The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Iowa Authors Manuscripts Collection MsC 869 Collection Dates: @1888-@1990 Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Various sources at different times. This is an aggregate collection. Photographs: Throughout |
![]() Hattie Elston, Arnolds Park, Iowa |
Scope and Contents
Multiple manuscripts for numerous Iowa authors are collected here.
Box Contents List
Box 1
Poet and novelist, George Abbe was born in Connecticut in 1911, has published several novels and volumes of poetry, and has taught English at a number of New England institutions. Voices in the Square was his first published novel. Abbe died on March 15, 1989.
---. Voices in the Square (Coward-McCann, 1938). Carbon copy of final draft of a novel written as a requirement for the MFA degree in English, State University of Iowa, June 1938. See also T1938 A12 and PS3501 B217 V6 1938
----. Song of Years. Partial draft, early draft and outline, galley proof
----. Correspondence between Robert S. Aldrich and Grace Wormer
---. "You'll find out. . ." A sentiment written for Adelaide Robb
----. Decorating Made Simple. Typescript, galley, page and foundry proofs
Mr. Osborn Andreas was born in Sterling, Illinois and later attended the University of Iowa and Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Mr. Andreas also attended the University of Washington. In addition to authoring "Henry James and the Expanding Horizon" and "Joseph Conrad: A Study in Non-conformity," Mr. Andreas was an industrial engineer, a cost accountant, a literary critic, and the president of Honeymead Products Co. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Much of Mr. Andreas' writing was done on a farm in Cobden, Illinois.
Included here are the two original manuscripts for "Joseph Conrad: A Study in Non-conformity" and "Henry James and the Expanding Horizon." One letter of correspondence with the SUI Library is included with the "Henry James" manuscript. Also included in the collection is the master proof for "Joseph Conrad: A Study in Non-conformity" and newspaper clippings.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mr. Osborn Andreas in 1949 and 1961.
---. "Henry James and the Expanding Horizon." Manuscript. Includes letter to SUI from Mr. Andreas.
---. "Joseph Conrad: A Study in Non-conformity."
------. Manuscript
------. Master Proof with corrections
---. Newspaper clippings, 1949, 1981.
Box 2
Argow was born in Ohio in 1916, moved to Cedar Rapids in 1921, moved east in 1930 and returned to Cedar Rapids as a Unitarian minister in 1944. He was educated at Antioch and Harvard and prior to entering the ministry, he was a reporter on the Detroit Times and on the research staff of the Reader's Digest.
---. Newspaper clippings, 1949 and 1951
---. What Do Religious Liberals Believe? Printer's copy.
Nellie S. Aurner was born in 1874 in Eldora, Iowa. At the State University of Iowa, she earned B.Ph., MFA and Ph.D. degrees. Later she was a dean of women at SUI and in 1935 she became a professor in English. She is the author of several books, including Hengest, A Study in Early English Hero Legend and Caxton: Mirrour of Fifteenth-Century Letters. She translated the dedications of Matteo Bandello, but these were not published. Nellie Aurner died in 1961 at the age of 87.
These papers contain manuscripts and notes concerning Nellie S. Aurner's work on Matteo Bandello and were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Ruth Aurner Tabb in 1982.
---. "Bandello, To Candid and Humane Readers" (Manuscript of translations of Bandello's dedications to his patrons)
---. Notes on Bandello taken by Aurner [2 folders]
---. Krey, A.C. "Padua in the English Renaissance," Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2 (February 1947), pp. 129 -- 134. Together with notes taken by Aurner
---. Tutte le Opere di Matteo Bandello. 2 volumes
----. The Red Mountain (Webb Publishing Co., 1946?). Printer's copy with revisions
-------. Correspondence.
----. Clippings
----. Darkness of the Sun. Printer's copy with revisions
Bess G. Bissell grew up in Dubuque, Iowa, attended college in Pennsylvania, and continued her studies in Rome and Florence. She established an animal shelter in Dubuque, but during World War I enlisted in the Red Cross and served as a canteen worker in France and Italy. After the war she worked with mill-workers for the YWCA and continued her humanitarian activities.
Mrs. Bissell published at least two books of verse, Milltown Days and Nights (Dorrance & Co., 1973, as Roberta Perrigo) and A Log Cabin Log (Vantage, 1973). She also wrote stories, drafts of which compose the larger part of this collection. These papers date from 1908 to 1970and measure one linear foot.
Stories and Poems
---. "Buz and Discrimination." Short story, typescript. 5 l. 28cm.
---. "The Cabin Fire." Poem, carbon copy. 1 l. 27.5cm.
---. "Christmas Eve." Short story, incomplete typescript; holograph on verso of 1 l. 3 l. 28cm.
---. "Claire Perigo". Short story, incomplete typescript. 3 l. 28cm.
---. "Colony Wedding." Short story, typescript. 17 l. 28cm. Including a carbon copy of a letter to Helen Gurley ---. Brown, editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine.
---. "The Creek." Short story, typescript. 7 l. 28cm.
---. "Crime and Language." Article, typescript. 2 l. 27.5cm.
---. "Cucu Going Up." Short story, typescript. 14 l. 28cm. Including 16 l. of a different version.
---. "Dona Felisa Manages." Short story, incomplete typescript.1 l. 27.7cm.
---. "Fair Marian Hurd." A Ballad. 1894. 2 l. 31.5cm.
---. "Felipe Goes to the Show."Poem, typescript. 2 l. 27.5cm. Possibly related to the author's "Francisco Goes to the Show" published in Milltown Days and Nights p.9. Philadelphia.
---. "The First Lincoln Closed-in Car in Town." Short story, incomplete typescript. 2 l. 33cm.
---. "Funeral." Short story, typescript. 3 l. 28cm. Including a typescript copy of "Funeral" with holograph corrections. 4 l.
---. "Genius in the House." Short story, typescript. 17 l. 28cm. Including a rejection note from the editors of Seventeen.
---. "Help for Mr. Karbinov!" Short story, typescript, showing a few author's revisions. 30 l. 28cm.
---. "Isolation." Short story, typescript. 2 l. 28cm.
---. "Marrying Mariquita." Short story, typescript. 11 l, 28cm.
---. "Millie's House." Short story, typescript with holograph corrections and additions. 2 l. 28cm. and 6 l. 33.5cm. Including a note for missing pages between pp. 2 and 3.
---. "Night School in a Milltown." Short story, typescript. 7 l. 28cm. Including a different version of the same story with earlier title "Waza Da Mat?" 8 l. typescript with corrections.
---. [Plot outlines and character sketches for a novel?]. Typescript and carbon. 49 l. 28cm.
---. "Purity." Poem, typescript with corrections. 1 l. 17cm. fragment, lacking lower half of sheet.
---. "Russo in Gray." Short story, typescript. 1 l. 27.7cm.
---. "Stories [As told by Mrs. Henry Patterson in 1923]". Typescript. 3 l. 28cm.
---. "Vittorio, Venetian Barcaiuolo." Short story, typescript. 14 l. 28cm.
---. "Waukesha -- Indians." Short story, incomplete typescript. 2 l. 27.7cm.
---. "When Old Granny Osgood Died." Short story, typescript. 2 l. 28cm.
Other materials
---.Papers relating to The Dubuque Benevolent Humane Society. 1908 --1961. 67 letters. Summary of cases 14 l.
---.To family members: fourteen letters. December [n.y.] --December 1920. 2 Holograph. 12 typed transcripts of letters. 32p.
---.Letters to her parents. Dated 3 October 1894 -- 8 December [n.y.] Typed transcripts of twenty-five letters. Typescript.
---.Diary of Bess G. Bissell. First Trip to Europe. 11 April 1902 - l4 July 1902. typescript. 47 l. 28cm.
---.Journals. Three Journals: Vol. 1, Journal for 1884; Vol. 2, Journal for 1888; Vol. 3. Journal for 1902. Vol 1: 166 l, 25cm. Vol. 2: l66 l, 25cm. Vol. 3: 45 l,24.7cm.
---.Notebook. Drafts of poems and stories. Holograph 26cm. Loosely inserted are a letter to Margo and 1 l. of a poem titled "Trex From the Beet Fields."
----. The Living Christ -- An Easter Sermon. Shorthand draft, excerpt of a letter from his wife, Alice Tufts Brown. Missing
Box 3
Lewis H. Brown was born on February 13, 1894 in Creston, Iowa. He entered the University of Iowa in 1915 and worked his way through college working as a research assistant and librarian for the State Historical Society.
During World War I Brown served as an infantry captain in France. After his discharge he went to work for Montgomery Ward and in eight years was assistant general operating manager.
He resigned from Montgomery Ward at thirty-five to become the youngest man ever to be chairman of the board of Johns-Manville.
During World War II Brown was advisor to General Levin Campbell, chief of army ordnance, and received the Medal of Honor for his work. At the war's end, he went to Europe at the request of General Lucius Clay to report on the industrial situation in Germany. Brown's book, Report on Germany, tells of his on-the-spot experiences and opinions. Brown died February 26, 1951 in Delray, Florida.
This collection is comprised of clippings, annual reports and press releases from Johns-Manville, print-offs of several speeches given by Brown, and various versions of his book Report on Germany.
See also Report on Germany. MAIN Library HC286.5 .B76 1947
---. Annual report, 1949, Johns-Manville
---. Clippings
---. Press releases
---. Writings
---. "America Tomorrow" Reprinted from Dun's Review, September 1945.
---. "America's Future." An address given at Temple University, February 16, 1942, Philadelphia. 2 copies
---. "Is An Enduring Peace Possible?" An address before the Iowa Taxpayers Association, November 12, 1943, Des Moines. 2 copies
---. "Patterns for the Future." An address given at a conference on war finance and industry, May 19, 1942, New York
---. A Report on Germany
------. Typescript with revisions
------. Galley proof with revisions
---. "Brown's Report." Newsweek, October 27, 1947. Galley proofs.
---. "Let's Get Germany Off Our Back!" Collier's, November 1, 1947. Reprint
---. "Summary of a Report on Germany." Bound photocopy
Katherine Buxbaum was born June 27, 1885, in Gracehill, Washington County, Iowa. She was educated at the Washington Academy and took a B.A. at the State University of Iowa (later the University of Iowa) in 1908. In 1924 she received an MA at the University of Chicago. She pursued further graduate studies at the University of North Carolina, but she did not take a degree. She spent thirty-nine years as a teacher, first in high schools in Lamoni, Colfax, Washington, Fort Dodge, and Waterloo in Iowa, and Mitchell in South Dakota. She served on the faculty of Rochester Junior College in Rochester, Minnesota. From 1924-1948 she served as Instructor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Iowa State Teachers College (later University of Northern Iowa). She also worked part-time at the Cedar Falls Public Library. She died at Grinnell on June 25, 1975.
---. Several chapters of Iowa Outpost. TMs with holographic corrections and emendations. Chapters included are:
------. Diversity of Gifts
------. A Modest Prelate
------. The Unregenerate
------. Mr. Thaeler
------. Saint's Progress
------. Granny Saunders (later titled Early American). Incomplete
------. A Man of Learning
------. Darby and Joan
------. Ice Cream Supper
------. The Watch Ticks
------. Along Parnassus Way
------. Where Grace Abounded
Mary Calhoun was born in Keokuk, Iowa in 1926, where she grew up in a large red brick house on a bluff above the Mississippi River. Her Welsh mother told her stories of fairies, witches, and magical doings. She decided at the age of seven that she wanted be be a writer and she wrote poetry and fantasies and became a storyteller. As a teenager, she worked in the local public library conducting their story hour. In1948 she earned a B.A. degree in Journalism at the University of Iowa. She worked for the Omaha World Herald in 1948 and for the Gresham Outlook in Gresham Oregon, as a society editor in 1948-1958.
Calhoun wrote more than forty children's books, as well as stories for children's magazines. An avid student of folklore, she wrote many stories based on folklore. A cat-lover as well, many of her books feature cats.
Many of Calhoun's manuscripts are in the Kerlan Collection at the University of Minnesota.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mary Calhoun in 1972.
---. Clippings
---. Manuscripts
------. Magic In the Alley
---------. First draft of manuscript [1964?]
---------. Typescript -- with revisions
---------. Carbon typescript -- with revisions
---------. Typescript -- with revisions
---------. Carbon typescript -- with revisions [1968?]
Esther Carlson was born in Marshalltown, Iowa, and attended Grinnell College and the University of Wisconsin. Her stories appeared in such magazines as Atlantic Monthly. She lived in Rochester, New York.
This manuscript was given to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1948 by Mrs. Carlson.
---. Moon Over the Back Fence
------. TMs, printer's proof with holographic corrections
------. Layouts
------. Galley proofs
Thomas Nixon Carver was born in 1865 in Kirkville, Iowa. He earned his Ph.D. at Cornell University in 1894 and later worked at Harvard University and at the University of California. He died in 1961.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Thomas N. Carver in 1949.
See also Carver's page on The History of Economic Thought Website
---. Recollections of an Unplanned Life
------. Carbon typescript [2 folders]
Author and critic Ron Verlin Cassill was born on May 17, 1919, in Cedar Falls, IA, son of Mary Elizabeth Glosser and Howard Earl Cassill. Following his graduation from Blakesburg High School, Cassill enrolled in the University of Iowa, taking his bachelor's degree magna cum laude in 1939. Cassill then headed west to Sioux City to work as a painting instructor for the Iowa Art project. The experiences Cassill gathered in the early nineteen forties provided much material for his first published writings. From 1942-1946, Cassill served in the South Pacific as a first lieutenant in the Army's Medical Administrative Corps. In 1947 his short story "The Conditions of Justice," a work based largely on his wartime experiences, won a "First" award from the Atlantic Monthly.
Cassill returned to Iowa City after the war, and earned his Master's degree with the thesis, Such Vain Keeping. Three years later that thesis, retitled Eagle on the Coin, became his first published novel. Cassill's early successes gave him the chance to unite a literary and an academic career. In 1949 he joined the University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop as an instructor of English. Cassill remained at Iowa until 1952, when he left to study comparative literature at the Sorbonne under a Fulbright. More national grants and fellowships would follow, as he received a Rockefeller grant in 1954 and later a Guggenheim. Although Cassill wrote steadily throughout the nineteen fifties, he maintained, for the most part, steady academic posts. 1955 brought him to the University of Washington in Seattle as a lecturer, and from 1957-1960, Cassill taught in New York City, first at the New School for Social Research, then at Columbia University. 1961 saw yet another return to Iowa City, as Cassill accepted a post with the Writer's Workshop. Cassill remained with Iowa until 1966, though for 1965- 66 he was a writer in residence at Purdue University. Following a dispute with University and English Department administration over the autonomy of the Writer's Workshop, Cassill resigned from the University. Cassill in 1966 withdrew his substantial manuscript archive from Special Collections at the University of Iowa, claiming that his move from the state was permanent and that he no longer considered himself an Iowan. His bitterness toward the Midwest--and Iowa in particular--issued itself in such spirited invectives as "Could be trouble in River City" (Washington Post Book Week, 7-25-65), and "Why I Left the Midwest,"an essay in his book, In An Iron Time. In 1966 Cassill accepted the position of visiting lecturer in the department of English at Brown University, succeeding the novelist John Hawkes. He remained with Brown until his retirement in 1982. Cassill then became editor of Norton's Anthology of Short Fiction. In March of 2002 Cassill died at the age of 82 in Providence, Rhode Island.
Cassill's academic career hardly reduced his literary output. The Blakesburg native has written some twenty -three novels and many short stories. "The War in the Air," a short story from 1954, won him an O. Henry Price, as did 1955's "The Inland Years." Two of his short stories from 1956, "The Prize," and "When Old Age Shall this Generation Waste," were included in the Memorial Award volume. In 1965 Cassill won the Blackhawk Award for the best book written by an Iowa author for The Father and Other Stories.
The papers of R. Verlin Cassill consist of a half foot of linear space. Included in our collection are: And in My Heart, tapes of the author reading; "Guerre dans les airs" ("The War in the Air"), published in Fiction, February 1958; and two typescript versions, with revisions, of The President. Various newspaper clippings, book reviews and promotional materials are included as well.
The largest collection of Cassill manuscripts is now located at Mugar Library, Department of Special Collections, Boston University. Their collection consists of two linear feet of manuscripts.
---. And in My Heart. 1/4 inch reel-to-reel audio recording of Cassill reading his work, 2 tapes.
---. Book Reviews and Promotional Materials
---. Clippings, 1949 -- 2002; includes Cassill's obituary
---. "Guerre dans les airs." Story In Fiction, no. 51, Fevrier 1958, Paris, Editions OPTA, pp. 82-95.
---. Miscellaneous
---. Newspaper pieces by Cassill, 1961 -- 1965
---. The President.
------. Typescript with corrections
------. Miscellaneous pages of revisions
Box 4
These papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries by Dr. Glenn Clark in 1952.
---. Come Follow Me (earlier title: Take Me to Jesus)
------. Publisher's copy -- with revisions ---. God's Reach
------. Publisher's copy -- with revisions (2 folders)
------. Dummy Proof of title page
------. Front matter -- holograph and type scripted layouts
---. Newspaper clippings
----. Healing Times. Front matter, printer's typescript with corrections
----. Clippings
----. Mexican Whirlwind (1969). Carbon typescript; publisher's proofs
------. Clippings
------. Games schedule used in book
------. Guides for idea development
------. Questionnaire give to Everly basketball players
------. Outline
----. Susette La Flesche, Voice of the Omaha Indians (Hawthorn Books, 1973). Novel. Carbon typescript with title: Bright Eyes. The Story of Susette La Flesche; photograph of Susette La Flesche Tibbles
------. Outline and photograph
---. The Love Guy
-------. Final draft with holographic corrections and revisions
-------. Galley proofs
-------. Page proofs
-------. Clippings
---. Black Soil
------. Revised draft. Clippings, 1949- 1985
Box 5
DUNCAN, ACTEA CAROLYN YOUNG (pseud, Carolyn Thomas [Mrs. Thomas W. Duncan]), 1913-
----. The Cactus Shroud. Notes and plot development
----. Narrow Gauge to Murder (Lippincott, 1952). Publisher's copy, front matter
---. "The Mockingbird". Story published in Western Review 16:2, p. 115-126 (Winter 1952)
-------. Four early versions
-------. Later version containing the pages which were eliminated from the published story
-------. Newspaper clippings, 1953, 1994 (obituary)
---. White Men Follow After
-------. Printer's copy. cc
-------. Printer's copy with revisions
-------. Instructions for printer
-------. 1946 manuscript
-------. Miscellaneous pieces
-------. One review of White Men Follow After. One photograph of Elston
---. Frontier Justice
-------. Printer's copy
---. 80 Years in Iowa (originally Ben the Boy Settler of Western Iowa)
-------. Manuscript prepared by Dean A.T. DeGroote from Gavitt's mss. circa 1948
Susan Merriam was born in Hopkinton, Iowa, on September 9, 1876. She graduated from Lenox College in Hopkinton in 1897. She married Dr. Gearhart in 1901. She was a poet with two books to her name: The Plow on the Hills, published in 1936 and The West is Here, published in 1944. She lived in Springville, Iowa, for sixty years. Mrs. Gearhart died in 1961.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mrs. Gearhart in 1947 -- 1948.
----. Poems from The Plow on the Hills
---. Poems from The West is Here
---. Other poems
Box 6
---. The Mennonites in Iowa
-------. Draft carbon. 2 copies, 5 folders
----. Various speeches, addresses, lectures, pamphlets, and essays delivered and written by Gingerich.
----. Obituary.
----. Miscellany
Bruce Gould was born in the Clayton county village of Luana, Iowa. His family moved to Des Moines when he was four. After graduating from East Des Moines High School, he attended the University of Iowa where he wrote for its student newspaper, The Daily Iowan.
After graduation in 1922, Gould spent the next nine years working on the staffs of several major newspapers. He was successively a writer for the Des Moines Tribune, the New York Sun, and the New York Evening Post. He left the newspaper business in 1931 to write a series of successful short stories. Returning to journalism in 1935, Gould was asked to take the editorship of the Ladies Home Journal. His wife, Beatrice Blackmar Gould, later joined him as co-editor of the journal, which they continued to co-edit for the next 25 years.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gould were presented the Distinguished Service Award of the University of Missouri School of Journalism in 1946. In 1968 the Goulds' co-wrote a joint autobiography called American Story, published by Harper and Row.
---. Clippings, 1929 -- 1968
---. Man's Estate
------. Typescript of play. Beatrice Blackmar, co-author ---. The Moral Disintegration of Nelson Poe
------. Typescript with revisions and carbon of short story ---. Reunion
------. Typescript
---. Clippings, 1947-1968
---. Correspondence, 1947
---. Command Decision. Printer's typescript with revisions. 2 folders
----. The Season of Love (1971)
------. Printer's copy
----. Island of Mystery (1977)
------. Printer's copy
----. Newspaper profile, 1978
Box 7
----. The Siege of Silent Henry (1972)
------. Notes to The Ginseng Man, which was published as The Siege of SIlent Henry
------. Carbon typescript of The Ginseng Man
----. Too Near the Sun
------. Notes
------. Carbon typescript
----. Newspaper clippings 1972-1991
----. Johnson Brigham Plaque Award materials, 1989
Hubert H. Hoeltje, a native of Iowa, was born in 1894 and studied at the State University of Iowa, where he earned his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. He later became an English professor who focused on 19th-century American Literature, specifically on New England authors. He died in 1968.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Hubert Hoeltje.
---. "The Writing of The Scarlet Letter" (This essay was published in The New England Quarterly, V.XXVII:No.3 (September 1954), pp 326-346
------. Correspondence, 1957
------. Notes and research
---------. Hand written and typed
----------. Photostatic copies
Gift of Reverend Mathias Hoffman in 1954.
---. Antique Dubuque 1673 -- 1833
------. Typescript -- with revisions (2 folders) ---. Young and Fair Is Iowa
------. Preliminary draft of front material
------. Revised draft of front material and chapter one
------. Typescript -- with revisions (2 folders)
Rupert Hughes was born in 1872 in Manchester, Missouri. When he was seven, his family moved to Keokuk, Iowa, where his father was mayor for a time. He had a sister, Greta, and three brothers, Howard, Felix, and Reginald. Howard went on to invent a tool for oil-drilling and to become the father of the famous millionaire recluse, Howard Hughes. Rupert received an A.B. from Western Reserve University in 1892 and an A.M. from Yale University. Western Reserve awarded him a Litt.D. in 1936..
Hughes had a career that incorporated many disciplines. He wrote music and about music. He wrote poetry, plays, novels, novelettes, screenplays, and biographies. His favorite among his works was a three-volume biography of George Washington (with a fourth volume incomplete at the time of his death). He published more than sixty books and many short stories.
He directed the adaptations of some of his novels for the screen. More than fifty movies were based on his writings. He achieved great success in Hollywood and was a popular host. He was the first president of the Hollywood Writers Group (which later became the Screen Writers Guild).
He published his first poem at the age of seven .When he died at the age of eighty-four in 1956, he had been writing for nearly seventy-five years.
Hughes wrote his manuscripts longhand and then had them typed. Once typed, he destroyed his handwritten drafts. As a consequence, very few of his manuscripts survive. This collection includes two manuscripts, one for a short story, "The Baby's Shoes," and one for a collection of poems, "The Christmas Rendezvous."
A larger number of his letters survive, including those in this collection.
In 1984, a researcher created a list of known Hughes materials; see Hughes holdings at other institutions
See also Kemm, James O. "The Literary Legacy of Rupert Hughes."
The manuscripts of "The Baby's Shoes" and "The Christmas Rendezvous" were given to the University of Iowa by Hughes in 1950.
---. Correspondence
------. Index to the correspondence
---. Manuscripts
------. "The Baby's Shoes"
---------. Original draft of short story publish in Cosmopolitan Magazine, January 1929.
------. "The Christmas Rendezvous"
---------. Original draft of Christmas verses, published in the Christmas number of Good Housekeeping, December 1950
-----. Poetry books (removed to the Iowa Authors collection)
----. Photographs
-----. Promotional materials
This collection was donated to the University of Iowa by Mr. Hunn in 1991.
---. Grandpa's Stories. Typescript (photocopy) of a collection of short stories
---. Ramblings. Typescript (photocopy) of a poetry collection
----. How False My Laughter (Pageant Press, 1953).
------. 1935 version
------. 1951 version
------. Galley proof
----. Of Time to Live
------. Book jacket
-----. Hurricane's Wake: Around the World on a Ketch (New York: MacMillan, 1940).
------. Page proofs.
----. The Coconut Wireless
------. Book jacket
----. Newspaper clippings
Box 8
----. A Pastoral Triumph
------. Original draft, holographic manuscript
------. Typescript draft, carbon copy
----. Physicians of the Soul
------. Printers copy. 2 folders
------. First draft, rough, partly holographic partly typescript, with many revisions laid in on small strips of paper. 3 folders.
Dale Kramer was born near Ottumwa, Iowa in 1911 and grew up in Sigourney, Iowa. His father worked as a farmer and butcher and Kramer worked on farms and in his father's butcher shop, later becoming a printer. While attending Parsons College and the State University of Iowa, Kramer worked as a linotype operator, possibly at the Iowa City Press-Citizen and the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Kramer became active in politics at an early age and later reported on national politics. During the late 1930's Kramer published two investigations in Harper's; one concerning Communist activities in the United States and the other and expose of pro-Hitler forces in the United States. During World War II Kramer was an undercover agent for Army Intelligence and later became a war correspondent for Yank magazine. Kramer authored many books covering a variety of topics. Among them are The Wild Jackasses (1956) about the efforts of farmers to better their conditions, Teen-Age Gangs (1953) concerning causes of juvenile delinquency, and several biographies including The Heart of O. Henry (1954) and Ross and the New Yorker (1951).
After living in New York City with his wife and two children, Kramer returned to Sigourney, Iowa with his family. Kramer and his wife were active in the Democratic party in Keokuk county; Kramer was the Democratic chairman of the county and in 1956 ran for the Fourth District Congressional Primary, though lost to Steven Carter. After returning to Sigourney, Kramer also taught magazine writing at the State University of Iowa School of Journalism. He lived and wrote in Sigourney until his death in 1966.
See also the papers of William and Karlton Kelm for correspondence.
Dale Kramer donated his manuscripts to us in the 1950s and 1960s.
---. The Heart of O. Henry. First draft (with revisions) (3 folders).
---. Negatives
------. Dale Kramer with his nephew, Donovan M. Kramer, at Milne Bay in New Guinea, 1945
------. Dale Kramer with his daughter, Nancy, 1942
---. Newspaper clippings, 1949 -- 1956
---. Ross and the New Yorker. Manuscript received November 5, 1951
------. Dummy proofs of fly-leaf, title-page, copyright, dedication, table of contents, list of illustrations, and books by author.
------. Hand printed layout of the title-page.
------. Layout of some front material (typewritten and handwritten).
------. Galley proofs.
------. First draft (with revisions) (2 folders)
Box 9
------. Publisher's copy and index (3 folders).
---. Teen-age Gangs, 1953
------. Draft (2 folders). ------. Author's proof (2 folders).
---.["The Whitbey Legend"], 1936. Draft of an untitled short story.
---. The Wild Jackasses. Draft (with revisions) (3 folders).
LAFFERTY, R.A. (Raphael Aloysius), 1914--.
Raphael Aloysius Lafferty was born on November 7, 1914, in Neola, Iowa. He attended the University of Tulsa in 1932-1933, and the International Correspondence School from 1939-1942. He served in the military from 1942-1946, as a staff sergeant and received a New Guinea Campaign Star.
Lafferty worked in the electrical supply business for 35 years, before devoting himself to his writing career in 1960. Much of Lafferty's writings focused on the realm of science fiction. He received the Phoenix award in 1971 and was also awarded the Hugo award in 1973, for the year's best short story. R.A. Lafferty's novels include: Past Master, Arrive at Easterwine, The Flame Is Green, and many others. Lafferty has also published collections of his short stories as well as being a contributor of some 150 short stories to magazines and other publications.
The collection contains drafts of Lafferty's stories, longer writings, and correspondence. A larger collection of Lafferty's manuscripts is held by the University of Tulsa.
This collection was donated to the University of Iowa by Mr. Lafferty in 1979.
---. The Annals of Klepsis. Typescript carbon (4th draft) with some corrections.
---. Arrive at Easterwine
------. Printer's copy.------. Page proofs.
------. French language edition
---. The Fall of Rome
------. Printer's copy, pp. 1-154.------. Printer's copy, pp. 155-346.
---. Fourth Mansions. Printer's copy.
Foreign language editions of Lafferty's work
---. The Reefs of Earth. Italian
Box 10
---. Okla Hannali. Printer's copy. (2 folders)
---. Past Master. Typescript with corrections and additions.
---. Sardinian Summer. Typescript carbon (3rd draft).
---. To Aurelia, With Horns. Typescript carbon with a word count in red ink.
---. Miscellaneous including obituary, 2002
Note: There is a collection of Le Seuer papers at the University of Delaware.
----. "Corn Village". 1/4 inch reel-to-reel tape recording of this story read by its author. Reproduced from a recording made in Shenandoah, Iowa in 1960 [of the "Kitchen Klatter" program?] Gift of Lucile Driftmier Verness, 1977.
---. "Jelly Roll." An essay on Walt Whitman and poetry. Enclosed with a letter to John Perlman.
----. Articles and biographical material
----. Clippings.
----. The 1983 Iowa Tour materials.
----. Miscellaneous
Katinka Loeser was born in Ottumwa, Iowa, on July 2, 1913. She grew up and went to school in Chicago and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1936. In the early 1940s, some of her poems began to appear in Poetry and in 1943 she won that magazine's Young Poet's Prize. The same year she became an associate editor of Poetry and in 1946 a contributing editor. On October 16, 1943, she married the writer Peter DeVries. After 1948, the family lived in Westport, Connecticut. They had five children: Jan, Peter Jon, Emily, and Derek. Emily died of leukemia in September 1960.
Ms. Loeser published three collections of short stories, most of which appeared in The New Yorker: Tomorrow Will Be Monday (1964), The Archers at Home (1968), and A Thousand Pardons (1982). She died on March 6, 1991, and an obituary can be found in The New York Times, March 8, 1991, Section A, page 22.
The Katinka Loeser papers were donated to the University of Iowa by two of Ms. Loeser's children: Jan DeVries and Derek DeVries in 1996 and 1997.
---. Autograph notes from Katinka Loeser to her daughter, Jan DeVries (2 items)
---. Everyday China, typescript draft of an unpublished novel
---. "Notes on the Death of a Child," unpublished typescript
---. Poems, typescripts (4 items)
---. Short stories:
------. "Christmas with the Family," unpublished
------. "Committing to Memory", unpublished
------. "Commuting," unpublished
------. "Garbage and Rubbage," unpublished
------. "Goodbye, Edward Hopper, Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye," unpublished
------. "The House of Heaven," working proof, published in The New Yorker and in A Thousand Pardons
------. "I am the Cygnet to this Pale Faint Swan," unpublished
---. A Thousand Pardons, master proof of a book of short stories
----. Living Harmoniously.
------. Printer's copy
------. Galley proof
------. Publicity materials
------. Miscellaneous.
Box 11
---. Dooley's Delusion (1971)
-------. Book jacket
-------. Typescript titled God's V.I.P. [early version of Dooley's Delusion?]
------. Notes
-------. Newspaper clippings.
---. Pom-Pom [1949]. On his editor's advice, he published this novel under the name of Ted McInerney.
-------. Book jacket and newspaper review
-------. Correspondence
-------. Manuscript draft in two notebooks, holographic
-------. First typescript with revisions
-------. Bound typescript
---. Speech Pathology and Audiology
-------. Notes. 5 folders
---------. Folders 1-4
---------. Folder 5
Box 12
------. Travis chapter
------. Strother chapter
-----. Johnson chapter
-------. Curtis chapter
------. Appendices and References
-------. Original drafts of chapters. 8 folders
-------. Drafts
-------. Correspondence.
----. On Sunset Highways (1925)
------. Illustrations
------. Unbound, uncut signatures
Box 13
----. Seven Wonderlands of the American West
------. Unbound, uncut signatures. 2 folders
----. Through Summer France
------. Hardbound copy
----. Unfamiliar England
------. Illustrations
------. Unbound, uncut signatures
Correspondence, photographs, sheet music, clippings and programs. Purchased 1982. Lyrics written by Evelyn and Violet Nelson.
---. Correspondence, 1925 and 1939
---. Miscellaneous, 1925, 1933, and undated. Includes school programs, newspaper clippings, etc.
---. Photographs
---. Sheet Music (1 folder)
---. Printed Copies
------. "Marching for the NRA"
------. "Nation's Prayer for the President" (Dedicated to Franklin D. Roosevelt)
------. "Rally with Fusion"
---. Manuscript Copies
------. "Nation's Prayer for the President" (Dedicated to Franklin D. Roosevelt)
------. "Our President"
------. "That Famous Song" (Sweet Adeline)
------. "Waves of Air"
------. "Whispering Through a Rose"
------. "Your (sic) So Sweet, Oh So Sweet Honey Dear"
------. Untitled instrumental pieces (5 manuscripts)
---. Paste Up Artwork cover design
------. "On Waves of Air"
------. "You're So Sweet - Oh So Sweet - Honey Dear"
----. "A few facts about Sioux City's early history"
----. "Josephine's story"
----. "My county", "Reminiscences"
----. "Sioux City and the trail of the Indian"
----. "The story of Sergeant Charles Floyd"
----. "The Story of Sioux City for young readers"
----. "Whys and hows of pioneer days for teachers' use". [Circa 1955].
OLSON, EUGENE, (Writes as Brad Steiger, John Pendragon)
----. Brad Steiger's Notebook
----. Clippings, 1969-1975
----. Correspondence, 1971-1972
----. Miscellaneous materials
----. Promotional material
----. "Strange World of Brad Steiger." Recurring feature in the Davenport Times Democrat, 1971
----. Writings
------. The Allende Letters
------. Appearances in Occult and Strange magazines
------. Books for which Steiger wrote introductions
Box 14
Harry Ferdinand Olson (1901-1982) was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. He attended the University of Iowa and received his B.E. in 1924, his M.S. in 1925 and his Ph.D. in Physics in 1928.
Olson went to work for RCA and became head of acoustical research in 1934. He held over 100 patents for devices in the acoustical field such as the Electronic Music Synthesizer. He was also the author of several books relating to music, acoustics, and engineering.
The papers of Harry F. Olson consist of Olson's articles concerning acoustics and engineering in addition to biographical materials and photographs. There is also a folder relating to the publicity surrounding some of his projects.
The Harry F. Olson papers were donated by his family in 1983.
---. Biographical material
---. Articles written by Harry F. Olson
------. "Line microphones," July 1939
------. "Studies in Sound," April 1945
------. "Electronic Sound Absorber," April 1954
------. "RCA Electronic Music Synthesizer," January 1955
------. "RCA Magnetic Tape System for recording and producing television signals," January 1955
------. "How Caruso Shattered Wineglasses " ---. Newspaper clippings 1938 -- 1966
---. Photographs
---. Publicity material
PAINTER, ELEANOR (Mrs. Charles H. Strong), ? - 3 November 1947. Author of novel Spring Symphony (Harper, 1941).
----. Photograph
----Iowa Authors. 2 notebooks of notes and text
----. The Three Voyages of Captain Cook (Pittsburg: Beta Phi MU, 1973).
------. Typescript.
------. Revised manuscript
------. Images
----. Portraits: Word Pictures of Fellow Travelers in the South Pacific.
------. Photocopy. [Circa 1964].
----. "Looking Backward on Hawkeye Land" (Ottumwa: Morrell Magazine, December 1946).
------. Typescripts bound with the published version of the magazine
------. Various editions, including one which L.O. Cheever used as his Christmas card in 1946.
----. The Story of Iowa: the Progress of an American State (Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1952. 2 vols.).
------. Typescript with corrections. 8 folders
---------. Folders 1-4
Box 15
---------. Folders 5-8
------. Page proofs with corrections. 4 folders
---. Clippings
---. Correspondence about the papers
---. Finding aid for papers held at the University of Dubuque
---. University of Iowa faculty appointment
----. Publicity for a cruise sponsored by the State Historical Society of Iowa, on which "Steamboat Bill" Petersen describes "the historical sights along the Upper Mississippi." Oversized, stored on top of box
Box 16
----. Barbarians in Our Midst: A History of Chicago Crime and Politics (Little Brown, 1952).
------. Correspondence
------. Original typescript with revisions. 3 folders
------. Original typescript. Discarded pages
------. Publisher's typescript with corrections
----. Prairie Shadows (MacMillan, 1952)
------. Publisher's copy with corrections
----. Sandra Kendall of the 4-H
------. Printer's copy with corrections
----. The Wind's in the West.
------. Printer's copies with revisions
Prange served on MacArthur's historical squad and received the records of the Civil Censorship Detachment, which received copies of virtually every publication in Japan from the end of the war until 1949, when it was dissolved. These comprise the Gordon Prange collection at the University of Maryland at College park.
----. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970). Dialogue and continuity taken from moviola, including addenda, and released by Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
----. Newspaper and magazine clippings.
------. Miscellaneous.
Prange and Pearl Harbor. DVD
Note: The University of Maryland at College Park has the bulk of Prange's papers.
----. "The Average American and the Army." Saturday Evening Post
----. "The Causes of Poverty." TMs
----. [Essay about Columbia] TMs, AMs. Incomplete
----. [Economic theory]. AMs, incomplete
----. "The Experience of Confederation." AMs
----. "From Worst to Best in Education." Address before the Kansas State Teachers Association, November 4, 1921
----. "The Law of Contracts." TMs
----. "Narrative and Romantic Poems of Robert Browning." Paper read before the Unity Club, October 29, 1898. TMs
----. One Man's Life. Chapters 25 and 35. TMs
----. Poems. pc TMs
----. "The Railway and Our Future." Address before the Texas Chamber of Commerce, October 14, 1921. Copy TMs
----. "Unfinished Literary Tasks." Two drafts, AMs, TMs
----. "A Wayside Tragedy." Two drafts, AMs, TMs
----. "What, If Any, Changes in Existing Plans are Necessary to Secure an Equitable Distribution of the Burden of Taxation for the Support of National, State and Municipal Government?" TMs
----. Correspondence
RANDOLPH, COLONEL CHARLES D. Manuscripts of stories. AMs
----. "Buckskin Bill at Fort Belknap" (#68)
----. "Buckskin Bill at Phoenix" (#69)
----. "Buckskin Bill in the badlands" (#94)
----. "Buckskin Bill on the trail of Silver Dollar Sam" (#66)
----. "Buckskin Bill on the trail of the Bismarck stage robbers" (#51)
----. "Buckskin Bill rounding up the breeds" (#61)
----. "Buckskin Bill scouting in Dakota and Minnesota" (#53)
----. "The last outbreak of the American Indians" (#58)
----. "The last plainsmen gather at Gilt Edge for a bear hunt" (#62)
----. "The three Bills go on a bear hunt" (#60).
----. Photographs; small book of poems, Western Poems, authored by Randolph (autographed)
----. Obituary clipping; copies of Dime Novel Round-Up with articles about Randolph.
---. "The Little Poet's Dream: To Lois Smock. By Charles D. Randolph. A Poem of Love." Handwritten in a letter mailed from Davenport, Iowa on June 4, 1954.
Box 17
----. She Rode a Yellow Stallion (circa 1950).
------. Printer's copy. 3 folders
------. Front matter, typescript
ROSHEIM, DAVID L., 1944-- . Papers of David L. Rosheim, 1961-1989. .5 ft.
David L. Rosheim was born on November 22, 1944, in Albert Lea, Minnesota, and lived in Lake Mills, Iowa, with his mother after his birth. He was educated at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, where he studied English, philosophy, and history. Rosheim later attended the Luther Theological Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, studying theological and classical language.
David Rosheim has written a variety of books including The Rise and Fall of the Gateway (a history of the Minneapolis Skid Row) and The Dark and the Light Years: A History of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine. Rosheim has also written poetry and prose regularly since 1960. Many of Rosheim's articles have appeared in the Des Moines Register.
---. "Radicals and Idlers: The Appearance of the Skid Row, 1900-1914" Common Ground, #1, Spring 1974, pp. 26 -- 35. Including an article by Rosheim
---. "Hymn" and "The Drowned Student." If It Only Saves Your Life. Poetry anthology
---. Review of The Other Minneapolis or the Rise and Fall of the Gateway, Minnesota History, Volume 46, #8 (Winter 1979) pp. 338 -- 339.
---. Miscellaneous
---. Newspaper clippings, 1979 -- 1990
---. Old Iowegian Legends.
------. Photocopy of typescript
------. Decorah Public Opinion, Volume 926, #15 (April 10, 1990). Article
---. "Poem No. I," "Prophets Go Down," "Poem No. 11." Oneota Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1964), p. 36. Poetry by Rosheim
---. Pigeon Hunt. Selected Poetry (1961-1989). Photocopy of typescript
---. Systems. Typescript of an unpublished science fiction novel. (2 folders)
---. The Thicket. Poetry
ROWAN, EDWARD BEATTY, 1898-1946. Manuscripts of Edward Beatty Rowan, 11 items.
This collection was donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1973 by Mrs. John S. James.
---. Untitled article about salamanders. Holograph draft and typescript draft
---. Newspaper clipping
---. Play, untitled. Typescript draft with holograph additions
---. Poems. Typescripts
---. Short stories
------. "Appendicitis." Typescript draft
------."Bertha." Typescript draft
------. "The Celestial Tale." Typescript draft
------."In Spite of God." Typescript draft
------."Wee-Finnie-Wee." Holograph draft
---. Pillars- of- Space
------. Typescript - with corrections
------. Galley proofs
James Peery Schell (1845 -- 1932) was born near West Branch, Iowa. He earned a B.A. from the University of Iowa in 1870 and a M.A. twenty years later. Schell was a Presbyterian minister and missionary who organized new parishes in the Middle West - principally in North Dakota.
The papers of James Peery Schell consist of typescripts of three autobiographical memoirs and a letter. The "Book of Composition and Poetry" includes poems written in Iowa and Tennessee during the Civil War.
Schell's papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1961 by his daughter, Helen Schell and granddaughter, Charlotte Ludlum. Acquisition of the "Book of Composition and Poetry" was made possible through the Grinnell College Libraries, in 2003.
---. Three typescript autobiographical memoirs:
------. Book I. “Seen thru Memory’s Windows or Seventy Years Beyond Mississippi” (1845 -- 1873) 171pp.------. Book II “Sketches of Pioneer Days on the Dakota Frontier by a Veteran Home Missionary” (1870s & 1880s) 151pp.
------. “Pony and I, or Pioneer Days in the Red River Valley” (written 1907) 103pp.
---. Typescript copy of a letter written by J.P. Schell in Waterbury, CT on October 25, 1929, to "My Dear Children"
---. "Book of Composition and Poetry" May 12, 1863
Box 18
----. The Burnished Blade. Publisher's copies. Manuscript received February 23, 1949
----. Central Passage (Wm. Morrow, 1962). Publisher's copies.
----. The Gentle Infidel. Publisher's copies. Manuscript received March 6, 1950
----. The Quick Brown Fox. Publisher's copies.
----. Book jacket for The Chancellor
----. Newspaper clippings.
Ms. Seagrave donated her manuscripts to the University of Iowa Libraries, beginning in 1946.
---. "The Big Chance" Typescript - with corrections
---. "Blue Monday," Journal of Outdoor Life, August 2, 1932
---. "Buried Treasure." Typescript - with corrections
---. The Millwheel Turns
------. Typescript - with revisions
------. Typescript - dummy
---. Newspaper clippings, 1953, 1962, and undated
---. Palette of Words. Typescript - with corrections
---. Peddlers Pack. Typed booklet of songs
---. "Poetry in the Bookshop." Typescript - with corrections and revisions
---. Silver Echo Series, WSUI. Typescripts of six radio programs
---. Scrapbook
------. Rosemary Seagrave Rouse (S. Seagrave's daughter):
---------. Miscellaneous typescript and holograph manuscripts
---------. Photograph
---------. School papers and drawings
George Sheets was born in 1887 in Belle Plaine, Iowa. He received his B.A. at the University of Wisconsin and his M.A. at Yale in 1910. In 1935 he moved to Iowa City. For seventeen years he was a city editor for the Davenport Democrat. He then worked for the H.W. Ramsey landscaping company and later as a sales manager for the Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company. He was active in the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), serving as their president in 1967. Over the years he authored a number of books, including several biographies and histories of specialized subjects. From 1957-1959 he served as collector of historical documents at the University of Iowa. He died in 1974.
Published copies of Sheets' works can be found in the following locations:
The Story of the Advertiser's Club of Davenport: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
The Go-Getter's Tablet of Stone: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
The Thinker, Who Turned Work Into Play: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
A History of Iowa S.A.R:. MAIN Library, call number E202.3.I6 S5; also SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
---. "Aunt Mary" -- Typescript. 13p. (photocopy)
---. Cousin Henry -- Typescript. 235p. (photocopy) [2 folders]
---. "George S. Schaller - Big Country Banker." Corrected carbon typescript. About 175p. Published by the author, Iowa City, 1959.
---. "Know Your Neighbor" -- Tape of interview by Bob Shellady.
---. "Little Arthur" -- Typescript (photocopy)
---. "Uncle Merlin" -- Typescript (photocopy)
Box 19
----. Bright College Year
------. Correspondence, 1952
------. Publisher's typescript with revisions. 2 folders
------. Typewritten layout of dedication sheet and hand printed layout of title page
------. Dummy proof of title page and other front matter
------. Dust jacket
------. Photograph of Mildred McAfee Horton, president of Wellesley College accepting a copy of the book from Sherman.
------. Galley proofs
------. Page proofs
----. Biographical note on Mrs. Sherman
Born in Bancroft, Iowa, Richard Sherman went to Harvard, where he was editorial chairman of the Crimson and also served on the board of the Advocate. In 1935, he left Vanity Fair to become a full-time writer rather than a half-time editor. His stories appeared in many magazines, including the Atlantic Monthly, Story, Saturday Evening Post and the New Yorker. He also published the novels To Mary with Love, The Unready Heart, and The Bright Promise.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Richard Sherman in 1947.
---. The Bright Promise
------. Typescript with revisions and corrections. 3 folders
Gladys Denny Shultz was graduated from Drake University in 1918 and received her first writing experience on the staff of the Des Moines Register where she worked while her husband served in World War I, took his law degree, and established his law practice. Following the birth of her daughter and son, and the death of her husband in 1931, Mrs. Shultz continued her career as a free-lance writer of articles and fiction.
Because of her own interests as a home-maker and mother, Mrs. Shultz specialized in articles on child care and training and was made head of Better Homes and Gardens department of child care soon after the magazine's inception. (From the jacket of Widows Wise and Otherwise published by J. B. Lippincott Company in 1949. )
She also wrote under the name of Anne Gardner, mainly stories for newspaper serialization.
---. Jenny Lind
------. Printer's typescript - with corrections and revisions. 2 folders
------. Newspaper clipping, 1962
---. "Slumber Song"
------. Pencil copy of Simpson's original made by Bloom Music Company of Chicago; ink copy of arrangement of Simpson's music by Arthur A. Penn; published version
Grace Noll Smith was born in 1878 in Grundy Center, Iowa. After graduating from Grinnell College in 1902, she worked as a teacher and librarian. In 1933 she started writing poetry. She was the editor of the Iowa Magazine of Verse and president of the Iowa Poetry Association. Smith died in 1974 in Des Moines, Iowa.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Grace Noll Smith in 1950.
Published copies of Smith's books can be found in the following locations:
The Apple is Eaten: MAIN Library, call number PS3537.M35 A6; also
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Iowa Authors Collection
Seed and Soil Together: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Iowa Authors Collection 95-1396; also SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Iowa Authors Collection
---. The Apple is Eaten
------. Holograph and typescripted draft with revisions
---. Newspaper clippings; 1950, 1952, 1974.
Lewis Worthington Smith was born in Malta, Illinois on November 22 , 1866. He studied at Beloit Academy and at Fairfield College in Nebraska, where he took his Ph.D. He did graduate work at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and Cotner College in Bethany, Nebraska. After teaching for some time in Nebraska, he taught for four years at Tabor College. He joined the faculty of Drake University where he became head of the English Department in 1902. He was appointed a dean of Drake University in 1936. He retired in 1940.
He published over two dozen books and numerous articles, poems, and plays during his career. His textbook The Mechanism of English Style brought him royalties for twenty years. His play "The Art of Life" was a staple of midwestern touring troupes for many years.
Lewis Smith died in Des Moines in December 1947.
These manuscripts were given to the University of Iowa in 1946 by Mr. Smith.
---. "The Art of Life"
------. Printer's copy- with revisions
---. Crises
------. Typescript - intermediate draft (1942 or 1943)
------. Typescript - revised draft - with corrections (Sept. 27, 1946)
---. Newspaper clippings (undated and 1947)
SPENCE, MARGARET L. Without Introduction. Typescript and synopsis. Missing
---. Correspondence
Box 20
James C. Taylor, Jr., was born April 1916 in Ottumwa, Iowa. He earned a degree in public law from Northwestern and served during World War II with the 38th Infantry. Besides being an author James Taylor, Jr. worked in advertising at his agency in Ottumwa.
See also Ottumwa: One Hundred Years A City, Special Collections, Iowa Authors Collection; Main Library, call number Oversize folio F629 O9 T4
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by James C. Taylor in 1949.
Ottumwa -- One Hundred Years a City
---. Miscellaneous pages, notes, bibliography, etc.
---. Typescript -- multiple chapter drafts with corrections and revisions
---. Newspaper article, 1948
TRUEBLOOD, D. ELTON, 1900-1994

Dr. D. Elton Trueblood was a Quaker scholar, teacher and author born in Pleasantville, Iowa, in 1900. He graduated from William Penn College in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 1922. He did graduate study at Harvard University and received his doctoral degree from Johns Hopkins University. He taught at Guilford College, Harverford College and Stanford University, where he also served as chaplain. He surprised many people by giving up his professorship at Stanford to accept a job as professor of philosophy and religion at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, in 1946. He believed students could do better at a small college where they were in smaller classes and had closer relationships with their teachers, a point he made nationally with his Reader's Digest essay, "Why I Choose a Small College." He was a friend of Herbert and Lou Hoover, who often stayed with him, and a friend of Billy Graham.
He wrote more than thirty-three books, including The Predicament of Modern Man, Alternative to Futility, and his autobiography, While It is Day.
Elton Trueblood died in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, in 1994.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Elton Trueblood in 1949 (Common Ventures of Life) and in 1956 (Declaration of Freedom).
---. The Common Ventures of Life
------. Front matter, hand-printed, printed dummy, and printer's proof
------. Printer's typescript with revisions
---. Declaration of Freedom
------. Printer's typescript with corrections
------. Newspaper clippings and obituaries, 1953 -- 1994
----. I Am the Fox,
------. Draft of Chapter 8 only
------. Related correspondence January - November 1936
Mr. Ver Duft donated these manuscripts to the University of Iowa over a period of years, beginning in 1948. John Talbot donated further materials in 2003. A donation from the Des Moines Public Library further enriched this collection in 2008.
"Ballad of the Bally Daredevil." Poem, attached to an envelope sent to Frank Paluka [1974?]
"Bicentennial Enthropy & Dust." In Panarama: A Bicentennial Anthology edited by Max S. Barker
"Bon Voyage, 'Sixties!'" Poem, 1973. Typescript (carbon and photo copy) with holograph notations. 6 l. 28cm. First leaf revised in 1973, rest of manuscript, 1971. Also including 2 lists of previous works.
Donald/Harry Jones
"The Double Heart and Other Poems." Carbon copy of typescript manuscript with holographic emendations and additions
"Epistle to a Poet, Bound, But Outer. . . " Poem, 1965. Typescript, 5 l., 28cm. Including addendum, holograph, and another version, typescript, 3 l.
Gallery announcements for exhibitions; catalogs
Inner Course in Time, Flesh and Eidolon. Printer's copy, with minor revisions.
Modern Photography. A special issue of Studio
"A Memoir of Iowa Poet-Friend Frederick Bock." Holograph and typescript
Miscellaneous writings, including various poems and "Memorial Story"
Photographs. 2 folders
Poetry by Frederick Bock
"A Summery Summary of Iowa Poetry Anthologies: Their Contributors - & Others for/on This Bicennial's (sic) Summer, 1976." Holographic manuscript accompanied by a photocopy of a typescript manuscript
"Watchman of the Night, Ho!" 9 leaves of poetry.TMS 4 holograph cover designs. 1 typewritten dedication page.
Wood block and print made from it
----. Laced with Laughter (poems). Typescripts.
----. Fighter Pilot (circa 1950).
------. Draft with revisions
------. Newspaper article, 1951.
Reverend Leo R. Ward was born in 1893 in Melrose, Iowa. He earned an A.B. degree from the University of Notre Dame and a Ph.D. from the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Later he studied at Oxford and Louvain. He was a priest, an author, and a professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame University.
![]() |
Reverend Leo Ward |
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Leo R. Ward in 1951.
---. Concerning Mary Ann
------. Typescript -- with revisions
Holding Up the Hills
------. Typescript -- first draft with revisions
---. Concerning Mary Ann
------. Typescript with revisions. 2 folders
---. Holding Up the Hills
------. First draft typescript with revisions
Box 21
--- 1948-1951
--- 1952-1968
Miscellaneous Notes
Benjamin Franklin, Printer and Patriot. 1st draft (carbons); Final draft with cuts and insertions. Photo of cover. 38 letters from Abingdon Press. 37 letters to Abingdon Press. Notes, 16 p. The Declaration of Independence, 3 p. The Story That Helped Make History, 2p. The Whistle, 2p.
Christopher Columbus. Outline,1p. 5 chapters of early version and carbons. Original typescript, corrected and carbons. Notes, 109 pages. 1 newspaper ad.
F Bar F. Televisions scripts, along with advertising for the bank that sponsored the program
The Great Big Noise. Original ms., with revisions.
John Paul Jones: Sea Fighter. Outline,1 p. typed. Carbons of original typescript, heavily corrected (ch. 1 -- 5). 1 letter. 29 pages notes. 1st draft, 83 pages typed, 30 pages longhand. 2nd draft, 100 pages typed, 5 pages longhand. 98 pages carbon. 3rd draft, 118 pages carbon.
Leif Ericson, Explorer. Printer's copy, with revisions. Correspondence with Abingdon Press, 30 letters. 3 newspaper clippings. lst draft, 2 pages longhand, 147p. typed, 27 p. carbon. 2nd draft, 125p. typed, 11p. carbon. 3rd draft, 125p. typed. 4th draft, 105p. typed. Notes, 117p.
Marco Polo. Original ms., with revisions. 1 draft, corrected and carbon copy. 2 photocopies of maps of Polo's trips. Notes, 35p.
Rags, an Orphan of the Storm. Original ms.
Box 22
Rufus Putnam. Original typescript and carbons. 2 small sheets of notes. 18 pages on medieval life. 14 letters from Row Peterson and Co. 6 carbons of letters to Row Peterson and Co.
Science Science Everywhere. Notes, 3p. 1st draft, 15 typed p., 2 p. longhand. 2nd draft,18p. typed. 3rd draft, 15p. typed. 4th draft, 3p. typed. 5th draft, 3p. typed. .
Thomas Alva Edison. 18 letters to Abingdon Press, 26 letters from Abingdon. 3 copies Abingdon "Newsletter". Introductory material: copy A (1p.) and Copy B (1p.). 3 postcards. 3 photostats of corrections to be made.
The Wonderful Plane Ride. One draft, with revisions.
----. The Opportunity of the American Woman. AMs, TMs
----. Remunerative Extra University Activities. AMs
----. Trail Tales: Boone County Historical Society Newsletter with R. L. Wilbur feature
----. Correspondence
----. Today's Yesterday: A Tale of the Pioneer Life of an Ohio-Wisconsin Family 1775-1930. Compiled from the memoirs of her mother. ccPublisher's copy. 2 folders
----. Correspondence and publicity material
----. Newspaper article, 1952
Mary E. Winchell was born in 1878 in College Springs, Iowa. She was educated at Amity College, University of Southern California and became a teacher and matron in an orphanage in Alaska. In 1928 she was appointed superintendent of Catherine Blaine Home in Seattle, a boarding home and community center for Japanese.
In 1951 her book Home By the Bering Sea was published, which was based on her experiences in Alaska. In 1954, she published Where the Wind Blows Free, also about her days in Alaska.
Published copies of Winchell's books can be found at the following locations:
Where the Wind Blows Free: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
Home By the Bering Sea: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Iowa Authors Collection
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mary E. Winchell in 1953.
---. Clippings, etc.
---. Home By the Bering Sea
------. Publisher's typescript -- with corrections and correspondence, 1950 -- 1952
Born in Pella, Iowa, Wormhoudt took his BA and PhD at Iowa and an MA at Harvard. He was a professor of English in several institutions. These two books of his several books are literary criticism with a psychoanalytic bent.
---. The Demon Lover.
------. Printer's copy, with revisions.
------. Galley proof, with revisions.
---. The Muse at Length. (Christopher Publishing House, 1953).
------. Carbon mss., corrected; ALS July 22, 1953.
George J. Zaffiras was born in 1904 in Greece and later came to Des Moines, Iowa. He was a student at the State University of Iowa in the 1920s. As an author he primarily wrote short stories.
These papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by George J. Zaffiras in 1949.
---. The Doctor From Iowa
------. First draft typescript -- with revisions
------. Typescript -- carbon
------. Galley proofs
------. Hand-printed title page, copyright, etc. -- Dummy form