The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
The Charlotte M. Smith Papers, Including The Records of the Tamazunchale Press Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Donated by Charlotte M. Smith, 1980-2002; Charlotte A. Smith, 2002-2012. Photographs: Series I: Box 1, Series III: Box 4(a and b and c), Series III Box 5 |
Scope and Contents
The papers of Charlotte Smith, including the records of the Tamazunchale Press, occupy about eight linear feet and date from 1961 to 2002. Series I includes a variety of personal memorabilia including grade and high school reports, records of a 1972 recipe book she assembled by contacting notable women, letters from many prominent writers, and some of her own attempts at narrative and fiction. In addition, Series I includes a large group of travel diaries: Charlotte developed a habit of thoroughly documenting each of many trips, both within the United States and abroad. Many of the trips included visits to book- and print-related sources as well as meetings with collectors, publishers, printers, marblers, and others in the world of books. Lastly, it includes Charlotte Smith's personal diaries, dated from 1981-2002.The diaries include not only Smith's record of her daily life, but also obituaries, correspondence, and various newspaper clippings. Recorded on the last pages of each diary are the impressive lists of books that Smith read.
Series II documents her passion for miniature books. The papers include dealers’ catalogs, correspondence (including letters exchanged with members of the Libraries' staff over many years), advertising, and articles. Also included is the Norman Forgue Award presented to Charlotte Smith by the Miniature Book Society in 1993.
Records of the Tamazunchale Press, Inc. are organized in Series III. The Press was founded by the Smiths in 1983, with publishing a natural progression for Charlotte who had by then been collecting miniature books for a number of years. The press name, which suggests their own first names, comes from a small Mexican village in which the Smiths honeymooned in 1939. Tamazunchale Press published twenty books between 1983 and 1988, issuing books by both old and new authors hitherto unpublished in miniature book form. The first Tamazunchale book was written by Charlotte herself and titled Book Interlude. It was quickly followed by The Manuscript by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Confessions of a Wild Boar by John Updike, The Model E by Tom Smith, and My Chinese Childhood by Pearl S. Buck. The last book published by Tamazunchale was Antonin Dvorak by Janet Savin. The records of Tamazunchale Press, Inc., document the making of each book, with typescripts, galleys, contracts, advertising, etc. The files include correspondence with other collectors, publishers, bookbinders, and booksellers, and with some of the authors who permitted their work to be used. Perhaps the most important item in this last category is a letter from Eudora Welty.Biographical Note
Charlotte Messenger Smith was born on January 27, 1919, to Charlotte (Strochl) and Orville Messenger, in Downey, Iowa. While she was still an infant, her family moved to Newton, Iowa, where she lived the rest of her life. She married Thomas R. Smith on January 27, 1939. The Smiths had two children, Charlotte Ann Smith Adams and Thomas Smith, Jr. Tom had a long and highly successful career as research engineer for the Maytag Company; he died in March 2001. Charlotte died on January 25, 2002 from complications in the course of routine surgery.
Both Tom and Charlotte were avid readers, and Charlotte became a collector of rare books until they threatened to overload their home, at which point Tom told Charlotte that he didn’t care how many books she collected as long as they fit into one room. A short while before this, Charlotte had become aware of miniature books, and so began the Charlotte M. Smith Collection of Miniature Books. In 1983, the Smiths started their own press, the Tamazunchale Press, Inc., of Newton, Iowa, the first press in the state to publish miniature books. Charlotte described her collecting and documented details of the Press' output in two articles published in Books at Iowa, "The Joys of Miniature Books" (1984) and "The Tamazunchale Press: A Bibliographic Checklist" (1990).Electronic material: Box 1
Abbreviations: For an explanation of the abbreviation and dating conventions used in the finding aid, please see Abbreviations.
Box Contents List
Series I: Personal and Biographical
Box 1
1. Obituaries for Charlotte Messenger Smith (CMS)
2. Newspaper and magazine articles about CMS, 1929-2002
3. Photographs of CMS and Tom Smith, including a pencil portrait scanned to CD at 600dpi
4. Newton High School
----. Peer Evaluations, Grades 11 and 12, 1935 and 1936
----. Iowa Quester State Day Program, 1983, article and correspondence
----. Schedule for Workers for State Day, 1983
----. Newton High School Alumni News, 1996, article on CMS and Tom Smith (pp 12-13)
----. Slide photograph of CMS and Tom Smith
5. “Trace Arounds” used by CMS at Lincoln School, kindergarten, 1924; Handmade book for Sunday School, nd; Handmade book, 1929
6. Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) Election Year Luncheon and Recipe Book
----. Decorated Election Year Recipe Book, April 14, 1972
----. Menu and handwritten notes and lecture by CMS
----. Agnew, Mrs. Spiro Theodore. Recipe and ALS. February 1, 1972
----. Chisholm, Shirley. Campaign materials, pin
----. Humphrey, Mrs. Hubert H. 2 recipes, photo card and recipe, and TL. March 7, 1972
----. Jackson, Henry M. (Washington Senator). Recipe and ALS. February 17, 1972
----. Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson. 2 recipes and TLS. February 15, 1972
----. McGovern, George. Recipe
----. Percy, Mrs. Charles H. (wife of Charles Percy, Illinois Senator). Recipe and TL. March 2, 1972
----. Ray, Billie (wife of Iowa Governor Robert D. Ray). Recipe and ALS. February 12, 1972
----. Reagan, Mrs. Ronald. Recipe and TL. February 15, 1972
----. Rockefeller, Mrs. Nelson A. Recipe and TL
----. Smith, Margaret Chase. Recipe and ALS
----. Wallace, Mrs. George (wife of Alabama Governor). Recipe and ALS, February 23, 1972
----. White House (Mrs. Richard Nixon). Recipe card
7. Patent Disclosure for Hair Dryer Control, August 19, 1964
8. Correspondence—letters to CMS, 1951-1977:
----. Addams, Charles. Signed New Yorker cover, January 21, 1985
----. Beard, James. TL. February 3, 1975
----. Bellamy, Ralph. TLS. 1959
----. Booth, George W. ALS. June 24, 1974
----. Bree, Germaine. ALS. January 8, 1960
----. Cheever, John. TLS, 1969-1973, including signed photograph
----. Cullinan, Elizabeth. TLS and article clipping, September 16, 1973
----. Hayes, Helen. TLS. January 12, 1959, ALS November 24, 1968
----. Hope, Bob. TLS. March 8, 1951
----. Maclean, Sir Fitzroy. TLS, November 29, 1965
----. McConkey, James. TLS. August 4, 1977
----. Miller, Mary Frances S. (editorial assistant of Holiday). TLS. October 6, 1960
----. Preston, Mrs. Robert. TLS. February 12, 1958
----. Price, Vincent. ALS. nd
----. Ruggle, P.E. MD. TLS. August 27, 1996
----. Spark, Muriel. TLS. October 31, 1993
----. Wilder, Thornton. 7 ALS and postcards 1965-1971; includes photograph and transcript of award presentation
----. Wilson, Edward (The New Yorker). TLS. June 29, 1971
----. Correspondence regarding the International Reading Project, including CMS letters and information sheets, 2000
9. Holiday cards, pictures, postcards, and personal correspondence between CMS and Tom Smith and Frank and Jeannette Anderson, including a numbered holiday greeting from the Tamazunchale Press.
9.5 Holiday cards sent to Charlotte Smith from George Bixby of the Ampersand Books, mostly printed by the Albondocani Press. Printed especially for him; none were for sale
----. 1970. "A Flock of Guinea Hens Seen From a Car" by Eudora Welty, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1973. "Travel: A Window" by Howard Moss, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1975. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Gertrude Stein as a child)
----. 1976. Artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1977. Artwork by Edward Gorey (A Future Unremembered Poet of the Seventeenth Century accepts a Christmas Cooked from the Great Veiled Bear)
----. 1978. "Christ Child's Song at the End of the Night" by Reynolds Price, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1979. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Hertha Strugg's fifth Christmas)
----. 1980. Recipe for white fruitcake by Eudor Welty, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1981. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Ettie Lou Stooper does a tinsel dance at a tree trimming party in Gumsville, Nebraska, Christmas Eve, 1923)
----. 1982. "Hamlen Brook" by Richard Wilbur, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1983. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Un cadeau ennuyeux)
----. 1984. Navidad, "St. Nicholas Ave." by Alfred Corn, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1985. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Noel chez les volants des Alpes Dolomites)
----. 1986."Noon Rest, Best Day" by Reynolds Price, artwork by Robert Dunn
----. 1987. Artwork by Edward Gorey (In Stubville, Nebraska on December 23, 1911 Christmas tree ornaments fell from a cloudless sky)
----. 1989. Artwork by Edward Gorey (Christmas in the Eggplant Hills)
10. CMS creative writing and personal narratives. TMs:
----. “The Ice Man” nd
----.“The List” nd
----. “Maybaskets” nd
----. “Pink Square” nd
----. “Sunday Afternoon” nd
----. “Three Sisters” nd, unfinished
----. 2 unfinished excerpts, nd
11. CMS creative writing and personal narratives, TMs except as noted:
----. “Early Days”, December 21, 1976
----. “How Old Are You?” [Script], August 1976
----. “Mother” [Diary], 1976
----. “Mrs. Hill”, September 8, 1976
----. “Our Courtship”, November 1976
----. “The Secretary”, February 1983 [CAS note—includes pseudonyms, ‘Margaret’ refers to CMS]
----. “Tales of a Grandmother”, August 1976
----. “The Vacation”, September 21, 1978
----. Untitled works [Travel Diaries], 1957-1975
12. Notes, quotes, and fragments, nd
13. Correspondence and material pertaining to Tom Smith and the American Mount Everest Expedition
----. 6 newspaper clippings about Maytag’s development of the oxygen mask to be used on the Expedition, 1962/1963
----. Tom Horbein (climber), TLS and photocopies from Mount Everest climb, February-April 1963
----. American Mount Everest Expedition, 1963; Newsletters #1-4 (February 1963)
14. Flyer advertising the opening of the Iowa Center for the Book. CMS on Iowa Center for the Book Steering Committee.
Box 2
1. CMS Five Year Diary, 1932-1936, “Hard Hitters Players and Batting Order” card
2. CMS Five Year Diary, January 1, 1932- May 31 1936, excerpts, typed in folder, notes by CAS
3. CMS Diary, November 26, 1940- April 5, 1941
-CMS Diary, April 5, 1941- November 12, 1941, newspaper clipping
4. -CMS Diary, January 1, 1942- December 31, 1942
-CMS Diary, January 1, 1943- May 29, 1943
5. CMS Diary excerpts 1940-1942, typed in folder, notes by CAS
6. CMS Diary, January 1, 1951- November 26, 1951, includes newspaper clippings and typed excerpts by CAS
Box 3
1. CMS Journal, September 4, 1952- February 27, 1956, spiral notebook, teeth taped to cover
-CMS Journal, November 1, 1970-April 27, 1971, spiral notebook
-CMS Journal, May 11, 1971- January 11, 1972, “The Anything Book”
-CMS Journal, November 23, 1973- December 1973, spiral notebook entitled “Disturbing Times”
-4 duplicate diary pages from 1952 in folder
2. CMS Diary, 1974-1978
-CMS Journal, January 1, 1979- June 4 1981, leather bound volume, includes typed transcripts of correspondence regarding Tom Smith’s 1979 Iowa Inventor of the Year award, and book list
3. CMS Travel Diaries:
-Europe Vol I: March 20, 1952- May 21, 1952; Green leather book with gold tooling
-Europe Vol. II: May 22, 1952- June 11, 1952; Red leather book with embossed name, gift from Ellen Maytag
-Europe Vol. III: June 12, 1952- August 18, 1952; Brown leather book, includes news clippings regarding the Smith's return
4. France, Italy, Majorca: April 27, 1955- May 28, 1955; Orange leather book with gold tooling, includes typed itinerary
-New York: June 1957; brown notebook
-New York, Lake Placid, Puerto Rico, Sun Valley: December 1958, October 1959, January 1960; Cloth bound hard pocket notebook with globe cover
-France, Spain: April 19, 1959- May 18, 1959; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary and souvenir gift list
Box 4
1. France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein Vol. I: September 17, 1961- September 26, 1961; Blue bound travel log with carbon copy of itinerary
-France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein Vol. II: September 26, 1961- October 7, 1961; Steno notebook
-Brussels, Meersberg, Greece: April 20, 1963- May 25, 1963; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary, Greek alphabet practice, gift list
-London, Paris, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland: April 22, 1964- May 15, 1964; Steno notebook with typed itinerary
2. Portugal: April and May 1966; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary and travel map
-Yugoslavia: May 8, 1967- May 30, 1967; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary
-Mexico: January 18, 1967- January 27, 1967; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary
-England: May 1, 1969- May 22, 1969; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary
-Paris, Vienna, Athens, Copenhagen, London: May 7, 1970- May 2, 1970; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary
-Various short trips: “The Anything Book”: Guadalajara, January 1972; Disney World, September 1972; Grand Haven, Michigan, November 1972; Butler, Pennsylvania, November 1972; Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1973; Butler, July 1973; Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1973; Paris, London, Cotswolds, September 1973.
3. France, Gourmet Trip: April 29, 1972-May 27, 1972; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary
-Smokey Mountains, Butler: May 19, 1973- September 3, 1973; Steno notebook, includes typed itineraries for several short trips from 1972-1974
-Paris, London, Cotswolds: September 20, 1973- October 4, 1973; Steno notebook, includes typed itinerary and address notes
-Various trips, Blue paisley cloth bound book: London Theater, February 1975; France, Cooking School, April 1975; Spaulding Inn Club, June 1975; Broadmoor, Vancouver, Jasper Park, August 1975; Butler, September 1975; Disney World, October 1975; Butler, April 1976; France, Barge Trip, May 1976, includes notes and itinerary
4. Various Trips, Tan floral cloth bound book: Rhinelander, Appleton, June 1976; Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Denver, August 1976; Butler, Sudbury, Spaulding Inn Club, September 1976; New Orleans, October 1976; Michigan, Butler, Stamford, April 1977; England, May 1977, includes typed itinerary; Nova Scotia, August 1977; Denver, Santa Fe, September 1977; Scottsdale, Palm Springs, Denver, January 1978; Butler, Charleston, Savannah, March 1978, Chicago: May 1978
-Various Trips, Blue paisley cloth bound book, includes typed itineraries: Colorado, C. Lazy U., July 1978; Butler, Sudbury, Whitefield, September 1978; Phoenix, Palm Springs, Denver, January 1979; Washington D.C. (with granddaughters), April 1979; England, May 1979; Salishan Lodge, August 1979; Pennsylvania, October 1979; Norman Forgue, April 1980; Innisbrook, Florida, May 1980; Sudbury, Essex, Sturbridge, June 1980.
Box 5
1. Various Trips, Blue cloth bound book, includes typed itineraries: San Francisco, St. Helena, September 1980; La Francais, Wheeling, Illinois, November 1980; The Cloister, Florida, January 1981; La Francais, April 1981; St. Louis (Gayle’s wedding), May 1981; Maine, Spaulding Inn Club, June 1981; England, September 1981; Red Apple Inn, Herber Springs, Arkansas, October 1981; Bastrop, Texas (CA’s wedding), Austin, December 1981; Carefree, Sedona, Arizona, April 1982; MIT, June 1982; Royal Viking Baltic Cruise, July 1982.
-Various Trips, Hard bound book, labeled “Gnome Gnotebook”, includes typed itineraries: New Mexico, September 1982; Texas (CA’s), November 1982; Carefree, March 1983; Pennsylvania, April 1983; Rhine Cruise, Zurich, May 1983; Spaulding Inn Club, Pittsburgh, June 1983; Greek Islands Cruise, September 1983.
-Various Trips, Embossed leather and tapestry bound book, includes typed itineraries, book list, and list of previous trips abroad: Danube Cruise, May 1984; Whitefield, Chicago, June/July 1984; Burbank (MBS Conclave), October 1985; Jenny Lake Lodge, July 1986; Carson City, August 1986.
2. Various Trips, Blue floral cloth bound book, includes typed itineraries; CAS notes that many dates are illegible or potentially inaccurate: Iowa City, Solon, nd; Washington, D.C. (MBS Conclave), August 1986; Chicago, October 1986, April 1987, Oct 1987, Oct 1988, March 1989; Scottsdale, March 1987; Butler, April 1987; Burgundy Cruise, Lausanne, Lucerne, July 1987; Martha’s Vineyard, May 1988; Clipper, Washington, D.C., Boston, June 1988; Carson City, July 1988; Maine, Rhine-Moselle Cruise, August 1988; Greensboro, October 1988; Clipper, Florida, North Carolina, March 1989; Shelburne, June 1989.
-Various Trips, Rose marbled notebook: Chicago, September 1989, May 1990, October 1990, April 1991, March 1992, April 1993, January 1994, October 1994, May 1995, September 1995; New York, October 1989. San Francisco, August 1990; Carefree, February 1990; Texas, March 1990; Boston (Monet exhibit), April 1990; Door County, Wisconsin, April 1991; Marshalltown, January 1992; Wheeling, May 1992, October 1992, September 1995; Iowa City, May 1995.
-Various Trips, Green leather bound notebook with gold stamp monogram: England, July 2001; France, September 2001.
Box 6
1. Personal Diary. Dark brown leather bound book, gold stamped "Charlotte M. Smith, Volume II." June 5, 1981-December 1, 1983. Includes a recognition certificate to Thomas Smith; a newspaper clipping from The Newton Daily News titled "Pyramid celebrates."
-Personal Diary. Red hard cover, gold stamped "Record Book." December 2, 1983-October 2, 1984.
-Personal Diary. Cloth bound book with floral design. October 3, 1984-February 28, 1985.
-Personal Diary. Cloth bound book with Asian design, gold stamped "Diary" on spine. March 1, 1985-March 24, 1986. Includes travel itineraries: La Crosse, WI March 2-5, 1986; Chicago, IL March 14-16, 1986.
2. Personal Diary. Tan, leather bound book with metal corners, gold stamped "Charlotte Smith." March 25, 1986-March, 31 1987. Includes travel itineraries: La Crosse, WI March 30-31, 1986; Pittsburgh, PA April 11-14, 1986.
-Personal Diary. Tan, leather bound book, gold stamped "Charlotte Smith." April, 1 1987-March 15, 1988.
Box 7
1. Personal Diary. Tan, leather bound book, gold stamped "Charlotte Smith." March 16, 1988-May 8, 1989. Includes an obituary from The Register's Iowa News Service.
-Personal Diary. Cloth bound book with tulip decoration, titled "The Diarist's Journal." May 9, 1989-April 27, 1990. Includes a photo of the members (including CMS) of the Thursday Club; CMS transcript of a 30 second radio segment titled "My Roots;" newspaper clippings of funeral announcments; prayer cards; a "Merry Christmas" card from a floral arrangement from CMS husband; speech transcript; an invitation to the Franciscan String Quartet.
-Personal Diary. Red, leather bound book, "Charlotte Smith" embossed in lower right corner of cover. 8 3/4" x 11 1/2". April 28, 1990-July 18, 1991. Includes informational phamplets on arthritis; a newspaper clipping about CMS with photograph; newspaper clipping about John Pappajohn's donations to the University of Iowa and Hospitals; obituaries; photograph of CMS after emergency surgery; "thinking of you" notes addressed to CMS regarding the surgery and arthritis diagnosis; typed letter from CMS granddaughter; chant/song lyrics created by CMS; seating place cards with Halloween decoration for CMS and husband; thank-you cards addressed to CMS; letter in envelope from Helen Heeyes to CMS about miniature books; notecard about Christmas Ale from Anchor Brewing Co., San Francisco; Merry Christmas note from CMS granddaughter; photocopies of newspaper articles about Maytag Corp.; newspaper articles about Iraq (Gulf War); letter to CMS from her son, Tommy; picture of a family " 'rolling cigarettes in a dirty tenement; ' " The Embassy Report--photograph of CMS and husband insdie; newspaper article that includes mention of CMS and Tamazunchafic Press.
2. Personal Diary. Blue cloth bound book with Asian design. 5 3/8" x 8 1/8". July 19, 1991-November 4, 1991. Includes various newspaper clippings; notification of a birth; wedding invitation; thank-you notes addressed to CMS.
-Personal Diary. Blue marbled paper overlay book with a black leather spine. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". November 5, 1991-April 16, 1992. Includes a thank-you note addressed to CMS; a small gold napkin embossed with the names "Jane and Russell."
Box 8
1. Personal Diary. Green leather bound book, "Charlotte Smith" embossed on lower right front cover. 8 7/8" x 6". April 17, 1992-November 5, 1992. Includes a to-do list on a lined notecard from June 2-July 15, 1992.
-Personal Diary. Embossed maroon leather book, bound with silk Asian landscape scene, gold embossed design and "Diary" on spine, and a red ribbon marker. 7" x 5". November 5, 1992-September 26, 1993. Note: Entry for Thursday, September 9, 1993, visit by Bob and Eloise Massman and Fr. Joe Curran describing when Massman and Curran presented CMS with the Norman Forgue Award from the Miniature Book Society.
-Personal Diary. Book with green cloth and green marble paper over boards. 8 1/4" x 5 5/8". September 27, 1883-January 22, 1994.
2. Personal Diary. Book covered with green patterned paper decorated with a reproduction of Peppercricket Farms by Charles Wysocki. 8 3/4" x 5 8/16".January 23, 1994-May 28, 1994.
-Personal Diary. Book covered with a paper reproduction from Tiffany studios. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". May 29, 1994-November 1, 1994.
-Personal Diary. Brown, gold embossed design book. 8 1/4" x 5 5/8". November 2, 1994-March 24, 1995.
-Personal Diary. Sewn green leather book cover with embossed floral design, pewter clasp with Celtic design, leather thong tie over black paper boards, 81/4" x 5 5/8". March 25, 1995-December 10, 1995. Note: Contains the giving of her miniature book collection of the University of Iowa.
Box 9
1. Personal Diary. Book covered with blue marbled paper, black spine and corners. 8 1/2 " x 5 5/8". December 11, 1995-June 6, 1996. Note: 6/9/96, description of the opening of the special exhibit of her collection at the University of Iowa Libraries.
-Personal Diary. Book covered in pink marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 1/2" x 5 5/8". June 7, 1996-January 16, 1997. Note: 8/16/96, description of taking bus load of people from Newton to see CMS miniature book exhibition and two subsequent trips to see exhibition.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in pink marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 3/4" x 5 3/4". January 16, 1997-November 3, 1997.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in blue marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 1/2" x 5 5/8". November 4, 1997-September 25, 1998.
2. Personal Diary. Book bound in blue marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 1/2" x 5 5/8". September 26, 1998-July 22, 1999.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in paper decorated with musical instruments. 8 1/4" x 5 1/4". July 23, 1999-December 6, 1999.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in paper decorated with bird houses. 8 1/4" x 5 1/4". December 7, 1999-March 14, 2000.
Box 10
1. Personal Diary. Book bound in blue and green marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 1/2" x 5 5/8". March 15, 2000-November 10, 2000.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in blue marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". November 11, 2000-May 26, 2001.
-Personal Diary. Book bound in blue and green marbled paper with black spine and corners. 8 7/8" x 5 13/16". May 27, 2001-January 20, 2002.
-Personal Diary. "Birthday Poems & Other Nonsense." Book bound in flowered cloth. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". November 3, 1976-September 4, 1994.
2. -Personal Diary. "Quotations I Like-August 1978" Book bound in black leather with gold filligree. 8 1/2" x 5 1/1".
Series II-CMS as Book Collector
Box 1
1. Correspondence with staff of the University of Iowa, 1970-1982 [note: CMS letters and carbon copies of letters to CMS from Special Collections staff have been interfiled in this sequence]
2. ----. 1984-1986
3. ----. 1987-1988
4. ----. 1988-1990
5. ----. 1991-1994
6. ----. 1995-1996
7. ----. 1997-1998
8. ----. 1999 - 2002, (includes CMS review of Mel Kavin's "35 Miniature Designer Bindings of 'You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover'" in the Guild of Book Workers Newsletter 125, August 1999)
9. Accessions book, January 1968 - April 1984. Photocopy
10. "List of Book and Book Mark Acquisitions". Book entries are numbered 68 to 3152 but not dated. Spiral bound pad
---. Accession and price record. Photocopy of card file
---. Notes on special bindings commissioned, mainly from Peter Geraty, for Tamazunchale Press books
11. "The Joy of Miniature Books". Drafts of 1984 Books at Iowa article; related correspondence. "The Joys of Publishing Miniature Books", an article in the Miniature Book Society, Inc. Newsletter (January 1990). "Tamazunchale Press Books", text of a speech to the Newton Public Library (June 13, 1996)
12. "WEES by TAMAZUNCHALE"; poem by CMS dated 7/4/88; "A Few Favorites [miniature books]", CMS list dated March 1996
13. Miniature Book Society 1993 Norman Forgue Award; Miniature Book Society photocopy of of verbal presentation of the Norman Forgue Award to CMS (two copies); 1996 Miniature Book Society Certificate of Appreciation; 1998 Miniature Book Society Certificate of Honor
Box 2
1. Miniature Book News, no.91. December, 1996. Includes article about CMS
----.Miniature Book News, no.92. March, 1997. Includes excerpts from a talk CMS gave at the Newton Public Library in June, 1996
----.15 TLSs from Ann Bahar of Hobbies to CMS regarding articles, January 27, 1986- March 4, 1991
----. 2 annotated TLSs from CMS to Ann Bahar regarding “Adventures of a Microbibliophile” February 18 ,1986 and March 6, 1986
----. Doll Reader, March 1987, includes “Miniature Books: Taking a Second Look” by Ann Bahar, pp 198-202
----. Antiques and Collecting, June 1988, includes “Adventures of a Microbibliophile! Part I” by Ann Bahar, pp 38- 41, 1 duplicate article, 2 photocopies
----. Antiques and Collecting, August 1988, includes “Adventures of a Microbibliophile! Part II” by Ann Bahar, pp 38-41, 1 duplicate article, 2 photocopies
----. Miniature Book Society Newsletter, January 1999
----. Central College Bulletin Summer 1992, includes “The Book as Art”
2. Correspondence with Jane Conneen (Little Farm Press): includes catalogs, postcards, ALSs and TLSs to CMS and University of Iowa staff
3. Correspondence with Carol Cunningham (Sunflower Press): includes ALSs and TLS to CMS, examples of miniatures
4. Correspondence with Dawson's Book Shop (Los Angeles), TLSs and invoices to CMS regarding purchases and sales; Julian Edison (St. Louis), correspondence regarding University of Iowa gift
5. "Fan Mail" [i.e., 3 letters in a folder so marked and two envelopes of letters from Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Newton, Iowa]
6. Correspondence with Peter Geraty (bookbinder): TLSs and invoices 1988-1993
7. Correspondence with Gleniffer Press, invoice and specs for Old King Cole; certificate from Guinness Superlatives LTD certifying Old King Cole as the smallest book in the world
8. Correspondence with Robert Massman: ALS and TLS including catalogs, advertising, and book marks,1978- 1996
9. Correspondence with Gordon Murray, TLS and ALS including postcards 1982-1987
10. Correspondence with Wallace and Corry Nethery, ALS and TLS, including print ephemera, 1987-1993
11. Correspondence with and regarding Olivia Nichols (editor of Literary Sketches): 3 printed newsletters and ALS
12. Correspondence with Sangorski and Sutcliffe (bookbinders), TLS and ALS, including paper samples and photocopied article, 1977-1983
13. Correspondence with and regarding Tasha Tudor (illustrator), ALS, TLS, catalog of Tudor’s works, 1970-1971
14. Correspondence with various other MBS collectors: TLS and ALS, 1986-1997
15. Correspondence with and regarding Joan Adams Wickham (collector and printmaker, Lyttle Press), TLS, news article, receipts, mockup graphics sheet, set of 16 original bookmarks, 1977-1978
16. Correspondence with and regarding Larry Yerkes (bookbinder), ALS, including article from The Iowan (March/April 2000) and miniature book cover, 1995-2000
17. Approx. 70 slides of miniature almanacs (January 1983).
18.TLS correspondence file for the miniature book Yesterdays published by Black Cat Press, 1982
Box 3
1. Charlotte M. Smith Collection of Miniature Books included in gift of March 1996, 160 typed pages
2. Photocopy of CMS Collection gift list of March 1996 with each item valued by appraiser, receipts for the total collection’s appraisal
3. Correspondence with The Legacy Company (appraiser), including several drafts of the CMS collection appraisal, 1988-1991
4. Periodicals in the CMS Collection of Miniature Books, June 11, 1996, typed list
----. Miniature books made by CMS in one or a few copies. Photocopy of CMS notes
----. Miniature books made by Helen Van Dyke in one or a few copies. Photocopy of CMS notes
----. List of books by J.R. Levien Miniature, published in Enkhuizen, Holland, 1970-1972
----. Bradbury, Robert C. "Miniature Books Published by Achille J. St. Onge: The Charlotte M. Smith Collection" (1995). Photocopy
----. Checklist of Miniature Books published by Achille J. St. Onge with CMS notes
----. [4 leaves of CMS notes from her visit with Margaret St. Onge after her husband’s death in September 1978]
----. The Miniature Book Collector Vol. II No. 1, June 1961, photocopy
----. The Miniature Book Collector Vol. II No. 4, March 1962, photocopy
5. "Tiny Tomes: The Charlotte M. Smith Collection of Miniature Books," an exhibition in Main Library, The University of Iowa, June-August 1996. Exhibition planning, descriptive catalog, correspondence, press release
6. "Tiny Tomes" materials: includes bound and unbound mini-book descriptions, website access information, photographs, articles, and correspondence with University of Iowa staff
7. Research materials used for the "Tiny Tomes" exhibit: collecting miniature books, miniature book publication, the art of miniature bookmaking, genres of miniature books, MBS activities, trade in miniature books, Tamazunchale Press catalogs, miniature book definitions and standards
8. Thank you notes sent to Richard Kolbet following presentations to elementary school students in September and December 1996
9. Miniature Books, an exhibition at the Herbert Hoover Library February 1998—Exhibition script, captions for CMS Collection items on loan from the University of Iowa collection, TLS from Maureen Harding (museum curator) to CMS regarding the exhibit
10. Photographs from Goddard exhibit at Clark University Libraries, 1998
11. Approx. 120 slides including CMS with Norman Forge (1980); Helene Sherman, calligrapher (1981); CMS with variety of miniature books (1986), (perhaps taken to document the collection for insurance purposes).
12. CMS calligraphy and miniature book covers. Seven items: two monograms; illumination of a squirrel; monogram embroidered on silk; marbled foil; etc.
Series III: Tamazunchale Press Records
Box 1
1. General Advertising, blank stationery and envelopes, and a plastic letter opener with magnifying glass produced for distribution at the Miniature Book Society Conclave, 1984
2. Booklet of sample sheets of Fabriano Ingres antik papers; Relma Papiers Reliure [an extensive line of printed marbled papers], sample book; specimen book for the Trinitie 1, 2, 3 typeface
3. Leather samples
4. Cockerell Papers (5 sample books); Faith Harrison Decorative Papers (sample book)
5. Corporate Records for the Tamazunchale Press from date of incorporation (October 1, 1983) through dissolution (January 16, 1991) in a Jackson Loose Leaf Iowa Corporation Record post binder
Box 2
Editorial and Sale Records Arranged by Date of Publication. For full bibliographical descriptions of the publications see CMS, "The Tamazunchale Press: A Bibliographic Checklist" (1990). The sale records are rich in personal letters from members of the Miniature Book Society and other miniature book collectors.
1. October 1983. Book Interlude by CMS. Printer's typescript; galley proof; card announcing the completion of Book Interlude (two copies)
2. Correspondence with Joh. Enschede (printer), TLSs and invoices, 1983
3. Advertising, purchase orders and correspondence, includes catalogs, TLSs, ALSs, and invoices, 1983-1986
4. December 1983. Autographs of Miniature Book Publishers. Correspondence with contributors, 1983. Card announcing the completion of Autographs of Miniature Book Publishers
5. Orders, invoices, 1983-1988
6. February 1984. David Swan A Fantasy by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Printer's typescript. Galley proof; card announcing the completion of David Swan
7. Correspondence with printer and orders, 1983-1988
8. May 1984. The Model E by Thomas R. Smith. Background materials; galley proof; leather and typeface samples
9. Advertising, bibliography of Tamazunchale Press Books, orders, invoices, etc., 1983-1989
10. August 1984. My Favorite Miniature Book. Original typescripts with correspondence, including TLSs from the authors Kalman L. Levitan, Stanley Marcus, Robert E. Massmann, Virginia Schoonover, Francis J. Weber, Ruth E. Adomeit, and James DeLancey
11. Printer's typescripts with notes. Galley proofs for My Favorite Miniature Book
12. Advertising, correspondence regarding My Favorite Miniature Book, 1983-1989, including letters from the authors.
Box 3
1. November 1984. Confessions of a Wild Bore by John Updike. Printer's copy; galley proof
2. Correspondence regarding Confessions of a Wild Bore, 1984-1985, with Alfred A. Knopf (Updike's publisher), printer, orders, etc. Includes ALS from John Updike. Correspondence, 1985-1993
3. February 1985. A Hollander Garland by John Hollander: Typescript with letters to the printer, 1984; galley proof; page proofs; leather and endpaper samples. Advertising
4. Correspondence regarding A Hollander Garland, 1984-1988 and undated
5. May 1985. The Geese by E.B. White. Printer's typescript; galley proof; leather sample; advertising; Judith Pascoe article “Tiny Tomes”, American Scholar 2006, includes transcription of letter to CMS from E.B. White
6. Correspondence regarding The Geese, 1984-1989 and undated
7. July 1985. The Little Store by Eudora Welty. Printer's proofs; galley proof
8. Correspondence regarding The Little Store, 1984-1987. Including ALS from Eudora Welty. Dealers' catalogues, 1985
9. November 1985. A Literary Antiquary by Washington Irving. Printer's typescript; galley proof; advertising sheet
10. Correspondence regarding A Literary Antiquary, 1983-1987 and undated
11. February 1986. The Manuscript by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Printer's typescript; galley proof; advertising piece
12. Correspondence regarding The Manuscript, 1984-1989 and undated
13. May 1986. My Chinese Childhood by Pearl S. Buck Printer's typescript; galley proof; advertising
14. Correspondence regarding My Chinese Childhood, 1983-1989 and undated
Box 4
1. July 1986. Poems and Meditations by Anne Bradstreet; with introduction and illustrations by Polly Kemp. Typescript; galley proof; copy of finished book in a trial binding (covered in beige leather, title stamped black)
2. ALS from Polly Kemp, 1985-1989 and undated
3. Photographs used to produce illustrations; sample case; advertising for Anne Bradstreet
4. Correspondence, orders regarding Anne Bradstreet, 1985-1989 and undated
5. November 1986. Claude Monet by Janet Savin. Typescript, 1985. Printer's typescript. Galley proof. Advertising
6. Correspondence with Janet Savin, 1985-1990 and undated
7. Correspondence, orders regarding Claude Monet, 1985-1988
8. March 1987. The Aristocrat by Maya Angelou. Printer's typescript; galley proof (2 sets); advertising
9. Correspondence, ALS and TLS regarding The Aristocrat, 1985-1989 and undated
10. July 1987. The White Rose by Truman Capote. Photocopy of story; printer's typescript; galley proof; page from magazine showing Capote with paperweights; photograph of paperweight used as an illustration
11. Correspondence regarding The White Rose, 1986-1989 and undated. Photograph and clipping. Publisher's contract, 1986. Advertising
12. November 1987. Six Poems by Robert Penn Warren. Printer's typescript; galley proof; leather samples; advertising
13. Correspondence regarding Six Poems, 1986-1989 and undated
14. March 1988. The Russian Icon by Ann Bahar. Printer's typescript, galley proof with corrections; photo used for illustration; advertising
15. Correspondence with Ann Bahar, 1986-1988
16. Correspondence regarding The Russian Icon, 1987-1989 and undated
Box 5
1. July 1988. Publisher's Favorite. Original typescripts with correspondence. Including letters from Frank Anderson, Carol Cunningham, Mary Helen and Glen Dawson, Eleanor Irwin, Miriam Irwin, and Ward Schori
2. Printer's typescript; galley proof, advertising piece for Publisher’s Favorite, 1988
3. Correspondence, ALS and TLS, 1987-1989 and undated. Including letters from Frank Anderson, Carol Cunningham, Mary Helen and Glen Dawson, Eleanor Irwin, Miriam Irwin, and Ward Schori
4. November 1988. Antonin Dvorak by Janet Savin. Printer's typescript; galley proof
5. Correspondence with Janet Savin, 1986
6. Correspondence, orders, regarding Antonin Dvorak1986-1989 and undated
7. For Conclave V (1987): A Good Book by Anatole Broyard. A portion of a book review in the New York Times Book Review (February 22, 1987) titled "Recoiling, Rereading, Retelling," reprinted as a miniature pamphlet in 150 copies. Correspondence, copyrights, and clipping with copies #1, #30 and #96
8. For Conclave VI (1988): Tamazunchale Jabberwocky. #21, #24 and #58 of 100 copies printed
9. Miniature holiday greeting cards for 1985 (2 copies), 1986 (2 copies), 1987 (2 copies), 1988, and undated
10. "A Bibliographical Check List of Tamazunchale Press Books." Typescript and final copy. Published April 1990 in Books at Iowa as The Tamazunchale Press: A Bibliographic Checklist.
1. Receipts, bank statements, sales, and tax information, 1983
2. ----, 1984
3. ----, 1985
4. ----, 1986
5. ----, 1987
6. ----, 1988
7. ----, 1989
8. ----, 1990
9. ----, 1991
10. ----, post dissolution, 1991
11. Sales information, including graphs of title sales and totals for the duration of the company’s existence
12. Income analysis ledger, 1983-1991