anthology #8 (1986)


                  Of Dreams and Schemes #5 (October 1986)


                  Outlands #10 (1987)

                  Pegasus #4 (volumes 1-2) (August 1979)

Box 17

Prime Time #1- 2 (May 1986-January 1987)

                  Prime Time #3 (October 1987) 

                  Rerun #4- 5 (1986-1987)


                  The Return of Scenario (Scenario #2) (June 1986)


                  Southern Lights #1- 2 (August 1985-August 1986)

                  Syndizine #1 - 2 (May 1979-May 1981)

Box 18

Time Distort #1 (n.d.)

                  Warped Space #21 (1976), #28 (August 1977), #31/32 - 35/36 (1978)

                  Warped Space #38 - 42 (1978-1979)

                  Warped Space #43 - 46 (1980-1981)

                  Warped Space #47 - 50 (1982-1984)

Box 19

Warped Space #51 - 52 (September 1984-May 1985)

Wide Open Spaces #9 -10 (May 1985-May 1986)

The Real Ghostbusters
                  Breathless Anticipation (May 1990)

                  Crimea River (May 1992)

                  Ecto-4 (May 1995)

                  The Ecto-Containment Grid: A Real Ghostbusters Fanzine Index (August 1994)

                  Going Native (May 1994)

                  Nearly Fatal Attraction (September 1988) 

                  Slime Trails #7 (1998)

Remington Steele
Never Steele Anything Small

The Road Warrior
Outrider (May 1993)

Box 20

Robin of Sherwood
Untitled Robin of Sherwood Anthology (n.d.)

The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
No Time for Landings (May 2002)

                  Spicy Airship Stories (May 2002)

The Sentinel

                  Crossroads (2000)


                  Omiai (n.d.)

Stargate SG-1

                  Untitled Anthology of Stargate Stories (2000) [CZ]


Star Trek
                  The Adventures of Sherlock Bones #2 (1977)                

                  Alnitah #8 (August 1978)

                  Alternate Universe 4 (1974)

                 "City on the Edge of Whatever" Coloring Book (1978)

Box 21

Star Trek
The Compleat Faulwell Landing Party 6 #1 (n.d.)

                  The Complete Faulwell Landing Party 6, vol. 2 (1984)


                  Epilogue #1-2 (1977)

                  Full Moon Rising (1976) 

                  [TNG] If We’re Always Going Where No Man Has Gone Before, Why Do We Always Meet Somebody When We Get There? (1990)      

                  The Intergalactic Etecetera (1975)                   

                  It Takes Time on Impulse, vol. 3 (1985)

                  Jean Lorrah's Sarek Collection (1979)

                  Kraith Collected #1 (3rd edition, December 1976), #2 (February 1974)

                  Kraith Collected #3 (Reprint Edition, April 1978), #4 - 5 (June 1974-September 1976) 

Box 22

Star Trek
[TOS] Living in Spite of Logic (December 1990)

                  Masiform D #6 (July 1977), #8 - 9 (February-August 1979)

                  Masiform D #10 (May 1980), #12 (February 1982) 

                  Masiform D #13 – 15 (September 1983-May 1986)

                  Menagerie #5 - 11 (February 1975-February 1977)

                  Menagerie #12 - 14 (1977-March 1978), #16 - 17 (January 1980-1981)     
                  More Vulcan Reflections (1976)

                  The Night of the Twin Moons (1976)

Box 23

Star Trek
NTM Collected #1 - 2 (1978-1979)

                  Off The Beaten Trek #2 (October 1976)

                  'Parted From Me' and Other Stories (2nd printing, October 1978)

                  Pegasus #1 (November 1976)              

                  R&R #21 (Spring 1985)

                  Sherlock Bones Strikes Again (Winter 1980)

                  Spockanalia #1 (6th printing, July 1976)

                  Spockanalia #2 (5th printing, March 1977), #3 (4th printing, August 1976), #4 (4th printing, May 1976), #5 (3rd printing, August 1976)

                  Star Trek Adventure (2nd printing, 1976)

                  Tetrumbriant #11 - 12 (August-October 1976)

                  T'hy'la #4 (1984)

                  Vulcan Reflections (1975)               

Star Wars

                  Echo #1 (n.d.)


                  Lasergram, vol. 1 #8 – 11 (April-July 1978)

                  The Lighter Side of the Force #1 - 2 (1980-1983)

Box 24

Star Wars
Pegasus #3 (July 1978), #5 (July 1981)

                  Skywalker #4 (1980)

                  Stage War (or "Who's Biggs?") (1979)

                  A Tale of Two Lukes (n.d.)

Wizards and Warriors

                  Crossed Swords #1- 2 (1986-1987?)

The X-Files

                  Alex Through the Looking Glass (2000)

                  Camping and Vacation (n.d.) [CZ]

                  The Gift of an Enemy (1998, 2nd printing 1999)

Box 25

The X-Files
ImajiruZine: The X-Files #1 - 2 (1999) [CZ]

                  LaurieZine: The X-Files #1 - 2 (1997, n.d.) [CZ]

                  LaurieZine #3 - 3.5 (1998, n.d.) [CZ]

                  LaurieZine #4 (1999) [CZ]    

Box 26

The X-Files            
                  Mulder’s Spooktown Café #1 (May 1997)

                  Shadows (July 1996)


                  The Skeptic and the Believer #2 (May 1996)

Box 27

Convention Materials
                  ACCESS [Los Angeles: 1998]: Program Book 

                  Albacon ’98: Homeland [Glasgow: 1998]: Program Book

                  DSV One (1998, Blake’s 7): Program Book       

                  International Star Trek Convention 1974: Program Book        

                  Mad Con 2001 (Madison, WI: 2001): Program Book


                  Mad Media 5 [Madison, WI: 1998]: Program Book


                  MediaWest Con 6 [Lansing, MI: 1986]: Program

                  MediaWest Con 8 [Lansing, MI: 1988]: Program Book

                  MediaWest Con Fourtoon [Lansing, MI: 1994]: Program Book

                  Omnicon 1987 [Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 1987]: Program Book


                  ORBIT [Newark, NJ: 1990, Blake’s 7]: Program Book, ID Tags and Documentation


                  Panopticon New Orleans: North American Time Festival [New Orleans, LA: 1985, Doctor Who]:    Program Book


                  Past Visions of the Future [London, 1986]: List of Films Shown

                  RCW 139: Due It Again [Toronto, 1997]: Invitation and Program Book 

                  Scorpio 5 [Oak Brook, IL, 1987, Blake’s 7]: Program Book


                  Scorpio 6 [Oak Brook, IL, 1988, Blake’s 7]: Program Book


                  Space-Con 3 [San Francisco, CA: 1977, Star Trek]: Program Book



                  Battle Manual for "Alien Space" (1973)

                 "By The Dawn's Early Light, or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Asylum" [Story/Essay]

                  Comic Drawing of Diana from V and Grig from The Last Starfighter (1984)

                  The Fantastically Fundamentally Functional Guide to Fandom, vol. 1 (April 1989), vol. 2 (Booklets A – C) (May 1990)

                  Filksongs: Bayflik III Songbook (n.d.)

                  Filksongs: Dreamer (1990)

                  Filksongs: Minus Ten and Counting: Songs of the Space Age (1983)

Box 28

                 Filksongs: Sandworm Segment One (June 1988)

                 Filksongs: The Westerfilk Collection: Songs of Fantasy and Science Fiction #1 - 2 (1980, 2nd printing May 1981-July 1982)

                 The Lion, The Witch, and the Calligraphic Button Catalogue, 15th edition (April 1992)

Box 29

                  Various fannish and convention badges

2010 Addendum

Box 1

Beauty and the Beast

                  B & B Lite (1989 or 1990)


                Cunning Plots (1993)

Blake's 7

                 B7 Complex #10 (1987)

                 B7 Complex #11-12 (May 1987-July 1987)

                 Blakes Doubles #2 (1989)

                 Blakes Doubles #3 (1990)

                 Blakes Doubles #4 (1990)

                 Blake Something (1987)

                 Children of the Federation (1990)

                 Damned Be Those Who Follow (May 1992)

                 Desperado (1989)

Box 2

Blake's 7 (cont.)

                 D.S.V. #2 (1995)

                 Enarraré, Blake's 7 Special (1989)

                 Gambit #2 (April 1988)

                 Gambit #4 (May 1989)

                 Gambit #8 (February 1992)

                 Gambit #10 (June 1993)

Box 3

Blake's 7 (cont.)

                 Gambit #13 (August 1995)

                 Mascarada (1984)

                 The Measure of Affection (1992)

                 Probability Square (1989)

                 The Seven Live On # 5 (April 1988)

                 The Seven Live On # 8 (May 1994)

                 The Seven Live On # 9 (May 1995)

Box 4

Blake's 7 (cont.)

                Zen and the Art of Rebellion #1 (1991)

                Zen and the Art of Rebellion #3 (1994)


               Paradigm Shift (n.d.) [Forever Knight/The X-Files]

               Reemergence (September 1996) [The X-Files/The Man from U.N.C.L.E.]


Doctor Who

              The Epic of Doctor Who (1982)

              The Roving Reporter #3 (1993)

Due South

              You Pay & Pay & Pay (1997)

Forever Knight

              Forever Knight Cat Stories (1999)

              Forever Net #4 (1995)

              Ships in the Night (n.d.)

Box 5

Highlander: The Series

              The Brothers of Eros (1995 or earlier)

               Sacred Trust (n.d.) [CZ]

              McZine #2 (n.d.) [CZ]

Magnificent 7

              Magnificent Seven #3 (fourth printing, April 1989)


              Filksongs: Chosen One (May 2003)

              Filksongs: Hip Deep in Heroes (February 1989)

              Filksongs: The Horse-Tamer's Daughter (1984)

              Filksongs: Schlock Treatment: The Return of Jean Grey (1986)

              Filksongs: The Rocky Horror Mutant Show (1986)

              Forever Knight auction catalog (Summer 1996)

              Sketches from Life (1997) autobiographical fanfic zine

Box 6


              Animazine II (1989)

              Anime House Presents #2 (1989)

              Crazy Quilt #2 (May 1994)

              Crazy Quilt #2 (May 1994)

              Evolution (second printing, March 1992) [Star Trek (TNG)/Blake's 7]

              The Sonic Screwdriver #2 (1987)

The Real Ghostbusters

             Ecto #2 (May 1993)

             Ecto #3 (May 1994)

             P.K.E. Readings #1 (May 1990)

             P.K.E. Readings #2 (May 1992)

             P.K.E. Readings 3 (May 1993)

Box 7

The Real Ghostbusters (cont.)

            We Got One! (May 1993)

             Root of All Evil (1990)

             Trap Open! (1993)

Remington Steele

             Paladin (1980)

             Paladin #2 (1982)

Robin of Sherwood

             Apocryphal Albion #4 (1992)

The Sentinel

             The Dragon (n.d.)

Star Trek

             (TOS) Dedication/And the South Shall Fall Again (1980)

             IDIC #4 (November 1976)

             IDIC #5 (May 1977)

Box 8

Star Trek (cont.)

             IDIC #6,7,8 (December 1978)

             If We're Always Boldly Going Where No One Has Gone Before, Why Do We Always Meet Somebody When We Get There? (1990)

            Tales of Feldman (1981)

Star Wars

             Deathstar II: My Fair Leia (n.d.)


             Been There, Never Done That! (n.d.)

The X-Files

             Camping and Vacation (late 1990s) [CZ]

             Imajiru Book 2 (1999) [CZ]

             Taming the Unicorn (1999)

Box 9

Convention materials

             Arisia conference book (January 1994)

             Baycon '86 Japanese Animation program guides

             Conference handouts

             Electicon '97 (November 1997)

             Frontier Crossings (45th World Science Fiction Convention, 1987)

             MadCon program book (October 2001)

             Mad Media 5 program book (September 1998)

             Noreascon 4 program book (62nd World Science Fiction Convention, 2004)

             Orbit progress reports #1-4

             Readercon II souvenir book (1999)

             Worlds of Wonder Art catalog #20 (2004)

Box 10

Convention materials (cont.)

             Blake's 7 ink pens


             Concom "RCW 139" baseball cap, autographed by Tom Melissis, Due South second series

             Forever Knight name badge