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Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Earl F. Rose Papers Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: This collection was given to the University of Iowa Libraries in 2005 . Photographs: Miscellaneous, Personal, Oswald (photos and slides), Ruby (slides only) |
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of information on events of the latter half of the twentieth century, most especially the assassination of John F. Kennedy. As the medical examiner who conducted the autopsies of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, Rose has a unique perspective on these events. One third of the collection consists of media coverage of the events, consisting of magazines, newspapers, and video cassettes. The remainder are personal papers of Mr. Rose, and here there are published articles (by other people than Rose, though he was interviewed for the Journal of the American Medical Society). He has gathered information on figures in the assassination and also those of other people, such as Sheriff Bill Decker. He apparently served as an advisor to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and here are brought together materials to be submitted with that report. Rose has also written his recollections of events in Dallas, called Dallas: My View of History, for which there are manuscripts in this collection. Rose's correspondence and other miscellany round out the material. The folders in the collection were rearranged from the order in which we received them, but the content of the folders was not reviewed.
Biographical Note
Excerpt from My Ana, Rose's memoir:
"I was born [on September 23, 1926] and raised during the depression years on a ranch on the Cheyenne Sioux Reservation in Western South Dakota. I went to one room country grade schools, then the the nearest high school twenty-six miles away. [In Eagle Butte.] I dropped out of high school in the spring of 1944 to join the Navy where I served in the South Pacific on the submarine Sea Devil (SS400). When World War II ended we patrolled the China and Yellow Seas, and moored in Shanghai and Tsingstao, China, as a 'military presence.' Following discharge from the United States Navy in 1946, I attended Yankton College, the University of South Dakota, then the University of Nebraska for Medical School where I graduated in 1953."
"I interned in Denver, was in general practice in Lemmon, South Dakota, took specialty training in pathology at Baylor University in Texas and in St. Louis with the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent DePaul. I then sub-specialized in forensic pathology at the Medical College of Virginia, and later earned a law degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Forensic pathology is the investigation of deaths occurring under suspicious or violent circumstances -- a challenging and interesting field. I worked as a forensic pathologist in Virginia and was the medical examiner for the city and county of Dallas, Texas, at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy. We moved to Iowa City, Iowa, in 1968 to join the faculty of the University of Iowa.
"Marilyn Preheim and I were married in the Mennonite Church in 1951. This gathering of believers has been a source of delightful paragraphs and serious stimulating thought. I have been 'forty years a visitor' to their gatherings. Marilyn has continued as my friend, critic, partner, inspiration, and spouse, and in addition, is the mother of our six talented and accomplished children -- Elise, Cecile, Forrest, Karen, Miriam, and Carol."
Rose has written one book
Law in Medical Practice; Sourcebook of Medical Jurisprudence
Law Library KF2905.Z9 R65
and contributed to another
Use of experts : the Forensic Pathologist ; Trial Demonstration : Examination of Expert Witnesses / Earl F. Rose ; Direct examination [by] Lawrence F. Scalise ; Cross examination [by] James P. Hayes.
Law Library KFI4780.5.E9 A78
Box Contents List
Box 1
General articles, mostly about the Kennedy assassination
"The Exiles." About Jack and Jackie Kennedy. (From The New Yorker?)
JAMA Interview. Includes transcript of interview and floppy disk with Microsoft Word and Word Perfect copies of the interview and a copy of the original article
Destiny in Dallas
Four Dark Days
JFK For a New Generation
Observations Based on a Review of the Autopsy Photographs, X-rays, and Related Materials of the Late President John F. Kennedy
Retired Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry Reveals His Personal JFK Assassination Files
Certificates. Oversized Box 1
Clippings from JAMA, Boston Globe, Quad Cities Times, Washington Post and others
General clippings
Texas - Dallas - Parkland Hospital
Connally, Waco, Branch Davidian
Conspiracy Theories
Aguilar, Gary L., manuscript and correspondence
Douglass, James, manuscript and correspondence
General correspondence
JAMA interview
Manchester and Johnson
Miscellaneous theories. 2 folders
Russell, Robert, manuscript and correspondence. 2 folders
Warren commission
Box 2
Correspondence. General correspondence. 3 folders
Dallas County Commissioner's Court
Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office materials
Dark Humor
Death certificates
For Nicole Brown Simpson, Ronald Goldman, John Dillinger, and Bonnie Parker
Documents (In Oversized Box 1)
Declaration of Independence
The Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The Capitol
FBI files on Rose
Files on figures in the JFK assassination
Crenshaw, Charles
Manchester, William. The Death of a President. Photocopies of pages mentioning Rose
Lee Harvey Oswald
Photographs. Polaroids, including the backing for some photos that aren't here
Projector slides from the autopsy
Scalpel blades (from the autopsy)
Various papers, including a copy of the order at Miller Funeral Home; death certificate; authorized permit for an autopsy; autopsy report including photos, toxicology report,and blood alcohol report; mug shot; photos of the funeral with Oswald's wife, mother, brother, and two children (the only people who attended the funeral); photos of the exhumation and the report from that exhumation by the Wilbert Vault Company
Jack Ruby
Autopsy report, including a lock of Ruby's hair
Pathology slides from the autopsy
Projector slides from the autopsy
Correspondence about Ruby
Test fire bullet from the gun that killed Lee Harvey Oswald
Death certificate. Photocopy
Toe tag
Photo of Ruby's grave marker. Photocopy
Officer J.D. Tippit
Ted and Robert Kennedy
Box 3
Garrison, Jim. New Orleans DA
Handwritten personal notes on autopsy and clothing of JKR and Connolly, "Physical Aspects of the Missile," Materials on President Kennedy's adrenals, Dr. Wecht. In several different hands, one of which is presumably Rose's. Made in 1977. 2 folders
House Select Committee on Assassinations
Table of Contents
Autopsy sketches, C. Wecht, 2 head gunshot wounds, x-ray reports, photo authenticate and enhancement documents, article on "magic bullet," letters
Forensic pathology reports and draft reports
Final report
Folder 1. Index, people, correspondence
Folder 2. Articles, autopsy reports, Connally medical reports
Folder 3. Interviews with doctors
Box 4
House Select Committee on Assassinations, cont.
Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Appendix to Hearings Before the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-Fifth Congress, Second Session. Volume VII: Medical and Firearms Evidence. March 1979
J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI
Lady Bird Johnson
Martin Luther King
Medical Examiner system. Laws, inquests
Medico-legal cases to write up
Newspapers and magazines. Interfiled and listed chronologically
November 23, 1844. Flushing Journal. Oversized Box 1
March 17, 1938. Daily Argus-Leader. Promoter Feels That Schmeling May Not Return. Oversized Box 1
March 17, 1938. Daily Argus-Leader. Hull Urges Peace through Preparedness; Hitler Will Outline His Future Policies. Oversized Box 1
December 14, 1939. The Rock Island Argus. Crippled Nazi Battleship Rushes Repairs to Renew; 14-Hour Fight (Graf Spee). Oversized Box 1
May 10, 1940. Moline Daily Dispatch. Hitler Strikes Again; Dictator of Reich Invades Belgium, Netherlands; Churchill Becomes New British Prime Minister. Oversized Box 1
May 20, 1940. Moline Daily Dispatch. Nazis Seize St. Quentin; Lindbergh Raps War Mongers in U.S. in Address. In Oversized Box 1
March 8, 1962. The Virginian Pilot. Storm Pounds Coast Into Ruins. Oversized Box 1
October. 23, 1962. Norfolk Ledger Star. Warships Clamp Blockade on Cuba; Step Toward Nuclear War, Says Soviet. Oversized Box 1
March 31, 1963. The Virginian Pilot. A Death Case solved by Medical Examiner. Oversized Box 1
June 25, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. County Gets Medical Chief (EFR coming from Virginia to Dallas). Oversized Box 1
August 27, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Autopsy Reports Open to Defense (new policy of open records). Oversized Box 1
November 22, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. PRESIDENT DEAD Connally Also Hit by Sniper (2 copies). Oversized Box 1
November 22, 1963. Dallas Morning News. "Storm of Political Controversy Swirls Around Kennedy Visit; Split State Party Continues Feuds" Oversized Box 1
November 23, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. LBJ ASKS DIVINE HELP; Murder Charge Lodged (Lee H. Oswald) Oversized Box 1
November 23, 1963. Dallas Morning News. "KENNEDY SLAIN ON DALLAS STREET; Pro Communist Charged with Act" Oversized Box 1
November 23, 1963. Daily Argus-Leader. Kennedy Is Assassinated. Oversized Box 1
November 23, 1963. Houston Post. In Oversized folder #1, map case 12, drawer 2
November 23, 1963. News Texan. JFK DEAD, Sniper Suspect Grilled. Oversized Box 1
November 24 [Sunday], 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Oswald Linked to Mail-Order Rifle. Oversized Box 1
November 24, 193. Dallas Morning News. "LBJ Takes Over Government Reins; Tass Charge Try to Implicate Red Party" Oversized Box 1
November 24, 1963. Daily Argus-Leader. Dreary Washington Honors Dead Chief. Oversized Box 1
November 25, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Mourning Nation Bids Chief Farewell (2 copies); Tip to FBI Warned of Oswald Death (large photo of Oswald being shot). Oversized Box 2
November 25, 1963. Dallas Morning News. "Club Owner Kills Oswald" Oversized Box 2
November 26, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Johnson Pushes Tax Cut, Rights Eternal Torch Glows Over Kennedy Grave Ruby Indicted in Oswald Death, Trial December 9. Oversized Box 2
November 26, 1963. Times-Democrat. Chaotic Moments in Dallas; Body is Wrested From Authorities. Oversized Box 2
November 26, 1963. Sioux Falls Argusu-Leader. Kennedy Rests With Heroes; Suspected Assassin Slain by Gunman in Dallas Jail. Oversized Box 2
November 27, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. LBJ Asks Fast Congress Action (Civil Rights & Tax bills) $25,000 given Tippit by Zapruder, money he received for film. Oversized Box 2
November 28, 1963. Dallas Morning News. "Johnson Asks Congress To Do Job for Kennedy; Connally Describes Slaying" Oversized Box 2
November 29, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Johnson to Name Probe Panel. Oversized Box 2
November 29, 1963. Dallas Morning News. Venezuelan Airliner Hijacked by Terrorists; Asks for Prayers "Must Move On,' LBJ Tells Nation; Mrs. Oswald Tells of FBI Quizzing Son. Oversized Box 2
November 29, 1963. Life. "President John F. Kennedy -- 1917-1963"
November 30, 1963. Dallas Morning News. Headed by Warren, President Names Board to Probe JFK's Slaying; Mrs. Tippit Says Thanks to Nation. Oversized Box 2
November -- December 1963. The Carolina Israelite. [editorial & discussions]. Oversized Box 2
December 1, 1963. Dallas Times Herald. Soviets Give US File on Oswald. Oversized Box 2
December 1, 1963. Dallas Morning News. A Mews, man Looks at the World's Week [A Struggle Back to Normal]; Flowers Wilt Where Shots Once Echoed; (Title Cards Reflect Heart of Dallas). Oversized Box 2
December 2, 1963. Newsweek. "John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1917-1963"
December 3, 1963. Look. "The President (Kennedy) and His Son"
December 5, 1963. The Lemon South Dakota Tribune. Yes, It Is Our Dr. Earl Rose. Oversized Box 2
December 6, 1963.Life. " Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline & John Jr. Wait to Join Prcession to Capitol"
December 17, 1963. The Mennonite. Assassinations Stun the World
December 31, 1963. Look. " In Memory of JOHN F. KENNEDY"January 6, 1964. Newsweek. "Jacqueline Kennedy : Looking Ahead"
January 25, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Memorable Rites Set for Churchill. Oversized Box 2
January 25, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Winston Churchill, Britain's Leader During Her Finest Hour, Dies at 90. Oversized Box 2
February, 1964. The Dallas Times Herald. Profile of a President. Oversized Box 2
February 19, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. All on Jury Panel Who Saw Slaying Facing Subpoenas (Ruby trial); Nixon to Enter GOP Race If Primary Vote Favorable. Oversized Box 2
February 19, 1964. Dallas Morning News. DA Wins Victories in Ruby Trial. Oversized Box 2
February 20, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Ruby Team Uses Fifth Special 'No;'; Ruby Trial: Dallas Irony. Oversized Box 2
February 22, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Second Ruby Juror Picked: Trial Moves Into Sixth Day. Oversized Box 2
February 22, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Governor Connally May Call Redistricting Session; LBJ Urges 'Passion for Peace' ' There is No Panic on Our Agenda' Oversized Box 2
March 3, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Eleventh Ruby Trial Juror Qualifies;Judge Wilson Replaces Ill Judge Brown, Warns Lawyers. Oversized Box 2
March 4, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. First Witness Call Ruby Volatile As Prosecutor Starts Building Case. Oversized Box 2
March 4, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Viet Nam Can Be Won, Rusk Tells Committee; Judge Cracks Down; Ruby Jury Now Full. Oversized Box 2
March 5, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Detective Quotes Ruby: 'I Intended To Shoot Him 3 Times'; Defense Counsel - Taste for Color [ Melvin Belli]; Prosecutor Wade In a Texas Charm. Oversized Box 2
March 5, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Ruby Shot Then Muttered He Hoped Oswald Died. Oversized Box 2
March 6, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Thought About Killing, Officer Quotes Ruby; Defendant Cites Oswald's Sneer. Oversized Box 2
March 6, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Police Quote Ruby as Saying 'Somebody Had to Do It' Oversized Box 2
March 7, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Detectives Seize 5th Jail Escapee; 2 More Still Free; Lawyers Ready to Defend Ruby. Oversized Box 3
March 7, 1964. Dallas Morning News. 7 Break Out of County Jail, Creating Havoc Outside Ruby Trial. Oversized Box 3
March 8, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Psychiatry To Be Big Cog in Belli's Defense of Ruby; LBJ Says Tax Slash Already Adding Jobs; Dragnet out for Last 2 of Escapees;LBJ Reserving Choice of Veep;A Visit With Marina (wife of Lee Harvey Oswald). Oversized Box 3.
March 8, 1964. Dallas Morning News. McNamara Says U.S. Won't Quit; 2 Draw Life Terms in Sinatra (Frank Jr.) Kidnapping Case. Oversized Box 3
March 9, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Pal Recalls Ruby Rages. Oversized Box 3.
March 10, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Seizure Disorder' Laid to Ruby; A Subpoena for Mrs. Oswald [mother of Lee Harvey Oswald]. Oversized Box 3
March 10, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Damage to Brain of Ruby Claimed by Psychologist. Oversized Box 3
March 11, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Ruby Team Suddenly Rests Case. Oversized Box 3
March 11, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Doctor Says Ruby Insane. Oversized Box 3
March 12, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Rabbi, Doctor Doubt Ruby Was Lucid; Teamsters President James Hoffa Professes Innocence. Fined. Oversized Box 3
March 13, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Final Charges Set In Ruby Trial. Oversized Box 3
March 13, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Ruby Murder Case May Go to Jury Today. Oversized Box 3
March 14, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Jury Finds Ruby Guilty, Assesses Death Penalty. Oversized Box 3
March 14, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Judge Puts Ruby's Fate Into Hands of Jurors. Oversized Box 3
March 15, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Furious Belli Screams He'll Appeal After Jury Decides Ruby Must Die. Claims 30 Reversible Errors by Judge Brown. Oversized Box 3
March 15, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Ruby Draws Death Penalty; Belli Flays Jury's Verdict. Oversized Box 3
March 16. Dallas Times Herald. LBJ Asks $962.5 Million to Wage War on Poverty; Belli Busy Preparing for Appeal, Still Embittered. Oversized Box 3
April 6, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Gen. MacArthur's Body Lies in GI-Issue Coffin. Oversized Box 3
April 6, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Gen. MacArthur Dies; Soldier of Three Wars. Oversized Box 3
May 1964. Official Detective.Sometimes the Dead Can Talk." [Dallas PD, with photos of Capt. Fritz, etc]
June 27, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Ruby Pictures Self to Warren as 'Sacrifice'; Secret Diary -- Oswald's Thoughts Bared. Oversized Box 3
July 10, 1964. Life. " Oswald's Full Russian Diary"
August 14, 1964. Life. " The Complex and Extraordinary Man Who is the President"August 21, 1964. Life. " At Vietnam Border General Khanh Eyes the Enemy"
August 30, 1954. (1964?) The National Enquirer. Oswald's Corpse, [morgue photos]. Oversized Box 3
September 28, 1964. Dallas Times Herald. Oswald Lone Kennedy Assassin, Probers Decide (Warren Comm) Oversized Box 3
September 28, 1964. Dallas Morning News. Oswald Termed Sole Kennedy Slayer. Oversized Box 3
October 2, 1964. Life. " The Warren Report: How the Commission Pieced Together the Evidence. Told By One of its Members"October 5, 1964. Newsweek. "The Assassination: The Warren Commission Report"
November 1, 1964. Dallas Morning News. A Report: The John Birch Society. Oversized Box 3
December 7, 1964. Newsweek. "J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI"
December 25, 1964. Life. "The Bible"
January 29, 1965. Life. " Inaugural Spectacle"June 8, 1965. Dallas Times Herald. US Ready to Hurl Troops Into War; Viet Nam Combat Okayed. Oversized Box 4
June 14, 1966. Dallas Morning News. Jack Ruby Found Sane During Brief Hearing; Jury Returns Verdict After 11 Minutes. Oversized Box 4
July 16, 1965. Life. " A Thousand Days" by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
August 12, 1966. Life. " The Texas Sniper"October 5, 1966. Dallas Times Herald. Ruby's Conviction Reversed; Death for Ruby Air, Wade Says. Oversized Box 4
October 6, 1966. Dallas Morning News. High Court Reverses Jack Ruby Conviction (Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is the high criminal Court in Texas). Oversized Box 4
October 10, 1966. U.S. News & World Reports. Truth About Kennedy Assassination: Questions Raised and Answered
November 14, 1966. U.S. News & World Reports. "Fateful Two Hours Without A President: Story of What Happened Before & After Assassination"
November 25, 1966. Life. " Did Oswald Act Alone? A Matter of Reasonable Doubt. Amid controversy over the Warren Report, Governor Connally examines the Kennedy assassination film frame by frame."December 10, 1966. Dallas Times Herald. Ruby Tests Reveal 'Serious Condition' Oversized Box 4
December 11, 1966. Dallas Times Herald. Jack Ruby's Illness Cancer, Doctors Say. Oversized Box 4.
January 3, 1967. Dallas Times Herald. RUBY IS DEAD. Oversized Box 4
January 4, 1967. Dallas Times Herald. Jack Ruby’s body Flown to Chicago for Interment. Oversized Box 4
January 4, 1967. Dallas Morning News. Death of Ruby Closes Assassination Triangle. Oversized Box 4.
January 5, 1967. Jasper Free Enterprise. Tonahill Condemns Treatment of Ruby. Oversized Box 4
January 24, February 7. February 21, March 7, 1967. Look. ."Death of a President" by Wm. Manchester. This was the "acclaimed" publication
Box 5
January 14, 1967. The Saturday Evening Post. "The Kennedy Assassination."
February 1967. Cosmopolitan. "Strange Deaths of JFK Assassination Figures". (Jim Koethe, Bill Hunter, Tom Howard, Earlene Roberts, Nancy Jane Mooney, Hank Killam, William Whaley, Edward Benavides, Dorothy Kilgallen, Lee Brown, Patrolman Tippit of the Dallas PD)
February. 7. 1967. Look. "The Day JFK Died"
February 21, 196. Look. "Flight From Dallas -- The abrasive relationship between Kennedy & Johnson partisans during the flight."
March 7, 1967. Look. "The Dramatic Conclusion of The Death of a President." Williamm Manchester
April 4,1967. Look. "William Manchester Writes the True Story of the Stormy Clash Involving the Kennedys and His Book"June 25, 1967. Dallas Times Herald. The Lingering Shadow . . . Warren Report . . . Doubts Dispelled
June 1967. Esquire. "The Manchester Papers" and "The Disposal of Jack Ruby"
August 1967. Esquire. " The Dark Side of LBJ" and "If They've Found Another Assassin, l'Let Them Name Names and Produce Their Evidence."
November 24, 1967. Life. " Why Kennedy Went to Texas," by Governor ConnallyFebruary 17, 1968. The Post Tribune. (Dallas Black Newspaper). Souvenir edition. Oversized Box 4
February 27, 1968. Dallas Time Herald. LBJ Pays surprise Visit to Dallas. Oversized Box 4
February 28, 1968. Dallas Morning News. 'Persevere We Must' No Retreat in Vietnam, LBJ Pledges in Talk. Oversized Box 4
March 10, 1968. Dallas Times Herald. Weary President Johnson Often a Man Alone; 200,000 More GIs to Go? Oversized Box 4
March 28, 1968. Iowa City Press Citizen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Dead
April 1, 1968. Dallas Morning News. LBJ Won't Seek Second Term; Cutback Ordered in N. Vietnam Bombing; Hanoi Asked to join in Peace Moves. Oversized Box 4
April 5, 1968. Dallas Times Herald. Assassin Hunt Narrows, Clark Hopes for King Slayer Early Arrest. Oversized Box 4
April 5, 1968. Dallas Morning News. Assassin's Bullet Kills Dr. King. Oversized Box 4
April 24, 1968. Dallas Morning News. Probers Sift Plane Debris for Clues (Ardmore, Oklahoma Am. Flyers) (Reed Pigman of IA 63 year old pilot with diabetes and heart disease that he concealed on physical examination). Oversized Box 4
May 4, 1968. Dallas Times Herald. Experts Probe Crash Wreckage of Texas' Worst Air Disaster. Oversized Box 4
May. 4, 1968. Dallas Morning News. 484 Killed in Crash Near Corsicana. Oversized Box 4
May 16, 1968. Richardson Daily News. Collegians vote for RFK, Nixon. Oversized Box 4
June 17, 1968. Newsweek. Robert F. Kennedy 1925-1968
July 5, 1968. Life. "The Presidency"
November 6, 1968. Iowa City Press Citizen. Nixon Wins; It's Ray in Iowa; Doderer, Mezvinsky, Johnson Win; Hughes Edges Stanley for Senate. Oversized Box 4
November 6, 1968. Daily Iowan. Too Close to Pick a Winner
November 7, 1968. Daily Iowan. Nixon Promises Unity; Hughes Survives Republican Tide. Oversized Box 4
June 20, 1969. Des Moines Register. Poised for Moon Landing; Nixon Trip: Search for A New Policy; Ted [Kennedy] in Second Close Brush with Death [Car Off Bridge, Secretary Drowns. Oversized Box 4
July 4, 1969. LifeL "Off to the Moon"
July 19, 1969. Iowa City Press Citizen. Astronauts Make First Sighting of the 'Target"; Man Reaches Out -- To Contaminate the Moon. Oversized Box 4
July 28, 1969. Newsweek. "Mission to the Moon" (2 men put on moon) and "A Tragic Turn for Teddy Kennedy"
August 8, 1969. Life."On the Moon"
August 11, 1969. Newsweek. "Moonwalk in Color"
December 12, 1969. Life. "Apollo 12 On the Moon"December 29, 1969. Newsweek. "Good-by to the 60’s"
March 30, 1970. Newsweek. "The Day the Mail Stopped" [postal union strike]
July 6 and 8, 1970. The Saigon Post. Oversized Box 4
May 1972. Resident and Staff. "Observations and Related Materials of the Late President John F. Kennedy Based on a Review of the Autopsy Photographs, X-Rays"
November 17, 1972. Life. "The Big Win -- What Will Nixon Do With It"
December 29, 1972. Life's Last Issue (no cover with this)June 2, 1973. Newsweek. The Accuser: John Dean
October 10, 1973. Iowa City Press Citizen Agnew Resigns, Fined. Oversized Box 4
October 11, 1973. Iowa City Press Citizen. Connally Draws Opposition for Agnew Post; UI Officials Seek End to Regents' Rules of Conduct. Oversized Box 4
October 11, 1973. Daily Iowan. Agnew Resigns; fined $10,000; Israelis Push to Retake Suez Canal. Oversized Box 4
October 11, 1973. Des Moines Register. Agnew Resigns His Post; Tell Evidence Against Him. Oversized Box 4
October 13, 1973. Des Moines Register. Ford is Nixon's V-P Choice. Oversized Box 4
October 21, 1973. Des Moines Register. Cox Fired, Richardson Quits. Oversized Box 4
October 22, 1973. Newsweek. After Agnew
October 23, 1973. Iowa City Press Citizen. Nixon To Turn Tapes Over to Federal judge. Oversized Box 4
October 24, 1973. Des Moines Register. Nixon Gives Up Tapes. Oversized Box 4
October 27, 1973. Des Moines Register. Nixon To Fill Cox's Post. Oversized Box 4
October 29, 1973. Newsweek. The [Nixon White House] Tapes Crisis (Archibald Cox)
November 5, 1973. Newsweek. Can He [Nixon] Survive?
November 29, 1973. Des Moines Register. Nixon Lawyer Admits Error With Tapes. Oversized Box 4
June 17, 1974. Newsweek. The Jury Names Nixon
July 15, 1974. Newsweek. Impeachment Men on the Spot: Rodino & Doar
July 22, 1974. Newsweek. The Evidence: "I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead to the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else."
July 25, 1974. The Des Moines Register. Nixon. To Heed Court Order; Impeachment Debate Opens In House Unit. Oversized Box 4
July 26, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nixon's Economic Battle Plan; Impeach Unit Blasts Nixon Power Abuse. Oversized Box 4
July 26, 1974. Iowa City Press Citizen. Compromise Worked Out On Surrendering Tapes. Oversized Box 4.
July 27, 1974. Des Moines Register. Clash Over Impeach Details. Oversized Box 5
July 28, 1974. Des Moines Register. Panel Votes To Impeach 27-11. Oversized Box 5
July 29, 1974. Des Moines Register. Hint Nixon's Strategy to Keep Office. Oversized Box 5
July 29, 1974. Newsweek. How Good A Case [against President Nixon]
July 30, 1974. Des Moines Register. Second Impeach Charge Voted. Oversized Box 5
July 31, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nixon Cited On Tapes Defiance. Oversized Box 5
August 1, 1974. Des Moines Register. Guilty Plea In Connally Bribe Plot; Agnew Wins Permission From US to Own a Gun. Oversized Box 5
August 2, 1974. Des Moines Register. Secret Donation to Mills Told; $100,000 Gift From Perot Executives. Oversized Box 5.
August 2, 1974. Iowa City Press Citizen. One to Four Years for Dean. Oversized Box 5.
August 3, 1974. Des Moines Register. GOP Move to Censure Nixon. Oversized Box 5
August 4, 1974. Des Moines Register. GOP'S Griffin Warns Nixon. Oversized Box 5
August 5, 1974. Des Moines Register. New Tape Blow to Nixon Seen. Oversized Box 5
August 5, 1974. Time. Chairman Rodino: The vote to Impeach [Nixon]
August 5, 1974. U.S. News & World Reports. Nixon: The Case For and Against
August 6, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nixon: I Withheld Evidence [Releases Transcript Linking Him to Cover-up. Oversized Box 5
August 6, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nixon: I Will Not Resign; Watergate At-a-Glance. Oversized Box 5
August 7, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nixon Battles GOP Revolt. Oversized Box 5.
August 7, 1974. Iowa City Press Citizen. Senators Send Message to President: Resign. Oversized Box 5
August 8, 1974. Des Moines Register. Nation Awaits Nixon Decision. Oversized Box 5
August 8, 1974. Iowa City Press Citizen. Nixon to Resign. Oversized Box 5
August 9, 1974. Des Moines Register. NIXON RESIGNS. Oversized Box 5
August 9, 1974. Iowa City Press Citizen. Gerald Ford Becomes President; Tearful Richard Nixon Performs Final Acts of Office. Oversized Box 5
August 11, 1974. Des Moines Register. Ford Seeks Advice For V-P Choice. Oversized Box 5
July 13, 1975. The National Tattler. CIA/FBI/Cuba conspiracy; Drain Sewer location of assassin. Oversized Box 5
April 1976. Playboy. Playboy's History of Assassination
November 14, 1983. Time. JFK: How Good A President Was He?
November 20, 1983. Dallas Times Herald. A Remembrance of Kennedy. Oversized Box 5
November 28, 1983. Newsweek. What JFK Meant to Us. 30 Americans Reflect on The Man, The Myth and the Legacy.
November 28, 1988. Time. JFK's Assassination: Who Was the Real Target?'
May 27, 1992. JAMA. JFK's Death, Part II - Dallas MDs Recall Their Memories
August 17, 1992. U.S. News & World Reports. JFK The Untold Story of the Warren Commission
October 7, 1992. JAMA. Letters; Closing the Case in JAMA on the John F. Kennedy Autopsy; JFK's Death, Part III Dr. Finck Speaks Out: "Two Bullets, From the Rear"
September 6, 1993. Newsweek. JFK: There Was a Cover-Up But Not of Who Killed Him
November 22, 1993. Newsweek. The JFK Cover-Up: It's Not What You Think
March 1994. ABA Journal. Outgunning the Mob
May 30, 1994. Newsweek. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1929-1994
November 1998. Texas Monthly. The Assassination: The Top Conspiracy Theories; The Evidence; The Witnesses Today; Why We Still Care
November 22, 1998. The Cedar Rapids Gazette. Iowa Today: November 22, 1963: Iowans recall day of sadness. Oversize 5
December 20, 1998. The Cedar Rapids Gazette. CLINTON IMPEACHED. Oversize 5
February 12, 1999. The Columbia Daily. ACQUITTED. Oversize 5
February 13, 1999. The Cedar Rapids Gazette. CLINTON ACQUITTED. Oversize 5
February 13, 1999. The Des Moines Register. Clinton found not guilty, asks for reconciliation. Oversize 5
February 16, 1999. The Columbia Tribune. Impeachment Academy Awards (major players sketched). Oversize 5
February 22, 1999. The Washington Post. The Runaway Impeachment Train That Ran Out of Steam. Oversize 5
March 28, 1999 . Austin American-Statesman. A Thousand Years. Oversize 5
July 31, 2000. Celebrity Focus. JFK: America's Favorite Son Remembered.
November 10, 2003. Time. J.F.K. The Unseen Photographs.
November 16, 2003. Houston Chronicle. JFK. Oversized Box 5
November 16, 2003. Austin American-Statesman. A Conspiracy Among Us. Oversized Box 5
November 21, 2003. Dallas Morning News. A City Under the Spotlight. Oversized Box 5
November 21, 2003. Dallas Morning News. Pain lingers for Tippit's widow. Oversized Box 5
November 21, 2003. USA Today. 11/22/63 A murder mystery, but no end. Oversized Box 5
November 22, 2003. Austin American-Statesman. 40 years ago, world lost a man, a dream. Oversized Box 5
November 22, 2003. Dallas Morning News. Endless procession of images, sadness. Oversized Box 5
November 22, 2003. Houston Chronicle. Forty years later, shooting still a mystery. Oversized Box 5
November 23, 2003. Dallas Morning News. Thousands mark JFK assassination. Oversized Box 5
November 23, 2003. Dallas Morning News. JFK: 40 Years After. Oversized Box 5
November 19, 2008. Freeman South Dakota Courier. "45 Years Ago . . ." Part 1. Oversized 5
November 26, 2008. Freeman South DakotaCourier. "45 Years Ago . . ." Part 2. Oversized 5
December 3. 2008. Freeman South Dakota Courier. "45 Years Ago . . ." Part 3. Oversized 5
July 2, 2007. Time. What We Can Learn From JFK
Undated. Editors of Movieland and TV Times. A tribute of Jacqueline Kennedy, Full-Length Biography
Box 6
Dr. Nichols of Kansas City suit to examine JFK materials, 1970. Dr Wecht, correspondence regarding Nichols and Wecht
Oliver Stone JFK movie
Other president's assassinations and illnesses
Rose, Earl Forrest
Articles authored or co-authored by Rose
Dallas: My View of History
Manuscript. 3 folders
Draft copy
Bound manuscript
Photograph from the Dallas News (Enlarged)
JAMA interview on floppy disk
Law in Medial Practice: Sourcebook for Medical Jurisprudence. Paperbound booklet
Second copy from Rose with holographic markings and laid-in items
My Ana. Miscellaneous writings of Earl Rose
Announcement of a memorial service. Iowa City Press Citizen, June 8, 2012. Rose died May 1, 2012
Sheriff Bill Decker
Box 7
The Assassination of President Kennedy
1. NBC Program in November 1992
2. Iowa Public Television. Nova, November 20, 1993
3. Dr. Marie Thorpe, Toledo, December 1993
Kennedy Assassination Related to Watergate [April 1992?]
The Kennedys, parts 1 and 2
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, 1992 Investigative Reports, Parts 1 and 2
Paul Groudy Claims PM on Oswald, November 1997