Collection Dates: 1908 -- 1975
27 linear ft.
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Posted to Internet: November 1997
This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by his son,
James O. Frederick, in March 1988.
and Restrictions:
Photographs: Box 34
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Table of Contents
Box 1 Adams County Union-Republican -- American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey
Box 2 American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey
Box 3 American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey -- "Back Pay"
Box 4 Biographical material about J.T. Frederick -- Composition survey compiled by Frederick
Box 5 Contemporary thought -- Copyright registrations and renewals
Box 6 Correspondence, 1908 -- 1941
Box 7 Correspondence, 1942 -- 1947
Box 8 Correspondence, 1948 -- August 1962
Box 9 Correspondence, September 1962 -- 1964
Box 10 Correspondence, 1965 -- July 1968
Box 11 Correspondence, August 1968 -- March 1971
Box 12 Correspondence, April 1971 -- 1975
Box 13 Correspondence, Undated -- A Country Practice
Box 14 A Country Practice -- The Darkened Sky
Box 15 The Darkened Sky
Box 16 The Darkened Sky -- Druida
Box 17 Druida -- Early twentieth century authors
Box 18 "The Encantadas -- End of the Iron Age
Box 19 End of the Iron Age -- Faulkner, William
Box 20 Fellowships -- Green Bush
Box 21 Green Bush
Box 22 Green Bush
Box 23 Green Bush -- Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.
Box 24 Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc. -- High school American literature anthology material
Box 25 High school American literature anthology material -- Howells, William Dean
Box 26 Howells, William Dean -- Journalism 56: modern culture II
Box 27 Kraus Reprint Corporation -- The Meaning of Literature in America Today
Box 28 Melville, Herman -- The Midland
Box 29 The Midland -- Miscellaneous notes taken by Frederick on a variety of subjects
Box 30 Miscellaneous notes on American authors taken by Frederick -- Mood sketches written by Fredericks students
Box 31 Mott, Frank Luther -- "Of Men and Books
Box 32 "Of Men and Books
Box 33 Of Men and Books -- Over the Wall
Box 34 Over the Wall -- Poems to My Mother
Box 35 Poetry -- Published articles
Box 36 The Quarry -- The Quiet Day
Box 37 Reading for Writing -- Sergel, Clark F.
Box 38 Sergel, Clark and Virginia -- Slater, John R.
Box 39 Social background of American literature -- Speak to the Earth
Box 40 Speak to the Earth -- Speculative zoology
Box 41 Speeches -- Stockade
Box 42 Stockade -- Thirty-Four Present Day Stories
Box 43 Travel expenses -- W.H. Hudson
Box 44 W.H. Hudson -- Wallace Stevens: A Classroom Approach
Box 45 Ward, Leo L. -- Zoology course taught at Prescott High School
Box 46 Wallaces Farmer
Box 47 The Midland, 1915, 1917
Box 48 The Midland, 1918 -- 1919
Box 49 The Midland, 1920 -- 1921
Box 50 The Midland, 1922 -- 1923
Box 51 The Midland, 1924 -- 1925
Box 52 The Midland, 1926 -- 1927
Box 53 The Midland, 1928 -- 1929
Box 54 The Midland, 1930 -- 1931
Index to the general correspondence folders
Index of correspondents in the papers of John Towner Frederick
John Towner Frederick (1893 -- 1975) was born in Corning, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 1915 and received his M.A. two years later. Frederick was the founder and editor of The Midland, a magazine devoted to regional literature. Published from 1915 -- 1933 it was highly respected. H.L. Mencken once called The Midland "the most important literary magazine in America."
In 1921, Frederick joined the faculty in the department of English at Iowa. He stayed there until 1930, with the exception of one year spent teaching at the University of Pittsburgh. Frederick then began dividing his time between Northwestern University and the University of Notre Dame. In addition to teaching at these two institutions, from 1937 -- 1940 he was the regional director of the WPA Writers' Project. In 1945, he left Northwestern to become a full-time faculty member at Notre Dame. He was appointed chairman of the English department and held this post until his retirement in 1962. After "retiring" Frederick returned to the University of Iowa as a visiting professor, where in 1973 he was named a Distinguished Alumni.
John T. Frederick authored novels, including Druida (1923) and Green Bush (1925), four college textbooks and numerous poems, articles, and short stories and criticism. Yet, he will always best be remembered for The Midland.
The John T. Frederick papers consist of fifty-four boxes of documents dating from 1908 -- 1975. Arranged chronologically within an alphabetical sequence are subject files containing such material as diaries, research notes, lectures, speeches, articles, etc. There are numerous boxes of correspondence which include letters from: H.L. Mencken, Thomas Mann, Edward J. O'Brien, Ruth Suckow, Marquis W. Childs, James Hearst, Wallace Stegner, Robert Nathan, Arna Bontemps, Paul Corey, Leo R. Ward, Savoie Lottinville, William J. Petersen, John C. Gerber, Leedice Kissane, Mildred Wedel, Howard R. Bowen, Julie McDonald, Dow Mossman, Sargent Bush, O M Brack, Iduna Bertel Field, and others. Manuscript material, such as early drafts and galley proofs from many of his books, including Druida, Green Bush, and A Handbook for Short Story Writing, helps document his writing career. There is also a nearly complete run of The Midland.
Related Materials: The Milton Monroe Reigelman papers on the Midland -- MsC329
See also the papers of William and Karlton Kelm for correspondence.
Adams County Union-Republican. "Poultry Department," by J.T. Frederick. Newspaper clippings, June 24 -- Sept. 9, 1908.
Advanced course in literature -- Assignment: 3, n.p.; n.d.
Advanced short story writing. Transcribed lecture notes, March -- May 1937. (Northwestern University)
Adventures in Fiction
Early typescript carbon with corrections. (Originally titled: Enjoyment of Fiction).Typescript with correspondence.
Partial typescript with corrections and revisions. (Titled: Intoduction to Reading of Fiction.)
Miscellaneous typescript pages with corrections and revisions.
Alcona, Michigan Schools. Printed materials, clippings, etc., 1954 -- 1957.
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Correspondence, 1922 -- 1937. Including letters from Alfred A. Knopf.
Alumni honors at the State University of Iowa, 1947.
American authors. Notes, n.d.
American culture. Notes, n.d.
American history novels. Recommended list, n.d.
"American Literary Nationalism: A Process of Definition, 1825 -- 50." Various typescripts and notes of an article.
American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey
Correspondence, 1941 -- 1943.
American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey (cont.)
Correspondence (cont.)1944. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.1945. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.
1946. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.
1947. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.
1948. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.
Undated. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott.
Correspondence regarding permission to publish works
1941 -- 1945. Including letters from Edgar Lee Masters, John Dos Passos, and George Ade.1946 -- 1948. Including letters from Sinclair Lewis and John Hersey.
American Literature, an Anthology and Critical Survey (cont.)
Notes, outlines, contents pages, etc.Contract with Scribners, 1944.
American literature courses taught at the University of Iowa. Book lists, lecture notes, grade reports, 1966 -- 1967.
American Testament
Incomplete early typescript.Incomplete typescript draft. (2 folders)
Miscellaneous typescript pages with corrections and revisions.
Anderson, Sherwood.
Correspondence and notes relating to a proposed project involving Anderson's
"A New Testament," 1967.
Andrews, Clarence A. Man of the Midland. The Iowan, (1971).
Ansley, C.F. Correspondence, 1914 -- 1933.
"Anticipation and Achievement in Faulkner's Soldier Pay." Typescripts of an article, with corrections.
April Night. Typescript of a play, with corrections and revisions.
"Back Pay." Typescript of a short story, including a letter from H.L. Mencken.
Biographical material about J.T. Frederick; includes obituaries.
Black River. Synopsis of a novel.
"The Blind Man." Two typescripts of a short story with corrections and additions.
The Blue Bull. Holograph outline and notes for a novel.
Bluff Street and Bessemer. Holograph outline and notes for a novel.
Biographical outlines of German authors, n.d.
Book publicity for various publications by Frederick.
Book purchases. Including correspondence, receipts, etc., 1957 -- 1964.
Books sold or donated to various libraries, n.d.
Brooks, Paul. Correspondence, 1943.
Bryson, Lyman. Correspondence, 1940 -- 1944. Including a letter from Thomas Mann.
Cather, Willa. Notes by Frederick. n.d.
The Catholic Book Reporter. Correspondence with and an article by John T. Frederick. 1961.
Class assignments done by Frederick as a student at the State University of Iowa, n.d.
Class evaluations done by Frederick's students, 1968.
Cline, Leonard. Three Poems for "Mad Jacob." Typescript.
Clippings and programs from speaking events, 1916 -- 1956 and undated.
Cohn, Carl. Poetry.
Collection of orations, themes, essays, and addresses by Frederick, 1911.
Collection of poems "To Mother" by Frederick, May 20, 1910.
Comparative zoology. Frederick's class notes from the State University of Iowa, n.d.
Composition survey compiled by Frederick. n.d.
Contemporary thought. Lectures given by Frederick, 1936 -- 1937.
Contracts between Frederick and various employers, publishers, etc., 1923 -- 1974.
Contracts between The Midland and various writers, 1923. Including contracts for Raymond Weeks, Walter J. Muilenburg, Frank Luther Mott, and Ruth Suckow.
Cooper, Hoyt
Correspondence, 1911 -- 1918.Poetry. Holograph and typescript drafts.
Cooper, James Fenimore (material relating to Cooper)
Notes. (2 folders)Cooper and indians. Miscellaneous notes.
"Cooper's Eloquent Indians."
Typescripts, notes and rough drafts of an article.Correspondence regarding the article, 1954 -- 1956.
"Cooper's Humor." Various typescripts of an article with corrections.
Copperhead material from Joe Skidmore. Photocopies.
Copyright registrations and renewals, 1946, and 1961 -- 1974.
1908 -- 1924. Including letters from: C.F. Ansley, Edward J. O'Brien, Harriet Monroe, Frank Harris, Herbert Croly, Mahlon Leonard Fisher, Grace Partridge Smith, Alfred A. Knopf, Percival Hunt, Johnson Brigham, Hardin Craig, George F. Kay, Walter A. Jessup, Charles J. Finger, and Jay G. Sigmund.1925 -- 1926. Including letters from: George Stout, Walter A. Jessup, W.C. Muilenburg, Bird T. Baldwin, Jay G. Sigmund, Ruth Suckow, Charles J. Finger, Carl E. Seashore, C.H. Weller, Hardin Craig, Vincent Starrett, Johnson Brigham, Edward J. O'Brien, and Edwin F. Piper.
1927 -- 1929. Including letters from: Percival Hunt, Marquis W. Childs, Clarence S. Darrow, Jay G. Sigmund, Baldwin Maxwell, Henry S. Canby, and Robert Morss Lovett.
1930 -- 1934. Including letters from: Percival Hunt, Howard M. Jones, Forrest B. Spaulding, T. Henry Foster, Thomas Mann, Harriet Monroe, Edward J. O'Brien, Glen Ward Dresbach, James T. Farrell, Marquis W. Childs, Harry Hansen, Norman Foerster, Clarence Darrow, and Roland White.
1935 -- 1936. Including letters from: Rudyard Kipling, Josephine Johnson, Edward J. O'Brien, and Wilbur L. Schramm.
1937 -- 1939. Including letters from: Wilbur L. Schramm, Donald Davidson, Carroll D. Coleman, Frank Luther Mott, C.F. Ansley, John Crowe Ransom, and John E. Briggs.
1940 -- 1941. Including letters from: Marquis W. Childs, August Derleth, H.L. Mencken, Frank Luther Mott, Donald Davidson, Wilbur L. Schramm, Ethel Blythe Penningroth, and Mary Ellen Chase.
Correspondence (cont.)
1942. Including letters from: Norman Corwin, James T. Farrell, James Hearst, Ellen Glasgow, Wallace Stegner, Erskine Caldwell, Henry Miller, and Raymond Weeks.1943. Including letters from: Bennett A. Cerf, James Hearst, Robert Nathan, Ruth Suckow, Maxwell Perkins, Frank Luther Mott, and Harnett T. Kane.
January -- June 1944. Including letters from: Maxwell Perkins, John Selby, Arna Bontemps, J. Hyatt Downing, Paul Corey, Frank Luther Mott, and W. Stanley Hoole.
July -- December 1944. Including letters from: Paul Corey, Arna Bontemps, Hudson Strode, Carl E. Seashore, Marquis W. Childs, Leo R. Ward, Jeannette Eyerly, Harnett T. Kane, and Frank Luther Mott.
January -- July 1945. Including letters from: Paul Corey, Virgil M. Hancher, James Hearst, Savoie Lottinville, and Maxwell Struthers Burt.
August -- December 1945. Including letters from: John Selby, W. Stanley Hoole, and Maxwell Struthers Burt.
1946 -- 1947. Including letters from: Forrest B. Spaulding, Stanley Pargellis, Arna Bontemps, Era Bell Thompson, Owen Dodson, Leo R. Ward, Frank Luther Mott, Lloyd Lewis, Jack Conroy, Clyde Tull, John Selby, Savoie Lottinville, and George T.W. Patrick.
Correspondence (cont.)
1948 -- 1949. Including letters from: Ross Santee, Owen Dodson, Frank Luther Mott, Philip D. Adler, Joseph Wood Krutch, and James Hearst.1950 -- 1953. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott and Robert Fitzgerald.
1954 -- 1955. Including letters from: Frank Luther Mott, Hartzell Spence, Thomas B. Costain, Savoie Lottinville, Dorothy M. Johnson, Walter Muilenburg, and James Hearst.
1956 -- 1958. Including letters from: Frank Luther Mott, Savoie Lottinville, William J. Petersen, Hartzell Spence, Phil Stong, and Walter Muilenburg.
1959 -- 1961. Including letters from: Marshall A. Best, Savoie Lottinville, Theodore Hesburgh, and Leo R. Ward.
January -- August 1962. Including letters from: Will J. Hayek, J. Frank Dobie, Harlan Hatcher, Theodore Hesburgh, and Leo R. Ward.
Correspondence (cont.)
September -- December 1962. Including letters from: Frank Luther Mott, John C. Gerber, Leedice Kissane, Carroll Coleman, and James Hearst.January -- May 1963. Including letters from: Frank Luther Mott, John C. Gerber, James Hearst, Virgil M. Hancher, Carroll Coleman, Leo R. Ward, Leedice Kissane, and Ferner Nuhn.
June -- September 1963. Including a letter from Theodore M. Hesburgh.
October -- December 1963. Including letters from Frank Luther Mott and Theodore M. Hesburgh.
January -- March 1964. Including letters from James Hearst.
April -- August 1964. Including letters from: Leon Edel, Frank Luther Mott, and Leedice Kissane.
September -- December 1964. Including letters from: John C. Gerber, Mildred Wendel, Leedice Kissane, William J. Petersen, Leo R. Ward and James Hearst.
Correspondence (cont.)
January -- June 1965. Including letters from: Howard R. Bowen, Julie McDonald, James Hearst, Leo R. Ward, Carroll Coleman, Leedice Kissane, and John C. Gerber.July -- December 1965. Including letters from: James Hearst, Julie McDonald, John C. Gerber, Roy W. Meyer, Howard R. Bowen, William J. Petersen, and Dow Mossman.
January -- May 1966. Including letters from: Julie McDonald, Howard R. Bowen, and William J. Petersen.
June -- December 1966. Including letters from: Mildred Wedel, James Hearst, John C. Gerber, and Howard R. Bowen.
January -- June 1967. Including letters from: Mildred Wedel, Donald R. Murphy, Henry Rago, Julie McDonald, and Philip G. Hubbard.
July -- December 1967. Including letters from: John C. Gerber, Julie McDonald, and Lois Muehl.
January -- July 1968. Including letters from: Louis B. Wright, John C. Gerber, Mildred Wedel, Julie McDonald, Loren C. Eiseley, Howard R. Bowen, and Sargent Bush.
Correspondence (cont.)
August -- December 1968. Including letters from: Sargent Bush, James Hearst, Julie McDonald, Mildred Wedel, and Lois Muehl.January -- June 1969. Including letters from: Evelyn Glick, John C. Gerber, William T. Stafford, Jerre Mangione, James Hearst, Sargent Bush, Julie McDonald, and Mildred Wedel.
July -- December 1969. Including letters from: Julie McDonald, Sargent Bush, James Hearst, Dow Mossman, and Mildred Wedel.
January -- May 1970. Including letters from: Marquis W. Childs, Julie McDonald, Loren Eiseley, O M Brack, Lois Muehl, William T. Stafford, James Hearst, Ferner Nuhn, and John C. Gerber.
June -- October 1970. Including letters from: Clarence A. Andrews, Julie McDonald, Sargent Bush, and Dow Mossman.
November -- December 1970. Including letters from: O M Brack, Lois Muehl, James Hearst, Sargent Bush, and Iduna Bertel Field.
January -- March 1971. Including letters from: Julie McDonald, O M Brack, and Sargent Bush.
Correspondence (cont.)
April -- June 1971. Including letters from: O M Brack, Sargent Bush, Mildred Wedel, Julie McDonald, James Hearst, and Willard L. Boyd.July -- September 1971. Including letters from: Clarence A. Andrews, Loren Eiseley, Mildred Wedel, Norman Cousins, Sargent Bush, and Julie McDonald.
October -- December 1971. Including letters from: Willard Archie, Philip Adler, Iduna Bertel Field, and Dow Mossman.
1972. Including letters from: John C. Gerber, Willard Archie, Dow Mossman, Leo R. Ward, James Hearst, Julie McDonald, and Iduna Bertel Field.
1973 -- 1974. Including letters from: Jerre Mangione, Willard L. Boyd, James Hearst, Will J. Hayek, and William Lee Burton.
January -- February 9, 1975. Including letters from: Iduna Bertel Field, James Hearst, Mildred Wedel, Julie McDonald.
February 10 -- December 1975. Including letters from: Iduna Bertel Field, Sargent Bush, Willard L. Boyd, Leo R. Ward, Delight Ansley, and Dow Mossman.
Correspondence (cont.)
UndatedA -- L. Including letters from: Clarence A. Andrews, O M Brack, Clarence Darrow, Jeannette Eyerly, John C. Gerber, James Hearst, Haniel Long, and Charles Finger.M -- Z. Including letters from: Julie McDonald, H.L. Mencken, Henry Miller, Mary Britton Miller, Dow Mossman, Frank Luther Mott, Robert Nathan, Edward J. O'Brien, Ethel Blythe Penningroth, Ross Santee, Leo R. Ward, and Mildred Wedel.
Incomplete names (2 folders)
A Country Practice
Correspondence regarding publication, 1950 -- 1951.Early typescript with corrections and revisions.
Typescript carbon with corrections.
A Country Practice (cont.)
Typescript with corrections. (2 folders)Typescript. (2 folders)
Miscellaneous typescript pages with corrections and revisions.
Crawford, Sister Luke, S.P. "James' Use of Distance in The Beast in the Jungle." Typescript.
Creative Writing Division of the Curriculum Commission, 1933.
Criticism of literature. Frederick's lecture notes, 1968.
The Darkened Sky
Miscellaneous holograph notes and outlines.Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions.
The Darkened Sky (cont.)
Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions.Incomplete draft with notes and revisions.
Typescript with editor's revisions and printer's notes. (3 folders)
Typescripts of the introduction and chapter about Cooper along with reviews of the book, 1969 -- 1970.
Correspondence, 1964 -- 1969 and undated.
The Darkened Sky (cont.)
Correspondence and book reviews, 1969 -- 1970.
"Deferred." Various typescripts of a short story along with correspondence.
Diary/record book, 1971 -- 1972.
Dictionary of literary terms. Carbon.
Dramatic Publishing Co. Study guides, 1968 -- 1969. Including correspondence, contract, notes, and typescripts.
Correspondence, 1921 -- 1924. Including a letter from Laurence C. Jones.Holograph notes and incomplete typescript.
Holograph of first draft.
First typescript with revisions.
Second typescript with corrections.
Druida (cont.)
Galley proofs with revisions.Newspaper clippings. (2 folders)
Early American literature (course taught by Frederick)
Book list, syllabus, handouts, etc.Notes. (2 folders)
Early English literature (course taught by Frederick). Book list, syllabus, tests, etc.
Early twentieth century authors, 1900 -- 1930 (course taught by Frederick). Notes.
"The Encantadas." Typescript of an article with corrections.
English ballads. Class notes taken by Frederick, 1914 -- 1915.
End of the Iron Age
Notes and outlines.Detailed synopsis.
Incomplete early holograph drafts.
Incomplete early typescript draft with corrections and revisions.
Miscellaneous holograph and typescript pages, some with revisions.
Early typescript draft. (Originally titled: Millenium)
Typescript with corrections and revisions.
End of the Iron Age (cont.)
Typescript carbon.Final typescript. (2 folders)
Correspondence and comments, 1928 -- 1929, and 1970.
English composition. Frederick's notes and assignments done as a student at the State University of Iowa, 1912.
English drama to Shakespeare. Frederick's class notes taken as a student, 1914.
English literature seminar. Frederick's notes and class materials as a student.
English Newsletter, May 1957.
Eschatology of the Book of Job. Notes, n.d.
Exams and assignments given by Frederick, 1934 -- 1969.
Expository writing. Notes.
Fairy Stories. Typescript with pen and watercolor illustrations.
Faulkner, William. Notes and lecture material.
Fellowships, 1962 -- 1963.
"Fenimore Cooper and Catholicism." Correspondence, research, typescripts, etc., 1965.
"The Fiction of W.H.
Hudson." Incomplete typescript of an article.
Fischer, Edward. The Attainments of a Country Gentleman. Notre Dame Magazine; v. 13, n. 4 (1984).
Footnotes, 1959 -- 1962. Publication of the Notre Dame English department.
Forster, E.M. Notes and lecture outlines.
Frattoni, Oreste.
"Cooper's The Crater: Influences and Fortune."
Frederick, John T. Patterns of Imagery in Chapter XLII of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady. Arizona Quarterly; v.25, n. 2 (1969).
From the Plains and Other Poems, 1919. Typescript.
Funeral visitation record, 1975. Register from Frederick's funeral.
"The Gandercoop Pants." Typescript of a short story with notes.
General literature course assignments, Numbers 5, 10, 11 and 13. (4 folders)
General study of birds.
German research, 1914. Notes and readings done by Frederick as a student.
The Golden Page. Radio broadcasts, 1942. Including correspondence and program transcripts.
Grades from a literature class taught by Frederick.
"The Greatest Problems of English Departments Today." Speech, 1962. Typescript and published version.
Green Bush
Notes.Early holograph outline.
Green Bush (cont.)
Holograph draft with working outline. (2 folders)Second draft with revisions. (3 folders)
Typescript draft with corrections and revisions. (2 folders)
Green Bush (cont.)
Typescript draft with corrections. (2 folders)Typescript draft with corrections for the English edition. (2 folders)
Galley proofs with editor's revisions.
Page proofs with editor's revisions.
Green Bush (cont.)
Page proofs. (2 folders)Correspondence
Regarding publication, 1924 -- 1925. Including letters from Alfred A. Knopf and Haniel Long.Praising the book, 1925. Including a letter from Walter Jessup.
Newspaper clippings.
A Handbook of Short Story Writing
Notes.First typescript draft with additions.
Typescript draft with corrections and revisions.
Typescript draft with additions and corrections (carbon).
Typescript draft.
Galley proofs with revisions.
Page proofs.
Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.
Correspondence1961 -- July 1962.
Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc. (cont.)
Correspondence (cont.)August 1962 -- April 1963.May 1963 -- 1967.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. (material relating to Hawthorne)
Ideas for articles.Notes. (2 folders)
"Hawthorne and the Workhouse Baby." Various typescripts of an article with miscellaneous pages.
"Hawthorne's Scribbling Women." Typescript of an article with correspondence, 1975.
Hearst, James. Correspondence, 1925 -- 1962 and undated.
High school American literature anthology material.
High school American literature anthology material, (cont.).
History of English literature. Frederick's own class notes and criticisms taken as a student at the State University of Iowa, 1914 -- 1915.
Hornback, Bert. Correspondence, 1966 -- 1968.
Hometown Girl. Typescript. (2 folders)
Howells, William Dean
Notes. (2 folders)
Howells, William Dean (cont.)
Notes.Notes and draft of an article.
"Hunter's Dream." Incomplete typescript of a short story.
Ideas for articles.
Improving reading ability. Outline, notes, and typescript draft for a proposed book.
"In Colors of Flame." Various drafts of a short story.
"Integral Society," 1937. Two lectures given for the department of contemporary thought at Northwestern University.
Invitation to Learning. CBS broadcast, 1944.
Iowa author list.
"Iowa in Autobiography." Typescript of an article with notes.
Itinerary for various trips.
"I've Been Reading."
Clippings from the Chicago Sun Book WeekNov. 1942 -- 1944.1945 -- June 1946.
July 1946 -- July 1947 and undated.
Typescripts for articles.
James, Henry (material relating to James)
Notes.Seminar, 1964.
"Jeffers and Others." Typescript of an article.
"John T. Frederick's `Studio Course' -- Modern Life and Letters." Details about a course taught at Northwestern University, 1940.
Journalism 56: modern culture II. Frederick's course at Notre Dame, 1947.
Kraus Reprint Corporation. Correspondence and invoices, 1965 -- 1967.
Lakeside Monthly. Bibliography.
Lecture notes on Evanston reading conference, 1949.
Lecture notes on various topics.
Lectures and questions on Chaucer's prologue. Notes from a course Frederick took at the State University of Iowa, 1914.
Lectures on the teaching of writing. Holograph and typescript drafts of lectures Frederick gave at Great Falls College, 1966.
Lectures on Tennyson's "Guinevere." Notes from a course Frederick took at the State University of Iowa, 1914.
Lectures on Thomas Carlyle. Class notes taken by Frederick while a student at the State University of Iowa, 1914.
Lectures on Wordsworth. Class notes taken by Frederick while a student at the State University of Iowa, 1914.
Lesson plans and diary, 1915. From Frederick's teaching at Moorhead, Minnesota.
Lincoln, Abraham. Notes.
"The Life of William Morris." Holograph draft.
"Literary Art in Thomas Hooker's The Poor Doubting Christian." Typescripts of an article with corrections.
"Literary Art in Thomas Shepard's The Parable of Ten Virgins." Various typescripts of an article.
Literary criticism (British and American). Notes.
"The Little Review." Typescript carbon of an article with notes.
Long, Haniel. Correspondence and poetry, 1924 -- 1930.
Material for a seminar in literature, 1966.
McDonald, Julie. Correspondence, 1966 -- 1967.
"The Meaning of Literature in America Today." Typescripts of an article with corrections and miscellaneous pages.
Melville, Herman (material relating to Melville)
Notes. (4 folders)Notes and incomplete drafts of articles.
Melville seminar. Lectures, notes, book lists, etc.
"Melville's Early Acquaintance with Bayle." Typescript of an article with corrections.
"Melville's Last Long Novel: Clarel." Typescripts of an article.
"Melville's Only Heroine: The Chola Widow." Typescripts of an article with corrections.
Memorial tributes to John T. Frederick, 1975.
Mencken, H.L. Correspondence, 1918 -- 1924, 1942 and undated. Including a letter from George Jean Nathan.
The Midland
Account book, 1931 -- 1932.Clippings, 1922 -- 1937.
Correspondence regarding reprinting, 1966.
The Midland (cont.)
List of subscribers.Miscellaneous printed material, 1914 -- 1930 and undated.
Miscellaneous articles by Frederick. Typescripts both complete and incomplete.
Miscellaneous class notes taken by Frederick as a student.
Miscellaneous essays written by Frederick.
Miscellaneous lecture notes and materials for courses taught by Frederick. (3 folders)
Miscellaneous lecture notes and syllabi for American literature courses taught by Frederick.
Miscellaneous lecture notes for courses taught by Frederick at Notre Dame.
Miscellaneous notes taken by Frederick on a variety of subjects.
Miscellaneous notes on American authors taken by Frederick.
Miscellaneous notes on American and English authors taken by Frederick. (2 folders)
Miscellaneous notes on Faulkner, James, Hemingway and Dreiser taken by Frederick.
Miscellaneous pages of incomplete typescripts by Frederick.
Miscellaneous writing scraps by Frederick.
Modern fiction. Course materials for class taught at Northwestern University.
Modern life and letters. Course taught at Northwesteern University
Incomplete transcribed lecture notes, March -- May 1937.Notes.
Mood sketches written by Frederick's students.
Mott, Frank Luther
Correspondence, 1924 -- 1962 and undated.Correspondence about Mott and memorial tributes to him, 1964 -- 1966.
Miscellaneous published articles, 1942.
Newspaper clippings, 1961 -- 1964.
Muilenburg, Walter J.
Correspondence, 1922 -- 1958.Notes kept by Muilenburg.
Murphy, Donald R. Correspondence, 1925 -- 1929, 1954 and undated.
"My Brother Florio." Typescripts with revisions. Including a letter from George Jean Nathan.
Newspaper clippings
About Frederick, 1914 -- 1972 and undated.Book reviews, 1914, 1924 -- 1925 and undated.
Regarding The Midland, 1924 -- 1925, 1963.
Speaking engagements, 1924 -- 1927 and undated.
"New Leaves." Typescript of a short story. Including a letter from H.L. Mencken.
Nineteenth century American novelists. Lectures delivered at Loras College.
"Ninety-Five Theses Against Democracy." Various drafts of an article.
Notebooks/ledgers kept by Frederick on a variety of subjects.
"Notes on Current Poetry." Typescript draft of an article.
Notes on midwestern anthology.
Notre Dame University
Commencement, 1962.Library council. Including correspondence, minutes, etc., 1965 -- 1966.
"Of Men and Books"
Correspondence1939 -- 1940. Including letters from: Archibald MacLeish, Henry S. Canby, Carl Sandburg, H.L. Mencken, Pearl S. Buck, Phil Stong, Jonathan Daniels, Thomas Mann, Louis Adamic, Marquis W. Childs, August W. Derleth, Harry Hansen, and Paul Corey.1941. Including letters from: Paul Engle, Arna Bontemps, Irvin S. Cobb, Archibald MacLeish, Thomas Mann, William March, George Dillon, Langston Hughes, Paul Corey, Carl Glick, John Selby, Edna Ferber, Bellamy Partridge, E.B. White, Ruth Suckow, Della T. Lutes, Mark Van Doren, Leo R. Ward, Henry Miller, and Robert Nathan.
"Of Men and Books" (cont.)
Correspondence (cont.)1942. Including letters from: William Cuppy, Ruth Suckow, Sigrid Undset, John A. Lomax, Norman Corwin, Lion Feuchtwanger, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Granville Hicks, James T. Farrell, Langston Hughes, Henry S. Canby, Franz Werfel, MacKinlay Kantor, Gilbert Seldes, Della T. Lutes, Muriel Rukeyser, Carl Carmer, Robert Nathan, Paul Corey, Hartzell Spence, Pearl S. Buck, and Wallace Stegner.1943 -- 1944. Including letters from: William Cuppy, Max Lerner, Bernard DeVoto, Carl Van Doren, Hartzell Spence, J. Frank Dobie, Robert P. Tristram Coffin, John Dos Passos, Pearl S. Buck, Arthur Meeker, Langston Hughes, Owen Dodson, Wendell L. Willkie, Carl Glick, Wallace Stegner, Thomas Mann, John Mason Brown, W.S. Maugham, Willa Cather, W. Earl Hall, Robert Nathan, and Arna Bontemps.
Undated. Including letters from: William Cuppy, Paul Engle, Esther Forbes, Alice Tisdale Hobart, Robert Nathan, and John Scott.
Printed booklets of broadcast scripts
Vol. 1, nos. 1 -- 52. Sept. 30, 1941 -- Sept. 26, 1942.Vol. 2, nos. 1 -- 52. Sept. 30, 1942 -- Oct. 2, 1943.
Vol. 3, nos. 1 -- 34. Oct. 9, 1943 -- June 3, 1944.
Printed transcripts, 1940. Northwestern University Information.
Reader's manual for the studio course in contemporary literature, 1940. (With prelimary manual.)
Summer reading list, 1940.
Transcripts. Scripts 1 -- 34, Oct. 1939 -- July 1940.
"Of Men and Books" (cont.)
Transcripts (cont.)Scripts 1 -- 33, Oct. 1940 -- May 1941.1939 -- 1940.
Organology of Vertebrates and animal microbiology, 1913. Notes and drawings from Frederick's student days at the State University of Iowa.
Out of the Midwest
CorrespondenceJuly -- October 1943. Including letters from: James Hearst, Ruth Suckow, Wallace Stegner, Edgar Lee Masters, Leo R. Ward, Paul Corey, Frank Luther Mott, Phil Stong, Arna Bontemps, August Derleth, Alfred Knopf, Bennett A. Cerf, Paul Engle, and James Thurber.November 1943 -- March 1944 and undated. Including letters from: Bennett A. Cerf, August Derleth, George Ade, Arna Bontemps, Wallace Stegner, Margaret Anderson, Leo R. Ward, Edgar Lee Masters, and Edna Ferber.
Notes, research, permission fees, etc.
Incomplete typescript draft.
Over the Wall
Early typescript draft with corrections and revisions.
Over the Wall (cont.)
Typescript draft with corrections, insertions and revisions.Incomplete typescript carbon with corrections.
Typescript draft.
Final typescript draft.
Miscellaneous page revisions.
Outline of the story as a play.
"Patterns of Imagery in Chapter XIII of Henry James The Portrait of a Lady." Typescript of an article.
Petersen, William J.
Correspondence, 1956.Correspondence and manuscript material concerning Palimpsest articles, 1953 -- 1956.
Philosophy essay by Frederick.
Plays. Outlines and fragments.
Poems and Plays. Typescript with revisions.
Poems by John Towner Frederick. Photocopy of a book.
Poems to My Mother. Typescript.
Based on Teton Sioux music.Lecture notes, 1966.
Titled (some with corrections and revisions)Untitled and incomplete. (2 folders)
Poole, William. Correspondence, 1943 -- 1944.
Problems in contemporary thought: social backgrounds of America, Sept. -- Dec. 1936. Book lists, lecture notes, etc. for a course taught by Frederick at Northwestern University.
Programs from various functions, 1915 -- 1969.
Proposal for a history of the Writers' Workshop.
"The Prose of Loren Eiseley." Incomplete typescript of an article with corrections.
Published articles, 1917 -- 1972 and undated.
The Quarry
Notes and information.Story synopsis. (Originally titled: Stone Valley)
Early incomplete holograph draft.
Holograph draft with corrections and revisions. (3 folders)
Miscellaneous holograph page revisions.
Typescript draft. (2 folders)
"The Quiet Day." Typescript of a short story.
Reading for Writing
Typescripts of additions, suggestions for study, table of contents, etc.Typescript of introduction and promotional ad.
Regionalism. Notes.
Rejection slips, 1917 -- 1923.
"Religious Elements in the Works of Melville: A Preliminary and Tentative Survey." Typescript for an article with notes.
Reviews by Frederick.
"Roger Williams: Sociologist." Typescripts of an article.
The Romance of Helen Trent. Typescript of a radio play, 1942.
The Rotarian
Correspondence1943 -- 1960.1961 -- 1964.
Royalty statements, 1923 -- 1974.
Russell and Volkening, Inc. Literary Agents and Rinehart and Co., Inc.
Publishers. Correspondence, 1944 -- 1947. Including letters from Maxwell Perkins and John Selby.
Russian fiction. Frederick's lecture notes.
Sandeen, Ernest. Correspondence, 1947 -- 1961.
Sandoz, Paul. "Druida: Girl of a Continent." Typescript of a poem.
"The Scaffold and the Forest: Structure and Symbol in The Scarlet Letter." Typescript of an article with notes.
Senior colloquium on American authors. Notes.
Sergel, Clark F. Correspondence regarding participation texts, 1967 -- 1969.
Sergel, Clark and Virginia. Correspondence, 1961 -- 1967.
Sergel, Roger L. Correspondence, 1918 -- 1955 and undated.
A -- C, 1914 -- 1915 and undated.E -- N, undated.
O -- W and untitled, undated.
Short stories. Miscellaneous fragments.
Short story writing. Lecture notes, for a class taught by Frederick at Northwestern University, 1935.
"Six Songs in Darkness." Typescript of a poem.
Slater, John R. "Who was Haniel Long?" Article and correspondence, 1965.
Social background of American literature. Notes.
Social background of the United States. Notes.
"The Social Element in the Poetry of Sidney Lanier." Holograph draft of an essay.
"Some of Cooper's Clergymen." Typescript of an article.
Some Farewells. Poetic tribute to Frederick when he left the Chicago Park District Recreation Unit, 1940. (3 copies)
Speak to the Earth:
Typescript carbon with revisions. (3 folders)
Speak to the Earth (cont.):
Typescript draft with corrections. (3 folders)Miscellaneous typescript pages with revisions.
Revision notes and cuts.
"Special Assignment -- North Dakota." Drafts of two articles.
"Speaking of Books." Column in The Rotarian:
1944 -- 1951.1952 -- 1962.
Spectorsky, A.C. Correspondence, 1942 -- 1944.
Speculative zoology. Class notes taken by Frederick while a student at the State University of Iowa, 1914 -- 1915.
Address at Kappa Tau Alpha initiation, 1964.Bachelor tax. Affirmative debate of Philomathean Literary Society, 1911.
"Books and Men," 1957.
"Can Style Be Synthetically Acquired?" 1933.
Catholic College for Girls, n.d.
Class Day address, 1919.
Club lecture on poetry, n.d.
Commencement, n.d.
Commencement, Alcona High School, 1961.
Introduction and transitional material at Loras College, n.d.
Iowa Day, 1916.
"Iowa's Contribution to Middle Western Literature," n.d.
"Last Lines: Addressed to a Graduate Class," n.d.
"Literature in a Time of Crisis," 1941.
"Literature of the Midwest," n.d.
Mary Manse College, n.d.
Memorial Day, 1913.
Miscellaneous, n.d.
"A Person and a Book," 1960.
Rotary Club, n.d.
"The Shared Life," n.d.
"Some Factors in Public Relations," 1952.
"Some Religious Problems in Nineteenth Century American Fiction," 1965.
"Teachers and Artists," n.d.
"The University Library," n.d.
"What Shall the Farmers Read?" n.d.
"Yourself and Reading," n.d.
Spiritual or external action. Holograph outline, fragment.
Spiritualism in the nineteenth century. Notes.
Sprinkler Lake Science Camp. Correspondence, notes, clippings, etc. Including letters from Fred Schwengel.
State Normal School, Moorhead, Minnesota. Correspondence, 1917 -- 1919.
Notes and outines.
Stockade (cont.)
First typescript draft with corrections and additions. (Originally titled: Sandusky) (2 folders)Typescript carbon with corrections. (2 folders)
Stories from The Midland. Reviews, 1924.
Story ideas. Notes and fragments.
Sullivan, Richard. Correspondence
1941 -- 1963.1964 -- 1968.
"Symbol and Theme in Melville's Israel Potter." Typescript of an article.
Taylor, Davidson. Correspondence, 1941 -- 1943.
Taylor, Edward. Typescript of poems.
Thirty-Four Present Day Stories
Correspondence regarding permission to publish, 1940 -- 1941.Correspondence with Thomas J.B. Walsh, 1940 -- 1944.
Travel expenses, 1963 -- 1964.
Trowbridge, W.D. Typescript of poems.
Twain/Hancock materials. Research.
Twain, Mark (material relating to Twain)
Notes. (2 folders)Untitled article. Various drafts.
"The Undiscovered Country." Typescripts of an article.
Untitled short stories. (2 folders)
Vertebrate morphology. Class notes taken by Frederick as a student at the State University of Iowa, 1914.
W.H. Hudson
Miscellaneous notes and pages.
W.H. Hudson (cont.)
Incomplete early typescript with corrections and revisions.Incomplete typescript with corrections and revisions.
Incomplete typescript with corrections.
Typescript with corrections.
Miscellaneous typescript pages with corrections and revisions.
Correspondence regarding publication, 1962. Including a letter from Lewis Mumford.
Index (carbon).
Wack, Tom. Correspondence, 1963 -- 1967.
"Wallace Stevens: A Classroom Approach." Typescript carbon of an article.
Ward, Leo L.:
"Catholicism and the Writer."Correspondence, 1926 -- 1951 and undated.
"A Week in the Mill." The Lowell Offering, Oct. 1845 -- Old South Leaflets, #157.
Weeks, Raymond. Correspondence, 1921 -- 1940.
Works Projects Administration -- Federal Writers' Project. Correspondence, 1937 -- 1940 and undated.
Zoology course taught at Prescott High School. Outline.
Wallaces' Farmer, 1927 -- 1928.
The Midland, 1915, 1917.
The Midland, 1918 -- 1919.
The Midland, 1920 -- 1921.
The Midland, 1922 -- 1923.
The Midland, 1924 -- 1925.
The Midland, 1926 -- 1927.
The Midland, 1928 -- 1929.
The Midland, 1930 -- 1931.
Adler, Philip D., 12-28-48; 10-2-71
Andrews, Clarence A., 9-21-33; 6-20-70; 4-2-71; 7-1-71; 1 undated
Ansley, C.F., 11-11-14; 4-20-37
Ansley, Delight, 4-15-75
Archie, Willard, 5-5-71; 5-12-71; 10-1-71; 1-31-72
Baldwin, Bird T., 9-12-25
Best, Marshall, 5-11-59
Bontemps, Arna, 5-3-44; 6-1-44; 7-18-44; 8-12-44
Boyd, Willard, 6-7-71; 4-3-73; 2-18-73; 2-25-73
Brack, OM, 2-6-70; 11-10-70; 11-23-70; 1-19-71; 1-25-71; 3-16-71; 4-13-71; 5-12-71; 1 undated
Briggs, John E., 6-28-37
Brigham, Johnson, 2-12-21;8-20-26; 8-26-26; 9-13-26
Bryson, Lyman, 4-4-44
Burt, Struthers, 5-2-45; 10-8-45
Burton, William Lee, 2-27-74
Bush, Sargent, 7-16-68; 10-15-68; 3-10-69; 9-7-69; 8-7-70; 9-24-70; 10-13-70; 12-20-70; 2-5-71; 4-26-71; 9-10-71; 2-15-75
Caldwell, Erskine, 12-15-42
Canby, Henry S., 11-7-29
Cerf, Bennett A., 1-18-43; 4-1-43; 7-19-43
Chase, Mary Ellen, 11-19-41
Childs, Marquis W., 5-3-27; 7-6-32; 1-9-39; 9-21-44; 1-7-10
Coleman, Carroll, 11-26-29; 3-29-37; 4-9-37; 7-2-37;12-4-62; 4-7-65
Conroy, Jack, 4-12-47
Cooper, Hoyt, 8-10-15
Corey, Paul, 5-12-44; 6-7-44; 7-8-44; 11-27-44; 12-2-44; 1-6-45
Corwin, Norman, 1-27-42
Costain, Thomas, 4-12-54
Cousins, Norman, 8-30-71
Craig, Hardin, 5-2-21; 5-25-21; 1-5-23; 1-19-23; 2-22-23; 3-6-23; 3-20-23; 3-26-23; 4-6-23; 4-18-23; 5-23-23; 6-10-26
Croly, Herbert, 1-17-18; 2-6-18; 5-2-18; 3-28-19
Cuppy, William, 12-24-46
Darrow, Clarence S., 1-16-28, 2-17-28; 7-4-28; 8-29-28; 11-10-28; 5-15-33; 2 undated
Davidson, Donald, 2-21-37; 3-20-37; 4-6-37; 4-19-37; 7-6-37; 11-26-38; 2-17-40; 3-26-40
DeJong, David, 1 undated
Derleth, August, 1-9-39
Dobie, J. Frank, 4-22-62; 7-9-62; 7-19-62
Dodson, Owen, 3-20-46; 5-8-46; 6-28-46; 9-26-46; 2-18-47; 1-16-48
Downing, J. Hyatt, 5-3-44
Dresbach, Glen Ward, 7-20-31; 1-1-32
Eiseley, Loren C., 5-10-68; 1-11-70; 1-30-70; 7-12-71
Eyerly, Jeannette, 10-18-44; 2 undated
Fadiman, Clifton, 2-19-32
Farrell, James T., 4-6-42
Field, Iduna Bertel, 12-25-69; 9-10-70; 10-70; 12-25-70; 10-2-71; 9-15-72; 1-29-75; 2-23-75
Finger, Charles J., 5-5-24; 11-17-25; 2 undated
Fitzgerald, Robert, 6-53
Foerster, Norman, 5-8-32; 5-26-33
Foster, T. Henry, 9-20-26; 11-8-29; 3-31-30
Gerber, John, 9-26-62; 10-4-62; 10-16-62; 12-18-62; 10-8-64; 5-28-65; 8-16-65; 10-27-65; 11-4-65; 8-3-66; 10-24-66; 7-17-67; 10-5-67; 1-27-69; 6-6-69; 5-28-70; 1-3-72; 2-17-72; 4 undated
Glasgow, Ellen, 9-9-42
Hancher, Virgil M., 1-16-45
Hansen, Harry, 11-17-32
Harris, Frank, 1-15-18
Harter, Evelyn Glick, 1-16-69; 2-12-69; 6-30-69; 12-20-71; 2-3-75; 5-15-75
Hatcher, Harlan, 6-8-62
Hayek, Will J., 5-12-62; 6-18-73
Hearst, James, 8-42; 9-42; 12-17-42; 6-11-43; 8-20-43; 2-26-45; 12-16-49; 11-17-55; 12-4-55; 12-9-62; 12-9-64; 3-13-65; 3-22-65; 4-11-65; 4-25-65; 5-25-65; 7-25-65; 11-21-65; 6-20-66; 9-21-66; 11-2-68; 2-5-69; 10-5-69; 4-5-70; 12-7-70; 6-6-71; 8-6-72; 4-29-73; 6-13-73; 2-3-75; 34 undated
Hoole, W. Stanley, 6-22-44; 8-21-45
Hubbard, Philip G., 5-17-67
Hunt, Percival, 3-17-19; 10-4-23; 3-12-27; 3-14-27; 3-18-27; 3-24-27; 3-29-27; 8-15-29; 8-16-29; 1-15-30
Jessup, Walter A., 7-30-23; 7-6-25
Johnson, Dorothy M., 11-26-54
Johnson, Josephine, 6-7-35
Jones, Howard M., 1-18-30; 4-12-30
Kane, Harnett T., 1943; 10-25-44
Kay, George F., 7-17-22
Kipling, Rudyard, 1-19-35
Kissane, Leedice, 9-26-62; 10-22-62; 11-15-62; 10-16-64; 10-18-64; 4-10-65
Knopf, Alfred A., 1-20-19; 1-27-19; 5-26-20; 12-24-21; 1-3-22; 1-14-22; 1-23-22; 7-27-23; 8-24-23
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 3-23-49
Lewis, Lloyd, 3-27-47
Long, Haniel, 12-18-24; 10-10-26; 2-7-28; 5 undated
Lottinville, Savoie, 4-4-45; 6-21-47; 10-26-54; 8-9-56; 6-24-59; 8-4-59; 2-8-60
Lovett, Robert Morss, 11-16-29
Mangione, Jerre, 2-3-69; 2-15-73
Mann, Thomas, 4-4-30
March, William, 4-8-30; 4-23-30; 6-3-32
Maxwell, Baldwin, 7-27-29
McDonald, Julie Jensen, 1-10-65; 3-23-65; 3-29-65; 4-9-65; 6-27-65; 8-12-65; 9-9-65; 10-12-65; 1-23-66; 2-26-67; 4-16-67; 10-24-67; 3-30-68; 7-7-68; 11-22-68; 4-20-69; 4-30-69; 5-24-69; 5-1-71; 7-13-69; 8-2-69; 10-5-69; 10-19-69; 11-9-69; 1-9-70; 4-10-70; 7-19-70; 1-5-71; 2-8-71; 2-28-71; 3-18-71; 5-2-71; 5-30-71; 9-19-71; 8-6-72; 2-6-75; 2 undated
Mencken, H.L., 2-8-40; 3 undated
Meyer, Roy W., 9-2-65
Miller, Henry, 12-22-42; 1 undated
Monroe, Harriet, 8-29-17; 4-6-18; 11-1-18; 11-20-18; 7-2-19; 8-26-20; 4-30-30
Mossman, Dow, 1965; 11-69; 12-4-69; 10-70; 10-71; 1-72; 4-29-75; 3 undated
Mott, Frank Luther, 4-7-37; 2-14-40; 11-4-43; 6-14-44; 12-23-44; 7-18-45; 3-24-47; 9-21-48; 10-21-48; 11-9-48; 12-6-48; 1-24-49; 4-14-50; 1-23-52; 10-1-53; 3-1-54; 3-23-54; 12-1-55; 3-19-56; 6-28-57; 12-3-57; 9-7-62; 9-25-62; 4 undated
Muehl, Lois, 10-25-67; 12-17-68; 2-9-70; 11-70
Muilenburg, Walter. C., 9-8-25; 5-28-54; 6-4-54; 6-9-54; 6-20-54; 7-17-55; 9-23-55; 11-21-55; 7-29-57
Murphy, Donald R., 1-31-67
Nathan, Robert, 9-4-43; 3 undated
Nuhn, Ferner, 4-11-70; 4-30-70; 12-21-70; 12-25-70
O'Brien, Edward J., 12-9-15; 2-3-16;3-14-16; 12-3-17; 1-24-19; 10-1-20; 9-12-24; 11-8-24;9-3-26; 5-21-30; 6-20-30; 9-9-30; 12-19-30; 4-13-31; 6-10-31; 6-12-31; 7-1-31; 4-5-32; 10-9-35; 10-26-35; 1 undated
Pargellis, Stanley, 6-17-46; 1-21-47; 2-18-47
Patrick, George Thomas White, 7-22-47
Penningroth, Ethel Blythe, 3-23-41; 1 undated
Perkins, Maxwell, 10-4-43; 3-22-44
Petersen, William J., 10-22-56; 11-16-56; 12-5-56; 12-11-56; 1-11-57; 2-12-57; 2-19-57; 10-6-58; 10-27-64; 11-29-65; 2-17-66
Piper, Edwin F., 11-12-26
Poole, William, 12-9-43; 12-10-43; 12-15-43 (2); 12-22-43; 12-30-43
Rago, Henry, 2-22-67
Ransom, John Crowe, 4-20-37
Sandeen, Ernest, 7-11-65; 8-6-65; 2-16-75; 5 undated
Santee, Ross, 1-5-48; 4 undated
Schramm, Wilber L., 12-15-36; 1-16-37; 9-18-39
Seashore, Carl E., 1-26-26; 8-25-44
Selby, John, 4-14-44; 8-3-45; 8-23-45; 6-4-47; 6-26-47; 12-5-47
Sergel, Clark F., 11-8-68; 6-5-69; 7-31-69; 11-26-69; 2-17-70; 3-20-70; 5-13-70; 10-27-70; 1-29-73; 2 undated
Sigmund, Jay, 9-22-24; 10-23-24; 9-16-25; 9-14-26;4-25-29
Smith, Grace Partridge, 12-14-18-; 3-20-19
Spaulding, Forrest B., 4-19-46
Spectorsky, A.C., 11-1-44; 11-13-44; 12-18-44
Spence, Hartzell, 4-9-54; 11-21-56
Stafford, William T., 2-1-69
Starrett, Vincent, 7-11-26
Stegner, Wallace, 12-8-42
Stong, Phil, 12-5-56
Stout, George, 2-13-25; 4-22-25; 8-3-25; 9-27-25
Strode, Hudson, 8-21-44
Suckow, Ruth, 9-29-25; 9-21-43
Thompson, Era Bell, 5-6-46
Tull, Clyde, 4-17-47
Ward, Leo R., 12-3-30; 7-25-35; 5-2-37; 5-8-43; 4-30-44; 5-9-44; 9-30-44; 12-20-44; 1-13-45; 5-18-45; 6-24-45; 7-12-45; 7-18-45; 8-9-45; 8-22-45; 8-24-45; 8-25-45; 8-27-45 (2); 8-29-45; 9-1-45; 9-9-45; 9-11-45; 9-27-45; 10-2-45; 10-4-45; 10-22-45; 10-23-45; 10-26-45; 10-28-45 (2); 11-1-45; 11-2-45; 11-7-45; 11-9-45; 11-12-45; 11-13-45; 3-11-47; 3-19-47; 6-5-47; 8-27-48; 12-2-48; 12-17-48; 6-25-49; 5-27-62; 11-11-64; 3-16-65; 4-7-65; 6-9-65; 5-21-72; 2-24-75; 13 undated
Wedel, Mildred, 10-12-64; 6-15-66; 7-6-66; 10-18-66; 11-30-66; 1-7-67; 3-28-67; 4-27-67; 5-10-67; 3-9-68; 12-8-68; 5-1-69; 8-28-71; 2-5-75; 3 undated
Weeks, Raymond, 12-25-42
White, Roland A., 5-23-30
Wright, Louis B., 1-3-68
1 = Box Number
(1) = Number of Folders
Adamic, Louis, 31 (1)
Ade, George, 2 (1); 33 (1)
Adler, Phililp D., 8 (1); 12 (1)
Anderson, Margaret, 33 (1)
Anderson, Sherwood, 3 (1)
Andrews, Clarence A., 11 (1); 12(1); 13 (1)
Ansley, C.F., 3 (1); 6 (2)
Ansley, Delight, 12 (1)
Archie, Willard, 12 (2)
Baldwin, Bird T., 6 (1)
Best, Marshall A., 8 (1)
Bontemps, Arna, 7 (3); 31 (1); 32 (1); 33 (2)
Bowen, Howard R., 10 (5)
Boyd, Willard L., 12 (3)
Brack, O M, 11 (3); 12 (1); 13 (1)
Briggs, John E., 6 (1)
Brigham, Johnson, 6 (2)
Brooks, Paul, 4 (1)
Brown, John Mason, 32 (1)
Bryson, Lyman, 4 (1)
Buck, Pearl S., 31 (1); 32 (2)
Burt, Maxwell Struthers, 7 (1)
Burton, William Lee, 12 (1)
Bush, Sargent, 10 (1); 11 (6); 12 (3)
Caldwell, Erskine, 7 (1)
Canby, Henry S., 6 (1); 31 (1); 32 (1)
Carmer, Carl, 32 (1)
Cather, Willa, 32 (1)
Cerf, Bennett A., 7 (1); 33 (2)
Chase, Mary Ellen, 6 (1)
Childs, Marquis W., 6 (3); 7 (1); 11 (1); 31 (1)
Cobb, Irvin S., 31 (1)
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram, 32 (1)
Coleman, Carroll D., 6 (1); 9 (2); 10 (1)
Conroy, Jack, 7 (1)
Cooper, Hoyt, 5 (1)
Corey, Paul, 7 (3); 31 (2); 32 (1); 33 (1)
Corwin, Norman, 7 (1); 32 (1)
Costain, Thomas B., 8 (1)
Cousins, Norman, 12 (1)
Craig, Hardin, 6 (2)
Croly, Herbert, 6 (1)
Cuppy, William, 32 (3)
Daniels, Jonathan, 31 (1)
Darrow, Clarence S., 6 (2); 13 (1)
Davidson, Donald, 6 (2)
Derleth, August, 6 (1); 31 (1); 33 (2)
DeVoto, Bernard, 32 (1)
Dillon, George, 31 (1)
Dobie, J. Frank, 8 (1); 32 (1)
Dodson, Owen, 7 (1); 8 (1); 32 (1)
Dos Passos, John, 2 (1); 32 (1)
Downing, J. Hyatt, 7 (1)
Dresbach, Glen Ward, 6 (1)
Edel, Leon, 9 (1)
Eiseley, Loren C., 10 (1); 11 (1); 12 (1)
Engle, Paul, 31 (1); 32 (1); 33 (1)
Eyerly, Jeannette, 7 (1); 13 (1)
Farrell, James T., 6 (1); 7 (1); 32 (1)
Ferber, Edna, 31 (1); 33 (1)
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 32 (1)
Field, Iduna Bertel, 11 (1); 12 (4)
Finger, Charles J., 6 (2); 13 (1)
Fisher, Mahlon Leonard, 6 (1)
Fitzgerald, Robert, 8 (1)
Foerster, Norman, 6 (1)
Forbes, Esther, 32 (1)
Foster, T. Henry, 6 (1)
Gerber, John C., 9 (3); 10 (5); 11 (2); 12 (1); 13 (1)
Glasgow, Ellen, 7 (1)
Glick, Carl, 31 (1); 32 (1)
Glick, Evelyn, 11 (1)
Hall, W. Earl, 32 (1)
Hancher, Virgil M., 7 (1); 9 (1)
Hansen, Harry, 6 (1); 31 (1)
Harris, Frank, 6 (1)
Hatcher, Harlan, 8 (1)
Hayek, Will J., 8 (1); 12 (1)
Hearst, James, 7 (3); 8 (2); 9 (4); 10 (3); 11 (5); 12 (4); 13 (1); 24 (1); 33 (1)
Hersey, John, 2 (1)
Hesburgh, Theodore, 8 (2); 9(2)
Hicks, Granville, 32 (1)
Hobart, Alice Tisdale, 32 (1)
Hoole, W. Stanley, 7 (2)
Hornback, Bert, 25 (1)
Hubbard, Philip G., 10 (1)
Hughes, Langston, 31 (1); 32 (2)
Hunt, Percival, 6 (3)
Jessup, Walter A., 6 (2)
Johnon, Dorothy M., 8 (1)
Johnson, Josephine, 6 (1)
Jones, Howard M., 6 (1)
Jones, Laurence C., 16 (1)
Kane, Harnett T., 7 (2)
Kantor, MacKinlay, 32 (1)
Kay, George F., 6 (1)
Kipling, Rudyard, 6 (1)
Kissane, Leedice, 9 (4); 10 (1)
Knopf, Alfred A., 1 (1); 6 (1); 23 (1); 33 (1)
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 8 (1)
Lerner, Max, 32 (1)
Lewis, Lloyd, 7 (1)
Lewis, Sinclair, 2 (1)
Lomax, John A., 32 (1)
Long, Haniel, 13 (1); 23 (1)
Lottinville, Savoie, 7 (2); 8 (3)
Lovett, Robert Morss, 6 (1)
Lutes, Della T., 31 (1); 32 (1)
MacLeish, Archibald, 31 (2)
Mangione, Jerre, 11 (1); 12 (1)
Mann, Thomas, 4 (1); 6 (1); 31 (2);32 (1)
March, William, 31 (1)
Masters, Edgar Lee, 2 (1); 33 (2)
Maugham, W.S., 32 (1)
Maxwell, Baldwin, 6 (1)
McDonald, Julie, 10 (6); 11 (6); 12 (4); 13 (1); 27 (1)
Meeker, Arthur, 32 (1)
Mencken, H.L., 3 (1); 6 (1); 13 (1); 28 (1); 31 (2)
Meyer, Roy W., 10 (1)
Miller, Henry, 7 (1); 13 (1); 31 (1)
Miller, Mary Britton, 13 (1)
Monroe, Harriet, 6 (2)
Mossman, Dow, 10 (1); 11 (2); 12 (3); 13 (1)
Mott, Frank Luther, 2 (6); 6 (2); 7 (4); 8 (4); 9 (4); 13 (1); 31 (1); 33 (1)
Muehl, Lois, 10 (1); 11 (3)
Muilenburg, W.C., 6 (1); 8 (2); 31 (1)
Mumford, Lewis, 44 (1)
Murphy, Donald R., 10 (1); 31 (1)
Nathan, George Jean, 25 (1); 31 (1)
Nathan, Robert, 7 (1); 13 (1); 31 (1); 32 (3)
Nuhn, Ferner, 9 (1); 11 (1)
O'Brien, Edward J., 6 (4); 13 (1)
Pargellis, Stanley, 7 (1)
Partridge, Bellamy, 31 (1)
Patrick, George T.W., 7 (1)
Penningroth, Ethel Blythe, 6 (1); 13 (1)
Perkins, Maxwell, 7 (2)
Petersen, William J., 8 (1); 9 (1); 10 (2); 34 (1)
Piper, Edwin Ford, 6 (1)
Poole, William, 35 (1)
Rago, Henry, 10 (1)
Ransom, John Crowe, 6 (1)
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 32 (1)
Rukeyser, Muriel, 32 (1)
Sandburg, Carl, 31 (1)
Sandeen, Ernest, 37 (1)
Santee, Ross, 8 (1); 13 (1)
Schramm, Wilbur L., 6 (3)
Scott, John, 32 (1)
Seashore, Carl E., 6 (1); 7 (1)
Selby, John, 7 (3); 31 (1)
Seldes, Gilbert, 32 (1)
Sergel, Clark F., 37 (1); 38 (1)
Sergel, Roger L., 38 (1)
Sigmund, Jay G., 6 (3)
Smith, Grace Partridge, 6 (1)
Spaulding, Forrest B., 6 (1); 7 (1)
Spectorsky, A.C., 40 (1)
Spence, Hartzell, 8 (2); 32 (2)
Stafford, William T., 11 (2)
Starrett, Vincent, 6 (1)
Stegner, Wallace, 7 (1); 32 (2); 33 (2)
Stong, Phil, 8 (1); 31 (1); 33 (1)
Stout, George, 6 (1)
Strode, Hudson, 7 (1)
Suckow, Ruth, 6 (1); 7 (1); 31 (1); 32 (1); 33 (1)
Sullivan, Richard, 42 (2)
Taylor, Davidson, 42 (1)
Thompson, Era Bell, 7 (1)
Thurber, James, 33 (1)
Tull, Clyde, 7 (1)
Undset, Sigrid, 32 (1)
Van Doren, Carl, 32 (1)
Van Doren, Mark, 31 (1)
Wack, Tom, 44 (1)
Ward, Leo, 7 (2); 8 (2); 9 (3); 10 (1); 12 (2); 13 (1); 31 (1); 33 (2); 45 (1)
Wedel, Mildred, 9 (1); 10 (3); 11 (3); 12 (3); 13 (1)
Weeks, Raymond, 7 (1); 45 (1)
Weller, C.H., 6 (1)
Werfel, Franz, 32 (1)
White, E.B., 31 (1)
White, Roland, 6 (1)
Willkie, Wendell L., 32 (1)
Wright, Louis B., 10 (1)

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