Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Records of the International Society of Copier Artists
MsC 768
Collection Dates: 1983-2003

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Gift of Louise Neaderland in 2003 .

Photographs: Box 7


Louise Neaderland and her cat Muffin
Louise Neaderland and Muffin

Scope and Contents

This collection contains books about photocopy art, books of photocopy art, the International Society of Copier Artists Quarterly, exhibit catalogs, newsletters and magazines about copy art, mail art, and CD-ROM and slide archives, as well as some personal items relating to Louise Neaderland.

Some books and journals that were included in the donation were separated from the collection, since they were included elsewhere in UI Libraries or because no relation to Louise Neaderland or ISCA could be established. For a list of these titles, please see staff in Special Collections.

Historical Note

The International Society of Copier Artists was founded in 1981 by Louise Neaderland to promote the work of copier artists and to work for the recognition of xerographic art as a legitimate art form.

Box Contents List

Box 1


----About copy art

------ Crane, Michael and Mart Stofflet. Correspondence Art
------ Diotalleri, Marcello. Lettere Autografiche
Firpo, Lester Alexander, Claudia Katayonagi, and Steve Ditlea. Copy Art: The First Complete Guide to the Copy Machine
------ Huemer, Peter. Kopiegraphie Eine Belichtung Osterreichweit
------ Huemer, Peter. Kopiegraphie/Mischtechnick
------ Hutchins, Edward H. Design Construct Engage
------ Kadar, Joseph. Photos du Reel Irrealistes
------ Kelly, William. Art and Humanist Ideals: Contemporary Perpectives
------ Klassen, Louis. Renegade
Miller, Joni K and Lowry Thompson. The Rubber Stamp Album
------ Richman, Gary. Offset: A Survey of Artists' Books
------ Sturani, Enrico. Rispondere A Toner - Mostra di Cartoline Xerografiche
------ Welsh, Chuck. Networking Currents
------ Women's Studio Worksho. 1984: Big Brother is Watching

---- Bookmaking books. Copier artists' books. Listed by last name of artist. See also Oversized Box 2

------ And - Beck
------ Beck
------ Beck - Bread
------ Breu - Bunus
------ Bunus - Cair
------ Cair - Chai
------ Chea - Cor
------ Could - Demar
------ Dickson
------ Dir - Fig
------ Fir - For
------ Fox - Gun

Box 2
------ Hal - Ive
------ Jack - Kell
------ Kra - Link
------ Mac - May
------ McA - Mei
------ Min - Mon
------ Moo - Mor
------ Mot - Muss
------ Ness - Por
------ Ree - Sol
------ Ster - Stus
------ Thom - Vod
------ Vollmer

Box 3

------ Vollmer
------ Wal - Wom
------ Xe - Za
------ No name/miscellaneous

---- Books created by Louise Neaderland

------ 23 Sins
------ A Books for Short Stories
------ A Mideast Kaleidoscope
------ A Rolling Stone....
------ Alphagami
------ Alphagami 2
------ Artist at Work
------ Black Holes
------ Book of Hours
(In oversized box 1)
------ The Case for Gun Control
------ Cease Fire
------ Dialogue
(In oversized box 2)
------ The Disposable History of the World
(In oversized box 2)
------ Distress Signals
------ Election Results
------ Empress Bullet
------ Empty Places 2
------ Empty Places 4

------ Empty Places
------ Empty Places - A Photo Essay
------ Farewells
------ Force Grim Force
------ Genesis (In oversized box)
------ Hands On
------ Hazardous Waste
------ The Heart of Lightness (2)
------ High Fall
------ It's Me
------ Journeys
------ The Killing Machine - Kosovo 1990
------ Labyrinth -
(In oversized Box 2)
------ Leningrad
------ Missing Persons
------ Muybirdge Re-visited
------ The Nuclear Fan (2)
------ Open Roads
------ Our Glass
------ Revelations
------ Running
------ Sadat's Journey
------ Scenic Tunnels
------ Shock and Awe
------ Some People Say We Look Like Sisters
------ The Sound of One Hand Clapping
------ Straitjacket
------ The Stones Roll On
------ The Vanishing Act
------ Where Could the Dark Matter Be?
------ Where is Home?

---- Books containing artwork by Neaderland

------ Perneczky, Geza. A Halo
------ Perneczky, Geza. The Magazine Network
------ Welch, Chuck, ed. Eternal Network: A Mail Art Anthology

Box 4

---- Book inscribed to Neaderland

------ Lyssiotis, Peter. Journey of a Wise Electron. Letter from the author to Neaderland laid in


Calendars. (In oversized box 2)

---- 1983 Color Xerox Annual
---- 1984 The Station Terminal Art Space
---- 1994 Milliseconds to Millennia - The Art of Time
---- 1995 Copy Art
---- 2004 Exciting Times are Ahead - Limited Artist Edition



---- Announcements

---- Catalogs. Listed by title of exhibition

------ Arn - Art
------ Boo - Flu
------ Ind - Int
------ Int - Mai
------ Xer

---- Please Post

---- Travelling Exhibition books. 3 boxes
------ Box 1

Box 5

---- Travelling Exhibition books, continued
----- Boxes 2,3

---- Xerographic Prints

------ Series A
------ Series B
------ Series C
------ Series C
------ Series D

Journals and Magazines

---- ISCA Quarterly

------ Correspondence relating to the quarterly
------ Volumes 1-21, 1983-2003. The Quarterly is shelved before boxes in the collection

Journals to which Neaderland contributed artwork

---- Art Journal, 42:2 (Summer 1982)
---- Artist's Book Yearbook, 1994-95
---- Heresies,Issue 14
---- Umbrella
------ 21:1 (March 1998)
------ 21:2 (July 1998)
------ 25:3/4 (December 2002)
------ 26:1 (May 2003)
---- Whole Earth Review, 57 (Winter 1987)
---- Windsor Review, 30:2 (Fall 1997)

---- Magazines and Newsletters about copier art

------ 2 Bienal Internacional. October 1988
------1984 - Greeting from New Mexico
------ 97218 -
No.1, 4
------ Actual Size.
No. 1
------ Afazia. April 1992
------ Anti-Isolation.
No. 2
------ Arnyekkotuk Artists.
No. 21-22
------ Arnyikkotok Co-Media. No.1 (1990)-No.30-31 (including CD for No. 30-31). Incomplete

Box 6

------ ARTextreme.
Fall/Winter 1982-1982
------ Artifice.
No.28, 30
------ Artists Alliance Revue.
October 1982
------ Artwell INK.
July-September 1998
------ Belyegkepek
------ Bile.
No. 1-4
------ Blades.
No. 22-23
------ Cipher.
No. 6
------ Cirque Divers.
September/October 1988
------ Commonpress.
No.51, 56
------ Copy

------ Copy Art
------ Copy- Art Europe
------ Das Labyainth
------ Dog Eared Magazine.
Winter 2001, Issue 1
------ Doo Daa Florida.
Vol.1:No. 2
------ Dynamo.
------ Franklin Furnace - Flue December 1980
------ Franklin Furnace - Flue Volumber 1, Number 4
------ Franklin Furnace - Flue Volumber 1, Number 5
------ Franklin Furnace - Flue Volume 2, Number 1
------ Frigidaire
------ Frontieres
------ Groupe A-2.
------ Hootenanny.
Fall 1996,No. 4
------ International Eletrographic.
No. 7, Speical issue
------ International Poestry.
------ Iy Symposion.
------ Kaldron
------ Kopie Als Origineel
------ La Mode Artistique.
No. 4
------ L'Arbre Bleu.
No. 10
------ Lively Press
. Vol. 2:No.1 (March/April 1983)
------ Mam - The Mail Art Magazine
------ Mail Box
------ MC 2.
April 1982
------ Mc 3.
------ National Stampagraphic.
Vol. XIII:No. 3
------ New Observations.
Issue #101 (May/June 1994)
------- Numero 1.
------- The O.K. Mag.
July/August 1988 Issue 3
------ Orulok, Hogy Itt Loghal
------ The Other Times. Vol. 2:No.2-3
------ P - Form
------ Photo Static - psycho analysis
------ Photo Static - issue magazine
------ PIPS.
------ Post Machina.
------ Postal International Microzine
------ Real Art
------ Revue D'Art.
In oversized Box 3
------ Revue A'Art 90 degrees.
Vol. 11:No. 42
------ Revue Enveloppe.
Vol 12:No. 19 (1994)
------ Salt Lick.
Vol. III:No. 3-4
------ See.
No. 2-3, Sex issue
------ Sex, Performance, and the 80's
------ SLC magazine
------ The Something else Newsletter - Volume 3, Number 2
------ Tabellae Ansata.
------ Traits Lines
------ U Turn.
No. 1-3
------- Wayz Goose Magazine
. Vol.1:No.1
------ Wet Pain
------ Whisper.
------ Women's Artists News.
Vol. 5, No.6-7 (December 1979-January 1980)
------ Xerolage.
Vol. 1
------ Xeropost

Mail Art. Listed by last name of the artist

---- Ar- Dee

Box 7

---- Des - Hu
---- Laurie
---- Laurie
---- Law - Ol
---- Pad - Pal
---- Pern
---- Po - Se

Box 8

---- Si - Tur
---- Ve - Vo
---- Vo - Yos
---- No Name/ Miscellaneous

Manuals and commercial catalogs



---- Artist information
---- Correspondence
------ Adams - Cen
------ Cha - El
------ En - In
------ Ja - List

Box 9

------ Lom - Mont
------ Monz - Ok
------ Ol - Ros
------ Sam - Trott
------ T - Unknown
---- Membership lists
---- Miscellaneous photos by Neaderland
---- Organizational mailings
---- Stamp sheets
---- l'Unita article
---- Copy art


---- Photographs
---- Resume
---- "Where is Home?"

Posters. In oversized Box 3

Price catalogs for books created by ISCA members. Listed alphabetically by title

---- Art - End
---- Fan - Pri

Box 10

Shadow Weavers. An informal group that is represented in Arnyekkoto, they apparently had several exhibits in March-April 2001. This small booklet is complementary to these exhibits. Also in CD form

---- Pri
---- Pri - We

Slide archives

Oversized Box 1

Book of Hours, Minutes, Seconds by Neaderland

Oversized Box 2

Oversized copier artist's books
Dialogues by Neaderland
The Disposable History of the World by Neaderland
Genesis by Neaderland
Globe Ear Ring, Shell Poem,and Stone Poem by Eiichi Matsuhashi
Labyrinth by Neaderland

Oversized Box 3

Pips. Artist's limited edition
Revue d'Art
Soft Geometry by Géza Pernecsky

Large collage. This is stored along the south wall of basement storage

2011 Addendum

Neaderland, Louise. Ashes, Ashes . . .