Special Collections and Archives

The University of Iowa Libraries

Special Collections and University Archives

Finding Aid

Guild of Book Workers Records
MsC 862
Collection Dates: 1907-2010

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: Gift of the Guild of Book Workers.

Photographs: There are photographs in the seminar folders and slides in the exhibit folders. There are also photographs in the Midwest Chapter series.


Scope and Contents

This collection is broken into two series: Records of the Guild of Book Workers and Records of the Midwest Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers. Series I contains financial, membership, and administrative records from the 1940s to the present for the national group.. Included are materials for publications and exhibitions. Nearly three hundred brief biographies of members are contained in these records.

Note:The annual reports from the founding in 1906 through 1946 are contained in the Guild's year books.
After 1962, the annual reports appear in The Guild of Book Workers' Journal.

Series II is comprised of records for the Midwest Chapter. Since we hope to continue receiving addenda from the Midwest Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, as far as is possible their records are organized chronologically by year, and alphabetically within the years. An exception are the periodicals, which are kept separate and arranged alphabetically and then by date. Also there are some items without dates, and these, along with the periodicals are arranged alphabetically at the beginning of Series II.

Historical Note

The Guild of Book Workers was founded in 1906 to promote the book arts and to provide standards for the field. It now has ten regional chapters. The Guild sponsors a Standards of Excellence Seminar every year in addition to exhibitions every two to three years.

The Guild of Book Workers Library

700 books, journals and videotapes on the book arts assembled by a national organization of book artists and craftspeople. Items in the collection circulate to members of the Guild.

The Guild of Book Workers Catalog of Video Materials

Videos of annual standards seminars, 1984-. Some include copies of the handouts

Box Contents List

Series I: Guild of Book Worker Records

Box 1

Administrative materials

Affiliation with American Institute of Graphic Arts

Bulk mailing permit


Certificates of copyright, incorporation, and amendments. 2 folders

Committee reports, 1981, 1982

Disaffiliation with American Institute of Graphic Arts

Executive Committee Correspondence,1947-1996

Box 2

Executive Committee Minutes, 1949-2001. 7 folders


Job descriptions

Executive committee and chapters

Supply Committee

Legal Suits

Nominations and ballots. Those that are included in this collection are kept with the biographies, since biographies were required of the nominees. They follow the alphabetical listing in a multiple listing folder

Officers, Executive Committee

Box 3

Old Member Correspondence.  9 folders

Box 4

Publicity Committee Correspondence


Calligraphy correspondence, 1950-1987. 5 folders

Conservation, Preservation, Restoration,1962-2000. 4 folders

Box 5

Conservation, Preservation, Restoration,1962-2000.

Technical Leaflet. (Northwest Document Conservation Center), June 1994

Chapters. Chapters in alphabetical order, including some combination of correspondence, requirements, and minutes of chapter chairs. Each folder is arranged chronologically. The chapter newsletters are kept with the library materials.

Minutes of Chapter Chairs

August 22, 1997

June 28, 1984

October 15, 1996

November 15, 2000

January 16, 2001

March 13, 2001

July 10, 2001

California Chapter

Delaware Chapter

Delaware Valley Chapter

Materials for 2010

Lone Star Chapter

Midwest Chapter. See Series II

Box 6

New England Chapter I

New England Chapter II

New York Chapter II


Northwest Chapter

Margaret Johnson, Don Guyot correspondence, 1979-2004; 1 letter from Jerilyn Glenn Davis; review of the book Bookbinding and Conservation by Laura Young

Potomac Chapter

Box 7

Rocky Mountain Chapter

Southeast Chapter

Useful information

Exhibitions. GBW exhibition scrapbook compiled by Laura Young, dating from the 31st exhibition in 1949 to the forms for the 75th exhibition in 1981.

Correspondence, 1941-

Catalogs, 1959-2006

Box 8

Non- GBW Exhibition catalogs

Box 9

Note: Exhibition invitations, notices, catalogues, photographs, reviews, and correspondence, wherever possible, arranged chronologically.

GBW Members in other exhibitions (other exhibition catalogues, articles, and reviews featuring GBW members)

GBW exhibitions, ordered chronologically. Includes slides.

Box 10

GBW exhibitions, ordered chronologically

Box 11

GBW exhibitions, ordered chronologically

Box 12

GBW exhibitions, ordered chronologically

Box 13

GBW exhibitions, ordered chronologically

Finances, 1970 through mid-year report of 2002-2003. 9 folders

Folders 1-3

Box 14

Finances, 1970 through mid-year report of 2002-2003

Folders 4-9

Grants and Funding

Investments, 1980-1982

Tax Status and correspondence


Formation and lists of books, 1960s

Box 15

Library, 1970-1999. 2 folders

Catalog, 2003

Logo competition, 1958-1959 and 2004-2005. 2 folders


Lifetime Achievement Award/Honorary Membership

Honorary Members


Box 16


Box 17

Individual members biographical sheets


Box 18


Box 19


Box 20


Box 21


Box 22


Box 23


Box 24


Box 25

Early membership lists

Membership addition and subtractions, 1968-1989

Membership committee reports, 1950-1995

Membership correspondence. (Old membership correspondence, originally sorted by Laura Young up to 1974 and resorted by Barbara E. Kretzmann in 2004 in alphabetical order and then chronological, discarding unnecessary form letters and adding questionnaires and correspondence to individual files. In other words, if a member had or has an individual file, the documentation should be there and not here.)

Membership forms, 1962-1997

Membership lists, 1962-1978, 1981, 1983-2003

Membership, new members, 1975-1978

Box 26


75th Anniversary exhibition, hand bound (2)

Archives questionnaire census. 3 folders

Decorated paper

Box 27

Diagrams and photos

Guest book, 1944-1954

Ledger book, 1927-1947

Hand-bound guest book (Susan Share)

Notebook (Edith Diehl)

Obituaries (for individuals not found elsewhere, such as in the biographies)



Pre-standards questionnaire, members, 1971

Box 28


Standards correspondence, 1960-1961, 1971-1983

Supplies, supply committee, suppliers

Box 29

Programs, 1950-1986. 6 folders


Brochures, bookplates and bookmarks

Box 30



Box 31

GBW supply directories


Correspondence about the Journal. Folders 1-12

Box 32

Correspondence about the Journal. Folders 13-27

Guidelines for the Journal

CDs, previous editor

Box 33

Vol. 1-21

Box 34

Vol. 22-41

Box 35


[January 1976?]-October 1999

Box 36

December 1999-April 2007

Book reviews for the newsletter

Correspondence relating to the newsletter

Questionnaire done for the newsletter

Redesign of the newsletter

Boxes 37 and 38

Yearbooks. Individual yearbooks 1906-1946. First bound volume covering 1906-1916 was bound by Helen Haskell Noyes for Emily Preston and dedicated to Katherine Nash. The first volume, 1906-1916, was repaired by Tom Conroy on April 6, 1995 and his notes are contained therein. First issue of 1906 missing, but present in the bound copy.

Box 39


Seminars 1982-1990

Box 40

Seminars 1991-1996

Box 41

Seminars 1997-2001

Box 42

Seminars 2002-2006

List of all seminars. Includes a list of all presenters at all standards seminars

Vendor information, 1991-2006

Box 43

Study Opportunities

Booklets and supplements

Correspondence, 1974-1987

Questionnaire, 1975


2010 Addendum

Box 44

Centenary exhibits

---. CDs

------. Catalog PDF and photographs of works in show

------. Exhibition at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts

---. Publicity, including events at the Grolier Club in New York, the Special Collections Department at Michigan State University, and an essay in American Craft journal, Feb/March '07. See also Oversized folder #1

Marking Time exhibition

---. Catalog

---. CDs

------. Catalog photographs, original

------. Catalog photographs, updated. 2 discs

------. Exhibition chair files

------. Installation photographs at Minnesota Center for the Book Arts

------. Online catalog

------. Opening at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, May 2009. Photographs

------. PR and General Information

---. Entry guidelines

---. Exhibition labels. In Box 45

---. Minnesota opening, information

---. Pennsylvania opening, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania

---. Publicity

------. Posters (In Oversized folder #1)

------. Publications

---. San Francisco opening

Box 45

---. Exhibition labels

Oversized Box 1

---. Marking Time poster

Series II: Midwest Chapter Records

Box 1

Bonefolder, vols. 1-4 (incomplete)

"Dear Gabrielle"

Guild of Book Workers letterhead

Membership lists, undated

Midwest chapter brochures. See also Oversized Box 1

Midwest chapter member news

Quarto. These are the working files for the newsletter. The finished newsletter is in the GBW library.

Box 2


---. Early files. Includes slides


---. Administrative file

---. Exhibit

---. Membership


---. Administrative file

---. Membership


---. Administrative file

---. Membership


---. Administrative file

---. Membership


---. Administrative file

---. Annual meeting, Valparaiso, Indiana. Photographs


---. Administrative file

---. Membership


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file

---. Exhibit. Includes photographs, slides, and audio cassette

---. Membership

---. Workshop, Marbling


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file

---. Annual meeting


---. Administrative file

---. Stone Eye Project. 16 folders

Box 3


---. Administrative file

---. Conference calls

---. Executive committee minutes


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file

---. Certificate of Incorporation


---. Annual meeting

---. Workshop, Marbling


---. Annual meeting


---. Annual meeting


---. Administrative file

---. Annual meeting


---. Administrative file


---. Administrative file


---. Annual meeting

Miscellaneous undated correspondence