Special Collections and Archives

MsC 485

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1930 -- 1990
(Bulk Dates:1930s and 1940s)
7 linear ft.

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Posted to Internet: March 2000

Acquisition Note: These records were dontated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Rose Coe in March 1993.

Access and Restrictions: This collections is open for research.

Photographs: Box 12

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

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Table of Contents

Organizational note

Scope and contents

Box 1 African-American Issues -- American Farm Bureau Federation

Box 2 American Peoples Fund -- Coe, Charles J.

Box 3 Committee for Constitutional Government -- Correspondence, June 1960

Box 4 Correspondence, December 1960 -- December 1962

Box 5 Correspondence, 1963 -- Dairy

Box 6 Dairy -- Ellsworth, Ralph E.

Box 7 Employer's Association of Chicago -- Farm Research

Box 8 Farm Research -- Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America

Box 9 Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America -- Gannett, Frank

Box 10 Goss vs Labor -- Missouri Farm Organizations

Box 11 Mundt Bill -- National Grange

Box 12 National Tax Equality Association -- Robert Marshall Foundation

Box 13 Rural Housing -- Vance, Rupert B.

Box 14 World War II -- Youth Programs

Organizational Note

Facts for Farmers, a left-wing farm journal was published from 1935 -- 1962 and was edited by Charles Joseph Coe (1908 -- ) and others.

 Scope and Contents

The records of Facts for Farmers measures approximately seven linear feet and is arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence. It consists of the office business and research files for this left-wing publication. Included are correspondence files; a nearly complete run of Facts for Farmers together with its circulation records (another complete set is cataloged, xfHD171.A1F3); material relating to the Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America; other Farm Research, Inc. publications; and research files relating to a variety of agricultural issues.

  Box 1

African-American Issues. Agricultural, Educational, and Political, 1930 -- 1939.

Agra Lite News, 1957.

Agricultural Cooperatives, 1946 and Undated.

Agricultural Publications and Newspapers. Notes, 1937 -- 1949.

Agricultural Workers. Statistics and Reports

1930 -- 1934.

1935 -- 1937.

1938 -- 1941.


All-State Flashers, 1938. Farmers Union Junior Camp.

America First, 1941.

American Farm Bureau Federation

1930 -- 1941 and Undated.

Clippings, 1932 -- 1940.

Programs, 1940.

 Box 2

American Peoples Fund, 1951.

Associated Farmers

1937 -- 1941.

Clippings, 1938 -- 1939.

Ayres, Homer. "The Facts Relative to the Proposed 23rd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."

Black Belt Statistics, 1930 -- 1932.

"Both Battles Will Be Won!" National Agricultural Mobilization Committee, Brochure.

Brannan Farm Price Support Program, 1949 -- 1950.

Bridges, Styles. "Communist Invasion of Agriculture," Speech, 1950.

Bulk Mailing Deposits, 1941, 1956 -- 1962.

Bulk Mailing Records, 1955 -- 1962.

Bundle Orders, 1959 -- 1962.

Business's Proposals on Farm Programs, 1922 -- 1938.

Carson, Daniel. "Unemployment in the United States," Monograph, 1935.

Central Cooperative Wholesale. Yearbook, 1946.

Child Labor, 1936 -- 1938.

Christmas Lists, 1958 -- 1965.

Coe, Charles J. "Eisenhower's Farm Crisis." Pamphlet, 1953; two copies.

Coe, Charles J. "Farmers in 1944," Pamphlet.

Coe, Charles J. "Is Full Production Un-American?" Broadside.

Coe, Charles J. "The Poultry Crisis and Vertical Integration." Pamphlet, 1957; two copies.

  Box 3

Committee for Constitutional Government, 1942 -- 1958.

Commodity Credit Corporation, 1948.

Constitutional Educational League, Inc., 1943 -- 1944.


1933 -- 1949. Including letters from Fred Stover and Louis Adamic.

1950 -- 1957.


January -- June 1959. Including letters from Oren Lee Staley and Alfred Knutson.

July -- December 1959.

January -- June 1960.

  Box 4

Correspondence (cont.)

July -- December 1960.

January -- August 1961.

September -- December 1961.

January -- February 1962.

March -- May 1962.

June -- July 1962.

August -- October 1962.

November -- December 1962.

  Box 5

Correspondence (cont.)

1963 -- 1970. Including letters from Lowell K. Dyson.


Form Letters, 1944 -- 1962 and Undated.

Cost of Production, 1932, 1952.

Coughlin, Father, 1936 -- 1939.

Cudahy, John, 1935 -- 1941.

Curtis Publishing Company, 1953 -- 1956.


Inter-State Milk Producers' Association, 1929 -- 1935.

Marketing Agreements and Programs

1933 -- 1940, 1958 -- 1959.


Milk Companies and Profits

1919 -- 1933.

1934 -- 1943.

  Box 6

Dairy (cont.)

Milk Companies and Profits (cont.)


"The Milk Trust Cheats"

Miscellaneous Notes, 1931 -- 1956.

New York Milk Shed, 1938 -- 1958.

Prices, 1932 -- 1941.

Speeches and Articles, 1934 -- 1957.

State Milk Control Boards. State Legislation, 1933 -- 1958.

Statistics, 1929 -- 1934, 1943.

Dairy Farmers Union, 1939.

Dairymen's League Co-operative Association, Inc., 1932 -- 1935.

Dickinson, M.F. "Statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Banking and Currency," 1940.

Digby, Robert and Lem Harris. "Danger Signs on the Postwar Farm Horizon," Article, Feb. 1946.

Digby, Robert. "The Second Chronic Crisis in Agriculture," Article, Jan. 1947.

Dulles, John Foster, 1945 -- 1948.

Dyson, Lowell K. "The Milk Strike of 1939 and the Destruction of the Dairy Farmers Union," Article, 1970.

Economic Security, 1934 -- 1935.

Elections, 1946 -- 1948.

Ellsworth, Ralph E. and Sarah M. Harris. The American Right Wing. A Report to the Fund for the Republic, 1962.

  Box 7

Employers' Association of Chicago. Anti-Communist Literature, 1948.

Facts for Farmers

October-November 1933; August 1934; June 1935; July, September-December 1941.

1942 -- 1947.

1948 -- 1954.

1955 -- 1958.

1959 -- 1962.

Circulation Figures, 1944 -- 1962.

Index, 1935 -- 1962.

Farm Forum. Minneapolis, MN, 1952.

Farm Holiday Association. Notes.

Farm-Labor Committee. Lists, 1947.

Farm Research

Farm News Letter, 1932 -- 1933.

  Box 8

Farm Research (cont.)

"Land for the Landless" Article.

Legislative Letter, 1938 -- 1940.

Press Releases, 1936 -- 1940.

Publicity, 1940 -- 1950.

Farm Strikes, 1932.

Farm Worker Bulletin, 1938.

Farmer-Labor Cooperatives, 1946 -- 1947.

Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America (Farmers' Union)

1932 -- 1949.

1950 -- 1951.


Conventions, 1938 -- 1952.

Louisiana Farmers' Union, 1937 -- 1940.

Box 9

Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America (Farmers' Union) (cont.)

Materials sent to Farmers' Union under contract beginning May 16, 1938, 1938 -- 1939.

New York, 1950 -- 1951.

Farmers Equity Union.

Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association. Annual Reports, 1946 -- 1949.

Fascist Farm Activities, 1939 -- 1946.

Food for Victory Program, 1943.

Foreign Agriculture. Communist Party, 1943 -- 1947.

Four Freedoms on the Home Front. Newspaper, vol. 1, nos. 2, 4, and 5.

Friends of Democracy, 1943 -- 1945.

Friends of Democracy's Battle, 1946 -- 1950.

Gannett, Frank

1942-1944 and Undated.

"Britain Sees It Through."

Clippings, 1943 -- 1946.

  Box 10

 Goss vs. Labor, 1943 -- 1944.

Government Printing Office. Account Statements

1959 -- 1963.

1964 -- 1975.

1976 -- 1990.

Harris, Lement. Harold M. Ware (1890 -- 1935) Agricultural Pioneer, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., 1978.

Harris, Lement. "A Program for Agriculture," Article, 1947.

Herbert Hoover's National Committee on Food for Small Democracies, 1943 -- 1944.

Legislative Committee. Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania, 1947.

Lewis, John L. and E.E. Kennedy, 1934 and 1942.


Livestock Production, 1931 -- 1942.

Midwest Farmer-Labor Alliance, 1949.

Migratory Labor, 1945 -- 1947 and 1958.

Missouri Farm Organizations, 1938.

 Box 11

Mundt Bill (H.R. 5852)

National Association of Cooperatives, 1947.

National Conference on Rural Social Planning

March 27, 1936.

March 28, 1936.

March 28, 1936. Afternoon Session.

National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation, 1938.

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1945.

National Farmers Guild, 1942 -- 1946.

National Grange (Patrons of Husbandry)

1937 -- 1943.


1950 -- 1952 and Undated.

  Box 12

National Tax Equality Association

1944 -- 1946.

1947 -- 1952.

Newberry, Mike. "The Fascist Revival--the Story of the John Birch Society--Who is in It? Who is Behind It? Who Directs and Finances It?" Pamphlet, 1961.

Office of Emergency Management. Pamphlet, 1941.

O'Mahoney, Joseph C. "The Farmer and Industrial Insecurity," Radio Address, 1938.

The Organized Farmer. Organ of the Pennsylvania Farmers Protective Association, 1932 -- 1935.

Peace News.



1934 -- 1936.

1937 -- 1942 and Undated.

Progressive Party Convention. Farm Platform, 1952.

The Propaganda Battlefront, 1945 -- 1946.

Raymond, Harry. The Milk Steal.

Right-Wing Materials, 1961 -- 1963.

Robert Marshall Foundation, 1941 -- 1949.

  Box 13

Rural Housing, 1941 and 1948.

The Rural Observer, 1937 -- 1941.

"Ships for Freedom." Office of Production Management, [1941?]

"The Silence of the Good People," 1962.

Simon J. Lubin Society, Inc., 1939 -- 1940.

Social Security, 1940.

Soderstrom, R.G. Presidential Address Before the Illinois State Federation of Labor (AFL), 65th Annual Convention, 1947.

South. Agriculture Notes, 1945.

Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, 1936 -- 1939 and 1979.

Stassen, Harold.

Stover, Fred. "Atomic Blessing or Atomic Blasting?" [1950?]

Suall, Irwin. "The American Ultras. The Extreme Right and the Military-Industrial Complex," 1962.

Taft, Robert Alphonso, [1946?]

"Taxes" Special Report of the Farmers National Relief Conference, 1933.

Tenant Purchase. Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 1940.

Tomato Growers, 1945 -- 1946.

United Mine Workers of America, 1942.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Press Releases, 1939.

U.S. Farmers Association, 1981 -- 1983.

Upper Peninsula Economic and Rehabilitation Council.

Vance, Rupert B. "Rural Relief and Recovery" WPA Pamphlet, 1939.

  Box 14

World War II, 1939 -- 1940.

Youth Programs

1930 -- 1938.

1939 -- 1943 and Undated.

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