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Finding Aid

M. Horvat Collection of Genre Apazines
MsC 825
Collection Dates: 1943, 1945, 1958-2002

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: The M. Horvat collection of genre apazines was acquired by the University of Iowa Libraries from Martin (Mike) Horvat in December 2004.

Photographs: None

Cover of SLANAPA #228

Scope and Contents

The collection contains a large number of different apazines. Most of these are concerned with science fiction and fantasy (both literary and in other media), but there are also apazines devoted to other genre topics, including comics, role-playing games, and mysteries. The earliest items in the collection include some early issues (1940s) of the first science fiction apa, Fantasy Amateur, but the collection reaches into the 21st century with issues of apazines that in some cases continue to be published today.

The apazines in the collection are arranged alphabetically by the formal name of the apa, not the name of the apa's official organ. In many cases the official organ for the apa bears a different name from that of the apa itself - for example, Dapa-Em's official organ was entitled Elementary.

How Apas Work

With a few exceptions, apas tend to function in a similar fashion. An apa is centrally coordinated by an Official Editor (sometimes called a Central Mailer). Apa members send the OE enough copies of their individual fanzine contributions to be distributed to all the members. The OE is responsible for collating the fanzines into a single publication (the "apazine") and distributing it to the members. The OE also manages the apa's subscription lists and publication deadlines. Most apas are headed by an "official organ"; that is, the administrative zine of the apa that not only contains the OE's own contributions but the lists of current and waiting members, apa rules and constitutions, and member notices (including which members are required to submit material for the next issue).

[A few apas, however, are rotational in nature. That is, each apa member publishes a fanzine in rotation with the others and mails it themselves to the individual members. The chief example of this sort of apa is Fantasy Rotator, produced by the apa The Cult. The Cult functioned more like an open letter between friends because the material, usually --  but not always -- a letter, was sent to a designated Member (an "Official Arbiter") who edited, published, and distributed the FR by him- or herself. FRs were published, on average every three weeks by the 13 Cult Members in rotation; hence the title "Rotator". In addition, members could issue their own material to the apa in so-called "fractional rotators", or "f/r"s. The fractional numbers assigned to each f/r seem to have been selected at random. For example, during the assigned period of FR 639, a Cult member might issue his own f/r to accompany FR 639, and title it FR 639.141092.

In addition, the Cult's waiting list was unlike those of other apas. There were two separate lists, and people on both lists were encouraged to participate. In fact, people on the Active Waiting List were required to participate (the minimum of one letter to every other FR or one postcard to every FR). CULT publications were distributed both to Members and the Active Waiting List. The Inactive Waiting List had no activity requirements, although they could be very active. Distribution of publications to the Inactive Waiting List was not required, but anyone who wrote regularly received most of them.

Other rotational apas include the Terrean Amateur Press Society (TAPS), which operates its official editorship among all members on a rotating basis. TAPS also permits the issuing of 'fractional rotator'-like individual publications, called "artificial satellites, or "AS"s.) Likewise, the Slanderous Amateur Press Association also uses a rotating editorship.]

Most apas require members to submit a minimum amount of material in a specified format to a specified number of mailings. This minimum activity (or "minac") is usually specified by the OE and/or the established rules of the apa. Most apas also require each member to maintain a credit balance in a central funds account to cover common reproduction costs and postage.

Apas that require members to submit multiple copies of their contribution usually set a limit to the number of members and run a waiting list if necessary. In many cases people on the waiting list are permitted to contribute to mailings and may receive excess apazines provided by the members. Occasionally apas are formed by waiting list members who are tired of the wait: for example, Junior Apa-Five (later Imaginapa) was created by a few fans who had been on the Apa-Five waiting list for what they felt to be too long a time and were impatient to participate in apa activity.



Apazines have historical signficance in that many contain the amateur work of famous genre writers and illustrators. Much of this material predates the writers' fame, although this is not always the case. In addition, many apa members, though not professional writers, were significant voices in the world of fandom. Examples of apas with contributors of significant literary importance in the field include Apa-Five (Frank Miller), Apa-L (Alan Dean Foster; David Gerrold; Larry Niven); Apanage (Jane Yolen); Elanor (March Laumer); Fantasy Amateur (Marion Zimmer Bradley, Robert Silverberg, Donald Wollheim); Rehupa (Charles de Lint; Michael Stackpole); and SAPS (Jack Chalker; Gordon Eklund) .



The apazines in the Horvat Collection comprise a number of different genre topics. Some were continually dedicated to a particular subject, while in other cases the free-flowing nature of fandom in general or of the apa permitted an apa to concern itself with a number of different topics. Others may have begun with the idea that they would be dedicated to a particular topic, but as they progressed started dealing with other subjects as well. As Randy Linder, the publisher of X-APA zine Mutant Force put it, "While I assume that most of X-APA’s membership got together because of their interests in comics in general and the X-Men in particular, the reason we stay is because we enjoy getting to know each other and ongoing commentary on any and all subjects.”

The subjects given below are sometimes, though not always, those with which the associated apa explicitly identified itself.


AAPAFar-left politics (Anarchist Amateur Press Association)

ALPS:  Music (Amateur Long-Playing Society)

Alarums and ExcursionsRole-playing games

ANZAPA:  Science fiction (Australian and New Zealand Amateur Press Association)

APA-?:    Writing

APA-27:   Science fiction (Florida Amateur Press Association)

APA-45:   Science fiction

APA-55:   Science fiction

APA-69:   Sex

APA-Faber:    Paper arts

Apa-Five:  Comic books

Apa-H:   Hoaxes and humor

APA: JARNEVON:    Science fiction

Apa-L  Science fiction (Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society)

APA: NESFA:   Science fiction (New England Science Fiction Association)

APA-NYU:   Science fiction (New York Amateur Press Association, originally based at New York University)

APA-PI:   Science fiction

APA-Q:   Science fiction

APA-Renga:    Renga (a form of Japanese collaborative poetry)

APA-THEE:   Science fiction

APA-V:   Science fiction

APA Enterprise:   Star Trek

Apalon:    European myths and legends

Apaloosa:   Science fiction (Amateur Press Association of the Palouse)

Apanage:  Children and young people's fantasy literature

APATOONS:    Cartoons and animation

APPLESAUCE:    Science fiction

AZAPA:     Science fiction (Arizona Amateur Press Association)

Background Noise:    Science fiction (Honolulu Science Fiction Society)

BCAPA  Science fiction (British Columbia Amateur Press Association)

BondApa:    James Bond films

Canadapa:    Science fiction

Capacity:    Science fiction (Chicago Amateur Press Association)

CAPRA:    Film (Cinema Amateur Press Association)

CHAPS:    Western literature (Cowboys and Horses Amateur Press Society)

Clarion:    Science fiction

Connection  Science fiction

CRAPzine:    General fannishness

C/RAPA:    Science fiction (Cascades/Rockies Amateur Press Association)

C/RAPA-PI:    Science fiction

C/RAPA, Jr.:    Science fiction

The Cult:     Science fiction

DAAPA:    Science fiction (Dallas Area Amateur Press Association)

Dancer:    Science fiction

D'APA:    Science fiction (Denver Area Amateur Press Association)

Dapa-Em:    Mysteries

Definitive Article  Doctor Who

Edgar Apa:    Science fiction

Elanor:    Fantasy, especially the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams

FAPA  Science fiction (Fantasy Amateur Press Association)

Final Frontier:    Star Trek

FLAP:    Science fiction (Fannish Little Amateur Press)

Frefanzine:    Libertarian science fiction

Galactus:    Comic books (especially Marvel Comics)

GESTALT:    Science fiction (GESTALT Amateur Publishing Society)

Herbapa:    The theology of the fannish "ghod" Herbie

Imaginapa:    Comic books

IS-P'APA:    Science fiction

K-a (K(C)apa-Alpha):    Comic books (Comics Amateur Publishing Association)    

Junior Apa-Five  Comic books

LASFAPA:    Science fiction (Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society)

MELVIN:    General fandom

MENTAT:    Computers and computing

Milwapa:    Science fiction (Milwaukee Amateur Press Association)

Mixed Company:    Gender relations

Minneapa:    Science fiction

MISHAP:    Science fiction (Michigan Society of Amateur Publishers)

N'APAScience fiction (National Fantasy Fan Federation/Neffer Amateur Press Alliance)

Necronomicon Apa:    The works of H.P. Lovecraft

OMPA:    Science fiction (Off Trails Magazine Publishers Association)

Pathos:    Science fiction (Suffolk East Science Fiction Association)

Phoenix:    Science fiction

RAPS:    Science fiction

Rehupa:    The works of Robert E. Howard, and sword-and-sorcery fantasy in general (Robert E. Howard United Press Association)

SAPS:    Science fiction (Spectator Amateur Press Society)  

SCAPA FLOW:    Science fiction (Southern California Amateur Press Association for Lasfians and Other Writers)

SFPA:    Science fiction (Southern Fandom Press Alliance)   

Slanapa:    Science fiction (Slanderous Amateur Press Association)

Stipple Apa:    Science fiction

Stobcler:   Science fiction

TAPADANCE:    Science fiction

TAPS:   Science fiction (Terrean Amateur Press Society)

Totter's Lane:    Doctor Who

UNAPA:    General interest (Unicorn Amateur Press Alliance)

VIDAPA:    Video technology (Videofan Amateur Press Association)

WAPA:    Science fiction, with a humorous emphasis ("W" Amateur Press Association)

We The People:   Politics

Wild Hunt:   Fantasy roleplaying games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons

X-APA:    The X-Men, the Avengers, and other Marvel Comics superhero groups

YHAPA:    Marvel comics (Young Heroes Amateur Publishing Association)

Z-FLapa:    Comic books

Biographical Note

Martin M. (Mike) Horvat is a printer and collector in Stayton, Oregon. For many years, his collecting focused on general circulation science fiction magazines and fanzines. Horvat founded the American Private Press Association and for a time in the 1980s edited South of the Moon, a catalog of publications of amateur press associations. As a result of this endeavor, and because Horvat himself was a prolific amateur publisher and apa contributor, he ended up collecting a vast archive of apazines as well.

Historical Note

The term "apa" refers to an Amateur Press Association. An amateur press association is a group of like-minded people, distributed across a wide geographical area, who join together to discuss common interests using the forum of a collated series of individually printed publications. Apas originally came into existence in the late 19th century through the efforts of amateur journalists. However, starting in the early 20th century, apas came to be primarily associated with science fiction, fantasy, and other genre fans.

During the early years of science fiction fandom, fans communicated their views and opinions by publishing letters in the letter columns of professional SF magazines like Astounding Stories. They would then begin writing directly to each other, and developed "fanzines" in order to communicate to multiple people at once. Fanzines gradually evolved from simple letterzines to more sophisticated magazine-style publications. In short order, fans wanting to save on time and rising postage costs, as well as trying to foster a specific sense of community among a like-minded group of people, developed the notion, patterned on the amateur journalist efforts of old, of collating fanzines into a single bundle for distribution. Thus the fannish apas were born.

Apas provided effective and entertaining methods for fans separated by distance to communicate before the advent of electronic mail, electronic bulletin boards, or blogs. By instituting a system for the central collation of publications into a single apazine, apas saved costs and eliminated the need for fans to produce more fanzines than they would be able to distribute easily on their own.

The first science fiction apazine was Fantasy Amateur, the official organ of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association. It began publication in 1937, after noted SF fan and editor Donald Wollheim established FAPA. Wollheim saw an answer to the ongoing problems of the haphazard world of SF fanzines in the ways in which amateur journalist groups such as the National Amateur Press Association and the New England Amateur Press Club operated their associations and encouraged correspondence between members. Apas became a popular way for fans to exchange opinions, stories, illustrations and writings as the century continued, and the 1960s and 1970s resulted in an explosion of genre apas.

Related Materials

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat National Fantasy Fan Federation Collection, 1942-2008. 1.5 ft.
Collection of materials from the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), a major and venerable SF fannish organization. Materials include administrative documents, publications, and records from N3F subsidiary bodies. MsC886. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Convention Materials, 1943-2000.
Materials produced for or relating to numerous science fiction conventions, including progress reports, advertisements, newsletters, and assorted ephemera. MsC884. (Finding Aid)

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Fanzines, 1925-2002. 96 ft.
A large collection, stretching across the 20th century, of science fiction fanzines, together with some assorted "genzines" (general issue magazines concerned with SF). MsC791. (Finding Aid)

ROW, HEATH. Heath Row Amateur Press Association Collection, 1934-2010. 2.0 ft.

Zine writer and editor, and member of multiple amateur press associations. Includes apa publications, apa official organs, and assorted loose ajay publications. MsC 364. (Finding Aid)

RUBEN, ELLIOTT M., 1916-2009. Elliott M. Ruben Amateur Press Association Collection, 1926-2009. 30 ft.

Amateur journalist and member of a number of amateur press associations. Bundles of apa publications, apa official journals, correspondence, official apa documents, and Ruben's childhood efforts at printing. MsC336. (Finding Aid)


Box Contents List


APAS: Assorted A

Box 1

Issue Date
AAPA 7 - 10 November 1982 - May 1983
ALPS 7 - 10 January - July 1982
ALPS 11 - 14 September 1982 - March 1983
ALPS 15 - 17 June - October 1983
ALPS 18 - 21 December 1983 - June 1984
ALPS 24- 26 December 1984 - April 1985
ALPS 27 - 29 June - October 1985
ALPS 30 -31 December 1985 - February 1986
ALPS 32 - 33 April - June 1986
ALPS 34 - 36 April - December 1986
ALPS 37 - 39 February - July 1987
APA-? 6 n.d.
APA-27 3 - 6, 18 April - October 1982, November 1984
APA-27 19 - 25 December 1984 - December 1985
APA-55 2 - 4 April - August 1979
APA-55 5 - 7 November 1979 - April 1980
APA-69 5, 12, 27, 29 June 1977, September 1978, April 1981, August 1981
APA-FABER 2 May 1988

APA-H 7, 9 - 10,


September, December 1971 - January 1972, February 1973
APA-H 30 - 32, 34, 49 September 1973 - January 1974, March, June 1974
APA-H 51, 53, 59 - 61, 72, 85, 88, 90 May 1976, August 1976, January - March 1978, January 1979, March 1980, June 1980, August 1980
APA: JARNEVON 9 April 1972
APA:NESFA 6, 19 November 1970, November 1971
APA:NESFA 35 - 37, 49 April - June 1973, June 1974


Box 2

APA:NESFA 52 - 53 August - October 1974
APA:NESFA 54 - 57 November 1974 - February 1975
APA:NESFA 141, 158 - 160 February 1982, July - September 1983
APA:NESFA 165 - 168 February - May 1984
APA:NESFA 169 - 172 June  - August 1984
APA:NESFA 173  -178 October 1984 - March 1985
APA:NESFA 180 - 184, May - September 1985
APA:NESFA 185 - 189 October 1985 - February 1986
APA:NESFA 190, 192 - 193, 197 March, May - June, September 1986
APA:NESFA 200 - 201, 203 January - February, August 1987
APA:NESFA 204 - 206, 210 May - July, November 1987
APA-PI 108 - 118, 131 January - December 1981, April 1983
APA-Q 139 - 141 March - May 1980
APA-Q 143 - 146 June - August 1980
APA-Q 147 - 149 October 1980
APA-Q 151 - 154 December 1980 - February 1981
APA-Q 167 - 169 November - December 1981
APA-Q (The Return of) 14 - 15, 20, 49, 58 - 60 December 1984 - January 1985, April 1985, December 1986, June - August 1987 (all incomplete)
APA-THEE 1 - 4 September 1983 - March 1984
APA-V 3 - 6 July - August 1974
APA ENTERPRISE 20 August 1984


Box 3

Apalon 1 1976
Apaloosa (1) 33 April 1978
Apaloosa (2) 22.5 - 24, 28 June - August 1984, May 1985
Apaloosa Doubleshot 2 1980
APATOONS 3 - 4 November 1981 - January 1982



June, October 1983
APPLESAUCE 9, 72 - 73 February 1979, July - August 1984
APPLESAUCE 76 - 79 November 1984 - February 1985
APPPA (Postcard APA) various 1977


Box 4

AZAPA 1 - 3, 5 May - July, September 1975
AZAPA 6, 8 - 9 October, December 1975 - January 1976
AZAPA 16, 23 August 1976, March 1977



Box 5

Issue Date
1 Reprint, originally from 1975
2 – 5 July – October 1975
6 – 9 November/December 1975 – March 1976
11 – 13 May – July 1976
14 – 15 August – October 1976
16 – 17 November 1976
18 – 19 January – February 1977
20 – 21 March – April 1977
22 – 23 May – June 1977
24 – 25 July – August 1977
26 – 27 September – October 1977
28, 30 – 31 November 1977, January – March 1978
32 – 33 April – May 1978
34, 39 June, November 1978
40 – 41 December 1978 – January 1979
42 – 43 February – March 1979
44 – 45 April – May 1979
46 – 47 June – July 1979
48 – 49 August – September 1979


Box 6

50 – 51 October – November 1979
52 – 53 December 1979 – January 1980
54 – 55 February – March 1980
56 – 57 April – May 1980
58 – 59 June – July 1980


Box 7

60 -61 August – September 1980
62 – 63 October – November 1980
64 – 65 December 1980 – January 1981
66 – 67 February – March 1981
68 – 69 April – May 1981
70 – 71 June – July 1981



Box 8


1 -2 October – December 1968 (as APA-A)
3 – 4 February – April 1969
5 – 6 June – August 1969
7 – 8 October – December 1969
9 – 10 February – April 1970
11- 12 June – August 1970
13 – 14 October – December 1970
15 – 16 February – April 1971
17 – 18 June – August 1971
Index for Volume 1, Mailings 1-18, 1971  
19 – 20 October – December 1971
21 – 22 February – April 1972
23 – 24 June – August 1972
25 October 1972
26 December 1972
27 February 1973
28 – 29 April – May 1973
30 – 31 June – July 1973 (Both incomplete)
38 – 39 June – August 1974 (Both incomplete)
40 October 1974
41 – 42 December 1974 – February 1975
43 April 1975


Box 9

46 – 47 October – December 1975 (Both incomplete)
48 February 1976 (Incomplete)
49 – 50 April – June 1976
51 – 52 August – October 1976 (#51 incomplete)
53 December 1976
54 February 1977


Box 10

55 April 1977
56 June 1977 (Incomplete)
57 August 1977
58 - 60 October 1977 - February 1978 (All incomplete)
61 - 62 April – June 1978 (Both incomplete)
84 – 85 February – April 1982 (Both incomplete)
86 June 1982
87, 94 August 1982, October 1983



Box 11
Issue Date
9 - 10 October 1966 - January 1967
11- 12 April - July 1967
13 October 1967
14 January 1968
15 April 1968
16 July 1968
17 October 1968
18 January 1969
19 April 1969
20 July 1969
21 October 1969


Box 12

22 January 1970
23 April 1970
24 July 1970
25 October 1970
26 January 1971
27 April 1971
28 July 1971
29 October 1971
30 January 1972


Box 13

31 April 1972
32 July 1972
33 October 1972
34 January 1973


Box 14

35 April 1973
36 - 38 July 1973 - January 1974 (All incomplete)
41 October 1974 (Incomplete)
44 - 47 July 1975 - May 1976 (All incomplete)
48 - 51 September 1976 - September 1977 (All incomplete)



Box 15
Issue Date
1 – 5 August -December 1971
6 - 9 January – April 1972
10- 12 May – August 1972
13- 15 September – November 1972
16 - 18 January – March 1973
19 - 20 April – May 1973
21 - 22 June – July 1973
23 - 24 August – September 1973
25 – 26 November – December 1973
27 – 29 January – March 1973
30 – 32 April – June 1974
33 – 34 July – August 1974


Box 16

35 September 1974
36 October 1974
37 – 38 November - December 1974
39 – 40 January – February 1975
41 – 42 March – April 1975
43 – 44 May – June 1975
45 – 46 July – August 1975
47 – 48 September – October 1975
49 – 50 November – December 1975
51 – 52 January – February 1976
53 – 54 March – April 1976
55, 57 May, July 1976
60 October 1976
84 December 1978
92, 96 August 1979, April 1980
97 – 99 May - July 1980


Box 17

100 November 1980
101-102 December 1980 – January 1981
103-104 February – March 1981
105 – 107 April – June 1981
108 July 1981
109 – 110 August – September 1981
111 – 113 October 1981 – March 1982
114 – 116 April – July 1982
117 – 119 September – November 1982
120 – 121 December 1982 – January 1983
122 – 123 March – April 1983
124 – 125 April – May 1983


Box 18

126 June 1983
127 – 128 July/August – September 1983
129, 131 October, December 1983
132 January 1984
133 June 1984
134 – 135 July – August 1984
136 – 138 September – November/December 1984
139 – 140 January – February 1985
141 – 142 March – April 1985
143 – 144 May – June 1985
145 – 147 July – September 1985
148 – 150 October – December 1985
151 – 153 January – March 1986
154 – 155 April – May 1986
156 – 157 June – July 1986



Box 19
Issue Date
237, 249 November 27, 1969; February 19, 1970
252 – 256 March 19 - April 9, 1970
257 – 260 April 16 – May 7, 1970
261 – 263 May 14 – 28, 1970
268 July 2, 1970
318 – 319, 321 June 17 – 24, July 8, 1971
322 – 323, 328 July 15 – 22, August 26, 1971
347, 349, 382 December 6, 1971; January 20, September 7, 1972
Best of APA-L, Vol. 3 (1966-1968) August 1972
418, 423, 436, 455 May 17, June 21, September 20, 1973; January 31, 1974
465, 470 – 472 April 11, May 16 – 30, 1974
474, 484 June 13, August 22, 1974
486 – 487 September 5 – 12, 1974
509, 517 – 520 February 13, April 10 – May 1, 1975
523 – 524, 526 – 527 May 22 – 29, June 12 – 19, 1975
529, 533 July 4, July 31, 1975
534 – 536 August 7 – 21, 1975
541 – 544 September 25 – October 16, 1975
548 – 549, 551 November 13 – 20, December 4, 1975
553 – 554, 564 December 18- 25, 1975; March 4, 1976
566 – 567, 587 March 18 – 25, August 12, 1976
602, 605, 607 November 25, December 16, December 30, 1976


Box 20

609 – 613 January 13 – February 10, 1977
614 – 617 February 11 – March 10, 1977 (contents page only for #614)
618 – 620 March 17 – 31, 1977
621 – 623 April 7 – 21, 1977
624 – 626 April 28 – May 1, 1977
627 – 629 May 19 – June 2, 1977
630 – 632 June 9 – 23, 1977
633, 635 - 636 June 30, July 14 - 21, 1977
637, 638 - 639 July 28 - August 11, 1977 (contents page only for #638)
640 - 643 August 18 - September 8, 1977
644 – 646 September 15 – 29, 1977
664, 667 - 669 February 2, February 23 - March 9, 1978
670, 693 March 16, August 24, 1978
694 - 695 September 2 - 7, 1978
698 - 699 September 28 - October 5, 1978
701, 725 October 19, 1978; April 15, 1979
728 – 730 April 26 – May 10, 1979
731 – 732 May 17 – 24, 1979
734 – 735 June 7 – 14, 1979
738, 765 July 5, 1974; January 10, 1980
925, 931 February 3, March 17, 1983
934, 940, 949 April 7, May 19, July 21, 1983
956, 959 September 8, September 29, 1983
963 – 964, 967 October 27 – November 3, November 24, 1983
969, 974 December 8, 1983; January 12, 1984



Box 21
Issue Date
68, 72 - 74 January, May - July 1981
75 - 77 August - October 1981
87 August 1982
89 - 90 October - November 1982
91 - 92 December 1982 - January 1983
93 - 94 February - March 1983
95 - 96 April - May 1983
97 - 98 June - July 1983
99 - 100 August - September 1983
101 - 102 October - November 1983
103 - 104 December 1982 - January 1984
105 - 106 February - March 1984
107 - 108 April - May 1984
109 - 110 June - July 1984
111- 112 August - September 1984
113 - 114 October - November 1984
115 - 116 December 1984 - January 1985
117 - 119 February - April 1985
120 - 122 May - July 1985
123 - 125

August - October 1985


Box 22

126 - 128 November 1985 - January 1986
129 - 130 February - March 1986
131 - 133 April - June 1986



Box 23
Issue Date
Apanage 10-year Index
5 – 7 August 1971
8 – 10 October – December 1971, February 1972
11 – 13 April - August 1972
14 – 16 October – December 1972
17 – 19 Apri l – August 1973
20 – 21 October – December 1973
22 – 23 February – April 1974
24 – 25 June – August 1974
26 – 27 October – December 1974
28 February 1975
29 – 30 April – June 1975
31 August 1975
32 October 1975
33 December 1975
36 July 1976
50 – 51 November 1978 – January 1979
52 – 53 March – May 1979
54 July 1979
57 January 1980
58 March 1980
59 May 1980
62 November 1980
63 January 1981


Box 24

64 March 1981 (Incomplete)
65 May 1981
66 July 1981
67 September 1981
68 November 1981
69 January 1982
70 March 1982
71 May 1982
72 July 1982
73 September 1982
74 November 1982
75 January 1983
76 March 1983
77 May 1983
78 August 1983
80 November 1983
81 January 1984

Box 25

153 January 1996 (incomplete)


APAS: Assorted B - D

Box 26

Issue Date
Background Noise 27 - 40, 59 November 1980 - December 1981, August 1983
BCAPA 10 - 11, 47, 53 February - March 1979; April, November 1982
BondApa 10 1984
Canadapa 6, 42 - 43 April 1973, July - August 1979
Canadapa 44, 52 October 1979, February 1981
Canadapa 55, 62 October 1981, October/December 1982 (both incomplete)
Capacity 1 - 4 February - June 1982
Capacity 5 - 7 August - October 1982
Capacity 8 - 10 December 1982 - March 1983
Capacity 11 - 13 April - July 1983
Capacity 14 - 16 August - November 1983
Capacity 17 - 19 January - March 1984
Capacity 20 -22 May - August 1984
Capacity 23 - 25 September - December 1984
Capacity 26 - 29 January - May 1985
Capacity 30 - 33 July - September 1985
CAPRA 2, 13 - 15, 17 - 19 April 1974, January - June 1977, January - July 1978
CAPRA 20 - 24 October 1978 - October 1979
CAPRA 25 - 28 January - October 1980 (all incomplete)
CAPRA 29 - 31 January - July 1981
CAPRA 32 - 34 September 1981 - January 1982


Box 27

CAPRA 35 - 37 March - July 1982
CAPRA 38 - 40 September 1982 - January 1983
CAPRA 41 - 42 March - June 1983
CAPRA 43 - 45 July/August - December 1983
CHAPS 1 - 3 March - July 1974
CHAPS 4 - 6 September 1974 - January 1975
Clarion 1 - 2 September - November 1985


Box 28

Connection 121 July 29, 1984
CRAPzine 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 55 - 64, 65.061, 71 1960 - 1961
C/RAPA 19 - 24 February 1981 - January 1982
C/RAPA 25 - 29 March - November 1982
C/RAPA-PI 33 - 34 July - September 1983
C/RAPA-PI 35 - 37, 55 November 183 - March 1984, March 1987
C/RAPA, Jr. 1 - 6 May 1980 - April 1981
C/RAPA, Jr. 7 - 12 September 1981 - May 1982


Box 29

DAAPA 7 - 11 January - May 1984
DAAPA 12 - 14 January - May 1984
DAAPA 15 - 17 August - November 1984
DAAPA 18 - 19 January - March 1985
Dancer 12, 14 July, November 1982
D'APA 49, 65 October 1975, February 1977
D'APA 92 - 94, 96 May - July, September 1979


Box 30


D'APA 97 - 98, 100

October - November 1979, January 1980

Definitive Article

1 - 3, 5, 1985 Annual

October - December 1984, February 1985


THE CULT (Fantasy Rotator)

Box 31
Issue (including fractional rotators) Date
123 February 3, 1963
134.69 October 5, 1963
139- 140 January - February 1964
146.11218 July 9, 1964
147.4187 July 5, 1964
148.15 July 24, 1964
154 November 23, 1964
173-A December 27, 1965
176.6071 1966
182.NY1967 July 9, 1966
185 – 186 September 5 – 26, 1966
187.310 November 6, 1966
193 March 1967
200 July 16, 1967
214, 216 May 18; June – July 1968
217 July 1968
218 - 219.0907 August; September 7, 1968
220 September 1968
221 September – October 1968
222 October 1968
223 November 1968
224 December 1968
225 December 1968
226 January 1969
227 – 228 February 1969
229 – 230 March – April 1969
231 – 232 May 1969
233 – 235 June – July 1969
236.00001 – 237 August – September 1969
238 – 239 September – November 1969
240 – 241 November 1969
242 – 243 December 1969 – January 1970
244 – 245 February – March 1970
246 – 247 March 1970
248 – 249 April – May 1970
250 – 251 June 1970
252 – 253 July – August 1970
254 – 255 August – September 1970
256 – 257 October – November 1970
258 – 259 November – December 1970
260 – 261 January – February 1971
262.1066 – 263 February – March 1971
264 – 265 March – April 1971
266 – 268 May – June 1971
269 – 271 June – August 1971
272 – 274 September – October 1971
275 – 277 November 1971 – January 1972
278 – 280 January – February 1972
281 – 283 March – May 1972
284 – 285, 286.0219 - 287 May – July 1972
288 – 290 August – October 1972
291 – 293 October – November 1972
294 – 296 December 1972 – January 1973
297 – 299 February – March 1973
300 – 303 April – July 1973
304 – 306 July – August 1973
307 – 309 September – November 1973
310 – 312 November – December 1973
313 – 315 January – March 1974
319.142857, 320,322.00001, 323.3908 June – August 1974
324 – 325, 328 – 329, 331- 332 September, November 1974 – March 1975
338, 339.01, 341, 344 June - July, August, October 1975
350 – 351, 352.498301 March – April 1976
353 – 355 March – June 1976
356.872, 357, 359.912, 360.4, 363 - 364 July 1976, n.d., , October – December 1976
365 – 368 January – March 1977
369 – 371 March – June 1977
372 - 376 June – September 1977
377 – 379 September – October 1977
380 – 382 November 1977 – January 1978
383 – 385 January – March 1978
386 – 388 March – May 1978


Box 32

389 – 391 May – July 1978
392 – 394 July – September 1978
395 – 397 October – November 1978
398 – 400 November 1978 – January 1979
401 – 403 February – April 1979
404 – 405, 407 April – May 1979
408 – 410 June – August 1979
411 – 413 August – October 1979
414 – 417 October 1979 – January 1980
418 – 420 January – March 1980
426 – 427, 431 June – July, October 1980
435, 437- 439 January, March – April 1981
441- 443 May – July 1981
444 – 447 July – September 1981
448 - 450 October – November 1981
451 – 456 December 1981 – April 1982
458 – 461 May – July 1982


Box 33

463 – 465 August – October 1982
466 – 467, 469 November 1982 – January 1983
494 - 499 June - September 1984
501, 514.1 November 1984, August 1985
541,9913, 584,111, 588.13 January 1983; n.d.; October 1989
589.1313, 590 – 591 December 1989 – January 1990
592 – 599 January – June 1990
600 - 604 July - October 1990
605 – 607 October – November 1990
609, 611- 612 n.d., March 1991
613 – 615 April -June 1991
616 – 619 June – August 1991
620 – 623 September – November 1991
624 – 627 December 1991 – February 1992
628 – 629, 631 February – April 1992


Box 34

632 – 634 May – July 1992
636 – 638, 639.141092, 639.986 August – October 1992
650, 653 – 655 May, August – September 1993
656 – 659 September – December 1993
660 – 663 December 1993 – February 1994
664 – 665, 688 March – April 1994, August 1995


DAPA-EM (Elementary)

Box 35
Issue Date
1 – 5 December 1973 – November 1974
6 – 8 March – September 1975
9 – 11 December 1975 – June 1976
13 – 15 November 1976 – March 1977
16 – 17 May – July 1977
18 – 19 September – November 1977
20 – 21 January – March 1978
22 – 24 May – September 1978
25 – 26 November 1978 – January 1979
27 – 28 March – May 1979
29 – 30 June – September 1979
31 November 1979
32 January 1980
33 March 1980
34 May 1980
35 July 1980


Box 36

36 September 1980
37 November 1980
38 January 1981
39 March 1981
40 May 1981
41 July 1981
42 September 1981
43 November 1981
44 January 1982
45 March 1982
46 May 1982
47 July 1982
48 – 49 September – November 1982
50 January 1983
51 March 1983


Box 37

52 – 53 May – July 1983
54 September 1983
55 November 1983
56 – 57 January – March 1984
58 – 59 May – July 1984
60 September 1984
61 November 1984
62 January 1985
63 – 64 March – May 1985
65 – 66 July – September 1985
67 – 68 November 1985 – January 1986
69 – 70 March – May 1986
71 July 1986


Box 38

72- 73 September – November 1986
74 – 75 January – March 1987
76 – 77 May – July 1987
78 – 79 September – November 1987
80 – 81 January – March 1988
82 – 83 May – July 1988
84 – 85 September – November 1988
86 – 87 January – March 1989
88 – 89 May – July 1989
90 – 91 September – November 1989
92 – 93 January – March 1990
94 – 95 May – July 1990


Box 39

96 – 97 September – November 1990
98 – 99 January – March 1991
100 June 1991
101 – 102 September – November 1991
103 – 104 January – March 1992
105 – 106 May – July 1992
108 – 109 November 1992 – January 1993
110 – 111 March – May 1993
112 – 113 July – September 1993
114 – 115 November 1993 – January 1994
116 – 117 March – May 1994
118 – 119 July – September 1994
120 – 121 November 1994 – January 1995


Box 40

122 – 123 March – May 1995
124 – 125 July – September 1995
126 – 127 November 1995 – January 1996
128 – 129 March – May 1996
130 – 131 July – September 1996
132 – 133 November 1996 – January 1997
134 – 135 March – May 1997
136 – 137 July – September 1997
138 – 139 November 1997 – January 1998
140 – 141 March – May 1998
142 – 143 July – September 1998
144 – 145 November 1998 – January 1999
146 – 147 March – May 1999


Box 41

148 – 149 July – September 1999
150 – 151 November 1989 – January 2000
152 – 153 March – May 2000
154 – 155 July – September 2000
156 – 157 November 2000 – January 2001
158 – 159 March – May 2001
160 – 161 July – September 2001
162 – 163 November 2001 – January 2002
164 – 165 March – May 2002
166 July 2002


APAS: Assorted E - P

Box 42

Issue Date
Edgar Apa 186 June 1985
Elanor 23 - 27 November 1975 - March 1976
Elanor 29, 31, 34, 39 May 1976, July 1976, November 1976, June 1977
Elanor 41, 43, 46 August 1977, October/November 1977, 1979-1980
Elanor 47 - 51 Winter/Spring 1981 - Winter 1983
Elanor 52 - 55 May 1983 - January 1984
Elanor 56 - 59 March/April 1984 - April 1985
Elanor 60 - 64 June 1985 - November 1986
Elanor 65 - 69 January - August 1987
Elanor 70 - 74 October 1987 - June/July 1988
Elanor 75 - 76, 96 - 97 August - October November 1988, September - November 1992
Elanor 100- 103 June 1993 -February 1994
Elanor 104 - 107 April - October 1994
Elanor 108 - 111 December 1994 - August 1995
Elanor 112 - 118 October 1985 - March 1997
Elanor 119 - 125 April 1997 - July/August 1998
Elanor 126 - 129, 132 - 133 September 1998 - Spring 1999, October/November 1999 - March 2000
Elanor 134 - 139 Spring 2000 - Summer 2001
Final Frontier 25 September 1984
FLAP 3 - 4 April - June 1980
FLAP 5 August 1980
FLAP 6 October 1980


Box 43

FLAP 10, 20 June 1981, February 1983
FLAP 21 - 22 April - June 1983
FLAP 23 August 1983
FLAP 24 - 25 October - November 1983
FLAP 26 February 1984
Frefanzine 1, 5, 7, 14 August 1975, April 1977, July 1977, December 1978
Frefanzine 45 February 1984

Frefanzine 50

December 1984
Galactus 9 September 1984
GESTALT 9 December 1968
GESTALT 10 February 1969
GESTALT 11 May 1969
Herbapa 1 March 1973
IS-P'APA 2 October 1980
Kapa-Alpha 48 - 52 October 1968 - February 1969 (all incomplete)

Kapa-Alpha 64,

75, 79

February 1970, January 1971, May 1971 (all incomplete)
MELVIN 1 - 6 July - September 1971
MELVIN 8 - 13 October 1971 - January 1972
MELVIN 15 - 19 February - April 1972
MENTAT 14 - 20 March - September 1982
MENTAT 21 - 27 October 1982 - May 1983
MENTAT 28 - 34 June - December 1983
MENTAT 36 - 42 February - August 1984
MENTAT 43 - 49 September 1984 - March 1985
MENTAT 50, 52, 54 - 56 April, June, August - October 1985
Milwapa Official Announcement, 3 October, December 1984
Mixed Company 13 - 14 June - August 1980 (both incomplete)
Necronomicon Apa 5 1977
OMPA 72 - 73 April, October 1974 (both incomplete)
OMPA 90 - 91 July - September 1978
Pathos 12 November 1982
Phoenix 5, 7, 22, 39 June 1980, October 1980, 1983, September 1983


FAPA (Fantasy Amateur)

Box 44
Issue Date
26 December 1943 (Incomplete)
30B January 1945
31 April 1945
34 Winter 1945/1946
85 November 1958 (incomplete)
93 November 1960 (incomplete)
94 February 1961 (incomplete)
95 May 1961 (Incomplete)
99 May 1962 (incomplete)
101 November 1962
102 February 1963
103 May 1963
104 August 1963
105 November 1963
106 February 1964
107 May 1964
108 August 1964
109 November 1964


Box 45

110 February 1965
111 May 1965
112 August 1965
113 November 1965
114 February 1966
115 May 1966
116 August 1966
117 November 1966
118 February 1967
119 May 1967
120 August 1967
121 November 1967 (incomplete)
122 February 1968 (incomplete)
123 May 1968 (incomplete)


Box 46

124 August 1968 (incomplete)
125 November 1968 (incomplete)
126 February 1969 (incomplete)
127 May 1969 (incomplete)
128 August 1969 (incomplete)
129 November 1969 (incomplete)
130 February 1970 (incomplete)
131 May 1970 (incomplete)
132 August 1970 (incomplete)
133 November 1970 (incomplete)
134 February 1971 (incomplete)
135 May 1971 (incomplete)
136 August 1971 (incomplete)
137 November 1971 (incomplete)
138 February 1972 (incomplete)
139 May 1972 (incomplete)
140 August 1972 (incomplete)
141 November 1972 (incomplete)
142 February 1973 (incomplete)
143 May 1973 (incomplete)
144 August 1973 (incomplete)
145 November 1973 (incomplete)
146 February 1974 (incomplete)
147 May 1974 (incomplete)
148 August 1974 (incomplete)
149 November 1974 (incomplete)
150 February 1975 (incomplete)
151 May 1975
152 August 1975 (incomplete)
153 November 1975 (incomplete)


Box 47

154 February 1976 (incomplete)
155 May 1976 (incomplete)
156 August 1976 (incomplete)
157 November 1976
158 February 1977
159 May 1977
160 August 1977
161 November 1977
162 February 1978
163 May 1978
164 August 1978
165 November 1978
166 February 1979
167 May 1979
168 August 1979
169 November 1979
170 February 1980


Box 48

171 May 1980
172 August 1980
173 November 1980
174 February 1981
175 May 1981
176 August 1981
177 November 1981
178 February 1982
179 May 1982
180 August 1982
181 November 1982
181/1 December 1982
182 February 1983
183 May 1983
184 August 1983


Box 49

185 November 1983
186 February 1984
187 May 1984
188 August 1984
189 November 1984 (incomplete)
190 February 1985
191 May 1985
192 August 1985 (incomplete)
193 November 1985
194 February 1986 (incomplete)
195 May 1986 (incomplete)
197 November 1986 (incomplete)
199 May 1987 (incomplete)
200 August 1987 (incomplete)
202 February 1988 (incomplete)
203 May 1988 (incomplete)
204 August 1988 (incomplete)
205 November 1988


Box 50

206 February 1989 (incomplete)
207 May 1989
208 August 1989
209 November 1989 (incomplete)


Box 51

210 February 1990
211 May 1990
212 August 1990





Box 51A

43 - 44 November 1984 - January 1985
45 - 46 March - April 1985
47 - 48 May - June 1985
49 - 50 August - October 1985
51 - 52 November - December 1985
53,  55 February, May 1986
57 - 58 August - July 1986



Box 52
Issue Date
4 – 6 August – December 1979
7 February 1980
8 May 1980
9 – 10 July – August 1980
12 – 14 November 1980 – February 1981
15 – 17 March – August 1981
19 October 1981
20 November 1981
21 December 1981
22 February 1982
24 June 1982
25 August 1982
26 – 27 October – December 1982
28, 30 January, March 1983
31 May 1983
32 June 1983
33 July 1983
34 – 35 September – November 1983


Box 53

36 – 38 January – April 1984
39 – 40 May – July 1984
41 – 42 August – September 1984



Box 53A  
Issue Date
1, 3, 6 - 7 October, 1976, December 1976, April 1977 (cover and contents page only for #1; #7 incomplete)
9, 11, 13 - 14 July 1977, August 1977, October - November 1977
18 March 19, 1978
25, 28 October 1978, January 14, 1979 (#25 incomplete)
29 February 11, 1979 (incomplete)



Box 54
Issue Date
1 - 4 July - August 1972
5 - 6 September 1972
7, 12 – 13 October 1972, December 1972
14 – 15 January 1973
16 – 17 February 1973
18 – 19 March 1973
20 – 21 April – May 1973
22 – 24 May – June 1973
25 – 27 July – August 1973
30 – 31, 34 October, December 1973
35 – 36 January 1974
37 – 38 February 1974
39 – 41 March – April 1974
42 – 44 April – June 1974
45 – 46 June – July 1974
47 – 48 August 1974


Box 55

49 – 50 September – October 1974
51 – 52 November – December 1974
53 – 54 January 1975
55 – 56 February – March 1975
57 – 58 April 1975
59 – 60 May - June 1975
61, 63 July, August 1975
64 – 65 September – October 1975
66, 68 – 69 November 1975, January 1976
70 – 72 February – April 1976
73 – 75 April – June 1976
76 – 78 July – August 1976
79 – 81 September – October 1976


Box 56

82 – 83 November – December 1976
84 – 85 December 1976 – January 1977
86 February 1977
87 – 88 March 1977
89 – 90(1) May – June 1977
90(2) – 91 June – July 1977
92 – 93 August 1977
94 September 1977
95 – 96 October – November 1977
97 December 1977
98 – 99(1) December 1977 - January 1978
99(2) – 100 January – February 1978
101 March 1978
102 – 103 April 1978


Box 57

104 May 1978
105 June 1978
106 July 1978
107 – 108(1) August 1978
108(2) – 109 August – September 1978
110 October 1978
111 November 1978
112 – 113 December 1978
114 – 115 January – February 1979
116 – 117 March – April 1979
118 – 119 May – June 1979
120 – 121 July – August 1979
122 – 123 August – September 1979


Box 58

124 – 125 October – November 1979
126 December 1979
127 January 1980
128 February 1980
129 – 130 February – March 1980
131 April 1980
132 May 1980
133 – 134 May – June 1980
135 – 136 July – August 1980
137 – 138 September – October 1980
139 – 140 November – December 1980


Box 59

141 – 142 January – February 1981
143 – 144 March – April 1981
146 – 147 June – July 1981
148 – 149 August – September 1981
150 – 151 October – November 1981
152 – 153 December 1981 – January 1982
154 – 155 February – March 1982
156 – 157 April – May 1982
158 – 159(1) June – July 1982
160 – 161 August – September 1982
162 – 164 October – December 1982
165 – 166 January – February 1983


Box 60

167 – 169 March – May 1983
170 – 171 June – July 1983
172 – 173, 175 August – September, November 1983
176 – 177 December 1983 – January 1984
178 – 179 February – March 1984
180 – 181 April – May 1984
182 – 183 June – July 1984
184 – 185 August – September 1984
186 – 187 October – November 1984



Box 60 (continued)


7, 9 - 10, 12 - 15,  17 - 19 August, October - November 1975; January - April 1976; June - July 1976 (all incomplete)
21 - 22, 26 - 28 October 1976, April - May 1977 (all incomplete except #22 and #28)
29 - 31 July - November 1977
32, 38 January, October 1978
47, 49 - 50 June, August - October 1980

Box 61

53 - 54

April - June 1981
56, 73 October 1981, August 1984


N'APA (Alliance Amateur)

Box 62


20 March 1964 (Incomplete)
22 September 1964 (Incomplete)
22.5 November 1964
26 September 1965
28 March 1966
31 December 1966
32 March 1967
35 December 1967
36 March 1968
37 June 1968
38 September 1968
39 December 1968
40 March 1969
41 June 1969
42 September 1969
43 December 1969
44 March 1970
45 June 1970
46 September 1970
47 December 1970
48 March 1971
49 June 1971


Box 63

50 September 1971
51 December 1971
52 March 1972
53 - 54 June - September 1972 (54 incomplete)
56 March 1973
57 June 1973
58 September 1973
59 December 1973
64 – 65 April – June 1975


Box 64

68 – 71 February – August 1976
72 – 73 April – June 1977
76 June 1978
78 – 80 October 1978 – April 1979
81 July 1979
82 October 1979
83 January 1980
84 April 1980
85 July 1980
86 October 1980
87 January 1981
88 April 1981 (Incomplete)


Box 65

89 - 90 July - October 1981
91 January 1982
92 April 1982
93 July 1982
94 September 1982
95 November 1982 (Incomplete)
96 January 1983
118 - 119 May - July 1989
120 September 1989
121 December 1989
122 January 1990


APAS: Assorted P - S

Box 66

Issue Date
PHOENIX 41 January 1984
RAPS 1 - 6 August 1970 - February 1971
RAPS 7 - 13 March - September 1971
RAPS 14 - 16, 30 October - December 1971, June 1973
Rehupa 3 - 9 April 1973 - May 1974
Rehupa 10 - 12 Julyr - November 1974
Rehupa 39 - 40 May - July 1979
Rehupa 41 - 42 September - November 1979
Rehupa 43 - 44 January - March 1980
Rehupa 45 - 46 May - July 1980
Rehupa 48 December 1980
Rehupa 50 March 1981
SAPS 68 July 1964 (incomplete)
SAPS 69 October 1964
SAPS 70 January 1965
SAPS 71 April 1965
SAPS 72 July 1965
SAPS 86 January 1969


Box 67

SAPS 87 April 1969
SAPS 88 July 1969
SAPS 89 October 1969
SAPS 90 January 1970
SAPS 91 April 1970

SAPS 102

January 1973
SAPS 103 April 1973
SAPS 104 July 1973
SAPS 116, 120 July 1976, July 1977 (both incomplete)
SAPS 121 - 122 October 1977 - January 1978 (#121 incomplete)
SAPS 149 October 1984
SAPS Official Organs 78, 110- 111, 113 - 115, 118 January 1967, January - April 1975, October 1975 - April 1976, January 1977
SCAPA FLOW 7 - 8 December 1979 - January 1980
SCAPA FLOW 9 March 1980
SCAPA FLOW 10 May 1980
SCAPA FLOW 11- 12 July - September 1980

SCAPA FLOW 13 - 14

November 1980 - January 1981
SCAPA FLOW 15 - 17 March - July 1981
SCAPA FLOW 18, 25 September 1981, November/December 1982
SFPA 56 November 1973
SFPA 111 - 112 January - April 1983 (both incomplete)
SFPA Official Organs 36, 66, 82, 105, 107 - 110, 114 May 1970, July 1975, March 1978, January 1982, June 1982, September 1982 - March 1983, August 1983
Shadow-SFPA 2, 3 July 1977, September 1977
Stipple Apa 3, 3.5, 10 September 1980, July 1981
Stipple Apa 12 - 13 October - November 1981
Stipple Apa 15 - 17 February - May 1982



Box 68
Issue Date
1 – 5 1969 – 1970
6 – 10 June – October 1970
11 – 15 November 1970 – March 1971
16 – 20 April – August 1971
21 – 25 September 1971 – January 1972
26 – 30 February – June 1972
31 – 35 July – November 1972
36 – 40 December 1972 – April 1973
41 – 45 May – August 1973
46 – 50 September 1973 – February 1974
51 – 55 March – July 1974
56 – 60 August – December 1974
61 – 65 January – May 1975
66 – 70 June – October 1975
71 – 75 November 1975 – March 1976
76 – 80 April – August 1976
81 – 85 September 1976 – January 1977
86 – 90 February – June 1977
91 – 95 July – November 1977
96 – 100 December 1977 – April 1978


Box 69

101- 105 May – September 1978
106 – 110 October 1978 – February 1979
111 – 115 March – July 1979
116 – 120 August – December 1979
121 – 125 January – May 1980
126 – 130 June – October 1980
131 – 135 November 1980 – February 1981
136 – 140 April – July 1981
141 – 145 September 1981 – January 1982
146 – 150 February – May 1982
151 – 155 August – December 1982
156 – 160 December 1982 – April 1983
161 – 165 May – September 1983
166 – 170 October 1983 – February 1984
171 – 175 March – July 1984
176 – 180 August – December 1984
181 – 185 January – May 1985
187 – 190 July – October 1985
191 – 195 November 1985 – April1986
196 – 200 May - September 1986
201 – 205 October 1986 - February 1987


Box 70

206 – 210 March – July 1987
211 – 215 August – December 1987
216 – 220 January – May 1988
221 – 225 June – October 1988
226 – 230 November 1988 – March 1989
231 – 235 April – August 1989
236 – 240 September 1989 – January 1990
241 – 245 February – June 1990
246 – 250 July – November 1990
251 – 255 December 1990 – April 1991
256 – 260 May – September 1991
261 – 265 October 1991 – February 1992
266 – 270 March – July 1992
271 – 275 August – December 1992
276 – 280 January – May 1993
281 – 285 June – October 1993
286 – 290 November 1993 – March 1994
291 – 295 April – August 1994
296 – 300 September – January 1995
301 – 305 February – June 1995
306 - 315 July 1995 - April 1996
316 - 320 May - September 1986
321 - 325 October 1996 - February 1997
326 - 330 March - July 1997


Box 71

331 – 335 August – December 1997
336 – 340 January – May 1998
341 – 345 June – October 1988
346 – 350 November 1998 – March 1999
351 – 355 April – August 1999
356 – 360 September 1999 – January 2000
361 – 365 February – June 2000


Box 72

366 – 370 July – November 2000
372 – 375 January – April 2001
376 – 391, 393 May 2001 – August 2002, October 2002


APAS: Assorted S - W

Box 73

Issue Date
Stobcler 10, 13 June, December 1975

Stobcler 18 - 20

October 1976 - February 1977
Stobcler 21 - 24 June 1977 - March 1978
TAPADANCE 60 - 61, 66 October - November 1983, April 1984
TAPADANCE 69 - 70 July - August 1984
TAPS 4, 27.0322, 55, 64, 67.020, 68 - 69 April 1965, 1966, August 1969, May 1970, August - October 1970
TAPS 70 - 73 November 1970 - February 1971
TAPS 75 - 80 April - September 1971
TAPS 81 - 85 September 1971 - February 1972
TAPS 86 - 91 March - August 1972
TAPS 92 - 97, 98.315 September 1972 - February 1973
TAPS 113, 120, 127, 134.01.22 June 1974, January 1975, August 1975, January 1976
TAPS 137, 138.6.13, 139.6.28, 140 March - June 1976, August 1976
TAPS 153 - 157, Unknown Number/AS September 1977 - February 1978
TAPS 159 - 161, 166, 217, 229 March - May 1978, November 1978, January 1983, January 1984
TAPS various ASs 1970, n.d.
Totter's Lane 1 - 3 November 1984 - March 1985 (#1 incomplete)
UNAPA 6, 10 May 1975, December 1976
VIDAPA 16 - 17 June - September 1982
WAPA 16, 18 June 1981, August 1981
WAPA 19 November 1981
WAPA 20 - 21 January - March 1982
WAPA 22 May 1982
WAPA 23 July 1982
WAPA 24 September 1982
WAPA 25 November 1982


Box 74

WAPA 26 - 27 January - March 1983
WAPA 28 - 29 May - July 1983
WAPA 30 September 1983
WAPA 31 November 1983
WAPA 32 January 1984
WAPA 33 March 1984
WAPA 34 - 35 May - July 1984 (#35 incomplete)
WAPA 36 September 1984
WAPA 37 November 1984
WAPA 38 January 1985
We The People 6 April 1984
Wild Hunt 7 - 11 August - December 1976
Wild Hunt 12 - 16 January - May 1977
Wild Hunt 17 - 21 August - October 1977
Wild Hunt 22 - 27 November 1977 - April 1978
Wild Hunt 28 - 32 May - September 1978
Wild Hunt 33 - 37 November 1978 - February 1979


Box 75

Wild Hunt 38 - 42 April - July 1979
Wild Hunt 43 - 47 September 1979 - February 1980
Wild Hunt 48 - 51 March - June 1980
Wild Hunt 52 - 55 July - October 1980
Wild Hunt 56 - 60 November 1980 - March 1981


Box 76

Wild Hunt 61 - 63 April - June 1981
Wild Hunt 64 - 65, 78 July  - August 1981, September 1982
X-APA 21 November 1982
X-APA 32 September 1984


Box 77

X-APA 34 January 1985
YHAPA 8 February 1985
Z-FLapa 1 - 3 March - July 1982
Z-FLapa 4 - 5 September - November 1982
Z-FLapa 6 - 7 January - March 1983

Box 78

  Various Apazines: Unattached bits and pieces