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Finding Aid
CollectionTitle Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Accepted from a Marsh relative by the University of Arkansas and transferred to the University of Iowa. The materials were sorted and thiis finding aid drafted by Eliza Ahrens in 2007. Photographs: Box 5 |
Scope and Contents
The Marsh Papers have been organized in two series (I: Writing; II: Personal) with the first in two sub-series (A: Novels; B: Short Works). A list of Marsh's published writing, compiled from various sources and probably not complete, is appended.
Biographical Note
WILLARD MARSH (1922-1970) was born in Oakland, California, son of Louis and Goldie (Greene) Marsh. While in Oakland High School he displayed a virtuosity with trumpet and trombone which led to an era as musician-impresario -- the launching of "Will Marsh and the Four Collegians" in an Oakland roadhouse -- which subsequently financed his education at the State College at Chico.
During World War II, while serving U.S. Army Air Forces (1942-45) in the South Pacific (advanced to staff sergeant), he began to write and subsequently acquired degrees at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop (B.A., 1959, M.A., 1960). Marsh married George Rae Williams (a former actress at Pasadena Playhouse), September 4, 1948.
He taught at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, SC, assistant professor of English, 1959-61; University of California, Los Angeles, assistant professor of English, 1961-64; North Texas State University, Denton, assistant professor of English, 1968-70. He was a free-lance writer in Mexico before, between, and after these years, placing stories in more than seventy periodicals, including Antioch Review, Furioso, Prairie Schooner, Northwest Review, Yale Review, Esquire, Playboy, Transatlantic Review, and Saturday Evening Post. His stories were selected for such anthologies as the Foley and O'Henry collections.
Box Contents List
Series I: Writing Correspondence is arranged chronologically as much as possible, based on printed dates and Marsh’s list of returns and mailings kept for each story. Correspondence of note is listed, but this inventory by no means contains an exhaustive list of the correspondence therein. Correspondence includes material both sent to and by Marsh.
A. Novels
Typescripts, galleys, page proofs, copies of published books; Reviews, correspondence with publishers etc. have been separated but not further organized.
Box 1: Week With No Friday. New York: Harper & Row, 1965; Avon Books, 1967.
Box 2: Beached in Bohemia. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Collection of stories.
Box 3: Anchor in the Air. Drafts of an apparently unpublished novel previously published as a story.
B. Short Works – folder for each piece, organized alphabetically by title of story; items may have been added to the folder sequence that are not recorded here. Some material remains unprocessed.
Box 4:
1. Army Blurb, 150 word nonfiction piece
2. “Best Foot Forward,” published in Adam’s Bedside Reader by Knight Publishing Corporation - Draft and correspondence with Monica McCall Inc.
3. “Bird in the Hand,” 1965 - Draft, correspondence with Monica McCall Inc. (ed. and agent)
4. “Blood Harvest,” 1963, published in The University of Denver Quarterly’s premier issue, May 1966 - Draft, 1963
5. “Blood Harvest” - Correspondence: 1958-1967, includes cover letter, communication with Monica McCall Inc., The University of Denver Quarterly, The Sewanee Review, The University of Texas Quarterly, Rust Hills, George Plimpton at The Paris Review, and Marsh’s correspondence notes
6. “Cast a Crooked Shadow,” published in Cavalier January 1968 - Draft and correspondence including invoice from Cavalier and Marsh’s correspondence notes
7. “Comunión,” poem, published in The Southwest Review and Papeles Testigo Autumn 1966 - Draft, final draft, correspondence with Papeles Testigo, Marsh’s correspondence notes
8. “Contraband,” published in The South Dakota Review Sept. 1968 - Draft, printed copy, and correspondence
9. “Cry Wolf” - Draft and correspondence, including Marsh’s correspondence notes
10. “Double Negative” aka “The Old College Try” - Drafts
11. “Double Negative” - Correspondence: 1960-1969, includes communication from George Plimpton at The Paris Review, Don Wasson at Vedette, and Marsh’s correspondence notes
12. “Everyone’s Home Town is Cuernica,” (aka “The Cat”) published in Motive May 1964 and Fantasy and Science Fiction Summer 1965 – Draft and correspondence of rewrite as “Everyone’s Home Town…” including invoices and change requests from Motive and Fantasy and Science Fiction, also initial draft and correspondence regarding “The Cat”
13. “Improvisations on a Theme,” 1964 - Draft and correspondence (1964-1968), including communication with Monica McCall Inc., The Southwest Review, and Marsh’s correspondence notes
14. “Inconceivably Yours,” published in Fantasy and Science Fiction Summer 1964 - Draft and correspondence
15. “Just a Song at Twilight”, 1961 - Draft and correspondence (1962-1969), including communication with George Hitchcock at The San Francisco Review, Nugget, Sir, Louis Byrne editor, Today, Gay, Drum, and Publisher’s Service Incorporated regarding the story’s homosexual themes, as well as Marsh’s correspondence notes
16. “Love’s Not Time’s Fool” aka “Behold a Ladder,”1960, published in The Denver Quarterly, Summer 1969 - Drafts, printed copy
17. “Loves Not Time’s Fool” - Correspondence: 1961-1969, including communication with The Denver Quarterly and Marsh’s correspondence notes
18. “Mending Wall,” published in The Southern Review 1968 - Draft and correspondence (1965-1967), including Marsh’s correspondence notes
19. “Nest Egg” - Draft and correspondence (1965-1969), including Marsh’s correspondence notes
20. “Nothing to Lose But Your Change” - Drafts and correspondence (1965-1969), including communication with Monica McCall, Inc., Gordon Strunk at Broadside, and Marsh’s correspondence notes
21. “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks,” (aka “To Bear the Beams of Love) published by The North American Review summer 1964 - Drafts and correspondence including George Plimpton at The Paris Review and Evan Connell at Angel Island Publications
22. “A Piece of Altruism” - Drafts and correspondence
23. “Repeat Customer,” published in Inland: a Literary Quarterly Summer 1962 - Correspondence including Inland, Richard Gosswiller at The Kiwanis Magazine, and Jerome Stern at The Carolina Quarterly
24. “The Saturday Suitor,” published in Caper (by Escapade) August 1966 - Draft and correspondence
25. “A Sentimental Journey,” published in The Carolina Quarterly Spring 1964 - Draft and Correspondence (1960-1964) including George Plimpton at The Paris Review, extensive correspondence with editors and staff of The Carolina Quarterly regarding publication, and Marsh’s correspondence notes
26. “The Sin of Edna Schuster,” published in Fantasy and Science Fiction - Draft and correspondence, including invoice from FSF, and communication from Dude N’Gent
27. “The Slack Season” - Draft and correspondence, including Avram Davidson and Edward Ferman at Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Harlan Ellison at Dangerous Visions
28. “Sovereign Remedy” - Draft and correspondence, including W.B. Hamilton at the South Atlantic Quarterly and Marsh’s correspondence notes
29. “Still Life with Tauri, Cacti, and Dead Carnations” - Draft and correspondence
30. “Time to Kill” - Drafts and correspondence (1966-1969) including George Bemos at American Art Agency Incorporated
31. “Welcome Wagon” - Draft and correspondence including communication with Scott Meredith Literary Agency and Good Housekeeping
32. “A Winter’s Tale,” published in The Southwest Review 1962 - Draft and correspondence
33. Poetry - Correspondence regarding collection of poetry from various quarterlies.
Box 5
Series II -- Personal
Correspondence (not organized)
Photographs (mostly his wife’s family)
Correspondence/clippings/scrapbooks from college period – organized chronologically (includes some UIowa materials)
Teaching materials – two folders – job offers, tests, letters from students.
Miscellaneous objects/memorabilia – diploma, passport etc.
Appendix: Marsh Publication History – an incomplete and roughly sorted list of WM’s published writing in serials. Some (but probably not all) is represented in Series IB.
“A Winter’s Tale” Southwest Review, Summer 1964 pp 266-270
“Ad Lib Exit” Playboy, pp 51-52
“Alumni Day” (poem) New Mexico Quarterly Review p 202
“Anchor in the Air” The Dude, p 12-18
“A Reply to Writers Seeking Advice” The Pee Dee Review June 1961, ed Robert Berryhill, pp 12-13
“As Long as We’re Here” ??? pp 34-68
“A Sentimental Journey” The Carolina Quarterly, Spring 1964?
“Astronomy Lesson” Fantasy and Science Fiction, pp 65- 73, reprinted by the Yale University Press 1954
“A Touch of the Gypsy” Hence Mar/Apr 1949, Vol 4 no 2, N.N. Reissman editor, pp24-28
“A Winter’s Tale” Southwest Review, 1962
“Beachhead in Bohemia” Southwest Review, Summer 1952 pp 192-199
Beachhead in Bohemia: Short Stories by Willard Marsh. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge LA, 1969, reprinted from various periodicals, listed on title page
“Best Food Forward” Adam’s Bedside Reader by Knight Publishing Corporation, pp 74- 77
“Bewitched” (poem) Weird Tales March 1945, p 32 editor Lamont Buchanan
“Blood Harvest” The University of Denver Quarterly, May 1966
“Booby Prize” Hence 2:7 (Nov/Dec 1947), Albert Herbold editor, pp 30-31, 45-48
“Burnt Offering” Swank pp 16-19
“Carnival” poem Southwest Review p 242
“Cast a Crooked Shadow” Cavalier Jan 1968
“Communion” poem, Southwest Review sold 7/21/1966, Papeles Testigo sold 11/11/1968
“Contraband” pp 123- 126 South Dakota Review 1968
“Critic’s Holiday” Genesis West Summer 1963, Vol 1 No. 4, pp 301-308, editor Gordon Lish , Chrysalis West Foundation, Burlingame, CA
“Darkling I Listen” The Transatlantic Review Winter 11 (1962). London, Princeton NJ, New York. Editor J.F. McCrindle, pp. 114-121
“Distress Signal” (poem) The Husk 28:3 (March 1949), editor Clyde Tull, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon IA, p 72 (as George Ketzel)
“Dutch Treat” The Carolina Quarterly Winter 1963
“Elegy for Me” (poem) The Husk 29:3 (March 1950), editor Clyde Tull, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon IA, p 96 (as George Ketzel)
“Everyone’s Home Town is Cuernica” Motive May 1964 and Fantasy and Science Fiction Summer 1965
“Express” Nugget, pp 20
“Finder’s Keepers” ??? pp. 16-66
“Fisherman’s Wife” (poem) New Mexico Quarterly Review p 202
“For a Silver Peso” Forlagshuset, (Danish) 1967
“Forwarding Service” pp 46- 48 ????
“Have Tail, Will Travel” Modern Erotica, pp 64-74
“Honor Bright” South West Review Autumn 1961
“Inconceivably Yours” Fantasy and Science Fiction 1964, pp 109- 116
“Interlude at Puerto Lindo” See for Men, pp 29-62
“Jonah’s Ark” Collage, Yule 1960-1961, pp 15-17
“Keep it in the Family” The Dude, pp 32- 34
“Last Tag” pp 178-192 ???? JOURNAL
“Left of Limbo” Contemporary Fiction 1:2 (Winter 1959), pp 21- 24
“Life Begins at 2:15” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, pp 35-40
“Locket” (poem) Gryphon Spring 1950, editor Richard Rubenstein, San Fransisco, CA, p 25
“Love’s Not Time’s Fool” The Denver Quarterly 1968 pp 17-32
“Lyric” (poem) Narrative—a Literary BiMonthly 1:4 (February/March 1948), p 14
“Machina Ex Machina” Steel 1954/55, pp 78-80
“Mending Wall” Southern Review, 1968?
“Mexican Hayride” Esquire, March, pp 83-87, reprinted in BestAm61 and Midland (Random house)
“Mexican Hayride” The Best American Short Stories 1961, ed Martha Foley and David Burnett, Ballantine Books of Houghton Mifflin, NY, 1961, p 220-230, reprinted from Esquire
“Morning in Hades” (poem), Mistuh Bones and W. P. p 25
“My Cosmic Valentine” Audit 1:8 (Winter/Spring 1961), editors David Galloway, Richard Koffler pp 3-9
“My Father’s Son” Story, pp 116-122
“My House is Yours” The Yale Review, Winter 1960, pp 230-240
“New Man in the Field” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Nov 1955 (under title “No Nickel and Dime Stuff”)
“Next Time We Love” pp 169-175 ???? JOURNAL
“No More Gifts” Playboy, pp 31-68
“No Nickel and Dime Stuff” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, pp 81- 84
“O Happy Dagger” The Western Humanities Review XVII:2 (Spring 1963), pp 117-124
“Occupational Hazard” ?? pp 28-31
“On Jordan’s Stormy Banks” The North American Review issue #3 (summer 1964)
“On an Oriental Theme” (poem) The Golden Goose (continuing The Briarcliff Quarterly and incorporating Cronos and Sibylline) No 3 (June 1949), editor Norman Caleod p 17
“One Man’s Meat” Gentleman, pp 40-48
“Passage Booked” Adam, pp 58-61
“Pawnshop” (poem) Western Review 18: 4 (Summer 1954), editor Ray B. West Jr. p 269
“Pen Pal” Mercury Mystery Magazine, pp 111-114
“Picnic In Harlem” (poem) Arizona Quarterly Summer 6:2 (1951), editor Desmond Powell, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ p 164
“Poet in Residence” Fantasy and Science Fiction, pp 101-110
“Poppa’s Girl” Hence 2:4 ( May/June 1947), editor Albert Herbold, pp22-24
“Profession Pending” Nugget, pp 34-36
“Rate of Exchange” ??? pp 38-47
“Remembering Autumn” Southwest Review Autumn 1949
“Repeat Customer” Inland: a Literary Quarterly , Summer 1962?
“Room With a View” Contemporary Fiction, 1:2 ( Winter 1959), pp 25- 28
“Rooming House” The Antioch Review Anthology World Publishing Company, Cleveland and New York, editor Paul Bixler, 1953 pp 409-410, reprinted from Summer 1952 edition
“Saturday Suitor” Escapade, Aug 1966, Danish serial one-time use for $25.00
“Seascape: Morning” (poem) The Review of Contemporary Poetry 1:4 (October 1949), pp 16, (as George Ketzel)
“Serenade” Hence—In the Interest of Veterans 4:1 (Jan/Feb 1949), editor N.N. Reissman pp 13-20
“Serpent’s Tooth” Hence 2:5 (July/Aug 1947), Albert Herbold editor, pp 42-46
“Song For a Settling Year” (poem) The Arizona Quarterly 7:3 (Autumn 1951), editor Desmond Powell, Arizona University Press, Tucson AZ p 278
“Stay Out of Our Time” Worlds of Tomorrow pp 61-80
“Tank Town” Hence 3:1 (Jan/Feb 1948), pp33-35
“The Dictator’s Mother” (poem) Experiment—a Quarterly of new Poetry, V:2 (Summer 1950), editor John Gross, Johnson Publishing Company Boulder Co. p 364
“The Dollar Reading” The Dude pp 50-68
“The Ethicators” ???? pp 55-59
“The Hermit’s Apprentice” Perspective 8:3 (Autumn 1955),, editors Mona Van Duyn, Jarvis Thurston, Ralph Nash, Sherman Contrad pp 165-170
“The Neanderthal Touch” ?? ???
“The Scientists” (poem) Poems and Pictures 4 (July 1955), editor Henry Evans, Porpoise Bookshop, San Fransisco CA
“The Sin of Edna Schuster” Fantasy and Science Fiction pp 63-67
“The Vigil” New Mexico Quarterly, 1961
“Through a Glass Darkly” Adam pp 50-63
“Top Banana of Them All” Adam, pp 24-29
“Trees” (poem) The Husk 28:4 (May 1949), editor Clyde Tull, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon IA, p 103 (as George Ketzel)
“Tuesday Afternoon Blues” (poem) The Husk 29:1 (Oct 1949), editor Clyde Tull, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon IA, p 24 (as George Ketzel)
“Variations on an Oriental Theme” (poem) Glass Hill 3 (March 1950), editor Gene Magner, Buffalo NY
“Weeds” Sibylline—a Magazine of Idealistic Writing 2 (April/June 1948), pp 149-157
Week With No Friday. Marsh, Willard. Avon of Harper and Row, 1967
“Whip Artist” Hence 3:4 (July/Aug 1948), N.N. Reissman editor, pp 32-41