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Vernon A. Stone Papers Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 2008. |
Vernon Stone |
Scope and Contents
This collection is divided into 11 series.
Series I, the Clippings series, contains a rich collection of newspaper and magazine clippings covering a broad range of subjects of interest to researchers, especially covering broadcast media during the period of the 1960s to the early 2000s, including television and radio news reporting in combination with other topics, particularly anchor persons and women and minorities in broadcasting, but also including topics such as coverage of Viet Nam and Watergate and the beginning of the internet and electronic news gathering. Stone also collected clippings for use in his classes; where there is a significant number of these they have been moved into the clippings series, but the clippings essential to teaching the class were left with the teaching materials.
Series II, Correspondence, is broken down by format, with traditional forms (letters, cards) being arranged alphabetically by author. His web responses reside in a separate subseries, since this is the way that Stone had them organized. A third subseries is correspondence having to do with his "Careers" brochure.
Series III, Miscellaneous, contains the few items which don't fit anywhere else.
Professor Stone created many handwritten and typed notes, sometimes in combination with photocopies and clippings, which he presumably used for his classes. However, since the class for which they were intended sometimes is not indicated and in many cases were used in multiple classes, they are brought together into a series called Notes, which makes up Series IV.
Stone's professional activities, including his consulting work and university appointments are collected in Series V, Professional Materials.
Stone was active in many professional organizations, and his records of this activity (with the exception of RTNDA and RTNDF, which have their own series) make up Series VI.
Series VII, RTNDA, is make up of committee work and research that he undertook on behalf of RTNDA, such as the evaluations of their annual meetings.
The Research series, Series VIII, is made of up two streams: literature gathered by Stone, arranged alphabetically by topic and often accompanied by Stone's notes; and summaries of raw data collected by Stone, often accompanied by articles on the topic and sometimes by correspondence when the respondents felt the need to elaborate on the surveys sent them. These two streams make up a single series. A third stream, a sampling of the surveys themselves, make up a separate subseries in the Research series.
Stone served for a time as editor of Static, and a series of these journals make up Series IX.
Stone taught for many years and kept copious notes for each of his classes, sometimes including clippings and articles in his files along with handouts and assignments. These are arranged alphabetically by the name of the course, since he taught similar courses at four universities. These materials are brought together in the Teaching Materials series, Series X.
Series XI, the Writings series, includes articles written by Stone, either by himself or with others. These include manuscripts and/or finished articles. It also sometimes includes print-outs from his web page. When notes, clippings, or other research was kept by Stone in a file with the finished article, they were not removed to the other series but kept with the article. Correspondence about the piece of writing is also kept with the piece. A curiosity in the writing series is a song written based on Stone's research on women in newsrooms, represented here by an audio cassette recording.
Stone had a habit of writing information on the covers of his folders. Where this information was deemed important we have kept the original folder. When these were too shabby, the materials were enclosed in new folders with the cover of the original folder included as part of the material within the new folder.
The watchword for using this collection is interrelation. Clippings are found throughout the collection, in the clippings files, the notes files, the research files, and the writings files. In order to perform an exhaustive search on a topic, all of these series should be consulted.
Stone was an avid researcher who collected extensively in the area of media, and this collection represents a rich source of research brought together on many topics. The clippings especially represent a collocation of materials useful to the researcher interested in broadcast media in the last half of the twentieth century.
Biographical Note
Vernon Arthur Stone was born on October 21,1929 in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to Hughie and Mabel Stone. He received his BA in English at Western Kentucky University in 1951; his MA at the University of Iowa in journalism in 1953; and his Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin, Madison in mass communication in 1966. From 1966-1974 he served on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin at Madison before moving to the University of Georgia in 1974. In 1978 he moved to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, where he served as Director of the School of Journalism; and in 1986 he took his last posting at University of Missouri at Columbia, as a research professor at the School of Journalism. He retired with the rank of Emeritus Professor in 1992. He was one of the leading scholars in the field of broadcast journalism.
Stone's knowledge of the profession was broad as well as deep, as he worked as a newsman, announcer, and managing news editor in radio, and a newsman and television news coordinator at television stations before embarking on his teaching career. In addition to his teaching duties, Professor Stone served as research director for the Radio and Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) for 22 years, in which position he collected data on many topics of interest to newspeople. This included statistics on women and minorities in television and radio news, stress among newspeople, the effects of electronic news gathering (ENG) among many, many others. He was honored for this work with a Distinguished Service Award from RTNDA. He wrote three books, the last one being Let's Talk Pay in Television and Radio News published in 1993, as well as many essays and articles. He also served on many committees, both at the universities where he worked and in professional organizations, such as the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
Stone had a gruff manner but it was obvious that he was dedicated to his profession and to his students. He loved jazz and travelled the Midwest to attend concerts. Stone was a hiker and was often seen on the hiking trails around Columbia. He married Saribenne Thomas on June 11, 1966. They had two children, Adam and Hallie. The marriage ended in divorce, and he never remarried.
Stone died in Columbia at the age of 75 on June 15, 2005.
Related Materials
See the Records of the Radio-Television News Directors Association
Box Contents List
Series I: Clippings
Box 1
Note: These file names are those assigned by Stone, for the most part
1973 POW Coverage and "Sticks and Bones" clips
ABC, CBS, NBC Network ops - personnel etc.
Accuracy in Reporting Research
Agnew's Criticism
Agnew speech text
All News Radio
Annual Round-ups of News in Journalism
Attributions and Quotes
Background and Trends
Ball State info
Broadcast News and the Courtroom
--- Courtroom TV - Hoyt papers
--- Judicial System Reporting
--- Pre-Trial Coverage
--- RTV Courtroom Coverage
--- RTV In Courtrooms - Key Clips
--- RTV in Courtrooms (research)
--- Trial Coverage WHA-TV case
Business Reporting
CBS News Washington Bureau, riots coverage, fast journalism, etc.
CIA News Media connections
Cable News
Cable teaming
Christine Craft Case
Crisis and Disaster Reporting
Deregulation (3 folders)
Deceptions and Hoaxes in Reporting
Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Educator - news items and releases 1998
Box 2
Editorials RTV
Education and careers
Ethics and Taste
Event Orientation (Reporting) Research
Fairness Doctrine
Fairness Doctrine/315 Distinctions
Fairness Doctrine highlights
Federal Government and Broadcast News: General
Federal Government and Broadcast News: LBJ Administration
Federal Government and Broadcast News: Nixon Administration
Federal Government and Broadcast News: Ford Administration
Federal Government and Broadcast News: Carter Administration
"The first 50 years" RT History 1931-1981 broadcasting magazine
Government and Broadcasting: George H.W. Bush admin 1989-
Government and Broadcasting: Reagan Administration
"Happy" News
Helicopter Reporting
Hired Experts
Hiring of Graduates
Independent TV
Investigative Reporting
Investigative reporting: "Hunger in America"
Investigative reporting: Illinois Power and "60 Minutes"
Investigative reporting: Karen Silkwood Rolling Stone
Iran Hostages Coverage
Job Compression
Journalistic Ethics
Robert F. Kennedy Assassination 1968
Lefever study of CBS News Bias
"Liberal Bias" Study
Local Anchors and Reporters: Individuals
Local Anchors and Reporters: Issues
Local News Programming
Local Radio News
Local TV News
Magazine Programs
Media preferences - Roper reports
Box 3
Media preferences and use - other studies
MF (Male/Female?) Anchors
Minority RTV ownership
Mizzou Weekly, etc. 1990s
Martin Luther King Assassination 1968
Network News
Network News - Financial and Corporate
Network News Programs
Networks reporters and anchors
News Analysis
News and Advertising
News Directors and Financial Managers
News Finances
News vs. Entertainment
News vs. Show Biz
Newsfilm scripting
On-air women - looks
Opponents of Change to Reduce Sex Bias
Orderly Procedures and Pooling
Political Correctness
Political campaigns - General
Political conventions
Political Conventions and Chicago 1968
Political Debates TV
Politics: Election Night and TV Projections
Print Sources in Broadcasting
Public Affairs
Public Relations Influence on Reporting
Radio News
Ratings Services
--- BCT ownership – regulation
--- Black License Challenge
Box 4
--- FCC
--- FCC Renewal policies
--- Fairness, Bias and Objectivity
--- Fairness Doctrine (2 folders)
--- Free Press Comments
--- License Challenges
---Section 315 of the Communication Act
--- WLBT (TV) license
Reporter Professionalism
Reporter Relations With Sources
Reporters' appearance
Reporters "Getting" Sources: Eagleton, Nixon, Lance, etc.
---Efron's The News Twisters Bias
--- Minorities (covering riots, notes, clippings, how minorities are presented on TV)
---Other Wars
---Riots and disorders
---Special events
---Staging TVR
Reports on Journalism Education
Reuters and McVeigh 2001
Role RTV News
RTV Trends 2000
RTV News criticism and role - media
RTV News Effects Upon Events
RTV News History (2 folders)
RTV News and Professional Standards; code of ethics
RTV News Women - legal action, regulations, etc.
RTV Reporting Miscellaneous; scandals and crises
Daniel Schorr Case - News Leaks, TV reporting, etc.
Box 5
Satellite News Gathering (SNG)
Selling of the Pentagon CBS 1971. Includes CBS Memo on the story. (2 folders)
Sex Bias in Portrayal
Specialized Reporting
Staff Management
Subpoenas, TV Out takes, legal issues, etc.
Ted Turner's Cable Network/CNN
Technology, Newsroom Computers, Managing Technology
Terminology, Political Correctness, and writing
Television Information Office (TIO)
TV Anchor Women
TV News Reporting Tabloid Crime
Television and Radio Network Newscasters
--- David Brinkley
--- Tom Brokaw
--- John Chancellor
--- Connie Chung
--- Sylvia Chase
--- Walter Cronkite
--- Sam Donaldson
--- Linda Ellerbee
--- Karen Foss
--- Pauline Frederrick
--- Paul Harvey
--- Peter Jennings
---Bernard and Marvin Kalb
---Larry King
---Ted Koppel
--- Charles Kuralt
--- Catherine Mackin
--- Bill Moyers
--- Roger Mudd
--- Edwin Newman
--- Deborah Norville
--- Charles Osgood
--- Jane Pauley
--- Dan Rather
--- Harry Reasoner
--- Marlene Sanders
--- Jessica Savich 1993
--- Diane Sawyer
--- Bob Schieffer
--- Daniel Schorr
--- Eric Sevareid
--- Bernard Shaw
--- Lynn Sherr
--- Howard K. Smith
--- Tom Snyder
--- Lesley Stahl
--- Mike Wallace
--- Old Times
--- General
TVR Nixon Administration and License Challenges
TVR Checkbook Journalism
TR Conflicts with Police, police posing as reporters
TR and Campus Dissent Coverage -RTV effects on Events
TVR Reporting - Newsperson Involvement in the News
TVR Reporting - Overseas News
TVR Reporting - Second-Hand Reporting
TVR Reporting - Staging - WBBM Pot Party
TVR Reporting - "Using" the Media
Box 6
TVR Reporting - Weather Crises, etc.
TVR Reporting - RTV Effects on Events - Riots and Disorders
Terrorism and Hostage Coverage
Using the English Language
"Vietnam 10 Years Later"
Vietnam in the News
Vietnam coverage - issues
What's News? (2 folders)
Women anchors and reporters
Women: effect on home life
Women Sportscasters
Women in TVR News: Sally Quinn
Women in TVR News: Walters
Series II: Correspondence
Arranged alphabetically
Box 7
Correspondence about "Careers" booklets
Web responses 1995-2005
Series III: Miscellaneous
Fine Line, Vol. 2: No. 5, 7-8,Vol. 3:No. 1-10
The Internet. (7 folders)
Howard Rusk Long Lecture
The Jim Wollert Memorial scholarship
Miscellaneous journalism publications
Series IV: Notes
Attitudes toward TV Newswomen
Broadcast news writing
CATV (Cable television?)
Courtroom coverage
Freedom of Information
Government and broadcast news
Pre-trial coverage
"The Selling of the Pentagon" and subpoenas
Still pictures
Standuppers and Voicers
Talking heads, sound
Television personnel chart
To do or not to do news
WTWJ Milwaukee
Wire services
Series V: Professional Materials
---. AEJMC Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Educator, 1998
---. RTNDA Distinguished Service award 1988
---. Clippings. (2 folders)
---. Miscellaneous
---. Ph.D.
---. Photographs with B. Dell
---. Vita
Consulting, editing, and other work
---. Better Television for Madison
---. Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Educator
------. Announcement, 2004
------. Award nominator and presenter, 1987
------. Recipient. 1998
---. Evaluation of graduate program, University of Alabama
---. Federal Communications Commission. Equal Employment Opportunity in the Broadcast and Cable Industries. January 23-24, 1989 Stone was a panelist.
---. Jackson State University advisory committee for the proposed Telecommunications Center
---. Journal of Broadcasting. Reviewing
---. Journalism Monographs. Reviewing
---. Journalism Quarterly editorial work
---. Mass Communication Review. Manuscript reader
---. Miscellaneous
---. Southern Illinois School Press Association. Official greeting, 1978-1985
---. Stevens Point clinic
---. UPI Workshops, 1967-1968
---. University of Georgia Press
---. WBA (Wisconsin Broadcasting Association?) Committee on State-Wide Internships in Radio/TV
University appointments
---. University of Wisconsin, 1965-1975
------. Accreditation details, 1974
------. Graduate school research proposal
------. Clippings, 1986-1992
------. Courses
------. Executive committee, Journalism
------. Journalism newsletters, 1967-1985
------. Journalism publications
------. Mass Communication Survey Research Center
------. Salary and promotions
------. Staff 1972-1974. (2 folders)
------. University of Wisconsin publications
------. Wisconsin Association for Better Broadcasts
---. University of Georgia, 1975-1978
------. Area promotions committee, 1975-1976
------. Chemistry graduate program internal review, 1977
------. Faculty, 1975-1978. (4 folders)
------. Graduate studies
------. Lawsuit
------. Promotion
------. Provost
------. Staff positions
------. Stone's problems with the University
------. Survey Research Center committee
------. Transition from University of Wisconsin to University of Georgia
------. University of Georgia Press Editorial Board, 1976-1978
---. Southern Illinois University , 1978-1986
------. Appointment
------. Calendar
------. Clippings
------. Director evaluation
------. Du Quoin marketing project
-----. Faculty
------. Gardner, John and the Southern Illinoisan
------. Graduate students
------. Photographs
------. Presentation, Journalism week
------. Publications
------. Reaccreditation details
------. Resignation as director
------. Self-study
------. Social
------. Stone news stories
---. University of Missouri at Columbia, 1987-1992
------. Appointment
------. Dean search, 1988
------. Miscellaneous
------. Promotions and tenure committee
------. Retirement
------. University of Missouri News Bureau
------. Warner, Charles
Series VI: Professional Organizations
American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism
American Newspaper Publishers Association, 1979, 1981, 1982; 1983
American Society of Journalism School Administrators, 1981-1982
Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications
---Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Women in Journalism Education
---Advisory Board
---Conventions, 1966-1970
---Conventions, 1971-1993, 1998
---Mass Communications and Society Division
------Paper judging
---Minorities Division
------Paper judging
---Miscellaneous AEJMC correspondence
--- News and the Military Panel, 1971
---AEJMC Newsletter
--- AEJ Committee on Nominations, 1976-1977, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1989-1990, 1990-1991
--- Packwood Committee. Includes photographs
---Radio and Television Division
------Annual report, 1972
------General, including paper judging, 1974-1975
Box 11
------General, including paper judging, 1976-1989
------. Officers, 1973-1974
------Research sessions, 1968, 1984, 1988
------Static -correspondence
------Teaching Standards
---Resolutions Committee
---Theory and Method Division
------Paper judging, 1989, 1990
Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication
Broadcast Education Association, 1994-1998
Inland Daily Press Association
---. Convention, October, 1982
---. Education Committee, 1980-1981
---. Human Resources Committee, 1983-1983
---. News Committee, 1983-1984
1964 and 1965
1971 Boston
Research and Publication Committee, 1972-1973
Research Committee RT, 1972
RTNDA Publication committee, 1972 Old
RTNDA Research committee and Publication, 1973-1974
RTNDA Regional Writing Panel WITI-TV, 1973
RTNDA, 1973
RTNDA Research Committee, 1974-1975
RTNDA, 1974
RTNDA Conference Evaluations, 1975-1986
RTNDA Research Committee, 1975-1976
RTNDA, 1975
RTNDA Conference Evaluations, 1975
RTNDA Research committee, 1976-1977
1976 RTNDA Conference Evaluations
RTNDA Survey, 1976
RTNDA Research Committee, 1977-1978
RTNDA, 1977
1977 RTNDA Conference Evaluations
RTNDA Research Committee, 1978-1979
RTNDA Conference Atlanta, 1978
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1978
RTNDA Regional Georgia State, 3/4/1978
RTNDA Research Committee, 1979-1980
RTNDA Conference Evaluations, 1979
RTNDA Survey, 1979
RTNDA Research Survey Materials, 1979-
RTNDA Research Committee, 1980-1981
RTNDA, 1980
RTNDA Survey, 1980
1980 RTNDA Conference Evaluations, 1980
RTNDA, 1981-1982
RTNDA Research Committee, 1981-1982
Box 12
RTNDA, 1981
RTNDA Survey, 1981
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1981
RTNDA, 1982-1983
RTNDA Research Committee, 1982-1983
RTNDA conference Evaluation, 1982
RTNDA Survey, 1982
RTNDA, 1983-1984
RTNDA Research Committee, 1983-1984
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1983
RTNDA Survey, 1983
RTNDA Magid Study, 1984
RTNDA Survey, 1984
RTNDA Conference Evaluation – San Antonio, 1984
RTNDA, 1985-1986
RTNDA Research, 1985-1986
RTNDA, 1985
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1985
RTNDA Research Committee, 1985
RTNDA Survey, 1985
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1986
Research Requests, 1986
RTNDA survey, 1986
RTNDA research story clippings, 1986
RTNDA member survey, 1986-1987
RTNDA Research, 1986-1987
RTNDA Education Liaison, 1986-1987
RTNDA membership survey Stone-Nash, April 1987
RTNDA Research, 1987-1988
Research requests, 1987-1988
RTNDA Education Liaison, 1987-1988
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1987
RTNDA Conference, 1987
RTNDA survey, 1987
RTNDA research story clippings, 1987
RTNDA Research, 1988-1989
RTNDA Equal Opportunities Committee, 1988-1989-1990
RTNDA conference Las Vegas, 1988
RTNDA survey, 1988
RTNDA Education Liaison, 1989-1990
RTNDA Research, 1989-1990
RTNDA 1989 Conference, Kansas City
RTNDA survey, 1989
RTNDA 1989 Historical Committee
RTNDA Education Liaison, 1990-1991-1992
RTNDA Research, 1990-1991
RTNDA Publications committee, 1990-1991
RTNDA1990, convention San Jose
RTNDA Conference Evaluation, 1990
RTNDA survey, 1990
Box 13
Research Requests, 1990
RTNDA Research, 1991-1992
Research Requests, 1991
RTNDA Research Report, 1991
RTNDA convention, Denver 1991
1991 Jane Pauley Speech
RTNDA convention Evaluation, 1991
RTNDA survey, 1991
RTNDA Research, 1992-1993
RTNDA Convention 1992, San Antonio
1992 RTNDA Conference Evaluations, San Antonio
RTNDA survey, 1992
Research requests, 1992
RTNDA 1992, Miami Beach
RTNDA Research, 1993-1994
RTNDA Conference Evaluations, 1993, Miami
RTNDA survey, 1992
RTNDA Research, 1994-1995
RTNDA Convention, 1994, Los Angeles
Unity Panel, 1994
RTNDA, 1995-1996
RTNDA Fiscal, 1995-1996
RTNDA Conference1995, New Orleans
RTNDA, 1996-1997
RTNDA Fiscal, 1996-1997
RTNDA, 1997-1998
RTNDA Fiscal, 1997-1998
RTNDA Fiscal, 1998-1999
RTNDA, 1998-1999
RTNDA Long Range Planning, 1988-1989
RTNDA, 1999-2000
RTNDA Conventions ranked by popularity, dated August 1995
RTNDA Code of Ethics
Correspondence with RTNDA regarding royalties from the "Careers" books
Radio and Television News Directors Foundation
RTNDF, 1973-1976
RTNDF, 1979
RTNDF, 1979-1981-1982
RTNDF, 1982-1983
RTNDF, 1983-1984
RTNDF, 1985
RTNDF, 1985-1986
RTNDF, 1986-1987
RTNDF, 1987-1988
RTNDF, 1990s
Series VIII: Research
Advertiser influence
Age and gender gap
Age Careers PEOPLE
Age discrimination
"All News" Ops
Allan Jackson on Writing
American Bar Association Courtroom TV Research, 1982
American Indians and Native American Press Association
Anchors (correspondences, observed trends in news anchors)
Anticipated Interaction study
Area of Dominant Influence (ADI) 1-10 networks, 1989
Asian American data
Assignment Editors
Attraction information
Box 14
Becker, Lee. Research on race and gender in journalism
Becker, Lee. Survey of Graduates. 2001, 2002
Behind the Scenes (photographers, producers, assistant editor) [People chapter?]
Best Universities for TV and Radio, 1994 (surveyed info 1970s-1990s)
Black, Hispanic etc. [People chapter?]
Black Journalists
Black Radio Stations
Broadcast Newswomen
Canadian Newswomen Survey, 1974-1975
Career Barriers, Dropping Out, Minorities
Career Barriers, Dropping Out, Women
Careers booklets
Career change
Careers - letters
Careers - methods, materials
Careers questionnaire
Careers survey and method
Code Sheets, 1972-1983
Code Sheets, 1984-1992
Communication of health information
Diversity in the Newsroom
Dropping Out (stats on journalists considering "dropping out" of the field)
Electronic News Gathering
Employment, Careers, Salaries, Marriage, Education, Reporters, Anchors, Health, 1990-2001
F Scale Data
Finances, Profits
Free Press - Fair Trial study
Freedom Forum Radio Survey Method
Future Trends in Broadcast Journalism. RTNDA Job Study, June 1984
General Managers survey, 1981
Harvey's Conceptual Systems Test
Health Problems
Hiring Studies
Hispanics in the News Media
Interpretation data for various surveys
Language of Sex Bias
MCL study-Females only
MCL study-Males only
Market Size
Managerial [People chapter]
Males and Females in Television
Male and Female News Directors
Box 15
Male-Female Newsroom Managers
Male-Female Pay Gaps
Male-Female Salaries
Male-Female TV Anchors
Minorities and women
Minorities in Broadcast News
Minorities in Newsrooms
Minority News Directors
Minorities in Radio and TV News. (2 folders)
Moving among jobs
Myths and Trends
National Association of Broadcasters Minority News Directors Study 1973
National Association of Broadcasters Research Study Budget 1975
New York Times study, 1966
News Directors of TV and Radio, 1994
News Releases, 2000-2002
News Releases University of Missouri (digital printouts)
Newscast content
Newsfilm and ENG
Newswomen 1973 News Directors questionnaire
Newswomen questionnaires, 1973
Newswomen Notes
No local news operations survey, 1990
"Obstacles to Career Progress by Minorities and Women in Broadcast News." Gannett Foundation Grant, 1989-1993
On the Air: Reporters, News Anchors, Weatherpersons, Sports People charts (Career desires and expectations)
Other "Minorities" (disabilities and age)
Paid versus unpaid internships
Pauley Report on Mass Communication Education Programs
People Tables (2 folders)
Personal Lives [People Chapter 9]
Pease, Ted and J. Frazier Smith. The Newsroom Barometer. Newspaper Career, Racial Diversity, 1991-1992
Positions (Who Does What)
Professional Ethics
Public Health Survey, 1969
Racial Discrimination, 2000
Radio and Television Data Tables, 1972
Radio and Television News Directors
Radio and Television demographic comparisons, 1993
Radio Career Obstacles
Radio Career Change
Radio Career Goals
Radio Careers Respondents Summary, 1992
Radio Job Moves
Radio Job Satisfaction, 2000
Radio Journalism Careers and Education Education, 2001
Radio News at Midcentury. Includes a copy of "Iowa Radio in 1952" and "Local Radio in World War II: One Reporter's Experience"
Radio News Careers Tally Sheets, 1991
Radio News Marital Problems
Radio News People, 2000
Radio Personnel Health, 2000
Radio Staffs Careers, Gannett, 1991
Box 16
Radio/Television News Directors Salaries
Regression and gaps
Religious Preference study. (2 folders)
Research Grant, 1966-1967
Research Method
Research Requests, 1989
Research Requests, 1993
Research Requests, 1994
Research Requests, 1995-
Reverse Discrimination
Roper Study Career Prep, 1987 - Pay – interns (Electronic Media Career Preparation Study)
Salary Satisfaction
Sex Bias
Sex Bias Guidelines
Sex Bias Language
Single in TV News
Source Content Orientation
Source Study Materials
Sports and weathercasters
Staff size
Survey data, 1972-1994. Floppy disks
Survey Questionnaires
TV and Radio data
TV and Radio Careers - Data files
TV and Radio Careers - questionnaire
TV and Radio Careers - White - Minority tables
TV Careers 1991 Respondents Summary, 1992
TV Career Change
TV Career Goals
TV Careers - Comments by Respondents
TV Careers - Discrimination, 2000
TV Careers - Education
TV Careers - Female News Directors
TV Careers - Male-Female producers
TV Careers - Male-Female reporters
TV Careers - obstacles
TV Careers - Who Does What in TV
TV Personnel Health
TV Job Moves
TV Job Satisfaction 2000
Box 17
TV News Marital Problems
TV Newswoman Attitudes questionnaires and code sheets
TV People
TV Sports
TV Staffs Careers, 1990-1991
Television and economics
Television and Radio data, 1976
Who Does What in Radio News
Winners and Losers in Pay by Position
Women as Managers
Women in Broadcast News
Women in Broadcast News and Management
Women in RTNDA Newsrooms Survey, 1972
Women in Radio and TV 1960s and 1970s
Research: Surveys
Adult attitudes to TV newswomen, 1972
Children's attitudes to TV newswomen
Director survey, 1972
Director race survey
Female directors. 1975-1976. (2 folders)
Gender survey. (2 folders)
Head of newscast, 1982
Head of station survey, 1962
Male/Female Newsroom Manager Survey. (5 folders)
Male/Female Newsroom code sheets
Minority news staff survey
News directors survey, 1973
Box 18
Mixed media newswomen survey, 1973. (4 folders)
News directors surveys - finals, 1973
News directors with consultants. (2 folders)
Professors attitudes to TV newswomen, 1972
Radio directors survey
Radio directors survey - minorities. (3 folders)
Radio news careers, first mailing. (4 folders)
Radio news careers, second mailing. (3 folders)
Box 19
Radio news directors - minorities. (2 folders)
TV directors survey
TV news careers, first mailing. (13 folders)
TV news careers, second mailing. (1 folder)
Box 20
TV news careers, second mailing. (11 folders)
Series IX: Static Newsletter
Static Newsletter, 1960-2000 (no 1969-1970)
Series X: Teaching Materials
Courses taught by Stone
Syllabi of courses offered by the Journalism Department at University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1967-1968
Box 21
Stone's teaching evaluations
Alphabetically by class name
Army Advanced Public Relations Course
---. Teaching materials and notes. (3 folders)
Documentary and Public Affairs Broadcasting (J354)
---. Teaching materials and notes, 1966-1972, including folders on the documentaries produced by the classes (Editorials study 1966, Black Students 1967, Draft Resistance 1968, Hair 1970, Student Housing1971 and Airport Documentary 1971, Women 1972 and College Athlete Documentary 1972)
High School Workshop, 1963
Mass Communication Research (J506)
---. Teaching material and notes, 1986
Mass Media Problems and Issues (J661)
---. Teaching materials and notes, 1970-1971
Media Research Methods (J912)
---. Teaching materials and notes, 1974
News Writing (J203)
---. Exams
---. Fall 1965
---. Spring 1966
---. Fall 1966
---. Fall 1969
---. Sample assignments
News Writing and Reporting (J205, J260)
---. Assignments
---. Cronkite speech
---. Guidelines in criminal cases
---. Miscellaneous materials. (5 folders)
---. Syllabus
Problems in Mass Communication: Topics in News-Editorial (Reporting) (J814-B)
---. Teaching materials and notes, 1978
Proseminar in Mass Communications (J701, J800)
---. Individual difference
---. Research proposals
---. Summer 1973
---. Summer 1973 survey research
---. Fall 1973
---. Fall 1975
Box 22
---. Fall 1976
---. Winter 1976
---. Fall 1977
Proseminar in News Writing (J459)
---. Spring 1984
---. Spring 1985
Public Opinion Reporting (J440, J640)
---. Preparing surveys; interviewing
---. Writing survey stories
---. Spring 1975
---. Presidential preference survey, spring 1975
---. Spring 1976
---. Presidential preference survey, spring 1976
---. Spring 1977
---.Bus survey, 1977
Publicity Clinic (University of Wisconsin Extension Division), 1966
Radio and Television News, 1964
Readings and Research in Broadcast News Reporting: Problems and Issues (J830)
---. Teaching materials and notes, 1977
Readings: Seminar -- Research on Communication Processes: Individual Differences in Attitude Change (J901)
---. Teaching material and notes, 1968
Readings: Sex Bias in Media (J490)
---. Teaching materials and notes 1979, 1981
Reporting (J204)
---. Information interviewing
---. Fall 1966
---. Fall 1967
---. Fall 1968
---. Presidential poll, 1968
---. Fall 1969
---. Moratorium, 1969
---. 1970
---. Fall 1971
---. TV Newswomen, 1971
Seminar in Broadcast News Research (J951)
---. Fall 1970
---. Spring 1973
---. Spring 1974
Seminar in Communication Research (J810)
---. Fall 1974
--. Winter 1975
Seminar in Radio and Television News (J359, J459, J470)
---. Consultants, Show Business, Managing Ratings,
---. Education and Careers
---. Ethics and Taste
---. Local Operations and Trends
---. Managing Personnel
---. Network News
---. News as Show Biz
---. News Directors as Financial Managers
---. Regulations and Fairness Doctrine
---. Technology
---. What's News?
---. Fall 1987
---. Winter 1987
---. Fall 1988
---. Winter/Spring 1988 coursepak
---. Fall 1989
---. Winter 1989
---. Fall 1990
---. Fall 1990 coursepak
---. Winter 1990
---. Winter 1990 coursepak
---. Fall 1991
---. Winter 1991
---. Fall 1992
---. Winter 1992
Box 23
Statistics and Data Handling (J500)
---. Spring 1966
---. Spring 1967
---. Spring 1968
---. Spring 1969
---. Spring1970
---. Spring 1971
---. Spring 1972
---. Fall 1972
---. Spring 1973
---. Teaching notes
TV and Radio News [Preparation], Radio and Television News (J351)
---. 1963-1964
---. 1965
---. Fall 1966
---. Fall 1967
---. Fall 1968
---. Fall 1969
---. Fall 1970
---. Fall 1971
---. Fall 1972
---. Fall 1973
---. Spring 1973
---. Spring 1974
---. Broadcast News Writing. Handout
---. Broadcast writing notes. (2 folders)
---. Broadcast news writing. Key notes
---. Broadcast news writing. Reprints
---. Highlights of Estes Decision
---. Labs
Television News Reporting and Analysis
---. Spring 1973
Topics: Research on Broadcasting News/Seminar in Radio-TV News/Seminar in Communication: Research on Broadcast News (J430, J433)
---. Content analysis
---. Teaching notes and materials, 1990, 1992
---. Variables, models and theory
Crisis reporting
Fairness, Bias, Objectivity
Fairness Doctrine and FCC Rules
The Federal Government and Broadcast News
Investigative Reporting
Legislative coverage
Local radio and TV news operations
Madison stations
Mark Knops case, Madison
The Missourian
Network News
News Analysis
News and Profitability
News Operations
Newscast Example
Newsfilm Editing and scripting
Newsfilm photography
On-air performance
Orderly procedures and pooling
Political reporting
Press law
Public broadcasting
Putting together newscasts
Radio and TV news operations
Ratings and show biz
Ratings Services
Reporting Viet Nam
The role of TV and radio news
Sex Bias Guidelines
Series XI: Writings, 1963-1997
Note: These files contain some combination of the research for the piece (often comprised of previous articles written by Stone); drafts for the piece, sometimes with a different name; and tear sheet or print-offs of the published piece.
"10 Years of RTNDA Conferences" Stone, 1985
"An ABC News Analyst Tops Convention Ratings Again" Stone, 1989
"Age, Experience and Job Tenure in Radio News." Stone, 2000
"Attitudes Toward Television Newswomen" Stone, Jill Geisler and Barbara Dell, 1972 (draft)
"Attitudes Toward Television Newswomen" Stone, 1973
"Black Journalists Gain as News Directors, But Not in Work Force Shares." Stone, 1991
"Black Radio" Stone, 1988
"Black TV Newswomen Surveyed: Are They Happy In Their Work?" Nora D. Hall and Stone, 1980
"Blacks Want to Manage; Believe Chances are Slim" Stone and Robert Knight, 1989
Broadcast Journalism in a Changing Society. Proposal for a textbook
"Broadcast News Directors Active in J-School Classes" Stone and Hoyt, 1977
"Broadcast News Educators and the Profession" Stone, 1969 (draft)
"Broadcast News in Good Financial Health" Stone, 1984
"Broadcast News Staff Sources and Turnover: Implications for Educators" Stone,1978
"Broadcast News Writings" Stone, 1971
"Broadcast Trade Schools and News Training." Stone and Beckmann, 1973
"Broadcast Trade Schools Found Weak in Journalism Training" Stone and Curtis Beckmann, 1974
"Broadcasting Market Flooded by Non-News Radio-TV majors" Stone, 1987
"Broadcast's Enrollment Glut" Stone, 1987
“Career-Related Characteristics of Male and Female News Directors” Burks and Stone, 1993
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1972
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone 1979. Includes photographs
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1981
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1984. Photographs only
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1985
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1987
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1989
"Careers in Broadcast News." Stone, 1993. Correspondence and photographs only
"Careers in Radio and Television News." Stone, 2002. Includes a marked-up copy of the 1993 edition
"Careers in Television and Radio News." Stone's chapter in the book Radio and Television Career Directory, edited by Michael B. Huellmantel, 1995
"The Changing Profiles of Broadcast News Directors" Stone, 1986 (Draft)
"Changing Profiles of News Directors of Radio and TV Stations, 1972-1986" Stone, 1987
The Changing Newsrooms of Television and Radio. Proposal for a book
"Changing With the Times" Stone, 1994
"Classroom and Newsroom Contact: A Survey Report" Stone and Hoyt, 1976
"Cutbacks Ease for TV News, Not Radio." Stone, 1994
"Cutbacks Let Up in TV, Ease Some in Radio." Stone [1994?]
"Cutbacks Strike Again" Stone, 1993
"Deregulation and Competition: Explaining the Absence of Local Broadcast News Operations" Stone and McKean, 1992
"Deregulation Felt Mainly in Large-Market Radio and Independent TV" Stone, 1987
“Deregulation’s Impact” Stone, 1993
"Differences at Work and at Home: Factors in Career Advancement by Male and Female News Directors" Kimberly K. Burks and Stone, 1991 (draft)
"Directory of Women Radio and Television News Directors in the United States" Stone and Bill Baxter, 1975
"Diversity Stands Still in Radio News" Stone n.d.
"Downsizing Myths: What the Numbers Really Show" Stone, 1992
Box 25
"ENG and Newsfilm Use Surveyed" Stone, 1977
"ENG Growth Documented in 1979 RTNDA Survey" Stone, 1980
"ENG Technical Operations Surveyed" Stone, 1978
"Ed Bliss Has Top Session Again at Orlando Conference" Stone, 1987
Editing and Scripting Television Newsfilm
"Educator's Association Names Grads Available for Broadcast News Jobs" Stone, 1969
"Effect on Attitude Change of Likability and Self-Interest of Source" Stone, 1967 (draft)
"Effect of Conversion Upon Resistance to Persuasion." Stone, 1964. Revised and published in the Journal of Communication as "Primacy Effect in Decision-Making by Jurors"
"Effect of Likability and Relevance of Expertness." Stone and James A Hoyt
"The Emergence of Source-Message Orientation as a Communication Variable" Stone and Hoyt, 1974
"Entry-Level Pay: Is Oversupply an explanation for Low Wages?" Lee B. Becker, Stone, and Joseph D. Graf, 1994
"Family Benefits in TV and Radio" Stone and Burks, 1991
"Family Communication Patterns and Source-Message Orientation" Stone and Steven Chaffee, 1970
"Female News Directors are Younger, Lower Paid" Stone, 1987
"Few Firings for Ethical Problems" Stone, 1986
"Fewer Budget Cuts for TV News" Stone, 1994
"Gender Gaps and Factors in Television News Salaries" Stone, 2000
"Good News, Bad News" Stone, 1993
"Here’s New Broadcast Talent" Stone, 1971
“Here’s News Broadcast Talent” Stone, 1972
"How Many Editorialize?" Stone, 1983
"How News Directors Use Their Time" Stone, 1990
"How RTNDA News Directors Use the Communicator" Stone, 1987
"How To Become a News Director." Notes for a breakfast roundtable at the National Association for Black Journalists at their 13th Annual Convention, 1988
"How To Move Into Management and Stay There." Stone, 1988
"Individual Differences and Inoculation Against Persuasion" Stone, 1969
"The Interactions of Individual Differences With Characteristics of the Communication Situation as a Factor in Attitude Change" Stone, 1965
"Internships in TV and Radio News: Paid and Unpaid." Web piece collected as a chapter in Thirty Seconds to Air: A Field Reporter's Guide to Live Television Reporting. [1998?]
"J-Grad Quality and Entry-Level Hiring Surveyed" Stone, 1989
"Journalism Labor Force Supply and Demand: Is Oversupply an explanation for Low Wages?" Stone, Lee B. Becker, Joseph D. Graf, 1996
“To Kill a Messenger: A Case of Congruity" Stone and Thomas Beell, 1975
"Latest RTNDA Survey Shows Big Pay Hikes for News Stars" Stone, 1979
Lets Talk Pay. Stone. Publicity, contract, reviews, correspondence
"Likability and Relevance of Expertness of a Persuasive Communicator." Stone and James L. Hoyt, 1974
"The Likability and Self-Interest of the Source in Attitude change," 1969
"Litigation Chill Surveyed" Stone, 1985
"Little Change for Minorities and Women" Stone, 1992
"Local News Operations: The Stone/Missouri Survey" Stone, 1995
"Local Radio News Salaries" Stone, 1995
"Local TV News Operations" Stone, 1995
"Local TV News Salaries" Stone, 1995
“Looking at ENG Gear" Stone, 1980
Looking to 2000: Trends in Television News Operations. Proposal for a book.
"Make the News Director a GM?" Stone, 1982
"Male and Female NDs Look to the Future." Stone, 1992
"Male and Female News Directors Compared" Stone, 1985
"Many More Women News Directors" Stone, 1980
"McGuire's Immunization Approach to Resistance in Persuasion" Stone, 1964
"Members Use Survey to Evaluate RTNDA" Stone and Robert Nash, 1987
"Membership Rates RTNDA's Performance" Bos Johnson and Stone, 1978
"Milwaukee News Directors are Home-Grown" Stone, 1988
"Minorities and Women in Broadcast News: Two National Surveys" Abigail Nash, Marilyn Jackson-Beeck, Leverne Regan and Vernon Stone, August 18, 1974
"Minorities and Women in Radio News" Stone, 1997
"Minorities and Women in Radio News" Stone, 2000
"Minorities and Women in Radio News" Stone, 2001
"Minorities and Women in Television News" Stone, 1995
"Minorities and Women in Television News" Stone, 1997
"Minorities and Women in Television News" Stone, 2000
"Minorities Gain in TV News, Lose in Radio" Stone 1989
"Minority Employment in Broadcast News 1976-1986" Stone, 1987 (draft)
"Minority Men Shoot ENG, Women Take Advancement Tracks" Stone, 1972
"Minority Share of Work Force Grows for Third Year" Stone, 1991
"Moderate Gains in News Salaries" Stone, 1981
"More News in Morning Drive" Stone, 1993
"More Women in News Broadcasting, According to RTNDA Survey" Stone and Barbara Dell, 1971
"More Women Reporting News on the Air" Stone, 1977
Box 26
"MU Researcher Finds Back Pain is Top Health Problem Among TV Photographers." Press release. 2001
"NABJ Broadcasters Set Sights on Management" Stone and Knight, 1989
"NDs and GMs Define News 'Profitability'" Stone, 1989
"NDs and GMs Describe Their Managerial 'Marriages'" Stone, 1989
"Nashville Conference Rated a Winner" Stone, 1985
"News Directors and Problems Surveyed" Stone, 1977
"News Directors Aspire to Become GMs" Stone, 1987
"News Directors Look Back at Their Education. Stone, 1989
"News Directors Move for Professional Advancement" Stone, 1988
"News Directors Profiled" Stone, 1986
"News Directors Say Writing Helped Them Most" Stone, 1987
"News in the 90's" Stone, 1993
"News in the Zoo" Stone and Jack Hodgson, 1992
"News Keeps Making Money" Stone, 1992
"The News Magazines and the 1960 Conventions" Bruce H. Westley, Charles F. Higbie, Timothy Burke, David J. Lippert, Leonard Maurer and Stone
"News Makes Money for Stations" Stone, 1986
"News Makes Money in TV, Pays Way in Radio" Stone, 1991
"News Makes Money or Pays Its Way" Stone, 1989
"News Operations: A Major Survey of Their Costs." Stone, 1973
"News Operations at U.S. Radio Stations"
"News Operations at Public Radio Stations Surveyed, Part I " and ". . . Part II." Stone, 1988
"News Operations at U.S. TV Stations" Stone, n.d.
"News Operations Surveyed on Use of Consultants"
"News Pays its Way" Stone, 1983
"News Pays Its way - Or More" Stone, 1985
“News Salaries Stand Still” Stone, 1992
"News Staff Size, Turnover and Sources Surveyed" Stone, 1978
"News Staffs Change Little in Radio, Take Cuts in Major-Market TV" Stone, 1988
"News Staffs Change Little in Size" Stone, 1986
"News Staffs Grow in TV, Stay Same in Radio" Stone, 1985
"News Staffs Trimmed in Major-Market Radio and Independent TV" Stone, 1987
"News Staffs Unchanged in Radio, Smaller in TV" Stone, 1989
"News Stays Profitable" Stone, 1993
"News Work Force Holds Up in TV, Drops in Radio" Stone, 1992
"Newsrooms Add Many Women, Few Minority Males" Stone, 1979
"Newsrooms as Profit Centers" Stone, 1990
"Newsrooms Remain Profit Centers" Stone, 1988
"Newswomen Missing in Surveyland" Stone, 1995
"Newswomen's Numbers Level Off, More Become News Directors" Stone, 1984
"Not Much News for Women, Minorities" Stone, 2002
"Pace of the NDs' 'Revolving Door' Seen Slackening" Stone, 1980
"Paid and Unpaid Internships" Stone, 1995
"Partnerships with Cable" Stone, 1992
"Pay Gains Top Cost of Living" Stone, 1994
"Paychecks and Market Baskets: Broadcast News Salaries and Inflation in the 1990s" Stone, 2001
The People in Broadcast News." Proposal for a book
"Personal Problems of News Directors Surveyed" Stone, 1986
"Personality Factors in Immunizing Against Source of Content of Persuasive Messages." Stone, 1966
"Pipelines and Dead Ends: Jobs Held by Minorities and Women in Broadcast News." Stone, 1988
"A Primacy Effect in Decision-Making by Jurors." Stone,1969
"Professors and the Profession: A Survey" Stone." 1969 (draft)
"Profile of a News Director" Stone? 1972
"Profiles of Graduates Seeking Broadcast News Jobs 1965-1969" Stone, 1969
"Programs on Higher Standards Get Top Marks in San Antonio" Stone, 1992
"Public Radio's News Operations Show Little Change" Stone, 1989
"Public Relations and Television News" Stone, 1970
"RTNDA Codes of Ethics and Standards
"RTNDA Research" Stone, 1990
"RTNDA Research Compares Airtime by Daypart" Stone, 1993
"RTNDA Surveys News Directors," 1977
"Race, Gender and TV News Careers" Stone, 2000
Race/Gender/Media. Edited by Rebecca Lind. Correspondence, contract. Stone apparently contributed a chapter. Includes floppy disk.
"Radio and Television News Directors and Operations: an RTNDA Survey" Stone, 1973
"Radio Staff Benefits Weaken Furhter" Stone, 1995
"Radio NDs are Mostly Upbeat... But Not About Their Salaries" Stone, 1990
"Radio News: An RTNDA Survey" Stone and James Hoyt, 1973
"Radio News Airtime Shows Small Gain" Stone, 1995
"Radio News at Mid Century: Iowa Radio in 1952" Stone, n.d.
"Radio News Changes Are Positive, 2-1" Stone, 1988
"Radio News Salaries" Stone, 2001
"Radio News Survey Method" Stone, 1996
"Radio on CATV." Stone, 1984
"Radio Paces News Salary Gains" Stone, 1987
"Radio Surveyed for News 'Banter'" Stone, 1992
"Radio-Television News Directors and Operations" Stone, 1973
"'Record-Smashing' Convention" Stone, 1993
"Recorders, Cables are Weakest Links in TV Field Operations" Stone, 1980
"Regionals Hold Top Interest For RTNDA Radio Members" Lou Adler and Stone, 1983
Remarks by Vernon A. Stone, University of Missouri journalism professor and RTNDA research director, on the occasion of accepting the Radio-Television News Directors Association's John A. Hogan Distinguished Service Awards in Las Vegas on December 1 at the RTNDA International Conference
"Little Change for Minorities and Women" Stone, 1992
resumetapebook. Rose Tibayan. Stone contributed a chapter, "Television and Radio News Careers"
"Rise in Black News Directors" Stone, 1991
"Rotational Procedures." Stone, 1964
"Salaries Change Little in 1984" Stone, 1985
"Salaries Change Little in 1987" Stone, 1988
"Salaries Go Up in TV, Take Setback in Radio News" Stone, 1990
"Salaries Lag Cost of Living" Stone, 1991
"Salaries Outpace Cost of Living" Stone, 1989
"Salary Gains Range From Moderate to None" Stone, 1986
"Salary Growth Slows for Top Paid Newspersons" Stone, 1978
"Salary Survey Finds TV News Paying About Double Radio Pay" Stone, 1980
"Salt Lake City Conference Gets High Marks" Stone, 1986
"Sexual Harassment in Television Newsrooms" Sonya Forte Duhe and Stone, 1992
"Small Salary Gains Show for 1983" Stone, 1984
A Solid Investment: Making Full Use of the Nation's Human Capital. Recommendations of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission, Washington, D.C. November 1995. Pie charts with statistics gathered by Stone are used in this publication.
"Some Problem Areas of Interest and General Approaches Planned for Subsequent Research" Stone, 1965
"Source Message Orientation and Attitude Change." Stone, 1967
"Source-Message Orientation and Components of Source Credibility" M. Thomas Milbourn and Stone, 1972
"Source-Message Orientation and Expectation of Discussion with the Source" Stone and James Hoyt, 1971
"Source-Message Orientation as a Communication Variable" Vernon Stone and James Hoyt, 1970 (draft)
"Source-Message Orientation, Source and Message Variables, and Attitude Change." Stone and James Hoyt (draft)
"Sources of Most News: Evidence and Inference" Stone, 1969
"Speakers Top Denver Convention" Stone, 1991
"Speakers, Workshops are Winners at Vegas" Stone, 1989
"Sports Staffs and Salaries Surveyed" Stone, 1991
Staff: Printouts of Stone's online articles having to do with staff
Age Experience and Turnover in TV News, 2001
Career Change from Radio News, 2001
Career Change from TV News, 2001
Career Goals in Radio News, 2001
Career Goals in Television News, 2001
Education of Radio Journalists, 2001
Education of TV Journalists, 2001
Gender Gaps and Factors in Radio News Salaries, 2001
Gender Gaps and Factors in Television News Salaries, 2001
Internship in TV and Radio News: Paid and Unpaid, 2001
Job Mobility in Radio News, 2001
Job Mobility in TV News, 2001
Job-Related Health Problems of Radio Newspeople, 2001
Job-Related Health Problem of Television Newspeople, 2001
Job Satisfaction in Radio News, 2001
Job Satisfaction in TV News, 2001
Marriage and Radio News, 2001
Marriage and Television News, 2001
News Directors Favor Hands-On Schools, 2001
Obstacles to Careers in Radio News, 2001
Obstacles to Careers in TV News, 2001
Race, Gender and Radio News Careers, 2001
Race, Gender and TV News Careers, 2001
Radio Newspeople, 2001
Single in Radio News, 2001
Single In Television News, 2001
Supply, Demand and Entry-Level Pay in Television and Radio News, 2001
TV and Radio News Careers: Pros and Cons
Television Newspeople, 2001
Television and Radio News Research, 2/27/2001
Television and Radio News Research, 9/11/2001
Television and Radio News Research, 7/29/2004
Television and Radio News Research, 2/21/2005
Who Does What in Radio News, 2001
Who Does What in TV News, 2001
"Staff Benefits at U.S. Radio Stations" Stone, 1995
"Staff Benefits Vary Widely" Stone and John Quarderer, 1988
"Staff Gains Offset Cutbacks" Stone, 1991
"Staff Turnover Slows" Stone, 1984
"Staff Turnover Survey" Stone, 1983
"The State of Local Radio News: A Survey Report" Stone, 1994
"Stations Profit from News Operations" Stone, 1987
"Status Quo" Stone, 1994
"Stone on News Directors" Stone, 1989
"Stone Profiles Teachers, Programs Providing Coming Newsroom Personnel" Stone, 1969
"Supply, Demand, and Entry-Level Pay in Television and Radio News." Stone, 2005
"Survey Compares Coverage by ENG and Newsfilm" Stone and DiCioccio, 1978
"A Survey of Electronic News Gathering and Television News Coverage" Stone and John DiCioccio, 1977
"Survey Finds Little Effect From Deregulation" Stone, 1985
"A Survey of Minorities in Broadcast News" Stone and Tracy Regan, 1975
"Survey of News Directors' Contacts With Broadcast News Educators" Stone, 1976
"A Survey of News Directors Who Are Women" Stone, 1976
"Survey of Nonrespondents" Stone, 1985
"A Survey of TV and Radio Station Managers' Evaluation of their News Directors," 1981
"A Survey of Women in Broadcast News," Stone and Abigail Nash, 1975
"Survey Shows College Graduates Getting Jobs," Stone, 1985
"Survey Shows Little Change for Minorities or Women," Stone, 1985
"Survey Shows Mixed Salary Gains," Stone, 1983
“Survey Shows TV News Staffs Expanding but Radio Newsrooms are Little Changed,” Stone, 1980
"Surveys Show Conflicting Results For Women in TV"
“Surveys Show Younger Women Becoming news Directors,” Stone, 1976
"TV and Radio News Jobs Keep Many Unmarried" 2001
"TV and Radio News Staffs and Salaries Surveyed," Stone, 1976
"TV Benefits Costs Shift to Staff," Stone n.d.
"TV News Makes Money," Stone, 1994
"TV News Pay Lags Cost of Living, Radio News Directors Gain," Stone, 1993
"TV News Staffs Grow, Radio Uses More Part-Timers," Stone, 1990
"TV News Survey Method" Stone, 1996
"TV News Work Force Grows, Declines Continue in Radio," Stone, 1993
"TV News Work Force Grows," Stone, 1994
"TV News Writing," Stone n.d.
"TV Newsroom Staff Cutbacks Strike Again," Stone, 1993
"TV, Radio News Jobs Can be Harmful to Marriages," 2000
"TV Weather Operations Surveyed," Stone, 1991
"Television and Radio News Research," Stone, 1995
"Television News Salaries," Stone, 2001
"Television and Family Communication," Stone and Judith Walters, 1971
"Television and Newspaper Front Page coverage of a Major News Story," Russell Harney and Stone, 1969
"The Television News Director as an Administrator," Stone and Deborah Hayes
"Television News Needs, Finances and Staffing are Surveyed," Stone and Deborah Hays, 1975
Television Newsfilm Techniques. Photographs
Box 28
"Testimony by Vernon A. Stone, Director, School of Journalism, Southern Illinois University, on Behalf of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, January 30, 1984, Re Bill S.1917"
"Then and Now: News Directors' Profiles and Problems Noteworthy Changes in a Decade of RTNDA Surveys," Stone, 1983
"To Kill a Messenger: a Case of Congruity," Stone and Thomas L. Beell, 1975
"Trends in Employment of Minorities and Women in Broadcast News," Stone, 1989
"Trends in Newsfilm Use Shown in RTNDA Survey," Stone, 1973
"Trends in the Status of Minorities and Women in Broadcast News," Stone, 1988
"Two Decades of Change in Local News Operations," Stone, 1990
"Upgrades Stand Out for NDs," Stone and Donna Sauver, 1989
"Upgrading Tops Developments in Radio News," Stone, 1989
"A Walk in the Clouds," Stone, 1995
"Why Stations Don't Do News," Stone and Michael L. McKean, 1991
"Women and Men as News Directors," Stone, 1992
"Women Break TV's Glass Ceiling," Stone, 1997
"Women Break Glass Ceiling in TV News," Stone, 2001
"Women Gain, Black Men Lose Ground in Newsrooms," Stone, 1987
"Women Gain But Minorities Barely Hold Their Own in Their Share of Broadcast News Jobs," Stone, 1983
"Women Gain as News Directors," Stone, 1988
"Women Gain as News Directors," Stone, 1989
"Women Gain as News Directors in Large TV Operations," Stone, 1990
"Women Gain, Minorities Lose in TV News," Stone, n.d.
"Women Gaining as News Directors," Stone, 1988
"Women Hold Almost a Third of News Jobs," Stone, 1986
"Women in the Newsroom." Tape of song, correspondence, surveys. Survey and article by Stone 1986. Song by Nanci McGraw, sung and produced by Mike Kelly
"Women News Directors," Stone, 1976
"The Women of Radio News," Stone, 1999
"Women Overtake Men in Radio News Directors' Pay," Stone, 1993
"Writing Radio News," Stone, n.d.
"Your Future in Radio and TV News." Speech at the Northwest Broadcast News Association, Minneapolis, 1986
Publications citing Stone's works